Tin ColU.Olloi8.ri. Bills 0. B. Slwall. S<OTI. J. K. BUtenendar.. BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1889. FABMEBS' INSTITUTE AT MILL. VILLE. coktimieh rnoM t msT pacie. Tho ovening scision was opened with tinging and recitations by school ohil drt'n. Tho Opera houso was crowded and Dr. B. II. Warren gavo an inter cstlng and very instructive leuturo on "Tho Birds of Penna.," dwelling es pecially on thoir diet. The dootor is an enthusiast on tho subject of birds and has dovotcd much lime to tho study of their diet, eto. He is an eminent aulhoritr on tho diet of birds having examined tho stomachs of thousands of oirds at different seasons of tho year, and his book, "Tho Birds of Ponna.," printed by authority of tho state, is not only tho most valuablo book on birds of Penna. but tho only ono that treats of their diet. THURSDAY. Tho first session of Thursday was commenced by tho reading of a paper on "llio t turners Allianco of Dakota, bv J. C. John, a resident of that terri tory. Its object is to unite farmers for :i ..i:.:..i j c. :i ... e.' '.l i....- .1.. I futures!, km iruu inuiuBuivtB iruui iuv i meshes of railroad elevator, banking and insuranco monopolies. The organ nation was cliartcrod about live years ago and now numbers 144 local allianoes. It insures tho property ot its member against nan and lint, it nas established elevators of its own and has purchasing agents that buy impli monts and supplies from manufacturers. It discusses and engages actively in politics, regarding principles above parties and men abovo measures and now it controls both branches of tho teritorial legislature. It is not scoret, but is opposed to tho licenso salo of in toxicating beverages. In answer to questions the essayist said that frost had done very littlo damage to grow- ins: crops iu Dakota within its history till the last year and that tho citizens never knew what destructive blizzards thov had till they read of them in the eastern papers. I Mr. Philip Fredericks, of Lewisburg, read a very interesting and instructive paper on ''Indications. It was full of wise advico for young folks. Win, M. Reeoe read a paper on the "Construction and Care of public I Roads." Tbo road law should bo changed by making tho tax payable in money.- Small bridges should be filled with stones. He recommended the nse of road machine. A number of questions in regard to roads wero asked the audience, the first being "Do you uso road machines and with what successt" Mr. John Hoffa. Northumberland county, replied that bis county had ono and a gavo satis- faction. With 4 horses, 2 men and a road machine G miles of road can be made a day, as much aa 25 mon can make without one. He declared for the repeal of tho old faw. On this subject there was little difference ot opinion. Tho second question was, "Should the chief road officer bo a county or a township officer!" Mr. A. P. Young thought a county oilioer and a thorough engineer." All agreed with Mr. Young that he should be an engineer; bat thonght he!should bo a township officer. "Should ho bo elected?" "Should ho give bonds and be made liable for all damage dono by reason of bad roadc! "Should tax be paid iu money!"' wen all answered "yes. A system ot raak ing roads which provided Mr 3 stipr visor and the letting of roads to be divided into convenient distances to the lowost and best bidder was discussed and condemned by thoso who had tried it. Adjourned to 1-30 p. ra For the afternoon session the Opera' Hons" wis crowded to overflowing, The following resolution was intro duced nnd reiected: Resolved, That it is the senso of thi meeting that it shou'd liMimpracticable for tho Legislature of Penna to piss a law offering a bounty for the destruo- lion of the English sparrow. WnEBBA8. Dr Is. II. Warren s report, "The Birds of Pennsylvania," issuoi in "Thought and Action," wba the sub accordance with tho act of May 12 1887, jp0t of an excellent paper by Mrs. E. B. contains much matter of great interest Hogue. "This snbjeot brings before and value lo rarmers ana iruu growers as well as naturalists, be it Jtesolved, By tho members of the Farmers' Institute of Millville, Colum bia county, that the members of our Legislature bo urged to use their influ ence to hnve a second and revised edition of "'Birds of Penna.," and that Dr. Warren in the next edition be not limited as to text. In consequence of the great demand for this book throughout tho farming districts of tho state, wo lurther reoom- raend that eaoh of tho membors of the State board of Agriculture, also our State Senators and members of the House of Representatives be furnished with a largely increased number of copies of "Birds of Penna.' for gratu itons circulation. Mr A. r. Young tbon read a draft of a bill requiring that all cattle before OI a Dili mjuiiuif; iui an t,oui-iui being slaughtered shall bo examined in the locality in wiiichsiaugnterea, ny per- sons, in auiuorny, competent to pro- nounco upon thoir healthfulness. It was endorced by tlio instituto and recom mended to our legislature. "Our Dairy Interests", by Samuel J, Kckinan. To make dairying a sucoc ss w must have tho right fiind of stock. IIo is satisfied that the Jorsoy cows are th best for butter. keeD a cow for both Will not pay to beef and butter. Tho Jersov is best because small and will give best result, for amount of fe d consumed. It is a Ioks of money to keep a poor cow. Some of the com mon cows are as good as the Jersey Winter dairying pays best in this local itv. It will not pay to pasturo when the markets aro flooded and butter chean. Feed abundantly. Abont 75 r cont. of tho ferllliztr.tr elements in 1 " ... . feed aro retained In the manuro. Havo trnnil ooinfortablo etnbles for winter, Farmers make a ratstakn in Belling crain and not feeding it. Tboy receive . 1.-.. .1 ...ii,. 1 j direct returns in uuuur miu mim nuiu This was followed by a paper on "Reform needed to mako Dairying nay", by M. W, Oliver, oi Crawford county. Thoro Is no proni in Keening a anw unless UIIO is a khuu uiid. wi have pfcolisr characters by which they show the milking qualities and no mat- tnr what tho breotl unless thoy exhibit w nnnl!aritles tbev mo no good for . . K f i.itl..i thO datrvman, DIZP I" uiuiutmuu vi milking qualities. Milk and butter aie riTwinnta m nervous itirro 111 a tu.i B' tier ntonsiis ore needod. For four COWH cr more, a creamery kuuuiu uui OBed. It is only with a creamery and I I11"''" 1,10 ,a081 favoinllociroutiMlauco I mat, uniioriiny trouu uuimt uuu uu mado. Tlio difference In tbo price of creamery butter an J country roll batter wilt in a ihort timo pay for a creamery outfit. Cream should bo kept in n uniform temperature and not churned until ripe. Churning should cease when tho butter is In granulos and after tho buttermilk is drawn off should bo salted by Im mersing in strong brlno. This will avoid working and to work butter is n mistake. John Hoffa read a poem entitled, "Good-byo Scrub Cow". Mr. Oliver a paper brought forth a great deal of ar gument wnioh ended iu a dispute whother oowb should bo fed cut corn fodder or not A nood carter on "Improvement in Fruit Varieties," was road by Cyrus T. Fox, of Heading, Pomoligist of the State Board of Agriculture. This pa per will probably Lo published in full by ono of tho papers in tho county. Tho evening session began with sing ing and exercises by tho soliool children. SupU of Public, Schools of Union Co., I'rof. B. R. Johnson, read an address on "Self Improvement." Prof. B. II. Arinsbv. Director of tho Aonoultura: Experiment Station, Stale college gave an illustrated lecluro on tbo "Relation of Live Stook to Fertility." FRIDAY. Mrs A. P. Young read the grangers' bill for the equalization of taxation, it was unanimously endorsed by too in stituto. Mr. D. D. William', of Danville, road ..rr a verv practical paper on -now v make barren lands fertile" Barnyard manure abundantly acnlieu will make . , . , 1 1 , bflrr?n land productive and it should be tho farmers' oaro to secure the largest possible bulk of it. He bad used com mercial fertilizers but secured me uesi resnlis from tho manure. A verv able and valuablo paper on tho "Mainionanco of Farm fertility, was readbv William L. Nebit, of Lnwisburg. This paper will likely ap pear in one ot the county papers. Mr. E. M. Tewkubury gave a de scription of bis ideal farm under tho title ol "That Farming Mire.' FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 'Tho'Opcra House was'filled lo over flowing at this session and every avail able place for standing room was occu pied. Dr- G. Q. Groff. of Bucknell Uu iversity, Lewisburg, gavo an illustrated lecture on the "Reproduction of the Honey Bee." Tho lecture was full of interest and many striking and almost incredible facts in regard to the instinct of the bee were related Miss Laura F. Masters read a paper on "Homo Uulturc, ' irom wnicn we lake tho following: "While the right kind of books are essential to oui crrowth in culture, vet would our edit cation bo narrow if restricted to thoso alone. Wo should study to develop and improvo all our faculties and we find lessons to be learned from all ob- iccts around us. If a liberal supply of the best literature wero plaoed in our homes and the host possible use made of it, we could then bono for more ox- tensive growth in culture and for tho myriads of uneducated to become in tellicent and useful people. A paper so full of beauty and bencv- olenoe as that read by Miss Lizzie Gar. i - .. . , , r . T i-l retson of Aurentsville, Adams county. on "Beautifying Homo Life on the Farm," should be published by all means. Space compels us to be satisfied with a few extracts. "It is not wealth that gives to some homes that air of attractiveness so inviting, it is an individuality of tbo inmates that is im pressed upon their surroundings and gives oharacter to an aooui mem. There is no surer refinement and high moral culture of a neighborhood than tho appearance of tbo homes and their surroundings. Iet us surround our selves with the luxuriance and beauty of nature, become familiar with her charms and graces, and bring ol her stores to decorate our ho es. There is an influence eminating frnn an intimate association with nature that is ennob ling in its tendency. When its riches are brought into the homes of the poor even tho snnilnr of poverty disappears aim a ray oi 'no original hiio irum abovo takes its place. The place called home should b adorned and attractive in all its surroundings, for he only, who his a home to love and a home to de fend can best do his duty to himself, his family and his country. Magnify n von nlosse tho laws and the consitu tion, it is tho strong homo feeling that rdves tho potent inflnenoe." us the two grestolasses ot inigmy men, the thinker and tho doer. The two oonblned constitute tho famous of all generations. Everything wo most ad- mire in our fellow creatures, is the pro- duots of one or the other of these. Al- though the aotor in the great drama of complaiut. Lyman Crawford, Drug life may possibly create the greatest gist, Springfield, Mass. fjan-ll It sensation for a time, the giant Hunker will ultimately live longest in the minds of all. Behold our lands their wide extent, and yet from sea to sea our steeds of 1 .1 .1.., l!L. lire sweep nn inuiiiinmnuy; inn iitni ning is chained; a thousand cities fleck our nlami our ships ri'lo on every swelling wave. Thought and action havo wrought this mighty work." Mr. II. W. Northop, of Ulenrmrn, was nailed upon and spoke in highest term I of praise of tho essays read by , i j , , i . i. , jle laces anil rruummuimuu tuu yuuiij; men to seek for thoir wives among tho daughters of f armors. (jeo. Walton, ot Jirciidown, uuester county, read a paper on "Summer boil ing for a Winter Dairy." IIo is a suc cessful dairyman, and gavo Ills methods. His cows becoroo trcsti m August or Soptember nnd provides them Willi greon loea as iniiows: n.any in inn no sows rve to feed in tho spring. The ground is well fertilized and tho seed 0wn thioklv. Early in spring oats is sown and later on oorn. In Juno ho plants sorUum and sugar beets. Corn is sovcral times sown at intervals of a few weeks. As soon as rye is high enough to feed, enough for the herd is out each day and given with meal, and so on through tno summer wun oats, corn and sorgum, tho last being out up when ritie and atler drying stored 1 1 . . r . awnv. Tho eorehum and fodder aro prepared in winter by rimnintr through a cultlnc and Bmashinir machine and fori wilb bran and oorn cob meal and ccoaslnnilly sucar boels are given. t-, . r 1 ! ....in rour (lunrui ill incut urn i;ivl-ii iwito a day to each cow. When warm weather comes, and the milk How ceases, stop giving prain. This paper produced onnsiucrauit nicnsion. ine evunuiir srwiuu uruan wwi biuk- insr and oxeroWs bv thepohool ohildon. E. II. Painter Esq., of Turbutville, cavo an address on "Our Fnlure," and Mr. Norlhon spoke of tho diguity, cl, .1 :. .11 r ........ .., 1 nonor uuu buuuvbb iu nmuu an ioiiu B I should attain. mis oii'eeu u ltir buihkiui tuto and despito tho inolorncnov of the wsaioiruuu ins iiuou uuu,miuu ,i the roads, the homo was orowded at COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. every eesslou except the first and tho Interest increased with each succeeding session. porting sianal success much credit is duo to Chandleo Kvee, inom- bor of tho State. Board of ngrlcnlturo from this county. The Supreme Court- TRANSPORTATION lllOtlTH OF TMR Ptlllt.10 FOR TI1K.M3W.VRS AND llAdOAtlK. Tho Supremo Court has just deliver ed, in a casu appealed in the Common Pleas Comt of Pittsburg, a decision which will interest tho traveling puplia James A. Lyon bought a ticket from Washington I'd., to 1'ittsburir, intend ing to get on tho train nnd have his trunk put off at Birmingham, which is ono of tho regular stations on tho Pittsburg, Cinoinatti and St. Louis Bailroad Company, within the corporate limits oi Pittsburg, about a milo south of tbo Union Depot. Tho train by which lm travelled slopped thoro and ho himself alighted. But the baggage agent re fused to let him havo bis trunk, insist ing upon carrying it to the Union Depot. Lyons particularly wanted tho trunk because ho was going to Cincin nati! by a train leaving thirty five min utes later. He went on without his trunk, telcgrphed for it, bad it sent after hun, sued the company for daina gos and rccoveiod a substantial verdict. The Court holding that the rulo of tho company denying to iho traveller tho ! i " - c5. ...J -t I. ing his baggage to any regular station on tbo road at which tho train ho wan travelling on mado a Btop was un reasonable and unvalid. Tho railroad company appealed, claiming that tho rulo was only a prop er exerciso of its rights to make and onforco rules and regulations for tho transaction of its own business. Tho Supreme Court affirms tho judgment, delivering an opinion in which Judgu Sterrct makes uso of this language: "Tbo traveling publio have some rights, ono of which is tho transporta tion of themselves ami baggage over any of the railroads of tho common wealth, and that includes tho right to stop off and receive their baggage at any regular station or stopping placo for the train on whioh thoy may be travelling. Any regulation which de prives them from that right is necc aarily arbitrary, unreasonable and illegal. The faot must not bo ignored that corporations aro artificial persons, created for specific purposes and invest ed with sucb, and only such, powers as are conferred by law. While natural persons may do with themselves and their property whatever is not forbid den, artificial persons can not rightfully do any thing that is not expressly or by necessary implication permitted by the law of their being. This railroad company was incorporated as a com mon carrier of freight and passengers. As such it owes a duty to tho travell ing publio which it can not arbitrarily and willfully ignore." Home Evidence No otaer preparation has won success at home equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. In Lowell, Ma,, where It Is made, it Is now, u it has been lor years, the leading medicine for purifying the blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This " good name at home" Is "a tower ot strength abroad." It would require a volume People to print all Lowell people . have said In favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert Lnwnl I Estes, living at 23 East Pino u 1 street, Lowell, for 15 years employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennett, president ot the Erie Telephone Company, had a large running sore come on his leg, which troubled him a year, when he began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The sore soon grew less In size, and In a short time disappeared. Jos. Duupby,Zl Cen tral Street, LoweU, had Praise swellings and lumps u on his face and neck, " 'oa which Hood's Sareapa- enri.-tnnrllln rllla completely cured. SarBOparllia Mrs. O. W. Marriott, wife of the first As sistant Fire linglncer ct Lowei:, says that for 16 years she was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks came on every fort night, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to endure any noise. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time the attacks ceased entirely. Many moro might be given had we room. On the recommendation of people of LoweU, who know us, we ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Sotd by M druggists. sl;ilxtorSS. Frepaxedoulf byd. noon 6 CO.. Apothecaries, Lovtll, Uass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar Nothing in the Wide World so pood. I was afflicted with kidney disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite remedy, of IJondout, N. Y., I say it with a perfect recollection of all that was dono for me besides it, is the only , thing that gave me permanent relief, 1 have recoomended this medicine to many people for Kidney dise so and thoy all agree in saying that it has not its eqnel in the wide world for this You will Have Wouey, Crime, iulii, Trouble, AND WILI CURE CATARRH II IIniiii; ELY'S Catarrh "n h . OrcaDl OSLIIH -FJEVER A Dartlclo la aDDlled luto each nostril, anrl In agreeable. Price w cents at Drupriats; by mall registered, eo cts. KIA WtOTIlKlts, 6J Warren Street, Mow York, Jan 13-d H TW'oriOE. 'T'he policy holders of the Brlarcreek Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Lime llldgo, will meet at the hall of the Centre Orange, P. of II. in centre township. Columbia county Pa., on Monday the uth day ot January. 1G8H. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., for the purpose ot electing Directors for the ensuing year, and fur transact- lug suca uiuer uusiuubs as may properly come oe fore said Company. BAMUKL NKYHAltD. Deo Si. Hecretai, SPECIAL HAY J. G. Wells tho Jowelor has jU9t returned from Now York City with a fino, largo stooic i goous,- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, Ac. Finest lino of Watches in town. All purchases engraved free of charge. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. Jf, , WM&MS, J'MWMMEE, Columbian Building, SloomtibuTg, Pa, WE ARE GIVING AWAY $5.50 IN CASH By Selling London Our Mado $15 Scotch Cheviot Suits -AT- S9J50. Samples of material sent to tiny address "Free of Charge." Our Sol f-M ensuring Chart, with instructions "How to obtain a perfect fit and order by mail," sent with all samples. E. 0. THOMPSON, TAILOR CLOTHIER, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite tne Hint) Philadelphia. A POSITION BBBBSBBSaSBllliBBHSSllHSBHSi as salesman, with good par, to any reliable man furnishing satisfactory references. Applj to . ,B.A.McOMBEItACO., Rochester, N. Y. Jan lS-u-Ht "WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The following Vi Wows' appralsments will be p repented to the orphans' Court ot Columbia county, on the First Monday of February A. D. ISM), ana confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are Bled within four days thereafter, will be con nrmed absolute : 1. Bernard Duiran Est. Centralla, Realty 13(0.00 2. ooo. Kmerlck Est. Mimin. rcnocalltr S63 00 s. Lesley H'BsKst. Centnv RealW 300.00 4. John Hunran Kat e&tAvioniL nnaitv ,01 m & Thomas L wall Est. Madison, Personalty 300.00 e. Samuel Numresner Kac itanvar. vnmnn. alty fILOO, Realty $s.io. Total 800,00 7. Jesse Brumstetter Est, orange Person alty 300.00 8. Levi Kurtz Est, Berwick, Personalty soo.00 . Daniel Brochins Est., Montour, Person alty $211.60, Realty 1225.00, sm.w Clerk's office WM. n. 8NTDEH, BloomsburB Jan. 7, 1689. clem o. a "P XEOUTOR'S" NOTICE. ' EStatt of Ann Young, late of Denton totnuWp. Otceasea Letters testamentary n the said estate harms been granted to the undersigned executor, all persons indebted are hereby notified 10 pay the eame, and thoso having claims against said estate will present the same for settlement to , . A. P. YOtINQ, Jan IB Executor. OTICE. Notice Is hereby elven that the fnllmrin n counts have been Hied In the court nf Common Pleai of Columbia county, and will be presented to 814 court on the First Mondny ot February A. D. 1P89, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are Hied within four days thereafter win be con firmed absolute : 1. The account of John p. Jones trustee of the "Bryn Blon Church" property. 2. First and final account ot Moses Mcllenry, committee of the person and estate ot Maria Cole man a lunatic Prothonotarys Office. January T, A. D. 1839. WM. n. SNYDER. lToth'y. SHERIFF'S SALE. OF Real Estate! By virtue of a certain writ of Alias Levari Facias issued out of the court of CommonPleas ot Columbia county, In the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, there will be exposed to publio salo at the Court House In the town of Bloomsbursr, paid county on Monday, February 4, 1889. at i o'clock in the afternoon, all that certain mes Buage and tract ot land situate In Beaver township county of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and descrla-d as follows; viz: On the north by lands ot Peter Knecht and Jacob Shear man, on the. east by lands ot Peter Haucx and Jacob Hhearman, on the south by lands of Peter Hauck and Jonathan Uauck and Samuel Nucgess er, and on the west by lands ot Samuel Nunsesser and Peter Knecht, containing one hundred and twenty acres and thlrty-slx perches, more or less, together with tho hereditaments and appurten ances. seized, taken in execution and to be sold by vlrtuootan .lllas.lsmrl Facias, at the suit ot Daniel Slngiey Sr. and Daniel singley Jr , admin istrators of John Singley, deceased, against Fred erick ilossler, with notice to Terre Tenants. Bixxur, Attorney. J0I1N B. CASEV, Jah 11 Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE- OF Real Estate ! By virtue ot a certain writ of Levari Facias lssuod out of the Court of Common Fleas of Col umbia county, In the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl vania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to publio sale upon the premises hereinafter de scribed. In the borough of Centralla, said Columbll county on Saturday, February 2, 1889. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, all that certain lot or piece of ground Htuatcd In the borough ot Cen. trail i, county of Columbia and state dt Pennsyl vania, bounded and d. scribed as follows ; Begin, ning at a point on the east aide of Troutwlue uu fifty (5 1) teet north of the northeast corner ot Trout- wine and Centre street, thence along said Trout wine street north three degrees, westtwenty-nvo feet to a stake, thence north eighty seven degrees east ono hundred and forty feet to an alley, thence along said alley south three degrees, east twenty. Are feet to a stake, thence south elghty-Beven de grees, west one hundred and forty feet to the place ot beginning, being lot marked with the No, 10 In block numbered slily.three, as laid out by Locust Mountain Coal and iron company, In the map or general plan of said town ot Centralla and the stme lot which the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, b an article of agreement dated the Uth layo( June, A. D. 181, did sell the same to Mary Dyke, her heirs and assigns. Upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelllog bouse, and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold by virtue ot a writ ot Levari Facias, at the suit ot The Citizens Building aud Loan Association ot Cen. train against Benjamin J.-Dyke and Mary Dyke his wife, C. O. BiaiLIV, Atty. JOHN B. CAStV, Jan 11 Sheriff, NOTICE t Qorhan's plated ware, finest made. BLOOMSBURG, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OI" VALUAULK Real Instate ! By virtue of an order ;of the Orphans' court of Columbia county, the undersigned executor ot John Conner deceased, will expose f publio sale op the premises In Benton township, on Saturday, January 2G, 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m., tho following described real estate, to-wlt t til that certain real estate sit uate in Benton township, Columbia county, Pa., described aa follows, to-wlt I Beginning at a Btone In line ot land late of Joshua 'Brink, thence by land ot missel Kanu north tH degrees west 10? and Mo perches to a post, thence by land of Emily liobcrta north lX degrees c&st 138 and 6-10 perches to a poet, thnce by land ot Catharine Conner south M degrees east I Si perches to a post In lino of land now or late of Thomas Davis, thenco by tho same and land of Joshua Brink foresaid south 31 degrees west 19s and 5-10 perches to tho place of beginning, containing 102 ACRES and 139 and 4-10 perches, strict measure, located about one-half a mile from tho town ot Benton, along the public road leading from Benton to Jameson City. About forty acres cleared andhe balance well timbered with pine, oak, c, all level land, on which are erected two DWKLL1NG HOUSES, barn and out-bulldlngs. There Is also on the premises a saw mill with good water power. TltnMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho pu chaso money to bo ptd at the striking down ot the property, the one-fourth leas the ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and the re maining three-fourths in one year thereafter with Interest from contlrmtlon cist EMANUEL LAUBACn, Eiecutor. A. L. Fritz, Ut'y. 1-OTICE IN I'AKTITION. in the matter ot tho partition ot the real estate ot John Johnson, late of Madison township, Col umbia county, lvnusylranla, deceised. Notice Is hereby given the heirs of paid dece dent, that In pursuance of an order of the orphans' Court ot rolumbla county, a writ of partition has issued from said court to the Shorlff of said count) returnable on tho First Monday ot February, A. D. 1315, and that the inquest will meet for the pur nose of making partition of th real estate of said acsedent on Friday the First day of February. A. D lb8t, at ten ovlock a. m of said day upon the premises, at which time and place you can be present If you see proper. Said premises being Bltuato In Mrdlson township Columbia counlr, alorcsald, and containing ninety-tour acres and ninety perches of land more or less. hAMUEL SMITH. C W. Mii.lib, Atty. uhcrlff. Jan S 18t. E LEOTION KOTICE. Notice Is hercbr riven that tho annual mcetlnc of the Columbia County Agricultural, Horticultur al an . Mechanical Association, for the election of officers and the transaction of a'iy nther proper uusiDet,. win uu iieiu ill vug uuun iiuuse, mourns burg, Saturday January 19th, 1M at i o'clock P. m. II. v. WHITE, secy. JaiHSt A DMINISTItATOIt'S NOTICE. Kstale of Kffleemarta lless, late or SugarloaJ toicnshtD. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on tbo estate of Effeemarla Hess, late ot tne township ot sugarloar, county oi coiumoia. and fttAto ot Pennsylvania deceased, have been granted to Jesse Hess, to whom ail persons In- ueoiea to saia estate are requested to maxe pay ments, ana tnose navicg claims or aemanos win maxe Known tne same without aeiay, Fiurz. Atty. JESSE BESS, Dec 14 ew. Administrator, c t. a. DMINISTRATOU'S NOTICE. Notice la herebr dven that letters: of admlnls- townshlp of Orange, county ot Columbia, and state of l"cnnsylvanla, deceased, have been granted to It W Brumstetter of Orangevllle, county of Colum bia Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make :pa mehts, and those having claims of demands will make known the same wiinout aeiay. K. w. UKUdiaiifl lew, jiomr. Dec I Orangevllle. A DMINISTUATOIVa NOTICE. KUate of Alice U. Karns, late of Denton townthlp, aecraBea. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admtnls- trailon on the eat arte or Alice M. Ka'ns, late ot the township ot Benton, county ot Columoia, and state ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant ed to A. C. Karne of Benton township Columbia county Pa., to whom all persons lnd. bled to said rotate are requested lo wane luiyinenus auu muse havlncr claims or demands will make known the same wiinout aeiay. A. a KARNS. Deo 14 w Administrator, o. t. a. jxecutoivs notice. deceased. rAttara tefltementarr on tho said estate havlnir been trranted to the unrterelsmed executor, ail persona indebted are herebjr notinod to pay the Blunt!, aou liusu uttviuif uiaiins uiuiii wm tnuivo win present ine sarao lor Eeiuemeni w F. P. HOWE1L a. E. Elwkll. Atty. lixecutor, jftniiow. UDITOIi'S NOTICE. The undersigned auditor. aDDOlnted by the Or. pilaris' foutt of Columbia count)-, to passupon ex ceptions, and make distribution of tne balance In the hands ot Henry Lltwiler, administrator, to and among th parties entitled thereto, will sit at his olilce In Bloomsburg, on Thumday, January 2IUi. 1889, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, to attend to tho duties ot his appointment, when and where an persons naving claims against, suiu t-gLuio iuum aDnear and Drovr, them, r bo forever debarred from any share of said fund. u 11. iums.fe, Dec 28 Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOT ICE Httate of tlarv C. IvterrAan, awasett. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' court of Columbia county, to make distri bution of the baianco In tho hands of Sarah A. mrrnanadinlnlstralrli-touml among the parlies enutieu tnereto, wiu sit at mi umco in mourns burg on Saturday, January 18th, 13 at 10 o'clock in tne iorenoon to attend to uieuuueaui uu Hp nolntment. when and whero all Dereons havlnu claims airalnst said estate must apoear and Drove thera, or be forever debarred from any share ot said tuna. . . J. U. OlAlfi, Dec ss Auditor. DMINISTRATOU'S notice. I Estate of George Emertck, late afiltfflln toicnshtp, Volwnuia cowuv, aecienmi. Notice u hnrehv irtven tnat letters of admlnls- trai Ion on the estate of George Kmerlck. late ot the township ot Minn , county of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, decosod, have been granted to Joseph A. Woodburn ot Newvllle, Cumberland county, Pa., to whom all peons Indebted to said rotate are renuestAd La make rjayments. andthos- having claims or demands will make known the same w itauui. ueiuy. n-nmm junbi ii a. nuuuuuiu,, . Knorr & Wlntersteen, Attys. Administrator Doo SI et Newvllle, Cumberland Co Pa T EQISTEU'iJ NOTICE. "Vnii u herehv riven to all legatees creditors and other persons In1 erested In the estates of the respective decedents and minors that the follow lng adml'ilstrators' exocators' guardian" accounts 1. ...... V Mlnrf in .l,a nHlfU nf I IIA IfHlutr ftf l?nl. iimhi. Miiniv nnriwi i tm nresented for connrma tlon and allowance in the orphans' court to be held In liloomsburg.Mbruary 4th, 189 at o'clock p. in. oi said day. Kn ,virt nnri Anal account of Bllas Conner, ad'ninisirator ot wargarei. aiuuiguuici i v; orange township, Columbia couuty, deceased. No. s-Aco.iunt of B.imuel Knorr, guardian of Margaret A Davis deceased, late ot the borough ot uentruua. No. 8-Flrst and final account of George W liresaier, aumiuiBircnur ui vuu,uo u wtunu,, Ot Scott township, coiumom couiuy, ueueastxi. -Kn A&riTiii nnn final aefount ot Clinton 111 . orfminiafmrnr nf chAriei, Haves, late of the town ot Catawlssa, Columbia coumy,aeceaaeu. No. 5-Account of Miles W Moss, administrator ot George W Bell, late oi ugariuai towiuuiip wt umoia cuuuvy, ucvenwu. No. e First and final account of Wm. It Dcraott guardian ot the person and estate of Harry Wcl in er, minor ch'ld ot James w elllrer, late of Madi son lownsnip uuiumuia ivuuij, ummui. No. 7 First and final account ot Joseph E Zelgler administrator of the estate ot George Zelgler, late of Scott township Columbia county, deceased. ja n-Kpmnd nnii final account of B F Karsch- ner, ad'nlnlst tutor tit John Kaischner, late ot Pine tOVVUBmp VOl'llllUm UUUULJl, wwvaw. No. 9-Account of Obadlah Yocuin, one of the administrators ot Elijah Yocum, late ot Locust lownsnip coiumuia county, wmuwu. No.l0-Flrst and final account of Aaron 11 Pat terson, executor ot the last will and testament ot or ajizauetn juine, laio ox uivcuwwm vu,,uau.yi Columoia county, aeceaseo. vn iivirvt and final account of Jos. W Eves. administrator of Thomas l'olir, late ot Madison township columoia county, uotououu. No. 12 First and final account ot II J Conner, administrator or u v ueitjug, iui ui vmuD vunu. snip cuiuuiuia wuuij, uwm No. 15 First and final account of Cyrus Itelchard administrator of Anna Young, late of Madison township, common county, uoccaaou. Kn ,immr.flnrinnalaccountofMcsesMclIenrv administrator ot Samuel Mcllenry, late of Denton township coiumoia ouuuiy, uuwum. No.li-Flrst and final account ot James II Shullz, administrator ot Uanoab hhultz, late of Jackson townamp iujuumwuui;, ucmww, C, II. CAMPBELL, jan 11 ltegister, The Sunbury Electric Co., CONTIUOTOHS FOR Aro and Incandescent Isolated Plants, Motors, Electric Gas LUhtlng, Annunciators, Burglar Alarms, Speaking Tubes, Return Call Systems, c wu win i aracuiTT or I II I i III' v Wiring lor Motors, by Battery or Dynamo Current. Guarantee rurnisnea wita orery uontracu OFFICE AND SHOW BOOMS, EAST MA11KET ST OoiTMponaans solicited. 8C)ncT, Pi Jan 4 iw COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMERS! FAR A mrgo ptronngo una aircauy ueen reuuivcu - Bloomaburg have not yet learned of tbo new nnd I nJvcrtiso ,,u,-,,oScly lo make known that I tavoPiofS00 n"'"' Youtlie', Jioys' and Children's Clothing, Hals, Caps and Furnishing Goods in Abundance. It is now after the Holidays; I now offer great bargains in clearing out Winter Goods to. make room lor the LARGEST LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING That can be shown outside of New York and Philadelphia. As said before, our aim is to sell lots of goods and at small profits. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. I, I1B9 IH1 The largest Clothing: House in THontonr, bis or Northumberland comities. Look out for week. You will hear of something to your advantage BERG'S Clothing mm ill !, Ono ol Hie ult8l ini)H vem nlo is the wbith ttiables ono to plav without omturbinB anyono in tho vluinitv ami will tiviie wear tu tuu instrument. WE AHE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, after thirty vents of severest ten are used, on account ol niiwiuallitl durability, by CO colleges and many oiheri in tho United Stales. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, world fur upright iiiS"e. and tlio iiiiruuuueu wun tijirigiit, piano'. THE OPERA PIANO has a rt'uutatiou of 38 yeaw. A warrantor of Gve years is given ith each iiit'riiinent. the market. Oar LINE of ORGANS is v.-i v enmnlotn. ESTEY, THE MILLER. WORCESTER. makes. SEWING VVn hnv tlin np1i.lrnl,l WTTITW. STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NKW HOME. Piano. Orunns nnd Suwinr Machinca on inntallmoia plan. Wo havo aho binjoH, guitari), German locordeoiiH, blow acoortlpotiH, tlutes, tifis muuh nrgiii', ilrtiiiu, &o. Five hiindn picoes of tun coot sheet music, tfca, itc. Second hand pianos, oruans and machines on liaud, ami recoived in tor new ones. Agent for liutterick anil Domestic paper oatterns aud fashion books. Sewing inaclilnn m-edlen, oils ami attachments for all machines always iu stock. Bloomsburg Pa. YKLLOW 8IQNS. YELLOW lUllji. Use "Peerless Brand" IIAI.TIMOUK FRESH HAW OY8TKRS. Beleclod and packed with cieanllneaa and cam fcy O. II. I'BAKSON it O O., 11ALT1MOHK, MO. They are tha Best, Ask your Grocer tor them. Jan u-Mt MANNA T TbaOrttalbMrvt of I -tha lUrU HountnlD.Uerlf yuisuauarr clrdrsoC Nrasar. IttrU Kuu CiS Birds, will pri. wiureiior tb oif ol Tout tht allineaU ui1 Dominion. M &ki n&naxlAi wv iu.ui in gooa ecu uib aaiosieaiiutm, aeniiiy muionrscslptoc Dtreottan. t BL. Will-- f;,m ofProusnslj's CstUs Pawdw s u. f, wlu tmvj lunut. p Jul )I-Mt t...., rM rnrmem. but this space next at D. LOW EN Store. AVe 1 ave in puck a fint r line of mut.ica uptrunu'iitH than has ever been bought ins pcctioii, find wo aro making Hpecia iitlucemcius to iurohai-erB for the liolidnj 'taiioti. Wo gel our instrntiitnU ilirto 1 1 oin tbe maimtactoneH, iimi can ou etter tornis than can bo given by an) iner parties, THK 1VERS & POND PIANOS fctand at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW INlEai tie BOSTON CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT with now reDcatinir actiou. best in tin- first and only perfect repeating action It is tho Lest medium priced piano in wo havo THE CELEBRATED UNITED STATES, and o-hir MACHINES. VPW TmAn.'Crprr' VIMir Tllr, ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and nMj eowiiic exchange J. Saltzer, General Agent. MORTGAGES ON LAND! mpurotaa lloitTOAQKS upon lands In all the Wl-stern nnd r-outhern btau's and Terrltorlea. ?,nH.a,T,? coobtantlr on hand for sale very de slrable High Kate lnwreut Bearing Becurtilea. The Corbin Eanking Co. 115 BItOAUWAY. NEW YOIIK. Jat 11-Mt SAFE INVESTMENTS. Tllli KKYNTONK MOHTIlAflU CO., ..i.nutL.i , una. i A. "f?i5. V "'S A3:i, i-nestnui bt. Philadelphia, Pa, Capital HtSll.lltio. oner duaruuteec! -Tp Pur These mortgsgin are be,-urM by laudi worth hree to bU times their tunmnt. We offer choice r.r r.l .. ' s;wmg more raniiu than any other town' In Uakoti BU. Addreis lor tuu l.blVHWI JU ll-Mt SIBERS! many living within 20 miles ol Intlfe nm BLOOMSBUKO MARKET. Wholesale, lletail. 1.00 CO 00 70 33 45 0.80 20 28 20 22 40 00 12 10 03 05 07 10 09 13 7 10 10 14 20 80 75 1 00 07 35 5 to 7 Wlieat per bushel., Hyo " Ccru " " Oats " " .. Flour " bbl Huttcr K?l?9 t'otaloes Hams Dried Apples Side Bbouldcr Clilckeus Ueesc Lard per lb Vlneear ncr tral Onions per bushel., Veal skius Wool per lb , Hides Coal on Whahp. No 0 $2.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.25 No 53.00 HltiiraimiP SH.a.') OFFICE OF THE IJLOOMSBimCI WTKIt COMPANY. ULOOMSUDllQ PA., NOVK.MUKti 22, 18S8. Sl'KCIAL KOTICE TO bTOCKIIOLDKItS. Tho nnnM nf ltirpptnrR ot this comnaDV have called a special meeting ot Its stockholders, to bo held at my omce, tlio general onico ot the com pany, In Uloomsbuiv, on Saturday, January 2, A. D. lB8'i, at and between the hours ol two (a) ana oar w o ciock r. m , tor tuu imrpua" ui uliu lor or against an Increase ol tho Capital stock. FRANK T. illLLMEYEH, Secy. i J ! I JH ill ' Viil I filial mm THYSELF., MIIil BOIlinCB OP XjXIP33 A SclontltlcaQd Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa tho Krroraof Youth, rrcmaturI)oc)ltiP,Ktrvoiiri nnH I'iiyVIVUI .Lt'UUlLJI illipuiltUBUi nivtuwM, KcriutliDjt trom Folly, Vlco, Ignorance, Kxcmei oi Octtaiutlon, Eueiratlntf and UDfltllnjt the rktlm (or Work, nualnrns, tho Married or Social ItcUtlon. Avoid uDBkilful rrctendrB. Torscbs this Kreat work. It contain! 300 pages, roTnlSvo. Ik-auUIul blading, ombonecd, full Kilt. Trice, only $1. 0 ly mall, post.pald. concealed In plain wrapper, lllua. tratlve Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The dlstlngnlthtd author, Wm. II. Parker. M. D.. re ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Asccalntlrn. tor the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUC and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.l'arkcrandncorW of Aiftfstant l'hyslclans may be consulted, roull. Jcntlatly, by mall or In person, at the etllce of TUU I'KAIIODY MEUICAI. INbTTTUTK, No. 4 llnlllneh St., Iloston. Mnss., to whom all orders fot books or letters for advice should be directed as above. Jan 18-d-it Av.iu.Mi Biuiss amj hack, Ilir, K1DNUY and uterine Pains, itheumatlc, Sciatic, srarp and tratlcuraAntl-l'aln Plaster. The first nnd only Instaneous paln-kllllr g, Btrengthenlng plaster. 21 cenUitlTeorll.iU At drugglsta, or of roTTkit Uruo mn Chbmicil Co., Iloston. Jan is-d-4t mm PARKER'S UAIP RAI QAM 1 1 romotev a luxuriant growth. r""1 10 ""tore uray Ha1rto(tYouihful Color. iTbrenU PandnitT anil hair falling sh.ii. ami i mat iimprgiUM. Jan i-d-it. WANTED ! AKl?,a,!;ito.rt.prc?t'"tU8 88 loc' "Ecnt- co S JS5'f01 ot le"llfy nnd steady work. Will pay good atro, and iruai anteo success. Write to J. AWrw NHA-vv r?rcr,,au, Jan 4-d-It why ito voir sm'i'iiii n ueu you can tw cured by mlng Epilepticmra tUoK' ff'nfdy m dUcoveiPd for thocureot PUS, El'ILKPriY Olt KAI.LINO SICKNESS. TO guard against counterfeits and Imitations send to . bMNINO MKIH.'AL CO wig 'SS Ny Jan 4-d". roj,rlct0,s mui Wanutacturcrs. S 9Gords Kuns Kair NO UACKACHB. RJflTf K,Ar1 "re" impruTed. A o TOOL wh?.? 'V),I''"'!;"I la tL.' timber bi.lni.sti writ, for our XUu.tr.ted Ve U.uioiriis. We ha f.llfug tool now on e.Mh. Pinl or,Ur from yoi r -jti'n.. IsWiTlL ii. , i. Jan WUcoivL&T AGRNTS JXiVT"" I'crmant-nt ein. rnu5on. Addrei T u vuVSti or IlStcr.N. Y. " Al U wu" 11 "!?''?'?'. m HOURS & ' ia in ' OUU'Ut. MADE WITH BOILINC WATER. ' EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, COCOA MADE WITH B0IUNQ MILK, J VQ4t