The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 29, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
.2'J5,HOWdSrnS.TC.Tart(!,, A marvel of purity,
fhnfASailr:t0lt?0PenC95- " economical
HQTAtmftFnKwpAcariW will BL, N Y.
The Columbian
ILMajrar11611 TOry Itlday Subscription price,
Entered at Bloomsbunr. Pa..
08 second pinna matter u.mi.1 nou '
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1889.
Taking ofTect MONDAY. NOVKMDKIt 88. 18s.
fiTATiaNS. r. u.
Ar. Ar.
r u. i.u.
Lv. Lv.
V. u.
8 S3 2
8 46 2 311
8 48 2 43
8 58 62
9 00 2 67
10 3 20
9 25 3 3d
9 30 3 42
37 8 50
9 47 4 15
9 61 4 SO
9 66 4 24
10 00 4 SS
10 04 4 &1
10 12 4 40
111 15 4 43
10 20 4 10
Ar. Ar.
A. h. r. M.
r. u.
8 91
6 64
7 04
7 08
7 16
7 31
7 SG
7 4J
7 62
7 66
h 00
S 03
8 10
8 15
8 19
8 25
r. m.
Bloomsbure........ e ss
1 03 8 09
H 63 1 68
12 50 7 56
18 40 7 48
14 93 7 43
12 20 7 33
12 00 7 20
11 63 7 18
II 45 7 10
11 SO 7 00
11 SO 6 M
11 15 R 62
11 10 8 49
11 03 6 46
10 17 6 88
10 62 6 St.
10 43 6 39
LV. Lv.
a. M. A. M.
Main street a 18
Irondale 6 10
Paper Mill S 08
Ltghtstreet. o OS
orangevllle s &,
Forks, s 45
Tubba s 44
Stillwater......... 5 87
linnton B 28
Edsons, fi S3
cole. creek, s 20
Bugarloaf s 15
Laubachs, 5 11
OentraL s OS
Echo park. s 03
Jamison city.. A oo
r. h. .
Trains ontbeP.
follows :
T:S2 a. m.
3:42 p. m.
& It. it. It. leave Rupert n
11:04 a. m.
6:20 p. m.
Tralnson the D. L. S W. It. It. leave Bloomsbunr
a milnura.
8:32 a. m.
12:06 p. m.
4:18 p. m.
8:47 p. m.
7:12 a. m.
10 57 a m.
?8:24 p. m.
4:38 p.m.
Tralnson the N.ew. B. Railway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows s
M:46 a. m. 11:65 a. ra. p. m. 4-30 p. m.'
10:16 am 6:39 pm
Makoii 28. 0. C. Cooper will sell valu
able personal property at tils resldcnco on
8tli street at 10 o'clock p. m.
MMtcii 28.-I. K. DIUlluo will sell valuable
personal property," dorses, cows, farm Im
plements, &c, at his farm in Orange twp
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Maiicii !J0 P. D. Uentler, trusteo will
sell book case, chairs, lounge, pictures Ac.
at Winona Hall at 7 p. m.
A Phil 3 J. O. Freeze, administrator &c
of 11 Barton, will sell n lot of lumber at
barn of the late Judge Itupcrt, and after
noon. nt the Grapery below town, beglu
nlog at 1 p. m.
April 11th. Mathcw McIIenry of Jack
son township will sell valuable personal
property, on tho premises, commencing at
10 a. m. Horses, cows and farming im
plements. April 13. N. L. Campbell and D. W.
Campbell will sell farming implements on
premises in Centre township, commencing
at 1 o'clock in tho aftcrnoou. A good
chanco to get valuable farming imple
ments. Fob Sale. Thirty acres of timber land in
Pino township, two acres cleared, property
of Mrs. Mary A. Joyal. Inquire if Oeo.
10. Klwcll, Illoomsburg, for terms. tf
Fok'Salk. Fifly.scvcn acres of land in
Suftarloaf township, being part of the
Wolcott IJarvey farm. Good farm land,
and.a valuable timber tract. Inquire ot
Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg. If
Foil Sale. A valuable farm in Madison
Township containing 115 acres, fine build
ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If
not sold nt private sale by July 1st, will be
sold at public sale. For terms inquire of
J. 8. Williams, Bloomsburg. tf.
For Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence ou Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20tf L. N. Moteu.
For Sale. A genuine Henry Distln K
Flat cornet nearly new, no dents, in splen
did tunc. Address
Jos. E. Fry, Sec of Band.
Berwick Pa.
For Sale. A valuable vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and a good storo property in
Bloomsburg Six farms, two grist mills
and two storo propertie's in Col. Co. A
good farm of 307 aercs with god build.
tags in Virginia and two farms in Kansas
by M. P. Lmz Insurance and Heal Estate
Agt., Bloomsburg Pa.
For Sale. A pair of fine grey ponies,
well broken, to drive single or doable.
J. M. Hess,
JHar-l5-4w Pa.
Ice cream at Phillips' Saturday night.
Hurry B. Hess of Philadelphia is visiting
Lloyd Pazton at Rupert.
Arthur A. Clark of Harrisburg spent
Sunday at home.
J. Saltzer, Freas Brown and L, T. Sharp,
leas attended conference at SUamokln last
C. II. Kline, clerk In the post office, who
was sick for sonio time with quinzy, has
recovered, and Is again at his post.
Miss Ella Fox who has been studying
vocal music in Philadelphia, during the
winter, returned homo last Saturday,
Ex-Judge F. L. Sbuman, ex-sherllf Hoff
man and Daniel Monis ot Locust, were
among the visitors to town on Wednesday.
Misses Mame and Carrlo Aurand, and
Mies Annie Lockard tried their pedestrian
capacities on Tuesday by walking to Dan
ville. They made tho trip down In four
hours, returning by tho train.
Oil cloth, lelt and paper curtains at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Ex-Sheriff Smith was in towu on busi
ness Tuesday. Ho was warmly welcomed
by his numerous friends.
After April 1st, Charley Soo's Laundry
will be next door to Sloan's store, on Main
street, Bloomsburg. Mar. 29-81.
Messrs. Baker & Bender arc putting up a
wooden awning in front of their furniture
warerooms, corner of West and Main Bts,
Dr. Brown operated for Strabismus for
Miss Moycr on Thursday, and for cataract
for Mr. Newton Boono on Saturday,
Nmw onnii In Knrlnrr mtlltnerv. trim
mlng, &c. now open ut E. Barkley's, Main
ot., ueiow market. Latest styles anu low
est prices.
Wall paper new spring 6tock now open.
Gome and examlno cur goods and prices
before you buy,
W. II. Brooko & Co.
It Is rumored that tho Irondale furnace
will bo blown out Sunday tho 3Ut. This
will throw a largo number of men out of
Fine Cabinets In vignette or scroll,
if M'Killlp Bros,
Tbo Opus Club met on Tuesday evening
at Miss' Maud ftunyan's.
K. It Drinker and F.
grandfathers new.
P. Dtlnkor are both
For a nlco election of window curtains
go to Mercer's Drug & Book Btore.
It. 0. Drinker Is managing tbo Hess
Itcv. Mr. Bowman of Harrisburg, cousin
of Dr. A. B. Brown, Freas Urown and J.
C. Brown, Is Visiting friends la this plsco
A leak In tbo steam heating mains run
ning into tbo court house occasioned much
digging on Main street, owing to the diffi
culty In locating tho leak.
All tho no sliaiTcs In soft styles. Br'owu
drab, blue, black, &c.
at Lowenberg's.
Moycr Bros, bavo lust had completed a
handsomo delivery wagon 'at M. G. Bloan
& Bro's. Carriage Manufactory. It Is a
lino piece of work.
What you need Is a medicine which Is
pure, efficient, reliable. Such is Hood's
Sarsaparitla. It possesses peculiar curdtlvo
Work on tho new itupcrt & Blotmsburg
Ila'lroad is progressing rapidly. D. S .
Blue Is tlmc-kccpcr, Col. Jameson supcrin.
tends the work in person.
Iter. B. W. Bears has been appointed
pastor of tho M. E Church ot this town by
tho Conference. Hey. Dr. Frost will go to
Harrisburg, and Hev. M. L. Ganno takes
tho Mulberry street church at Willlamspott.
J. B. Itoblson Esq. Is an applicant for
appointment to the office ot Collector of
Internal -Revenue, and it Is said that Ills
chances for success aro bright.
Mrs. Ciiarlotta Grove, widow ot tbo late
Augustus Grove, died at Ashland laBl Fri
day and the remains wcrc'brought hero on
Monday for Interment. She was sixty
years of age.
A scries of prohibition meetings will be
held through the county by Hev. C. A.
Babcock assisted by other speakers. A
meeting was held in Catawlssa on Tuesday
Messrs. Barber & Smith of Stillwater
sold one of their make of wagons to Mr. F.
L. Faust, at tho Barton Mill. It is a fine
wagon. Mr. Faust will use it as a general
delivery wagon.
According to announcement mado in tho
Philadelphia Press of Saturday last, Rev.
F. P. Mantiart has decided to accept tho
call extended him by tho Newtown Mission
church, Philadelphia.
We acknowledge gratefully tho cheerful
ness aud alacrity with which tho employ
ees of this offleo always respond, whenever
a rush of business requires them to work
over time
The Young People's Club of tbo Presby
terian church expects to givo a concert in
the Opera House the latter, part of April.
Several vocalists from a distance have been
engaged for the occasion, and Miss Annie
Miller will lie Ihe'soprano.
Rev. A. W. Swengel, the newly appoint
ed pastor for Bloomsburg- Mission, will
preach in the Evangelical church oo
Fourth street on next Sunday evening,
services commencing at 7 o'clock. All are
cordially invited.
Rebecca Carman of Benton will open a
largo assortment in millinery and fancy
goods from Philadelphia and New York to
which she invites tho public, thanking
tbcm for past favors, and hopelng continu
ance of tbc samo.
Rohr McIIenry returned from Buffalo
last week with a car-load of bogs, number
ing 107 head. He sold quito a number of
them, but kept the greater part for bis own
use. They were certainly tho finest lot of
hogs ever brqught to Benton.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
last week there was printed at this offleo a
paper book for the Supremo Court contain
ing forty-flvo pages. This is tho biggest
threo days' work ever turned out by any
printing office in this county.
R. 0. Neal expects to remove with his
family to Harrisburg soon. He has secur
ed a bouse and It is in process of repair-
Mr Neal is the superlntendant of a now
corporation which purchased tho plant of
tho Lochlel Iron Works.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are known to be
the safest, surest and best purgative medi
cine ever offered to tho public. They arc
mild yet certain in their effects, give tono
and strength to the stomach, and keep the
system in a perfectly healthy condition.
There are but two cases to go to tbo Su
premo Court from this county this year,
being Dr. Gardner against the Steam Heat
ing Company, and H. H. Ilulme, executor
of Samuel Appleman, agal.iBt C. W. Mill
er. They will be argued tho first week in
William Neal & Sons and other creditors
of the Lewisburg Nail Works have begun
proceedings In equity in Union county
against that corporation to provent tho en-
tiro property and nssetts from being seized
by a few preferred creditors. Scarlet,
Hinckley, Billmeyer and Baldy are counsel
for the plaintiff.
List of letters remaining In the Post Of.
flee- at Bloomsburg for week crding Mar.
20, 1880.
Mr. Lloyd Cox, Joseph Uendler, Mr. F.
K. Miller, Mr. Rusla Palmatur.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Geoboi A, Clare, P. M.
George Jacoby, a son of John Jacoby of
Llghtstreet, is lying very sick at bis homo
on East street, with pneumonia. Ho was
a member ot Co. D 84th Regiment, "Hur
ley Guards," and received threo wounds
Uurlnit tbo war. For tho past eleven years
he has been living In Illinois, aud about a
month ago be was brought here, tbo means
being furnished by a number ot his old
comrades. His family Is here with him.
On and after the 1st of April i propose
adopting the ready pay system. I Intend
to sell at low prices and in order to do It I
cannot afford to havo my money scattered
all over the country for an Indefinite per
iod. Also those having accts. upon my
books will call at onco and settle. All
kinds ot country produce taken in ex.
change for goods, but no book accts. on
aud after above date.
Mar.23.2w. J. J. MoIIenry.
Interested l'eope.
Advertising a patent medlclno In tho pe
culiar way lu which the proprietor of
Kemp's Balsam, for. Coughs and Colds,
docs It li Indeed wonderful. Ho authorl
zes all druggists to give tboso who call for
It a sample bottle Free, that tbey may try
It before purchasing. The, Large Bottles
are COo and f 100, Wo certainly wouil ad
vise a trial. It may save you from con
Tho property ot James Commons, do
ceased, was sold at public salo last Halur
day, to I. W McK- lvy, tho lot with lintuo
on bringing $780, and tbo two acres $680.
Tbo amount ot work deno In tho Blooms.
burg post offleo may be seen from the fol
lowing figures i There has been handlid
from February 10 to Mnrcb 25, 83,800
pounds ot matter. Tho largest on any ono
day was 2300 pounds.
Joseph Lowcnbcrg graduated at tho
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy of Phil,
adelphta on the 10th inst, after pursuing a
full courso of two years. Ho has boon of.
fcrcd eo rural positions In Now York aud
Philadelphia, and will accept ono of them.
Joo Is an excellent young man, and wc
wish him succesi
Samuel Browu lias appointed postal
clerk on the B. & S. R. R. to take effect
April 1st. It Is not likely however that
his work will begin before May 1st, as
tbcro will bo no car ready beforo that time.
It tho present Intention Is carried out,
namely, to havo only a mall up in the
morning and back at noou It will not suit
tho convenience ot tho people up tho
Cbtldrens' clothing Is a Icadtng feature.
Tho Spring styles are dressy and durable.
Handsomo kilt suits tor little boys
at Lowenberg's.
Don't fall to see tho Lily Rowley Com
pany at the Opera House, Monday and
Tuesday evenings, April 1st and 2d, when
tbo brilliant young artiste, Miss Lily Row
ley will appear, supported by her own
superb metropolitan company, In Tobln's
sparkling comedy, "the Honeymoon," also
complete production of tho romantic drama,
Ilcndrlck B. Search, sheriff of Luzerne
county, has advertised tbo Dauville, Hazte
ton & Wilkcsbarrc Railroad to bo sold at
sheriff salo at tho Court Houso In Wilkes.
barre on Baturday, April 13 The samo
road was sold by Sheriff Hoffman of this
county ten years ago for $400,000 and was
bought in by tho bond holders, and reor
ganlzed as tho Sunbury, Hazleton &
Wllktf'sbarro Railroad company. We aro
Informed that tho salo Is to bo mado on a
judgement obtained by Simon P. Case In
Luzcrno county.
All tho buildings on Mr. John A. Funs
ton's farm In Perry township, Montour
County, were destroyed by firo on Sunday
night last. The buildings consisted of a
largo frame dwelling house, wood house,
wash house, out kitchen, largo barn, chick
en house, calf stable, ling pen. The pre
mises were unoccupied at tho time as Han
nab Welltvcr was just moving out, and
Uzal Brceco was about to move in. There
was some Insurance on tho property, but
not halt enough to replace tho buildings.
It is not known bow the firo originated.
No charge for banging curtains
Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
Window curtains, plain and dado at
W. U. Brooke & Co's.
A fire occurred nt Espy, Friday evening
of last week, about nine o'clock, resulting
in tho destruction of two barns, one belong.
Ing to David Wltralre, and the other to
Thomas Rutlcdge. The fire originated in
the Witmire barn and is supposed to bo the
work of an incendiary. Tbo .citizens of
Espy turned out with buckets, and by
boroic efforts prevented the spread of the
flames. Mr. William Delttericb lost about
250 bushels ot grain, which was stored In
tho Whitmlro baru. The light was distinct
ly seen from this place, and Mr. Russcl
Buckalew took up tbo small omnibus load.
cd with people, freo of charge.
Jersey justice Is about as near right as
they get the article anywhere if we may
judee it by tbo following: Tho recent
trial of a New Jersey editor for libel, for
saying in bis paper that a certain, candi.
dato for office was not a fit man, has re
sultrd in bis acquittal. The judge laid
down a law that when a man runs for of.
flee the press, has a right to question his
fitness for the position to which he asplrsc.
In fact, the court said it was not alone tho
privilege but the duty of the newspapers to
publish the truth In relation to candidates
for public office, and that such, candidates,
if they be not proper meu, render them
selves llablo to exposure.
Llfo ulze crayons
in gold frames only
M'Killlp Bros.
The National Guard. The Philadel
phia Tima says editorially s "Tho Penn
sylvania National Guard has como to bo
the great military display of each Inaugur
ation, and this year was no exceptton to
the rule ot past years. In the rain und
storm, tho long lines of our clt!zn soldiery
died past tho new President rauk ufter
rank, perfect in equipment, m discipline
aud in soldierly bearing. No Statu has its
match ana none takes more sedulous pains
by this frequent massing of tho Guard to
accustom it lo act together and prepare it
tor action. It reflected on its commanders,
on itself and on tbo Statu which scat it
out and which cherishes a just fdi in
every man."
Tho Catawiesa Opera House was opened
last Friday evening by the Catawlssa Dra
matic Association In tho two act drama
'Among tho Bteakers." Tho ball which
was formerly known as tho Masonic Hall,
has been entirely remodeled, und Is now a
very cosy .llttlo Op.-r.i House Tho seats
are very comfortable opera chairs and the
floor slopes back from the stage, enabling
everybody to get a good view uf tho per
formance. Tho stage has been fitted up
with a drop curtain aud adequate scenery.
Tho company presented tho drama In
excellent form, each ono playing his or her
part In a most creditable manner, holding
tbo Interest ot the audience to '.he end.
iuu uuusu Beam auuiu iiireu uuuureii pcupiu
and was well filled. An orchestra ot six 1
pieces from this place furnished music for
tho occasion.
Spring over-coat salo.
Elegant shades in 8- ring overcoats from $5.
Call and see them at I). Lowenberg's. tipiiluii.
Spring has opened In earnest
sporting men anticipate a lively time.
Some farmers bavo started tho plow.
There will be u general upheaval ot taml
lies changing locations about the 1st of
Doo liutt and Alonzo Albertson aro lo.
catcd about three-quarters ot a mllu apart.
Wo are located about midway betweoni
but their sawmills don't disturb us in tho
Jesse Albertson, near Cambria, who Is In
bts 02nd year, had a slight stroko of piral
yits about a week ago.
Tbo schools havo all closed with satis,
factory results In our locality,
Tbo roads have becu lu a very bad con.
Public sales are the order of the day,
FOB EHEUUAT181I In any form take
Brown's Sallcyllno. Prlco 60 ceats, two
bottles sent free for $1, Brown Ballcyllno
en., Klmlra, N, Y, It cures ninn out of
trw Mar 29-Mt,
Council Proceedings
"larch 17tb, 1889,
Council met at 7(45 o'clock. Tho lodow.
Ing request was presented and received i
To tbo town council ol tho town of Blooms,
burg i Gentlemen I At a meeting of the
board ot directors of tho Bloomsburg Belt
Railroad Company, It was on motion re
solved that the following request bo pre
sented to council, vlzt to the Town Coun.
ell of the town of Bloomsburg! Tho Blooms
burg Belt Railroad Company, authorized to
conHruct a belt railroad In tho town of
Bloomsburg, part ot whoso chartered
courso la In nnd upon Seventh street In
said town from west side of Market street
to cast sldo of Eatt street. Your petition
ers respectfully request permission of coun.
clt to enter upon said sttcet for tbo con
structlon of said lino of railroad. I certify
that the foregoing Is a true extract from
tho minutes of the Boaid of Directors ot
the Bloomsburg Belt Railroad Co. of Feb,
11th. 1889, L. E. Walter. Sccv."
Several attorneys appeared as counsel
for owners of property on Seventh street
nnd a number of property owners; all Join
ed la a protest against tho granting of a
permit to tho Bloomsburg Belt Railroad
Co. to lay Its track In Seventh street.
O. W. Millet' Esq., contractor .on sewer,
stated that ho put In several box crlbbings
over tbo sewer hid last fall, at points
whero It becamo necessary lo open the
main In order to clean it;, and ho thought
the cribbing ought not bo removed as it
might bo again needed In the tuturo and
It would be economy for tho town to pay
him tho actual cost of the lumber and then
he would leave them In.
Mr Rlngler, chairman ot committee on
streets, reports that the commlttco had In
terviewed Mr'. Wm. Neal with reference to
purchasing his lot on East street, and the
alley leading back to tho west end of East
Third street, for the purposo of using said
lot and alley as a street, for tbo extension
of East Third street out to East street,
found that Wm. Neal wanted $2,000 for
the lot. As there is considerable opposi
tion to diverting tbo course of East Third
street and running out by said alley. The
commlttco mado ,au examination of the
grounds over which said street would pass,
if extended In a straight line to East street,
and fouud that it would pass diagonally
across tho lots of Ell Jones and tho lot ot
tho heirs ofJohn Jones, dee'd., and would
cut a small comer off tbo said lot of Wm.
Neal; Council adjourned.
March 10th, 1889.
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
The matter ot the Bloomsburg Belt Rail,
road Co. for privilege to lay their railroad
on Seventh street being under considera
tion Pres. Harman withdraws from the
chair and John Wolfe, vico-prcsldent, oc
cupied the same. Ordlnanco No. 43 to es
tablish grade of Seventh street was then
carried. Also ordinance No. 44, to permit
tho Bloomsburg Belt Railroad company to
occupy a portion of Seventh street for rail
road purposes.
Ou motion it was agreed that Mr. Miller
be allowed tho cost of tbc lumber Jn crib
bing In sewer trench, In tho deep cut near
the river.
On motion a building permit was granted
to II. J. Clark to erect an addition to bis
storo house occupied by Jac. Keller. On
motion council adjourned to meet Friday
evening, 29tn Inst, at 7:30 o'clock.
Spring suits for boys, children and men.
Marvels ot stylo and beauty. Call and sec
them at D. Lowenberg's.
court l'roceedlnKS.
Court convened on Tuesday March 20, at
9 o'clock, President Judgo Ikelcr and
Associates McIIenry and Murphy on tbo
Central Poor District vs. Beaver township
Poor District, opinion of court filed.
Daniel Reedy, receiver, vs. Cordelia Kls
ncr, opinion filed.
William Bardo vs. John Mordan and Al
fred Pegg, agreement of counsel filed. Rule
made absolute.
Peter Leisenrlng ns. L. Yocum with
notice to Locust Mutual Firo Insurance Co.
garnishee. Judgment for plaintiff, two
Isaac Appleman, A.. W. Drivelpicco and
G. W. Buppleo appointed viewers of a road
In Orauge near J. Johnson's.
William Houghton appointed guardian
of Mat tie Fowler.
Charles S Rcichart appointed tax col
lector of Main township.
J. It. Vastloo vs. E L. Yocum etc. Judg
ment for $513 u2.
James Oglesby vs. E. L. Yocum etc.
Judgment fo $131 15.
Salo ordered In estate of Potter Smith de
ceased; also In estates of Anna Lock art
and Mary E, Snyder.
P. D Black vs P. D. Appleman aud J. D.
McIIenry, garnishees. Judgment for plain
tiff. Henry Litwller vs. Abraham Lltwllcr.
petition tiled to open judgment.
Commonwealth vs. John Kingston, on
motion of district attorney prosecution dis
missed md defendant discharged.
Estato of William Sltltr, exceptions over
ruled, and appraisement confirmed.
Private sale allowed in estate of Elizabeth
Rulo granted in estate of Jonas Doty to
show cause why the prayer ot the petition
era should not be granted.
A number of cases on the argument list
were argued.
Court adjourned until April Dili at 9 a. m.
A l'CW I'llttllllCH,
Jesso Hicks moves into tho brick along
side tho M. E. Church. Harry Britlaln will
take the house vacated by Hicks.
Mrs. Crossly and daughter move Into one
of Mrs. Wynhoop's houses on Third street.
S. M. Hess will movo Into his own home
ou Catharine street. Mr. D. M. Sheep takes
the property vacated by Hess.
Oscar Alexander has moved Into ono sldo
ot tho new Kreamcr ttouso on East street
O. Mears moves into tbo property vacated
by Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and
Miss Sallie Mslick will occupy tho house
vacated by Mears.
Mrs. Gioover moyes into her own prop,
erty on Third street.
N. W. Barton will occupy the brjck real
denco on corner of East and Fifth street,
and will move bis storo room in tho front
part of tho building. Mr. Hoffman moves
into tho now house on tho Miller property,
Mr, Geese and family ot Catawlssa, movoN
into the Drelsbach property In tho lower
part of tbe town.
C. B. Robbing will movo into his new
houso on Normal Hill. L. Gross will oo,
cupy thoproperty vacatod by C, B. Robblna.
E, O, Wells movers into the O, T. Wilson
property which ho recently purchased.
F. M. Leader moves ialo the N. Pursel
property on Market street
A. M, Wlotersteen takes the Clark prop,
erty vacated by Harry Shaw. O. R. House!
will movo into houso vacated by Winter,
Cbas. E. Harman removed from Mlfllln.
vlllo to Bloomsburg.
For purifying the blood, stimulating tbe
appetite, and Invigorating the system In tho
Spring and early Bummer, Ayer'a Barsapa
rllla Is unsurpassed. Be sure you get Ayer's
Sartaparllla asd no other else tho result
may be anything but satisfactory,,
Tha nneit linn nf wlndnw An-talna in
town just opened at W. tt, Brooke A Co'a
Conference Appointments.
Th'c fo'llftwing nripolJlmcnts bavo been
made by tho Central Pennsylvania Confer
encc of tho M. K. rhnrrli. held at Hlinmo.
Marcji 2O-20' 1
uanvmo District.
Joltif DoxAticB, Presiding Elder; Ash
land, WO Robblns; Beach Haven. GV
Bavldgej Benton, BP Boone; Berwick, B H
Mosser; Bloomsburg, 8 W Scars; Boyle's
Run, to lio supplied by P U Bronson;
Buckhorn, J R Mclroy; Catawlssa, W.
Moses; OataWlssa Circuit, N II Smith; Cen
tralla, W MoIC. Rellcy; Conypgham, 11 B
Former; Danvillo, bt. Paul's, F B Rlddlo;
Danville, Trinity, G W Stephens; Elysburg,
A W Decker; Espy and Ltgbtstrcct, R Mai.
lollcu; Gordon, P F Eycr; Ilarvoyvllle, W
B Hamlin; Hazleton, J B Shaver; Hazleton
Mission, to bo supplied by 8 Blair; Hclfcn
stein, to bo supplied by 0 H Barnard;
Jcansvlllo and Atidcnrcld, M L Dtum; Jer,
seytown, J II Mortimer; Mlflllnvlllc, OS
Metzlcr; Mount Carmcl, W G Ferguson;
Muhlcnburg, W A Lcplcyi Ncscopcck, W
T 8 Dcavor; Northumberland, J D W Dea
yor; Orangovllle, J Horning; Riverside, G
H Day; Rohrsburg; II A Ptraub; Schloyer,
Yltle, to bo supplied by II J Custer; Sellns
grove, G M Klcpfer; Sbamoklu, J B Pols,
grove; ehlckshlnny, W H Keith; Silver
Brook, to bo supplied; Bnydcrtown, E M
Chllcoat; South Heberton, L F Smith;
Stockton and Beaver Meadow, B P King;
bunbury, W V Ganor; Town HtlL E 0
Baker; Trcvorton, J Gnldln; Wcatherley,
II M Ash; West Hazleton, to bo supplied;
West Shamokin, V. T. Rue; White Haven,
G M Lamed; II A Curran, Professor In
tato Normal School, Member ot Blooms
burg Quar. Conference.
Supernumerary and Superannuated
Preachers. Alcm Brittaln, J W Lcckle,
A M Kester, I U Torrcncc, T II Tubbs, H
S Mcndcnhall, D B McClosky.
Among those who aro known here, the
following chauges havo been made: D S
Monroe, Altoona; R E Wilson, Altocna; J
H M'Garrab, Pbllllpsburg; E H Wltman,
Ramoy; W W Evans, Carlisle; M LSmyscr,
Consumption mtrcly Cured
To the Editor Please inform your read
ers that I havo a positive remedy for the
abovo named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glad to send
wo bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption if they
will send me their express and post olllc
address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM
M. C..181 Pearl St., Now York. sepU21-ly
Newspapers lu 1889.
From the edition of Geo. P. Howell &
Co's "American Newspaper Directory,"
published April first (its twenty-first year),
It appears that the newspapers and period
icals of all kinds issued in the United
States and Canada now number 17,107,
showing a gain of 797 during tbe last
twclvo months, and of 7,882 In ton years.
Poor llut Honest.
Charlio Sullivan Is a poor but honest Irish
lad, who while walking down Washington
street, found a wallet containing chocks
and money 10 the value of several hundred
dollars. Although almost destitute, ho re
turned it to its owneis, Messrs. A. P. Ord-
way & Co., proprietors of Sulphur Bitters,
who gave blm a liberal reward, and also
gave blm six bottles of Sulphur Bitters for
bis mother, who baa been a terriblo suffer
er with rhtumatlsm, and who returned
many blessings after being cured by their
use Weekly World. Mar 29 2t
Tho Spring term of tbe well-known
Orangevlllo Academy will open Monday
April 8tb, 1889, under more favorable pros
pects than ever. Prof. L. P. Sterner, who
has been engaged as Principle, needs no In
troduction t3 the people of this county an'1
vicinity. , Mar 23-41
To-KlifM and To-Morrow NlKlit,
And each day and night during this week
you can get at all druggists' Kemp's Bal
sam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknow
ledged to bo tho most successful remedy
ever sold for tho cure of Conghe, Croup,
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, ' Asthma,
And consumption. Get a bottlo To-Day aad
keep it always in tho house, so you can
check your cold at once. Price 50o and
$1.00. Bamplo bottles free.
rniLADiLrniA, Monday, March 25, 1889..
Good news at the Silk coun
ters. I he perlect light ot the
Transept makes it the ideal
place lor examining quahttes and
comparing colors in Silks. When
buying here you see and know
precisely what you are getting.
ihe special news ol this week
is about 300 pieces Black Surah
Dress Silks. A large purchase,
various grades, at prices that
pay losses to the makers, but
profits to you or rather to the
1000 women, more or less, that
can be supplied with one dress
each from this lot.
Several grades are one-third
off prices. Even the lowest is
gj4 and 20 inches wide at
50, 55, and 60 cents.
25 inches wide at 60 and
75 cents.
23 inches wide at 75 cents,
and one inch narrower at 85
Have,?you seen our Spring
styles in India Silks ? The
prices are 75 cents, $1, $1.25,
and $1.50. The styles are the
best and newest work of the
French artist designs.
Two of the newest :
Cream Foul6, with border of
fancy stripes. A graceful stuff
delicately prettied dainty as
a white apple blossom flushed
with pink. 40 inches, 75c.
Alma Zephyr. A crGpy sort
ot diagonal, but so hne that you
must look close to see the twills,
75c and $1 ; width 41 inches.
Bids fair to be as popular as the
all-wool Satin Suran (75c and
$1) we lately told you ol.
Cream Albatross, 50, 60, and
75c colors too. The creamiest
of the cream is a 50c quality at
37 J c. We never had its equal
at tne price.
Genuine old fashioned Mo
hair. Crisp, wiry, springy. The
sort 01 stun that won't wrinkle,
that dust won't stick to. It's in
t ... -w
grem mvor once more, comes
with new fangled notions
though, Novelty Mohairl Think
ofitl Wonderfully1 pretty just
the samd. You can hardly guess
what' a rich and modern look the
silk stripes give to the old
familiar. 65c for plain ; 1 for
novelty each 40 inches.
China Mattings.
Worth being quick for.
About 300 rolls just opened,
this season's goods, in eight
choice patterns, at $10 for a roll
of 40 yards. Regular $14 qual
ity. Something to set the trade a
talking and wise housekeepers
a-buying. We'll hold what you
buy till you're ready for it.
No. 71 is the Trunk that
makes baggage smashers weary.
Flat top, iron bands, hard wood
strips, steel clamps, Cdrbin lock,
extra heavy handles. If there
ever was a Trunk to stand grief
in chunks, this is it. $6 to $10.
Lighter than No. 71 is the
"Monitor." Strong and roomy;
canvas covered, leather bound,
iron clamped, $11 to $15.
Ranks on ranks of hump
oacKea oaratogas. tJaoy size
Toughest of the light Trunks
!c rlif TlncL-nf "Wli-1r ct-Mj-
willow body, rattan braces, can
vas cover, leather bound, linen
lined. Stands sea banging like
a sailor. Bends a little, but
doesn't break. An ocean voy
ager's tnend. si&.soand $18
Better quality, thoroughly
vaterproot cover, $24 and $21;
Regular Steamer Trunks, $6
tu $8. Same, with brass mount
ings, $8.50 to $10.
A step away are the Steamer
Kugsi $6 to $16. bhawl Rugs,
$7 to $15. Raw winds, you
know, off soundings.
Stationery is just as we would
choose to have it. Kinds and
amounts as well as place and
light are as near perfect as we
know how to make them.
With all the rest, we are in
better shape to take Encravine
orders. A quiet cubby-hole of
a room right in the department
where you can say your say and
choose your styles without a
thdught of obtrusive eyes or
As fine engraving as can be
done. And prompt.
John Wanamaker.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3' tloz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewincr. copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
nioodcd Fowls,
Pit Games. Grist Shawlnccks. Heath.
woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win.
Eggs, 13 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
(Mention this paper.)
A rare opportunity is nreaenteil for some
enterprising townsman lo represent a
Nursery firm that warrants stock to bo de
livered in prime condition, so that a large,
honorable and permanent trade can bo built
up. Very liberal terms to tho right man.
Address. James E. Whitney.
Jan 25-8ni. Rochester. N. Y.
Engraved vlsltine cards can bo obtained
at tho Columbian office. Ladles havlrg
plates can havo cards printed. tf
Just arrived. A lariro nuantltv nf Vnrk
State manlo suirar nf thn Hnoat nnnlltv
Try It at tho Great Eastern Tea Co.
Hartman's Baking Powder is
giving entire satisfaction.
Apples, orances. lemons. Iinnnnnfl. iIhIab
figs, green vegetables. '
1 he great Eastern.
C. C. Mirr buva butter.
eggs, and lardj
side, shoulder and bam.
3 cans corn for 25c at
The Great Eastern.
A fine Stock Of irooila Can bn lioiinhl nf
C O. Marr: who wiahea to sell out licrauan
01 ill uealth.
Esbleman .C Wolf bavo a fi.ll line of two
wheel cultivators, corn planters, hay rakes,
and a good two horso farm wagon weight,
iuuu guaranteed.
l'llll lino of canned frnada. nrtrr llm
lowest, at The Great Eastern,
1 011 wil find a full lino ot all kind nf
repairs, such as for plows, "uitivators and
Champion binder and mower which they
used to sell. AIo repairs for Wm. N.
vvuueiy Hinder and Mower, sold by B. F,
Rico at Esbleman & Wolf's.
lietore buying your Iaco curtains call at
II. W. a man's and Bee those, nma rpilnn
cu to no.
Esbleman & Wolf havo a full line of
ranges ot different kinds and a good line of
owuuii uunu stoves on uanu.
Try the Great Eastern's Llbcrian Java
coffee, Quest .in tbo land. Also the best
tea, rio Java coffees.
Esbleman & Wolf aro selllnc their stoves
nil heaters very low to mako room for
tneir plows, cultivators, hay rakes, u
planters, &o.
Elegant lines of dress and apron elnc,
bams at II. W. Sloan. Fine scotch glue.
....... s uvauitiui oijrics uisu on iianti.
rarmera look to your Interest for tho
best farming Implements. Bomb Bend
Plows, Elmira right and left plows: lovel
land plows, and Elmira sulky plows at tho uuusi-. doiu oy r-siiieman & Wolf,
Wc now show tbe most complete line of
101,0 iuii,ui, Berlins, turcoman curtains
3 pr., Lace curtains C9o pr. and up. Also
cvrrai uargains in raw silK table covers
40o andup Curtain poles, brass ends 35o
aud up. New liuo of dress cloths, a few
more cuaiues yet (14 yds. for 81). A bar.
liiu m ureas giuguams ISJo goods for 10c
yd. A special lot of seersucker dress cords
at less than ruling prices. A new lot of
jackets from S3 up and special good values
7 "". u win pay you to call and see
the fine satlncs, please all, handsome pat
terns and coloringB. Counterpanes 05c,
and up. fells all colors and a large lino of
t" t jl u ,u l"",ni I"alu "id striped.
Esbleman & Wolf have a full lino ol
farm and garden tools, combined drills,
j. heel hoe, fly wheel garden plow, ono
hofso cultivators with covering attachment.
Fine checked all wool Spring dress
cloths one yard wide for 8!)a at
If you want to buy a good secorid hand
cnok or healing stovo call at Eshleman &
If yon want a good, easy fitting and lc-
Xant shaped corset, call at Clark & Bon's.
Iso Warren's dress form.
fohlcman & Wolf aro prepared to do all
kinds of plumbing, gas fitting, steam and
hot water fitting. All work guaranteed to
givo good satisfaction.
Corsets, all styles Including "Balls" nnd
Mmc. Foy, white and colored. Our
fiOo corset cannot bo beaten.
It you want to buy a good second hand
rango call at Eshtcman & Wolf's.
Special bargains In ladles' nnd chitdrens
Jersey ribbed and gauze underwear at
Clark & Son's.
Green vegetables nt The Great Eastern
on Friday and Saturday uf every descrip
We are ready for a short talk
on Ladies' Jackets, sateens, dress
goods aud trimmings, thejnekets
tire the latest, the snleens are
the finest, tho dress goods and
trimmings arc the most fnshion-
nble in the market.
How about oil cloth shades?
We havo them, from 50c to
$1.25 complete. Measure your
windows and they will be ready
tor you m a short time.
Our place has been filled with
buyers of dishe3 for first of
April, do you want a nice lamp,
we have them cheap.
muter and eggs are down in
price, but tho treshness of the
goods make it all up for you.
I. W. Hartman & Sons.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Bby wm Ick, wo tye her CMtorts.
When ihe wm & Child, the cried for CMtorU,
When the became Hits, the clung to OattorU,
When the had Children, the care them CMtorU.
IMlCH t IMlCB I ItCllllIK 1'llCH.
Btmptoms Moisture : intensn ltrliltif nnA
stinging j most at night j worse by scratch
ing. If allowed to continue tumors form,
which often bleed and ulccrato, becoming
very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in most cases removes tho tumors. At
druggists, or bv mall, for GO cents. Dr.
Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. may-4.1y.
Sr. Tfceel. 538 North Fmirth. lulnw lrr-n
St., Philadelphia is tho onlv nhvsiclan In
Philadelphia able to cure permanently
Blood, Special, Nervous, Bladder and Kid
noy Diseases he offers Snooo to nnv nhvKl.
clan able to excel him. all aufTerpra shnuld
consult him, thereby saving money, suffer
ing and delay.
Iiczcilln, Itchy, Hcaly, Hltln
Tho slmnlo annllcatlon nf "Rn?nvn..'o
Ointment," without any internal mcdiclno
will euro any case of Tetter, Salt Rhtum
mngworm, rues, lien, Bores, fimples,
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstlnatn nr lnntv ctnmltnir
It is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
May-DS-i r
GosTlIERnEV. Wlllmlnutnn. Del. willnu.
I suffered from Bnghts Diseases of the Kid
noy, wasting away, yreat Nervous Debility
duo to abuso of mercury and Iodido of
Potass, which was nrcscribed to me !iv
quacks, etc , when I consulted Dr. Tliecl
538 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, who
permanently cure me.
Real Estate!
In pursuance of an order ot the Orphans court of
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, the undealened
admtnlstratrfr of Henry Wolf, deceased, will sell
at public sale on the premises, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1889
t 1 o'clock p. m., ot said day tbe followlnir de
scribed real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece-
parcel, and lot ot ground situate In the town ot
Bloomsburff, county of Columbia, and state of
Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Fifth St.,
of said town, castwardty by lot of Mrs. Bello Wolf,
southwardly by Sterner's alley, and westwardly
by lot ot William A. wolf, being about seventy,
eight feet In front on Fifth street, and extending
In depth a distance of about one hundred and six.
ty-slx feet to sterner alley aforeaafd, and ota
breadth of about one hundred and eight feet on
Bald alley, on which is erected a
Frame Dwelling Sous., St and
outbultdlnga. A good well of water at tha door
and an abundan oof cholco fruit on the promises.
TEUM8 OF BALE. Ten per cent, ot one
fourth at the striking down ot the property,
tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent at the confir
mation of Bale, and the remaining three-fourths
to ono year thereafter, with fntereBt from cohQr-
mation nisi, rurcna&er to pay tor deed. Possess.
Ion to be given April 1st, i6'io.
R. WiNTsnsTiSN, Atty. Administratrix.
wotlce Is horebv irlven thit. nn nmiii(.nHnn vrtu
be made to the ilovernorot tho stale ot Pennsvl.
vania on Thursday tha Stth day of AnrlliBsi.
under the Act ot Assembly ot the commonwealth
of l"ennsvlvanta, entitled, "An Act to provide for
tho Incorporation and regulation of certain cor-
iniruuuua, Hvpruvwi April win. 1B74. and the mp-
jieniems iiiereio, lor me cnarter or a corporation
.0 bo called. The North .Mountain Lurnhpr rv...
panv'' the oblect and character nt which u tii
manufacture and vending of lumber and the lc-
iLuinug. uuiuiug ana uispoaing oi mo real eslato
and personal property necesaary therefor," and
tho doing ot all things Incident and necessary
luerciu, aim lor tneao purposes to nave, possess
and enjoy all the rights, b. nents and privileges ot
the said Act ot Assembly and Its supp.ements.
i un iiuuica vuu raven suua'riuers Ui IUO said
applicantlon are, Morton McMl.ihael. J. Henry
Kershaw, Henry C. Olbson, Edward E. Dennlston.
A. O. Curtln. Charles II. lliicknlnw nn vi-uito-
Mar ss 3C
Exchango Hotel Building
Aro agents for Julius King's
celebrated spectacles. The best
in tho world. Hundreds of pairs
to select from and a fit guaran
teed. During the Holiday's trade
'wo sold dozens of pairs of these
colobrated goods.and as far heard
from all aro satisfactory. Any
purchaser not exactly suited
may return, these goods and ex
change for others, suited to
thoir eyes.
Th only lar Cur for Corn. Btopj til pln. Kunr4
Mygiu. HicoiaOo.,H.y.
lfv you
tntta df 4t nutrition. Ti la Uiiw. Wo, aaJ u2
Clcaiues and txautttiec ih hair.
rroraotrt a luxuriant growth.
N.v.r F1U t
H.lrlolti V
Minora urst
III Youthful Color.
PrvvtuU buidrutr and balr talilaf
of auburn, one ot Maine prominent lawyers, sad
for several years the Chairman of the Itepubllctn
state committee, was troubled with botls on" tho
back of his neck In their worst form, resembling
carbuncles. Three bottles of Brown's 8rsaparllla
completely cured him and now Judga Wing speaks
In tho hlifhcst pralso ot Brown's Sarsapariltn.
fho long eought icmoly for spring lamltudo has
been found, Entirely free from the noxious aloo
hols. It is compounded ot them ingredients which
extended medical experience has proven to bo the
most potential In their cftcct upon the kidneys,
llror and blood, and, unlit.) the common "spring
medicines" with which the market Is flooded, tu
effect Is not only Immediate, but enduring, No
stronger evidence to this effect could be ofTercd
lhan tho voluntiry testimony to Its virtues of men
ot the character and position ot those whoso names
appor with their willing permission through all
our works. Men, wonen and children aUke can
taki it with nafety, and for ladlon who are peculi
arly susceptible to that tired feeling at this season
of the year we adt to the use ot
Not genuine unless made by Ara Warren Co.,
Bangor, Me. mayndly
W. i, ! & Ct
The season is at hand when
Teachers aro thinking about
lleward of Merit cards. Wo have
them, also a "Silent Teacher,"
which is in many respects"super
ior to those of llesh and blood.
Ask to see them.
. If there is anything you want
in the Book or Stationery line
we do not have, "we will get it
for you. Any paper or mnga
zinc at the publisher's price.
For those who are fastidious
about their writing paper, our
Fine Stationery 'Do2)artment con
tains distinct attractions in'
papeteries and correspondence
cards, such makes as Marcus
Ward, J. Z. Crane and Lyons,
their names cruarantee the
We keep constantly on hand
a larce assortment ot blank
books, miscellaneous books etc.
"Wall Paper and Window Shades
at the lowest prices consistent
with good goods.
Legal Blank Forms, all sorts
of Leases, Contracts, Deeds, etc.
W. H. Bkooke & Co.
Mrs. F. K. Marsh has taken
and will occupy after April 1st,
tho storo on Jefferson and Main
streets, where she will keep a
larger variety of fancy goods and
compete with any for style and
quality in
Mis3 Shook (her milliner) is now
in New York making extensive
urchases lor the bpnng and
iummer trade. Thankinjr her
friends for prist patronage she
cordially invites all to insnect
her goods before purchasing
elsewhere. Come and see if
price and style do not satisfy.
Now is tho npeointed time for
thoroughly clcineiug tho system from
alrimpnritiep, and all will Ond thai tho
Curtis Coruiioiind will exactly fill tho
Dill, it lias stood the test of 22 veats
and its sales are larger than over, every
year. Price 50c and SI. 00.
For Sale Bv
James H. Mercer,
Bi.ooMsiicita, Pa.
t.stale of Jamts Comments, deceases, latt of
Notice Is herebv dven thnt tetteru nf nriminia.
tratlon ou tho estate of JMnea Corrmons. lato of
tho town rf Bloomsburg, coun'y ot Columbia, and
eiuia ui n-uuajivauia, ueceaswj. navo oeen grant
ed to Oeo. K. Elwell ot Illoomsburg, Columbia
county, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said
estate are tequested to make payments, and those
having claim or demands will mako known tho
samo without delay 10
Feb 15 6t
Blood Diseases nro cured by
tho persevering use ot Ayer'a
This medicine Is an Alterative, and
causes a radical change lu tha By stem,
Tho process, In some cases, may not La
quite so rapid as in others ; but, with
persistence, the result is certain.
Head these testimonials :
" For two years I suffered from a se
vere pain in my right aide, ami had
other troubles caused by a torpid liver
and dyspepsia. After nlving several
medicines a fair trial without a cure, I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I
was greatly beneUted by the llrst bottle,
nnd after taking live bottles I was com
pletely cured." John W. Uenson, TO
Lawrence St., Lowell, Mass.
Last May a largo carbuncle liroko out
on my arm, The usual remedies had no
effect and I was confined to my bed for
eight weeks. A friend induced me to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than threo
bottles healed the sore. In all my expe
rience with medicine, i never saw more
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use of this
medicine was the strengthening of my
sight." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly
and suffered terribly j and, as my broth
er and sUter wero similarly atllicted, I
presume tho malady is hereditary. Last
winter, l)r. Tyrou. (of Feruandiua,
Fla., ) recommended me to tako Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and continue It for a year.
For five months I took It dally. I have
not had a blemish upon ray body for tho
last threo months." T. E. Wiley, ltd
Chambers St., New York City.
" I,ast fall nnd winter I was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain In my side. I
did not notice It much at first, but St
Ktadually crow worso until It became
almost unbearable. During the latter
part of this time, disorders ot the .loin,
ucli and liver increased my troubles, I
began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and,
after faithfully continuing the use ot
tills medicine for some mouths, the pain
disappeared and I was completely
?ured'!',r. M."' Augusta A. Furbiuii,
Haverhill, Muss.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. ,C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
I'llc l j id bottlti, 5. Worth a fcottU,
THTCrritloll climate and
OijOl Uk-atloulutheHouiu
J. f, Ju'AINLUA, Claicmont Va
Pkisa m aiNE8seuRs!DS,rMairu.
I lp 'A brUUTIIUIUIHtlllOlt
mtw mm mm wauawi a UMi, Otuaion.
au.'JlMhn. IIU.lwta,M!
II W.BIon'.
Mar w-d-4t