The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 01, 1889, Image 2

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The Columbian.
9. B. SI will, I Kiu...
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1889.
Prom our Regular cornspon4ent.l
"SVashincton. Feb. 25. 1880
Senator Daniel, In a speech opposing
tho meddling Southern cloetion investi
gation resolution offered by Senator
Hoar, which the Republican!) have do-
icrmtnod in caucus to pass, tola tne lie
publicans boiiio truths whioh they will
do well to heed. Ho reminded them
that Stato rights, whioh thoy want to
violate, had oleoted Benjamin Harrison
President and recalled tho Republican
party to power, while a majority of
M,G0l voters had cast their suffrages
tn favor of Grover Cleveland. The
Republican party owed a debt to Stato
rights for its incoming President, and
the country owed a debt to Stato
rights for the domestic tranquility
which bailed his coming.
The Virginia Senator then allnded
to tho charges of bribery in New York
during tho recent election; to the pur
chase of voters in Indiana "in blocks
of five", and to tho colonization of
aliens in West Ya., as well as to the
counter-charges mado by the Republi
cans, lio asked what a pandemonium,
what a terriblo suspense, what a
naralvsis of business would havo fol
lowed had not State rights exercised
their conservative and healing sway.
Gen. Harrison's title of President,
which has been sealed and given to
him, was not given to him by a nation,
or by a maiontv of its people, but by
sovereign States, which had commiss-
loneu mm as inoir vniei jusgisiruie,
State rights held tho ladder for Benja
min Harrison to ascend tho Presiden
tial chair, had given the Senators tneir
prerogatives, and had lifted the Ro
publiotn party out of the Slough of
Despond and brought it within sight
of tne goal of its desues.
The Senator referred to the old
axiom about praising the bridge that
carried one safely across tho stream.
And now that the Stato rights has
carried the Republican party safely
over the turbulent stream of conflict, it
was meet that that party confess that
after all it was a pretty good bridg '.
That Republican would be au ingMte
who would turn back and destroy what
bad done bim and his party bo much
good. It would bo indeed astounding
if New England Senators would unite
to break it down.
In conclusion Mr. Daniels said: "I
was amazed when I read Mr. Hoar's
resolution, gravely requiring the Senati
to enter into an inquiry of the election
of members of the House of liepre
senlauves. It anything roor- un
American or more in conflot with th
spirit of the American constitution
could havo been suggested, I am at a
bss to conjecture what that thing is."
Senator Blackburn, rr .Too Black
burn, a his friends here call him, hi
giveu Billy Chandler a scare trom
which he may not reoover for quit
awhile, and but for tho interferanue of
Senstor Faulkner he might have cot
a severe thrashing. Tho trouble took
plai'0 in n committee room of the Sen
ate and was caused by a report which
Chadler had maderHflcctingon Sfcre-
tary Vilas and ex-Indian commission-!
Atkins. The Kentuoky Senator que'
tioned tho facts stated in the reput
and asked where (Jhandler got his in
formation. Chandler became indig
nant and said he did not propose to he
boldosed by an ex-slave-driver. This
enraged Blackburn who reached acros
the desk catching Chandler by the ea
and raising him up in the air as thouih
he intended giving him a spanking
with tho other hand. At this stage
Mr. Faulkner got his arm around
Blackburn and Chandler was released
from his perilous position.
Very appropriately on Washing on's
birthday, tne President signed tho bi'i
admitting the States of NoHh and
South Dakota, Montana and Washing
ton into the Union. Representative
Vox and springer have received many
letters and telegrams thanking th"m
for their persistant effort i in b( half of
the bill.
Genial "old Rosy", General Rose-
crans, is now on the retired list ot ih
Army with the rank of brigadier
general, the bill to that effect having
Eaased both Houses and been sigmd
y the President.
In passing the Senate bill pensioning
the widow of Gen. Sheridan, the House
reduced the amount from $3,500 to
$2,500 per year. Tho Senate has re
fused the amendment and the bin hax
gono to a conference committee.
Another actor in the Garfield trace
dy is dead. This time it is Dr. Bliss,
the physician who had charge of the
The Republican politicans here are
on the qui vive. Harrison is expected
to arrive to-morrow and Morton the
next day.
Ten thousand people, the largest
crowd ever in the White house on one
evening attended tho last publio recep
tion of President and Mrs. Cleveland,
Four New States.
President Cleveland, Friday of last
week, February 22, signed the bill for
the admission of four now States into
the Union. Our flag will now bear
fortv-two stars.
The four new states will be represent
ed in Congress, probably by next iJe-
cember, by eight senators and live
congressman. South Dakota the laic
est of the new states in population,
will be entitled to two congressman the
others to only one. Each stato will
have, of course, two senators. At the
last election in November, when the
heaviest vote ever caet in the terri
tories was polled, the total vote for
delegates was;
Rep. Dem.
Montana M,43 lT,seo
NortU Dakota. .SWSO 13.S01
South Dakota, 11,719
Washington,,l 19.K0
In the election of 188G, however,
Washington caveaDomocratiomalori
ty of 2,102 and Montana a Democratic
majority of 3, 718. Dakota tho same
year gave n Republican majority of
'J),)ua ana uom norm ami oouiu
Dakota are likely to figure as sure Re
publican states in the future. The
territorial legislatures of all tho New
states are now Republican and tho new
United States senators to represent
them are all rnoro than Il'cely to be Re
publicans. The torritory of Dakota is to be di
vided on the lino of the seventh
standard parallel produced due West
to the Western boutdary of tho Urri
tory. The delegates elected to the
rvnt!mtional Convention North of
thU pHel will assemble at BlimtrkJ
i.m Republican
11. .HI "
14.MT "
7,871 "
nud thoso oleoted South of tho parallel
at Sioux Falls. Tho delegates to the
convention in each of tho proposed
now states will bo elected on Tuisday.
May 7, and will meet on July 4, and
declare that thoy adopt tho Constitution
of tho Unitod States. Thoy aro
authorized thoreupon to form constltu
tions and state Governments, Like
steps will bo taken by the other now
states before they can enjoy all tho
privileges of statehood.
Judgo Carey, delegate from
Wyoming, said recently that he
oxpectud tho Sonato Conmitteo on
Territories to mako a favorablo report
on tho bill to admit Idaho, Wyoming
and Arizona.
Tho two 11 rut wnro Republicans at
the last election, and tho tatter Democratic.
Happy Moetine of Two Friend".
John M. Allen of Charlotte, N. Y
said to his friend, "Parsons, I am about
dead with tho Gravel, and cannot find
help.'' Mr. Parsons induced Mr. Allen
to givo Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y., a trial.
Weeks went by and tho friends met.
Mr. Allen said, "Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy has saved my life.
It is a cure for gravel and tho only
ouro." mar l-2t
b. 18, 1880.)
Demooratlo Societies-
York, Pa., Fob. 20, 1880.
The York Gazettb will publish to
morrow the following letter from
Speaker carlislo to Cbauncey F. Black,
President oi tho Democratic Society of
Speaker's Room,
House ov Representativ
WABUiNatjroM, D. O., Feb.
Hon. Ctauncey J Black,
York, Penn'a.
Dear Sir:
Your plan for the formation of
Democratic societies throughout the
country meets my hearty approval, and
I hope our frionds eveywhoro will
adop't it and procod at once to form
their looal organizations. I am satis
fied that effective co-operation in the
dissemination of Dcmocratio principles
can bo more certainly and speedily
secured in this way than in any other
that has been suggested, and it will
afford mo pleasure to render you all
tho assistance in my power in tho
prosecution or your work.
Yours truly,
J. G. Carlisle.
Tho Gazette, editorially com ment-
ing on Mr. Carlisle a letter, soys:
We publish in another column a
very important litter from Mr. Speaker
Uarli.Ie. It consists ot only two sen
tencos; but those sentenoes are as full
of weight and meaning to the Demo
cratic party of this day as any two
that were ever penned,
Sir. Carlisle hai carefully examined,
and studiously weighed, every plan ot
ptrty organization, and every scheme
of tar. 11 agitation and discussion,
bioh has been presented since No
vember 6th. Ho had before him,
when he wrote, and for a long timu
previous, all the publications of the
Democratic Society of P nnsylvania,
ill thoe of the Nat'onil A-snciation of
Democratic Clubs, and all those of the
arious non-partisan tariff reform
leagues. It need hardly ho said that
Mr." Carlis'e, bing next to the Pn si
dent, tho nfBolal head of the Demo
cratic partv, and being, hes'des, an
intellectual leader of such a character
that his authority in little, if at all, en
hance 1 by tho possession of office, or
diminished by the loss of it, has felt
the grave responsibility of his posi'ion,
and has not spoken without anxious
vid ample deliberation. This letter is
brief heoiuse it was int nded to be
p dnted and emphatic He unequivo
cally endorses the Pennsylvania plan
of democratic societies as against all
others, and urgently advises the
Democraoy everywhere to prooeed im
mediately with their looal organizations.
Ho is clear and decided that in no
othor way can Democratic principles
b" so readily taught and so snrely vin
dioted, and ho pledges, without reserve,
his great influence and his personal
exertions in tho good cause. Like
President Cleveland, he believes that
the Deraooratio societies "are tbo mcst
effloient agencies ever devised" for the
purpose in view, and, like Mr. Jeffer
son himself, ho regards them as the
'very nurseries" of sound Derancraoy.
No sign of those times casts a hricrht
er promise across the heavens of the
future than this simultaneous recurrence
of Democratic people and Democrat in
Ma'esmen to the simple deviao of Mr.
Jefferson and our Republican fore
fathers, calling the people together in
primary Democratic societies to discuss
their interests and defend their rights
against the aggressions of paternal
government in combination with po
litical rings and private monopolies.
Around the "Deraocratio society cms
ter tho memories of tho most glorious
achievements of our ancestors the
election of Jefferson, and tho long
period ot peace and prosperity whioh
ensued and now ogam it becomes, in
the estimation of onr wisest and pure
est leaders, tho ono great hopo of the
immediate I u tare.
We trust that in Pennsylvania at
least tho resolution of the Democratic
Stato Committee, unanimously passed,
advising and enjoining the people
everywhere to enroll themselves in
primary Democratic societies, thus
forming a vast fraternal union of the
Democraoy, from tho Lake to tho
Maryland line and from the Delaware
to tho Ohio, will be promptly and
generally obeyed. Let every Demo
crat and every tariff reformer read Mr.
Carlisle's pregnant letter, and give due
force to caob oro of its deliberato and
significant words.
Don't Dejpa'r
If you are weak and weary from
somo so-called chronio disease, don't
give up. Sulphur Bitters has given
hope to many invalids, where hitherto
thoro was nothing but despair. It
would build up and renow your whole
system. JSUttor Weekly
In a Looklnglssa-
can be bkekthe picture ok the gross
kmuossed in fuwkrs.
Charlie Looser lives oosily with his
family in ono sido of his own double
houso on Front street lust bolow the
Reading railroad bridge in this city.
On Sunday a fow minutes before noon
ho and a friend who was with him left
their house to corao up street. They
entered tho parlor beforo leaving and
both stepped In iront of the looking
glais that Is suspend:d from the wall
over a table, to arranco their cravats
and to see that they wero in proper
Sunday attire. The glass is framed in
black and gilt and is about two feet
wide by four high; it is suspended
from the wall near the front door,
which enters tho parlor from the street.
A few minutes alter 4eeser and bs
friend left tho house, or about ten
mioulM after twelve Mrs, Loeeer hap
pened into tho parlor and saw a strango
sighu in the upper hand comer tho
smooth surfaco of tho glass had
changed and in tho dim light could bo
seen tbo portect picturo of a cross; fal
low was an anchor, whllo to the loft
was tho form of a woman in long flow
ing garments with hor hands raised as
if in prayer. On examination the glass
was found to bo perfectly smooth, tho
plctnro being mado by tho disturbance
oi mo mercury on tho back ol tbo gloss;
it wasn't a poifect picture bv anv
moans but tho more tho glass is looked
at tno stronger tho outlines becomo.
When hrr husband arrived homo ho
was told of tho affair and ho examined
it but nothing was thought about It.
In the afternoon doodIo began to
arrive nnd nsk to seo the glass. In tho
evening tuey camo by tho scoro to or
amine it. On Monday they com
menced to oomo bv fifties and on Mon.
day evening Mrs. Lecser says that at
leist three hundred peoplo called. All
day Tuesday they kept coming and
it was impossible to do any work as
the parlor was constantly crowded with
visitors. Everybody bad their theory
as t6 how it happened and what had.
dono it, but none could explain tho
Biipuaranco oi too piouircs ttiot looked
like imitations of tho handsomi Christ
mas cards where a coss is banked in
flowers. Sunbury Daily.
The Handsomest American Vineyard.
Mr. Alfrtd Speer, of Passaic, N. J.,
iiiui oeen ioog anu lavorabiy known as
the pioneer grape grower of America.
His vineyards nl. Pnoonin NT. I in
.1.. t if .... .
mo uan'isomcei in tuo country anu con-
nrt. . ,, - "...
uuu over oj nines oi wire stretched
on posts, nnd over two miles of car
riafe drive tinder rrrunn nrlinru At
the season of the year when the grapes
aro garnered lor the press, it will well
repay ono for a visit. Mr Speer's
Winoi aro usod in the leading hospitals
ui wie couniry. iau no had at all
Don't Oet Caught
This spring with your blood full of
impurities, your digestion impaired,
your appetite poor, kidneys and liver
torpid, and wbolo system liable to be
prostrated by disease but get your
self into good condition, and ready for
tho changing and warmer weather, by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stands
unequalled for purifying tho blood,
giving an appetite, and for a general
spring mruicine.
Home Evidence
No other preparation lias won success at
home equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. In
Lowell, Mass., where It Is made, It Is now,
as It has been for years, tho leading medicine
(or purifying the blood, and toning and
strengthening the system. This " good name
st home" Is "a tower of strength abroad."
It would requlro a volume
People to print all Lowell people
. bare said In favor of Hood's
" Sarsaparilla. Mr, Albert
L n w o 1 1 Est", living at 8 East Pine
" Street, Lowell, for 15 years
employed as boss carpenter iy J. W. Bennett,
president ot the Erie Telephono Company,
had a large running soro come on his leg,
which troubled him a year, when ho began to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbo sore soon grew
less In size, and In a short time disappeared.
Jos. Dunphy,si4 Cen
tral Street, Lowell, had Praise
swellings and lumps u , ,
on his face and neck, n O O d 8
which Hood's Sarsara- Rarsaoarllln
rilla completely cured, sarsaparilla
Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wile of tho First As
sistant Flro Engineer ot Lowell, says that
for 10 years she was troubled with stomach
disorder and sick headache, which nothing
relieved. The attacks camo on every fort
night, when she was obliged to take her bed,
and was unable to endure any noise. She
took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time
the attacks ceased entirely.
Many more might be given had we room.
On the recommendation of peop,e ot Lowell,
who know us, we ask you to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbralldruggiiti. fltilxforfj. Prepared only
by C. 1. 1I00D CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, lUn.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Real JKstatc!
By virtue ot a writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out of the
Court of common Pleas of CoL Co. Pa., and to me
directed, wlU be exposed to public sale at the
court uouse, Bloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1889
at o'clock p. m.
All thAt certain piece or parcel ot land Fltuate
in Montour twp, CoL Co. l'a.. bounded on the
north by land of William Itoberta, on the east by
land ot Joseph Roberts, on tho south by land ot
Samuel Flsh-r and on the west by land of Wm,
Keai, containing forty acres, more or less, where
on are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as
the property of job. B. Pry,
Knorr 6 Winterateen, Attys.
Mar 1 Sheriff.
Eitate of Margaret Jtoih, lale of Montour Hncruhtp
Notion Is herebv irtven thai letters ot (ulmlnln.
tratlon on the estate of Margaret Roth, lato ot
n uwur luwnHuip uoiumoia county, ana state 0
Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to
William 1'. Kyerly, to whom all persona Indebted
to a ild estate are requested to innlfe payments,
and thosH having claims or demands will make
Known me Bame wimour. aeiay to
MaM-' Administrator.
From Jan. 9, m to Jan. 14, 1889.
JOI1N K. OltOTZ, Treasurer.
Balance In Treasurer's hands Jan. 9,
1888 .J.
Cash Itec'd on Bloom dup. iw
" " Huzarloat
" ' B'oora dup. 1883
" " Bcott " "
,i Oreenwood dup, 1888.,
u sugarloaf " " ,.
i scott dup. 18S5
Interest on Mrs. ltrown'8 Acct.
Rent on Mrs. ltrown'8 House
" on Long II .use of P. cox.,
cash Creasy wells on lumber
uaiawissa twd ror i uwen Din
I R A Parker's account
on I
on sale ot Long property.
sterner iraiq lor A.
" Hester
Bternen .
To cash Refunded. ..
By old orders redeemed.
" ordcre for 18S8 redeemed.,,
" Commission.
" postage
11 liaL in Treasurers hands .
1 118)34
V74 91
Sit 10
an st
1Bl 0.1
375 00
50 00
SIS 19
81 8
18 75
150 00
S5 75
, 4800
I 6297 91
t 6 297 91
Orders outstanding Jan. 1 1888,. 274 13
Orders issued from Jan. 9 1888 to
Jan. 14 1889 tew SO
f 6964 33
orders or imj and im redeemed 3 73
Orders of iWf redeemed.,,, l&ios
Orders ofl8 rnaeemed. Muim
orders ou'standlng Jan it im,. iH9
f 69S3
Kxrisra run yea it kndinq JAN. 14 lgsg.
Provisions and Supplies,. , , , . ..., 233 79
Fire and LltUt. losoo
Clothing and Shom 41 j
Furniture, Beddlnr and Dry
(loots - .- liiro
Medicine and Medical Supplies,, 1193
Ordinary repaint... .,.,,, .
Traveling expenses., sea
Mower. 49 00
Farm expenses,,,, 16903
Smith work ,, si 80
Incidental expense 60
Thomas McBrtde. ,,,, 61100
Dr. Mclteynolds . moo
Dr. Kedeker.... ,,,, 0000
Jacob riohuyler Ptreotor 10000
0 A. Kletm , 100 eo
I. M. ret ft
11 ,, 100 00
L. U. ItuDert becretarr Mini
Mrs McBrtde Matron. moo
Auditors and Clerk for Jan. 1W8V 99 00
Total current expenses ,,,, 1 9jiit
Building and Improvement au Si
WnereitMiordiiiary saps uses. , 51 h
tnff wood ..... ih Ki
rrlntlncr (tatrment nr isnr .inn
Orders of relief. ' ,, uoo
Expenses on mown honso. ggy
wiuii lur nuuiv ougauoar.,,,,,, lrOil
' " owctis liioom twp.,.. 17CJ
Codln, Its oo, It 00 digging
1 (0 to bury Wra. lngold.
Tramps. 1900
Support of cook boyscotttwp.. sou
Other out door ,,,, 11711
Tax on Long House , n s
Expenso on Uco, Samuel's case,. ss 36
Insuranco , n m
rostage and Stationary. 9 ti
Expenses on Tyke case Bcott
mwpnaip. 7143
Ocorge Fox Scott township 698-7
weeks t 00 104 B7
Jesse Kelly tiloam twp. u 8-7
. weeks H 00. ., , ., ini s?
L E Kahler 11100m twp. r.j 9.7
. weeks t3oa..,...
John Boycr Scott townships -7
weeks uoo. jftj (ij
Ahle M Sterner 53 9-7 weeks 11 00 101 D7
bpnraltn Ebner, tireenwood 41
weoks tawi. stoo
II Lee Patterson (Iroenwood 10
weeks is 00 MOn
, m r tj utuuui o 1., VTGCKS IVUO. 10 99
$ 3131 00
Jackson Kama Bloom...... HO W)
Al cadow BUiom , ,, leioo
M. Dawson " rg m
its. Young ...;r.""," 64 Si
Fred Wiemcr Bloom ,T.," urn
Heater Bomboy Bcott twp ... . 148 4
Wm. Barkie liloom. 77! 18000
Caroline smith Bloom 79 oo
Minerva May Bloom, aaoo
vvm. lngold Scott iwp , 30 js
Hannah Tvko Hcott twn 1 m
Amanda Bobbins Oreenwobd
township ,...,,. 22775
Jacob Swisher Oreenwood twp is 00
E. Lonor catrhlng and 1 aklng to
Asylum Oreenwood IS97
Mrs. Charles Hamilton Oreen
wood.. M kn
Mrs. w imam Evans Oreenwood. 13 79
JohnC. Albertson Oreenwood. . 4(18
(im. and Mrs. Vanatta Green-
wood 115 71
Samuel Farver Bloom..... 3 09
John Yount Scott 4 00
lcozettaiiodson Bloom 133s
H. Rhodes Bloom. ueo
Daniel Inrold Bloom 11 ki
Mr. wmct liloom 4 S3
Ann Mumey scott,1, 700
jmwara uenry ureenwood '.87 s
Isaiah Owen bloom ? im
oeorge Samuels Bloom 80 31
r rauK nnoaomoycr Bloom eo 10
t CM 14
Wm. shoemaker. 7 77
Jackson Earns Flour from Farm 15 60
All cadow Flourfrom Farm.,,., s4oo
1 1939 OS
$44 80
We, tho underslsmed. Arnlltn at the tnwir,ina
comprising '"The Bloom Poor District," met at the
Alms House on the second Monday of January 1889
tint being tho 14th, examined the accounts of tho
Treasurer and Directors from January 9th 1888 to
January 14 18S9 and the vouchers for the same,
uuu iuu wrnxT, ns bci lonn aoove.
William booart, r Auditors.
uviuuKiug 10 "ine 11100m iwr mstnet,"
January 14 1889.
Balance duo on Duplicates.
Dup. If 88. Paid. Due.
Bloom 9893 tO 1534 03 nr
SCOtt 10U6 41 325 fO 681 U
ureenwoodsoivs aisco Rt:a
Sugarloaf 209 71 60 00 S1971
Lesa estimated exonerations and 2:1 7 fti
commissions. 3.1000
9387 93
Farm and Buildings issoo 00
Bal. on sale of Lone DrorjertT...
a iiursca.i
830 00
300 00
9 cattle S5000
IS bhoats .
l3Sucklnir Ilea..
9U ChlckcnB,
190 Bush.
S00 "
no 00
30 00
31 60
wheat 19000
1 orn ears. .
90 00
800o lt of Pork and Lard 160 00
15 ton Hay
40 Uuth. Apples..
8 ' Beets
80 " Turnips
3 " Onions ..
450 heads cabbage (3 60
100 It, nacked butter at 85c
2 bbl. Vinegar mis 00
9.100 sheaves Corn Fodaer 50 . ,
sootti Beef
H O bush. Potatoes
4 tona Coal 3 60
rarm jmpiemems
186 CO
30 00
3 75
83 50
85 00
18 00
135 OO
14 00
700 00
Furniture In Alms House 250 00
Furniture in stewards Houso
1 bush Beans
1 bbl saurkraut a d 00.,
800 00
5 00
if acres grain In ground. 11310
a bbl. Pickles 3 00
116943 15
991 Bush Wheat.,
891 CO
113 80
15 00
294 00
37 00
56 01
817 60
III 73
23 80
813 DO
43 00
14 OU
619 bead cabbage 36 60
470 doz. Eggs 94 00
40 bundles lire Straw 6 00
2bM Vinegar 10 00
8 bbl. Cider 8 00
9748 sheaves of corn Fodder...., 13740
Si bu hels Tomatoes. i8 60
Jaour naa By Kanis and Cadow.. 49 CO
386 oats.,
20 Hye
1180 " corn ears
75 " winter applos
18 " Beets.
31 ' Turnlne
S 11 Onions
8 " Beans
140 " Potatoes
8780 a, Pork and Lard.... .
71 lb Butter .
840 tt, Beef
18 ton Hay ......
15 shoats
3 Calves
75 Chickens .
No. ot Paupers remaining
AlllinuullSO HtHb npUTL
No, Admitted during year.......
No. Discharged during year... ..
No Died during year
I 1767 93
No. Persons In roor House Bloom 8
No Persons In Poor House Scott- 3
No. Persons In Poor House Green-
WOOd 7
No. Remaining Jan. 1 1889.
c A.KI.KIM, Directors.
1- M. PETTIT, 1
Attest : L. B RUPERT. Sec'r.
Mar 1 'e9.
Im tbi court or common Pius of Columbia
Elizabeth Snyder, by her next friend, William
Rosa. vs. w. n. Snyder.
To w. h. Snyder, respondent above named:
nuercas up"n me peuuno or iioei 01 .am saiu
Elizabeth Snyder, above named, a eubpeena being
awarded by the Court of common Pleas of said
county, a eubpeena Issued out ot the said Court
commanding you, the said W. II. Snyder, to be
and appear at the next regular term ot said Court
to show cansfl, It any you have, why the said
Ubellant should not be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony which she has contracted with yu,
airreeab y to the prayer of said petitioner ; and,
whereas, npon the re' urn ot the said subpoena,
due proof was made that you could not be found
or served with the sum" in the bailiwick ot the
Sheriff or said county ; whereupon an alias sub
poena was awarded by the said court, command
ou to be and appear at the then next regular
terra ot aald Court, to answer, to., as aforesaid,
to which the saineroturn was made by the Sheriff.
You are therefore required to be and appear on
the first day ot regular terra of said Court, to be
held al Bloirasburg, tor the said county, on the
nret Monday of May next, A. D. lst, to answer
the complaint aforesaid.
Feb l5-4t Sheriff.
The nartnershlD heretofore exlstlur between Dr.
B. F. Gardner and Dr. S. I). Arment. Is this day
mutually dissolved, and the accounts unpaid
placed in the bands of M. F. Eyerly of Bloomsburg,
tocrether with the dar book and ledger. Accounts
due said Arm can be paid to cither nr. B. F. Gard
ner, Dr. ?. B. Annent or M. F. Eyerly.
Feb 2Wt B, a ARMENT.
Land CWr W. C. K. Jt.
Feb 83-L T-4U
Wheat por bushel,,
Hyo " " ..
Ccru " "
Oats " " ..
Flour " bbl
Uuttc: ,
EgRI ,
Dried Apples
Lard por lb
Vinegar tier gal
Onions per bushel
veal skins
Wool per lb
Coal on WriAiir.
No 6 $2.00: N01 2. 8, & Lump 3.39
No, 0f8,oo Bltualaui 8.w
Wholesale. Retail.
38 is
SO 28
10 18
40 60
ia 10
oa 03
07 10
00 12,
7 10
10 ISi
20 80
7? 100
8 to 7
Real Estate!
Th9 Undent! FTI M Iif1mlntatiant et Jarr.M
mow, late ot Bloorasbunr, deaacyj, will expose
w uuiiu tMio vu me prriLiiaca on
FUIDAF. Mirch 22nl. IRftO.
at 10 o'clock a. m., tho fol'owlng dcrlbed real
No.1. All the right, title and Interest of said
deceased tn the following described tract of land
situate In the town of Bloomsburg, on the Bloom
Ferry road, near the river, bounded and described
afltotlowat Betrtnnlfifr at a mTin- tR ....
road leading from Bloom Furniceto the Susque.
luuut-B uy lanaoiKIIJoncn, south
UK degrees, west 87 and tbrco-tcnths perches to a
corner, thance bv lami rtr.tAhn
89 degreos, west eleven and seven And ono-half-
mHua pvruues, mence ny other land ot Frcas
Brown north eitf degrees, eastsrandthree-tcnths
perches to a corner In said public road, tnenco
along said road south 89jf degrees, cast eleven
and seven and nnA.hAir.An(t. . ... ,
of beginning, com alnlng
neat measure, more or leas.
No. 8. A certain niece or i.m
' w .MM. BllUDll;
in the town of Bloomsburg, bounded and described
as foliowBt Beginning at a corner In
a publio road leading from Bloom Furnace to the
Susquehanna river, running thence by land of F,
Brown south six degrees, west 81 and twenty-two
ono hundredth nerrJim t a a ivmi., tt,nM ,. 1 .
...... ...tutu
of Jacob DiefTcnbach south ej degrees, east S and
nine-tenths perches to a corner, thence by land or
Joseph E. Barkley north s degrees, oast si and
uiu uiucmicu-uuu uuuureain perches to the publio
road aforesaid, and thanr in r,,nun ...
. - .uw.,u IWIH, UUIIU
2S.V degrees, west s and nine-tenths perches to
vkv ui uegmntng, containing
whereon Is erected a two-story framo dwelling
house and outbuildings. (About one-fourth of
thts tract was conreTri in .tnhn uiunn t,. t-
" a.uvu "J V HUEQ
Commons and wife by deed, dated Sept, 9, 18T9).
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one
fourth at tho strUtlng down of the property,
the ono-fourth lees the ten per cent at the confir
mation of Bale, and the remaining three-fourths
tn one year thereafter, with interest from conflr
matlon nisi.
At the same time and nlnre will tw oam 1 tmv
wagon, 1 boat, l plow, 1 cook stove. Terms made
known on day ot sale.
nun. iL lsr.wpi.t.
Feb 88 Administrator.
Cornea to the front with n largo
The latest
that cannot be excelled in price.
nem, vaiabs,
AND -.'
Our motto is "Square Dealing."
1. un;
One of the best cough
remedies in the world.
Thousands can testi
fy that it cured them.
Don't fail to try it.
Price, 25 and 50c.
of all druggists.
c c
500 Cash
la oflbred to the person who shall send in the
largest number of yearly subscribers to ths
Ladies1 Home Journal
between now and Jnly lit, 1889, at SO cent
I"r yw-HALF PRICK. After Oat date,
Mtubtcriptiont received for leu than 11.00 per vear.
400 300 la offered rapectlveTy for next
largest clubs. A good cash commission paid for
every subscriber secured. If desired, instead of
premiums. Hundreds of dollars can be made
during the next six months, by men, women or
children. Wa furnish free sample copies, post
ers, Ac Address
Feb 15 d-4t.
Lungs. Backache, Kidney Pains, Rheumatism, and
all Muscular Palna relieved In nnn minntA bv
n&Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster
only Instantaneous paln-kllllng strengthening
plaster. 89 eta ; s for it. At druggists, or of Pot
ter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston
TlTTJrHmPle8.blacknds.olPpedandOT VQ
iJJjL ollv skin cured br rnrirnm umin. tr Jii!0
Jan ie-d-t
The largest Clothing suil Hat Store in Coin in hi sr
and Montour counties.
That equals in every resp;ct
"First Class" Merchant Tai
loring for Quality, Style and
The difference is we sell a
Suit equal to a $20.00 Or
dercd Suit for
$30.00 Suits fcr $15.00
$35.00 Suits for $20.00
Patent Cut Trousers
Never Fail to Please.
$3.50 to $7.50.
DlTlDDIof Wo.e or
UAlJWnn Throat in
ftiiy itage, acute or chronic, aim
Hay Varer or Cold In Head, rapid
ly cured. Illgb medical endorse
ment. A lawyer wno had Catarrh
J7 ira. dUooTers a cure which ta
now glTen to the world. Vo co
caine or harmful iuhfAnM No
nuff or douche. East. sutf. arrfw
blc. Bend for circular with home teittmonlali.
Scorei cured. Xrvgvl"tmtsuc. mall, fiOci mall, re
Ktitered.OOc. PAYNE Jt CO., Athzk.
Feb 15-r-Sm
If you Full Iiiforruation
Cannot "How to Order Our
Come Popular Clothing
to Our by Mail."
Store, Samples of Material,
Write Self-Measuring Blanks
Ua and Fashion Catalogue
"Free of Charge."
-0- -0- -o- -0- -0- o J o j o -0- -o- -o-
of Fi
Carpets, Curtains, Drapery Goods,
Mattresses, Springs, &c.
-o- o -H o -o- -
Only Imtortses in ra U. S.
One of the problems of life is to buy
We are now closing out the entire
Winter Stock at Cost.
Over-Coats for Men, Boys and
Winter Caps, Mufflers, &c.
Call and we will make you smile at the
d$Eiag Gut Itetplug
Popular Clothing Establishment,
Blooiiisbiirg, I a.
Wedding Cards, Invitations, Announcements, and Society Kugraving
and Printing of every kind. Tho largest iwsortmont, and only thoso in good
taste Bont oat. Oar prices are the lowest.
SO Visiting Cards and Engraved Thte, from whioh any number can be
printed, for $1.00.
Address Dies, f"" Stamiinc in
in Bronze,
Cyphers. LmhmmmmmhmhmmJ or Illuminating.
WRIT1NQ PAPES BY THE POUND. Twice as much for samo money
you pay by the 4qlrp. Over 600 kinds, and New Styles to select from. Fine
Linen Paper, 80 to 1)18 sheets to tho pound, from 15 cents upwards.
m hot 10 ot. to pay postage, wo seud samples of our
12 New Sty es of Pens, Writing Paper we sell by the
pound, Stylos of Engraving, and our Illustrated
Catalogue of Stationery.
v?m. H. Hoskins Co.. T,1 i" stations
ii ii 'L trt Arch kl Kilx.i.u.
... . . -. , .....uiijiuiii.
Owinc to the death of our Mr. B. E. Smith, thfre will ho a clinnco in the
firm. In consequence of which we havo dotei mined to Close Out Ock Entirk
Stock of tho above departments within the next thirty days. In order to do
so we havo marked our goods way down at prices that will insuro their Isimkdi-
atk Bale.
Look at the following Ggares and seo some of th barja'ti' "fferrd '
Best Uody Brussells, $1.00 to $1.10,
lteduoed from 1.25 and 1.40. OihT grads Bodv Bruss-U, 7oj. to 05o., re
duced from 1.00 and 1.20. Tai-estoy Bitn.BEW, 40o to 75c, reduced from
C5o. and 1.00. Extra. Super Ingrains, Au. Wool, COo. lo C5c. reduced
from 90c. and 81.00. Extra Super Iugrains, 50c to COo., reduced from 70c.
and 80c.
Carpets as Low aa 15c. Per Yard.
Onr Curtain and Drapery Departments are worthy the attention of all who
contemplate purchasing anything in this line now or in the near future. Wo
have reduced evrything in these departments to about one half their former
prices. These denartments aro one ot our
being stocked with a superb assortment of Turcoman and Cuenilms Curtains
in great variety of latest shades and coloring. Nottingham Curtains in all
the various grades and Btyles. Real Irish Point, Antique, Brussels, Tambour,
EscunaVand other fine laoo goods.
Irish Point Lace Curtains, $4.50 Ter Pair,
redueeil from 9 00. Lace curtains as low aH 25 per pair. Mahogany
Curtain Poles, Bra-s Trimmed, Complete, 25e.
Our stook of Furniture has never approaobed its present magnitude, and wo
U1U ni.vfiug lUHuuuuiia in uiih uupariraoDt.
Hair Cloth Parlor Suits, go.oo.
reaaocu lrom 50U.00. An imraens. stock of Silk and Mohair Plnuh
n ill ,....miuuuu luoimir i"iusn suits at
au prices. All goods purcliaed durinc this sale delivered to mirnh
100 miles of Milton Fuel. Parlies intending furnishing hotels or pr
.... j
vai.e resiuencipfl khnnm tnVn iKlvnnitnn .r un w l
......i6v . nan-. iien our lormer low
prices are taken into considera ion, buyers will readily ?oa tho advantages to be
gained by making their purchases now, while tho stock is complete.
Our unci's in thn Hutu, ivn n ...o.. ..,. i 1
i , j , , vrinMiicui, i'nvo oeen great y reduc
ed, and wo would have yon bear in mind that never beforo was there such aa
Opportunity offered tn thnan di-a r nr. in mli..ti:ui. .1...!- l iiiwosraii au
,: i , ' , , . : " o vw ""i""u inuir uu ties who suoli ueau-
tiful and reehercl.e articles at so snnll au outlay. Now is tho time to secure
urt;lJU,uB !n 1 'ANosNii uiioans, as they are offerod at figures far beloT former
prices. A cordial invitation is extended to one and V-t
.... w vAuuiiiiu UU1
ana prices.
J. R. Smith Co.,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
SIli VER WARE, &c.
.... ,....v.nv viigtuvcu ireo ot cnargo.
Columbittu Building, Bloomsburg, Pa