THE COLUEIEBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BUOOMSBUiRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TAXPAYERB' WHAT BECOMES Of YOUR MONET 1 faotis von Tim reorut. The Prfs'ilcnt's Inauguration. HAU' ttATF.3 AMU FIHK BKRVIOK BY TUT. PP.NNSVI.VANIA lUII.ltOAD. Accorililirr to tho olliolnl ronort of Prpspnl. tnillnniinnfi forcuhodow tho tho Board of palilio Chanties, mado to most brilliant inaugural demonstration tho last JjoniBlaturo ot I'ennsvlvanla, over known on tho installation of Trout there were. In 1835. 85Q criminals son- dont-cleot llarrison. March 4th next. fenced to tho Eastern and Western Tho entiro country is interested In tho renitentiarics. Of thsse, only 170 event, and every Slato of tho Union woro total abstainers. A little over 70 will bo represented in tho grand par- par cent, GG-1, had been addtoted to ado. Civilians, military, civic, and tho nso ot alcuollo drinks, (t'aco 42.) uolitioal bodies will mako this tho In 1885 2.70G wero sentenced to tho creategt naaoaut over seen in the na county prisons and work-houses of tho tional Capital. The ball will bo the Slato. Of ihoso 300. loss than 10 per most brilliant affair of tho kind over cent, wero total abstainers, 2,005 wero I hold, and tho entire demonstration will in tho htbltof using alooholio stlran- be oonduotcd on a soalcof magnificence lanta; 2lo wero roporicd wuoso habits novcr beforo attempted. 1 lions- wero unknown, (ratio 03.1 I nnds of neonlo will visit Wasulaaton Durinc tho voarendincr September 301 darini this neriod as participants or 1885, 22,702 wero cared for in tho spectators, and tho Pennsylvania Rail- almshouses .of tho State. (Pago 234.) road is making preparations to carry Of those, remaining at tho oloso of tho them thoro, and return them in the year, 12,534, only 1,003 wero reported promptest and most satisfactory man- as total austaiucrB; wero aaatotca tier, it will unuouuieuiy do ino neav- to the uso of aloliolio drinks, 0,630 tost lob ever undertaken by tho com- woro reported as "unknown," showing pany. vet with ita enormous equip Croat carelessness on tho part of tho ment, excellent facilities, and masterly managers in ausworing an oliioial mies- management, tho task will bo accora- tton. tdis uoos not, inoiuao ttio uz, piisbed to the sattstacuon ot an. uor 085 tramps assisted, most of whom are the day(iiri'ceding and that succec: addicted to strong arinic. ma tbo 4th, tbo rails leaamg into Tho cost of supporting these wards AYashininon will bo hot with thous of the State, over and above all their ands of wheels, and as all trains will earnings, is as follows: Kastern and be run in as many sections as the de Western Penitentiaries, 135.030.2C; Co- mauds of travel r .'quire, there will bu unty prisons and work-hoii8C8,$4 72,302.-, between Now York and Washington a 50; Alms-houscs$l,3Gl,204 18,inakinga continual prooesslon of locomotive total of net loss, 1,UU8IS4Z.,J4, nearly and cars moving Bteauuy torwaru to (too millions. (Jt this immenso sum their destination. In order to utilizo the Stato paid $78,025,000, and the all the cars, and to prevent any block- several counties i,i;m,oiy,u i. The age ot tbo tracks, no cars will bo stor cost of maintaining tho criminals and I ed on sidings in or near Washington paupers reported as total abstainers as othor lines propose to do. was onlv S255.443.50. leaving tho net Tho trains will bo koot moving all loss to the counties for tho support of tho time, and having deposited their intemperate sriminals and paupers the contents in tho centre of the city the enormous sum of one million six hun-1 nam will ba immodiatelv run back, to daed and thirty-nine thousand one bo again loaded with a part of the hunurea ana seventy jour aouars ana vast throng wmob win crowd into an thirty-five cents. the stations of tbo company, in this The revenue irom ino liquor tratiio manner the work win bo dono prompt' lv and effectively, and tbo great num ber of trains will enable every ono to reach the capital at a seasonablo hour. In oaso the hotels and lolging houses of Washington should bo un- for 1885, all ot wlncn was paid into the Stale Treasuiy, was as follows: tavern licenses, $12,528.05; bottlers li censes, $8,050.90, making a total of $780,203.01. From this tho State paid $73,020.00 t3x of salaries of em ployees in the penitentiaries, and S27U, able to aocomodato the visitors, thi 000.00 for building purposes, making a total of $343,025.00. The buildings would not have been needed but for the oxoess of criminals as a result of drunkenness. If, however, the ro mainder of the sum, $445,273.01, had been turned over to the counties, there would still have been a net loss of $1,103,806 34. But this sura was not turned over to tho counties, thoreforo Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will oell excursion tickets from Washing ton to Baltimore February the 25th to March 4tb, good for return trip until March 7th, at $1.20. The excursion rato fixed for this oc casion is a single Jare for the round trip, and tickets i.t that rate will bo sold from all stations on the Pennsyl vania Railroad system from February 25th to Maroh 4th, valid for return taxnavers. from their hard earnings. It V ' - - r- ' trUlrU W UIVU Y.U. paid for tho support of the drinking trip until March 7th class of paupers and criminals, $1,020, Visitors who deslro to extend tboir 174.J6. trio to Richmond can also nnrcbase Taxpayers, has not the time come to excursion ticket in Waihinuton on put a stop (by Constitutional jProhibi- Maroh 1st to 7th, good to return until tion.) to this immense waste! Let all tbo people answer. "Mill ions for Homes, Factories and Schools not one cent for saloons." ANNIE WITTENMYKIt, State Sunt, of Legislative Work, Penn. W. C. T. U. 81 Hemlock Street, Alleghany, Pa. A Hew Lease of Life. The aged and weak have declared after using Sneer's Port Wines that they felt as though they bad a new lease, ot lite by having their system re. novated by this pure strengthening wine made by Alfred speer ot rassatc, N. J. The iron in the soil in which the vine grows gives the blood making qualities to the wine. For sale by druggists. Lunacy Invades a Bohoo). PUPILS IN A PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTE ATTACKED BY A STRANGE MALADY. Harbisbubo, Pa., Feb. 7. A strange species of insanity has attacked the pupils in the Soldier's Orphan School at MoAlisterville. This village is an out-of-the-way place eight miles from MifHintown, Juniata County, and it is difficult to obtain a complete account of the malady, it appears that the children there have been attacked by a kind of nervous insanity, if suoh a thing can be. ' It is most apparent among tbo boys, twenty live of whom are badly affected. When the trouble was notioed all the physicians in the neighborhood were summoned, and Dr. Lucien Banks of this place, remained at the school from 10 o clock last morn until tun afternoon. He says he is utterly un able to acoount for the action of the bovs. Thev were bright and but a day or so ago they began piol ina at their olothing or at the clothing of their fellow pupils in a nervous sort of way, as insane poople sometimes do in asylums. When engaged in con versation they talked fast enough, but unintelligibly. At last a physician took one of them aside and began interrogating bim. "What is this?" said the doctor, hold ing up a knife. Tadpole," was the reply. "What fruit do you like best!" "Lizard," tho lad answered. Another boy was taken into a hall and his fur cap thrown away. "Ohl why did you throw out ray overshoes, was what be said, the sen tenoo being mumbled. Tho children havo vacant expressions on their faces ana at times are worse than oil 'ere. The school building is a four-story structure, wi ,h high porches on eaoh iiln. and onnosito is a three storv building, and tbey aro surrounded by large orchards. J. iU. bborwood is brinoipal, Annie MoKillip is matron, and O. A. Widde Superintendent. There sixty pupils in the primary de partment. Heretofore a few cases of gastrio fever were tho only sickness ro ported. Members of tho Stato Lunaoy Com mittee deolined to express any opinion before a personal investigation. Dr. Ourt doubted that there vas any men tal disorder, as insanity is not conta gious, but ho said thero might be some ttignib'oanco in tbo fact that the trouble was confined to tho boys and not to tho girl,. What "Peculiar" Means. Applied to Hood's Sarsaparilla, the word Peculiar is of crreat imnortanca. It means that Hood's Sarsaparilla is different from other preperations in many vital points whioh mako jl a thoroughly honest and reliable mcdi cine. It is peculiar, in a strictly midi cinal sense; first, in tho combination of remedial agents used; second, in the proportion in which they are prepared; third, in the process uy wiucn ino ao tive curative properties of tho medicine aro scoured, tumiy tneso points wen. They mean volumes. They makt- Hoods Sarsaparilla peculiar in it curative powers, as it accomplishes wonderful cures hitherto unknown, and which give to Hood's Sarsaparilla a I clear right to tbo title of "ine greatest blood punner ever umoovortu. Maioh 7tb, inclusive at $4.40 for the round trip. Make no mistake. If you havo made up your mind to buv Hood's Sar saparilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a pecu liar medicino, possessing, by virtue of lis peculiar combination, proportion preparation, curative power superior to any other artiole of the kind beforo the people. For all affections arising from impure blood or low .state of the sys tem it is unequalled. Be sure to get floods. A Dog's Earnings. Old Nero, the mammoth bull dog be longing to A. J. McDonald, of this place, is earning $10 a month in McPhee & Michel's logging camp. lie totes dinners to the men and does his work as well as acookee with a pony could do it. He knows when it is time to bo around, and nothing can keep liim from being at camp, ready to bo loaded down, at 11 o'clock. Nero ia a monster,, and the camp can rest at night in perfect safety from any kind of a foe. llo can whip all comers in tho shape of dogs, and ho would tackle a bear with all tho confi dence In the world. Ithlnelander (Wis.) New North. A Kentucky Hermit. A curious hermit lias been discovered in liussell couuty, Ky. lie lived in a rude hut of the most primitive construc tion. Ho Is very tall, and about CO years of age. Ills clothing consisted of a few rags tied around his person with strings, and his fest were naked and badly frost bitten. All that lie would tell about himself was that he was "Jim Hilly." Ho had often been seen by hunters, but always eluded pursuit. Ho was secured uud taken to tho county seat, where be will bo cared for. New York World. Keep the Congregation Awake. The first duty of a preacher is to keen the congregation awake. Instruct the sexton to let in plenty of fresh ulr. Without air, without life. Break out a few of those stained glass Windows and admit the sunshine! Darkness always provokes a yawn. Clergyman in St. Louis Republic Henry Holding, colored, wuo lives near Lcary, Ga., claims to be 121 years old. He says that ho was 0 years old at the commencement of the revolutionary war. He belonged at the time to Ucorgei Humphreys, of Richmond, Va. Humph reys sold him to George Heard, of Au gusta, who had owned him ten years when the "stars fell." An Attack of Gravel. TM Terrible Sefferlac ef B TOottaa nt en, . Hew Me mm IUeptlj Vmri. i-( t Than ) nothing X now enjoy that I do not em to atlni need Dr. Devil Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, made at ltonJol,N.T. Mr troubles two In my kidneys and from whkh I urn eirected to moot. M. lint there wrro raise la mj lee, 1 wte (nil 1th. with no erretltt end could not eleip. I wu torn. Mlrd ta tue cas knd flnallr rot to weak tbitl lould bot ttand alone. TbeoUtraiilnmrbackSraS lenlWe. lwbnrnlntapwlUiifTMcteonitui. Irablrerlng'taUoold. Mrphrilola&auij t I HAD BRQHT'8 DISEASE, - which wu alarming Information. To add to mr at. SlcUon after I bad been 111 abont two rem. I had a bad attack or OrareL When tola made ita armr ante mr phralclan rare npmr caae,and I Melgned mrealftodle. Ihadfonrdoctoraattndme.Uiebeat In the country, rtl I conitanUr grew worea. Six reereegolut Junowwelllremwnberllietlmel I aw Dr. Kannedr'e rewrite Bemedr edrertlaed In our paper. After uilng one bottle I threw away tnr cane and went to Kew York on a Tlilt, and thiw hot Ilea cured me, I here nerer had a return of OranL. nor of the peine or weekneae In the beck, and though I am. or wttatr yeara of etui am Now Vigorous and 8tron g- liliZl'AllX.m."-k 1 $ .tn FT.own work, and R!E1r!.kATl,'n,'l, t" '. b? tired. Ikeepthernecll. S?1iTf0??,"il,'h'',l"T'T,tfP- JVhetpbr" dine eiHlell of theTfrlouii remedied f had tekencouidnot f?feJ!'mn,5, ' eTorlte.nemedr dld-it auied thedleoaafi andjnafe me a elronev yliroroua woman, Mia. JLmeUne P. lUuer, Burr J11U, Ohio, FAVORITE REMEDY. Rloe One dollar. FreparedktBondout,S.y. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, lrereredby Bit. DAVID KRNMBDY, RONDOUT, N. Y. SI per bottle Six for IS. Br all druggUte. In Switzerland cars aro run up to a hotel 2,800 feet above tho lalto level by rope traction, the drum being worked by electric motors which aro driven by dynamos two and a half miles distant, where there Is sutucient water power to turn turbine wheels. Of three women living in ono house hi Walker county, Oa., thero are two wives, two mothers-in-law, two daughtcrs-iu-law, throe mothers, two grandmothers and one gre atgramlmother. Something New la leather. Persons on the outlook for odd thburi UTthewayof foot gear have something new in leather ,ln w)mt b called , by the trade Kordofan. This La really horse bid. a small put of the skin frost the romp of eexh animal being available for the shoes. It Is ssld to be pleasant to wsax, sad to last forever or thereabouts. The. supply comes from the wild horses of Qouta America and from the bt and.qtufvU of Asia. The demand is not yet so ex tenaiveasto threaten the ezUmiiiatiws ef these rpedes. New York Bun. ANY ONE CAN DYE A Dress, or a Coat, Ribbons, Feathers, Yarns, Rags, etc, The Bost and Purest McdicineH EVER MADE A2 lv On Si? J,. J. a$ 'b vA;b b'r .wvui. i .'o. Ju A. o..i malt nrllvn aruvinfiil. Tt lA t btt and cheap UCt u oi your uruggieb. -cv V pa DontWait. Cktitatoncc. a. a If you lire Buffering from Kid- SET SfuW MiLi-iiuirbirxEii. I Tney never iuu w curve oAt..l n ?.itnt ftLninUrl to A. le Olllwav A G(Ve BobloD.MaBS., for beet uukUco! work publlohoU OqsKxo'cs pills. jiinrvoii; ovuiiTATioxs.- jliatais ASK 1VJI lilt. l'SL'JWti'S 1-JJLZ.LTS, OB Liirr.ii svaAit-coATSB nzxs. IIcImk entirely voRotable, ttaej op er.itu lilmut dLuibmu-o to the system, diet, ortKxtiit.itlou. Vrtt tip In glass laH, boi-uictl--rally ruled. .Altwiin ficth end rcllaUm Aa a inxntlve. oltorullve, or IMirffutlvc, then lllllo l'cllcla give the moot perfect sati?rnu;m. EiHOllE. llflloile Inrfnilabiio, Don, ! :i1 Icent lull, Iti'lOltx AttUcUh.lilKlflll tU-l..M"-i'inont of llio Etoni an. i..utbnilf,uio r.ninpt Iv rc-l!oved Jnd .i-i i.unetitly .'ii.r.l liv Dir. ltfi.i nr lit. IM-.'i't'u X'loaMtitt l.'urlTntlTO Pellet. II. i t.I:;:i. of the remedial power of theso ivll. ic t po p-r't ii larlfty of diseases, it tnu truthfully Wiuld that tlielr action uiou Ihu l- :?m U utilvcrKil, not a trland or tissue w.. their r.".!Til.o Inllticnco. Sold by i. tuj'ly.i.'.'.jfctiia n vhil. Jliuitifacturcd at tho Iii'i l.nlioiatniyuf WoltCD's DlsrxNSanr Mll-ical Associatiux, liutluli), N. Y. ft- fa . S3 r'.- " olTcred by t y f (r. orac.f Ir. Si ( S Itenicily, I 0 tho tnanufactur Suko'h Cntnrrli -yJ Cluonic llenl Catarrh which . t vv tlicy cannot euro. si':r;:Tais op cATAimu.-Duii1. l(oay luiitt.K lie. otj&tnictlnn of tho nasal I .t..,r'-i, lilsdiarifcs fnl!ln(r from tha head iiii i!u tiiroat, soimtlmrs lunfuso, watery, .. r , ttl, nt oil iws, tlilui:, tormoious, mucous, !! 'tie'tit, ii.otnly find putdd; tlio ojrs aro vmiU, Weeld-y, nil J inMnnirt); thcio Is rlnulng in tliu t-ari, (ioaruL-63, iiiiulihij? or coutfMiitf to .;r tlio Ibroat. cxpecfimitlon of offensive M.i tier, tnjrctlicr with uvaht from ulcex; the t,.o l i-u.n.xvd and ha u mienl twnnfr; tlio hp it;, id oHciiElve; emtll and tnsto aro liu 't I; Is a PCnsiUlon of dlzzinc68, with utt'utnl d -iTCCsioti, a hnckiiifr coiiffh and gvn unA iWbtiny, vnly a few of tho above-named 9 iuUnv.h ate HUtJy to bo present In anyone cumj. 'J'liotioUiiila of cases annually, without itianlfcBtlnir half of tho above symptoms, re-f-tilt hi conBiiniptloii, and end In the grave. No tllMiiso U m common, mora deceptive uud dniwroust, (r Iciyi uudcrstitod by ptosielana. IS it3 mild, fl'io.hin, and henhnff properties. Dr. Swru's CaUirrh itemed cures the worst niaesor Catarrh, "fold In the heady Coryy.a, and Catarrhal Headache. bold hy diueiilotd everywhere; CO cenU. "Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. YV HAi'SNCit, the famous mesmerist, nf 1 1 tinea, N. 1'., writes t "Some ten years flffo I suffered untold ugony from chroulo naiil catarrh. My family phstclan gave me up us Incurable, and said I must die. My case uns auch a bad one, that every day. towards sun itt, my voico would become ao bourse 1 could barely peak above a whisper. In the morning' my eouRliiriff and clean nt: of my throat would ilmnst stranlu tuc. Hy tho uso of Pr. Sage's 'atarrh Keiuedy, tn three mouths, I was a well man, and tha euro has been poriuaaenU" "Constantly Hawking and Spitting," Thomas J. licsnrNa. I(i too$ pine strett, St, AVmt. Mo.t writes: "I mis n great sutTcicr from catarrh forthvee years. At times I could hurdly tireathe, and was constantly hawking and i pitting-, and for tho ctgnt months could not breathe through tho nostril).. I thought nothing could bo (itne for me, luel( lly, 1 was advised to try Dr. Snzv.'t Cntanh Itemrtdy, and 1 am now a well man. I lelku it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh non inanuraetured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to ex perl cue MtoundiDy results and a permanent cure,' Three Dottles Cure Catarrh Eli ltOBDiNfl, ftunvan P. O- Columhict Co. Tti., says: "My daughter had ratarrh when she was Ave years old, very badly, I saw Dr. Cage's Catarrh Itemed adveitlacd, aud pro pured a bottle for her, and soon naw that It bt'lped her: a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. She Is now eighteen years old and sound d hearty." Th ten-ft of my liapplnfp Id, I h thrown away mr oil nisennc unun, ana twr WMWf BOOTS WITHOUT LABOR. Wolff'sACMEBIacking ' ProdM a poltah wlth tb old brruh, and fe Mm will ttul a iml on mm'i, ami thrt on ,tV 7bj ttkk to old w&yi hi tbeo difi of prtyrwai f j Sold by Shoe Btoras, Groeen. Drnftfcis, t4. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. t-HiUoaPHl. BLOOMSBURG FLAKING MILL Tbo undorslcned bavin? put bis Planing M Railroad Street. In nrst.ciann conilltloii.lBDr. rod to do nllklndsot worKln bis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urotanod v roaHuukmetrlce,. All lumbernse a well seasoned and none bat skilled workmen areomployod. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARXES KRCG, nioontflburs;, Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re stored .o health by simplo menne, after Hupffring for several years with a severe lung affection, and (hat dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (freo of charge) a copy of tho prcsciipiioo used, which they will find a mro euro for Consumption, Asthma, Cataurii, Bronchitis and ill throat and lung Maladies. He hones all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, nnd may prove a b'essing, will please1 address", Rev. Edward A. Wil son, Williamsburg, Kings County, Now York. A-fc-co,-deo-7-ly HINDERCORNS. Th eTfiTrnra Cur forCnt-na. Rtnrxt ill nfn. Ebmni eomfomothsf eet. Ue. at Progyltu. Biicoi A Oa, K.T, M. C. SLOAH & BRO. RLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAOES1 BU0QIE8, PHAETNS. SLEIQHS, PUTFORM WAQHS 4Ci Flrst-clasawork Always on band, REPAlRlnU NEA 7L YDONK. Prictt reducedto tuit the times. Any Coor FOR TEN CENTS end U niayothtr myi SAVE Money, Jwli .k;. iw iiv. NEW. b utler DIAMOND DYK8. Th, oik 1 eiy. ilrapU, (julclc; tke ! lb, BEST d FASTEST known, Ak for DIAMOND DYES and take no otntr, ForQUdloc er Pronilnt Fancy Artlclaa USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Bllur, Bronja, Copper. Only 9 Caale. by Portraits, k. A rorttoUo Pf Uaullful tiaty pin hln rmra life, tirlnled on Une piaio paper 'J if i'w tiroceiK, aent flee to UMtitrol anr liaby torn wltbln a rear. Krery Mother want, (beee picture, i aend at once, Give babr'a name ana age. Willi, RICHAIJtOM CO., innii.) air 3 DO IT NOW Cleanse the System wiiu mat in(t rellaU, medicine l'alne's Celery Compound. It purines Uie blood, cure, Coiutlpatlou, and regulates the liter and llldDeyeftlCtually cleans ing' tbe ayatein vt all wua te and dead ualters. Celery Compound combines true rime tonlo and ttrrncthlDc qualities, rerltln; Ibo energies and rplrlts. I have been troubled for some yeara with n rotnpUcatlon of dtmculttea. Artrr trying ra rloua remedies, and not finding relief, I tried Value's Celery Comiwund, liefore taking one full bottle (belong troubleeom, tymptoms be gan to tiuualde, aii'4 1 can truly pr now, tit ( leel llko a new man. Digestion ia Improved, and I bars gained ten pounds In welgbt tluce I bav, commenced taking tbe compound." IIoNtsTci SHtxKC, Felcbrllle, Vt, ll.oo. fill for W.oo. AtnrufgUti f'HRlBTIAN F. KNAFP, BLOOMSBURG.FA. nuiuis. ur n. i. MrtHCttANTS', OF NEWARK, N. J. ' LINTON, N. Y. PEOPLK8' N. Y. READING, FA. GERMAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW YORK. ORKENWICa INa CO., NEW YORK. , JERSEY CITY FIRE INS. CO.. JERSEY CITY, N. J. i Tbeso old corporatiokb are well seasoned by wo and firs tkstid and bave never yet bad a lossBettledby any court of law. Their assets are an invesieu in solid sscubitixb are uaoieiouie; azara oiriRiomy. Losses noiimr and honks tly adjusted and ald as soon as determined by cmMTUX r. SXITT, SriCUL AOKMT AMD ADJUSTS B BLOOHSSCBS, Pa.- Tha neonl, of Columbia county should Datroa- tze tbe agency where losses If any are settled and pan dv one or merown citizens. 9 rnuBuriaajaa. avuijls, rAinuuuiw, trom defectlre nutrltloa. Take la time. tee. and StAe. Feb 1-U-4U DIKE INSURANCE DON'T YOUR Rubber Boots u ntll you havo 6een tho "COLCHESTER" with "Ertenslon Edre' Napoleon Top, Thle la the best fitting nnd HOST DURABLE BOOT In tho market. Made of tho Bost PURE CUM stock. The"litnl'on dge" protect thai tip par, add. to wear of tha. ola by giving broader, g AND SAVES MONEY rOR THE WKARlKj rmtal IT BUY YOUR AROTICS UN UUN I TIL YOU HAVB BUN THE 1 COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Ouuida Counter." Ahead of ALL others In style A durability. If you want tl,e worth of your money try tha Colohester with "OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kept Hereby Best Stores. AT WHOLESALE uy MORGAN BROS. & CO., Wllkesbarre, Pa, Nor, lc-3m. iioini i.iiniUl ;iui'" lueiiUs broKcn China, Ulass, Wood, Irfiatlier, Jtelula, Fur- plture, etc., with Everlactlug Tenacity I Bold by Grocers, Drugglats nnd General Htores. ROYAL GLUE FOR SALE BY I. v. llnrtman Rons. W. II. Ilrooko C CO, The Great Eastern Tea Co.," ci. N. wii&on, El well lilttenbender. PATENTS TCaLS ailU irtlUD aiail.suuvaiuvu.nttu at, . a.u. . slnesaconduetedforMOUKlHTKl'KES. ., f OUR OKFICB 18 Ol'I-ilSl'l'K U. B. l'XTENT vvipr. u'h have no sub-aeencles. all business direct, hence can transact patent business In lees umeanq at i.iu?a tusi uiau kuysu iuuu,ouvMi Wasblngton. , t ... Bend model, drawing, orphoto.wllh descitptlon. We 'advise If patentable or not, free of charge. fna nnl Hum ,111 nil font, fa tuwiirft. A book-,"Uow to Obtain l'atenta,"wlth refcrenoes o actual ciii'iive m your Dbaic, vuuiiv, u, tw,, nt irj?. .udress C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent OOloe,. Waahintrtnn, n.o THE WORLD TO-DAY. A M AOMIKICENT ATLAB OK TUB WOULD. In one lanje quarto volume, 10 ill Inches In slM, conlalnloif 116 pases ot handsomely en. DTAvftit and nolnred maos Also an Index of over tuui cities, rivers. 'eta, throuKhout the world, Kltlm? exact location. Cloth, price I4.UU, plus aoo postage. a imaiitifni. iKvu'flte. convenient and comDre- benslve atlas, a marvel of art, ot information and of price, thiequal of tut best f 10 00 atlas ever published. A II aNDY ATLAB OP THE WOULD. A neat and convenient volume, containing 138 colored mono. iiifl?rnmfL tfthleM. etc. desorlntlve of every couuiry In the world, carefully ctaeainod and skillfully arranged for eay releronce, .two Sages of information, vduableant ayailabie, loth, price sw, plus 40, A guide bxik to the wbole world, a pocket cyclo pedia, a marvel of value and cbespnesa, and a aaiiy compsmuaui erery uewsiMtror imuvi. Sent by mall on receipt of price and postage, Enclose poetoffloe Money Order, New York Draft, or roatal Note Or full amount. Kuiif O, BitliiBur, 118, Brooklyn, N. X Jack. Jack tvas on of the) train of mule with which th carl bf Duararen mada nn otourslon In the Yallowitone park a few years ago. Itvii not ot ton -that a mule geta so good a character from his master as Jacl: rooclycs, but It was well earned. Jack would ascertain, by some means best known to himself, the 'exact width of his pack, and would measure his dis tance between the trees to an Inch, run ning' through apertures that looked' far too narrow for hltn, but never striking or getting jammed. lie had aomo extra ordinary method also of determining the height of his pack, and could tell pre cisely whether ho could pass under an overhanging bough without stooping, and, if not, how much ho would hrtTO to stoop. If necessary, without pausing for a moment In his trot, he would doublo down until his belly almost touched the ground, and wriggle himself through under a fallen tree In tho most ludicrous maimer. It Is no easy task for a man, even though he be accustomed to the moun tains and the forests, to make his way through tho matted labyrinth of these. prlmoral woods; but through such places, if they wero practicable at all, Jack would ninrjunipcllrnb.or -crawl, picking his "way 'without pause.' His facultyof stooplngnndcr branches, though very usoful at times, was incon venient when ho was "required as a riding animal. He would forgct for n' moment that ho had hot a tall pack upon his back, and in passing under BOine leaning tteo, to avoid which the rider would Vieroly stoop his head, not expecting for a 1 moment that tho inulo would stoop also, down he would go, and with a twist and wriggle of Jfia body writhe himself under the supposed obstacle, much to his rider's surprise and discom fort. Youth's Companion! (letting- Even. When the "Tin Soldier" was dono in Chicago for the first time I played tho plumber, Eugene Field was present and seemed to enjoy the' performance im mensely. Next day ho gave the pleco a very flattering criticism, and said that all the people played tlielr parts well with a single exception. The actor who played the plumber seemed to hnve 110 conception of what tho author intended. I had to good naturedly tako the general laugh at my expense- and foot up tho bill for numerous "smiles," whose combined frequcnoy was sufficient to 'make a very respectable- laugh. I determined to get back at Field, He Is as well known and aa familiar a figure in Chicago as Col. Ochiltree Is In Now York. On the follow ing evening I had him occupy a box at tho theatre. In ono of my Bcenes I took a copy of Tlio News, and advancing to the front, pretended to read. "Gen. Field's Shurpa and Flats," I said, as if just com ing to tho cblttmu of his bright exploita tions. Then, with a broad smile, I apparently continued reading. After a while the smile gradually faded, and was succeeded by an expression of positive pain. Tho paper was tlirown to the floor, and, with a very tired expression, I thruw Kick tho lapel of my coat and rang a chestnut bell. The chestnut bell was something new in Chicago then, and tho little pleco of business went tremen dously. Field's box wus bo situated that ho could not withdraw from tho view of tho house, nnd ho had to take tho laugh like a good fellow. Tho "Tin Soldier" has mode on an' average About '$24,000 a season. Charles H.- HoyU Careless Talking. What gravo errors are frequently com mitted through mere thoughtlessness. If we could foresee the pain that Is often caused by lightly spoken words, how much more careful would we be in weighing their significance beforo utter ing them I One of the gravest errors of tho -kind I have ever known occurred tho other day. I had called at the oflico of ono of our leading citizens on a mat ter of business. He had just returned from a visit to his old home, whero he had been attending to the sad duty of burying a near and dear relative, and as we sat talking about tho business affair that engaged our attention a friend of the leading citizen walked in, shook him warmly Dy the hand and asked him when ho had got back. Their mutual greetings were warm and cordial until tho callers wound up his by exoiaim lug, thoughtlessly, no doubt, and with out for a moment appreciating how apropos was the remark! "Hope you had a good time." I shall never forget tbe look which passed across the face of tho afflicted man as without replying, he waved his visitor to a seat and resumed his conversation with me. I thought to myself, if that man knew what a mis- .take ho had made ho would be more careful in future- Of speaking without thinking. Chicago Journal. Tha Oil Cartridge!. Tho power which jietroleum exerts in calming the surface of a troubled, even tcmpestuotu ocean', is conceded by the most conservative navigators. However efficient' petroleum may bo in rousing a storm on land and generating u cyclone hi every oil exchange of the United States, on the briny deep its inllueneo is wholly in tho direction of peaco and quietness and restfulness. It lulls King Neptune's stormiest moods, and a few gallons have brought gallant ships safely through watery commotions that threat ened them with sure submerging. Here tofore a simple throwing or dripping of oil from the ship lias been tho method pursued. Now a Yankee inventor hat patented on oil cartridge, which, fired from a gun, projects the oil far in ad vance of tho vessel and thereby stills the waves beforo tho ship. By means of these cartridges, it is claimed that a eercno path an eighth of a mile wido can bo made through the heaviest seas. Thoso that go down to the sea in ships owe much to tho memory ot Col. Drake, of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg Bulletin. Tho Victorian age, according to Pro fessor Ayrton, will bo remembered rather for the economical transmission of- power by electricity than" for the In vention of the electric telegrapn. Tate Springs, Tekn., July 4, 1SS8. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: During the spring o( 1S71, while working In the field at my home in Morgan county, Ga,, I pulled oil my shoes to rive my feet a rest. Unfortunately, I walked into a clump of poison oak, and In a few days tny feet were in a terrible condition, and I could not put on a shoe because of tbe soreness and swelling, I was treated as poison oak cases usually are, and everything wis healed up. About the same time the following spring, 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the dis ease, only each time it became more dis tressing, because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally, I was Induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, and no evidence of the disease remains. I shall take pleas ure in testifying as to Its curative proper ties, It is the greatest blood purifier in ex. tstence, Yours truly, J, L. Morgan, The foregoing certificate Is taken at random from thousands ot letters in posses sion of the Swift Specific Co., and presented simply as a sample. It is a voluntary statement, giving faets and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question. A valuable Treatise on Stood and Skis Diseases mailed free. Address THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Tbaver Atlanta. Ga. Rumfird YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Reliable." Restores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates lost in bolting. No othor powder does this. It is healthful and nutritious. Put up in bottles. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKEY. vtav sHHalBrjjSftS "mm HE MILal WllaV' rMellM.UHIMU ftSI wftU IliUt world. I ailed LauXaeaer. Wu. I 4 Metr , wiia) worn s Mltir cab Mtiit fta. MkleV lift tf 0WChld Sus.e TkM liwklM, well u ibp Ucb, m4 IT a-at a. Laat afUf kkf kaui Jant-Sf-lr ... ... , ,i. .1 ., .,. rniAHtiiMbi tn Ha rtiMnlcallr nure and tree from-ojurlous oils and acids often contained In alconoUo "JV twin especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic, Consmniillres tjcuig " f. "h,"Jiuii."'i",JS;f.!S,".';5 V.'h in .nd nmi uTartliwue: A ifiSidlant mild and gentle In eject. ; lVrfPslS' '?,WJ l??.?, aTt Whifkers p(q ran bo entirely conauered or tee use or fcrtine's 1'ure lisrlcy s t wnisKeys It Is a tonic and diuretto and a powerful stiengtncner to the entire srBwnj. 1 a HNK'S ruitu liAHLKVMAIrwillsKKl lias proved a medicinal pwecUoft to "host who pursue their avocations in the open ajr and whoso dally work calls it ATOpntinnat nowers of endurance. Ask youi nearest druggist or grocer terror !'KFhB?8 $mE AIILKY IALT WIIIslcET revives the energies 01 1 thoaen jrorn out with excessive Bodily or mental eltort and acts as a safeguard against exposure in wet and rlBorousatr. Itwlll drive all malarious diseases from the system. 1.?.wJLa.g ""A.-riMns whom a sedentary lite renders prone to Dyspepsia nnd In I'crrlne's Pure .Barley Malt Whiskey powerful Invlgorant and helper to digestion. rKHIIINK'H 1'UBK UAllLKV MALT WlllSKKV without unduly stimulating the kid neys Increases their flagging- activity, counteracts the effects of fatigue, nas tons convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signs ture m, iii It AnnpntR DT the LaI oei on every oouie: 1 umcwiiwuiij ou alrted the Tcrs Bablit Malt Whkh .J. m m j h. remne and find It entirely tree iromium.-i uu.iuiiuiu., metals and acids and Is absolutelj nure." monea, Camilla Arthur Hater, . . rn.fM..liM,nr IT.mlrh Oetirai and Welttaaen CSB-SMSSSSSBSBaBMBSSSSm' Yu tin in all armrests and grocers throughout the united states and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A ruusALE ui uituuuinra &nu 111.11 uniitn ENNEY OOODB A SPECIALTY. soli aoints roa V. P. ADAMB & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing oranos or Olgars. HENItY CLAY, LONDltES, NORMAL, INDIAN F11INCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLABDS BECANDIES. FRESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg. Pa. ANY OHDER FOR FESTIVAL will bo SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST J as follows: OUANQES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. DEALER IN m WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wo bave in stock a finer line of musicn instruments than has ever been bought in 1 - - 1 r. , .uiB tt'uiiuii, auu wu aro ihskiih; speoiai nducements to purchasers for the holiday . .. to. : 1 3GUDUU. If D Cb UUI lUDkl UlUClllB UlieUb from tbe manufactories, and can offer better terms than can bo given by any other parties, THE 1VERS & POND PIANOS stand at tho head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE at tbo BOSTON CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. Ono of the latest improvements is the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enables one to play without disturbing anyone in the vicinity and with little wear to the instrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO. PIANO, after thirty years of severest test aro used, on account ot unequalled durability, by C6 colleges and many others in tho United States. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, with new repeating action, best in the world for upright piannn. and tbo first and only perfect repeating action introduced with upright pianos. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 88 years. A warrantee of five years is given with each instrument. It is tbe best medium-priced piano in the market. Our LINE of ORGANS is very complete, wo have THE CELEBRATED ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATES, and other makes. SEWING MACHINES. We havo tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DOMESTIC, NEW HOME STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and NEW HOME. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines olds on installment plan. Wo havo also Ifinjoa, guitars, Gorman accortleons, blow accordeous, flutes, fifes, mouth organs, drum, &o. Five hundred pieces of ten cent sheet music, &o., &o. Second baud pianos, organs and sewing machines on lniid, and received in exchange for new ones. A iron t for Bulterick and Domestic piper patterns and fashion books. Sowing machine needle?, oils and attachments for all machines always in stock. JSaKBsflsstlaA f1 tjJ:i'a iTlTiWsflM Bloomsburg Pa. J. Saltzer, General Agent. Yp BIRD fMANNA Tha OrtAAt ttotrct or thaltavrti lslauntlil.(W wlllrtutora tha tons of Tant thalr allmeisU and condition. lUktiCavneViiea no. ctoia pr ail ojunuia. Bird fowS Co., 4uf fi. M r WsaV tbe Cauarr Uravdcri ot manj. uira kaqdm va tunu, wiu pre- iuy. cTcn wniio tuauODTaOCIMDI Bt, VhllaV, Fa. f a9 LF LV FwMof rroneflcId'fCataatowdar h mm tor uonen, (jama k rouiirr, 101 mid. aotawi'aP.OiwUtkllJur. ysuow BinNa. yeuow tubs. Use "Peerless Brand" BAIiTlllOHi; FRESH RAW OYSTERS. SolwUdanapaaedwitu cleanliness ana cats hj O. II. PEARSON & OO, I1ALTIM011K. ill). 1 Jnu4iSDt row Orooer tor them. A. C. YATES & CO. 6 Chestnut, I,RUnU MUIa.XNO. Jest Mado (jlothing Philadelphia Men louth. and hildren. vntt. A. C. YATES & CO. 6 St Chestnut, LEDOBll IlIIIl.DING, OHATEFUIi COMFOUTINO. EPP'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. 'Hv athorouch knowlprfra nf nntnrnl Iawr which govern tlio operations 01 digestion and nutrition, nnd by a careful anollcntlou ot the tinn properties ot well-selected l ocoa, Jlr. Erpshas proTldffl our breakfast tahlcs with a delicately uuvurt-u uticrHKo nuicu may save us many neary doctors' bills. It Is by tho Judicious uso of such articles ot diet that a const fl utlon mar be gradual. ly built up unUl Btronff enough to resist every ten dencyto dl-ease. Hundreds ot subtle maladies are noating around us rejdy to attack wherever thero 13 a weak DOInt. Wti mnv escnnn manr a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with puro blood and a properly nourished frame, '-CfWI Service Gaiette. Alade simply with boiling water cr milk, sold only In ball pound tins, by Urocors, labelled thus: JAMES lil'l'S CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, wt jw-u-ou ixjnaon, jingiana. RAILKOAD TI1VIH TABLE QELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. ru North umbkrund s 40 Cameron. 6 63 Chulasky 6 00 uanvuie us Catawlssa 0 25 Rupert. 6 so Bloomsburg 6 30 Espy 0 43 Ume ltldge. ......... 6 60 Willow drove... ...... ...0 54 Brlarcrcek 0 53 Berwick 7 m Beach Haven 7 11 nick's Ferry. 7 18 Shlckshlnny 7 DO UUniOCK'B i 43 Nantlcoke 7 50 Avondale 7 54 Plymouth 7 69 Plymouth Junction 8 03 iwoKBiun a u Bennett 8 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 22 West Huston s 27 Plttston 8 33 r m 1 35 NOllTII. A. 11. At M 10 10 I) 15 Lackawanna , Taylorvllle. .......... Beuevue BCBANTON. ............ STATIONS. 8 40 , 8 48 , 8 54 , 9 00 P II 1 58 3 14 2 19 2 24 3 29 2 49 2 54 2 59 3 09 3 19 3 20 3 35 3 39 3 43 3 53 3 5 4 01 A M , 6 10 0 16 . 6 20 , S 2S SCRiNTON ue levue Taylorvllle. Lackawanna...., Plttston 6 sn West Plttston 6 43 Wyoming 6 47 Maltby a si Bennett 6 55 Kingston 6 58 Plymouth Junction 7 05 Plymouth 7 10 Avondale 7 14 Nantlcoke 7 19 Ilunlock's 7 35 Shlckshlnny 7 47 Hlck'B Ferry 7 ss Beach Haven, 8 01 Berwick 8 07 Bnarcreek. ... 8 13 willow Grove 8 18 11 4S Lime ltldge. 8 20 11 52 Kspy -.... 8 S 11 19 Bloomsburg 8 32 13 oj Hupert 8 37 12 10 Catawlssa 8 42 12 15 Danville 8 S7 12 30 Chulasky. 9 03 Cameron 9 07 12 40 NOBTHUIIBIBXAMD....... 9 23 12 5 t m r m Connections at Ittinerr. with Piitlndpinhia Reading Hallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, will lamaport, Sunbury. Pottsvllle, etc. At Northum berland with P. ft E. Dlv. V. it. u. for Uarrlsburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie, 'V. F, HAL8TEAD, Oen. Man., Scranton, I"a A 11 9 M 9 55 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 34 10 33 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 55 11 03 11 12 11 22 II 28 11 37 10 25 10 29 10 35 10 63 11 00 11 07 11 16 11 22 11 2S 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 43 11 63 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 30 18 87 12 41 13 45 13 50 12 65 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 r h SOUTH, ru 2 05 5 30 (I 34 5 40 6 18 7 05 7 13 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 85 7 42 7 49 05 8 06 8 IT 8 22 8 38 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 69 9 03 9 09 8 17 V 25 9 80 9 35 AM 2 14 3 21 2 28 2 34 2 39 347 3 50 3 64 2 59 8 03 3 00 3 19 8 29 3 89 3 45 3 51 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 4S 4 64 5 00 5 15 T TH 8 SO 25 6 80 6 87 6 45 50 5 66 S 59 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 1 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 65 8 07 8 IS 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 85 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 57 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 IS T It Pennsylvania Railroad. 111! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IM TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. 11 1888. Trains leave Sunbuiy EASTWARD 9.40 a.m.. Sea Hhore Exnrens idallv emont Bunday), for narrlsburg andlntermedlateatatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 p. m. : New York, 6.60 p. m.j Baltimore, 4.45 p.m. ; Washington 5.63 p. m connecting at Philadelphia for all tea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),for Harrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 5.50 D. m. : New York. 9.35 n. m. : Baltimore 4.45 p. m.j Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car buiuuKu mj ruuaaeipma ana passenger coaenrs through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,43 p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (daily tn. 1 1 L: Vlll all InlAmaln.n .1.11... nlw- Ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. j New York 7.10 a. m. immuiurc, 0.10 1, m. ; wasmnfrton nan a, m. : Pullman sleeping carfrom llarrlsbur? to rhlladel phla and New York. Philadelphia pappengers can remain In slroper undtsturbd until 7 a. m. Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train from n imainsport on uunaays. 2.50 a. HLXllB M&.llMAntfnr TlArHihiirf nntl Intermediate stations, arrvlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11. so a. m. : Baltimore 8.15 a. ra. 1 Washington, 9.80 a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and through passen ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.10a. m.wlTrlA -Mllll Mnflv! tnr Vrtn nl Intermediate Rtatlone nnd fnnnnrlnltyiiri nril Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo acd Niagara Falls, with through 1-ullman Palaco oars and passenger coaches to Erie and Kochec- 9.13-News Express (dally except Sunday) for I ock naven and Intermediate stations. 18.62 D. m.-Mlacrara RxnrpRR rrtnllv psrAnr. Rnn. 1 y) for Kane andlntcrmedlatestatlons and Can ar.nalgua and principal intermediate stations, Rochester. UuffftlO nnd Nlni'ArA Vnlla wlrH through passenger coachesto Kane and Rochester and Parlor cartoWllllamsport. o.ou y. iu. rasi uce taaiiy except Bunaayiror ite npvo and Intermediate stations, and Elmfra, Wat. kins and intermediate stations, with through pas sengercoaches to Renovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor Renovo and Interme diate stattOD- THROUUII TRAINS FOR SONB1 (RY FROM THE JUBl AMU BUU'i'Jl, Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a, m narrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Kunbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. narrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. . ... ., . . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.40 a. m.s Da tlmnre V.SII . m.MallT except Sunday arriving at Sunbury. 12.62 p. m.. viitn mrough parlor car from Philadelphia and tnrough passenger coaches from I'hlladel phla and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves Now Y01 k 9.00 a. m. t I'hlladel Ph1a,u.60a. m.j Washington, 9. 60 a. m.i Balti more, 10.45 a. m., (dally e cept Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 5.8up.m,. with through passenger coacheslrom Philadelphia aDd lialllmore. Krle Mall leaves New York B.001). m. ; Philadel phia, 11.25 p. m. j Washington. 10.00 p. m.i Baltl more,u.20p, ra., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 5.10 fci .px-i y"tfi through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and lirougb passenger coaches from Philadelphia NEpHY,IIAy.i.KTON as WII.KliHllAHHH AND NtlltTII AMI WKHT UlrAMllI 1IAII.WAV. w WUr except sunasy.) STiifceatiErP MaU leaTes Sunbury 9.85 a.m. lilp.m. ' m-' jsxpress nast leaves Sunbury 5.85 p. m., arriving ,tu?,!S?mrf.rrif?-s:4P'In'iwll'ies.barre f.bOp. m, 3?.bSflrMailleatcwl'llefi,,ttrrel0.aoa.m.arrlv. '"SJii'i00, W.forll. a.rr.,bunbury 12.45 p. m. ,zlvI! B,Wf l-aves wiikes-barre 3.05 p. m., sr. vltig at Bloom Ferry 4.&0 p, m sunbury 5.20p.m BUNDAY ONLY. ..8SrAarSlalllea,fe88unllu,'?-!8 " m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:15 a. m.. Ullken-ltarre ii:45 a.m. Bunday accommodation leaves Wllkrs-lisrre 6:10 f'wp m? ftt Ul00ln rettT ' ' Hanliury oiua. k. poon, j, u. wood. 1 oon.uuagr oea. Puienger igei