THE COLUMBIAN AJD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-1 Tlio Qaloa of the East. tub nocu ov onmAi.TAn foktipica TION8, HUNS AND OAt.l.KHIES T1IH TOWN AN1 IIAltnon NEUTUAt. (MOUND TIIK SUMMIT. 1'OHT 01' tilDHAt.TAIl It is a uoloriotiB fact, well anlhctitt cated by nllnsions, that tho liook of Gibraltar has stood for n long jicnod of time ju-t where it is to day. Thero is no competent evidence extant that it has over btcn in any other place. In tho memory of tho oldest inhabitants of llio garrisoned town at its b.iie, it has remained unchaugid in form and appearance. No one can re member when it was not a rook. To ba siirc, it used to be oailed tho Pillar of llorottlcs, because, I suppose, that ancient pcrsonago of some itiuseiihr development prnposod to funeo in the world, making this its outer boundary, and utterly ignoring our own fair Annrion. It was boliovod that it hold up tho skies, but soience has diisipBWd that notion. In limn it became a sort of jate post to tho Eat, and is now an English fortress that, restoring some what tho original idea of mythology, helps to support tho British l'.mpiru in tho cost. Seen, howovor, as it may bo, Gibral tar U an inspiring sight. It is well worthy of tho myths aud tho stories attached to it, and of the popular con ception of its impregnablo tirmncs, and is not amiss in giving a vigorous simile to our language. As our ship pasred the Straits, ai which hundreds of vessels seemed to center, making a I lively naval aione, the Koc: ot uttirai- tar appeared in its grandest propor- tions. Tho biann of tho rising son touched its rugged surface and kindled it with tho naming colors of morning, Thts natural citadel is a solid mass of rook, fifteen hundred feet in hoieht and seven miles in circumference. It is joined to tho continent by a low isthmus, that is soarcely visible at sea, and has the appearance of an island, At fiwt sight its irregular walls, which have a reddish color, seem devoid of regetatiou, but a nearer opproach re- veals tho Bcanty ooveriug of grasses and shrubs that find footing in its ere- vices. It stands liko a grim warrior guarding tho entrance to the Mediter- ranean, which, since tho opening ot the Suez Canal, has become tho great oaasatre-wav of tho commerce of the world between the east and the west It is verv humiliating lo the Span iards, whose navies onco swept the main, to see this defensiblo fortress in tho hands of their rivals, and they eti'l hopo Bomo day to regain its pos 8essior, a hone wh eh in this genera tion is not likely to be fulfilled. The world, however, goes on, little caring whether Gaul or Saxon uarnsons the citadel to Ions as its tratlio is allowe i f.n t.ass nnmolested throuoh the Straits. J ha town ot Uibra tar extemn aionu the .western base of the Hook, with a ln-nA nnrl nnr.imnillnila llArilltr in the .b w-.- - nreiT.nPM Il Kui nnnnUt nn r.l w " -v I ' - , twr-ntv, thousand ncouh?. The Suaidsh and PorltiguesH nationalities predorat n n n nib , a with Mo'oVs and oiher p-oplVs combine in making a motlev and unstable community. A lartiH ciirrisou is always stationeil here, oltentimes numbering five thou and mm, giving to the place a dtcul edly military look. As in all garrison towns but litth improvement is made by private oiti zcw, with a view to permanent occu pancy, for resident permit- are granteu for a time not exceeding five years. Tho official residnc-s are hamisnine d buildinus with beautiful grounds, an are well designed to make a tempo ary stay in Gibraltar veiy t-njojab.e. Tlio:o aro no Bcnotif liardships impos ed upon those quartered in this strong hold ilcspito tho Lcccsnariiy stnci tit. cinlm lor tho olimato is cliarmi u and tho whole world is kunck ng at their doors. Th lir fii-aliom cover lb" w ri and southern bases of the Rock, an command the harbor um w ell as the entrance to tho sea. Tliey c mulct f three forts, besides batteno-i on rv r available poiut. Tho battery include two 100 tons Armstrong cuns, twentv one feet lo'iy and six feet in diameti-t, with sevinteen inohe.-i bo.f, oapablu ot filing a Bhi of the weight of a ton a distance it tA'tive milts. Throuuh the northern end has bei n cut a scrn s of traderits, that rise from tho bottom nearly to tho top. The are made in the solid rook, and aie about two and a half miles in length, high enough to rida through on a don key, and wide enough tor a carriage to pass. At intervals ot thirty-six lett there are port ho'o, in which seven I inch noes aro mounted, so aa to com mand tho approaches from Spain. Jn the upper end of tho galleries, as their point of termination, an immoiise chamber haa been formed, called St. George's Hall, overlooking tho Medi terranean and the continent, the win dows of which are twelvo hundred feet above the pea. In this chamber it is cuBtotnarv to'bold official reception, en tertainments and balls. Tho mind may picture tho novel surroundings of Buob an eveut, auiaze Willi naval ana military regalia, in tho very interior of mo mountain, uuu retail wiu imuiuuu of tho frenzied lover, who in the pro - sence of his lady-love throw himself from ono of tho openings down th perpendicular wall of stone to the rocks and waters below, whore it ib presumed his sensos wero restored. Tho town la most Borupulouly enatded. Tbo gates ou tho northern side are closod at sundown, and sen tries aro posted along the line. No ono U permitted to enter or leave .the place betweon sunset and sunrise. While this is a very wholesome mili tary renuirement, as well as a wis- precaution, it is a practice that some times results in the discomfiture ot the belatol traveler, ai o bit of personal experience exemplified. In cominuy with a friend, shortly after our arrival in port, to indulge my nrouonsitv for horseback riding, I had been out in the SpauUh domain for a calloi) over tho oouniry roads, Across the isthmus that connects Gi- braltar with tho mainland i a strip of land, a half milo In width, known a neutral ground. Along its botderf, on either Bide, tbo sentinels of the two pa' ions aro arrajod, who Beem to be omnloved principally iu looking at i-ach other. Wo had passed through both lit es In tho morninr without Jet or hind ranee, and with the thought of a de Jlghtfully spent day alone In our Bilniln. were making our way back to the city. Tho Spanish guards offered no opposition, os we tiitereu tno neu tral ground just after tho sun had dropptd down behind the bills, nncon fcious of Gibraltar's hour for retiring. At tho Knglifh guard liue wo were topped at the point of a bayonet, and wero informed that wo could not enter tbo town. Amerieandiko we argued the case, but without avail. The ten tlnel, a Well 89 the officer of the guard who wu called for consultation, cxplntnctl in a most courteous manner tlint, rcuretttng it as tliov did, their orders wero imuerativc. Nothing ro in nl Dirt for tia to do but to leturn to tlio Spanish town ot Li Linen auross llio litmlor, otul wait for llio sun to givo us a passport. At the Sii.misli line wo were stormed as mcmiilorilv as thouuh tho umrd lm ) tnktn the coo from his Uri'titon neighbor. Kor a moment tho strtto ol af- fair was dubious cnoiigh.Tho prospects of camping out in neutral territory bo- tween two lines of trownlnc sohliuts, without bed and board, woro never better. After eomo parleying the Spaniards pt-rmiUcd us to cntor the King's dominion, where wo found n caravansary, though dirty and unhos- pliable, in which to obtain a show of rest for ourselves aud horses, In ascending tho Hock of Gibraltcr, nt well n exploring lU galleries anil cavs tho donkeys arn used almost ox- chuively. And little mites of creatures thoy oro too, but hardy and sure-footed. I verily beliovo that th ono that car ried me about during an entire after noon, without showing any signs ol fatigue, I eas ly could havo lifted from tho around, and have walked away with it under my arm. In the strcoi of tho town the donki'ys subserve many admirable purpose?, but none r-o novel to foreignois as sab-titutis fir baby carnages. J. lioso sulo-waiK mil- smces are tero dnno awav with, and th'ii babies of Gibraltcr take their places with apparent delight in a basket that haul's suspended to the donkey's back, whilu the little fellow jogs about with pride and gentleness by the side of the uurse. A magnificent viow may ho obtained from Gibralter's hoary Bum mit, which is reached by sterp and difficult paths up tho winding slopts. A ignul sta- tion here commands the entire sweep of land and sea. A beautiful p.ino- rama is unfolded, that stretches away as far as tho eye oao sop. Tho hills of Spain touch the hoiizon on ono side, and tho African headlands loom up across the Straits, with Apes Hill, the companion of Gibraltar, in tho fore- ground. Tfio harbor is dotted with ships and white sails and wreaths of smoke signal tho approach of the world's armada, while the eca breaks and is dashed against the granito walls that rise abruptly trora tbo ocean s oea. Salisbury. "Husband, I Want You to Try it." I had suffered for years with a oom- nlaiut the nhvscians called tiravol, and they had given up the attempt to ht-lp mo. My wife heard of Dr. Kennedy's Fayoiite Remedy, .ofUondout, N. l., .and spoko as above, lo please tier l uoi a bottle. Used that and two nr heo more, and presently tho trouble vanished never to return.- Washington Monroe, Catskill, N. Y. mar. 1 4t Prohibition Oommnnications. ror tbe Columbian. -rtv.miuij i w. .p ..r -..I nnrt ...lit J"" l'ucl "3 " cator ot the n-nplo, throuch tho me dlu of your paper I would bo p,easedf fV iJfJLt. prohibition qm-stion now worrying tho Dutch and Irish of Pennsylvania, not in mention tho few Americans in tun hackcround. At last in spito of precedent running buck to I ho d'sroycry of intoxicants and in the lace of ridicule irom an poli ical pa'tieB, as w II as tho tolerance inn mdittoience ot unurcn ana stie; t last, I say, in G -d's moiey and moral evolution", wu have reacfn d the '' when the sovereigu power of tne iveyflnnf Btaie may oe me p'neni, geney inrouiin which wu unj i-ura t consummation devoutly to be sought the abolition of tho liquor traffic. reformation not only moral, but tlo political, and that, too, far more potential than the modern humbug knoAit a- Civ t S-tvico n-lorra Wu ndmit ih t the laniticatioi.,. ..f the iipmr tratlio aro tar renamnu nvrai y, olitu-aly aud i-ominercitliy; ai a wo xtiowr it is not tno moiai or p iiucai sp ct of iho qucsiion thai tr. aides ho Uuu-K aud Irii-b. not to meniion tho f mw Amoriens in tho' background. It we fnil at present, throuuh either he factional suite for supremacy inmng the van ius advocaiea of temper ince. or throuuh the influence ot the ill-gotten g tiiis of distillers and sell, is f tntoxicHnts sucoeas will come even tuallv. It will come as sorely as Irunkeiiiiess is its own btet argument of denunciation. It will como so surt- ly as there is efficacy in the paicnU prayer lor loved ones, it win come in God's own time, through human agency, in the face of internal sir fe, commercial feaiv, or the Dutch and the Irish, not to mention the few Ameri cans in tho baokgiound. It will come in spite of the protest ot lied iNosc-d Mike and his Italian accomplices in murder, in drunkenness aud all the crimes in tho vocabulary that gro' out of it. It will como in spite ol the pro test of all tho Hungarians, and peasants, and serfs, and scum of Monarchies, that our capitalists havo induetriouidy imported (free of duly) since wo abol- imea Human slavery auu nguuist which we have no protective tariff iu this olorious day of high protection i to capital, it win conic; ana wuu cu 1 iircsunio to retard it. except ho wit I W0uld. build upon tho wreck of i brother, and build to bis own damn ation. Having observed tho use and amino of intoxicants as far back ns wo can remember, we ought certainly to under Spring Disorders Shattered nerves, tired brain. Impure blood, debilitated system, all aro the natural out come In the Sprinc. A medicine must be used, and nothing- equals Falne's Celery Com pound. We let others praise ua you cannot help believing a disin terested party. T!ilLn,llfr.;eiitnit W. L. Qreenleaf. llurllng- ton. Vt., writes i "I lime used l'alne'g celery Coioiiuund on several occatjona. and always with bcnerit, iJist spruur, tielne very much run down and debilitated, I commenced taking It. T o buttles made me feel like a new man. As a general ionic nnd spring medicine 1 da not kuuw of Its equal." $,Xaiti&i. IT IS EASY TO Spring '89 OOK UkI'UTATION KOlt KlltST-ClASd Clotiiino at Kf.asonaiik PlIIClK-t In Wi.i.i. Kstaiii.ihiiki), Hut This .Season We Mean to Kxcki. am, FoitsiEit Kkkobts. A, C. Yates & Co. Clothing for Men and Hoys, Sixth and Chestnut, MEDOKn BPIMJNQ, I'lllLADA. An Attack of Gravcl. Tho Terrible 8nDVrln of n Woman nt OOv How Boo mi Happily Cured. , jfi tbm l noting l now enjoy lht 1 do not oirs to sarin ttacd Dr. CtM Knndy'srarorltItemnJy, mads l Itondoot,N, Y. Mr troubles Wu la mr kUne ri and rrom which I nsvtr exreetnl to recov. if. rirat thcro ttro rlnii la rnr lack, 1 to fever, lah, with no arrctlto ami cem j nt j WM com pellod to uso a cana, and finally Rot to weak that I onld Bot Hind alons. Tho dlatms I n my Uek was torlbla. IwubnrnlnrnpwIthafrrerorconiUat 17 shivering aa It cold. Mr rhrilctans (aid I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, which was alarming Information. To add to my af. atclltm after! had been 111 about two years. I had a bad attack of Gravel. When Ibis made Ita inw. nco tnr pby alclari kito bp hit caao, and I ronlmcd myself to die. I had f our doctors attend me, tho boat In tho country, yet I tonitantlr a-rew woraa. BIr rean aolatJ bow well I remember tho Umel I aiw Br. Kenncdre rarorlto Jlemedy adrorttacd In onrparor. AttcruitnitonebolUal threwawamy rane and went to New York on a visit, and three bot. tlce cured me, I hare oarer had a return of Orarel. nor ot th palna or weakneea In tb back, and tflootn lam orer stttr reara of are I am Now Vigorous and Strong- Il.1'S."t.,'1'"" i'if ") tired. Ikpth.incll. EiS?l2Lib" "OUf? nd 1to It 10 nr. BTandrhllclrrn, S53 11f0?1"n,, '' "henerrr I ranVW hat phjflrlaoil FAVORITE REMEDY, Me Ono dollar. rretiamlatnondnnt.N.Y: Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Vrerarod by Bit. DAVID KKNNKDY, ltONDOUT, N. Y. SlperboUle Sli for it. By all droKirliU. Tho Ivnntnet Rlnnrl Durttor'ilA MNUWIlt This Croat Rprmnn Medicine la the ehmptntnnil best. lJ3ilooicl SO I'llltlt llITTl.'t4fn,-Al-ftVlitnthftnaT 2 ono cent a dose, it will cure their U ri worat rases or skin disease, iromar Ea Cua rommon tilmnle on tho I to that nwrul ni-cnso croruin. cr SULl'IIUIt BITTKltS Is thoM J? best metllclno to uao In allaT " ensca of eucn stubborn nnilym,r deep seated diseases. Doncrsarpout not ever lako nfnv.iAp.tTn Ei BLUE PILLS aC8.!LWyju?5Q Mormereury.tlicrnrodcad'",'.':;; ill hi .i wVfyou, uso Hmcdlclnoevcrmadc. M$M it(er3 1 ii7oariongneuoaa - m til wltha TcllowstlckTiTDon't wait nrtll yon U nsubstauee? Isyourjrnro unablo to walk, or breath fnul nnlare flat on vour back. Ill offenstvo? Vonrtnit get some nt once. It 1 1 stomach la ontwlll euro you. Sulphur iioiorticr. usejrumerBia ill hiii.I' nm . i n.i.-.i ?m . . . . . pw w nn inviiiiii'M rii'im. Is your irrtGiing ftro soon made well by Ido thick .yrfita ure. Urinember what you rony, clo-if read here. It may Bavo your uuy( uriue, it nna Baveu nunurttis & H Don't wait until to-morrow. 2. if m T-J.i.l m- J-.. I r-j Am vou low-PDlrltcd and weak or BiilTcrlnif from tho oxcraacs of r . u (a - Lltf 1IIIITI) III'lri.'IU curu juu. Send 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. I. Onlway Jt Co.. iloston, Mass., for best raoillealwork pufjllshciti' s ,1.'. UMiiiJj!!'! .tHtr: Iftlf. B jaairnMBt Tlie treatment of many thousands of easel of tnuso chrnnlo weaknesses and distressing ailment peculiar to females, at the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Iluffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testing remedies for tht cure of woman's peculiar maladies. lr. 1'lcrcc'a t'nvorlto Prescription I. the outgrowth, or remit, ot this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients aud from physi cians who have tested It iu the more ariria vatcd and obstinate cases tvhlch had battled their skill, prove It to be the roost wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of sulleriu? women. It Is not recommended as s cure-nil," but as n most perfect Specido for woman 'a itecullnr ailments. Aa a powerful, In viiforntttig tonic, It lmpaits strength to tlio whole system, und to the womb and lta appendages In particular. For overworked, "worn-out," "run-flown," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shnp-jrlrls," hoii9e keeer8, nutslnir mothers, and feeble women generally. lr. l'lerces ravorlto 1'reseriptlon i the greatest earthly boon, bt'.ntr nnequaled aa an appetizing cordial and te&inrntlve tonic. As n aootliltiK anil atroiiKIUoiiIng fiiiimiiK uiiii iruiiKtiiuiuiiK e, "l'avorlto rresorlptlon Is uno n il Is Inroluablo In allayiuir and sub arroua excitability. Irritability, ex- iiurviuv. i avunto nualcd an dulng nervous hauatlon, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other aistrrssing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease ot the womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de ipondcncy, lr. i'lorce'a Farorlte Prescription la a loglilmato medicine, carefully compouuded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It Is purely vegetable In lta composition and perfectlr harmless In Ita elTecU In any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms, IU use, in small doses, will prove very beneficial. " 1 avorlte Prescription ti a posU tlTocure for the most complicated and ob- Kdnnie cases ot leucorrnca, excessive nowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot the womb, weak back, bearing-down aensatlona. chronlo congestion, Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In- uumraauun, pain ana tenaerneas la ovaries, accompanied with MnlArnat liMt Am a roKUlutor and promoter ot func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Farorlte Pre scription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It Is equally efficacious and valuablo In Its ertoota when taken for tbose dlsordeis and derange ments Incident to that later and most critical period, known as "The t.'hango of Life." "l avorllo 1'roscrlplluli," when taken In connection with tho use of Dr. Pieree'i tloldcn Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr, 1'lcrco'a I'urgallve l'ellets (Little Liver rilM, cures Liver. Kidney and Illud.ler diseases. Their combined uso also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "ravorlto Prescription" is the only medlcino for women, sold by druggists, muter a poalllvo Riiarautoo, from tho manu facturers, that It will give autlsluct Ion In every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee uas ueen printed on the bottle-wrapper, and lalthfully carried out for many years. . I.urifo bottles (00 doses) S1.00, or alx bnttloa for 85.00. ' For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper-cornea), leud tea Dents la stamps. Address, World' Dispensary Radical association, 63 nolu SL, BUITAI.O, N.Y. 'I have used two bottles of your Palne's Celery compound, and It has given entire sat isfaction as an appetizer and blood puruier." 1. 1 itKHHKn, ,aierionu, unauiu. Paine's Celery Compound la prescribed by physicians, recommended by druggUU, endorbed by mlnlstere, pralN'4 by users, and guaranteed by the manufacturer.!, as a spilng medlcino which will do aU thatu claimed for It. Vse It this spring, and see bow quickly It tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Full accounts of wonderful cures made by I'alne's Celery Compound alter other medicines and tho beat physicians had tailed, sent free. There's nothing like It., six for H.W. Uruggut. Wilis, Kiciiirpwn & Co., liurllngton, Vt. DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES i7JS. Sweat-Groan-Growl. What tlislt tatx eipected of the old faihloned way of blacking the ahoeat Try the hew way by tttlnc WOLFF'S Acme Blacking and th dirty ttiV become cleialjr wiurt. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Wattr or Enow, Shoes can be wiihed Uean, tttjulrlog drtaalag only once a Week for men, once a Month for women. It It alia an Elegant Harness Draaalng. WOLFF&RANtfOLPrLPhllpMji 8L00MSBUIIG PLilHING MM The undcrslcntd havln? rut his rianlnt M Itttlroid street. In Rrst-rinsr condition. Ir on rod to do all kinds of vcrkln his Hue, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOUi-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlti'cd at r.t,ui!iuiet rices. All ininbiruM 4 well seasoned and none but skilled workmei are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS frtririsheil on nppliottion. CHARLES Kllllti, Ittocmt Nltnrg, I'a TO CORSUMPTIVES Tho uiulcisiL'oed liftviot been re stored to licfilth by 8iinilo tnennp, nfler sui.lliing for set oral years with n severe lung affcftiotJ, antl thitt dread dineae Conhimitiov, is ntixioita to makf- known lo hm fellow KiifTerero the meatip of euro. To tho?o ho dit-ire it, he will cliceriitlly send (free of t-har-M-) a rop o tlio vrcfuriidioD ntou, unioli 1 hi- will find a mro cure for Consi'MI'tion, Atiim, C.vTAititit, l!noKcniTi3 and i'l throat Biul liintr Maladies. He Itoptu all btilTei ota will try hix Ii medy, m it is invaliinblc 'll'o-io dcsinnut the ircROiiption, which will coat tliem ooth intr, nnd may provo a b'essine, will ntldriB1, 1U.V. Eoward A. Wn.- on, Wiliianisburi', Kiiich Uonntv, iSew York. A-it-co.-aec-7-iy E IRE INSURANCE CnniSTIAN P. &HAfF, IlLOOMSllDHQ.rA, uc it. i. JlKltCIIANTSVOF' NEWAKE, N. J. I' LINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. RKAD1NO. PA. UUUMAN AMEItlCAN INS. CO..NEW VOKK. (lltEENWICH INS. CO., NEW VOHK. JEItSKY CITY FIUK INS. CO., JKltSEY CIT, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by me and fik txstid and have never yet had a loss Bettled by any court ot law. Their assets are all tnrested in solid skcdbitiis are liable to the azard ot fire only. Losses raourrLr and nomsTLT adjusted and aid aa soon aa determined by Cbristiih r. :nxft. arxcuL aoimt and adjcsth tiLOOatsicBO. TheDoonleof Columbia county should uatroa- tze tho agency where losses If any are settled and oau ny one or tner own citizens. ruuaui'NKsti. nyuiTi, r&iu uuuau. PENSIONS ! TENSIONS U.-.8 PENSIONS due many OFnoaBS. Bolbisbi Siilcbs, their Widows, Cdildrkn and DaraxDiNT tURKMS everywhere. If In doubt, or any l-cnsioo lniormation wanteu, write nere. no wasniuEiuo, D. C , or other Agency si advantageous us this N. J. AUKNUY. (Thousands ot Pensions ai-gregatln? millions of dollars, r-btaloed throudi this AKency. and us wl t). others allowed dally, jj Addross with two stamps jAMba r. lfuLinii, Coumelor at Law, 2SIE. state St.. Trenton N.J. (Late IT. S. Pension Agent, N. J. llvt. line oen'l. t iieiera iu uuv., u. n. rvua uuu .-,1. ju o., posts (). A. ll, and Pensioners alt u. u., Canada &.C reo ls-r-i- nt I 'XtWVFirJJ. I'-fiMt tinikiir. War-J 'Iffit Ssf M JaiUntmrra. Both Udi..- ail attnH' tliM. wlih worka ui) tun of tqtul vtUs). Onfll'erionlaHfk lo tltlr tn tocurt om flrta. toirthrr with out Urc and obU Una of llouaehold Numplrs TkM implei, well tt th wtlch, wt Mnd Ks4ak. and aftr voa hml ktt lbm In jwr liom for S month ad ltwB ihm tho who ph tt ar ran b iur of rtllic lb Watch Ind flataiIO. VW J ft'aM.. Addr-M Itln-un tV: Co., Ilox 81. larilia, MuvLoe, H C SLOAN k BRO. JJLOOMSBUKG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETNS SLEIGHS, PLATFDR VI WAQMS &G Flr8t-clasE wort always os hand, RprAlRlAUNEAlLYDONE. Priui reduttdto wit th' timet. PATENTS vests and Trade Marks obtatned.and all Patent slnesH conducted tor MODKIt TE FEES. OUR OKPICE IS OPI'nHlTE U. H. PATENT FKICIt. We have no aub.fltrencteti. all huslneas direct, licncooan transact patent business In less uiue uuu at Lua i man tuuae rcmuio iruui Washlnirton. send model, drawln?, or photo.wltb description. We advise it patentable or not, freo ot charge. Our fee not due till oatent Is secured. A book,"IIow to Obtain l'atents,,,wltb referenM3 o actus) cueniB in your state, county, or town, til HQ?, .uarus9 C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Ptent once, Waahtnutnn, p.O THE WORLD Of TO-DAY, A JIAONIflCENT ATLAS OK TUB WOULD. In one fftreo quarto volume, mxii incneu iu sue, containing ns paves or nanasomeiy en uravod nud oolored niani Also an , Index ol over 5. 10 cities, rivers. -.etc.. tliro'iirhout tho world! trl'lns enact location, t-'lothj price A beautiful, aecu-ato. convenient and comnrfi. benUve atlts,- a marvel or art, ot Information and of prt-e, the (qua) ot tht Ix-bt f I0(W atlas ever pub'IsheJ, AIIVNDYATLASOFTIIKWOltl.l). A neat and convenient voluu.o, contslDlng 134 colored maps, nlacrams, tablen, etc., descriptive of every country In the world, carefully classified and skillfully arranged for eay reference. SQO paxes or lniormation, v. luableanl available. L'lotli, t-ilceuc, plJS40 A guld riolt to the whole world, a pocket cyclo pedia, a mtrvel ot value and cheapneM, and a dally compwlon of every newspiper reader, tsent by uv on receipt ot price and postage Enclose Pojtortlce Money Order, New York Draft, or Postal Koto for full amount. Kloh a. Hausbdhy, 18 tulncy st 1'iooklyn, N. Y. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Ba'jn Cleanses llio Ns aj PftsjaROP, Al I Jaj Tain ami IufleftvrlAVfEVER! matlon, Urals the Bores, Ilettorcs Hie 8enes od'aiteanil Smell. TRY THE OUEF.H '.EVER A Dartlcle la aDDUeu into each nostril, uri u agreeable, l'rtca 69 cent at Druicslstsi br mall isioreu, sy cia. uli unviujsiia, m warren street, Heir Veric ran is. mti HMP7aT)?flH stHnJ tlio tlKTerctico betweon sobriety ami ctrunkenrlOH. We think we tic, lo our Borrow, In enough osboh lo win this baltlo With llio dovlt ntitl hlii angel". This Is our hoi, i alitor than tr-inpornnco orrjanlzationp, tuitgnolio orators, nml brass bands esptcuily ns tl'eru's sllll danger of tlio orators and bauds brim (Inink ns usual. As between a tlrutiki-n man and an csraiit'd lutialio wo utvor could mnko a choice to savo ns. And, as for any business translation with them, wo say luiirison tlio drnnkard and turn loose Iho Innatlo upon sooiety. For pity sako nnd Iho good of ooiety, liowevir. tne innatlo is ill pr! veil ol Ins liberty, whilt'. fur tho l.oll of sooii'tv. the eron. io ilritiikaid is still at lariro: and. whon foil of n oros between benr.itio and iirpi nlinc, lii frcmiuitlv yoos nbout llio a roaring lion net-king whom and wnat r-o can tlefiioll and rtovonr. lie s not particular as to who or what ho comis across. With tho normal bent of his heart increased fonio thirty thonand strokes per day ho is ant to out his way thiuitgli liko a steam saw mill ai nigh pressure, regarding mm self at once th '"toekof tho walk" tl-o 'bull of thu voodf,"nd "uionaroh of nil ho surveys." Wlitn, with tlo evt of tho etolutiou. 1st wo look back ovtr human advatico- roenl, and r.oto our graduil deelop mcnt from tiionkiy to tnan, wo arc almost axtoniched in this nineteenth centurv of the Chtislian era to seo the very shoit stp we stem to have talen frcm tho original proper. burs of the in- dtrn e,olutionit. When jlaet d fate to (ace with tho cricimtl we cro apt to query "which is which," in view of tho niiiiual still adherent nnd plainly tierccptiblo tlironcli tlruiiki ntsctp. A caudal appendago alono is raiR'ing. ah a lonely uigunienttn lavor of whiskey it ' said that evil is frequent ly overruled for good. Wo admit it, tt the whiskey is pure;butlhe drunken t ecs rcetiltint! from imbibinu modern decoctions is too mean and poisonous for a ruling, at.d consequently never terminates in anything belter than thu headache or dvliiium t remene. To ox ter tninnte tho gigantio curse of the age in whieh wo lw, and that wo may pos sibly leavo tho world a littlo belti r than we found it, and from a ensi of duty owing to God and humanity, let us east our ballots upon tho queetion as quietly and purely as the snow falls, and give Gud tho praise for tho oppoitunity. I. .1. J. Now Coltimbii", Pa. February 19, 1889. Editors Colcubun: As the proposition to amend tbo State Constitution in regard to Prohi bition, appears to bo the main topio or discussion, I desire to say to my fel low r aders, and voters of Columbia County that after considering tlio sub ject fairly and honestly it is una im pel itve duly to work and vole with thoso who aro striving to promolo tho welfare of tho rising generation. Now let tne state a fact; a great many peoplo are afra'd to do what they know to bo their duty, for fear of tho opinions of others, not only is it the case with the average voter, but many ol our township, (Jounty, State and even National Oflicen-; tho excuse is 'I dare not do it on account of the ideas of my constituents, or my party.'' Tho verv "idea,, dare not do right. Surely right wrongs no one, and our very best men say "I wonld rather bo right than Prtsidont." Decidedly the worst curse in our fcountry to day is the rum traffic. Let us now do some thing to remedy the terrible evil. Tho drinking habit brings in its train a ho't of kindred evils, it not only destroys tho health, bnt infliUs i mn upon the innocent and helpless, foritinvadis the family circle and spreads wco and sorrow all around, it breaks tho father's heart, b( reaves tho doting tnother,and brings down mourn ing age in sorrow to tne grave. It covets tho land with idleness and poverty, dUease and crirot ; il fills our ii Ih, alms-houseB and asylums, t condemns law and order, and furnii-hes victims for tbo scaffold. It i ncili s the father to brutally abuse bis family and friends. It bribes voters, corrupts elections and endangers our government, degrades the cit'zen, le gislator and statesman. You will par don my zeal, for it is in the onuo of humanity. I appeal to honest thinkers, can nothing be done to lessen tl.e great evilt They ask us: would you vote for the amendment and thus lower the value of hotel and saloon property. Wo ask you can you vote to continue enrich tng the bloated saloon keeper, and those who desire to flood the t-ountty with dirtilled poison, at the expense of thousands ot poor families. 1 appeal to you parents in ail faitnes, and ear nestness, are we not under obligations to sanction every illort tor its suppres sion. As wo havo an opportunity in our lifo to perform one kind act for tho sako of our boys who wo hope will be free ftom this curse, this eating canker of our prosponty and of our life. Yours in tho cause J. E Snydf.k. Miillinville Pa, Fb. 1P.1889. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafnoss and Hay Fevtra A NKW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers aro not generally nwaro that these diseases ttro coiitaKlomi, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites hi the, lining nieuihrnne of the nose and eus tachian tubes, .microscopic research, now nver. has lirovinl this to bo a fact atut tlm result Is that a simple remedy lias been for- muiateu wnereuy caiarru, caurrnai nearness and hay fever are permanently cured iu from one to three simple applications made nt homo by the patient onco In two weeks, h', K.For catarrhal discharges peculiar to letnaies iwuitesj mis renieuy is a specinc A pamphlet explaining tills new treatment Is sent on receipt ot ten cents tiv A. II. Dixos & Spv, 804 West Kinff 8t, Toronto, Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read tno erxiYO careiuuy. Tate Springs, Tew., July 4, 188S. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.s During the spring of 1871, while working In the field at my home in Morgan county, Ga I pulled off my shoes to rive my feet a rest. Unfortunately, I walked into a clump of poison oak, and In a few days my feet were In a terrible condition, and I coufd not put on a shoe because of the soreness and swelling. I was treated at poison oak cases Usually are, and everything was healed up. About the tame time the following spring, 187a, my feet became tote again, as at first, and every tuccccdiug spring for five years brought back the sam condition of the dis ease, only caii time It became more dis tressing, because I began to think it was lifetime trouble, Finally, I was Induced to fry Swift's Specific, I took six bottles, and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, and no erldence of the disease remains. I shall take pleas, ure In testifying as to Its curative proper, ties. It Is tlie greatest blood purl6er in ex. istence. Yours truly, J. L. Morgan. The foregoing certlfcata Is taken tt random from thousands of letters In posses, sion of the Sw)(t Specific Co,, and presented simply as a simple. It is a voluntary statement, giving 'facts and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question. A valuable Treatise on Blood and Skis Diseases mailed free. Address THE SWIFT WECIFIC CO., . Bhm i iilMtfc fist mmfbrd YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Reliable." Restores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates tlost In bolting. No other powder does this. It Is healthful and nutritious. Put up in bottles. PEkRINE'S PURE BAULKY i Jx f it A av 1 m IIP DM-rUMD rnvn selected llarloy Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure and freo rrom l.ijurlous oils and telds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It Is especially adapted to persons requlrlDga etlmulatlnp tonic, (onsutnilles beli'B eroatlv benefitted by lta use, liecommctided by leading physicians aa a mtirct v Nervine. Tonlo and Alterative. For consumpilu-a 11 li invaluable. rillHINKV rUHR llaltbEY MALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vigor to the fctomach, agooa appetite, a rich and nbundant blooil and Increased ncsh and mutcularttwue, A stimulant mild nnd gent 10 In effect. , Dyspepsia, indigestion and all dl cases cai bo entirely conquered by theuxeor l crnne'a I lire Hi rley alt VN hlf Keys It is a tonlo and diureno and a powerful stungthener to llie entire system, ruil IIINE'S PUHK HAHLEV MALT WII1SKE1 has proed a medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations Intheopenalr and whose dally ork calls 11 exceotlonal powers of endurnnco. Ask joui nearest druggist or grocer tor lot PKHHINE'S I'llHE UMtLKY M ALT W1118KKY levlies the encretes ' thoje" out with excessive o-xlllv or mental effort and acts aa a, safeguard against exposurf In wet and rigorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases lion 1 the sj stem. Hard worKors 01 every vocation ana pera-Jiin " ""'"'j r Uyspepslalindln Pcrrlne'a l'ure liarley fmmam'mm,'T;,y,a , A Malt wnisieey a power nnd hptnr to dlirr,Mnii I'Ullr. llAltl.KI MAUI wuiom:.! without unduly sttmuuting the kid neys tncroases their flagum activity, counteracts tho efTocts of fatigue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesomo and prompt aiuretio. watcn None genuine unless bearing the turn Kot saiouT all druegsts and grocers tlirouguout the United states and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PH1LA FOHSALB 11Y ENNEY GOODS Alexander Bros. & Co, WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CAIVTBIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLAEDS HHCA.NDIES. ntfiSII VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. A SPECIALTY. SOLS 10SNT8 FOR F. Y. ADAMS 4 CO., PINE CUT CIIEAVING j TOBACCO! Sole agent sot tho fol lowing Dranas or cigars. HENItY CLAY, LOND11BS, NOHMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, V SAMSON, SILVER ASH. DEALER IN Foreign amdBameMio WINES AND LIQUOR AND JOBBER IN GIGAKS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. One ot the latest improvements is tho NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enables 0110 lo piny without disturbing anyone iu the vicinity and with little wear to the iiirlrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEOliGK STUCK & CO PIANO, after thirty years of severest test are used, on account ot unequalled durability, by CG coilegtB and many others in the United S ates THE ESTEV UPRIGHT PIANO, with new repeating action, best in tho woild for upright pianos, and tho first and only pcrftct repeating action introduced with uptight piano?. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation oi 38 years. A warrantee of five years is given with each instrument. It is the test medium-priced piaiW in tho market. Our LINE of ORGANS is very complete,. wo have THE CELEBRATED ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATES, aud other makes. SEWING Wu hive tho celebrated WHITE, STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NEW ROME. Pianps Organs and Sowing Machines on installment plan. Wo have also bmjos, guitars, Gonnai1 accordofina, blow accordeonn, flutes, fifts, mouth orgma, drum, &). Five hundred pieo 's of tun cent sheet muio, &o., &o. Second hand pianos, organs and sewing machines on lnt;il, and received in oxchangO for new ones. Agent for Uutterick and Domestio piper palttrtu and f.ifhion bowks. Sowing tnachiuo itedllev, ciN mid uttao!nnenU for nil moohines'9 in stock. J, Bloomsburg Pa, rSEEDS, 1 crttiiitwju iuaa,ucuk,l Palter ret tm-tt MALT WHISKEY. Pcrrlne'a l'ure Harley fy"'mmmmm.mmm " T ,k 1 . powerful tnvlgorantS The analysis ns It appears by the LS gestlon. 1'KUlflNK'ti Bbel on etery bottle: 1 havocarefull an Iaiyzea innrnii ""'i tr made ty M. fi J. K rerrlne and nnd. it entirely free from fusel oli.f urfurol, Imetals and acids and la absolutely pure." Sltmed, CVimWIa Arthur tlatrr, tneiarxa 1 slgna Oeima am Veitbaitn DUUOQlsrS AND ALL DEALERS. ANY OKDEIt FOIl FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS? CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. "We liavc in r-trck a fitur lit e of rautica inttrumentti than Las ever te n bought in Inn section, and we aru making special 'nducemeniB to imrchaters for the holiday eason. We gel our instruments direct frrm the manufactories, and can offer I'Ctter terms than can be given by any nlner parties, THE 1VKRS stand & POND PIANOS at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE nt the HOS'J Oh CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. MACHINES. NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME. ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and ' oldj -WKwr.i.'.L. Saltzer, General Agent. PENNYROYAL PILLS ' tlM Matt Mlalll bill fcfl sv. 11 r" T " susj III VtMi T "ZJ-i t.7tiyf. raa aU.. 10.1100 ClL r.iiM" "W8MIU,V. KB I L W -7 I srrr. V'iyen Wire Fencing BEST aflkV STEEL T.V ViroUopoecivngo on Tn at DPR ROD, . . Vat:- II WW w w - flftaIf AnwMMiynnE. u&avinnr riib Information frm Feb m o o w 1st HINDERCORN8. tti entr tar mn tor rnastopa lln. rnajrM tS3iSS& tharatt 15c at Urnirrtata. lliadoi ACa.W.T. CONSUMPTIVE Li" 1. .c Aiamnn rnuin. it Hsai rnmi you IJOU M I UM ariKtng bvmdefectlre nutrition. Tk In tltn. Wc Lw. MarMl'lU UM wlnr-MiieMen tnd l til pan faff n.fita AMI nflChlKML wnon tatie fori 1117,1 i7 DMt MWrnf-micniD mmam 1 world. with all tht ttiach !!. 1 wiiiatlsM dfr(ttrr)Dli Una of or coitl? and alub) art inmpIM in rrtnm wm nai jom knitf aar hat asrst end. to IhOH tthO mty fal. at your liome. and after O Thll JTMind mat-hint ft mtdaarW tht Nlltitrr paunia. run oat H wtd fw 90J1. wtih lha larhmfnit, and now alla for 'HAO. Prt.tirontTt. moat Hit. hit marhina in thf world. All la .ft .No cMDital i-Mnirfd. I'l In, i.-i. 1 hnu tthi wriia la ua at on re tan tr ftff tba b afwlnr-matnJns? In tht world, and tht CnMf iirtf worha of b'rh art at n ihon lnrrHht tn Amfric. 'JL'nU;V CO,, Ilox 7IO Augnatiii luoe. tanjTT'Ob-f' GHATKFUL COMFOHTINO. EPP'S COCOA. nilEAKPAST. "By a thoroush knowlodecottho natural taws which RuTCrn the oieiallons ot dlirestlon and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line properties of wtll-peteuted 1 ocoa. Sir Eppshas Srovld- d our breakfast tanlcs with a d!)lcatcly avored beveraee which may sare us many heavy doctors' bllK It Is by the Judicious use ot such articles of diet t bat. a const llutlon may be gradual. Iv built up until strong enoiurn to resist every ten dency to dl ease. Hundreds ot subtlo maladies are floating around us re dy to attack wherever there Is a w eak point. s may escape nany a fatal shaft, by keeping 0'iinelves well foi titled with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-Cfr;H Serrlc Vmvtte. Made simply Willi belling water or milk, sold only in hall pound tins, by urocers, labelled thus: jamem kits CO., Uomocopathlo Chemists, oct so-d-ct, London, England. RAILROAD SIME TA3LH TELAWARK, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTEllN IlAILItOAD. BLOOMSBTJUG DIVISION. STATIONS. KOltUI. r m r M . m. i. it MORTUCMBRRLANP C 40 I 1 10 10 tl IS Cameron 6 65 10 ts c 80 Chulafek) ciO .... 10 6 31 uanvine ,. o ui i ua iu e 40 Catnvl-s;l OSS a 14 10 S3 (S Ilupert..-.. (IS' 2 111 1100 1 C5 Iiloomsrjtirg 6 88 !il II 07 7 12 Espy a 42 3 S9 it is r su Lime Itldgc, .. 6 60 .. 11 23 7 !7 Willow Otove . ...1.64 .... 1120 7 81 lirlarcrcck a w ti 30 7 ss Berwick 7 (15 S 48 11 37 7 48 lieach llinen 7 11 2 64 11 44 7 49 Hick's Fern-. 7 IS 2 69 11 48 65 Shlckshinny - 7 SO 3 09 11 S3 8 rs ilumucK's i Li a ih Vi ut, a IT Nantlcoke 7 60 3 SO 12 16 8 22 Avondale 7 64 12 20 R 3a riymoutll 7 69 3 36 12 26 8 33 PI) mouth Junction 8 03 3 39 12 30 8 33 Kingston 8 08 3 43 12 37 8 46 Dennett 8 12 .... 12 41 8 49 Maltby 8 17 .. 12 45 8 63 Wyoming 8 22 8 62 12 50 8 63 West Ilttaton 8 27 3 60 12 65 9 03 nttston S 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna . 8 40 .... in o 17 TavionlUe...... 8 48 1 IU V 25 neuevue 8 54 .... 1 25 9 so KCR1NT0N. ......... ......... 9 (10 4 22 1 30 9 85 ru ru ri xu STATIONS. SOUTn am am ru ru ScHANTON 6 10 9 50 2 05 6 SO Believue o it 9 65 ... ess Taylorvnie o so 10 oo ,!tt .so Lackawanna. 6 2? loos 221 6 37 nttston 6 3D 10 in 2 28 S 46 Weal nttston 6 42 10 22 2 84 6 60 Wyoming 6 47. 10 27 2 39 6 ss Maltby a si 10 30 ... s 69 Bennett 6 65 10 81 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 81 2 5a 7 07 Plymouth Junction.. 7115 tn 42 2 54 712 Plymouth 7 to 10 47 2 69 7 ts Avnndale 7 14 10 61 3 03 7 21 Nanllcnkc.i 7 19 10 55 3 no 7 ss HunlOCk'B 7 20 II 02 S 19 7 43 SMcksliluny 74 It 12 3 29 7 ss Illek's Firry IM 1122 8 39 8 07 Beach Haven 8 Ot I' 28 8 45 8 18 Berwick 8 07 tl 37 .3 61 8 20 Bnarcreek 8 13 .... 3 57 8 27 Wl'lowOrove 8 16 114' 4 01 8 81 Llmelildge. s 20 tt 62 405 8 ss KPy, S 26 11 69 4 12 8 41 Bloom'burg 8 82 12 05 4 18 8 47 Hnpertl... , 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssn ,82 12 16 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 B7 12 80 4 40 9 15 Chulasky. s n.1 4 64 9 23 Cameron , 0 07 12 40 5 00 9 28 N0KTllCktBni.AND 9 22 12 6 6 15 9 49 A il pu pu pic Connections at ilupert with 1'hlladeiphli- Heading Kallroad for Tamanend, Tamuqua, Will, lsmsport. sunbury. Pottsville. etc AtNarthum berlanrt with P. K. Dlv. P. It. It. for Ilarricbiirg. Lock II aven, Emporium, Warren, corrj- and Erie. 'V. P. UALSTEAD, Oen. Man.. Scranton, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. w Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis' ion, and Northern Central Railway. llxp TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. iq 1883. Trains leave snnbury EASTWAItD 9.40 a. m., sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for Ilarrlsburg and lntermedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia p. m. s New York. S.50D. m.! IlAltlmnrn i J4 n m . irnB1,,nn.n 6.66 p. m., conneetlognt Philadelphia for all Be Philadelphia ' T rousl1 PapM,nBer coach to . ,, i.aa p. ra. nay express dally except SundayLforllarrlsburgand Interme- dlatn fltntlnnn. nrrivlno t,v.,inn,i. 6.60 p.m.; New- York, 9.85 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p. m. i Washington, p.on p, m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and pasaeDger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. T,45 p. m. Henovo Aeeoinciodation (daily forllarrlfburgand all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at rnnadeipniai 25n. m, ; New York 7.10 a. m. Iia tlmore. 6.15 s.m. t WaHiitpion a SO s. m. ! """il, 1 lr,n"n uornsnurg io rmiadei. phla and New York. Phllndi iplila pawengers can remain In lwp-r unrtlatitrtiM intll 7 a. m. Philadelphia sle,per Is run on this train lrom Wllllam-port on Sundays in,Nlam;iir"..Ma,l'tlEllf'or narrlsburg and o o. '.""fi 61r'v'nK at. i nuaoeipnia e.ssa. m New York ll.boa. m. t Baltimore 8,15 r.V. V " . i--o n. iii. mivvvn junman sleeping carsaie run on thlstrolnto Philadelphia, HAItlmnrta anil t nalitrintnn .. a t. v. ...x.w. ' 'a r,aiss's ii'ii, nuu liJIUuliU UILe&Cll Bercoachestorhilsdelrhla end Baltimore. WESTWAllU. S.1 1) ft . vn li.n . . . . . ,. . . . Intermertiat stations ana Canandalgiia aid cars and passenger coacneB to Erie and Hoones. 9.63 News Express (dally eicept Sundar) for lock naven and Intermediate stations. ' -;vH'.. 1,0f?)tt jiaAjuroB (uaii7 except pnn a yjforKflne nrcllutermedlateBtatiocB a&d Can "Jliwtfr. Buffalo "and Niagara Kails with' X-.. '"nIK "I;" i-uacue to ixane ana itocnester and Parlor car to Wllliamsport, w JM "J." . 1 '."lrw"Jr'Acepiounaay)rorne. novo and lntermedlatestatlons, and Elmlra.Wat. ainB ana inrermediate stations, w llh through cas. senger coaches to jtenovo and vutlns. v dlate statior- envo ana mterme- THROUGH TRAINS POItsUNBtltY FROM TUB Kliniinv tiiotl InnpDn T-l a. .... Harrlsbuv T.40 arrl Ingat sunbury 9JW a. m. New; Expresi- leavet Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. P,?..tturK "!' a- ar Vxeept BnndaV arriving st Sunburj 9.63. a.m. ' pi.iian.mM. .,.'K;Pfyei Phla and liultlmoT?. ' " ,rom ' mwael' ?,Llte leaves Now Voik a.m. i Phtladel. SunburyV" mo p. " WiiS" hro -glf 'SSSSni ooarhfsfiom Ph'lladeiphla and Italilmore. 8M Phla 1 1 a p. nu WKWiiW , Bait i. ihti. irK,. :""" r" '!' tars irom "'J ".oi'itKiou ana iiai more and hrough rassenger conches troij Philadelphia HtiI?aT.H1X:!,.A:l;,ATV.IV ' " H KPNitAitni: wnvn,i"iV'r.e??fP5'Hi.r- . ti?JR5;",JMt leaTes Bunburr 6.85 p. ra.. arriving unZrVM ExprissWestleavea viiw..i...XL' .-. Vlng at Bloom Kerry p, m.7sunbury Lw&n HIT Vli k V v Bundajr maU lt?a?ea Sunbury s-es a m nrrutnw w,,iM.uiuutti,i(jii if ayes vllkeflinrr a-in mm mm I IILC1 rilLL uen-atansgsf 00. f i ut gr 4g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers