THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I Did it Elect Hftrrlion? I s Tho following nppeorcil in o Mln niAota paper. "Members of tho Domo emtio party havo boon using nil subtor fnges lo.ncoount for their overwhelm ing defeat, and numerous nro tho oaim- 08 alleged. '1 was talking with Bovcral of the vanquished on Fourth Street tho other day, opposito a bill board, and ouo of i tho party cxclaimoil: If it had not I been for tho closeness of tho National Conimittco in thn expenditure of money, we would havo oleoti'd our man Tho Hepnblioang ndvertisi d their miin liko a circus." Several of tho pprty remarked that no ftilvertiHinp; was done except small nnnouncetnents in thn apore, and a Jew "hangers ' on tlio i ead walls. "IlanuorBl" said our informant "What do you call that but a olrouH poster!" pointing to a twclvo-shoct medioino postor on tho Ml hoard, bear ing the outs of Gen. Harrison and his grandfather. "If tho Democrats had advertised like that, Cleveland would havo peon re-elected.'' Tho poster roferred to was one of the familiar black and white Log Cabin Sarsaparilla posters Bent out by an en terprising firm engaged in the manu facture of old log cabin home-cures, under the name of Warner's Log Cab in Remedies, and among other equally valuable articles includes tho famous Lop Oahit Sarcaparilla, whiohis every where recognized as tho best of all spring medicines and stands without a rival for tho oure of all disorders whioh are the results of Impure blood. The spring timo of tho year is the season when tho system neods renova tion; tbo long winter has caused tho blood to become filled with imparities There exists no bettor means to aid and strengthen the system at such an urgent period than tho use of Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, which speedi ly restores the blood to a pure and healthy state, whioh insures health and happiness. The reputation of the firm is abnv reproach, and is tho same firm which manufactures Warner's Safe Cure th' stand rd remedy for the euro of nil thnse diseaB8 peculiar to the kidney as well as those which. ar thu resuli of diseopo in thosH organs, and which has met with such phenomenal success for the past ten jears. We understand that the posters re ferred to made their appearance in many parts of tho country prior to th- Chicago Convention whioh nominated Qfn. Harrison as a candidate for th Preside cy h nee the uso of the por traits of the Harrison), father and grands n was either tho result of re markable political foresight or in ac cordance with the historical association of trie oldLog Cabin with tho name of Harrison. DUNKARDS AT WORSHIP. 7 STRANGE AND SIMPLE RITES OF THIS MEEK AND DEVOTED 6ECT. B right's Dlsbhs. A TearOM Chita PTf4 AfUr Vallate ef For rhrlcUn MrtlttU ftlrUim yr of fcr. mi token tick ta Mtfch, with anfttlet few, When tttOTerint ba took a veTtr roM, which (feretorM BrixhtM 1?1mm ot thft KMntr. Iter infcl. frl ud tyM wore terribly twolltnt ihehM trarnlnr few, ana all tho armptotnt of an affirm, ted mm of DrijrMa CImam. Foard our best thntcUnittralMlitr, but without itieeeea, aid h ir Lifo wns Despaired of.,v tmt a mother! low and pnjtn inrmotint all dlffl. CtU tlee, and t dUrminM ta try Dr. IHrlil KennMr'i rTorlloIV'Jiio.miatllomtout, Y, Thlawaa a Hat rtflort, and I liopM, although mr little dauirh ter'i CaM w a Tcry utitn ona, that tbe Farorlta Zlemerlr would do for her whtt It liatl done for othert Whose rendition had not boon, loeminftlf", M hope let. How htpvr I m that I determine upon thU court fur an ImprOTecncnt was at once perceptible. The fererleftbor hfrarpttttetmproTedeber&lQed poundi Id a abort time, and one by cue the veil known auddroxlod tymptoma of thdbeaa leit her. Wordf fall to ctproia my rratltnde, and I eannot too carnMtly recommend tbe Farorita Xtemedy, It wm A MARVELOUS RECOVERY. ml In dne rnUrolr to ths Fsvorll. Itannlr, blch v.. th ppijr moJicino taken ltr her cm. wis atADdonM by th lhytlcUlii. . . pirn, uvnr. a. nomi'Ton, m Kuutnti. Vermont; Queen Victoria's footman. a. cobntbtman mistakes lord mel. bourne for a servant. In the days when Prince Albert had come to woo the Queen of England the crowd of people who wished to catch a glimpse of royalty as it promenaded upon the teTaco at Windsor Castle was greatly increased by reason of the general interest in the young couple. Ono day a Yorkshireraan who had de termined to get' a good look at th Queen appeared at tho gates by which tbo spectators were usually admitted and tbns accosted a man, a footman evidently, who was at that moment crossing tho court yard: ''Look here, John, Kobort, whatever they call you, I ooom from the country." "So I hoar", said tbe footman. "Well, lo never seen t' Qneen, and I want to get a good sight of ber. Now can't you just let mo through them gates just afore t' rest o' t' folks. I want to get. a good place, ye see." "Well sir" said tho man, "I don't know whether I dare. I might looso mv place, you see." 'V i uii thou'll never loose thy I tor such a thing as that. Thou can say to t' Queen that she hasn't cotton a moro lOyaller subject than John Stokes not in all Yorkshire. I nobbut want to get in jtwt afore t' res on 'em." "Well, oome along, then,1' said tin man. He opened the gate and the eajer Yorkshiremau rushed througti. As he did so an idea seemed to s .rik him, and he stopped to tender the foot man a half erown. "No, thank you, sir," said tho man, "we are forbidden to take fees." "Take it, mun, take it. Nobody'li know." "No, thank you, sir." The Yorkshireraan secured n fore most place and in duo time appeared the Quen and Prince. More than that, conversing familiarly with her Jttaj 'ty was tue footman. "Ju-t look therel" oriod tbe country visitor t a bystander. ' Ilo'i a lauih ing and talking to t' Queen like any- ming "Who" "Why t' olnp that opened me the coat and red collar." f When the listener's laughter would allow him to spesk, he explained: "Blue coat and rod collar! Why, tbatstbe Wiuenr uniform, and your footman is Lord AL 31 bourne, tbe l'nmo Minister." Prof. Semmola of tho University of Paris, in an article published in the Gazette Medioale do Paris, says: "Dry ness of the Bkin, imperfect digestion and transformation of albuminoid food are present at tbe beginning of chronic Uncut b Uisease." Warners Bate Cure removes digestive disorders, Why! Because it enables the kidneys to perform their functions in a healthy manner, wuen uotn cause ami resulting symptoms disappear. A tame cow belonging to a farmer near Kidgoway, Uanada, Das been taucht to distinguish colors, and will pick ont from a pile of articles of va rious colors one oi any coior asicea lor. Tho hangman otlort Smith, Ark. wh? has sprung the trap on about seventy men, says that if the condemn ed will only behave himself and follow directions, bo can mako his death as painless as turning over in bed. for the Good of Others. I want to mako known the fact that I suffered from a Bladdor and Kidney trouble and that I was eured by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy made at ltondout, N. Y., and I look forward to spending tho balance of my life free from torture and with a heart grateful for tbo medicine which affords me so pleasant a prospect. Rev. 8. 0. Chandler, iieuanon oprfugB, . 8-29-41 John 0. Ropes, tho lecturer at Cam bridge, Mass., possesses a portrait of Napoleon whioh is said to bo the finest in exiitance. It yepreeenU tho Em peror At tbe battle of Areola. FAVORITE REMEDY,1 tllM Om dolUr. Fntand U Rondout, N. T. Dr. Kennidy's Favorite Rimtdy. VraanAfcr OR. PATID KKNnnr.nONDOCT.N.T. I tlpwbottl SUfotM. BrlUrortiU. Tho Best and Purest Madiclno W EVER MADEt ArT-tWltwIU rtrlto tho llnmotfromyonr tflmplel nntl uioicnvp hlrl ch nor jour beuty o cnusol nv impure hlnnd. And can be removcu inasnon time, II you are vnse ami use a great v -a . 9. blood du. 'ino io8o id 'to wa Binall only a tca,; upoonrui. Jtisino bet Htld ihedlic mcillcltio. Try ft. E3 enn ulll lin lUlflllflCll. Uet It of jour Drafgtrt. DOS'rWAIT. OKTITATOSCK I yon arc BUfferlny from KM. Illsjiftsn. nml wllh to HVO aire, use SUL1-1IUH B1TTE rney nccr iuu w vui Tli(t t'ltllrwert of 3tack KutnlilUh n Society In Clilongo Tlio Washing itf I'ent and Other recullar Obserranees A lieinura Chntr Lender. In tho pfoln, ouo story meeting tiouso on Onkloy at eitue, Jut off Jacksou street, there met A irnmll congregation of that peculiar re ligious sect ktiotvu na Uia Uuiiknran A bocI ty of tbem wo formeil Snmlay, and meet liiga to knit the membership more closely to gether are lielng helJ. The congregation uumbrmi twenty-five or thirty nwn, all apirently from tho common walks of lifo. An eiccoJing plainness of dren and speech prevailed among them. The women wore dresses of dark stuffs and black sun bonnets, and the clderl women. In some oases, white caps. Thelrdrsoi wasunre'Jered by ornament or jewelry of nuy kind, though two or threo wore bonnets of more con I en tlonnl fashion. The men had no dlstlnctlvo dress. A few wore broad brimmed hats. On a front bench I ftjlttJElBw wvuiiiimji tviv u unu cuivkui uiiibii ill u garment of somber brown, her sunny curls peeping out from the shtcdowa of a black satin sun bonnet She now and then stole a coquettish glance In the direction of the "amen" corner, whero sot a robust young man with his wide brimmed lint outspread uin his knees. There were several young women and two or threo young men In the audience. Tbe pretty girl on the front bench led the singing In gooi,old fashioned tunes in a shrill treble voice. BIMIT.E HUT IMrHESSlVl: SWIV1CES. Tho services were simple in character. They wero ihltlatod by the singing of "Jesus, Iiover of My Soul." The loader Iheii prayed, while every, one In tho room knelt lu suv pllauco. After another hymn, the. Hov. D. Ij. Miller, of Mount Morris colony, preached from tho text: "Xow abldeth faith, hope and charity, but the greatest of theso is charity." No references were made to the peculiar practices of the church. The, sermou wns such an exposition of thedoctrineof Chri-iUan lovens might fall from thelipsof any orthodox Protestant clergyman. It was delivered di dactically and without any of the pious fer vor and ecstasy common to the extreme socts of dissenters. Another hymn and prayer , after the f-ermon closed the services. The preacher came down from the pulpit and mingled with the members of his lit) la Dock. He saluted the brethren with a kiss and a hand shake. Tho men also klsMul each other, and so did the sisters among themselves. "You sco we are not so very different from other people," said tho ftov. Mr, Miller. "There Is h -great deal of rldlculo indulged in on our account The reporters who come to our meetings treat us pretty roughly some times, and there are many wrong uotlons about us current among thoso who ought to know better, George Alfred Townsend has written n novel In which tho scenoof tho story is laid in one of our communities. He was very Inaccurato in what ho said of us. Most people think we are a sect of commun ists." "But don't you have monastic communities in Pennsylvania!'1 A DIFFEMNT KIND Olf DysKAIU). "Not at all. You nro confusing tis with the Seven Day Dunkers, organized by Conrad Belssel in Lancaster county, Pa., in 1VM. They believe In observing Saturday as the Sabbath. We haven't anything to do with them. Our people emigrated from Holland in lilu and sottled In Pennsylvania. TVe have In tbe United States a membership of 100,000, chiefly in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana nnd Illinois. We have colleges at Mount Morris, His., Bridge water, Va., Huntington, Pa., and McPher sou, Kan. VTo have a largo society at Mount Morris. I suppose there are about fifty Dunkards In Chicago, and nearly all of them have moved here from Mount Morris. We live, of course, just like other people. Some members of our society havo gone away, from timo to time, to get work. There were enough hero, we thought, to warrant us In establishing a society, and so Professor Young and myself came up Saturday, and on Sun day organised our church with twenty-four mombors. Wo are holding meetings, and it Is intended to have services every Sunday after this. Soma ono from Mount Morris will do tho preaching." The organization of tho society on Sunday was attended by the observance of, tbe strange rites of the church, which Include the kiss of charity, the right hand of fel lowship, a love feast, and the washing of feet In tha performance pt tbe last rite men and women were separated. Tho women gathered at one end of tbe church nnd the men at the other. Largo tin basins of water were used, the brethren and sisters washing and drying each other's naked feet and sing iSg songs over their work of humility, "It was all done with extreme propriety," said the Rev. Mr. Miller. "Our observance of this ceremony is based upon the custom of the apostles and the primitive church, VOI.bOWlXQ TlIE UASTZR'S EXAMrLE. "You know Christ washed the feet of his disciples as an act of humility. Are we greater than our Lord I You may not know that 590,000,000 of Christians- practice this rito as a part of their religious ceremonies. AH the members of the Greek church do and It Is done in the Roman Catholic cburcb. Tho Catholio laymen do not do It, but the higher dignitaries wash tbe feet of twelve of their inferiors on each Good Friday. It Is as proper a ceremony as baptism or tbe other sacraments." The Incorporated name of the Dunkard church Is the "German Baptist Brethren," It was founded in 1T03 by Alexander Mack and seven others In the village of Scbwarze nou, in Oormany. They believed that Im mersion was the proper form of baptism, and not sprinkling, as observed by tho Catholio church. Tbo name of tunkers, or dunkers, was de rived from the German word tunken, mean ing to dip. The Dunkards baptizo by dipping forward. Besides the present society, two other societies were formed in Germany. Persecutions drove them into Holland, and, between the years 1710 and 1729, the entire denomination emigrated to the United States. Besides the religious practices already men tioned, their creed forbids tho taking of oaths, bringing suits in the courts, and fighting. Until recent years. they did not take interest for money loaned. The sick are anointed with oil and their recovery prayed for with the laying on of bands. The church govern ment is vested in bishops, elected at popular meetings of the church, which are usually held each May. The bishops ore prepared for their holy offices by anointment with oil. Chicago News. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. I'. Ordway & Co.. Boston.MasB., for beet moiUcalworK publlsbod t si v The Original uvUvo LIVER OOlkowGis PILLS. Moss Marble. There has been discovered, four miles south of Rattlesnake Springs, W. 1 an extensive ledge of marble, in which beautiful trees or plants of moss are as frequent and as clearly defined as In the moss agate, though the marble Is not translucent The body of the stone Is mostly white, with splotches of pink and blue between the bunches of moss. Sci entific American. m:ir Ann op imitations, azwats a si; tmt nn. nisiWK'S pjiLLhTg, ob I.1TTT.E B VGA It' CO A TED PIZZS. living entirely vegetable, they op erate without distuihanco to the sfsttm. diet, or -Kvuimt Ion. Put up hi class viuls, hurmett ailly scaled. Always fresn and reliable. As a Inxnitvo. alterative, or purgative, ti.c-'.o little Pellets give the most perfect satisfaction. sh ram. IIIIIoiis ltcudaclie, li7zlueis, :onMlpn. linn, IiiaiRestlon. litllotia AlluultsnndalI dciimcments of tlio stom ueh and bowels, are prompt ly relieved and permanently pnrr1 bv lltn tisi nr IBr. l-loreo's lMcniniit l'urantlve Pellet. In explanation or the remedial power of these Pellets over tn (rreat a variety of diseases, it may ttuthrully be said that their action upon the tA'ctcm is universal, not a gland or tissue esi'apin-r lliclr suimtlto fntluenco. Sold by di-imrlkKSi cents a vial. Manufactured at tho i:i.i mli-vl laboratory of Would' Disi'EJisinr JUiinou, Afcsoci.uio.v-, Iiuffulo, N. V, A) , is oiH'reti uy iuu iiiBauiaciuv--S crs of Dr. SnKO Cntarrli ricmcuy, tor a case or a esse llluouiu fi'tunl Catarrn which incy cannot cure. M'Mt'TOHS OF CATAIUUI.-Dull, heavy heai' n:lie, obstruction of tho nasai s, disitinrires falling fmm the head to t'-tf fliroiit, sometimes piofuse, watery, it r." Id, nt Otliois, tlilcl:, tenacious, mucous, tiikut Moody, and putild; the cyea are 'til?, wilory, and lnlttuncd; tticro Is ringing tho tars, daafnecs, hacking or coughing to ar the throat, rxpet-tm-atlon of offensive tier, together wltn scabs from ulcers; tlio lee In clmpfrcd and has au nasal twang; the tttli Is offensive; smell and taste, are Im red ; thcro Is n sensation of dizziness, with .imtnl depression, a hacking cough and gen-, end debility. Duly a few of the abovc-nnmed (.ynil'timw are likely to be present In anyone case, 'Thousands of cobos aunually, without manifesting half, of the nbove symptoms, re-, suit In consumption, and1 end In the grave. No disease la so common, moro deceptive and ilingerous, or less understood by physlclsns. lly Its mild, 6oothlng, nnd healing properties, I)t. Suire's Catarrh Jlornedy cures the worst '. .fa of Cntarrli, " old In tlio head," ;nr)7a, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere ; W cents. Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. IlACSNKn, the famous mesmerist, if Hhata.N. 1'.. writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasul ratarrb. My family physician gave me up as tncurablo, and said I must die. My case was such a bad one, that every day, towards sun- ct, my voice would become so hoarse 1 could iirely sneak above a whisper. In tbe morning my couglilng nnd clearing of my throat would 'most strangle me. Uy the uso of Dr. Sage's ' 'atarrb llemtdy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." nt'inistantly Hawking and Spilling." Thomas j. ItnsntNO, P.sij., MOi Pine Stntt, at. Umlt, Mo., writes: "I was a great euffeifr from catarrh for three years. At times I could iirdlv breathe, end was constantly hawking and splttlnr, and for the lost eight months 1 could not breathe throueh tho nostrils. thousht nothing could be dime for me. I.uck. lly. I was advised to try Dr. Sngo's Catarrh Urmcdy, snd I am now a well man. I bello a It P? be the only sure remedy for catarrh now u.9"iifiiftiiu"l, and one has only to give It a ij!r trial to experteue astounding results anil 4 pf rpanent cure," Three llottles) Car Catarrh. Eli rtoBDina, Itunvnn P. O.. CoIumWn Co Pa., says: "Jly daughter had catarrh when she was five yesrs old. very badly. X saw Dr. Uage a Catarrn ltemedy advertised, and pro-i-uicd a bottle for her, and soon saw that It helped her a third bottlo effected a perma nent cure. She Is now eighteen yean old and Ifuud and Letrtr." Spr ing Disorders Shatttred nerrea, tired brain. Impure blood, debilitated system, sU are the natural out come in the Spring. A medlcto most be used, and nothing equals Psine's tfcJiryOora pouni We let others .praise us jou cannot help believing a disin terested party. . Brlesdler-Ofneral W. L. Orcenleaf, Burling "ton. vt, writes: "I have usod l'alne's Celery uompound on several occasions, and always with benefit Last spring, being very much run down and debilitated, I commenced taking tt Two bottles made me feel lite a new man. M a general tunic and spring medicine I do not know of Its equal" I have used two bottles of your raise's Celery compound, snd it has given entire sat isfaction as an appetizer and blood purtner." T. L. BsKKia, tvatertewa, Dakota, Paine's' Celery Compound Is prescribed by physicians, recommended by tfrugflsts, endoreed by ministers, praised-by users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, as a spring medicine which will do all that Is claimed for It Use It this rprtng, and see how quickly It tones you up. Purifies' the Blood. " Full accounts i Of wonderful cures made by Fame's Celery compound after other medicines and the host 'physicians had failed, sent free, There's nothing like It six tor 15.00. Druggists. Wilis, ltlcniKDsox Co., Burlington. Tt iASSi IT 15 EASY TO DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES Hm tomeittlnoItAVl BE WISE! HOOTS AND SnOKS DMSSBO WITH Wolff sACMEBIacking NEVER IET HARI APti ITrFF, ilwirslsokoMt, Kjaillj roM for H4 n's, Womb's etOblld'sahosm. Ito blMkinc brnih rQl7d, s4 ths poUshhK IsaoQSla Uu nlnsus without uso; WATJtlt PROOF uA 'uruUd tepreswrr Isttlwr, sod kps It soft snd durable. Sold bf Shorn 6tarM, Groewt, DrassiaU, . Try it ois tyew Barnes, WOLFF A RANDOLPH, raiuoafm BLQOMK FLANIKG MILL The understgnrd having put his rtantng M Rillrosd street, In nrat-oiass condluon.tspre roa io QO an sinusal woram nisune, FRAMES, SASM, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUi-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshea at, rensonuoie prices. All lumber ust) o well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS fumiBhod on application. CHARLIES KHCS, BloomsfeBrr, Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undemignud having been rc- tored to health by atmtilo meacr, after sue firing for several yearg with n 'evere ung affei-tton, and that drt-ad dmeaeti Consumption, is anxious to mako (liowii to liie follow soil i rero t lie tni nut f cure. To thone who d sire it, he ill ticcrlully send (jtrt-o of char e) a t-o T tho prcHcription used, m liich tbt will Cnd a ure cnr- for Consumption Asthma, Catauhii, Buonciiitis a' til throat and luntr Maladies. I)- hopes all sulTererB will try hu K- im-dj us It is invaluable. Thoe dt girinp Hi ureficription, whioh will coat them lu tl hip:, and may prove a b'eoMDfr, wii lease adilrcs?, Hkv. Edward A. Wii ok, Williamsburg, Kings Conut Now York. 7 ly ' IBE INSURANCE rnrtiFTiAN r. km ait, blooiisbukg ,p a i hums, ur n. i. M BKCII ANTS. OP NKWAHK, N. 3. CLINTON, N. Y. PEOPLKS' N. Y. ItKADlNQ, PA. GERMAN AMERICAN INS. CO-NEW VOKa' OKKENWIC1I INS. CO., NEW YORK. JEKSEY CITY FJRB 1S. CO., JKR8E' CITY, N. J. These nui corporations are well seasoned M we ana hzltssttd ana i nave nerer. ret: ad a losssottlcdbj any court of law. Their assets are all Invoated in solid gicuaiTiia are Uabletothe uara oi ikb oniy. Losses rBOirrTLT and noNisixr adjusted and aia as seion as ueternunea ny ivnaiBTIAK r. KNarr, srioiiL aoikt ind Aixrosna Biooxsinui, Pa. Tbeljeonlsof Columbia countr should natroiu Ue the agency where losses If any are settled and oaij oy ono or mor own cieuena. t-KUJU-iNKSB, UVU1TX, tTAlti UIALJUU. M. PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! TT Q DtytfatAVDrlnawiDivv nuauns Oavcmh. Sailors, their Widows, Ciiildrun and bsriHDXNT Pabskts everywhere. It to doubt, or any. Pension Information wanted, writ nore. . No Waahlngton, D. U or otlicr Agency so advantareous as tins ' K. J. agency. 8TThousands of PenRlons ajygrecatln? millions of dollars, obtained through tbuj Agency, and others allowed dally, Address with two stamps J Ail F ICUHLilIMU, Countelor atXaw, (Late TJ. S. Pension Agent, N. J. Ilvt. Urlvr. GenT-J ivitefora to gov.. U. S. Sens and M. O's N. J., Poata O. A. it, and Pensioners all U. a, Cannda &c Feb 16-Mt B tV wtuh la lh worH. fswfict tlHakttcar. Wjr. lM. JIM 141 lad KU' Oiawiih wotki Kid CftM f tUAl , lM PeraaailaMkh lev. rlll cam tCBrm4 fNt, IOfiBerwiui owr iup inni -Hamplri. Tin HBapt. M Vpm. a&d ifUr tod bm Vtnt Um U ftvt ham tbt Moath ml ikftw tbm f Uiqh who mf bkt ckikJ, utv fctcoau iw i"Pnv Tk ha writ l iiiL-t ran M ur f Me !! Ik Vrtli vim M. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOM8BURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BU0GIE8, PHAETNS SIEIQHS, PUTF3RM WAQN3' &S- Flrst-cltsswort always on tacfl, REPAUilJSU XEA 1L YDONk. priee$ rfductdto wit tht lima. PATENTS, veats and Trade Marks ontt.tned.and all Patent sines conducted tor.MODEltTK fees. ouk orncis is on site u. b. patent KFIOE We have no sub.f gencirs, all tiuBlnesa Irect, Hence cau transact p item buslr ess In less lmoand utLKS.i ceiaTthoji I hobo remote from WastalnRton, send modal, elrawlnf , or plioin,wltb desarlpUon. We adflse If patentable or not, frco of cnarge. OurfeenotduetlllpatentlaBecared. , A book,"llow to Obtain Iatent8,"wlthreferense o actual clients In your state, county, or town, ntrree. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., OpvOBlte Patent omo, Washlnirton, p.C A DREAM. " ' " Heboid, there wu seen at my beart, A place of icreat shadow and tMra, Hhadows and trembling snd fears. Death, and the pain ot his dart. Lots In his erare clothes lay there Dead with nn smile on his face, Dtad-tn that sorrowful place, With scorn for a wreath In bis hair. He that had oace been so great, Stijhty of wing and so fleet, There, lying still at my feet, There, at the feet of my bite! Looking thuswise on him there, I, being softened In part; Touched, for one heart beat, his heart, LMtlng tny lips la his hair. But, as repentant I knelt. Torn with ths battle begun, Shamed for the thing I had done, Lol on a sudden I felt Warmth of his wings overspread. Yea, of his tips and their smart, Of his eyes, and his bands and bis heart Lere had come back from the dead) Amlle IUres Is Pittsburg Dulletln. The Antiquity "of' Man. With regard to the discoveries tn tho lopes of tho Sierra do Managua, Dr. Flint considers that the human hones proro Indisputably tho existence of man In Pliocene times. Still wo tuun,t recol lect that In such an active volcanic re gion as Nicaragua, with its hot and moist climate, sudden upheavals and subsi dences may be expected to havo oc currred, while tho rich tropical vegeta tion would rapidly repair tho ravages caused by tho tntxtt devastating eruptions. The footprints themselves tell us little as regards their antiquity. As before men tioned, they present no evidence of be longing to an inferior type of man, while tho sandal shod footprint indicates a cer tain advance In civilization, since a man who wears shoesnt all carl hardly belong to the earliest Btage of human culture. Considering all the circumstances, there fore, it will, perhaps be wisest to adopt Ur. Urlnton's cautious conclusion, that there is not sufficient evidence to remove these remains further back than tho pres ent Post-I'lloccne or Quaternary period. Knowledge. ' Marble's Oamor. Sonio people call him A. W. Marble, hut more people know him as Will Mar ble. He used to be ono of tho brightest nml wittiest men on tho Chicago board of trade, and many of his clover sayings still live in tho comic history of that liody. He It was who once declared that ho wns happy because ho was even with tho world that ho owed just as many people as ho did not owe. During one jierioet of Ids connection with tho board lio was In tho ofllco of John R. Densley, nn ex-president of tho body. Marble was a Bharp trailer and a valuable man In any oillce, but business had been very dull for somo time, and ho anno to the conclusion that in tho courso of a short time Ids head would fall In the basket with others, to curtail expenses. So ho was ready for It. According to .lis ex pectations It came ono morning. Ho 'was in tho ofllco when Mr. Ilcnsley came in, looking crosscr than usual, and sum moned lilni into his privato den. "Will iam," he said, when Marblo had seated himself, "business of lato has been very dull. I am very sorry, hlit" and here Marble Interrupted him by saying: "I understand perfectly, Mr. Benslcy. You havo a wife and family to support and I will be tho one to go. It must bo one of us, and as I am a single man I will go.'' Mr. Censley was dumb, Chi cago Herald. It iaa Onrious Fact- That the body ia now moro suscepti ble to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Hence the impor. tanco of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now, when it will do the most good. It is really wonderful for purifying and enriching the blood, oreating an appe tite, and giving a healthy tone to the whole system, ise Bare to got iiood s Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itaelf. Indiana was included in Ohio iill 1801, was constituted a Territory in 1809,', and admitted into tbe Union December 11, 1810. Wins for Debilitated Females Physicians have nsed Sneer's Wine, and having applied to it the strictest test known to chemistry, they do not hesitate to pronounce it a pure wine of modium strength, nnd rcccommend it to be of great advantage to the aged and infirm, also in low and typhoid fevers Speer a wine will be found very superior. A too. OleyerXoung Man. One day DrMcOosb, whon President of Princeton College., oame into the mental philosophy class and said: "AO, young gentlemen x navo an lmpruBsioui Now young gentlemen," continued the Doctor, as he touohed his head with his forefinger, "can you toll mo what an impression is!' No answer. "Whatl No one knows! No one can tell what an impression isf' exclaimed tbt- Doctor, lookitic up and down the class. "I know," said vountr Alan Arthur. "An impression is a dent in a soft place." Young oentlemoD," said tbo Dootor, removing his band from bis forehead and ffrowinff red in the face, "you are reused tor tho day. jrom me Imerican. J.R.SMITH&CO. LIMITED. T ft. WILLIAHB, AUCTIONEER. BLOOM SBUItG, 1A. Seal Estate Bought and Sold. Parties desiring to buy horses and wagons ould do well to call on the above. CATARRH ?!!.? .K any stg, uifor chronic.1)) Hay Fvr or Cold in Head, 1 cured, tilth nwdtMi ndorjut-iiu-jiL AUwyarwhufaadC&Urrh kl rri. dUooiara ft cure wbltu U bowgtren to th viurld, Nq 00 caIq or hsuuful tuUunca No snuff or ooucU. Ktur. aaiit. ureo Able, bend lOF oircuur wuu own 10 union in. yttjis-r-! ELY'S Catarrh Cream Ealtr SUItE TO CURE COLD In DEAD QUICKLY. MILTON, Pa,, DESLKBS IK PIANOS) Br tue following: well Known makers; Ivnabe, "Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furniBlj any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano lie- lore getting our prices. o ej Catalogue andFrico Lists On application. 8ptV-8H iusv w pu. H AY " JEfLV E R Ananlflle Is ACDUCd lalo i,., till . tmi. GET YOUR JOU PRINTING DONE AT TIIB COLUMBIAN OFFIOF, 1 A amlbrd YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old KoliaWo." Bostores to the flour tlio nutritious phosphates lost In bolting. No other powder does this. It is healthful and nutritious. Put up In bottles. IIonpltaI RciuedleB, What nro tbev ? Tho crowtli of intelll gf uce In meillcal matters has given rlwi to A elemaml for k class ot genuine, reliable mciticincs. 1 ue onnortuniiv of uie mnor- nnt nuack. who errew rich curlnccveirvlhlnc out nf n f-lnglo bottle has passed. To supply sellBfactorlly this Uomaml tnia list of renie. dies has been creuted. Thc v are the favor. Itu preset ipllons of the most famous inedl, cat practtODcrs of (lie (lay , gHiucreii 110111 tie nusnuais ci ionuoD. raris uenia anu Vienna. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from SO to 4100. aro here olleied, prf pared and ready for use, at the nominal price nf 0r Dollar Huh. wot one or men is a cure an ; eu n oue baa ooly the reasonable poyer ot curing a single disease ami cacu one Keeps us con. tract. Bufle-rers from Cnlarrb, Diseased Lunifs. lironchltls. Asthma. Consumption. theumaliam. Dytpepsm. Liver and Kidney Complaints, jfevcr una Ague, yiuraipia, Female weakness, ivcucorrnaiii. or Hervout Debility, should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Hemedy Co ,' No, 3 ;8J West King Bt Toronto, Canada. If vour drunclst does not keen these remedies ream prico tnfl ?u nt" enu qircgi iree o Out of the Breastwork. Tatb Spmnos, Two., July 4, 188? T&4 Swift Specific Co.j Atlanta, q.i Oentleroen Sewn yiri ago I contrct4 an exceeeUoelr bad czse of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at.cotnmand but secured no benefit. Mr throat began to get lore, and my body covered with aorta and ulcers. GoLnj from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up tha doctor.' treat ment, and with despairing hope I cosn menced ttUag your modldce; I begad to Improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared Sand wai entirely well. One year ago a cue tt catarrh developed In my system. The physician did his best, but could not, cure me; but two battle of Swilt's Specific gave me permanent relief, Jjll. RQaiwq; JUUFMAN, Tax. ijttne 3, ISSS. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Qa,;, Gentlemen I have been afflicted with e, slln disease for about twelve years; and the best medical treatment failed to 'give me re lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received ' the greatest benefit from Its use, Y0lu truly, Wm. Jonis. For aale by all druggUtk Tm Swift Srcartc Co., Drawer J, Atlanta, Ca. PErlRINES PURE BARLEY WALT WHISKEY. js oils ana dels otlen eioniaitieei in aieonouc nquura. in ipertons requiting a stimulating tonic, consumptltes 1 bcli g lis use. Hecouimenaed toy leading tihislclsns as a I)lurctt Uterative. for consuuipmes it Is invaluatle. 1'hHKINEf Ml m DUTtttto from selected llsrley Staltand guarantoctt to t chemically purr and freo from miutious oils and cias mien eioniaiue-u iu '-7"'"; "ar-ir ki. especially aaapiea uipe rreat W tannnnftpd bv Its t.a tiibruMiii. Vnr f'nnfiilliiti S an"tl mild I and gem te In effeeu Dyspepsia. gnUM and all w"'e eases ca beettlrely coimuereU by tlio utenr 1 errlne'alure U rlej alt wnisKejt It ts a tonio .nd dmreue and a powerful Btlrngtftcner to tlioent re system. l'B t HINE'H PUUK UAHLEY MAL'l WIlIHKKi lias proved a medicinal protection to ihnu who Dursue their avocations 111 1110 open air uuei wnose- eisn n" " MceptTonarmwers l f?nduranco. Ask oal, iiearwi druKglsl or ttrcrforioi fS& nm UVUI.KY MALT WIUH t revives tbe enerKle i ol UMon out wltn excesBivo iwauv or meiji -;;"--- ?,;,.i; Dyspepsia nna in t-ernno n ruin nmw Malt frblsicey Pow'W'J.W'.HKSSl and liclpor to digestion. PKHHINB'H I'UKK lAni.Kr MALT W1I18KUV wltbout unduly stimulating tbe kid-n-ys Increases Ui"lr naifKlug activity, counteracts tbe ellects of fallgu", has tensoonvaloKence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic iVatchthelabet! None genuine unless bearing tlio Blgna tur Tbe analysis as It appears by the La bet on every bottle: I have carefully an alyied the rc UiBLT Milt wbis- It entirely free from fusel oll.furfurol, m.l.l. and aiM, SHfl ifl ftblOLUtelTl pure." Slvnra, Camilla Arthur ofr, aeiieva ana Heisvaaen CJALRSMRN WANTR"n ,icruiani!ntHlliintliiHgnanin- I toed. Hnlury ntil itxni-iiSM nnlcl. BpeelsiltniU'Cmtnw 10 wginneis- Any man csn s-ic -ecd with our advantages nnd quick, selling specialties. Oiitltt free. Write nt once irlVliiK nru Hooker NitrHerlcn, estabiiuieei kjz iri.i A. . '! Woven Wire Foncing sWiro Ropoecivogo Kul sain uj all draczs: and grocers througho the united States and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PH)1 rOltSALK BY DltUGOInrS AND ALL OKALKKS. PENNY GOODb SPECIALTY. tOLK aOINTB TOB P. P. ADAStB ft CO., FINE CUT CHEWING rOBA CO Hole agents of tho fol lowing oranas or cigars. HBNRT CLAY, LONDKX8, j KOltMAL, : INDIAN PHINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH, i Alexander Bros, k Co, WHOLESALE DEALEHS IN CIGARS, TCBiCCO, oil mm s, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE FOll HENRY MJILLABDS ZECANDIKS. FUESIl VEKY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. AttY Ol'DElt FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED W I TH TUB LCnVKST Market Prices, ' as FOLLOvs: OKANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUT!?! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. C. B. BOB BINS, DEALER IN Foreign imd-Domestio WINES AND LIQUOR AND JOSBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIIDIUClEMIIf -IN- Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines. -AT- Music Warerooms, Fa, I ' ' .ssBflss I ' SSSSH rrlaS.ff.w? -fir Srunow ioi sCPe)UUnotloinmbutl lime A.U..I v. ... . r.a,vv:'.'t.! yJT.V.f A f autlihL BEST STEEL W5 All nnd wieths. OOo TO 92 PER ROD rifithn. Oatwitn mfctrn. BoM by 11ft f mmvzM mm J.V.'. ii. Wfiu.vv Uovr-r wmn fknop to.. " Vim. 11 14 Ji. Mftfkt it,, (JU, I1L Feb Meow ist HOtl nirlnrMnchln4T ,1nd la ftll part, bjt ,an4fxMlfthrtliponl turn mrtK, w Will i irrfien 'prKB intica Iwili7lihtverr bnt HWlB(nitcklDt tnad ) 1 wortd.wfih 11 ib attarhitaknt. W will aUo atnd rrrr a rompM kllaaof tor rcaiij aad valuable art tablfa, Inrtturuwa aik thai yea nun nun n m rn, IV IOOSS wit ma f rat: at rovr notn. and after s& imonlhtaUiball boeoma jvmr twit PproMrtf. Tbla jrrand tnarhtna la manaanir iat ninitr pattnti, iwhlch bavt mn oi 1 Mon fatrtf a run nm 11 iii i.T w.a, wun in la tirhmfnti. and now Bella for 'JWO, Btl, ua. 'Ail marhln in tha world. Alt l brVf IrtMrortlona pta. I how who writ t ua at onrsi can etira rrt laa bri a-inirma nma in tn wona. anl ina fnrMinol'tkirhich art ever ahown lornbi-rin Amrrtu 'A'JtUJ: On CO.. Jtlox 740t AnitititM. Muluc. GHATEFUICOsMFOIlTINO. EPP'S COCOA. UHEAKPAST. "Uv a thoroustiknowledeeof the natural laws nhlrh crovern tho operations or fllcrstiri.i nmi nutrition, and by n careful application or tho lino proppixios 01 weiiseiwica ocoa. jir Kpps has provld rt our breakfast tables with a tlsilcately MaTored beTeraee which tnav s4Vt( us manr hfi.iw doctors' bills. II Is by the tuniclous uso of such articles of met mat. aconstiiution insy bo gradual U built up until strong enouijh to resist every ten dency to dl ease, llundivels of subtlo'maladlca arorfoallnif around us 10. dy to attack whcrcTcr tberolsawcak point. We may epcape nny a fatal shaft, bv keenlncO' rselreawell roitined with pure 1 lood and a properly nourished frame. '-CfeK service UaMte Made simply with bclllrifr water or milk mid only In hall pound tins, by Uroccrs, labelled thus: JAM KM KI'IU CO., tiomcoopatbtc Chemists, ucii viu-du iinaon, Aaigiana. UAIX.ROA.D TIIVXH QELAWARE, LAOKAWANNA AUD WKSTEHN KAILItOAO. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOlUII. A, U. A. u 10 10 6 15 MTA'noNS. NORrni'MBEllI.lKD.. Cameron Chulnsk) Tin nvl tin entawlfAa s lis G ill 6 30 0 43 rsi , S 40 B 63 0 14 C 08 ltllnprl lUooiiihburg.... s-spy Lime indue willow drove.. Iirlarcreek uerwick Taant, ll.rnn IIlrlf'R Vprrv 1 ta UhlnVilnn.. V bf. iiunioeK'S Nantlcokc Avnnosio 'lyrnnuth ihmnnlll .Til, Minn Kingston '... 8 UCUUITI.L.... Mall by Wvomlntr West llttston., nttston Lackawanna TaMorilllo. Dellevue BOKSKTDK.. m ss 7 03 7 11 HO 7 43 7 50 7 51 7 69 03 STATIONS. K U 8 17 8 2S 8 27 8 33 8 40 8 48 8 54 9 (10 r si P M 1 b3 1 58 J 14 2 IS 2 11 i 9 S 43 1! 54 2 59 3 09 8 19 3 21 3 S3 3 39 3 43 3 SI! 3 3S 4 01 4 ti T II 10 US 10 119 10 30 10 53 11 DO 11 o; II 13 11 S3 11 V0 II 30 11 87 11 44 11 4S 11 5.4 IS OS 19 16 11! m 12 SS IV 30 12 37 IS 41 12 43 50 X u 0 10 SCHANTOH Hpllevijp Taylorvllle e so 6 31 6 43 47 0 61 63 Pltiston. ........r wesi intBton.. Wyoming. Malt by. ItHFinntr. Kingston 6 58 I IJ lUl'IIMI duuceion.. i no Plymouth 7 10 Avnnrinln Nantirnke 7 19 Ilunlock's .. 7 s SMckshlnny ...... .... 7 47 hick's Kerry 7 65 b ui 8 07 8 13 8 10 8 20 8 20 Beach Haven uerwick Bnarcroek.... WlllAW flrnvn Llmeitldge... uioomsourg 8 32 Huoert. Catawissa Danville Chulasky. Cameron NOXTUCliBKRLAMD. 8 S7 8 '2 8 57 9 03 9 07 9 S2 A M 1 11 9 50 9 53 1000 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 31 10 38 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 53 11 02 11 12 11 23 it 28 11 S7 il'49 11 52 11 69 12 03 13 10 12 16 12 80 1240 12 61 T 1 111 55. I 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r 11 UOVJTH r u 2 03 0 30 1. 81 0 40 R 18 T (i5 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 81 7 S5 7 4! 7 49 66 8 06 8 II 8 22 S 33 8 33 8 38 8 46 8 49 8 53 8 68 9 01 9 )l 9 If V 11 9 I) 9 35 A II 8 20 6 25 0 311 6 37 6 45 6 50 6 63 6 69 7 53 7 07 7 12 7 1 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 51 8 07 8 13 8 SO 8 27 8 31 8 85 8 41 8 47 8 63 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 45 -.wMub.wMo uuiirii mhu riiiipaeipur s. Reading Kallroad ror Tamanend, Tamaqun, WIH lamsport, sunbury. roltsvlile, eto. AtBarthnm berland with Ria Dlv. P. K. K. for Harrlfburg, Lock Haven, fimporlum. Warren, corry and Erie. Bcranton, Pa 2 14 2 21 2 23 2 34 2 89 247 2 511 2 51 2 69 3 03 3 06 3 19 3 29 3 89 5 45 3 61 8 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 21 4 29 4 40 4 64 fi 00 6 15 r h Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. m 1838. Trains leave sunbutr EASTWARD Q Al a m Dan uvn.n Tr .... Sunday), torIlftiTlsbnreardlntermodiateBtation8 amvlDg at rhila(3pipblaa.i5p. m, : New York, P. m llftltlmrt-O A AK n m . nVi 4v. xt 6.65 p. m.( connectlDpat 1'wWciphla foraUbea Muadehir. sca lo j. .. 1.43 p. m. Day expreaa daily except Sunday),for Harrlebuiy and lnterme- dlSte RtSttnnn. arriving at iikm . . .ih , 6.50 p. m. , New York, 9.85 p. in. : Baltimore j-so p.m.; Washington, mo p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coacheB through to Philadelphia and BaWore. ? m Kpnovo Accommodation (daily fSL'.affi?,l"irK , a" Ihtermedlate stations, arrlv 'PK?.' Philadelphia 4 25 a. in. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 5.15-4. m. : Wssblnrton a 80 a. in. j Pullman sleeping oar from Harrlburg to Phlladel' rims Ann TJnur VnrL ittiiaHa, IT!.". V. """ivr 'indlturhd until r a. m. vi .H?1S!p.ly2;BleeS,!rla run on ""a raln from llllam-port on Sunday's. intol,o!T.r . ''iaaiij)ror usmsDUrg ana L .I?I?n atotlnns. srrvlng al Phllsdejphia 8.iaa.m. xew York, ii.soa. m. . Baltimore 8.15 io2il.Ji ,a8, Tbrovgh imilman Sieenlntf rnm nm ..v.. -.a - Baltimore and Wtshlnu en, and through pasaenl Bercoaoh9sioPnilRrteTiir and Paltlinore. WKSTWAKU. i?tRermralvatfi Mtlons,lioceairr, BulfalS "a oars and passenger odaches to Krle snd JiocMr. ,New Express (dally except Hnndar) (or i Mi llsven and intermediate stations. ' U.52 p.m. Niagara Express (dally except Hun ,yli.KaI",5ra,I1,'nD,'ma",8'atlonB and Can. ii j;,,1u"i,. luirrineaiaie siaiions. it hester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with "Ehpassenger coaches to Kane and liochester and Parlor oartowiniamspoiu " Dhlr.FJi2 a,u except 8unday)f or He. dlate station- ' """""ana mterme. TlIROUon TlfAKOKSmrRY IHOMTHI HarrrbuPreS",n'f I'"lalelPl" " m. m!KUa18uUuryR..5,n,i.rr "Cep a Phii.rt.inhi. . ..WJ?r"?PreJeaT ?ndn 0rbn.rar''.c". .cs lkvptt phis and iraTtl&ore. v' -uu rouaaei. nvMS ,eTO New k .00 a.m.: Fhlladel" r S,,1i..P.?(da,l, arriving at Sunbury 6.10 hnSSt , VVa:.yah,B',0J1 D1 Bsltlmore and nrougb passenger coacbea from Philadelphia KAIl.ltllAll ANj; NUHTII AND WEHT UVSNflll It All .WAY. wiik..v,...iDf,e?ce')t aunuajr.) , ,m- wiues-narra ."P''Kast leave Sunbury 5.33 p. m.. arrlvlnB 1 tHS!S?,mjrrj:,,LM P- m-i Wl'kesarre VlM p"ul ln "it PSSoftiStVf WkesWrre lO-SOainTafm SwSa lk'eH.r,Ur7a.oSV.5P.:. S ting at Bloom Kerrr 4.30 p, m., HunbiirV 8UNPAY ONLY. ..BHnlay mall leaves Hunburrv ss s m. arrivlnir Bloom Kerry lftis a. tn." Wllkes-lllrrelrls ISi B sundav amuiittraeaTVi fwiiBawWd P.m.,arrlvlng .t Bloom Kerry, ..) pfST, BbiSm j M.MaMT UW, FMtM(l'A(N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers