THE COLUMBIAN AJJD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ' Tht Lost Atlanta- For many centuries there hag been a tradition of a long loH island called Atlantis. Tho Greek Keograpberg located it in the Atlantia Ocean, west of tho north, wcet part of Africa and tho Pillars of Hcroules. The sea-kings of Atlnu'i arn gaid to havo invadod Knroi o and Africa, and to havo been defeated by tho Athenians. All the legends aqreo that It wai a vat igland, of koxhausUble resource', ard inhabited by a raco of guperior iiooplc. For ages thin island has ox isted only on legendary loro. B it now, when tho liiiht of modern ro tearch la turned fnll npon tho invosti gation, behold tho lost Atlantis at our very doors. So the bigoted medical fratorn'ty f;oes groping about in the dark, seok ng tor no Atlantis or Eculapiup, when if thcyvwould investigate, thoy would behold the lost Atlantis at their very door With tholr anolent text book, a caso of physic, a paper in their waistcoat giving them licenso to prac tice, experiment and doso with their injurious drug, cauterize and perform unnecessary acts, with no person or laws to hold them accountable, they continue their bigoted, unjustified practice, staring into vacanoy, and im agining that they see in themselves an Esoolapiua. Wrapped in ancient bigotry, they are crying out against all improve. tnentB that have been made in medi cal science. Tbey denounco any new idea advanoed by a layman or an op position school as a fraud. Whyt Becauso humanity will not be bene fited? Not at all, but becauso their special ism did not make the discovery. Yet they concede that their is no reiuedv known to their materia medica that will cure an advanced kidney mi lady and the diseases arising there from although many of them know from crowning proof that Warner's Safe Cure will but unscrupulously . A nM,1 Ai.ll , I, 1. Ill n ill. geasc, when in reality thoy know thoy are but symptoms. A few of tho more honest nhysi oiana admit that Warner's Safo Cure is a valuablo remedy, and a great blessing to mankind, but say, in so many wordi, when asked why they do not prescribe it, that tney cannot, ac cording to their code. Nevertheless, the world is fast he- co mine satisfied that tho euro for kid ney and liver diseases, in. whatever form or condition, lias been discover ed, ani there is no doubt but what Warnr'n S ife Can' and its famo will live lnni; after sneh biuotry as wo have instanced is dead and buried. Tho late eminent physician and writer, Dr. J. G. Holland, published in "Scribner's. Monthly," and showed his opininn of such bigotry, and no doubt was satisfied that Atlantis might pos sibly be discovered in a proprietary medicine, when ho wrote editorially, a follnws: "Nevertheless, it is a fact that many of the b'-st proprietary medicines of the day were more successful than many of tho physichru, and most o( them, it should be remembered, were first discovered or used in actual medi cal practioe. When, however, any shrewd person, knowing thpir virtue, ad foreseeing their popularity, se cures and advertises them, then, in the opinion of the bigoted, all virtue went out ot them." Why Many People Seek DiTorce- A judge who has tried Bevoral hun dred divorce cases and w' o ha givi n sDeciat siudv to the subifct said: "I find that the chief and underlying mo tive of the bulk of divorces is reaolvel into the cractical issue of bread and butter. Tho wife of tbe man whose income is 1 50 and $2 a day is har raised, overworki'd, ronse juectly peev ih. Shu is bothered to make the 8' U sum she can have elntch out o r the wide space of daily food and A ul clothes. She is often driven to denigration by tho needs of ber child ren. She must piooh and oontrive to leeD shoes on their naked, cold little feHt in Wintertime. The food of the family is nooessarily of the poorest i ' T. t :..ffi.lA..f fn. 1. , , nlif. Qu-llliy. ll is luauuiuic'ib ivi vuv Bieal needs of the man and of the wo mm. too. He responds to tho de- mauds of his system for sustenance by stopping on his way to and from work for a glass or two of beer, perhaps he take m-ire, and his improperly nour ished system makes the boverago ra re stimulating than it would be to a well fed man. His brain is slightly inflam-t-H hv it: he troes home irritablo and napless in his hoeech. The worried and tired wife frets at him, at the oh.ildr.-ii; they cry, and are in his way. D -sa isfaition springs up, and quir rrls -nsue between the man and wo man. The man is diseouraued, d's Tinrme. He runs awav an I leaves th- poor burdened creaturo who marr.ed him to shift tor moveix anil tneir ou spring. He is made a coward and vilhan bi oause of incapacity to earn money enr-ugh cmfnitably to, mert . i : i. : i . . : . un ...nmfi.! 11 vne no onMjv. Adventures of a Lost Pooketbook. A vounc man found a lady's pocket' book in the street at Third Aveuut and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street vesterdav. In it were a buttoi hnnk. a nalr of twei zers. a small litho- crraDh. and four cents. He carried it along One Hundred and Twenty filth street until bo saw a well-dressed vounc couple approaching, and then hh an experiment on human nature, dronnod it on tho sidewalk when the nonnln camo up. The man made dive for tho pooketbonk and he and his companion retired to a doorway to examine their find. Soon thoy came ont. and. nuttinir tho pooketbook on thn itide walk acrairi. passed on. The young man picked up the pocketbook Thn four cents were none. He drop ied it again Jut before reachiug nnntlmr eounle. and it was picked u as before, and the second couple also retired, and after a short timo plaoed be book on the walk. When the young man pioked it up that timo tho innD'jrd an ii imttnn hook were cone, jod only the poor little picture was left the nocketbook as it waB finally thrown into tho street, New York Sun. That tired feeling Ani;,t nonrlv averv one in the rprinc, The system having become accustomed to tho bracing air of winter, is weakon ed by tho warm days of tho changing .o.aAn and reaJiiv vields to attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just tbe medicino needed. It tones ana builds up eyery part of tho body, and flxnela all impuities from tho blood. Try it this season. Tho wiso political prophet who pro dieted great prosperity for tho working man in tbe event of Harrison's election is significantly silent these days. Ho has nothing to say and tbo averago workingman has nothing to do. That s the situation in brief. The Belirltig President When til' Democratio party was re stored to power In tho federal govern ment four years ago tho opposition press teemed with prophecies of evil. Indeed to read and believu tho gloomy vltiehiations of tho antidcmooratio press of that day was to get It down as n OHitnlnty that iho country would go to the "dun itlon biwwnws" within sir months after tho inauguration of tho democratic president But the proph-'ts of evil havo been titt ily con futed nud discredited by the juU con scrvativo and dignilii'd ad iuiHtrntion of tho Government In lVsidon Cleve land. The disgu-ting soanilnls wh o mado anti-demooratio administtationx n by-wonl and reproach had no repetition even in tho smallest decree tinder demooratio rule. Thero has been no post-tradorahip, whiskey ring. Star route, Peruvian guano, nr oth r corruptions to stain tho recoid of President Cleveland's ndmii'is ration It passes into history without a blot or blemish. Nor docs the claim of tlio Cleveland regime to the gratitude and applause of the people rest merely on tho ncgi tive quality nf a correct and irreproach able moality In tlio conduct il llw i;overnmetit. Tho positive politic i f 'rosident Cleveland havo been so boldly defined that they bavit loft an indelible impress upon the pul lie nil d. His heroic effort to reduce leilernl tax otlon and reform tho revenue system of tho government, though defeated by an anti-democratic senate, has had a wholosomo effect in bringing to the attention of tho peoplo tho enormities of a system of taxation deliberately do vised to enrioh the few at tho expense of the multitude Tho restoration of many millions of acres to tho public domain which has been granted to corporations that failed to comply with the conditions of tho gift, has made a most honorable record for thr conduct of tho department of tho in tenor. The reconstruction of th navy, free from favoritism and jobs iu the letting of contracts, with thero suit that there is nov in tho service ol tho government a fast sailing fleet i irmored war ships which makes tin United States onon moro a formidable naval power, jpeakes volumes in prai-i of the administration of tho navy d partment. Tho extentiou and improve ment of tho mill service, in spile f tho obstacles thrown in the way b thousands of officials retained in th servico who never could subordina e heir li'ilitiisal hostility to the adminis tration to their duy as emp'oyes of le Knvernraent, fully vinlicaio the evolion of thedem eraiio post master n-ril to the public niteies'. The management of the treasury amid the luculties and dang.-rs ot an a ecu mil lating surplus which seriously threaten- if the business ot the country, has en suoh as to command thn approval of tho wis-st financiers whatever their political affiliations. Tbo relation of the country with foreign nations has been maintained with dignity and firm ess and the war ofnc" has b"en aduiinistend without incident, with the evception of the Hug episode whioh was meant to ensure the permanent paoincation of tho country. auch is the record ot the late demo cratic administration. Let opposing partisans oritisise it as they may, let envy, natron ami mauco pour vneir en- i venomed bitterness upon it, impartial history will aooept it as an imperisha- j bio testimony of the courage, fidelity, ability and patriotism of an upright chief magistrate whose greatest concern was to promon tne wenare anu uappi ness of tho people who had entrusted him with the highest office in their gift. And now, with a calm dignity, a no bility of demeanor that shames iho bigotry and hostility of oppoing partisanship, tho democratic president lavs down thp robes of office and .yields ,b chair of state to his successor. I ho good wisbeand grateful remembrance of a majority of his fellow citizens will .. ji i-- ! .; . i : atienu mm in iuh ruiiruiuuut auu iu mu fullness of time an undivided pnblio opinion will accord him tho full meed of praise for his un-olGah devotion to the public good which is now partially denied him througn tno narrowness oi political opposition. Patriot. Happy Meetine of Two Friends. John M. Allen of Charlotte, N. Y., said to bis friend. "Parsons, 1 am about dead with the Gravel, and cannot find help.'' Mr. Parsons indued nr. Allen to give Dr. D.ivid Kennedy's Favorite ftemedy, -t ttoudoul, iN. x., a trial. Weeks went uy ana tno menus m"i. Mr. Allen said, "Dr David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy has saved my life. Ii is a cure for gravel and the only oure. mar i-i Bometning Wrong About The Sheriff A stranger, supposed to bo a man who is wanted for murder in Tusson, was diso"vered hiding under a bridge the other dav and taken to jail to Da held until Identihed. i nn' mgni n lug his way out and next day the heiitt wras aronnd trying to getauiu bill changed. He says he found the bill on the street, but that story looks fishy. There isn't a man in this town ihat wruldn't yell a lung out if he had lost that much money. I he prisoner used a omwbsr to dig out with, and he sheriff savs ho must havo had it concealed in his pistol pockt Tho official owes us $15. and if we can't get our hands on the money this week we shall, in our next issue, advise the nubile to run him out ol to- n as a dishonest scoundrel.-- Arizona flicker f- An Attack of C ravel. Ti Terrible 8nSVrla of a Wsmnii at 00. nw SW wat Happll? Cared. Ttxr It nothln, I nov nfcr tint I fla not or to hTln bmI Dr, DtU JUostift rrortt Betnftlr. at I!ondrol,N.T. Mr tronUn Utux In mr Uilntrt and from which I nertr nrtcM to rwor. r. ririllherevm t'liln tnrUck.lwuJmr. Uh, with no apretltaaod conW not lwr, I u com. tllM to tus a can and finally rot to waU that I jonld not atand alone. Tha dUtmi In aj back was Krribla, IwuburnlninpnlthafeTtrcrconitint 1ahlTotngHUooU. Urchraktanaaald I HAD BRIGHPS DISEASE, hkh waa alamlnir Information. To add to aj af. AlcUon after X had bwn 111 about tiro ytm. I had bad attack of Orate!. When thli matVi IU appear anta mr fhyalelaa ititb npmr cane, and I reataned mjaelftodla. Ihadfonratoraallendmthabet In tho country, ret I coniOmtlr rrew yronn. BU raraafoluJunhoellI!memberthotlmel t aaw Dr. Xannedr'a ParorlU Bemedr adrertlaed In our rarer. After uatmr one bottle I threw inrDl cane and want to New Totk on a tlalt. and three bot tlea cored me. I hare nerer had a return of OnreL nor of the pelna or weakneaa In the baok, and thontti I am orer aUtr raan of ar I am Now Vigorous and Strong- It?K..h.T?.?ifi' '," J." W tlreATl keep the rae,lK Jnl iS!n!XttM!$ a-irell to mrjrrandchlidren. iSS I' whenerer I canTwhat phrlclana tSrK Sf U" V.50H! remedlea thad Uken cquM not Utedlaeaae andmade me a ptronj.'vljroroue woman! FAVORITE REMEDY. ITlcaOno dollar. Prepared at BondontH.., j Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared by Bit. DAVID KE?r(EDY,H0NDOCT,N.Y. 1 per bottle Bit for St. Bjaltdrnnrleta. THE GREAT German Remedy. E3 eW n TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. tor thoac drAtttlv B...ousSpcl1(lcpnd on S trLrn uuniTTEaa; it vili euro rou. thatttrcdflniiallfioDcl loeiiDR; II bo, UBCl scLPiitm Bitters:: it wm euro yon. i).ooo wlltlio nnl'l forftcasowhcrobUL. phub Utters will luotnaslBtorcurc. It never falls. GneniiH es tio are '.Inainltf onnllnn.l In 14 the rnllii nnd work anops; cicrKft.wnouo not nrocurc RtifHclcnt exercise, and all who III are confined tn floors, 1 1 should use Slxfiiur U IJittek. They will Clean w the vitiated I pjlood when you seel is impuruics uursi Dg throtiKh the Hklnl n rim Dies. Bio tehee, I !iud Sores. Itelv odI mi iinnittt mil rni ? low. If vuu tlu not wish to eufrer from llhcum-l atlsm, use n bottle of Sulphuk Uirrnus; It never fails to cure. Don't he without al bottle. Try it! you win nni ftctvi ii. LndlfB In (Jpllcntr health, who are all! run down, fthould use s n LrnminiTTK b a HULMIUlt JlirTKIlSl hvlll cure Liver Coui-I olalnt. Dont l dia l ourafjou: it win cure i rou. bULrnuu Hitters hvlll build you tip and maKQ you Birongnuu iiirniLiiy. I suLPnuit Hitters win uinitu your uiooutM pure, rich nnd strong, M .mu your uesn naru. Trr bULi'iiuu Hit- !tei.9 to. night, and Ivou will sleep well nn ieei neupr tor it. Do you want tho best Medical Work published? Fend 3 S-ccnt stamps to A. 1. Ohdway & Cu Boston i Mass.. and receive a copy. free. mUa o a a aw r J "-j uvfintwo LIVER PILLS. op imitatiohs. ax.wa.ys ask ran Jn. riEiicE-s pei.t.f.ts, on I.iriI.B BVaAR-COATBD FIT.LS. YOgcinble, they op- Itolns oiitlrclr Ithout uifturui l si Alw73 fivsli nnd reliable. As bonce to the at item, diet. Kiafe viaia, ncriucu. oiuti without dlftiit orncfiiimtlttn. Put up In m, 1 1 v A.iili'il. Alwiirs fiva a liiiuiivci niivritiivci ur piiryuKiTU, tUfv: littlo Tfllcu give tho mott perfect baI Ui'nckion. SS HEMS, It Minus HondncIiO) il mi, Imtlfrestlon XSlUuufi AllneUn4(indoU deuu laments of tho stom ach unJ bowels, nro prompt ly rvllcved nnd permanently fiiri1 hv ttm nsn nf Dr. iMerco IMcat;iiit Viirgatlre PelUU. In fpLirut!on of this remedial power of these oxer rii crcrt n vnrictv of dinmSfB. It m.ny truthfully tn' Biild that their action upon tht. i vUiMii U untvci-snl. not a Rland or tissue ; .' their c-nmtho Inlluonco. Sold by ni t -:i i, S.1 f-cnta u via). Manufactured at tho ideal Uibomtovy of Wout.D'n DispkhsAUT Mldicai. Absociatiom, Ilulfalo, N. Y. H.' "i k Is oCirocl br tho manufacture . ' V its nt nr. NiiKO'. catarrh v n llmcuy, for a case of , Chi oiilo Catarrh which 1 . 1 they caiiuot euro. srarwvs or OATARim.-Duii, 'iciny iK.iM.ichr-, obstruction of tho nasal " crs iiwclmiecs fulllni; from the head IV throat, hiinullincn irotusc, watery, ii nc"tt, itt others, thlclc, tci,acious, niucoua, "Mthnr, M'fuily niul putrid: tho eyes ore uh, .;it. ry. and Inllnii'.wl : there la ringing the i-uttt, Utufnes;, IiK(klnK or coughing to ;tr tho thiout, expectoration of offensive ler, tewther with scibs from ulcersi the .i Ira ch.itietl and Iihm a nasal twang; the - 'Ii 1.? ottensivo; suicll aud tasto are lm .(ill thcru Is a ucneutlon of dizziness, with K-t.liil U'Tnssion, a hacking cough and gen vl ilebiliiy. Only a few of tho above-nntned lymptnnis uro likely to bo present In anyone ciuo. Thousandj uf cases annually, without ninnlfestlng half of tho abore symptoms, re sult In consumption, and end In the grave. No dicfso Li so common, moro deceptlro and dangerous, or Icm understood by ph)slclanR. Uy its mild, sontlilog, nnd healing properties. Or, jgo'a Ctiuuih ltemecly cuns tho wortt hits or C.Unri h, "cold In tlio licnd," ( or) in, and Cmnrrliul Headache, bold by ilruggUta everywhere; 60 cenU. "t'ntolil Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. IUrBSEtt, the famous mesmerist, f ltluwa.lf. 1'.. writes! " Some ten years rgo suffered untold agony from clironlo nitbul itarrh. 21y family physician gavo mo up ns (curable, aud said I must die. My case was uch a bad one, that every day, towards eun t, my volco would become ao lioarso 1 could arely speak aliovo a w hhper. Iu the morning iy eoughinp' v nd cieai I ng of my throat would 'most btrauglo me, lty the UFoof Dr. Bagc's atarrh lleniedy. In throe months, 1 was a well iian, aud the euro has been permanent," "Couatatitly Ilauklng and Splttlnc, Thomas J, ltcsiitsa, ri., tm lHne Slrttt, t. Ituls, Mo., writes : " 1 was n great sufferer roin catarrh for three years. At times I could sardlv breathe, nud wna constantlr linwkliiir nd spitting, and for the lust eight months could not breatho through tho nostrils. mougni uotiung could Do done lor me. I I.urlt. Ily. 1 was advised to try Dr. Suga's Cntnrrli uemeay. auu l am now u well man. I Ijclltno It to ! th'f only sure remedy for catarrh now naniifnctunil, nnd one hat only to glvo It a :lr ti ial to experience astouuding results ouJ a permanent cure." Three Ilottle. Car Catarrh. . EU llmiutNS, Ilunvnn P. 0 ColumWo Co., Pa., says: "My daughter bad catarrh when she was Ave years old. very badly, 1 saw Dr, tfage'a Catarrh Ilemedy advertised, aud pro. cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that It helped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. She la now eighteen yean old and uuud aud hearty," It Makes You Hungry I have used Falne'a Celery Compound and it baa naa a Baiui&ry effect. It Invigorat ed the system and I feel like a new man. It Improve. tbe appetite ana facilitate, diges tion." J.T. Cor LxxB, Itlmus, 8.C Paine's Celery Compound ii . .mtmi tnnlo and annetlzer. Fteaa&nt to the taste, quick la IU action, and without any ir.i,,Hmii effect, it a-tvea that rugged health which makes everything taste good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe It. 11.00. Six for Druggisia. Wxixa, IUcmapsox ft Co., Burlington. Yt. Bprtng medicine mean, moro now-adaysthantt did ten years ago. Tbe wlnterof 1bs)- has left the nerve, all ajjfl out. The nerves must be strengthened, the blood purified, liver and bowels regulated. Paine Celery compound tht Sprint mtilMnt to-day-4oes all this, as nothing else can. PrucriUd by I'Syitciant, Rtxmmtndtt Sy DtuggUtt, Kndtrfi ty sTInllKra, Owaronleed &y tht lianvfgcturtTt to vt The Best Spring Medicine. " in the spring ot 1S3T I was all run down. I would get up In the morning with so tired a (eeung, and was so weak thai I could hardly get around. 1 bought a bottle ot I-alne'a Celery Com pound, and before I had taken It a week 1 felt very mucn better, I can cheetully recommend It to all who need a building up aud strengthen leg medicine." Mrs. K A. Dow, Burlington. Vt. DIAMOHO DYES itt? I LACTATED FOOD Spring '89 Ouu Heputation ion Firtar-Ci-Ass Clothing at Reasonahk Piiicks Is Well Estaiilished, Hut This Seabok We IIean to Excel all FoitMEIt ErrOHTS. A. C. Yates & Co. Clothing for Men and Boys, Sixth and Chestnut LEDGER DUILDINO. Pnll.ADA. THE SHOE BRUSH GONE ii a, Jisf?m um , I ll'I'T III MM I'll III I Won t miss it. fori have Inner since adopted an easier and cleanlier way. A bottle of Wolff'sAGMEBIacking and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. Soli! by Shoe Btoret, Orocen, Dniilata, Ae, The best Harness Dressing in the world. WOLFF A RANDOLPH. PHIUdelphijl BLOOMSBUHG fLANIHG MILL Tho undersigned having cut his Planlne H IMlroad Street, In nrat-cisea eordltlpr.ltp'T rait tnao aiiKinasor woratn nisiine. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUlDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. arnlsbed at reasuuauierrlces. All lumber use s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRtfi, niooraattiirsT. I'n TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re stored to health by simple mean?, after RUf firing for soveml years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow mifferers (he means of mire. To thoo who denire i', he ill ohei rlully send (free of charge) a copy of tho prescription iifed, which they will find a uro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catakiiii, Biioxciiitis and all throat nnd lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try hisKemedy, as it ih in valuable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost (hem not ti in?, and tiny ptove a b'essing, will pleusu ad(lris-,,'lKV. Edwaui) A. Wn on, Williamsburg, Kings County, Now York. A-&-co.-dec-7-1y " PIKE INSUKANCK CnniSTIAN V. KNAl-l'.ULOOUBBUKO.l'A. UOMK, OF N. T. MKUU1IANT8', OK NBWAKK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PKOPLKS' N. Y. HEADING, PA. OEIIMAN ASIKHICANINS. CO..NKW OHK. (lliKKNWICII INS. CO., NEW YOKE. JKKMKY CITY WltK INS. CO., JEltSET CITY, N. J. These u cortoratioks are well seasoned bj Wfe and FiRiTKSTiDond bavc never yet bad a loss settled by any court or law. Their assets are all Invested In solid securities aro liable to the azard of firs only. .Losses fromptlt and noNESTLT adjusted and as soon as determined by christian r. Kxirr, sriciAL aokxtand adjustib iiloousbcko, Pa. Thepeoplsot Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses It any are settled and pall by one of ther own cituons. PROMPTNESS, EOUITY. FAIR DEALING. PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! U. .8 PEN.SIONS due many Officer, soldiers, Bailors, their Widows, Cmldrxm and Drprndknt I'arxnts cverywhfre. If In doubt, or any Pension information wanted, write here. No Washington, D. C, or other Agency so advantageous as this N. J, AOKNCY. WThousandi of Pensions aggregatlne millions of dollars, obtained through tbla Agency, and othera allowed Addreswithtwostamps JAMES F. ltUSLINO, coumclor at Law, 224 E.6tAte St., Trenton N.J. (Lato U. S. Pension Agent, N. J. livt, Drlor Gen'L) ur-ltefers to gov.. U. 8. ben's and M, C's N. J., Posts 0. A. It., and Pensioners all U. 8., Cannda &c Feb i.vr-4t mWlrZtmm. HoldrrlllOO.mattlUllT ! rPassBLaDVA BMtttUwueb la U world. I rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBT J 11 ftwfMt UtMkMUir. Wf. I FaflniMjl A tlllKl. HMTT SolaJUvltl land rcutl' aUx.l. With vorka mttd Cm f fraul ulM, smdi nni i iiouirnota I Sample. TbvMunpU, wl lki W4lcb, Ma4 aVr . ud ftftvr VOU hT kanl Utm In yoot homa for 9 monib Bd tlMWai IbrM 1 thfta Was Biy hata tilled, Iba bacora jw own pwpartr TkM h tiM at ran b ioa af mJvtr Ina WmtClt aad flmmple Wm; ail tlpnaa, rr1tbt,tt. AddrtM aUitftnrfECo., II o HIS. ArUnal,&line. m I. G. SLOAH & BSO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUQQIES, PHAETMi SLEI.dS, PlaTFJvI eVASt..' &C Firs Wl&at worn always on hand, REPAIMJXU JfSA 7L YDONK. Priui rtduudlo suit tht timet. PATENTS, vests and Trade Marks obtalned.and all l'atenl sincss conauctea tor muuikvih tuna. OUU OKPICK 18 Ol'l' .SITE U. H. PATENT VP1CE. Vie have no sub-seencies. all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less time ana atisa uuai tnan tuose remuLeiruui wasaington. bend model, drawlns, or phoio.wlth description. We advlsa if natentable or not. free of chanre. Our fee not due till natent Is secured. A dook,"uow to uuiauu'aunis,"wunrriuiruccs acmai enema in your Dime, cuuuvj, ur iwnu. ntfree. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., OppjslteFittentOTlce, Washlnitton, n.0 LiaQLQCash Is ottered to tho person who shall send In the Urgeat number of yearly subscribers to the Ladies' Home Journal between now andJnlr 1st 1680, at 50 cent lt-r rr-IIAI.F VniVK Afin- that tkUft uotutitcrtptlom received for Uu than ftjOO per year. 6I0O-H300 U ottered resicUrelr for next Urgeit cluba. A good cash commlsiton paid for every subscriber secured. If desired, tntad of Srcralum. ilundrcdd of dollars can bo mado luring the next six monthi, by men, women or children. We furulih freo sample coplei, pout er, Ac, Addrena CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Feb l.Vd-tt. c 2 2 2 Curtis Cough Compound. c Reraling A Hind) Triok. Kvllnr thn tirietidlgitatcar, Bpoak (if tho fnmotiR lliniloo nintrioiiins to t reporter of tho Buffalo Jixpress, nald: A trick which lmrrled mo lor a lung time wns ninkiiiff n phicnpplo grow under a liamlkcrchief. The juggler my. ii nnntikrrctiiui lint on tlio utoutui and then begins to piiir and lit'itt on Iho tom-tom, h lien in tho centM of tlio hnndkerclitef fonntliiiiR lt'gins to stir nnd rixo In pyramidal form, (Hinting until just about thu si.o of a iiiicaiplc, when tho conjurer Itiecits Ii!h hand under tlio hnuiikeicliiof and pulU out a ripq pineapple. ''1 wutclit it hia trick 8'jveral times bo;oro I onuld get n cluo to it. Tho motion of lilu puzzkd me. But one day I took n position on thn Bido tho conjurcra Hit on onu side of a uir clo, making tho ep-ctatori lorm the iml of the circumference whero I could seo tho jugoleiV inolloiirt moro cleutlt, nnd I noticed thai one of the confederate put a hag, like a tailor's hag, near the conjurer's hands. He Bat there tailor fashion, nud an ho Rpiead out hia handkerchief on the ground I aaw hia hand make .1 ttip aw id ns lightning tn tho bag and back under the handkerchief, nnd I thought I paw tiomcihing like tho tad of n xn8ko accompany it. That gavo mo an idea, and nttcrwarda, by pretend ing to understand the trick, and by p lying ono of tho Hindoos four ru peee, 1 got hm to confeca how the trick w.18 done. "Tho conjurer does take a miako from the bag placed conveniently at his elbow. Whin the cobra is put under tho handkerchief he nalurully coils himself up. Then tlio conjuri-ra begin their musio and thu cobra raises hi head, and ihU gives tho lilting motion to the handkerchief. Ouc of the first things a cobra decs when ox cited is to rwoII ont his neck, and this makes tho pyramidal 'shape. 'Wh' n the juggler puts his hand under tho hntidkerchlef he takes with it a hol lowed pineapple and removes tho cob rn innide of it concealed by his hand. That i ono of the cleverest tricks I tnw in India. "fluaband, I Want You to Try it " I bad suffered for years with n com- pluiut the physciaus called Gravel, and 'hi-y had given tip tho nltemnt to help 1110. My wife heard of Dr. Kennedy's Fayoiito Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y, nnd spoke as above. To please her I uot n bottle. Used that and two or three more, and presently the trouble vanished never to return."- Washington Monroe, (Jatskill, is. . mnr. 1 -it Qirts Who Should Be Goats. Biddeford and S co girls havo some queer tanlei". Ono lady makes an ex cursion to the brick yard tach Summtr and lays in a supply of nico blue clay to eat through the wintor. Another's favorite dainty is n soft brick, and long cxper'u nco has taught her how to select tbo choicest specimens nt a ulanco. Each of theee ladies has lived to a good old ago to CDjoy her favorite liNtie. Une youni; lady may otten oe seen picking from tlio cidewalk soft, shelly rocks, and alter a nibble to seo if they aro just right, transferring the rock to her pocket for future contmmp tion. Soft clay pipes, which ono girl buys by the dozen, ground up slate pencils, chalk, sea sand, white meh, brown wranoine-paper and starch are among the favo ite luxuries of others. rerbapstho queerest taste ot an is mat for ashes. Oae voiinc ladv is said to delight in coal aohea and to bo often seen rakiug over old conl aslifs fur a lump only pwtially burned, upon which there is a nice, clean, white ash. Another has but reo-utly broken a habit which she has followed since childhood of eating bread gprii klod with wood ashes instead of butter. Jkwiston Me.) Journal. Vnablc to Tell. Yes, tlit was so. For years I suffered severely with scrofula; sores broke out all over my hody, ana 1 tun unable to tell one half that I suffered. I was not able to ob tain relief until I used Sulpbur Bitters, which completely cured me. C. ii. Dai-e, 17 Allston street, Boston. M ir-lB-St. When a woman wants tho earth it is with tbo viw to giving it to some man. Boston Courier. Waiter's Log Cabin Remedies old fashioned, simple compounds, used in tHe days of our hardy forefathers, are 'old timers but "old reliable." ibey comprise Warners .loo uamn SARSArARii.i.A, 'Hops and Buchu R-medy," "Contth and Consumption Remedy." "Hnir Tonic." "Extract." for Internal and External Use. "Plasters," "Rose Cream." for Cattath, and "Livi r Pills Thoy are put up by II. II. Warner & C..," Proprietors of Warner's Safo Kemedus, and promise to equnt tne standard value of iIiosh great prepara tions. All drugging keep them. The cveuini of ace ia largely con ditioned upon tbo nights ot youth. Washington d'ost. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Few. A NEW 1IOJIK TREATMENT. Sufferers aro not generally aware that these diseases aro contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the HnliiK membrane ot the nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, lias proved this to be a fact nnd tho result is that a simple remedy has been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured In from one to threo simple applications made nt homo by tho patient once In two weeks. N. it. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whiten) this remedy is a specific A pamphlet explaining this new treatment U sent on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. Dixom & Son, SW West King St., Toronto, Canada. Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read tho above carefully. One of the best cough j remedies in the world. Thousands can testi fy that it cured them, Don't fail to try it. ) Price, 25 and 50c. j of all druggists, c c c Mohristown, Tehn., July 4, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un fortunate as to contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones ached and ray muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of the disease until I found that be could do me no good. Then, through the advice of a friend I began talc, log S. S. S. Your medicine teemed to have an immediate effect. I took tlx bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have teen no evidence of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has done for me. It saved my life. You can refer any one to me, R. M. WALL. Fakme&sville, Ttx., June 22, i883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Uenllemen The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous tore on her face for about twenty years. Duiing the past few years it troubled her veiy much by continued pain and itching. She ed your S. S, S., and the tore has diapcarea and Is apparently well, Should It break out again, will advise you. Very truly, Temduton, Yearly &, Druggists. Three books mailed free on application, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Doom i. AikaJa, Oa. IF YOU WANT An Economical Baking Powder, Use Rumford Yeast Powdor, tb Old Reliable. Its superior strength enables the use of less quantity than of ordinary powder, and it is healthful and nutritious. Packed in bottles. No other genuine. PERRINE'S PURE liAHLKY MALT WHISKEY. Ms PI m Dhtillio from selected Bsrley Malt and guaranteed to bt chefflteatly puro and freo from Injurious oils and rclds otten .contained In L.?1"? 'W- MDectallr adaDrod to persons requlr ngn stlmulntlnsrtonlc, consumpuves ocinK Sett v beMntted by iG EE lle?ommcDdetl Dy leading PM?'n" fffit knTine Tonic and Alterative. Kor consumptives 11 Is Invaluable rKHlWfc POrtE llAllLBt 'MALT WlllsKKY Insures ? return of vigor to the Jtomacli, a goo i anoetlte. a rich and abundant olood and Increased desh and m.u1ul"""i.e'rt, ftimu lint 1 m Id and gentle In 'c!Tect. . Dyspepsia, indigestion and all SS S entirely conquered by the use or l errlne's l ure Hurley all W hlskeya f h ton .nd 1 diuretic a?a Lpowertulstiengtbener to tho entire 8rswm. PKt. lifJ&M PU1IB tlAHLKY MALT W1I1SKE has proved a medicinal protection W thoMwho DunM and whose dally work calls It excenUonaF p"wer 10 MdarknS?. Ask ipui neare-t druggist or grocer! rtrior iSwmMHS UUILBV MALT WI1I8KKV levlvcs tlie energies ot those orn nut with co"slve oi iv or rnemalcrrort and acts as . safeguard 'SSS ffw7a3ndXrewea am worxerB 01 uier j toui buu 11 av---- Malt Whiskey a powerful lnv gorant and helper to digestion. l'Klt UlNtv I'UHK 11ARLRY MALT WI118KUY without unduly stlmulatinif the kia nys Increases their flagging activity, counteracts tha effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and ib a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the land I Nono genuine unless bearing the slgna tur n.. 1 . - ... ,, BiinAar. h t hn I -M lUOaLMJ!lB.Bl,ni'r-'u Vii.J Ik-. .. k.lll.i , hafat.AT'fffllllVlin oci ou ceil uumc. ""'vr."'. ,.V7" Lilyzed thePcai Dablkt Maw ttniaj kkt maae Djw....r, ii "'...lrr it entirely free rromrusei oii.iuiiuivi. metals and acids and Is abHOluteU Sure.' Olffnru, wmmut radunteowTr fn(efr(fQifunlcA. Iwtietvinnd refntxtden F01 tutie ut all druffests and grocers throughout the united States and Canada. r.aBanMaaBaaatMtv 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PH1LA WIHALE BY DRuaaiHre ANU ALU UKALKKB. ENNEV OOODtr A SPECIALTY. SOLI lOXNTS FOR P. P. ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing Dranas or Cigars. HENItY CLAY, LONOKKS, N01IMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, m SAMSON, SILVER ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGAFiS, TCEfCCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE CoENTS FOR HEKBY 1UILLARDS UlCANDIES. THESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANY OLDER FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED wini TOE LOWEST 1 as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, IJANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. C JB. JEOjBBIWS, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQU01U AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. We liavo in stock a finer line of mneica ini-trumentB than has ever been bought in .bis section, and wo aro making special ndncemPDiB to purchasers for the holiday 'cason. Wo cot our instruments direct fnm tho manufactories, and can offer 1 etter terms than can bo given by any ther parties, THE IVERS & POND PIANOS stand at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN VSE nt ti e BOSTON CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. One of tho Interd improvements is the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which ennbles onu to play without disturbing anyouu in tho vkinily and with Irttle wear to tho iti-truttient. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, after thirty years ot sevenst tet aro used, on aceniiMt ot unequalled durability, by 6C colleges and many oihers in tho United Slaiee. THE ESTKY UPRIGHT PIANO, with now repeating action, best in tht world for upright pian h. ami tho first aud only perftct repeating action introduced with upright piano'. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of AS years. A warrantee of fivi year in given with each instrument. It is tho l est nsudium prictd piano in tho tnatket. Our LINE of ORGANS is verv complete, wo havo THE CELEBRATED ESTUY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATES, and other makes. SEWING MACHINES. AVe have, thn celebrated WHITE, NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS and NEW HOME, Pianos. Organs and Sewing Machines t ldii 011 installment plan. Wo havo aUo btnioa, guitars, Gormafi accordfon", blow aecordeon", flutes, fifiV month organs, drums Ao. Fivo hitndresV Second hand pianos, organs and sewinn machines nu Innd, and received in excbatiao for new ones. Aijent for Butteriek and Domestio paper patterns and favhion books. Sewing inauhuio needier, oil nud attachments for all maohino, always in stock. J. Bloomsburg Pa. ' Saltzer, General Agent. Oiitnl ami idc. (rtfnctto sl ljroiiTCllok.l3l tot ll SEEDS, Feb 16-d-lt vinitMESTEn'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS wnX ill! 1039 Stlnm .w yrnf. V". ! Mate. u4 5"il,uii'"- " Dumood Briod, In nd a?.. ua biua rta- At Ururl.ifc Am,l - (iu., tr. 1 au.fc . ' ... IMHaluU. 1 11 lion . ' . CklhUt.rl,b.n.l..l(t.. ..... rtbiMt --Hniiia,r. Mm W9 TTT- AF8f STEEL WIRE Woven Wire Fencing wire HopouQivogo t. - nn. -rrt an do, ann AlItlftAtldwIrlltiii. OfttttTnatli. ayclnyotordpftlfTi t ni " it" uj-vrj' jvii iv hi m nk ?iKur,.c- ... 19AI MU .1 1 ""I".' wm .i .11. Feb Meow I3t. HINDERCORN8. eomf ort to tba tett, ifto. at tUTigglrtj. II uooi A Co., w.T, Stt consumptive the worn cnm-iiiiKl U ttieUt rnruwly (ur fell 111m nrlMlng tromderecUTonutrttJoD. lake In timo. too. And li.wl Mar i d IU Hftrt Rewlnir.Mnrtilnr' .is ai mm ". Ini iraat in III ptnt, by It tuirili ear Mteblttttl na tooa wn ib pvoult torn mm win rate hJn nd world. with all tha it.rk..r W will aLM MBd fr a Ilk of our coattjr and ValaattU art unipla la rtturn aak ibat yea maf " yw honw.ind kfttr 9 ,PrMrtf. Thk rraittl tnarhlia la nadaantt tha Hlnsrr paiaati, iwhlch httt ni oai i Krfnra paittia L ninoaiHMitdrorfltDIt.wlihih KS-aa-al itrhaHAta, and aaw aalli for aUtrf: 4V0 Pu wroBraf, moil t. fcf r'"1 m,r1- m th world. All la I I ILaUrK, N rirllal ranlrt.l. PI.Ih fcritf ttiMnictloni jinn. I hoe who t la ! tit ai on it ra rura fi- iha bl Mwior-mn Mua In Ida world, and ih BncM hnaafwarkaoi nfn iniwi mown loarthrr in Amr1r. 'rilUK A CO., IIok 7-tU AugMatu, Maine. TUEiaBIBBW a. mm KfS5 1.1 ntun inii TO I IILCl GIlATEFULr-COMFOUTING. EPF'S COCOA. nilKAKPAUT. "IlvathorouRhktiowlcdireofthe natural laws which govern tho operations or digestion and nutrition, and by a carerul application of tho ono properties ol well eelected ocoa. .Mr. Eppshas pnnid'd our breakfast tallies with a delicately flavored beverage which may eavn us many heavy doctors' bill". It is by tho Judicious uso ot such articles of diet that a constitution may be cradual. lv bum up until Btronc enough to resist every ten. dencyro dl ease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating around us ro i dy to attack wherever there Is a weak point. W may CBcapo many a fatal shaft by keeping o'lrselves well fortified with puro t'lood and ft properly nourished frame. '-Cf MI Service O'aiette .Made simply with belling water or milk. Mid only In half pound tins, by oroccra. labelled thus t jamem km 4: CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, octss-d-ct. London, England. RAILROAD TIXV1Z3 TABLE JELAWABE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTJtltN 1UILKOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. r NORTnCMBKRLAKD 6 40 Cameron. 5 63 Chulask) 6 10 Danville C 08 Cstawissa e a Rupert s.i Ulootnsburg 6 8(1 Espy, 6 42 Lime ltldge. 6 60 willow drove i 6 Iirlarcreek o 68 Berwick 7 05 Iieaeh Haven 7 11 Hick's Ferry 7 is Hhlckshlnny 7 HO Duulock's 7 43 Nantlcokc 7 60 Avondole...... 7 64 riytnonth 7 68 1'lv mouth Junction, .. 8 0.1 Kingston 8 08 Uennett 8 U yaltby 8 17 Wyomlnir 8 sa West llttston 8 27 Ilttston 8 83 Lackawanna 8 40 Tatlorrllln 8 48 Uellevuo s 64 BCRANTON 9 00 r at STATIONS. A II HCKANTON 6 10 Bellevue s it Taylorvnie. a so Lackawanna. 6 ss PlttMon 8 an west llttston 6 42 P M 1 US Kom H. A. H Wvomlnff. a Maltby 6 61 Hen net t 6 63 Kingston 6 68 Plymouth Junction.. 7 os Plymouth 7 10 Avondale. 7 14 Nantlcoke 7 K Hunlock's 7 Si) SnlckRhlnny 7 47 Hick's Ferry. 7 63 lieach Haven 8 01 Berwick 8 07 Bnnrcreefc 8 IS willow Grove 8 18 Lime ltldge 8 20 Espy . 8S6 UloomFburg 8 sa llupert s 37 Catawissa 8 !i Danville 8 67 Chulasky, s 08 Cameron 9 07 NOETHCMBRBLAHD 9 SS All PU PV FM vonnecuons m ltupert Wllh milndeiphl Keadlnir Hallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Win. lamsport.funbury. AtNarthum. berland with P.KR. DIv. I'. K. 11. for Ilarrtcburg, Lock Haven, Empnrlum, Warren, Corry and Erie, "V. F, HAL8TKAD, Gen. Wan., Hcranton, Fa 1 68 J 14 s It) 2 24 1! W 8 41 ii 64 2 69 8 09 3 19 3 20 3 36 3 39 3 43 3 62 3 66 4 01 4 22 P U A II 9 60 9 65 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 2! 10 27 10 30 10 84 10 31 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 63 11 0! 11 12 11 22 11 88 II B7 ii"48 11 62 11 69 12 03 12 10 12 IS 12 30 1240 12 R 10 10 10 V5 10 29 10 86 10 63 11 00 11 07 11 13 11 22 11 SO 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 48 11 68 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 29 12 SO 12 37 12 41 12 43 12 60 12 66 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 S3 t 30 r 11 soura p i 2 03 2 14 2 21 2 28 2 84 2 39 247 2 611 2 64 2 69 8 03 3 06 8 19 8 29 3 39 3 43 3 61 8 67 4 01 4 03 4 IS 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 64 6 00 5 16 6 15 6 30 6 84 6 40 n is 7 15 7 12 7 SO 7 27 7 31 7 85 1 42 7 49 65 8 ra 8 17 8 22 8 34 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 901 9 II 9 1. 9 It 9 11 9 85 A 11 PM B 20 C 23 C 30 6 37 C 46 6 (.0 6 63 6 C9 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 63 8 07 8 13 8 20 827 8 31 8 83 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 57 9 13 9 2.1 9 28 0 48 Pennsylvania, Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. is 1888. Trains leave conbniy EABTWAKD 9.40 a.m., Sea Shore Express (dally except Bunday), for Ilarrlsburg and InterrnedlateBtatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m.s New York, 3.60 p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.45 p. m. ; Washington 1.65 p. m., conneetlng at Philadelphia forallfcea 8hor points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. t lln m Tav MvnrcB dally except sunday),for Ilarrlsburg and Interne, dlate stations, arriving at l'htladelph la 6.60 p. m. i New York, 9.85 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, p.oo p. ro. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltln ore. . 1,43 p. ra. Itenovo Accommodation (daily tor Ilarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. jNew York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.15 vm. : Washlrirlon 6 80 a. m. 1 Pullrannsleeplngcarfrnm IlarrMmrg to Phtladel. phla and New York. Philadelphia passengers can rwnain in sleeper undlstnrhd until 7 a. m. Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train from iiiiuuiipurb on riunuays. I'fla. m.Vrif Mull IiIaNtI tnr TTnrrictiurcr nnrt Intermediate stations, srr'vlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.60 a. m. : naltlmore 8.16 a. m.s Washington. 9.K0 a.m. Thrcuch Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and throogb passen ger coaches to Philadelphia end Balttmoie. WE8TWAIU). 6.10 a. m. Frle Mfill rinllTt trr Trie At-,1 nl Intermediate stations ana canandslgna aid Intermediate stations, Hochester, Buffalo aid Niagara Falls, with thrrnirh Imllmon paiai'o cars and passenger coaches to Erie snd Hocett- irr. 9.53-News Express (dally except Fondar) ttr lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.62 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun- 1 Tl for Kane ArrltntermeillflteAtnflniin mil Pad. 11 algua and principal Intermediate stations, ltfhemer. UllRafo unri Nlmrnrn Falls with through passenger eoaehesto Kane and Hochester and parlor enrto Wllllnmspnrt. 6.80 p. m. Fast Line (dslly except fiundny)for Ite novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlrn. Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to itenovo and WutHns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for Itenovo and Interme diate station- THKOUUH TItAINH FOHBPNni'ltY F1IOM THE JCAfTAMlttUUTJI, Kundar mall leaves T'iiitnrittnMn 4 so a. m Ilarrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. Harrlfcburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Bunday arriving at Sunbury 9.63. n, m. , ., . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.40 a.m.! Baltimore 7.SII a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Punbury, 12.62 p. m., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia uu LurouKu passenger coacnes from rnuaaei- lima uuu uammore. Fast Line leaNes New Yoik 9.00 a. ra. : Philadel phia,!. no a. tn. ; Washington. 9.60 a. in.: Balti more, 10.43 a. m., (dally rxept Sunday) arriving at Hunbury. 6.30 p.m.. with through passenger coachesfrom Philadelphia and Baltimore. r.i,r nitui iruves J orK tluup, m, I muiuiei- Phla, 11.25 p. m. t Washington, 10.00 p. m. : Balti more, 11.20 p. m (dally) arriving at Kunbury 5.10 K.P'-j w,t" through lullman Wet plrg cars from Philadelphia, Wsshlngton and Baltimore and hrougb passenger coaches from Philadelphia HDNBUItV.HAZI.KTIIN at WU.KKMIIAIIUIt .u...,iif aii nmi riiiit'i ii Ann whht UU ANI1II MAII.WAY. ...t (Dally except Sunday.) WtUeHbarre Malt leaves Hunbury 9.65 a. ro. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. m., Wllkes-barro Kipitbb East leaves Bunbury 6.86 p. ro.. arrtvlne Ht Bfoom Ferry 6.26 p. m., Wlikes barre T.W p. iu Sunbury Mall leaves WllkesbarrelO.S0a.m.arrlv ingat Bloom Ferry II. a. m.,Huntury 12.45 p. m Eipies Weat leaves Wllkes-barre 3.06 p. m.,ai vtng at Bloom Ferry 4.80 p, m Bunbury 6.20p.m SUNDAY ONLY, Bundty mill leaves Bunbury 9:26 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:H a, ru., wilkes-Varre 11:45 Hund.iy accommodation leaves Wlltes-llarre 6:10 p. in,, arriving at Bloom Kerry, .8 p,m., Bunbury 7:a0p,m CHAD. S. PU01I, J, II, WOOD. uen.jiin(ir uen, fai encer igei 'i.niwi.iim'