COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Danoing at Eighty-Five. The island of Nantucket is oil tho track of tlio modorn world. Tho peoplo and thoir customs aro very un liko thoso In any other part of tho world tho "off-island part," as tho NnnluokotetH are wont to call it. Old faxhinncd customs and habita prevail. They know but llltlo about the new-fangled manners and methods of modern soolal life. They follow tho beaten paths of a contury ago, livo simple, thrifty, laborious lives, and furnish little business for tho doctors. They thrivo financially and physi cally. A visitor at an evening gathering on tho inland, not long sttio tells how ono lady, aged ninety-one', presided at tho piano, and nnother, aged eighty fivo, dnnot-d. ''And you may tako my word for it," adds tho visitor, "that tbo danoing win suro-enongh dunciug, if ono might judgo from tho lady's snapping t-yes, nervous speech and de 'chlve char.ictor." Locality and olimato would seem to have c.imimratlvely littlt effect on health and longevity if people lived simply, a nature dictatec, and when ailing built up with nature's simplo re medies, liku Warner's Log Cabin Sar eaparilla, instead of pulling down the Bysteni by using poisonous mineral drugs. Peoplo who hasten to tbo physician every time they have tho bradacho, or experience any of tho minor ovidenses of nature's suro revolt against disobe dienco of her laws, will not bo found danoing at eighty-five. Tho mineral poisons of tho apothecary lead to early physical decay. The long-lived, rugged Kantuoketers who enjoy life's ploasures when octo genarians, illustrate what tho "oil-is-land'' portion of tho world may experi ence if thoy livo by naturo's law and 080 old fashioned log-cabin -remedies ot roots and herbs for the ordinary ills that flesh is heir to. In Gut's (London) IIopitai reports, vol. 1, page 39G, is found tho state ment: "Simple hypertrophy (enlarge ment) of tho heart, tspeeially of the lett ventricle, is found without valvu lar incompetency. In this numerous class the cardiao is secondary (a synip- ton to the renal auootion. This ex plains why Warner's Safo Cure is ef fectual in cases of htart disease. It removes from the blood tho kidnoy acid which causes the heart disease. ' Editors Coi.umman: Dbah Sirs: I read all that is said in your columns, pro and con, on pro hibition, and am really surprised to hear tho arguments brought up to iirovo that the "Hum Trafllo'' is a God's blessing to tho human raccj and from men who profess to bo Christians. I saw an article in your icsuo of March 29, Bigned by: A. J. Dorr. He said: "Paul the great apoHlo of tho gen tiles said: "Woo is mo if I preach not. tho gospol." Ho said that 1'iul did not say: Woo is mo if I preach not Prohibition. This good brother did not toll his readers that tcmpcranco was n part of God's divmo law. Please read tho 21 Chapter and 25 verses of the Ants of that Treat anoslb Paul, where ho reasoned of "righteous ness, tcmperanoe nwi judgment to come. And l'elix trembled and ni Bwered: Go thy way for this time. wlvn I hato a convenient season I will oill for tbeo Thoso men who deal out this lawful damnation t their fellow. men feel, me thinks, like F.llx d'd. They f.ol that tho denunciations of Uo'ls word i against them; they hear it in IIs tliun d rs. but heed it not. Thoy say: "it is taking away our personal liberty." "Hasn't every man a right to do as he ploasesT'' I say nol emphatically nol Ho lias a right to do as he phuees ai long as he docs not in torfrre with the rights of others. Has a man a right to go to a saloon and spend all his bard earnings; then go home to his starving family; drunk, perfectly crazy kick and cuff his wife, and in many instances kill them. Ohl liberty, how thou art misconstrued all for worldly gain, I caino near calling it worldly honor, but that would be giv ing it a nickname. If tho readers of this paper will but cousider tho Lord's prayer where be said: "Thy will be done on earth as it is dnno in heaven," that will settle all disputes io regard to liceneo. If His will is to bo dono on earth ns in heaven, I would not suppose that any man would undertako to prove that there will be licensed house-tin heaven May God help tho people to rightly consider the issue that is now before us. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve: God or Mammon. Constant Reader. Brlght's Disease. A 'Tn.YMjr.OM CUM SaT4 Aft tk Vsdlwa f rnr rfcyaleUn. xmm of at, ra Mm (Ink la Uuoh, 1WS. with Mrlt fmr, When recoveris ha look Mrsre eold, which develops! I)rlM' D1mw of the Kidneys. Ilsr ankle, feet and tret wen terribly iwolleni shshad a tmrain ferer, en 4 HI the trtnftoms of m urmnted out of BrUM's tXeeeM. ronrof our beet physicians attended her, but without tueoMa, tad h ir Lift was Despaired of.l Sal a mother's lore and prayers surmount ell din.' colli, end I determined to try St. IHrld Kennedy! jTerorlte Itemed, Dude it Rondout, N. V. Thlswss slut rceort, end I hoped, although mr llUle denih. ter'e ee wee e Terr eerer one, Ihet the rsvorlt Benudjr would do for her whet II heddont for other whoee oondlllon hed not been, eeemlndr, m hope 1ms. Mow hippy I em the! I determined won thli conns for en ImproTtment wu el onoe perceptible. The fevsrlstt her her eppetlte Improved-she tslnsd 111 ponnde In a ehort time, end one by one the well known enddreeded eymptome of the dleeeee left her. Word! feU toeirreee my irretltude, end t cennot too twceetly noommend the Ksvorita Remedy, It wee A MARVELOUS RECOVERY. ' la An tittrttv (K Tvnvtr T)htu Vi.v in ppiy ruciicin liken titer her ctwe wh A ne aim Poor, Foolish Men. i m cr tn moat aan(rrp lpel all traa of "tqch dlsonJf nil f har. Ifit , ton pirtitberU Mid bfhlDtlthm (w w wr, au it bi t ireK"VB 01 inrrj FAVORITE REMEDY.1 trios One dollir. Prtpeted at Hoodont, N. T. Dr, Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared by " MB. DAVID KENNKDV, RONDOUT, If. V. tl per bottle Six for as, Syelldrnrirtete. w I Icheapci I llUiUK I I ono cci I Prohibition- Editohs Comjjiiiian. Dear Sirs: I would liko witli yonr permission to Btatu a few facts cono-rn-mg the Prohibitory Amendment, and in the first place let mu say that this is going to be a great struggle between right and wrong. A etrugglo between the saloon and borne. A struggle be tween all the miserable and deluded people who aro being led on by the cry of taxes, personal liberty eta, and the people that aro actuated by tho ory of tho drunkard's wife nnd children, who are made wretched and sad by tho li censing of tho accursed Liquor Traffo. And they are prajing and pleading for us to arise and brea'c the shackles that are dragging their husbands and sous down to a drunkard's urave and a driinkarii'x bell, for the Biblo tolls us that tin drunkard shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Yt-t in the face of all tliesa facts thero is now and the'i a man who pretends to bo a professor of Christianity, that will rise and say that the Liquor Trafllo is right and will try to provo his dooiririe by th word of Gnu. Th Bible does say be ye mo'leraie or temperate in all things and thi- man true to raako it appear th it t'i he temperate a man rou't drink a little, but ho must remember that all thintra do not relato meiely to drinking. Then taking for granted that the gentleman's doctrine is true, wo oi course will be oompelled to apply it to all tho vices ot this world. lobe tern perate in all things, according to his doetnne a man must drink a litil swear a little , lie a llltlo, steal a littl oto. Did anyone ever hear of a man trying to teaeli bis cblldren to be tern perate in all things and tell them that moans to steal, lie, cheat, swar, and drink, just a little! Some people olHiui that wo aro not ior personal libem and that wo are trying to tako their personal lib-rtv from them. Friends you are mistaken, wo are for personal lib rty, but we are not so selfish as to want personal liberty for one, to tho destrnction of thousands. But what is personal liberty? It gives the man who sells liquor th liberty to make tartb, hell, to blot out nope ot Ueaven, to make Hie iiora dav a drunken revelry, to turn church cs into dramshops, to make brutes of men formed in God's image, to raak paupers, to starve, and clotho children in rasa, to make our sons drur kardsolo. This is tho personal liberty of the whole rum fraternity. Ai d don'l- let us get scared about the increase of taxation. As long as we are compelled to pay out fourteen dollars to take care of the one that tin liquor dealers pay in, and besides that it is the chief cause of crime, pauper ism and taxation. Tho Liquor Traffic causes the building of j 1, workhoueo, insane asylums, poor houses and peni tonttanes. Prohibition causes the building of school houses, (Jhurches, Uoiieges, anil Seminaries. Which will you vote forT The L quor Traffic is mating paupers and criminals, and tbo temperance peoplo are compelled to pay enormous taxes to take care ot tnom. In 1873 wo bad local option in thi state. During that time of one year thero was closed up over one hundred and twonty breweries and d.stilleries anil If that law had not been repealed there would be but fow people in tho liq ior business in Pennsylvania to day, IS'il tho liquor men saw that Pro liibi'ion did prohibit and they spent thousand of dollars to have it repealed and thiv will spend millions of dollars at this 'imi to prevent tho adoption of the Am -n ImHnt, knowing by the past lint when a law is enforced it does pronlldt. Then in conolu-iou let me sav tlm in tho - existence of the fore going fact 8, let us each arid overy one of us arise, in tho dignity of our man bond ami in tho strength of our God, nay to tho people of Pennsylvania by our votes on th 18i.ii of Jun noxt that tho L'quor Tiaflio shsll b no more. W. B. G. Millville Pa. i'or the Good jf Others- 1 want to make known tho fact that I suffored from a Bladder and Kidney trouble that I was cured by Dr. David Kennedy' Favi rite Remedy made at Rondout, N. V., and I look forward to spending the balance of my life free from torture and with a heart rratcful for the medicine which affords mo so pleasant a prospeot. Itev. 8. C. , Chandler, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. 3-29-4 1 , St Louis has no leeg than soven'y lit Ch-nese. Uuud ie and pays nut over $100,000 a nu illy to Mongolians Is Blaine in the Soup? Thero aro well defined murmurs heard fr-ira the immediate friends of Premier Blaine. It is now asserted' hat bo not only is powerless in shaping tho diplomalio appointments, as a rule, hut that two of the most important MUsi-ms awarded were given without ven consulting the secretary ot state. What does it moanT Is Blaine in the soup?. Blaine is nothing if not master, and already thero aro whispers of his early resignation. We don l look tor lilaice to give up so soon. He is an expert in mat direction oi power, auu no won't get disgusted and tumble baok wa'ds into tho sonp until overy resource and all patience are exhausted; but un til the issue shall bo decided, the burn ing question will Le h Blaine in the 80Upf Harrison is a proud man: proud f his name, proud of his lito ago and pioud ot his high prerogatives, no went into the l'ies'dcncy admonisbed in every side that lilaiue would be his master, and he seems to have braced his I eels mule-fashion to avert this misfortune. And when a good old fashion- d Presbyterian foro'rdi iationi-t ike iiirriHi'ii plants bis rien mule- fashion, somebody must g-t into the roup. Is limine in the sonpT Blaine can much better afford to wait with long drawn patience than to plasb into tho soup all at once. He knows that water will wear away the hardest stone, and that paii-noe and appar. nt cheerful snbmissicmay ove 0'imo tho gravest obduracy, and be wont give un while thero is a ray of hope. It seems clear that he has a big onlract to make mm self the power ot tho administration w'lhoui tho Pnsi- Unt discerning it. H-has not only a positive purposo of. tho President to overcome, but he has t' (Uaoe lively uspicinns which obviously ehase eaoh other throuah the White H- use, and it appears to bo qui'e an oven thing thai Blaine is in the soup after all. Times. 1 euro you. QTie Greatest Blood Purifii Rrnt. ftf rmftn Rledlclno le the et unit licet. 128iloeof SUL-i lll)lTTi:HSforl.m.lessthanJ cent a close. It will euro the to that awful rifnrao Scrofula. o SULWlUtt BITTEIIS U the best mttUclno to use in all cjiBca of Buch Btubborn afidTTour Kid-de-en floated dleca&ca. Donnvonmniii not ever tako Mntr?,r tTo E3 BLUE PILLS ?"i""Qi ormcmiry,theyal lh nurntr twI lio.t JfOU, USO racllclno ever raado. Jaipur lm j with n vcllowetlekvI1ont wait until you U BUURUincCf ieyoursum miauivwinai-ivi breath foul amlnroflat on your back, I offcnslvo? Yourb"t (ret uomo at once. It I etomach Is outwlll cure you. Sulphurl or onicr. Uwwiuucrais StTLl'liriri . -r,.J., I lHrrJ:itS1D0 mi incuuin lmtYioilt,tnl..'m,nw...n IU.m .ml Is your Ur-tcrlnif aro soon mailo rell by 1 lne thtck,te uec. Itememlier what you I ropy, clo-read here. It may save your uuv, ururc. It nae envuu nunureue. g- & Don't wait unui to-morrow, M Try a Bottle To-day I E3 n6 Are you low-eplrltwt and weak, Ifl 3or eufTerlnf? from the oxcesBce oil I Send 2-ccnt etanips to A. I". Onlway Co., Uoston.Maee., for best medical work publlahuuF w HAT AILS YOU? Pure Brandy. We call our readers attention to tho following testimonial from undoubted authority on the excelli-nce an I purity ot Speers I. J. JJiandy. New York. Mr.. Speeu: 1 congratulate vou on a recent un sought testimonial as to tbo purity of your Jiranilv. Ijady JJ iltu Hardy, ot London, England, an old acquainta' ce of mine, on testing from the bottle of brandy we brought from Pasalo the other day, immediately asked me to get a liko one for her, which I did this morning. Tho English aristocrats, vou know, male and female, are pr tty good judges of brandy. Wishing you every success in your really good work, I remain yonrs truly. PRENTICE MULFORD, Editor N. Y. Graphic During the year 1888 five persons dieil in Great Britan who left estates valued at more than $5,000,000. The larg'st was that of Baron dn Stem, ot London, who left a fortune of $17,721, 890. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. Thli to only Um Meond tine la tfeM wink thai X htvft had to polifth tnj boot, and yvt I had hard work fttlln my hnibaod to tire p his old blackbii t bniih, and tho annnranoa of turlna; tha paatfl black log rub ofl on bla panta. and adopt r Wolff'sAGMEBIacking AmanlJ!tnt Deep nlack rolUh.wttchlMti on Mra'a boots & vrecli and onTomanaaniontbt WOLFF Si RANDOLPH. FHIUDELPKM. WMM MING MILL The umlsrslfrnLd havlnit put hti rianms M t tilroid Street, in nrat-ciass condition, laorp ril to do sltklnrtsol rurk Inula line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, ' BLINDS.MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlsoea ui reiinuiiauiei rlcea. All lumber use s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen ro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRIIG, HloouiMburrr. Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersicned havini; been re stored to health by Biniplo means, after. siiiuring lor sovernl years ilh a severe lung aitectiou, ami tiiat dread disease Consumition, is anxious to moke known to his fellow nulli rurs tho means of cure. To those who di hire it, ho will cheerfully send (frco of cliaroe) a copy of the prescription utcd, which- they will find a i-ure euro for Consumition, Asthma, Cataiiiiii, Bhonciiiti8 and all throat and lung Maladies. He hones all sufferers will liy his Remedy, us it is invaluable. Tho.-e desirinc the prescription, which will cest them uoth- iuk, and miv ptove a b.'essiue. will 'pleaso. addnss, Rev. Euwakd A. Wii son, Williamsburg, K ngs Countv, Nowiork. A-&-co.-dec-7-lv SO you fl dull, languid, low-eplrlted, llfe lou, and Indescribably miserable, both iibjsl oallr and menullys experience a sense of fullness or bloatlna; after catm?, or of "gone ness," or emptiness of etomach In tho morn ing;, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste In moutu. Irregular appetite, dlulnces, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " Uoatlng specks " before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion, irritability or temper, hot Uuslica, alternating with chilly sensations, ahaip, biting, transient palna nere and theie, cola feet, droirflnes after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefresblng sleep, constant. Indescribable feeling of dread, or of Impend ing calamity T It you have all, or any considerable number of tlicso symptoms, you aro suffering from that most common of American maladies- lllliouc Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated wltn Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has become, tho greater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what etau-e It has reached, Ir. I-lerce'i Golden ITledlcnl Vlscovcry irlll subdue it. If taken according to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases. Heart Disease, Itbeumatlsm, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set In and, aooner or later. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. I'lerce's CSoldoit medical Dis covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system ot all blood-taints and Im purities, from whatever canso nrising. It Is equally efficacious In acting upon tho Kld ne)B. and other excretory organs, cleansing, -strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial dlstilcu, this wonderful medicine bos gatned great celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. I'lerce's Golden medical Die. 'cures all humors, from a common Iilotcb, or Eruption, to tha worst Scrofula. Sait-rheum. "Fever-sores," Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all disease! oaused by baa blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi cine. Groat Eating ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially has It mani fested Its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, llolls. Carbuncles, 8oie Eyes, Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, lllp-jolnt Disease, "White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck. and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In stamps for a large Treat lso, with colored platespn Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Fierce' Colriea Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, whiob la Scrofula orilio Lungs, li arrested and cured by this remedy. If taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From 1U mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-fumed rem edy to the public, Dr, Fierce thought seriously nf falUno. It hi- fViwiinuiif run," hi.. abandoned that name aa too restrictive for a medicine wblon, from Its wonderful com blnaUon of tonio, or atrengthenlng, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antl-billous, pectoral, and nutritive properties, la unequalcd, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Cltroulo Dlseaae of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Tor Weak Lungs, Spitting of niood. Short ness ox ureatn, unronio nasal laiarrn, nron chltls, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. It la an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at (1.00, or Six Dottles for St. 00. t3r" Bend ten cents In stamps for Dr. Fierce') book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical association, i tea Ualu 8., BUfFALOs N. V, IKE INSURANCE rnrasTiAN v. auuiiie ur ii. i a MERC-HANTS', OF NEWARK, N. J. CLINTON, N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. lilEADINO, PA. GERMAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW YORK. OREKNWI0I1 INS. CO.. NEW YORK. JERSEY CITY FIRE INS. CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. TLcso old corpobatioks are well seasoned by atfe and rial tibtud and have nover ret had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are suinvesieainsouD bscoritieb are uacie touts azara oi fikb only. jkald as soon as determined by christian r. &Hirr,8riCIlL AeiHTlHU ADJUBTIXULOOMaBCKO, The people ot Colombia county should 'natron- lie the agency whero losses It any are settled and vai iit imnui tuerowu citizens. PROMPTNESS. EQUITY. FAIR DEALING. PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! U. iS PENSIONS due manv offiosra. sounaaa. SiiuiKs, their Widows, Ciiildhrn and Dstrndbnt t arbkts every wnere. ir in aouot, or any renaion Information wanted, wrlto here. No Washington, O. C . or other Acencv so advantageous aa thLi N. J. AdlNCT. irrrhousaiids of Pensions aggregating millions of dollars, obtained through this Agency, and others allowed dally.zi Adarepswlth two stamps JAMES F. RU8LINO, Coum elor at Ijiw, S54 E. State St, Trenton N. J. (Late U. &. rcnslon Agent, N. J. llvt.. Brig Gent) TeReferstoaov., U. s. ben'smnd M. Cs.N. J., Posts O. A. li., and Pensioners all U. S., Canada Ac Feb lVr-lt 85 Hmtd QH W.lck. Mieiv, jiiiiMi,ir B-.t 9U wetce la U world. rvmci uwft,tpr. nil' lliiaUBl CeUM. Udi 'm4 KCMU' M4M.wUk work! OnelVrsMBiMtKb u ctti7 tu tew n lVflf HumplCsl. TsatM UttplM, welt tt lh wktfh, Mad lrCe Ml 70 H M9p tirn In jnnr ifbtn for 0 Bombs sad showm lh.a t tM N.t S7 hsts cslli-d, thf tieomf yi w ptwtiT Tko wh writs si onts tin bs turs f rtsJlsf lbs WstCclb ssd Ham pi ps. Ws rT U stprvM. AMrsatj M. C, SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manatactnrersot CARRIAGES' BUGGIES, PHAETNS. SIEIQHS. PLATFlRirl JtC Flrst-classwork always on hand. ' ( JtEPAlRlaU NEA1LY DONb. Prictt r'tducedh tuit the (imtt. Light Street. liov. O, A. Baboo ok IocIiiumI in tho M, U. Clmroh on Tuecday ovening np on tbo siibjt-ot of Prohibition. M. K. Suybrt brw taken obarrrrj of bis farm recently sold to Mrs. Sorbor. Mrs. Miiy Knt in improvios her prop' rty by lb addition of a bay window. Jos, Weiss is doing tho work. Tho aeaOHanr in hnnv lnntinrr nn tlin intt-roets of tho taxpayers. Mr. Klino died at tho residence of r aon-lri-lnw Mr. Cams on B. F. ighard'x farm near town. Intir nt at Rolirsljiirg on Sunday. Mrp. Andy Connolly and nleco of py visited Mrs. A. F. Torwilllgor on ut-aday, Simn of onr vnnnrr men In tnu-n ihouulit to have somo fun stopping a Tneaday aitcrnnon by drawing a ropo acrops t no roau ilicy cot leil as tlio river bolook to tbo pavement and lanced tho rope siico-oalully. Atifl4 Ri flclii Tuli,tmr.l nlr n.lwl tlio wedditife of MIn Delia Hidlay at Or- guine on i iH'Siiay. East Beaton. Mrs. Amanda, wifp of Samnid Wil son -died at her homo March 30, aiod about 53 yuars. A protraoted illnot.8 attended by gr.-at pain and RiifftTing was hor allotted cup until death re lieved hcri' her 11 m Laboiing men beicaboiitf havo corai to the cdiiflusmii that "labor pro tection" moans protection against lab iri Several tramps -passed throucb this place last Sunday evening in quest oi woik. TITey wore respectably well drei-sed nnd presented .themselves a furnaco puddlers oat of work on ao count of, a stoppage of tho works at uciDienemf Jfa. jno monoy to pay their way. Another argument for pro t,ectiori. The Fish Law was quite promim nt flato a littloKast of tliis place .but the 1)0)8 fee quito easy now. Good generalship Is essential to successful tithing. Nobody drowned. All were at lata safely landed It was a little betlor than "fisherman's luck. Tho assessor is making hia vearlv' rounds who is an efficient and upright oflieer. We are also informed that tbo assessors, conscious of our unequal valuations aa compared with the border ing townsbipe, reduced tloo valuation of "Real Estate" to some ovtent, but instead of confirming such nrcHiilttho coramissioneis raised the valuation about ten per cent., which our notice also shows to be tho first inxtance the commissioners have had' the audaoitv of Bettiug iisido or ignoring Iriannnal assessments. Now if tho commissioners know more about our valuation than our assessors do, why not dispense with the assessors altogether! Tho peoplo of Benton township willingly pay their equal share of taxes, but wbro is the justice to impose upon them an unequal valuation in order that they should bo overtaxed! In war or in peaco our quota seems always in excess, but never- anything laid up for a rainy day. "Git" along old' hoss which always pulls so well." It Makes You Hungry a m - -'q i " I have used Palne's Celery Compound and It has had a salutary effect. Itlnrigorat. ed the system and I feel like a new man. It Improves the appetite and facilitates diges tion." J.T.Cora- umd, Primus, a a Paine's Celery Compound is a nnloae tonic and appetlur. Pleasant to the tate, quick In Its acuon, and without any Injurious effect. It fives that runted health which makes everything taste good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe 1U 11.00. six tor p.oo. Druggists. Wills. Ri emit neon too., Burlington, Vt. Spring medicine means more now-a-days than It did ten years ago. Toe wlnterot 1km-8S hasleft the nerves oil aggti out. The nerves must be strengthened, Uie blood purlfled, liver and bowels regulated. Palne's Celery Compound th Sjtring mijlelnt 0 to-day does all this, as nothing else can. PrucriUd Id i'AjiiMane, ReMmiiAtmiea- by DruggUU, Kndorted by M Infjterr, QuaranUtd by (As ilanttfacturtri to te The Best Spring Medicine. " In 'the spring ot IMI I was an run down. . 1 would get up In the mornin; with ao tired a feeling, and was co weak that I could hardly get around, 1 bought a bottle ot Palne's Celery Com pound, and before I bad taken It a week I felt very much better. I can cbeerully recommend It to all w ho need a building upand strengthen ing medicine." Mrs. li. A. 1)0 w, Burlington. Vt. DIAMOHQ DYES lXl,tvLADTATED FOODlSH' WIliUASli, AU0T10NEEU. BLOOMS BURO, PA. eal Estato B ought and Sold. Parties desiring to buy borset and wagons youlcl do well to cull on the above. BOO HAIR BALSAM Cleeoiee end Ueutl6ee toe heir. Promote! a lueuriint growth. Never Fs le U ReeTere Qreir Mi ltiH.V.ikfui Celer. I IfrervQte lei)druit fpd fcelr feliiea I HINDERCORNS. Ths Miv bum (Mrs f or f irna. Htnna 1I nln eorafort to thtfetL jftq t tniyyiU. UiBOuietOo.,H.y, PATENTS, veals and Trade Marks ohtalned.and all Patent 'slncss conducted for MODK1UTK FKKS. OUR OKFICK IS Ql'I1 -SITE U. 8. PATENT KF1CE. We have no sub. agencies, all buslnesi lrect, hence can transact patent business In leaf imp mm ul iiupi man inuse rrmot-o irvm Washington, send model, drawing, or photo, with description. no uuvisa 11 uuLeoLauie or nnt. ireo oi cnanre. Our fee not due till natent la secured. u auiuai ciieniB in your Btaie, county, or wwn, ui.ico- Auarnea C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Fatentomoe, Washington, !. J. R.SMITH&CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DUALKIIS IN frws defectlre nutrlMoa. Take la Umt. Wo. and ti.wE MariW-tU s ALESME . WANTKD N PIANOS, By the following well known makers; Chiclccrin&', Ivnabe, Wcbcr, Ilullct & Davis. Can .also furnish any of' th cheaper' makes atraanufacturer pricea. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. firtMft. Hospital Remedies. What are they? Tho erowth of Intclll- gencu iu medical matters has given rise. to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable medicines. The opportunity of the ignor ant quack, who grew rich curing everything out of n single bottle has passed. To supply satisfactorily this demantl this list of reme dies has been created They are the favor ite preset lotions of the most famous medi cal practlonerg of the day, gathered from the hospitals ot London, Paris Berlin and Vienna. Prescriptions which cost the patients of -these specialists from 925 to $'.00, arc here offered, prepared and ready for use, at me nominal prico M une DoUar Each. Not one of then Is a cure all ; each one has only the reasonable power of curine a single disease and each one keeps its con- irttci. ouuerers lruiu Htarru, uisenscu Lungs, Uronchltis, Asthma, Consumption, nhcumatlsm. Dyepepsur, Ltver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, N'lirtilpia, f emale Weauness, Leucorrlicea, or Nervous Debility, should send stamp fnr descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co . No. 3 a Wrst iilng at., Toronto, Canada. If your druggist does not keep these remedies remit price snu we win scna atrcct iree oi duty. Out of the Breastwork. Taw SruMos, Turn., JaW. iM Tho Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seven years ago I eontncMd aa exceedingly bad case of blood poison, t tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sort and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached In tha near future, I gave np the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taldng your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my sldn cleared S and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed In my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles ot Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. RointsoN. Kaotman, Tx.. Tune 13, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I have been afflicted witfc a skin disease for about twelve yean, and th best medical treatment failed to give me re. lief. I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from Ita use. Yours truly, YVm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. Tn Swift Srzciric Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. Umdaev ag., Sen HK. SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITING. oooupsalftnr tirn Hhorthmnd, h.h moat IM01 win ifiora Handredi htra UkennptbeM ttudlsn, tod bow &rn tf-IO to HUM) a tnfA; dTncment U rkptd. A re jroa tired of your DT MH for wane ftodr. a ids uoueire in u. n. oei Hum ittppinr etone I W - y (i ml Mmpt, odr. PuMiUont ior- in UollMe in U. a. bend for rlroular. 0. ft. TAlMZt, frie., 1001 Ok.iUot Bl., rkllUtlfllle. Mar 1s-d 4t Rum&rd YEAST POWDER, "Tlio Old Itoliablo." Restores to tho flour tlio nutritious phosphates lost In bolting. No other powdor does this. It is healthful and nutritious. Put up in bottles. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKEY. DttriLLitu from selected Uarlejr Malt and guaranteed to be chcmlcatlr pure and tree Irom Injurious oils and elds often contained In alconollo liquors. It Is especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic. Consumptives 1 being treat!" beneofted by lis use, Itccommendcd by leadlec physicians as a WoroUj Wrvlno, Tonic and Alterative. J-or wnsuinptltea It fs Invaluable. 1'MlHINK'b runfe BAULKY MALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vigor to tho stomacb. a go6d appetlte.arliband abundant blood and Increased BesE and mueculartlssue A rtlmu ant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, indigestion and all wasting o eases can be oHIreljr conquered by tlio use or l errlne's l'ure llsricy alt WhlBkeis Itls a ton I -nd diufetiu and apowerful sticngtbencr to tho entire system, l'fijt ltlNiry rUHK IlAItLKY MALT WI1I8KI51 has proved a medicinal proiecUon to liOTe who pursue their avocations in the open air and whoso dally work calls 1 VicTOllonal powers uf endurance. Ask (oi nearet druggist or grocer for 101 PFlXSh-SI-UnKUtllLKY MALTWIIlHKCYievlvcs tneenergles of Uioseoru otit with exceilvo S-i lv or mentaleflort and acts as aeateguard against ei rxaure fn wet and rigorous weatber. Hwlll drive all malarloua diseases from ithe system. I? .Zi tVl?.Ii. nV i,v,rv voctlon and nereons whom a sedentary life renders prone to Drspepsla nnd in i-ernne n r in miiw Malt Whiskey powerful lnv gorant and helper to digestion. rKltltlNK'S I'UltK WaIILKY MALT WI118KKY without unduly 9tlmuUllnii the kid neys lncroasos their flagnlnar activity, counteracts the effects of fatlgut-, has tens convalescence and is a whotenomo and prompt dluretlo Watch the labol t vnnn irpniiinn unless bearing the slgnti tur Zm n-ut. .t,.i..(. nm If ofnAara hr 1.1 Itui ah A...nfhnHi. 1 ftAvn rarprnll vnn! Ulyied the Pbot UABLir Mait Wrirs mr made by M. J. s Pcrrlne and nhd. u entirely ireo iniuiiuoui u... .ui.u.u.. metals and acids and la absolutely pure. on"r, luraHuateoftM fnf rersftfrs of JfunfcAJ vrwiuuwi IJ.I-WM.BI. Kot saieuy all druggs; and grocers throug tho united states and Canada. 87 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A S-OnSALB BY OKUOGISrs AND ALL DEALERS. PENNY GOODb A SPECIALTY. tola ioihtb roa F. T. ADAM8 t CO., PINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing Brands Of Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDltES, NORMAL, INDIAN FKINCE8S, SAMSON, v BlLVBIt ASH. Alexander B ros. ffi w, WHOLESALE DEALEltS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLARDS MECA.NDIES. FRESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANY OKDEK , FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED vviru THE LOWEST i a," J as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. C B. JB01MHS, DEALER IN Foreign an& Domestic WINES AND LIQUORb AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. g-:r,:e.a.t INBTJCEMINTS panvamtorthaaleot SateT Stoclr. dm utiur amu ixrN4 na ooviiissiok steady tmploymear. Apply at oaw, atatlu g age . J,B.HeUis&Co. ttXSffi GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICk. THE WORLD oi TO-DAY. A MAONIPICEKT ATLAS OF TnB WORLD. In one large quarto volume. 10x14 Inches In sue, containing ll pages ot handsomely en grated and colored maps Also an Index ot over a, to cities, rivers, etc.. tbrotghout the woild, giving exact location. Cloth, price f'.'.W, plus sua postage. A beautiful, occu -ate, convenient- and compre hensive alias, a marvel ot art, of information and if nrl -e, the equal ot tbt best $10 00 atlas ever published. IMNDY ATLAS OF THE WOULD. A neat and convenient volume, containing 138 i-oloreri maps, diagrams, tables, etc, descriptive ot every country in the world, carefully classified and skillfully arranged for eay reference, an pages of Information, vuluaulo an l available. Cloth, price 450, plu0 A guldx bk to tha whole world, a pocket cyclo pedia, a uimel ot .value and cbeapneaj, and a dally companion ot rvery newspaper reader, bunt by mall on receipt of price, and p 'stage Enclose Postorace Money Order, New York Draft, or Postal Note tf amount. JOOM O. flilUBUKV. 118 Quincy St., 'rooklyn, N. Y CD7Cn AXLE QREASE BKMT IK'THK WOKLD, ss.Hnis nnalliU. . J - . IKS, lUaMttlK it. Mwaitkt 1X1 wSaM IN Pianos, Organs, anil Sewing Machines. -AT- Music - - - - Warerooms, Bloomsburg, Fa. I7B asssssssssssssMssI 1a. ll.rtHt. ! lorn JIOfcCirtlncal ..--JtllW,lll 101 Uniii4rl. Kwryftmr, ttsail t oaiM. this nodos .r bu t f Jwtuni Fs01M4t nit let. Special Imtucm'-nw 10 wginnrre- ahj selling specialties, outllt free. Write nt I tostablMiod ltaj) "ocii a, N. y. itar l- (Name this paper.) Woven Wire Fencing iRoposoivago BEST -m. ' 8TEEC?? . WIRE sssWssssMWirc 1 MMv 1M We wll DIHECTTO FAHMEIlfl, a good, reliable AMUONIATEI) 1JONE AND PorAgll FERTILIZER 0. 11. SEMPWO'.t it CO.. ' BOO TO $2 PER ROD. .nrt wMl ha. 0ti l milrti. Sold hj n or defers I'H A; ISO Mrki 8t,, Chlfco. Ilk Feb saoow-ist. 9 mi vim; a iiiiiiiaRi trtd la til ptMt, byt tliflnT our Biarklnvil infra, w win hm r?r (0n Krtoa In tub local lij,tbt y l aawlnsT -mac bin mrJ isa tb wotlJ.wlth all tha attarhmtnia. a win aito ieno i rrp a compif t tin efouf tcilj and valuabla art Mmpie in rem in wi hi laat joi Bow v nail wv srenu. iv mm mna nav rail at vaur katna.aitrl fir a mentbatllahatl bwtnn yonr vwa protwnr. Tfcta mud tnarhiaa la mid after Hlnaer paivnti. whlcb bava run cot t hrfm patfnia run tint II lld lot DtDil, with b gia iprnmrnil, si nil now STIII ior .ajarr tO. ntitirott)ti4moitiii'i. Eslill fal tnarblna in tha world. All 1, llssLvrt' Ns rapltal requlrvd. Ptato. trlf f InMraetlona rivm. I hot who writ to m ai onca can nn firre tba bt aawlnfr-mnrhlnw In the world, and tha flnfiMlmdof wwlllinirninun -" i"nnnin amrrirs, 'lUltiJ.VtO., it OX 7IO, AllHHolU. Mutiic. OllATEFUL COMFOHTINO. EPP'S COCOA. DltEAKPAbT. "nv athorouah knowledge of the natural lawn which govern tho operations of digestion nnd nutrition, and by ft careful application of the Mno properties of well selected ocoa, Mr Rppshas Srovld' d our breakfast taMcs with a dsllcately avurcd bcteraire which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, it la by tho Judicious use ot such, articles ot diet that a constitution may bo gradual lv built up until strong enough to rrolst every ten dency o dl ease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us re idy to attack wherever thero Is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well foi tlfled with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. '-CMI or milk, sold only In half pound tins, by Grocers, laDeneo iuusi JAM IX KITS CO., Homccopathlc Chemists, oct vu-u-eu LoouoD, jingianu. RAXXiKOAX) TXMH TAB LI jQELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. ru NORTHCUBXKLIND 6 40 Cameron 5 55 Chulasky 0 no uanvuie o un CatawlKsa s 25 ltupert.. 0 En Dloomsburg 6 30 Espy S 42 Llmo ltldge...... 6 60 vuiow uroveH.... ... u o Brlarcreek 0 09 Berwick 7 05 lieach Haven 11 Hick's Ferrr. 7 18 Nhlckshlnny 7 HO tiuniocK-s HI Nantlcoko 7 50 Avondaie 7 54 Plymouth 7 ea I'DmouthJunctlon,.... 8 03 Kingston e utt Dennett 8 12 Maltby 8 17 wyomintr ts n West Plttston 8 27 . 8 33 . 8 40 , 8 48 , 8 54 . 9 00 r M T M 1 83 NOItl II, a. u. a. u 1010 8 15 Plttston. Lackawanna TaMorvllle. uei evuo sciunton. 8TATIOKS. 1 58 2 14 2 19 2 24 a 28 2 49 2 64 2 68 8 09 3 19 S 26 3 35 3 89 3 43 3 W 3 511 4 01 a M 6 10 ' e it HCBANTON ueiievue Taylorvllle s 50 Lacaawanna. e ss Ilttston 6 38 West Ilttston 6 42 Wyoming. 6 47 Maltby 6 si Dennett c 65 Kingston s (8 Plymouth Junction..... 705 Plymouth 7 10 Avondaie 7 14 Nanticoke 7 19 uuniocx's 7 26 Shtckshlnny .... 7 47 mors perry. 7 65 Ileach Haven,, mi muK.... ... 1 Bnarcreek Willow Grove Lime Itldge Espy Dloomsburg Hupert , Catawlssa Danville Chulasky, Cameron , N0XTnmBBUHD.. 1 01 . 8 07 8 13 8 18 8 20 8 26 8 32 8 37 , 8 '2 , 8 S7 9 03 . 0 07 9 22 A M 4 22 r u a u 9 50 9 65 1000 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 34 10 38 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 55 11 02 11 12 11 22 11 23 11 37 5l"4S 11 62 11 59 12 05 12 10 12 15 12 80 ii'io 12 5 r m 10 25 10 29 10 36 10 63 11 00 11 07 11 16 11 22 11 26 11 80 11 37 11 44 11 48 11 68 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 SO 12 87 12 41 12 45 12 60 1! 6b 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r u 6 SO 6 81 40 6 (B 7 05 7 12 7 SO 7 27 7 81 7 85 7 42 7 49 55 8 P 8 17 8 22 8 3q 8 8.1 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 II 01 9 IJ 9 ir u 11 9 10 9 83 A M SOUTH. PM 8 03 2 14 2 21 2 28 2 84 2 47 2 50 2 54 2 69 3 03 3 06 8 19 3 29 3 39 3 46 8 61 8 67 .4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 64 5 00 6 16 r u ru 0 20 C 25 0 80 6 87 6 45 fi (.0 8 56 6 69 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 18 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 66 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 63 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 45 r m Connection! At. ltnnprf with PhMndolnlil Readlnr italirnarl tnr Tflmnnpnri vlli Inmsport, f unbury. Potlsvllle. etc. At Nar'thum. berland with P. & E. Dlv. P. It. It. for Ilarrlfburg. v. r. iiAusiitAUiUen. man., Scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. iii Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. i 1888. Trains leave iunbuiy EASTWAHD 9.40 a. m.. Kea Nhnrn Rrnrpoti 'rtAllv vppnt ' Sunday), for Harrlsburg and lntermedlatestatlcns, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. s New York. 6.60p. m. : Baltimore.. 4.45 p. m. : Washington J.65 p, m., connecting at Philadelphia forallbea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia, . . ., 1.43 p. in. Day eiprese dally except sunday),for llarrlsburir and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. i New York, 9.85 n. m.t Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, p.w'p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Phlladelphlo and Baltimore. 7.45 p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (daily for IlarrtHburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv Ingat Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. j New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.16 1. m. : Wnshlnirton oso a. m. t inillrasnslwpingcarfrom llarriaburs to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeor undisturbed until 7 a. m. Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train from uuamxport on Sunday's. 2.60 a. m. .KrlH MnlfMnUiV tnr TlB-r4.Vm.r. anA Lntfrmelltl' Btattons. arriving at Philadelphia B.23 a. m. New York, tl.w a. m.t Baltimore 8.15 a. m.t Washington, 9.80 a.m. Throuph Pullman sleeping cars are run onthlstralnto Philadelphia. Baltimore and w ashing! en, and through pa&ten ger coacnesto Philadelphia and Baltimore. WKSTWAItl. 6.10a. m.lrriA it.u m.iirt r t.iA . . Intermediate stations and I'enandalgua aid intermediate stations, Kochester, Buffalo aid Niagara Kails, with thi-mio-h ruMtnn p.i...n oars and passenger coaches to Erie and Hocnt-s. 9.6J-News Einress (dally except Sunday) rcr i ock Haven and Intermediate Btatlons. 12.62 p. rn. Niagara Express (dally except Hun- ar algua and principal Intermediate stations, K-rheeter, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with :5',J?b.Da88e,llrer "oaches to Kane and Hochester and Parlor carto Wllllamsport. ni?? v-fl- .Kiuit yne af "7 except SundaWfor He- Efl0.a-n?.ln.termci?late "tatlons, and Elmlra. Wat- kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas- engcr coaches to Itenovo and Walking. dla'te jj1? 1 1141 a mal tor Itenovo and Interne. THItOUQU TIUINB WmsttNtlirUY PHOMTHB "i AnusuuTJI. .,?"f(la'r aM leaves rhllsdelphla 4.S0 a, m Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Kunbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia a. ro. gisul;bu,y.63?k.rr 8unaa, m,n. ,,,. . . . Niagara Expressleavea Philadelphia. 7.40a.m. t luitimnmr i n Sf.?tpt fyiay arriving at Sunbury, nisj p. m w''b through Parlor car from Philadelphia phla and Baltimore". rnuaoei. .'.hfJ? e leesNew Yoik 8,00 a. m. i Pblladel- mo'rVMrKa1; "hOU, 9.60 a. Bl, ! llaltl more, 10.45 a, m., (daily . nceDt Sundavi arrlvlmr at !E?!SrJ J&P:m-t vlxh through paeaengei eoacheafrom Philadelphia and Balifmore. ?A.1r;,.r,.l.n through Pullmaa tleerlng pars from Philadelphia, Washington and llalilmore and hrough paaserger coaches froru Philadelphia lIAll.HIIAI) ANII NOltTII ANIi WIIST HirANCll IIAII.WAY. ..... w (Bally except sunuay.) Wllkesbarro Mall leaves Hunbury 9.65 a.m. f?w p'id" m Ferrr Wllkes-baTra .fSPnSult leTe Sunburr 6.85 p. m., arriving at Bfoom Kerry 6.26 p. m.. W llkes-baf re Vm "p. ru , u?,b"!T MaflleaveswAketbarreiasOa barrlT ing at Bloom Kerry u. a. m..Bunbury 12.45 p. m Express west leaves wiikea.barre a.05 p. m , ir Ting at Bloom Kerry 4.80p.m.,BSburr fls0p.m BUN1JAY ONLY, -.ih.j.vwuiuiwhiuu irvt'a v iixe s-uarre 5.10 rtrtng at uioom Kerry, . p.iX. Buhhury cham. x! man, j, , wood. te bave Iti wfthiuK doof. lJMt