The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 08, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
powder never varlos. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomencss. Wore reonomlc.u
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude ol low tost, abort
weight alum or phosphate towdere. Sola onlv In
cam. KOTALlIlilNarowDtBCo., lie Wall Bt-.N.Y.
The Columbian
. rublUhed every Friday. Subscription price,
$1.00 a s ear.
Entered at the I"ost omco at Bloomsburg, fa.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1(88.
FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1880.
Taking effect MONDAY. NOVBMDRIt it, 1888.
Ar. Ar.
p. u. 1.11.
LT. Lv.
A.M. P. V.
8 33 2 25
8 4 2 30
8 43 2 42
00 2 57
10 3 21)
9 23 3 36
9 30 3 42
t 37 3 60
9 47 4 15
9 61 4 20
9 53 4 21
10 00 4 24
10 04 4 33
10 12 4 40
10 15 4 43
io 20 4 ro
Ar. Ar.
a. k. r. u.
r. h.
6 40
6 51
6 34
7 01
7 08
t 16
7 81
7 88
7 43
7 53
7 60
8 00
8 05
8 10
8 15
8 19
8 23
p. M.
Bloomsburg......... 1 19
Main street s 18
Irondale a 16
'aperMlll....... 0 04
Llghtatrcet. S 03
OrangoTlllo s 61
1! M 7 58
12 CO 7 CO
12 tO 7 48
12 SJ 7 45
12 20 7 85
12 00 1 SO
11 S3 7 15
11 43 7 10
fOrlB) O 43
9 41
Coles Creek..
S 37
S 28
a S3
II SI) 7 00
11 20 0 M
11 15 6 32
11 10 6 43
11 05 8 45
10 67 0 88
10 KS tt
10 43 0 89
s so
Bugarloaf, 6 is
Laubacns, R is
central o 06
Echo Park. a 03
Jamison city.... 0 oo
A. 11. A. M.
Trains on the P. & It. It. It. leave Itupert it.
follows t
7:22 a. ra. 11:04 a. m.
3:42 p. m. 6.-20 p. m.
Tralnson the D. L. & W. It. ll.loavo Bloomsburg
as ollows:
7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
10.57 a. ra. 12:00 p. m.
;2:24 p. ra. 4:18 p. m.
8:38 p.m. 8:17 p.m.
Trains nn tha S.tW.B, Railway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows :
10:43 a. in. 11:55 a. m.
e.20 p. a. 4-30 p. m.
10:16 am 5:39 pm
Mahoh 8m E. W. M. Lowe will sell
valuable personal property, on tbo premises
Mahou 8tii. John II. Lunger will sell
valuable personal property on the premises
of John U. Fritz, in Jackson township at
1U o'clocK a. m. liorscs, cows, larm lm
plemcnts, household articles, etc.
n ...... o rtnHil pn..m anil l,nMAa
cows, pigs, farm machinery, household and
kitchen lurnlturc on tits premises in item
lock townshp, across the creek at Ited
llock bridge at 10 a. in.
Makoii 18. William Ash will sell per
sonnl property on his premises In Fishing.
crecK lownsnip, at iu a. m.
March 14. Tho administrators of Samuel
Nungesser will sell a tarm in Beaver town
ship on the premises at 10 a. m,
March 14. 0. A. Harman will soil
horses, cattle, farm machinery, wagons,
sleds, etc., at his residence in Mlfllln twp.
at half past nine o'clock, a. m.
Saturday, Maiioh 10th. Mrs. Mary
Jones administratrix, will sell valuable
real estate on lato premises of John U.
Jones, East Street, Bloomsburg Pa. Sale
commences at 10 o'clock a. m.
Mauou 18. H. T. Smith will sell valu
able personal property on his farm near
Benton, at 10 a. ra. Horses, cows, farm
implements, etc.
March 10. I. K. Krickbaum, adminis
trator of Andrew Kunyan, will sell valu
able real estate and personal property on
tbo premises In Benton township, at 1
o'clock I'. M.
March 10. T. F. Belles will sell valu
able personal property on the premises of
O. L. Bellea in Benton township near
Hulme farm at 10 a. ui. Horses, cows,
farm implements, etc.
MARon 21. John Zanerwill sell farming
implements and Uvo stock on his premises
In FlBhingcreck township. About twenty
bead of horses will be sold.
.March 22. Geo. E. Elwcll, administra
tor of James Commons, will sell real es
tate in Bloomsburg at 10 a. m.
Fou Sale. Thirty acres of timber land In
Pine township, two acres cleared, property
of Mrs. Mary A. Joyal. Inqulro of Geo.
E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg, for terms. tf
For Sale. Fifty-sevcn acres of land In
Sugarloaf township, being part of the
"Wolcott Harvey farm. Good farm land,
anda valuable timber tract. Inrjuiro of
Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg. tf
Foit Hale. A valuablo vacant lot on
Market Street, three good store propeities,
twelve dwellings, six farms, two grist mills,
one saw mill, also a good farm of 807 acres
in Virginia, by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and
Heal Estate Agt., Bloomsburg. Pa
Fob Sale. A valuable farm In Madison
Township containing 115 acres, fine build
ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If
not sold at private sale by Jul) 1st, will be
sold at public sale. For terms inquire of
J. S. Williams, BloDmsburg. tf.
For Sale. A farm, situated In Frosty
Valley, 87 acres, good timber land, house
and barn, good well of water, young applo
orchard, etc. Must bo sold by 1st of
March. Apply to J. S. Williams, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Fou Saijc. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
janSOtf, L. N. Moteb.
Fob Hent. A deslrablo dwelling house
on Eighth street. Inquire at this olllce.
Fou Sale. An elegant walnut sideboard
with large mirror, as good as new, will be
sold cheap. Inqulro at Coloudian office, tf.
O. A. Jacobv will sell valuablo house-
bold furniture on tbo 22nd Inst, at 11
Wanted. Not less than two teams to
stock a saw-mill with at least one million
feet of lumber. Apply to J, F. Itlnk at
Ids home at LIgbtstrect or at the mill.
Mar. 8-8w
Mrs. AUco Hughes ot Shamokln visited
friends In this place last week,
Mrs. Arthur Bloom of Grant, Ncbraska(
is visiting ber relative here.
Q. A. Potter proprietor of tho Mlllvllle
UhbUl was In town Friday of last week.
W. H. Deraott of; Eyora Grovo was in
town Tuesday on business.
He?. W,Ot Lovcrett spent Tuesdayjin
Uetblchcra at a incotlng of.tha Standing
Will Snyder, a graduato of the Coldm.
wan olllce, now employed at Yordy's,
Wllkes-Barre, spent Sunday In town with
Among those who'altended.tbo Jnaugnr.
atlou at Washington on tbo 4tb were Mr.
and Mrs. J. 8. Blue, Mr. aod Mrs. J, Wil
son, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waller, Mrs. Col.
Jameson, W. S. Hlibton, Capt. J. It. Rob.
son, J, C. Brown, W. L. Foruwald, L. V.
Moyer, W. S. Moyer, 0. L. Sands, Geo,
Moyer, B. F. Hicks, Olaacoer Caiucrnn, E.
D. Edgar, Mr, William .Hantaan,
Wednesday ttio Clh Inst, was Aali-Wed-ncaday,
tho flrat day of Lent.
Vino Cabinets In vlgnctlo or scroll,
tf M'KlllIp Bros.
Dolls, pimples, hives, ringworm, tetter,
and alt other manifestations ot Impure blood
aro cured by Hood's Barsaparllla.
Paul E. Wirt Esi. lint Itist nlac.od annth-
cr handsome walnut secretary In Ids ofllrr.
It was obtained through W. J. (Jorell &
While, Conner & Bloan, Ornngcvlllo l'n.
oiler for salo a full lino of bob sleds, hand
and power corn iliellcrs, also tbo cclc
brated Lion fodder cutter and crushcr.fU
Dcn't fall to seo Hartley Campbell's great
play, "Kate," rendered by tlio emotional
actress, Miss Lee Lunar and company, at
tbo Opera House tills Friday evening.
Mr. Qcorgo Itugbcs ot Shamoktn, and
Dr, Winner of this place, havo opened a
livery stable In building It tck of (lie Cen
tral Hotel.
The members ot tlio Ilescuo II. & L. Co,
will give a ball In Friendship Hall next
Thursday evening, for the benefit of Henry
Williams, one of their members. A liberal
patronage Is solicited.
The "Fate" company, that will appear
at the Opera House this (Friday) cvcilng,
catrlca Its own special scenery for tbo pro
duction. "Tho Waterfall In the Olen," Is
aid to be a most beautiful scene.
The Prohibition Amendment campaign
will be opened In Moomsburg with an ad
dress In tho Opera Houso on Tuosday
March 12th, at 8 p. m. by Col. T. B. Do-
maree, Orand Lecturer of the Grand Lodqo
I. O. O. T.
Work of grading for tho connection
link, along the D. L. & W.Jrallroad, for
the Itcadlmr railroad and Uloomsburg and
Sullivan, Is progressing as rapidly as can
be expected, at this season. It Is expected
that the branch will be complctedjby June
List of letters remaining In Post Office
at Benton Pa. for month ending Feb. 28.
A. D. McHoory, Elmer Laubach, W
Knight, 0. II. Johnson, Miss Mary Belles.
Persons calling for theso letters will
please say advertised.
Ella E. Appleman, P. M.
Bad blood causes dyspeptla and dyspep
sta reacts by c using bad blood. So both
go on, growing worse, until the whole sys
tem is poisoned. The surest means of re.
lief for the victim Is u thorough and per.
ststcnt course of Aycr'a Sarsaparllla.
The Stato Normal School of this district,
at Uloomsburg will begin the spring terra
on Monday April 1st, 1880. The attend
ance now 'a tho largest In any winter term.
Improvements keep pace with the growing
numbers. Military training and a well
supplied reading-room are among the re.
cent advantages. Mar. 8-2t.
The Hector of St. Paul's Church leuds
special thanks to tho members of the new
Orchestral Association for the very accept'
able music at the Opera House, in connec
tion with Mrs. Calhoun's recitations.
Their well rendered selections added very
much to the pleasure of the evening's enter
The "Fate" company, which will appear
at the Opera Houso this (Friday) evening,
is playing this week In Pennsylvania towns,
having a week's Intermission between their
appearance in New York and Philadel
phia. Thoy will begin a week's engage
ment on Monday night at the Kensington
theatre, Philadelphia.
II. V. Whlto ."has made porno improve
ments in his olllce. The rooms are newly
papered and painted, a door has been cut
from the hall into the front room, and the
books and shelving have been removed to
tbo back rojm. The front room will bo
used as an oftlco for the extensive grain
aud coal business ot 11. V. White & Co.
A large new sate has been recently placed
in the office.
Tbo homo of tho lato Deborah Harrison,
deceased, fronting 101 feet upon Eist
Street, upon which is erected a lino dwell
ing house, hiving been put up to public
sale Friday last and not sold; the sale
was adjourned to Tuesday March 15th, 10
o clock a. m., upon the premises, by Win.
Cbrisman the Trustee, at which' time the
same must be sold. Here Is a bargain for
some one.
List ot letters remaining in the Poet Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Mar.
5, 1880.
Mr. Will J. Beagle, William Brewer, Mr.
J. 13. Butler, Mr. Jack Fox, Mr. tlyland,
Mr. Joseph 8. Miller, Miss Mary E. Nuss,
Miss Katie, Overdorf, Emma Sweeney,
Miss Amanda Smith, Mr, Thomas Slckels.
Persons calllnc for these letters wib
please say "advertised."
QEoitas A. Clark, P. M.
Tbo olllce of the St. Elmo has undergone
some changes during the past week. A
lunch counter has been put In, and a good
meal can bo obtained at any hour of the
day. The menu consists of oysters in
every style, ham, eggs, bologna, cheese,
sandwiches, &c. The hotel will be con
ducted the samu as heretofore In all other
respects. Tho servicc3 of an experienced
male cook from Philadelphia have been se
cured, and "Cooney" proposes to run a
first-class bouse. He Is assisted by Char
ley Girton, who thoroughly understands
the business.
The people of Philadelphia have at last
waked up to the fact that much of the food
consumed by them is very much adulterat
ed. Tbcy are having an exposition of pure
food and have some of tho articles ou ex.
hibition put Into eatable shape by Mrs.
Rohrcr, Principal of tlio Philadelphia
Cooking School. She also lectures as she
cooks before tho Association which makes
the experiment doubly valuable. Some of
the things she cooks aro bread, biscuit,
pop-overs, pastiy, sweet-bread, patties,
mlrletous, broiled oysters, potato salad,
pureo ofpeas, coffee, chocolate, &c. These
sound well.
Mrs. Margaret Custer Calhoun's recita
tions at the Opera .House last Saturday
night drew a select and appreciative audi
ence, notwithstanding tho inclement
weather. To say all that might bo said of
this lady who enjoys a very wide reputa
tion as a charming elocutionist, would
seem like tlattery. Added to her beauty
of person and sweetness of voice alio has
great versatility of tone and action, and
aho presents tbo humorous and the pathe
tic with equal power. There Is no affecta.
tlon In her readings, and ono of the great
secrets of her aurcesa Ilea In her natural
simplicity. Her entertainment was a treat
that wo aro not often permitted to enjoy,
Clergymen, lawyers, publlo speakers,
singers, and actors, all recognize the vir
tues of Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. Ono of
our moat eminent publlo men says i "It la
the beat remedy that can be procured for
all affections of the vocal organs, throat and
Life klze crayons in gold framca only
V U'KUlIp Bros.
Col.Hnitiuet Knnrr.
Col. Samuel Knorr died at bis rutldenco
on Fifth Street on Saturday March 2nd at
p. ni. He has been Buffering from dlseaso
for acvcral years, and for several weeka
past he was confined In his bed, M was
a man of Integrity, n lawyer of ability, a
citizen who was Interested In tho publlo
welfare. Ilia losa la a creat ono to tbo bar,
and the community, n; well in to tho fam
ily thus berenved by a husband and father.
Holeavcs n wife, a son, Clifford, a daught
er, Mildred, tho latter being a senior at
Vassar college. During the past two years
bo became a largo owner of stock In the
Bloomsburg Iron Co. and wr.s elected
President of that corporation. For somo
time ho has not been engaged in active
practice owing to his health.
At a meeting ot tho Bar held In tbo court
room on Monday morning, a committee
was. appointed, and at a meeting held on
Tuesday at li80 p. m. the commttto mado
the following report!
Your commltceappolnted to draft an ad
dress and resolutions exprcsslvo of your
sentiments relative to the death of Samuel
Knorr Esq., lato n member of this body,
Respectfully report and Resolve,
That Samuel Knorr was born In the
County ot Columbia on tho 24th day of
December A. D. 1830; and after obtaining
such education aa tho schools ot tho county
afforded; and spending some years teach
ing, entered tbo office of William O. Hur
ley Eiq., and fitted hlmBelf for the Bar, to
which ho was admitted In 1603. After be
ginning bis preparation for tho Bar, ho vol
unteered In tho military Bcrvlco of his
country. Of that career others will speak,
and It need only ho said here, that ho was
a gallant soldier and a meritorious officer,
and attalned'to tlio rank of St. Colonel In
tbo service.
During the 25 years In which he was In
the active practice ot his chosen profes
sion, he showed himself to be a learned ex.
pert and competent lawyer. Tenacious of
the cause ot his client, ho was nevertheless
courteous In bis bearing toward Bench and
Bar, and his professional ctrccr wa per
raeatcd and dominated by an honesty and
Integrity ot character , which was always
true to the right.
In his religious convictions ho was a
Methodist and was there, as elsewhere,
true to bis christian character, and calling.
1. tho death of Samuel Knorr Eiq
the Bar of Columbia County and the sul
'on in tho Courts hayc lost a conspiclous
and able lawyer and advocate, whose life
and exarnplo raay'well bo followed by the
members of the, liar, lato his associates.
2. That we tender to the family of Col.
Knorr assurances of our sympathy In their
bereavement, of our appreciation of his
charactcr,'and o( our respect lor his repu
tatlon and memory.
Joiim G. Freeze ")
C. B. Jack-ion Com.
B. Frank Zark )
Tho report and 'resolutions wero adopt.
cd; and It was further Resolved,
That the Bir should attend the funeral
ceremonies in a Body; and that a copy 'of
tho pioceedlngs should bo prepared and
forwarded to the fimlly.
The funeral took place at the house on
Tuesday at 2 p. m. Hot Post No. 2-50 G,
A. R. attended In a body and acted as pall
bearers. The services at tbo house were
conducted by Rev. Dr. Frot, and at the
grave by Eat Post. The B ir followed tho
Post, wearing crapo on the left arm
There were also present memoirs of tho
Board of Trustees of tho Normal School,
and the Faculty ot the school lu a body.
At n meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the Btcnmsburg State Normal School,
March 4, 1889, specially called by the Presi
dent in respect to tlio memory of Col.
Samuel Knorr, who died Saturday the 2nd
Inst, the committee appointed In relation
thereto, report as a minute to be placed up
on record :
That we do extend our sincere sympathy
to tho family in their bereavement, and
commend them for complete consolation
and submissive reconciliation to Him who
In perfect wisdom, and fullness of mercy
directs all things to His own glory, and
gives peace In tho most trying of His dis
pensations of providence, and comfort in
the severest trials.
It is a privilege and pleasure that we who
have been associated with him as a member
of the board, may unhesitatingly record as
a tribute to his memory, that the confidence
placed in him by tho Superintendent of
Public Instruction, in appointing him a
member of this board in 1870, and continu
ing therein by reappointment from time to
time was well placed.
Horn in this county and known by many
of us from his youth, wo have found him
early showing that usefulness and emi
nence in life is the result of modest and
unassuming activity, directed by a positive
and unwavering mind aud heart, exalted
Iu seeking to aid the best Interests ot
society, and purified by an earnest desiro
to conform to the principles of christian
religion which ho accepted and acknow
ledged ns the best guide in life. Thus Col.
Knorr made himself fell for good in society
in business, in peace and In war, in private
and in public Bcrvlcc. In his death this
board feels the loss of his prudent and faith
ful services, mid his plcasaut association.
Jons A. Funston,
Charles G. Barklet,
C. W. Miller.
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the irl-ile Normal School, held March 1st, a
committee was uppoluted to draft resolu
tions relative to the death of Hon. L. II.
Rupert. Tho committee reported the fol
lowing !
Tho Trustees of the Stale Normal School
for tho Sixth District of Pennsylvania here
by express their deep sense of the loss
which the Institution has sustained iu the
death of Hon. Leonard B. Rupert. From
tho very inception of tho movement tor a
high gsado ecbool in Illuninsburg he took u
deep interest, and from that time up to bis
death ho was an uctlvo and progressive
member of the Boatd of Trustees. Judge
Rupert was first elected n tiustec of tho
Bloomsburg Literary Institute in 1830.
He was present at a meeting held in May
1800, for the reorganization of that corpor.
atioo, which resulted in the location of the
school ou its present site, and the erection
of the Institute building, and the same
year ho was elected President of the isoard
of Trustees, and continued In that position
until 1873, discharging the duties thereof
with ability and fidelity. His voice has man v
times been beard in publlo In behalf ot tbo
fcli'ol, and when, during the early days of
uie lumiiiuioii mere was a iiuru struggle to
keep It In existence, ho waa ever ready
with his means to bear bis full share of tho
burden. Ills Inlirirl never ll.ugi'd. and
to his earnest i lTorla Iu the cause of hiirher
education, this community la largely In
debted for In present udmlmblo education.
ai aivaiitagia
As a mark of their rceneot for ihe tie.
ceased, the Trustees will uttend the funeral
n uiiuy,
T.ltlwt wlftt anil Pliltilrnn r-f llimlnA.....
Iu their In re'MVement, tho Trustees extend
their wHriuest sympathy, and direct that a
copy of these infinites lie sunt them by the
secretary an I also that codes bo Bent to
the 'own newspapers fur publication.
Wu. Neal,
John A. FosaTON,
John Wolp,
Uko, E. Elwell.
Committee, j
At a meeting of the director of tho
Bloomsburg Bridge Company, held at the
oftlco ot tha President on Monday evening
March 41b) tho death of Leonard It. Uupcil,
late a member ot tho Board was announced,
whereupon on consideration It was
MoiW, That we tender to tho f.imlly
of Judgo Itupert our cordial sympathy In
their atlllctton
That we fee! and nrknowlidgo I1I9 death
to bu a loss to tbo community and to the
Board, ot n useful, competent and atten
tive member.
Tho Board of Directors of tho Roaemont
Cemetery Company nt their annual meeting
on 28th February 1889, have heard with
profound regret of thu decease this day of
Hon. Leonard B. Ruprl, the senior mem
ber of (Ida Board.
Tho Board records Ita recognition of tho
faithful acrylcea of our departed associate.
From the earliest organization ot tho Com
pany Ids Ideas of progress, on a strictly
business basts, always clearly stated,
secured tho full consideration of the Board
and contributed to Its prosperity.
Tlio bereaved family aro hereby assured
of tbo deep sympathy ot this Board, In their
affliction Hetolved, That a copy of these
proceedings be engrossed by the Secretary,
and sent to the family, liesolml. That tho
Board, In body, attend tho funeral of their
late nssoclnte, on Saturday next.
D. J Waller, )
Wm. Neal Com,
John O. Freeze. J
It was resolved also that a copy of these
resolutions bo published In the newspapers.
Robt. It. Little, Secy.
Resolutions adopted by tho Woman's
Homo and Foreign Missionary Society Jt
St. Matthews Ev. Lutheran Church Blooms
burg, Penna. upon tho death ot Mrs. M.
L Markloy widow ot the lato Rev. O. I),
S. Mark ley.
Whereas: It has pleased our Heavenly
Father In His allwlsu providence to remove
from our midst our sister and co-laborer
in tho work therefore bo it.
lltsnhol, That we deem It fitting as a
society, to express our greatest respect for
her noblo christian character and purity of
'Ife which was always shown by her con.
slstcnt walk while with us.
Ilctolied, That wo sympathize most deep
ly with the bereaved children and friends.
That wo commend them to the mercy of
Our Father in Heaven, remembering that
sorrows hero In this world shall work out
for us n far more exceeding and eterual
weight of glory In the next
liesolced, That a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the children of the deceased and
other copies Inserted In tho County und
Church papers.
Mrs. B. F. Zark ")
11 ks. G, P. Frymire Com.
Mrs. S. M. Tornhaoh j
March 4th., 1889.
Ilcntli of Cnlt'iidnr Potter.
Mr, Calendar Potter died lit his homo on
East Street Sunday March 3d at about one
o'clock. He has been suffering for a num
ber of years with a disease akin to Brlght's
Disease ot the Kidneys. For somo time
past he has been treated for Asthma, and
It was only at his recent sickness that bis
real disease was ascertained. Mr. Potter
was burn at Loyalsock, Lycoming Co. Pa.
Match I2lb 1821, being at death aged 07
years 11 months and 21 days. When 9
years of ago he moved with his father to
Huntington township, Luzcrno ;Uo. Pa.
Jauuary 29th, 1843 he married Miss Ann E.
Drake, daughter of Samuel Drako of Nuw
Columbus, Pa. Ho moved to Bloomsburg
In April 1844, and pursued the work of
carpenter, In which he was an expert. He
was a modest, unassuming man and leaves
many frlcLils lu the community. His wife
and three children survive him, as follows:
Albert S. Potter of ilobcrly, Mo., Mrs. W.
'. Conuer of Bloomsburg, and Miss Lue
W. Potter, who for a few years has been
teaching at Nantlcokc, Pa. Funeral ser
vices were held at the house Wednesday
afternoon at 2 p. m.
Card ol TIiatikH.
If tho proprietor of Kemp's Balsam
should publish a card of thinks, contain
ing expressions of gratitude which como to
him dally, from those who have been cured
of severe thro it and lung troubles by the
use of Kemp's Bilsam, it would 1111 a fair
sized book. How much bitter to invito all
to call on any druggist und got a free
sample bottle that you may test for
yourself Its po ver. Largo bottles 50c and
Irof. Carver Dead.
News was received here a few days ago
announcing the death of Henry Carver In
Colorado on February 20, at the n;e of 03.
Prof. Carver came to Bloomsburg in 1805
and opened a school in tlio old ttcideray
that stood on the corner of Third and Jell.
erson streets, where Dr. Evans' houso now
stands. In a very short time he calned
tho confidence of the people, and the pro
ject of building a school was agitated, re
sulting in thu cnmptetl ia of the Blooms.
burg Literary Institute In 18U7. On April
4, of that year, the building was dedicated.
The plans wero m ulo by Prof. Carver, aod
the Hall bulldlug under his suoervislon ns
contractor for $15,000. In 1808 the school
was made a Normal school; and rgaln a
second building was erected, Pruf Carver
taking tho contract for $30,000. While
engaged in tbo erection of these largo
building the school was In constant oper
ation. It was the privilege or tho writer
to ho a pupil of Prof. Carver's the first year
of his work here, und we well remember
the wonderful control ho held over the
school. He was a mau of Indomitable
will, and his equals ns a disciplinarian are
few and far between. The school was
crowded with pupils, and nourished tinder
his management for a time. In December
1871 ho left hero and a! no then has maid
ed In New Jersey and Colorado, and other
states. Though he had his faults, as a
teacher he will never bo forgotten by any
who were his pupils.
Coiihinuptlosi Hurcly Cured
To the Eiiiiou Please Inform your read-
era l bat I havo u positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glsd to seud
wo bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption If they
will send me their express aud post ottlc
address. Respectfully, T, A. SLOCUM
M. O.. 181 Pearl Bt.. New York,
luduHtrlal lUtuculluu.
At a meeting of tho Tru-tees of the Nor.
ml School held March 1, tho following re
solutions were adopted:
Whereas, Under a resolution of tbo
Senate concurred In by the House, a Com
mission was appointed In 1887 to Inquire
and report respecting the subject of Indus
trial Education t
Anp WilEUEia, The report of said Com
mission made, or to bo made, to the pre
sen'. Legislature, vlll 6c, as wo are inform
ed, strongly favorable to the establishment
of some system ot Industrial Tralulng in
our Stato
Asd Whereas. A Trustees of tho
Bloomsburg State Normal School, we aro
heartily In accord with tho Acts and He-
commendations of said Commission, and
are unanimous In tho opinion that tbo gen.
eral welfare and happiness of the maascf ,
as well ns the Industrial Interests of our
Commonwealth, caa be In nu manner bet
tor prnmoted than by a rystem of public
instruction In Manual Training;
TiiKnRFoiiR Resolved, That we ttrgo u li
on tho Senators and Representatives, of
our Normal School District, careful con.
aldcrfttlon of tho rcnort of tbo Commission
on Industrial Education, and request, their
earnest efforU In having the same lunoi
poratcd by law Into the existing system of
publlo Instruction, by adding to tbo re
quirements of Normal Schools n Depart
ment for Industrial Training, and obtain
ing tuluclctil funds by legislative appropri
ation to enable the Normal Schools of tho
Stato to erect necessary buildings and
equip tho samn with necessary tool", ma
chinery, itc., und maintain txcm lu opera
tion. IIOHpltlll ItCIllL-dlCrt.
What arc they t Tho growth of lutein.
genco in medical matters nas given rtso to
a elcmaon lor n class ni genuine, reliable
medicines. Tho opportuulty of tho Ignor
ant ouack. who srew rick curlnir everything
out of a single bottle baa passcif. To supply
Baiiiiactoruy mis uemanu mis list or reme
dies has been created. They are tho favor,
lto DrcscilDttons of the most famous medi
cal praclloncrs ot tho day,, gathered from
the hospitals of Loudon, Paris Berlin and
Vienna. Prescriptions which cost the
patlenta of these specialists from $25 to
$100, arc here offered, prepared and ready
for use. at tho nominal price ot One DoUar
Each. Not one of tlicti is a cure all ; each
one has only tho reasonable power of curing
a alnglo dlseaso and each one keeps its con
tract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased
Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption,
Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney
Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia,
Female Weakness, Lcucorrhcea, or Nervous
Debility, should send stamp for descriptive
catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co , No.
8 :3 West King St., Toronto, Canada. If
your druggist does not keep these remedies
remit price and wo will send direct freo of
Mrs. Susan E. wife of John McCormlsk,
died of confinement Friday of last week.
Sho was nearly forty-two years of age.
A family OntlicrltiK.
Havo you a father? Have you a mother?
Have you a son or daughter, sister or a
brother who has not yet taken Kemp's llal
sam for the Throat and Lungs, tbo guaran
teed remedy for tho cure of Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Croup and all Throat and Lung
troubles? If so, why? when a sample
biltlo Is gladly given to you free by any
druggist and the large size costs only 60c
and $1.00.
TOR EHEUMATISU In any form take
Brown's Sallcyllnc. Price 60 cents, two
bottles sent free for $1. Brown Sallcyllnc
Co., Elmlra, N. . It cures nine out ot
ten. Mar. l-4t.
Philadelphia, Monday, March 4, lst)9.
Do you know the stuff?
It is silk-and-wool.
The warp, which is thrown
up to the face, is all silk, the
fillincr is wool, the effect is
changeable and beautiful a
sort of sublime silk-warp mo
hair, only better.
Crush it in your hand, then
shake it out. Where are the
wrinkles? Drop dust upon it,
then shake it again. Where is
the dust? Gone, like the
A full dress pattern is 7
yards, sometimes more, and
again less. Such a pattern
weighs a pound and a quarter,
and is so compact that Benedict
may easily carry it home in his
overcoat pocket. A troop of
Gloriosa came to the Novelty
Dress Goods counters late last
week in blue, red, yellow,
steel, gray, plain and striped.
48 inches wide at $1.50. No
body told of their coming. But
somehow the stuffs caught the
eye and won the approval of
many wise women. A Glori
osa stampede began.
Are you not interested?
Get a Colored Silk-Warp
Henrietta that's worthy the
name, and you've a delightful
Whatever is good in the silk
shows; whatever is good in the
wool shows. They help each
other. Silk never seems so
silky nor wool so soft as when
the two get together in a Hen
rietta. Pretenders, of course. There
is the trouble. Fair outside
and even tint isn't all. Get a
bit between thumb and fingers.
Pull. Does it slip? There's a
test. The flimsy, slimpsy stuffs
that masquerade as Silk-Warp
Henrietta give wMi very little
pressure. They're a nuisance.
We won't touch a yard of
silk-warp goods that we don t
know to be nsrht. Soft but
springy, lustrous, firm.
Unly the best makes. Line
of Colored Silk-Warp Henriet
tas is now complete. Si. 51.2s
and Si. 50.
Hemstitched and Bordered
Nun's Veiling Black. For
Dresses. A very lew pieces
got into town last season. Not
one woman in a thousand
caught sight of them. They
were snapped up too quickly.
They'll be scarce again this
year not very plenty now.
Prices will almost certainly be
It takes mountains of stuffs
to go around when a good;,
snare ot the women everywhere
are on the watch for it. Moun
tains of this Hemstitched and
Bordered Nun's Veiling haven't
been made yet.
The fullest assortment we
know of. 75c, $i, $1,25, $1.50,
St.75, and $2,
Maybe a hundred 50 cent
double-width All-wool Suitings.
Stripes, plaids, and solid colors.
Good lookincr stuffssome
thing for any right-minded taste.
Better weight and quality than
you've been used to get for
half a dollar.
An armful of Books from
New Book Table;
.tonalhan and Ills Contloont, Dr to
f elicit
Hi J American romroonweulih. lir
James liryco. stow. ......................
A Daughter ot Ere. Dr. tlio Author ot
Margaret Kent , ,
Bclontfno Religion; Hjr Laurence oil-
Thn Nun of Kfnmirc
II. Hi
J 10
lliroiuntno Heart of asia. li- tuorial
Huntalot, 2vols
Itazclt's Annual .v t!rolop:uJla (or :1s1).
Kpmicu Tralta. Iljr w. t;. Umwnell
Tho doTernment of the United states, Dr
W. J. t'octte- .m.mT.....
Hooks and Men. Dr Agnes Iteppllcr
wtm&kor'H Almanao for 1 . .
Paper oorer... ,. .
Ocrtrurte-B Manlsgo. Ilr W. Ilelmburg.
Translated br Mrs. J. w. Davis
Paper cover.' ,
First aud Fundamental Truths, lly Mo
Cosh ;. ., .
Klomentarr lllntorrof Art. lly D'Anrers.
New edition ...
Robert Elsraorc, Dy Mrs. Ilumphrcj
Ward ,
Deachcroft at ltockslono. Dr Charlotte
M. Yonge
Mexico. Mtorr of the Nations. Iiy Hu
nan Hale.
Commodore Junk, ur (, Manvlllo Fenn
A NUrtnccked Generation. Dy L. D. Wal-
. 0
The Una of Darkness. Hy Author of
Tho little Pilgrim
Ancient Homo. Ilrltodotto Lanclanl....
Authors at noma liy j. L and .1. II.
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs
that' since Christmas were $4.80
a dozen are going at $2.25.
Pure white, hemmed and bord
ered. Women's Handkerchiefs,
printed borders and hemstitch
ed, 90c a dozen, 6 for 45c.
Harvest time for Handker
chief buyers sure enough.
John Wanamaker.
Have you seen the hosiery for spring at
uiark its Bon's.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3- doz. Life size Crayons only
Sio.oo. Viewinc, copyinir and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
i'ou will Mud full lines of dress goods
and dress cloths at Clark & Son's.
Illoodetl FotvlH.
Pit Games, Grist Shawlnecks, Heath,
woods, Ulack II. Hods, that will stay to win.
Eggs, ill for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
William Dennis,
If. llluomsburg, lu.
(.Mention this paper.)
10 per cent, oft for cash on nil woolen
goods for Ihe noxt 30 days, at A. M. I)e
Wltt's, Orangevlllc, l'a. 4w
Ladles should liy the Mtno Warren Dress
form corsets, also the Itoval Wnrsler cor
sets at Clark & Sou's. Perfect clovo tit-Hub-
Hemnants ot carpets. Closing out at
greatly reduced prices. A large stock of
ltrusscls, Ingrain und It-ig Carpels, In
lengths from 8 to 20 yards ; prices from
18 els. up, at Henry fJ. llartman'a old
stand, next door to 1. W. Uartman & Son's
Bloomsburg, l'a. At the same placo Miss
II. E. Wnsley will open about April 1, a
full line of Millinery, of the latest and
most fashionable styles for the eprlnir of
18S9. ml-3t
Tho handsomest styles in satincs wo
have ever shown are now on our counters.
Clark & Sou's.
A raro opportunity is presented for somo
enterprising townsman to represent a
Nursery Arm that warrants stock to be de
llvertd in prime condition, so that a large,
honorable and permanent trade can be built
up. Very llberul terms to the right man.
Address. James E. Whitney.
Jan 25-3ni. Rochester, N. Y.
Eucravcd business cards can bo obtained
at tbo CoMJ.MUiAN ofUce. Ladles having
platca can havo cards printed. tf
Wo show cood values in tow, Is. Table
Linens, napkins and crashes from Bo jd
up at Clark & Son's.
A vi-n. rt.m it.... nr nuni. xr..n ir..m
both the silk warp and the all wool, with
"u'wi uuruer, suiiauic ir moiirninvr veils
at II. W. SLOAN'S.
Seo the hair pins and hair curlers at
Clatk & Son's.
ltlftr.k henripllna fnm f.n In fl.A fln,.
silk warp nt $1.03 and other black dress
goods, all kinds at 11. W. SLOAN'S.
I. W. Hartjian & Soxs' shirt.
out this week with only o Hang
ing Lamps left, will' be sold
cheap before putting away time.
r ine ensues anu low prices is tho
motto with us. We havn rms-
tomers from up as. far as Jami
son City, and all along the line
of tho J. & S. R. 11., also from
up und down the L. & B. 11. It.
and when theRupertand Blooms
burg lino is finished, there will be
lnir a rah from Cutuwissa, Main
ville. Beaver Vallev and all nnintH
long the lino to Bloonisburg.
Mark this fact, we are alive
to fre3h stvles in dress mods
this spring. Our now sateens in
Single Dress Patterns (12 vds.1
ire 8tvlish. The new shades in
Henriettas are hero.
Butter, Eirirs. efe.. will hnv
Dishes, Glassware, Groceries and
Dry tioouti.
1. v . Hartman & Sons.
Wn will Rpll nn ftn!nr1av nn.l Arn-.l..
ladles nnn.lersev rlhlipil vfai atlb- i.lmm..i
all through at tho low price of 29c.
uiurK & son.
Our satincs nre now oncn. All cnlnn
and qualities. Fine lino of tinsel trim,
miuga and gnlcona for trimmlne same at
You should flen tlin linnilcnmn llnn A
new Blocklnctj Jackets Clark & Son are
now showing cheaper than ever.
1 1. nm to.
The season is nt lnmd wlimi
Teaohors arc thinking about
Howard of Merit cards. Wo havo
them, also a "Silent Teacher,"
which is in many respects super
ior to those of llesh and blood.
Ask to seo them.
If there is Illivtllinn- von mini.
- J J V
in tho Book or Stationery lino
we do not havo. wo will vo.t it.
for you. Any paper or inaga-
71ltM flf ilm ,-klllllfiliMrt -...!,.,.
For thoso who aro fiiMidlniis
about their writing paper, our
i' ino Diauonery Department con
tains distinct attractions in
papeteries and correspondence
earos, sucn mates ns luurcus
Ward. J. Z. Cruno and LvmiB.
their names guarnntoo the
Wo keep constantly on hand
a largo assortment of blank
books, miscellaneous books etc.
Wall Paper and Window Shades
at, tho lowest prices consistent
With cood rroods.
Legal Blank Forms, all sorts
ot Leases, Uontrncls, Deeds, etc
W. II. Brooke & Co.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Babr wa sick, we (rare htr CastorU.
Whtn iho wm a Child, she cried for Cutoria,
When tho became Mias, the clung to Cutoria,
Whtn the had Children, aho care thun QurtorU.
IMICHt IMIt'Ht IldllllK I'lICH.
Stmptoms Moisture Intento Itching and
atlnulnc: most nt nichl: worse liv srmtpli.
lng. if allowed to contlnuu tumors form,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very sore. Hwayne's Ointment stops the
Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
In most enscs removes tlio tumors. At
orugglsls. or by mall, for SO cents. Dr.
Swnyno & Bon, Philadelphia, may-4 ly,
KcKciun, Itcliy, Hculy, etklii
Tho simple application of "Swayne'a
uMuincui, wiinoui any internal medicine
will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Ilhtum
Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Bores, Plmplef,
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstinate or long standing.
It la potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
FitANK Aost-Kit, of Norrletown, anya
thcro la no greater physlclsn than Dr.
Theel, of 538 North Fourth Street, Phila
dolphla, he cuted me of my Nervous Dr.
bility and it grave heart complaint, after
being treated by family and hospital phy.
slclans without bcncilt. Ho advises nil
sufferers to consult the Doctor personally
or by letter.
Rcsil Estate !
The undersigned administrators ot Samuel Nun
cesser deceased, will expose to publlo aale on the
premises, on
Thursday March 14 188!),
at 10 o'clock a. m. , a larm, sltuite In Weaver town
ship, Columbia county, bounded and described as
follows! Adjoining lands otllenry Swank, John
Singly, Sarah Longenbcrger, Chilstlan Shuman
and others, containing
94 Acres,
and 07 perchci, about eighty acres tinder good cut
tWatlon, the balance In timber, well watered by a
good and unfailing spring and other streams. The
Improvements consists ot a new
i Villi It Mllllall
and other outbuildings, all In good condition. 3
applo orchards and other irults; said larm Is pleas
antly situated In a good neighborhood and con
venlent railroad (acuities.
TKKMS OP 8ALE:-J10O.O0 on tho day ot sale,
WC0 0O when possession Is given, thebalancoln
easy payments.
Real Estate !
Hy virtue ot a writ or Lev. Pil twnpi nut. nf Mia
Orphans' Court of Columbia county and to
mrecieu, win oe exposed to publlo saio at the
Court House in the town of Bloomsburg on
SATUItUAl, MARCH 10. 1880.
at 2 o'clock p. m all that certain tract of land
situate In Mlfllln township, Columbia county, l'a.,
bounded und described as follows, tn wit . nn i ho
south by lanas of Michael Heller, and Buck,
on the west by land of Michael Hctler, on tlio
north by lands of Emanuel Klrkendall John Kirk,
endall and Francis Itartzet nmi nn
land of Nathan Klrkendall, containing about .
100 ACRES,
more or less, whereon aro erected a two story
Frame Dwelling House.
a bank barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, token Into mmmiiihii Ami tn , bni.i n
the property of Nathan Klrkendall.
iaitsit.or Pale. Ten per cent, of ono fourth
at tho strlklnc down
fourth less the ten per cent, ot the connrmatlon of
sale, and tho remaining three-fourths in ono year
lucnuiwr, wnn interest from connrmatlon nfcd.
Littles, Attyn. JOHN II. CASEY.
?eb Sheriff.
Real Est ale!
The undeiblgned administrator of Andrew Itun
yan, late of Uenton township deceased, will ex
poso to publlo sale on tho premises on
TUESDAY, MAUfJU It) 188!).
at l o'clock p. m., the following real estate, situ
ate In Uenton township, bounded and described as
follows, to-wltt adjoining lands of Oeorge tltbbons
on the east, lands of I'etcr Kase on the south, and
west by lands of A. J. and Bowman Crawlord, and
Itcubcn Gibbons, wltu a private road leading from
Ilamllno Church, 80 rods long, and tract costaln.
and 1M perches, strict measure.w hereon are erect
ed a story and a hilt house, good barn, hog pen
and abed.
TEUMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of ono-fourth
at the striking down of tho property, the ono
fourth less the ten npr wm nt ti ...h-...!..
of sale, and the remaining thrco fourths In one
tusn-uner, wiiu interest irom confirmation
At the samo time and place will be sold tho foi.
lowing peisoual property of said deceased! 1
spring-board wagon, 1 sleigh, 1 spring wagon, 1
stove, copper kettlo, bed and bedding, fanning
mill, truck wagon, pitch-foifcs, plow, cutting box
seed corn, barrels, bags, and numerous other
FeDiJ Administrator.
Loans and discounts lsttisi
overdrafls secured and unkecurod..' "' its 21
U. B. Bonds to secure circulation ..M 50 uonj
either stocks, bonds and mortgages. . , , H7.N nu
Uue from apurovedlroaerve agents M KdsJ
Uue frou. other National Hanks...... . S
Duo from stato Bonks and bankers,.. 1 wars
;;heekVandother c7sh uTmsT:. ..7.7. Viu
i- riuHiuum paper currency, nickels and
gpnjf"18 l-00
Legal-tendeY ' notek'.'.'.'"'. : ." " ! : " I " ' $m
ltedemptlon fund with U. s. 'lreasurer
(5 iwr cent, of circulation)
TO'' 4 7?
Capital stock paid in iYlooa.10
surplus fund...... ..... ....... o-onoui
undivided proniii:.;....::..::.:.. mot-o
National Bank notes outstanding 4l,so'uu
Individual deposits subject to check... kii mw
ertlnod checks.. ; ,.. ,'. mil
Cashier's check 1 outstanding., ssiiia
Duo to other National Banks:. S3 sTI.ii
Duo to Slate Banks and bankers., ,, 121 as
T""11 - 47,S.1T
I, J. V. Tustin, Cashier oc tho nlwve named bank
?2, em.nlykttnlrn tl)at the above Hatomea Is
true 10 the best of my kuowltdgo and bt llet.
J. I. TUSTIN, Cashier.
Subscribed and affirmed to before mo tho iltth
day of March, m.
3. C. I1UOWK, Notary Publlo,
Correct Attest!
m. n. n ran is,
t V,'. "cl'il-vv, -Directors.
I- U . M. Low. I
Eitale of T)urnai JWfc, dwiu.
The undersigned, ana auditor appointed Ur the
Orphans' court ot Columbia couuty to distribute
the funds in the hands ot jo, w. Eves aitmitiWtr.
tor, v. Ill sit at the onico of eir.nt lien lug, in
Bloomsburg on March Nth 18s 1, at 10 o'clock a ni.
when and where all perbomhavlngcmnisagalnst
fwld estato must appear aud provn the same, or
be debarred from coming in ou sail fund
Mars C, l, J.VAXS,
M' Auditor,
who resides on tfptlng street, nahfjor. Mo., hn
abiding fallli lu the virtues or ilronn's Sarsapaill
la, and has the best of reasons tor It- Twelve
years ajo she had a severe Hint as, and from thn
lack of pi opcr t roatment a scrofulous abscess form,
e I, and although for a number of years It was not.
particularly troublesome, three years ago It began
to dlschsrga causing her great deal ot annoyance
and apprehension. This continued tor two years
when she begin the nv) of Brown's sarsaparllla.
ono liolflo stopped Ino discharge and tour com
pleted a cure, and this Is why sho
Huh Fnitli
In Brown's Sarsiparllla. Again showing liat a
deadly too Brow n'sSarsapal Ilia Is to sit forms ot
scrofula, Mr. V. A. Bishop, of the mm of Kimball
UIMiop, doing buslnejs at Hermon, Me, saysi
"I began taking Brown's Sarsaparllla for Indiges
tion, when, to my Intense surprise, a tumor which
bad troubled me for mo e than live yearn, commit
out on my shoulder blade so I could not lay back
in my chair w Ithout causing rnn if cat pnln, began
tn grow smaller and smaller until It has intlrelr
disappeared My stomach trouble lett mo and I
am a well man owing to the woodcrful curative
powers of
Not genuine unless made by Ara Warren Co,,
Bangor, Me. maysn d ly
Ik rna (Jocrt or Common I'ixii or CoU'xmi
COCNTT, No. so, Deckmbkr TlRlf, 18S
Jennie A. Krey, by hei next friend, 8. lu Bowman,
vs. Thomas 8. Frcy.
To Thomai H. Frey, respondent above named 1
Wl.ercas, upon the petition or libel ot tba said
Jennln a Fiey, above named, n subpoena being
awarded by the ejourt of Common Pleas of said
county, a subpoena Issued out nf the said Court
commanding you, the said Thomas 8 Frey, to bo
and appear at the next regular term 01 said Court,
to show cause. If any you have, why the said libel
lant should not bo dlvonel from tho bonds ot
matrimony which slin has contracted with you,
agreeably to tho prayer ot said petitioner: and,
whereas, upon the return or the said subpeena, duo
proof was made that you could hot bo round or
served wit h t he same In the bailiwick of the sheriff
of aaldcounty; whereupon an alls subpeena was
awarded by tho said lourt, commanding you to bo
and appear at tho next regular term of said court,
to answer, c., as aforesaid, to which tho same re
turn was made Dy the Shcilff.
tou aro 1 hereforo required to be and appur on
thollretdyof regular term of said court, to lm
held at Bloomsburg. for tho said county, on tho
llrst Monday nt May next, A. I). 18S, to answer
the complaint aforesaid.
Feb 16-lt Sheriff.
Kulate of Wo. ir. CefT, dnranea.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court ol Colombia county to distribute
the funds In the hands of the admtni trator to and
among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his
omce. on March 27 lssv. 10 o'clock a. m , when and
where alt persons having claims against said es
tato must appear and prove the same, or be do.
barred from coming In on said fund.
FetM4t Auditor!
e undersigned auditor appointed by tha Court
of common Meat, of Columbia county, to moke dls.
tnbutlon of tho money in the hands of tho Trustou
appointed to make sale of the Bryn blon Church
property, to and among the parties entitled there
to, will sit at bis omco In Hloomsourg. on Mondir.
March istb I8s9, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to
attend to the duties ot hl3 appointment, when and
where all persona having calms against said fund
must appear and prove them, or oa forever de
barred from any snare of said fund.
Mr. 1. Auditor.
Lstateof James Common, decramj, tale. of
Notice Is hereby given that letters of admlnls.
ration on the estate of Jimes Oon-mons, latoot
IhO town Of IllOOnmbtlnr. nnim'v nr iwnmh..
state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have bocn grant
ed tp ejeo. E. Elwell of Bloomsburg, Columbia
county, l'a., to whom aU persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make payments, and thoso
having claims pr demands will make known tho
saino without delay to
Feb 15-Ct
01 Y'""" llunvan, late of Benton township
Notice is hereby given that letters of adralnts
Mmninl1 i', J?".18 of " Itunyati, late of
otato n. il , wuuij ui tuiumuia, ana
Sin" r' oecn gr ,nt-
7.7 v vr " lu "tiuiii nil persona in
debted to mw estate are requested to mite par-
" , T "ft W.Q.Hia UI UCIIIUUUS will
mako known tho same without delay.
teDl-Gt AdmlnlafrAtnr
iafnfe 0 John C. Joiien, late of Dloomiburo,
Notice Is herebT Efivpn that. Inltnm nr n.tmi.n
trOtlOn On lhn naturn nf .Inlin f, , . . .
town of Uloomsburg, county of ColumbU and
state ot Pennsylvania, deceased h ive been granted
to Mary M Jones, to whom all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to mako payments,
and those having claims or demands will mass
known the bame wli hout delay.
Fcbl-M. Administratrix.
KMate of llenrti M'otr. late nrthn 7Y-
burg, deeeagea.
w. .,buj mat, miicm ill HUUliniS-
town of Bloomsburg. county ot Columbla,nod stat
Or IVnnvlvnnlj ri.mi.uvl h... hn.n .. -
Louisa Violf of liloo'osburg. Columbia county. Pa.,
wbom nil persons indeott'd to said eiui are
f!iV.m9 .or. ?ernand3 wm lnnk0 known '"tf
P.rt0 ., LOriSWtOLl-',
hKoaa a Winteiutiex, Admlnlstratilx.
Attys. Joii-25.
Exchange Hotel Building
Are ticents for .Julius Klnrr'n
celebrated spectacles. The best
in the world. Hundreds of pairs
to pelcct from and a fit guaran
Dunne the Holiday's trndn
wo sold dozens of nairs nf fbrn
celebrated goods.and as far heard
troin all are satisfactory. Any
purchaser not exactly suited
may leturn these goods and ex
chance for others, suited tn
their eves.
Best of All
Cough medicines, Aycr'a Cherry Pec
toral Is lu greater demand than over.
No preparation for Throat and Lung
Troubles la so prompt in Its effects, so
agreeable to the taste, anil so widely
known as this. It is the family ruedl
cino In thousands ot households.
" I liayo sutrcrcd for years from a
bronchial tremble that, whenever I tako
cold or am exposed to Incleuiont weath
er, shows iuelf liy a very auuoylnp;
tickling scnsntlon In the throat and by
iliniculiy In breathing. I have tried u.
(jreut many reiui iHei, but none docs so
well ai Ajer's Cherry Pectoral which
always Rives prompt relief in returns of
my old coiiiplaiut.'1 Krnest A. Ilepler,
Inspector ut ruUlto ltuads, 1'urtahTer
re lloiino, La.
" I consider Ayer's Chorry l'cctoral a
most important remedy
For Home Use.
I havo tested its ciirntlvo power, in my
family, ninny times during tho pust
thirty years, and havo novcr known It
to full. It will relievo tho most serious
nfTcctlons of the throat and lungs,
xvln-tlier In ehlld.-on or adults." Mrs,
E. ti. i:dn'erly, Council lllulls, Iowa,
"Twenty years ago I was troubled
Willi a disease of tlio luugs, Doctors
afforded mo 110 relief and considered
my case hopelens. I then began to usa
A era Cheiry l'cctoral, and, More I
!.nd finished 0110 bottle, found relief. I
"ontliiiied to take this medicine until u
euro win effected. 1 be-Hote that Aycr'a
I'herry lVetoral saved mv life."
Samuel Griggs, Waukegan, 111.
''Six years ago I contracted a severe
cold which settled on luy luugs and
soon iloolopod all tho tilurmlng symp
toms ol Consumption, 1 had a cough,
night sweats, bleeding ot the lungs,
p,iins in chest and sides, and was so
prostrated lis to lm coutlned to my
IkmI inoit ed tho time. After trying
xarliun prescriptions, without benefit,
luy physician Hiiully determined to give
tiiu AVer's Cherry IVctoral. I took It.
and iho effect was inaglcul. I seemed
tn rally from thu llrst dose ot this
incdli'liie, uuil, niter using only three
lollies, 11111 114 well and sound as ever."
- llodnoy Johnsou, Sprlngttcld, III,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mai.
bold by sll Dnifglitt, 1'ric, 1 , n ketllts, k