COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder novervatlcs. A marvel o f p tren gth and wholesomcness. .More economic han ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe ltto with the multitude ot low lcst,shon weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans ltOTAL 111IIMO 1'OWDKR CO.. WallSU, N. T. The" Columbian NTunllshcd" every Friday. Subscription price, 1 1.00 a jear. Entered at the t'ost Ofllce at Bloomsburg, la., as second class matter, 31 arch I, U88. BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1889. runnier miLRoiD Tin Tiiai. BLOOM8BUIIO SULMVAN KA1LHOAD Taking effect MONDAY, NOVKMBKil 2d, 1883. SOUTH. NOHTU. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. m. r. m. a.m. i.n. r. m. r. . nioomsbure, 0 v8 1 03 8 09 8 Si J a 8 40 Main Street. 0 18 18 53 7 58 Sl 6 El Irondale 18 IS 60 7 68 8 43 S 41 6 54 Taper .Mill 8 08 18 40 7 48 8 68 V 62 7 0 LtghtBtreet os la u 7 41 oo a 57 7 os OranguVlllO 61 IS 20 7 8!V 10 3 SO T 16 Porks, 6 45 18 00 1 SO 9 25 3 36 7 31 TubbS 5 42 11 53 7 15 9 SO 3 42 7 86 Stillwater 5 37 11 45 7 10 37 3 60 7 43 Uenton, 5 S3 11 80 7 00 9 47 4 15 7 52 Bdsons 5 S3 11 20 6 56 9 61 4 SO 7 66 ColCB Creek 5 20 11 15 6 62 9 66 4 84 K 01) sucarloaf 6 16 11 10 6 4S 10 00 4 S3 8 05 Laubachs, n 1 11 01 6 43 10 M 4 33 8 10 Central.... 6 06 10 67 6 88 10 18 4 40 8 15 Echo 1'ark. 5 03 10 62 0 ." 10 16 4 43 8 19 Jamison city... 6 00 10 6 89 10 SO 4 to 8 25 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. is. i. m. i. M. A. ii. r. H. r. M. Trains on tho r. tollows : NORTH. 7:22 a. m. 3:12 p. m. & It. It. It. leavo Itupert is nooTir. 11:01 a. m. 6:20 p. m. o- Tralnson tho 1). L. ft V. It. K.loavo Btoomsburs as tollows: NOaTH. .8'.CT 7:19 a. m. 8:3 a. m. 10:61 a. m. 12:06 p. m. 2:24 p. m. P- 6:36 p. m. M7 P- m. Trains nn the N.fcW.B. Railway pass Bloom Ferry as touows : NORTH. 10:46 a. in. 6.S6 p. m. SCNDAT, NOKTU. 10:16 am SOUTH. 11:65 a. m. 4-30 p. m. SOUTH. 6:39 t m W. H. Tubbs baa bought a lot on Nor mal 11111, this lido ot Dr. Gardnor'i. Ilo will orcct a dwelling there. Grant Herring Esq. continues tho law business ot tho late legal Arm ot Ikclcr & Herring, in the same office occupied here tofore by the firm, In Hawllngs' building, Don't fall to call at F. D, Dcntler'i shoo Btoro and get tho benefit of tho discount of 10 per cent, which ho glvra on boots and shoes from now pn till March 1st. Wort on the New Kond Wllllniuaport. nt Dr. Bhattuck has gone to tho city this week to arrango for the preparation and shipment of a largo quantity ot Ills lung and kidney remedies to flit orders In the South. Oscar McDrldc, ot Berwick, a clerk In Jackson & Woodtns' store, committed sui cide Wednesday evening of lost week by taking laudnum and afterwards cutting hit throat. In order to reduco stock I will from now on till tho 1st day of March give n dis count of 10 per cent, on boots and shoes. F. D. Dcntler. !-tamping of all kinds dono to order Nov York's latest styles ot pattern used. Hock Htrcct, 2nd door below Market St., Bloomsburg. tf. Do not forget that we are giving a dis count ot 13 per cent, off ot Henrietta cloths Cashmeres, shawls, wool skirts and all other wool goods nt 11. W. Bloan's. White, Conner & Sloan, Orangevlllo Pa. offer for sale a full lino ot bob sleds, hand and power corn shelters, also the cele brated Lion fodder cuttci and Senator V. II. Metzgar of this district is on the following committees: Judiciary General, Municipal Affairs, Banks, Federal Relations, Retrenchment and Kcforrn. Wanted. A resident salesman for Col umbia and Luzerne Counties. A man with cxpcrlonco preferred. FltANOIS JoilDAN & SONS., Wholcsalo Grocers, 209 Norm 3rd Blrcet, Dec. 14 St. Philadelphia. HAi.r.H. Fon Balk. One bay mare of medium size 5 years old, will work singlo or double and can be driven by woman or child. For price nud terms inquire of Mrs. GKonaB Huokman, Orangevlllc, Pa. Foit Sale oh Bust. A farm of 111 acres and 03 perches, in Hemlock township, good buildings, land in good state of cultivation, will bo sold on easy terms. Possession given April 1st 1889. If not sold by March 1st, It will be rented. Address Thomas Williams, Nanticoko, or J. B. Williams, Bloomsburg. Jan. 18 tf. FumtuAitr 21. John BUlhimo will sell valuable horses, cattle, farm Implements, wagons, sleds, harness, household goods, etc etc., at his residence In Madison town ship at 9 o'clock a. m. Makcii 14. C. A. Ilarman will sell horses, cattle, farm macbiuerv, wagons, sleds, etc., at his resldcnco In Mlfllln twp. at half past niro o'clock, a. m. I'crnonnl. Paul E. Wirt Esq. went to New York on Wednesday. N. U. Funk Esq. spent several days in Philadelphia, last week. Rev. Father McCann visited his mother at Yolk this week. Mrs. II . P. Chambcrlln is visiting her sister Mrs. Phillips, at Heading. I), U Brown spent part of the past week visiting In Hnz'etou. 0. L. Poke, of Catawlssa expects to move In the farm of his father, Stephen Pohes at E9py, about April 1st. Hcv. J. Ij. Maxwell, last week tendered his resignation as Rector of Christ's Epis. copal church at Danville. C. C. Wirt was able to walk out for the first time last Friday, after a sickness of several months. J. 9 William was out for the first tlmo last Frlriiiv. after bcine confined to the houso by illness for about thro weeks. C. W. Funston has recently purchased one of tho most delightful music boxes we havn ever heard. William Hart has taken chargo of somo oreTmines h Centre county. Hois ouo of tho oldest boss miners in this section. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Stroll of Plttson, spent Sunrtny with the lattcr's parents Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Harman. Rev. J. W. Crawford, of Bloomsburg, expects to move to this place April 1st. He Is a Baptist mlnUter, and will preach at this place, Laporle and other points. ITughesrille Mail. Miss Lena Bechtold of I'ittBon, an ac complished pianist and violinist, and Prof. 0. T. Hammerschinit, of New York City, spent a few days thU week in Blooms, burg, as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harman. Look out for tho parade of Bt Plunkard's band on Monday. ('. C. Marr will sell dry goods, boots ana shoes, oil-cloths and queenswaro at cost. Ltghtstrcct A. Clarence Freas Esq. has opened a law office in Rawllngs' building. He is also agent lor the New England Mutual Llfo Insurance Company of Boston. Mr. Freas has our thanks for a handsomo calendar recently presented to this ofllce. Tho lunch room, corner of Main and Market Btreots, will, after this week, be under tho charge of Mrs. J. E. Brown formerly of tho Central Hotel, the Wom en's Christian Tcmperanco Union having employed her for that purpose. Thero Is now a post-office for every 1,000 men, women and children In the United States. If tho expenses of carrying the mails were paid direct from tho pockets of the people, pro rata, each citizen would pay an average of eighty-five cents a year for having his mail carried. The extreme mild winter has tomewhat confused tho growth of the trees. Borne of tho maplo. trees are covered with buds almost ready to burst open. Two of these are found in front of the residences of J. W. Qibbs and Thos. Vanatta in this place. Judge lkcler has sold his farm to James Hlchart for $8,500. Leases for rent of houso and lot for sale at the Columman office. A now store room In Oraugovllle Pa. for rent by C. W, Low. A new roof has been put on tho Bilk Mill. From all reports It was a whirlwind that unroofed tho building. Tho Leader and Scranlon He- lean bsued handsome almanacs for 1889. . Improvements are going on In tho Pro. thonotury's office. B. B Freas is putting In a walnBCOtlng. J, Q. Wells has just placed In bis jewel ry store in tho Columwan building a hand eomo fire and burglar proof Butler safe. Fon Baue. A horso weighing about 1400, good horso for any use. Apply to Mrs. David Winner, Bloomsburg, Tho sale of the properly of Joseph R, Palton :iias been adjourned to Jan. Hist 1889 at 1 o'clock p. in. A healthy girl for house work, wanted at tho Sanitarium, opposite the depot, Hiooms. burg, must understand cooklog ana latin. dry work. Dou't forisel iho performance of SI Plun hard at the Optra Houso Monda) evening. lUstrvca seats on ealo ot F. V. uentitr shoe store. Tho Opus Club will meet at the residence of C. W. Miller Esq., next Tuesday nt 8 o'clock. All persons who are Interested in music, either vocal or Instrumental, are In- vitcd to attend and join tho club. Tho oh. icct is to organize a permanent choral sociely. Tho word-wlde reputation of Ayer's Hair Vigor Is due to It healthy action on the hair and scalp. This iucrmparablc prcpar. atlon restores the original color to gray ana faded hair, and Imparts the gloss and fresh ness so muth desired by all classes of people. A few months ago Dr. Brown performed an operation on tho left eye of J. K. Grotz, for the removal of a cataract. The sight of tho eye was entirely gone. The operation has proven a successful one, and Mr. Qrotz can read a sign across the street, ana ex pects soon, with tho aid of spectaclej, to be able to read the newspapers. Representative Fox has been appointed on the following legislative committees: Agriculture, Centennial Affairs, Compare Bills, Judiciary Local, Retrenchment and Reform. Representative Krickbaum is on the fol lnwlno" Agriculture, Counties and Townships, Judiciary Local, Ways and Means. A. W. Brice, editor of the Sunbury News, has recently erected a handsome three slorv hrlck buildlmr in that town. The first floor will bo used by Mr. Brice for a stationery and book store, which he will open in a short time. The caitorlal room and composing rooms are on the Becond story, and the job department on the third, A new press of tho Hoe make, engine and boiler, occupy the hasement of the build. mg. Tho latter, besides giving power, supplies tho heat. Prothonotary Snyder, W. F. Bodlno and James H. Mercer were fox hunting Wed ncBday of last wrek. While tho dogs were on the trail of a fox Mr. Mercer placed his cun along the fenco and walked a little distance from It, when all at once he dis. covered the fox coming toward him. He csuld not get Ills gun ana so lying still tho fox nearly jumped over him when he tried to kill It with a stone, but missed It. Mr, Snyder fired at It with his gun, breaking ono of Its legs, when It was soon afterward caught. Ono wrlwr says, "overy cold on the lungs Is Inslplent consumption sure to provo fatal In the end, unless nature or remedies over. como it before the tissues become seriously impaired." Though this is strong lauguage it certainly is a serious matter to neglect simple cold or cough. Dr. Shattuck's Hell anlhus, the Rapid Oxygen Cure for con. sumption, Is a sovereign remedy for coughs and colds and docs not leavo the unpleas ant consequences which vllo opium com pounds blwaya produce. Abk your drug. gist for It and take no other. oranicevllle Local luutituto. Jan. 18.10. Music Miss Active operations nro now under way along tho line of tho Williamsport and Blnghampton Railroad, and nearly all tho sub-contracts have been let. Beldcn & McTlghc, of New Yolk, who have tho general contract, arc required to have tho road open for traffic between Williamsport and Towanda by October 1, of this year. 'reparations aro now making for starting tho work North ot Towanda. At a meet ing held last week sub-contracts wero let for the completion of two sections, ono of twenty-eight miles, from Barbour's Mills to DuShorc, and another ot ten miles, from Wallace's Run to Barbour's Mills. In nit, forty miles of tho road nro now under construction. Tho length ut tho lino when completed will bo 110 miles. Hundreds of Italian laborers aro Hocking to tho sceno of operations In search ot work, frits Hill. A wild cat was recently heard near Amandus Fritz's by Will Hess ono evening while coming homo from tho store. It came very near him at tho rock shelter, and fol lowed him almost to tils home, when it gavo an unearthly scream and took Its de parture. Will said ho was not many minutes going home and tho grass did not start under his feet. This should be a warning to all boys when nut after tho dear ones, not to make bucIi late hours In going home. Protracted prayer meeting has been go ing on on the hill for somo time. They aro having very eood success, converting some twenty or thirty, and tho probability Is that thero will be that many more. Many thanks to tho brethren from the creek who kindly come to help us along with our meeting. Miss Flora Fritz is visiting her brother at the creek this week. Bhc Is missed very much by her friends, as well as at home. Death by Coal Ons. Bunbury was thrown Into a great fever of excitement on Wednesday morning, Jan uary 9, 1839, by learning that William Cams was found dead In his bed at about o'clock, while his wife lay over In a cor ner ot tho bed -room in a heap, unconscious and frothing at tho mouth, and a little adopted daughter, belonging to Mrs. Cam's sister, was lying on the bed nearly dead. George II. Gibson, Drs. F. L Haupt and G. W. Furev, J. B. Reed, and Wesley Auten forced their way into the house of the deceased on Market street, after becoming alarmed at tho non-appearance of any of tho occupants. When the door ot tho sleeping apartment was opened a flood ot coal gas rushod out, and when tho party got into the room they saw at a glance tho work of the fatal gas. The child and Mrs. Cams were removed as quickly as possible, but the man had been dead several hours. The room was tightly closed, not a" bit of ventilation or fresh air could force its way Into the room. The cause of the awful wotk was a little stove about ono and one-half feet in height, in which a few charred sticks and coals wero smouldering and the lid partly opened, just enough to send the cas all around the room. It was aorae hours after Mrs. Cams' removal from tho room hctoru she recovered consciousness. The child had convulsions afterward, and gravo doubts wero entertained of Its recovery, but at last accounts was doing well. William Cams was a character, and well liked by everyybod, possessing a jovial nnd happy disposition, he and his wife 1'vlng very happily together, and his death was Church News, tinder this head wilt bs Inserted, (re of chant i. all matters connected with tho churches ot tho county. Hpe lalmeclltifrs,chanireo( pastor. Im provements or injuries to property, and any thtng ot public Interest about churches of all denomina tions, is Invited, pastors are specially requested to send In their reports.) Buy a ticket for tho supper at Evans' Hall this Friday evening, and you will get a splendid meat and help along a good cause. It is under the management of the ladles of tho Episcopal Church, and tho proceeds will go toward paying tho church debt. Tickets, 85 cents, ico cream and cake extra. Supper at any tlmo from 5 to 11 o'clock m. The Young Ladles' Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church will have an Orango Tea at tho resldcnco ot G. A. Herring on Easlstrcct, on Balurday evening 10th Inst, from f to 10 o'clock. Admission 5 cents for which a souvenir will bo given to each no. It will bo an excellent meal, an-1 tho price will bo but IS cents. Orango lc0 nd cako will bo extra. All are Invited to attend this new and novel supper. There will bo a Church Work Convention held In the Reformed Church of this place on the 23d and 34th tnsts. by ministers and other members of Wyomlng'Classlsj topics relating to practical church work will be discussed. On Wednesday evening tho 23d, the Missionary Society of the above named Church will hold lis anniversary. In ad dition to the special programme prepared by the society, addresses will bo delivered by members of the Convention In behalf of thn cause represented by thn society, namo- i Christian missions. On Thursday the 24th, at 11 a. ra., thero will bo a special meeting of Wyoming Classls, to act on the resignation of Rev. J. S. Wagne.r, as pastor ot tho Bloomsburg Reformed Church, and several other Items of business. severe blow to ucr. place last Saturday. The funeral took IlnmiiKC About Nlnitnra. TUB 8UBI'EJ,8ION lllilPOB NEAREST THE FA I1I.OWN DOWN. Tho Suspension bridge nearest the Fulls was carried away by a gale at about o'clock last week Wednesday morning and deposited In the river. The towers and cables remain Intact. The bridge had recently been rebuilt a id enlarged for double track. The material was entirely of Iron and steel and was owned by the Niagara Falls and Clifton Suspension Bridge Company. The company's stock was held in Oswego nnd Canada and ill ways paid large dividends. The loss about $75,000. It will probably be rebuilt as soon as possible. All points of interest along the riv;r at tho witcr's edgo suffered more or less, The water was never known to be so high, The International Hotel was unroofed and several buildings in the yiciulty wero blown down. Tho gale was the severest known. The last person who crossed the bridge was Dr J. W. Hodge. He was returning from Canada at about 13 o'clock, nnd although the wind was terrific, he ventur ed on his journey. Ho slates that uftcr going some distance the bridge becamo ex tremely agitated and for his own safety he was obliged to get down on his hands and knees and slowly crawl aloug, clluglng to the woodwork as tlrinly a possible. The wind suddenly increased as he was iuov. ing slowly aloug and thu buttons wero torn from his coat. Thu bridge groaned anl creaked and it seemed as though it would break 1,. thu centre tiutoro bu could pasd that point. It was too lato to retraco his steps, however, and he was obliged to continue his snuil-llUe journey. Tho suspension bridge destroyed by tho storm is the carriage bridge betwecu Nlug ara F.ill vlllago anil tho Clltlou House and should not bo confounded with the railroad suspension bridge, over which trains are running as usual. ItCHOllltlOll oil the lleutli Alkiiinu. of l,ct in UnHt Uenton. Council Proceeding. TiiuMtuT, Jan. 10, 1889, Regular meeting of council Present, Itnltronil Mew. wanamaker's. The Philadelphia tlreanl of a rcent dale I - saysi Pennsylvania Railroad capital has WCCK GOVERNOR ago 300 pieces. P. B. Harman, president, and Wolf, Wells, within a few days secured a branch rail. Quantity declining rapidly, as- ueatirownssarsaparina llaascrt and Rlnglcr, members. road In the notlhern part of Pennsylvania SOrtmen"t Unbroken Seek Mr. Burleigh speaks in t UOn motion tho following building permits and effectually blocked a Philadelphia and . ;r lnV'n cnnn medicine. It will eradl wero irranleil. vlri to (J. W. Miller, for Readmit scheme. Tho concluding ncgo- "-u "tun yuu 11uv1.11 i ,,.., hlnoi M. wero granted, viz 1 to C. W. Miller, for erection of a framo dwelling house on Fltth street, and to Geo. M. Lockard for rebuild. Ing the old Welsh church nud convening It Into a doublo tenement house. Tho appli cation of Dr. T. C. llartcr, tor erection of a ono story framo office at East and Becond streets was presented, permit refused. Tho President reported that suits have been Instituted ngJnst the town by Amos Wanlcb, tho first for damages for Injuries to wife and property and the second for injuries sustained by his daughter, In Reading scheme. Tho concluding ncgo. tlatlons are still under way. but It Is set - I tied that tho Williamsport and North and Weaving;. lirunch itniiroau, wnirn tuns irom nan s Htallnn nti ftm Hhnmnbln. HlinlttirV find ......... , w, ,uu , .... ... j 1 . IiOwlsburg branch of tho Reading, twenty- Last year eight miles Id Nordmont, will bo a tccder of tho Pennsylvania system. K. 0. D'trlelgh, of Maine, som umg usu wn troubled with boils on bis nect He took three bot- and wu completely cured. the highest terms of this eradicate from out the systam all forms of blool poison or blood dlscsse, euro salt them. They are gems of color rheurDi KtoM cince, or CMlMr, ftnd leave the we said "Ging hams" on the 4th of lanuarv. The road This vear we mirrht Ii.ivr nrint- was projected llo Bernlce, the southern ter. j . " f , De- minus of tho Btntc Line and Sullivan Rail- . ot '.7 ... , road. A connection will at onco bo made LK"'u,:l i" wu umu 1. win, ti,i nnini. And the Pennsylvania win Unlv a mention before to-diiv. sccuro a largo and rapidly Increasing coal As the VOUntr rustllete SOUfllt nMi ha cann do business with ineTiin 01 11 neoia- I... r .1.1 .ll,-ui,.... Tl,rnlnn ilirnii.h r ' i; . .1. , , , en Umo. just Cleanse tnowaurj ui " "Kuiucu iicm iiumimoiuiuiTO, nuu vuv v. . . - "a- o- i0r frrace lO live T.O llie 1CVC1 OI sweep the kidneys, rovlte tbo liver ana tone up wins ubvo uccu Bcrvuu ua mm bs (jrsmucu i un.u I his hlllP rhini ihr livnrl in Hoc. I thoblood witn a doiuo or ot town council. apldly developing as a summer resort, .V . , Petition from property holders on Third Eagle's Mere being ono of tho growing ""Jj; w- wish graw-iui worub street between Centre and Iron streets, ask- places, and this traffic tho Pennsylvania lor Utngliams. Woras equal Intotlor of the system puro and clean, and the i,.rtnr irlnwlnif with health. NOthliiK Will bO thorouthly beautify the completion, by clcanln g tho skin, as brown's Barsaparllla, which Is unllk any other.. Tho business man who l ciosciy conunru i uo works long hours) who Is restless at Bight i who bolts his food; whose energies day In and day out are bent In ono direction, finds the system thrown out of order, while a train of llli nio In upon him Ills food sours upon his stomach j ha has dyspep slai he becomes constipated! his head aches, and Ing for a branch of sower to .be laid from Centre to Iron streets In said Third street, was presented and read ; on motion tho petition was received and ordered filed, and tho prayer of petitioners granted. 11. V. White & Co. presented an apphca- to this season's Ginghams, If they exist, we don't know where. The lively chase of the last two or three years continues. BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not ecnulne unless made br Ara Warren Co., Bangor, wo. mayaaiy BUSINESS NOTICES will also secure. It Is understood that the Reading has been after tho road, and somo tlmo since made an offer to the stockholders which was not accepted. As well as securing thi traffic naturally tributary to It, the Head- tion for permission to lay aswltch or siding ing would by this means have obtained an Yankee after Scotchman, and a from the D. L & W. R. R. at Market street excellent routo to Niagara Falls by con- .,.- ,i;cfnn- l,fw . .. , . . ,...,l -in. .!. T V.ll., Tn.,l All I 6 ... m gods s.ide by Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ironslrccf, as designated by diagram nt- tbo road include Wllllin L. Elkins and SICie. un tne Staple Styles you tached to tho application. Colonel Henry D. Wclsch, of tho Penn- cannot tell Which IS KhOUC ls- On motion tho report of Commissioner aylvanla Railroad lioara of Directors; biu- lnnd. which is Scotland. Colnr , and the following hills and ney F. Taylor, President of tho Fourth 11 i j re1j-bl sn;n A terrible gale passed over the country In the vicinity of New Columbus, In tho even ing of the 9th Inst, and unroofed and dam aged a number of buildings, among which were Iho "Old Union Church" of thatplaco nnd Daniel Edgar's grist mill at Pino creek. Nutnirous forest trees wero .upturned and other damages reported. Every few days tho streams hereabout arc Bwollcn almost ucyonu tncir nanx capiclty, Irom tho excessive rains. Ellas Shultz of this place, informed us that he killed a calf 8 months old that dress ed 343 lbs. William B. Stlnc, formetly of this place, but now a resident of Butler county, Ne braska, returned a few weeks ago to visit his friends and to select a wlfo to share his western joys and sorrow. He and Miss Clara Coleman of Flshlnccreek wero uni'.ed in holy wedlock by Rev. S. P. Boono, last Thursday. He and Lis wife will return to Nebraska about tho 1st of February. Tho lecture last Friday evening, In the beautiful Christian chapel at Cambra by Rev. Hall of New York, on tho subject of matrimony was a rich treat to old and young alike. Died In Benton township, Jan. 10th, 1889. Andrew Runyan, aged C9 years, 8 months and 0 days. Tho circumstances attending this Ucatu are peculiar ana sad. lie in tended going to Shlckshlnny, consequently rose early to make preparations, going to the barn to look after his horse, found it down and unable to get up, seized with colic; calling to his wife to assist in raising It anil to administer to us wants no orer taxed himself, to which Mrs. Runyan pro tested, aud requested that he should ga to Bowman Crawford's, a near neighbor, and get Bowman to assist In relieving thu uorsc. airs, itunyan uaving areamcu in the night that her husband and another man had been seriously injured that result ed in death, all of which she had informed her husband. About 0 o'clock Mr. Runyan went to Crawfords aud Informed Bownan ot the condition ot his horse, and requested him to go aud see what he could do for it, as he felt so ill that he could not return with him. Mrs. Crawford lurnnlimo getting up and tlndlng Mr. Kunyan growing speed. lly worse, and who informed her that lie guessed "ltosanna s areara- was coming true. Mrs. Runyan was sent for and a messenger forth with sent for mulical aid, who stopped and Informed me, with the re quest to go and look after thu condition of the horse, while ho was going for a physi cian for Mr. Runyan. lu company with S. U. motions, we wniutu togeiuer to iiami line church, when I proposed to walk on to Crawford's nnd see Runyan first, which Sammy agreed to, and on entering the uoor 1 was borrllltu at tue sigut, in seeing air. Runyan recliulng naturally In an arm chair, legs extending over auother chair stretch. Ing towards the stove, wrapt In the habili ments of the dreamless sleep which know no waking. He had died about an hour be fore. His death was sudden, and a deep gloom was cast over thcBtartled community. This good neighbor was laid to rest last Saturday afternoon In the Uamllino cemc tery. Tho widow ono son und two daughters survive to mourn their loss. The son living In Kansas and both daughters lu New York state, neither of whom weroablu to attend the funeral of their father. of Highways, accounts were read and approved and sec rotary directed to issne orders for same t Com'r of Highways $ 31.34 Labor and teams on highways...... 58 09 Miscellaneous accounts 41.61 M. C. Woodward, constable 7 07 B. B. Freas, chief of police 0.00 Samuel Neybard Secy, ot Council 15.00 Bloomsburg Gas Co., use of goB.... 78.7S Bills tor lay Ing sewer through canal 497.00 Samuel Neybard, Supt. of sewers 05.00 C. W. Miller, for laying 243 ft. plpo as per contract, less 10 per cent 114.83 Street National Bank, and George Sander son, a wealthy bunker ot Williamsport. Tho North Branch Road Is now altogether dependent on the Reading, but a bridge equally rich and reliable, spin- The We dotit say what's coming When Daby wu tick, we gate her Cutorta. When she wu a Child, the cried for CastorU, When the became Ulu, she clung to Cutorta, When she had Children, she care them Oaitorta. I-llCHl I'llCUt IIClllUR I'llCH. Symptoms Moisture ; Intense Itching and tvlll lm lmllt Across the Busnuebanna uearl: l ir .i Symptoms Moisture: Hall's Station, and In this way tho Phila- " ' " vv c,uu Y ' stinging ; most at night ; worse by scratch 1 rri PMF nt? 1 tA r f 1 1-1 W Mint-nt-n I Un ll 1 nnrorl In nnnl Total 039.11 On motion council adjourned to meet next Thursday at 7 o'clock p. m. 10 per cent, off of all muslins, canton flannels, ginghams, prints, and all domes tics at H. W. Sloan's. delphia and Erlo Road will bo reached on the west slue of tbc Uutquebanna. The Reading has a plan by which It will partly recoup Itself. A road Is projected to run from Rupert, on tho Catawlssa branch, to Bloomsburg, connecting there with tho Bloomsburg and Sullivan Rati 551 styles are on the counters to-day. The range of prices is trom 20 to 6o cents. Ihe brightest imagination couiu not picture tne successes in patterns and colors shown mad. which line, as well as tho North by this year's Gingham's. Col , I-.- - . i inn nirnn n Rnn lcminn di 'nsvnci Branch, is to connect with the Sullivan ors HeretOtore thought Sacred Ointment," without any Internal medicine COURT, and Stalo Line. Tho Pennsylvania Rail road Company h&s a plan for bridging the Susquehanna from its North and West Branch to Bloomsburg to make tho same connection, but since it has secured tho Williamsport nnd North Branch Railroad this scheme will probably bo given up, vnrr?!'?!! goods to-day it seems that the Tria" botue m Te Valley Ral road has determined to push its P. . - ' - ... u.i. i,,. . liniits of cotton beautiful are At!!,inFj WllkeBbarre to a connection with tho Sul- reached, the neW-pltlS-Ultra OI to cure and relieve all chronic and acute llvan nnd State Line. It is expected that with theso connections tho seml-anthraclto coa ol inn Btillivan ana Diaie L,ine v;om- i t.- .. ... i pony wdiiind a much wider market. Tho ee Gingham maker may yet be annual output now Is tons, but tho l the bcotchman as Cutty bark region is now capable of great develop- to i am-o -onanter: cannot cap- mcnt. The county auditors are engaged in ex- amlnatlon of the accounts of the Commis sioners and Trensurer this week, having adjourned last week to enable Mr. Tewks bury to attend the Mlllvllle Institute. Life size $10. tr crayons in gold frames only M'KIUIp Bros. Next Monday, the 21st, the court will sit to hear applications for liquor liccDsef, nnd will continue lu session as long as necessary. The rules of court require that remon strances must be filed seven days before the hearing, but this docs not prevent tho court from hearing any evidence which may bo offered against a license. Tho Supremo court has said that a general re monstranco against the license system ought not to bo considered by the lower court. The remonstrance should be against a particular person or place, and should set forth tho reasons why tho license should not be granted. Only six witnesses nro heard on a side, unless specially permitted by the court. Remonstrances havo been filed against the application ot J. S. Mann at Centre, and B. F. Sponcnhcrg In Berwick. Tho following exceptions have been filed by R. 8. Howell Esq , attorney for W. C. T. U. of Light Btreet. IN HE HOTEL LIOKKSK OF KM. CHOElt. Exceptions. First This court has not jurisdiction at this time to grant licenses. Second. Tho publication of the resi dence of applicants is too general, to com ply with the requirements of tho Act of 1887 upon the subject. Third. That tbo petition of the applicant Is not signed by his sureties, as required by the license law now in force. Fourth. That tho petition in other re. spects does not comply with the laws of this commonwealth, upon the subject of retail liquor licenses, Also tho following exceptions to tho np- plication of Ash Bros "First. This court has no' jurisdiction at this time to grant licenses Ixxo-.d. That the applicants havo not complied with the license laws ot this com. monwcalth, ultliougli they havo had a license granted them tho preceding year. A copy of these exceptions to ho attached 1 the SUI1. 1 hat Will Drove to ...i -i i , .it.iii i - . n..1.1ta(.A.1 It.l II Id yUlUl X V-tlli b li-- JfUUHSUbU DDI 1 T T ' Also the following exceptions to the gooas ior 75. rigures woven jurisdictions in the old style without the Jac- I-irst. 1 hat tbc court bus not jurisdiction becauso the Act of May 1887 does not repeal tho 7th Section of the Act of 1850, (except, the excepting clause Philadelphia and Alio ghony.) to siik ana to wool are now a great success in cotton. Differ ence ana novelty in style are expected, but it remained for this season to bring colors to perfection. As we look at the ing. If allowed to continue, tumors form, which often bleed and utcerate, becoming very sore, swayno's uintmeni stops mo itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayne & Bon, Philadelphia, rnay-4-ly. Cczcmn, Itcliy. Hcnly, Blttii 1'orturer. Tho simple application of "Bwayne'a will euro nny case of Tetter, Salt Rbtum Ringworm, Plies, Itch, Bores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstlnnto or long standing. It is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle THE HOMLIEST MAN in BLOOMSBURG as well asthchandsomest.nnd others aro in vited to call on any druggist ana get lrce a ctnpu uaisam ior me 1 remedy that Is sclllne entirely upon its merits and Is guaranteed spinning, weaving, coloring. but who knows r 1 he Yan- coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump tion. Price CO cents and $1. ture him body and soul, but may whisk off his horse's tail in a twinkling. Ride fast, Ander son, there's a fiend of a Yankee behind ye! What woman is not interest- W. H. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Are agents for Julius King's celebrated spectacles. The best Friday Evening, 7:30. Mary Achenbacb, orchestra. Lecture. Hon. Henry Houck, "Tho Old and tho New." Saturday, 9 o'clock. Miss Ada Rlngler, class In Primary Reading. Prof. C. II. Albert. Numbers. Miss Conner. Recitation. Miss Anna Buckbco. ex.Bupt. at Potter Co. Geography. Miss Pitts. Recitation.! Miss LUlio MeitarKclL "On Public Schools." Addnss by Hon. Henry Houck In the afternoon addresses will bo de livered by Rev. llouU, D. a Mcllenry, Prof. Noetling and Dr. Waller. Recitation by Miss Pella Uidlay, Fan Drill by Primary Pupils. The evening session will bo held In tbo Uuton church, the day sessions in tho Aca demy. A cordial Invitation to bo present Is ex. tended to nil. Committee on cnterttlnment, J. W Uidlay, Llllle Mcgargell, Jesse Fisher, We, tho members of the Briar Cree Farmers' Mutual Firo Insurance Co,, this our fourteenth annual meeting, como together under circumstances ot Sadness. Our respected president Brother Levi Alkman, who has occupied that position since the formation ot our company Is uo longer with us, the flat ot the Great Master nbo)e having called him from n life on earth to the great hereafter. In testimony ot our esteem and regard to his memory wo offer tho following resolutions! J. That tho Briar Creek Farmers' Mu tual Insurance Co., sustains in hli death the loss of a wise counselor and a faithful and efllcient ofllcer. 3. Tho community In which bo lived a gentleman upright in all his dealings, high ly respected and esteemed by everybody. 3. That tbe church to which ho was a faithful adherant, a zealous and active mem ber, und a faithful representative of true christian character worthy ot emulation. 4. That wbilo we deplore tho lops ot our worthy Brother, we extend our heart felt sympathy to tho family and friends ut tho deceased. S. That a copy of llicse resolutions bo entered ou our minutes, also sent to tho family and a copy sent to tho "Farmers Friend". (Liilfayette Creasy Com. - SaiuiH'l Neybard (11 C. Barton. Dec. 29. '88. X Tornado not a Cyclone. HOW THE STOIIM STAIiTEP IN KANSAS AND TliAVKlKO EASTWAltD, Sergeant Dey, of the Signal Servlco sta lion in Philadelphia, In speaking of tho storm said: "It Is a popular error to call the wind storms, such as was experienced in this state on Weduesday, cyclones. Their proper classification is a storm which usually conies oft the ocean, is many bun drcds of miles In extent, and moves In cir cles, whilo a tornado is a sturm of short duration. They aro tho most violent aud the course ot tho wind is always Inwards and upwards. They have u narrow track nnd do not travel any great distance. "The storm upon which all these tor nados, for thero wero Beveral, were attend ant, started nn Monday from Kansas. It moved directly cast to Southern Illinois, On Tuesday It was central over Indiana and Lako Erie. On Wednesday It had traveled to Michigan and Lake Huron, from which place it passed over into Canada. The storm was of great eneigy and tho state 01 tho weather for tbe past few days added to tho violent disturbance ot tho atmosphere were tho causes of these tornados. They nre accompaniments ot Ihe storm and it Is hardl possible to predict whero or when I il,pv will occur. These tornados will al ways be found ou the warm side or In the southeast quadrant of tho storm, and they may be hundreds ot miles from its centre. They are like the Utile eddies attendant up on a largo waterfall. They will strike somo point and then skip over milts of ground and then strike another polut. There may he a dozen or more of theso tornados at tho sumo tlmo accompanying tho same storm. "As Is tho caso after every great storm tho weather will be much colder and tho thermometer may to-morrow go down to 25 degrees. But It will not last any great length of time. As far as 1 can seo thero Is no winter weather Immediate and It it does nut soon como we will pass through this season without U, as the opcu months aro closo at hand.'' We are In receipt of a neatly gotten up Carriers Address, which tho Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin sent out on Janu. ary 1st. WANAMAKER S. pnii.ADEi.rniA, Monday, Jan. 14, 1889. Linens. You're likely to see redder lettered Linen days here this month than ever before. Our way of passing Linens straight from the looms to you, and so saving all the usual be tween costs, makesthe littlest ol little prices possible. You get such prices here all the year round. No matter. We'll better our best. Table Cloths. Sixty to 62 inch Bleached Hand - loom Table Linen. Hold it up between you and ed in these Ginghams? The m U1? "s 01 pairs cnoltrnc nnrl rtnt-o fll tO SelCCt ITOlll ailU a III nnrl tTiPv nro Innn- rntin tare I ICCU. Come, feast your eyes on them. Ull1ri"? th0 GluMy a trade Mm, urm'il wnnf trs cit- we sold dozens of pairs of these something now, for the Whyt- celebrated goods.aiid as far heard a 0 . I tstm rail rt nntintnnfnwiT A laws are conhned to us for this market, and some styles are vanishing. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. Encravcd business cards can be obtained at the Columbian olllce. Ladles having I plates can nave cards printed. It Tinsel 5c ball at Clark & Son's. We still contlnuo tbe clearing salo and overy day we offer somo new bargains, on Saturday and Monday will sell embroider- cd back kid gloves at the low price of GOc pr. Clark & Son. quard loom. 8 patterns. bixty-tour inch Jacquard de signs at ooc. aix gooa pat terns one bad one. But the Second. That the advertisements of tho price more than covers that newspapers as to the prscnt residence of tho applicants Is too general to meet the re quircments of the Act of 1887." MctZK-r'H ComiiilHHlon. TUB ATTORNEY rjENKKAL SAYS THAT UEAVBII MUST lU-tIK IT. Table Linen 2 yards wide at 70c! Sixty-seven inch Double Damask at $1. But a few pieces of it. You can't do bet ter at Si. 35 maybe not at $1.50. Ihree patterns lelt 10 per cent, off ot all muslins, canton flannels, ginghams, prints, and all domes. tics, at U. W. Sloan's. This week w 0 show another big cut on a 40 inch all wool heiirietta, heavy weight, nannsome nnisu nt tne low price 01 -tjc yu. Wo also continue tbo Ho. at cUc, ean-o width with other bargains In dress goods. Ularlt & son. Of the to HAnitisnuna, January 14. Attorney den. cral lvirkpatrick to-day made p''3llo an opinion written, by him, in which ho finds I Si. 35 Damask; worth $1.75 mat 11 is tne uuty 01 tue uovernor 10 issue 1 Napkins to match, ,,, "... , ,....'',' AW-ms. of the Court oi Common Plea? of Lvcomlni; Here S a O-O INapKUl that county. Tho question to bo decided was drops to $1.25 & dozen. We've whether the commission could isbuo pend- gold more than 50,000 dozens lug tho contest which his competitor uaa 0f tliis precise sort at $2.25, at Infltlhltpfl. Iinil Iho flnvornnr snhmltli.H thn - - ..u , - . f i Ur ol-iTAr 1 y 1 1 rr matter for the decision of thoAttornev Gen- P'3i P'yo P"0" eral. who savs that it Is clear that the rulo and now $1.25! We mean that an officer continues to hold beyond tho the new price for a few days time 01 nis otticiai term until uis successor 1 only. Worth hurrying lor, la elected and qualified does not apply to I a 0 ;.- ,.n,lnr(. Nankin perfect selvedge, $1 a dozen. The run Is still groat at I. W. Harlman & Sons' fur remnants of White Goods, Em broideries, Itlbbons, nnd all kinds of short length goods. CaU while the Btock is good. It will pay you to call nnd sec the bar gains wo show in Hamburg edgings and I wuuu goous. Ularu iv son's. luo Old V lrelnlii Ulicroots" aro manu factured only by" P. Whitlock, Richmond, v a., wuo is proprietor 01 1110 largest spec ial rucroot mctory m tue worm, boki by retail druggists, croccrs and clear dealers everywhere. 5 for 10 ceulH. Alexander Bros. & Co., Wholcsalo Agents, Bloome- ourg, ra. , Do not forget that we aro glviug a dis- couut of 13 per cent, off of Henrietta cloths Cashmeres, shawls, wool skirts nud all I other wool goods at II. W. Bloan's. Wo are showing, during tho clearing bbiu many oargaius tu Hosiery, gloves, unuerwear ivc. lilaru & oon. from all are satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change tor others, suited to their eyes. The Teacher Who advised her pupils to strengthen tholr minds by the use of Ayer's Bar. suparllla, appreciated tho truth that bodily health is essential to mental vigor. For persons ot delicate and f eeblo constitution, whothcr young or old, this medicine la remarkably benellcial. Be, stiro you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I take a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benellted." Mrs. James If. Eastman, Stonchaui, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's SarsapnrllU with great benefit to my general health." Miss Tbirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years ol age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. lier health nas Kreatly improved." Mrs. Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a year ago I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla aa a remedy for debility And neuralgia resulting irom malarial exposure in tho urmy. I was In a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar janarilla, with occasional doses ot Ayer's Pills, have greatly Improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I .an not say too much for your excellent remedies," F. A. Bukhara, South iloluncus, Mo. "My daughter, sixteen years old, Is aslng Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef. .ect." Kev. 8. .1. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckhannon.W.Va. " I suffered from Nervous Prostration, ivlth lame back and headache, and have jeen much benefited by tho use of Ayer's iareaparllla. I am now 89 years ot age, nd am satisfied that my present health nd prolonged lite are duo to tbe use ot yer's Sarsaparilla." Lucy Mofiitt, iJlllngly, Couu. Mrs. Ann II. Farnsworth, a lady TO ears old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : 'After several weeks' suffering trom jcrvmis prostration, I procured a bottle it Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I md taken halt of It my usual health eturned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, i ubi'ahd bt Jr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mais. Trie l; ill botllei, (5. A .rth li a bottU. thu cases of Judges, Tho Attorney General says thero is no ex, I. W. Uartman & bans' arc elvlnir liie I bargains In Ladles' Misses aud Children's press provision in the Constitution or the Compare it with Other folks' at Coals. Don't forget, February is always act ot 1874 requiring tbe Governor to sus. pend the Issuing ot a commission and to abide tbo event ot a contest. Weak rjes and inflamed lids Indicate, an Impure condition of the blood, Tho best renudy Is Ayir's Barsapurllla It vitalizes the bleed, regulates the ttcrctlont, aud ex. pi ' ni: trroluloi.8 humors from the system, Ti, It I'rtco 91. Worth f 5 a bottle. That Little Pain In your back Is not tilvlul. It threatens your Kidneys. Let It go on a little while and you will suffer much more keenly, not only In thoso or. gans, but throughout tho entire system. Take at once Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite B"medv, which is ihe most effec tive medicine known for tho treatment of all diseases ot thu kidney's and liver, as well as for tbe purification of the blood Fever and Ague and Malaria rapidly lm prove under tbe same treatment. Jan. lilt, Catarrh originates In scrofulous taint. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies tho blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. IUiii'RB's Mauazinu trom tlmo to time has useful ai tides on house decoration, one ot which is to he found in the Febru ary Number. John Habbcrton entitles it "Bulb Gardens In.Doors" and Mr. Will, lam Hamilton Gibson, with his six Illustra tions, makes the reader almost tenslblo ot what tho author afllrms In regard to the $1.50. A 3-4 Napkin at S2.25. Al most bleached; a few washings and they're white. We've sold them at $3.50. Another 3-4 Napkin at $4.50. Two patterns left. You'd ex pect to pay $6. the cold month. UtAVEKSE JUUOnS FOIl FEUHl'AllY TDItM. Dutch" bulbs. A houso decorated In the mauiier wuicu tuu anisi lias aepictcu in l J,f Hiicir !n tlinli his drawing on pago 805 would be a house JrrP y . IhosoOOo all wool dress goods worth Coo at tho clearing snlo of Clark & Bon aro attracting attention. Domestic mlnco meat at C. C. Marr's. Plush novelties 75o yd. now 40o yd, at Claik & Sou. Thero Is no necessity for any one saying ho cannot afford to smoke when he can buy 0 "Old Virginia cheroots" for 10 cents from any first class cigar, drug or grocery store. Alexander Bros is Co., Wholesale Agents, Bloomsburg, Pa. 0. 0. Marr sells Georgo Boyd & Son's ijuccu syrup. Clark Bloom Geonro Ha&wt. r.ldnan Ili-Uf micneu, niraui i-auner, w t uicnart laaaa II ...u. ...tuu. . uuuv,. i. ,, J 4 OUKUi. leaver i J Biiumao. ueorge Picsnaier. lierwlck Henry Atnerman. Samuel llonler. C'aUwlsba-Tliooias L Dean, William kjer.LIl Kline, Adam Menscli, n au:ns uuuiei .arr. Center uojil liower, J1UUU1UH. Hliptien hbawn, bamuel Illdlay, mrjr Itecco conyngham Sylvester Hoffman, W II Retnbold. Lemon, Jolm l-ealer. Dress Goods, Combination dress patterns, Hie many sorts from $4 to $10 half prices you know are luxuriant bloom, color, and fragrance of 1 being brought to the counters irinlcli" liiilhi A l,n ,lrl,l In 11,0 I . a r r rapiaiy. t iorce 01 men is preparation. uM. - , - , . 1 iiuritiiau ix. ouua tue wuoio beautiful. Thero is no bleak window but Aey come ana go Ollt DV tile stock on hand this Bcasou mleht taku ou this Italian sunn neaa of at.' warron-loacl. amine, pect even In the depth of winter. Striked Cheviot. AU-WOOl cniifcumptioii Muroiy direct. except the hair-line, strong, To tux EiuTon-Please Inform your read- au tuuugu iui uuys era that I havo a positive remedy for the Wear 52 Indies Wide almost Flihlugcreek-Jethro Uenry, HlcUarU lless. J L !mon, John l"ealer. Franklin Henrr GottschalL David 11 Munson Washington Mantiart. Jackson A II MendenhalL Artlev Mcllenrv. John Savage. ux'usc-iiniaoui'i i.ruman, aoranam LeiDy, 11 adlson Daniel Mausl," John Moner. Maine Haitian .Miller. Miniin-ioha Aten, o l' Kltngerrnan. .Montour Charliu Rck, 11 u ijulck. orango Oeoivo Johnaon, Isaao MoIIenry. line-Alfred Kitchen Itoarlngcrtok F 11 case. fcou u r fouf, rraukiin Jacobs, it c ileccl. lum SECOND WEEK. Big reductions In fancy velvets at cs dou b clearing saio. uo see. Weddlna and birthday presents at I. W. Hartman & Sons' the whole year, extra fine van anu ex. We are headquarters for muslins, glng- uuiiis, prints, tiuecungs, cauco, lickings, ivv. Viara cs Don. I, W. Hartman & Sons' aro tho leaders In lluo and cheap dishes. Tliev draw trade above named disease, By Its timely uso a yard and a half Stylish, With u y 1 r tnousanus 01 Hopeless cases bavo been per. the elegant tone that COtTlCS Coats! Coats! Away down at Clark & B!TVT"T' 1 T" e El8V 8eD? with a rich solid color and plain Sfll Z Z , " ' n, stripe, variety enough in colors . "eel. Philadelphia', renowned Spec ,wr..-rv.. .. " unit ior nervous euiiity, uioou poisons 1 hant HEIlltlNO. win senu mo ineir express ami post orao 1 uuu oiiijjto iu ami many lasica, 1 kidney anu special uiseascs lias cureu more , jr auuress. iicspccuuiiy. 1. a. biajuum i enr n van . umu uiuut vumuiucu, uu u M. C. 1R1 Pearl St., Now York. rtVeW Dee ?W- O . - 1 m. . . I aiifTi rinff 111 rnnutllt htm rnrannti lit rr lm Pine Cabinets In vignette or scroll. 75 05c, aim ..25, uiar are .Yui offic. 6S8 Nofth Four h Btreet. 11 Bloom Miles lletz. Josenh Docker, c A Klclm. o E savage. neauT-ueo. runesoacn, icter ivnecut. Uenton bteward l"oust. lierutek-J it McAnuLL llrlarcreek Je,e KHnccr- Catawtasa Jolm Dales fir,, William Sillier, Centre Clark Creasy. Mordeecl illllanl. stenhen Swank. Centraua James Barrett. James Mcurearty. ronyngham-Jonn conry, Isaiah Krischcr. 1 lsblnucivck J O Doty, ilatblaa Kdirar. Cbirlea Kelclmer, William MclliiJo, rrankun-Jonn h artley, Sylvester liower. llretnwood-0 W Kun, Francis Ktes, John Mather, Jacob ltauu, W 1' Kobblna. Hemlock Daniel (folder. Locust Jonathan braver. Madison Kotwrt Fruit. Minitn-SamuelJ Keller, oratge oeorge Appleman, Nlles Pelonr. bcotl-A 11 ruraell. ' ATTORNICY-Ar-LAW, ULOOMSBUIta, PA. M'Kinip Bros, down 40 per cent and more, Philadelphia, iW ' OOlce ovtr ltawuug'illcat llaiktu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers