0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, t. Fiurz ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Okkioe Front R,.ora, Orot Poutoffiou. flLOOMSIlUItO, PA. J 11. MAIZE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE and HEAL JiiTATE AGENT, Okkiok. ltoom No. 2, " Colcmiuan building. 11LOOA1S11UHO, 1'A. Jan.vutnissa.tf. Ttf U.l'UNK, ATTORNIi" T-AT-LAW. Offloo ta inn Building. BWimmm.Pa J OHM M. CIjAKK, " " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUoTlOE OF THE PEACE. Uloombbdso, l'A omce overMojerllros. Drugstore. ' ATTOHNKT-AT-LAW Offleoln Brewer's bulidlng.aecond noor.rooia No,l Bloomtfburir, Pa. I FKANK ZAKB, ' ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. BloomBburg, Pa. Office corner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clark i uuuuiuk. Can be oonsultod In German ,Q-E0- E. ELWELL ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, llLOOUSBDIiO, Pa. Ofllce on second Uoor, third room of Col dm man llulldlns, JIulu street, below Ex. change Hotel. pADL E. WHIT, -Attornoy-at-Law. Office In Colchdiam Bcilmno, Third noor. BLOOMSBURQ, PA. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLUOMSBURQ, PA. lOfflce In Wlrts' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf 8. INORB. L, e. W1MT1BSTXIH. KNOKIi & W1NTERSTEEN, Attorneya-at-Law. omce lu 1st National Bank building, second floor, first door to the left. Corner ol Main and Market streets Bloomrt urg, ra. V&lJensiont and Bounties Collected. F.1'- BILLMEYEIt, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WOfllco over Dcntlcr's shoo store, Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-30.80. jy. H. 1U1AWN. ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. Catawleaa, Fa. oaoe.oomer ot Third and Malnstreeta Q.KANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-A r-LAW, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Ofllce oyer ltawllng's Meat Market. TyjIOHAEL F. KYERLY, .Conveyancer, Collector of 'Claim I AND LEGAL ADVICE IN TOE SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, Jtc: tirotnco In Dentler's building with F. P. Bill mcyer, attorney-at-law, tront rooms, 2nd floor Bloomsburg, Pa. apr--8. It. UONOKA A. KOBBIN9. omco and resldenco, West First street, ulooms- hurg, ra. novas 88 iy.- JB. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon andPhy .stelan, north side Main Btrect.belovr Market rB, J. O. KUTTEB, PHYSICIAN SUKOBON, omce, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa DR. WM. M. REBEIt Burgeon and Physician. Ofllce cornor of Bock and Market ESTABLISHED 1870. J. J. BROWN. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office and residence on Third street near Metho dist church. Diseases ot the, eye, a specialty. JQR J. It. EVANS. Treatment of Chronio Diseases mado a SPECIALTY. Office, Third Street, Bloomsburq Pa J HESS, D. V. S., (ftaduate ot the Philadelphia Denial College, Having opened a dental ofllce In LOOKARD'S BUILDING, corner of Main ana centre streets, - - . . . w w w t v nA e prepared to receive all patients requli ng pro- CSC1UUU1 nun ifTiiirii OAS. AND LOCAL ANAESTHETICS admlnlsieredforthe painless ejctraotion of teeth free of charge when artlflclal teeth are inserted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. ociawy. w n. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bioomsburq, Columbia County, Pa lUtyleeot workdonelna superior manner.work warrauieaaa roiJiwujuwu. ' I id wiinODi Pain by the use of a as, and free of onargawnenarttaclalteeth ata Inserted. tM n..nt. l,iitlriln(r Main street. below Market, ttvo doors below Klelms drus store, nm noor. Jo be open at all hours during the rfaj B, F. H.ARTMAN BirasaiNTS tbi roixowiMO AMERICAN INBUnANCE;COMPANIEB North Amertoan of rhlladelphla. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. Y. 8ueens,of London, ortb British, ot London. Office on Market street, No, I, Bloomsbnrg. OCt. 14. 1- e Bloomsburg Fire andLifelns. Agency. ESTABLISHED IStJS. (Successor to Freas Drown) COUrANIXS BKrSESXNTID: Assets .tn vim inn. Co.. of nartrord... 19.62S.aKau? Hartford ot Hartford b,shh.60.V7 Phoeilaof Hartford 4,ITS'6913 fiprtngneld of Springfield s,oai.(kAW Fire Aaaoclation, Philadelphia 4,e,?s.i nuardl&n ot London 20,iui3,8ss.7l Phcanlk, of London , 6.W1.6C3.18 Lancashire Of KuglandtU. 8, branch) l.MJ.m 00 Royal ot England " " ,MS,W4.00 Mutual Henent Lite Ins. Co. ot New. ark, N.J i,H,?M9a flosses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. H. MAIZE, Ofllce 2nd floor Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool londou and Globe, largest In the world. IMPERIAL of London, CONTINENTAL of New ork, AMERICAN Ot Philadelphia, NIAGARA of New York, use I, iH tr, 19,6Mj,47CI0 my i7.M . E. ELWELL, . , . K BIXTENDEMDEB, "'I'Mcn. scoTrs EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL &2ffi HYPOPHOSPHITE3 Almost as Palatablo as Milk. So dlignL.d that It can ba lali.n, dleeitcd, and aa.lmllat.d by th moil nsltlve stomaeli, nrhsn the plain oil cannot ! tol.rat.dt nnd by tlm ton. blnatlon ofth. all wttti the hvpophes phltei Is much more efficacious. Btnurkable M a flesh produter. Perwus gain rapidly while tiling It, SCOTT'S EMULSION la acknowledged bj PhvsiciatiB to bo the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and enre ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERi. DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCH8. The great remedy for OonsumpUan, and Wasting in Children, Sold by all Druggist. Bept SD-'SS-ly J. W. CUSICKi . ryrmont, Ohio, writes! 11 1 feel that I can not rec ommend Or.Seth Arnold's Cough Killer I too highly. Would not bo wUhout.lt. Druggists, zsa, 60e, and tl.o I CURE FITS! When I say Cnnc I do not mean merely to fitop thfm lor n time, and then hae them re turn again. 1 mean A KAIHCAJj CUUK. 1 hao mado tho disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY ov FALLING- SICKNESS, A llfe-long study. I warkast my remedy to Curu the vroret ensos. Rpcauso others bavo failed Is no reason for not nowreeeivinp a cure, bend at once fur a treatise and a Free Iiottle of my 1NVAI.LIULK Kf.medv. Give Kxpress and root Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, snd it will cure you.. Address H.C.ROOT, M.C., 1 83 Peasl St.. New York mm lnewunucKhUL LUBURG chair Gomblalnjc a Parlor. Ltfcrirf. Smok fit. RSCHllll. livilld CHAIR. LOUHCr. BCD twm a.ui and . asja.l.kl.. Ricllllia, rtlllclao' i.s ..riH.i' vetr.ii.a, invaua 'ciCirpit r.l.lij,Ru aiil flatiaa CHAIRS nnd ROCKERS BICVCLES.TRICYCLES, VE LOCIPEDES and SELP PROPELLERS. All KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. RABY riOACHES OTtr ICO different dMirni. Oar fa lilt Aattmatlc Brake on all dr. riaaet, free, w Hats OisoodUduM jholiwilinf t bf plAclng your orders duert itvtral profit. fith the makers rou can mv rtrotiU. Onr iLuhina nnri cod spwoial llarvalos will atttoniib, and dalirared frre to any point in fi'ti. Goods sold under a guarantee i (( ou4. m.r onu euunp sow OtUlognie, and tat olaas of cooda LUBURC MFC. CO. 14fl North Elchth Htrcet. Philadelphia, Pa. IT ameiii l-aTal mm KNOW THYSELF. Till!) C9GX33IVOEI OF XiTTiX' A Scleiultlcaud standard Popular Medical Treatise o Iho Errorsof Youth, Prernaturolecliue,Nfrone iml rhyeical Debility, lmpurltlts of the Blood, saii!iinin;.ii.i3!;j ' - ' Hi Hiltirittirom Polly, Vice, Idnorauce, Kxct'.ni 01 'ttfrtaxutlon, Kuenatlng aud nnllttlDK the Uttiu for Work, Builnr.e, tho Murrlcd or Social Iteljtlou. Aold unskilful pretenders, possess this ureal work, it contains 300 pages, rojalSvo. Ilenutlhil binding, embossed, full silt. Price, only Jl.lO by mail, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illtis tnitivo Prospectus Free, If jou apply now. The ilisllngnl.lird anthor, Wm. If. 1'arWr. M. I)., ic i'eleil the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Aesrclxtl-n. for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS anil PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may bo consulted, eonri. Icntlally, by mall or in person, at the .lllre oi run i'i:Ait(iiY mi:iic.u. institute. Nil. 1 llninnrli ht Itnston, Mils., 10 whom nU srUers fn( buoks or letter, for mhtce .hould be directed as nbovo. MADE WITH BOiLING WATER, EPPS'S . GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH DOILING MILK. D RS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK Medical and Surgical Omce, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA ):STAllLISIiKI 40 YHAllfl Pv' tha treatment of Ynutliful Iioprmleiioe, lessor Vtgnr, Nrnit ntilllly and Hprelal Dix'ii.rs, Cnniultntbi'i hyJnalHroerclm'Bo, It oh Ssnt re Ml ;tt W- A M.IO'!F.5!.,.Tinm CI '!' Mayl.P-t-co.iy' KXCHANGE HOTEL, t7. r. tdbbs, proprietor SL00U3BUEa,PA. OPPOS1TKOOORT HOUSB Laree anil convenient sample rooma. Uatb room botaua cola water; and all modern convtuonca Exchange Hotel, HENTON, l'A. ThA nnriprttlirnpfl ha. lAnMOd this WOll.knoWn house, and Is prepared to accommodate the public ays7l LEMUEL DltAKB, Proprietor OHAS. L.COLBY I land CoV O.X.H. U1LW AUUEli, Wlf. I PeMJ.L4T.fr. mm too wish It for. CHAS. L, COLBY L,r.....VM lie BLOOMSBURG, PA.-, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1889. itK ci. a i Wc once were factlotis, fierce, and wild, To pcnccftit ait5 unreconciled; Our blankets smeared with grease and stains From buffalo meat and settlor' veins. Through summers dust nnd heat content, From moon to moon unwashed wc went; Hut IvoitY Soap came like a ray Of lij'ht across our darkened way. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many wh'U sians, each represented to be "just as good as the 1 Ivory' j " they ARE NOT, but like ail ccun'crfeits, lack tha peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. A:l f.r " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. ropyrlcht 1'. ly 25 CTS. 5 for $1.00 or mailed for price. '1 In LOTHING ! CLOTHING 6. W. BERTS CH, THE MEHUITANT TAILOR. GsnU9 Furnishing Goods,Hais & Gaps OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice ami a (it always guaranteed or no sale. Oa'l and examine tho largest aud best aelceted stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Btore next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg: Pa. WILLI&M HAET BLOOKSBUEG, PENN'A., AGENT FOlt TIIK KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufactruersor the celebrated Kejttone Dyna rcltH. ' Tula explosive IB kiviu; universal aaviuai. tlon Quotations cnrerrully given. AnslS7 DR. THEEL CQO frOHTII FOIliTH SlULKT, Wf OretB, ltrf4pkJllMi, o4 WKanttb only Kfiutar leedloif tpeeUlUt Doniterwhat oih.r M.Ffilioi) U. rear Kreetlcal and Kuropeeit lloaplUl Experience M SPECIAL DISEASES AND I1LUOD POISON i nOTH SKX, InMrtiBl reB or ol1, t-:itUk- .TIONH. UU)TC1IKS. 1IMILEbV OIlrttlNATK ebatreeUD. Iaflammatlon of Klduey, liUddrr aadaUerorraRit 'lhratt:ffMtln,MeUneblr HhTn and Avrnton to H-letr HrlkbU lUeae f a kldaef. IMIefi, blcedlas or Itch In Ci lJprp kl4, buie or quack!. (m)1ooou drun, nfr. ure tnd Hveedllr aurv-l. BeDic(-ldT. Kllcl tt onoe. tit tuoii itubbbra twi lollotttd. lr. Thecl aladlcl AMoptthlo, UnoiBibla Loltoila iid ilelinto jHtan of atdUlif, toi by eomblotrt tho tmm la irBatloaeufti whero other fall, lir. Thcvl worm uffertn lni eonpoDod ptlli, Ttfttiblo mtxturea, tlood purlflen nl ocb prpril(im ot tucb di not euro, plicuea tro dlOr. est la titturo tod prosrei) and htso rtqulno oaloauno fretuotat Modtuup for bovk Trulb lb only rtutblo ntidlcol trtktlio on Apeelal aad rTon lUeae. io4Molot tat piimerou mdlcM mlodUr la tbt form of lrmlipiu, bonk, pmpUl(ti. eiroulwi, dlitrlbntod br Uoiiumt, iiaU Coupaiif JiuLitiiitt, ond o-Oklied Kor.OenClimia.tlo. la which ibt dliorlbo4l" In tbo lBMtiitorotdOBdborrlblo fonni. IbwktvtDf ibi poor uffmrortLto IdaMdcprttlaitboBi ofoU bepointilot tbeai l)tlnu of dtDitrooincloacbolj or inimUy, br-f kwl hu 09 qoti oad bu proToa by f ( tbi bu obtuty it worth tBoro to ouffertro thn all tbo troo oooisltttloBi, atruttn ond prt-mliM which oro dot I; offorid butioldou kfpl. Btrlotl ooBfldoatUI. riWor cll, Thounodi of Uiilmonlitilatboomoo. Hour, s to l, tad a tot. wod, Rvt'm UUH. Bl. frt)m9 i,Walllt Bunai, IUU. dlrli.m& an,! rilAa.ua tiratm.taf QgU&t 1789 If. AclvcitlhorH by addrcsetnff Ilnu'i! c Co. lOPurtlCOSt.. New Torjc in frnod f ah n. can obtain all Dtcilod Information about any proponed lino ot AllVKUTIHlNU la American newspapers. lr 250-pafcre ramphlet, aoc Nov lft-r-4w. iTTAINWHIGUT & Lk WHOLESALE QROCERS. PUILADELPUU, Pi. 1UAS, SYRUPS, COPPEE, BUUAlt, MpLABaiU) 'on ''oia 'vaos uuvoia 'eaowi 'nam N. a. Comet beoood auj ArcU Sta. I r- Mem will receive prompt attentot h EvtRTwi?tne I I 25CTS. ft - r "I'll 'ill.'llllJ." :.i i;d. And now we're civil, kind and good, And keep the laws as people should,. We wear our linen, lawn and lace. As well ai folks with paler face. And now 1 take, where'er we go, This cake of Ivouv Soap to show What civilized my squaw and mo And made us clean and fair to sec. Procter .t flamhlo. fresh Hops UemlockIGum and PINE BALSAM COMQlhCO Spread on hue musha The popular RELIABLE Apply one now for Backache Bldeacbe, Rheumatism, Kidney Weakness, Tender Lunge, Sore Cheat, Stiff Muscles, Female 2inat uriOK, csprauuir eio. ft cures every ort of Pain, Ache, or WeaVness, and quickly, too. Look for signature of HOP PLASTER CO., Proprictors, BOSTON, oji the veiiuinc goods. t CREED TAKE HEED from the Ass. He feasts to-day, may want to-morrow. buying Clothing don t Jet your nvnoA fnv rdinnrmpas clmr. vnnr pvph to quality. Wo guarantee our Clothing to give satisfaction or money reiunaeu. - CLOTHING POlt MEN AND CHILDREN. A. C. Yates & Co. LEDQKlt BUILDING, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. Cures Liver Complaint, Bilious Affec AXADOR AXADOR tions, JjOSS ot Appetite, Sick licadachejbick Stomach, Gld Dyspepsia Kidnev trouble and all delicate Female Com- plaints. Sold every where. PrIco25 cents. DREXELCDiOGNE Fragrant! Lasting 1 The LeadingPerfume forthe Tolletand Handkerchief. Sold by all dealers. Price 25 eta. Salvation Oil V& Price only 25 cts. Sold by alldrugglitt. Will relievo Rheumatism, fleuralgia, Swellings, Bruisei,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites. Chaonad Hands and Face. Gout, or any boJily pain or ailment, PUrwttNQVS. PIUOS. f Ort at mbaccoAn bntlY UdotePrUtlOCU. Atallilriigtlttl. CKOWN At!IJE THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It glresft brilliant llcbt. u win not smoKO iiiocaimneys. It will not char the wick. It baa a ulKb lire tm. It will not oxploae. It Is pro-cnuuentlj-a lamlljr safety 0)1, WB CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oil made. Wo Stake Our Reputation, Aa refiners, upon (hp atatement that 11 la THE BEST OIL IN TIIK WORLD. Aek ycur dealer for 1ANVIUL,E pa. ti w tu "f"r""' "uu rr -i e for lUoorosburg a MOYER BROS., Bloomsburg, Pa. epl-ir, A DEAF ANIJ DUMB SPY, Shorinnn did not leave Chattftitooca for Atlanta without knowing all about Iho touto and its obstructions. His spies 'and scouts, passed over almost every milo of the distanoo, nnd made lull anil neon ra to reports. 1 was ono of tho last sent out and tho last to re turn, and I had a close sbavo of it. In formation wns required which obliged mo to enter tho Confederate camps and seo with ray own oyoa, and us two or three of our spies had been captured and hung, and tho Confederates wero on tho qui vivq to prqvont others from penetrating their hues, 1 needed some thing moro than a disguise After canvnslhg the mattjr for awhile, I adopted tho suggestion of a regimen tal surgeon to play the role of a "dum my.'' I was to bo deaf and dumb, ond carry pencil and paper, and do my' talking mat way. no coacnea mo lor two or three days before tho start, ond when I was ready to go 1 bad master ed tho situation. Tho surgeon had been assistant superintendent in a deaf nnd dumb asylnm for several years, and ho was peculiarly titled to toaoh mo my stepH. lotinw reply that any ono can "play deaf and dumb' and deceive people. Yes, any one can, up to a cer tain point. I was to go beyond that noint. If it was discovered that I was not what I claimed to bo mv life would pay tho, forfeit. I was provided with a bundle of stationery, sorao tobacco, a lot of religions tracts, articles of cheap goods and a few specialties, and 1 left tho Federal outposts ono dark and rainy evening in good spirits. Ob structing Sherman's Rdvanco was tho mountain barrier called Rocky Face Ridge. Tho main gap through which the railroad and highway ran and still run, in called Buzzard's Roost Gap. Our scouts and spies had reported this can so stronclv Inrtihod that bher.nan felt ho could uot force it. Further south is Snake Creek Gap. Ono of mv objects was to ascertain how this Ciii) was defended. I was well within tho Confederate lines before midnight, and at about that hour Ifound shelter in abarn, and slept until two hours alter daylicht. When 1 turned out no ono was in sitht, and I had walked fullv two miles along tho hitihwav before I met any one. Then I encountered a party of about thirty cavalryman goinu to tho front. I was in citizen's clothes, had a pack on my hack, and, of course, expected to bo stopped. Tho troop was commauded by a lieutenant, and as he came up ho . , , i i. j a c . Onicrcu a nail ami tpiurieu ui inu : "Who are you, and whero are you gomgt Uoro was tne nrsi test, ino men had gathered around me, and every one had his eve upon me. It was a omuliment to me that one ot mo mon called oUt before I had mado a sign: "D g gone him, lies a dummy! lies trot a taee like a w.nliooardi I wrote on my tablet: "What do you want? and the lieutenant wrote in roolv: "Who are you, and where ure you coing'l" I cavb my name a( Georco Smith, and stated that I was a Confederate peddler. I opened my bundle, present ed him with some tooacoo, and eevo r.l of tho men mado purchases. The ollioer a-.ked for my pas?, and I told him It was taken from mo three days before by some Yankee raiders who had cLDtured mo and turned mu loose "Well, they'll overhaul him back there, anyhow," he said to his sorgeant, itid, wavinu las hand to mo, ho gave mo too order 10 ridu on. i was in ior it no', and must push ahead. I could eo an .cncunpment doivn tho road, and any attempt to Hank it would create suspicion. It was well that I vent ahead, tor one ot tim oavairymmi followed me clear back to the sentinel on the ouisKiris ot mo camp. lie .r .1. ... IT. walked his horse direotly behind ra, so close that the animal's noso almost touched my back, but ho did not catch mo off mv !iiard. When tho sentinel topteo me 1 handed iiira my namu and occupation, and m a tew 'minutes I was in the piesonco of tho oflioor of Iih Guard. While he asked mo for mv pass, ho did not seem suspicious, i was escorted to the quarters of tho of ficer of tho day, and hore camo a test, made so carelessly that -it 1 had not had all mv wits about nn 1 should have br en lost. As wo reachod tho quarters i he escort said; Hero is a di-af and dumb man who has no pass. Capt. Harsher ordered him hero from the guard tout. All riant, replied the othcer, who was not even liiokiii'" at us; and then, as Iho escort started off ho half turned to ino aud said; "S'and aside for a few minutes and I will attend to your oaso." llis tone was bo oareless nt his or l"r Bo.natural that I ciuoht my mus oles moving to obey. Hid I picked up a loot 1 should have given myself away. As I did not move, ho pres-ntly turned to mo, seemed surprU quire about mo. I gave lilm the do tal Is, and wuiio we woro passing tne tablet bauk a d lorlh a oiptain came up. Too officer of tho day said to him: Wo havo captured a dummy. Mighty qaeer that ho should take to peddling amoug tl.e soldiers, but thoy aro a queer lot. no says no nan a pas from I'olk, b,ut (.hat the Yanks cobbled it when thoy captured him tho other day. Do you seo that Idood spot on his left cull) 1 was looKing tho oiiiuor lull in im faco as lib spoke. I felt that ho would try somo trick, but he did it so noatly j uuavij that ho almost otugnt mo. i but I did not drop my eyes. winked, 'xou must nivo laKi-n mm lor an impostor, laughed tho captain. "Wo uni t ho tqo oautiou9," was the reply, and ho took tlpi tablot and wrote Hint i might oircultto about tho oatup until guard mount and then rcpoft to tho uew oflioor of the day. 1 got some oroaxiast, sold out about , ... . . ... ball my goods, nnn whon I reportod mid asked that 1 might pass on uo ob lection was made. I found troops overywuere now, anu Doing bo tar within the lines no one questioned mv Tight to bo there. 1 ui.tlorwont but one mor.i test uuiurc rciicninc me trail, i ana mav i was prepared ior. 1 ne o. uitirs nocQnicq iub ior wna,t i claimed to be, and wmie ray oondltlon excited iue BymuumitB ui noiqe, oiuers were Inclined to ridicule aud joke. While I I ii.:. r t .. Kneit m a group a joker held a pistol cloao to my ear and. tired It off. mm hoard- tbo click of the hammer and was thorclore prepared for tho report. I fountl tho gap covorod by n weak body, with no diifenscs to tpeak of, nnd I got through them without trouble, though my goods wero now all gonp, and I had to claim that I was on my way to Dalton after a new stock. I was nr restod after entering tho gap, and tho arrest camo abont through a corporal in a battery of artillery, who at first contended that ho recognized mo as a deserter named William Kidges. It appeared that I closely ro scmblcd Kidges in build and look, but as soon as tho corporal had a close look at mo he acknowledged his mis take. This occurred just before dark, and the captain of the battery, who was in command, sent mo to Gen. Wayne, in command of somo Georgia stato troops. I was not sus pected of being a Federal spy, but having been arrested. on a charge, aud being found without a pass, It was quite proper to mako a further .investi gation. There were several officers in tho gmeral's tent whon I was takeo in nnd reported on, and tbo lacts ui my case had no sooner been announced than ono of them, who was a surgeon in Hood s command, held a whispered consultation with tho general, and I sus pected n plot to test mo. My suspi cions soon proved correct. The escort retirod and left mo Btauding in iront of tho entrance inside, of course, but iust where I was in the way of any one coming or going, me winsporen consultation lasted about five minutes, and then tho general casually remark' cd to me: Take a seat and I will hear you, The surceon was looking me full in tho faco, and had 1 mado tho slightest raovo he must havo detected me. Sit downl" commauded the general in a louder voice. I was lookiug at his sword hanging on the tent pole, and I did not turn my eyes until ho wheeled around in his chair and beckoned to mo to ap proach. I handed him my tablet and peii"il and ho inquired why I had not a uas8 aud where I wanted to go. I explained about tho pass as before, and told him I wanted to go to uaiton or Home and secure moro goods. Tho "eueral would havo been quite satis- litd in five minutes, but tho surgeon was a keen reader of human nature, and he was convinced that I was in disguise. I heard him whisper his suspicions to others, and their lack of beliet made mm an tne more determin ed to expose me. I' had no fear of any of tho rest, but I realized that it would take all my nervo and tact to hold out against tho surgeon. Soma of the tests he at onco put tne to may. seem trifles to the reader until ho can put himself in tho position I oocupied. Ho rose up suddenly, crossed over to me, and slipping mo on mo snouiuer ho exclaimed: "Let me seo your tonguel I had my teeth lnrd shot o'r my jaws would havo opened at tho com mand. Straighten upl'' was the next com mand. I was humped over, aud the words went through mo Uk-) a bullet. I did not moye, however. Take youv foot off that sash! houled the surgeon, but I looked from him to the general and showed my wonder. "(Jjmc, now, but you re beaten, auched one of the officers, and as the others had some remark to mako the surgoon was nettled. Ho looked at mo fixedly lor a long halt minute, and then said to his comrades: "I won't give in yet, general. Please held ou to him until we are coitain of htm ono way or the oth-;r." "Oh, certainly; but 1 think you haye made a mistake this time. A deaf and dumb person always has an expression uot to bo ODUntertuitcd. lie has told a pretty straight story. t hat is true; but 1 want to s'udy him a little more. Ho o aims to have lost his pass. I want to ask him for more details, What was tho date'" He turned and put this qui-stion to me, and uad l not. ueen looxiug nnoaci lor it or something of tho kind, my mouth would have got. away with mo. lis failure provoked another laugh, and I wrote on the tablets "What does tho officer say? Does he believe I am a desertei?'' "lie says you are deceiving us.'' "I have it hard enough now, with- ut being looked upon with tidiculo or suspicion, 1 wrote, and tbo general nodded his head to mo and said to tho surgeon: "I won't keep him longer than noon to-murrow. 1 bo poor cuss has a hard row to hoe, and I don't want to (lis. courage him." Tli guard was callod; and I was re- movtd to the guard house, which wns a log structure and quite comfortable, It hold a prisonor, and 1 had no doubt that ho had bcou placod there for a pur pose. As soon as tne door was shut hnhind m, h oame forward and took my hand and saidi "Ahl and they have got you, too! both of us must die togetherl'' I eigne I to him that I was a deaf mute, but ho replied: 'Dome, no nonsense with mo, know you, and you will soon know mo. I have seen you at Shorraan's hnadnuarlors a dosen times. I am Jack lnss, a Uniou spy. I waa nr rented bore a week ago, tried by court martial, found guilty, and to morrow i am to bo hung.' Ho trappod hmisclt right on tho Bta t. As I had never beon at Slier man's headquarters but once, I knuy tho nomo of i very spy employed by I III Iv tlUMV, null IUUIO WAl IIU HI1UU namo as Jack Ross. He worked every way ho could think of to trap mo, but after a couple of hours he gave it up as a b,.ul job. I did not go to Bleep tint n gut, suspecting ino surgeon would play mo some tnok. About midnight ho u3uio sottiy in witu a oouplo ot sol diers, ana at a signal tliu men scream ed in ray ears, I did of, raovo. Then a rnusuet waa diachaiged over ray boay, ana the Burgeon called out: "iou oareless dovll! you have wounded hira!" I did not think eo, and I did not "awako" until they pullod at me. Noxt morning the pretended spy was taken out. and l wns threatened nnd hiilliliir. i ed for an, honr. Attev broakfast, as sai with my baok to the door, it was softly opened, aud I heard tho oliokl tti- - w i onoK ot th Hammer oi a revolver, it made my flesh creep, but I did nn 1 turn. At noon 1 wan roturned to th 1 1 general's tent He was all alono, and THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXIII.NO 10 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. Mil, NO 1 ho wrote on tho tablot that I was froo to go and that ho would givo me a pass. As ho Mid this ho handed mo a paper, but ten seconds later quietly re marked; "Soo if I signed my namo to it, That was not tho lastilcst. He con ducted mo, Ip .thai, door of the tent, waved past tho sentinel, and obser-vedt- "Tnrn to the loft, lb avoid tho ditoh." I turned to Iho right, bought .some provisions of a soldier, and after mak ing a dinner, sot out to the south. I do not think 1 was followed or further suspected. I thoroughly investigated the defonsos of the gnu, located tho nearest largo bodies of Confederates, nnd returned to the Union lines with no other damage than a ilcah wound received in I lie very last mile of travel from a bush-whacker. New York Sun. A Business Man's Viawt John Gardiner, President of tho Southwestern National Bank of Phila delphia, puts it this way: "1 have good reason to believe that tho passage of tho Prohibition Amend ment would bo very likely to o3Uso a stringency in .tho monoy niarket. Just moK-ui mo situation in mis iigtu. Fully 8100,000,000 of capital invested in the brewing business alone wonld be totally destroyed by this amendment, and at least as rauoh moro capital would bo driven out of the stato. Nearly 300,000 men would bo thrown out of employment. "These people and their families have got to bo supported somo way. They will bo thrown upon what is al ready overstocked labor market. This ovorpltts labor will tend to reduce wages. It is plain that tho un employed must pay their taxes or those employed and tho property ownen, will bo compelled to pay for them. It must be remembered, ' too, that those immense brewing interests help im mensely to pay taxes and keep down the tax rate. Most of tho prcaohers arc in favor of tho amendment. Now I want to ask this pertinent question: " 'If tho browing interests aro oblit erated and the financial resources they givo to the statu and the various towns and cities are removed, will the re ligi iub denominations, who are anxious ,to shut of! this great evil, ho willing to have their church properties taxed to make up the real and apparent deficit!' Forty years ago the teraperanoe people organized to prohibit the sideboard, which was then making drunkards in private houss. There was then, of course, tho taverns aud inns for the accommodation of man and beast, but there wero no saloons exclusively for tho sale of liquor. The result of the crusade against tho sideboard was tbo saloon. The outcome of the prohibi tion of tho saloon will be the transfer of the saloon to tho private house. Tho sideboard will prevail again, and I say that" tho saloon is a thousand times pre ferable to tho sideboard." All tha Miners Were Duped. A RETURNED O0LP-SKEKF.lt SHOWS UP THE LOWER CALIFORNIA PIEI.I1S. Louis Levin, of Chioago, who has lived in San Diego, Cal., during the last year, returned to Chicago after a brief aud decidedly unsatisfactory trip to the lower C ihfornia mines. "It's all a fake," said he to a reporter, "but it has been so worked that one is duped beforo h knows it. Tho excite ment in San Diego has nearly died away, but for two weeks a croze seemed to bavo struck everybody. Sovoral hundred of Sin Diego's best business men even temporarily aban doned their business to run to tho now- iv-diseoverea gold uelds. I was m San Djego tho same wtek that tho first news ol tho dissovery waa brought to town. With three others I with a team ond well supplied with provisions. Wli-n we reached tho mines tho camps ero in a leartuuy excited state, ll-iw bloodshed was prevented is mora than i ctn imagine it was almost im possible to secure provisions: every thing was abnormally high. Flour was selli.ig at SI a pound and every, thing else in proportion. There was gold, but not enough to pay, and tho quartz miues oould not b (Icvclopo;! for want of machinery. We.stayed m camp ten days nnd then gws up tho hole thing as n bad b. Liuqor License Transfers.. Chief Justice Paxson, of tho Su- premi Court, has filed an opinion on the law regarding tho transfers of liquor licenses. In tho courso bf his opinion Judge Paxsou says: i no net ot 1S87, by which tho issue of licenses to sell liquor is now regula ted, makes no roferonuo to transfers, they aro thoreforo still governed by the act of April 20, 1858. That aot pro. vides that 'if tho party licensed shall die, reraovo or cease to keep suoh house, his her or their license may bo iransierroa oy ino autnority granting the same on compliance with tho re quisitions of thejlaws in all respects ex oopt publication, whioh shall not in such caso bo required, Tho requisi tions of tho laws undor this act per mitted a oertain discretion to tho authority granting or refusing licenses, ana tins uisoreuon now yostod in tho Couit, though still a legal discretion, uupeuiiiug on ino law aU'i not on tne individual opinions of tho Judges, is considerably enlarged by the aot of 18H7. Warner's Log Uabin Remedies old fashioned, sunplo compounds, tisod in ino days oj our hardy loreiaihers, aro "old timers" but " old reliable." rhey eomprieo Warnkus Log Caiiih Sausaparh.la, "Hops and Buchu Remedy," "Cough and Consumption Remedy," "Hair Tonlo," "Extract," for External and In tornal Uso, "Plasters," "Rose Cream, for Cattarrh, ar.d "Liver Pills." They aro put up by ii, 11. Warner it Uo, proprietors ot Warners BateKemodiev and promiso to equal tho standard valuo of thosn great preparations, All druggists keep them. "I don't liko to dUoourago you, old boy " remarked Giles; "but ft noems fool'iBb for you to imagine llmt Miss Ilighily fell in lovo with you at first ight." "But I ra sure she did, re turned Morritt, "for when I gave my seat iu tie, car to day ehe her s&ld, k" hank you, ' Wit And Ilnraor. Time out of mind a forgotten dalo. Whether marriage Is n failure or not. the run bn tho bank ronlinne. A cao of self denial the ninn who travels under nn nllas. It Is all right to havo crank notions If a man can turn them to good advan tage. It is easier for a camel to gt through tho oyo of a needle than or a savage to get through the need of an Idol. When a stylish girl goes down tho street almost nil tho young men feel a sott ot blind impulse to follow the fashion. The inimetl ale friends of tho family oro not always tho oncg who como Im mediately to iclicvo them when in dis tress. It is all right to talk about champion sprinters, but if you wish to boo tho tho record broken start a "running account" with tho grocer or provision dealer. Thero is ono mau in this world who may die too soon. His namo Is Bis mark. Ho may dio before he has boon mado to realize that he dosn't own tho earth. HeWell, may I hope then, dearest, that at somo time I may have tho hap piness of making you my wife? She Yes, I hope so, I am sore. I am tired of suing fellows for breaoh of promise. Coal dealer Wonld you like chest nut coal? Customer Yes; but there is one chestnut I don't wnnt and that is vour ioko of calling 1,000 pounds bf coal ond tho driver s ton of chestnut coal. "You all romembcr the wcrds of Webster," shouted tho orator. "No, we don t ' interrupted a man in the galllery "Ho has so many words I can't remember more than half of them; A physician says that more wrinkles como from laughing than from worry ing. Young women should rcmemDer this when tliey Bee a mau's hat blow off and go whirling down the street. Health journals insist upon reposing on tho right side only, and claim that it is injurious to lie on both sides,,but wo doti t Know wnere tney win uuu u healthier looking set of men than law yers. "Are you not ashamed, cousin, to kill a pretty little bird like that?" "But, my dear girl, I thought it would look so well in your hut. "True, I didn't think of thai! It's exactly tho same shado of gray. Yon aro kind." Intruder "I would like a position on your paper." St. Louis editor 'What can you do?" "I can write an eatirely now squib about the decay of Chicago every day in the year." "Con sider yourself engaged." "There are two new moons this month," said Mrs. Waddle, who had been reading the paper to hor husband, who had just come home. "'Zash right," said he, '''zack'y right. I Baw 'era both 'zi como along tho street." Clarenoo Aw, by Jove. Cholly, whero did y' get such aw beastly cur? Cholly Bawght him of aw blind fellah leads me homo, and I aw don't have the dweadful wesponsi bilily of wemembering whero I live, y' know. "You never sit and talk to me now as you did before' wo were married," sighed tho young wife. "No," rpplied tho husban I, who was a drummer; "the boss always told me to stop praising goods as sooo as tho bargain was struck." A Philadelphian received a bill by messenger from bis tailor a few days ago covering a small balance. This note was subjoined to the accouut: "This boy is honest, though ho may not look it." Tho recipient took the biut. "I supposi'," said Uptown meekly to the real estate agent, "that if I hire this Hat from you I ffill bo allowed to sleep in it when 1 am tired.' "Well, jes," roturned the autocrat, add ing a new clause to the cond'u uns of the lease, "provided you don't si.ort!" Dawlirh "That's a peculiar button you aro weariug, Jabley. What does it indicate' ' .labloy "1 bat s a little idea of mv own. It means that I am not-a np-mber of any secret society at all. 1 nave patented it acd will no doubt make a fortune from it." Citizen (to bartender) "I supposo your rt-ooipta are largely depicted by tho habit of ttwearing off thu first of the year?" Bartender "Yes, sir, for about a week, and thin the rush be gins. A man who has left off liquor for a week uaturally has an increased thirst upon him." "So this Italian Count not only turns out to a humbug, but he abuseB you into tho bargain," said Beatrice. "He's such a wretch it's a wonder he didn't stviko you before tho marringe." He did, sobbed the young bride. "Struck mo every time ho called for 85." The minister As your guardian Lucille; I must insist upon your regu lar attendance at devctioual services. His cliargo Why then, guardy, what makes you am such dr- udfully dread ful word? You necd't insUt at all. I'vo n now lovo of a bonnet and a per feet dream of a wrap, and I'd just as lief go as not, Don't Get Caught This h pi ing with your blood full of impurities, your digestion impaired, your appctito poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and wholo system liable to bo prourated by disease but get your self into, good condition, and ready for the changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled tor putilyitig the blood, giving au rppettte, aud lor a general bpring medicine. Does Editor fieidTeel Blighted? Will not Editor Reid feel that, after nil, his twi'iitv-fivo years of labor in liohalf of the R publican parly bavo befen poorly requited! lie wanted to represent the United btatts at Loudon and he has been put off with Paris. Mr. Lincoln, who goes to liOudon, has never fought in ono activo campaign in behalf of the Republican party and has once been honored with a Cabinet po sition. As between the two men tho party owes Mr, Reid diamonds whero it owes Mr. Lincoln cents. But such aro the fortunes of politics.- World. Bright' Disease Lost its Victim.- Under date of July 18th, Mrs. Laura Kempton, of Wet Rutland, Vermont, writisi "Wi- are certain that only for Dr. David Kennedys Fuvorito Remedy of Handout, N. i' our little leu-year-old daughtor would ha e been dead from Blights Disease. We bad tried in vain other mcais, but the Favorite Remedy camo just In time to save her Ufc" mar 29 4t