The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 15, 1889, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. 8. Slwtll, 1 .,11...
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1889.
Tho now administration was placed
in a peculiar situation at tho timo of
inauguration. Tho Shah of Persia
sent nis congratulations to President
Harrison. No ono of tlio Cabinet of
ficers oonld interpret the milage or
eoknowledgo it) and Cloycland's Secre
tary of State, Mr. Bayard, who under
stands tho Persian language, was
callod upon to holp them out. When
Mr. Blaino learns tho Persian language
ho oan ascertain what reply his prod
ocossor sent.
At the last regular meeting of tho
Democratic Slate Committee tho fol
lowing resolution was unanimously
Rssolvkd That tho City and
County Committees, Coramttecnien
and all the regular agenoics of the
party bo enjoined and earnestly advised
to procure tho immediate organization
of Democratic Societies, covering all
the districts in their respeotivo Cities
and Counties, and that such sooieties
beoomo memoirs ot tho Deraocratiu
Sooiety of Pennsylvania, transmitting
lists of their officers and members to
the Secretary. Maj. John D. Worman,
Democratic Headquarters, Harrisburg,
It is highly important that tho or
ganization of the Democratrc Societies
shonld prooeed and that tho people
should bo instructed as to their spirit
and purpose, and this committee is
especially anxious that no effort to that
end should be spared.
from oar Regular Correspondent. 1
Washington, Mir. 11, 1889
Harrison will bo a d ad man in len
than thre months if the horde ol
greedy office Beckers do not ceae
persecuting him. Already his right
arm is lamed and Ms complexion ha
the suspicious chalkoy white appear
anoo of ill health. But tho crowd still
comes marching nn, fairly falling over
each other in their eagerness to reach
the ear of the President. S ich a gang
was never before seen in Washington.
It thought at the beginning of
Mr. Cleveland's administration thai
the pressure for office was great, but
compared with that now going on, i
was as a Hummer zephyr to an untamed
Dakota blizzird. Every man exutp'
those that have died, that over held
office under republican administration
is hero clamoring for vindication in th
shape of an appointment to his old
place or to a belter one, and in addition
thorn are thousand of men who are
after getting their first taste of official
life. These last think the govornm-nt
service needs a liberal infusion of new
blr.od, providoi, if course that they
furnish it. Between them they an'
making a torment for Mr. Harrrison
as great as any that ever existed on
this earth, and there is littlo chance of
a change until everything worth scram
bling for is given out. In the tnein
time Mr. Harrison's worst enemy could
not wish him worse punishment than
be is daily undergoing.
senator Hampton thinks that ox-
Governor Thompson will be uoniina
ted as the Democratic member of the
Civil Service Commissioner. He was
nominated by Mr. Cleveland, and
wonld have been confirmed had his
name been sent in before the Ropubli
cans passed a caucus resolution against
any moro political confirmations.
Et-Scnator Whituey had sold hi
Washington residence to Postmaster
General Wanamaker for $80,000. Mr.
Whitney will tako a two months trip
to Europe beforo settling down to work
in New York. The rest of Mr. Cleve
land's Cabinet except Mr. Endicott, are
still here. Mr. Dickinson went to
New York with Mr. Cleveland's party
last week, but has returned.
There's a big row in the Republican
csmp already. It is a question of
veracity between Harrison and Ex-
Governor Alger. Alger told the
Michigan delegation that Harrison bad
expressed great regret on account of
having to leave him (Algnr) out of the
cabinet, and that as a slight compens
tion the President ha told him that h
mlirht name a man for Solicitor Goner
al. He nam d H. M Duffiuld, who he
aked the delegation to endorse, at th
same timo assuring them that it
was ouly a formality;that tho appoint
ment would be considered personal,
and wonld not be charged to the stite.
The delegation endorsed the applica
tion and oarrted it immediately to Mr.
Harrison. The delegation was struok
dumb when the president told them h
knew nothing about tho matter, and
that they had better Ale, tho application
with the Attornoy General. What
transpired when the delegation got
baolc to Alger is not yet Known.
Representative Townsend, ol Illinois,
died sudde ily on Saturday. He
caught a sovere cold last week, and on
Tuesday it was developed into
pneumonia. Hh was one of the most
popular men in the House.
Mr. Harrison's Cabinet, with the ex
ception of Mr. Blaine and Mr. Windom,
is regarded as very weak. It is
Blaine all over. All the members are
intense Blaineites exoept two- Miller
and Wanamaker, and these two can
harly be said to count, Mr. Miller be
ing appointed solely because ho was
Harrison's law partner and personal
friend, and Mr. Wanamaker beuius
ho held Mr. Quay's order for the Post
master Generalship, for which ho had
paid $100,000 in cold cash.
A gentlemen says ho asked Mr.
Harrison if hy intended to call an extra
session of the Fiftieth Congress, and
that the President replied: "No indeed,
I want to get these fellow" .swjty, not
to give t'icul an uxunse for remaining."
Queer lot, these republicans. The
man who helped Mr. Quay in all hi
underground work J. S. Clark&ou
ia not good enough to receive an ap
pointment in the cabinet, and he was
turned down, notwithstanding the able
backing he received from such men as
Senators Allison and Quay.
The extra sessson of the Seuato has
as yet done nothing except confirm the
Cabinet oftloers. but e number of nom
inations are expected this week. It
lias beeu about settled that no other
business will be touched. This is
unmewhat disannointinK to tho bloody
ebirtere, who wanted to pass the Hoar
Southern election investigating num
tion. . .
It will be a long time before any
administration attains the social success
of the last one. Mrs. Cleveland as the
popular idol U not likely to have a
uocewor for many yearn to oome, if
A Big Meeting of Temperance Jfeople Hold
at Harrisburg.
IlAimienrjim, March 12. Tho Dau
phin County Prohibition Convention
met here to-dav and uy
making J. J. ftiasloy, of Hunimcls
town, chairman, and J. Wesley Awl,
of Harrisburg nnd J, U. Landl, of
Halifax, secretaries. Over two hun
dred delegates were present. A com
mittee on resolutions composed of
prominent ministers and others with
Hon. Francis Jordan a chairman, re
ported as follows: "Wo delegates
from Dauphin County, representing
tho friends of tho proposed constitu
tional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture and salo of intoxicating
liquor as a beveraco in convention as
pomblid Jletolve "That wo hereby in
dorso and approvo the aotlou of the
Stato Prohibitory Convention, and
hereby pledgo our hearty and zealous
co-operation to procurn tho adoption
of Baid amendment at the ballot b' x on
tho 18th of Juno next; that lh pond
ing issue transcends in magnitude and
importance every other question now
before our people, involving as it does
their highest interests hero and hero
after, and wo earnestly invito the aid
of all our citizens, without regard to
party or denominational preference, to
unite with us in ono granu rally for the
overthrow of the liquor traftiu and for
tho salvation of tho stato from all the
wrongs and manifold evils it is inflict
ing upon tho Commonwealth', that our
hearty thanks are duo to the Woman's
Christian Tcmperanoe Union and other
temperance organizations for their
zealous and continued labors in edu
cating our people to this great issue,
and we cordially iuvite their aid in thia
confliot, that wo cheerfully recognize
and appreciate the power of the public
press and, thankful for their generally
fair and liberal treatment of the great
issue, wo most earnestly invoko their
aid nnd co-opo'-Uion in the pending
The resolutions were adopted amidst
applaneo. It was agreed that the fight
should bo conducted on political princi
ples and a county committee formed.
Over $600 was raised for campaign
expenes. It was the largest temper
neco meeting over held in this county.
During tho afternoon nd'1re"seg were
made, by A. II. Rinkin. of Pittsburg,
and Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer.
tt seems that the Legislature at
Harriflhu'g is a bodv of mere bunplar,
who d nt know how to draw a Pro
hibition Amendment. It is nlreadv
neoossarv to excuse, anoloeizo for, nnd
explain it. We nr assured that "The
amendment if adopted, will not un
necessarily interfero with the individu
al liberty of the citizen in resppct of
miking, Vmving, imnort'mr, keeping
and using as'a beverage alcoholic, or any
other sort of liquor. It strikes directly
only at the sale: in other words at th
liquor stores and dram-shops. Tho
nbj ct is to do awav with the dram
shop ns an nnbeemming business;''
So it seems tho rieh men can buv
'heir cases of wi"es and brandies, their
hsrrels and half-barrels of wMakins
and drink and guzzle to their henrt's
content; but a poor roin wh wants a
gUss of bonr or of whiskey, and wh
cannot snpplv h!m"1f by tho qnant'tv,
is to bo prevented from having a single
glass. The rights of the author of th
artiole quoted will not be interfered
with in the least, but ho ia determined
to interfere with the rights of every
poor man in the comrainity, or any
other man who wants only one glass of
beer at a time.
An Eager, Hungry Horde-
Thero are tenfold as many offieo
seekers in Washington aswore thereat
this time fouryears ago. 1 be Democracy
after twenty-threo years of exclusion
from Federal power was not ono tithe
aa eager for patronage as the Repub
licans now are to reoover the minority
of positions they havo been doprived of
during thn term of President Cleveland.
iVew York Star.
At a Methodoat conference at Salem
N. J. March 11 among other things
"the use of tobacco by meraburs of
the oonferenco was condemned, and tho
Presiding elders were ordered to ascer
tain who had broken their vows in
this connection."
Thus fanaticism and folly go hand
in hand, and the libortv to eat or drink
or smoke or dress will presently be
controlled by tho cranks whos weak
aiomachs and weiker heads succumb
t a glass of beer or a miul eigir.
They will next rcgulato the cut of his
beard as well ns his coat, and regulate
tho leng'h of his nose, by that of
h's shoe. No man has the right to in
terfere with my rights we and our
rights stand upon an equal fooling.
Rtporua ov a. S. Palmer, WtuAtiale Committlon
New York. March 11, 1889.
Tho week opens with bright, clear
weather, with eve rv IndlcHtlon of a cooil
volumn of bulnesa Mug done from this
lime. Tls market presents about the
siime eenerul features nnd prices ruling
steady in most Hoes of produce. The Len
ten season U ivlog opened, cpfis are mere
fore In much better demand and fresh
stock from near ny points selling to-day at
lac. uressca vcais, uowevcr, are uct
quite as active now as they havo been ow
ing to more liberal receipts, and obolco
stock to-day worth 0 to 10c. No special
reattres to note in tne m&rxei on nutter,
Pancv creamery worth 28 to 30c: select
dsiry tubs and pails 23 to 20c; other grades
18 to 22c. DnsieJ poultry continues to
more out st goul prices and choice turkeys
bringing from 111 to loc. uiicxens ia io
14c. Fowls U to 12c. Ducks 14 to 10c
Geese 10 to 12o Capons 20 In 23c- Game,
wild ducks, red bead, 1 70 to (2 par nr.,
black 70 to 80c. Tamo squabs 3 00 to i 00
Ber dozen. Live pigeons 40c per pr.
iressed hogs 7 to 8c Spring lurobi 5 00
to oou per bead. 'Wo m rim is nine
easier on apples owing to more liberal In
voices, although prices about the same
Fancy Spitz, and Spy worth 3 00 to 8 25
per bbl., Baldwins 1 SO to 1 73 Greenings
I 75 to 2 00. Cranberries 1 60 to 1 75 a
crt lilckorynuts moving slowly at from
75o to 1 00 per bushel. Market unchanged
nn potatoes and prices range aa fol'own
Stato rose and Hebron, 1 25 to 1 SO per bbl.
llurbsnk and Whllo Slur 1 00 to 1 12.
Peerless 1 00. Bweet potatoes barely stea
dy and brinelug from a 00 to 4 00 per bbl.
liaubaze 4 00 to 0 00 per 100 heads. Horn.
estio onions continue In liberal supply nnd
ow obtainable nt about 75o to 1 00 a bbl.,
white blobe 2 CO to 3 50. KoiUsh In spec
ial demand and prices rulluit firm. Hub.
bard 2 75 to 8 00 a bbl,, marrow 1 75 to
8 00. KueaW turnips CO to COc a bbl
Market somewhat weaker on beans and
marrow ruling at i io. ucmuru l yo
White Kldnev 2 10 to 2 16: red 2 05 to 2 10.
Fancy evap. appanet 5 1.2c to 0 l-2c., sun
dried i io oo liaiprorriea io io ivj.
Cherries 13J to 15c. tieeswax 82 to 23a
Hooey, white clover, 18 to Itc a lb., buck,
wheat 10 to lie Hay 76o to 10c liye
straw 65 to 85a oat 60 to C5c, Furs con.
tinue to sell for favotablu prices and de.
maud good. Fox ?5o to 1 'K. Coon 60c
to 120. Bkunk 40c to 1 30. Mink )5o to
1 SO, Opossum 25 to 45c. Muskrat I So to
Tho Young Domocrallo Battalion of
Philadelphia, will Celtbrnto Jeff, rson's
bltlhday, on the oviningof Tuesday
April 2. Hon. Chauncey F. Flack,
Col JHeury 11. Plumer, Klliot P KUncr,
and Kichatd Vnux, will dollvo.' ad
druses. Salt Rheum
Tlio agonies ot those who sutler from severe
salt rheum are Indescribable. Tho clc.milng,
healing, purl! ring Influences of Hood's Barsa
parllla are unequalled by any other medicine.
" I take pleasure In recommending Hood's
Barsaparllla, for It has done wonders for me.
I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me
over nearly my entire body. Only those who
have suffered from this disease In Its worst
form can Imagine tlio extent vf my affliction.
I tiled many medicines, but tailed to receive
benefit until I took Hood's Sariaparllla,
Then tho disease began to subside, the
Agonizing Itch and Pain
disappeared, and now I am entirely free from
tho disease. My blood seems to bo thor
oughly purified, and my general health Is
greatly benefited." I.vman Amur, Sexton
N. E. Church, North Chicago, III.
"My son had salt rheum on his hands and
the calTts ot his legs, so bad that they would
crack open and bleed. Ho took Hood's Bar
saparllla and ts entirely cured." J, II. Stan,
ton. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
From 108 to 135
I was seriously troubled with salt rheum
tor three years, and receiving no benefit from
medical treatment I decided to try Hood's
Barsaparllla. I am now entirely cured ot salt
rheum; my weight has Increased from 10S lbs.
to MS." Mrs. Alice Surru, Stamford, Conn.
If you sutler from salt rheum, or any blood
disease, try Hood's Barsaparllla. It has cured
many others, and will euro you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by tit drwtiiiti. 1 1 ill tor 85. frepuedonlr
by C. I. HOOD CO., Apothtcailtl, LowiU, Hast,
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Wholesale. Hetall.
Wheat per bushel 1.00
Byo " " 60
Ccru " " .... CO
Oats " " 32 46
Flour " bbl 0.0n
Iluttcr 22 28
Egss 10 18
Potatoes , 40 fir
Hams 12 16
Dried Apples 03 05
Hide 08 10
Shoulder 10 121
Chickens 7 li
Lard per lb 10 12
vinegar per ea 20 a
Onions per bushel 7 " 1 0d
Veal skins 07
Wool per lb 85
Hides 6 to 7
Coax on Wrahf.
No 0 i3.00: Nos 2 3, & Lump 83.25
Vo 5W0 Klttimlnui 3 25
propovM to the rltlzi-ns ot thlsConmonTealtli
tr the nenerftl AwwmblT of the fiommnnwpnlth
of remsylvanl , for their approval or rt liHiUon nt
n npwiii- eiecuon m no nid .nine in. itw. iuu
Halted by order ot the secretary or tho common
wealth in pursuance ot article XVIII of the Con
tolnt resolution proposing on amendment to
the constitution o' tuts Commo'twealtb :
Section 1. lie It resolved bv tho senato and
nouso ot nepresentatlvea of the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in Oeneral Assembly met, That
the followlrii? amendment is proposed to the con
Btttuttnn of tho commonwealth ot Pennsylvania
to accordance with tho Klghtcenth Article thereof:
There shill be an additional article to sa'd Con
stltution to bo designated as Article xix, as fol
lows :
Th manufacture, sale, or keeplosr for sale ot
Intoxicating 'iquor, to tw used as a bev rntrc. Ir
herebv p'ohlbited, ad any violation ot thW pro
hlbli Ion Khali n. misdemeanor, punlstablo as
shall bo provided by law.
Tho mnnutscturo salo, or keenlnjr for sala of In
texlottlnK liquor for other purposes than ns a
beverage may be Mlowe-1 In such manner only as
may be prescribed by 1 .w. The Oeneral Assembly
shall, at tlio nrst session succeeding the adoption
of thla article of tne constitution, enaet laws
with adoquato penalties for Its enforcement.
A true copy of the Joint Hesoln'lon.
Secretary of the Cnmmonwrlth
M.lMlrilurt a -on lk, nil', kIDNKi and
Ctertne Pains, Hhenm-i'l-', Wlatlc, ."harp and
v eakenlng Pains, relieved In one minute by
gJt Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster 2Sd
only lns'antaneous paln-klllln? strengthening
plaster Si cts: 5 tor si. At druggists, or of rot
ter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston
CTTfr Plmplea,blaclhead9, chapped andOT T?0
17 A IV! ouy skin cured by Cuticura Soap. CUSjO
ELY'S Catarrh
m naf.iMn.Midi. 1
to rnAr-ti.vMt
V. v-
easy to use. HAT-FJbVE.K
A particle la applied into each nostril, and Is
agreeable. Price 60 cent at Pruirglsta; by mall
rrglsterbd, CO cts. ELY UUOTUEltS, M Warren
xtrewt. NewVnrfc. MarlSiMl
teed. Hiilnry mict I'.xneimes
paid. Special iwfu emnts to beginners- Any
mn can io wd with our advantages and quick
Billing specialties Outfit free. Write at
once Klvtnir age Hooker NurHerleH,
(establli-ned 1S35) HocHnrek, N. Y.
liar IMI (Name this paper.)
The partnership heretofore existing between Dr.
II. F. Oat-doer and Dr. a U Annent. ts tbM day
inn tinlly dissolved, and the oocounts unpaid
placod In tho hands ot M. V Evrly of Hlonmsburg,
together with the dy book and ledger. Aoi-ounu
due said Drm can ne pal I to either it. U. V, Gard
ner, ur. 11. Arment or M. p. Eyerly.
Feb SMt & B.AUME.NT.
U rat Coukt or Couiiom Plus or Coldmbu
Kllzabotb Knrder, by her next friend, William
Hon, ra. W. M, Rnyder.
To w. II. bnyder, respondent above named t
Whereas up-n the petition or libel ot the said
Elizabeth Snyder, above named, a subpogna hem?
awarded by the Court of Co union Pleas of said
county, a subpoena Issued out of the said Court
commanding you, the said W. II, (Snyder, to be
and appear at the next regular term of said CO'irt
to show cans. If any you have, why I ho said
Ubellant siould not b divorced trom the bonds
ot mat rlinont which bh his contracted with yu,
agreeab y to the prayer of said petitioner ; and,
where is, upon the re'urn ot the said subpoena,
due proof was made that you could not be found
or served with tho umx In the bailiwick ot the
Sherltr of said county; whereupw an alias sub
poena was awarded by the said Court, command
ou to bo and appear at the then next regulsr
termot said court, to answer, o , as aforesaid,
to which the same re-urn was niadeby theHherUT.
You are therefore required to be and appear on
tho nrst day ot regular terra of aald Court, to be
held at Hlonmsburg, for tne said county, on the
nrst Monday ot May next, A, D. 1M9, to answer
the complaint atoresald.
Feb 16-U bherlff.
Heal JGstute!
By virtue ot a writ ot Vend. Ex. Ueued out ot the
Court of Common Ploas of coL Co. 1'a., and to me
directed, will be exposed to puhllo sale at the
Court House, Bloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1889
at 3 o'clock p. m.
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In Montour twp , CoL Co, To., bounded on the
north by land of William Itoberts, on the east by
land of Joseph Itoberts, on tbe south by land ot
Samuel FlshT and fin the west by land ot wm,
Neal, containing forty acres, more qr less, where
en are erected a frame dwelling house, barn an4
Belted, taken Into exeeutlon and to be sold as
the property of jjs. B. Fry.
109" S WlnLsrateen, Attys.
Max I Sheriff.
"HoUce Is hereby given to tbe stockholders of the
Bloomabuiv undue Company, that an election lor
president and dliecton will be held at Winona
flail, In the Town ot Bloouisburv, on V, edneaday.
the 8th day of March mi, at three o'clock In the
afternoon. T n
P.tLtinriT, Prealdelt,
Real Estate !
By virtue of a writ ot Alias Fl. Fa. Issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county
ana to me mrected, will be exposed to publlo sale
at tho Court House. In the town of Bloomsbnnr
at 9 o'clock a. m., all that certain tract of land
situate In Beaver townshlp.ColumMacounty, ra,,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ( on the
north by land ot .lohn Hosier estate, on tho east
by land ot .lacob Baker, on the south by land of
Jesse Johnson estate, nn the west by land of Miles
ltcllly and Thomas Lute, containing
more or less, whereon are erected a frame-dwelling
bouse, a bank barn apd outbuildings.
Seized taken Into execution, and to be Bold as the
prosperty ot Michael thocrncr and.Lcna Thoerner.
Makr, Atty. Sheriff.
From Jan. a, 18-19, to Jan. 14, 1889.
JortN K. OHOTZ, Treasurer.
To Balance In Treasurer's hands Jon. 5,
1888 t H83 St
To Cash ltec'd on Bloom dup, is87 974 ei
POOlt " " 4R4 64
" " " Greenwood dap ! S59 10
" " " sugsrloaf " " ... sosst
" " " B'oora dup. 1883 ISM XJ
HOOtt " " 335 00
Greenwood dup. 1R88.. shod
" " " Bugarloaf " " ,, MOO
" " " Hcott dup 1815, SI? IB
" Interest on Mra. Urown's Acct....... siss
" ltent on Sirs. Brown's House. .... 3100
" " on tiOng II msn of r. cox 18 75
" cash Creasy & Wells on lumber lwi 00
' " CatawlBsaTwp for I Owen bill. IB 75
" " on It A Parker's account 78 io
" " on sale of Long property. ., sOoo
" " Hester Sterner (Paid for A.
Sterner) 101 00
To cash Refunded...... 48 00
t S3V7 SI
By old orders red"emed. $ 187 fl
" orders for 188S redeemed.... 65ioa
Commission. 115 63
11 Hostaee so
" BaL in Treasurer's nanoa.... 400 ti
I ew: 91
Orders outstanding Jan. S 1888.. 274 13
Orders Issued tram Jon. 8 1888 to
Jan. 14 1889 Mm 20
I C9e33
Orders ot i85 and 18M redeemed
Orders of 'S8; redeemed.
orders of 18. reocemed
Orders ou standing Jan 14 1889.,
KIM 11
Provisions and Supplies, 333 79
Fire nnd llrht..... 10300
Clothing and Shoes 41 93
Furniture, Boddlnp and Dry
Goo Is 11170
Medlcin" and Medical Supplies.. iri63
ordinary rep ilrs. 6229
Traveling expenses ... s S3
Mower. 4100
Farm evpenscs.. 169 02
Mmlth work si 80
Incidental expense 50
Thomas Mcllride, 676 00
Dr. McKeynolda . so 00
nr. Itedeker 50 or.
-lacob sehuyler Director looo
C. A. Kle'm - 10000
L.M. I'ettlt 11 10000
L. I). llupert Secretary 100 00
Mrs Mcllrtde Matron 50(0
An mors and Clerk tor Jan 1S8S. S3 0
Total current expenses
t'ulldln? nnd Improvement 814 SH
S 2210 ti
ur ner exiraorainary expenses. . 31 w
Chopping wood.....
Printing tatemeutot 1687
orders ot relief.
Expenses on itrown houso,
'onmtorShott sugarloat
" owens Iiioom twp.,.,
r'omn, f 13 00, gr ve II 00 rflgglng
1 '0 to bury Wm. Ingold,
srott twp
Tramps ....
supnort ot Ccok boy Scott twp,.
Other out door
Tax on long House
Expense ou Oeo. Samuel's case..
Co-taeeand Stationary.
Expenses on Tyke caso Scott
SO 97
49 51
4 0,1
17 S3
87 00
71 42
I 31J3CO
G-'oree Fox sont township 5'J 2-7
we"ks IS 00 104 57
les-m Kelly 1 lo m twp. w S-7
weeks tl 00 104 6?
L Z Knhlcr '1100m twp. 5? 9-7
weeks 2 00. 10IS7
ohn Boyer xcott township 62 2-7
weeks 00 10 57
UzleM Sterner 5S S-7 weeks SJ 00 104 57
Ephratm Ebner, Greenwood 41
weeks $2 10. ... . SIOO
II Lee Patterson Greenwood 10
weeks isoo 2000
wm iry moom 6 1-7 weeks 12 00. 10 89
t 63314
Jackson Karns Bloom 80 60
Al cadow Bluom 16'2 00
M. Dawson " 78 00
It. 8. Young " 64 60
Fred iemer Bloom 44 S3
Hester Bomboy twp ........ 148 4
Wm. Bark 0 liloom. imjoo
Caroline -mlth Blo-m 78 00
Minerva May Bloom 55 00
wm. Ingold Sco't twp 30 83
Hannah Tyke -colt twp 1 00
Amanda Bobbins Greenwood
township 37 75
Jicob Swisher Greenwood twp. 15 00
Lucy wertman Bloom. 5150
K. Eoner catching and aking to
Asylum Greenwood 16 97
Mrs. Charles Hamilton Green
wood 23 60
wrs. Ullam Evans Greenwood. ia 79
John a Albertson Greenwood . 46 18
Geo. and Mrs. Vanatta Green
wood us Tl
Sam'iel Farver Bloom, 3 09
lohn Yount Scott ,, 400
Kozet a Dodson Bloom 13 31
II, Rhodes liloom 15 so
Daniel Ingold Bloom 11 51
Mr, unlet moom 463
Ann Muriley Scott, 700
Edward uenry Greenwood '.87 w
Isaiah Owen Bloom 7 Ml
Gee ge samu"la Bloom , 80 37
Frank Rhodomoyer Bloom 60 10
wm. snoemaker.
11933 08
Jackson Karns Flour from Farm
ah uaaow riour rrom Faim. . . . . 34 00
$46 SO
we, the undersigned, Audl'ora of tho townships
comprising ' The Bloom Poor District," met at tho
Alms Houso on the second Monday of January 1889
th a being the 14th. examl"ed the accounts of the
Treasurer and Directors from January Sth isss to
Janusrt 14 1.9 and tho vouchers for the samo,
nnd them correct, as set t rth above,
nullum mogart, f Auditors.
belonging to "The Bloom Poor District,"
January 14 1889,
Balance due on Duplicates.
Dun. wtl
moom 9KW 0
scott ir 4
Greenwood 893 73
ugarloat 21 9 71
W4 Ol
325 0
SIS 00
1298 07
(Ml 42
Less estimated exonerations and
commissions ,,, ..
2717 93
630 uo
2387 W
13500 00
230 00
3 0 00
930 00
U0 0O
81 60
190 00
90 00
160 fO
16 CO
30 00
4 00
23 00
IS 00
1S5 00
91 00
700 00
S50 00
900 00
Farm and Buildings
Bal on sale ot Long property, , ,
3 Horses
9 Cattle
13 Shouts
15 sucking Figs
Vi Chickens. .,
190 Buah. Wheat. ..
boo uatB
90 " 1 orn ears.
iOOo&ot Pork and Lrd ,,,,
15 ton Hay
40 Buth. Apples
6 Beets
SO " Turnips
3 " Onions .,
450 heads cabbage , 6a
100 th packed butter 23c.,,,.
2 bbl. Vinegar Ate 00
S300 sheaves Corn Fodaer 60. .
soo lb Beer
li.O bush. Potatoeo .,
4 tons coal ts 60 ,
Farm Implements .
Furniture In Alms House.,,.,,.
Furniture l i (stewards llouio,.,
1 bush Beans
I bbl saurkraut a 6 00
I I acres grain In ground.
tfbbl. Pickles
- 116943 73
991 Bush Wheat,
ess 11 Oats,
20 " live.
1120 " Corn ears.,
75 " Winter apples,,
31 " Turnips.
o " unions,,
9 Beans..
140 11 Potatoes..
2790 s Pork and Urd.
11 n ituvter
810 tb Boef.,.,
li ton Hay
15 Shnau
8 Calves
75 Chickens .
1 head Cabbage.,
Kljuuz. Agjra.
40 bundles Rye Straw.,
8 out. vinegar ,
2 bbl. Cider....,
i4s sheaves ot corn Fodder.,,,,
23bu-hels Tomitoes,
Flour bal by Karus and Cadow,,
1701 93
No, pf ranpera le.nslolng la
Almfhouib last report
No. Atjmtted i,urUi jfear
No. Discharged during year... ..
No pil during year.,.;,','
No. Persons In Poor House Bloom
Na reraonsln roor House scott.
NS. rersons n Poor llpuao Green.
' wood.V
No. Remaining Jan. 1 1S80.
C A.KI.K1U, iBIrectora.
291 00
lis W
sir co
2-1 W
913 00
45 IV
, 1800
86 bO
94 00
ft ru,
.'.,...''.'!!'.,.",.'.'.'.V.'. 8(10
137 40
I9 60
49 0
$8. SIO, $12, $15
Overcoats mav bo ordered from nn
by mail.
Write for Samples of Cloth and full
directions how to talco moasures and
secure Gt.
Mail Okder Dep't,,
P. O. Box 413,
Real JGstsitc !
Tbe uoderslgncd administratrix ot John C.Jones
deceased, will expose to publlo sale oq the premi
ses, on
Pnturday, March 16th, 1889.
ut 10 o'clock a. m.. the rollovrlng described real
state. All that certain house and lot ot ground
situate on East street, tn the tnwn ot Bloomshurg
bo uided on tho north by an allejr. on the east by
Chestnut Alley, on the south by lot ot Ell Jones,
and on the west by East street ot said town, being
40 reet front on said East strert, and 200 tcct deep
along said alley, on which Is erected a two story
comparatively new, a good stabln, kltctben, large
coal and wood house, and other out buildings.
Thero Is an abundance ot good fruit trees on tho
premises. Water handy at the back door, Oas
plpo throughout the housn. The whole hO'iBe bu
been rcpapered and repainted within a short time.
House large and commodious, uood garden at
tached to the premises. Possession given Apr 11 1,
TERMS OP HALK. Ten per cent, of one-tourth
at tne striking down ot the property, the one
fourth less the ten per cent- at tne confirmation of
Bale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year
theroifter, with. Interest from confirmation nisi
Purchaser to pay for deed.
Grant IIihhinci, Atty.
Mars Admtnlstratilx.
Largeit Btook of Carpcta in tlio Otinty at
Ltlrst Styltn, Newefll Patterus in
Velvets, Body and Tapestry
Brussels, Ingrains, &c.
A full line of Cocoa and Canton Mattings.
Tha best WIRE FOOT MAT in tho Maikpt.
Bloomsburg Pa.
One of the problems of life is to buy
We are now closing out the entire
Winter Stock at Cost.
Over-Coats for Men, Boys and
Winter Caps, Mufflers, &c.
Call and we will make you smile at the
Popular Clothing Establishment,
Blooiiisburg, J a.
Ttic Imperial Inks are as near perfection as possible, and will stand any test the"
can be put lo.
Impkiiul YY ATERpnooy, Intense Ulack Fluid,
lui'iHUL Jkt Iinon Fluid, will tako oue copy,
Iui'ikul Dlok Hlaok Fluid,
Impkiiul Combined Wkitinq and Copying,
Impkiiul Document Ink. No known chemical can take it out,
Imperial Gakmiki Ink. Very Ilrilllant,
Iupiiiui. Violet, Tbe handsomest ink In tbe world,
Each Quart in
Bottle, and in
Separate 1) 0 x
Iupbbul Qum Mucilage, very fine, per quart, 60c. per doz.. 5 00
Imi-kuialUum Aiiabio, White, Ibe Ucst made, t 75c. " 7 60
Those Mucilages are made from the purest gum, is heavy in body, light iu
oolor, dries ouickly, and is a peer fur a stiokest. What moro is wanted when
the price ia lower than any other tmt quality gum J
L MAffll,
mwQim of wm mam
Our motto ia "Square Dealing."
I. UI1,
The largest Clothing: and Hat Store in Columbia
and Montour counties.
We sell DIRECT TO FAI1MK18, a good, reliable
m To, oats. Corn and Potatoes, at
$20 PER TON. v?:&lot
Established 1870 TultK PKNNA.
Mar ld-lt
Mar lMl-4t
Pano.i's Cook iouk,
Large Quarto. Lithographed Cover.
Over 10O,Oi i l'arl ia Cook Books have been sold
Mailed on receipt of 30 cts, by any bookseller, or
1S4TE.S fi I.AUHIAT, HOfitOn, .MUSS.
Mar 15-dlt
Hondrasli hiTa UkD op tbM
itudia, and now earn 40 to
810O a month; adruiciMiit
ia rapid. A r 70a Urd of four
oecnpaUonf Learn Sbortbaad,
the monr apent will ratam
m&BTfald ItiimtDt4nato&a
lUtMMlasTtam. ..S1 tuiUOC4MS. tW 1st vndSimr I.
Iimdi far AIhJI tor noma itadr, PoaiUoni for.
nkhad. liailiogOoUat In U, B. Band for circular.
0. . fAUCU, frla., 1W Okacuit ., rallUtlykla.
Mar ij-u 4v
t'tr (fuart,
$ 4 GO
4 60
4 no
5 40
0 00
10 80
4 CO
1 00
1 00
Our Inks have
the largest sale
of any in the city
of Philadelphia.
m 1' or 10 ot. to jay potae, we bi nd sample of our
a 12 New Styles of ns, Writing J'aj or we eel) by the
pound, Style tf lingiavljigand our Illustrated
Wm. H. Hoskms Co,, T!i01f'!;'",ln w.r,
i ii i ii mil i i n W Arch fit, nnudtltua,
Comca to the front with a large
MEN BOYS 1 Oil IB C311H.
The latest
that cannot bo excelled in price.
nnsa, tmabs,
c- - -o-
Carpets, Curtains,
n 1
Owing to the death of our Mr. B E. Smith, thTu will ho a ohancrn in tho
firm. In consequence of which wo havo deti'rniincd to Close Out Ouit Entiiik
Stock of the above departmenta within the nxt thirty dayH. In order to do
b wo have marked our goods way down nt prices that will iimurti their Immedi
ate Sale.
Look at the followp'tr, figures and so oome of th barn nffond :
Best .itody Brussells, $1.00 to $1.10,
Reduced from 1.25 and $1.40. Oih-r tjiad s Bodv Brussels 75ii. to 95c, re
duced from $1.00 and 1.20. Tapestov BrUi-sklh, 40o tn 75c, reduced from
65o. and Sl.OO. Extka SnPBit Inokains, All Wool, COo. to 05o., reduced
from 90c and $1.0il. Extra Super Ingrains, 50c to COo., reduced from 70o.
and 80o.
Carpets as Low as 15c. Per Yard.
Our Curtain ami Drapery Deparinionts are worthy tho attention of nil who
contemplate purchasing anything in this linn now or in tho near future. We
have reduced everything in tbtse departments to about one half tbeir former
prices. These departments are one ot our
being stocked with a superb assortment of Turcoman and Chenille CuitTAiNS
in great variety of latest shades and ooloringH. Nc ttingbin Curtains in nil
the various gradeH and styles. Real Irish Point, Antique, Brussels, Tambour,
Eacftrial, and other fine laoe goods.
Irish Point Lace Curtains, $4.50 Per Pair,
reduced fro ni $9 00. Lace curtains as low as 25. per pair. Mahogany
Curtain Polei', Bras Trimmeo", Complete, 25c
Our stock of Furnitnro has never approached its present magnitude, and wo
have made tho samo sweeping reduction in this department.
Hair Cloth Parlor Suits, $30.00,
reduced from S50.00. An imraens stock of Silk and Mohair Plush suite at
all prices. All goods purehaed durint; this Bale delivered to piirchii-erH living
within 100 miles of Milton Fnisb. Parties intendimr furnishing h .tela or pri
vate residences -hould take advantaao of this sal.". When our former low
prices are taken into cousidera. ion, buyers will readily see the advantages to bo
gained by making their purchases now, while tho stock is oomploto.
Our prices iu iho China and Music Department havo been greatly reduc
ed, and we would havo you bear in mind that never before was there such an
opporiumty off red to those desiring to embellish their homo with such beau
tiful nnd mdiero) e articles at so sin ill an outlay. Now is tho timo to secure
bargains in Pianos and Organs, as they are offerod at figures far below former
prices. A cotdial itivitatioii U eitondo l to one and all to examine our goods
and nrices.
J. 8. Smith & Co.,
Watches and
-O- -O -l
-O- -)-
Tho finest lino of Gentlemen's Watches over in Bloomsburg.
In Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches,
-A very
done ?IJSJ SraVn freo,of chrgo. Repairing of all kinds
(lone neatly, promptly, and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Columbian Building 31oouwburff, Pa.
" lr- " 0 "
of Fine Furniture,
Drapery Goods,
Springs, &c.
il j o
i )-
o - 4 - oTJ
-O- -O- -o-
we will not bo undersold.
fine line of-