THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. V LROYALtiSVIl J POWDER Absolutely Pure. Xren?fi ttJ!!? wholeaornenesa. Moro economical than the ordinary kinds, ana cannot be sold In competition with tho multitude ot low test, snort weight alum or phosphate i owdcrs. Sold onlu in cant. UoYALlUtiwo Iuwdek Co., u Wall St., N V. The Columbian Subscription price. WTubllshcd evory Friday, 11.00 n vear. Kntered at the IV)st office at Dloomsbunr. Pa., as second class matter, March l, nes. BLOOMSBURG, PA Friday, April g, isso. COltlCT BlILROiD Till Tinil. BLOOMSBURU A'SULLIVAN RAILROAD !. 1898. NOltTH. Taking elTect MONDAY, NOVEMBER OUUT11. . Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. u. r. u. i.u. i.u. p. x. r. v. JllOOm8burC,... 0 8 103809 8852.19 640 Main street 6 18 18 63 7 68 B 4S J 38 111 Irondflle 0 18 12 M 7 65 8 48 2 43 6 64 Paper Mill 8 08 12 40 7 48 8 66 i H2 7 04 LlghtBtrcet. 6 06 12 S3 7 43 9 00 2 67 7 OS orangovllle 6 GT 12 80 7 83 9 10 S 20 7 16 Forks, 6 46 12 00720 92S3SS 7 31 Tubbs ..... 6 41 11 W 7 15 30 3 42 I SO Stillwater.......... 6 37 It 43 7 10 9 37 8 60 7 4.1 nenton, .... 6 28 11 SO 7 00 9 47 4 15 7 62 Edsons, 6 S3 U 20 S 56 9 61 4 20 7 60 ColOSCreCk, 6 20 11 15 6 62 9 66 4 24 H 00 Sllgarloat, 6 15 11 10 6 43 10 00 4 !S 8 03 Laub&Chs, 0 It 11 03 8 43 10 04 i 3.1 8 10 Central 5 08 10 67 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15 Echo l'ark 6 03 10 62 6 it In 15 4 43 8 19 Jamison city... 6 00 10 0 HO 10 20 4 so 8 23 l.v. Lv. Lv. Ar, Ar. Ar r. . i. x. i. m. a. u. r. jr. r. m. Trains on tho P. & It. U. It. leave Rupert s louuwai NORTH. sorjTn. 7:22 a. m. 11:01 a. m. 8:42 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 0 Tralnson the D, L. ft W. R. R.leave Bloomsburg ait 1U11UWB. NORTH. BODTU. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:5T a. m. 12:oe p. m, ;2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 6:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Tralnson the N. W. li. Railway pass Bloom jrcrry as rouows : NORTH. SOUTH. 10:46 a. m. 11:65 a. m. s.S6p.m, 4-30 p.m. S0ND1T. NORTH, SOCTB. 10:10 am 6:39 pm HAI.KH. Two homes for rcnt,apply to Mrs. Rach el Itobbtni, First Bt., nioomsburg. afl-Sw. Spring overcoat talo. Elegant shades in 8f ring overcoats from $5, Call and eco them at D, Lowenbcrg's. Farmers, If you want a good field roller, a scotch barrow or the celebrated Lansing spring tooth barrow, go to White, Connor & Blonn, Orangovllle, Pa. a5-4w. Mr. Weaver, a theological student at tho Hcfjpned Seminary' in Lancaster, will preach In tho Reformed Church morning and evening, ncit Sunday. Wall paper new spring stock now open, Como and einmlrjo fmr goods and prices before you buy, W. II. Brooko & Co; April ldth Miss Miller will begin her sprlug term of vocal and tnsliumcntal mu. sic. In addition to her rczular classes sho will havo a class ot Kindergarten stoglng for children, on Saturday, Tho now town council was sworn In on Monday. The council consists of P. B. Ilarman President, K. II. Mngier, Joshua Fetterman, F. Bchwlnn, L. Uross, Isaac Yost and E. C. Wells. II, It, ltuttor has been removed ns post master of Hughcsvllle for cause. Tho only causo however Is that tlnrry Is a vigorous democrat. i nr. J?ro8t' JTnrcxvell. Cases from this county will bo heard In the Supreme Court during tho week com mencing April IS, Instead ot the first week as announced last wetk, Cbildrcns' clothing Is a leading feature. Tho Spring styles are dressy and durable, llandsomo kilt suits for little boys at Lowenbcrg's. Mrs. Phillips' Ice cream parlors 'havo re. ccntly been done over, and supplied with handsome marble top tables and new cur. tains. The rooms nio very Inviting and the lec cream Is delicious. Try them. Tho spring term of tho Normal Bchool commonccd Tuesday under more favor, able conditions than In Its history. The boarding students can scarcely be accomo. dated. Messrs. 0. L. and 0. B. McIIcnry of Benton are In tho city this" week buying their stock of Spring goods. They havo rented the storo rooms of their father Itohr Mollenry. Services at the Episcopal church havo been necessarily omitted this week, ow. tng to the repairs to tho organ. The church will bo in condition for service on Sunday, though the organ will not bo used, Paul E. Wirt is Citing up tho third floor of the post-offlco building, what has been known as Winona Hall, for his ofllco and factory, and will remove to them as soon as they nro in readiness. Rebecca Carman of Benton will open a large assortment in millinery and fancy goods from Philadelphia and New York to which she invites tho public, thanking them for past favors,and hopelng contlnu anco of the same. Tho Spring term of tho well-known Ornngcvlllo Academy will open Monday April 8th, I860, tinder mnro favorable pros pects than ever. Prof L P. Sterner, who has been engaged as Principle, needs no In. trodur.tlon U tho penplo of this eminty an-' vicinity. Mar 22.41 Tho Winona Firo Company sold its fur niture at auction last Saturday night. Tho company has not disbanded, "but being ob liged to give up possession of tho hall, It was not considered expedient to rent another room. So long as there Is but GOO feet of hoso In town that can be used, the members of tho company feel that lt Is not necessary for them to go to much expense to keep up an organization that would be of no servlco in case of Are, for want of sufllcicnt hose. Soino time hoso may bo needed llko tho man needed a rovolver out west, and it will be all of a sudden. A grand concert will bo given under tho auspices of tho Young Pcopln's Social Club of the Presbyterian Church, In tho Blooms. burg Opera House, on Friday evening, April 20, 1880. The following soloists will take part i Miss Miller, (Bloomsburg),sop., Mrs. Q. W. Lockart (ClevoUnd) alto. Mr. Q. Adams (Shamokln) tenor, Mr. Lock art (Cleveland) bass, Miss Jessie Mann (Sunbury) pianist, Mrs. Vorls Auton (Mt, Carmel) reader. The programme will be Interspersed with selections by Blooms burg Orchestra, under tho direction of C. P. Elwell. Reserved scats now on sale at Dcntlcr's store. Admission 25 and 85c. ArniL 11th. Mathew Mcllcnrv of Jack. son townblp will sell valuable personal property, on the premises, commencing at 10 a. m. Horses, cows nnd farming im plements. AritiL 13. N. L. Campbell and D. W. Campbell will sell farming implements on premises In Centro township, commencing at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon. A good chance to get valuable farming ltnnlc mcnts. AritiL 20. Louisa Wolfe, administratrix of Henry Wolfe, deceased, will sell valu able real estate on the premises in Blooms burg at 1 o'clock p. m Sco advertisement elsewhere Fon Sale. Thirty' acres of timber land in Pine township, two acres cleared, property of Mrs. Mary A. Joyal. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, for terms. tf Foit Bale. Fifty-seven acres of land In Sugarloaf township, being part of the Wolcott Oarvey farm. Good farm land, and, ft valuable timber tract. Inquiro of Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg. tt Fob Bali. A valuable farm in Madison Township containing 115 acres, One build, ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If not sold at private sale by Jul 1st, will be sold at public sale. For terms inquiro ot J. 8. Williams, Bloomsburg. tf. Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious residenco on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf L. N. MovKit. Fob Sale. A genuino Henry Distln E Flat cornet nearly new, no denta, in splen did tune. Address Jos. E Fnv, Sec. of Band. Berwick Pa. Fob Bale. A valuablo vacant lot on Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good store property In Bloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two storo properties In Col. Co. A good farm of 807 aeres with good build ings in Virginia and two farms in Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Real Estate Agt., Bloomsburg Pa. Fob Bale. A pair of fine grey ponies, well broken, to drive single or doable. J. M, Hess, Bloomsburg Mar-15-4w Notice. The undersigned offers his en tire stock of dry goods, notions, hats, caps, boots, shoes, rubbers, carpet cUain, oil clolh, window shades, glass, queens, wood nnrt wlllnw warn. &n. . at srretttlv reduced prices for ready nav. Now Is tho tlmo to linv moil rrnniU nhnan. Tho above iroods aru all uew. nice, and clenu, no old shelf food a. These noods must bo sold, and re member that money Is what talks in these aull limes, so uo wise ami taao mu uu vantage of this oiler. W. E. Dietteiucii. Espy, Pa , Aprils, 1880. 4w. For plants and seeds go to W. H. Yetter, F. lt. McKelvv has moved to the house formerly occupied by him, on West street. Fiuo Cabinets In vignette or scroll, tf M'Klllip Bros. After April 1st, Charley Boo's Laundry will be next door to Sloan's store, on Main sheet, Bloomsburg. Mar. 29-8t, Alfred McIIcnry, of Benton, went to Philadelphia on Monday to buy new goods for his storo. Tho ladies of Detroit, Michigan, elected one of their number us school inspector of tho city. Spring suits for boys, children and men Marvels of stvlo and beauty. Call and soo them at D. Lowenbcrg's. Tho Stock Exchange closed up last week and the manager, J. II. Rlssel, has return ed to Now York. J. L. Wooda has moyed to tho house purchased by him of I. W. McKelvy, on Iron street, next to Charles Krug's. Tho trout Ashing season begins April 15tb, It was formerly April 1st, but was changed by the last legislature. Tho season for paper banging is at hand and Wm. F. Bodlne Is kept buBy with his numerous patrons. As a paper hanger ho Is hard to beat. No charge for hanging curtains Mercer's Drug & Book Store. Window curtains, plain and dado at W. II. Brooke & Co's. We were in error in announcing last week that D. M. Sheep would movo April ' 1st. It should have read William Sheen. Mr D. M. Sheep resides on East street, nnd will continue in the same residence. The annual address before the Literary Societies of the State Normal School will be delivered on Tuesday evening of com menccment week, June 25tb, by Rev. H. Wayland, D. D., Editor of the National Baplitl, of Philadelphia. The first meeting of tho Bonita Tennis Club for 1839, will be held on Thursday, April 4, at 8 p. m., at Mr. C. W. Funston's, Market St., when officers tor tho new year will be chosen and other Important busi ness transacted. Dr. Brown's residence and office remains on Third St., west of Market near M. E, Church. Office hours every afternoon and evening. Special attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. He has a telephone in his office. The orchestra consisting of II. G. Esh- leman, C. P. Elwell, R. Drinker, Ed. Searlcs, Alex. Cohen and Harry Ilouck, has played several times at tho Opera House, and their music has been received with applause. They play remarkably well and their selections are pretty. l lie Hub factory at Jamison City was destroyed by fire last Saturday night, caus ed by a hot shaft. All the buildings and contents wero destroyed. Tho Insurance is light, and the loss is heavy. The factory belongs to Bberwood, Royal & Co. and they will rebuild at once. Subscribers changing their place of res! denco this week should not fall to give us notice at once, so that they may continue to receive tho paper at their new homes. Quite a number of now buildings have gone up within the past year at Benton Among the most Imposing Is Itohr Mellon. ry's new store building. New goods In Spring millinery, trim- -tnlng, &c. now open at K. Barkley's, Mai Bt., below Market latest styles and low. t prices. - OH cloth, felt and paper curtains at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Tho finest line of window curtains In town just opened at W. H. Brooko & Co's The trustees of the State Normal School after assigning to students every possible room In the dormitory, found tho supply insufflcicnt. They have npproved certnln boarding places In town and aro thus ena bled to accommodate all who may apply, Miss licssle Uughes, who taught with great acceptance in 1887 and 1888, and Air, Georgo M. Wilner, prlncfpal of school in Forty-Fort, have been secured as teachers for tho term. - The apparatus has been greatly improv ed. Two Weber pianos havo been ordered and an Interesting collection of specimens in Biology, with the Ferreo collectlnn of minerals lately purchased, will soon be In position for Inspection and use. The at tendance Is over 800. The dwelling of Charles Ash in Fishing creek township was totally destroyed by Arc, with nil Us contents last Saturday morning. Mr. Ash was preparing to leavo the place, and his sons nnd some other relatives were there assisting in packing the furniture. A Are was made In a stove that had not been used for somo time, and tho aoot in the flue caught Are. It was watched for some time, until It was sup posed mat an danger was over, ana no further attention was paid to it until It was discovered that tho roof was burning. The winu was nigh, and the lire burned so rapidly that only a little of tho furniture was saved. Thcro was an Insurance, n the Brlarcreek Co. which has been ad- ustcd at $1090. Mrs. Mary Snyder celebrated her 07th birthday last Tuesday. Her general health Is good, but she was prevented from attend ing a dinner party given In bcr honor by her daughter Mrs. Petrlken, by a sudden attack ot illness on Monday night. J. 12. r.dson's store abovo Benton was sold out by Bnerllf Casey on Monday. There was a largo attendance, but nearly everything was bought In by H. H. Ilulrao representing the execution creditors. It Is conceded by everybody that Mr. Edson's position was caused by misfortune, and bis honesty in tho matter is not qncstloned, The organ at the Episcopal church Is re celving a thorough overhauling by Mr, Theo. C. Knauit of Philadelphia. The steam heat had split the bellows so that they leaked badly. Tho organ will bo ready for Easter, though owing to tho ab sence ot tho organist, Mrs. Smith, tho music will not bo of tho usual elaborate character. Rev. F. P. Manhart announced to tho congregation last Sunday morning, that his Pastorlal relations with the St. Matthow' Lutheran Church would terminate Friday evening, April 5. His lut sermon was preached Wednesday evening, at which tlmo a large number were received into the church as members. Tho Friendship Firo Company has sold Its engine house that stood on N. J. Hen dcrshot's lot adjoining Caleb Barton's re- sldence, and It was removed down Main street last Saturday, requiring eight horses to draw It. It was taken to Bcott town whero It Is used as a barn by W. Lemon, Tho Friendship apparatus Is now stored In W. GUmorc's stable. at The Lily Rowley Company played "In gomar" on Mondsy night, and ''The Honey. moon" on Tuesday night. Tho pieces are both strong ones, and the acting of Miss Rowley and Mr. Carlyle was superb. The voice and gestures of the latter remind one strongly, ot Edwin Booth. Those who missed these plays missed a treat, for they were among tho best that havo ever been given here. The Carpenters and Joiners and Builders union of Syracuse made a demand April first for only nine hours of labor for a day and at 221 cents per hour, The demand was refused and a large number of peopli aro out of employment. At St. Lou's slmllir strike was made and the laborers demanded eight hours as a day, and 4q cents per hour. In New York the painters have made a demand of $3 SO for nine hours work. Tneso strikes will throw many out of employment and glvo places to new workmen. FOR RHEUMATISH in any form take Brown's Ballcyline. Price CO conts, two bottles sent free for $1, Drown Balloylina Co.. Elmlro. N. Y. It cures nine out of ten, . Mar,20-d-4t. j For it nice selection of window curtains go to Mercei's Drug and Book Btore. Testimony was taken every dav last week before H. E. Smith Eiq U. 8. Commlss- loner In the case of Geo. W. Sackett against H. SL Smith, both of New York City, for Infringement on a patent, II. M. Smith is Paul E. Wirt's New York agent, and -Mr. Wirt stands behind him. The suit Is pend ing In tho United States Circuit Court for tho Southern District of New York. Wnltcr Logan is counsel for defendant, and James E. Whitney for plaintiff, and they pent tho week hero. Mr. Wirt has ob tained injunctions in a number ot cases against parties who were Infringing on his fountain pen patents, and has been suc cessful in every case. This Is tho first tlmo that he has been in tho position of defend ant, and from tho character of tho testimony there can be no doubt ot his winning the case. Llfo bze crayons $10. tf in gold frames only M'Killip Bros. I he ladles of Bloomsburg have been so fortunate as to secure the services of Mrs Rorer, who has been cooking for four weeks for tho Pure Food Association in Philadelphia, to give a course of lessons in cnoking. Sho will glvo six lessons two and one-halt hours long, in a hall that will bo provided for her, beginning the Gib. of May one lesson every afternoon at half past one o'clock. She gives practical les sons that will help every woman to mako moro nutritious nnd economic uso ot tho food she has to prepare. Many aro faml liar with Mrs. Rorers' cook book which in itself is a strcng recommendation. Tho tickets will bo i3.50 for tho course of six lessons or CO cents a single lesson. Thoso who havo not already joined tho class can send their names to thu Louse ot Prof, Waller and obtain any further information there. Pleaso send In naincs,as early as possl blc. It Is hoped that tho ladles of neigh borlui; towns will tako advantage of this opportunity, For a nice selection ot window curtains go to Meiccr's Drug & Book Btore. Creaky & Wells will havo a largo and very convcnltnt lumber yard, wheu they got luto their uew quarters. Thoy havo sold seven town lots and bought eight, In order to get their new location. They bought a lot of Col. Knorr on corner of Catharine nnd Seventh streets, a lot of W. Knprr on Catharine street, the lots ot W G. Girton and Etwood Heucock on Sixth street. Tho house of W. Knorr has been moved across Cathariuo street, W. G. Glr ton, E. Ileacock and W, Knorr aro build log new houses upon lots cut off from tho old lumber yard. Lots bavo also been sold to Mrs. I. Cbrlsman, and Eshleman & Wolf, and ona more lot remains at the corner of lion and Sixth whero the office now stands. Another office will bo built In the new yard soon, A part of u lot ad joining Mr. Waller's property occupied by Glascoe Cameron, has been sold to a Ply mouth party who will open a coal yard Switches havo been laid from tho D. L. & W. R. R. Into tho lumber yard, and will be laid into the coal yard. One not ac rjualntcd with tho extensive business ot Creasy & Wells would be surprised at the very largo stock ot lumber of all kinds car ried by them. Ctirrt or Tliiiuku. If tho proprietor of Kemp's Balsam should publish a card of thanks, contain. ing expressions of gratitude which come to him dally, from those who havo been cured of sovoro throat and lung troubles by tho use of Kemp's Balsam, It would (HI a fair Sized book. IJow much better to Invito al to cal) pn any 'druggist and gpt a freo sample bottle that you may tpat for ynitjc( Its power, L,argo bottles CQo und $1.0), A, congregation composed entirely of tho friends ot Rev. S. M. Frost, D. D. lato pastor of tho M, E. Church of Bloomsburg, assembled In their placo of worship on Monday evening at 7i80 o'clock, to hold a farewell meeting. Owing to the inclemency of tho weather many wero prevented from attending, but tho church was well filled ncveitheless. Meeting opened by singing "Nearer My God to Theo" and "Tako the Namo of Jesus With You." On motion tho meeting was organized by electing Caleb Barton President, and Wm. B, Ciimmlngi Secretary, which was follow ed by prayer by Dr. Frost. Singing of "All Hall the Power of Jesus Name," at tho conclusion of which Dr. Frost, whoso pastorate has been so success ful, and who has been so faithful and true to his duties as a servant of God, so zealous in his work tor tho Master, and tho Inter ests of his church, who has truly preached God's lovo'and tho whole truth, so that his pcoplo could understand and net err there in, rose to address bis congregation for tho last time. He roviowed his work as pastor and as preacher, lie had preached to them tho truth as bo understood it, the pure truth In tho spirit of lovo with no de sire to injure tho feelings of any one, but to do them good and help them on the way to tlcaven, as God was his witness, stating, "let my right hand forget her ciiunlng and let my tougue cleave to tho roof of my mouth, or I fall dead before I would preach from God's pulpit a word In anger." As he had preached to them for thu last time and as they would never meet again as pas tor and pcoplo he expressed the hope that tboy might meet, an undivided chui-ch In heaven. When tho Dr. had ended, hymn, "Tho Homo of tho Soul" was sung. Remarks wero then made by Rev. J. P, Tustln, In which he expressed his regret at the removal of Dr. Frost, but said that he knew that tbo hearts of his congregation went with him. This church had been a power for good In this community, and ho would exort them to bo united and work for tho upbuilding of tho Master's kingdom. Singing of "Sweet Byo and Bye" was followed by an addiess by Rev. Alem Brit- tain. Ho bad read in the Good Book that, "If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God and it shall be given him." And tho same book says, "That tho wisdom from above is first pure, then peacablc, gentle easy to bo entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." Governed by that priucipto wo should all hvt In peace and harmony The usages 3f the church were tho same to day ni they wero sixty seven years ago when he joined. If upon entering the church ho lound the usages did not suit him ho cer- talnly would go to a church where they did and tho doors were just as wide open for him to go out as.they wero for him to como in. He certainly would not stay to causo enmity and atrifo and fight tho preacher. "Jesus Lover of My Soul" was sung and Rev. 0. A. Babcock called upon by the President for an address, Uo responded in a few remarks. Said that a faithful ministry was a blessing to any church Tho churches ccnernlly of to-day were mere club houses where the minister In stead ot preachlug tho truth sprinkled tho congregation with a sweet perfume. What the church ot Christ needed was more faithful ministers to preach God's lovo and to tell the truth as Dr. Frost had done. borne loved the truth so much they never told It. They were born that way, Bomo of the members were born to mako trouble They could do nothing else. They nover worked for tho Lord, for grumblers never work, and woikers never grumble. A set of resolutions wero then read by tho secretary, which were on motion adopt ed by an unanimous vote. They were as follows : WiiEitBAs: Our late pastor, Rev, Dr. Frost, lias been removed from this charge against our earnest wishes and assigned to another appointment: and whereas there was no justifiable cause whatever for mau ing such a change, especially at tho close of tho tlrst year; therefore, Heaolval. That the pastorate of Dr. Frost the past year was eminently successful as shuwc by the largest missionary collection ever made on this charge; as shown by tho largest collections for current expenses ever realized, with congregations never larger in tho history of thu church; as shown by the Sunday school larger than for years past and Increasing every month: with prayer meetings better attended than usual; with tho salary of the pastor prompt ly and cheerfully paid and a surplus in tho treasury; with over fifty conversions and many accessions; with all the financial in terests of tho church in a prosperous con dltion, with all theso evidences of success surely we aro warranted In saying, that the pastorato of Dr. Frost tho past year was eminently successful, nnd that by every prlnclplu of Justice, nnd by the custom 'he church in such cases, he should have been returned to us the present year. He-mked. Second, That while Dr. Frost in loyalty to Methodism, goes to tho field of labor assigned him, he will carry with him our prayer.-), our confidence, our uffec lion and admiration for hli heroic devotion to tho causo of Christ. Wo know him to bo an f blc minister ot Jesus Christ, a faith, ful and sympathetic pastor and a success, ful laborer In tho Master's vineyard; and as such we cordially commend him to the charge to which ho has beon assigned. A letter from the Rev. F. P. Manhart to the friends of Dr. Frost assembled was pre sentcd and read. Ho regretted his inabili ty to be present and expressed tho wish that tho blossings ot tho great Head of tho Church may show all the future labors of Dr. Frost who had been, with him, asso ciated as pastors ot slstor churches, and whoso bearing had always bem so uni formly that of a Christian gentleman and minister. Dr. Frost announced that ho and his family would leavo Bloomsburg for tho charge assigned him on the 8:80 a. m. train Thursday next. The President stated that any one desir ing to sco the Dr. and his family before they left could havo tho opportunity afford ed them by calling at his residence on Market street on Wednesday evening. Singing of, "Blest Uo tho Tlo that Binds." Benediction by Rev. Tustln. Choir sang, "God Uo With You Till Wo Meet Again" whllu the congregation ono by ono grasped tho Dr. by tho hand and bid him an affectionate farewell. Wm. B. Cdmminos, Secretary. Oabbaio plants now rcadv nt W. II. Yflter's green bouse, also fresh garden seeds by oz., lb., plot, qt. etc, When tho blood is Impure or impoverish I, bolls, pimples, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, nnd various other diseases nro developed. Tako Aycr's Barsaparllla. It purifies, Invigorates, and vitalizes tho blood, aud restores vigorous health. T. W. Conner will open a bakery at Orangcville on Saturday, and bis wagon will run to Benton nnd Mlllvlllo twice a week. He solicits a share ot tho publlo patronage, and will guarantee satisfaction. "Can't eat a'.thtng." Hood's 8arsaparlt- a Is a wonderful medicine for cresting an appetite, regulating digestion, and giving strength. Tho newly elected director of tbo Bloom Poor District met In Bloomsburg Wednesday, and selected the following of ficers: President, Dr. J. Schuyler,- Secre tary, 0. A. Klclm, Treaiurcr, J. K. Grotz, Solicitor, 0. G. Barkley Esq. In tho use ot Aycr's Barsaparllla, you need havo no fear ot arsenical poison, this mediclno' being entirely free from all dang erous drugs. Its powerful effects aro duo to tho skillful combination of the best In gredients, and hence no ill results ever fol low its use. wide. A choice stuff for outing or street wear. In o shades ol frrav and brown. A yard of it is as bit: a half dollar's worth as we know of in Plain Dress Goods to-day. Maybe a hundred more plain 50 cent stuns at tnc same counter. X-roiu centralist. The amendment ball set in motion. Rev. C. A. Babcock spent Sabbath March 81, In Ccntralia and vicinity, conducting "thrco meetings In tho interest ot tho proposed amendment to the constitution, prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquors as a bev erage. The first meeting was held in tho U. B. Church, Montana, at 10 a. m. Tho second meeting at 8:80 p. ro., in tbo Pres byterian Church, Ccntralia, at which tho duty of personal responsibility, was .clearly enforced. At tho evening meeting held in tbo M. E. Church he declared why right thinking men are opposed to tbo saloon. 1. Becauso It is Uod's enemy. 2. Bo- cause it is an enemy to the ;home. 8. An enemy to tho nation. Theso discourses were not only pleasing but thoroughly convincing. No one hear ing them could remain in doubt ns to his duty in the premises. A large number of citizens havo not only indicated their pur pose to aid in this matter, but havo also put themselves on record as working friends of the cause. R. A Family CullicrliiK. Havo yon a father? Have you a mother? Have you a son or daughter, sister or a brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Bal sam for tho Throat and Lungs, tho guaran teed remedy for the euro of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all Throat and Lung troubles? If so, why? when a sample bottle Is gladly glvcu to you free by any druggist und the largo size costs only GOo nnd $1.00. l.iuul Halt. We have just received a car load of very choice land salt , at Limo Rldgo and a car load here. Farmers wanting It will please come in or send orders at onco nB this will be tho last lot for spring crops. H. V. White & Co, CuilHuntptloll Hurcly Cured To Tns EniTOit Please inform your read ers thai 1 Havo a positive remedy ior tno abovo named -disease. By Its timely uso thousands of hopeless cases havo been per manently cured. I shall be glod to send wo bottles of my remedy fiiee to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post omc address. Respectfully, T. A. 8LOCUM M. C..181 Pearl St., New York, sept-21-ly No charge for hanging curtains Mercer's Drug and Book Store. at WANAMAKER R. Philadelphia, Monday, April 1, 1S89. Cream Serce. ust the sort you get year after year. As creamy as ever; as wiry and sprintry as ever, and with the border that gives the last touch of hkeableness to a dress sturtnow- adavs. Solid Borders, Cluster Stripe Borders in blue, black. orred. Striking efiects. 52 inches, i$a yard. waNamaker's. 26 inch Umbrellas $2 28 inch Umbrellas $2.25 Some of the handles (''silver" and "gold") are worth more. . Kctcmn, llcliy, Hcnly, Bltltt Torture. . The ftlmnlo nnnllcatlon of "BwAvne's Uintmont," without any internal medicine will euro anv case of Tetter. Salt lthtum Ringworm, Plies, Itch, Sores, Plmnlcs, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Bkin Eruptions, 1 matter now ousttnato or long stanuing. is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle Gna TiititnsT. Wlllmlncton. Del., wiltes. I suffered from Bnghls Diseases of the Kid. cy, wasting away, urcat Nervous Debility uo to abuso of mcrcurv and Iodide of Potass, which was prescribed to me by quacks, cto , when I consulted Dr. Thecl C38 North Fourth St., -Philadelphia, who permanently cure me. The Shonpinjr Bag we sell most of is of genuine alligator, leather lined ; two pockets in side and one outside. Its a regular $3,50 Bag, btit the price is $2. Wish the factory could turn them out faster. No other store in town can get them. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Instate I Episcopal Prayer Books and Hymnals, combination sets, 65c to $ 1 1 , Great variety of bind ings. . Catholic rrayer Books, with outsides of many styles, 25c to $4.80. Easter Booklets, never before so many or so pretty. .10c to 75c John Wanamaker. In pursuance of an order ot the Orphans courtot Columbia county, rcnnsjlranli, the undesigned administratrix ot Henry Wolf, deceased, will sell publlo sale on tho premises, on SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1889 t o'clock p. m., of said day tbo following de scribed real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece. parcel, and lot or ground situate in the town of nioomsburg, county ot Columbia, and Btate ot Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Firth Bt., said town, eastwardly by lot ot Mrs. Dello Wolf, southwardly by Bterner'a alley, and westward!? lot ot William A. wolf, being about seventy- eight feet In front on Fifth street, and extending maepiu aaiaranceoraoouione nuoareaaQa six-1 , f,ni . rn 1 if ty-stx feet to Sterner alley aforesaid, and of a tneill, U1SO a Client xeaciiur, sd and eight feet on which is in mnnv rrstiGr.t snner- satd alley, on which Is erected a I. .,, i if 11111 am; uwiung blood. LOCAL NOTICES. lont BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only )r3. loz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tt. Now lino of dress ifinchnms at Clark's for 12 c. goods 9c. yd, with full lines of other Wash Bluffs at lowest pricos, a special lot of thoso nice crazv cloths in cream and colors. breadth ot about ono hundred ior to thoso of llesli and Ask to see them. f Is rfi 1 ci ntitriliirwr i?am wnnf outbuildings. A good well of water at the door . ". "" J and an abundan e of choice fruit on tho premises. Ill the Book 01' (Stationery line we do not have, wo will got it lor you. Any paper or maga zine at the publisher's price. vov those who aro lastiuious about their writing paper, our Fine Stationery Department con tains instinct attractions m papeteries and correspondence cards, such makes as Marcus Ward, .1 . Z. Crane and Lyons, their names guarantee the finality. We keep constantly on hand a large assortment ot manic books, miscellaneous books etc. Wall Paper and Window Shades at the lowest prices consistent TKKMS of sale. Ten per cent, of ono- tourth at tho striking down ot tho property, the one-fourth less tho ten per cent at tho confir mation or salo, and the remaining three-fourths one fear thereafter, with Interest from confir mation nisi, rurcnaser to par for deed, rossess. to be given April 1st, IS90. LOUISA WOLF, H. Wintibstiin, Atty. Administratrix. War 29 -OTICK. Notice Is hereby fflven that an application will bo mado to tho (lorernor ot the slate ot Pennsyl vania on Thursday the J.uh day of April I8si, under the Act ot Assembly ot the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provldo for the Incorporation and regulation ot certain cor porations," approrea April win, isji. ana tno sup plements thereto, tor the charter of a corporation be called. The North Mountain Lumber Com. nnnr'' the oblect and character of which la "the manufacture and vending ot lumber and the c qulrlng, holding and disposing ot tho real estate and personal property necessary tbervfur," and the doing of all things Incident and necessary thereto, and for theso Durooses to have. Doasesfi liuu cmuy nil iub ruruus. uene lis uuu urivuetres 01 luu Haul Aei. ui Abaumuiy uuu ua Euppiumenuj. Ulnoded I'owls, Pit Games, Grist Shawlnecks. Heath. woods, Mack B. Hcds, that will stay to win. Eggs, 18 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wh-liam Dennis, tf. Bloomsburg, Fa. (Mention this paper.) Good lines'ot dress coods and trimminc!S of all kinds at Clark & Son, Persian Bangs, braids, buttons, wood moulds etc. A rare opportunity Is presented for somo cnternrlslne townsman to represent a Nursery fir,m that warrants stock to bo de livered in primo condition, so that a large, honorable and permanent trade can bebutlt up. very liberal terms to the right man Address, James . Wihtnbt, Jan 25-3ni. Rochester, N. Y. Ladles Jerseys (black only) from 49c. up at tss son, also cuuuren's jerseys. Engraved visiting cards can bo obtained at tho Columbian office. Ladies havlpg piatcs can nave cards primed. ti Black shawls, black dress goods all kinds at uiarK is son. ershaw. Henry 6. (Hbson. Edward K. Dennlston. A. a. curtln, Charles It. Buckalow and Walter Mc.Mlchael. C1IAIU.1.S IJ. .MCMIUUAEL E. M. DUNHAM. MarS9 3t. solicitor j. W. H. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building They say our Baking Powder beats them all. I. W. Hartman & Sons. Those fine salines are attractlne attention from tho ladles. They don't cost half as much as French and look as nice at Clark & Hon. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS wiry, Cream Serge, wide, at 50c. We hear of precisely the same stuff about town at 62c. A firm, -?8 inches A new line of Side-band Suitings is pure wool; close pin-stripe on melange ground. An extra quality stuff, various border effects, and 50 51 inches wide, si to $ 1 . 50, Poor Hut lloucHt. Charlie Sullivan Is a poor but honest Irish lad, who while walking down Washington street, found a wallet containing checks and money to tho value ot several hundred dollars. Although almost destitute, bo re turned It tq ts owneis, Messrs. A. 1. Qrd way & Co., proprietors of Sulphur Bitters, who gavo him a liberal reward, and also ftavo him six bottles of Sulphur Bitters for his mother, who has been a terrible suffer. er with rhtumatlsm, and who returned many blessings after being cured by their use lKX7y World. Mar 29 2t IIATSI IIAT8I IIATSI HATBI All tho uo shades In soft styles, Urown drab, bine, black, &c. IH Mwenberg'i, A Cotton-warp Cashmere, 45 inches wide. 37c, In 16 Spring shades. The fun of the thine is that this is precisely the stuff some dealers are selling as Henrietta and getting a Hen rietta price for. It has a Hen rietta finish and most ot the Henrietta graces, but $2.25 for a dress pattern (6 yards) is all vou need to pay mst the same. We began the season with more than a thousand styles of Ginghams. A new coming just on the counters fine Scotch; among them styles of borders we haven't had belore. ;; to 60c. mi 1 , , 1 . 1 m ne nttie talK we had on dress goods and trimmings last week, brought us customers from Millville, Rhorsbursr. Ben ton, Orangevillo and all over the county. They did not all buy, but were so well pleased with our assortment; thoy promised to call when they are ready to buy rlow is your stock ot sheets and u low cases since first of April? We have them in all widths Also your stock of counterpanes napkins, towels, &c. They aro all hero tins week. The dishes go right off, cal soon it you wish your table to 00k as well as your neighbors rsutter and ecs aro movinc bit tree just now, bring on al ou have, lor the lresh goods just being opened. 1. W. llartimui & Sons Have you any notion how pretty the Figured India Silks are? A Chesnut street window full will help you to guess, 75c to $1.50, Ui course uionosa conies in Black. Too graceful, delicate and popular not to. 46 inches, $1,2$ and $1.50. La dies who wear it say it wotn spot. We've been skipping Sateens Never prettier, best French 35c ; Best American, 35c ; close up in fineness, figure, finish, anything. Here are one of each together. Quick, off hand which is the French ? Wrong Yankee. American starts at I2C. 75c Camel-hair Debeiee Soc, Very fine ant" soft. Ligl but not too light. 40 inch' at in, es That cheap Jersey ribbed underwear attracting the attention of ladles, now Clark & Son. 20 cases more of I hat errand corn that we flell it Mna fM OKrt at II. a lirnat Padtn.n (hvery can warranted.) Spring gloves ot all kinds at Clark & Son 35 boxes of Tulz Urn. &, Co's. celebrated laundry and toilet soap at tho Great Eastern. BANANAS ORANGES and LEMONS the Ureat Eastern. (Wholesale and retail, New ribbons, cloycs. ties, collars and cuffs, hosiery undcrwcar.'ruchlnga. button urnius, uanuucrchieis, laces etc. at Ularu & Son. Have you seen tbo new hair curlers, QUEEN VEGETABLES to-day at THE GIIEAT EA8TEUN. spinach Kate letter's new beets, onions ice ks ruuisncs iouks etc. etc. Another line ot thoso chean tablo covers av iiarK cs, son. VOIIK STATE MAPLE SUGAU another big lot ot Maple bugar received Thursday at THE GltEAT EASTERN. BUSINESS NOTICES IUDGE GEO- C. WING ef Auburn, one of Maine's prominent lawyer, an4 for several years the Chairman ot tho KepuUlcah Ptato Committee, wan troubled r Ith boll3 on ths back of his neck in their vrorst form, resembling carbunclos. Thrco bottles of nrOwn'iBtsaprinn completolr cured him and now Judge Wlnjspcaks In tho highest pralio or Brown Saraapartlla. fho lonif sought jomcdy for spring lassitude has been found. Entirely freo from the noxious alco hols, It Is compounded of theso Ingrodlcn's which extended medical experience has proven to bo the mostnotenllalln their effect upon tho kldneya, liver and blood, and, unllko tho common "spring medicines" with which tho market Is Hooded, lta effect Is not only Immediate, but enduring. No stronger CTldcnco to tins effect could bo offered than tho voluntary testimony to Its virtues of men of tho character and position of thoso whoso names appear with their willing permission through alt our works. Men, women and children alike can tko 11 witn naiety, ana ior taaies wno bid peculi arly su'ceptlble to that tired feeling attbls season ot the year we adtlso tho uso ot BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not irenulne unless made by Ara Warren Co., Bangor, Me. may2Sdly The season is at hand when Teachers aro thinking about Reward of Merit cards. We have Tno names ot tne seven suoaonoera to the saldl '-.i, ,.,! ipiicanuon aro, Morton McMicnaei. J. nenry iyiliijiuuu uuuua, Legal Blank Forms, all sorts of Leases, Contracts, Deeds, etc. W. H. Brqokk & Co. nil ti tie run. Mrs. F. K. Marsh has ,taken and will occupy after April 1st, the store on Jefferson and Main leir eyes. GRIND Are agents for Julius King's streets, where she will keep a celebrated spectacles. The best larger variety of fancy goods and in the world. Hundreds of pain compeie with any for style and DCiCUl 11UU1 UUU it lib UU 111 till" I I. teed. quality in During tho Holidav's trade JM- 1 I U. K. . we sold dozens of pairs of these Miss Shook (her milliner) is now celebrated goods.and as far heard in New York making extensive trom all are satisfactory. Any purchases ior tne spring ana purchaser not exactlv suited Summer trade. Thanking her may leturn these goods and ex- friends for past patronage she change for others, suited to cordially invites all to-inspect ner gooos oeiore purchasing elsewhere. Come and see if price and style do not satisfy. CURTIS CDMPODHD. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PURIFIER. Now is tbo apDointod time for thoroughly cleansing tho system from all imparities, and all will find thru tho Curtis Compound will exactly (ill tho bill, lt has stood the tost ol 22 years and its sales aro larger than over, every year. Price 50e. and Sl.OO. Fon Sale By James H. Mercer, DRUGGIST, BLOOJiRHunn, Pa. 4DMINISTKAT0U'8 NOTICE. state of James Comtnoiu, dfeeusei?, tats of mooinstiurg. Notice is hereby (riven that letters of adminis tration ou tLo estate of Junes corrmons. latoot the town of Illoomsbur?, county or Columbia, and state of fennsylranla, aecea&eii, have twen grant ed to (ieo. E. Elwell ot lUoumstiuitr, Columbia county, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mane payments, anatuose naving claims or aemanas win mate Known tne aamo without delay 10 GEO. E. ELWELL, Feb 15-6t Administrator. 1 OPPORTUNITY To Obtain First-Class Cloth ing at Philadelphia Prices. FOR THE NEXT CO DAYS All Clothinc Ordered from us by Mail will I bo delivered FREE by Express or Post to liuy jiart of the United 'States. WRITE AT ONCE FOK OUH New Illustrated Catatlogue and Price-List. Samples and Full l'aitictilars "How To Order By Mail" Freo of Charge. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. E.O. Tailor Clothier Importer, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SHERIFF'S SALE Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria. Wken ruby wu tick, wo (aro her CutorU. Wten sho M a Child, the crtod tor CutorU, When sho became Mlu, the clung to Outorla, When the had Children, the tne thn ftertorl. IMIchI IMlcul Itching I'llOH. Symptoms Moisture Intense Itching anA stlni;lne most at night worse by scratch ing. If allowed to contlnuo tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becornlng very sore. Bwayne'a Ointment stops tho Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, ana In most cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or by mail, (or 60 cents. Dr. Hwuyno & Bon, Philadelphia,, J. J. Kxixot, Ocrrnantown, Pa., writes, that lie suffered more than 10 years from Nervous Exhaustion and Early Decay and that he spent bis money with so-called ad vvrtlslug specialists and quacks to no avail, until fortunately he heard of Dr,' Tucel, 633 North fourth Bt., Philadelphia. Pa., who permanently cured him. He now says sufferers should quit spending money foolishly and, coamH V' Thetli l)y virtue ot a writ ot Vend. Ex. isaued out ot the court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed, win be exposed to publlo aa'o at the Court House, llloomsburj; pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL GUi. 1889, at S o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or parcel or land situate in weaver towns hip, Columbia Co. pa., Dounaea ana aoicrtbcd as follows, to-wlti UeglnnljjCAt stone, tnoiico by land ot William sasir north twettr degrees, west twenty-two perches to line ot 8. II. W, It. It, thence alone said it. it. south seventy-four degrees westtwotv.i perches to stone, thenco by barae south seventy. hrce degrees, west forty-eight perches to corner ot lot lately sold to the said K. It. Co., thence by said lot south thlrty-ono degrees, each fourtoenand four tenth perches to corner of other lands o( Jonas Bredbenncr tho grantor, thence .by aaue norm seventy-eight and a half degrees, east sixty parcboa to the place of beginning, containing six acres and, tlxty-ctght perches strict measure, wnereon are erected a III SeUed, taken Into execution and to be told us the property ot II, S, Cole and W, U, cole, JOHN U. OASKV, Uxrrinu, Atty. Kberltf, Marts JUDITOIfB NOTICE. Kitate of rKWiU folk; cfcwawil. The UEddrsigned, ann auditor appointed by tho firphana' court of folumbu coumy to distribute bo (unds In tbe hands or Jos. V. Eves adulnUtra, tor, will sit at tho onico of (irnst Herring, in iiloomsburg on v aruh ttiih issx, at 10 o'clock a. ui. when rad where SU person' having claims tgalnbt raid estate uiutt appear and prove the same, or be debarred from coulee in on tsld fund. Mr "Auditor, Best of All Cough medicines, Aycr's Cherry Pec toral Is In greater demand than over. No preparation for ThrOat and, Lung Troubles Is so prompt In Its effects; so agrecablo to tho taste, and so widely known as this, It Is tbo family medi cine In thousands of household. " I havo sullereil for years from a bronchial trouble that, whenever I tako cold or am exposed to inclement weath er, shows itself by a very annoying tickling Bensation in the throat and by illtliculty in breathing. T have tried a great many remedies, but none does so well 03 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which always given prompt relief In returns ot my old complaint. Ernest A. Herder, Inspector of Publlo lioads, Parish Ter ro lionne, I.a. " I consider Ayer's Cherry Tectoral a most Important remedy For Home Use. I liavo tested Its curative powor, In my f.uully, many times during the past thirty yearn, ami have never known It to full. It will rellovo tho most serious affection of tho throat and lungs, whether In i lilldrcn or adults." Mrs. V.. U. Kdgeily, Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled Willi a ilisotiso of tho lungs. Doctors afforded mu uo relief aud considered my caso hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I hud llulslied ono bottlo, found relief. I 'onttimcd to tako this medicine until a rum was effected. 1 bcllove that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved ray life," b.unutl (rlggs, Waukegan, 111. "Six years ago I contracted a severs Cold i -',' ',?-i '-'y- -tnigs and toon developed all tho alarming syinp. tmns of Consumption, I had a cough, night sweats, b(eedlng ot the lungs, pains In chest and slues, and was so prostrated as to be coutlned to ray hod most of tho time, After trying vurlous prescriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to glvo mo Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, I took lt, aud Ilia effect was magical. I teemed to rally fiom tho llrst tlose ot this medicine, and, after using only three bottles, am as well and sound as ever." P.oduey Johnson, Bprlngtleld, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rBsnaao ur Dr. J. O, Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Mi br ') Drujjlm. Pile It ; tit FARMS Mar i a n T5VCP B 0 Climate and JjJuuJl WKatlonlutheHoum J, f, S1AKC1IA, Claiemont Va nCAE Meaa cured wrMfiru. UibUMTatBMItMCIIHIOlt NkUMffl hrt UmUf. Ovnfort- I. l.lUuhl.klM.lll.B.JlMl.11 III. k UlMlh Utr S4-4t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers