THE fG0IHMBIAN kNV DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I IJIeon Olitatsd. a tnvetEn employer does it. I nl. There tl trouble! hnttvenn Tlinmaa A. o muwuB inventor, mm nisi ui wgai adviser, Mr. John U. romlitis.m, too woll-known Datent Inwvor. whonn offiou in thu Drxol Buildinu. O I ui Mr. lomlinaon. besots balnir Mr. I K'lHOn'd I'Crnoilftl lcnal ndvixur. tin I 1H(1 bpnn nouiwnl fur llu. TCI a.m trio Light Company, llu had tho lull OOtiHclence both of Mr. Edimm and of tho company and dcrivul a hnndnoino, Income from tho business he transact ed lor them, Alter Mr. EdUon had invented the phonograph Reengaged K. T. GlUilland then employed by a Western oleotrioal company, at $6000 a yoir. Whilo per footing tho instrument and making it a commercial biiccum Mr. ttclison was co muoli absorbed that ho had no time to dovoto to oaDilalizinry tbooatort, When bit, wai s.iu-Qod iliat Buocopa.wfis certain ho intrusted tlie duty of raislhg mony to prmnoio it to Mr. UillUland. Willi Mr. Uillilland Mr. lomlmann was aPHOO'aied ai. Wal adviser, tho agroomxnt being that tho former should reoeivo loO shares of stock in tho now oomoanv aod the latter S00 sharcg. It is a fact not generally known (hat - . " - ... mr. xumnn has made it a practice to make the work on hi inventions oo opcatlvo. His theory U that by pur- Being this couibo ho gets more faithful and persistent work out ot his employ ees, as all are assured of being gainers upon us Bucceasiui commotion, xtius part of the moony reoeived for the pnonograpb wax divided iho rata among tho sixteen artbana who assist ed in its perfection. After a great deal of negotiation Mr. Tomuntifin and Mr. Gilliland final Iv interested Mr. Llnninuott. a Pitta burg capitalist, in tho patent, and' at lengtn reported to Mr. iiilUou that that cent oman stood ready to cive $500,001) in cash for it. Mr. Edison svkwi ihcra whether thy could not get more, and also inquired what arrange ments they had tnado in their own bfhalf. "Oh" said Mr Tomlinson, "we are to have some stock in tbo now company." Mr. Edison decided after Bomo de liberation to accept Mr. LippinoottV proposition and thf piper were drawn np and the muncy paid. Hut to his astonishment he learned soon after too trans lotion had been completed that the .price fixed and paid by M Lippincott was $750,000 and not $500 000 as had been r porto I to him, ai d then ho dropped hi laboratory work for awhile and set himelf to find out what had become of the extra $250,000! His invest'tration developed the fact th-a Mr. 'IVmlinsoa had received $02,000 of tho money rather a large fee, bv the way, for tho drawing up of sale and that the ha'anOH had gone into the pocket of OiUiland. He was niturally indignant, a- muoh perhap on account of tho workmen who had been euchred ont of their proportion of the profits of the venture as his own, and at Ono brought tho matter to the attention of theLtw Committee of the Edison Eleotno Light Company of Which Tomhson was counsel. He presented to this body a number Of amdavite aettinir .forth tbe'io and other facts, and thy recommended the dismissal of Mr. Tomlinson. Tbo Bo I'd of Directors adopted the reoom mendation and Mr. Tomlinson was dismissed. Monopolists Dine. The American protective tarifE league held its first annual dinner at DoTmon'ico'a restaurant in Kew York Thursday of last week. Several Boeeches were made and among them was one by President Ammldown of the league, who showed in bright colore tbo eternal future ot protection. - Amtnidown, who owns several wool en mills in New Jersey, is known to have imported Hungarian workingmen take the place of American laborers, and in view of this fact any remark" h makes regarding tbo benefits of pr iteotinn are naturally looked upon as the embodiment of hypocrisy. The employes of Ammidown and other protected monopolists never hold an nnal dinners and Belahazzar feasts, and are ivon compelled to struggle for thi necessarit'B of lif ', vet it will b noticed that it is Ihey wh'iare "proteoted" by a high tariff aocordm t to the tbrory ot monopolists. The American pr ittctivo league lias reason to rejoice, however, lor mere are no inuiuiuious inui, iu f publican lfginlators at Washington will interfere with the system which enablen them and other protro'ed minnfactur-1 -era to "proteot their Atno'ioau work ingmcn irom loreigu u'iiiiuuuuii. -Patriot. Olereland and Iogalls. President Cleveland simply re spected the dignity f his hign office by refusing to invito President pr-' tem. Inqalls of thi Senate to tbo firet State dinner of the 8eaon. Under all ordinary circumstances, the Preeident of the Senate would be a prominent guest on such an occasion, but social as well as other laws imply that one who disgraces distinction snail be ex cluded where hoiiom ar reo -gnizd. Preaident Inoali.m was not o -n em with bitter partisan a-aultB upon President Ulkveland. lid be been ever bo aggressive in political dftiunoi- ution of the policy or publio acts of the first offio-r of tho government, he should and would have bwn tho guest of honor at tbe l'retidt-nts a atu dm. ner: but Ikcuixb putiiio criticism oi UWVm.AHP in i speeon, in migine o- terview for publio jounia In, was simply brutal in conception and 1 beastly 'in ex- p.ession. Ho thus put himself beyond the nale of Precidental recognition as a gentleman, and had Clevelanp dono otherwise he would havo abased tolf and dishonored his office No man since the days of Washiko ton. has been cleaner in his groat of fice, aliko in publio and private act" than President Cleveland, and no man has been more shamel sly tra ducod. He is one who invites beroio opposition and xearching criticism in Dofitics., and when tho maw-worm of beastly Assaults upon private life conun . . , . : . Mnnr..:.. .1... 1. n 10 IIIH irUIH, It 111 IWIICBOIUI. .Ul.V I.VM cty and truth aio important in assail Iiil. ii(ih a man. Inoalls has degrad' el him-tif and his high trust to the woP"nH of the lish-raonger, and Pi rvki.ani) has honor, d tho dignity of his high trust by declining to have the indeoent gutst at tho Presidential table. Ex. Pirat Dame--"Wbat shall we do n.,1vt fuel's co to tbe matinee." K.-rmd Dame "Can'lt wo haven't any money. It takes monoy t go to the .t.trH "So it does. I di"d not think of that. Web, let's go shop. Kew -AppoitionmuiU- A bill wa Introduced in tho Ilmitb If ftrrt.titiri .Inn IfVliv Mr. PiIl'Ii auto into ncnMoual Utoiricis fu folltiwsl HfFlrat, Twenty-slxth and Thirtieth Wardr I uiiaucipuis. ...cpnd - Becond, Third, Fourth, fifth and SUM Third Tenth. Tbtrtnili. fourteenth am 'IH - 'W"'' Fourtb.'-acventb. Eight. Ninth and Twenty seventh Wards. niin-'Kineenin, Twenty-eighth mm Twenty ninth Wms stxtu-Ktghteenth, Nineteenth and Twent first Wards, Moventh-Eleventh Twelfth, Sixteenth, Beret tcentb and Twentieth Wanli Bigith-Twenty.flrst, Twenty-second, Twent) thlmand.Twrnty.tllth Waids I Mnth county of Delaware. Tenth County of Bui ka. Eleventh County ot Berks. Tweltih county ot Montcomery. Tttlrtwnth mil Vmirtpnnth 'rnfttrltta County Of Lancaster. Fifiecnth nistnct-nnphtn and Lebanon, sixteenth Lehigh and Carbon. Seventeenth -Cheater. EighteenthNorthampton. nineteenth Ltucrne. Tweiitlcth Lackawanna. Twenty nro Columbia and NonnuraDcriana. Twrntr-aeonnd Monroe, like ana Wayne. Twenty ihlrd-bradtord and Sullivan. Twenty-iounn Lycoming ana voniour. Twenty.flttn-Tloga and rater. Ttrpntr.alvth HtikniiAhnnna Atid Wvomtm. Twcntv.neventh.-Hnvdor. Junlata.iMtnUn and union. Twenty-eighth York. ,Twenty-nlnth Centre and Huntingdon, Tteia ocnuy ixiu. tv.flrvt licKoan and. Cameron. Thtrty-becond Clinton tnd Clearfield, Thlnr.thlrd Frankllo anl Perry. Thlrty.ponrth Cumberland end Adama. Thlrtyrntth -Dlalr and Cambria. Thirty-sixth Uradtord and rnlton. ThlrtyeeTeqthnInllaoa and Jefferson. Thirty- Ight Clarion, Klk-and-roreat. fThlrty.-ntath Weatrooraland. Fortieth rat etto and Union. Jtorty-prBtrrButler nod Armsirtpg. rvnj-aecona uity ox Auvxnznj. .Fnnr-lhlrd. Vnnr.friTirth. rortT-fltth Cltr Of Plttaburif. , joriy-wiiD iieaTtrs ana nuoiDgtaa, rorty BOTentn Mercer ana uirrence. iKorty-etshth Vcnaoso and Warren. rurxT'Diniu- bnc Forty. Fltlfe leih Crawford. Wit and Humor. Familiarity has never bred much contempt for tbo business cod of a wasp. High life below stairs in England is nothing to tho low life above stairs in some other country. It-is a powerful hard thing' for' a woman to wesr, six-button kids when her h'lfband wears a seven-button pouketbook. "Sir," eaid tho Surgeon General, "them'a cholera in the port." "Well, dir," roared the Viceroy, "servo sherrj, then." The latest theory from a poicntipt U that a inau ban two brains. Thin, However, cannot possibly wfer to the oigarette dudes. Mrs. Weatend (at a party) "How brilliant Mrs. Tiptop is tonight." Mr. Tiptop (dryly) "Y-e ?, she's an aw' fully jolly iwoman when away drom home., Whatever may be the scarcity 01 fractional ourreney, wo .hayo never nearu yet inai mo ciruuiatiuu ui vui oimributioii-box was interfered W1VU tbroogh laok of pennies. The phonograph abowa that-a mm's voice hab not the same Bound to him self that it has to others, thus fiiislU explaining why some people persist in singing. Wealthy but economical father 'Do vouknow, my bod, 'whatriatric eoonomy would do for youl" Robett "I know what it has done tor me, lather,-and, Irespect you for it An eminent theologian, who ought to know if anybody does, .says tht angels neyer laugh. Then tho ,angelH never saw a woman trying to saw a stick of oordwood, that b all. In Europo it is customary to leave visiting cards on the graves of poets. This seems strange, when it is known that the occupants of tbo graves are always at borne, She I don't think I can eivo iyou I ? answer all at once, Arthur. He- t . . 1 TV. 1 III ........ ........ .1. 4n- ).n w O, never mind, Li); don't Iiarry. ,1 can wait a year two three, even (matters hastily arranged in less than no time). Eudekin (who has iust put on a new suit of clothes in .the shap)-VW!ait-. a minute, I'll go over to tho bank and get a check cashed. Tailor ( going oat with him) Well, I'll follow suit. Citizen (to elderly pnybioian) 'Yon don't bleed patients as -i often -as you did fifteen or twenty years ago!" Physician (looking over package of unpaid bills) "No, we dont bleed vm at all; they bleed us. ' "When asked why women never hate showing ou thoir tlm ats what is call ed Adam's apple, a Bonr-apple old I bachelor said "U, tbe tl rut woman swallowed her apple; Adam's . stack in hia throat!" SVid Brown "Th day I was imar. ried I .quit chewing tobacco, and I tell you it was' pretty hard on me that day, but in twenty-fonr hours I w all right." "Ab, how'H that!" "Well, tliH nHZt day 1 ooujmenctd chewing again." Undo of a month We must not forget tho G"od harts, Alfred. If it had not been for their house party lhi time last year we should never have met and married. Bridegroom of d'u to Nonsense, my deatl they didn't mean iu.v harm. Hh How did you like the play. Car. tin! Sho It wan just lovely. I don't know when I have paiwi'd bo delightful an evening. "Did you ever see such fio'j scent ry!" "Ye no the fact is 1 didn't notice. I couldn't keep my eyes off that lovely bonnet that lady in the second row wore. You saw it of curBO." No I waa interested in the play." "Do you know, I don't think men are observant." N(JW tpanl a waring rage)- hous0 for ; j Mked o neibbof8 werB mpsicians.and you gftid f wcrfl noU Q. lhat'g 'thu ...., i!i,i t.j r E ,10U8 0Q tUe nrcot ha a piai)0 I 111 ULUIllCb VIHU) RAJ ...'VfJIUj fiddles, flutes, cornets and uinjoi, Real estato agent (oalmly) My dear sir, i ono of your neighbors are musi cians. They only tblnic tuey are, ' If You Are Sick With Headache, feural(U, EhtumatUm Drrpep sla, nillouiuess, Jtlood Humors, Kidney piiease, Constipation, female Troubles, Fever ssd Ague, Bleepleuness, rartlal Paralysis, or Nervous pros t ration, use falne's Cslerr Compound and be cured. In each of these the .cause U mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, tbe effect of which Is to eaien the nervous sys tem, resulting In one.of these .diseases, Hmovs the C.Cfi with that great Kerf Toole, (fed the nisciT nlU disappear, Paine's Celery Compound J as. Xm Ikjwijf, Bprtnirfletd, Mw., wrltrt u Paluri Ceterjr CDroioun4 cab not tr excelled M aNvno 'Jonic. In my caaa a elogle tottlo v rough I a Krvat change. Mr nerrumau entirely dLsApieard( and vrlth tt the rertiltlnjc att'ecttoa of the vlonifcch. hpart and llvrr, and the whole t.ine of thu i ystem vru wonderfully Invigorated, 1 tell my friundt, UitcL u 1 hare I en, falaei K19TJ UOIUpUUUtl Will Cure You! Bold by drogrtsts. 91 1 tlx for U. Prepared only ly Wk-U, liicuaKMOii A Co., buxlunwo, Vt. M bthtti, (vNVIIM, ItWIjUlMl. OH I MY HKADII rkas f k Hw, Ann Rwattr.-Dy. J(bMi tha itemwh it torrid II toon botom loc. ,.( with haU dltMhd wrttm. tlx Mood bromw TltlMad aod fordt lb etbw miraca faU 16 Ml not. mall y, aod lndaa a train of aymrtoma, inch dya. ttla, lck hudacha, dlulnwa. drewauuu, ralptla. Won of the heart, pain In the back, lota ot appttlla, "Then an f w thlnta that I baUara In with all lay ferart and It affonU raa blearara to tall of one of than." The tpeaiar waa ex-Bf nator jLlbart Merrill, iMtd ot tba law f roll firm, tt raik nam, H. T., aod tbaaoeneblaoOc. "I waa tick aod feand I bad txcoroa f atad to andura the Tortures of DvsDensIa rid a daniaraiia affection of tba klfaera. A rela( l thitMnonpci bofur in bfutiil lreMotMiMrrrtr orrn of tl uon.1 nr. luqnfdyi J"TOiirt Bemdr H fntttlnd vritatama Icftnrl' cttlttr Mri6Di 1k r M avail wan aria iLfirilPH nfl niiNiaavi m ip ana dimii lp nd ft blwwlnjf Id t,' TarrrUmn, K, T, trouWftl with tot Blind Sick Headache Tfkonilnrrid mck iydeoii, l nfrems lor tneiur Tre yrli oompUlnta, ftha vru cured by lr. Kenneay'a FAVORITE REMEDY. rrlca Ona dollar. Prapartd at Eondout, H. T. Da yen feel doll, languid, low-aplrlted, Ufa leae, and tndeacrlbably mlaeraute,' noth vbyal tally and mentally: experience a fcnuo of fuUnew or bloating after eating, or of "irone neta,'! or amptlneaa of atomaoh In the morn lor, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste In mouth; irregular appetite, dlzzlneaa, frequent beadacbea. blurred eyealght, "floating (peoka " before the eyea, nervoui proatratlon or ex haustion. Irritability of temper, hot fliiihea, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, bltlnr, transient palna here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meala, wakefulness, or disturbed and inrafreshlng steep, constant, lndescrlbablo feeling ot dread, or ot impend ing calamity? If you bave all, or any considerable number of theee symptoms, you are suffering from that most' common of American maladies Illllous Dyspepsia, or Torpid Llrer, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease baa become, the greater the number and .diversity of symp toms. No matter wbat atara It has reached. Dr. Pierce's oldeu IModlcnl Discovery will subdue It, If taken according to direc tions for a reasonable length ot time. If not cured, compllcatloua multiply and Consump tion of tbe Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Dlseaso, Itbeumatlatn, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite uaule to set In and, soonor or later. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. I'lerce'a Uoldon .Medical Die oery acta powerfully upon tbe Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system ot all blood-talnta and Im purities, from whatever. cause nrislng. It Is sguaUy efficacious In acting upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and boallng their diseases. As an appetlxlng, restorative tonic. It promotes i' digestion ana nutrition, thereby building up both Beth and strength. In malarlnl districts, this wonderful memoino has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases Dr. I'teree's Golden iUodlcal Die. eovery CURES ALL HUMORS from a common Blotch, or Kruptlon, to tbe worst Scrofula. tSalt-rheUm,'"Feter-ores," Scaly or Hough Skin, In short; .all idiseasea oaused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying,' and Invigorating medi cine, ureal muok uircra raniu.y ncai unaer Its benign Influence. 'Especially has It inant- tested its potency in curing Tetters Uozcuia, Erysipelas, Polls, Carbuncles, Bore Kycs, scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, lltp-jolnt Disease, MWhlla BlllnM" flnlt-a , Tr,l.ttr fJ-.l. "White Swellings," Ooltre. or Thick Neck. and Enlarged Glands. Send ten centa In sumps for a large Treatise, with colored Flatcs, on Skin Diseases, or tbe same amount or a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Thoronghlr cleanse It by using Dr. Fierce Gulden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair akin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, Whleb la Serofnla ortbe liUiigs, Is arretted land cured by this remedy. It taken In the earlier stages of tba disease. Fr n its mar--ralona Dower over this terrlblr'fatal disease. when erst offsrlngtbls now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling tt his "Coxscmftion Cuna," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a 'meal cine wnicn. irom its wonaerrui com- Dmauon or tonic, orairenginening, aiuranve. Ic, or strengthening, alterative, ling, antl-bllloua, pectoral, and erues. Is uncqualed, not only or Diooa-cteansini nutritive properties. Is uncqualed, not only aa a remedy, for Consumption, but for all or uonsumpuon, nut ror ail sues of tho unronic Disease or too Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Wk Lunffty Bplttlnff of Blood, Short nets of Breath, Ohronio Naeal Catarrh, Bron chitis!, Asthma, Sovere Coughs, and kindred affections. It U an efficient romedy. tat t&joo. ' tdm OmnA .n Mni, tn ifimiufA.n. pooa on unsumpuon. aaress. World's Dispensary Radical Association, fll Bain StV CI'FAI.O, If. T. The New York I of CinCULATION FORI BBS 01 I How Its Circulation Has Drown: 8.131.15; 18x3. 1KU. 1BS5, 18,243 M8 2-.519.7S5 ei.visou, 70.12S.OI1 B3.389,S-'S 1888 (ovSr) 100,000,000 WEEKLY WORLD tie mi h mmi NEWSPAPER On the North American Continent 12 Large Pages and 84 Long Oolnmns A POPULAR NOVEL P&DUSlIKn IN AND given WITH EAC1I ISSUE Or THE WEttKLiY CUIliUM, The following Novels were nubllshed In one quarter. The list will show tho class -of Novels given weemy; The little Old Man otthe Ilaturnolles. .GaborlaiL Mlgnon; or, Uootlt-s's llaby...... winter The Happy Man. Lover vtnen tne -nip uomes iiomo uraant It Is tho Law, Wlllhon illawa's Keveogo Haggard A Woman'sLoe , liraeme MlgDon's Secret. winter PoorZcDb Koblnaon Trtiarures of Kran chard Stnvenun wediiea ana I'arioj liraeme Pluck Winter Alias Urelherton. Ward This Library of Fiction will be supplied to ouoecriuers ouiy. pto mxlra Copies will be printed. No Hack Num bers can bo furnished, and no Single Copies will be sold, One Venr (ji numbers), 91 1 6 Months a6 liutnt.erH), 50c. 3 mouttiH (13 nutnberH), 23c. Send postal for specimen copy, AOIXT8 W ANTKO AT Kvkry PoBT-OrncB. AddreEa THE WORLD Hew Tork. Warranted to color mors goods than any other dyes erer made, tad to five more brilliant and durable colon. Ass! for lbs Olamvnd, and take MU iHUCf, A Dress Dyed A Coat Colored fi j. n 1 1 FOR IO uurmvnis nviieweu j CENTS, A Child can use them ! Unequalled for all Fanoy nnd Art Work, At druggists and Merchants. py Book free. Willi, RICHARDSON i CU,, ft,., ..rilnfttu, Yt, WDlkVlth ft CIMtor hfL and thM vcllow color ni BTiiln hfil riTn riiwA ka thu inn 4m la tmrm Hood fnd dttordml Ht of the Tin. r iflrta to try lr. Jtenneilj'ii furor. He HemMr, of Jtiondont. K. I did eo ana btre Uwn ennuiietelr fnrL it' fb beet thlDff I eret brardof tor anrdleorutT of that ntnrtmn4lhrt Iiuilel FUILTanntoii. MM..iutTfli Ml UHAT YOU 9 I MMBMHBMaMM f 1,000 REWARD " "f -t -In ttITI fiimti Thi Acme waome . WILL NOT INJUR! LtATHRK, , To mk n lntIUot Uwl rrl thU, tT tbi ialiam Ina HMthodt lung rttip of lvmUMr In a hottU ei Ann BlMklnc, and Wr It then for a dar cr month. Tun it ont and hftttf jt op to drr and ki fttttn lU oooditlon Mnfitli, W rvotwnnMnd ladtaa In mat n ultnlltr Im wtth Prmcn pnttng. an4 Gntlmn wtui nj llmd tWaUoB of Pwtta HmI j, or with Ikjold blsv-klnaj that oomM hi Mod jag, Wolff'sACMEBIacking MakM any kind el Isathsr WATERPROOF, SOFT, AND DURABLE. tie beautiful, rich, fll.OWHV TOI.TKII la B SQaaled. Aim. Uihor and wimoyanf. A Pollwh f.sta r Mewth for Worn ew, sad AWeehrnTMrn,and(mHrne8iatheT ern Fonr At ontba wlthoat reooraUDf. WOLFF & RANBOLPH, PHIUDELPHIX. gold by Bboa Btowa. Orwurs, aod deal nassallr. BL00MS1K MIHG MILL The undersigned having tint his I'lanlnir V Railroad Street. In nrat-cinsa condition, it on red to do all kinds of work tn his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUs.DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. arnlahed at ruasonauie prices. All lumber hm s well seasoned and nono bat skilled workmer sroemployod. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KIUJG, II I on til fib lira, TO co: SUWPTIVCS Thn nnf1nrHlfrtif.(l ftnvlnrr tinnn rn. O ' - 'tored to health by Simple tneann, after Ufuring lor several years with apeven ung affection, nnd that dread disease JoNbUMrnoN, is anxious to make iiinwn to his fellow sufft rers tho meatn it cure. To thoo ho dtcire 11. ho will b"t rlully send tfieo of charge) a copj f iho nresoripuon nncd. hich thtt vill find a tire cure for Consumption. THMA, CaTAKRH, HltONClUTlS ai r 1 throat and lunir JMaladiks H pes all sufFerers will tiy hi It med, il is invaluable. Tlione dpsiring ih xcription, whiph will cost them noth t, and may piove a b'essing, will eao aihlns-, Rbv Eiiwaud A. Wn, n, Wiliiameburg, Kiub Couitt ew York, A-&-oo..'Jee-7-ly " Oh' This Instl'utlon 13 a high grade rurtnesa col e. giving Instruction In every department of 'iistness education. In addition to the regular uslness course It makes a specialty of Phono rnphy, Type-writing, TeleRraphy, and ornamen al lvnmanshlp. Iho prominent lenture ofithe ommerclal course Is Its nractlcal character. -learl'-every set of booka has been' taken from .rat-class cusinesa e&iaousnmvnts, ana a large iranortlon ot the course In book-kecDlnir Is made id from our system ot actual business practice. unsurpassed In the sclentinc application to mod ern business methods. A larcrer Dronortlon of our graduates regularly obt.ln drst-clas" posltlona than from any other commercial college In' the Mate. Year begins Aug. 2, lftis. ror circulars .iddreas V. L. DEAN, Principal. kov am. Kingston, pa. jUKE INSURANCE CHRISTIAN 7. KNAPP, BLOOHSBCKO,rAi HOMK, OF Ni X. MEHCHANTHV OP NBWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N, Y, PEOPLES' N. Y. READING, PA. OEHMAN AJIKRICANINS. CO..NBW YOKK. OKKKNWICll INS. CO.rNKW YOHK. JK11SBY CITY KIKE INS. CO., JERSEY CITY', N. J. Theao old coai-OBATioNa are well seasoned b aire and riHi tkstkd and have never vet had a to&s settled bv anv conrt or Iaw. Their AfiRets are aiunvesteainsouu siocbitiisi are uaoietotne aiaru or rial only. Loeaea promptly and noNtarLr adlnatedand ald as aoon aa determined by CnaianiM r, KMirr, sriciiL AosifTAHDADJueriKBLOOiisiuKS, Pa. ThewoDleot Columbia county should catroa- Izethe agency where losses it any are settled and paia oy one or i ner own r.inrena. " rnvJLi innaa. avuii i, rain iijuuaAu, DON'T vbouuyr Rubber Bootsuntll you have soon the "COLCHESTER" 1 with "Extension JCdae" A Napoleon Top. This la the best fitting and MOST DURABLE BOOT In the market. Made of the Best PURE CUM took. The "Extension Edge" protect the up per, nd da to wear of the Sole by giving broader treading; surface, AND SAVES MONEY FOR THE WEARER. fXgtllr BUY YOUR AROTIOS UN UKJVt I TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALL others In style durability. If you wont the worth of your money try the Colchesterwith OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kept Hereby B;s. Stores AT WIIOLKSALU U' MORGAN llllOS. He CO., Wllkcsburre, Pa. Nov, te-3m. ' tlojiil l.tiiiiitl (Jliie mends broken Ohlliu, UIum, Wood, Lvuthcr, Metals, Fur nltiiro, etc., with Cvcrlastlug Tenacity I Hold by Urocers, Druggists and General mores, ROYAL FOR SALE BY I. W llartman i Sons, w, II. DrooVo t Co. The tireat Eastern Tea Co., o. n. W ilson, J. II. Mercer. K! well 4; Biuenbender, SIHnHalld OrnlS W.Ub.' I MSlkUtkaMvrU. I P.rlacl Untknufi. Wftf.J M.l suit'M(M,wlibworka '.ad cu,l r aqvftl TlM. luse I'lviMhiMkU. r.ltiv ... t.riu. aa. ti... lofftUtrr wits r 1rst Md nl- Ola lint vi iiuuirautu isuiplr, TS.M ,u.l-, 11 tba at,b. Mna PrM. ua ant rva Sat k.rt nr homa tot 9 nualSa aad ahttwn tb.m If thuaa .k, nay vara cajlad, ISar baaaf ,wn BlflMllf. 1 waa wnia ai auca ran a .-- . h,- a.4 Howplca. IVaj-aj all aaaaa.j. . iajraia Jan t-'-v-ly PATENTS ve ats and Trade Marks obtslned.and all Patent si nesa conducted for M011K1HTK r'KKM. tiuii orrioK is orr bitjs u. b. patkmt OFFICJK We htve do sub-agenoleg, all business direct, hence can transact patent busltesa In less time and at Lss cosr than those remote from I Washington, send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advlso If patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not due till natent Is secured. A book,"llow to obtain Patents, "with references o actual clients m your Dime, couuiy, ur town, m (ru7. au4 rras C. A. SNOW & CO., 1 Opposite Patent Offlce, Washington, D. O !t3,l IA11 1 V) m ui 111 sma GLUE i warn iis7viit-. . & Draptaaf Orala, One of the largest mtllcra In the United States, a A. Plllsbury, is credited with asserting that Amoriaan mil lore do not dampen their wheat, before srlndlnK it. Tills Is correct of Bomo' tdlilcrs, but not of nil, find the reason is1 not attri butable to dlffcrcncceln millers, but to differences In wheat. Most of tho Cali fornia' wheat ground In this stato Is moistened, because it U found necessary to dt) so. On tho other hand. Oregon' will not stand dampening aa It contains enough water without this treatment On this account local millers prefer California wheat, as they can add the necessary water for nothing, which they havo to pay for in tho Oregon artiolo. "When' shipped abroad or stored for months at tidewater, thero is less differ ence, aa wheat which la not moist will become bo when in a damp atmosphere. California wheat when afloat gains S to 0 per cent, from absorption of moisture. A certain percentage of water' In wheat is essential to render It fit for grinding, and tho moisturo has to bo either found in the grain or applied artificially thereto, San Francisco Grocer. rope le'a Abstnttton lite. Like Napoleon. Loo XIII docs a great deal ot work and takes Terr little sloop. Ho rises at 6 in summer and 0 in winter. His' toilet occupies a half hour, after which he passes an hour in' prayer and meditation as a preparation fori mass, which ho says every day in ono of the private chapols of tho Vatican, lie delates at the altar with exemplary de votion, and thero is an exceeding grace In all his movements, whethor in the sanctuary, hi his garden, In his library or when holding a publio audienca At 8 o'clock' tho popefakes his cafe att lait and a roll. Leo XIII la ceo of tho most abstemious of men, and tho entire ex penses of his table do not averagomore than 91 a day the whole' year round. It must be remembered that tho popa al ways takes his meals done. Pittsburg Post. Electrlo ProstratUa. Several coses of this now malady are. reported from Oeusot, Franco. It af fects -workers under electrlo light. The light exceeds 100,000 candle power, and It appears that it is this excess of light, and not' the heat,' which produces the nervous symptoms. A painful sensation in the throat, face ana temples' is first noticed, then the skin becomes coppery red, and irritation is felt about tho eyes, much lachiymatlon ensues, and these symptoms then disappear, while the skia peels oil in five days. The effects or comparable, to those produced by walk ing over fresh snow In tbo sunlight, and may bo regarded as a sort .of "sun burn ing," Lancet. a freight tralnon tho Southern Pacific railroad ran into a herd ot cattle, striking a yearling calf, wldch jumped at one ' bound on tho pilct of the locomotive. It lay down quietly and rodo for nino miles. As the train approached Tucson tho bignal whistlo aroused it, and It jumped from the pilot and scampered across the range. The Mad Supply. The question agitated years ago, "What becomes of all tho pins?' might bo supplemented by the .query, "Where does Pittsburg's mud como from" From somo unknown and mysterious source there comes to the streets of the Iron City tons upon tons of mud. It is carted away, washed away, scraped away, only to reappear and to grow in bulk as rapidly as did Jonah's gourd. Known causes for this increment ore not sufficient to ex plain the presence of these muddy ava lanches. The debris of new' buildings, the droppings' from wagons, the wash ings from higher, portions of the city; these do .not wholly account for the perennially gathering deposits. It must be that Pittsburg mud, llke'Topsy, "jes' growed." Pittsburg Bulletin. Q.HAND JURORS FOR FEBRUARY TEK.M. Bloom., w. II. shoemaker, 1. D. White. Benton. j; B. Mcuenry. . BrlTcrcek. William Ash, George schochterty, John fchiner. Catawisso J. II. Geary, Chailcs Smith, Sr., I. U. seesboltz. Centralis Owen Dalley, Christopher Rooney, Flsblngcreelt Pierce Ash, Olden Stokes. Greenwood William Black. Hemlock Ralph Ivey. Jacknon Wm P. Rohblns, Alex Knouee. Ulfflln T. z. Boatman. ltoarlogcreek-Jeremlah Mensch. Scott -Charles culp, K. v. Uagenbuch, Jonas Roup. Sugarloaf Thomas U. Fritz, A. C, Patk. IJIRIAL LIST. W. A. M. Orier vs. James McAlarney, Kx., et. Joseph Cleweil, Adm., vs. Ablgal Weaver et. aL Charles W. McKelvy et al. vs. Charles B. Brock way CL aL Joseph clewell's, Adm., et. aL vs. Isabella Weaver. M. A. vs. Borough of nerwlck. All red imn va U. B. R. It. Co. B. F. Uarlch'VS. B. & 8. IL IL CO. J. W. uotfmanvs. B S8.IL R Co. O. A. snow Co. vs. C. Hears B Son. I). II, gponenberg vs.- George K. Hess. Jacob Oould vs. Charles Hughes. Francis Gotuhall vs, Jeremiah Reeder. L. II. tee A Iiros. vs. Silas lloornacle. ilrs. Catharine Cain vs. 1- A. UUey & Co. George w. Hughes fa. F. O, Rarrlson. Martha 1'eagirvB. William Adams, et. si. William Rabb vs. Bernard stohner. Garnishee. Cathar'ne Cain vs. L, A. hller Ca Joseph Kleckner, et. aL vs. John O. Crevllng. Alex Oampbell vs. Wllllarr Bobbins, constable. Daniel W. Carter vs. Hamlin Car Wheel co. Direct from tho Front. Knoxville, Tenn., July 3, 188S. The Swift Specific Co.,-Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no Kood results. I took a half dojen differ ent kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief 1 I was In duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. lint im provement came, and 'I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. Yours truly, J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave, Kemp, Texas, June sj, x883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,: Gentlemen A sUteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on vanoua parts of his body, I put him to taking S. S. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely, I live at Lone Oak, but ray post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, W, S. Kobinsoh, Three books mailed free on appll .atlon. All druggists sell S. S. S. Tub Swift Srixinc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 Broadway, M, C, SLOAN & BHD. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAOES BUGGIES, PHAETHS 8LEIQH8, PLATFORM WAQNS AC rirst-cluawork always on hand. REPAIRING HEA7LY DONh., Frieei reduced to mil the timet. HOMES OF TO-DAY Or Iodtri( Kximplts of Jtydtrtte rfet HoiufS. ISnbicriDLion.Si ,ner Aiuiiim. lil'ublUhta In l-fKUlatr tjiiarterly ' parta, on the 0rt of Jatiuiry, 11 Apr)' 1 Juiy ana (tiour. mlcd it part bclnir complete In lttclt L of artryUesciiDtlun. mora tiar- f tuulcni low cot dwcUlnga, and furuUliva mci lnTurmattoniotiioie intrnuing rita Quia ai win aac tneia iiruouey. The sUiv. srti!atnUtin apdmtaa of Itslluiitra- CflR 9hO. IllsnitaMcliiucDpy,oraipy rUII X J of "A l oijp llonw," tU nut Inainiciir. luue book st if Uiut J on bouH-vUautim aud kulUlui, FOR $1 LmM Wi&mi'i,'a' CilR tl Kfl 1 wni land ths Put Irl. fbr lsts rUfl I lOU slrnirluuwlai.aAUiiylluiio," and U4 fuur irti to ks lnued In lass, iHxttplUt Qirculir c all aoill fru. f, t, lIM,AalUtt,slkMl hitb tfli ticularlj SJ I I n Ch.-k.'M0" IF YOU WANT To Save Two Dollars ON EVERY BARREL OF FLOUR, USE "' lhimfonl Yeast Powder, The Old Reliable. It costs about one cent to raise a politic, of flour 'with Rumford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY from selected Usrley Malt and Rnaranteed to be chemically pure nnd free Irom liiJutlouH oils and elds often contained In alcoholic liquors. Ills especially adapted to pemons requlilnirn stlmulatlDK tonic, consumptives being sreatli benefitted by its use. Itet'OinmendMl by lending pbyslclnns as a Dlnrrtlv Nervine. Tonic and Alteram?. For Consumptives It Is Invaluable. 1'HtHINEH PUIIB 11AULKV MALT WII1HKEV appetite, a rich and nhunoant moon ana mcreawu nesn ana muscuior itch, n stimulant mild and Bent le In errect. Dyspepsia, Indlcestlon and all wastlnK di" ananann hi, fl..llral rhnnlLNul til. 1la nf Ivrflnf'K VllT III' HfV Sit WlllSKfTS It Is a tonio -nd diurrtiu and a powerful stirngthrncr to the entire aystem. l'Blt. UINK'S I'UHK UAltLKV-MALT WI11SKK1 haB proed a medicinal protection to BM1 tuosewno pursue tneir avocations lutneoptnair anuniiuiij numvuno . exceptional powers tit endurance. Ask toil ncarot druggist or grocer for 101 piiiiii 1 v k'm 111 nit iiitrt.icv m ai.t IV11INK1.T rnvlvea the enerclca of those worn out with excessive rrxlll 1 or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure ,n A .lrr,rniiu ha. It will .IrlvA .11 mjlartntIR lllwAJlOtl f mm the SVStCnl. if'i Hard workers Of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lite renders prone to 1st Dyspepila find In mrlne s I'dre llarlcy tfeeBasasaaaaavaiaia.assmaiMaMa Malt Whiskey a powerful and helper to digestion. I'UltK BAHLEV MALT VVH1SKKY without unduly etimulatint! tho kid n-yB lne reasos thflr flagulng activity, counteractslhe eifects of fatlgu-, has tens convale'eenco and is a wholesome nnd prompt diuretic. A'atch the label I Nono genulno unless bearing the slgnn Kui turn uy all drngglsts and grocers throughout the united states nnd Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A rOKSALE BY DRUQGlsrS AND ALL DKALKRS. KNNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. oolb aasMTS ros Alexander Bros, d Co. WHOLESALE DEALEIiti IN CIGARS, -TCBKCO, CANDUS, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE OENTS FOlt HENRY JUILLARDS SECANDTKS. F1IE.SU VEHY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. F. V. ADAMS t CO., FINE CUT CHEWING rOBAt CO Role agents of tbe fol lowlng brands of cigars. I1ENKT CLAY, LONDRKS, NOltMAL, INDIAN I'ltlNCESt-, ' SAMSON, H1LVKR ASH. C IB. JBOBMN& DEALER I1V Foreign &md MameMiQ WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. LADIES ! lng, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! fhor will dye everything. They are sold every where. Trice lie. a package. 40 colors. They have no equal tor strengtn, Dngniness, amount tn packages, or for fastness ot color. r non-fading qualities Tney do not crack or smut. For salo It by Moyer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. tebnrly. AtlvertlHcrH by addressing Geo. I. Rows: & Co 10 snruce K.. New York In good faith, can obtain all needed Information about any proposed lino OI ADVEHT1SINO In American sjv- 30-page rampniet, auc. Nov 16-MW. I Iiail a very Bad Cold, and got a bottlo of Dr. Setli Arnold's CotlfiH Killer, and it helped me at once. It will do all It is recom mended to do. Win. 1. Alverson, Branch, uisier louniy, rt, x. Druggists 2So., Mc., and 11.00. MASON & HAMLIN Ihecabuietorganwss Introduced In Us present ima uj .awn c. iiuaiui ui 1301, flttier tnaVara loUoweil In tba manufacture of these Instruments, but tbe alsson & Ilsmlin Organs have alwsys msia luiieu ui.u .uprruuicir m ui. pen in in. wono. Usson ai llamlln oner, as demonstration of the oneqnalled excellence of their ergsns, tbe fsrt that at au ot the great World's Exhibitions, since that of rsrls. issr,lnnnn Hateompetldon wtth best mak 1 1 U 1 1 II nl Vers of all coun triw,tiieyhave I n 111! N anvariiblrtsk. en the hlgnestU 1 1 Ufl I 3 U honors, illus trsted catalogaes 99 TO 8000. free. Mason A Hamlin do not hesitate to Disks ths ex traordlnary claim" for their pianos, that they are superior to all others. They recognize the high excellent, achieved by other leading makers In tS. art of plsno building, bat still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to ths remarkable Im. prorement Introduced by them In the year 1M2, and now knows as the "Mason & IlAsruK rtxNO 8TSlNOSB,''byn B. . the uaeotvhkh Is seenryd tb; I fl WLi I iTaT greatest pos elblepurltyandr lUIIII retlaemenl ot ton., togtlherl 1 11 1 1 U Vwlth greaUy in. creased cspacl- 0S1KD k CFSI3ST. ty for standing In tone and other Important advantage. A circular, containing testimonials from three hondred purchasers, musicians, and Users, sent, together with descriptive catalogue, to any applicant. I'lanoe and Organs told for cash or easy pay. fneuts; also rented. MASON it HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. UOalTOM. NHVT VUKJa. ClUCAUO. Oct !5-sm.rbros 1. Hit in. $7.00! M COUCH. Prlct w vHVkii. met 1 Wtk Vnavka thai ll tuaka th. lajsetrt varly of ftiLiilkkli. Saelli im . Isrittit1 tnnUtt, liviltd iisisi, rsiiicisBa- Rllllsi. HsaaKt, flics, tisrsrr, rsievCsrset rslsiis. Rasa ss. Ritiia r.i HAIRBana ROCKER8 BlCVCLKS, TRIOVCLEB.VE COCIPEDIB and SELF PftOPELLl-RS. All KINDS OF APPllAHCIt FOR INVALIDS, RABY riOACHES Over IOO dirertat aesljis. Ou rum astMistk inks oo til cv rwt. raa. W.'b.T. diacOAtUiUMl .uwawiuivi wcus row murs lurvet wiu VM joa can aaaa aavrral few., uns iiaasra sad srMciaJ Uaraaln. will run. OtKMU aula ondac a r fturMMt SJld dautand frt to uir potat la 1 I'ailal HUM. tranAtuma foe UAUioan aa mu mm. of a&oda voa afi LUBURC MFC. CO. 145 Nrt k Klahlh Htret, rhlUdtlfMm, Pm Exchange Hotel, IIKNTON, 1'A. The underslined has lnasAil thi. uMunm.. bouse, and Is prepared to accommodate the publio nivu .t, au. wutuuicuivv. ui aurui-vuisa uotei. ttasysf) LlktiU. LHAKlt, Jittmto (3SS.,Affl Tho WONDERFUL MVLUBURG chair alS SM..::.'.lJ.iV,ti..-. i It fur. WALT WHISKEY. InsureH a return of vigor to the stomach, 11 rom Invlgorant Tim it annesrs bv the La I'EltltlNE'S bel on every bottle; t have carefully an alyied the lima Iliatar Mslt Wiiis wir mail, hv il tj.k I'rrrlne and nnd 'it entirely free from fusel oll.fnrmrol. metals and acids and Is absolutely nurrt." stgnra, utmtua atmw tiroaitair qr itir iHtiiniiiiHm n.r... WiaftM ana Wettliaarn ANY OHDElt FOR PESTIV.VL will be SUPPLIED ft I Tl) TOE LOWEST tl i as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; cream nuts, ALMONDS. POP CORN BALLS. SCOTTS OF PURE COD LIVER OIL & HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. 80 disguised that It can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the most sanslUv stomach, when the plain oil cannot b. tolerated; and by tbo com bination of U oil with the hypophos. pnltes la tnactt mora efflcacloas. Btmirka.le u t prooBttr. Ptrwus gala rapidly while taking It, BCOTTS EMULSION Is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa. ntiou in the world for the relief and core of CflNIIIUBTinV na-Bna.a,a a 0EN.?it-PEBIUTV- WA8TINO uiasnsEOLBnaviATION, COLDS . and CHRONIO COUCH8. Tht great remedy for tbnjKmpHan, and Wasting in Children. Sold by ah Drwigittt, sept sS-'bS-ly D R.J HEEL i Tratrvl (srr-nulns.1 n.ll.ul ....i. "?T - at s (0 ourt joa inert wUr.r Ulnr vLy.l.Uu, BO BCer b L I atjbt rrouwbtt Collet b tntdutted. ltvOiUd IMtf4llU), who CQ , Uu 1D th. Jor-reVI aitiiMiDf .att iBMCairal IraatnitBt of fl OurbU SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, OI1STINATF. I'LI'KUS. BLOTCH EM, INUN.IN-I.AH3tATION. IHilVltSniy Karly Decay, I'tiyalral and Mental 1'roatratlon, HelsnrtiollH. Bladder nnd Kltlnry Disease. (Acute cases 4-10 SaD- E.ll.t .1 ,,,,, JIV METmitl Tiathta. tlAiniSAr..ikl. v.u.11. a. a....i. I CURE mucu a mnj vuna s uo not mean merely to stop thrm for a time, and then have them re turn again. I xtKai A ItADlCAi, CUUU. 1 havo mado tho disease ot 'u"" FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llfe.long study. I warrant my remedy to CUKK tho worst cases, llecause others have fallen la no reason lor not now receiving- 0 cure, bend at once for a treatise and k Free Iiottlb of my Ixfalliblb itiHCor. Give Express flVl0 .Vme?f " oa nolblnn lt" trial, and It will cure you. Address H.O. ROOT, M.C., 183 PfJUL Sr. Kl Y0 irpiw-'ss-iy MHMM.BB.aaaBBav EMULSION 1 W TfT7 r MmalalaalSaSlla J.l.m. al nadlalaa, Ike q.e t... tk.t.aWa ....mi rr.iie.i MMllraH .110 atcrj t.ma4 ass SV..".i,."VL """ Sll IK0..I ml fimi .1.1 tin Tk, aaoat aaKee.aa .allelic. VMS.. ldl,.4 aad all .rtla a, ,Vf for ISJt Tratk, aipoaiM Crania, ilbilr mIuiik, t. tlaUalia ...,. Taauiaiiaara dlHrpdaliS " 1 aii.l. tsalrai. lii'ut.." "' '" m um.lsl i.t?iiuil,,i.,,,mi,,,lf,,'1, imtsriu!" " '"MVtaa uguat IT'taiy. FITS! A. C. YATES & CO. a 5c Chestnut, Jest Made Clothing N Philadelphia I'Oll Men loutli - and , hildren. A. C. YATES & CC. 21 & Chestnut, r.i;ix:nit iiuii.iuno. GltATEFUIi-COMFOIlTINO. EPP'S COCOA. nilEAKPAHT. "Hv a thorough knowledge of the nn'ural laws which R'Vein the oieratlons of digestion nnd nutrition, end by a careful application of Die lino propt rtles of well selected neoa. Mr Kpps has prorld'd our breakfast tanles with a delicately flsvi red beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that aronttltution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to rrsist every ten dency tn dl case llundn-da of subtle maladies are boating around us 10 dy to attack wherever therelsaweak point. Wm may escape nany a fatal shaft by keeping 0 rsolveswellfoitlfledwlth pure Mood nnd a properly nourished frame. '-Cfrtl tierrlc Uatelie Wade simply with 1 lllng water or milk sold only In hull pound tins, by Urocers, labelled thus : JAMES Kl'l-s CO., Uomocopatblo rhrralRts. octse-d-GU London, England. XI A IX ROAD TIIVIB TAB till rvELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTJtllN HAILHOAD. BLOOMSBUItG DIVISION. stations. nom n. r m r u a. m. a. it NORTnUMBXRLAMP S 40 1 Si 10 10 6 15 Cameron 5 &s .... 10 is c .10 Chulask) 0 to .... 10 lis b SI Danville 6 09 1 68 loss 040 Catawhsa 28 s 14 10 ua A ss itupert.. 0 '' 111 11 00 t us lilomusburg 6 3d t tl 11 07 7 18 Espy 1...... e 48 3 S9 11 It 7 20 Lime l(ldgi. 6 60 .. 11 ss 7 S7 willow drove 64 .... 11 jo 7 81 Hrlarcreck 6 B9 11 30 7 35 Herwlck 7 05 a 43 n S7 T 42 Ileaeh Hsven 7 11 2 64 11 44 7 49 llick'B Ferrv. 7 IS 3 69 11 45 nr. Khlckshlnny 7 K0 3 09 11 6S 8 P8 llunlock's 7 43 3 19 1? OS 8 17 Nautlcnke 7 60 3 SO 18 16 8 23 Avnndole 7 54 12 so e 33 Plymouth 7 59 3 35 U SS 8 S3 I'limouth Junction,..,. 8 03 3 89 1230 83a Kingston ,,,. o uh 0 43 la 87 8 46 Bennett 8 12 .... 1241 mo Jlaltby 8 17 . IS 45 8 63 wvoming Hn 3 sa iz wi riu West Mttston 8 27 8 66 It 6b 9 03 HUston 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 1 11 u 17 Tailorvllle..... s 48 .... 119 925 nellevue 8 54 .... 1 25 sn 8CRANTON . 9 00 4 SS I 30 9 35 rii r 11 r m am stations. bouth AU All PH PU MCRANTON 6 10 9 60 2 05 8 20 ueuevue ei; 9 65 ... Taylorvllle. 6 20 10 00 2 14 6 30 lAcxawanna. ... 0 as 10 oh 2 21 6 37 HUston 8 38 10 18 2 28 6 45 West Ilttston 6 42 10 22 2 84 60 Wyoming. 8 47 10 27 2 89 6 55 Maltby .....0 81 10 30 ... 8 69 Bennett e 65 10 84 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 S3 2 60 7 07 Plymouth Junction-... 7 05 in 42 2 64 7 12 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 18 Avondale. 1 14 10 51 8 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 8 06 7 25 Hnnlork's 7 28 11 02 3 19 7 43 HMckshluny 7 47 11 12 8 89 7 65 Hick's Perry.r. 7 en 11 22 8 39 a 07 Beach Haven, 8 01 II 28 3 45 s 13 Berwick 8 07 11 37 8 61 8 20 Bnarcreek 8 18 a 57 8 27 Willow OrOVO.. .......... 8 16 1141 4 01 8 St LImo Hldge 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 86 Espy. 8 26 11 C9 4 12 8 41 Bloomsburg 8 82 12 05 4 18 8 47 Kupert 8 37 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssa 8 2 12 IS 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 67 12 so 4 46 9 15 Chulasky 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 07 12 40 5 00 9 :8 Northuhbkrlanp 9 22 12 61 6 15 9 46 AM !' M PH PXf Connections at Iiuprrt with rhllsdeiphb Reading Itallroad for Tnmanend, Tamsqua, will, lamsport, f unbury. rottsvllle. etc At Narthum. berland with p. & K. Dlv. I". It. K. for Ilarrifburg. Lock Haven, Bmporlum, Warren, corry and Erie. "V. F, DALSTBAD, Oen. Man., scranton, ra Pennsylvania Railroad. IM! Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. W TIME TABLE. In effect NOV, i 1888. Trains loave Sunbuiy EASTWARD 9.40 a. m., sea shore Express (dally except Sunday), tornatTlsburgandlnlermedlatestatlons, arriving at PhllnilMnhtn s ia. . m . v..,.. x-i. 5.60 p. m.j Baltimore, 4.4 j p. in. ;' Washington 6.63 p. m connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. . ., . , 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except 8nnday),forllainsburg and interme diate Btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia ;.45 p.m.; Washington, p.00 p. m',' parlor ear uirougn 10 rnuaaeipnis and passengrr coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. . H- ui. ivtrunvu Accomrnnaarion taaur for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv- Baltimore. 5.15. m. t Washlnrton 6 80 a. m. : Pllllman alAenlnin,-AH. ,......,.. . . ...... . . . phla and New i ork. Philadelphia passengers can j". 'I'. "rrT ' until 7 a. m. l'hlladelphla sleeper Is run on this train from llllam-port on Sunday's, in&iiP.-1.."""!"4"!'0' narrlsbursr and Intermediate stations, srr'vfng at Philadelphia 8.85 a. m. New York, u.4o a. m. ; Ilalllraore 'e.I5 r,Vo.l. J """'"sixu, .". m. inrpupn muman sleeping carB are run onthlBtrnlnto Philadelphia, Baltimore and U n.hlnntnr. , ti.Mh 1 ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWAKl). 5.ioa. m.-Krle Wall (daily) rcr Trie ard al lutermed ate stations ano ("anardaigna aid intermediate stations, Rochester. Buffalo aid Niagara Falls, with tbieugb Pullman I'aisco oars and passenger coaches to Erie asp Porprt. S-iZVevi Express (dally except Sunday) tor ock Haven and Intermediate stafloim. " 'J; ? P-hb Nlaja ra Exprewi (dally except sun y) for Kane and Intermedlateststlons and Can. V.XiFli ?d Principal Intermediate stations, H'fliester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls wltrj :5ri?Fu.P',wn'"'r coaebesto Kane and Rochester and Parlor carto Wlliiamsport, r,hJar ,Fa" except sundayifor Re. Sn0.1'.''1."1'''!10 tlons, and Flmira, Wat lfiSS.?tntifm.wl,.at" atlonBi " "H through pas. senger coaches to Ilenovo and Watklns. '""" dlate ata?ione-Unila)r ma" ,0r Kt""y0 aBa mtermo. THROUQII TRAINS FOR StTNIllfRy FROM THE EAHT AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves I'bllidelpbla 4.80 a. m Uarrlsbunr T.40 arriving at snnbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. PJESS."'?'.. 8-l a- m- cep Sunday arriving at sunbury 9.63. a.m. ' PhUadelphla.7.40 a. m. : lStSiSlUSS "wP'Nhndsy arriving atsumiry,l2 52p. m.' rn'rtbinin',hR, .,,a,0, car ,rom .'Wdelpwa "?.anndl.U.Ke.,leer l-Wl&el. aaJ.J?e 'eaves New Tom 9.00 a. m. t Phlladel-'i'1,1- m-' . Wfshlngion. 9.60 a. m. " Iialtll ,y..P-.?''"c'. "rtvfng at PSunbur 5.10 r.Vii7y,V. luVue." ' oi'man sleep ng rats from hrough passenger roaches from Philadelphia. Ill' NI'I ii A 1 1. w,?v, A ,., , (Dallretceptriunuayo Wllkesbarre vail leaves sunbury its a. in :"n i pD.' U,00m rorrr n..tofiino .,KinPra"'j:RI't leaTe'" Sunbury 6.8s n. m., arrtvlne aSS?.55J!SrriT.'M P' fn-L Wllkea-fisrVe V.W ri m ,nBai00,m?.rryl,'a-D,-H"1brr 12.45 p. m ,H?Jp?.?,W08t WIlkeB-barre 3.05 p. in., ar. Tlniat uiojia Ferry p.m., sunbury (JxirpVia SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:S6 a. m arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m. WIlker-BarS llt46 F;s?p rn""" at U1 00u P. Bnntnry CUi.I'DOni WOOD.