THE COLUMBIAN AJSD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. S. EIwjII, 1 t, ...... BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1889. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correapoodent. Washington, April 15, 1S89 "Sansct" Cox, tho over-smiling Representative from Now York, was met coming out of tho WliUo House liy your correspondent, and asked what the deuco ho wn doing in that gang of placo hunter. Oh, I simply called to say good bye to my old friond Benja min Ilarricon, as 1 am afraid theso fol lows will worry him to death in their mad hunt for offioe before I return to Washington." Then m Mr. Cox was leaving ho added: "I feel wellj very much better than a littlo while ago. I have been through, tho valley of tho shadow of political death with the rest of tho Democrats, and now I am off on a lecturing tour through India tin a, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri tind Kansas. Something to ru&ko tho folks smile, you know, whllo I gather in a littlo money. I trust that I shall get no more eggs than I pay for.'' Mr. Cannaday the Sergcant-at-Arma of the United SlateB Senate, and a good John Sherman Itcpnblican, is charged by Senator .Tone, of Novada, ox-Senator Mahono and Warnor Miller, and Hcjirosentalivo West, of Now York, with dwindling and forgery in connection with his management of Wilmington North Carolina Oil and Creosoto Company located at Wilming. ton, N. C. It is also stated that Cxna day is indebted to two other Senators to tho amount of 830,000 or more for borrowed raouoy. With tho usual ou dacity of men of bis kind Cannaday aays that when tho case is settled it will havo no effect upon his "personal integrity." The Republicans havo always been notorious for their willingness to make use at all times of United Slates vesnols for private pleasure parties and being out of power for four yearn .and with' out a precedent for that length of time bos not changed them a particlo in this respect. On Saturday afternoon As sistant Secretary of tho Treasury Tichonor took a party of friends from here to Baltimore, whore they got a board of tho U. S. Hevenuo cutter MoLano and started on u trip to Chcsa pcako Bay, which lasted from Sunday morning to Monday morning. Anoth er Government vessel, the light-house tender, Holly, has been lying at tho wharf here, waiting for threo days to carry President Harrison on a pleasure trip down tho Potomac. This look" like a rather eaily revival of tho old n. uses. By summer half a dozen ves sels will bo needed for tho various memboiB of the administration, for their families and Iriends. And tho people will foot tho hills Senator John Sherman has jus proved himself to boa "biuger" man with tho administration than Rpre sentatives McKinley and Benjamin llutterworth combined. Ohio han two ,, ejj? caiiuiuiuea ior uio pnsiuuu ui oi?m Auditor ol tno 'treasury, une was backed by Senator Sherman and the othci by Messrs McKinley and Butter worth. The Sherman man, Mr. Coul ter, lias just been appointed. Land Commissioner Siookslagr fears thero will he trouble in Oklahoma. lie says that only about 10,000 homesteads can bo entered under tho President's proclamation, and ho has every roason to believo that at least 100,000 persons will enter tho country within thirty davs from its opening next Monday. Tho now administration is making a reci'id for itself on the pension ques tion. It is coinc faster than the most radical had any idea that it would a short time ago, and no man can at this timo foreseo tho end. As Distant Secretary Bussey, of tho In terior department, beforo whom anneals from tho decisions of the Com missioner of Pensions are heard, seems to outdo tho ''Corporal in his con Btruction of the law as applied to pen sions. It is estimated that tho decis ions of tho late Commissioner General Black whioh Bussey has always re versed, will oost the' Government more than 81.000.000. lie should obanir- his name to Buster. The 'Corporal," not to bo outdone by his superior ofll- ccr, mado an order last week tliat will oost moro than 850,000 n year. The following is the orden "Whenever a pensioner is d'mbled in a hand or foot in i degreo entitling Irm to 521 a monih under tho act of March 3 1883, Hiioh pensioner shall by reason of that fact bo entitled to tho rnto of 30 a month under tho act of August 4, 1880.'' nearly 800 pensioners cot an in crease of 872 a year by this order, and arrears from AuBHt 4, lUtfu. "Tho noblest Roman ol them all," Allen O. Thnrman. Into P unocratic candidate for Vioo President was in Washington last.w ok on legal business. The old gentleman was looking well and feeling well with tho exception of Bllctit rheumatism in His legs, in a conversation with a friond ho said "Tho peoplo of the country wcro go d enough to me to voto for me to stay at . . T I . 1 - f !. Home, and personally x am giuu oi u, but I regret tho defeat of the party verv innoh. as I rogard it as a great calamity to tho country. Mr Clevo land brought abouta groat many grand reforms during his terra of oflloe, and would no doubt havo accomplished many moro if ho had beon ro-oleotod.'' The Aibland ITospilal Managers Chairman Deardon, of tho Appropria tion Committee, has been oflioially no- tltm) n( ilm rvllrmnnnt of all the b.i.u. " . " - - managers of tho Ashland Hospital OXOOtit it. U. wagnor, tno ouureiui-y. Mr. Wagnor is a now ruombcr, and thero was no objection mado to him. The Appropriation Committeo had rofused to recommend the approprla' tion ol 8900,000 for tho inatntenanoo of the hospital unless all tho old mana gers resigned. Tho committee took 1 hennuie serious allegations of mismanagement were made againBt tho managers, mo resignauou ui an tho managers has been forwarded to n..rnir Itenviir. fllld it IB UOW BftfO t'l say that the appropriation will bo roooinmenucu uy mo iwuuiimn-. Women Who Bloat. What tr great numbor thero arei bow ..nnnmrnrlnl1n it mnkpfl tlinmi it ll al- most impossible for thoso amioted to enjoy life, In my private practice I Lava always found Sulphur Bittw to bo tho best remedy. All wiio are um tronbWd should uso It. Mas. Dr. Chiu, Boston. npr-lB 8t Arrests to he Mado on Telegrami The Houso Judiciary General Com mitteo has decided to .report favorably tho bill permitting polico officers and detectives to mako arrests on letters or UslegTams from other cities without a warrant. Tho bill was sent out some time ago with n negative recommenda tion and bad been re-committed. The committee alio decided to report afllrmativoly Senate Bill 116, mvinn attorneys a feo of $10 in all attachment' cases. The bill giving tno chlol clerk In controllers' offices and tho clerk in county commissioners' offices the right to administer an oath will also bo re ported with an affirmative recom mendation. Hood's Sarsaparilla li a peculiar medicine, ud li cirefully pre pared by roropetent pbira&clatl. Tie com bination and proportion ot Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agenta Is exclusively peculiar to nood'i Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial wilt convince you ot Its great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparilla Puriflos tho Hood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and glres strength to ererjr organ ol the body. It cures the moat serere cases ot Bcrofula, Salt ltheum, Bolls, Timples, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impuro blood than anything else I ever used." A. Bail, Syracuse, If . Y. 'Croatos an Appetite "I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse. my Llood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me oyr." K. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. F. Nixon, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoMbrtUdruKgLtf. g!ilxforfJ. Frepfttad only t; C. I. UOOD A CO., Apothcrin. Lowell, Mui. IOO Doaos Ono Dollar W." IHIIH li CI. Tho fine weather in April has brought up the carpets, and house cleaning has begun in earnest. Right at this point let us say, that the walls and ceilings of the cleaned room will need papering, wc are well fixed to show ,a fine line of plain and ornamental ceiling decorations as you might wish to see. Last week and this week have been red letter days for wall paper and window curtains. We have a window full of dado curtains, and more patterns in side which we can't show. We trim square and hem curtains any length; you select tho shades we make the curtains and hang them without extra charge. W. H. Buooke & Co. ORPHAN'S COURT' SALF OP VALUABLE Real Instate ! In pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Columbia county, PennBtlvanla, the undesigned administratrix of Henry Wolf, deceased, will sell at public solo on tho premises, on SATURDAY, APRIL 20th. 1889 at 1 o'clock p. m., of aald day tho following de scribed real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel, and lot of ground situate in the town of nioomsburg, county ot Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Fifth St., of said town, castwardly by lot of Mrs. Belle Wolf, southwardly by storncr's alley, and westwardly by lot of William A. wolf, being about seventy eight feet In front on Fifth street, and extending In depth a distance ot about one hundred and alx. ty-slx feet to Sterner alley nforesald, and of a breadth o'f about one hundred and eight feet on said alley, on which is erected a l J outbuildings. A good well of water at the door and an abundan o of choice fruit on the premises. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one fourth at the striking down ot the property, the ono-rourth less the ten per cent at tho confir mation of sale, and the remaining three-fourths in one year thereafter, with Interest from confir mation nisi, rurcnaser to pay for deed. Possess. Ion to be given April 1st, 1690. LOUISA WOLF, L. K. WiNTiBHTtiN, Atty, Administratrix. Marw OTIOE. ADiillcallon will be made to the Board of Par dons, at Its next mrular session. May mat, i&tf tor the pardon ol II. o. mine, who plead gulltv to two indictments tor fniverv. No 4 and No. IS renpoct Ively of May xesslon, 1S9M. of the County of Comm. bla and was. on the Bth. of Mav 1S8 sontencnl to two mire lmpi1vntnent, br separate and solitary c-nrtnemnt in tbo Eastet I'cnlntcntlary of A. It STINIi. llmvirK. Smith. Atty. Apr lu st UDITOH'S NOTICE. Ettate tyKUtabeth Kline, anceanea. The understrnnd auditor annolntcd br the or. rhans' court of Columbia County to make dhtrl- uuuon oi runas in me nanaaor a. it. raiier son, executor, to and among tho parties entitled t hereto, will sit at his omce in Uloomsburg, I'a. on the duties of his appointment, when and where ait peruana Having claims against saia esiata must appear and prove the same, or bo debarred from our bumu ui saia lunu. I. E. WALLER Apr IW Auditor. TmnOWS AITHAIbMENTB. The following Widow's Appralsmenta will be presented to the orphans' Court or rolurnbla county, on the first Monday ot May A. 11. im and confirmed nlvL and unlrtia exceptions are filed within four days thereafter, will be ooLflrmed ab solute: Joseph n. Keller estate, Greenwood, Realty $300.00 Andrew Kunyan estate lienton, l'ereonal- alltyllit.tH ifaliylWH) smno JamugCommonsestate, Uiooinsbunf Realty ssio.oo Cyrus Mcllenr estate Orange Personalty wo John (t JO'.es Kt, Uloomsburg. Personalty S300.00 Hamuel Longestaio, Catawlssa, 1'ernonulty (91.80. Iteoltv fJ-lT.ia 1300.00 W, K. frlu estate, Kugarloaf, IVraonalty ot.oo iieurj- won iu.u, nioomsuurv, i-emjuauy M3.10, Realty 74.0 0.00 Julius liott estate, Ilerwlclc, I'crsonalty John Kline estate, yishlnroreelc. Realty KluO.eo John IT. Fowler esuto, line, feruooalty $300.00 WM. II. BNVDKlt, Cleric a C. Clerk's office, Ulooins- a, M, ouici, Deputy, barg I'a., April lbili, lb89. CMIS O0MP0UHD. 1H.OOD, LIVKH AND ICIDNKY I'UUIFIEIt. Now U tho appoliif'd timo for tlioroutjlily clcatiBini; tno syiitem irom all iiiiiurilifH, and all will flnd that tho uurtu uonipounu win oxaouy nil mo bill. It h&ti Blood tho test of 22 years and its Hales aro largur than ever, every year. Prlco 50c. and $1.00. For Sale By JauieB II. Mercer, DRUGGIST, Di-ooiiauuiui, Pa. UHB AllHsTtBUViiaMlhal .-.I.ITIBtll 41 111 tylUtfllf vL....s kii atUitsall. IViIBfArta MarM4U J 1 EGIBTKft'fi NOTini potion Is hereby given to all I'gateui, credllnrs and other perxonalniomited in the crtatea of tho respective decedrnU and minors that the follow. ln admliMtretors' exrcu tors' guardian account have been died in the ofnv of tuo Register of col. urnbta oounty and will tin prcwutod for conn rm. mui, ait'i kiiowkocv. in ine iirpnans' LTmn 10 d held In blppmsburg, May eth, Is at o'clock tit v, nuu ua, I. The first and npl vwnnt nf n. o,nk 9.n administrator ot the Mate o. U. H. Uarcley late . Tho second and final account of Peter Echrcth executor of Solomon Kccroih late of Deaver town- Hiiip vuiamoia couniy orceasea. 3. The second snd final nivmnni Aftni.i rj.f. nCSt exeCUliir nr IhA 1a. t will .lul f,a,nn. nt wwuu Mium law ui uxnuH lownsnjp aeceasoo. 4. The first and final aooount of Charles II, E. Bower administrator of Alfred Dower late ot Cen tre township Columbia County deceased. o. The first and final iwmnt nt JsmM in. uioKwn execuioror FieaencK Illliy late of wuwu lunugiiip uuiamoia imniy oeceasea. 6. The account Of IV. P. And A. r. llllrilnn nr. ecu tors ft William IHldlne lateot Madison town biu uiiumois iraniy aeoeasoa. 7. The first and partial account of Susan RatnlUCh Guardian of Mair K. Rnrn n mlnnrrhtM of Mary Alice Enke late or Nantlcoke Luxcrne 8. Ths fimt and final atvnnnt nfjnomh w aVrmm administrator ot the estate or Daniel hole lain of Urcenwood township Columbia Oounty deceased. 9. The first and final ayvmnt. nt Jamh TWwlL lliter, executor ot Bamqei Ash, l,te of Hcott town, ship Columbia county, deceased. 10. The third And final umunl. nf Rman.ipl t- bacn, executor of John Conner late of lienton township, common county, deceased. 11. The first and rlssl account of Peter It lialri executor Of the last will snd testament ot N. li. Uarman, late of tho town of catawlssa, Columbia county, deceased. , 1 1, The first and nnal account of John A. John son, administrator ot the estate of Jesse Johnson, 'w w. nMirr lunurtuip, lAJiuiuuui couuiy, acc a. 13. The first and final account nf Krenhm Fmoer and F..K. smo er, administrator of the estate of Samuel Hmoyer, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county deceased. 14. The first and final account nf John w. lerana executor ot James Jacoby, late of the borough of 15. -The first and final account of re. n. nenm. administrator ot Ellas ueorgo, 1" te of Locust town atlp, Columbia county, deceased. 18. Ths first and final ocennnt nf .1. Alltorm Kssick, executor of Thomas U Hall, late ot Madi son township, Columbia county, deceaied, 17. The first snd final account nf XlArv Aithen. bach and Mlas Conner, executor ot t be estate ot Hamuel AchenDocb late nt Orange township; COL Co., deceased. 14. The first and final acennnt nf U'tn Krltr. baum and decree Wi i orrcll, cxwutors of (leorgo Winner, late ot Hemlock township, deceased. 19. The first and final account of Chaa. ft Kvann admlnlstratrator of the estate nf Paul Kortner lain Of the borourb of Derwlck Columbia county, de ceased. . uw 11, nw BMU U.ia. W. &UU3 .AMHIJ, Trustee ot the estate of John Jacoby lata of oiuuinsourg, tiiumoia county, ueceaseo. 21. The first ana final account of H. IL Holme. executor of the estate ot Hamuel Appleuian, law. of the township of Benton, Columbia Co. deceased. niB Hn. ..r. I.n.1 .iu.ii., ...I.h tl ......... exicutor of the estate or Isaac Mower, lato of miarcrecK townsnip com nhla oiunty aeceased. SI The first and final account of Ilenrv J. Mr. Ewen, admlnlsirator of MartMrrt late of ureenwood township, Columbia county, deceased. S4. The first and final account nf Jcm. W. Kreii. administrator ot Joseph nnoemaker. lato ot Pino township, Columbia county, deceased. a. The account of Isaac Hewitt, administrator ot the estate Isaac 11. l'Atton. late or creenwrnifi township Columbia county, deceased. 20. The first and fi al account of ina. V. Kvea. administrator ot the estate ot John MlUer, lato of Mt, Pleasant township Columbia county, deceased. St. The first and final account nr f). It. Jacknnn. aamlolstrator or the estate of Stephen Thomas, lato of Urtarcrcck township, Columbia county, deceased. SB. The first and final account nf Mattle Am. merman, administratrix ot the estate of Albert Ammerman, lale ot Flshlngcreck township, Col umbia county, deceased. C. H. CAMPBELL. Apr. l! Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. OP VALUABLE Real Estate! By virtue of sundry write issued out ot the Cou-t of common Pleas, of Col Co., ra., and to me di rected there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, nioomsburg, on FRIDAY, MAY 3rd. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. m. All that certain in of ground situate In the township of Conyngham, Columbia county, Fa., being lot No. U, bounded and subscribed as fol lows, to-wit : on the north by lot of William Crawley! on the south by lot ot John Oerrlty dee'd. on the east br Catawlssa rood leading to aahland on the west by con taining twe ity-five feet front on public, road and extending back two hundred feet In depth, where on are erected a Frame Houso and stable. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of the Citi zens Building Loan Association of Centralla, vs. John Crone, and to bo sold as the property of John Crane, FI. Fa. ilarr, Attorney, ALSO. at the same time and place. All that certain lot or piece ot ground situate In Borough ot Centralla, Columbia Co., Pa., on the west aide of Locust Aveuue bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the east by Locust Avenue on the south by lot ot Mary chapman and Maria Hagerty, on the north by lot ot O. O, Murphy and on the west by on alley containing in width or breadth la front on Locust avenue twenty-five feet (M) and extending of that width or depth or length wostwardly one hundred and forty feet(l0) to an alley, being the lot which Is marked on the map or plan of centralla with the number 111 In block tenty-ntne(9) and beln the same pre mises which Edward Hagerty by deed made the tb. day ot August A. D. 1W4, and recorded In the office for recording deeds. Ho., at Bloomsburg In and tor the county of Columbia, in deed book, vol ume 3t, page us, 4c., whereon are erected a Frame House and outbuildings. Belted, taken In execution at tho suit ot the Miners and Laborers Having Fund Association vs James Hagerty and his wife .Maria Hagerty In right ot said wife and to be sold as the property ot James and Maria nageriy. ' Lev. Fa, Marr, Attorney. ALSO, at the same place on MONDAY MAY Gib, 1889. at s o'clock p, m. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In tho Borough of Berwick, :colurobla county. I'a.. on the northwest corner ot l'lne and nocond streets bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin nlngattho corner of l'lne and Second streets thenco by Pine street one hundred and thlrty-ono and a halt fe-t, more or leas, to tbo land belong ing to the Jackson t Woodln Manufacturing Com pany thence by sarao on a line parallel with So cond street nlnety-nlae feet to a corner and from thence one hundred and tklrty-ono and a halt feet, more or less, to Second street thence by second street ninety-nine feex to the corner, tho placo of beginning, on whjch are erected a large Itrlck Building used as an earthenware factory, a large i-ot mm, Frame ware House, Frame stable and outbuildings. seized, taken In exocutlon at the suit ot 11. & Vivas vs. o. A. Becker and to be sold ag the prop erty of C. A. Becker. . . H- Va. Jackson, Atty. ALSO, At the same place on SATURDAY, MAY llth, 1889. at S o'clock In the afternoon. All that cortalu lot or parcel of land situate In the township ot Jackson, Columbia county and stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, fi-wltt Beginning at a chestnut, thence by land ot Kllas Mendenball, north twenty-throe degrees east one hundred and five perch, s and four-tenths to a post, thence south seventy-throe and one half degrees east seventeen and two tenth perches to a pos'; thence -orth twenty-three degrees cast thirty six and one-tenth perches to a post thence by land of south seventy- three and one-halt degrees cast nlnety.four and seven-tenths perches to a post ; thence by land of and Wlluom Brink south teven- teen degrees west one hundred and forty and one- half perches to a ipost thenue by land of Irani Derr north seventy three and one-halt degrees, west one hundred and twenty-seven and two tenths perches to the place ot beginning ; contain ing one hundred acres strict measure be the same more or less, whereon are erected a Uwellog House and outbuildings. Seized, token In execution at the suit of Albert Williams vs. Joshua lildlar, and to be sold as the property ot Joshua Bldlar, IX Fa. Herring Att'y. JOHN a CASEY, Sheriff. l.OOMnllUltO HKUXIK NOTICE. nil la herebr eiven that on renuest and an. fillcation of a number ot the stockholders In the itoninhhunr Rrldra Comnanr. a meeting of thu corporators Is hereby called to assemble at Han. mans' Hall In Bloomsburg on Thursday tho utb day ot April, A. D. 1MV, at 3 o'clock p. m ot said day for the purpose of considering the propriety of petitioning the court of Common Pleas ot Col. utsbla county tor a dissolution of -aid corporation. J.J. BHOWKR, Chairman ot tbe late meeting of Corporators. oprWt wWaUftINVI1BLKftoundOIa ;f u ai aal lu muImSum sm i"." ttssiatfA' AftAiM.aVUtisIil.ft. . - at. . . A . t a oil Jatlaii fel IFIFJaKl A NNUATj BTATF.MnNT 'of 11)0 Town otDloonwburjr, for tb9 year ending JAMKS 8. wILmon. Treasurer for teas, in account with the town ot Bloomstmrg. ca. To cash from B I VannatU for mer Treas. $ M 19 To cash from Newton Boone col- lec-jiT for is4 m It To cash from a A Herring, county Trras on license... (44 00 To cash from l a Uarman Prest. show licenses and fines...,. MOO To rash from P 8 Uarman itm. rower permits. IWOO To cash from M C Woodward, collector tor 1'84 1(3 31 To cash from M C Woodward, Collector tor I8W SCE0 07 1 To cash rrom M rt Woodward, collector forlSM 7. WO 00 To cash irom sundry persons for removing rubbish etc.. II si To cash fmm state tax on bonds 44 31 To amount of tax roll tor -is?., ttrsos IU4J8 87 ca. By runt of orders pd during the year. SKIS 00 coupons paid during the year. 64704 " oonas psiaauruigtne year viz: Bond No n... tno no " " 14 " " 7S " " 1 ' " W " " Kl " " 100 . " ' IIS ...,.... ' " IM ' " 131 " " 141 , BO Do H0 OS an (0 an 09 2(1000 1M0L 160 CO noooo 3COOO IWOO- $2070 00 By amount of M O Woodward. Collector for 1R, being mount uncollected bjTreaa on tax roll for f. 54 II Uy amt ot Treasurers commiss ion on licwjjot in per .cent 181 M Bal In bands or Treasurer 19 JaiocsS Wilson, Treasurer, as to eewer construc tion. s. To amount received from bonds cegouatea tsooooo en. By amount otsowerorderspald S9oM By amount of Treasurer's com. mhnlon on tnos.riS a l per .cenu mm Bal In hands ot Treasurer SOW 39 teoooco Newton Boone, Collector for 18S4. DK. To bal on duplicate ot ISM. r2St 44 CB. By cash paid Jaa. 8 Wilson, rwau iwita Bal due. VI 29 S334 49 M O Woodward, Collector for IBas. DK, To bal on duplicate 1IM03 ca. By addillonal exonerations al- lowed.. 10 69 By cash paid James 8 Wilson Trea 4J tIMCS M C Woodward, Collector for 1ST. DR. To bal on duplicate 51J96i ex. By exonerations allowed. 13957 By cash paid J 8 Wilson Treas. tttlO 07 sties S4 It c Woodward, Collector for 18s?. DR. To amount ot duplicate tSM It . CB. Hyamt paid J 8 Wilson Treas.. 900 oo uai nuc looQic 2M1 RECEIPTS. Amt fmm B V Vannatta former Treas M 19 Amt from Newton Boone on dupori8S4 1M10 Amt from Cl Herring, county Treas on licenses. 6S4 OO Amt from I 8 Uarman, Prest. show Menses and fines. 68 00 Amt fro-" I 8 Harman I'rest. for sewer permits ...... 18000' Amt from M 0 Woodward, col lector for isss. ill 34 Amt from M O woodward, col lector for i&a7 SOMor Amt from M C Woodward, col lector for 1881. 900 CO Amt from sundry persons on accounts II 21 Amt from state tax collected on bonds 44 31 Amt reo'don tax roll for '88.... C8I890 Amt from C W Miller, In pay ment of acct airalnst the steam EL. Co 74 es time sf CA0000 Amt reed on bonds Issued Total 117110 8S DISBURSEMENTS. monwAYB. Amt paid on road account.. ... SJMtl Amt paid viewers In changing Llgb- street road. 2100 Amt paid M A and Harriet Paul damages In opening Eighth street. 100 CO Amt paid IW McKelvy in widen ing Port Noble street. 200 CO Amt paid O W Stiller tor placing lime stone spawl on Fifth sr. In payment of acct airalnst the Bloomsbunr Bream K L Co. 74 f COH8TiLX AND TOUCI. Amt pUd M o Woodward Town Constable.. .. N Amt paid M O Woodward, serv ing notices, etc s' Amt paid Wesley Knorr, former police. ( Amt paid B B Freas, Chief of ollce .7. .... 81 Amt paid sundry persons, as sistant police CS SXWERIOX. Amt p aid J A Hutchlns Co for sewer pipe IK Amt paid sundry persons tor services, en l! Amt paid Wm Krtckbaum, damages houso by blast .... 1 Amt paid freight on sewer pipe The following Items are on sew er construction i t 7704 11M73 SIHIB mt paid o w Miller on con tract Amt paid Samuel Neyhard en gineer - Amt paid sundry persons for 8110 ST 2V7SO 1500 snntlnir .. Amt paid Henna Canal Co for Sutting sewer through un-. er canal FIRS DinXTMI'KT. Amt pd rent tor friendship Co to April 1, 1889 Amt pd rent for Friendship Co to April 1, 1839 49T SO) 39187 SO 00) woo $100 00 30 00 14 00 490 75 48 25 $9320 to 00 814 Amt paid on account ot Rescue Hand L Co, vizi To I W Ilartman rent to April I, To ugj8 Hughes rent to Aug To V. w. ituuyon sundries for truck To c H Furman sundries To Stiff Maloy repairing hose carriage. Amt paid appropriation to Wi nona Fire Co Amt pat i the Eureka Hose Co tor couplings wxtxr nsrasTHENr Amt paid itloomsburtr Water Co for use of 41 hydrants at 20per hydrant (US DiriKTMENT. Amt paid Uloomsburg Oas Co tor supply ing 4! posts with gas at f 1.7a per post, per month . UISCILLAMKOUS. Amt pild Moyer Bros rent tor lockup to. Junel. I'M Amt pild for rep'rlng stov in lock.up. Amt paid o E Elweil 8 mo rent for coun cil room to Oct 1,1 sa. . Amt paid I'ctrtkln Blllmeyer pant for pound t April 1. Ifc84 Amt paid Pentlcr, (larrlson and tanker. Auditors tor 1887 Amt paid C II Campbell recording rele ases Amt paid J C Brown publishing annual statement and ordinances Nosj?, St and 40 Amt paid Elweil c Bit tenbender. publish ing ordtnan'-ea Noa 38, 41 ana a, and annual statement and printing town laws Amt paid wm. Krtckbaum publishing an nual statement and ordinances Nos 41 and 4, etc , Amt paid 8 F Peacock. Notary Public, taking acknowledgm'nta on releases . Amt paid a M Drinker repairing lock on council room door. Amt paid W II Brooke Co for station ery Amt paid Daniel Leaoock serving notices, eto. ., Amt paid Central Telephone Co Amt paid M I! Cox posting ordinances No I'Jand 43 Amt paid Daniel Leacock bervlng tax notices ... amt paid K II Yordy for H dozen tax boika .. Amt paid Samuel Neyhard services as Amt paid' Samuel Neyhard pTepartng'iui statement Amt paid Samuel Neyhard services as engineer, 1900 00 9 100 SO 00 400 4S00 1800 IS 00 11 75 woo M75 30 SO 3 5 60 810 380 83 360 1UC0 J75 00 SO 00 SG8 69 1187 84 OTUIX rATUlMTS. Paid on account of orders out standing lzi Forl8.i5 , i i For isso For 1897 Paid interest on overdue order No oo -.. Paid interest on overdue bonds Nos 73. 74,70,91, !, n, 100 and 180 823 83 78 a SOW 73 31494 84 313 150(3 45 43 11070 00 fald state ts x on bonds Paid bonds Paid coupons of 1S87 .. f. MRU 133 20 D13S4 f 01104 Commission to treas.,.. Hal In hands of Treas .. 1M04 807155 -f 8M4CI Deduct orders outsunilng. . . Leaves amt equal to reota.... 1S1ST. Balance on duplicate ot ist . . isaa Due from sundnr Demons i u an..... " estate ot J U Uarman for sewer permit..... Due from U. W. Sterner for sewer permit Balance la bands of neu ' " on sewer acct., WW or LIABIUT1M, 118390 S3 1413 ea I 17113 8 WW K5414 19 07 10 00 to or rcuciio rttr. Bond due Aug 1, iw- ' lew... " " 1MI-. . " "in " le. -. ' " 1S94-..., " ii, " " " 1897-.... " " 1WU.... - 1891..... " ' lf)0 I90t ..... " 1TO...... ' " 190X..... mi..., " "i9oa.... " " im, " 1907 " 1908.... fOOo 8fl004 low 00 101 OS 1100 00 114000 I now 131000 1770 00 1420 00 1300 00 109000 eto oo eeooo esooo 72000 70100 107000 440 00 41000 118970 00 Orders outstanding for 1834... " " " IMm. " " " 1847..,. ' ' 1888.... amount retained from O W Mil ler, contractor, being to per vent on newer constructed.. 39(3 41 (9 1413 M 834 47 179 13 SS3C9 30C034 , $MTI4 124207 4S Couponsotl887unpalL..... .. "1884 " . Amount required to complete sewer extension, esuaiau.'a, Amount brought forward., imiutv assets HIW Net Indebtedness 119350 39 We the underrtpied Auditors of the Town of ninnmrhufv met Thnrwlav and Frldar. the 28th and 2rtu daya of March, tsay. ond uo hereby certi fy that we have examl eatbe fregoteg accounts and statements and find them correct and do ap- Srrveoflne same. We further report that we ud the Public Archives of the Town are unpro tected from fire for w ant of a safe an) we urge the Council to prfvure one, and we recommend that the minutes 09 properly inaeawi. J. 8. BLUE, 1 8. F. PEACOCK, V A. N. YOST, J Auditors. W. H. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Are acents for Julius King's celebrated spectacles. The best in the world. Hundreds ot pairs to select from and a fit guaran teed. During the Holiday's trade we sold dozens of pairs of these celebrated goods,and as far heard from all are satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change for others, suited to their eyes. JUllORS FOH MAY TERM. All must be at the Court House;Monday, May eth, 1819, at 10 o'clock a. ra. Beaver lacon Kry. Berwick oeo. Walp, V-. J. Knorr, Don W. Hol ly. 8. e. Hanly. Ill em-Dartd Edwards Jr., Clinton sterling, II. W. Kahler. Wesley Shutt, W. E. Knorr. Catawlssa J oa. Strieker. centre-Jos. Miller, Arthur Creasy. Conyngham Henry Wh ttake. Oreenwood Chas. Dlldlne, J. Wesley Albcrtson, XL n Oilme-i. Jackson F, U. Parker. Madison John It. Stout, John Stetler. Mam--William Iiemley. Mimin Wm. llamcL j. w. Creasy. hcott -A. p. llowelL rpitAVEnBE JUUOH8, 1ST WEEK. All must appear at the Court House Tuesday May 7th li9 at o'clock a. m Beaver John Hawk Sr. Benton L P. Kitchen. Berwick IL B. Freas, It. 0. Crispin, Le grand Jacoby. Bloom J. J. Lawall, Wm. Webb. Brlarcreek Silas E. Moyer, Isaac Martz, Wm. Lamon. catawlssa Harman Young. J. C. :Reedr, John K. Werner, o. B. Rhawn. Centralla Lee Ooorge. Centre John Miller. W. Bnckalew, Levi BelshUne, Moses McUenry, Is- Franklin Fronds Ealy, B. W. Recder. Jackson Caivtn Derr. Locust Leander Btuig, Samuel Camp. Mlfflln-M. C. Hess. Montour Arthur Roberts, Samuel Brochus. Mr. Pleasant Clark Beagle. Oringo-John WeLsh. Isaac Kline. Mtt-C. B. Kot, It. vv. Ent. Sugarloaf Thomas smith. SECOND WEEK. Beaver C. II. Rittenhouse. Benton Howard welliver. Berwick Wm O. Rook, Jeremiah McMurtne. Bloom Wm. Ilartman, Noah enter, John a. Cox, Frank Cavanee, E. M. Crawford. Brlarcreek M. II. Petty, Enoch Hlttenhocse. centre-iL c. Barton, Allen J. shelihammer, Isaac Whltmlre. , conyngham Michael Brown. Flablngcreek Wm. Kramer. Franklin Jeeae John. Oreenwood II. A. Lemon, Jacob Utt. Jackson-P. C. Yorka, Daniel Stephens Locust Isaac Hester, Daniel Rang, Jos. Belber, j. d. w. j-ua. Mifflin Henry Nuas, leremlah Yohe. Montour Emanuel Lazarus, ML Pleuaut Thos. Mcllriao, Jos. Ikeler. orange--Jonathan Poust. Roarfngcreek John Mourey. Pine Ellas Watts, John Kessler. Scott Francis Heck, 11. IL Brown. A DMINISTRATOH'S NOTICE. Ettate of Jama DMlnt, late at UadUxm tommMp, Cotumtiln county, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate of James Dlldlne, late of tbe township of Madison, county nf Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to "Vealey Mldl'ie of Jerseytown, Columbia county Fa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to WESLEY DILDINE. Apr. 13 I'. O. Jerseytown, Col. Co. Pa. N OTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the following ac count has been filed In the court ot Common Pleas of Columbia County, and will be presented to tbe Bald Court on the arst Monday or May A. D. lf9 and confirmed nlst, and unless Exceptions are Hi ed within four days thereafter, will be continued absolute: I. second account ot Samuel E. Smith, Trustee of the bequest or John E. Fowler, deceasod. to tbe poor ot llrlarcreelcTwp. Columbia county. Pa. WH. n. HNYDKlt, Proth'y's office, April 8, 1669. Froth notary. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE EASTON, PA. FOUUCOUKSES. ATK. For Catalogue, apply to J. H. M. KNOX, 0. D., IL. D Pres't. It. Bros. Apr, HMt, II. 1..U ..AIlC, ClAlIC, KlllAH'lNil, tl.lltP And Muscular Pains and weaknesses, Hack Ache, Cteilao and Chest palne.rellertd In one minute by gt Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster1 only lns'antaneous paln-kllllng strengthening plaster, tacts: 6 for si. At druggists, or ot rot ter Drug and Chemical Ca, I)03ton BTTIT Plmples,blaclihead, chapped andftV WfJ XT lul oily skin cured by Cutlcura soap. IT JJ &U Apr, 121-tt CATARRH Th?::tfn 1 auy itatia, cutor ehronlc, fa lllay Pevr or Cold In liead.riuiJ. rjment, A lawyer who had Catarrh l1 vrm. dlsoovera a cur which It ' raw irlvrri ta thn world. Mo co caine or harmful aubatanc No nulT ordouoha. Eajt. aafa. nrrto atila. bna ror circular whu Dome laiumomau. Boorea cured. Dnufgltf. 1 rnall, 50a i mall, r glaterad, 80c. PAYW fi A CO Atium. la. Apr. U-ML toMEIu"SRfliIKh.Wu"ufo5 UEU.A.KCOTT.Ntw Ink C1I, Apr, 184-tt WANTIIO.- Permanent era- II!. ll lOPloiment and good salary or commission. Address A. P. FltATT, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y, Apr. Vi a-u irK.aMF m wm i WHITE AT ONOK FOU OUH ' New Spring and Summer (Illustrated) fashion unwn AND PRICE LIST. Mailed Free to any Address. E. 0. THOMPSON, Tailor OlotUIer Importer, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. -SP11HG OPIHUHG I. MAKE'S, The Meltable .doMer. Why are we doing the largest Clothing and Hat trade in Bloomsburg? Good reason for it you may be sure. Wc keep the best and most fashionable goods, and prices aro ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all its appointments and equipment.". Our stock is NEW, BRIGHT and The Largest Clothing and BLOOMSBUKG MARKET. -:o:- Wholesale. Retail. Wheat per bushel Rye " " Ccrti " " .... Oats " " Flour " bbl liuttcr Eggs Potatoes Hams Dried Apples 81de Bbnuldcr Chickens Geese Lard por lb Vinegar per gal OdIous per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb Hides 50 CO - 32 45 0 00 24 20 12 U 40 . CO 12 15 03 05 08 10 10 12 7 10 10 12 20 SO 7i 1 00 07 35 S to 7 COAL ON WllAKF. No ! 2.00; Nos 2. 3, i Lump itS.S-l No 58.00 Ilitiiralnus $S.2S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. FMate of Kit Barton, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlstra tlon de bonis nm, with tbe will annexed on the estate of Ell Hart n, deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to said esta'e are re quired to make payment, forthwith; and those having claims aio to present tnem for settlement. JOHN O. FUEEZK, March W 15S9. Administrator, d. b. n. c. t. a, Col. Jreezo gives notice further, that claims re maining unpaid more than 90 days wl 1 be collect ed by suit In nioomsburg, as the estate must be settled up at once. JOHN O. FREEZE. DMINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph a. Keller late of Green'twxJ loioi thtp, Columbia County Ifnmulauita, aeemtea. Notice la hereby given that letters ot adminls. tratlon on the cstato or Joseph o. Keller, late of (ireenwo'd town-blp, omnty of Columbia, and state or Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to D. T. Keller, to whom all persons Indebted to aid estate aro req tested to make payments, and those having slalms or demands will make known tho same without delay. Jiar2f 11. T. KELLER, orangevlllo, To. Administrator. AMENDMENT TO TOE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Commonwealth by the "oneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election to be held June is. 1SW. pub lished by order of the secretary of the common wealth, in pursuance ot Article XVHI of the con stltutlon. Joiut resolution proposing an amendment to tbe Constitution or this commonwealth : Sxction 1. lie It resolved by tho senate and nouso ot Representatives of the commonwealtu ot Pennsylvania In oeneral Assembly met. That tbe following amendment Is proposed to tbe Con stitution of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, in accordance with the BghteenthArttclethereot: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Con. suiuuon wi oe ueaigmueu as Article XIX, as lol lows: ARTICLE XIX, The manufacture, sale, or keenlncr fnr aninnf Intoxicating liquor, to be used as a beverage, Is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this pro hibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as tUltm piu luru vj law. The manufacture, salo. or keeDincr tnr raIa nr in. toxlcatlni; llauor for other nurooKpa than n a beverage may be allowed In such manner only as may be prescilbtd by law. The General Assembly shall, at the first session succeeding the adoption of this article nf ttie constitution, enact laws Willi auequaui pcuamtn iur ii entorcemenl. A true copy ot the Joint ltesolui ion. CHARLES W. STONE, Secretary ot the Commonwealth kLY'S Catarrh Cream Ealm Cleanbej the Nasal I'asi-ages, Allays 1'utn nml Inilammutliin, Heals tliu Bnrcs. Htotorcs tho Senses of Tustu iind r'mcll. TBY THE OUREHAY-EEVER A particle U applied into each nostril, and Is agreeable, I'rlco&ocent at Druggists: by mall registered. 60 eta. KLi UltoTlIKKH, U Warren "treet. New York. 'Apr 18 d-4t FARMS TaTTCTl?0" Climate and uuut Location in i He Bouth J.F. mancua, ciaiemont Va. Apr m u u CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS sis CS033 lux'.sn suas. Ak mr iiiruniri HHgliak U)mena Bran 4, la im .lailw aeaJiHl with lilutrkb ton. At 1'rutfgUtA. Atwpt lxrJ imxm. pink wm iri. u 4tN i ... f Utur. Ly rcturu nmXU lO.OOO tcatl Chlchetw UenilcalCo,Mai!UonK(i.JriilIaVa. Anr. i2-ti. A W 1 -?"7W XT -OF- -AT- and comprehensive, and always we will maintain tho position of "FAIR DEAMNG." RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER. Hat Store in Columbia and Montour Counties. BARGAINS Watches and Silverware. O- O O -u- -0- o j The finest lino of Gentlemen's Watches ever in Bloomsburg. In Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches, vc will not bo undersold. A very fine line of SOLID SILVER BRACELETS. All goods sold engraved free of charge. Kepairing of all kinds done neatly, jjromptly, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Columbian Building:, Uloomsburg, Pa. Largest Block of Carpcti in the County at W". HI. BROWBR'S Latest Styles, Newest Patterns in Velvets, Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, &c. A full line of Cocoa ami Canton Mattings. The best WIRE FOOT MAT in the Market. Bloomsburg Pa. For Your' SPRING SUITS go to LOWENBERG'S, The Oldest Mereisiinit s f afitorieg COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bloomsburg Pa. Ut Uou t oost rnuoh at the prices we sell them. The. press in out is 10x1 ing -ovory one tested at 10,000 pounds, ind hanrlsome finish. ' COPYING BOOKS. 300 pagee, S 05 500 1 00 700 " l 25 1000 " j 70 BE METHOD THAT. HOSiciNS im.w Avii7iTtTTT??rrM,""""""MJ systematic flling or U Mk Ta, d roferrod to at a glanoo. EVKRY OPtfiftw wiri.'ir ogae of Station It 1 , At! ln ?, i ' St kSLM-U CataloguH Wm. H. ' ' ' -IN- o l-0- -(I- -0- o- o- o- COPYING BRUSHES. From 25o. to 75o. caoh. Our Patent Keser voir, COo. Bowls, 15o., 25a, 40a, 50p. apTrsTf alffidfL TT1 1 P Indl!' to w,liuh tue7 can bo t-.... '-eourCa t0 P?V postaRe, wo geud samples of our L of. Engraving, and our IllnstrateJ of Stat bnerv. HosMllS CO., TUo Uog Stationers, ; w Aru bu, ruiladelphu.