THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I EdtioWonal Bill. thk roi.i.owwo Bn.i, nRco.iMKMr.i nr ti1k ijoaiii) op contiioi.t.kns ok the Allroiiknt School Dihtrict, IS NOW 11EKOIIK T1IK PltKS- knt Lkuislatuiik. AN ACT TO BKOUItK TO CII1LUREK TUB BENEFITS ok Ki.EMKNTAnr kducation, PRO VIDING 1 Oil THE ENFORCEMENT OP TIIK SAME, AND F1XINO PENALTIES FOR ITU VIOLATION. Section I. Be it enacted &c. A" parents and tliosa who havu tlio oar0 of children, shall Instruct thorn, or caus" thorn to be instructed in reading, writ ing, spoiling, English gramiucr, arith metic, geography, physiology nnd byuleno. And ovory porson having under his control a child between the ages of cii?ht and fourteen years, shall cause such child to attond some public or private day school at leat sixteen weeks io each year, eight weeks at least of whioh attendance shall be consecutive; aud for ovcry nogleot of such duty tlio person offending Bhall forfeit a sum ootoxocoding tweuty-flvo dollars (S2) to the treasurer of the sohool district in whioh tho offenio ooours, to be rooovered in summary proceedings bofoio any Mayor, Alder roan or Justice of tho 1'eaoe. Provi ded, that if tho physical or mental condition of suoh child is such as to prevent tho attendance at sohool or application to study, such penalty shall not bo incurred. Sec. II. Children living remote from any pnblio school in tbo district in which they reside, may bo allowed to attond the public Echools in tho ad joining district, under such regulations as the Controllers or Soho-il Directors of said districts agree upon and pre eoribi'. Sec. III. In ovcry case arising under this Aot, wlwre tho parent guar dian or other poraons having control of any child between tho said ages of eight and fourteen years is unaolo to provido suoh child for said sixteen weeks with tne necessary clothing and text books to enablo such child to at tend school for said period, and shall so stato in writing to the Board of School Directors or Controllers of the district, the said Directors or Controll ers shall, after satistying themselves of the truth of such statement, provido said clothing and text books, and the oxpeoso of tho same shall bo borno by the school district in whioh tho books and olothing aro furnished. Sec. IV. Tho Board of School Directors or Controllers in Cities, Borough and Townships shall, annu ally, at their first meeting in Juno, elect ono or more persons to bo desig nated truant officers, who shall inquire into all cases of neglect of duty pre scribed in Section one, and asoertain the reasons therefor, and such truant officers, or any of them, shall prosecute in the name of the City, Borough or Township, and in the manner indicated in Section one, any and all persons li able to the penalty provided in said section. Sec. V. Boards of school Directors or Controllers in any City, Borough or Township, neglecting to elect truant officers, and truant officers neglecting to prosecute, when directed, as required by law, shall forfeit not less than ten ($10)nor more than fifty ($50) dollars to thu use of the publio schools in tho City, Borough or Township where the neglect occurs, as aforesaid, or to the use of tho publio schools in the City, Borough or Township where such truant offceis resides. And tho com pi'iitmiiun and travelling lees of such truaut officers shall be tho same a now established for Constables in the service of a criminal process and paid out of the school funds of the respec tive districts. Sec. VI. Every child between the ag' s of ten and fourteen, who refuses to attend school, as r quired in Section one, and who may bo found wandering about the streets r puhlio p'ac s ol any City, Borough or Township, while the school of which bo m locally a pupil, is in session, on ccroplaint of the truant officers, before the proper authority, shall be committed to iho Bute Reform School; provided, how ever, that it shall be the duty of every truant ofiiot-r previous to making com plaint nnder this section to notify the truant or absentee from sohool; als, the person having him under control. of the offense committed and tho nenaltv therefor, and it the truant oan obtain satisfactory pli-dues that the child will conform to Section ono of this Aot be shall forbear to prosecute as long as suoh pledges are faithfully kopu Sec. VII. Any person having control of any child amendable to tne provis ions of this Act. who is unable to in duce suoh child to attend school for the prescribed term, and shall so state in writing to the Board of Directors or truant officer or the district, shall bo relieved of all penalties incurred for that sohool vcar after that date under this Act, and such child shall, there upon, 1)3 deemed nnd dealt with as an habitual truant, andmay be committed to tho Stato Reform School in the manner provided in Section six. Sko. VII I. Each week's failure on the part of any one to comply with the provisions of Section ono shall be a distinct offense, punishable with a fino not exceeding five ($5) dollars; and all offences concerning the same child shall be charged in separate counts, joined in ono oomplaint. When complaint contains more than one count, tho court may give sentence on ono or more and suspend eontenco on the remaining counts. If at the end of ten weeks from the date of the sen tenco it shall appear that the child concerned has attended Bohool regular ly during that time, then ludgment on suoh remaining counts snail cot ne exe cuted. Every truant offcer shall b' duty bound to investigate every report of truanoy in writing made to him by n Sohool Director or Controller, Superintendent or Teacher of the nublic schools in his district, nnd if such charge of truanoy bo well founded shall proceed as providod in Sectioi VI, and his failure so to proceed shall bo construed as a neglect of duty, and imn'uhed as in Seotion fivo. Sec. IX. It shall bo the duty of tho County. City. Borough or Town ship Superintendents to ascertain by visitation, examination or omerwige, whether the children between the aae of eight and fourteen years, attending anv nrivato or publio school within their respective districts, are reoeiving adequate instiuetion in wio urauonex of reading, writing, spelling, Eoglish graramer, arithmetic, geography, physiology and hygiene, as specified m thn first Seotion of this Aot. Buo. X. Tho board of Bohool Dl reotorsor Controllers of every City, Borough or Township shall, from tira to time, adopt such provisions, rules, arrftngcmcuU and regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, cot conflicting therewith, as (ball to t&m kpm Itllog. Sec. XI. This Act shall go into effect on tho first day of June, A. D 1800. Sec. XII. All Acts or yarls of Acts inconsistent herewith aro hereby re pealed. "Husband, I Want You to Try It " I l'ad suffered for years with n com plaint the physclatis called Gravel, and they had given up tho attempt to help mo. My wlfu heard of Dr. Kennedy Favorite Romcdy, of Itondout, N. Y., and spoko as above. To please her 1 got n bottle. Used that and two or thrco more, and pretontly tho trouble vanished nover to return.- Washington Monroe, Catskill, N. Y. mar. 1 -H At the Island of Malta. THE ME01TEKKANKAN SrllONOIIOMI VAL LETTA AND II Ell PALACES TIIK ' oi.oiiv op the pa8t knightly Relics Life in Malta. Valletta, Malta. Almost as old ni its hills are tlio Btorics thnt are told of the great wealth and glor)of Malta, of which its geo graiihitiil pos'tion male it the ceutro in the civlization of tho ivist, whin the Knighis of St. John intrenched them nclvts hoio and held high carnival within Us territory. To bo Hiiro they have passed away, but on every baud thero remains much to remind ui of this people when at the heighlh of their glory. Wo aro confroiuid with tho sublime fact that the knights are dead, but a rich inheritance has come down to us. I cannot, perhaps, spend a few mo ments more interestingly than in look ing with you over tho island, and in noting the relies of tbo old civilization which time has spared, Everywhere may bo seen tho remnants and the ruins of its past, in temples and palaces and in deserted capitals and catacomos. Malta is the merest dot on tho map of the world, hardly seventeen miles long and nine miles broad, lyiug mid way in tho Mediterranean near Sicily, with a delightful semi-tropical olimate, a comparatively fertile soil, and a large and contontcdipopiilation. The land is low atd rugged, tho ridge of hills that runs across the island having an elevation at its highest point of about tivo nnnurcu leei. no siiuaiu-ii is admirable for defense, and has been in trenched with strong fortifications and batteries. Our war-sbipi!rnunded th island at. night, and approached Valletta ffom tbo eastward. Tho harbor, whioh tho morning revealed to us 'tas a scene of unusual activity, is one of the finest in tho orld, consisting of two inlets of unenual size. Tho one on tho loft' known as tho great harbor, which is reached through a nnrrow entrance cuarded on either side by strong forti- 2--.! j l... u i:t. .., f UUailOUn, in ueuu ujr Axuguaii uicu ur war vessels of other nations nnd to ships whoso stay is prolonged. In the latter the Juniata was anchored, where she lay for a time with tho city before her, a fair sky above ner, and witn the clear waters doited with sails all around her, the center of a beautiful panorama. Valletta is tlio lortixcu capital oi mo island, and is situated on its north astern side, resembling, aa someone has said, a huge turtle stranded upon a reef. Ills built upon a high and narrow tongue of land that projects into the harbor, dividing the water in two parts. It is a beautiful o'uy eveu ns peon from shipboard, that impreKses ono with a senso of its superior in trenchment and power of resistance, i Th principal stroi ts traverse tne city enmhwise. parallel witli the surlaceof the water on gradually ascending levels, forming a sucoission ot terraces waned with stone, and presenting to ono in either harbor the appearance of a solid mass of houses that rises from the water's edge to the height of two bun dred fiet. The transverse streets ore airow and steH, and aro milium! more than flights of Btono Bteps. I he bulling aro of stone, whioh stems to be. the only natural product of tht- land, and are compact and m-tasiye, many ol wuicti are tnngn nceni siruc- ures. in point oi arcnaeciure, it is claims d, Valletta rivals any of the otipiialH of Europe. Turn where you may, you aro con fronted with some bistoiical site, mem orial or building. Here is the old Palace of the Grand Mailers, towering hove its surroundings and occupying an entire i-quare. iou marvw at us mammoth proportions, us massive walls and its impressive solidity. Tho palace is in a fair tate of preservation, nnd in nart is used for the residence of the governor of the colony. You may J enter the court, pass through the cor ridors, mount the stair-cases and visit the chambers and council rooms. A laroo hall, known as tbo Armory, is devoted to an immensH eolleotion of arms and armors, that were worn or captured by the Knights, and of tr.tph- les ot war and tournament, xiere uru battle axes that would cleave a giant's ckull, a helmet weighing forty pounds that none but a giant could wear, swords with golden bilts set with dia monds, a breecli-loading gun ana n ropo mado cannon that was taken from the Tuiks. At tbo foot of tho stairs stands tho great carnage of Btate, an antique vehicle, in which, it i said, Napoleon rode at me ueaa oi ins army when ho took possession of Malta. The Counoi Chamber of the Knights, colossal in its sizo with lofiy ceilings and marblo floors, is bung with beautiful and finely-woven tabes- tries that aro covered with figures of An Attack of Gravels Tb TVrrlble naivtiic f a, Wma at 00. JUw fth wm Huppllr Cared, nan U nothing I now mJot lhs I do not mrs tt bavin oJ Dr. David Xnnlj'i ftrorlU Bawd, m4.IBondonl.N.T. Mr trouble, beru itain? UdTi u from which I nrer tiiwsUd to moot. fi lhm " r1B 'a rur 1 u Uh, wlih no artUt ud could not (lwf , I wu oom. rdljd to tu cm. ud flniUj rtl iok lhl I jottld not Uod tlona. TbadUtrMi lamr lack u wnttOk Iwm bureln, tip with trm or oomlurW Irthlnrisrulteold. Mr phrilcluu uld I HAD BRIGHT'8 DISEASE, uhlch m Urroln InfornmUon. To tdd to at ti. etction KM t hi boon Ul about two rww. I tnj a bad attack of Orarcl, Whan IhU tnata It aprw. anca or rhralclaa nn uprnr eaae, and I twfcned mnalJtodla. I had four doctor altand ma, tbo tat In Iho country, ret I conatantlr grew wono. Sit rearaaolatJuna.howwaUIreinmberthotlnial I Bannalr Faror!! llamadr adrerttaod In our rarer. AfttrtulnironabotUal thnwawartn? cana and rait to Now Tork on a Tlalt, and threo bot. tit cured me. I Uto caret had a return of OraTal. nor of lb pain or weekneu In th back, andthowk I am orer alxtr rear of art I am Now Vigorous and Stronso a I wa in m; -IV mIm. . - ... . clXnth hot-iM mad Kirili tonzjn wn wot, toit cepxnarnai" tar rruulchildren. ftn. What fihtrln ftTorlta IteniMr dlil.ll ti.vwi 5"dJ5n U thararloi U.eai0fntl mdni6 a utrorur. Wrnn. n,,,.n Mrt. Euelino r, Mixiier, liursr UllX, Ohio. FAVORITE REMEDY. MotOMdoUar. rnrared atBondouttt.x. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. , Prepared br Pit, DAVID KENNEDY, RONDOUT.N.Y. tl par bottle EllforSS. SralldrsnrUta. &The Greatest Blood Purifier JE rtnuwni m Thla Great Rcrmnn Mcdlclno In the. i chojipcst nnd bept. 12Stlosea&f SUL.j I'lIUllIlITTEIlSfortl.OO.lessthanJ ono com a fioso. ll will cure mvm rn worn cases or skin uisc.isc, rrom common pimiuo on ma lace, ul (lit 'our Kid. Utrn thnt nwful ilfannan fitvfriln. lllsni.l'llITlt IHTTKIlR U lhf 11! best mnllclno to uso In alii III cases of eucn etubborn nndJ Uueep aeatca uiseases. xwneyaaronut Dot CVCr taVO jTnrnr,lnr.ll.r. BLUE PILLS ?,"I',!:.liu,It.r3 ?'mOT7-"!'?,TOuar0Vlcfcn0 tho purest nml beBtIyou u6 . mdlcln. over nude. gpUnj BltttrS I ArouiAoagneuoaieuv - m wlthBycllowRtlckyDon't watt nntll yon tJ Bubstanrc? lsjonrnro unablotownlli.orlTI breath foul nndara flat on your back,! II offcnBlvc? Vour lint Rtt eonio nt III stomach Is outwlll cureyou. Sulphur I I ofonlcr. U8CBUter8l9 III 12 lllTTKU'-jT uu iumiiu D a-iivuutpi Is your llr-trlntcarc soon mndewcll by lno thlckiits ubo. Ilemcmlier what you ropy, clo-JTread here, It may save your uuy, orJUfc. It lias saved hundreds. jViiont wa unui to-morrow, Try a Bottle To-day I Are rou low.srtlrltetl and weak. or BUflei1nir from the excesses of Voulh? If so. bUU'IIUn LITTEOJ will euro you. Send 3 2-ccnt stumps to A. 1. Ordway Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? w HAT AILS YOU? aBVBBBaHHntB9EHES9Bl So yon feel dull, languid, low-spirited, tire less, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone, nesa," or emptiness of stomach In tho mottl ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad tasto In mouth. Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " Moating specks " before the eves, nervous prostration or ex haustion, irritability of temper, hot Mushes, alternating with chilly sensations, ahum, biting, transient pains hero anil there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefresbing sleep, constant. Indescribable tooling of dread, or of impend ing calamity? If you bavoall, or any considerable number ot these, symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your dlseaso has oecorao, tho greater the number and diversity ot symp toms. No matter what stage it has reached, Dr. Pierce's (ioldoit Uledlcnl Discovery will atibduo ir. If tnken according to direc tions for a reasonable length of time, if not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Hbeumatlsm, Kidney Disease, or other grava maladies are quito liable to set In and, sooner or later. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. l'lcrco'a (ioldou .nodical Dl. eovcry acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses tho system of oil blood-taints aud Im purities, from whatever cause arising. It Is equally emcnclous In acting upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, rcstoratlvo tonic. It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. I'lerce'a Ooldeu Medical Dla. eoery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores," Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this nowerful. rurifilng. and Invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under tested Its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Ervsioelas. Holla. Carbuncles. Soro Eves. Ucrof. ulntis Sores and Swellings, lllp-Jolut Disease, Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Pierce's tioiuoii moaicai jjiacuvery, ana gooa digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital "White Swellings," Uoltro. or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored platos.on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Golden digestion. strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula or lite Lunge, I. arrested and cured by tbls remedy. If taken In the earlier stages of the dlseaso. From Its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-tamed rem edy to the publio. Dr. Fierce thought seriously of calling It his "CONSOsirriON CnitE," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medlclno which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or atrengtbenlng, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antl-bllious, pectoral, and nutritive properties. Is unequaled. not only suj idv for Consumntiou. but for all Cliroule Dleeasca ot the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short, neas of Breath, Cbronlo Nnsal Catarrh, Uron chltis. Asthma, Severe Coughs, aud kindred affections. It Is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at 1.00, or Six Dottles for SS.OQ. Or" Bend ten oents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical association, 063 Walu St., UDFFALO, N. Y. RHEUMATISM W. NEURALGIA These twin diseases cause untold suffering. Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure sodolhelrpauenia. raine-a Celery Compound bo per manently cured the worst cases of rheumatism and neuralgia so say those, who have used It. Having been troubled with rheumatism at the knee and toot tor Ave years, 1 was sjmosiunauio hi get aruuuu. and was very otten confined to my bed for weeks at a time. I used only one bob- lie or I'ame's ceiery wn nound. and was perfectly cured. 1 can now lump arouna, ana xeei as uveiy as a boy," rniNKUARou, Eureka, Nevada, 11.00. BlxforW.OO. Druggists. Mammoth testimonial paper tree. Wiixa. IttcaiaiwoH co..Iropa,Durllngton,Vt. 12 NOUSETO OWNIK. ' fatness Celery Compound has been a God send to me. For the past two years I bave suf fered with neuralgia of the heart, doctor after doctor fulling to euro me I bave now taken nearly four bottles ot the Compound, and am free from the romplalnt I feel vry grateful to you." CUAB.II: Lewis,- Central Village, , Paine's Celery Compound I have.licen greatly afflicted with acute rheumatism, und could find no relief until I used 1-alno's tvlery compound. After using six bottles of this medicine I am now cured of rbeumatlo troubles." tUMCKL 11CTCH1N80K, So. Cornish, N. IL Effects Lasting Cures. I'alne'a Celery Compound has jierf onned many other cures as marvelous as these, copies ot letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire ly vegetables a child can take It What's the use of suffering longer with rheumatism or neuralgia! DIAMOND DYcS cob,, than any other foil. I OPCJ Jlappy, Ucarty. U U Vntqualnl. Spring ?89 Ouu Kkfutatiok kou Fikst-Ci.a88 Cl.OTHINO AT Kf.AKONAIIK PllICES Id Well Ksitaumsiikd, Hut This Heabok We JIkan to Kxcki. ai.i. KOIIMEB EkTOUTS. A. C. Yates & Co. Clothing for Men and Boys, Sixth and Chestnut LEtyJKH UUILDINQ. PJtlLADA. BLOOMSBURG PLAKING MILL to. The underslcnid bavin? put his I'lanlng M It inroad Street. In nrst-riasa condition. If r'e ro i to to aiiKinns or worn in nisiinc. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOD i-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urninned ut rHaauuHuietrlcos. All lutnCetuse s well seasoned and cone but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CUAJtl.ES KJUJG, lllnoiiiHliurir, l'n - - What a Comfort! NoDirt! NoFuss! NoDackAcho! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER, and make, the Shoe. WEAR BETTER. Dou't let the women hkve all the be.Ulitag., but use Wolff'sAGMEBIacking ONCE A WEEK FOR MEN. ONCE A MONTH FOR WOMEN. I find It a tip lop Harness Dressing, WOLFP&RANDOLPH,Piladelphl TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undcrsiciiud liavinc been ro etoinl to health by simple mentii, after siulTtitig for several years with n, covert' long afleetion, and that dread diseao CoNbUMrnoK, U arixioiu to mako known to hit fellow HutlVrerfi tlio means of cure. To those w ho desire it, ho will cheerfully send (free of chame) a copy of tho piosoriptioD need, which they will lina a uro euro lor (JONSUJimoN, Abfll.MA, CaTAHHII, lillONClllTia Qiid all tliroat mid huiK Mai.adh.s. He hopes all Riifferors will try his Remedy, aa it 19 invaluable. Thoso desirinc the prescription, which will cost them noth itiir, and may piovo a b'esBinir, will pleao nittlrCB', Isev. Hiiwaiiu A. WH hon, Willinrnsbu rjf, lviiigs Uonnty, Now York. A-ifc-oo.-deo-7-ly F HRE IN8DBANCB CHKI8TIAN V. KNAPF, DLOOM8BDKU.PA. iiuai u, ur rt. z. MEItCllANTS', OP NSWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. rEOl'LES' N. Y. tIEKMAN AM EIUCAN INS. CO..NEW VOKK. OKEENWICII INS. CO., NKWYOHK. JEHSKY CITY FIRE INS. CO., JEHSEY uui, tit These nu coKrOBATions are well seasoned bi aire and tiri iistid and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their onsets are auinveswainBoun Bxcuainsa aro iiaoiototne azard oi fixe only. LOBsea rROMPTLY and honestlt adlustedand jaia as soon as aeLermmea oy iiaiBTi&N r. cArr, sriciAL aoimt and Adjustxx BboouaBowi, 'IV. Theneonlaof Columbia county should natron- US the agency where losses It any are settled and paia oy one oi (ner own citizens. ruuat-fH&sa. jtvun , itaih juunu PENSIONS ! PENSIONS I U.S PENSIONS duo many officers. Koi.dikrs. Sailt-hs, tbelr Widows, cuilphrn and Drpknobht rjiKBKTS everywnpre. it in aouDt, or any i-ension Information wanted, write here. NoWasblDton, u, u or oiner Agency bo aavaniagcoua as mis is. JF-ThousnnrtHof rcnKlona asrgrefratintr millions of dollars, obtained through thla Agency, and others a Mowed dally, .3 Adore? s with two b tarn pa Coum elor at Law, X-t Cm OtrflU niH, A1C111UI1, It U. (Late U. S. lenslon Apent, N. J. Bvt. Urlir. Cienl.) taKeferstoGov., U. 8. sen's and M. Us N. J.. Posts O. A. IL, and Pensioners all U. a, Connda sc. Feb 16-r-4t 85 Sftlld o!d w.uw I BOW 101 m 1 WU, BaiUl Usltlj. I mii f u witct is th worui. rent a a. n oonu uoia aud inU' tlti.wltk warka nil CUM f M)VI ). One Pevom la Mch l rUirrwltb r vt sod vtU ibt Un of IIourhold Nftmple Tt troplt. Wll Ufl fUh, W tCasd Prn. ttkd ttUt Tea bavt kttft horn for S motttb nd ahofra Ibtm I Ibom 4 1 mamma 1 MfijmmuiL- r tkm In roar maj Bkva th writ nd flamplt Httuaoa tic Co. Uft Hl,l,rU(u4,llUf. M, C. SLOAil & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAOES BUDDIES, PHAETNS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQNS kZi First-close work always on hand. BEPAlRhsUNEA 1LYD0N&. Drift reduced to tuit the timet. men and nnlnialp, reprcscntlntr scenes V various part of tho world. In tho ooriiuora may bo nen tlnnrtd ol knlghU tin 1 mun-at-arms in full nnr.oi, beat inn; upon toeir alilelde the cpctiloli. eons of Iho Gracd Mastir from tbo founding of their order. Throughout tho city and i'lnmla many lino buildings thnt weio used for hr.ppilftla nnd Inns, of which one wns hcI, npnrl for ench rinlionnliiy. Most of thtflo aro in n ruinous stale, and nto used ty iho inhabitants ior ordinary purposes, somo of them bfiiif trans fiirmrd into lub houses nnd bnll rooms, and othi rs made to servo as residences and wnrelioiiBcf. Of tho chuiehes, whioh wero mnde ll tj ft ature of the nge, that of St. John n mains the moil striking nnd tnagt ifi cent, Yen enter the oitnl with the ft cling that tho past is looking down upon you. Tho lttciior is handsomely dt corated, the ecilitg nt.d unllsct n Ininitig man) beautiful paintings of Uthlicnl hCiiies nnd eharacttis. T.o iloor eonsts of inln!d Blabs of marM1, I earing the tiects nnd coats-of-arms of tho Knights wi o were buried bom-nth tlein The ornaments 01 tho altar aie iiiaih- ol solid gel. I and silver, nnny of uhieh were cariii-d away by tlio Kretieh early in thu cebtury. 1 lie old capital of Malta, formerly calltd Mfdinn but now known as Uiltn Vtcchin, sittiatut u few milts from tho city, nit hough In luins nnd well nigh ('oMited fo far ns n placo can bo abm duiied in a dinsely profiled it-latid, is nu t lijeet of interest to which you are likely to bo directed. Tlio way lea Is oii along n hard nnd stony load, which is fenced in by high stono walls mtiioly shutting off tlio view on either side. The old city occupies an cni'in tnce, commanding a fair view of tho iflmid, nnd straggles otcr a considern hie area. On your nrrival at tho entrance yon nru Importuned by a host of bojs nnd int-n, who aio perfectly willing lo hold jOur horso or servo as guide for n nominal fie. They will show you thiough tho old cathedral iu which are still found some of the paintings of tho iiialir; tbey will direct you to the Cave ol Su Paul, which is fifteen feet in diameter and twelto feet deep, wtiero tho apostle is paid to have dwelt for threo months, nnd in which a can dle is kept burning continually; they will point out tho catacombs, which wtru dug by tlio Saracens aud afttr wards used by the Knights as a place of seclusion for the living and of burial for tbo dead, and which com municated by an underground passage with Valletta nine miles distant; they will take you to tho iuins of nn old Roman villa, the walls and mosaic floors of which havo but recently been uncovered. And if you aro not ex hausted they will advise you to return to tho city by way of numerous litllu villages, which you will be very likely to do, to relieve tbt tedious l ido if for no other purpose. The island of Malta has a dense population, numbering ono hundred and fifty thousand, of which nearly a balf aro residents of Vallttta, and many aio gathered in villages and communities. Thoy aro a frugal people, and aro engaged in gardening and trade. Old ideas and customs pre vail among tbem. Tho Italian lan guage is generally spoken by the belter classes, although the nalivo tongue is mixed ono. They are devoted to the affairs of Church, and sustain excellent schools and social institutions. In matters of amusements the tastes of the English society dominate, among whom Italian opera and balls are held in high favor. Tho carnival sensor, however, which occurs in tlio month of Kebruury, reprt-senls tho height of popular enjoyment, tho great features of which seem to be proctssions of peoplo in grotesque costumes and with bands of musio, making a perfect pandemonium of thu plica for days together. It is at this timo that every body exercises a ctrtaiti privilego of throwing bits of hard candy fiom the streets and windows at thu pasBer-by, even to the peril of his eiuj and hi ad, although to thu intinito delight of everyone elso. Tho boipitalitv of iho eood people of Malta and tho official courtcs es, shown towards us during our stay in port, wero of tho kindliest natute. The reception and ball of tho governor in tho ola 1'alace enabled American naval officers' to meet their English cousins of her majesty's fleet and army, whoso representatives were pres ent in large numbers, a compliment which we were able only in part to ro. turn on shipboard under the stais and stripes of our national ensign. SAi.ienunv. PATENTS, Teats and Trade Marks obtained, and all l'atcnt sldess conducted for modkk vrK FEES. OUU OFFICE It) Ol'f.'SlTK V. 8. PATENT VPlnR- U'nhtvAnn mlh.iitri.nnlr-fl.fltl tmslnaxft direct, hencocan transact patent business In less itme ana ai less i'ust tnan tuose reinoie rrom Washington. Bcod model, drawing, or pboto,wlth description. We advise If patentable or not, tree ot charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A book,"iiow to Obtain raU'nts,"witbrcference8 o actual clients In your State, county, or town. C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent oaioe, washtnston, n.C THE WORLD . Of TO-DAY. A MAHN1FICENTATIAS OP TUB WOULD. In one lart'o quarto volume, 10 ill Inches In sue, containing no pages ot handsomely en irrai tvland colored man9 Also an Index ot over v (O cities, rivers, -eto., throughout the world, giving exact location. Cloth, price i puis ouu postage A beautiful, accu-ate. convenient and Comoro- henslve atlas, a marvel or art, ol Information and of prl-e, the equal of tut best ttOOO atlas ever puu'.aut-u. A 11 NIlY ATLAS OF TIIK WOULD. A neat and convenient volume, containing HIS t-olored maps, diagrams, tables etc., descriptive of every country in the world, carefully cla&sine-l and skillfully arranged tor oay reference, too pages oi iniormation, vutuoie au i avauauie. c-iuiu, price xac, piu u, A guld book: to the whole world, a pocket cyclo pedia, a marvel of value and cheapness, and a aany companion ot every newspaper reuer. sent by mall on receipt of price and pnst age. Encloso Postordce Money order. New York Pratt, or Postal Note tit full amount. EloxO. shisbuky, 118 Qulncy at., Urooktyn, N, Y. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm' Cleanses the Na il Passages, Al'iyi 1'aln and lulUrr mstloD, Urals tut Bores, ltcttorci thej Semes olTuste and Smell. TEY THE 0UBE.MAY- A nartlele la annlUd Uto each nostril, and la agreeable. 1-rlce tw oeut at , pruirglsta by mall regit tend, CO eta. ELY UHOTlMui, M Warren mrMt, new Vnc. rab ikwI aaPflV'HI EC Everybody Likes to be called handsome, especially the young ladies, litit tuat is simply im possible ai lonir as their faco is covered with pimples, blotches and sores, iiut wait, there is no need of this; one or two bottles of Sulphur Hitters will ro move all such d (-figurations, and mako your faco fair nnd rosy. Fannie Hell, Jidt tress. A farmer who is so obstinate that no persuasion wi'l induco him to try an experiment, may lit- driven to it by want. Tate Strings, Tenn., July 4, 188S. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: During the spring of 1871, while working In the field at my home In Morgan county, Ga., I pulled off my shoes to give my feet rest. Unfortunately, I walked Into a clump of poison oalc, and In a few days my feet were in a terrible condition, and I could not put on a shoe because of the soreness and swelling. I was treated as poison oaV cases usually are, and e erythlng was healed up. About the same time the following spring, 1873, my feet became sore again, as at first, and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the dis ease, only each time It became more dis tressing, because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally, I was Induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, nnd no evidence of the disease remains, I shall take pleas ure in testifying as to Us curative proper lies. It Is the greatest blood purifier In ex istence. Yours truly, J, L. Morgan. The foregoing certificate Is taken at random from thousands of letters in posses sion of the Swift Specific Co., and presented simply u a sample. It. Ja. a, (Voluntary statement, giving fact and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question. A valuable TreatU on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlsata. lit 0 Cash Is offered to the person who shall send in tht largest cumber of yauly subscribers to the Ladies' Home Journal between now and Jnlr 1st, 1SSD, at 60 cents per rutr-UALV l'RIOB. JJtrr Hal dale, nontKripUotu ttccivedjor lot IAa ti mover vear. sou S300 Is oUered' respectively for neit raaunuaior. largest clubs. Agoodcaibco ton paid for VER every subscriber secured. If desired. Instead of Sremlams. lion Areas or dollars can be made urlng the nsit six mouths, br men. women or children. W furnish free sampl coplts, post- Rumfbrd YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Koliablo." Rostores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates lost In bolting. No othor powder does this. It is healthful and nutritious. Put up in bottles. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY WALT WHISKEY. DMTII.I.SD from selected Hsrley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and telds often c ontalned In alcoholic ''f'? JiVI especially adapted to persons requiring n . stimulating tonic, tonsumplltes .being rreatlv benentted ny us use. nevuraiui:uui-u uj ivuuiu pJB,m y niinii 'iiiKntivn. For consumtitltis it IS Invaluable l'mitlNkS rUltB llAHI.KY MALT whisKKV Insures a retuiupr viifor to the rtomach, S0w ntTnetltc a rich and abundant blood nnd increased flesE and musculartlssuc. A nMmtitAntmttdnndirentiein enf-ci. uyBpepsia, iuuiKeii" uim n.. 7 "!'-"'','- . eawsca-M entirely twiqucred by the use or 1 eirint- s I me li.,rlcy a t Whiskeys V?;; ... ..VU...:.. i,r .npnirthrnpr to the entire srstem. ltlNK'S I tiltK IIAHLEV MALT W11I8KKV has proved a medicinal Proiectlon to hnn who nursaetneir avocations in vneupeu n """"s"""' e,c?pttona .powers, of endurance. A 10-1 .nj HSSJ" ?nw and rlrorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases from the "ystern. Kke of everr Nation and persons w horn a eedontary lite renders prone to Jffif 'GSMSt ' powe?iuf Vn'vlS" The analysis as It appears by the La Jnd hilwr to dliMtloi" PKUlflNKvlhelonem SoSStinclsthe effects offatlguf, haraetals and acids and ' ."W tens convttlowcnco nnd Is a wholesome Ipore."-, "a ttur flgr, and prompt diuretic. Watch the label 1 1 to-ottu a the IMwrtUUt aMunlcJi, None cenulno unless bearing the slgna Itfeiietnand Wetitxulen turt B Vul KRie 11, all druzfrsts and grocers throughout the united States and Canada, BBSBBSlSBBBBllHBSSIBBBBllHBBlillBBnailllV 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PH31A TAtiaAf v nv tinirnniafSl inn AT.f. TlKfcT.PtRS. I uiijauu u iriwuuiniu " ENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. 80I.K iOSNTS FOR F.F.ADAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents ot the fol lowing oranas 01 Cigars. IIENltY CLAY, LONDRES, NOltMAL, INDIAN PKINCSS8, SAMSON, S1LVEH ASH. iwk Bros. (I Co, WllOLESALK OEALEIltl IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLB AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLARDS MICMDIES. rllESn VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANY OHDElt FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH TUB LOWEST AS FOLLOWS I ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; (JlvISAM wins, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. C B. JBOBMNS, DEALER IN Fmeigm audi Mum im WINES AND LIQUORS km JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. We liave in Block a finer line of mufica iriFlrumcuts than has ever been bought in bin rection, and we are making special nducemcnts to purchasers for the holiday season. We get our instruments direct frtra the manufactories, and ean offer v 0 ''ettcr ,e,m9 than can be given bv any inner piruce, THE 1VERS & POND PIANOS stand at the bead. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE nt the BOSTON CONSERVA gj TORY of MUSIC. One of tho latest improvements is the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enabled one to p;ay witboui disturbing anyone in the vicinity and with little wear to the instrument. IPP in 1 WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STUCK & CO PIANO, after thirty years of severest tet-t are used, 011 account o! unequalled durability, by CG colleges and many others in the United S'r.tes. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, with new repeating action, best in the world for upright plan and tho first and only perftct repeating action introduced with uptight piano. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation oi 38 years. A arrautee of five year is given with each instrument. It is the lest medium-) rict-d piano in the market. Woven Wire Fencing iRoposoivago Our LINE of ORGANS is very complete, wo havo THE CELEBRATED ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATES, and other makes. SEWING MACHINES. Wo hnve the celebrated WHITE, NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME. STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and uifw lrnttw NEW HOML Pimos Organs aud Seuing Machines old on iiiht'illiiient plan. Wo have also buijos, guitars, Guriuat-vccorilonn-', blow accordenii", tinted, lifis. mouth mgati!', druni-i, ifcti. Fivo hundred pieoes of tun cent sheet music, ivo., tvc. Seco'id hand' iiianoe, organs aud fowini: machines an Int.d, and received in exchange for in.-w ones. Agent for Butteriek nnd Damestlo paper patterns and fai-hiou bonks. Sowing machine nenlli-c, oils and attaohmvnts for all machine-i .ilways in block, Blooinsburg l'a. J. Saltzer, General Agent. uu iuc. rtinita foil atd4.1GUrrh,ilra .11 inr i lOTer drllAI.i T.ll'.lV...,,;! rsBie-4-tt frluiJL I J.tV. I bmutturEH'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS -Cj MS CX0B3 SlAltOHB nun Tw UrL.U.1 ..I , , . .iiar.iJiii,7.Ti2,y? DiSmoad BranS. In tfi All 1.1. la taiM. V BOO TO .92 PER,HOD. rcb sj o o HINDERCORN8. r i5Srf5&Wi -rVTvrn ABiniiUBltfi? tlntim t-nnjh Jifpn'i'i'lS i."U'E'Vnn'"fir'i! K??oS.frS.3.n, ffiV.T.rV.r'BrVllWrtrtni laeSlT?SStiltin. TalelaUme. Mo. an4 $u& Mar l-att. 1 wm i iilci r ni, lrtd In All P". tM tiiarlnr ant tntcblSNl btm, w will ttnd free to ftn nm iitut lorBiiij.ina Ttry iwtitrniclit) mAm la world. with ill tht ttatbrntftU. W will alM teed free romplct lint cf cuf cotilf end 1ubl tit .Mtnplci la rHurn wa tiki ihii yon 'tbow what wt and, to iho who may rail at your no t. aaa mnn b oMUf, iBia rrana wiraiin ia trlaafiar tka Hlnser paienla kiK ha ran out i hfon tMtlnia run out It an Id for SOU, wlih tho a tarn-iMii. mw now mia iwr SAOi Rt.airoBMl,fnoai om. ruttnatrnln la lh world. All U Jtrtt. No fiPlial rvnnlrvd. Tlaln. trriif inMneilonarlTro. Ina who wriia w oa ai onra canar-. cort free iho bt wtnr-fnachlnt m mo worm, ana ido Vnf imfofwi.rkafbtrh ortatrr ahown tofMhr In America. 'A'll-K.fcCO., liox Augiwlu, Alulne, QHATEFUL COMFOUTINO. EPP'S COCOA. IIHEAKFA8T. "Iir a thoroutti koowlcdeoof tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion ana nutrition, and by a careful application of tho lino properties ot well-selected - ocoa. Jlr. Eppshas SroMdid our breakfast tahles with n djllcatcly avnrcd beverage w hlch may Bave us many heavy doctors' bllK It Is by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency to dl easo. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us re dy to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping o- rselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourMied f rnme.-,-C(rfl Serttce Clatrtte. iladeslmrly with boiling water or milk, sold only in halt pound tins, by Uroccrs, labelled thus t JAMES KITS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, octso-d-Et, London, England, RAILROAD TIME TABIiB Mai T-ELAWARB, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKHN KA1L110AD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. ru NOHTntniBIKLAND ft 40 Cameron o ds ChulaBky 6 (0 Danville 0 08 Catawlssa c 25 ltupert.. 6 3u llloomsDurg 6 so Espy r. 42 LlmelUdge. 6 50 willow orove . ... o bi llrlarcreek 6 63 lierwlck r 05 lieach Haven 7 11 Ulck'B Ferry 7 18 Hhlckshlnny 7 so Hunlock's 7 43 Nnntlcoke 7 CO Avondale 7 54 l'lymouth 7 59 PI j mouth Junction,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 08 Dennett 8 13 Waltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 22 West I'ittston 8 27 nttston 8 S3 Lackawanna 6 40 Tailor vine. 8 48 liellevue 8 64 BCU1NTOH.... 9 00 r u r m 1 35 NOIITH. A. U. A, 10 10 0 15 STATIONS. A M HCRAKTON 0 10 liellevue f. it Taylorvllle. s 20 Lackawanna. 6 2S Huston 8 SB West Ilttston 6 42 Wyoming. 6 47 Maltby tl llennett . e 65 Kingston C f8 l'lymouth Junction 705 riymouin 7 10 Avondale. , Nanilcoko Hunlock's ShtckBhlnny Hick's Kerry. , Head) Haven , lierwlck Ilnarcreek. Willow Orovo LlmelUdge. K'py Iiloomsburg llupert , Catawlssa Danville , Chulasky, Cameron NOUTDl'MBSKLAND.. , T 14 . 7 19 . 7 S . T 47 , 7 65 8 01 , 8 07 8 13 8 10 H 20 S 2S 8 32 S 37 , 8 2 8 67 9 03 . 9 07 . !) !S A U 1 63 it 14 2 19 2 24 2 29 2 48 2 64 2 69 3 09 3 19 3 26 3 85 8 39 8 43 3 62 3 5 4 01 4 22 r 11 A M 9 60 9 65 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 80 10 34 10 3S 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 65 11 02 11 12 II 22 11 28 11 87 ii"4S 11 62 11 69 12 05 12 10 12 15 12 80 1240 12 6 r u 10 25 10 29 10 35 10 63 11 (10 11 07 11 15 11 23 11 25 11 80 11 37 11 44 11 48 11 68 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 SO 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 65 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r u SOUTH, ru 2 06 i"u 2 21 2 23 2 31 2 39 247 2 60 2 54 2 89 8 03 3 06 3 19 3 29 8 89 8 45 8 51 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 40 4 64 6 00 6 15 r 11 6 : 6 31 C 40 A (S 7 05 7 12 7 SU 7 27 7 31 7 85 7 42 7 49 65 8 06 8 IT 8 22 8 39 8 33 8 88 8 45 8 49 8 53 8 53 0 0-1 9 09 9 17 V 25 9 80 85 A U ru G 20 6 25 6 30 6 87 6 45 610 6 65 0 69 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 87 8 31 S 35 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 it! T U & Connections at Itnrtert wtih phtinrimnhi Heading Kallroad for Tamanend, Tamanua, Will tamsport, Hunbury. rottsvtlle, etc. At Narthum berland with P. E. Dlv. I". it. It. for HarrUburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. TV. r. nALSTEAD, Gen. Man.. scranton, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis"3 ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect Nov, is i883. Trains leave fiunimiy EAHTWAllD .4o a. in., sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrlsburg and Intermediatestatlons, arriving at l-hlladelphla3.l5 p. m.; New York, 6.50 p. ro. ; Baltimore, 4.45 n. m. : Washington 5.55 p, m connecting at l-hlladelphla for all sea Shore points.. Through passenger coach to rmiaaeipnia. . p. m. nay express liAllv ATf-r-Ttt ftnnrinv frt v H n 1, , . . fllfttt' stations,-arriving at Philadelphia n.60 p. m. j New York, 9.85 p. m. t Baltimore J.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.00 p. ro. Parlor car . tllill...l.kl. j ' . tu.wugii .u 1 luiaunuuin uuu iaB&rnger coacnes through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 1,46 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (daily for HarrlBburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 5.15 s.. m. ; Washington so a. m. : Pullman sleeplngcarfrom Harrlsburg to Phlladel phla and New York, Philadelphia paswngers oan ,.. V. i. 'rw' iinniamroea until 7 a. m. Wllllam-.port on Sunday's. ..!I-N,a-J!1':-Erlf' -Mall (dally) for Harrleburg and Intermediate stations, arr'ving at Philadelphia 8.85 a. m. New York, a. m. : Baltimore e.16 in. , n usumgiuD, v.soa. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run onthls train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and through passen gcr coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WBSTWAKU. . 1 1I A M 1111 I. 1 1 . 1 . . . . . w.-jjup jiinn lunuji. itr j rie ara Bi intermediate stations ana Canandalgua aid intermedlato stations, Itochester, Buffalo ard cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Jiocnet. 9.53-News ExpreBs (dally except Sunday) for lockllavenand Intermediate stations. .- v. ui. fiioKiiru repress (aany except sun u y) tor Kane ar.olntermedlatestatlonB and Can. at algua andprlnclpal intermediate stations, uuuaio ana Niagara rails witn tnrmiRh passenger conches to Kane and nochester Snil 1'Hrlfir (.Art nU-llll-manftr, 6.30 p.m. Fast Unetdstly except Sundavlfbr He. novo and Intermediate stations, and Klmlra, Wat. kins and Intermediate stations, w 1th through pas. 9.20 a. ra. Sunday mall for ltenovo ana tnterme- alate Rf ct lor Tintoi'oii TiiAi.Ns rniiRDNinatv fkomthb W 1 1.T 1 Ulllmirii nt-irouuill dnnilflv mall llntn. TH,ll...l.l I. . nn . - - Ilarrlsbur7.40anllngat Minl-ury 9.80 a.m. News Express leaea l'Klladelphla 4.S0 a.m. Harrlsburg, Mn a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at funbury 9.63. n. ni. b uhiix.i., . . . Jjtagara Express ieaT08 Philadelphia, 7,40 a. m. Baltlmoie7.60a. m.(dally except Stindny arrlvlrig at Sunbury, 12.62 p. m.. wiui inrougn ranor car from Philadelphia pblaand Hallluinre, .. "'iniiirw ioisd.uo a.m. I'uiiaoei pbla,il.50 a. m. j Washington, 9.60 a. m. : Haiti. SiiSt.S.15 "..,,,u"' ' "fl" ounaay) arriving at sunbury, 6.mip.ra.. w iu through pasaengei coachesimn Pluiadeiphla and lialtfmore. Hrlft Mull IMV.B Xlaw V.rl-DwiK . HLII...I .7:" " iui.(i.i.iu,iU(i liiiiauoi. Phla, 11.25 p. m. j Washington, 10.00 p.m.t Haiti. more,ii.2op. in,, (dally) arriving at sunbury 6.10 f'iitS-l i!i 'Hi0"?11 ''"lima" Meeplng care Irom v.r... 1 r "wouii'SH'li ttH'l UOIUIUVIO B11U biougu passenger coaches Irorn Philadelphia KU.1!?.,'.K.y,!MZ,',''ON " ir.KKHIUHUK jiii.iiiiai Am, IMUHTII AND WBST llirtNIUI IIAIMVAY. ., . except Sunday.) Wllkesharril Mall Iabva. unnlT,,. a m a n gl Bloom Kerry 10.46 a, m., wiikes-b'arre jtxprcss saat leaves Sunbury 5.36 p. m., arriving ai Uioom Hrry 6. id p. m., wusi-a-barro 7.tO p. in Sunburv Mull lenil. UiU0.i...n Is. ' "lUZ Ing at Blofiin Ferry 11. a.m., Hunbury 12U'p. m i?l'.rT.,"r"l.1.,0VC' w'ies tBrrea.06p. w.,ar vlng at Uloora rcrry p, to., sunbury s,sop.ra SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 4:86 a. m., arriving Sunday accommodation leaves W Ilkes-Barrc 6:10 F-'wp' rn s 11 Ul0Ola KelTr' v,m" Bttntn,'r . dllA-H. It. PUGI1, J.M.WOOD. I Qoa.l(acagef Gta, raiUotet UM