THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J.S.Blttnt)tn4r., S Elltor"1 BLOOMSBURG, PA., ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1889. A disastrous firo took plaoo in Philadelphia last Sunday afternoon. Wyeth & Broi. large drug houe cor nor of Broad nnd Walnut street being burnt to the ground, entailing a low of half a million dollars. WABHINQTOH LETTER. rrom our Regular correspondent.) Washington, Feb. 11, 1889 Mr. Clovcland has removed Civil Sorvioo Commissioner Edgerton and nominated Hugh S. Thompson of South Carolina, to suoceed him. Mr. Thompson is assistant Secretary of tho Treasury at present and a very warm friend of the President. Tho removal of Mr. Edgerton was not a surprise to any one at all familiar with the work ing of tho commission. It had sovcr al limes been intimated to him that his resignation would bo accepted, but he refused to take the hint, and dually when tho President asked him in plain lauguago to resign he deolined to do so, and the removal f-llowcd. Mr. Edger ton is a good man, but holding tho opinions be does he should never have accented tho office in llio first place. The renio al leaves only ono Commiss ioner in office, and uo is a Jieiraoiioan. For tint reason it is thought that the Senate will confirm Mr. Thompson, as the law provides for a Democrat on tho board, and there is another vacancy into which Gen. Harrison can put aRc- uublicati. Representative Springer thinks his "Omnibus" b ll will yet gel through in spite of tho fact that three, if not mro. Republican Senators will vote with the Dcmocvatio Senators to admit Now Mexico. I shall only believo it when thev do it. Tho report of tho Treasury experts on tho tariff bill shows that outside of tbe internal revenue features the meas ure will only mako a reduction of from three to five millions of dollars. Tbe House Waj8 nnd Means Committee will report tho bill this week, with a recommendation that it bu reieoted. Just what will follow if it is rejected it is iliflioult to sav. The internal roven ue features of tho bill aro satisfactory to quite a number ot Democrats in the House, and unless thov can be satisfied that tho Cowlos bill, repealing tho tobacco tax, now in tbe hands of Mr. Randall's committee, or a similiai one will be immediately reported to the House, I shall not be surprised to see the Senate bill adopted. And I uelieve that its adoption would create far more dissatisfaction among Republi cans than Democrats. Senator Vest is going to have somo fun with tho Republican Senators when tho Senate conferees on tbe Springer "Omnibus" bill make their re port to the Senate. Mr. Vest will prove by tho record that in 1875, when New Mexloo was thought to bo a Re publican, that many Republicans now in the Senate voted in the House for the admission of that territory along with Colorado. Now he wants to know why theso same men oppose the admission of that territory. The in ferenoo is very plain to Senator Vest and every body else.. New Mexico is now Dcmocracio. 'What care these Republican Senators for consistency when party interests are at stake. There is a movement here which is said to have the President's approval, to have Senator Kenna withdrawn from the contest in West Virginia. Tbe idea is that it is impossible to have Senator Kenna re-elfcted, and that some other Democrat may be elected, thus saving tho seat to the party. As a compensation it is pro posed that the President shall nomiuate Mr. Kenna Inter-State Commissionsr, "Senatorial courtesy'' making it certain that he would be immediately confirm ed. Secretary Bayard bas once more be come a target for criticism. He bas demanded tho resignation of II. H. Sewall, U. S. Consul General to Samoa. Mr. Sewall has reoently ben a witness before tho foreign Committees of the House and Senate, and in his testimony regarding Samoan Matters he took occasion to express opinions criticising the Department of State in Bomewhat severe rainner. Whether Mr. Bayard has done right or wrong in compelling him to resign al this time is a question, but like the rest of us, Mr. Bayard is human, and bas punished his subordi nate officer for indiscretion. Anybody might have done the same thing nnder tbo same circumstances. So after the fourth of March Mr. Cleveland will resumo the practice of law, in New York city. It is said that this is the preliminary step to his be ing sent (o tbe Senate as successor to Senator Evarts whose term will oxpire in 1891. This is very remarkable if the Democrats can meced in capturing tbe.leg'iBlature of New York as they expect to do. At any rate it is safe to eay that a man of Grover Cleveland's experience, pluck and back-bone will not be allowed to remain in private life. The President has sent tbo bill mak ing an Executive Department of tho department of Agriculture to the At torney General for an opinion as to its Constitutionality. This action has caused the circulation of tbo report Statement COLUMBIA COUNTY, Fitoii Januarv 1, 1888 to Januahy 1, 1889. BTATBUEST 8UOWINQ TAILS ASSESSED AND BALANCE 8T1IJ, DUE. TOWNBIIH'S. Heaver. , . Uenton ... IlerwlcK... Bloom llrtarcreelc... OaUwbna,.., (ntralla . ... ofctro u'mV'v;;:;:::::;:::....::!:::"::r:::::L Oonvns Mililnu'cr'k., rrauaun lireenwood.,. Hemlock JickHon...... Locust Madl&on Main mi Mimin Montour lit, rieatnt ., Orange ...... me Hoarlngcrcelc Hoott rtugartoat,... that ho was contemplating veto of tho measure. General Lories tree t and Colonel Moftby aro horo presumably fixing up things to get something from Harrison. Hood's Sarsaparilla li a peculiar medicine, and li carefully pre pared bjr competent pharraadtts. Tbe com bination and proportion ot Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents Is exclualrelr peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, glTlng It ttrength and curatlTO power superior to other prepa ration!. A trial win convince you of III great medicinal value. Ilood'a Sarsaparilla Purlflos tho Blood creates and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates the digestion, and Kites ttrength to every organ of tho body. It cures the most aerero cases ot Bcrof ula, Salt Rheum, Dolls, rimples, and nil other affections caused by Impure blood. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever tisod." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Croatos an Appotlto " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and teemed to build me over." K. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured tho humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and giro me new life." J. V. Nixon, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldniKgUtl. 01tllxfoTf5. Frepatedonlj tT 0. 1. HOOD a CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Uaic. 100 Doses Ono Dollar m UL 1 M, M. I SPECIALIST,- In Tim Trrntmrnt of Chronic I) Urn urn con tinea his practice to sucn cases only as are so clearly and illy developed as to make a complete mapnosia wiinout iiuesuuniDg ur allowing ran ents to make a statement o( their condition, on uua oasis ot rumve uiHBnusia, lur ire turnout, ut Clark's Experience linn bream e strictly mil ml t- eil by n. Practice wlilrli In extent, varlfty nnd nucceNrul resnltM u ninnlicu Dy irw ami ex railed br no nr. Pntlrnta not cured by rillnnry Treatment or In doubt ha to the nature oftlielr dleaaes imperially Intlteu. DR. CLARK Teaches and Practices rosutre Diagnosis and can be consulted tree 01 charge at NEW YORK CITV, Jan 17 to 2S. Jan. 81 to Feb. 6. Feb. 13 to 8089 SCRANTON, PA., Lackawanna Valley House, Feb. 9 and 11, m CATAWIMSA, PA., Susquehanna nouse, Wednes- uaj, r cu. XI 'ov. BENTON, PA., Exchange Hotel, Friday, Feb, 22, 199V. BLOOMSBURGH, PA., Exchange Hotel Saturday, reu. si, MUNCY, PA., Muncy Valley House, Monday, Feb. WILLIAMSPORT, PA., Porter nouse, Tuesday and n ixmroua j, reu. go ana xr, oy. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Passages, Allays' Pain and Iulkra-I raallon, Heals the! Bores, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TEY THE OUEE.H AY-EEVE R Anartlcle Is aDDlled into each nostril, and la agreeable. Price w cent at Uruinnsts: by mall retrlatered. (0 eta. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren Street, New Yorfe. Feb ld-u 500 Cash Is offered to tba person who shall send In the largest number of yearly subscribers to the Ladies' Home Journal between now and Jnlr 1.1,1880, at 50 cent, per year HALF l'UICE. Aflrr thai dolt, nontbtcrlpttont recdredor Im Uumlt.Ooper year. Sloo 300 Is offered respectively for next largest clubs. A good cash commission paid for every subscriber secured. If desired. Instead of premiums. Hundreds or dollar can bo made ilurl ng the next tlx months, by men, women or children. We furnish free sample copies, post ers, 4a Address CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Feb is d-H. Away Al"kV Mliwi Vlnwnr And 111. OrttttHiiA fnr Suedt1.Vourelinir.ftll fnriJ Ter delltrhtm.. Tt-11 )! vnnr A 1 EK . aVM tl II f r f uh n ra M . . I Send ttonca. thU notice Bproni hut a few tlmec Feb 15-d-4t CHIGHESTEfi'G ENGLISH PErlNYflOYAL PILLS iMliiolioat-. m !! ilih hlua rib boa. At l)ru1ta. Ampt o Otker. Alt i ill In i ki-. ttWld IMIM. rfbk ntltjrT.fS adnMirla. tfuJ 4. (lumiit) for lr. br ret uru nll. Ill ittn LBViia iihihii Hani iniiu, kmu rsntr. CWciester Clttmlcal CollaJIu Si.,l'lill.,l'. Feb 15-d-4t GfiTflnRHT'S.:, la niiy kiavo. ttriiia or t-hronk, q1m I ly cured, 1 1 1Kb medical endorse ineiit. AlawjtrwhohadCatawrh IT Trm. HbumvprK a rum which If buw Hfven tu Ilia world. No oo calnA or harmful tubstanre 'o nuiT oraouoiie. Uit. utre.&jrree soik! for rlrcuUr with hrtnift teitlinonl&la. Si-ores curtnl. Inigg1t-,ir.t nmil, (w. i mall, re Feb 15-r-Sra of Finances -OK. t V18 40 V05 SO ItM 19 tm S8 00 VO 00 M 50 1W 00 111 00 tit to 4 60 84 00 U 00 MOO 4f U) OT 00 ST 0 rj is 4S 44 (41 tt 13T! IS m os! sst it, 433 15 694 01 a to m so 41 50 71 SO 69 00 50 SO 1 sc S3 10 10 CO am it so U Stl 41 So i so 51 so M SO tl 00 2.1 00 38 t 49 02 16 sor m 1179 63 71S 67 9 S3 273 90 63 69 1V57 OS 1103 K3 in Kit SU3 97 73 21 SIS 14'l 19 60., 75 W 41 W 4iu r 10 61 37 4 15S ,' 61 21 Ti 14 ' 14 39 , ' 15. w 'l iit w it w j4 ,1 67 0 40' lt0 7 (,18 J. mm 6X3 g) 31 4M03 3 23 6 60 1184 600 B 1WI w Ittil 44 7 H 319 V7 174 67 4M tl 4 (3 19 29 17 16 21 06 7 66 S9 11 II 64 9 89 29 21 8 10 11 90 18 91 6 40 1ST 00 K5 U 10CO il 82 47 187 64 331 74 M 00 81 so 41 00 1009 CA 801 IW 334 01 14 Ull M 00 SO 00 tw 00 a so t Oil 800 VI III S3 IW B m so 4IT OS 60 ue! l SI 1434 41 '73 f4 W 61! It bl mm SI N I sost w tioseatm nro n YFEVERjya KsH HSMf iaEdaW friend. (MVT1 I aMRlaU troM fONO Amount duo tor yours previous to 1883. Dlitrtcti collectors Tr nioom V. II. Allen ISM moom 11. llnrrn tm Couty I Dog 79 60 83 00 "$'M50 491 60 1 SO ' onoiMlE A. 11E1MIN0 Treasurer ot Columbia county, In account with laid county on county funds, January Snd, 11S3. DR. to ami uncowec'ra prior to loss t.HW I tou 4 S ," ftmfc uu nana rl lanv seiliement ....M, ...,.,. " county tjx asaemetl in l&sa it II ta An Mtn lav a vMih t" aint collected ou unBOatedMandt.'.'..'.!." 30M63 ii ii ii tented SWS9 II l trt. Will ,nri nul.ii...l llcenso....... .. .., 118SSS " Jacob Hctler. old Manic.. 48 15 00 " John H Mann, costs com. vs. J 8 Mann ii a iiucaingnam, costs uom. vs. wa. torllaya. . , (luy Jacoby, costs com. vg. Paul IVicatt WIl Bnydcr, Protn. cost Com. tb. (UaRsmevnr 1600 480 4608 66 84 V SO " W II Bnrdeh Proth. cnt on atrticlc jury. Kindt vs. Sands. " (1 M llaver, old Iron aalo " Catherine Daokus county tax had been exonerated In f!! " Commlasloners. lnuranco Ion Jail " 1 W McKelvr. BunDort ot Margaret weaver at Danville Asylum. . S9 09 " Anna Mcuick, support o( 1'etcr Mellck atDanvlllo Astlum , " Geo. S Iihve.l support ot John Barton ai iianvuio sjium , ' Michael Fetterolt, dog tax exonerated 62 68 1Q 1NO... ...,.,,, W 11 Bnydcr. Ink 100 800 " balance due George A Herring, Treaa- uivr ... 33 63 lly couimlbslons and discounts allowed on County mx iur Districts Heaver licnton Com, 7 CD 9 39 S8M Dls. t 12 88 15 CB 65 Its 13SS0 SO 33 62 M 41 04 27 51 62 62 21 29 16 48 S3 18 24 7S Districts Jackson IXKUBt hadlaon Main Mifflin Montour Com. $46 t HI 25 2048 12 31 V0C9 Dls. 310 Si 11 ft 21 20 68 24 C 22 46 12 OH 19 68 7S3 9 91 82K8 3CA lierwicit liloorn 0710 Ilrlarcreek 13 21 (.'atawlssa 3618 13 41 uentraua si 63 Centre 2 77 Mtl'le'aant 13 46 Orange 20 so Ilt.e 4 70 lloar'gCk 13 97 Scott 23 13 hugarloat 6 84 ronyng'm 21 31 nsniniio'jc leoi Kranklln 9 m Ortenwd 17 w Hemlock 19 89 (43210 176508 Cll. By commissions exonerations and returns allow- ea collectors on county tax ror I8bs. Dls Com Ex Ilet, Dls Com Ex Ret. Beaver fioss I7W Locust mm Benton 21 43 8 78 Madls'n !8 Bloom .12 63 Main 513 Cat'it'sa 3111 Mimin S64 Ccntrlla 8 09 74 55 M'nvur 3 84 Centre 1078 MtlTnt 6 09 OtWB 123 74 Orange 9 Hab'c k 8M l'lne 6 00 7 67 urenw'd 5 so Hcott 11 81 llemrck 19R sug'lo'f in 83 Jackson 3 77 143 92 a.197 27 S 62802 By total commLtslona " aiscounts ' exonerations nnd returns 7C3 0S 397 27 11727 10168 79 2CVG f9 10SI 41 " amount due from collectors l7.... " " issu " county orders Issued and redeemed. " commission to treasurer (397976 OEOltUK A. HKItniNd, Treasurer, In account with docrtind. January 2nd, 1688 To amount duo at last settlement on du. pnca'esor issr ... 72590 amount due at last settlement on Bloom duplicates ofisso and I8S4.... 162 50 amount assessed In 1688 169700 1256540 en. By commission and exonerations allowed collect ors on nog tax tor ifw,. Districts. Coin. Ex. Districts. Com. Ex. Heaver f 1 40 f s so Madison $ 4 00 Benton 75 sso Main S60 Bloom 7 00 Mifflin soo Catawlsaa l so Montour a oo centralis 100 MlPl'nt 100 centre 4 00 Orange 4 00 conj'm low Pine 3 so Fwrc'lc 9 00 scolt 6 so Orecnw'd 7 so sujarlo'f aoo Jackson s oo Locust 4 60 (213 WOO By commission and discount allowed collectors on aog tax ror i"sa. Districts. Com. DIs. Districts. Com. Dls. Beaver t 67 I 1 12 Jaclceon t 23 t 37 Benton os 107 Locust lss 2H Derwlcl: 63 110 Madison 93 1 66 Bloom 65 1 37 Main 86 142 Urlarc'k 61 83 Mimln 61 102 cat'w'sa 43 90 Montour 48 80 Ceit'lia oo ,io MtPl'nt 108 loo Centra 48 80 orange 76 127 oony'm 03 06 Pine 32 S2 FISh'C'K SO 97 ltoarc'k 49 82 FrtlK'n AO 100 HCOtt 48 80 Qr'enwd 127 212 8ugloat 29 so neml'ck 94 103 (16 33 (2314 By total commission to collectors 17 73 " discount auowea " xo 14 " " exi-neratlon " " 81 00 amount riders paid In 1S88 .... 92171 " amount due trom collectors lssg..... H70V6 11 amount due rrom collectors 1887.... 63 09 " amount due trom collectors 18o and 18S4, Bloom. .. . 162 60 " commLssion to treasurer. 4so " cash balance on hand. 107 14 (1383 40 QEOkQE A. IIEltHlNO, Treasurer In account with Biaio lunu. January Snd 1888. To amount uncollected on dunllcate ot JNJ, , state tax assessed In 1838 6067 33 $3378 47 Cll. By commission and discount allowed collectors on state tax for 1888. Districts. Com. Dls. Districts, com. Dls Beaver ( 72 ( 1 21 Jackson ( 64 ( 91 Benton 96 1st Locust 4 23 7 00 Berick 16 33 27 !4 Madls'n 1 so 2 16 Bloom 22 03 63 06 Main 1 96 3 25 Brt'rc'k 1 87 812 Mifflin 4 04 6 74 Cat'w'sa 8 60 14 18 M'nt'ur 1 73 2 93 Cent'lla 9 41 15 68 ML H'nt 2 34 3 90 centre Bia 11 so Orange 5 64 9 40 conym S3 69 !lue 27 44 Flsll'ck 173 2 89 lioarc'k 2 31 3 83 Fr'nkn 97 1 61 scott 6 SO 9 18 or'enw'd 1143 19C8 Bug'to" neml'ck 168 2 61 (112 86 (206 07 By commissions and exonerations allowed 0 Uect- urs uu biaio tax tor ircr. Districts. Com. 33 ( Ex. Districts. Or'enw'd ( Madls'n Main M'nt'ur Sug'lo'f Com. Ex. Beaver ( Benton Bloom 22 19 19 66 48 60 40 222 41) 180 CO centre Flsh'c'k ( 78 (246 01 By commission to collectors for 1888. . . 112 60 " aiscounts auowea " commlslons ' " " 1S87 . " exonerations " " " " 11 amount due on duplicates ot 188?.., ' " " ' 18... " " paid Mate Treasurer. " commission to Treasurer for 1888... " baL In hands ot Treasurer. 206 07 216 01 24 39 918 27 3000 00 30 00 1010 61 (3378 79 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. For which orders were Issued on the Treos. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. J. s. artmcs Co. Supt, ApproprlatlonSifor county lnbtltuto 1SS? Central Penna. Telephone Co 200 00 4830 100 860 1 25 - auacament of whisper phone Adams Express Co.. exnressage U. H. " " " Western Union Telegraph Co 314 65 UBt( it., teieeramn W 11 Kocher, freight bills. Uervey R rimlth auditing publlo ac counts. B F Zarr 1 Purdons digest... ..... 309 33 00 15 00 6 40 1180 175 uioomsourg uaaMing 10., wiorest on note. E U Klcbardson & Co., bill fruit trees., . W E Dletterlck, 1 step ladder Khcdrlikcox, damage to wagon, lola onage Frank Jones, stable rent. ... Heller Co , decorating court t ouse .... William O Glrton, expenses to commis sioners' Convention, Erie Samuel Michael lantern broken, Kitten. bouse bridge D O Black J P, costs, James Thompson vs Col Co. William Mann Co, bill Inks to 8 V Peacock, Notary Publlo. J 1) Bodtne, extra work on election pap ers allowed br Wright Co (Horse A Herring, 42 ddeds tor land sold Treasurer's sa e. II W Sloan, Bunting Louis Bernhard, repair town clock, 0 Y Knapp, Insurance on loll Btablo.,.,, CM Drinker, repairs to lock..., 1 L ltabb, ext teeth for prisoners. A O Dcgheppard, rep sate lock. John J. Reardon. defraying expenses me morial committee OF Harder two acts election boxes and freight - Samuel smith. Hhenn taking two prison era at different times to Eastern W l! Fowler'uJtiig DanYeYseV'beTt tb""is! lvniwotlar j-r torn UblonCo, W 11 Snyder, Proth ot al Costs Wm V BodlnevsOol Co ,,.,,.. Stephen Polio attending Co audit ...... ,, Eltilendenhalt ' " ' Washington Parr " " " ti 00 600 13 00 SO 10 6 93 6 75 125 600 110 01 6 18 1 00 4S0 75 400 ISO 3 00 92 27 68 62 9)99 16(4) 14 00 16 00 837 08 COURTS, JURORS' PA AND CONSTABLES' Grand Jurors duilng tbe year Traverse Jurors " " " at court.,, m struck ury Kindt va conatablei returns duWog'ye'ar! ,', ,','ZZ1 courtcrler " " Tipstaves " " , Newton Walker, stenographer...,,,,,,,, " cralg vs cralg ', " Dr. Gardner trial. Samuel Smith Bhcrtff bervlng Jury no tices. George A Buckingham, Juiy Commis sioner .. George W Derr, Jury commissioner . J D Bodlne clerk to same. 835 46 660817 3636 309 06 HOW) 1T4U0 450 6 h2 16964 imo 43 76 4183 2C0O (3072 tl COSTS IX COMMON WK tLTrt CARES WJIKRE TIIECOUNt'Y BECAME LIABLE. Justloea. oooaublea and wlneses,...,, ( 1311 30 tr v iiuimeycr uismctaitorney.., Wm II unyder. clerk of oourt B Zarr, Uork ot court for 1871-78 J F Caldwell, uiaals (or Jury on O Prodor erlcks' trlaL , Samuel Hmlth, Shertff, fees, va prlsonera attending court- , Samuel Smith, Sheriff, turnkoy fees. .. ,. 1 capias recaptur ing; Thomas J onoj. 18000 III oa 69U 9 75 41 23 S0 ROAD AND DRIDOn VIEWERS ANI) ROAD U1MAUKN. sundry persom as vtowers.. J O Brown et oL Greonwood election dlrl- $ I9110 (Sl ISO 00 20 00 16000 30 00 10000 60 00 94 96 70 07 123 00 33 74 189 20 00 23 00 31 8D 1000 13 00 won surveying, co Wm DernlngerMainago Catawlssa.., KHLudwlir " Hcnrrllolirnirthead " Daniel llartman " Susanna Appieman " Benton Greenwood,. Locust... . I A " II W Beaver et al " John Bllllg " icrrmiao nnvuer " II W Beaver " AbnerAKvana " orange. Joseph Fausey " Annas Colo " A 0 Colo " line Sugarloaf... Alfred cole " David Achcnbach 11 Orange.! jonn rcttrrman 1.0CU8U 33 00 1140 18 00 17 60 (1466 31 n (1 Glrton commissioner attending toarl views.. ............. Jcbbo luttenbouso commissioner attend- ingroaa views,,... Ezra htepliens commissioner attending road views.,,., ,.. COMMISSIONERS' ori'ICE AND COURT HOUSE J B Tetter auditing accounts I 27 96 Amos llanman, auditing accouuts 3)80 M ivwKsourr. atiaiung accounts ram John 11 Casnv. clerk to auditors 27(0 John 11 Casey, wcUhts and book-holder SO James Cadman, repairing chairs 1176 1 fiorrey. woricnt itccnnier's vault, ..... inou J D uodlne, extra clerk biro SO 00 Jonn Herring, assisting to copy register 01 tolcis .... Iw Knhtcraan Wolf, repairs s 10 luoomsounc 1111 1.0 , gas... ,. ij Bloomsburg Water Co-, water rent. .. 66 69 Bloomsburg Steam Electrlo Ught Co., steam lor neat . si.i .k Chas Krug, sash and door for bookcase.. 10 S3 (1 W sterner, glass &c for bookcase...... 4 211 P K Vannatta, painting bookcass.. It 21 Carollno Hllderbrant, cleaning at court nouso 1 u Alice Ahlaman, cleaning at court house. 3 00 u u liuaerorant. cieaninz at court noosu ov EShutt, ISO A Campbell, " " " 175 .11 K uox, worK ana " ! Wm Bhntmaker, shoveling snow to . . . . . 4 so W Barrett, cleaning at court house 2 60 M W Garrison, work at law library.,,.... so A C Desheppard, repairing Hocks. S 40 O M Drinker, repairing locks at vault.... 7s a Hower, repairing at court house. 1 23 n.panaia r&rxs, n&uuog ruuuisu , " D A Creasr. window brush 73 I W Mclielvy, bill mdse 4 00 J 11 Schuyler A Co., bill hardware 2 80 a jiercine, carpenter worx at uook case xv m r Ltouine, juagment ootainea lor ex- tra nainunir x iv creasy Wells, bill lumber 13 48 wm u uiixon, commissioner v w icsso ltittennouso. commissioner.. ........ uu Ezra mophens, commissioner. 472 00 B V Zarr. attv for commissioners. no 00 J D Bodlne, clerk for commissioners.... 60000 (3360.70 COUNTY. JAIL AND PRISON REQUISITlONa OL Sands A Co., blankets. I 1660 liarmau & jiaert, repaiis atjan xi ,o 6J F Savtts. repairs at Jail., m 40 200 100 Wm Barrett, watching fire. o A McBrtdo, repairing fence jujdoncs statement 01 siaoie 10 insur anc Co 300 1 00 200 200 760 480 100 6 75 22 SO 87 15 83 8 70 25 40 60 90 874 CO 14016 64 68 86 23 69 SO 165 76 70183 11690 338 00 4 70 16 20 500 187 8118 14(9 125 18 97 Geo B Martin, repairing pump John Lewis, repairing roof on Jail uross & lauoocu, mortar una wunt.... O F Knapp, Insurance on Jail stable...., llartman Edgar, repairing boiler.... J J HageDbucn, pump handle S Knorr son, blacksmith bill Chas W Uunvan bill hardware. J w Msstellcr, towels, etc Ksnieman & woii,repainng Geary Rower, workat tank etc , Thos L Jones, work at tank vteaverg unorr, wore at pig pen ana fence P Unamrst. mending shoes for prisoners Thos Gorry, contract Jail stable o A Jacoby, coal . uarman uasserx, coai .. foundry and machine dept. Harrlsburg boiler nioomsburs Gas Co., gas Bloomsburg Water Co., water rent h tunlth, shrf board for prisoners. 4 Hmlth washlncr for nrlsonera John Taylor, Janitor I W McKeivy, bill rendered Evans Ever, clothlncr for Drlsoners.... J R Schuyler Co., bill hardware..... .. u r hicks, coai on ana soap Bloomsburg Car Co., repairs..... Michael Hess, blllnoal T Vannatta. repairing pump creasy Wells, bill lumber . ur. J u uuiier professional attenaanco on prisoners irou Apr. 1 isoa, w uec ai, 18-S ... 74 00 (211383 PRINTING, STATIONERY,! STAMPS AND BOS Geo A Clark, stamps and box rent: ( 17 60 Biampca envelopes.. 41 stationery 22 00 15 61 Wm Krlckbautn, printing annual state ment .... . Wm Krlckbautn, printing election procla- 4500 mauoQ Wm Krtckba'm, printing court calendars 1660 82 00 nonces, uiaoas, 0 36 90 El well Blttenbendcr, printing annual statement. , Elwell Blttenbendcr, printing election proclamation Elwell Blttenbender, printing notices, 16 60 Elwell'fBlttenbender subscrlotlbn.'.'..'..' J C Brown, printing annual sittemcnt.. eiecuoa pruciaiuauuu " " blanks and notices.... Catawlssa News Item, printing election proclamation. . W It Brooke Co.. stationery. J 11 Mercer, stationery (35136 INQUISITIONS. J M Owlnner, cor, 11. Inquests..... ( 193 03 U.U...W UU,UCI, 4 ., ( ....... .. ,-.3 J M Owlnner, Cor., 2 Inquests 27 31 otuuuui ouyuer, J. 1 ., 1 inquest., ism (332 82 PENITENTIARY AND S.8YLUM. Convicts In Eastern Penitentiary 1887. . ( 79 92 93 00 104 M 104 37 61 12 104 57 68 66 (615 SO Sup't of Lizzie Uawley, Warren Pa.., " ' MarrKulllviin. Danville. " ... ninun Aioertson, Margaret Weaver, John Barton, reter Mellck, BIUDUE-BUILDINO AMD REPAIRS. BBIVIR. Moyer Brothers, Fisher's bridge, bill cement ( (39 5103 2 00 800 200 2 00 200 60 Amos rarver, et ai, nsner's nnage, re pairing pier. BKNTOM. D II Karnes, Karnes' bridge M Onega " " F P DUdlne, Benton ' D II Karnes, Edson M G Hess, Hartman " D K Karns, I Thomas " I J Thomas, ' " b loo 11. IV W Barrett. Barton double brldire work 500 200 Geo IlartzelLBhaffer bridge r iv tuuuaiio, ueu hock onuge, paini. Ing notices., J Bachman, lied Rock bridge, pier con tract J Bachman, Red Hock bridge, extra work on pier J O Brown, Red Hock bridge, surveying.. 17217 12 60 4 75 8 77 4 20 360 123 n ui Darren, lieu jiuck uriuge.iaoor Weaver Knorr, Bed ltock bridge, car- Levi Cox sr., Red Rock bridle, work. . D Yog im. Hod ltock brtdpa. annirincr. Jtn John Kramer, Barton bridge, plank uuiui fuu, diibuci unu&U. HUU Ui.... .. W ureasy & weiis, nea hock nnage lumper 2 31 BRUUCKKSt. J Bachman. Rlttonhous bridge, contract liUWU WlTl , ., J C Brown, ltltienbouije bridge engine. SS2 62 620 enug,.. . , CUTAWISSA. David Glffln, near mouth ot Cut a. creek snowintr 9 00 Tbos, Paper Mill bridge, re- pairing J Achey, Paper Mill bridge, snowing.... 25 43 200 Henry Herner, UoUlngshead bridge, till ing, nsntNocsui. 0 1) Hagenbuch, Stillwater bridge 900 a 11 iiuueruacu. rauen " ...... ' " Jones " " " Buckalew raixxuK, A Loreman, Reeder bridge, fllUng up..,. ORIINWOOD. William Harlem lola bridge Montgomery Cox " " B F ltedllne. Lemons " repairing,.,. Wm Harlem, sicllenry's Mill bridge.,.. John Leggoit, lola bridge " " Mcllenry bridge. H " Kereno " " Greenly " nsiiLocx, John s Mensch, Hemlock bridge..... JICISON. A W Ilagenbnch, Dorr's bridge.,,....,.. MiDlSON J W Mordan, H Wilson bridge " ' above Wilson bridge Jacob Shoemaker, Hawk bridge, repair.. 1 25 223 ISO 3S7 200 260 113 SO 200 200 2 00 200 SO 200 200 1104 so ,CK.uu nu'KiuuDi, nan uuu Daniel Mordan, Kent bridge.. MltH. John J Gearhart, Iron bridge...... David Shuman, " " uohtocr. A.I Learn Rupert'.brldge fljMenach " " .. MT, fUiUHT. J W Mordan Sands Bridge-. .,.,, Dan'l Jordan " " ,, George HarUel Wanlch bridge ,,,, OB1KOI. J M LarUh Vance bridge repairing.,.,..,, W F Crawford ' " w s Fleckenstlne Orangevllle rep J F MODgle " " K 11 John " ....... Bachman Varver Herring hiidgo mason contract, ...,.. , Jackson Woodtn Mfg 00, Herring bridge pipe ........ ,. ,,,,, J O Brown Herring bridge Burvey'g " " " onglnerr. Amos Farver ' rep walls Geo Uerrlng " . Wrought Iron Brllge Co, ot Canton, Ohio, llernog bridge on contract , Jonn lllppensteel Vanoe bridge,,, scott. i M larlsh Light st bridge rep SDaitxoar, O W Iless, J O'lless bridge.. ,. W A Cole, E Cole bridge , BllLpng I' . D II Catus, J It Colo ' , ,, ' Allnaa cole bridge..... F B Sutllff, sulllff brldre rep, Rachel A llrsa, Hess bridge Win G Glrton oommisioner attending tq brllge Ezra stphena commbuloner attending lro 900 200 200 900 76 ITS 63 2T 200 100 ' 60 860 525 0 412 6 01 198 839 100 117 SO 900 9101 too IS l 400 too too IU0 aw am MM lu unugu-. .. w , ., Jessi ltlilenhousd ooicmlaloner attna- SOCS.lDglotrtbges., ASSESSORS' PAY, District. Annual. ... (3182 ... 3904 ... 63 07 66 43 ,. 4S68 4681 4710 nearer Benton Berwick Bloom Briarcreek........ catawlssa ccntrauo. centre, Cnnjnrfli am. ........ St 86 40 79 42 06 17 18 40 69 2318 2161 6300 44 64 22 60 31 03 2160 28 31 26 30 30 80 21 93 42 89 rianingcreck. . . Franklin Greenwood iiemioci...: Jackson,,, Locust,.,,,, Madison,, Main. Mifflin. Afontour Mt. Pleasant Orange ., iinri, ,,, lloarlngcrcck Hcott eugarioar. 28 43 Assessors for fall registry of vo (2J 08 SCALPS. ( (forgo A Herring, 1 wild cat 1 fox and 1 weasel, killed before bounty taken on. ( S25 1 75 (4 00 ELECTION 8XPEN8BS. Paid spring election offloers. " fall " " spring room rent - " fall " . " constables advertising, sorvlrg notices and attending spring elec tion Paid constables attending fall election Wm II Snvder countlnir vote. ( 319 41 57.180 141 00 137 00 148 80 32 10 61 30 820 6(0 68 90 1660 I) It ( o'lman congressional return ludge G II Lockard Judicial return judge....... J II Wright Co election blanks FLIIutter " ( 391 tl TAXES DISTRIBUTED AND REFUNDED. Amount or township taxes refunded (2666 27 BLANK BOOKS. William Mann deed books ( 27 23 Williams Murphy's Sons deeds and mort- gage books.. &3 no 7.(00 28 00 850 s 00 14 to 11 id: ordr blank books. F L Hutter military rolls, etc. J 11 Mercer blank book, etc . iro a uiant marriage aocKei... Win F Murphy's Sons docket tor protho notary (231 76 BURUL OF DEUEA8ED SOLDIERS, AND TOMB STONES. C n Brockway funeral Bloom ( 31 00 Auicimu uroves " Geo 8 Patterson " Espy John R. Hrobst " Catawlssa..... J 8 Dodson " Benton R II Boody tombstones 100 83 00 3300 33 00 60 00 12.15(H) SUEEP ORDERS ISSUED. Briarcreek. ( 800 Benton 227 75 Madison 51 25 Mirmn., 87 00 660 83 60 BSW 14 p0 10 00 centre. 16 25 3)00 1550 3100 33 SO 210(1 Montour. Mt. Pleasant.., line scott Hugarloat Flsblngcreek., Greenwood.... Hemlock Jackson Locust. STATEMENT (921 73 SUEEP OF DOG TAXES FUND. AND Cash on hand ( 10711 Dog tax due from collectors. 13S3 53 1498 (9 200(0 Probable com and exonerations., (l93 69 RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous... $ 837 18 Courts, Jurors pay, constables returns, etc; 6072 61 Costs In commonwealth cases 1702 3j Road and bridge viewers and road dam ages 14C181 Commissioners office and court h'so ssco 70 County Jail 2418 83 Printing, stationary and postage. 311 88 Inquisitions 23a 8J Bridges, buildings and repairs., ............ 3312 82 Penitentiary ana asylum. 615 30 Assessors pay 2232 08 Hcaie 4 00 Election exoenscs isui si Taxes relunded 2C6627 Blank books.. 23173 Burial of deceased stones , soldiers and tomb- (26380 89 COUNTY FINANCES. ASSKT8. Tax In hands of collectors duplicates (lotat M Probable commission and exonerations. , . 1600 00 (908603 LIABILITIES. Estimated costs tn common wealth coses. Amount due the several dis tricts, taxes Amount of bridge and road viewers due on books Amount ot road damages as sessed and unpaid esti mated to Jan 7th, 1889.. Amount due Wrought Iron Bridge co, ot Can'on Amount due foundry and ma chine department Harrls burg, Pa, for boiler....... Bal due George A Uerrlng Treasurer .... (245 00 82 63 101 SO 138800 533 75 35 63 (7156 21 (1929 15 Amount ot assets over and above liabili ties as per estimates (1929 85 We. the undersigned Commissioners nf Pninmhia County, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct statement of the accounts ot said county lor tne year a. u. vasts. WILLIAM O. GIRTON, JK.S8K HITTKNUOUSE, EZRA STEPHENS, commissioners of Columbia County. Attest: J. D. Bodini, Clerk. We. the undersigned Auditors Tot Columbia Couuty, having been elected to adjust and settlo the accounts ot the Treasurer and Commissioners of Columbia County, do hereby certlty that we met at the office ot the Treasurer and Commis sioners In Bloomsburg on Monday, Jan. 7th, A.D. 1889, and ended examination on Saturday January 19th, 189 and carefully examined tho accounts and vouchers of the same from the Becond day ot Jan , 1888 to the seventh day of Jan., A. D. 1889. and find them correct as above stated Given under our hands and Beals this the 19th day ot January, A. D. 1K89. E. M. TEWKSBUHY. J. II. YETTEK, CYRUS BOBBINS, county Auditors. VTOT1CE IN DIVORCE. In Tnx court ok Common Plxis of Coirnnn , CaV!,Jrl,t,. DICMBKTRH, 1S88. m?,b.SnJd,ooy..,ier next f""1. William ROSS. VS. W. 1L Rnvriei-. To W. 11. Snyder, respondent above named : Elizabeth Snyder, above named, a subpoena being awarded br the Conrr. nf nnmmnn iio.. n county, a subpoena Issued out of the said Court commanding you, the said VI. II. Snyder; to bo uu appear at tne next regular term ot said court JS. S?ow. ctt'i I' any you have, why tbe said Bbellant Bhould not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony which she has contracted with yr,u. agreeab'y to the prayer ot sold petitioner: ant whereas, upon the return ot the said subpoenal due proof was mode that you could not bo found or served with the samo In the bailiwick ot the Sheriff of said county: whereupon an alias sub poena, was awarded by the said court, oommand j ou to bo and appear at the then next regular Hrn.?'J?,a Court' 10 answer, 0., as aforesaid, to which tbe same return was made by the Sheriff. You are therefore required to be and apner on Ue nrst day of regular term of said Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, for tbe said county, on the first Monday ot May next, A. D. 1889, to answer ,,,,. JOHN B. CASEY. Feb 15-4t sheriff. Wedding Cards, Invitations, Triennial. Total, t 8S 79 ( 79 01 68 13 97 19 6876 1(1 82 131IO 194 43 69 73 96 S3 SOTS 9766 64 71 10385 48 75 40 72 .... 8811 4795 9001 I960 86 62 44 00 81 69 2 75 M 81 900 3161 63 93 104 23 64 43 10909 89 13 62 41 66 23 93 80 32 75 64 23 43 70 70 21 47 .5 74 03 4111 7V0.1 8 75 48 70 tO 75 103 14 8 71 37 20 PS 1S6 00 and Printing of every kind. Tho largest assortment, and onlv those in n(l taste sent out. Our pricos are the lowest. SO Visiting Cards and Engraved Plate, from which any number cm be printed, for $1.00. Address Dies, FOR THE Wedding Monograms, Crests, Cyphers. Wttmnu BY THE POUND. Twice as i.i.ioh for same money you pay by the quiro. Over fiOO kinds, and New Styles to select from. Fine Linen Paper, 80 to 108 shoots to tho pound, from 15 cents upwards. SPECIAL NOTICE ! Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, &c. Finest line of Watches in town. Gorhnn's plntetl ware, finest made, All purchases engraved free of ohnrgo, ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. Columbian Building, -JlooniHhurg, Pa. AHEM, I SPRING STYLES OF HATS, SHIRTS, IECKWEAR AND ROYS' WAISTS The largest Clothing and Hat and Itlontour conn lies. WE ARE GIVING AWAY $5.50 IN CASH By Selling London Our Made $15 Scotch Oheviot Suits -AT- $9.50. Samples of material sent to any address ".Free of Charge." Our Self-Measuring Chart, with instructions "How to obtain a perfect fit and order by mail," sent with all samples. E. 0. THOMPSON, TAILOR CLOTHIER, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite tbe Mint) Philadelphia. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale, Retail. Wheat per bushel Rye " " 1.00 56 00 70 33 45 6.80 20 28 20 23 40 GO 13 16 03 05 07 10 09 12 7 10 10 14 20 80 71 i:00 07 35 6 to 7 Ccrn " " .... Oats " " Flour " bbl..... Butter Eges Potatoes , Hams Dried Annies Bide Shoulder Chickens Qccse Lard ner lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coil. OH Wlliln No (1 $2.00: Nos 3. 8. & LuniD 3.11 No. 5 ta.oo mtiimtnus 9W ,rA N'im Enqlamtl HlbnlJotma1, iv. LMtAlklfttNVISIRLFKn,inrini fsr dttlnm, cootrilM mi4 vti a U trua, al truU UI 4rlci et rr ! f, a. WALll. Brli,prt, Ck Annourceninnlp, and Sooicty Eopravinf Stamping in Colors, in Bronze, or Illuminating. (DEAF) ,n?r 10o0t', to ,my P0!it!1e. wo send samples of our 12 New Styles of Pens, Writing Paper we sell by the pound, Styles of Engraving, and our Illustrated Catalogue of Stationery. Wm. H. Hosklns Co., TLu Lea,llnK stationer-, W Arch St., rnilalelpala. wmmiM Cornea to the front witli a large OTOICfl of flifiiii -FOR- Ull, SOYS, YOUTHS. tllLDKEI Tho latest that cannot be excelled in price. AND OF KOTPS A SPECIALITY. Our motto is "Square Dealing." RESPECTFULLY YOURS. HOW! WHEN! WHERE! WHY! One of the problems of life is to buy GOOD & CHEAP CLOTHING. We are now closing out the entire Winter Stock at Cost. Over-Coats for Men, Boys and Children. Winter Caps, Mufflers, &c. Call and we will make yon smile at the NOW OFFERED AT D. LOWENBERG'S Popular Clothing Establishment, JjnTFZT' Ono of the latest improvements is the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enables one to play without disturbing anyone in tho vicinity and with little wear to tho instrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS THE GEORGE STECK & CO, PIANO, after thirty years of severest test are used, ou account ol unequalled durability, by 06 colleges and many others in the United States. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, with new repeating action, best in tho world for upright pianns. and the first and only perfect repeating action introduced with upright pianos. fa THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 38 years. A warrauteo of fivo the market 1VC" W'lb eah inslrumenl- II is tho bcet mudium-priccd piano in Our LINE of ORGANS is very compli ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTE makes. SEWING Wo havo tho celebrated WHITE, STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NEW HOME. Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines olds on installment plan. We havo also binjo. guhain, Gorman accoriloons, blow acoordoon, limes, fifes, mouth organs, drums, ifco. Five hundred pieces of ten cent sheet music, Ac, fec Second hand pianos, organs and sewing machines on laud, and received in exchange for now ones. Agent for Uuttorick and Domestio paper patterns and fanhion books. Sowing maohino needlop, oils and attaohmonts for all machines always in stook. Bloomsburg Pa, YKIXOW 8IONS. YELLOW '1UBS. Use "Peerless Brand" FRESH RAW OVSTRItS Selcclod and packej with cleanliness and care by Q. II. PEARSON X- O O,, BALTIMOIIK, MD. ' VP Det, Atk j our Qroocr lor them. o BIRD MANNA ' ThltlrallUFhlf. VDlftDr. lllrtl Mann. WlUrMtOrs tha loan f to Blrdi, will pre- fUi thftlr tllmnnli wane mauonreoeJilot Directiout rv. wra rood Co- WON. aj FREE Sj?n,0 J'ronej.ld'i CtU Powder CLOTHMtt, Store in Columbia . e havo 111 Block a finer line of mueica luBiruuii'uiH man uas ever uern uougni in .his section, and wo aro making special nducements to purchasers for tho holiday season. Wo get our instruments direct from the manufactories, and can otter I otter tortus than can bo given by any other parties, THE 1VEHS & POND PIANOS stand at tho head. ONE HUNDRED OP THESE NOW IN USE ot tho IIOSTOM CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. ete, we havo THE CET.KriT? A'run ER, UNITED STATES, and other MACHINES. PLPT0MESTIC' HOME, Sl JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and J. Saltzer, General Agent. MORTGAGES ON LAND I rhnTnaMS The CorHn Banking Co. UB BROADWAY, NEW YOlik, Jat llMt SAFE IHVESTMENTS. TIIK "KVKTONI! , MOItTHAlUt CO.. InventmJsS.Vn ll.V.r ?.'nt'..WB oiler choloe Jinll-Mt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers