The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 01, 1889, Image 4
miti Frotidutlil Wrtlth. Abtnham $76,000. Bnohfttisn, 200.000, l.incolii's fortuhu waa when ha died, poncssod Andrew Jackson (kmsccioJ a large landed featate. John Oiitnov Adama dlcd!in aflliionoa leaving JJSO.OOO. President Johnson's wealth was c tlmalud at 60,000. PretMont IUk was a man of wealth, and lift 8150,600. Pri-slobnl Pieroo saved $50,000 oat of his salary as presidcut. Washington married a rich widow and left an cttato of $300,000. Madison was coonomloal nnd lufta em all estate, and Monroo died poor. John Adams was worth about $60, 000 which was a lino fortune In those days. W!llll I m ru.more, woo was an eco- Hfiroh'.l1 09 8 ' d to his wealth each time. Et.Presidcnt Hayed is in oood P t. 1 I .!, 1 - D I niiiLiifiiui r.f iiiiiii iiiiir mi i in fuiimiiir I c money-out ot bis ohisken larm The Garfield family aro well pnv vidod for by the ponsion granted by UouRroM and tho lncorao ot a largo public tund. - fPh. j T..rf .iu.i ,t,a ! if GftngreM had not given him $23,000 for hfs library ho would have been Kii.Vrnnt U'"M"1"' I Notwithtandinn his misf oituneB, President Urantu family urwo been m-ide wcallhv bv the salts of the book .... '.' I whioh ne wrote. , aorln Van Jiurpn, who was worth $300, 000, nt vor drew his salary as President till the ond of hi lerra, when he took out iho whole 8100,000. They Eoae with Him. "Sppftkine about tramps who beat tho rilrolV' "aid a D.-troit freight ooni'icto' the other diy, "but 1 hvl h Dr. ttv interetinc adventure' last StnW 1 was co iime in on a freight on ill MioMiaa Central, and we were nt Di'arbnrn at ten' o'clock. Just befo o we were ready to poll out a tramu oamo slontr and "aid: "Captain a few of Us would like a ride into town with you.' Lbi'm ae tho crowd.' S'He whistled, and twentywevi-n har-l lookinir tramps came out from folic- co-ners. ' 'I oan' take you', I said. 44 4But, Ciptain, do you realizo tho situation." 'I think I do. " 'Perhaps you don't. Our businoss is important and we must get into thf city. He whistled, and the men Btrung out along the train from the engine to tho caboose. ..-- i n l nave an eneinoer ana nreman htre, but you may prefer to keep your, aid th fellow, as he turne i to mo. ",w nai ao vou meant i 44 'And 1. can aot as conductor, nu continued. 'Captain, will you ride with us, or shall we ride with yon? "1 knuokled. There were enough to take the train, and I knew they d do it, and as for iny help out there it would one bnt tw0 0 w00(j) killed and not have amounted to more than one pmoked two chickens, whitewashed the constable. I told 'em I'd bo glad to henhouse and cleaned but the cow have Vm ride with me, and I brought tablc It is expeott d that he will not the whole twenty-seven in on top of ret,eat the visit in a hurrv. .i i - i i - i lue care, eauu odd as uuuriuuua uuu lit" as Chesterfield, but each one ready I to sail into as at the first sign of treachery. Expert Swindlers. two other schemes HECAi.LED bt the I FXl'UbUKK TIIK KLKtjriuU fiUUAH I cosu'any. I recall tho fact that within the past twenty years wo have had among fa' mous swindles a scheme for burning water and one for cettinc a new and valuable metal out of iron slag. Each one of these has victimized more peopl than the clectrio sugar business, lhe slacr iron game was ulaved pretty much as the sugar affair. The alleged in- ve iior must navo carneu ay own, . . i ' . i . nn 000, mostly fro poor people. The company mat, uwueu ino nouioi, w burning water sold several thousand dollars worth ot stock at good prioes. The "secret" was in causing a jet of Bteamto mingle w th a kerosene oil flame. It was a good way of burning .:i Ai.. .nit uii tuui, woo uii. lhe most successful swindler wat Aiirea rorau, a young r roi'uuiiiHii. who came to this country in 1870 with what he pietended was the secret for dlng silk plush the black n quired lor making hais. r.initt t"K rooms a- lAsHiiir hotel tn New York ai d a tonished the town. He kept a oab in front, nf the door nicrht and davi he used $20 worth of cologne water in hit morning bath; he gave dinm r parties n 830 a ulitu. sold his secret t" half a doz-n men for large sums. At the height of bis career he marne-l Hiss Lela Smith, the daughter of Bain- Smith, a New York 1 iwver. Six moulds lat-r the structure tuinhltd to piei es an I FaratI fled. Signor BliU Injano. Brooklyn Eagle. Biguor Blitz, whoso merry manners, clever conjuring and versatility in ten triloqnihm entertained the young and old of a quarter of a century a-."., is now at the horpiial awaiting a tian-f i to the asylum as a hopi lo-s ir.ibetil . He is a victim to paraljtio dciuenii and has, acooiding to tho statemmt I his wife, who accompanied bim to lhe hospital, had fifteen paralytic stroke-. Tho little man has had lla-hos of his former geniusand flashes only. II was taken tothehosuitaloiiNow YearV I)ay. Dr. Stone visiicd with him reoerl lv and at first the little rid nia fireeted him with s.imethiug of his oli time liveliness. He asked for playinu ciardsan",J they were furnished. Slu. til ing them with marvelous dexterity hi prevented Iho pack to (he doctor nn I ask'd him to diaw a card. Tho il o tor drew ono and the signer sinili d and said : "1 read in your eyes tbat y u have drawn the ten of clubs." It was so. Again be shuffled the cards and told the doctor to draw and return the oard he selected. This was done and the siinon shidlling tho pack, said : 4,I now command the card to appear as the twentietb l throw down." it was the five of diamonds and it appear ed In obedience to bis mandate. While the dootor was admiring his skill the onuo famous presiidigateur relapred into imbecility and cried like a baby. 4 . The patient's real name is David Bati hlr. Ha Is a German by binh. Md Cftmo to this country half a century ago. tub niLt. bi'kcikyino now tiir ki.kc TIUN MM I'll 1IIII1TI N SHALL OR OAltltlKD OH. IV bill Introduced by Mr.' Dravo in iho hoiiho provMloi for the holding of tho election at which the propose Prohibition nmtindmont to the consti tution nti all bo fcubmiited Is in throci SCOtiOIIB. Sootlon 1 provides for tho. advor tlsomcnt of the election according to the conjtUutlnnal provision, which Is to bo b id on Tu' sday, June 18. S 'ulion 2 provides that the elcotton shall be in all rcspt uts condncted n the Ki'noral Btato elections aro con ducted. Si otlon 8' provide that tho Govern or, the Secretary ot mo uomraoti wealth, tho Auditor General, tho; Stjt Treasurof, the Llent'efintit GbvCrnoi ... : r . . I 'a rt .If! ana tno necrotary oi internal vuri hhall be oonstltuti d a board no openj canvtoMnd'conipiiotW rttfarns 6f'tW said election on the seeood Tn sda . d fa G(jrcrn()r B,lttl, f.f wHh Issue a proclamation declaring .m, m-h,1niftnf. hn ratiBed or rejoctd by a majority of lUn. .."1 1 fi ...I nf tU.t Ual1 luu uuuuutu tuiuid w . vuu wkuvi tfediaiTal White Oaps. ah oori nw of inrohjUTioN olkankp FROM TliE TA0E8 OF lIAtl.tM. , Hallem in the ninth chapter of his ?!'. J'au' Ve"? an.d Ql lat,m ",dnfel9. t0 mat in tno rt-ns oi rnnnp vugusm- Vr. IT nununnrv trnilim I I1I1U -1 1UIJI W blJU IUVIVVHHI I w---sy" dimiSod"frora thf ir pay; went through' tho South ot franco commuting nu sorts of outrage. "One Dwnnil, a I ! , ... caruenier. a.iuncai dv a cnnmveu an pearanceoftheVirginputhimselfaithf "hj n,a,ni.a (n n,AbrtAintnv . maraadcr8. His followers were styled brethren of tho While Caps trom the linen ooyerings ot inoir neaus. These regulators wre successiui until they fell to legislating' for1 the iiitire country. Thov served notlco on the lords to tako no tribute from im ir va sal", whereupon the lordx, throuuh thn employment of tho meropnarp, b'" ughl peace agwi t.) tnt- ooun ry, and no man could be found who wouli nd-till ho had b. on a White Cap. Chicago Herald. A Badly Sold Tramp. HE POUND A I.ITTI.K WOMAN WHO MADE HIM KABN III BKEAKFAST. Albiny JouraU Uiny tramp cilled nt the ronsx ot a Bettilehi'm widow, living' alone, about' 7 o'cloi-k in the moaning and ffered to saw wodd in -retnrn tor a brcaMM)' The woman eyM him BusplcibU'dy "Arc ye hungry!" she askld. 'Yes sum, hungrier nor a bear.'' "Well, ye can' have yer feed firrt, 1 gue-s."- He bonntttui meal.- aimis . - .. , ... blllL60 rn k,e Lv evra wide ontn tiubt." ho snid. J i -j - ,;:,,. ,.anlt ,f r SH man s wants ,er gaw, vor V00( ,fer hi breakfast I'll -, j,-)m yer address.'' Then he open a ti.n Amr mH a.'niktH rmt He had gone but a few Bteps when he heard the widow's sharp voice call- ins' a bait. He tnrned with' an oath and saw a eon rioirttcd pouarelv at him Tho widow Ordered him to oom'e right baek. He came back and sawed not . Qoava news. Our citizen and section foreman 'on B. & 8. R. R Is on the bo from morn ing until night repairing his section of me roau, m muuuu id iruui jjcuiuu , to Jamison City. The way the wealh er I1HH UUUU 111 KCULJB U1IU1UL- lu D,b gul V enbankment. Wo Vinwrt n t)iifripr for nur hbol at last, and believe we will havo a nbmber ono school; for the' scholars seem to tako special delight in their studies, and say that tbey have a very good instructor. JUisa Ii.;llen Uusier 1 iMilieve is her name and suo is irom Northumberland, Pa. Header of Columbian. I - .... .. . lt. a nnrionit." an ri n ratlrnajl man at tb0 Albany Btation, 4 how firm is tie aitacbinent between a locomotivo en e;nCer and his locomotive. I know an onginter on the Central Road who oaUa his engine 4Hank,' and talks' to il as he drive throuah the rain and storm sm M nB woua a h0re, sometimes I ..... ,., In gweet and mild tones and tnen witn the strongest imprecations upon hislips i j know Ot another engineer who In h;9l8 0(1 e, p,ng iu lna round house Dear ,jB locumotive, and thinks as mnch of it almost as he does ofhb "lohiid," I In demoli-hing an old building in Stoosttou. CL. for tho purpose of J erecting a new one, it was found that I the foundation re-ted upon the hull of a vessel, which, upon investigation, proyed o no the P. ruvian brigantine Adelaide, 800 tons burden. She was ancliorod at her pioseut resting p ace lu 1850, and now lit B several blocks frmn ib- water, If uiOHt men could onU got the world to take them at then own estimation of their value the world would soon have an enormous suiplus stock on hand, and bankiuptcy would stare it in tho face. Moderate work, alternating with mi crate rest, cives a brain which, taking the, whole life through, will accomplish tho most and, tho best workotSvlUcha human being is capable.. Tho brains are to bo Improved 4nu developed iby reason able exercise and reasonable rest. ' The one Is as essential as the other, Once a Week. DIgby Aw'vo Jawst thawt'awf'aw scheme taw keep thaw mawths awt awf maw clawthes'.'Oaw yaw knaw? Dlgby Wliawi is it? Digby Aw fcivo awm airway haw, haw 1 Life. RHEUMATISM These twin diseases ctusountoVl tuDe'ruig. Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure so do their patients, rune's celery compound has per. muentiycured the worst cases bt 'rheumatism "and neuralgla-so say those who hare used It "IUTtif teen' troubled with rheumatism at the knee aud foot (or Ore years; I.war almost usable to get around, and waa very often roitn&ed to my bed for weeks at a time. I used only on bot tle of Fame's Celery Cou poned, and was perfoctlr cuius. 1 can now lump around, ana reel as lively as a boy.' FsiHi CmoLi, Kureka, Nevada. 11.00. BU for 13.00. Druggists. Mammoth ttstlmonlal paper free. Wins, mcniarao Co.,Picp.,llurlUigtou,Vt. Iron war. mo use to OWNIS. TECS COLUMBIAN' AND OH! MY HBADI! FbM Mek nfclWh. TtrrlbU niit. Vlrt Ib4 tlomuli U (otjU II woo bMCasM elor 14 vllh UU UnM tuttax, it blood Unomx TltUUtaMfsnli th otlntr otttat ftU to Ml nor. tstOr, M4 IsdaMi tnta of mrlom'. ich M dt tctlt, lick hMMh, Stfitnm, drowttMM, lplU. Kono(Ui4brt,rln in th t4ck,ldt tf irttllV "Tba M tr thltwi thil I briltra La. with all ny liMrt U1 It fforJ li f ltm to Ml ot oM of Uxm," Th ipmiw M n-Bn(or Albert Mcnitt, bMl ot ttit lirra fruit firm. M rrk riu, it, X uvt tha Mm Mi offlo. "I wu itek ttA ttuti I bxl toosx ftad to Milan th Torturos of Dyspepsia Torita lUmMr. mi arv atpadliy lwttr. X cculd ea workwitn a oiMrar nead. ami the yellow color ol hco, nd the renew raf itln Mil airen placn to tna tonoa that(uinotiTte rnra hloot ar"i Tery orrwi of tha body in bral tht Lrtlon. Ihr. KrnuMri FaTorita Ilcipe3 Is f utttlrO So ma cirau oi MTiryr mjr ma., u auvona.fi1? onbl about 4ne tmta of my atatmfnits IrOifm vrttA to ma. I can trlreroti tti jurat ami antlrtsw or flftr tarMiiabo affirm aa 1 rto, thai 'TavorlU hmuaJf " hi baf n to thMn a blp and a b ilma orbaaLt'? Mr. &7uaTra. TarrTto aarai ''Tor a lona nm 1 waa trcmblatf wl fttiacu oi dlulneca aod iimuatiT dm oaf n lauiNna Dip ana a DiMMinjr 10 rrown, n, i wilU MTero llnrf ftlnk Hnndnnhn dna io Ifqrnra btoM and ft dlordml state of the raicra. i wmiwtiiim to irrjur.Arnnatir'a ravor. ita wmMr, or iwnaotit. jn, x. idia ao ana; pd, lt'a tha brat tblnrl nret beant of fur anvdlao: (mrr or tnai r PT of that.tiatarp.arnl I tart ifttir ua 111 ia eucccsB." iur. 1 1 "trita IlraiMr tar rimriKiiK (ffTd for rnanr rrari with tbatt oomiaaluta, and vraa c area ur ur. iUMUioaya FAVORITE REMEDY. Mo Oo dolUr. Preptnd ftt Ilomlout, !(. T. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. I'rerired by Iin. MAVID KKNNKDV, ItONDOUT, N. Y. Hrrboltl 81i fotSJ Sr 11 drtirnUU, THE GREAT German Remedy! TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. rnr thuau (It'Athly IHltonsHnetlRrlenenil H.TOOwlll lu cnld for a caso w hero bv I o n S u mi v it U ITTEB9 I'llUB 1TTKI1S V notnflln or cure. mcTOr fnlll. It will rum to. TTITmmTerwu!? thflttlredandallgonc Clcnnnt tha lltlntctl (Ct'iinK ir H"t "Bv S u rt Bitxebs: plooU vrhen you sec is ltnpurmeR uursL nfrtlirotifth the pMu n llmnlesrUlotrtieB. it vrui cure yon. m4rntiit:h(i an cloeely confined, Ir tha miHa'ftQtllwOrk. ind Soros. Ilclr or i stitniCK) JnTTFns,PJ, SDOps; ciertBwnoao! not nrocuro aufllclctit imr nca m vin 101 i off. 111 oxeffltBOTunrt nil who III aroconQncd In doors, SULl'llUlt 1IITTKKS W ShotlM JIBO PULTltUTl IlnTKits. They win . tLAHtjUrksViiWl will euro Liver Com. iilaltit: llnn't lm ills uragcu: iiwuicuri- Mill. to .trjerfremllliBtinl 1 kill bulUl you upnncll mako you strong nud atldin, tifio a liottlo or isui.rimu hitters; It ncor fulls to cure. neniinv. tsuLriiL'tt uirrr.Rs :wm maKo your uioou rv. pure, rich and strong, W fcottle. Try It; you Bill not rrerrt It. pinu youruesn naru. I c l.nutcs lu ucucate! heslth.- v;lio nro all Trv ucLPiiuu Hit. rrElts to.nlirht. nnd run down, should ubc you win siecp wen mil icei nem'r ior It. Ia rou want tho best Medical Work published? Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. I'. Ordwat X Co, Boston, Mass., ami receive a copy, free, Tlta flrMnol L- ' . lu. W I 1 1. Ill Ml LIVER CO'A. oota PILLS. nCl'.'.iJtB OP'IltlTATIOltS. AZWATS IMC tVlt 1)11. riEHCE'B TJULETS, OB r.mi.B avaAn-coATJSD pills. Itcliic; entirely TORelable, tbey op erate withtiut dif-luiuancu to the system, diet, or occupation. I'ut up In class vials, bormeU--lly scaled. ,A1 ays fivali and reliable. At a laxative, oltcratlvo, or purgative, lime little relit U give th most perfect (ulhfacilou. 31 HEADflGHE. milnus) lloudnehe, Z;l7.f Incsi, t'otitlpa ttlMI, lllillBOMliUll. JtillmiB AttaclLii.tiiiiliUl d njimenld of tho stom ht h mid Uivf fls, are prompt ly ivliuveil and pcrtuanently rnrnl liv thff USO til Ell. 1'lcrrc't I'lcnuuiit rurpntlve Pellet. In -wpl.umlltm of tlio remedial power of these lYIicta over so eitsat a variety of diseases. It may truthfully be said that their action upon tho ij'atcm Is universal, not n gland or tissue (.r.ipint; their Kiuatlio lullucnce. Sold by t m:i.-bts,2jcenta ntlal, Manufactured at tho C leuiliul I jiboriitory of Wom.D'8 Dibpisaht 'ji-uifAi. Association, Uutlulo, N, V. S3 1. tfrt.i la nffored bv the manufactur- rof Br..lneo'a Catarrh tcmctlv. for a cue of ( Cluonlu Nasal CatArrb which they cannot cure. iM'tiixtinwifta Jw IfiinPtltnlff T..ll il&t'il C Iff aVII 111 Jf Ulls licavy hdUliiLliO, obit ruction of the nasal fs, ihsvlmrgca lulling from the head t i c throat, eoinctimcfl pro ruse, watery. -ui, tit otucrs, tincK, icnacioua, mucoua, rnltiit, bluoily nntl putrUt the eyes are ink. wiitdv. mid inllauicd: thera la rlmrlntr i tho f fire, deafness, hncklntr or coughing to rar tho throat, eipacloratlon of offensive - "or, together, "with acaba from ulcers; the . no In dumped &ud has a nasal twang I the . all 14 oilY.i6ivtn 'fcmeU and taste aro lm- , h1; thtio if a sensation of dlzzlneaa, with th'presion, a bacUtinr cough and gen ral doUIllry. Only a few of the above-named jiuptoirs are lluclyto tie present in any oni (aw. thousands of cases aunuallr. without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re sult In consumption, and end in the grave. No dlsmtsu Is so common, more deceptive and danRrroiiR. or jess unaerstooq oy ptirsic ans. Llv tts mild, stjathuifir. itud heallov nrooert ka- Dr. ISmre's Catarrh Itemed cures the worst 'isesnr Cninrrn, com 111 me neatU" (;or)za and Jutarrlinl Headache. bold by druggleu everywhere; w cenU. "Untold Agony from Catarrh.9 Prof. W. TlAtTSNEit, the famous mesmerist, if Jttuica.N, 1" writes: "Some ten years ago suffered untold ngnny from chronic atarrh. My family plijslclan gave me up as ii curable, and said I must die. My casu waa ucq n bud one, that every day. toward sun- 't, my voice would become ho lioiirso 1 could iirelyspealc abovea wlilspcr, lu themornlnr ir rnuirlilnir and clearitiL' of uv throat would (most strangle me. lty the use ot Dr. Sage's uiarrn uemeay, in id rue uimuua, i was a wen uan. ana toe cure nu ueeu permanent. "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Tuny is J. IlnaiiiNO. Esn.. tOOt Pine Street. SI, Ijuls, Mo writes; ! waa a great sufferer rnm catarro ior tnree years. At nmus i pouia turtllr breathe, and was constuntlr hawkinir ind aplttiog, and for the last eight months oould not nreatne throusru tno nostrils. Llmuiht nothlnir could be uono for ino. Luck. Mr. L was advised to trv Dr. KatrtVa Cutnrrh Ihrniody, and I am now a well man, I believe It to twthepnly.eur remedy for catarrh uow manufactured, and ono has only to give It a fair trial tq experience astounding results and a pcimanentcuro," Three Uotllei Car Catarrh EU kobbiks. ?uniwn P. Columbia Co, Pa., sayit "My daughter had catarrh whn the was five years old. very bad I v. 1 sar Dr. Wage's Catarrh. Itemed advertised, and pro- uurvy wiwo ior nrr, una soon saw luat H helned frier 1 a, third bottle effect tvi a. nrrniA. nent cure. 6he Is nyw elf hteea ears old and M. C. SLOAH & BRO. IJLOOMSBUHG, PA. Manufacturers ct CARRlAOES BUGGIES, PHAHfNS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WA31J &01 Flrst-cluawork always on band. REPAlRlnUHEA IL YDONh. Prieei rertucrtl to tutl Iht limit M NEURALGIA 11 1'alne'a CelerV Comnonnd has been a God. send to 1110. For the post two years I have suf. fered with neuralgia qt the heart, doctor after doctor falling to cure me. 1 have now taken nearly four bottlea ot th Compuund, and am free from the complaint. I feel viry grauful .to you." cius. lb Lkwis, Central Village, 11, Paine's Celery Compound "I liave been greatly aftllcted wU acute rheumatism, and could find no relief until 1 used 1'alne'a Celery comnounil. After using six bottles ot UiU piedlcme I am now cured of rheumutlo Iroubloa" 8mck.L Hctcowsok, So. Cornish', N. II, Effects Lasting Cures. Paloe's Celery Compound has performed many other cures as marvelous as these, copies of letters sent to soy address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids durestton. and entire. 17 vegetable 1 a child can take it Wliat'B tha use of suffering longer with rheumatism or , ueuraiglat O'REWiRD DEMOCRAT. fifibOMSfitfRG, CCiLUMBlA CODNTY, PA. k BOON HouHwim. Th tumtt and working man who tut bom out In th mad all dajean waah thalrboota elMabfar otridathhoQM. Thsiwillba 8 Oft, PollthM and Dry, If drauwd with Wolff'sACMEBIacking Mikes htftuVWpuul. Saves Sweeping anil Scrubbing. Tba booUwtn mil crest dul lonisr, will not nt stiff nd hArd In enow wsUr or rtlb, kttil will b WATERPROOF.. Udles. snd liulft, UutrourhuttMBd rod Sons tlwll OnovswMlt' tot Gents Bboes snd ones ft. month for ladles. Uneqnsled ss s HarnsssOrosslrtumdri nemi Sold br Shoe Stores, Oroears, DrofffleU, kt, WOLFF & RANDOLPH PHlUDELPHIt BLQOQUKG MlM MILl The underilirned taBTlnir tnt bis Flanlnp V Railroad Street. In nrst-ciftal condition. Is or1 fid todo allklodaof wors In his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS', BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlsnod m rewjuunuioirrlcCB. All lumber of well seasoned nnd Bone out skilled wormW 1 are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRDO, ttinoiuNliiirtf, !' TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersicned havinc been re stored to health by flimplo means, after Rtifllrlng for several years with nuevtrc Sung aTfeotioti, and that dread diseapo JoNsuiiPTioN, is anxious to make1 known to his follow sufferers tho meanB of cure. To those who df sire it, he will cheerfully send (free of chafe) a codv of the 'jirescrfytion used, which they win nuu a ure cure tor Uonsumption. Asthma', Cataukh, Bronchitis and all throat and lun Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth' ing, and may prove a b'essing will piease'aunresH, iiev. J3,dvakd a. il- son, 'Willintrifiburg, Kings Countv, New York. A-fc-co.-deo-7-l v 1 s-- This Institution 'la a hlirh lErrnifA ItMclnpaa llm leuo, tflvlne Instruction In crery department oi buslnessrwucatlon. In addition. to tho regular business courto It makca a sooclsltv nt pjigdo. uraphy, Typo-wrltlnc, Tcleifraptiy, aud ornamen tal r-nmanshlp. The promlner.t leaturo oi the Commercial Courso la Us, .practical icharacten NearKovery set of books has been taken from flrat claks business estublialimcDte, and a' larrr proportion ot the course In book-keeping Is made up tromj our system ot actual business practice; unsumassed In the scientific anniirnMnn tn mrvi. em business methods, A larger proportion or our graduates recriilarlr obtiln nmt.ciitnn nnMilnns than Irom any other commercial' college In the. utrgius auk. -iv, ipk. ior circulars nuoress. v. u UEAN, rrlnclDal. mot 3m. Kingston, l'a. F HEE.IN8URAN0E CnitlaTIAN r; ENAfF.BLOOHBBUKa.FAi MEHCUANTS'.OP NKWAHK, K. 3. C1 LINTON, N, Y, PBOCLEatN. Y. HEAUINO, I'A. UEltUAN'AJlKRICAN INS. CO.,NEW XUH. ORKKN WICI1 INH. CO., NEW YOKE. JBltSKY CITY FIltKINU. CO.,. JERSEY CITY, N. J. woo ni.u ifUnrvnATiUriB uru Well BCluODCU 05- aveandPiKBTX8TKDand have never ret had a lunoDCiwcu ujr nu WJUIt VI law. 1 DC1T afiSeUI &IV KU Invented la 8oud sicueitibb are liable to the a v a rti A t lm u n n n 1 t no rwvrn ua uuteruuilUU uy UOBIBTIAIS Ti KNArP, SPECIAL AQSHT AND ADJUST IB UL00U81US8. ThflniUinlfinf rlltlmhla nnnnlvehMiM tzethoagtMor where loaaesll any are settled anrl TXtfMVfrurraa nnnimtr tb t-ti a v rt . DON'T YOUR Rubber Boots; until you havo seen the "COLCHESTER" with "Eitenstdn. Ide"r A Napoleon Top. This ! ths best fitting and 1 MOST DURABLE BOOT' in th market. .Made of tho Beat PURE CUM fftock. The"Ertenslon Edeo" protects the up-' per, adds to vroar of tho ole by giving broader trending surTuce, AND 8AVE8 MONEY fOR THE WEARER. nrEU'l" BUY YOUR ARCTIC8 UN Uwll I TIL YOU HAVE SEENTHB COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." others In stjrlo & durability. Ahead 'of ALL If yon wnntth. worth eif your money try the Colchester with QU78IDE COUNTER." Kept lh oby Bast Stores, at Iwiiolesalb iiy ?iii;an iiuoh, & co WUkrabar'ie, l'a. Nov. icJm, IK.jiil I.iii.!il ;lur" n.cuds bmrxn Clilua'.'Uluss, Wood, Iutlier, iletals, 'Fur jilturej etc., with- Everlasting 'Tenacity bold bv Grocers, Druggists' aud Ucncral Htorcs'. ' ROYAL FOR SALE BY I. W. Ilartman t Sons, The Q rest Eastern Tea Co., W. II. Ilrooke Co. (I. N. VVlLson, o. u. jiiurcer. F4wellBlttcnbender, t!i Holl.l Cl.ld W.ltk.T Koinivr Wi KUI Mlflljr I bnt $U wtub Ih IS wurld. I I' llMkNMt. W.r.l lilMSSvM. .IS IAOi.1 Uo4 gfatB' ti.l,wtth Work, fiuj C... vf 1l VaU. Ual l'r.U I 14th U (tlttr ifur on ft,. M-utM w1 ' tirf and rtl. lis r lltturhtlil invlri. TS.ttuiupiH, Dim in 7tur, noTncinr nsU)i iau mwnminit rho may In ti lm4JXItf fcoeM yottf wu Th ka milla sbfS ran tt sura Ml rMlltlir Ik VutB lluuuWC.i IIok Hid. l'rUud, JUle. Jan 4-T !PATENT. ve ats and Trade Marks obtains!, nnd all I'atent slness conducted for MODKIUTli 1'KCS. 1 OUlt Or-KIOK IS OI'P.,btTB U. B. I'ATRST . OVKICK. We. have no aub.ageneles, all business . direct, benoaoan transact patent busluew n lesi time sad atLEHS I'USTthan those remote trou Washington. Wo advise If patentable or not, free ot charge uur ieo nut. hub tin pairni is secureo, A book,"llow to obtain ratnta,"wlthreferenaei oantual clu-ntaln your btato, county, or town, ntfrej. AUrsii ' C. A. SNOW & CO., ' j Opposite PatittOfflct, Washington, a 0 GLIJF Why th. lw Oat Said Mr. Boutbmarili "When a man toes out after them lie wants to bo sure that his ammunlttoit Is ail right. Threo ' weeks Ago I 'wfts out gunning 'for birds nd happened to i run across a big, black bear. He was about .ton .TOfds nwar, standing on a log and lookibg nt ino In tba most Impertinent manner. "I always1 curry a couph) of buckMiot cartridges in my, left coat pocket for just such occasions. ' Breaking open my gun1; I extracted tho cartridges tof small shot," kept 'my eye) on the bear and in serted two shells from tar left pocket. "Then I corfldantly blazed away at his head., Ho lidnt tumblo orcr as he ought to havo dona, but snarled wick edly and tnado a break' for me. With out retreating a step I lot 1dm havo tha other barrel, and that didn't stop him worth a cent. "About tliat time I began to bub poet tbat thero was some hitch In my combi nation, and when ho knocked tho gun out of iny hands I inferred that it was time for mo to get 'away. You bught'to' 1 havo ccch mo go. I guess' lio would have won tho raco if it hadn't been for a big split bowlder in tho track. Tho split was just wide enough for mo to get through; and I went through thero lively, lie reachl'6m'tfd'tinc0of my shirt,1 but ho stuck fast in the cleft long enough for tiie'to' get tt' hundred yards the start, and then' I was safo. "When I got home I found two buck shot cartridges safe and snug in my side pocket I must havo dropped two other shells 'in with them absent mindedlr. -and it was just my luck to grab tho light loads when I wanted big shot I had peppered that' old bear in the face with quail' shot; and I don't' bhuuo bim for fretting' mad. I was mad myself when I found it out" San Francisco Exominor. Carious ChlneM Notions. Both savago, and semi-barbarous pco plo havo alw&ys'cxbibited h great repug nance to' any surgical operation however necessary, which Involves amputation. Tho North Chin Herald, In commenting upon this circumstance, points out that tho Chinese have always shown this repugnance, not on account of fear of pain, for they aro patient under all kinds of physical .Buffering, but becauso" they look upon it as it duty to keep the body Intact If they submit to the amputa tion of a limb, they invariably ask for tho severed member, and keep it in a box, to be buried in duo tinio with the owner. Sometimes they will actually eat it, thinking it only right that that which h.ia been taken from tho body should bo returned to it' On tho same principle an extracted tooth will bo carefully preserved, or ground to powder and swallowed in water. Another curious phaso of the soma idea Is seen in the belief that a'slck parent can bo cured by broth mado from llcsh cut from a living child, and it is looked upon as a sign of fUhu piety for tho child to submit himself to an opera tion for that purpose. Tho child is sup posed to bo of tho vital essence of the parent, nnd if a portion of this essence is returned to the fountain head, the parent will bo greatly strengthened. The peace loving nature of 'the Chinese is said to be largely due to this respect for the human body. Chambers' Jour nal. food for Conn amp tires. Snails, in tho opinion of Willich, are equal in value to oysters. Thoy are, ho rays, equally' nourishing' and wholesome. On account of their gelatinous nature they havo la(el v been much Used in con' sumptions;, and as these complaints aro now very' frequent it were to do wished, Bays Medical Classics,'that such patients would give the remedy a fair trial by boiling a dozen of tho red garden snalb very day in a quart of sweet milk or Whey for half "on hour, then" straining the. liquor' through 'a coarse cloth and drinking it with sugar every morning gradually upon an empty stomach, and repeating these draughts for a month or pwo if required. This red garden tmail ' has also been' used Bxternally in the open hemorrhoids, wrtftrn frpnti cnnlln warn nnnlicwi nvorv r two or three hours', in u raw state, witn rcmancanie Buccess; The large Roman or edible' snail la re nowned both as a delicacy and on ac count of its reputed virtues as a remedy In cases of consumption, whlch it is said has tn several Instance been entirely cured by a regimen of the mucilage from these snails. On the continent tho Ro man snail is considercd'a great delicacy; but tho'gorden and 'yellow banded snails are tha kinds more commonly eaten; ' rUtAND JUROR FOR FEBRUARY TKItM. Bloom. W. It. Shoemaker, 1. D. White. Benton. J. B. McIIeonr. .llrlt.rereek U'lllfajn Anli. nenrpe Schpo.htflrlv. J UII 1 1 ciuiuci. catavfissa j. h. Geary, cnaiies smitn, sr., I. 1L Seeaholtz. HCentralla Owen' Dalley, Christopher Rooney. .e usuiureeK. iirrce abb, uiueu Biases. Oreenwooa William Mack. Hemlock IialpU Ivey. Jackson Wm. I'. ItobblnvAlex Knouse. Mimin T. Z. Bon uan. Kcott -cnarlea Gulp, E. D. llagenbuch, Jonas nuu p. , Sucarloaf Thomas' B. Fritz, A. C. Park. ijlKIAIi "LIST. W. A. M. oner vs. James McAlarner, Ex., et. Joseph Clewell, Adm., vs. Abfgal Weaver, et al. Charles w. McKelry et. al. vs. Charits'B.'Brock wav et. aL Joseph ciewell's, Adm., et aL vs. Isabella weaver. M. A, vs. Boroujh ot Berwick. AUred Irvin va B. H. u. II. Co. B. F. Bailch vs. B. U it. It Co. J. V. Hoffman vs. B b. 1L It Co. C, A !-now 4 ca vs. C. Mears S Hon. 1). II. Sponenbeiv vs. George K. Hess, Jacob Oould va Charles llugne Francis Ootuhallva. Jeremiah lleeder. L. u. Leu liros. vb. suas Ilootnagle. Mrs. Cathirlno Gala vs. L. A. ltlley & Co. George W. Hughes 's. K. C Harrison. Aiartua Teaser vs. William Artams, et. aL WlUUiii itabb vs. Bernard Stohner, Garnishee. Catbar ne Cain vs. L. A. Hller Co. Joseph Klf-ckncr, et al. vs. John C. C'revllng. Ak'i Campbell vs. Wllllanr Bobbins, Con-table. Daniel w. Carter vs. llamun Car Wheel Co, Direct from tho Front. Knoxville, Tenij., July 2, 188S. T)ie Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S, S. S. Is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison, rhysicians treated me with no pood results. I took a half dozen differ ent Kinds of blood medicines, but, without rjccMngany permanent relief I I was in duced to try S, S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But Im provement came, and I continued its Use until perfectly well. I lave since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. ' Yours truly, J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kr.Mi, Texas, June 33, 1883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood, and broke out tth an cruptlpn on various parts of his body. I put lum to taking S. S, S., and a few bottles cured htm entirely, I live at Lone Oak, but ray post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, V. S. Kobinsoh. Three 'books mailed free on application. All druggists seU S. S. S. Tin Swift Specific Co,, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 Broadway. HOMES OF TO-DAY Olodftttf Cost lionets. -Sobictipilon $1 per annuu, ItHiitUiliul In rvuulatr auarterlj partt, on Iht flr.t of January, nnu iuir ana utuiuer, tcn I tuirt 11 iid Cftoipletf in It if If. 'ilr?i)iii(lci)it)li.tkllniii tkularly modem Ew rofveryiJefrlitloi,rtjorflpr nt uwelliir, tiJ funiuhci uch l to huikl a wlUae tbfia iatHaiiki.rifilll,i.l.. tmiii liowhitr tyitAif) to cyftt: I'iKO. Imlg Ul crcr luued ci( lwutpUnulnjf n4 bullvlhuv 9 Vli l iftWiAitai'-yvwyitouf,' FOR $1,601 kudu fur writ to win r4 M rwur ror ism lrtdy iitutJ fcil"ACW Uouw," LutrittiK CircuUv tit all JtAll ttM. irvFVfrff -T- wmmr .... . n r , p4,tellL rJ3t .Mi In a.. iImIb si.ts IF YOU WANT To Save Two Dollars' ON'EVfeRV BARREL OF FLOUR, USE Ilumford Yeast Powder, Tlie Old Rcliablu. It costs about one cent-to raise a pound of flour with Rumford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents.' PERRINE'S PtniE BARLEY i r Ii rf DuritiLso from selected Usilej Malt and guaranteed to be chemlcallr pure and tree from tnjurlous oils and iclds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It Is especially adapted to persons requiring n stimulating tonic. Consumptives being rrcatlr benefitted by usnso. Itecommcndrdby lesdlni; rhyslclsns as alMurct v Nervlno, Tonic and Alterative. I'or consuniptlvi It Is Invaluable. I'rltHlNKj rOIlR tiAllLKY MALT wihskBV Insures a return of vigor to the stomach, a good appetite, a rich nnd abundant blood and Increased flesh and muscniartlssue. stimulant mild nnd gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, indigestion nnd all wasting dl naacs ca- be entirely conquered by the ue or rerrlne's I'ure lip rley alt v hlskeis It Is a tonlo snd diuretic and a powerful stiengthener to the entire system. I'Bit hlNE'S l'UIIE HAIILEV MALT WH1SKEI lias proved a medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations In the opt n air and whoso dally work calls It exceptional powers nt endurance. ' Ask voji nearest drupglst or grocer for lor I'EHHINK'fl PUIIE BRLEV MALT M'IIIBKr Y leTlvea the energies ofthtweworn out with excessive Dodllv or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rlirorouu weather. Itwlll drive all malarious diseases from i tho system. Hard workers of verr vocation and renons whom a sedentary lire renders prone to , uyspepsia nnn in ferrine'si'uie.iianey Malt Whiskey a nowerfnl jand helper to digestion. 1'BItlllNK'S rilUK MAULEY MALT WH18KKY without unduly stimulating the .kid neys Inercasos their flagging activity, counteract s the effects of fatlgoi1; has tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch tho label I None genuine unless bearing the signa turn Ws sue ui all drugds and grocers thxougna the United States and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A roiHALP. dy ENNET GOODS? A SPECIALTY. SOLI 10SHT8 TOR P. V. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT Alexander Bros. (6 Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, 1CEUC0, CA1UD1IS, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS tOIt HENRY MAILLARDS HHCA.NDTES. rnEsn very week. Bloomsburg, Pa. CHEWING T0BA(C0 Sole agents ot the tol. towing oranas or Cigars. HENUY CLAY, LONDItES, NORMAL, INDIAN PKINCESS, SAMSON, B1LVEH ASH. C. B. MOBBINS, DEALER ' IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. LADIES ! log. at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! fhey will dro everything. They are sold ever where.' l'rlco lie. a package. '40 oolora, They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages or for fastness of color, r non-fading qualities Tney do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. feblTrly. AcIvcrtlHerH by addressing Geo. I". Howe & Co 10 spruce M., ew York In good faith, can obtain all needed Information about any proposed lino of ADVERTISING. In American NewspapTS. i " :o-pago rampnict, suo. Not is-mw. I had a very Bad Cold, and got a bottle of lir. SetH Arnold's Cough Killer, and It beljied me at once. It will do all It H recom mended to do, Wm. P. Alverson.Ilranch. m,i.,ninn,. M V 1 1 " . Druggists J5eC0c.l and $1.00. MASON & HAMLIN lha cabinet orguiwu introduced Id lu prewct form by M4oa & HfciaHuLn 1WJ1. Other toakan IoUowm la tho manufisclmo of .these loatromenu. bat the HaKQ A llunlln Organa havo aJwayi niAla Ulcd their aoprr nucr m the beat In the world. jLtvoa asii&mua oner, m flemonitrauoa of tha B&eoualled eicUenc of their organs, the fart that at ail of the great World' Exhibition; aloxe th&t of 4 SULO. AOVil All! 4 AQVI, .11 with best m&k trlM.thtyhave ORGANS competition ersof all cotin InvsrUblytak. honors. lUo. ea the hlchest IrstedesuloBnes 22 TO 8000. free. Mason AIUmllndatoth.ifi lAm.k.(l,.... mi trsonhnary claim for their plsnos, that they are superior to all others. Tbey recognize tha htirti axceUenca achieved by other lending makers In tht art of piano building, bat still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to the remsrlublt Im provement Introduced by them In the year INI. and now known ss the "Mason & lliaux Puko elMepurity wdf 1 11 IU 1 1 AKtoemenP of tone, togetherl IFlll WUsrlttiKTMUyla. crssMdcsnad. OUHS OmiJIII. tjforstandhur la tans and other Important advajitsjes. A circular, containlnK teatimoaisis from three hundred purchs-ers, mualelsna, snd Itinera, seal, together with descriptive catalogae, to any sitpl leant! Pianos and Orgsu told for cash ot tui par. meets: also rentnt MASON & HAML'N ORGAN AND PIANO CO. Cot Vtl-itH. I tilOrt m .Tho WONDERFUL, LUBURG B OomEjnfae; a Psrlsr. Llkfarr Saiek. wuuiuiub m ranar, a.iaraT. ansa. U,l,,icilala.. sr lavalls ICNUIR. 'toustl, s(6. al axui 'A, ."'"'l " isin. ffiMCH." Price $7.00 i. MV make (he laraest varlelv ot HU, lam lafieet vanely Of iiinuta. aitti,t.i. riiiicii-i' I" 'Mesa' OMratlai'lanlia raaciCaraat raHli o'.'JV"!.' ly""1" CHAIRS nntl CoCIPBDEfi All KINDS OF APPUANCU FOR INVALIDS, ;uCHE8 Over IOO different dealt aa, Ou Palial Aajaaailc Sfila so all Car. '4ll". yra. We have diaoonilnued - "... i iiiMiiuj yoor oraers Direct with the Dukera vou mm amral prou. Oar fcuAU pWr ynwtiu, m una hum of soode rem mShn lot. ... LUIURC MFC. CO. lift Nortli Klklh Htrsel, ibllad.lphlV, Pan Exchange Hotel, JIKNTOW, PA. The underslsned has leased this well knorrn "P" ' accommodate the publlo " i "-vv VI sj MSslkVisUW UUlDi tnuriT I. IMCU.DKAK.K, rroprt, tcr 4. MALT WHISKEY. lnvlgorsnt The analysis ss it appears by the La hni nn nvprr bnttipi 1 have caref ully an alyzcd the I'cbi IUklbv Milt Wnis sur made by M. J. K l-errlne and flbd u entirely irvu uinu I , i ,1 metais ana acias miu is nunuiuwij niir...'A7mit Camilla Arthur Mater. mtuanisrs and all dbslehs. ANY OliDER FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST et i as follows: ORANGES. lemons; BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLTSII WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL 3212 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dlsgnls.d that It can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the most sensitive stomach, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by lhe com bination or t lis oil with the hyponho. pnltes Is mnch more efficacious. Btmirlible as a nesh prositer. Vtrsous gala rapidly while Uiiag it, GCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowleaged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa, ration in the world for the relief and enro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENnE.StieBIL5TY' WASTING DISBAC.-S, EMACIATION, COLDS nnd CHRONIC COUCHS. Tht freat remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold 6y aHDruffaf4(!i. sept 2-' OR, THEEL fftfi urtb Jr.?Vh .Htnck w ".eft jfusirsmotft to cur oa inor V. y ',laUo' M tr aa U ..r v'un m oo. iff, ThrtI SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON. Jjarly Deeiay, liyalcul aud Menial 'r,r,n,,lo".1M''neholla. llladtlei aud lllilney Jlseue. (Aeute cases 4-10 SaO- Ktllat al eua. MY BIliTOIIlt Cora Tka .... AL nal JUICMI HCtttJ ni MfiCsV Isssr. vr.'.,.'., ,!! 'i,.'1!1' .. ; vMiiSSe iilTklin.,.' . ".P"'-. aictt tb.t do Bol pM,,a, faaiaeii Uaj.,mmi. uiuii: ' aaj srauSfV "ifust IT loii, 'l?n 1 !' V"8 1 do "ot tncau merely to stop th.'m lor a time, and then hay, them n. turn BKaln, 1 MB1NA HMilUAla CUUU. 1 have made tha disease oi vuttx" FITS, EPIXEFSY or FALLING SICKNESS, fUL'S"'.?"1 XaS- 1 WARKANT rnyremedrlo Cdkb the noral cases. Ilecanae others havo failed Is no reason tor not not 'XewvTns i eiVo tend at once for a treatise and a FbkkIiottlu K?i . Hi " CHU yn nothlnic fir a trial, and It will cure jrou.' Address H.O.ROOT.M.O., l81Puil8r.NlwYoK ept-'S4-lr EssssSMsaBsHBsHsHsaBBasassK C i ' Km 77 r 1 CUBE 1 1 Oi! A. G. YATES & CO. q &ch,eatiavjit, mucjuit Mii,iiNO. Best Made Clothing. in Philadelphia I'oax Men loutff and! Children. h. C. YATES & CC. ' 622 & Chestnut, LKUUKK IIIIII.IIING, GIIA.TEFUL COMFOHTINO. EPP'S COCOA. BHEAKKAST. "fiv athorounliknowledireof the naltiral laws hlch guvern the opftatlnns of digestion nnd nuint'on, ana vy n mreiui uppiicimui ui i uv iiuu properties of well selei'ted ocoa. Jlr Epps has Srovld'd our breakfast tallies wllh n delicately aV'Ted beverage which may snve us many heavy doctors' hllK it Is by the judicious uso ot such articles of diet that a consul ulton run y tw gradual. U built up until si rong enough to rc hist every ten deneytn dl ease, llundieds of subtle maladies are floating around us le dy to aitack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape n any a fatal stinft bv keenlnirO' rsolves well loi tilled with pure t lood and a properly nonilslied frame. '-Cfelf berries (lazette .Made simply with billing water or milk. Hold only In half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus i JAMES EI'IH & CO., Ilomajopathle Chemists, UOV XO-U-U liUUUUU, iuitiiiuiu. RAILROAD Tirvin IABIiQ pvEIiAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WEHTBHN KAtLUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. FM I'M A. ai. A. It NORTIICMDSKLiKD,.. ., d 40 139 10 10 (1 IS Cameron 5 t5 .... 10 25 f, 30 Chulasky 6 10 .... 10 vu ti 81 Danville c os Its 10 ss 6 4o Catawlssa 25 sit 10 M HUperL 9 II 19 II CO T 05 Bloomsburg 0 36 i 24 11 07 7 12 Espy, 0 45 !l V'9 11 It 7 so Limellldge 6 60 ., 11 22 7 27 willow (i rove....... i .14 .... 112 7 si Iinarcreck e 54 ll 30 7 35 KerwlCk 7 05 S 4S 11 37 7 42 lieach Haven 7 11 s 64 ll 44 7 49 IIlck'R Kerry 7 is 2 69 1141 65 Khlckshlnny 7 HO .1 119 11 cs 8 06 llunlock's 7 43 3 19 12 OS 8 IT NantlCOkc 7 60 3 20 12 16 8 22 ATonaaie 7 64 12 20 8 38 Plymouth 7 69 S 35 12 2.1 8 33 riimouthJnnctlon,.... 8 0:1 339 1230 8 88 Kingston 80s 343 1237 8 45 Dennett ts 12 .... 12 41 8 49 Mall by 8 17 12 45 8 63 Wyoming 8 22 3 62 12 60 8 sa West ltttston 6 27 3 60 12 65 9 03 HUstOn 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 ... 1 11 9 17 Taslorvllle.. 8 48 .... 119 25 liellevue 8 64 .. 1 25 9 so 8CR1NT0N 9 00 4 22 1 30 9 35 ru r m fm am STATIONS. SOUTII AM AM FM FM HCK1XT0N 6 10 9 60 2 05 0 20 liellevue c it 9 65 ... 0 25 Taylorvnie 6 so 10 00 2 14 6 su Lackawanna. 621 10 08 221 6 37 mttston e ss 10 ik a 28 0 45 UeBlltttBton 6 42 10 22 2 31 0 1.0 Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 2 39 6 6S Maltby .. (ii 10 30 ... a 6g Uennett C 65 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 3S 2 60 7 0T 1'lymouth Junction.... 705 1042 2 64 7 12, Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 ie Avondale 7 14 10 si 3 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 3 06 7 25 llunlock's 7 26 11 02 3 19 7 4 SMckshlnny 7 47 11 12 8 29 7 6S nick's Ferry. T 66 1122 3 39 8 07 Beach Haven 8 01 11 28 3 45 8 is Berwick 8 07 11 37 3 61 8 20 Bnarcreek s 13 s 67 8 27 wiiiow Grove 8 16 11 43 4 01 8 31 Llmo nidge. 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 35 Spy-'"" - S 26 11 69 4 12 8 41 Bloomsburg . 8 32 12 05 4 18 8 47 "UP"' 8 37 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssa 8-2 12 16 4 29 8 57 Danyll e 8 67 12 SO 4 46 9'1S Chulasky, 9 03 4 64 9 2.1 Cameron 9 07 12 40 6 00 9 28 NOBTIIPMBIRLAHD 9 22 12 65 5 15 9 45 Connections at Rupert wllh 1'hllrTdHphir " Reading Railroad for Tsmanend, Tamsnua. will. i?,,m,TJKs.r?Suyi!,s,;'lle' "c- At Narthum berland with l 4 K. Dlv. 1'. R. it. for HarrlPburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie 'V. V. II ALSTEAP, Gen. Man., scranton. Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. IM! Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. x! TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. 19 lssa. Trains leave Kuaburr EASTWARD Hi?.i;,?i r,s?nore Exprenn (dally except f,y',?r5W,urn'M'rmeaiateFttlone, arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 v. m.: New York. 5.60 p.m.; Baltimore, 4.45 p. m. j Washington5 SiKJt JKV ,coDncllDP at 1'blTadelpbln foralVtiea Phllade?pwsf' TUroul;b Pi-'nger coach to dally except sundayl.for HarrVrtalntTm" J',te s'at'?' arriving at Philadelphia X x?e.Yo.rkt M P- m'i Baltimoro 6.45 p.m.! Washington, s.(jo p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and pWnger coacncB through to Philadelphia and lialtlrrToreT coacneR fnl'f?.,J?;k5:1ienPA0. ATOi' trodation (daily Sils,,baJ.dall,nterlnc,,la'''Mo'lris,arrlT- Roli-; l,1!,'ni! Waatitrrtnn 6 so a. m. iv.'i "'""Plngearfrom llarrliburg to Phlladeli on ""3 twm m,,5;a!?;rKrU'..Ma"la"y,0r "arnsburg ana intermediate stations, nrrvicg at I'hlladeirhii. ger coaches to rhllailelphra and l'aii lniore. V.'ESTWAIIU. , 5'lua' m.-Erlc Wall (dtllj- tcr Frle ard al' ntermed ate stations, ann t'snandaleua aid intermediate stations, RochePleV iiuffalo SIS N'Wra Kails, with tbioucb "ullman palaco' oars and passenger coaches I o Erie ai d HoeKVr.. STiVSZ Kjb'PBS (latly except Sunday! for s?n,S?,S,1 naiil Matlnns! T Tir!nWn":;ilaifftJ.a.2jrifH.fl 'liny except Hun.. ihSni.J 'inalo and Nlntara Falls wlttl! ud l miorcmo w mamspn'r;. and ter diatenatior. ' ' '"-novo and Interme. THHOUOn T1IAINH MBHTOKj 1Y FROM TUB ...... VI, 111, i,?!'?flvw ?la'1 leaves I'MlpoeliMs 4 SO n m II&SJP'T. W WliMrtPbia ijtfa. m. amvlnVat'sunbury .68..m!1T et" 8uD'lay PhHsiinhi .."""tara Express leavea SaMSrSjl nwS" "Tf $." a. m. 1 1-hlladel. :eii&s& hrnnnh T. "UBington and Iialumore and hrough passenger coaches from j'wuSelpSla II1'NI'U HA lUAV. ' wn.h. JUA"K ef "P'py.) SUNDAY ONLY. t"ayrurr.."l'ua. y wiues-llarrewo so n " -"' rvij , a. p, ro . Baaourr u.a.uW J' aMbaiJfAii,. r