COLUMBIAN kNJ) DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J. K. Bltttsbanler., i E41""' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1880. WABHINGTOH LETTER. From our Itetcalar Correspondent.) Washington, Feb. 18, 1889 According to tbo promiso Chairman Mills ban reported the Sunato tariff bill to tbo Hjuse. Ho accompanied it with a resolution declaring tbo bill to bo unconstitutional mid directing tho clerk of the House to return it to tbo Senate. Tho resolution will bo voted on early this week, and its passago in expected, which will dispose ot the Senate Tariff bill. There hag been, in the last two days, ihren other Revonuo bills reported to tho House. Mr. Mc Millan, from the Wajn and Means committee lias reported a bill which is the original Mills bill, with tbo cotton, metal and chemical schedules left out. From tbo same committee Mr. Bieckin ridgo has reported a compromise) mens uro, which provides for free wool, fico tin-plate, the repeal of the tobacco tar, and the same woolen and worsted schedules as the Mills bill. Mr. Ran ilall, from tha committee on appropria tions has reported tho Cowles internal revenuo bill, which repeals the entire tobacco tax and modifies other features of tho internal revenuo law. All of these different measures from Democrats docs not speak well for the unity of tho parly. A caucus is to bo held to-night when an attempt will be made to agreo upon something, but the ontlook is not assuring. The clerk of the llouso has been authorized by a resolution of the House to employ four additional clerks for the remainder of tho session. This is pre paring for the rush of bills that always get crowded tbiougb in the lost days of a session. Tho Hon 96 has .jiven way to the Senate and New Mexico will be dropped from tho "Omnibus" bill, and North and South Dakota, Montana and Washington admitted by Presi dential proclamation. That is all right as far as it goes, but I cannot see why Now Mexico hai not as good a right to corao in us tho rest. The Senato commilto on territories will this week report tho Oklahoma bill, and its early paesago is generally regarded as certain. Tho Troisury Department paid out on account of pensions over 20,000,000 during tbo first half of this month. Who eays Republics are ungrateful! Representative Matson who la chair man of the House committee on pen sions, and who was recently the Demo cratic candidate for governor of Indi ana, retires after the fourth of March. As a token of esteem, his colleagues on that committee have presented him with a handsome French clock. The pre sentation speech was made by Repre sentative Gallinger, a Republican, who expects to get elected to tbo Senate from New Hampshire. The Senate got ahead of tho House in passing the bill retiring Gen. Rose crans ("old Rosy'') with the rank of Brigadier-General. Four hundred policemen are to bo appointed in this city to protect us from the Republicans that will attend HarrUoo's inauguration. And it would be impossible even now to throw a stone in the streets of Washington without striking a Republican candidate for some Federal office. Mr. Colemao, lately Commissioner of Agriculture, has been confirmed by the State for his now position, aud on Friday took the oath, and assumed tbo duties of Secretary of Agiicnlturf. He has received and is still rtoeiv i tig oongiatulations, personally, by mail and by wire. Although Assistant Postmaster General Stevenson has been nominated Associate Justiiwi of the Supreme Court of tho District of Columbia, he has no expectations of being confirmed. A few. important nominations have re cently bean confirmed by the Senate but there is no hope of anything better during the eleven working days now left to the present Congress. Tho Senate has passed a resolution instructing the oomnuttee on oommeico to consider tho expedienoy of the Government purchasing the Dismal Swamp Canal with a viow to making it a highway betweon the Chesapeake Ray aud the North Carolina sounds. Although the session is so nearly ended the introduction of a new bill is a frequent occurrence. Among tbe latest is one to establish a national sys tem to farmer's institutes, to be devot ed to tho accumulation and dissemination of information of practical value to farmers. Another which I negleoted to mention whilo speaking of the terr itorial bills, is a separate bill for the ad mission of New Mexico, offered in tho House, and which Mr. Springer and otbtr leading Democrats will endeavor to rush through. Mrs. Cleveland held her last public reception on Saturday afternoon, and in spito of a cold dreary rain nearly 2,000 people attended. ISBOMJTXON NOTICE. Tha oartnershlD heretofore existing between nr. 11. F. Gardner and nr. a D. Arment, la this day mutually aiaao'Tea. ana me account unpaid placed la tbe bands ot M. F. Eyerly ot Uloomsbunr, together wttb tbe day boolc and ledger. Accounts due aald flrra can be paid to either i ir. B. i (lard ner, Dr. s. R Arment or M. F. Kyerly. ' ii. f. ilAnnNKrt, Feb83-8t B. B. AltMKNT. Statement of Finances OF- COLUMBIA COUNTY Fnoii jASUAitr 1, 1888 to Januabv 1, J889. STATEMENT fillOWINQ TAXES ' t f f j I UlJLJL-U r-eaver 718 46 $ W 00 $ 73 IS $ 463 16 $ Ci 60 J (9 02 Itenton - V. 4o80 MOO 44 44 60S 01 W 50f 1 J9 ii??.?t.' 7.........;..T..!.r. 1604 19 P3 60 641 20 607 09 41 50 1 9 65 Brtarereik. .... rTll.-l.... . l'W 14 ! ' W 06 718 67 69 00 tut CatiwSSl 1W(3 C8 50 866 76 593 97 60 W 73 21 cemraila V. ..".. "7. "T. .. . .... .... H"3 63 4 60 613 74, IX 79 2 60 ntra . .ITT! Ill -" ... I!!!...!...' 1714 66 84 00 2J9 32' 018 1a 68 (0 3 23 FoSGVKJ""".llll.l!Mli M44 woo tmi m km iSu (IreiwooCL 11. . ,.ZZ7.... .. . 11 28 99 00 419 61 Ui M 6i S7J8 llmtock II 171711 .. II llllll... lOil 44 67 60 S9 931 819 V7 SI 93 4 86 JackMIl 'I'll! 1111111.111 .1771... .11 4 6 63 00 37 45 . 174 67 4t K 19 29 iScuit .HUT. ..Ill 1. 111.11 1. I... W5 13160 158 42, 4V161 8160 17 IB iffiSSorT" 7.717J7Z 1 ... I iofo4i mm 6421 32447 ji6o iM Sln Tl 11. 1111.11111111. ...-1- W6 78 MOO 7 741! 187 6 4 2 1 60 7 66 ,min ! 10i9 65 81 50 14 89' S3I 74 61 00 28 (1 Montour Ill 11 .....I..............-." , K01 90 41 00 76 IS 434 01 95 00 hm V? weaml . . (W 41 68 0) 92 56 m 02 8 08 9 69, KiS """' ll I ... I. .1 I W4 8i 63 00 21129 800 97 ii 60 M 21 B .1.1177171 4!81 50 00, If 92 211 53 89 6 ' 10 wrtii'ick'"''''"7.....1i;.r.....l.....M '"OO 68 00 WHO 50 03 81 61 tl 00 2?,, gC ' 1117711.7., I486 41 60 60 237 67 673 64 64 5 1 78 47 rario'if.'';..':T.7r.7.:l j w iw, wu o Hood's Sarsaparilla It a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre pared by competent pharmacists. Tbe com bination and proportion ot Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agenta li exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, firing it strength and curallre power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will contlnce you ot Its treat medicinal value. ITood's Bartaparllla Puriflos the Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and Rites strength to every brgan ot the body, It cures the most severe cases ot Scrofula, Salt Itheura, Dolls, flmjiles, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped roe more tor catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. ball, Syracuse, N, Y. Creatos an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over," E. M. Halk, Lima, Ohio. " I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and teemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. F. Nixon, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements ot cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla doldbrslldnicclits. fliilxforf. Prepaid only by C. I. UOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mui. IOO Doses One Dollar ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Instate ! The undersigned administrator ot James com. mons, late ot Bloomsburg, deceased, will expose to publlo sale on the premises on FRIDAY, Much 22nd, 1889. at 10 o'clock n. m., tho following described real estatot No. 1. All tho right, title and lntorest ot wild deceased In the following described tract ot land eltuato in the town ot nioorasburg, on tho Bloom Ferry road, near the river, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner In the public road leadlDg from Bloom Furn ice to tho Susque hanna Itlver, thence by land of Ell Jones, south oitf degrees, west 87 and three-tenths perches to a comer, thonco by land of John A. Funston, north St degrees, west eleven and seven and one-half-tentis perches, thenoe by other land of Frcas Brown north Mtf degrees, oast 87 and three-tenths perches to a corner In said public road, tnenoe along said road south 8SJ,' degrees, cast eleven and seven and one-halt-tenth perches to the place ot beginning, containing 2 ACRES neat measure, mora or less. No. 2. A certain piece or parcel ot land situate in the town of Bloomsburg, bounded and described as tollowa: Beginning at a corner in a publlo road leading from Bloom Furnace to the Susquehanna river, running thence by land ot F. Brown south Mtt degrees, west 8T and twenty.two one hundredth perches to n corner, tbence by land ot Jacob Dieftenbaoh south 99 degrees, east 8 and nlno tenths perches to a corner, thence by land or Joseph K. Barkley north 'X degrees, east ST and and nineteen one hundredth perches to the publlo road aforesaid, and thence In public road north 8SV degrees, west s and nine-tenths perches to placo ot beginning, containing i ACRE, whereon H erected a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. (About one-fourth of this tract was conveyed to John Mlldon by James Commons and wife by deed, dated Sept, 8, 187S). TERMS OF BALE. Ten per cent, of one- fourth at the striking down ot the property, the one-fourth less tho ten per cent at the confir mation of sale, and tho remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from contlr matlon nisi. At the same time and place wlU be sold 1 true wagon, 1 boat, l plow, l cook stove. Terms made known on day ot sale. GEO. E. ELWELL, Feb 23 Administrator, c c 2 2 Curtis c 2 c c Cough Compound. One of the best cough c remedies in the world. Thousands can testi fy that it cured them. Don't fail to try it. C) Price, 25 and 50c CJ of all druggists. ' C C ' c CHAS, I.. COLBY Land Coat' IT, C, 11. It. MILWAUKEE, WIS, Feb24-LT-4t, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SID C:S3 SUXCilO KUnbla pill for Ntct fail. , moB4Brmtl, in ra 4Lk. bwioI lilt bltMrlb . A I Ilrurrlata. Ap4PCb1 V... TiT t.tu. In i.ut. bowd boion, film wrttpwr. r 4fnsr oHaeauitUrfvlt. Bud 4. iurap) for tuttoulu ul 'llrllrf fwr ldiesk,,(') IM. hv FluH SXIAlL 1U.UUU iMtl. nlililtrwUt-ii4Uifia. huut Vm, Feb l& d-4t WUsVuWal'IHVISIBLE9oundDlso. InrAci 4'", ctiwi 4 U Lnr I a, re. iuuti !( Tar UU it & watts. Srl4,prt. Ot. ASSESSED AND BALANCE WILL DUE. itsxssin. BTitt pcr. foU puttenliui will! Uipa """"iMbIS euirrt. Add, MM' CHAS, L.COLBY Land Cam' IT. C, 11. B. SJaaS tHAKlaaltt rnti I 1 K J? s? tf Amount due for years previous to 1889. Districts. Collectors rrl Couty I Dog Bloom Blonm W. U. Allen It. Harris 1S8I isso 4(1 U) 83(10 (191 M rj bo ClEOIiOK A. HKHHINO Treasurer of Columbia county, In account with said county on county 1UUU3. January 2nd. 188. DIL To amt uncollected prior to 188 t m hiuv uii ujuiu at irhi nt'iuemem " county Ux aJwcssed In ltfcM,... Mil is " tux on resl'ter of voters. . us 43 I" amt collected on unseated lands ....... Sow to I ' " seated 940 1 - II rf eelved tor hotrl nltil tTOtflnrAnf license.,.. , list S3 11 Jacob Metier, old nlnhk.. 4 " John H Mann, cosU Com. vs. J 8 Mann " (1 A Bucklugham, costs Coin..vs. Wal. terliavs.. ., ,. " ouy Jaroby, costs Com. vs. I'aul rwatu .. , " W II Hnydcr, Froth, cost Com. vs. niassmoer , " w II Knydcr, lYoth. cost on struck Jury, Kindt vs. sands. a Jl baker, old Iron safo " Catherine Bankus county tax had been exonerated lnw 19 00 urn 48q MSI IN DO 800 00 " Commissioners. Insurance ion Jail stable by Knaup 1 W McKelvr. suonort of Margaret Weaver at Danville Asylum 69 09 " Anna Melllck, support of Peter Mellck fit Danville Asvlum..... " Geo. K Klwo 1 support ot John Barton at Danville Asylum " Michael Fcttcrolf, dog tax exonerated In isra " W II snyder, Ink " balance due George A Herring, Treas urer, 89 58 1 fO 800 33 63 $370176 By commission!! and discounts allowed on County tax for ibS8. Districts Com. Beaver I ' f9 llentou 9 39 Berwick 28 89 Uloom 67 10 Urlarcrcck 12 si Ca'awhsa 3618 Central! SI t.f, centre 22 77 conyng'm Sfsi Flshlngo'k 16 01 Franklin 9 86 Grtenw'd 17 w Hemlock 19 89 IMS. ( 19 83 15 03 63 94 136 30 2033 tan 41 1-4 27SI 02 61 !1 29 16 43 3318 24 75 Districts Jackson Locust Madison Main Mifflin Montour Com. Dls. $ 4 66 $ 810 SO 23 20 48 1233 20 69 38 11 26 21 ) 11 21(9 22 4 6 12(8 9 5R 73 0 93 Si pa 353 13 44 Mtl'le'sant 13 46 orange 20 80 JH.e Koar'gc'k Scott Nugarloat 4'0 1397 2313 084 $4S210 $76503 By commissions exonerations and returns allow ed collectors on County tax for 18S8. Dls Com Ex & Itet. Locust 9 4 53 16 81 515 664 384 5 09 399 7 57 1184 1063 Madls'n Main Mifflin M"nt'ur MtPl'nt orange Pine scott sug-lo't . till $13 92 $39727 .... $ 62303 .... 7Cb08 By total commissions - discounts.-... " " exonerations and returns.,.. " amount duo from collectors 187 , i it .. 1S3.... 397 27 117 27 10568 79 " county orders Issued and redeemed . , S6.160 ev " commission to treasurer 105(41 $397916 account GEORGE A. IlEltltlNG, Treasurer, In with dog fund. January 2nd, 1S88 To amount dno at last settlement on du plicates or 188T " amount due at last settlement on Bloom duplicates ot 1880 and 1684.... " amount assessed In 1888. 723 90 By commission and exonerations allowed i ore on nog tax ior isfY. Dls com Ex net. Beaver io as $ ii w Benton 21 43 878 Bloom 32 63 Cat'wua 3111 centrlla 8 09 74 M Centra 1078 Cony'm 123 74 Klsh'c'k 8 66 openn'd 3 60 Ilcml'ck 1 98 Jackson 3 77 Districts. Com. Ex. Districts. Com. Ex. Heaver Jl 4(1 a to Madison $ 4 oo Benton 75 Q CO Main 2 50 Uloom 7 00 Mifflin 9 00 catawlssa 160 Montour 3 00 centralla loo MtlTnt 100 centre 4 00 Orange 4 00 Cony'm 10 60 Pine 3 60 FlSh'O'k 9 00 SCOlt 6 60 Oroenw'd 7 60 Sugarlo'f 2 00 Jackson 2 00 locust 4 50 $2 13 SI 00 CK. By commission and discount allowed collectors on dog tax for 1888. Districts. Cora. Dls. Districts. Com. Dls. Beaver $ 67 $ 1 12 Jackson $ 23 $ 37 Benton 65 1 07 LOCUSt 1 63 2 64 Berwick 66 1 10 Madison 93 1 63 Bloom 63 1 37 Main 86 14! llriarc'k 61 63 Mifflin 61 102 cat'w'ai 45 VO Montour 48 80 ceit'lla 06 io MtlTnt 108 loo centre 48 80 orange 76 127 Cony'm U3 06 Pino 32 62 Flsh'c'k 50 97 Uoar'Ck 49 62 Fr'nx'n 60 1 00 Scott 48 80 (ir'enw'd 1 27 2 12 Sug'ioat 29 60 Ileml'ck 94 103 $15 68 $2114 By total commission to collectors " dtscount allowed . " " exoneration " " " amount jders paid In 1888 .... " amount iai from collectors 1888. .... 11 amount due from collectors 1887 ... amount due from collectors 1880 and 1834, Uloom. .. . ... " commission to treasurer. " cash balance on hand 17 7J 2314 81 00 92171 1170 "6 63 09 162 60 46 69 10714 $9583 40 GEOHQE A. HERRINO, Treasurer In account with state fund. January 2nd 1888. To amount unjollocted on duplicate of 1887 $ 321 44 11 state tax assessed In 18S8 506735 $5578 47 state tax for 1888. Com. Dls. Districts. Com. Dls 72 $ 1 21 Jackson $ 54 $ 91 96 I'l Locust 4 23 7 06 16X3 27 24 Madls'n 1 80 9 16 22 03 53 06 Main '1 96 3 23 1 87 3 12 Mifflin 4 04 6 74 8 60 14 18 M'nt'ur 1 75 2 93 141 1568 Mt. 1'1'nt 2 54 3 90 0 68 lino Orange 5 64 8 40 23 59 line 27 41 173 2 89 lloarc'k 9 81 3 83 97 161 BCntt 6 60 918 11 45 19 08 HUS'lO" 1 68 2 61 Districts. Beaver $ uenwn Bcrtrk Bloom Brt'ro'k rut'w'aa Cent'lla centre Cony'm Flsh'ck Frnk Grenw'd Ileml'ck $112 86 $106 07 By commissions and exonerations allowed cr Beet- urs uu bbaiD iui ior job. Com- Ex. 83 $ 40 822 4" 1 80 C6 District 8. Com. Ex, $ 22 19 19 66 48 60 Pr'enw'd $ Main M'nt'nr sug'lo't $ 78 $216 01 By commission to collectors for 1888, (tlscounta allowed " " " " commls-lons ' " " 188J .... " exonerations " " " ' amount due on duplicates of 1887 1 " ' " 188. 14 " paid Mate Treasurer. " commission to Treasurer for 1888. " baL In hands ot Treasurer..,. 112 66 90607 78 246 01 24 39 918 27 800000 SHOO 100 61 $."578 79 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. For which orders were Issued on the Treas. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE?. j. m. Grimes Co. S'ipt. Approprtatlonsror ."nnntv TnftttMttR 18M7 200 00 48 50 100 860 1 2) 3 14 61 3 09 83 00 Central fenna. Telephone Co aitacnment of whlsner Dhone Adams mpresa Co , expressago , U. H. ' i' Western Union Telegraph Co , II 4 s It It.. telegTams W It Kochor, freight bills. Ilervey E HrnltU auditing publlo ac ljuuia. ...,.(,,. n F.arrl I'urilona digest,, . Bloomsburg BanklDg Co., lnteiest on note. , Elt Richardson Co., bill fruit trees.. . w E Dletterlek. 1 step ladler 15 00 6 40 11 HO 175 300 600 SbedrltkCox, damage to wagon, lola uriuu Frank Jones, stable rent. iieiier K jo . uecoraiing court rouse .... William G clrtcn. expenses to Commls atonera' (invenUon. Erie 18 00 20 4) 76 6 98 6 73 Samuel Michael lantern broken, lilt ten- uouae Dnagu.... . D C Black J F, costs, James Thompson ts uoi fjo. , William Mannfi Co. bill Inks &a 8 F Peacock, Notary Public. J I) Bodine, extra work on election ;pap. 125 600 era aituwcu u j n;uL i u Of orge A Herring, 42 daeOs for land sold TrpfljjIlrpr'H AA n Treasurer's sa D. 110 04 II W Sloan, Uuntlog Louts llornhard, repair town clock. orKnapp, Insurance on Jail stable,,,.. CM Drinker, repairs to lock I L Itabb, en teeth for prisoners. A o DeSheppard, rep sato lock John J. Iteardon, defraying expenses me morial committee 0 F Harder two seta election boiej and freight - Samuel smith, Hhcrlll taking two prison ers at different times to Eastern Penitentiary W It Fowler taking Daniel serbert to E. penlieitutry f rotn Union Co. W II snider, Fffclh (t si poits Wm F Hodfne vscol Co.... ; Stephen 1'oUe attending Co audit KUMendenhall " ' ,..,.. Washington I'arr " " " 618 100 450 75 400 160 500 92 27 08 62 92 99 1610 14 00 1600 COURTS, JURORS' PAi ANP CONSTABLES' j Brum's n. Grand Jurors dutlng the year Travcn Jurors " " " at court... ' " struck Jury Kindt vs Kands . ... Constables returns during year, Court crier " . Ilpjiavm " " , Newtoa Walker, stenographer ', a llr.Jiar,lner trUL Samuel Smltli therl.t senlng lory no tices. ..... ,, George A Jiucktngbam, )u,y Commis si 4 26317 86 80 309 06 160 00 17100 430 61 63 28 6464 1SS40 43 75 George W Derr, Jury commissioner 42 85 90 00 $607161 COSTS IN CpMMONWKLTn CASES WHERE THE COUNTY Ufj&AMU LIAULB. ill Justloea. ooostablea and winesaos,,,, $124183 Y v jijuipejcr .usltici. svturQcy........ . Wm II snydc. clerk of court .., b 7.arr, i lerk ot court for 1971-78. J F Caldwell, meals for Jury on O Frodcr- erlcks' trlaL . T ... Samuel smith, Sheriff, fees, on prisoners Mtendlng court... Samuel bmlth.Bherlff , turnkey- fees a capita reoaptur- UgThoinoa Joqm. ',,.... 80 00 uoo 090 4125 22 6o WM ROAD AN3 BRIDGE VIEWERS AND ROAD I'-VMAMIUS. ftunilrrnemnnii na iAivt.N . . .... . $ 89310 6891 '160 00 C0 00 16000 8000 10000 50 00 3126 70 07 125 00 86 74 189 90 00 2500 33 80 10 00 1300 33 00 1140 J o Brown etnl.Ureonwuod elect Ion dlvi. slon wirvejlng, Ac ,, 'm Hernlncerjlainaire Catawlssa ,. II l.tlHurlir 11 .. ......... iienryiioningsncaa llt,nll llaMman ltenton Greenwood,.. Iccust Susnnnt Appiemnn WW lit W tlnavnr of nl John Ming Jeremiah rtnyder ii w ueaver Ahnni k Vvnna Orango..,. rino Bu gar loaf., i Orange, ... Joseph Faiisey Allnas Colo A II IViln Alfred co'.o David Achenbach uonn i-etterman IXTCUSb, m O (llrtnn commissioner attending Jesso mttonhouso cdraml'islonef' nYtVnd- Incr rnnrt tl.v. Ezra Stephens conimlssloner' 'attending 1800 67 CO $1466 31 COMMISSIONERS' OFFIO BAND COUllT HOUSE J B Tetter auditing accounts I Amos Hantaan, auditing accounts.... KMTewksbury, auditing accounts John B Cssor. clerk to auditors 2196 3136 28 68 27 00 John II Caaoy, wcUhta and book-holder 860 11 76 16 60 60 00 '.000 6 10 160 63 66 69 84379 10 65 420 14 21 14 70 300 60 150 1 16 18 77 460 250 60 3 40 78 123 123 75 ames wauman, repairing cnatrs TGOrrev. work at Keoonler'n vault.. .... J D liodlne. extra clerk him Jonn Herring, assisting to copy register Eshlcman Uolf, repairs..,, Bloomsburg Oai Co., gas.. ,,. Bloomsburg Water Co-, water rent. Bloomsbunr steam & Electrlo Light Co., steam lor heat,..,, Chas Krug, sash and door for bookcase.. G w sterner, glass tc for bookcase...... F K Vannatta. tialnllnu- bookcase .. Caroline Ullderbrant, cleaning at court house Allen Ahlaman, cleaning at court house. Lc Ullderbrant, cleaning at court houso KShutt, " A Campbell, " " M E cot, work and " " " " Wm shoemaker, shoveling snow ic . .. , W Brrett, cleaning at court houe H W Garrison, work ut law library. A O Dcshennaitl. renalrmir locks... C M Drlnki r, repairing locks at vault. . . . G IIOKcr, repairing at court house. Ephrlam rarks, hauling rubbish.,, D A Creasy, window brush I W .McKelvr. bill mrtsn 4 00 280 Wl M J It Schuyler & Co., bill hardware A Ilerllne, carpenter work at book case nui ruuuine, Jt i, judgment obtained ior ex- tra nnlnttnir.. utm Creasy & Wells, bill lumber 13 48 wm II Glrton, commissioner... 5Moo 596 00 442 00 47900 110 00 600 00 Jesse Rittnhouso, commissioner..,,.. ... a rn Dii-pueus, commissioner. B F Zarr. attr for cntnmlflnlnnpra. J D Bodine, clerk for commissioners.... $3360 70 COUNTY. JAIL AND PRISON BEQUISITIONS. C L Bands A Co., blankets $ IBM 21 teFf4MltiL rcnulrsiit. lull.. ' 48 43 200 100 300 1 00 2 00 200 760 480 110 575 SjtO Wm Barrett, watching nro. O A Vcurlde, repairlDg fence Ell Jones statement of stable to Insur- ano Co Geo Ii Martin, rpnnlrlnc- mimn John Lewis, repairing roof on Jail uruNi k. LAUoacn. monir nnn wnrv OF Knapp. Insurance on Jail Btablo Hartmnn Kilcrar. ronntrlnrr hrnliti- j o uaKeoDucD, pump nanaie ,. a uhvtt eton, DiacKsmitn mil. Chas W lllinvan bill haniwaro. J W Mastelier. towels, eta 87 AuiciuauK woii,repainng 13 s.) Geary Hower, workjat tank eto 8 70 Thos L Jones, work at tank J n cavers unorr, work at pig pen and fence jum I Unanrat. mendlnir uhnna fnr nrinnppQ Q n, Thos Oorry, contract Jail stable 874 ( 0 o A Jacoby, coal 140 16 itaruian s iiassert, coat,... . ........ 6458 Foundry and machlno dept. Harrlsbura , holler joss Bloomsburg Gas Co., gas 6920 Bloomsbunr Water ua. water rent lesrs N smith, shtf board ror prisoners. 70s 69 NSraitli waslilng for pilsoncrs . 11690 John Taylor, Jjnltor 838 00 1 ,y Mt-aeivy, Dm renaercu 4 ,0 Evans & Ever, elothlnir rnr nrlsnnera ism J It Schuyler & Co., bill hardware 500 11 r ijk-ks, cuui on anu soap 1 87 Bloomsbunr Car Co.. renalra sua Michael Heas, bill coal 14 69 T Vannatta. repairing pump 1 as Creasy s Wells, bill lumber 18 1)7 nr. j u nutter prorrsaionai attendance on prisoners trom Apr. 1 isss, to Dec si, BW.. - 74 00 $2413 83 rillNTINQ, STATIONERY.! STAMPS AND BOX 1UU4T Geo A Clark, stamps and box rent: $ 17 60 22 00 15 61 Biainpea envelopes ........ 11 statlonerr ' Wm Krlckbaum, printing annual state ment Wm Krlckbaum, printing election procla- UlttUUU .... Wm Krlckba'm, printing court calendars 1660 3200 uuuees, DianKS, are Elwell & Bittonbender, printing annual statement. Elwell Blttenbcnder, printing election proclamation Elwell & BIttenbender, printing notices, &o Elwell BIttenbender subscription 16 50 J O Brown, printing annual stttement.. .- - eiccuon proclamation " M b'anka and notices Catawlssa News Item, pilntlng election proclamation. W II L Brooke Oo.. statlonerv.. J II Mercer, stationery (331 36 INQUISITIONS. JMGwlnner, cor, 11. Inquests.., 183 03 UHj U(, , ItUIUW. ........ . ,i J M Owlnner, Cor., 2 Inquests 87 51 aouiuci Dujrucr. j. r., 1 icquest... 1228 $232 82 FENITENTIAItY AND SVLUM. Convicts In Eastern Pen1tentlarrl887.... $ 7892 9300 104 66 104 57 61 12 104 57 fi8 66 Supt or Lizzie Ilawley. Warren Fa.... " " Mary Sullivan, Danville, " .... " " Hiram Albertson, " " .... " " Margaret Weaver, " " " John Barton, " " .... " " Peter Mellck, " " $615 30 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIRS. BK4VKB. Moyer Brothers, Fisher bridge, bill ceiurui, Amos Farver, et aL Fisher's bridge, re pairing pier. BINTON. 6103 D H Karnes. Karnes' bridge in jietttl , F p Dlldlne, Benton " D II Karnes. Edson " 3t o Hess, Uartman " D K Kama, I Thomas " ,. j ipomas, ' " ,.,., ELOOK, iv n' h.mii n.MMi..i.hi.hj.uMAri. Geo Ilartzell,lihaffer bridge jv ,auuaiijt, jteu itucjt onoge, paint- Ing notices. . J Bachman, Red Rock bridge, pier con tract . J Bachman, Red Rock bridge, extra work on pier 1 J O Brown, Bed Hock bridge, surveying.. 1 SCO to wm Barrett, Red Rock brldge,labor Weaver 6c Knorr, lied Rock bridge, car- Levi cox sr.. Red Rock brldie. work... I) IOC lm. Red Rock brldcre. anowincr. fa John Kramer, Barton bridge, plank John Wolf. Shaffer bridge, dlljng In Creasy & Wells, Red Rock bridge lumber EBUhCBIKS. J Uachman, Blttenhouso bridge, contract mason work J O Brown, ltltlenhouse bridge englne- c lug ..,,.,. , ,,,,,,,, ,..,, (tH , CAT1W1S91. David Glffln, near mouth of Cats, creek snowintr Thos, Paper Mill bridge, re pairing .... .. J Achey, Paper Mill bridge, snowing.... Henry Her ner, llolllngshead bildcu, nil. IDS , ,, I'ISIIINUCRIIX, 360 O D Hatfenbuoh, Stillwater bridge U It Lauderbacb, l'aden " 200 123 2 2iJ Buckalew FKAMKLIN, 150 A Lorcman, Heoder bridge, rilling up,,.. 3 5f 200 250 119 50 200 200 200 800 OBIENWOOD. William Harlem lola bridge Montgomery cox " " B F ltedltne. Lemons " repairing,,.. Win Harlem, ilcllenrr'a Mill bnrttm John Legioit, lola bridge .. !' f Mellenrv hrMcn Kerens " (jreenly " ,., uiutocr. John S Ucnsch, Hemlock bridge ,,,,,, 900 jictsow. A W llagenbnch, Dcrr's brldge...,... IM 800 M4DI80M J W Mordan, U Wilson bridge above Wilson brldra 900 1104 Jacob Shoemaker, Hawk bridge, repair... MAIN. JohnJ Gearhart, Iron bridge,..-, 100 200 u&vm tsiiuiuau, - -- ,,,, A.i Learn Rupert .bridge,,, J 8 Mcnsch " " ... MT. fLXASANT J W Mordan Saiida l! idijo. . Din'l Jfordan , George Uartael Wanlch bridge,,,,,, OBAttO. J M LarUh Vance bridge repairing.,, 200 200 900 8 73 6827 800 100 60 860 315 02 2412 it r 1 rawtuiu t 1 rawtuiu - " .,., 4' li Flepk,instpe Orangevllle rep iBJohn'0 H',111" M H lrie; 1. Bachman Farver Herring bridge mason contract, Jackson ft Woodln Mfg Co, Herring bridge pipe J C Brown llerrlog bridge survey'g,,.,,. " ' engineer Amos Farver ' " rep walls (loo Herring ' " ... Wrought Iron lltllge Co, ot Canton, Ohio, Herring bridge on oontract,,.,,,., John Illppfcnstcel yauoo bridge scott, J il urlsh Light St brl4K0 rep.-. touintoiy, O W Hess, J O'lless bridge, W A cole, E Cole bridge ,., HBIing " , D II Cams, J It Cole i r Allnas cole bridge. F B Butlltf. gutllff brldre rip , ltfu-herA Hess. Hess bndire 6 01 198 339 100 15760 61 PI 2 00 18 14 900 200 200 800 (60 (609 63 MM Wm G Glrton coiamlalouer attending on iges. Kjra suphens commlsslooer attending Jessi Rittenhouse comwikloner attnd. 1 c to brlbties. ,...,...,, , 200 s uu I ASSESSORS' PAY. AnnuM, Triennial. Districts. Beater....... Benton..,, . Berwick . ..i Bloom ltrlarcreck..., Catawlssa.,., central! a., i Centre, cnnynKham. Flshlngcrock, Franklin , Greenwood,., Hemlock.,,.. Jackson Locust, ., Madison Main... Minim... Contour . , , Mt. Pleasant, Oranirc, rinell ltoarlngcreok, Hcotl Sugarloat.,.. Total, t 7101 97 71 12181 194 43 06 83 til sa $ 88 73 39 01 63 07 66 43 4168 46 81 4710 86 86 40 72 4106 17 12 40 69 2318 22 61 53 00 44 64 22 60 81 03 21 50 26 61 26 80 .10 80 2193 4) 39 on 10 68 76 13100 62 75 50 75 66 71 43 75 47 93 I960 44 00 75 29 00 M23 6141 89 75 66 25 82 75 43 70 4715 41 76 96 73 60 73 28 76 97 68 103 83 40 72 Mil 90 01 36 62 8169 03 83 51 61 104 23 109 09 69 41 93 80 64 85 70 21 74 06 708 4S70 10314 6f 20 1S600 Assessors ror fall regbitry ot vo es (2252 06 SCALPS, George A Herring, 1 wild cat.... 1 fox and 1 weasel, killed before taken off. $ 2 23 bounty $400 ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid spring election onicers. $ a9 4t " '& " " 676 80 1. spring room rent........ 11100 " fall " , 13700 " constables advertising, scrvleg notices and attsniUnir Knrinir nln t ion . .:r;.7. . Paid constables attending fall election Wm 11 Snyder counting vote. p 11 t ollman congressional return ludgo G t lockard Judicial return Judge.!. .7.. J II Wi Ight Co elect Ion blanks. F LHutter " " ,...11.7 148 80 62 00 61 50 820 500 08 90 1650 $'691 61 TAXES DISTRIBUTED AND REFUNDED. Amount of township taxes refunded $2666 27 BLANK BOOKS. William Mann deed books 2723 ....u.i.o '"- ynj a jwio w. 'LXiH UDU lllOll gage books.. 63 50 73 00 28 00 8 50 (5 UO 1160 K B vordy blank booka -.. F I, Hutter military rolls, etc. .. J II Mercer blank book, etc Geo A Clark marrlago docket Wm F Murphy's sons docket for protho notary , ; $ S31 75 BURIAL OF DECEASED SOLDIERS, AND TOMB STONES. C B Brockway funeral Bloom Augustus Groves " " Geo s Patterson " Espy "J?,lUK,."r0D3t " Catawlssa,, J SDodson ' Benton it 11 Boody tombstones $33 00 (13 00 6500 35 00 33 00 00 00 $23300 SnEEf ORDERS ISSUED. Brlarcreek. $ 8 00 Ronton 227 75 centre , 1325 Flahlngcreek...... 31 00 Greenwood 1350 Hemlock 36 00 Jackson . S3 30 Locus'. , s;oo Madison 2126 Mifflin. 87 00 Montour. Mt. Pleasant.., line scott sugarloat 560 68 14 01 10 0O $92175 SUEEP STATEMENT. OF DOG TAXES AND runi). Cash on hand inr 11 Dog tax due from collectors.. 1333 65 1493 CD 20000 Probable com and exonerations.. $im co RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous..- 837 (,3 Courts, Jurors pay, constables returns, etc; jo7j ci costs In commonwealth cases..-. 170" si Rood and bridge viewers and road dam ages 14CB.1t Commissioners offlco and court h'se 33a) 70 County fall . 2118X5 3M36 232 81 3312 82 613 30 2252 06 Printing, stationary and postage. , Inaulsluons.. Hrldges, building sand repairs., .. asvlum... i-emicnuary am Awi-sauni pay ... Scales 4 00 Election exnenses " , Taxes refunded ... mm 27 Blank books. .....I. 23173 Burial of deceased soldiers and tomb stones E35 00 $26360 89 COUNTY FINANCES. ASSKTS. Tax In hands of collectors duplicates $10686 06 Probable commission and exonerations... 1 600 00 (9096 04 UABIU7IX9. Estimated costs In common wealth cases. Amount due the several dis tricts, taxes Amount or bridge and road viewers duo on books Amount ot roid damages as sessed and unpaid esti mated to Jan 7th, 1689. Amount due Wrought Iron Bridge Co, of Can'on Amount due foundry and ma chine department Uarrls burg, Pa, for boiler....... Bal due George A Herring Treasurer $215 00 10120 380000 158300 533 75 33 63 $7196 21 $1929 f5 Amount ot assets over and above liabili ties as per estimates $1929 65 We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement ot the accounts of Bald county tor the year A. D. 1R88, WILLIAM O. OIRTON, JKS8K RITTENI10USE, EZRA STEPHENS, Commissioners of Columbia County, Attest: J. lXBonwr, Clerk. We. the undertlgned Auditors 'of Columbia County, having been elected to adjust and settle the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners of Columbia County, do hereby certify that we met at the offlco ot tbe Treasurer atd Commis sioners In Bloomsburg on Monday, Jan. 7th, A. 1). 1889, and ended examination on Saturday January 19th, lt-69 and carerully examined the accounts and vouchers ot tbe same from the second day ot Jan , ia8 to the seventh day of Jan., A. D. 18S9, and find them correct as above stated Given under our hands and seals this the 19th day of January, A. D. 1S89. E. M. TEWKBBURY, 0. B. YETTER. CYRU8 ROUBtNS, County Auditors. Attest: J. D. Bodisi, Clerk. SPECIALIST, In Tim Trentinrnt of Chronic l)Lrntrn oonUnes his practice to such cases only as are so clearly and f 'lly developed as to make a complete Diagnosis wituout tuebtioniog or auowinir iail ents to raalco a statement ot their condition, on tms nasis cr isiiive uiaguoum, ior ireaiineui. ur Clark's experience lm. become utrlnlr 'lulliull rd by n Practice which In extent, vnrltty nlid ureeMrul resuIlM U equnlletl by fur mid ex celled by none. I'ntlrnia not rurrd by ordinary Treatment or In doubt ua to the nature oflhrlr dieaiea K.peclally Invllcd. nn. CLARK Teaches and Practices PoiMm DtafiiotU and can ba consulted free ot charge at NEW YOI1K CITY, Jan.17 to S3. Jan, 91 to Feb. . reo. n to o, tra 6CBANTON, PA.. Lackawanna ier House, ! CATAWIKSA, l'A., sustiuehuina House, Wcdnes- uay, im yi, '&y. BKNTON. I'A Bxohango Hotel, Friday, Feb, 82, IW. llLOOMSBUItau, l'A., Exchange Hotel Saturday. Feb. 8), '8l. UUNCY, PA., Munoy Valley House, iionday, Feb. uu, -ov, WILLIAHSP01IT. l'A., rorter House, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. St and !7, t. 50 ii mouu.M.o Your friends liavo tin iudcx to gooj laet'j in tho Stationery you uuo. When Cno linon paper can be bought for 13 cents per ii'.nml, thero ia no e.oitse lor any ono to use paper ruatlo from wood and clay, 76 Thero aro from 80 to 1C8 eliepls to tho pound, Prions range from IS cts. to 80 cts. Your address engrated or printed on the heading, U in gooJ form, and don't oort mach j or if you want a Monogram, Cypher or Orrst, we will not it np for )ou in tho fi.itst inannor, and at h0 Jowcst prim?, Wo alwavs Btatnp in broi 90 or colof, or ulurjoinate. r WKPPINQ IN VITATIONS, Cards, and Society Engraving of every de soiiptlon dtmo in the bo.-t maniirr, and at prices that will prove satisfactory. W bavo the largest line, and our lijcs aro tho lowttt for first quality work. L MAllffi, EELIAB1LE CLOf IHEE, Comes to tho front with a largo iifiiei i mm his FOR MEN, BOYS, YOIfTHS, CHILDREN. ' 'The latest SPRING 50 I The largest Clothing: and Hat and Montour comities. ONLY OBTAINAULE FROM US I "Special" Iondou Made CLOTHING That equals in every respect "First Class" Merolmut Tni l(irini for Quality, Stylo ami Workmineliip. The difference is we sell a Suit equal to a $20.00 Or dered Suit for .50. $30.00 $35.00 Suits for Suits for $15.00 $20.00 THOMPSON'S Patent Cut Trousers Never Fail to Please. PRICES : $3.50 to $7.50. For Full Information "How to Order Our Popular Clothing by Mail." Samples of Material, Self-Measuring Blanks and Fashion Cataloguo 'Free of Charge." If you Cannot Como to Our Store, Writo Us E. O.THOMPSON, Onlt IaroiiTsna in tii U. S. ok SPECIAL LONDON MADE CLOTHING 1338 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. (nntscTLT orrosiTE th mint). "VTOTICE IN DIVOnCE. fit TUB COURT OK COMMON Pl.SiB Or COtOMBIA CgONTT, NO , HBCKMBEK TlKM, 1S83. KlUabeth Snyder, by her next friend, William Itoss, vs. w. II. Snyder. To w. II. snyder, respondent above named : Vhereas upon tho petition or libel of the said Elizabeth Snyder, above named, n subpoena being awarded by the Court ot Common Pleas of said county, a subpoena Issued out of tho said Court commanding you, the said W. II. Snyder, to be and appear ut the next regular term ot said Court to show cause. If any you have, why the said Ubellant should not bu divorced from the bonds ot matrimony which she his contracted with yu, atrreeab'y to the prajer ot said petitioners and, whereas, upon the return ot tho said subpoena, due proof was made that you could not bo (ound or served with the sum In the bailiwick-of the snentf or said county; whereupon an alias sub paina was awarded by tho said court, comraand .ou to be and appear at the then next regular term or said Court, to anwer, &a , as aforesaid, to which the same roi urn was made by the Sheriff. .,i0ua.rStue'er"reren"lrelttwnl appear on tnonru day of regular term of nald court, to be hel.l at liloomsburg, for We s.ud county, on tho nrst Monday otMay next, A. D. 1680, to answer the complaint aforesaid. JOHN a CASEY, ch lMt sheriff. Woven Wire Fencing Wi re Ftopo selvage ROn TO o dpd Dnn AUrlu"ftndw1Jthi. Gtt to match 8oldbyuaordcf ' rrvnp r-i, . (., CUea(, ilk Feb w e 0 w-uu nilTJlDDIf f " WM I Ml 1 1 1 1 ' Throat la uy tige, acutv or chronic, alio lly cured. Hub medical endori ieut. A lawyer who had Catarrh IT yrs. dlaoavflr & .m now srlTfn to th i,M CAlne or harmful luUtance Sa able. fcu.l for circular wlih l.U...TiLiTfZ,.Tf bV-orea cured. Prugsl'H. Sv. i mH, . i Feb t5-r-8m Over fiOOdif fritnt kinds, a'.l tbe lUe-t styles. Sninplu book gives all infor ma1 ion, cost of mailing, etc. SEIT ,fL 1 , nine Btar. I' or 10 ot. to pay postage, wo send samples of our 12 New Styles of IVns, Wiitlng Paper wo sell by the pound, Styles of Kiigtaviuf;, and or Illustrated Catalogue of rj'll0itc-ry. Wm. H. Hoakius Co,, 7!?J?AXu R 1 " D7 Arob St., rhlladelnhla. STYLES OF ITS, SHIRTS, IECKWEM AND BOYS' STSIAW that caimot ho excelled in price. usa Aaaa, ' . AND A SPECIALITY. Our motto is "Square Dealing." RESPECTFULLY YOURS. BARGAIN 0 o- O j GREAT CLOSING $60,000 Worth Carpets, Curtains, Drapery Goods, Mattresses, Springs, &c. -0- -0- -o- o ) Otving to tbe death of our Mr. B. K Smith, there wilt be ehani;u in the firm. In consequence of which we bavo deletmined to Close Out Our Entire Stock of tbo above departments within the next thirty duys. In order to do 150 wo havo marked our goods way down at prices that will insure their Immedi ate Sale. Look at the following figures aud see eome of the bargain rfferrd : CARPETS! CARPETS! Best JJody Brussells, $1.00 to $1.10, Reduced from 1.25 and 1.10. Other grades Bod Brussl 7oo. to 95c, re duced from Si. 00 and Sl.20. Tai'Estry Buckfels, -10a to 75c, reduced from 05o. and SI. 00, Extra Soper Ingrains, All Wool, 00c lo 05c, reduced from 90o. and Sl.Ol). Extra Sunor Intrrains, 50c to 00c, reduced from 70o. and 80c Carpets as Low CURTAINS : AND : DRAPERY. Our Curtnin and Drapery DeparlmontB are worthy the attcutinii of all who contomplato purchasing anything in havo reduced evry thing in t lit se departments to about onu ball their former prices, theso departments are one ot CHIEF ATTRACTIONS, being stocked with a superb assortment of Turcoman and Cuenili.g Curtains' in great variety of latest shades and coloriugs. Nottingham Curtains in all tbo various grades and styles. Real Irish Point, Antique, Brussels. Tambour. Escurial, and other fine lace goods. Irish Point Lace Curtains, $4.50 Per Pair, reduced from 89.00. Laco curtains as low as 25 per pair. Mahogany Curtain Pole?, Bras Trimmed, Complete, 25c. FURNITURE! Our stock of Furniture has never approaobed its present magnitude, and wo nave made tuo atno swooping reductions in this department. Hair Cloth Parlor Suits, $30.00, reduotd from 850.00. An immotisn stock of Silk and Mohair Plush suits at all priocs. All goods purchased during thU sale delivered to purclni-ers living within 100 miles of Milton Frkk. Parties intending furnishimr hotels or ini- vat"j residences hould take advantago of this sale. When our former low prices are taken into considera ion, btiytrs will readily sea the advantages to bo rrlirwil l.r mnt.i.w. ,t,ntH ....H..t.n..n., ....... ,1 ! . 1 b-""'u "J ,Miuy iuiuuuai;a nuvv, wunu mu HIUUK IH (JtlltiptUtt). Our nrices in the China and Music D mrtmont have Iig iriatK- rpdim- ed, and we would havo you bear jn ui,uriuuity oiiercti to inosu iieBiring 10 emiiaiiiiU tnmr Homes with such heau liful and rfeherove arlicles at so emill an outlay. Now is the time to securo bargains in Pianos and Oiuians, as they are offerod at figures far below former prices. A coidial invitation is exlended to ono and all to examine our goods inul prices. J. R. Smith S Co., LIMITED, FRONT ST., : MILTON, PA. KLY'S Catarrh Cream Balm (Jlvantrs llto Nasi! I'assaj-ef, Al!t) I'nln and lnllm. mallon, Heal tin Sores, llmtorcs lln Sene8 o(Tatleani) Smell. THY TUB 0DEEHAY-EEVER SEEDS Oinn Auav Riwli sua IOc. Certifit4U for i lo7T 7XiTl' floner; u...,7'.,:,'w IWllU lour E P P S'S GnATnrUL- COMrORTING. OOOOA Store in Columbia (I -o- -0- -o- -0- -0- OUT o H 0 -o- as 15c. Per Yard. this line now or in tha near future. Wo our : FURNITURE! mind I hat nover before was there such an 500 Cash Id offered to the perwn who BhaU tend In tha largoat number of yearlr mburihr in ih Ladies' Home Journal between now and Jul ilr lit, 1889, at DO ceuu imciie. tut ihnt nni per reM-HAia!" oruoa SI0U 300 it oflerua nMicllvel llir fiAit uriteit cluU. a good cash commlns Ion paid for every aubjcrlber secured. If desired. Instead of premiums. Hundreds of dollars can bo mado during the next six months, by men, women or e dro?" Address fte ""P18 c0Ple, !' C'JR1,ilJUBL,8HINC CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Feb'IM-it. . LCHEST PAINS CVCBoUGHSjSoiDS fJiiKDi' I'AINS, I'OUails and coins niniir innra llackaclle.'Kldn" l-alr:fiihPi,V,VaE fha n r t'-uns relieved In on inluuto by nmtCuticura Anti-Pain Plaster ISS only Inatantaneous paln-ktiunff Btrensrthenlnsr II. At drllLTtrlvtU nf nt Unf piubier, McuiBiurll. ww.a jvMIU SALE of Fine Furniture, I ly ff t'u-lfi . J -." .-, r-,., t r clr Mftd 1 Cri4c I fa D .1. i i ' ..It fU .... ...- Utn 16l$1697Jltf$r86l$lM68 79!$ 1170 961$ 918 $1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers