THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. SBL J. K. BltlonbWor., f teri. HLOOM8BUKG, PA, fuiDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1889. At a regular inoettag of the Demo caatlo Coramittoe for tho Townships composing the Bloom Poor District hold tho 2n1 day of Fob. 1889 0. A. Kloim and L. M. 1'uttiL wcro duly nomlnatol as Directors of tho Poor to bo voted for at the election to bn hold Feb. 19. 1889. O. B. Ekt See. Wm. (.'iiiusman Chairman WASHINGTON LETTER. f Worn oar Heiro.laroorroepondent.1 Va8htngton, Feb. 7, 1889. Preildont Cleveland and Secretary Bayard have every right to be proud of their action in tho Samoan matter. rrn . l 1 . .i it xuvy uuvu iuuuu uiu greaicHt uniiy oi the nineteenth -century Ilisma'ok T;.',1d'wn on his marrow bones and ao knowR'Ugk 'Jrnself In tho wrong, and promise to do elter in the luturo. What is to come ov of thh Sampan squabble remains to be' ov.;'. but up to the latest data American rig.,n and honor were intict, aud likely to remain BO. The retusal nf Senator Allison to bury bis president al aspirations by becoming Secretary of tho Treasury for General Harrison, has knocked the cabinet makers silly. They do not seem able to pull themselves together yet,or to know whal to say next. It is believed that John Sherman chuckles to himself every time he gets in a dark place over Mr. Harrison's trouble in making up his cabinet. Representative Springer is a happy man. After working many weary months against a deter l ined opposition ho has tho satisfaction of seeing the Oklahoma bill passed by the House with a good healthy majority. The bill now goes to the senate where the fight will begin again, but, owing to the shortness of the session it will have to be made- sharp and quick by tho friends of the measure or it will be lost. John Bosbyhead, ez Governor of the Cherokee nation, says the President has promised him to veto tho bill should it get through tho Senate. A Strong appeal to tho public in favor of American shipping was made by the American Shipping League which held its annuil session here last week. Friday evening a publio meet ing was held in which a number of prominent Democrats and Republicans made speeches commending the work undertaken by tho league. A notable feature of the speeches was the compli mentary manner in which tho Repub lican speakers' alluded to Secretary Whitney. Representative Boutelle, of Maine, called him tho "enterprising and wide-awako Secretary of the Navy," etc. When one at all familiar with the Navy Department nnder previous administrations looks at what Mr. Whttnoy has accomplished, and how little it has cost, comparatively, he can not help commending tho hardworking Secretary for tbe good he haa done, and regretting that tho country is soou to lose the services of euoh a man. The number of nominations unacted upon and now pending bo fore tho Sen ate is over 4oo. When a Republican Senator is asked whethei his party proposes to "hang up1' all these nomin ations for good, he will begin to talk with great interest about something else. Statement COLUMBIA COUNTY, From January 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889. statement bhowinq taxes assessed and balance still due. .TOWNSIHPS. Beaver. Benton Berwick., ..- Bloom. un arc reek Catawissa Centralla. ...... Centre Conyngbm. . Flahlnecrtc... Franklin cireenwood.,... Hemlock Jackson Locttat MaiUson. slain .. -Mifflin Montour Mt. Pleasnt .... orange Pin Hoartngcreek.. Bcott rlugarloaf Amount due for years previous to 1888. District, collectors Vr Couty Dog Bloom W. a Allen 1684 79 60 Bloom B. Harris I860 484 50 83 00 1194 60 $'68 50 GEORGE A. IIERR1NO Treasurer of Columbia County, In account with Bald County on county funds. January Jnd, IfSS. DR. To amt uncollected prior to 1888 .... t 6093 43 " atnt ou hand at last settlement ... county tax assessed In lsas SS741 16 tax on register of voters. 11843 atnt collected ou unseated lands... 3096 65 ii seated " 940 89 ii ii kui.1 vatI 1 rtr hnrjl and rcataurant license. ?' ii .inmti I tetter, old Blank.., " John B Mann, cost com. vs. JB Mann Cl A Buckingham, costs Com. vs. Wal tct llay a... ...... .............. i uuy Jacoby, couu Com. va, 1'aul i-egatt. - w il Bnyder, Froth, cost com. vs. Ulasamejer , " w U Snyder, Froth, cost on struck Jury, Kindt va. Bands. ' 6 A Baiter, old Iron safe..., .... Catherine Bankus county tax had been exonerated tu U7 " jwmrulsaloners. lnuranoe ion Jill StatwS?.KPP i " 1 W WcKelvy, Buwtt l arsKt; Weaver at Danville Asylum.. . . .... " Anna MeUUk, support of 1'eter y click at UanvlUe Asylum............. ..... Geo. K KlweU support of John Barton at Danville Asylum . Michael Fetterolf, dot tax exonerated in 1683 W 11 Bnyder, Ink balance due George A Herring, Treas. urer.. - 1300 1300 4 8j 4608 56 SS 950 36 69 09 68 33 58U 1 00 300 35 68 t37u C1L Br oommlsHlons and discounts allowed on County tax for issa. Districts Beaver Benton Berwick lllncun Com. Dls. f I 69 f 18 83 Districts Jackaon Locust atadlaon Main Mini in MnnLour Com. Dls. I 4 6a f 3 10 9ta 15 63 S3S 9UX3 JO 11 88 89 8048 1883 SO S9 18 44 83 81 0710 133 30 80 93 38 83 41 04 3731 04 38 81 W 148 3318 84 73 80 38 84 39 8843 18 VS 89 38 7fc3 SI 68 833 liriArcreek 18 SI catawlasa 3d If Centralla 81 33 centre 77 conyngtn vtn yrankfln f lleUidk 1W Mtrhmnt U 4 Orange 80 30 lite 410 Koarvc 187 BOOtt 83 13 hufarloof s 84 Hssia 7U08 Cll. nrcommlaiilons exonerations and returns allow. fdcolUxtereon Ooutty tax for 1&& lMa Com Ex Itet Beayer IWM w Dla Com Loouat Madla'n Main Miailu M'nvur Mtfl'nt Ex C I Ret. 433 1184 318 D 34 814 Benton liloaia Cal'wa CettUUa cmut Oiivyia XI u 878 MM (0 Salt Rheum The agonlei of those who auffcr from lerere tit rheum are Indescribable. Tho cleanilng, healing, purifying Influences of Hood's Batia yarllla are unequalled by any other medicine. " 1 take pleasure In recommending Hood's BarsaparlUa, for It haa done wonders for me. I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me er nearly my entlro hody. Only those who havo suffered from this disease In lis worst form can Imagtno tho extent of my affliction. I tried many medicines, but fatted to receive benefit until 1 took Hood's BarsaparlUa, Then the disease began to subside, tho Agonizing Itoh and Pain disappeared, and now t am entirely free from the disease. My blood seems to be thor oughly purified, and my general health Is greatly benefited." LvuAX Allin, Beaton N. E. Church, North Chicago, 111. "My son bad salt rheum on his hands and the calves ft his legs, so bad that they would crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Bar saparlUa and Is entirely cured." J. 1). Btam. ton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 136 " I was seriously troubled with salt rheum tor three years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment I decided to try Hood's BarsaparlUa. I am now entirely cured of salt rheum i my weight has Increased from 108 lbs. to 135." Mas. Alice Burnt, Stamford, Conn. It you suffer from salt thcum, or any blood disease, try Hood's BarsaparlUa. It has cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's Sarsaparilla ftoldbyalldnggtata. fliilxforgs. Prepared onlr by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses, One Dollar a if m n III Mil Mil Hi SPECIALIST, In The Trentment of Chronic Diseased confines his practice to soon cases only as are bo oloarly and Mlly developed as to make a complete Diagnosis without Questioning or allowing Pati ents to make a statement of their condition, on this basis of Positive Diagnosis, tor treatment, Dr Clark's Experience hmabrpome etrlrtly unlimit ed by n Practice which In extent, variety and ueceNnfnl reeulta l eqnnllrd bj Tew anil ex pelled by none. Patient net cured by ordinary Treatment or In doubt tie to tbe nature of their dleaiee Especially Invited DR. CLARK Teaches and Practices Positive Dlagnosu ana can be consulted free of charge at NEW YORK CITY, Jan 17 to S3. Jan. si to Feb. 6. Feb. 13 to 20, '89 SCRANTON, I'A., Lackawanna Valley Bouse, Feb. 9 and 11, Ha. CATAWISSA, PA., Susquehanna House, Wednes day, Feb. si, '89. DENTON, PA., Exchange Hotel, Friday, Feb, 82, 1R9. BLOOMSBURGII, PA., Exchange notel Saturday, Feb. 81, ro. MUNCY, PA., Muncy Valley House, Monday, Feb. 85, '69. WILLIAMSPOBT, PA., Porter House, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 86 and 87, 9. Deformity From Urights Disease- S. D. VanBmkirk, of Demorest, N. J., says Auf?. 20, 1888; "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of tton dout, New York., has cured our daughter of Bright's Disease, after all other means bad failed. She was so swolloo that sho measured 45 inobes around the waist, and 18 inches below the knee. To Bay that we feel thankful for such a boon as Favorite Remedy is but a poor expression of the feelings of grateful parents.' of Finances -OF- S t t 71S it 90S SO 1864 19 4148 88 00 90 00 63 SO 103 00 It 110 68 B0 4 60 84 00 19 00 98 00 4 00 73 IS 463 15 C5 60 68 60 41 50 74 60 69 00 60 50 8 60 63 50 10 SO 78 60 49 08 IS 89 99 as 871 90 CS 69 73 91 "TsS 6 60 18 15 8 77 37 98 4 35 19 88 IT 16 81 06 7 6 89 61 II 64 9 89 89 31 8 10 81 90 13 91 40 43 44 699 07 644 2d 1375 lrj 601 09 1119 S3 ilia 14 183 O0 718 b: 1957 03 1103 83 1714 68 ItSO 89 1164 44 6oe e SM 76 51 97 180 79 918 13 313 741 SB" sa; 18 60 75 94. 41 98! 419 61 C9 9S! 37 45' 133 48 64 87 78 74' 164 39, 76 IS, 98 651 911 S9 II 58 98 90 870 39 BS8 43 830 33 496 03 319 97 174 87 450 61' 85 00 M7T 38 99 00 67 50 M 00 137 00 85 60 63 00 81 59 56 60 84 93 11M1 44 298 K 1584 W 1060 41 44 50 85 60 54 60 84 SO 328 47 187 54 351 74 354 01 605 73 109 65 80 W 61 00 85 00 S3 08 89 60 39 50 81 61 41 00 68 00 on 4i 889 08 300 98 8T1 53 938 81 SS CO 60 00 88 00 80 60 61 W tti 81 4U OS 60 03 673 64 M&S 41 867 67 64 60 51 CO SSI HI 0 VJ. 831 61 'J88741 16' '11687 001 t 5057 M tl0668 791 t 1170 98 it 018 ai Flah'o'k Or'enw'd lleml'ck Jackson 866 560 1 98 377 Pine Bcott Burio'f 7 57 1184 10 85 145 98 .... I 139787 683 08 765 08 397 87 117 27 By total commissions " ajscounia " " exonerations and returns. " amount due from collectors 1837 11 II II u I. Ittju, 10568 79 86360 89 " county orders Issued and redeemed, ii commission to treasurer 1054 44 $SS7i OEOROE A. IIEltRINO, Treasurer, n account with dog fund. January tnd. 1SS3 '10 amount ane at taat Betiiement on au- pucates of 1887 Tarn amount due at last Hemetnent on 11100m dunllcaufl of thHO and lsi ti 48 amount assessed in 1888 loDIOO tamo cn. By commission and exonerations allowed collect ors uu iiuk u loot. Dtntrlcu. Com. Ex. I Bearer Uo iW Benton 13 110 Bloom 7 on catawlasa l a" Cantralla . 1 00 Outre " 4 00 Cony'm 10 SO Klsh'o'k 9 00 Oreenw'd 7 60 I Jackson 8 00 LOCUkt 4 30 Districts. Com. vj Madlson 4 00 Main 8 30 Mltmr.' ion Montour 8 00 Mt ITnt I 00 orange 00 line 3 to Bcott 8 30 Bugarlo't 8 00 1313 pa 00 cn. on dog tax for It Com. Ills. Districts. Com. Dls. t 67 f 1 13 Jackson f 83 f 37 03 1 01 LOCUSt I 33 S 34 63 1 10 Madison 93 1 1 33 l Main 84 141 31 83 Mifflin 41 101 43 90 Montour 48 80 01 10 MtlTnl 108 100 48 80 orange 13 187 01 04 Hue 93 33 30 91 Koai-C'k 49 S3 GO 100 bCOtt 49 80 1 87 3 13 Bug-loaf r 30 91 1 03 Districts, Bearer Benton Berwick Bloom BrlarCk cat'Wsa Ce it'lli Centra cony'm Hbh'c'k Kr'nx'n Or'enw'd lleml'ck 119 38 13114 By total commission to collectors 1 i discount allowed " 11 ii exoneration " " 11 w amount tjdem paid In IS88 ,, amount du from collaouini ksa.,.., " amount due from collector itar.... " amount due from collectors 18--0 and 1384. Bloom. .. ....... i' commission to treasurer..,, cash balance on hana. , ... , 17 71 83 14 8100 31 73 1170(6 33 C 133 38 40 10711 IK83 49 (IKOhOK A. IIEIIUINO, Treasurer In aocount with atate tuou. January 3nd 1883. Tn mniint nn.il8cted on dunllcate of lun... 3 38141 't state lax aswsaed In W , 303733 4trir By commission and din writ allowed.oollecfors on Matoiaxror iwt IMstrlcU Heaver $ Ronton llefltk Bloom ltrl'rek Cttt'w'sa Centlla lentro Cony 'in Flalitk Fr'akl tlrtowM lleml'ck Una 1HH. DlstllCtS. Com M 4 81 ISO 1 W 404 1 IS 854 1U 87 8 31 660 Ills 91 706 9 11 a 5 a 74 8 93 3M 9 40 41 383 919 71 I VII 16 85 88 HI 187 860 141 HIM 83 173 97 1141 1 Ml 131, 1 M 87 84 5 06 318 14 18 13 68 Jackson locum Madis'n Main Mimin M'nfur Mt. rrnt orange I'lne Roarc'k no It Sitg'lo'' 11 SO M 8 Ml I 01 1908 9 61 $118 f 4 tX0t Cll. By commtaiilons and exonerations allowed 0 Hect ors on stato tax ror ibst. Districts. Beaver Benton Bloom I'entre Flsh'o'k Com. S3 Kx. Districts. Or'enw'd t Madls'n Main M'nfur Bug'lo't Com. x. t 88 19 19 66 48 60 4U C88 4D 1 80 66 t 78 I4 01 118 66 80301 78 846 01 84 39 91887 3000 00 3H00 1040 61 By commission to collectors tor 1888... " discount allowed " " ' commissions ' 188! ., " exonerations " " " " . " amount duo on duplicates of 1887... ' " ' 18... " " paid Mate Treasurer. " commlBMon to Treasurer for lf88... " bah In hands of Treasurer. 15578 79 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. For which orders wero lssuod on the Treas. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. J. M. n rimes Co. SupU ApproprlaUonsfor County Institute 1837. 20000 Central 1'enna. Telephone Co 4850 " " " "attachment of whisper phone too Adams Exprosa 00 , exprossage...., sco U.K. " 'i .......... 183 Western Union Telegraph Co 3 it 11 situ., telegram 65 W R Kocher, freight bills. 3 09 Ilervcy K Hmith auditing pubilo ac counts. 8500 B FZarrI rurdons digest... ...... ....... 1600 Bloomsburg Banking Co., Interest on note. 6 40 R H Richardson Co., bill fruit tree.. . It 80 W R Dletterlck. 1 step ladler 115 Bhedrluk Cox, damago to wagon, Iola bridge ........ . 300 Frank Jones, stable rent. sou Hellers: Co , decorating court t.ouae .... 1600 William ft Oirtcn, expenses to commis sioners' ConvenUou, Erie 80 41 Bamuel Michael lantern broken, Kitten house brldire 15 D C Black J F, costs, James Thompson vs Col Co. William Mann Co, bill Inks ic... .... 8 F Feacock, Notary Public J D Uodlne, extra work on election pap ers allowed by Wright A Co Oeorge A Herring, 49 deeds for land Bold Treasurer's sa e. II W Sloan, Bunting - Louis Bernhard. renalr town clock. 7 185 6 00 110OI 618 10O 450 76 0 r Hnapp, insurance on lau stanie..... la CM Drinker, repairs to lock.. I LRahb, exttoetblor prisoners. A O Desheppard, rep Bate lock John J. Reardon, defraying expenses me morial committee C F Harder two sets election boxes and freight Bamuel smith, Mnerin taking two prison ers at different times to Eastern Penitentiary . W K Fowler taking Daniel seybert to K. Penitentiary from Union Co. W II Snyder, Proth ct al Corts Wm F Bodlnevacol Co . btepben Pohe attending Co audit ....... .. EUMendenhaU " " " Washington Parr " " " 400 160 300 68 83 93 99 1610 14 l 16 00 637 08 COURTS, JURORS PA I AND CONSTABLES' RETURNS. Grand Jurors dutlng the year Tra verso Jurors " " " at court... " " struck )urj" Kindt vs Sands Constables returns during year. court crier " " Tipstaves " " Newton Walker, Stenographer " " Craig vs Craig ', " Dr. Gardner trial Bamuel Smith Sheriff Bervlnz Jury no tices. Oeorge A Buckingham, Ju.y Commis sioner George WDerr, jury commissioner ......... J D Bodlne clerk to same. . 835 46 86631' 36 86 303 06 ICO 10 174 00 4.10 84 53 88 16864 183 40 43 75 43 83 80 00 $6078 61 COSTS IH COMMONWEALTH CASES WHERE THE COUNTY TtKOAMK LIABLE. Justifies, constables and wlinessea $184130 f P Blllmeyer district attorney. 180 00 111 11 sujucr. cierK qi vgun... ........... B Zarr, clerk of court for 1877-78. J F Caldwell, meals tor Jury on O Freder icks' trial. Samuel smith, Sheriff, fees, on prisoners attending court. Samuel Smith, Sheriff, turnkey fees " " " capias recaptur ing Thomas Jones . 171 o 590 4185 83 50 30 65 $170335 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWERS DAMAGES. AND ROAD Sundry persons as viewers $ 393 10 j v tirown et aL urcenwooa election uvi slon BUrvevlnir. 0, 63 91 15000 80 00 Wm BemtogerMamage ( RHLudwlg Henry llollfngshead " i;aiawi8gu 150 00 Daniel Harlman Susanna Appieman I A Dewltt H W Beaver et al John Bllllg Jeremiah Hnyder II W Beaver Ahner A Evans Joseph Fausey Allnas Cole A B cole 1 AUred cole 1 David Achenbacb 1 John Fetterman 1 Benton., 30 00 100 00 50 00 Greenwood,. Locust 34 86 70 07 183 00 35 74 139 80 00 85 00 3181 10 00 15 00 35 00 1140 1800 (7 60 Orange., Pine SugarloaL. Orange., LOCUSU. m G Glrton commissioner attending road views Jesse Rlttenhouse commissioner attend ing road views Ezra Stephens commissioner attending road views $1464 31 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. J B Tetter auditing accounts Amos Uarunan, auditing accounts . $ 87 96 3136 88 CS 8. si -jvwjtsuurr, auoiung auuuuiiu John B Casey, olerk to auditors John u Casey, weights and book-bolder James Cadman, repairing chairs T Gorrey, work at ltecorders vault J D Bodlne, extra clerk hire John Herring, assisting to copy register of voters Eshleman & wolf, repairs Bloomsburg Ga Co., gas Bloomsburg Water Co-, water rent. Bloomsburg Steam Electric Light Co., steam for heat Chas Krug, saah and door tor bookcase . . G W Sterner, glass c. tor bookcase...... P K Vannatta. DalnUnr bookcaaa 8710 860 1176 1660 COCO 10 00 510 150 CI 56 69 34379 10 65 4 80 14 81 14 70 300 60 160 1 75 1377 460 860 60 3 40 75 l' 189 71 400 880 80 83 855 00 13 48 594 10 413 00 478 00 11000 600 00 Caroline llllderurant, cleaning at court house AUce Ahlaman, cleaning at court bouse. L u llllderurant, cleaning at court house KShutt, A Campbell, " " " M E Cox, work and " " " " wrn Shoemaker, Bhoveung snow sc . . . W Barrett, cleaning at court house B W Garrison, work at law library. A O Desheppard, repairing llocka. O M Drinker, repairing locks at vault.... G Uower, repairing al court house. Ephrlam Parks, hauling rubbish. v A creasy, wioaow oiuan.,,.... I W McKelvr. bill mdae J It Schuyler & Co., bUl hardware a uercine, carpenter worK ai, uuoa caso Wm F Bodlne, judgment obtained for ex tra painting Creasy s wells, bill Umber WmG Glrton, commissioner , Jesse Hlttenbouse, commissioner. Ezra Stephens, commissioner. B F Zarr, atty tor commissioners. J D llodln", clerk lor commissioners........ $3100 70 COUNTt JAIL AND PRISON REQUISITIONS, o LHndsA Co., blank, ts $ 1650 uarman llasort, ropilrs at Jau tu F savlls. renalrs at tail il 78 48 43 800 100 3 0c) 1 00 800 Wm Barrett, watching arc c A ucBrlde, repairing fence Ell Jones statement of stable to Insur- ane Co Geo B Martin, repairing pump John Lewis, repairing root on Jail tirotu a LAUoaca, murur auu wurK...... 800 7 tO 480 100 8 73 u r 4uapp, insurauco ou jau buiuib llartman Edgar, repairing boUer ... J J llagenbucn, pump handle .....mH.. B Knorr Bon, blacksmith bill Chas W Runyan bill hardware. it to 87 13 80 8 70 83 43 30 J W Masteller, towels, eto S. u.vueman & wou,repairmg (leary llower, workjat tank eto Thos L Jones, work at tank Weaver Hnorr, work at pig pen and fence....,, 1 P ynangst, mending shoes tor prisoners Thos Uorry, contract Jail stable o A Jacoby. coal . Harm an t llassert, coal Foundry and macbuie dept. llarrlsbutv boiler Bloomsburg (las Co., gas... Bloomsburg Water co , water rent Btunlth, shrf board for nrt"-.era,, M Smith waahi;i, iwdilsoneni, .......... VCO 7410 110 16 0438 l S3 3910 1C3 76 70S till new 338 00 juuu in;., i DUllUr m... .... ........ ua w 1 w acttelvy, bill rendered 4 "0 Vanna f. ITvn, ..thlnr tn nriunnAN Ifl ,W Evans t Eyer. clothing thing for prisoners... 13 90 J it bchurler a Co.. bill j., uiu uuruiYare.i 3 uo 1 87 u v iiicxs. coai 011 ana soud.. Bloomsburg car Co., repairs Michael lima, bill coal , ,. T Vannatta. repairing pump Creasy Wells, bill lumber . 8 US 14 39 183 18 87 ur. J u ituiicr proieBsionai aiicnaance un prisoners trom Apr. 1 iw, vu uw. si, m 74 00 13419 83 I'ltlNTINQ, STATIONERY, STAMPS AND BOX GeoAClark, stampsand box rent,',,.,,, f M i stamped envelopes,..,,,.,. 1 m stationery ... Wm Krlckbaum, printing annual state ment 1 Wm Krlckbaum, printing election procla. nation Wm Krtckba'm, printing court calendars 1 11 11 notices, blanks, Ao Elwell 4t Bltteubender, printing annual statement. - Elwell t Bltteubender, prlntlKg election proclamation. .. . Elwell Bltteubender, pdnllng notices, to - Elwell it Blttenbender subscription J II Brown, priming annutl stttement,. i' election proclamation ii blanks aud notices ... Catawissa News Item, piloting election F reclamation .,, Brooke 00., stationery., .,,,,,,, J II Newr, stationery. 17 30 83 00 13 81 45 00 16 30 3 J 00 36 90 43 00 18 30 750 133 43 00 lt&J 930 16 30 400 1331 St INQUISITIONS. J M Qwlnner, cor, It, Inquests $ 19303 tiamuei anyacr, J. r., 1 iuuuw ivsi J M Uwlnner, Cor., 3 Inquests 87 31 IV 31 $363 83 PENITENTIARY AND 4BYLUM. CootIcU In Eastern Venltentlary 1B87..,. Uunt nr Umia llawlav. Warren Pa.... I 7t3 MOO Mary Bnulran, Dan rills, " .. lllrsm Albertson, ' Margaret Weaver, John Hurt, Voter .Melltk, MIS SO lllllDGK-lll'ILDlNa AND IIKPAIK8. BlkVKR.1 Moyer Brothers, Fisher's bridge, bill cement.. $ Amos Fnrver, et al, Fisher's bridge, re pairing iler. .,..,( BKNTOM, 1) II Karnes. Kamos' brldgo.,.., MGIIev ,..,.,,. F P Dlldtno, Benton 11 It Karnes, Kdson " M o Hess, llartman " D K Karn, I Thomas " I J Thomas, ' " ,.,i,...,. r.L0OM, W W Barrett, Barton double brldgo work Geo llartiell.Hhaffer bridge..,. , V K Vannatta, Red Rock bridge, paint- nnnnllM. 939 6103 JO" I B SO in0 6. too 800 300 J Baohman, lied lt'ock bridge," 'pier 'con. tract ..!, .... , J Bach man, Hod llockbrldve, extra work on pier,.... ,. J O Brown. lied Hock brldgo. surveying.. Wm RarretUtcd Rock brldge.labor...... Weaver Knorr, Red Rock bridge, car pentering , Levi Cox sr., Red Rock brldtc, work...... D Yoc'im, Red Rock bridge, snowing, to John Kramer, Barton brldgo, plank John Wolf. Shaffer brldgo. tilling In.... .. Creasy Wells, Red Rock brldgo lumber 1800 (O 17817 I960 4 75 8 77 480 360 1 93 60 8)31 BHIikCIUBI. J Bachman. Itlttenhouse bridge, contract mason work , , 539 (a J O Brown, RlttcnhoUBO bridge engine ering $80 CAT1WI881. David Oinin, near mouth of Cats, creek snowing ,,,.. ,,,, 900 Thos, Paper Mill brldgo, re- . pMrtne , jj J Achey, Paper Mill bridge, snowing.... 900 Ing uouingsneaa nriiige, nil- rtSHIMOCRBtX. o u liagpnDucn, Stillwater bridge 900 E R Lauderbach, Paden 1 25 " " Jones " ass " " Buckalew " 150 FRANKLIN, a Loreman, Reeder bridge, filling up..., 3 57 ORIINWOOD. wtiuam uarlem Iola brldgo 8 00 Montgomery cox " " gSO B F ItedUne, Lemons " repairing,,,. 113 so Wm Harlem, Mcllonrys M1U bridge.... 8 00 wuuu Lcxgii., joia onage jno " " McUenry bridge 8 00 " Nereno " goo " " Greenly " 50 nivLocx, John B Mensch, Hemlock bridge . , JACIBOK. A W Hagenbnch, Derr'a bridge-.., H1DIS0N J W Mordan, It Wilson bridge II .1 Ihm. U'llnAn h-rf 800 1 50 Jacob Shoemaker. Hawk bridge, repair. 11 04 Daniel Mordan, Kent bridge............." 60 mm. John J oearhart, Iron bridge...... David Shuman, " UONTOCB. A J Learn Rupert ibrldge J S Mensch " " UT. rUtlSANT. J W Mordan Sands Bridge.. Dan'l Afordan " " George Ilartzel Wanlch bridge OR1NOI. .1 M Larlah Vance brldgo repairing W F Orawtord L.... w s Fleckenstlne OrangevUle rep JFMengie " "."..!... E B John " 100 3 00 800 8 00 300 75 875 68 87 800 100 SO 860 (2503 8413 Baohman Farvcr Herring bridge manon contrnrt. Jackson & Woodln Mfg Co, Herring brldfre nine . J C Brown Herring bridge Burvey'g " " " " engineer Amos Farver H " rep walls Geo Herring " .. . Wrought iron Brtlge Co, of Canton, Ohio, Herring bridge on contract John Ulppenstoel Vance bridge scon. J if Larlsh Light St bridge rep.. BcainLoap. C W Ilees, J o:ness bridge.. w A cole. E Colo bridge n E Long " " D H cams, J it Cole " " Allnas cole bridge. F 11 sutllir. sutllff bridge rep Rachel A Hess, Hess bridge WmG Glrton commlslonor attending to brl Iges- Ezra Stephens commissioner attending to bridges' Jesso Rlttenhou&o commlsloner attend ing to brtbges 6 01 198 339 1 00 157 50 800 5101 809 18 at 900 800 3110 800 350 66 09 63 99 63 64 $3383 88 ASSESSORS' PAY. Districts. Beaver Benton Berwick Bloom ... Brian: reek. Catawissa centralla. Centre, Conyngham. Flsblngcroek Franklin .. Greenwood Hemlock. Jackson. Locust. Madison Main. Mifflin. ..... Afontour Mt. Pleasant Orange Pine Iloaringcreek rlcott Annual. Triennial. Total. $34 33 $ 3379 73 07 root 63 01 CS43 4S58 46 81 4710 33 3 40 73 4106 17 18 40 69 2313 8-161 53 00 4164 23 ea si 03 8150 84 61 8630 30 30 8195 43 39 OS 73 59 76 13100 53 75 50 75 64 75 4815 47 95 1950 44 00 48 75 89 00 63 35 64 45 39 75 64 83 33 75 43 70 4715 41 76 80 75 60 75 97 79 181 83 193 45 94 33 9769 103 85 40 78 b5i: 90 01 3668 81 59 l6 63 31 61 106 85 109 09 63 41 95 30 64 81 70 21 74 03 7t05 43 70 103 14 5180 1560(1 Bugarloat, 8 45 83 75 Assessors for fall registry of vo ea.. $3253 06 SCALPS. George A Herring, 1 wild oat $ 8 81 1 fox and 1 weasel, killed bete re bounty taken off. 1 73 $400 ELECTION XXFENSES. Paid spring election officers. $ 339 41 578 SO 14100 13700 ran " ". 1 spring room rent fall ' " constables advertising, Bervlrg noUcea and attending spring elec tion. 148 80 53 00 61 50 880 501) 68 90 16 50 Paid constables attending tall election Wm U Snyder counting vote. D it coflman congressional return fudge G M Lockard ludlclal return ludtre. J II Wright S Co election blanks r 1. iiuuer " " r.ii ai T I A" I'll TITL:TTHI1T'-V1." Ii IUI, DVVItUnvn . A ! Uig , ... U U A " " A.I L. nOV U.. ....... Amount of township taxes refunded..... (MM 97 BLANK BOOKS. William Mann deed books 27 S3 Williams Murpoy's sons aoeas ana mort gago books.. al hi 7J00 moo 830 25 00 K B Yordy blank books. v 1. nutter military rolls, etc. .1 II Mercer blank book, etc Geo A Clark marriage docket Wm F Murphy's sons docket for protho- noiaiy , 14 30 $931 73 BURIAL. Oy DECEASED SOLDIERS, AND TOMB- BBrockway funeral Bloom f 33 00 OS 00 85 ft) 83 00 83 00 CO 00 Augustus droves " " Oeo 8 1'atterson " Eapy John R. lirobst " Catawissa..... BDodson " Benton R 11 Boody tombstones ,. 1333 CO $1.50 This lundwtm Fountain Po 1 U Pens, iridium pointed. Satisfauioa ga irantoj J. Oiunot gjt out of order. With ouo will last a lifetime We furnish with eaoh pm a quart bjttle of 'our celebrated Imperial Waterproof Intense Black Ink. T.ia peu la worm sz.bu, ana you Gold Pena of every size, in all DO YOU WANT A GOLD PEN tylcs ot lioiiicrs from 81.00 for Gold Pen and Peail Holder, upwards. HOSKINS LAP TAULET is a it is made from all the fine leather, reus, from 82,00 to S5.00 eaoli. I5UV YOUR WRITING PAPER by the Pound. Twice as much for same money as when you buy by the For 10 Catalogue Wm H SPECIAL Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, &c. Finest lino of Watches in town. Gorlian's plated ware, finest made. All purchases engraved free of charge. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. F, WMM, JM WEMMM, Columbian Building, 31oonisburg, Pa. BIIREP ORDERS ISSUED. nrtarcreok., $ 800 337 76 15 83 33 00 16 50 3410 33 M 8101 Madlnoni iwnion...., centre. , Flshlngcreck ..... Greenwood Hemlock...,,,., Jackson 1. Locust,,.., Mimin. ...,,,, Montour,...!,. Mt. Pleasant.. Pino ucott sugarloaf BTATEMENT OF DOG TAXES FUND. Cash on hand Dog lax due from collectors. . Probable com and exonerations $lrU3 69 RECAPITULATION, Miscellaneous.. $ 837 C8 courts, jurors oar. constaoics returns. etc 6071 61 Costa In commonwealth cases 1708 35 itoaa ana Driage viewers ana roaa aam- aura.. 1. ....,.., 146601 Commissioners office and court u'bo., raw ,u county jail Irlntlog, stationary and postage. Inquisitions ... ,, Bridges, buildings and repairs.,.......... Penitentiary anu asylum. ABaesdors pay. . .......... ,. Scales .. Election expenses'.... Taxes refunded ....! 1. Blank book s.... , ... Burial of deceased soldiers and tomb stones 8418 85 311 34 833 81 33M88 613 80 8353 03 400 1691 61 8C64 87 831 7i 835 00 $86300 89 COUNTY FINANCES. AB3XTS. Tax In hands of collectors duplicates $10684 04 Probable commission and exonerations. , , 1400 no 1SOS605 LUBILITIKS. Estimated costs In common wealth cases. Amount due the several dis tricts, taxes ..... Amount ut bridge and road viewers due on books , Amount of road damages as sessed and unpaid esti mated to Jan 7th, 1889 Amount due Wrought Iron Bridge Co. of Can on Amount due foundry and ma chine department Harris burg, Pa, for boiler..... Bal due George A Herring Treasurer $843 00 8 X 63 10180 1583 01) 533 75 35 63 $7164 91 $1989 US Amount of assets over and above liabili ties as per estimates $1989 85 We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia County, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct statement of the accounts of said county tor me year a. u. imo. WILLIAM O. G1BTON, JICSSK ltlTTKN HOUSE, EZRA STEPHENS, Commissioners of Colombia County, Attest: J. D. bodihk, clerk. We, tho undentgned Auditors Tot Columbia County, having been elected U adjust and settle ine accounts ui vuc 1 reasurur ana lomuiiiHiuucr or Columbia C unty. do hercbr certify that we met at the orflco of the Treasurer atd commis sioners in BioomsDurg on uonaay, Jan. 7tn, A. v. 1883, and ended examination on Saturday January 19th, 1-89 and carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of the Baine from the second day of Jan , 1888 to the BOventh day of Jan., A. D. 18S9, and find them correct as above stated Given under our hands and seals this the 19th day of January, A. D. 1889. E. M. TEWKBBURY, J. B. YKTTKIt, CYRUS BOBBINS, County Auditors. Attest: J. D. Bodini, Clerk. WE ARE GIVING AWAY $5.50 IN CASH By Selling London Our Made $15 Scotch Cheviot Suits AX $9.50. Samples of material sent to any address ".Free of Charge." Our Self-Measuring Chart, with instructions "How to obtain a perfect fit and order by mail," sent with all samples. E. 0. THOMPSON, TAILOR CLOTHIER, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) Philadelphia. frtrrrCET lEfOrJ3. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. .. 8M 85 . 8700 ,. 5 50 ,. 8950 33 50 .. 14n0 ., 1000 (931 75 AND SHEEP 1$ 10714 ,. 13S3 65 119.1 (9 . 800 00 Wholesale. Retail. 1.00 GO 00 70 33 45 6.80 20 28 20 22 40. CO 12 16 03 05 07 10 09 12 7 10 10 14 20 30 71 1!00 07 85 5 to 7 Wheat per bushel,, ! Ryo fCCTl! Oats Flour Butter.. ' bbl., Ecs Potatoes Hams .' Dried Apples Bide .. Shoulder Chickens Ocesc Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel.. Veal skins Wool per lb times., Coil on Wnanv. No 0 f2.00: Noa 2. 3, & Lump 8.25 No. 58.00 Bltumlmir 43.85 fitted up with ono of our finoit 14k Gold can not equal it lor mat sum. There are no better Gold Pens than those made by us, wo will always ex change till buy er is satisfied. new stvle Portnblo Cane for stationery : and lurniBhed with our Fountain or Gold quire. ct8. to pay postage, wo si'nd samples of our 12 Now Styles of Pens, Writing Puper wo sell by tho pound, btylos of Engraving, and our Illustrated ot stationery. HosMns Co Th0 Lc&dlnB 8neri, NOTICE I FARMERS! FAR A largo patronage has already boon received from fanners, hut Bloomsburg nave not yet learned of the now and MAMMOTH - CLOTIII I advertise purposely to make known that I have at the present time 25.00C .00 worth of Men's, Youths, Hoys' and Children's Clothing, Huts, Caps and Furnishing Goods in Abiindance. It is now after the Holidays. I now offer great bargains in clearing out Winter Goods to make room for the- LARGEST LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING That can be shown outside of New York and Philadelphia. As said before, our aim is to sell lots of goods and at small profits. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. 1, 11IB MimM faofble. The largest Clothing House in ftlonloiir, oliini bia or North iimberlsuMlt counties. HOW! WHEN! WHERE! WHY! One of the problems of life is to buy GOOD & -CHEAP CLOTHING. We are now closing out the entire Winter Stock at Cost. Over-Coats for Men, Boys and Children. Winter Caps, Mufflers, Sic. Call and we will make you smile at the NOW OFFERED AT D. LOWENBERG'S Popular Clothing Establishment, Bloomsburg, Pa, , Ono of tho latest improvements is tho NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enables ono to plav without distnrbine anvono in the ticinitv and with little wear to tbo instrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, after thirtv veara of severest test are used, on account of unequalled durability, by CO colleges and many others in tho United State?. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIAWO world for upright pian'. and the introduced with uptight piano J. THE OPERA PIANO has years is given with each inbtrnmont. O ir LINE of ORGANS m vow ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATEs7and other makes, SEWING Wn have the r.,.lrnti,l WIIITR STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL U 1 1 IJU.UU. Pianos. Ort?ans and Shu ino Maiiitma r.l.lj on installment plan. Wo havo aUo bmiuit. imltnrs. aocordoona, blow' aucordeonn, flutes moum organs, drums, tiso. Fivo ptfoKB oi iun com sneei music;, tvo., cto. Second hand tiiatlO1'. ori'ima nnd machines on land, and rece'ived in exchango for new ones. Agent for Buttcrick and 'Domestic paper patterns and fashion books. Sowing machine needle, oils and attachments for all machines always in stock. Bloomsburg Pa. YELLOW SIQNS. YELLOW TUI1S. Use "Peerless Brand" ' IIAI.TI1IOI1I! FHESH HAW OYSTEHS. Selected and packed with cleanliness and care by O. II. PEAKS ON & OO., 11ALT1MOHE, WD. They are the Beat, Atk your Grocer lor them. Jan U-Mt va BIRD MANNA ,T Th Ureal becrat of me uaoat y urDdri of UIA07, uua kuba wUlrMtar tha mana of Tnt thalr lUnvuiU And ", en wnue ttMd4.asfMt.MrA, fiiittx uuioo rftceiptox IHrActlou tr. wa. auiuvrui UXVVll. hird Tood Co., 40)N. tM 0L1 roitA rA, E D UT mt Futenof IWnld'lCta Powder foiHor.CHleA foultir. TheUet iuu. t(snau'aaKrAjatmw7BllFii!l.ra. Jan ll-r-U 1 V II -OF- MAJEMfJ BjEM&MBBWMQ. Wo have in stock a 6ncr line of musica instruments than has ever been bought in .his section, and wo aro making special uducemcnlB to purchasers for tho holiday icafon. We get our instruments direct from the manufactories, and can offer letter terms than can bo given by any oilier pariies. THE IVERS & rOND PIANOS stand at tho head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE at tliu BOSTON CONSERVA i'ORY of MUSIC. .!.!, ,,. rno.; .: i.o t ,t. first and only porfcot repeating action It is the lest medium.priced piano in wn lm..n 'Pin? niiT t?nn tmun MACHINES. HV.W Tin ST. JOIIN NE Wr DAVIS and ftnrmni HIcb, hundred hcum.!.. J. Saltzer, General Agent. MOHTGAQES ON LAND I .hWS.-pu,rcuasai,0,tTPAaE!j Pon lands in all the v estern and bouthern States and Territories ""iwiv wvuiiuj mvuruiUS. The Cort'm Banking Co. U0 BIIOADWAY, NEW YOltK. Jatll-Mt SAFE INVESTMENTS r,.B Kg vo WJmMK c., Eastern pmce, IS31 Chestnut bt, ruiladelihla. i capital SiXlMioo. oner (liiaraMlia T-iA jul. Mriul.Auuual Ural li.lai. aiurulaV. Si 1 mt. These mortgigea are secured by landj 1 worth three to six umra lEelr amo'mu We oner choice lureatinenw in Aberdeen City l'rourrtr a2S? deen la a cltr of .ooo, and la growing more ranwiv many living within 20 miles of - ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Pursuant to an order ot tho Orphana' Court 0f Columbia county, the undertlincd administratrix of Henry Wolf, lato of tho town of llloomsburs, deceased, will exposo to punllo sala on the preml. ecs In Flslnngcreek township, aaid county, on Saturday, March 2d, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. va. all the following described valu able real estate, to-wlt : All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Flshlngcreck township, Columbia county l'a., bounded and described as follows: Heglnnlng at a post corner, thence by land ot John Bavngo north 33 degrees, westM perches to a post, thenco by land of George Keller south C4 degrees, west fifteen perchca to a stone, tin nco by the same north Ety degrees west, sercn teen and six-tenth; perches to a post, thenco by land ot David Savage south 7 degrees, west fifteen and lire-tenths perches to a post, thence by land of David Albertson north 83 degrees, cast Blxteen and seven-tcnths perches to a post, thenco by same (south 3 degrees, west twenty-one and three-tenths perches to a post, south thlrty-nlno and one-half degrees twenty-one and live-tenths perches, thence by land of Philip E) cr north C3tf degices, oast thirty-four and twcnty-fiiur-one-hundredths perches to a stone corner, the place, ot beginning, containing 12 ACHES, be the simo more or less. ALSO, all that certain parcel or pleco of land hltuate la Flshlngcreck township. Columbia coun ty ra.,',boundcd anddescrlted as follows, viz: on the west by land of John and Samuel Drake, on the north and east by lands of AKxander Stewart, and on the south by lands of Isjao McUenry, con taining twelve acres moro or loss. The two tracts containing 24 ACRES, and to bo;sold a sone piece, on which Is erected n HI IK barn and outbuildings. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth at the striking down of tho property, the one fourth less the ten per cent, at the connrmatlonot sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for deed. LOUISA WOLF, Knorr Wlnterstcen, attys. Administratrix. Feb 8 ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VALUAULK Real Estate ! The undersigned administrators ot Samuel Nun gesser deceased, will expose to public sale on tho premises, on Thursday March 14 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., a farm, situate In ueavcr town, ship, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows : Adjoining lands ot Henry Swank, John Singly, Sarah Longenbcrgor, Christian Shuman and others, containing 94 Acres, and 1 7 perche, about eighty acres under good cul tivation, the balance In timber, well watered by a good and unfailing spring and other stteams. Tbe Improvements consists ot a new j ttiiiut Niiiiii; and other outbuildings, all In good condition. 2 apple orchards and other fruits; said farm Is pleas antly situated In a good neighborhood and con venient railroad facilities. Tfiit.MS OV SALE: f 100.00 on the day ot Bale, MOO oo when possession Is given, the balance In easy payments. II. W.NUNQKSSKH, Feb 8 WILLIAM-IS. "i'BAGEIt, Administrators. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beaullliet tbe hair. rfOmotei ft lururfant CTttwth. Never Faili to Reitore dray Prevent! Oandmtt and hair f Alllog Feb KNOW THYSELF. 'x'ir jj saoxiaraoid ov xszim AbcleDtllloaud buadard 1'opular Medical Treatise on tholCrroreof Voutb, rremalurtt!)f(ltni',r.'ervoiid nn.l riiy.lcul Debility, Iiuuurltlcaof tlielllood. m 1 11 11 UeaultiuK trora Folly, Vlco, lanorunco, Kicittra or ''tnUantlon, Kuenatlne anil unllttloir the lctlitt fur ork, lluilnrn, the Married or Hoclal HeUtlou. Avoid uuekllful jiritendtre. l'omie thla Kicut or. It coiitaliii 300 naifee, roynl 8vo. Beautiful blading, r rabo.ied, full Jilt. I'rlco, only 0 by mall, ioat.iald, conccalcj In pUilu wripiwr, Ulna ira iho l'ro.pgctue Free, If you apply now. Tliu dlitlniul.bed author, Wm. II. rarler. M. I-. re. jclvultlie COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAI. from the National Medical Atsnolntlsn. '"'JS? PRIZE E8SAY on NERVOUS nnU P II V S I C A L D E B I L I T Y. llr. I'arVer nnd n rorpe . I'hylciane may bo comultod. mull, dciitlilly, by mull or In pereon, at tbo elllie o( lllli I'lUIHIIlY MI'.llIUAI. INBriTUTK, Nu.-l lliililurli hi., notion, Mala., lowliomull jrdira foi biuka or lettrra for adlce ahouU b directed aa aboe. Jan ltW-lt GET YOUH JOB l'HINTINQ DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN O FFICK