Astir at tLe Nrtj Yard. ORDEIH HlOM UNCUS RAM 1!0V A MAN Of-WAll II I'UT IN COMMISSION ANIl OH1CKI1F.I) ANI MANNED FOII A SKA CKUI8K. U. S. Navt YAtin,, N. Y. When our ostccmod Undo Sim, wlio n Bomo way is supposed to pre lido over our nrUionnl nffftiri", lin do ciiltti to hoiiiI ono of liia ships to rob, for tho purpose of astonishing and ap palling thb barbarian world, ho goes abont it in a buBirioss-llko way. ilia ordera ftru issuod 10 tho ofliocra of tho VfiutrVarrl wl.nrn vn-anl in ltn i i !- J U UlUlliaill lUt IIIQIilllUllUU JO U It'll I to the varioua Uepartmonta to Uncet ... .,..i. t t....!.. kuv nviK a. ivimiuijkt ut.u iMMiwuiiiu I . . , j. .. 1 I 1 1 ' . P I tno amp lor ino m.a orntae, upon .wbicn hnhiuliMin in fir Ma mln.i r: I and heart. In a lariro Navy Yard like this In Brooklyn, of which I nm going to tell von. there ia nothina atartflnc in Un- olo Sain's brujqito orders, for often a dozen war vessels aro lying at her .i..i.. t. :.. . .i:..r . uuvkif auu ib is suiuuiiiuun u .unci iu bo rid of them. Besidca overybody is glad to have tho nations of the earth know that wo noacsa a few ahli and nn M.n ii,Sm win. . Vmnn and orew as over strolled tho decks of a moro pretentions navy. With its large facilities, its abmid ant dookago and Its oompetont man agement, the Brooklyn Yard ia cnabl cd to renair-nnd cauin a vessel, lor a thrco years' cruise, on very short no tice. A ripple of excitement ia awak end, to be sure, and a show ot some intoicat is manifested among the olig tUl i.nnn i... nn 1 . . . . I ing orders, when a particular ahlp is designated to bear tho compliments ol Amotica to tho remotest tarta of tho world, for they who aro to wear tho honors have uot been oosen, and ex pectation goes about, in her accustom cd wav, ou tip-toe. A ship, lyintr in ordinary, is hardly rno-o than a'skeleton, from whioh all the movable at tides, masts, spars, equipments and furniture of every kind, have been removod and put in . ucvu icuiuiuu ai.u iuu ... I of tho department orders, is placed in t, ..Ki,,., ti,.. n,i f naintinir. caulking and renairinc tho hull Is carried forward vigorously. i a . . c - . The sound of hammers and tho stir within and without the Bhip, the acti vity In the shops and at the forges, tho bustle in tho stores and waro houses and along tho docks, and the close application of the workmen of all grades to tholr immediate duties, give evidence of tho positive will of unoiesam, wmon .no ouserver wT becamo B0 enragod at tho howling re interpret as tho law that governs the , .. ..', A Navy Yard and sets its machinery in motion. Tho various departments, into which tho business of tho Yard is divided to give greater fauility and efliuiency to the service, perform their rtspective parts in the repairs and equipment of tho vessel. 1110 uureau 01 uonsiruo tion docs, tho carpenter work and makes the repairs upon tho hull: that of Steam Engineering puta in order the motive power and machinery; that of Equipment prepares the rigging and sails; that of Navigation adjusts the compasses, nautical instruments and the electiio light plant; that of Ord nance makes ready the battery, tho guns, small arms and amnnition, bo longing to the Bhip; and that '"of Sup. plies provides and puts on botrd the provisions needful for three months, and all the clothing required by the crew and likely to be issued to them during the cruise Aa soon as the repairs aro complet bd, the machinery tested tnd the work of the several departments is done to the satisfaction of those in authority, tne vessel is pronounoea reaoy ,ior tno sea, equipped with armament and a" no u final nniilianiiAa nrui nnalorl nnH 1 u.Uw. ,-k,.. , , provisioned for a long voyage in for-1. eign waters. Uhe federal government is notified that the vessel may be put in commission and formally oummitted to the officers and crew, who will re- main with and in oharge of her during the cruise in contemplation. Tho oflicers, who have been selected oy tne avy Vepartraent to carry out a-in rni m rw i intin .n m in nion nvinr the stars and .stripes in foreign ports and doing gallantries on all court oc casions in the presence of the barbar ians, are ordered to report for duly to the uommandant of the yard, where tho ship lies in waiting, by whom they are instructed to report to tho cap tain of tho vessel, he having recoived his orders from the commander, for assignment to their grade and line of duty. In manning a war vessel the seleo- tion of the crew is made from the sailors who previously havo been en listed and quartered on the receiving ship. This vessel is usually an old line-of-war ship, large and roomy, whioh baa boon retired from tho ser vice and stationed at tho Navy Yard lor recruiting purposes, and gives up her men in quantity and quality as de sired. The en'med men aro received for a term of three years upon a rigid examination, and aro paid aooording to ability and usefulness from sixUen to fMrtw flnllnra a mnnt.h ""j When it becomes Known among tne mpn on tho receiving ship that a orew vessel, the scone is all animation and exoitemont. IhO prospects aro dig- cussed. Tho ship is talked about, and a world of ideas is set going as to her uuiui,jr r Bva uuiii, milium uu iuiib muoh, whether she takeB in much water in heavy we ither, and whether there bean abundance of room for tho ubo ol tho orew. 'ihe probabilities ot the course of the cruise aro carefully weighed, whether tho ship is lo stay on our own coast, or to bo stationed in European, Chinese or South Ameri can watera. Tho olimax of interest is reached in the discussion of the merits of tho various parts of tho world, all of which leads to the thrilling stories liy the old soa dogs of "when 1 was in Unina in '49, and "when I came round the Horn in 'CO, With the sailors, however, in anti- clpation of a orutse, tho uppermost thought oenters on the "old man." as the oommander, under whom they will serve, is called. He it is who may make their life ngreeable, or who may impose upon them tho seveieet hardships. Some havo sailed with him before, and know him thoroughly as a kind hearted man and a respected officer. Others have heard of him as a veritable tvraot, and fancy that ihey hear the clanking of chains when his name Is mentioned, After profound deliberation Jackey mik.a up Ids mind whether ho wants to go to ea t r not, losing sight of tbo greater fact that in all human probability he will have to go, whatever be his mental rescrvationf. L'ko lho true American cltir.en that he is, with an air of im portance he boastlngly dtolares what he will do, and ihon quiotly dees what thoritios. On a man-of w ir from two hundred to three hundred And fifty men nro re- " quirt d lo make up the full complement J of oHiocra ami crow, 'riiecommiasloued cfiiccra include thotnptain, chkfexrou live, navigator, chief onglncor and asaiataut', dootora, paymaUvra, waloli and inarino oflioom, midshipman and cadet engineers, 1110 aatiora, marmea, limrmn, mcclianica and aorvanta omi atlluto the crew, who aro resigned to speoifio dulie) and to particular parts 01 tho SMI), At tlio appointed tune tlic olllcors aro nssbnibled on Uii'qtiirlordctk with lho crew gronpul about them, lorintng a piuttucFpie reel e, wnen mr oapmiu reada a'oud liU i rdeis, complimcnta tUO tneil. OI.Ull.CS UlO UlUltifl 01 All Oil ehiitloanl. find pra.pcs tho tinme anl . " t t " ' ... w....b manner. Tho fliii is then hoiateil, ami , . . finmmiti fin t.nntinttt la rmartil m thn " .,--.-r- maotiiwul which roma'na flying until 1 r ,. ...! 'Phn unniiit luu V . .7 . 1 may oo cnangoo. uuiasiws u10 0'clal tnaignm tt innai uoi loraaKe ua Placo nbovo lh0 BBinB oven for a Moment. rom tho llmo tho alilp goes tn coin mission tho ofluo-M of tho deck with . . , , , . .. ,tbe midshipman remain on ier- 8 pa" ltur 111 successive penouB ui four houri day and night, in charge of all aboVo deck, under direoMon ot tho captain. The navigator aa his name implies, directs tho courso and move ment ot the ship, l lie engineer nna his a'sissant ass,umo charge of the rnacliinerv. Tho man bo ofliccr' tr- comca chief of tho marina guard, who lo tho nonce duty on shipboard, lho salloia nro divided into boat prows, gun crews and companies for batallion drill, anil nro oiven nirtloular asslcnmonts of places and hours, leading Uvea of hanl.liin avtUMnH f 1 1 nil V ' I weather and subject to tho meat exact ing duties. Tho shin is thus formally commiss ioned to proceed to sea under, spocilio instructions, and await orders lor sail ing from her home port. Under tho laws of nations no clcaranoo or entranco papers are required of her, as in the case of merchant vessols, to direct her going and coming, but liko tho rover Or 1110 seas, as sue is, ner uiiivemmiin , ' , U , A fa.ucy, or at least to tickle the capr.oea oftho bic-hoartod whole eoulcd old unole, whoso only pride is to see everybody happy oven though at his own expense. SALISBURY. Odds ana Ends. A Chicago woman named -Janu Tro ver lives in a flat with no companions but cats. A few nights ago Herman Sindler, who occupies the floor above, line colony that ho captured one mem ber of it and pounded out its brains with a club. To square matters Mrs. Trover on the next evening piled pots- kettles, chairs, table", etc. on tho stairway, and when Mr. oindler sallied, forth, clad in his nnesi raiments, no tripped over a skillet and, plunging in to the lot, rolled down an almost in terminablo stairway, kettles, chairs, etc., bruising him as he went. The' magistrate before whom Mrs. Trover was then taken pronounced the joke very funny but placed the joker under a heavy bond to keep tho peace. He also decreed that the oats must go. Boston papors are telling a good Btory at the expense of good old Dea con staples, or rattier at tno expense of the Deacon's pastor. Ono day when the Deacon's wifo was doing up pickles' the parrot Btole a pickle from the dish,,, air, staples lurneu inume to see the theft and' threw a knife 'at tho parrot with suoh force and accur acy tbat .it toole all me learners on ,tne bird s head. i?or nays tno, parrot was disconsolate at tho. loss ol his top-not, fc goon fler B ciergyman b:mie apend Sunday at Deacon StapW and r J . .r the parrot was in the dining room . a08. , The parson's fa. d , a doo'r knob fl he WQre , rhe rrol . t,: ;,u :,.t n.A i,.... - h ds bowed he th(J m-mU. . - ,., i-A .,, ..i . . HUanaf ' ..Hal ve durnod old scampi Been stealin' picklosl' Tho . k -wa9 , t h cierynlarJi but i - . - the Deacon and his wile burst into a laugh while the parrot arched his neck and winked as complacently aa it ne knew that he had perpetrated the best joke of the year. m In the Hungarian quarter at Potts- town the other day a number of child ren were observed running around on the ground barefooted, beating tin pans and boxes and making a horrible din. In the midst of the cirole they wfiro deaerilinrf was a live baby bur- iplt Iln its neck in the cold Ground. with a sbawl wound round its throat fcr protection. It was learned that the object of putting the baby in this peculiar position was to cure it of a skin disease, tbo Huns having the Bame faith in the ourativo proptrtifs of mother earth that is chaiacterislio 01 mauy savage tribes. While- the child was thus experiencing tne meuicai virtues of tho earth packul around its ,nA thn hnv. hont nnnn tin nina to frjgDton away tho evil' spirits that had I P t ., - if caused mo uisuase. pcrhaps nowhoro in any gas btt is lue Aow 0j a3 nt Mootpelicr, Iort, Sir hnnra nnt nf twnntv.iour tlio ons rnng down t0 a miufraiim, and six i,nra , ftf thn lnir it anhmi mart. rauni. When tbo supply is at low ebb th0 vaiv0, aro turned wide open to til a auQloiont Biipply, and when the ., -M At highest tho smallest turn of ,h i,ov la nnn. n Bnnlv thn dn. mand. The movements aro co-mutant with the ocoan tides, but whether or uot tho same influences are tho cause can only bo a matter of conjecture, At Montreal tho warm weather ha occasioned a thaw, ono of tho results of which has been an unprecedented rise- ot the river. Portions ot the. city aro submerged, tho only check on the rising waters being. the pumps, wnioa al0 fo,,t Inanued constantly, Ico is 8ig0 forming lu dangerous gorges wnd tbe U8uai troubles incident lo ihe gprlDK "opening" aro approhended v 6 ' b " It I hare used 1 aloe's Celery pompound and tt nasttadaaaiutary eOo?t,Ularl?orat. edlhesysteiqandi (eel like ji new loan, it UaproTCJ tbe appetite and facilitates dlgen 'tion." J.T.Corx- LiHo, ituuus, au Paine' Celery Compound U a UDl(ue tonic and appetizer.- Pleasant to tbe taste, quick In Its action, and without any Injurious effect. It glirs that russed health WiUCil lll-'y". n.nifiiniig W.W KlM., ft vuVf dyspeiMtu and kindred disorders, physicians present 11. l.. guna. Wsixa. lUcaiunsOM Co., Ilurllngton, gion, u COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BEOOSlWKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 An Attack of dravcl.o Tim Terrible BalTcrla of k M omna nt CO. y Ilorr Bhs mu linppllr C'irrd. j -Then tt nothlnit 1 now fnjor t t do not exn to htln UioJ Pr, DiTlJ Kcnnedrt Tarorlie iUmaSf, mkla t Itondont.X. T. Mr trooMn Watn la taj kldncri ntlfromlilch I ncrcr ttrectail to neor n. Tint tlicro wcro In inr l)Mt, 1 u ferer. lih, with no mlllonil eouM not titer, 1 ni com. pellcd to M a cuu, and Onillr got to wttk that I coal! not lmllono, TlioitUtiTMlnnirbwkwta Itrrible. IwubnrnlDirnpwIthkfoTrrorconiltDt IrtlilTrrlnitMltcold. MrrhjulcUntMld I HAD BRICHT'S DISEASE, Which WM klaruitiur InformHlon. To M l to Hit ( BIctlontXItrlLul lorn 111 tliout two jtiti, I hfcla bxl lilUck of Orarrl. Wticll Ibis Inula 111 riTr. inc mr rhrlcUn to npnir mis, ami t rcsbrocxl mTMlttodlo. Iluklfouriloctonttctidra,thobMt In thoconntrr, ret I conUnllr rr woim. BIi rMtiacolut Juno, howwcll I remraibrr tho timet I k Dr. Kennodfi rirotUe llomody adrcrtlncd in ourrarOT. AJteruilnitonobollloI thfowawrmr tavi and wen t to New York on a vUlt. and three tot tlea enrod no, Ihirancrcrhadaretnrn of Orarel, nor of tha palna or weaineu In tba back, and though I am OTor alitr reara of aga I am Now Vigorous and Strong" aa I wm In mr rrlm.. I .do alt tnr own work, and own work, l ttrnlf anowwliam in lo bo tired. ciuain liw noiiBOaml Bira It tn mr to tar prandchlldrcn. and all of thorarlou rtmivtu", l liait takfll could not r,-,-wiiiiiru,i n wnriicrrr i cnn. Vitihl ltn ntci&na thodloajin.ftntiCriiifa mnrart l avorlto Ibttimlr rtld-tt etujod .jt anl piido ina a.f tiwiifflffornni wmnan. Mm. tuicllno 1'. MUutr, Burn 11111. Ohio. FAVORITE REMEDY. WoaOnodoUir. I'rerarodatnonilonl.JI.T. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, lTlr4 br On, DATID KENNl'.nV, nONDOUT, N. Y. tlrer bottle Bit for M. r all dranrlate. THE GREAT German Remedy! T-r,.,-r...n -nr. nrnr- mnl M m inuinj run inc wiA, III 1-or Itioco ilenthlr I IniHousSpcllsdcpeml I onSlTLVHCKlUTTEH$ tljUUU will lu paid fnr n pjia vchfro fell L- PHUIt JTTKR9 Will UltirHicure tou. m ,ITTiJlieaviTti Siiotasfllftor cure. It lever rails. Euiniiiruuauuaiiguiiv Cli'iiliftn tho If iatotl 1 foelltiff: If to, uiChjiood when you Bee ISULPHUR BitTEBs; it wiucurc yon. ns'throueh tho skin OpcrailM'ttnliuairi hn PimnleB.lllotrJ.oa. Ltnd Sores. -Jtelr on l!lthfl mill a and work- Sdlviiur Hitters, c3 mil IiPnlth Will frtl.! mBDopB; ciersp.wnotio I I not procure eufficieiit III exercise, and all who III aroconQnctl In doorej low. 1 SULVlIintlMTTLltS U should nsoHULriiritl BITTKU8. They will Till cure Liver Com- niaint. Don't lie tils Ir-rtitrntrrd Itwlllmirc can til WW UVb tutu tl M MelrltlT. vou. K bnu'iiUR Hitters IT1 If tou do not wis to pufrcr from Uheum Iwlll build you up and I I atlsm, use n bottle on itnaKO you eixuuguuui 90LPHCB IIITTKRS; It never falls toeure.j WULriUIH ltITTER8 Don't be without n win mnKo your uioou pj nuro. rich and stronir. uS bottle. Try Its you1 will not rcjcTft It. I and your flesh hard. readies lu ilellcate Trv HULriifu Hit- health, who aro all run down, should use ilka itfamgm, udu you win sieep wen SULrilUR HITTFRfl, tnci ippi itcitcr Tor u. Do you want the bfBt Work published? fiend ( 2-cent emmpa to A. 1. OhiiHmy A Co, Boston, Man., and receive a copy, free. Hi lb treatment of many tbousonda of casca of tnuas chronlo wenkneasea and distressing atlmenta peculiar to females, at tbo Invallda Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. YM has afforded a vast experience In ulcoly adapt ing and thoroughly testlnar remedlca for the euro of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. l'lerco'a Favorite IToacrlptlon la tho outgrowth, or result, ot this great and Taluable experience. Thousands of tcstlmo niola, received from patipnta and from physi cians who bnve tested It lu the more agirra vatod and ohstlnato esses which bad battled their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for tbe relief and cure of suffering women. It Is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Speolno for woman's peculiar ailments. Am a powerful, invlcoratin-r tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and It appendages In particular. For overworked, "worn-out," "run-down." debilitated teachers, milllneri.. dressmakers, seamstresses, "shnp-glrla," house keepers, Durslng mothers, and feeble women generally, ur. fierce a s tba srreatest earthly I ierce'a Favnriti, Proanrlnflnn as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonlo. uuun. ucmg uuequiuea A. a aootliliiK and atreiiRthontiiK norvtne, "l'avorlte Prescription" is aualed and la invaluable In allaying and uing nervous excitability. Irritability. lavorlte t'resorlntiou " is une- sub- baustlon, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other diatrasalnrr. nervoua avmntoma nun. moniy attendant upon functional and orgaulo disease ot tbe womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and do- .pungency. Ur. JUerce. Favorite Prcicrlnilmi la a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by aa experienced and skillful physician, and adapted, to woman's delicate organization. It Is purely vegetable in Its composition and perfectly hormiess In its enocu in any condition or tne system, l or morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak atoinacb, indigestion, dys- in-jBiB aim ainureu ayiupioms. 114 use, in smau loses, will prove very beneficial. ' t avorltB Prflierlullnn f ! n nnct. tlve euro for tbe most complicated and ob- uuiiuic uutea uk leucorruea, excessive uowuii-, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo cnnt-r.i(nn. Inflammation and ulceration of tbe womb, ln- nammauon, pain ana tenderness In ovaries, accoinnanled with "lntcuial heat" is a roaulutor end rjrainntrr nf fiinA- tlonal action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, " Favorite l're crlptort"ls a perfectly safe remedial uaent. and can produce only good results. It la equally 1 when ta ually emcaclous and valuable In Its. effects ben taken for those disorders and (fpntnirA. mcnta incident to that later and most critical jwrinu. xnuwn aa -hub uange or i.ire. "Favorite Prescription," when taken In connection with tho use of Dr. Pierce' uoiuen aieuieai uiscovery, ana email loxntlvo doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Mvor PUls), cures Liver. Kidney and Illadder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood lorofu ioou lajnia, ana auoiisnet cancerous and Favorite J'rescrlpiloni' is the only medicine for womon. sold bydrugglsts.uiuler a positive etiaraiitee, from, tho umnu. f aclurers, thatlt will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee baa been printed on tho bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. iiuiuiuu, iiuiuui. .run. mo ' Favorite )'reacrlnlon is tlx ledlclne for women, sold by druggists, u sv uui.iviiiwiujhh ei.uu, or six bottles lor fi.OO. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (180 psgea, paper-covsred), send ten World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Slain SU, I1UIT.U.O. N. V. M. C. SLOAN & BRO BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUQQ1ES, PHAETNS. SLEIQHS, PLATFORM1 WAQ.aS &C FlratrClass work ajwaya on hand, HKPAlMnGNEAlLYDOflE. Price) reduced to luit the timei. You Hungry Spring medicine means mote now-a-dijs than It did ten years ago. Tbe wlnterot iws-bv has left the nerves oil JtypA out. The nerves must be strengthened, the blood purified, liver and bowels regulated. Palne's Celery Compound thi Spring mtilMn of to-day dotw all this, as nothing else can. Jrwritl h rkyUiyu, Utwmnmtld In DruggUt KndortiX by Mtnitttrt, Guaranteed by tki Uanuaeturtrt to li The Best Spring Medicine. In tbe stiMnz ot 1SST I was all run down. I would get up In the morning with so tired a uv luimuiiaiuii KVV ti.ln.i. nuW.iVi.. , B. uwiu, iwu.ntl.iiili,vi I wuv , yw- pound, and bcloru I had taken It a week I felt " SfflVhonUVbullilunrth: imgrneuicine." jira. U.A. Juw,iiuj , uurllngwn, Vt. Wolff'sACMEBIacking BEATS tho World. It IttheKstrt HARNESS DRESSING The BEST for Man' Bootc M80LVT3SLT WJLTEWHOOW. BOIH'KNSwitfPIICSKllVKBtheUttthOTi Omm m wkjbrmm' $mt bm! mm mtmlhe Wan riml kto srrnsui ssrtrt wtsl wrtk sa I hur hruh. KxnAiaX!ber vortH) bttd 1 no ruiim ftn bonM not npira yotnwrJI Uibl irocrw Hun dikImsi libat. , Hi 1 1 T t Tli m ini. TTTTitiMn iM 1TTm nwl WOLFF 4 RANDOLPH. fKUOCLnu. in WW un V7 BLOOMSBUKG PLANING MILL :o. The anderstcned having put bis Plants? M nallroad street. In flrst-ciass condition. Ibdd roatoao auKinasoi workinnisiinc. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. rnlshcd at reasouawe trices. All lumber use well seasoned and none Dot skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHAnXES KRCfl, IMooiiiHbiirK, Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES Tbo undcrsicniud bavins been re stored to health by aim pi o moans, after supffring for several yeare witb a severe lung aliection, and lliat droad disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will oheerlully send (free of charge) a copy nf tbo prescription used, which they will find a mre cure for Consumption, Asthma, Cataiuuj, Buoncihtis and all throat and lung Mat.adiks. He hopes nil sufferers will try bis ltemedy, as it is invaluable. Those tlesirinc the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a messing, will pleasj) address, Hev. Edward A. Wil- son( Williamsburg, Kings Uonnty, New York. A-iB-co.-dec-7-lv n HINDERCORN8: ThsXmJT "xire Cnr for Corn. Stop all piln. EnrarM oorafort to the feet. 15c tt PrugytiU. lltgooxttOq, H.T, flsTn n PARK mo worav c&sm jia in tut let reiueilr lur all llli amlna tromderecttTO nutrition. Take In tune. Wo, and tuu Feb l-d-iu 4& 131- i BACKACHE WEAK AND PAINFUL KIDNEYS. ACIllN'O SWt&j Hack and Cnest, ltbenmatlc, sciatic,- snarp, and Muscular Pains, reueved in one minute toy the. n, ,. TJn;, Dlnr.tnn TUe jrjtuuuuma iuin-i am iiaatot and only Instantaneous paln-kllllng Btrengtbenlng piaster, ko ois; d iur si. ai, uruKKlsis, or 01 l ot ter Dru; and Chemical Co., Boston. DTHT nmploa.blackheads, chopped andBT T?0 JTlMk oily Btln cured by cutlcura ioap. tUDO Jan ls-d-4t F IIRE INSURANCE CnnlSTTAN V. HNAPP, DLOOMSUCIIO.PA, MKKCIUNTS', OP NEWARK, N. J. ( LINTON, N. Y, PEOPLES' N. Y. KKADINO. PA. G lilt MAN AMERICAN INS. C0..NKW VUKK. UM.I..1 1KB. CO., MW l UltK. JKHSKY CITY FIltK INS. CO., JEltSET (JITY, N. J. These old cortoratioks are well seasoned bi au-A and WtUV THran anA h. rarri -et hart . loss settled by any court ol law. Their assets are ill Invested In solid sscobitiis are liable to the azara 01 ruts ouiy. Losses rROMPTLT and noNia-rL-r adluntM and (inld as soon as determined by Cuhistun t. KHArr, BPIOIII, AQBMTAMD ADJCSTSBBLOOUSBUaa, Thoneonlsof Columbia countrahonld natron. lze tho agency where losses It nay are Bottled and iaiu uy uiio ui iucr uwn uiirwjna. DONTybouuyr RubbcrBootsuntll you tiavo seen tho "COLCHESTER" with "Extension Edce" A. Napoleon Top, This Is the best fitting and MOST DURABLE BOOT In the market. Mado of tho Boat PURE CUM stock. The "Extension Edge" protects tho up per, odds to wear of tha Sole by giving broader treadlim surface, AND 8AVE8 MONEY FOR THE WEARER. narsaSwa BUY YOUR ARCTICS UN UUll 1 TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTER ARCTIC- with "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALL others In style A durability. If you want the worth of your money try the Colchester wltn OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kopt Hereby Best Stores. AT WII0LESALI UY HOIltiAN IIIIOH. &. CO., Wtlkebbarre, Pa. Nov, lf.3m. - Itojnl l.iiulil t,liit ineiida Iji-uIcc) t'lilnu, Uloto, Wood, leather, .Mt-Uiln, l'ur ulture, etc., with everlasting 'feiiueityl HU1 y Oroccrs, Drugslsls and Ueurrul Htores. ROYAL FOR SALE BY I. V. llartman & Sons, W. II. ilrooko Co, 'ine ureat Eastern Teaca, u. N, wnson, Klwell & Blttenbender, mmrr SIH.X HalU (11.1 W.ltk.' I MrxWrJ'J r ..ut.j. BJTiaCaTi sissPf JJTVJi39-i J&ailtifttlasr Cum. litis. Udiu an4 riiU' ttiM, wilts wotki tu.4 iut4 f atjual vlu, Ode I'rrion iQh lo (kltlr cats Mtsir can fltff. tortthrr wills our Urg 4aU tttifcl IU lit Ilttiurholiii riiitupli. Tbri'MuipUt, wall tl lt wtufe I'M Vea. tact ifUr ruil hava Etlil thm yam bm ! 9 Month lb" " m insy lut clli4, iht bieomt yow jii ilfP,rt!-. 'n Nainplr. Wa pay U tipn. Mnl,w. AAiVtw. MtluniinVlfi Co., lion, HL'-S IPriliUMl PATENTS voats and Trade Marks obtalnd,and all 1'atent slness conducted lor MOUKH atk kkkh. HUH OtflMCK IS OPIMH1TB O. B. PATENT OKF1UU. We have no auu-avencles, all busuuss airecx, uencecan irausaci pateni, Duaioeasm less time and atLKS3 coax than those remote from Wasulngtoo. send model, drawing, or pUoto.wtth description, We advlsoi If patentable or not, free of charge, fiur fi not duo till naient la socurel. A book,"llow' to obtain rutenu,"wltn reterenses OS'lluat UJlcuia IU four oiulo, vvuui, ur lunu, u ir?. Midi. C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite patent one, wasting-ton, D.0 GLUE In New York's City IlalLaro n lot of paintlnuR of old Governors of Now York which com into promiucnco ovorv onco in a whilo becauso -of a elicrifl'g levy to sell thorn to satisfy jiitlginonls against the city.' Ono of mi-Bo jiuigmcntS' iB now on Jmnd, but exccutiong linvo boon Btaycd. Tho form of lcvylnK upon them js gone through tvitli, bcoauso jiorsonal- prop erty' must bo cxliaunlcj buforo real proii crty can, bo levied upon. The cases have alwajs been hcttled without dis posing of the picturts of the Governors, and thu present levies will probably prove no exception. In a suit in Now York oity recently Mrp. Sarah Jnno Collins said that bank books, mid, checks which her husband hid in his pofisoseion had been destroy ed or sold during tho war "when paper was dear.'' Doing asked by tho op I'Osinij counsel what war she meant, h!io Raid; it wm not the War nf Indepen dence but tlio Hebollion. Sbo declined to answer whoa it endnd. Said she: 'I' didn't fight in iu How should I kimw." Tho schooner W. L. White, aban doned bv her crew off lho Delaware Bay during tho Rtcat storm of Maroh 13 last, has turned up stranded on tho Hebrides. During this time slio travel ed 5000 miles over tho ocean, was sighted aiid reported forty-Bvo times and dccribod a z!g zai- course, now norlhtruit, soothwest, tiao'r and forth lo all tlio points of tho compass, by far the inofit intoreting of tho reoords in oxistanco. Tbo Hev. Edward Evorett Halo and others havo petitioned the Massachu setts Legislature in favor of pension ing public school teachers who mry hate served half a century. A yonng man at Hockford III., some time aijo wrote his- name in a girl's album and now ho is defendert in a suit brought by the lair damsel to re. covir 8800, the amount of a note (he ho'ds against him. It is believed tho note was written on tho pago of tho album wncre be signed his namo. Tho young man should congratulate him self thatdt .isu't n brcaoh of promiso cao instead. A chatty gossiper in the Boston "Tianecript" refers to the extraordinary numuer ot levturvs and readings in the foreign tongues now going on in lioston. The privilege of bearioa and admiring .what you can. not understand Js highly appreciated in Boston. Six young ladies of Brunswick. Go.. have organized themselves into an "Old Maid Club," pledging each other never-to marry unless tho consent' of overyi member of lho club: is obtained, the contesting members to act as brides maid and each present the bride with a handsome preent.i One of tho mem bers having had' tho quotum popped aDtl being unable to get unanimous,, consont is now waiting .for the dissent ing members to meet their "fates ' when sho Joels will relent, , Father Kolasinki, whoso removal from tho Polish .Church in Detroit three years ago resultod in Beveral riotsj recently administered firstioommunion to a largo number of children, of his adherents in a ohapcl fixed up in his house, His fiiends say thoy do not care for tho Bishop and will build a church and install Kolasinki. They claim to be .2000 strong, A thief of peculiarly mean turn of mind appeared in Now York- reoently. A poor car driver named Barry, living at 309 East Twenty-ninth street, who could barely cam enough to keep his family, broke bfs log and was in a des perate strait. His wife done washing and ecrubbing to help out. One night a roan, presented himself as the janitor of a down-town buildinj, and giving her a koy for which he required a de posit of fifty conts, told her to go down and scrub it out. Arriving at the placo she found that no ono knew anything of the man. Sho was out tbo fifty cents for tho koy and ten cents for oar fare, both of which she had bono wed from a neighbor. Petitions are circulating in different parts of the State asking- tho legislc ture to pass a law .forbidding the salo of cigarettes and, tobacco to persons under sixtre.i years' of ago, It is to bo hoped Harrisburg will take tlio matter into serious con sideration, mature and pass a bill deal ing effectually with this evil. Tho physiological effects of tho use of tobacco on children aro known only too well. Tho caso also with which cheap cigaretts and tobacco can be procured by young boys, and even girls, is evident to every observer. School teachers protest against their use in vain, and 'the efforts of tho parents are tendered aboitive by the git ctl of slioopkecpers. A bill on this aubjict has already been introduced in the New York Legislature, and' Penn sylvania should not be behind in deal ing with this crying evil. Tate SrmNOs, Tinh., July 4, 1888. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: During tbe spring of 1871, while working In the field at my home in Morgan county, Ga., I pulled ofl my shoes to sire my feet a rest. Unfortunately-, I walked Into a clump of poison oak, and In a few days mv feet were in a terrible condition, and I could not put on a shoe because of the soreness and swelling, I was treated as -poison oak cases usually are, and everything was healed up. About tht same, time ,thJ following spring, 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, and even' succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the dis ease, only each, time it became more dis tressing, because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally, I was Induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and to-day ant entirely-well. My Improvement was gradual from the first, and no evidence of the disease remains. I shall take pleas ure in testifying as to Its curative proper ties. It ii the greatest blood purifier in ex istence, Yours truly, J, L, Morgan. The foregoing certificate Is taken at random from thousands of letters in posses, slon of the Swift Specific Co.. and presented simply as a sample. It is a voluntary statement, giving-' facts and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question, A valuable Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free, . Address THE SWIFT SPKCII'IC CO., VWawarj Atlaatst'Cv THE WORLD TO-DAY, A MAGNIFICENT .ATLAS OK TUB WOULD. In one large quarto volume, 10 z II Inches In site, containing III pages of handsomely, en. grated and colored map- Also an Index of oter 8,o cities,- rlreis, eto., throughout tbe world, giving enact location. Cloth, price 12.00, plus 80q postage. A beautiful, aocu -ate, convenient and compre- beoilve atlas, a marvel or art, o( lotnrmatlga and ofprl;c,tlie eiiial of tbi best IIUOU atlas ever published. A IHNDY ATLAS OF THK WOULD. A neat and convenient volume, containing 194 colored mans, diagrams, tables,' euv descriptive ot every country In tha .world, carefully class lied and akuttuiiy arraugeu iur eaiy reieroucu. uuu pages of information,, valuable an 1 available, (jlotli, price fuo, plus so A guide book to the whole world, a pocket cyclo iwdia, a marvel' of .value1 and chatpness, and a Jlalli companion o( every neyrsptper reador, bent by mall on receipt of price and postage. En;loio rostoraeo Money Order, New York Draft, or Postal Note t jr full amount. Blox a. Bittissar, IU QUInoy kU, BrMUym N. Y, Rtimford YEAST POWDER, "Tlio OW Koliablo." Restores to tlio flour tho nutritious phosphates lost In bolting. No other powder does tills, nutritious. Put up In bottles. PERRINE'S nl'Ev from selected Harley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure and tree fromMoJurious oils and .aclda ortcn contnlned In alconollo liquors. It la especially adapted to persons requiring a stlmulatlngtonlc, consumpllrea being srrcatlr benenttedby its use. Hccommendcd by leading physicians as a Uluretlv Norrlno, Tonlo and lteratire. For contratnptlira It is Invaluable. l'fcItltINK'8 I'UHK I1AIILKV MALT W1II8KEV insures a return or vigor loincBtoroacn, agouu appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increased nesh nnd muscular tissue. A mIM nnrl ff,ntln In ufTrw, Il,-nnfnaln. Inr1tcrrtlnn and nil WaStlDlf dl cases can bo entirely conquered by tho ubo or I errint's l ure Hurley alt Whiskeys It Is a tonlo nnd diuretic and a powerful sticngthener to tho c-ntlro syBtt-m. I'Blt ItlNK'S fUHK I1AHLKYMALT W11ISKK1 has proved a medicinal protection to those who pursue tueir avocations liitheopenalr and whoso dally work calls It exceptional powers nf endurance. Ask yout nearest druggist or grocer for lor 1'KKltINK'SrUHK UAHLEY MALT WIIIHKRY revives thocnerglcs of those iorn out with exccsal vo ooiiliy or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposuro in weLana rtgoroai. vieatner. ltwllldnre aumaianousuiseaaesiruui tueajsit-iu. Hard workcrsof every vocation and persons whom n sedentary lite renders prone to iiyBpepsiniinain rernne-B rure nancy Mall wblskey a powerful Invlgorant and helper to digestion. l'KmtlNKS rUKK DAltl.KY MALT WIUBKItY wtinoui unuuiy stimulating n-ys lnercasos their nagutng activity, counteracts the effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and la a wholo9omo and prompt diuretic. Watch the label 1 ono genuine unless bearing the sitrrjit tnrn Iot saie ur all drug g9 and grocers througno tbe united States and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A r-Ull'SALK ill ENNEY GOODS Alexander Bros. (6 Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. 60LB AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLARDS HICANDIES. FRESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. A SPECIALTY. sols laniTS ros P. P. ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing oranas or Cigars. nENRY CLAY, LONDKES, NOHMAL, INDIAN PIIINCKS8, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. C. JB. EOBBIIS, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. LADIES ! lag. nt Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! mey will dve everything. They are sold evera where. Trice lie. a package. 4U eolors. They havo no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or lor fahtness cf color, ir non-fading qualities. Tney do not crack or smut. For salo 07 aioj er uiva. auu das. 11. ouercer. ieoivriy. AclvcrtlHerH by addressing Ceo, I". Kowe & Co. 10 spruce M., New York In good faith, can obtain all needed Information about any nroDOsed line or ADVEliTISING In American Newspapers. v sse-page l'amnnicr, aoo. Nov 18-MW. J. W. CUSICK, Fyrmont, Ohio, writes: ' I (eel that I can not rec ommend Dr. 8etli Arnold's Cough , Killer too highly, Would not b without It. Druggists, Sic, COc-, and l.oo. mason & mm 1 ha cabinet organ waatntrodaced In lu present formby Maaon h Uamlinln lsat. Other makers followed la the manufacture of these Instruments, but the Mason & IlaiuUn Organs hare always main tained their supremacy aa the beet In the world. Mason A Hamlin offer, aa demonstration of the sneaoauca exct uenco or meir organs, the fact that at au ot the great World's Exhibitions, since that of I'frla, IMT.Tnftnn I V ouipetliioa ORGANS wiuipeei eraofatlcoun- tries, ther have Invarlablytak- en tha blahest' honora. lUus- trated catalo?nea H22 Ttl fkruul. fr. Mason St lUmlln do not hesitate to mike the ei. traordinary claim tot their pianos, that they are superior to all others. They recognize the high ucellenca achieved by othar leading makers In lie an of piano building, but still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to the remarkable Im provement Introdoced by them In the year 1331, and now known as tho "mason & IIimlin Piano ta'sKu'eS'tbe Ql ft f A tba um of blcrt si bis purity and K I D IU 1 1 XfennemenF ot lone, together! Irll 1 WWwlth greaUyln creaMd capacl. 01ASD m OretJIlT. ty for standing In tana ana other Important advantages. A circular, containing testimonials from thre hundred purchasers, musicians, and tuners, sent, together with dearrlptire catalogue, to any applicant I'lanos and Oreaoa sold (or cash or tut pay. menu: also rented. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO, UUaiTUN. MtW.a-UUU.. CUICIUO,, OctSMm. rbros ml Tho WONDERFUL 'LUBURG CHAIR OuioUnhii pari sr. Llkfiff. Snok. uuaiwiani rsritr. Liifiri, inoi III. Ricllilii. w livitltj CHAlfl. w maaa tn lAraeet vuietl ol ailiitiiis. Sicii.i.i, rkiiicim' llM.. ! OmuIIii. IimIU . , , . KtawKk. Sice,, likrarv, LOC PEDC8 and self phopellVIk. AIL KINDS SF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. B Aijjf QOACHES inn 1lfaMia (tor Piliil AsUailU Brahton all Car, vT I t X UaBWsllIasBSa dlrat Btitli llMml nraAlm s..a- .if.. a iM du srs won un mm lad siiiJ ltariipliia trill our A Ik. t nail M Bs SfiBAK mim rJH J (VTi'jAiu.... far-iu,.,, uiVJS ..V-i-Ji Oatka, aud tUU elaM ol anode you wBi It lot. . LUBURG MFC. CO. 143 North lilgbtk Hlreau fblladelvkla, Pa, Exchange Hotel, HKIJTOM, 1'A. ,,.U uuii,N.u uum .cubvu mis -weii.Known house, and IJ pr pared to accommodate tbo nublla with all the conveniences of a arst-class hofeL ImyS7 LlUOSr, DltAliH, ,f Mill .1 V. It is healthful and MALT WHISKEY. The analysis as It appears by the Lai NtpArt IhnWlll ItARLKT MALT WOIS- mi nn pipr, imu.ip; . iisvh cniciuiu uu tno kid isr mado rerrlne andnnoa it entirely rree rrom nisei uii.iui.unu, metals and acldB and Is absolute!) nw VMrmPH. retfAtUA ArlhW Hater. Umduatenlie Untrerttt tft of JunfcA, uetieva ana new oaaen UllUUUin LB ASiU AUU UBftUlilW, ANY OKDEIl FOU FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITU THE LOWEST Market Priess, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; cream nuts, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL & HYPOPEOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So illsgnlsad tbat It can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the niosl sensitive stomach, when the plain oil rannot be tolerated and by the com bination or the oil with the hynonhos phttea la much more efflcacloas. Kemtrkitle u flesh producer. Persoid gain rapidly while UVlag It, SCOTT'S EMTJL8ION is acknowledgeaby Physicians to be tbe Finest and Best prepa. ration in tho world for the relief and euro ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CEN.?lir-Pf B'L'TY, WASTING DISKASE8, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. 3ni -oreai jemeiiy for Omnmptlan, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Drvggltta. sept SS-'S8-ly DR.THEEL ROO r.rtb K.urll, HtreL U00, raiM.ii.bis, r.H wiia JO ' vear.(s...l.e)prtllp,rt. '".'tt araatea lo ear. rgu usre ;y!UlV W''oUa. no aulter w'e V. V J"I"JI0II 1 .UJ..tlil of Bll Cmbli SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON. OI1HTINATR I'l.CKltS. 11LOTCIIF.S. Kit IJ PTION S. 1I JI I'i.EN. I wSlC lNUN,INFI,ASIMATIONrl.lV.tMlt; ft?!1? ".V" ''ylBl and MemiS ,wi"i'fi".""n,..?,,'"""'"0"n' Bladder uud Kidney UlseunoN. (Acuta cases 4-10 Hall., ... Ml, lw.1 tin lo ib. utlooiH,.,il n,i,,;SJii, KS ai uguat 17'S31y. CURE Wlian V . . a. . i ,5. ' 1 uo not mean mere r to stop ihem fur a tlmo, aud then have them to. turn again. 1 meak' a JAl)IC4JU CUIuL I have msJo the disease ot "" FITS, EPILEPSY op FALLING SICKNESS, ssasa 1 H.Q.ROOT.M.C, l83plaUST.NttlY0llg scorn FITS! A. C. YATES & CO. tt!!&.ciieataat, i.icnmiit huii.mincj. Best Made Clothing n Philadelphia1 ,fo Men Iouth..and .hildren. A. C. YATES & CO. i.i;igi;k nun.niNt:. GUTFUL-COJtFOHTlNG. EPP'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. 0 "By athoroushknowlediroof tho natural laws which govern tho operations of digestion nnd nutrition, and by a careful application of the line properties of well-selected i.'ocoa, sir. KppshaB provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious use ot suclt articles of diet t hat a constitution may bo gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency lo dl eaHC. Hundreds of subtlo maladies aro floating around us re idj- to attack wherever there Is a weak point. W may escnpo many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-Cfrfl Service Vatettt. Alaao simply with boiling water or milk. Hold only In ball pound tins, by Uroccrs, labelled thus: JAM lii kits i; CO., nomcoopathlc Chemists, octve-d-cu London, England. RAILROAD TZIVXa TABIiH JQELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NortTn. ru rv a. is. a. v NORinUMBSHLAND ( 40 1 65 10 10 D 15 Cameron. 6 E3 lo S5 s so Chulnsky 6 no .... 10 S9 6 84 Danville o 03 l 6S 10 so e 40 catawlssa 6 as 2 14 lo M s is upert.. 8 so 2 iu n oo 7 05 Uloomsburg 6 86 2 2) 11 07 7 12 Espy. 6 42 2 29 11 15 ? 20 Llmoltldge. 6 50 .... 11 22 7 27 W1U0W Grove........ ... 6 64 .... J 26 7 81 Briarcrcek s 63 ii 30 7 85 Berwick 7 05 S 49 11 87 7 42 Beach Haven 7 11 2 54 11 44 7 49 Hick's Ferry. 7 18 2 69 1149 65 snlckshlnny 7 to 3 09 11 09 8 eg HunlOCk's 7 43 3 19 12 09 8 IT Nantlcoke 7 60 3 20 12 16 8 22 Avondalo 7 54 .... 12 20 8 83 Plymouth 7 69 3 85 12 25 8 33 Plymouth Junction 8 0.1 3 89 1: 80 8 88 Kingston 8 08 8 43 12 87 8 45 Bennett 8 12 .... 19 41 8 49 Maltby 8 17 12 45 8 63 Wyoming 8 22 3 62 12 60 8 68 West Httston. 8 27 3 66 12 65 9 03 IlttSton 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 Taylorrllle.... 8 48 .... 1 19 v 25 Bellevue 8 54 1 25 9 so 8CSAKT0M 9 CO 4 22 1 30 9 85 PM F M r it All STATIONS. SOUTH. AM AU PM PM SCBANTOK 0 10 9 50 2 05 0 !0 Bellevne 6 16 9 65 .... 6 25 Taylorvtlle. 6 so to oo 2 14 e so Lackawanna. 6 24 lo 08 2 21 6 37 Plttston 6 86 10 16 S 28 6 45 We6t Httston 6 42 10 22 2 84 A 60 Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 2 39 6 55 Ualiby 6 51 10 SO .... 6 69 Bennett 0 65 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 33 2 50 7 07 Plymouth Junction 705 1042 2 64 7 12 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 16 Avondalo 7 14 10 61 3 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 3 06 725 IlunlOCk's 7 26 II 02 3 19 7 43 Shlckshlnny 7 47 11 12 8 29 7 65 nick'B Ferry 7 65 11 22 3 39 8 07 Beach Haven, 8 01 II 28 3 45 s is Berwick 8 07 11 37 3 51 8 20 Bnorcreek 8 13 3 57 8 27 Willow Grove 8 16 11 48 4 01 8 81 Llmeltldge. ....8 20 11 62 4 05 8 SS Kspy.. 8 26 11 19 4 12 8 41 Bloomsburg 8 32 12 05 4 18 8 47 Itupert 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssa 8 2 12 16 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 67 12 30 4 46 9 15 Chulasky. 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 07 12 40 5 00 9 28 NOBTnUHBBHLAND 9 22 12 65 5 15 9 45 AMPMrMPH Connections at Itupert with Philadelphia Heading Hallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will- lamsport, Sunbury, rottsvlile, eto. At Narthnm berland with r. K. DIv. P. H. It. for narrlaburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. "v. F. nALSTBAD, Gen. Man., Scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IM TIME TABLE. In effect Nov, 19 i889. Trains leave sunbury EASTWA11D 9.40 a. m., sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), forltamsburgandlntennedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 y. m. j New York, -wv'Wi uaiuiuure, p.m.: wasningion1 e.55 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea HhOrft nOtntH. ThtnilVh ncoennnn. k . - Philadelphia. v i.toy. m.uar express. dlate Btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia, aKO n. m. Void n k n M . ,,. ... . 6.45 p.m.; Washington, e.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to rhlladelpbla and Baltimore. fl,f?..J?, "-lynoyo Accommodation (daily fSr I,.ar,Wi.r(5 V? 111 Intermediate Btatlons, arrlv Ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. t New York 7.1b a. m. Baltimore, 5.15 s. m. : Washington 6 SO a. mT imumansleeplngcarlrom Harrisburg to Phtladel phla and New 1 ork. Philadelphia passengers can KW.'?. "'POf unduturbed until 7 a. m. V llllamsport on Sunday's. lnt.;mMftrB.& i m IJhorkVll,Ma' m': Daltlmore ger coachYs to PhlladelphTa "aid mn&oxl. WESTWAHU. Kills m n.i. -a... . . .. . . NiV'JSyrift t0J?..oclicMer. BufTalS lla cars and passencercoacuea to Erie ana Iiocrie" 1 &nMiiXZti&run o.r.i,.- v ? .'"'""""ueeiaiions ana usn Kftte. andprlnclpal intermediate Btatlons, ...Qlv, uuumu unu Niagara Falls with a.ann. m vnt tf,o bJ I- . c. u ""frmeoiate stations, with through nas. ""i1'.?8 1? ltenoro nd Watklns. V dla'te Kit 10?- 7 mnl l0t "eDiV0 ana 'a"""!- THRODQU TltAINS TOU BTODirilY FltOMTDB Rnnrlav rnall th. . . ... iiBrH.i.,,'JnJS;:.i",pe'rnia 4.M a. m uS'lA&rfi.&.W'' BUD(la Phiiaitainhi. .n. . .,aia Kxpress leaves- rifiafflSSft. Z"i0' frorn.p'h'i iPelpS-i phla and ifalttmoTS; 8" vCDet ma ladel- Wnst Tina . . .... morV1 bi11 ra8mn810n' a- M.? Bait -"unbury" 'nf1'7 WWS'1) awVlng at Erie Mall leaves New YorkfLOOc m Phiiariai. "ffiKsiW??. SL. X 'FHB.HIIK Hir iiiiiii Itill'.AY. Ual're?i!ptsunaay.i aKrr!.tt . Sunbury Mall leaves WnkeiVi , J?? t'10.? I .,"Z1'"' wi uesbarre 10.111 mgai 11100m yerrv 11 . S-KlK.'i".?: ' -f,?;ZZXX??!'r a,.ii'.,Hunbury 12.45 n. m " rerry ,so p.m., sunbury SUNDAY ONLY, atBSffi?erry l0?68ri6uuT,8s- m'l a"'De -.u.-ag,r 0a.PllwlAt fc JVfiL a-- Jt 4m'