rrti rmriT'i i mi mmmmmmirfm n v ..un ;n m , inn .... m .km t i mirm v i.i n-tn mi m, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUUG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA ViVld Writing. A littln iiAr:rintivn pltco entitled Ovnr th- Guns,1' from tho Di-trolt Free J'rest, ol which wo glvu n para grspli, reminds ui that Rrcnt ndvortis CT8, llko II II. Warnr-r A Co,, tiro ptletbra of Warner's Safe Curo, might got a hint from it. Iloru is the paragraph: Shoot to tho right or left, over tho guni or under thorn. Stilko whoru you wit), but strilco to destroy. Now tho hell surges down, oven to the windows of tho old farm-house now book tindor tho applo trees and beyond them. Dead men aro tindor tho ponderous wheels of tho guns, and d -vita nro slashing and sbootiug across tho barrels. No one seems to know friend from foe. Shoot, slash, kill and "But the hell is dissolved. Tho smoko is lifting, shrieks and forearm grow fainter, and twenty or thirty ltv lug men pull tho dead bodies awav from tho guns. Throe hundred dead and wounded on tho single acre. They toll of war anil glory. Look over this hell's acre and tind the 1 liter.'' And in j ist as timidly a strife, though nidselet-s, aro men falling nt our rlglil and loft to-day. Is it watt Yes, war of the blood. Blood loaded with poison through imperfect kidney aition. And is there no power to stop th e awful slaughter? Yos Warner's Safe Cure, a tried specific, a panacea thai has broauht life and hope to hundreds of thousand of dying men nnd wonv-ti. Bo eiilixted therotoie, in tho great army of living men and women who have boon rescued from dieoao and premature death, aiid he eternally grateful that the moans of life can so easily bo yours. Letter from Central. Editors Columbian: Dear Sir: In your isuo of March 29 I si o a communication from A. J Dcrr, iu which ho says tbo former ur ticlia in favor of Prohibition are some thng extremely silly, and that the preachers aro preaching it in preference to the gospel, and quotes numerous passages of scripture in dofence of his theory that this is a crime on tlm putt of the prechers. Now sir are we to in fer from his arguments that whoever advai cc opinions contrary to his are not of souud mind. A1o that were tho Saviour of the world to liein this ad vanced age of the world he would be long to tbat class known as moderate drinkers, and to that extent be an ad vocate of the liquor traffic. Now then I b lievo t hat to suncetfully preach the gospel, sin in its various forms must lo shown to men, and in tho mat ter tif the rum traflio thwn is no middle ground at it is held by Mr. D-rrj if UK rum uafllo and its train of 00,000 souis yearly hurled into perdition is wrong then Prohibition certainly h consistent with the Scriptures beoause wo are commanded to shun the very appear aice of evil and this implies that if we vote to continue this fireat evil we certainly becomo responsible for the crime. Ho abo tells us that the Holy Spitit does not teauh Prohibition. Yet in his quotations from the great Apostle ho overlooks tho detdaranou, if eat ing meat oausetb my brother to off -nd I'll h t no meat; also cursed i he that pnt'ctn hi bottle to his brothei's mouth to make him drunk, for the woo shall not bn uoon him that is drunk hut. up on him that raakcth him drnnk, and ns for the personal liberty of which he peaks I will just say thi: that where tho right of society begin tho rights of tho individual oeae. This is tho fi'st and ireat prinoiplo of all govern men i s and e-ipeeially is it the spri' of our hooted American intituions. Therefore let us sacritieo this ono per sonal rinbt for the welfare of society at large and tho benefit of the helpless wonvn ai.d children who are dall suffering booiiHe of this eating canker in our social life. And again when any man savs that the grand old commonwealth of Pennsylvania can't enforce it law sanctioned by the ma jority of her people, it should causo a blush of shame to overspread the fea tures of every liw abiding cilzen, and if the government of this great country can not b supported without this blo"d nvney, the price of human souls, ti o quicker she gos down the bettor it will bo for her eternal wolf-ire. I. Burt Hess. "The Disease proccdi silently amid vpparent health' That is wha Wm. Roberts, M. D., Physician to the Manchester Infirmary and Lunatio Hospital, Proffessor of Medicine in Owen's College, says in regard to Brighl's Disease. Is it necessary to give any furthor warning! If not, uso Warner's Sat Curo before your kidney maiaay becomes too tar advanced. The Pension List. flrittnlam nf fVimmlflinnfr Tnnfir' scheme to pension everybody is ro coived by the surplus spenders and vote-catchers as "hostility to the Union eol tiers." It is not hostility bnt truo regard for honorable vcteraus to wi-h to keep the pension list a roll of honor. That lit will bo anything but a roll of honor when the bummers and tho shirks aie given an equal placo upon it with tho bravo and faithful soidii-rs, and when tho able bodied and ptosperous tihare tbo nation t bounty witb tho disabled and the dependent- It is aid, iu one of the truo words spoken in jest, that "Coi poral Tanner will d his best to make the next war popular." Yes with mercenaries. To pension everybody who volunteered is to make a lost virtno ot patnoti'm, To ioduoo men to enlist, not in de fonse of their country but in the hope of getting alito-snpport at t lie country 's expon o,ls to degrade citizenship to a Hessian bad. The country should bo and has been liberal and gouuious without stint iu its care of woundtd, disabled nnd en feebled soldiers. A pension list of 887,000,000 is a tpsttm my and a warn intr. To swell it furth r by the rek less L glslature prop sed would be an in j ns it. to ie1f-regpooiing veterans and , u tct.'.liaaverburdeued taxpayer.-IPtirW. 1'or the Good if Others. I want to make known tho fact that I suffered from a Bladder and Kidney trouble a. id that I was cured by Dr. David KMinedyV Fav rite Itemedy made at Kondout, N. Y., and 1 1 ok forwnrd to spending the balance ol rav life free from torture and with a loan grateful for the medicine which affords mo bo pleasant a prospect. Kev. S. O. Chandler, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. S-2iMt The lad h if T xas arc making a boge map, drawn on canvas, with nil tbo 264 counties of tho stato laid nil. Ono couuty, Tom Green, is larger than tho entire states of Masaschnsetts and Connecticut combined. The name i f each county will bo woikul with s.me beautiful ptoduul m-ide in the county The map will bo exhibited in the Texas Soring Palace to be built at Fort All Boris of Paragraph. There nro 023 nowspapers and pe tiodicals puhiirhed in furcign languages in this republic. Fully 200 persons in Fairfield county Connecticut, aro omjaged in trapping skunks for their skins. Mis Braddon has written over 600 novels in which she has given the woild of (lotion, it is said, moro than 600 characters. Tho arrival of Immigrants of Cnstle Garden during tho last six months show a decrease of 215,000 compared with tho namo months last year. Tho anthracite coal production this voir tin to tho latent advices foots ui 4.370,722 tons an Inoreaso of 281,708 ton over tho like period last year. It is said that a Georgia man com mitted forgery because starvation stared him in tho fsco, and then starved himself b cause tho forcery sta'od bim in the fao. A hint that the silly season is com ing around i given in the story from Youngt wn, O., that a turtle wh ch di'nppewd last July ha leen found alivo in the craw of a chicken. The average natiml age of tho oak la from I COO to 2,000 years; of the elm, 350 to 500 years; tho maple, 600 t 800 year-; linden, 1,200 and the oypress 350 years. There is a suncroti'iulon among tn' ncrs tha. every ten years rich diggini a win d di'cov. red coin where l record s far is C-tlit-irn'a. 1810; Pike' Peak, 1859; Nevadi, 1860; Leadvllh , 1870. Out in San Dioijo, in California, where there is much coarse sand rool; covered by n thin layer of soil, tho ex poritnentis being tried of blasting h'l s Into which to plant shade and fruit trees. A lady of Albany. Ga , who went over to N tsau, puruhai. d a pink p ail from a native for $10. Upon her r -turn to America sho wroto to a leadine jeweler in New York, g viug the fizo of the jewel. He offered her $500 fot it. Sho refused to sell. At tho recent village cleotion at Two Harbors, Minn., tho voto fur T. A. Bury and Nels Sutherland, for Itecordet esulted in a tie, whereupon the caudi dates flipued pennies fur the po-ilio". the former winning. GUes furniture is manufacured is peciully fr India, where the rajih like glittering and showy rooms. Glai bedsteads and chairs huge g ass Side boards and other articles of domestic use aro m ide to suit oriental taste. A 90 foot Greenland whalo h re cenilygone ashore ot Cattcgit, Den mart tii" brst one seen in th' so waters in many yeat, although once they were common. The skeleton is to be s nt to tho Copenhagen Musuem. Some womn in E island make cood salaries by manufacturing the dainty Bilk and lace lamp alludes now so popu lar. A dealer in lymdon, who lorn s in the royal patronage, pays oi e w.nnan 3200 n mouth lor the shades ie makes. Thiity-eicht years aeo Mrs. Frank Burnett, of Miuden, Mich., lost a pail of butter in the well. A few days ago r. a determined to dig the well deep- r, and quite an amount of the butter was toiuid. It is white but stilll solid. and tt.e butter fhv r is plainly discern ible. The shipments of oil from tho port of Philadelphia lat week wero the larir- st ever beforo experienced, beini; 25,965.023 galloi h, as compared with 19,118,0GG gallons tor the correspun I- ing period lai year. Joseph F. Young, of Augusta, is the wner of one of tho smallest docs in Maino. He is a croxs between a ratter and a spanhl, both hi jiarenis having been extrem.ly dimunitive. Though now four month old the little canine weighs hut 21 oil' co and is lost in tne tooket oi an ordmary overcoat. Middlt town. N. Y., has a blind man, who buys mid sells h 'reB with aojd i judiment, alter oareitily to liug te animal all over with his hands. II" oan take care nt his ho'se ad hitch up a team almost a' readily as any man in his employ. Ho once, unuttoned.d, made a trip to Now York City. Competent experts estimate that nearly if not quite $30,000,000 will be spent for newspaper advertising in the United States during the year 1889; and that five times that amount will he diverted into te coff-rs ot thosemsnu- faclurers and firms who advertise, that would otherwise an into tbo haphazard channels of chanco trade. There is an organ b donging to a family in Waynesboro, Ga., vh"s.' keys are touched by unseen fing rs. A few evenings ago, tho gentleman of the houso says, dliuhtful strains of music wero heard issuing from thi oran, and his curiosity prompted him to investigate, but the music ceasod as soon as he entered tho room. Tne Value of Pure Wiue in Sickness. The ohief difficulty with relinhlo wines has been their scarcity and rich ness in b'xlv, hut t-lil-t has been re moved bv the introduction of a pure native wine, tjrodw'Hii by Mr. A. Sne'-r of N w Jersey. II i lias subm'tt -d his wine to the lest of many celebrated lhy-iiciiiii- and chnmists, anil all concur in Its purity, rich mndioal properties and supi rionty to all Tort Wine Most of thorn pri'seribe it in oass of UHbilitr, iiif-'i'tinns of tho kidneys an 1 ohrotiio complatnts, requiring a tonio, Hiiporiho or uitiretto treatment. Zx aminer. RHEUMATISM These twin disease cause untold suffering. Doctor admit that t&ey are difficult to core bo do their paurnt. Palne'a Celery Compound hat per manently cored Uie. wont case of theumatlsm and neurilrlt bo aay those who nave used IU "Having been troubled with rheumatism at tbe tuce and foot for five J urn, I waa roKtAir. annua una uia uiget arounu, and WSJ wy-wfftirconuned WtfffltJ' pm Tuy-bed tor week at a OWNCK. V pound, and was perfectly cured. I can now jump It U around, and feel as Urcly a m U a nor," xittitt i tiwu. V Eureka, Nevada. Itoo. Sirtortioo. Druggists. Vtmmoth testimonial paper free, Wru. KmiatisoM Oo.,rropa.,Burllngtoo..Tt. ntMunun nvro Oivt iortrr ami hriahUr I UIAMUHU Ufti CUonfAaflanjrottcriV' - 1 H. WU-LIAMH, AU0T1ONEEU. DLooiisnuitu, pa. Seal Estate Bought and Sold. Parties desiring tn buy horses and wagons oulil do well to call on ttio above. Hxlxlililim: UMna Bright' Disease. A T-Tr)ld CfclM Barr4 Aft tM VIWr mt Fr rtirricluti. Mrlltllirlrt.Un ywt of im, m Mia tick hi Huth. I'M. lth cutlet ftrer. VThm tx loo a Mrm ooll, hlh dT(.lope4 Brlnhl't tiUnm nf tin KMnri. Iter nklt, fil tni tin wtn tfirltlr twollf a i h hl tmrnliur tnn. Jlthrmrtom o a ktit4I4 cm tl HHtWt DImm. rcurof or bwl JbrU-UnitlnJMhr, bat vrttbout tnecw. uid I- 3r Life wat Dospalrod of. M But inothf r1! 1ot toi mrm armonnt til Sim. nil nd 1 determined to trr Dr. Sttld Kennodr's FtTorlte rtonxd, ud tt llondoul, Y. Thli w( kUtl retort, tad 1 hopej. tlthontb mr lllUt cUonh. ter-t cut wit Terr ttrero ono, llul Iht rtrortt tlomodr would do for her whit It laid dona I or other whoit condition bid cot torn, leomlnslr. m hort. Int. Itow httTT 1 tm thtt 1 deurmlaod upon this courto-f or tn lmproTtment wm tt onoo perceptible, Tb fererleit ber-ber trretl t ImproTtd-ehe irtlntd sltronndttnathorttlme,tnd ono by one tbo well nown tad dretded ifmptomt of tbo lUmuo left ber. Wordt fU toetprMt rnr imtltndei, tnd I etnnot too etrneetlr recommend tbo FarorlU Bernodr. It wt A MARVELOUS RECOVERY. nd It duo entlrelr to the rtYorlto Bemedr. wbith JhJ'l'.,,,,1J'ln". " ! m wti Rttndoped by til's phrilcltiii. .1!l' I?ur -fr"!":1".?- wt notltml. Vermont, B. tGij follow Bctrlct e?er. Mettle., Iplitlierlt tnd Ttrjpiit olher comii.lnl. often letriS FAVORITE REMEDY, ktotOatdoDw. Pieptred tt Handout, K. T. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. hrtptredby BR. DAVID KENNEDY, JtONnolJT, W.T. 1 per bottle Six for tt. BrtUdrumrliti. mhe Greatest Blood Purifier Knurvn. Till. Great Ocrman Medicine ! the, che.inettanil uott lsStlotcaof SUI. riiuit if ill hlisiorv l.w.lCBSliian ej uuu runt n uohu. it will euro liw. worttcAtcanf akin (llscntc. from J a common pimple on tho ineeM St K to that nwrul ulxonto gcrofnla. a SCM'IIim DnTKltS l the beet meiilclno to uto In all caeea of nuch stubborn ntiilyonr ;,. Jeep eoatefl dlecawn. UoncTarcout not ever take nrnr,ir.i!. BLUE PILLS ?'j:"Q or mrrrurr, they nrc dead g"' i'r:C m It. I-lnco-your trutt lny0" f'c.k;R SULPHUR llI'rXKItS,"'"1? tho pnreat and besty0"' 1180 medicine ever made. foUnr BltterS ! itjgurioagueuotceaw - vlLhArf11nvfcllck.DAn,t nralt nntlt vnnb.1 breatti foul andare flat on your back, oflentlVc? Yourbut get aome at oncc.lt etom.icli la outnlll cure you. Sulphur ofonlcr. UacIHuersla "UUUU- TI. Invnltlo TVInn.l tmmAlfnlnl.tm.M..... ... . nn.t Is your Ur.tcrlnjrara toon madowell by tnc tlilck.mta ure. ltcniemlwr what you ropy, clo-nud hero. It mar auo your udy, orHfe it has aavcu hundreds. B Don 't wait unUl to-morrow, D I i Try a Bottle To-day 1 Arft von low.rolrltetl and weak I "or Buffer! tr from tho cxrensen o( wyonuir n bo, duuiiiuu iuixxviu cure you. Send 3 2-cvut &tnmpa to A. P. Oniway X Co., lio(jtoDiMuaa.,rot'U'bt mtttioil work publl&licit? The treatment of many thousands ot casei of those chronlo weaknesses and dlstrcsfllnf? allmenta peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. IlulTalo, N. V., has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapting- and thoroughly testing remedies tor the euro of woman's peoullar maladies. Dr. 1'lorce'a Favorite Prescription la the outgrowth, or rcoult, of this grout and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patient and from physi cians who have- tested It lu the more agimi rated and obstinate ciikcs which had bnllled their skill, prove It to bo tho most wondcrlul remedy eror devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It Is not recommended as a "euro-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar allmenta. Aa a powerful, III vlarorntlna; tonic, tt Impart strength to the whole sysu;m, and to the womb anil its appendage In particular. For overworked, ''worn -out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, rolltlm'ii, dressmakera, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nnreimf mothers, and feeble women Generally, Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescription i the greatest earthly boon, being uncqualcd at an appetizing cordial and restoratlie tonlo. An a toothing and tlreiiKlliciiliig nervine, "Favorite Prescription" It unu- 3ualed and Is Invaluable In allaying and aub ulng nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, apnatna and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organ la disease of tbe womb. It Induces refreshing Bleep and relieves mental anxiety and do apondenoy, nr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescription I a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It I purely vegetable In It composition and perfectly harmless In It effect In any condition or tbe ayttom. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys- Sepsla and kindred symptoms, IU use. In small nt", will prove very benetti'lal. "Favorite Prescription la a posi tive cure for tba most complicated and ob stinate case of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, female weakueaa," anteverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammaUon, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." Aa a regulator and promoter ot func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pie acrlptlon " I a perf eotly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It I eoually efficacious and valuable in lta effect when taken for tboso disorders and derange ment Incident to that later and most critical period, known as "Tho Ohange of Life." "favorite Prescription," when taken In connection witb tho use of Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Disooverj', and small laxative dose of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellet (Ultlo Liver PU1), cure Idver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also remove blood taint, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humor from the system. "favorite Prescription" la tho only medicine for women, sold by druggists, tin iler a potlllvo guarantee, from tho inanu facturera, that It will give satisfaction In every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. bo,.lT.booe,ro,loe) 1,00' or ,x For large. Illustrated TreatUeon Disease ot Women (1 pages, pnper-covared), send ten ucnt In sumps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical association, 683 Slain su, nilri'ALO, N. Y. P NEURALGIA " Palno Celery compound has been a God send to mo. For the past two years I have auf. fend with neuralgia ot tbo heart, doctor after doctor fauing to cure me, I hate now taken nearly tour bottles ot the Compound, and am free from the complaint. I leel vrr grateful to you." Cms. 11. Lewis, Central Village, VU Paine's Celery Compound "I have been greatly anilcwd with acute rheumalhnMind -couU and no relief until I U8.VT l'ulno'u celery Compound. Alter using slxbottleHOf this mi'dtclne I am now cured ot rlioumatlo troubles." Biul'KU IleTCUiKsos, So. CornUb, N. It, Effects Lasting Cures. Falne'aCelcry Com pound has performed many other cures aa marvelous a theie, copies ot letters sent to any addreai. Pleasant to take, docs not dlHlurb, but aid digestion, and entire ly vegetable: a child can take It. What's tbe use of suffering longer with rheumatism or neuralgia t BtDirnLtvinQuwfclMttiXtdthodaTtUtaUKy. ""m Uearty, Jt U VtityuaUtU HINDERCORN8. TU euJf ur tMr- for Oprn. Ktpi ill iJn. Rntami eotator to tha f e lAo. vt lnnryljit. llfcoxdOo., N.Y, 52tt CONSUMPTIVE troatUtcoilvt nuultioa, Tvila Uu. vc ji4 tLOU Mar tfMMt. s UESME WANT 15 1 N to Santas tor th sals ot Nursory stock, on iitisr avb izrsMiis na cohmiuion bteady smplgymeat Apply at cum, stating ass, i; Pl ' 'I r rTiini Ts tfTrr r gkftPnaX rliifiotthUthwtthUmtiUTthilf ol-4 O.0-,r-Yrl BlBCf I hf wd WOU'i ACMl Bt ACSIKO tnf boot! wmi ion ft tiiu tfo ktv) tn vlwftf trtf bt and tlao, WolfTsACMJEBIaoklng Ii Ue Mocking for Mm, Women ono) CRiWrcn. The RICHEST BLACK POLISH. Making Leather Waterproof and Durable. iVo Jlnuh. A ShiM Latti a Week. Can be irojW tn'A iracr, tame at Oticlotk. The Finett Drutingfor Harnett. Bold bt Bboe atn-wi, Orooen, Dmxcwtt, tad rettOert nerftll7. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia ioMSBUHG PLANING MILL to, Che onderslgntd Having par hi Planing II Hlrod Street, tn nrst-ciact condition, Is pn 'ttodo allklndaof worn In bt line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOUt-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. amtsnod at ruuauuuuie t rices. All lumber use u wull seiaoned and none butetllled workmeti reomployed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnisbod on application. ciiakhjEs Kttro, KtoMiiiHltiirv, ! to consumptives Tho undersigned having btcn re torfd to health by similu tneanp, nfti t hui-firing for several yeare with nsevm lung affui'tion, and that dread disea'? OonoUMition, is atixinua to tnski' Known to Ins fellow sufftrern the meant' if cun To thoso who d i-ire it, he will ohfiHrinlly Hend (free of char-'e) a copy it the prescription wca, nicn tncy will Cuil a mre (jtire for CoNSUJirnoN, AvniMA, Catakhii, UnoNuiiiTis and ill throat and Itiuc Mai.adiks. He nope all HufTurers will tty hit ll medy, tn it is invaluable, liio-f ttepiring tne nreHcription, which will cut them noth. nc, and nity piove n b'cHitnp, will ileaio iid'lrtKB, Rev. Edwakd A. Wii iin, Williamsburg, Khixb Countj. New York. A-ifc-uo.-deo-7-ly PJBE INSURANCE rrttiisTiAN r. knaj-i-, uloombuukq.fa. IIOMK, OP N. T. MKKCII ANTS', OF NBWAKK, H. J. t'LINTON, N: Y. PKOPLK8' N. Y, ItKni.NO, PA. OBItHAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NKW YOKK. nUKKNWICH IMS. CO..NKW YOltK. JBKSKY CITY flRK INS. CO., JEKSEY cnx.n. o. These iu ookporationb are well seasoned sy tire and riRK TxaTin and have never yet had a lose Bottled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested In solid sioubitiih are UaDletotne asard 01 riaxoniy. Loaties rROyrTLT and uonibtlt adjusted and jua aa soon a determined by Chbutiam r. EHArr, irioiAL aoihtind adjdbtxr BLoonaitrao, "a. . The people of Columbia county should patroa- ue me agency wnere losaesii any are setvioa una oil! by one of ther own citizens. PBOMPTNBSS. EQUITY, FA1B DSAUMQ. PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! U.'.S PENSIONS due many omenta. Solsiiks, fiiitrns. their Widow. cnacBUN and DiraMDaxT I'iksnts every wh"re. If in doubt, or any Pension Information wanted, write here. No Washington, D. C , or other Agency bo advantageous as tnla N. J.AntHcr. rar-rhousandi of Pensions aggreeatlne mllUona of dollars, obtained through this Agency, and others allowed dally, at Addres with two stamps JAMESV. 1IU8LINO, Count elor at Law, 224 K. Btate St., Trenton N.J. (Late U. B. Pension Agent, N. J. Bvt. Brlir OenT) txfKefera to Gov.. U. 8. Ken's and M. C"s N. J., Poets G. A. It., and Penslonera all U. a, Cannda &c Feb is-r-4t I rj4Hxtfr9iH farfaoi UaikMuer. rr-J u4 (lull' MiM(rllk wrk ibuJ raei of tql Tlt. lUne l'ersu n U 1. (lily can mcvi cat lYtt. torthr wlib ar Urrt sn4 2M5a "itoiplet. T (km la ynl bar for 9 month nil town litem M tkoM who roy b c1lefj, ihtr btcom yof own proMnT Tbo b writ it one 'in bo turi of relvlnc Wt fti4 Hnmplf Wp 11 ipr. frtrtr, tt. Addrooi M. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES1 BUDDIES, PHAETNS SLENHS, PUTF3itVi HKHV &2t Plrst-clasbwork always on hand, REPAIMAIU NEA 1L YD0N&. Pricci reJucedtn suit the tinct. PATENTS. vests and Trade Marks obtained, mil all Patent slness conducted (orMiil)Klt Tli I FEES. OUII OFFICE 18 OI'P SITE U. 8. PATEN FFIOK UeUivono sub agencies, nil buslnet lrcct, benco can transact patent business in lea. lraoand at LESS COST than those remote Iron. Washington Send model, drawing, or photo.wlth description We advUo if patentable or not. free ot charge. Our fee not due till on tent la Keeured. A boow,"iiow to obtain I'aunts,"wltbreferen5e u anuai ciicuta in your state, county, or town ntfree. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Otlce, Washington. n.P J. R. SMITH & CO, . LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DKALHK8 IN PIANOS, Uythe following well known makers; Chickeriiij;', Knnbc, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can hIbo furniali any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. JJo not buy a piano be foro getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. F(II8-l(t. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE mssmm Tkt Vftnetr of Bummer DnaVa "How miin.v klniK of tint k do joa sell, miyhouj" ftkfd n rtportr of a drnuylnt tli- idlicr day. "1 on tcrve ynu now with 130 dif ferent oold drinko," paid tho druggist, "nnd twenty hut drink, and won't charge you hvit twetty-fhe cents for any" Tlio reporter looked upon thin aa a skillfully served hint, nnd mode-tly oal cd for a pint glitsu of kmoiiadi-llo OftltB. "Guest how much of that ltmonado I soil in n day', nnid the druggist, Uk ing n turn at qucstl' ning. 'Ahout 300" ul ihei." "Way off. Why, on a warm day I empty that vesel, "well, a d zen tim, and ii hold lOOulawos. Then omnge pliospliatf comi'B next, a' d alter that vanilla snds, of Mol I sc'l shout 100 plaspcs a day," New York Evening Sun. "Eyory Bpring," Says one of tho hwt houH wives in New England, "Wm feel tho t ew:-ity of taking a good mrdiciuo to imilty the blood, and wi all UkH Im.d' S.r eapnrilla. It keeps tho children ire from huniorc, my husband aya it g v 8 him a good nnpetite, and for my t lf 1' am Btir I could never do all my uork il it was not forthm tuileniHd medu itie. It make me fet-1 B'roni; nnd cheertul, and I am never troubled with,b aluche or thai tired feeling, aa I ucd to be. Literary Ifotcs- The portiait of Ami lia E. Barr np peam ns a frontla piecn in tho Apr 1 number of Book Newb (John Wana mckcr, l'hiladeluhtn). The number contains an intci Chtiny article on "plate mailer lor neutpapi-rB, by tiowanl Kieldinn: a biocrnnhical akeleb ol Mr". Birr; a talk on all the b'-oka ot tin' mouth, by Talcott Wiliiira ; r viewn oi the inout important of tin- cutr.'t t pub-lii-atii'ii", notable amonc which ao "The Last Voyage of the Sunbeam." "Tlie CoriO'poii'ti nee ot Dmii l O'Uon- iie.l." "Atloat, In tiuy ne l.iunahnaiit. "A Danghtcr ol Eve," by tbe author of i ne story ol Murnart.t lU-nt,' and here are cuts from such of the bookn aa are illuxtrated. Among the mitni'l laneous reading matter ii a glirapa. of me tionaun lite of Money, author ol "Tholtiseof the Dutch Republic," with niH d(Fcriptiou ol Mueanlay; an a-c unt of an evening spent with DeQuineej: A ...... T J..!.. ... . ni'U'CW AMUftB WIVinU til U 'UUII book hunter, and ma iy otber liiteret ing articles. A Qrea Battle Is contiflUAllv rrninrr nn in thn human j 0 n ... - - - system. Tbe demon of imptiro blood eliives to gain victory ovei the o insti tution, to ruin health, to dran vie imi to the grave. A good reliable medi cine like HoodV Sarsaparilln is tbe wenprn witn wmcn to (left-nil one self. driVH thn rlftMnprafn fmwmtr fr.tm the fi Id, nnd restore peac and bodily ueattu ior many years, iry tins po ouliar medicine. Tha Year 1900 Will not be a leap Year. Although tho year 1900 will be di visible by four without a remainder, it will not bo a leap year. Twelve ye tra must elapse belor. the in eresttng event takes place, bnt it waa juBt ilin Name in 1800 and 1700, but not in 1G0H, for that was a leap year, a'id tho year 2000 will be a leap year als . Why this sdou'd be is a pro Jem. To ex plain in detail wonld be a tiresome tsk, ut it rests on tho principle that tbe llfferenoo of 11 minute p-r day exism between actual time and oa'end.-ir time. thus a vear is computed at 3634- days. three years being 3G5 days lung and the fourth year 33G days. Iu I nut the year is 3C5 days 5 hours and 45 min uies long, or 11 minn'04 short ui 365 J d tv s, i A Boston man purchased a bit of court-plaBter for his nose arid a pos tage stamp tor a letter. lie then placed the court-plaster on the le ter, aOixcd tho stamp to his n8- and tried to crawl into tho ltltcr-box. Drake Magazine. A negro railroad hand entered a restaurant in Americus, Ga., and put ting down a silver dollar, called for a 'Vqnare meal nnd no ohange." Tin' proprietor thought ho had a bargtiu in his customer, and at once, the lonal per sayB, bgan to spread the delicacies of tho seaon before him, bu, nt tbe end of so hour tbe table banqueter still held the fori, with an appetite tike an ostrich. During his sojourn at tho ta bio be pat bimelf ouuidn of 22 links of sansagn, 13 biscuits, a half di z n slices of fresh pork, two fried mullets, eta, and as be left the restaurant re marked to thn awe stricken proprietor that ho had been suffering witb ds pepsia for more than a wetk aud could scarcely oat anything. CATARRH Catarrhal Deafness and Kay Fever A NEW IIOMK TREATMENT. Sufferers ar.o not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane ot the nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved this to be a fact and the result Is that a blmjilo remedy has been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured In from one to three slnip.e applications made at liotnft bv the natlent once In two weeks. N. B. For catarrhal discharge peculiar to. females (whites) this remedy Is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. U. Uuqn & Sod, sat West Klmt Bt., Toronto, Canada. SctCTiIQtc lmerlcoru Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully. Out of tho Breastworks. Tat SruNQi, Tew., July 4, iBM Th Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Scrta years ago I contracted an eiceediniflr bad case of blood polton. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get tore, and, mr body covered with tores and ulcer. Going from bad to won. I felt that my 'grave mutt be reached In the near f attire. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I con menccd taking your medicine, I. began to Improve from the first bottle, and In, a short time the ulcer healtd, and makla cleared cQ and was entirely well. One year ago. a cue of catarrh developed tn my, system. The plmidan.dld hU best, but could not cure me J but two bottles of ' Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J, II. RoilNton. Kaufman, Tax.. Tune as, iSSI. The Swift SpedGc Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I have been afflicted wh a ildq.dlseasc for about twelve year, and tha beat medical treatment failed to give tne re lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and hare received the greatest benefit from it uie. Yours truly, Wh, Jokm. For sale by all droggbts. Tin Swift Srxcmc Co., Drawer j, Atlanta, Ga. Mew York, 756, Broadway. Tm4o. Bag.. II Baov MK, SHORT-HAND AND TYK-WMTINC. BoivlMtW luv Uka an Umm L'otMupAttoaf LUru HinttMftd. I th. nnui SKianl Willi itanm w m as v h h ! hmford YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Koliablo." Restores to the flour the nutritious phosphates . lost in bolting. No other powder does this, nutritious. Put up in bottles. PEriRINE'S I'UHE BAULKY DtiTiLLRD frona leloctiHl llarley Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and tree from Injurious oils and elds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It It especially adapted to persons requiting a stimulating tonic,- I'onaumpUves oeltig rreatlv henentted by its use. ltecoinmenilcvi ej lemllDg nhyalclans as a Uluretli Nerrlne, Toi.lo and Alterative. For consun.puvtii it Is Invaluable, rt ItHINJCV PUHE BA1ILKV HALT WtlMKEV Insures a return of Tlgor to the stomach, a goo-j anMtlte, a rich and abunaant blood and Inereawd tleiih and muscular tissue, a mlmalant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wSftUig d'' eases ca bo ei tlrely conquered by tne ute ir l errlne's J ure Biley airwhlakeis It 19 a tonlo indrtiuretian.d a powerful all engtbener to the entire system. TBll ttlNK'H I'UltK IIAIILCY MAM WIllsKKI has proved a mcdltUial protection to those who pursuo their avocations In the open air and whose dally work calls II oxcentlonal powers if enuurance. Alt oui nraren druggist or grocer for 'Or I'KltltlNK'UI'UltE tUIILKV MALT WHISK levlves theeneigles otthose0rn out with exceitvo csllP ur mental eltoit and acts as a safeguard agatnst exposure tn wetand rlgoroux vreatner. Iiwllldnve all malamiusdjseases from, thejsyttem. Hard wo'kers nf everr voeitlon and nersonswhom a swiontary me renders prone to Dyspepsia nniin fernnn s ruro Mali Whiskey a onwerrul and helper to dlgenlou. fF.itltlNK's rtlltE UAHLKV MALI W111SKHY without unduly it'muluing the kid. nys Increases their nagnlng activity, counteracts the erfects of fatlgu . has. tens convalecence and is a wholesome and prompt umretio .vatcuineisooi 1 ? None genuine unless bearing Vol saieuy all nrtXigiZ and grocers throng the united tjtates and Canada, p 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTIT WATER ST., P H 31 A rottSALB BT PENNY GOODb A SPECIALTY. soli AoaxTB roa xandcr F. T. ADAMS CO., Ale WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, ItEfCCO, CAATDILS, FRCITS AND NUTS. FINE CUT CHEWING T0BAI.C0 Sole agents of thefol lowing brands of Cigars. HKKKT CLAY, LONDRES, NORMAL, INDIAN PIUNCKP8, 8AM8ON. SILVER ABB, SOLE HENRY MA1LLARDS EECANDIKS. yRESU VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. DEALER IN Foreign and Mommtte WINES AND LI QUO Rfc AND J0SBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INBTLTCI'MENTS Pianos Onrans f 1V 1 mmmwB Music Warerooms, BlQomsburg, 3?. SEEDS,:; BMsF Maxyaurc BwVnovfejrTiwLtL sue.iMuacaw for Jqurckolu.all for il Atiuauyour Snd atooM, thUnoUt inan tul a lawthua. W'tlatltltltltV I It is healthful and MALT WHISKEY. iianw Invlgorant S The aualystb as It appears by the La Stiet on every bottle-, t have carefully an Wzed tne l'pa UasLKr Maxr Wgi sr made by M.CJ.K Perrme and And it entirely fa frnmfuBel oll.furfurol. Imetals and acids and Is . absolutely Inuri-." Sl(r'(t, fVimlKa Artnvr uatrr, m-ndualfOine Cnitrrtltlrt of ttunten ilnmaimd WfUbaten the stgnn IJRUOUISrS KNO IL DEALERS. Bros. & k AftY OI'DEIt FOR PE8TIV.VI. will be SUPPLIED W I ru THE LOWEST UsfFriees, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS: J CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. AGENTS TOR -IN- mg iviaciunes. -at- We sell DIRECT TO FAllMERS, a (rood, relUbls Auui.HUTF.il Hone and Potabii FERTILIZER C.M.DEM'WO'F CO., MHBiBaM aaBSeaiaBBi Sow !SaMRI,,ffiA.N,TJTL) tinlii siMClVi i Iu envnt to fxBinneis- Any San can K d with 0Vi?dj;gCvrH,,.",; !iimlf.i liaji I'ocnrsTiK, N, Y, sest eHr Wnvnn Wim Fflnr.incr 1 rioMuouivuau FebMeow J3t HOI! 8rlnrafnrli1nr' It 1 red In ill P-". 7 htm. wt will ittd frrf tofi ttnon la ckch tot-tlltj.ih try ! MWiBST-Tturhlnt trildt Im werld.wllh all lh ttttrrlrntBt. will il to BtJ free tomBll lwro tottlf and lmbl trt othUa la rctarn W uk that show whl w lnl. I tkftM wk my rail t or hmt,D4 tfttr JO mOBIBlftll Bill Dtrvni twbt vwai ipraMrtr. TkU imrMfla la 'rntrlnfttf ibt Hlncrr f'-"" WhlCK Mt psn iiipriori jrwiTniw nin mil 11 ki ior mvi wim to ta-rimntt, anH now aalla for fiL.Hk. rii. fttronrrll. mott dm- lHIUftrc. No etDlul rrattlrfxt. Tlaln. ... . . . 1 haaa Hrtin avrtia tn HI at On ran rarv - lha bM vlnr-nai hln In tha etlt. and lha lnM una af work of h-h art aa ihown iftr'ths't in Anwrira. 'A'JXUK ate CO., 1 74U Augi-lu. Mulue. GRATEFUL COMFOHTINQ. EPF'S COCOA. HUEAKFAHT. "Rv athorouxh knnwlcdireof the nsiural laws which tfuvcin tho orciatlons of digestion and iiutrlt'on. and by n careful appllcatloi. otibo Ono propntlei of well seloi lpd oeoa, Mr Eppsbas piold d our breakfast tahlcs with a dsilcately flKV.ired beverspe which may suveus many heavy doctors' bllK It Is by the Judicious use ot such articles of diet that aconstuullon may be gradual. 1 built up until s' mnR enough to n rtst every ten. deneyfn nt raw. llundrds of subtlo maladies sreifoatlnirnrouiid usie dy to attack wherever there Is a weak point. Wo may escape 11 any a fatal shaft bj keeping o inelves wi ll foi tilled with Sure 1 loud aid a ronerly nourliiied frame. '-CIM eretc (iatrtl iiede simply with b lllrc waicr or milk, nold only In halt pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus : JAM EH BITS CO., Ilomooopalhlo Chemists, octie-d-eu London, Kngiand. WIRE KSarW rc KlS- SI I lit. Kit 1G0UI! jinn rijL u rum ri rELAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WE8TBRN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. - STATIONS. NORTn. rs r a a. u. a, u NORTHDMSSELAND B 40 1 85 10 10 6 IS Cameron s 65 ...... 10 ss 6 so Chulask) dio .... low (i at Danville s 08 1 ts 10 so e 40 I'atuwthsa 6 23 2 14 10 63 8 (8 Rupert..- 6 Si' 9 10 11 00 I US liloomsburg 6 St s si it o? 7 12 Kspy S 43 29 11 16 7 !0 Llmeltldge. - 6 60 ,. 11 22 7 S7 willow (.rove e 64 .... 11 so 7 31 llrlarcreek 6 63 11 30 7 35 llerwlck 7 05 8 4S 11 87 7 41 Reach Haven 7 11 2 64 11 44 7 49 Hick's Ferry 7 18 2 69 11 4S 65 Khlckshlnny 7 so 3 09 11 68 8 PS Ilunlock's 7 43 3 19 18 OS S 17 Nantlcoke 7 60 3 !S 12 16 8 22 Avondnle 7 61 12 20 s 3b Plymouth 7 69 3 85 12 25 8 8.1 ril mouth Junction,,.,, 8 03 3 89 12 80 8 88 Kingston 8 08 3 43 12 37 8 45 Dennett 8 12 .... 12 41 8 49 Maltby 8 17 12 45 8 (3 Wyoming 8 22 3 (2 I8 60 8 63 West ItttSton 8 27 8 60 It 66 9 01 HUston 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 )J Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 TaMorvllle......... 8 48 .... lis in nellevue 8 64 ... 1 25 9 11 BCKJ.NTOH 9 00 4 82 1 80 9 35 ru rx ru xu STATIONS. ' SOUTH ah in ru ru HCR1NTOK 6 10 9 60 2 05 6 20 Uellevue SIC 9 65 ... 6 85 Taylorvllle, 6 20 10 00 2 14 6 30 Lackawanna. 6 2s to 08 2 21 6 87 Htteton 6 SS 10 IS 2 28 6 45 WCStlltUtOn 6 42 10 22 2 84 6 60 Wyoming. 6 47 to 27 S 39 6 65 Mall by 6 61 10 30 ... 6 69 Dennett 6 66 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 S3 S 60 7 07 Plymouth Junction... 7 05 10 42 2 64 7 12 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 IS Avondale. , 7-14 10 61 8 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 3 06 7 25 RUnlOCk'S 7 26 11 02 3 19 7 43 RMCkshluny 7 47 11 12 8 29 7 66 Rick's Kerry 7 69 11 28 3 89 8 07 Reach Haven.,', 8 01 II 28 3 45 8 13 llerwlck 8 07 11 37 3 61 8 20 llnarcreek. s 13 3 67 8 27 willow Orove 8 16 11 4S 4 01 8 81 Llmeltldge. 8 20 ii 68 4 05 8 ss Espy 8 86 11 19 4 12 8 41 llloomsburg 8 32 18 05 4 18 8 47 Rupert 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 63 Oatawlssa 8 2 18 16 4 29 8 57 Danville 8 67 18 30 4 46 9 16 Chulaaky. 9 03 4 64 9 83 Cameron 9 07 12 40 6 00 9 S8 N0RTnUH8RLAND...., 9 28 1 61 5 16 9 45 ah r h r ru Conneotlons at Rupert wllh Phllsdeipht Readlns null mail for Tamanend, Tsmoqua, will. Inmapnrt, sunbury. Potisville, etc. AtNartbum. berland with P. E. Dlv. P. H. R. for Harrlfburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. "V. P. UALSTEAI), oen. Man., Scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Bailroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. i TIME TABLE; In eitnot NOV, is jess. Trains leave hunbury EASTWARD 9.40 a. m., ta shore Express (dally except Sunday), tor Ilarrtsburg andlntermedlatestatlons. arriving at Philadelphia 8.16 p. m.j New fork, 6.60 p.m.; Baltimore, 4.45 p. m. : Washington c.63p. to., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia, . 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except Sundayl.forllarrlBburp and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.60 p. m. ; New York, 9.85 p. m. ; Italtlmore S.43 p.m.! Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to phtlsdelphla and Baltimore. T.45 p. m. t'enovo Accommodation (daily for Ilarrtsburg and all Intermediate stations, arrtv Ingat Philadelphia 4 85 a. to. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.151. m. : Waablnrfon 80a. m. ; Pullmsnsliwplngrarfrom ilarrtsburg to Philadel phia and New York, llilladelphla passengers can wmain in irnr tindlturhM until r a. m. Philadelphia sleerer Is rub. on this train from u Illlam-pott on Sunday's. . a. m. Kru Malltdallylfor Ilarrtsburg; and Intermediate stations, sirring at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. few Tirk ll.so a. m. : Baltimore 8.15 a.m.: Washlrigien,9.S0a. m, Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and t ashlngton, and through patsen ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. , 5.10a. m. Erie Wall (Dull) icr Frlr arJ a Intermediate stations ana Canandetgua aid Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo aid Niagara Falls, with tbiough Pullman pataco oars and paBsenger coaches to Erie and Kocore ter. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) (or ock TIaven and Intermediate stations. 18.58 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun 1 y) for Kane ardlntermedlatestatlons and Can. ai algna and principal Intermediate stations, Rfbestr, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with thr ugh passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carto Williamsport. 6.30 p. m. Fast Une (de Uy except Bundaylfor Re. novo and Intermediate stations, and Klinlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas. senger coaches to Itenovo and Watklns. 9.80 a. m Sunday mall for Renovo and Interme diate statloD- TUROUan TRAINS FOR SUNimtY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. snndsy mall leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m UarrtHbuiy T.40 arriving at Snnbury 9.80 a. m. News RxpreBS leaves Philadelphia 4.8O a.m. narrtsbure. s.10 a. m. daily except Sunday arrlying at Hunhury 9.68. a, m. , . . . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. , Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally 25?tpt arriving atSunbury..6Jp. m with through 1-arloi ear from Philadelphia S?.ln,?,Jrt .Passenger coaches from Phlladel phta and Baltimore. KaBt Line leaves New Yom 9.00 a.m.; Phlladel' Phla.11.Wa. m.: Washington, 9. 60 a. m.: Balti more, 10.45 a. m. dally rept Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 6.snp. m.. with through passengef ooacheafrom Philadelphia and Baltimore. JsrteMa.ll leaven rvew York 8.00p.m. 1 Philadel phia, 11.85 p. m. t Washington, lloo p. m.j Baltl more, U.8";p. m 'daily! arriving at Sunbury 6.10 ' m i with through Pullman Sleeping rare from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and nroogb passenger roaches trow Philadelphia HlINIItlHV, IIAZI.KTIIN lc VVII.KPHllAHItB ItAII.IIIMII ANII NIIHTII AND WKHT 1'IMNI'H II A 1 1. WAY. ,.,t (Dally except Hunuay.) Wllkesbarre Mall leaves sunbury 9.65 a, m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. m., Wtlkes-barre ..K,,pIr,'4,, ,esTes Sunbury 6,35 p. m.,arrtTlnB at Blooin Ferry 6.26 p. in.. Wlfkes-barre V.60p. m sunbury Mafl leaves Wllkesbarre imoa. m. arrlv tngat bimto Ferry 11, a. m.,Hunbury 11111, m Express west leave wiues-barre 3.05 p. m., ar Tin? at Bloom FnrT t.SOp.ro., SunburyHOp.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:5 a. m., arriving at Bloom Frrty 10.H a. m. WlUes-Barre ll:45 a.m. teuiday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 6:10 P. ., arrlvicy at Uloom Ferry, . p.m., Bunburr 1 ou pi m, CUH. K. FUOM, J, H, WOOD, MatiM4t