COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HAI.ES. For Baiji A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gal ami stram. Apply to janaoif. It. N. MoTtn. Tor Sale. TIro (rood store nroncrtlei. ten dwelling houses, six farm and a grist, mill and saw mill by M. 1. Lutz, Insur. ance ana Keal Jstate Agent, uioomiuurg, Pa. For Sale. Tho undersigned oilers at 'prlrato sale tho property situated jm Main and Iron streets, liloomsburg, known as Bhlvea' block. The property la a valu- able one, as Iron street Is too only cross treet In town that leads out In the coun try. It Is one of tho best business stands In liloomsburg, has n frontage of 314 feet on Iron street and 07 or 03 feet On Main street, will be sold at a bargain. If not sold by tho SOth day of January, 1880. It offered at public sale On that day. B. C. Bhlvc, Pnsyl P. O. The White Caps. TltltEATKMNO MISSIVES SENT TO MANX tkoi'lh in new .tbiwet. Now Jersey la suffering from nn atUuk of White Cap fovi-r. Tho first apui'aranco of thus? terrorize was, looked upon as tho uprising of a few young men with an exatigi rated idea of humor. Sevoral persons in Cumber land county, however, have good reasons to believe that it was not all humor as their experiences wi re pain- fuliy serious and roalistio. Within tho last two or threo weeks many per- fuliy serious and realistic, Withi aons in and around isrut colon nave roooived warning notices headed by the usual skull and cross bones signed "White Caps, Looal Branoh 79, of Now Jersey." Little attention will be pai i to most of thrtm, but in one or tw cases tho recipients armed th"mselvei in anticipation of personal contact with he writers. A few nights ago "Doo" Iiriant. wol known about town, was walking on th out-k ri ol th Firet nrd wiien b was confronted by threo masked m They sa d not a word, but two of them leveled their pistols at his face whu th third florihod a cowhide. Brian quickly whipped oat his own revolv and invited the young men to disappear They said they guessed a mistake ha been raadi and ho was not the in ti they wantod. Thov thee vanisho Bri mt s-iys lm 1m n' idea who th were, and he firmly olieves that if h had not been arm-d the men woul have attacked him. That satno oven ing near midnight a prominent ma drivintr from Fairton to Bridcetou wa stopped just ou'side of the city lini'n bv masked men, takn out ot his rlage, rnvercly whipped, and told t obanii some of his tactics. Xbe cii authorities 'now think the matter ha assumed a serious aspect, and they will make'Btrenuous efforts t" ferret out the perpetrators of this Wtstern upeoies of outrage' A BaUroad Project. A project is on foot to extend tin Williamsport fc North Branch Rail road from Eaglesmere to Bernice, thu giving the tteadinc s new connectioi with the Lehigh Valley, Some capv tahsts in the northern part of the stale are interested in property in Lsporto, W'ltoh thev propose to turn into a sum mer resort, and promise substantia1 aid to the railroad company in build ing a road to that point, it is onlv a few miles on tn Berniee, the southern terminus of tho State Lino & Sullivan Railroad, which connects at the north eastern end, at Towanda, with the Le high Vallev. A trsfho contract ha been in existence for sevrral years be tween the North Branch road and the S'ate Line & SnMivan, which is likelv to become effective. A considerable amount of business has been developed between the Reading and the North Branch and which will be incn ased by the extention of the railroad. It wil' also incresso thp facilities for inter changing freicht, with th Lehitrh Va1 If y. avoiding long d tours, which arf now necessary. Philadelphia In- quirer. Bemarkable Oase- A MAN tVITn TWO UEAIITS WHO IS BT0PP1NO IK JAII. The medical sooietv devoted th better part of one of its recent session at Trenion, N. J., to the examiiiatitt of Win. King, a colored man, who i said to have two hearts. He is about forty years of age. The xirn'O'itim proved thit hn had a divided heart such as is found 'n the lower kingdom, The heart beats pcrcoptibly on both sides, excepting that the snund is lese perceptible on the right than on the left. He claims to be able to drop hi- rib like a set of double acting window blinds, but this was, done, it was de tected, by his control of the obliqu' transverse and rectus muscles. Hi claims that he can change the locality of bis double hearts, hut this was pro no'iiioed a niece of jugglery, the resnli of long ptaotioe. lie unueeu Ins hearts. pulse and 'emperaiure to cease beating for a period of sixty seconds and the physicians pronounced it a suot'essful . TT-f .L -.!. euon. rung is mow in uiu uuuuty jn for being drunk and disorderly. H Announces that his mother discovered his double heart when he was six months old. Capital Puolshmeut in 1888. The number of legal executions during the year has increased over lat year, when it waa much smaller than for many years previous. Tho total number was eighty-seven as compared with "seventy-nine in 1887, eighty-three in 188G and 108 in 1WS5. The exeeu lions in the several states were as fob lows. Alabama, 5i Aikansas, 5; (Jab fornia, 6; Oonneom tit, 1; Delaware, It Georgia, S; Illinois, 2; Indiana, 1; I a, It Kansas, 2; Kentucky, 1; Louisiaim. S; Maryland, 1; Massachusetts, 1 Min nesota, 1; Mississippi, -1; Missouri, 4; New York, 9 Nw Jersey, 4; North Carolina, 2; Ohio, 3s Oregon, It Peniisjl vania, 6-, South Carolina, 5; Tennessee, 2; Texas, C; Arizona, 1; Idaho, 2; Montana, 2 Washington, 1; Wyoming lj Indian Territory, 2. Of all thi number all were male but one; fifty geyen wore white, twenty nine negroes and one Chinaman.-CAfcao Tribune. An Unkind OriUoism. "Yourstory, Mr. Wintekill," said tho magazine editor to the rising young author, ,'suiifl mo very well. I observo in it tome trivial fault, however. For instance-, you desoiUVthe heorine'u canary bs drinking water by 'lapping it up oagerly wiih her tongue.' Ien t that a peculiar wn foi a canary 1 1 drink walerl" " Voir tirit'cism surprises mo" said Mr. Winterkill, in a pained voiof. "Still, if you think vour readers would prefer it, perhaps it would be better to let, the canary drink its water with a teaspoon." Chicago News. The wea'her was so sprirg-Iiko on ChrietniBs D y in the Caiski I Moun tlnngioii that bees ami buturtlies oii e u In sviorm", lurpd by the hot un. ALWAYS SOME ONE BELOW. On the Ion eat round at tho ladder I nrrnly planted mj- feet, And tooled up t the dim, Yost distance Tbt made mjr future so street. I climbed till my f Won grew weary, I climbed tin mV brain was on Are. I )Uiitd etch footstep with wisdom Yet I never aeemea to gel mgncr. for this round was glued with Indifference, And that one tu gilded with scorn, And when I grasped flrailjr another 1 round, under Teirec, a morn. TBI my brain grew weary of planning, Anu my tieart strcngtn began lo ran, And tho flush of tha morning's exclleraer.t Ere evening commenced To pale. Cut just when my hands wero unclasping Their hold on the last gained round. When my hopes, coming back f roui the future. were. Kinking again to me grounn One who had climbed near to the summit Reached backward a he bine hand ! And, refreshed, encouraged and strengthened, I took once again my atana. And I wlah oh, I wish that the climbers Would never forgot aa they go That, though weary may eccm their climbing, There Is always some one below. rJia mggimnn Dreams and Cotncldcene. While stavlnir In vour cooil cltv last week I readf In Tho Olobe-Dcinocrnt nn account of curious coincidences con nected with dreams. Strangely enough, a night or two afterwards, no 1 was com ing cast on a Bleeping car, I dreamt of meeting a friend, 'a lady, whom I had not seen for seventeen years, and in tho morning i sat airecuy opposite mis very lady In tho dining car. I had not thought of her. but who will nay that her presence in tho next car did not haTo Bouie subtle influence over ray I dream the night i eforef Speaking of Un-amo, I will tell you of another one, of a ludicrous nature, not many weeks ago. I dreamt that I was a boy again, and was engaged in the rather common juvenilo diversion in tho country of robbing a farmer's water melon paten, j use aa i was in me an oi making off with one of tho finest melons in tho patch I saw the farmer approacli- 1 1 J T it. .11,1 T lug, wiui uug iuiu guu. Ail aiu uiu x tug at the melon, hoping to get over the fence ahead of tho advancing dog.. The barking of the brute awoko me, and I found myself pulling with an the en ergy at my command at tho bead of my io-montiis-oiu oauy, wmcn i nau mis taken for a watermelon, and whose cry had filled my dull ears with sounds like tho barking of a dog. The poor child had been dreadfully abused, and I re solved nover again to sleep in bed with a baby. A. M. fleston in St. Louis Globe- democrat. Hondo Acid aa a Preservative. Eoraclo acid only acts when present in largo quantity. It prevents tho growth and multiplication of germs, but docs not kill them oven in a 1 per cent, solution. Experiments with milk gave very unsat isfactory results, as on addition of 4 per cent, boracia acid onlv m-cscrved the milk for four days. Horseflesh may bo I presorvea ror six weKS Dy mo uso oi o rur eenf. nf tlm nrlil. Birnnin nehl la ' j... - " . , T," . Ti i I supposed to bo harmlesB, but recent in- VTOUUIUIU, UlUUUUIg UIU UUU1U1. UUIC upon tho mucous membrane of tho Ian luicuiljiu. iv uubu ui iuur Kraiuaut-s ftunu ; a largo rabbit, two grammes made a dog very sick. Tho acid is much used in Sweden for preserving fish and milk, but cases of poisoning nave already occurred in that country.; Long continued use of the acid is not favorable to good neaiui,,anq at all ovents its addition to milk' should be prohibited. Emmerich, Chem. Zeltung, No. 76; Ii. Do K., The Analyst. Looking Ahead. A storv is related of tho late F. IT. De lano which is quite characteristic When tho veteran railroad man was lying at tho point of death ho mode a dying re quest. Ho said to the attendants' at his bedside that lie wished them to see that strips of oak be nailed to the .bottom of the pino box that would contain his cof- nn. "l realize, remarxea tno ay ing man, "that Oakland cemetery will nave to be abandoned as a place ot burial coma clav. and all the bodies will be taken up and moved away. Now, I don't "want my bones dropping out of tho oox nil over uie city wnuo mcy are winuiK uioauu to uuuuicr wukhhj, and sol'd llko to have you make the box strong enough to hold them," It is understood that tho somewhat odd re- fuest was complied with. St. Paul ioneer Press. A Fight with an Eagl. L. C. Brinkman. a clerk in the supply department of the Burlington and Mis souri in this city, while hunting shot n largo eagle. The shot broke tho bird's wing, but left it otherwise unharmed, and when ho went to capture his prizo it maae a spring at nis race, ana naa no not warded it off with his arm his eyes would have been put out by tho savage bird. As it was it gripped his arm, and despite his efforts to freo liimself ho could not shake the eagle on. Ualluig to his friends, a short distance away, they camo and killed the bird and than pried its claws out ot tho flesh of Ills fore arm and leg, wmcn wero Daoiy laceraiou. He was helped home by bis friends and medical assistance sumraonea. ills arm was badly swollen. Tho eagle measured eight fe from tip to tip. Des Moines Register A resident of this city said today: "I uvo boueht ancles of farmers that wer 'if tho best class good all tho way to the uottorn or tho carrel, iouay i found that a barrel of apples I purchased of a :armer wno is a pillar in a cnurcn con tains a foot of straw. It ia not good straw cither, no actually soiu me buck wheat Btraw at tho rato of $1.50 per bar' rel." Kingston Freeman. Sodden Death. Miss Shawsgarden (of St, Louis) Oh. vea. I am nroud of our citv. We have changed the saying about Naples to "See St. Louis and die. Miss Dearborn (of Chicago) Indeedl is u so suuaenr America. An inebriated fellow was drowned in a street gutter at Stockton, Cal. lit fell to tho sidewalk, and then rolled ofl Into tho gutter, which contained about four inches of water. He was fou" a few moments later, but lifo was c tinct. Chandler Jones, a burclar. waa identl fled at Hozlehurst, Ga., by two tooth marks left in an annlo where ho had committed a robbery. One of tho prints waa or an ingrrwur vooin. Leprosy la Contagious. That leprosy really is a contagious dls caso seems to bo pretty well proved by th documents which tho Rev. II. 1 . Wright communicates to The Times. A Hawaiian convict who was condemned to dentli had Ida life sriared on condition that he should bo Inoculated with leprosy by way of experiment, Tho Inoculation took place three years ago, and tho un fortunate man, who would surely have done better to go to tho scaffold, is now a tubercular leper. Tho experiment was perhaps hardly necessary. The fact that Father Damlen has become a leper sine he went to resido in a settlement of lepers ia surely proof enough that the dis ease is contagious. Now, however, there U no longer room for any doubt which may have been felt upon tho matter at one time. Fall Mall Qazotte. My Poor Back! That' the common exclamation of thoae auflering with rheumatism or kidney troublei. In either disease l'aine's Celery Compound will turely effect a cure, and there will no longer b any cause to complain of "poor bacVi." Ing confimfour claims for that grand old "Two weeks ago I could not sleep was constipated and kidneys did not act, back. Since I took Paine's Celery and I can sleep like a child." Ztnas "Having been troubled with rheumatism to get around, and wu very often coo have used nearly all medicines Imaginable, tage. Having seen Faint's Celery Com used only one bottle and am perfectly lively as s boy." Frank Caroll, Eureka, Nevada. Sold vt Dwooiits. Sind WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietor. OUT MY HEAD!! Mrsriaf rtvw Jmr Braatar. By sat Blek II aMhe. Terrible Till ne. When the stomach Is torrid It sooo bMomaa eto. 14 with half dlted natters, th blood bwoM TlllaM and f onli the other organs fall to set nor tnilly, and Induces a tratn of yttriums, such u dya. Vepala, alek htadaehe, dlurineai, drowtlneaa, ralrlla lion of the heart, rain In tha baek.loM.of apratlte, "There an tew things that 1 bailer In with all my heart and It affords m pleasure to tall of one ol them," Tha speaker waa ei-Benator Albert Merrill, haed of the la fruit firm, SI rsrk rises, K, Y and the aeene his otBca. "I was kick and fatted I bad Nooma fated to endue Ibe Tortures of Dyspepsia and a danfsron affection of the Udnaya. A rail uai writ iime of fteM" Sir. J Blind 8lck Hosdaohe t or ur ui E lVwvUcbn. X miffoml for many rrart wltl ooxnvUlnta, and vm cured br Ir. Ksuiiiedj'i FAVORITE REMEDY. Trios One dollar. Prepared at Ilondont, H. T, The trcstmont of many thousands ot cases of those chronlo weaknesses aud distreaalnfr till men ts peculiar to females, at tho Invalids Hotel and Surirlcal InsUtuto, llullnlo, N. V., has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testlnir remedies for the cursof fohian's peouliur maladies. Or. l'lei co'a Vavorlto I'rcaci'lpllon Is the outgrowth, or result, ot this crrat and vsluahle experienco. Thousands of teslimn. ntals, re eel red from patients aud from physi cians who Imvo tested It In the more azia vatcd and ohstlnata cows which had Uimed 'their skill, prove It to Ira tho most wouiieriul remedy ever devised ror the relief and cine of suffering; womeu. It is not recommended mt a "curo-all," but as a most perfoct Bpcctflo for woman's peculiar ailments, Aa a powerful. Invigorating Sonic, It imparts strength to the whole system, and to tha womb and Its appendagre in particular. For overworked, ' worn -out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "sliop-mrls," boUM, keepers, nurslmr mothers, and feeble women igenerany. Dr. rierce'a lavonio i'rcscriitlin la tue (trraiesi. eanuiy ooon. the greatest earthly boon, being uucqualed as an appeiizimr ooraiai ana i ooraiai ana restorative tonic. Aa a lootliluir and atrongtboiilng tlorvlue, "Favorite Prescription la uoo- aualed and Is Invaluable In allaying and sub ulng nervous excitability. Irritability, ex- aulni nervous azciUDUIty, Irrltat hauatlon. prostration, hysteria, sni ssms ana UlUHI utsu vzwill., IfUlCWUl, L'llUi- oms com. .p tnd r,ueyel mental anxiety and do- aponuenoy. Dr. 1" Ivl rce's FaTorlte Prescrlpllnu la a le sKltlmsita medicine, carefully compounded by an experlencid and skillful .onranlutloa. It is purely vegetable In its composition and perfectly harmless in Its effects In any condition of tho system. For ana aaipHQ 10 woman a aencaie morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, censla and kli weak atomach. lndla-eatlon. dva. reaic red I b vei lenela and kindred symptoms, its use. In small dosesg will prove very beneficial. tavorito Preacrlptlou la aposl. live cure for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive llowlufr, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness." anteverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In- flammatlon. pain and tenderness to ovaries, accomnanled with Internal heat." Aa a regulator and n remoter of fitnA. tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription" Is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produoo only good results. It Is J ally eincacious ana valuable la its effects ien taken for thoaa diaonlera and deramrn. tnenta Incident to that later and most critical period, known as The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription," when taken In connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and smali laxntlre doses of Dr. Pieroe's Purgative Pellets (Little Llvor Plus), cures Liver, Kidney and III adder diseases. Their combined use also removes Mf fT If.. diooq taints, ana aoonsnes cancerous and i' Farorlta Prescription" is tho i medlclnoforwomen,soldbydruirglBts,uii only m iioaiiive guarantee, rrom tne manu facturers, thatit will give satisfaction in every case, or mousy will be refunded. This guaran tee baa been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. I.arare bottles run closes) ii.oo, ar alx lor SS.OO. bottle for or large, : Women (100 pages, papei sents lo stamps. Addrt r-oovaradj. sand ten World's Dispensary Hidlcil lutclitloR, eos aiaiu st, buffalo, n. y. The New fork M CI11CULATI0N FOR 1868 u uui wb. ' How Its Clrculatton lias Grown : 1883 8,151,15; 1B-3 12,243 MS 1881 2S3I,7 lKtt',87 1S88 70,ii,im 18sT 83,389,82(1 1888 (ovSf) 100,000,000 WEEKLY WORLD TIE BEST AID BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On tho North American .Continent, 12 Large Pagres and 84 Long Columns. A POPULAR NOVEL FUUUSHKI) IN AND OIVEN WITH EACH Willi OF TUB tVKUKLY EDITION. The following Novels were published In one quarter. The list will show the class ol Novels glten weekly i Thn Little Old Man ot the natlg-noUes, Mignon; or, UootH s's uaby, Tho Happy Man. u hea the -hip comes Home It Is the Law, , Mlawa'a Hevenco.. A woman's Loe , ,,,, Nkrnon's Secret. Poor ZeDh , Oaborlau. ... Winter Lover ...Iifbant ...WlUaon .Haggard ...lirueme ..Winter ltoDUuon Treasures or Kranchard Stevenson wooaea ana rurtei. urarme l'lack.... , winter ills Uretherton. ...Ward This Library of Fiction will lie supplied to butectiners nuiy. rto liztra Loplvs will be printed.- No llack Num. tiers can lie furnished, and no Blnglu Copies will be sold. One Yearlji liutulicrH), Sl 6 MoulliH (xC limit ItcrH), joe, 3 MoiiiIih (13 lltlliibcrH), 1C, Krnd postal tor specimen copy. Agents Wanted atKvehy rosT.OmcE. Addretd THE WORLD New York. Hundreds of testimonials like the follow. remedy, Talnes's Celeiy Compound I more than an hour at a time any night, and bad a good deal of pain in the Compound the pain has left my back, Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont, for five years, I wu almost unable fined to my bed for weeks at s time. I besides outside advices, but to no advan. pound advertised, I gave it s trial, I bars cured. I can now Jump around sad fctt Pri(t,fr.oo. StxftrfjM. roa b paoi Tmtiuohial mil, itlTI tome, war yn joii irr mjiBMariia eltemMy.mMeaOfondqul.n,Y.TlniJeo. I wraw aiaouy iiir. i coaiq mt,aiirMt. alcrnanq work with a clearer head, and the yellow color ol my akin had eiven place to the tone that announce pure blood end every orfftn of the body In hMlthi action. Dr. KenuMra fovortto ftemedy ieeutltleu to the Credit of savin my 111.. If any oneEai a Aonbt about the truth of ray elatemenla iKthlm wruetoma, Icansireyouthetmneeaadai1drte of fifty persona who affirm, aa fdo. that f FtTorltl HMnecIV hhu ln to them a hln an it a htiwln In I Poor, Foolish Men, TAKE WOMAN'S ADVICE. Tfcla U only tb Moond Udm In Utit vmVi tlul t h hM to pollth my boot, and rt I had hud work rettlnf mj hnbnd to tin up hit old blaeklnf brnth, and tha annoyanoe ol harlof Uu patt lIack lug nib ofl on hit pant a, and adopt WolffsAGMEBIacking AnufnlflMnt Deep Dlack Pollth. which laU on Mant boot I n week and onWomtn'a a month WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. BLOOMSBURG PLANING ISIL1 The underslened hnvlne cut ht Planlne V Rallrnad street. In Drat-ciaaa condition, la er red to do allklndaof worn In hie lino. FRAMES, SASM, DOORS, . BUNDS. MOUi-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. imlahod at reasuuawe j-rlcea. All lnmborna Troll aeasoned and none bat skilled trommel reemployed. ESTIMATES FOB BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRCG, ItliioiiiKbnrK. 1 TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re- ilored to health by simple mean, nftt i ffrinf; for poveial years with anevert lung affection, aud that dread dieeae CoNeUMiTioN, is anxious to maki known to mb fellow eufferera tho meahe if cure. To those who desire it, ho will oheerlully send (Jreo of char'e) a copy n mo pruBunpiioo uacu, union toey will find a -nro cure for Consomition, Ahtiima, Cataurii, BitoNCiiiTis and ill throat and lung Maladies. He iopeR all sufferers will try his Remedy, is it is invaluable. Tbose.dcsiring lh rcscription, which will cost them Both up, and may piove a b'ensing, will jlcaso address, IJev. Ebwahi) A, il on, Williamsburg, Kings County, Now York. A-ifc-co.-doc-7-ly " This Instllutlon la n hl?h crade nnlnean Co leso, giving Instruction In ovcry department ot business education. In addition to the regular business course It makes a specialty or I'liono iraphy. Type-writing, Telegraphy, and Ornamen tal 1'eiimonshlD. 'lbe tiromlnect teaturo ot the Commercial course Is Its practical character. ijeari- every Bet or books has been taken from tlrst-clasa business establishments, and a lanre proportion ot the course In book-keeping la made up rrom our system ot actual business practice, unsurpassed in the sclcntlllc application to mod ern business methods. A larger proportion ot our graduates regularly obtain nrst-cfass positions than from any other commercial colleire In the state. Year begins Aug. 59, lr. For circulars address W. L. DEAN. 1'rlncipaL aor 3m. Kingston, ra. DURE IN8DBANCE CHRISTIAN P. KNAJ-1', DLOOMSllDliO.I'A. HOME, OP N. 7. MBUCfUNTSYpP NKWAHK, N. J. OUNTON, N. Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. READING, PA. UEHMAN AMERICAN INS. CO., NEW YOKK. GKEENWICII INS. CO.; NEW YOKK. JE11SEY CITY FIRK INS. CO., JEltSEY CITY, N. J. These old cokkibations are well Boasonedbr age and rim tkstid and have never yet had a losssettled by any court ol law. Their assets are all lbvesled In solid bicdbitiis are liable to the azaraoi firk only. Losses ntoiirTLT and honistlt adjusted and (laid as soon as determined by Cbkistuh r. KNirr, sriciAL aqixt and Amrsna iiloousbcro, Pa. The people ot Columbia county should natron. Ize the agenoy where losses It any are settled and pau or iiiii-fii i tier own eiiizena. PE0MPTNES8. EQUITY, FAIR DEALING. DON'T YOUR Rubber Bootsuntll you havo seen tho "COLCHESTER" with "Extension Edte" A Napoleon Top. Thla Is the beat fitting and MOST DUHiBLE BOOT In the market. Mado of tho Best PURE CUM took. The"Eitenslon dge" protect the up per, adds to wear of tha ole by giving broader treading aurfaco, AND SAVES MONEY rOR THE WEARER. nnUT BUY YOUR AROTIC8 UN UXJlM I TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALL Others In style A durability. If you wantthe worth of your money try the Colchester with OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kept H oby &s. Stores AT WHOLESALE 11 V 9IOIIGAN IIUON. tic CO., Wilkcsbarre, Pa. Nov, lc-3in. " Itusiil l.tiiulU tiluc" incuds biokcn L'hlna, Gluts, Wood, Leather, Metals, Fur niture, etc, with Everlasting Tenacity! Kold by Grocers, Druggists and General fitores. ROYAL GLUE FOR SALE BY W. Hartman Bom. w. II. Brooke Co. Tho Great Eastern Tea Co., ti. n, wiison, J. II. Mercer. Dwell Blttenbcnder. ttol.1 f..r M PcrfH.1 UbiIiiimi. Wu. raia. nt.vr ooiw bo i LllUBUBf i-t. iwisi uairt' f ami ftuu'itiH, with wuki ad ct tit tnt .iu caltiv cast Mcisit fr. MtbU tio vf Ilousrhuld Niimplrsis TfcM Msiipld, wfll ai tha watch, ! Fre, kt1 nt yu bav ktpt tfcim In joar himm for 9 i yoar aim for ibobiu tnaiutvniun i iaua h ma Havt ;U4, ihav bMWi ft f , k writ at maf b atu maivlur la WalU ftd Namnlaf Vfa par all aipra.t, nralxkt.ttt. Attdtaa Jan 4-S9-y- PATENTS ve ats and Trade Marks obtalnd,and all l'atont si nee oondueted tor MODKU TK VlltiA. OIIH OFFICE IS OVP SITE U. 8. PATENT OFFICE We hive no sub-aeencles, all business direct, henco can transact patent buali.css In less iimeauu av i.noa uuai-mau tuoae reujuie irum Washlntcton. ' send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advise It patentable or not, freo ot charge. Our fee not due till natent u secured. A book,"How to obtain I'atents.'wlthrelerenoes o actual clients in your state, county, or town. ui iro3. Auurvoo !c. A. SNOW & CO., 1 Opposite Fated Offlcs, WssbiEjton, D. Yellow Fever. Dr. Q. M. Sternbenr, who was com missioned by tho College of Phyalclans of Philadelphia to Invcstlmilo tho methods of protective Inoculation as practiced In llrmil (bv Dr. Domln troa Frolrol and In Mexico (by Dr. fcCargona y Vallc), reported that facts concerning tno enucnuo ana epiueuuu provilenco 6f tho fovcr justify tho belief that its causo Uamtcro-organum, which can, under sultablo conditions, bo propa gated outsido tho body, as well as be capable of transport to a distance; also that, its a single attack of yellow fever, however mild, mostly protects from future attacks, there is reason to hope that such protection might ho gained by .Inoculation. Tho yellow fovcr germ probably gains entranco Into tho uody by tho respir atory or alimentary tracts, or through tho surface of tho body, or It is possible that it multiplies In insanitary localities and dovelops a volatile poison which contaminates tho air. Tho former hypo thesis, that It enters the body and mul tiplies within it, Is, ho thinks, tho more probable. Hitherto tho germ lias not boon found In tho blood and tissues of thoso attacked, for Dr. Sternberg does not confirm the alleged discovery made by Dr. Domingos Frelro. Nor is there, In Dr. Sternberg's opinion, any satisfac tory evidence that tho method of inocu lation practiced by Dr. Domingos Frelro has any prophylactic, value, and tho same applies to tho claims put forward by Dr. Carmona y Valle, of Mexico. Lancet. Ituby Mines, Barms. One of tho finest sanitariums in India Is that of Bcrnard-Myo, on the broad rolling plains of Enjouk, on tho north ern slopes of tho hills bounding the ruby mining district of Mogok, Burma. Ber-nard-jljo is over 0.000 feet abovo sea level. The ruby mining district may havo a population of over 0,000 poop'8 belonging to many different tribes. The mines are of three kinds tho working of fl8Uro veins, washing in a somewhat similar manner to tho hydraulic mining lo California, and what may bo called placer diggings. Tho third class of mines Is at present the moat important At depths varying from ten to thirty feet, in tho flatter lands of the valloys, there occurs a layer of corundum from a fow inches to a few feet in thickness. When tliis corundum is brought to tho surface myriads of small rubies glitter in the sun. Almost all tho stones are water worn or of irregular shapes, and It is rarely that a flawloss ruby is found. Bo rare is a ruby of tho finest water, that one of three carats is worth ten times the value of a diamond tho same size. Tho district of Mogok is situated between Mandolay and Bhomo, and is nearer to tho former place. Sclenttflo Carrying Ooaia to Newcastle, This is eonsidcieii folly, but it is nn asioniidinc fact that Speer's Wine raised at Pnpa'c, N. J., havo acquired snch a reputation for purity and i xccl leuco abroad, that thev are shipped by el camera that leavo New Yi rk. It is enjoyiny an pnviablo reputation at homo and is used by tho leading phy sicians in America aa well as in Eu rope. Wl o'bcror not cider ii an intoxioat tag liquor, and whether the tali-of it isil legal without a license, under the ao' ot May 13. 1887, are questions that are soon tn be dtcided by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Tho test caso oomes frcm Warren comity, whore a man was tried for selling rider with out a license and wn acquitted, when tbo district attorney carried the oae to tho Supremo Court; which tribunal is expeoted to render a decision in a few weeks. tO HAND JUKOBo FOR FKBItUAKY TBHM. Bloom. V. n. shoemaker, 1. 1). White. Ilenum J. n. Mcllenrv. Brl-rcreck. William Asu, George Schechterly, jonn nuiner. Catawlssa ,1. II, Geary, Chatlcs Smith, Sr., ii. Bee&pouz. Centralla Owen Dailey, Christopher Rooney. Flshlngcreek. weroe Ash, Olden blokes. Greenwood William Black. Hemlock Kalnb Iver. Jackfon wra F. ltobblns, Alex Knousc. uimin r. . uonmau. ltoarlngcreek Jeremiah Mcnsch. Scott -Charles Culp, E. 1). Hagenbuch, Jonas Roup. Sucarloat Thomas U. Fritz, A. C, Park. rpiUAL LIST. X V. A. M. Grler vs. James McAlarney, Ex., et. al. Joseph Clowell. Adm., vs. Ablgal Weaver et. al, Charles W. McKclvy ct al. vs. Charles B. Brock. wav pf- nl. Joseph cieweU's, Adm., ct. ah vs. Isabella Weaver. M. A. va. liorougn or licrwicK. Alfred lrvln vs. B. & 8. It. U. Vo. B, F. Battch vs. B. S It. It. Co. J. V. llonman vs. II b. Ii. 11 Co. C, A Know Co. va u. Mean s Hon. D, II. Bponenbcrtr vs. George K. Hess. Jacob Gould vs. Charles llunhes. Francis Gottshall vs. Jeremiah Heeder. L. II. Lew Uros. vs. Silas lloofnagle. Mrs. Calli.rino Cntn vs. U A. Klley Co. George W, nughes ts. F. O Harrison. Manna Yeag-r vs. William Adams, et. aL William ItahD vs. Bernard stoliner. Garnishee. Cathar ne Cain vs. L. A. Mley Co. Joseph Klf ckner, et. al. vs. John C. Crevllng. Alex Campbell vs. WllUan- Bohblus. Constable, Daniel W, Carter vs. Hamlin Car Wheel Co. Out of the Breastworks. Tate Springs, Tinn., July 4, 188! The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison, I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sorts and ulcers. Gofnjr from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached In the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed In my system. The physician did his hest, but could not cure me; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. II. ROtLNJOM. KAUFMAN, Tex., June 33, 1838. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a slln disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from Its use. Yours truly, Wu, Jones. For sale by all druggists. The Swirr Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. London, Eng., 35 Snow Kit. H. C. SLOAH & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETNS SLEIQHS, PLATFJRM WAQNS Fmtlass work always on hand. REPAimtM NEA U. YDONh. Pricei rcductdio mil the limes; HOMES OF TO-DAY Or Mod? rn Kiamplts of flUUfratf Cost llotisrs. Subscription $1 per annum, ru bill hiQ In rcLiilar ouaitcrlr parti, on the flrn vt juuuary. IIV Ul'lJltf t7tavili)lClV III liaril. t nrt U-llt tlvitl Ot tUil'lillltl Lofi!vrrvdiicrhiiluii.uiureDjr tlcuJwlj Wukruiowcott dwcUlngi, enJ furnUhei turh iiuuruJHiioii iu iiidic iiuriiuniti no Luiiu will live inriu (money. Chaxb.rl The boT irt mlnUtore ipfln-m cf it IHiUtri nana iiiuwinir a mitAe to (--nt CAR IlllienJaipt'ClQH'ncTi(i,arpy rUll .11 nt CiiKvIlnm" the mokt Inatriirlivo CflR t1 I vlll tend the foar part alraadyUiUs-4 uiasa vwa i va itiuvvi ui( uvuiV'lMUIUiU WM VWUlii FOR SI, 50 1. auat-eluur urtitot : will lend the four nirti for r 1nrti to be uiuea in ikw. Vt tt MlTHMlilUtt,IStal St,,silH yaiir 3 tsSSBH t-fli r m m ui' IT 1 I in wii LU IF YOU WANT To Savo Two Dollars ON EVERY BARREL OF FLOUR, USE Itumford Yeast Powder, The Old Reliable. It costs about one cent to raise a pound of flour with Rutnford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents. PERRIECS PUHE BARLEY trom selected llirley Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and tree from Injurious otlasnd elds oltcn contained In alcoholic liquors. Il ls eipecmlly adapted lo persons lequlilnira atlmulatlni? tonic, I'onsumpUTen belii rreatl' benelltted bj its use. Kcuommundea By lendlne, physicians as 1 a Wnretlr Nervine, Toute and Alteratue. For tonsumptlvcs It is Invaluable. I'UllllNES ri'UK ll.Mtl.KY MALT WMISKEV Insures a return of vleor to the stomach, a ROM appetite, a rich and nhunrtanl blood and Increased flesh and muscular tissue. A stimulant mild and genl le In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wUsb dl eases ca be entirely cminuered by tho toe or 1'crrlne's I'urc II' rlcj ttlt w hlsKeys It Is a tonlo md diuretio and a powerful aticngthener to the entire system. I'fill; IIINK'M I'l'IIB UAltLKT .MALT WI1ISKM haa proved a medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations lntheoptnalr and whose dally work calls It esoeptional powers of cnaurnnce. Ask voji ticsrcia drueglst or grocer for tor I'KltHINB'SPUltKIIMILKV MALT W IIISKHV revives thceDergles of those orn out with excessive oodllv or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against esposure In wet and rlgorou weatner. It will drt e all milarlous diseases from the system. Hard workers of every vocation am' perei is whom a entairmerenderaproneto ill mm II J3Ui-u".,u wiiu lu t-HiucDi um Malt Whisker powerful and helper to digestion. rwiltlNK'S I'lJItK UAltLBY MALT WIII8KISY without unduly stimulating the kld n ys Increases their flagulng acllvlly, ciunteractsthe errects of fatigue, has tens convaloCPnce and Is a wholesome and prompt diuretio ft'atch the label I None genuine unless bearing the stgna tur Kui smeur all druggists and grocers throughout the united states and Canada. :i7 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A fOUSALE UT DltUQdlSrS AND ALL DRLKII3. ENNEY OOODt A SPECIALTY. SOLI SOSNTS FOB F. P. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING T0BA CO Bole agents of tho fol lowing brands or Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDRES, NORMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASn. Alexander Bros. (S Co, W1IOLEHALK DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. i-OLE XOENTS FOR I1EKRY lUILLAHDS EEC AN DIES. FRESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg. Pa. C. IB. JROBBINS. DEALER IN JkQZ0gM WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IU CI0AHS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ing. at Home, with PEERLESS DYES I I'hey will dye everything. They are sold every where, l'rlce lie, a package. 40 wlors. They have no pqualfnr strength, brightness, amount in pacsages. or lor la&iness ui cuinr. t r uun-iauing qualities Tney do not crack or smut. For sale by Mojcr Uros- and Jas. II. Mercer. feb!7rly. unwell & Co 10 snruce ht.. fsew York In eood faith, can obtain nil needed Information about any proposed line ot AUVEKTISINU In American Newspapers. si? uoo-page l'ampniet, uuu. Nov 16-MW, Asa Family Remedy Dr. fifth Arnold's COUGH KILLER has no equal. We hare used It for the past ton ) ears, and can truly recommend It. Mrs. C. FUkln, Meat, luma. N. Y. Druggists, 25c., Wc. and $1.00. MASON & HAH 1 he cabinet organ wu introduced ia lu present form by Muoo & JUmlin tn 1601. Other maker folknredlnthaiaftuufACture of torse taitruments, bat the Mmod & Uaudin Organs have alwayi tualu talced their nprrnucy aa the beet tn the wurld. Mason A Hamlin offer, aa demonstration of tho unequalled excellence ot their cream, the fart that at all ot tho groat World's KxhlbUtone. elnce that of with but mttllJBn Rl Verso'"coun. trated catalogues 838 TO SIKIO. (tee. Mason & llamlln do not hesltato to make the ex. traordlnary claim for their planoi, that they ar superior to all others. They recognize the high excellence achieved by other leading malceii In the art of piano building, but still claim superiority. This tney attribute solely to the remarkable Im provement Introduced by them In tbo year lgs?, and now known as the .M4soti & IIahun Fumo BraisoiR,"byR iia Mthenteof which la secured the U 111 Rl 1 1 Vsre'l'' P alble purity and p I U III I .retlnemenl ot lone, together I llll 1 Wwlth greatly In. crtued capacl. 0S11ID a umnnT. ty for staadlag In tune ana olber Important advantages. A circular, containing leitlmonlals from three hundred purchanert, musicians, and tuners, cent, together with ducriittlve catalogue, to any applicant. Fianos and Organs sold (or cash or easy piy. ments; also rented. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO, BIINTUN. MKW YUlUt, CUltlAliU. Oct se-Sia. r broa Ami Tho WONDERFUL rLUBURG OM a QwXlnln a Paris , llbrirv. Inek. nj. Biennis, m isviiis exam. LiUNCC, af6. nn n .or COUCH. IriuQiUU M. , " UU IU IUINI TIMI OI itilMiiiit. Riciiiiii. rkuiiim' ( lUIIUl' Ollllllll, livilld ruriCtrsit fJt3li. Bit Rtllii CHAIR6 nnct naiiiBB. HiBtiari umtM iiiiiis LOCIPEDE8 and SELF PROPELLrO. ALL KINDS OF APPLIANCES HM INVALIDS, RABY QOACHES Our 100 different !! jdi. Oar ntnl aHmlle Bnht oo all Car, wuuitwiiuii vj viACing your orau olnict with pie maker you can ao (Od epecUI Jlarsitlna wUl aMoaUb fun. Good tola UDdor a gantuU4 end delivered free tu any point la ..( .siaif$. nrbDj MiiDD fur ItettloKae, and atau tin at gooda yoa Wuh U tor LUBURC MFC. CO 145 North lEIgulh Mlreel, 1'hlladelphla, Exchange Hotel IIKNTON, house, tttiflU rrparMl to accommodaUt the public null h all tha nnnVstnUrifiAA nf a Nhi..,)... ,.hi ' fcnv rv v ats-i vt U l -4 SUtm UUI Wit tmaysrj UtUDXli DHAKK, Prosristor 1 MALT WHISKEY. Invtguraut imi.w 1. ; Zlt OM,,ra , n be! on every bottlei l have carefully an .IrrcH Ihn I'ltli 1UBLKT MALT WnlS- ssr maae by M. J. s lrrlne and nno it entirely freo f mm fusel oll.turrurol, metals and acids and Is absolutely purr." fflanta, vamtiia atihuv mt, (Iroluatr of the VnlnrMUti of Munich, anient onrt WrbbaHe n ANY OHDER FOIt PESTIV.Vti will be SUPPLIED V J Til TUB LOWEST Market fricss, as follows: ORANGES, LKMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS.' CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. scoTrs EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 312. HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So disguised that it can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the moss sensitive stomach, when (he plain oil blnntlon of the oil with the hypophoa. Btmarkible u Beth prodnttr. Persons gain rapidly nhlle tiling It, RnOTT'ar'Mnr nrnvr i. i v j. j v.- rhvsicians to bo the Finest and Best tirena. ration in tho world for tho relief and cure ot CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, YVA8TINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. Thn nrpnt rmnlti Ams lu,,.. 3 Wasting in ChUdrtn. Sold by all Druggists. sept 2bv.l) DR.THEEL ROQ orth Kootlb Strftet, ki.w UpOOr.,0, raiMrtiblt, rt. Wllk (aenulae) elleal uperl. enre, viiarsaleM lo .nr. ..u !Jl,..7,."'"t"!'1. senaiMilli tata r . i' t''!". " ' h, k. I ""A . J" ai ooiien a, miuM. iltgiiol oS nici.Mtul IMituni Cf U Cnkl SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, pnSTINATE I'l.CKItS. IlLOTCHr.S. JNOS,INlXAMMATIN:lo.tVaIfilf; nd JUdney IlUenaea. (Aeute rases 4-10 .) H.U.I ,i ,,. jnv BHiTOIID TiUW et MSMa,, the o.lj oe t.ow. tk.l rare, iiAilfiti"., "r" -kick i s. ; JovIiS: UgOSt 17 DDI), aton'lh? f L?""3 1 d? Vx nlcn merely to I havo laado tho iluvuie ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, nmS"!? ,tudJ, 1 WJ-RAST tny remedr to Ouhb tho worst enses, llieauso others l,av ft no nowfoee?! w 1 cSn H.O.ROOT.rVl.O., l83PtAsi.TNcwVo l?t IU-'8&-I rrmzw ft. C. YMES & CO. est Made Clothing n Philadelphia if int. Men ToutJi and Children. A. C. YATES & CO. 6&Cb.estrmt, I.ICI1C.RR IIUII.niNO. 0HA.TEFUL COMFOHT1NO. EPP'S COCOA. BHEAKPAHT. "Ilv a thorouKh knoMledireot tho natural laws which B-vem the oieintltins of digestion nna uutrlt on, and by a careful application ot tho lino pronirtles of well tcln led ocoit. Mr Kppshns provldid our breakfast tat'les with a d?ilcalely flavi-red bevcrago w hlcli mny sve us ninny heavy doctors' bill". II Isby the JU'llcloua uso of such articles of diet that acomtltutioti mny bo gradual. lv built up until si ronir enouirli to riHst every ten. dencyro dl easo llundnds of subtlo maladies are tloatlnir around ua lo dy to nltack wherfrcr there is n weak point We mny escape f any a tatnl shaft by keeping o rselves well foi tlfled with pure I loud nuda properly nouilMu d frnmc. '-CMI xmlrr (latHte Alade simply with b' tllug wn'cr or milk Mid only In hall pound tins, by Urocers, labelled thus: JAJIES KITS & CO., Ilomaiopathlo ChemlsU, octso-d-ct. London, England. -pvELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTBllN ItAILItOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. MORI II. r 11 r u A. v. a. u NOKTHDMBEKLAKD R 40 1 B5 10 10 0 15 Cameron 6 69 .... 10 sa c so Chulssk) 0 ( 0 .... 10 59 b 81 Danville 0 OR 1 68 10 30 C 40 Catawlssa o 23 " 14 10 63 r. 63 ltupert.. 6 8" Sill 11 00 7 115 llloonisburg 6 3(1 2 SI n 07 7 1 2 Espy 43 S 29 11 16 7 20 l.lmeHldgc. ... 0 60 .. 11 22 7 27 willow iirove - ... 64 .... 1120 7 l Urlarcreek 6 6S 11 30 7 S5 llerwlck 7 05 2 43 11 87 7 42 Ileach llsven 7 11 2 64 II 44 7 49 Hlck'a Kerry 7 18 2511 114s 65 Hhlcksblnny 7 so 3 ra 11 63 8 Ofl HunlOCk'B 7 43 3 19 12 0S 8 17 Nantlcoke 7 60 3 26 12 16 8 22 Avondale. 7 64 12 20 s 83 Plymouth .. 7 69 3 35 12 25 8 S3 Plj mouth Junction 8 03 3 39 12 80 8 88 Kingston 8 08 8 49 12 37 8 46 Uennett 8 12 .... 12 41 8 49 Maltny 8 17 12 45 8 S3 Wyomln? 8 22 3 68 12 60 8 68 West PlttSton 8 27 8 50 It 55 9 03 PlttSton .... 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 Tavlorvllle. 8 48 .... 1 19 u 25 Bcllevue 8 51 ... 1 S5 9 80 SCHAHTON 9 00 4 22 1 80 9 35 ru r m p h am STATIONS. SOUTH AM AM TU PM HCRAMTON 6 10 9 60 2 05 6 20 Uellevue 0 it 9 65 ... c 25 Taylorvllle. 6 20 10 00 214 030 Lackawanna, 6 2S 10 08 2 21 6 37 I'ltlSton 6 86 10 16 2 28 6 45 west mitston 6 42 1022 284 6 to Wyoming, 0 47 10 27 2 39 6 65 Mallby 6 61 10 30 ... 6 69 uennett s 55 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 33 2 50 7 07 Plymouth Junction 7 05 10 42 2 64 7 12 riymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 16 Avondale. 7 14 10 61 .1 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 53 3 06 725 IlUnlOCk's 7 26 11 02 3 19 7 43 Bhlckshluny 7 47 11 12 8 29 7 66 Hick's Ferry 7 65 11 22 3 89 8 07 lieach Haven 8 01 II 28 3 45 8 13 llerwlck 8 07 11 87 3 61 8 20 llnarcreek 8 13 .... 8 67 8 87 Willow drove 8 16 11 43 4 01 8 31 Llmeltldge. 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 35 Espy. 8 26 11 69 4 12 8 41 Uloomburg 8 82 12 05 4 18 8 47 Iturert 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 61 Catawlssa 8 '2 IS 15 4 29 8 57 Danville 8 67 12 80 4 46 9 is Chulasky. 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 07 12 40 5 00 9 js 170RTDUMBKRLANn..H... 9 22 12 65 5 16 0 45 AMPMPMPH connections nt ltupert with rhllfde'phl' JleadlnirHallroad for Tamanend, Tamsnna, tvili- lamsport, sunbury. IWisvi'le. rtc. At Nartlmrn. berland with P. K. Dlv. 1". it. it. for HarriHnirc, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. 'V. F. nALSTEAP. (ien. Man., Bcranton, I'a Pennsylvania Railroad. iw Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Mr TIME TABLE. In effect NOV, n isrs. Trains leave t?onhoiy EAbTWAHD 9.40 a.m., sea Shoie Express (dally escept Sunday), torllanlrburgandlnterniedlateBtatloiis, arriving at Philadelphia 8.16 p. m.s Ncvork, 6.50 p.m. j Baltimore. 4.45 p. m. ; Wnshlrptcn 6.55 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia forcll Fea Shore points. Through pofsenger coach to Philadelphia, . 1.43 p. m. Day exrrrsB dally except Sunday),foi Ilarrlphurpard tntfrtr.e dlate stations, arrlvlr.r nt Philadelphia 6.60 p.m.; New York, 9 83 p. m. llallliroro 6.45 r.m. s Waphlrtion, 8.00 p. ni. 1'rtW mr through to Philadelphia and passenger rcachca through to Philadelphia and lleltlirore. 7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accop-rrodntion (daily forllarrlshnrgsnd all Intermediate stations, arrlv ingat Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. j New Tork 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.15 s. m. ; Washington r, so a. m. i Pullman steeping car from llarrlbur? to Philadel phia and New Vork. Philadelphia pnsaeneers can remain in slwner undNturhen until T a, m. Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train trom w llllam-port on Sunday 's . !. a. ni.-Erle Mall (dallj) tor Harrltrurg and intermediate stations, arrvlng nt Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, a. to. : Baltimore 8.1& a. ra.: Washington, 9.80s. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run nnthistralnto Phllnflelrhla, nnltHroreanflWasblngtrr, aid ihrocch pasten-gercoacbestorhllartf-lrhiii srd raltlirtrV. WESTWAltD. intermediate stations orn Cnnandnlgua aid intormedlatF stations, liorhencr, Buflalo md Niagara Falls, with ibinugh rullrren Paisfo cars and passenger coaches lo Erie ei.d Hems. 9.53-Newa Espress (dally except Sucdar) tor ock naven and intermediate stallrrs. ' 18.S2 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except l-uti. t 7) for Lane nrdlntertnedlateststlons and Can. fllH2?J '"'Erlnclpal Intrrmedlnle slatlona !i,rhwI.rr' u"alo and Niagara Foils with, :.J0'i!!;h,",8,'nlrf,' rnnehepto Kane and Bochester and l'arlorenrtoWUiiamsport. ?J1, ." .raM '-,ne except fiundaylfor lie. 5?nfl'Vfrmp.1latf s,"''. ElDitra, Wat. Si2na Intermediate Btatlonn, w It h through pas. Becgercoachestoltenoroand Walklns. dlaie MstiSpS.uni,ar maU for ,tPn,V0 an,J lntermo- THROUGH TIU1N8 FOH HUNIinty FHOMTHK EAST AND SOUTH, nfSSSt mail lfaTf" 1'hllooelrhla 4.80 a. m u"f Jjourg T.40 arriving at sunbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m. MS? sun'buryk.r ' SSttpt ?k """J- afrWng at biinbury. 12.62 p. m., Sd inrSi5h"1n.1 ar,M car ,rom Vh lideiphla ptlaVndlfaltlmo8" from rhalel- mFa8.t.4Sp 'eKew Ymk 9.00 a. m, ; 1'hlladel more'ioJs 'I' 1 WfM Won, 9 60 a. ni, : fait . more, 10.45 a. m (dally -xcept f unday) armine at Hunbury, &.n p. m wllh througl i baimnrSt nhi? 'MjJUeaTeaNew York 8.00n.m. i Phlladel. P.hJajA3P. m.i WashlDcteD.idoor m . rm,,i;M:lr..,rrlv,n?'' from hrn ioii ri?i."K"ulBr,ou ""i HaltliroiH ant arougb passenger coaches froro Philadelphia ana H u a''. Ii.a';Vt,J , " Ki HnAiutii I,AI,"".;.vv;, w.w WUhT iw.o uiirpt humiar Wllkesbarre Mall leavea Hunbury arriving ai bloom Ferry 1W a. m.. M . O . m ... Wtll-rs-ttrro Exprc88Wel Hnvi-s Wllks,tmiii Jt1 Tin s at inocm Ferry 4 no r. n. . funbury otwipTm RllNn V nvi v ., J4",fJ!MBunhnrjr9:J6 a. m..rrlrlnir ciu k poan. WCMuiaitir J,K.Wonn, Qo, Fatting.r Agfa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers