THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I (1 III POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powder nerer varies. A marvel of purity, fitresfftb and wholesome now. More economical than tho ordinary kind a. and nnnnnt hn nnirt in competition witii tho multltudo ot low tost, short we (guv uiuui ur puLRjuuau) rpwwaers, 'aota oniv tn The Columbian tvimbllsbed OTCry Friday. Subscription price. 11.00 a fear. Entered at the Post Office at Uloomsburg, Pa., bloomsbtosTfa FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1889. COBBLCT BtiueiD Till tinLE. ULOOMSUUltO SULUVAN ItAlLKOAD Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMBER , 1883. SOUTU. NORTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lt. Lt. STATIONS, r. m. p. k. a.u. a.v. r. if. r. v. BlOOmsbUrE,-...... 6 S8 109809 8 35 ,45 640 Jialn Street 6 18 12 63 7 68 8 4S 9 38 S 81 Irondale . e 19 12 50 7 60 8 48 2 41 9 64 Paper Mill ... 8 08 12 40 7 48 8 66 -.i 62 7 04 Llghtstreet. 6 05 111 83 7 43 00 S 57 7 08 orangevllle 6 61 13 20 7 33 10 3 so T 10 Forks. 5 45 13 00 7 20 023338 7 31 TubbS . 5 42 11 93 7 15 9 30 8 42 7 38 Stillwater S 37 11 43 7 10 37 3 50 7 43 HentOIl, 6 28 11 80 7 00 9 47 4 15 7 62 EdSOns, 6 53 11 20 6 60 9 61 420 7 6 coles creek S 80 11 15 S 62 9 66 4 24 B 00 Buearloaf. 6 1 5 11 10 8 43 10 00 4 28 8 05 LaubacbS, 6 11 11 03 6 43 10 01 4 33 8 10 CentraU? 6 0 10 67 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15 Echo park. 6 03 10 68 8 Sf. 10 10 4 43 8 19 Jamison CUT.... 6 00 10 45 6 39 10 20 4 CO 8 25 Lv. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar r. u. a. it. a. h. a. u. r. h. r. v. n Trains ontboF. & lt. U. It, leave Rupert as rouowB : NORTH. Bourn. 7:22 a. m. 11:04 a. m. 3:42 p.m. 80 p.m. o Tralnson the D. L. & W. R. lt.loavo Bloomsburg astollowBi NOKTH. BOOTH. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a. m. 12:06 p. m. 2:21 p. m. :18 p. m. 8:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Tralnson the N.fcW.B. Ratlwaypass Bloom Ferry aa follows : NORTH. BOOTH. 10:48 a. m. 11:95 a. m. t.20 p. m. 4'30 p. m. SUNDAY. NORTH. BOOTH. 10:18 am 6:39 p m SAI.I5H. Mxncn 2. Louisa Wolf, administratrix of Ilcnry Wolf deceased, will sell twenty four acres of land lu Fisbingcrcck township containing house, hamctc. on the premises at 10 a. m. Makoii 2nd. Joseph Weiss, agent, will sell valuable personal property at public sale on the premises at Limo Ridge at 10 o'clock sharp. Horse, cow, farm imple ments and machinery, household goods, etc. March 2. E. D. McHcnry will sell valu able pcrsoLal property in Orange twp. one mile north of Bowman's Mills, at 10 a. m. Horses, cows, farm implements, household nrtlclcs, &c. JlAncn 4 Jacob Irwin will sell valuable personal property at tho residence of Jos eph Hcndershott, deceased, near Ncal's furnace at 10' a. m. Horse, cow, household articles, etc. Mahcii 5. Margaret Ulricli will sell horses, cows, pigs, &c. on Sheatler farm, near JerBcytown, at 0 a. m. Makoii 7. Geo. D. Derrick will sell horses, cows, harness and other valuable personal property at the residence of D. W. Robbies Fu I'ine twp. at 10 o'clock a. m. MAtton 8m E. W. M. Lowe will sell valuable personal property, on tho premises at Irondale at 10 o'clock a. m. MAUon 8th. John II. Lunger will sell valuable pergonal property on the premises of John II. Fritz, in Jackson township at 10 o'clock a. in. Horses, cows, farm im. plemcnts, household articles, etc. MAitcn 8. Daniel Yocura will sell horses, cows, pigs, farm machinery, household and kitchen furniture on bis premises in Hem lock townshjn, across tho creek at Red Hock bridgo at 10. a. m. March 18. William Ash will sell per. sonal property on his premises in Fishing creek township, at 10 a. m. Alarcb 14. The administrators of Samuel Nungcsscr will sell a tarm in Beaver town ship on the premises at 10 a. in. Maecii 14 0. A. Harman will sell horses, cattle, farm machinery, wagons, sleds, etc., at his residence in Mifflin twp. at halt past nine o'clock, a. m. Saturday, Marcii 10th. Mrs. Mary Jones administratrix, will sell valuable real "estate on lato premises of John C. Jones, East Street, Bloomsburg Pa. Sale commences at 10 o'clock a. m. March 18. 11. T. Smith will sell valu able personal property on his farm near Benton, at 10 a. m. Horses, cows, farm implements, etc. March 10. I. K. Krickbaum, admlnls trator of Andrew Hunyan, will Bell valu able real estate and personal property on the premises in Beuton township, at 1 o'clock i M. March 19. T. F. Belles will sell valu able oorsonal property on the premises of O. L. Belles In Benton township near Hulmofarm at 10 a. m. Horses, cows, (arm implements, etc. Mahoii 21. John Zaner will sell farming implements and live stock on bis premises in Fisbingcreek township. About twenty head of horses will be sold. March 22. Geo. E. Elwell, administra tor of James Commons, will sell real es tate in Bloomsburg at 10 a. m. Fob Balk. Thirty acres of timber land In Pino township, two acres cleared, property of Mrs. Mary A. Joyal. Inquire of Geo, E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, for terms. tf Fon Bale. Fifty-seven acres of land In Bugarloaf township, being part of tho Wolcott Harvey farm. Good farm land, and a valuable timber tract. Inquire of Geo! E. Elwell, Bloomsburg. tf Fob Sale. A valuable vacant lot on Market Street, tbreo good storo properties, twelve dwellings, six farm, two grist mills, no saw mill, also a good farm of 807 acres In Virginia, by M. I'. Lutz, Itsurance and Heal Estate Agt., Bloomsburg. Pa For Balk. A valuable farm In Madison Township containing 115 acres, fine build, logs. Will be sold on easy payments. If not sold at private salo by Jul 1st, will bo sold at public sale. For terms inquire of J. B. Williams, Bloamsburg. tf. For Bale. A farm, situated in Frosty Valley, 87 acres, good timber land, house and barn, good well of water, young apple orchard, etc. Must be sold by 1st of March. Apply to J. B. Williams, Blooms ljurg, Pa. Fou Baij. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with tvater, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Motir. For Rent. A desirable dwelling house on Eighth Btrcct. Inquire at this otllce. Fnu Hale. An decant waluut sideboard with large mirror, as good as new, will be sold cheap, inquire aiuoLOMniANowce. u. 1 liter eutetl reoiilo. Advertising a patent medicine In the pe. cullar way In which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam, for Coughs and Colds, does It Is Indeed wonderful. He authori zes all druggists to give those who call for It a sample bottle Fru, that tbey may try it before purchasing. The Large Bottles are COo and $100, Wo certainly would ad vUeatilal. It may save you from con. sumption. mm rcrnonnl. Col. B. Knorr Is lying seriously 111 at bis tesldcnco on Fifth street. J. E. Bnydcr of Miminvillc, was In town Tuesday on business. Paul E. Wirt went to Phlla., Tuesday mcrnlng. 8. 0. Creasy went to Phlla., and New York Tuesday on a business trip. G. II. Uuppcrt and wife, visited their parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Wolf, last week. Mrs. Charles Krug has been seriously ill for several weeks past. At present writing there Is but little chango In her condition. Mr. Boott MacMurtrle ot Phlla., and Miss Emma Qunton ot Wllkcs-Darro, spent Washington's Birthday with Mr. -and Mrs. T. L. Ounton, west 4th street. L. N. Moycr, D. A. Creasy, N. J. Hen. deration, 0. Means, J. Wilson and wife, went to Washington City Wednesday. They will remain until after the Inaugura tion. Fine Cabinets in vignette or scroll, tf M'Ktlllp Bros. There will be a local Instltuto held at Mlflllnvllle, March 2. Morning session be gins at 0 a. m. All are invited to attend, Bcvcral Masons from this vicinity spent last week In Ctncinnattl O., attending a large Masonic meeting, A local instltuto will be held at Guava, March 0. Morning session begins at 9:80 Don't fail to call at F. D. Dentler's shoo store and get the benefit ot tho discount of 10 per cent, which bo gives on boots and shoes from now until March 1st. An interesting llttlo daughter of John Buccl, aged about two and a half years, died of membraneous croup Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Creasy, mother of D. A. Creasy, and grand mother of 8. 0. Creasy, died at her home in Mlflllnvllle, last week. Sho was nearly seventy-six years ot age. The S. S. Convontlon of Fishing creek township will meet at tho BU James church on Saturday March Olb, at 10 A. M. All are invited to attend. Don't be induced by designing druggists to purchaso any kidney remedy but Dr. Shattuck's Kidney Specific. Cut this name out and keep it for refcrenco. White, Conner & Sloan, Orangevtlle Pa, offer for sale a full line of bob sleds, hand and power corn shelters, also the celc, bratcd Lion fodder cutter and crusher. If Dr. S. B. Arment, having dissolved part nership with Dr. Gardner, has removed his office to tho second Door ot Moycr Bros. building, wheie ho will hereafter receive his patients. Recitations by Mrs. Margaret Custer Calhoun, at the Opera House, Saturday evening, March 2nd. Music by the new Orchestral Association. Tickets 25 and 33. Messrs. Creasy & Wells are moving their lumberyard to Seventh street. At their present location they were unable to get a switch, but expect to be accommodated on their new location by tho new railroad which will run up Seventh stceet. Oxygen is the key to health, and when combined with forms the best cough cure extract. Ask for Dr. Shat tuck's Uellanthus, tbo Rapid Oxygen Cure for consumption. Only 60 cents a bottle. Bills are out for the sale of personal property ot John Zaner in Fisbingcrcck township. Sale will be held Thursday March 21st, commencing at l'J o'clock. There will he sixteen head of horses, and other valuable live etock offered at sale. In giving tho vote of our recent election we neglected to announce that Silas Mas- teller received 8 votes for inspector In the cast district. He must have persuaded his friends not to vote for him or he would have received u larger vole. Mr. William Mulkcy of Montrose, was in town on Thuisday. Last fall Dr. Brown performed a surgical operation to restore bis sight. He Is wonderfully elated over the result .and took pleasure in showing his ability to read and bis power to see surrounding objects. "All signs fail" except pimples and blotches. These never tall to indicate an Impure condition of the blood, which may be thoroughly cleansed and renewed by the use of Ayer's Saisaparllla. The most efficacious and economical of blood puri fiers. Mr. Isaac E. Yost of this town has tbreo children whoso birthday is tho twenty, second ot February. It is a rare occurence to havo two children In a family, of differ ent ages, bearing tho same birthday, but this is the first Instance we have heard of In which three of various ages can celcbrato their birthday simultaneously. Mr. E. m. Laubach and Mr. John Zaner, of Fishing creek township, who sometime ago met with dangerous accidents, are uom Improving slowly. The former Is able to he un and about In his bouso. tho latter is still confined to his bed but hopes to be able to sit up In two weeks. Mr. Samuel Shlve of tbo same neighborhood who has been sick for months is also improving. Miss Leo Lamar made a decided hit as Helen Fraday, in Bartloy Campbell's 'Fate." It Is a domestic drama and con. tains manv realistic scenes, which display tho highest artistic work on the part of the company. Miss Lamar wears some very attractive costumes In her role, and the play Is admirably Bet throughout. The " Water. fall in the Glen" being especially fine. The company is an exceptionally good one. Brooklyn Times. Bloomsburg Opera House, Friday even. Ing, March 8tb. A largo meeting was held in tho Court House, Danville, last Friday evening In the Interest of the Constitutional Amend, ment, Dr. 1'. 0. Newbaker presiding. A3. dresses were made by Revs. U. r. Kiddle, E. E. Morgan, R. L. Btewart, Hon. II. M. Hinckley, Mrs. Baxter, of Michigan, and others. A permanent organization was formed and J. E. Moore elected chairman of county organization, G. M. Bhoop trcas. liter, and Captain George Lovett secretary. Tblrty.tlvo vice presidents were chosen, and were from the leading men of town and most active organizers of both politi. cal parties. The recommendations ot thi State Convention were endorsed. Dele. gates from every township were present. The meeting was cnthuslastlo and press. ges an earnest, active canvass In Montour County. To-Mliflit Mild To-Morrow MlKlit, And each day and night during this week you can get at all druggists' Kemp's Hal sain for the Throat aud Lungs, acknow. ledged to be the most successful remedy ever Bold for the euro ot Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and consumption. Get a bottle 'Wfoyaud keep It always In the bouse, so you can check your cold at once. Price COo and 11.00. Sample bottles free. Tho emotional actress, Miss Leo Lamar, will appear at tho Bloomsburg Opera House, Friday evening March 8th, In Bart ley Campbell's Comedy-Drama "Fate," a strong play, with thrilling pathos and comicalities, equally blended. There will be special scensry used In the production, Including tho picturesque "Waterfall in tho Glen," Tho company comes to this placo direct trom New Yotk, where It has been playing for several weeks past. List ot letters remaining In the Post Of flco at Bloomsburg for week crdlng Feb. 28, 1889. Mr. W. A. Barton, Mr. R. W. Gocsscr, Miss Ann Madden, Mr. .Charles Morgan, Mr. L Noyes. Persons calling for theso letters will ploaso say "advertised." Ukorcik A. Clark, P. M. A concert will bo given by tbo Young People's Social Club of tho Presbyterian church in Winona Hall Friday evening, March 1st. Tho following la the pro. gram: Part 1. 1. Blhia Polka Guitar Club Blancbl. 2. Chorus of Angels Costa, Female Quartet. 8. Piano Duet Von Weber Misses Runyon Ss Miller 4. Vocal Solo... Mexican Serenade... Kucken Miss Annie Miller. 5. Piano Solo Gorla Miss Maude Runyon 0. Vocal Solo Do Fayo Miss Beth Runyon. Part II. 1. Danube Waves Waltz Ivanovlci Orchestra. 2. Vocal Trio WcKcrline Ftmalo Voices. 8. Paganl Waltz Tapaldi uuariet manaoiins z uuiiars. 4. Vocal Bolo Serenade Grelgh Miss Beth ltunyon & uultar cmo. S. Piano Duct Kcttcrcr Misses Runyon. 0. Vocal Solo Selected Miss Annie Miller. 7. Chorus. Tho second presentation ot Bartley Camp. bell's comedy drama, "Fate," was given last evening and was deserving of the largo audience that witnessed It. Miss Leo Lamar in the role of Helen Faraday enhnnced the good opinion already formed of her. Miss Lamar unites with a beautiful stage pres. enco a rich and well modulated volco and strong dramatic powers, and In a play where she Is given larger opportunities will no doubt distinguish herself. Tho rest of the company were equal to the require ments of their parts, and the scenic eiTecta, especially in the second act, added much to the Interest ot the performance. The comedy portion is very funny and runs through every sceno, from beginning to end, and keeps the house in a roar without tbo slightest interference with the more thrilling and pathetic portions. Tho whole performance Is a good one Louisville Journal. Opera House one night only. Friday, March 8th. Death ot I.. II. Hupcrt. Hon. L. B. Rupert died at bis rcsldenco on Third street, Thursday morning, Feb ruaty 23lb, at about one o'clock, caused by Inflammation of the blnddcr and kidney af fection. He was confined to his bed just one week. Mr. Rupert was born June 19, 1810. At time of death was 78 years, 8 months and 18 days of age. He was a man of remarkable strength and bid fair to bo a centenarian. Ho was married Jan uary 19, 1883, to Eveline, daughter of Isa. lab Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert had nine children, four of whom died young. Thoso living are Clara, wife of Dr. W. 11. Park, of Springfield, Mo., Sarah R., wife of Dan iel Steck, ot Hughesylllc, Pa., Ata, wife of I. K. Miller, of Bloomsburg, L. Barton, of Bcandhi, Kansas, and Eva, living with her parents. One sister of Mr. Rupert survives him, Harriet, a maiden lady now 83 years of age, and who has lived with her brother a number of years past. Mr. Rupert was well knon In this county, having served as county treasurer four years, associate judge five years, justice of tho peaco one and a half years, and served In other local offices. Funeral services will bo held at tho residence Saturday aftornoon at two o'clock. Couucll Procecdliiics. February 21, 1889. Pursuant to adjournment council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Present, P. S. Harman, president and members Rlngler, Wolf, Cadow, Uassert and Wells. H. G. Ort appeared on behalf of the pe titioners for tho extension of East Third street to East street: said the residents on East Third street have no convenient way to reach East street and urged coun cil to take such action as will give them re lief at an early day; whereupon It was ord ered that the committee on streets view the premises and report to council at next meetlug tho most practical route for said extension. A postal card from J. F. Castello, Bos ton, Mass., dealer In remnant leather makes Inquiry for old leather hose; referr ed to committeo on tiro department Messrs. Creasy aad Wells presented an application for laying a switch from tho D. L. & W. R. R. across Clinton alley at u point about forty feet south of lot of Wm. Gliton. On motion a permit was granted. On motion the following resolution was unanimously passed: R'solttJ, that uotlco be given to all persons directly Interested, that a proposition has been made to tho town council tn llx and ordain a street from Fifth street to tho Berwick road, at right angles to Fifth street and beginning at the south side of Fifth street, at a point on tho property known as the "Hoyt Farm," near ly opposite tbo Uno between tho said "Hoyt Farm." and the McKelvy and Neal farm; and that parlies interested therein will bo heard In relation thereto at a meeting ot tho town council to be held at tho council room (the usual placo of meeting) on Thursday Uo seventh day of March, 188'), at 7 o'clock p. m." M. C. Woodward presented list of names and amounts from duplicato of 1887 for which he asks to bo exonerated. On mo tion all on said list xtere allowed except thoso marked off in red ink. Total exon eration, one hundred and thlrty-nlno dol- lars and fifty cents. Ou motion council adjourned. HeuolulluiiH, Resolutions offered by the Woman's Christian Temperance Unlou ot Blooms burg. Whereas, An Ml wise Providence his re moved lrom our number Mrs. Mildred, widow of the late Rev. O. D. 8. Marclay. Raolwl, That thu W. 0. T. U. of Blooms burg has lost an Intelligent, courteous and honored member. Ruotvtd, That thu atlllctcd son and daughter, lu their bereavement, have tho sympathy of the members of the union, who realize that, to her children she has left a precious mi mory, uud to us a bright example, littdud. That this bumblo tribute to her memory be published, and a copy sent to the family. In order to reduce stock I will from now on till the 1st day of March give a Ola on tit of 10 per cent, on boots aud shoes. F. D. Dentler, Clinrctt NcwKi (Under this head will be ItiwrUxL trro ot churu. all matters connected with tho cburtbea of tho county, special meetlnirii, change ot pastor. Im provemcnta or Injuries to property, and any thing; ot public interest about churches ot all denomina tions, is mTiioa. i rsi urn are specialty rvMuusua to send la their reports. A musical will bo given In Winona Hall Friday evening March 1st, under the aus pices of tho Young People's Social Club of the Presbyterian Church. Admission 25c. Tickets may be obtained at Brooke's Book Btoro or of any of tho Committeo. Miss Maud Runtos," Miss Jennie Stiles, I Miss Dora, Com. Mr. Will Mercer, I Mr. Will Brower. J HcrioiiH Accident. An explosion occurred at the works ot the Silver Springs Quarry Company at Afton on Monday evening at about 8 o'clock, by which two men were Injured. Tho day gang drilled a hole tn tho lime stone and charged lt, but for somo reason It did not explode. No notice of this was given to the night gang, and when they came on tbey charged tho same hole, and then thinking ltwas not deep enough, took out Iho load and attempted to drill deeper, when they struck the first load and it ex ploded. Charles Whitcnight bad the fore. finger of his left hand toin off, and a piece of stone was driven up through his jaw, and the doctors removed It through his mouth. Another workman named Crouso wa cut and bruised, but not seriously. A number of other workmen were present but none of them .were injured. The ham mcr used In driving the drill was thrown a long distance and tho handle broken. Drs, Rcdekcr, Rebcr and Arment were summon cd, and dressed the wounds of tho Injured I'rlcUlful UxploHlon. ELEVEN OIRL9 BURNED TO DEATH AT PLY MOUTH. Ono of the most distressing accidents that over vislleM Plymouth ocaurcd yester day. About 1 o'clock p. m., tho squib fac tory of John Powell situated on tho hill back of the Gaylord slope, blew up with thrco terrific explosions. Tho fire gong at the Gaylord quickly sounded tho alarm and everybody flocked to tho scene of tho dis aster. Tho building, a two story frame, was blown apart and the roof fell in and took fire makiug it imposrible for the inmates to get out. The factory employed generally from 80 to 00 girls, but only a few wcro working yesterday. The foreman, John R. Reese, of GaMoer-strcet, was blown out of the building and very badly Injured He probably will not live, Tho names of the victims are as follows: Jane A. Thomas, aired 1G; Mary Walters, aged 17: Esther Powell, aged 22: Ruth Powell, aged 19; Maggio Richards, aged 17; Gladdls Reese, acjed IS; Kattio Jones, aged 18; Ettio Jones, aged 16; Jessie Connell, aged 20; Mary Lake, aged 17; Maggie Lynch, aged 21. It was alleged that the explosion was caused by an over-heated stove igniting powder that bad been left carelessly expos ed. The greatest consternation prevailed throughout the town. It was known that usually nearly BjUundred girls and women were employed at the factory, and great relief was experienced when it became known that only so few were In the build ing at the time of the castrophc. As soon as It became known that it was tho squib factory that bad exploded crowds of miners left their work and hastened to tho rescue, but they could do little more than save other property from being caught by the flames from tho wrecked building. The sceno presented was distressing in the extreme. After the first explosion 60me of the girls tried to make their es cape, but before they could do so a second explosion took placo and the bulld'ug col lapsed, burying all tho poor inmates in the wreck from which it was impossible to res. cue them, and all were soon burned to a crisp. Scranton Republican Feb. 20. Kant lleittoit. It it hardly fair that the Commissioners and their cleik should be called upon to explain at the end of tho first jear. Give them a chance for two years more before you call upon Ihcm to render an account of their stewardship. They may be stew ards two years more at least It is reported that Judge Kiickbaum sold his timber tract to Wesley & Smith. Tbis is said to be the finest lot of pine timber in the county. Alonzo Albertson is still holding forth on the Ashclman tract. He has sawed al ready over two hundred thousand feet of lumber and is not noar through yet. Our young people have been seized with the matrimonial mania of late. It seems to have been more contagious this winter than usual. Luck and pluck to you all, but look out for a little obstacle called "spunk." Sudden changes in tho weather are quite frequent Bnd of extreme temperatures. Our open winter lias closed for a fact. Good sledding hereabouts for a month or more back nnd some predict six weeks more in March. Should we escapo heavy snow storms and deep snow we predict plenty ol gamo by another year. Iu that evcut quail und rabbits will abound tn profusion. Once more the people are called upon to join iu an issue that has but two sides. A dark and a bright side. Anil all are bound to bo on the bright side. Tho bright throws the dark on tbu opposite side. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is peculiar to itself and superior to all other preparations in strength, economy, and medical merit. J. 11. Mtitltu & Co. Anyone unacquainted with Milton will be astonished by a visit to tbo immense establishment of J. R. Smith & Co. Dur ing a recent visit to Milton wo were shown through the store, aud were surprised at the sizo of tho house, and pleased with tbo quality and prices ot thu goods. ,In chlua, glassware and crockery of all kinds, every, thing cau be found in that department, from the cheapest of ordinary tea sets, up to the most claborato dinner sets, game sets, tlsh Ects, Ice cream sets, and all sorts of fiuo ware. In the piano department a larno stock of the best makes of instru ments is kept on hand. Caipcts, rugs, and curtains occupy a largo space, and are shown in various grades. In furniture there is an Immense assortment and an end- loss variety. In all these departments the prices are away down, nnd besides this they are very pleasant people to deal with Mr. J. R. Smith Is at tbo head of the con. ceru, and under his energetic management the business has grown to its present Im mense proportions. This firm makes an Interesting announcement in this Issuu ot tho paper. Consumption Hurely Cured To the Editor Please Inform your read. era that I havo a positive remedy for tho above named disease. By Its timely use thousands ot hopeless cases have been per. roanently cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles ot my remedy vtat to any of your readers who have consumption if tbey will send me their express and post olllo address. Respectfully, T. A. BLOOUM M. Uifil Pearl Bt..New York, sept-21-ly fltinvn Our towu was quite lively uu election day. Tbo peoplo all took au Interest In the election, and no elected Mr. J, M. Lirish for poor director. Mr. Alfred Harvey was In town last week. C. W. Hess built an Ice house, and Is busy filling It with Ice. Our Squire got a valentine, nnd he Is qtilto proud of lt. Ho says It just suits him as ho stays at home. , Olo would wonder where all of tho posts came from that A. M. Harvey Is delivering at Laubach's Btatlon. It Is reported that he has a larger bill to fill now than the first one was. Fred Hess is not Improving In health. Yok. Avoid Appearance. A. worthy gentleman, having an unusually red nose, was long suspected of being a tipper on tho sly, by those not well acquainted with his strictly temperate habits. Ills unfoitunate illsflg urcmcnt was readily cured by tho use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. ' I'rlt Hill, Our snow begins to melt away, under "Old Sol's" rays. Our meeting has closed with very good bucccss. Wo have scrvlco twlco a week now. Indeed we feel very sorry that our School Mistress' health is not improving very fast. It must be very unpleasant for her to perform her dally duties. The sympathy of the community is with her, and lt it was In cur power to help her wo would not leave a stone unturn"d until we had done our part, Mr. Albertson Is recovering as fast as possible, and we expect to see him in our midst Boon. Ezra Stephens, Commissioner, is improv. ing as fast as can bo expected. Rheumatism Is very common nowadays, so many are afflicted with lt. FOB EHEUHATISU in any form take Brown's Balicyllnc. Price 50 cents, two bottles sent free for $1. Brown Salicylinc Co., Elmlrn, N. Y. It cures nlno out of ten. Mar. l-4t. Economical IlukltiK Powder. A curious housekeeper of experience re. cently mado a careful practical test of the comparative bnking value ot a large num. ber of the baking powders in tho market. including those of low and nigh cost. She found that two teaspoonfuls of tbu Rum ford produced as good results as four tea spoonfuls of the cheap powders, and far belter than could bo obtained from two teaspoonfuls of nny other kind, no matter what tho cost. From this she concluded that it was more economical to uso the Rumford than the low priced adulterated powders, and the product was much bet ter. We commend a trial of this ex periment by our lady friends Life size crayons in gold frames only in. $10 tf VI'Killip Bros, WANAMAKER S. raiLACtLruu, .Monday, Feb. 23. 1889. Earlier than usual with the Spring muster of medium weight Cloakings. Ranks fuller and fairer. You can see in five minutes what the few-weeks- away Raglans and Wraps and Jackets will be made of. Plaids and stripes and checks; modest all, subdued, quiet. There isn't a whoop-and-hurrah stuff in all that roomy corner crowded with upended pieces. io styles at $1.50 13 styles at $1.75 15 styles at $2.00 8 styles Black Worsteds stripes, plaids, diagonals, Whip cords at $3, Just the right weight and texture lor irom now till the robins come. Fin er quality and slightly heavier, $3.50 to $5. English Cloaking s, oddly pretty with specks ot unexpected color, $2.50. Most of the stuffs 54 inches. Woolen Ginghams. No better title can be given to the Scotch Flannels which you may find just across the aisle from the great Gingham show. And why not woolen Ginghams? They are made by one of the great Gingham firms, and all the skill of the craft is at the service of the Flannels. Here is one line of 47 styles at 50 cents, and another of 38 at 60 cents, all 35 inches wide. 1 he colors are quiet, patterns small, best suited to men's shirts and pajamas, small boys' kilts, and ladies wrappers, sacks and dresses. Here is another line, 17 styles, 30 inches wide at 75cents. They are higher colors, with silk stripes, and adapted to la dies' sack, wrappers or tennis dress. All of these Flannels are washable, with just enough cot ton in the warp to prevent un due shrinking. The thousands of business women, and the tens of thous ands more who are not, but equal ly want in the Spring wardrobe a solid'plain, substantial, knock about dress or suit will wel come the 50 cents Tricot (have been 75 cents), 50 inches wide, all wool. A choice of 14 color ings. All new goods. Just next them is a line of 50 styles, stripes and plaids, all wool Dress Stuffs, 37 inches wide, 50 cents a yard, Some gay and stylish, others subdued, and elegant. They fill a niche which is not equally supplied elsewhere in this market. "All-wool Henrietta." That's what the 1 tickets say. The goods tell another story. They're simply a good grade of all-wool Lashmere. lhe won derful part is the price 37 J cents! That would be a fair price for lighter and slightly cotton mixed Cashmeres. Cot ton creeps into more "all-wool" WANA MAKERS. Cashmere than you suspect. These 37 centers are good weight and in all the spring shades. It costs to get a good name for goods particularly for Cor sets where so much is matter of whim. The sort you've tried and like is the one you incline to stick by. When a maker gets a name for his Corsets he means you to pay for it. You're glad to a misfit Corset is such a plaguey thing. But suppose you could get a proper Corset without a cent to pay for the name or fame of it? You may. We cast about for just that Corset. It has been on sale in the store for some time. Not a word of it in the papers. Try ing, testlngj. proving. It filled the bill. Shapes for all sorts of figures. Neat, well made, good stuff. 'I he best Corset for the money rue ever had. So say who ever of you have tried it. We call it the "L. R." You'll find it nowhere else. L. R. 75c, white or gray L. R. 95c,(short), white L. R. $i.cx5, white or gray. L. R. $1.25, white or ecru L. R. $1 .50, white or grey The $1.50 grade is of French Coutil. Try it by any 2 Cor set you please. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. Have you seen the hosiery for spring at 31ark & Son's. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3- doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. If you want black dress goods of any kind It will pay to call at Clark & Son's. nioodcd Fowls. Pit Games, Grist Shawlnccks, Heath woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win. Eggs, 13 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W11.UAM Dennis, tf. Bloomsburg, Pa. (Mention this paper.) Wc now have open a handsome line of newest styles in Satlncs. Clark & Son. 10 per cent, oft for cash on all woolen goods for tho next 80 days, nt A. M. De Witt's, Orangovllle, Pa: 4w Complete lines ot Dress Goods at Clark & Son's, also dress cloths In new colors, full line of new buttons and trimmings. Remnants ot carpets. Closing out at greatly reduced prices. A large stock of Brussels, lnnrain nnd Rag Carpets, in lengths from 3 to 20 yards ; prices from 18 cts. up, at Henry C. Hartman's old stand, next door to I. W. Hartman & Son's Bloomsburg, Pa. At the same placo Mis' H. E. Wasloy will open about April 1, a full line of Millinery, or the lalest and most fashionable styles for the sprint: of 18S9. ml-2t You will find a handsome line of lamps at Clark & Son's. A rare opportunity is presented for somo enterprising townsman to represent a Nursery firm that warrants stock to bo de livered in prime condition, so that a large, honorable and permanent trado can bo built up. Very liberal terms to the right man. Address, James E. Whitney, Jan 25-3m. Rochester, N. Y. Full lines of lace curtains, scrims, china silks, cotton, plushes, &c. for curtains, also curtain poles at Clark & Son's. Engraved business cards can be obtained at the CoLUMiiiAN office. Ladles havipg plates can have cards printed. tf Appleton A rauBlin 7c, Hill 8c, Fruit 9c, all yd. wide at Clark & Son's, and all oth er domestic goods in proportion. I. W. Hartman & Sons' table Linen sale still continues. 1.00 Linens at 80c., other prices in e-oportion. The 37 ic. all wool ress Cloths are being looked at with a wishful eye. The new Sateens coming in will bring out new customers. Their store is now filled with all kinds of Domestics, viz : Muslins, Shirt ings, Stripes, Tickings, Cotton ades, Calicoes light and dark, Crash all prices, Ginghams in lote of styles, 7c, 9e., 10c, 12ic. Don't forget to ask to see the new Silk Tidie3 just opened, every body says they are beautiful. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. P. S. The Spring Dishes and -ii i utiasaware are oemg arrangeu. The season is at hand when Teachers are thinking about Reward of Merit cards. Wo have them, also a. "Silent Teacher," wliinli is in mnnv rfannnin an nor. ior to those of flesh and blood. Ask to see them. If there is anvthincr vou want in tho Book or Stationery line we do not have, we will get it for you. Any paper or maga zine at tho publisher s price. For thoso who aro itistidiouB about their writing pawr. our Fine Stationery Department con tains distinct attractions in papeteries and correspondence cards, such makes as Marcus Ward. J. Z. Crane and Lvons. their names gun ma too the quality, Wo keep constantly on hand a largo assortment ot blank books, miscellaneous books etc. Wall Paper and Window Shades at the lowest prices consistent with good goods. Legal Blank Forms, nil sorts of Leases, Contracts, Deeds, etc. W. H. Brooke & Co. E XECUTOira NOTICE. I? Ittait q jinn Young, late ir ZVnfon totcmMp. iltcetiel. Letters tf'btamentarjr rn lhe said estate bavin? rwM fetesuvuu vu ,wv uuuvirii,UDU CACVUIUI. nAmnnu 1ndat-.ri-.s1 am tianaho hMirtA4 , .. L. ftaine, and thono havltiic claims atfalnM Mid tut ale will nrayrit th aema (Vtn uiiiUint A. l'.VOHNO, KiMutor. JU1I BUSINESS NOTICES Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Dby ni sick, wo are her Castorla. When she was a Child, tho cried for Cutorta, When the became Miss, the clung to Cantoris, When the bad Children, the gate them Outort. IMtest l'llcHt Itching-IM!c. Symptoms Moisture ; Inlcnso Itching and stinging most at night worse by scratch. Ing. if allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swnyuo's Ointment stops the Itching nnd bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tbo tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayno ft Bon, Philadelphia, may-4-ly, nczentu, Itchy, Hculy, HUln XorlnreH. Tho simple application of "Swayne's Ointment," without any Internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Htuum Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Bores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Krilptions, no matter bow' obstinate or long standing. It Is potent, cUertlve, and costs but atrlllc r, Theel, the renowned specialist has cured more cases of special, kidney, blood unu nervous diseases man all omcrs com bined. Tho power of healing that lhe Doc tor possess Is no doubt duo to his com. plcle, practical knowlcdgo of the alopathic, homiepathlo and electric systems of mcdl. cine. Wo advlso those suffering to con sult him lu person or by letter. Office 688 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OK VALUABLE Real Estate ! The underelgaed administrators of Samuel Nun- geeoer deceased, will expoae to public salo on the premises, on Thursday March 14 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., a tarm, Bltuate In Beaver town ship, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows : Adjoining lands ot Henry Swank, Joha Singly, Sarah Longenberger, Christian Shuman and others, containing - 94 Acres, and S7 perches, about eighty acres under good cul tlatlon, the balance In timber, well watered by a good and unfailing spring and other streams. The Improvements consists ot a new j tfliiiu Hiitiali and other outbuildings, all In good condition, a apple orchards and other fruits; said (arm Is pleas antly situated In a good neighborhood and con venient railroad facilities. TKltMS Of SALE:-tl00.0O on the day of sale, UCO.oo when possession is given, the balance In easy payments. n. W. NONGESSKI?, Feb 8 WILLIAM . YEAGRIt, Administrators. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE . Real Estate! Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned administratrix ot Henry Wolf, late ot the town of Bloomsburg, deceased, will expose, to public sat) on the premi ses In Fisbingcreek township, said county, on Saturday, March 2d, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. m. all the following described valu able real estate, to wlt: All that certain lot or piece ot ground situate tn Flshlngcrcek township, Columbia county I'a., bounded and described aa follows: Beglnntjg at a post corner, thence by land ot John Savage north 33 degrees, west S3 perches to a post, thence by land of George Keller south 81 degrees, west nt teen perches to a stone, thenco by the same north tux degrees west, seven, teen and slx-tenthj perches to a post, tuenc3 by and ot David Savage Bouth 7 degrees, west fifteen and flre-tenths perches to a post, thence by land of David Albertson north 88 degrees, cast sixteen and Bcven-tenths perches to a post, thence by sanio Bouth 8 degrees, west twenty-one and three-tenths perches to a post, south thirty-nine and one-half degrees twenty-one and nve-tenths perches, thence by land of rhIUp Ej er north C3 degicca, cast thirty-four and twenty-four-one- hundrodths perches to a stone corner, the placo ot beginning, containing 13 ACRES, be the sime raoro or less. ALSO, all that certain parcel or piece ot Und situate In Fisbingcreek township. Columbia coun ty Pa.,', bounded and described as follows, viz : On the west by land of John and Samuel Drake, on the north and east by lands of Alexander Stewart, and on the south by lands ot Isaac Mcllenry, con taining twelve acres more or less. The two tracts containing 24 ACRES, and to bo sold a Bono piece, on which Is erected a barn and outbuildings. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot ono-fonrth at tne striking down ot tho property, thoono- fourth less tho ten per cent, at tne confirmation of Bale, and the remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation ntsl. Purchaser to pay for deed. LOUISA WOLF. Knorr Wlntcrsteen, attys. Administratrix. Feb 8 SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! By virtue ot a writ of Lev. Fa. issued out ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia county and to mo directed, wilt bcexpoaedtopubuosaieattho Court House in the town of Bloomsburg on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1889, at t o'clock p. m., all that certain tract ot land situate tn Mifflin township, Columbia county, I'a., bounded and described as follows, to wit ; On tho south by lunas of Michael Hotter, and Buck, on tho west by land of Mtchael Iletler, on the north by lands of Emanuel Klrkendall John Kirk. endall and Francis IlartzeL and on tho east by land ot Nathan Klrkendall, containing about 100 ACRES, more or loss, whereon aro erected a two story Frame Dwelling House, a bank barn and other outbuildings, Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as the property ot Nathan Klrkendall. TEltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one fourth at tho striking down ot the property, the one- fourth less the ten per cent, at tho connrmallon o( Bale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest trom connrmatlon ntsl. Linus, Attys. JOHN II. CASEY, feb ill sheriff. ORPHANS COURT SALE OF VALUARLK Real Estate I Tho undersigned administrator ot Andrew Hun ran, late ot Benton townthlp deceased, win ei poHe to public sale on tho premises on TUESDAY, MAKOII 19 1889. at 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estate, situ ate tn Benton township, bounded and described as followa, to-w It i adjoining lands of George Gibbons on tho east, lands ot Peter Kane on tho south, and west by lands of A. J. and Bowman Crawford, and lleuben Olbbons, with a private road leading from llamllne Church, 6) rods long, nv tract ooDtaln, Ing 10 ACRES and l w perches, strict measure,whereon are erect ed a story and a halt house, good barn , hog pen and Blied, TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth at the striking down ot the property, the one fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation ot sale, and the remaining three fourths In one year theieatter, with Interest from continuation Dial. At the samo lime and place will be sold the fol lowing peisonal property ol said deceased; i spring-board wagon, l sleigh, 1 spring wagon, I stove, copper kettle, bed and bedding, fanning mill, truck wagon, pitch-foiks, plow, rutting bjx seed corn, barrels, bags, and numerous other articles. I, K. K1UCKBAUM, ,Fbw Administrate MRS. LOUISE GODFREY who resides on Spring street, Bangor, Ha, has ablllng tilth In tho virtues of Brows Hanwparil. la, and has tho best, of reasons for it, Twelro years ago alio had a sciere Illness, and from the lack ot proper I reatment a serof atom abww form, el, nnd although for a number of years It was not particularly troublesome, three years ago It began to illschargo cauMng her a great deal of annoyance and apprehension. Thlt continued for two years when she begin tho use of Brown's sarsaparllla. one bottle stopped I no discharge and tour com pleted a cure, and this Is why she Has Faith In Brown's Sarsaparllla. Again showing what a deadly foe Brown's Sarsaparllla Is to alt forms of scrofula, Mr. F. A. Bishop, ot the nrm of Kimball Bishop, doing buslnewi at Hermon, Mo, sayti "I bcitan taking Brown's Narsaparllla for Indlgcn. Hon, when, to my Intense surprise, a tumor which hail troubled me for mo'O than life years, coming out on my thoulder blade no I could not lay back In my chair n Ithoul causing me great pain, began to grow smaller and smaller until It has entirely disappeared My stomach trouble left me and I am a well man owing lo the wonderful curative powers of BROWN'S Sarsaparllla. Not genuine unless made by Ara Warren & Co., Bangor, Me. mayss d ly "VrOTICE IN DIVORCE. In toi Cocht of Common 1'lrib or Coldvbu COCNTT, NO. 30, DtCXMBKR TlKH, IMS Jennie A Frey, by her next friend, s. u. Bowman, vs. Thoma 8. Frey. To Thomas s. Frey, respondent above named i Whereas, upon tho petition or libel of the said Jennie A Frey, Above named, a subpoena being awarded by the Court of t'ommon Picas of said county, a subprrna Issued out of the said Court commanding you, tho said Thomas H Frey, to be and appear at tho next regular term of said Court, to snow cause. It any you have, why thoaild libel. lantBhould not be divorce 1 irom the bonds ot matrimony which she has contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioner i and, wnereaa, upon the return or thi said suhpa'na, due proof was made that you could not bo found or served with the same In the bailiwick of the bherirf of said county ; whereupon an allia subpoena was awarded by tho said Court, commanding you to be and appear at tho next regular term ot said court, to answer, ta, as aforesaid, to which tho same re turn was made by tho Sheriff. You are therefore required to be and appar on tho nrst day ot regular term of said court, to be held at Bloomsburg, tor the Bold county, on tho nrst Monday of May next, A. D. I8, to answer the complaint aforesaid. JOHN a CASEY. Feb 16-4t sheriff. UDITOR'S NOTIOE. EttaltofQeo. IT. Bell, decraimJ. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' court ot Columbia county to distribute the funds tn tho bands of the adralnl tralor to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will alt nt his oraco, on March 27 183V, 10 o'clock a. m , when and where all persons having claims against said es tate must appear and prove the same, or bo de barred from coming In on Bald tund. JOUN M CLARK, Feb M-4t Auditor. jUDITOR S NOTICE, i no undersigned auditor appointed by the Court ot common Pleat of Columbia county, to make dis tribution of tho money In xhi hands of tho Trustee appointed to make sue of the Bryn Slon Church property, to and among the parties entitled there to, will sit at his office in MIoomsDurg. on Monday, March 18th iss, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to attend to the dutlex ot his appointment, when and where all persona having claims against said fund mast appear and prove them, or be forever de barred from any share ot said fund. J, II. MAIZE Mar. 1. Auditor. JjjDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of James Commons, deceasea. late of Bloomsburg. Notice is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration ou the estate of Junes Cotrmons, lateot the town ot Bloomsburg, county ot Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to Geo. E. Elwell of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make paymenta, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay io t.,..... GEO. E. ELWELL, Fob 15-6t Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. te of Andrew Runtan, late of Benton township Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on tho estate of Andrew Hunyan, late of the township of Benton, county ot Columbia, and state ot ivnnsylvania. decease!, have been grunt ed to I, K. Krickbaum, to whom all persons In. debted to said cstato are requested to make pay ments. and those baTing claims or demands will make known tho same without delay. ,.,. I. K. KHICKBAUM, FebMt Administrator. DMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. " Estate of John C. Jones, lat of Bloomsburg, Ceceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate of John u. Jones, lato of the town ot Bloomsburg, county of Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, deceased hive been granted to Mary M Jones, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known tho samo without delay. ,... MAKY M.JONES, FebJ-ct. Administratrix. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry Wolf, tale of the Tvnen of Blooms burg, deceasea. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on tho estate of Henry Wo't. late ot tin town of Bloomsburg, county of Columbla.and Btate of I"enniylvanla, deceased, have been granted to Louisa Wolf of Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estuw are requested to make payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known Ue same without delay to ?r to LOUISA M;LF. Knohk & W intsrhtkkn, Administratrix. Attys. .lan-83. W. H. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Are agents for Julius King's celebrated spectacles. The best in the world. Hundreds of pairs to pelect from and a fit guaran teed. During the Holiday's trade we sold dozens of pairs of these celebrated goods.and as far heard from all are satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change for others, suited to their eyes. Ask For Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and bo sure you got it, when you want tho best blood-purifier. I W ith Its forty years irr ot unexampled suc 11 cess in the euro ot Illoou Diseases, you can make no mis take in preferring Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any other. The fore-runner of mod ern blood medicines, Ayer's Sarsaoarllla is still the moat pop ular, being in great er demand than all others combined. "Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is selling faster than ever before. 1 never hesitate to recommend It," George W. Whitman, Druggist, Albany, I ml. "I am safe in laying that my tales ot Ayer's HarsanarilU far excel thoso ot any other, and it gives thorough satisfac tion." Ij. It, Hush, lies Moines, Iowa. "Ayer's Sartanarllla and Ayer's rills are the best selling medicines In my store. I can recommend them conscien tiously." U, Uickhaus, Pharmacist, lloselanil, III, "Wo havo sold Ayer's Sarsaparllla here for over thirty years and always recommend It when askd to name the, best blood-purlller." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. I havo sold your medicines tor the last teventoen years, and always keep them In stock, as they are staples. ' There Is nothing so good for the youth ful blood' as Ayer a Sarsaparllla." lt, L. I'arker, Vox l.ake, Wis. "Ayer's Sarsaparllla gives the best satisfaction ot any medicine I havo lu stack, I recommend it, or, as thu Doctors say, 1 1 prescribe it over the counter,' It never fails to meet thu cates for which I recommend it, even where the doctors' prescriptions have, been ot no avail," O, I. Calhoun, Monmouth, Kama,, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rnarAHiD bt Dr. J. O, Ayar & Co., Lowell, Mats. Prie tlj tlx kottlti, (i. Worth a UttU. Ill 1 1 -I JHtr,' III
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers