COITOMBIAA- AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOfetrRG, COLUMBIA COutf'rY, PA. I HA 1,1KB, Fob Bit, A iieslrahleund commodious Miltienne on Main street, supplied with water, ens and stcm. Apply to jn80tf. 1j. N. Moiir. For 8al. Tltroo good store properties, ten dwelling houses, six farms antlnerlst mill anil saw mill by M. I. Lutz, Instir. anco and Ileal Estate Agent, Bloomsburg, Ta. Von Sals The uuderslgncd oilcra at prlvato sale the property Mutated on Mala nud Iron streets, llloomsburg, known as Shivcs' block. Tho property Is a valu able one, as Iron street Is tho only cross street In town that leads nut In the coun try. It is one or tho best business stands in ltloomsburfr, has n trnntago of 314$ feet on Iron street and. C7 or OS feet bn Main street, will bo sold at a bargain. If not sold by tho 20th day of January. 1889. it wllljlio offered nt public sale on that day. S. 0. Bhlve, Pnsyl P.O. MARRIED. McIlKNHY-HOVKlt.-On tho IS, inst at the Kefnrmrd parsonage in Orangcvlllo, by tho Hcv. A Houtr.Mr. Daniel MclUhrv to Miss Bessie A. Uower, both of Mount ricasant twp. TKESCOTT POTTE1L At tho rcsl. dence of the bride's parents, Dec. 25, 1888, by the Hev. J. 8. Wagner, Mr. Boya Trcs cott of Ashlcv. Pa. and Mlas Annie O. onlv daughter of Mr. and MrsvO. A. Potter of MMyllle, Pa. WHlTENIQUT PALMER. At the residence of tho brido a parents, Blooms burg, Pa., on the same day, by the same, Mr. 11. O. Whltenlgbt and Miss Ida Palmer, both of Bloomsburg, Pa. Landlord ana Tenant. Ab tbe first of April approaches it becomes interesting to know how a landlord can get possession of bis property in case the tenant refnses to go out. Tho proceedings to obtain possession are prescribed by tbo acts of 21 March, 1772, and 14 December, 1863. The former provides that when any person having leased lands or tene ments to another for a term of ono or more years or at will, and is desirous, upon the deterpination of tbe lease, to have possession of tho same, and shall demand ana require Uio tenant to re move therefrom, if tbe tenant Bball refuse to do so in three months after such notico the landlord may com plain to any two justices of the coun ty, and upon dut proof of certain things specified in tho' law the two justices shall issue their warrant to the sheriff, commanding him to summon twelve freeholders, to appear before the said justices within four days, and to sumtnou the tenant at the same time to show cause why he shall not give up possession. Tho trial of tho case proceeds be fore the two justices and twelve jurors, and it is a very expensive proceeding, no matter which side is successful. The act of 14 December, 1863, pro vides that when tbe landlord has giv en three months' notice to tbe tenant before the expiration of tho lease, he may appear before one justico of the connty, who can near the matter alone. The only difference between the two remedies is that under the act of 1772 three months notice are required bo fore tho landlord can proceed before tbe justices to get possession, while under the act of 1863 the landlord must give three months notice before the expiration of the term, and yet tbo former act rtqnires two justices, a Bberia, ana tweivo lurors. wuiie the latter accomplishes the same end through one justice and a constable. There is need here for legislation, and thy law should be so amended as to give jurisdiction to one justice, wheth er tbe three months notice bo civen before or after tho determination of the lease. There is no reason fur the distinction made by tho two acts above referred to, and as the law is supposed to be based upon reason,all acts not so based should be ammended, if possible, so as to be reasonable, and it not possible, they should be repealed and a new law passed. TO PBOTEOT Tfl STREAMS. A petition is in circulation asking the legislature to authorise the appoint ment Ul a UUIUII11BIUU W UXUU11UU IUC forests lands between tho North and Went Brioches of the Susquehanna river and to report the best means for 8-ouuoK supplier! ui water to ceitaiu streams. It is an important movement I., a large number of people, and should be enouraced. Col. J. Jameson of this towu is tho originator of tbo petv tion. aud Uaotively pushing tbe mat tnr. BjIow e print tho petition aiid tbe joint resolution whioh the legisla ture will tMt aKea to pass : TO THR SKKATE AMD HoCBF. OP ReI'HE' SENTATIVED OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN G EM ERA!, AeShMUI.V MET, The petition and memorial of the utt- uersieued citizens ot ttio satt common wealth, aud residents of the npiirr waters of the Susqnchanua, respectfully repre sent That a large body of forest lands be twecn thf North and West branches of the Sii-quoliannii are about to be readi ed by several tailrnal improvements and the timber removed therefrom, and fntare control and management of these lands have become a question of high publio importance. The region in question exerts abrep influence upon the climate, upon the water stipplits and upon the acnoul tures and other pursuits of a large por tion of the people of the Slate. It is an elevated plateau and in its Ion at condition attracts a large rain fall which is impeded and retained by natural con ditions from sadden ami violent oat' How into largo tributaries of both branches of tho Susquobannn. Thus creat floods are checked or prevented, and more regular and oon tinuous supplies of wnter for tbe streams are secured. Tbo lands are mostly unsaited to nrolitable cultivation, but liable to be devastated by improvident settlement and rootless waste. The removal of timber from thoso lands is not incompatible with the pres ervation of their character as lorest lauds and the removal of timber by future growth, and by a wish plan of State or corporate management saoo tioned and enforced by law, tho pnblio interests connected with that section may now bo fully secured. Your memorialists therefore solicit tho passage of an act or resolution authorizing the Governoi to appoint commissioners to exatnino ttie lands tn question and to report a plan for Leg i,lntivo enactment recardioc thc.r fu turo control and management, and they will ever pray, ivo. JOINT RESOLUTION, Relative to forvst preservation between the upper branches of the Susquehanna "lver- ... . Wukhbap, The publio interests re quiri tint certain forent lands lying b. tweer 'he North and West branch si the Suxiueharina river should bo pro served frvm settleineut and cultivation in order to supply water to several large tresros originating merein, an for other publio purposes. Jit it Jlaotved by tht Stnai anil Houttof JltprtUnlativa of the tidm- motiteeailh of j"emistlvanfa in Gen eral sittetnoty met, That the Gover nor be authoriced to appoint thrco com missioners to examine said forest lands and report to tbe Loglshituro what por tion of tho s.imo should bo withheld from settlement In order to securo sup plies of water to tbo LoyaUook.Munoy, Mehoopany, Bowman's and Fishing creeks and to promote other publio ob jects, and tho said commissioners shal also acrlain and report what will bi tho most appropriate and certain meant for accomplishing suoh purpose. Tht reasonable expenses of tho oommis sloners and of any surveys; 'drafts oik reoords required by them shall bo corti- netl by inem to tho Auditor General and upon nllowanco by him shall be paiu out oi any money in mo Treasury not otherwise' appropriated. Hayti Brought to Terms. Admiral Lure, who sailed with the American ship of war to Hayti to re coyer tho American vessel that was seized and held by ono of the Haytian factions, had rio troublo in bringing he enemy to terms. The vessel wns anded ovor without any resistance or delay, and tho difficulty settled without burning as much as an onnce of powder. y? have no doubt, that tho men who manned tho little fleet of tho nallaut admiral were disappointed in not meeting with a reception that would have giveu them occasion to show their prowess. If the blacks had been belligerent and had opened on our ships with batteries from the shore there would havo been a chance for our sailor lads to imitate tho gallantry of the heroes who won our first naval renown by their hcroio action in the harbor of Tripoli. But tho blacks of Hayti 'aro not of tho. fcanw breed of men as thoso of tho Barbary coast who gave our navy the opportunity to win its spurs. Counting of the Electoral Vote. ir wilt, be none nits teab under the NEW LAW THE METHOD. The electoral votes for President and Vice-President this year will bo ituntcd in a new way and under a new law. ,' On Feb. 3 last year President Cleveland approved tho bill providing for tho cbango of tho method. The first evidence of tho operation of the new law came forth when the Secretary f State communicated to the benale and IIouso certified reports which he had received from tbe Governors of ihe States, showing tho result of the late Presidential election. Under tho now law tho Presidential electors will meet in their respective States noil Monday for the purpose of electing the President and Vice-Presi dent. But the result of that meeting Will not bo officially declared until the second Wednesday in February, whon there will bo a joint Convention of the nate and House to receive tbe votes of the Presidential electors, canvass them and officially d eel ate the names of the now President and Vice-Presi dent. Certificates of tbe result of the November election have been received to date by the Secretary ot State from only a portion of tbe Governors From clay to day, as they continue to reach the mate department, secretary Bayard will promptly trauerait oopies of them to Concress. Tbo law also directs him to have a copy of eaoh of tho certificates published in some news paper. The certificates wmcn nave been received up to the present time havo been published in one of the Washington newspapers. Some of them are brief, compact doouments and do not take up much space, but the certificate boaring thi signature ot Gov. David 13. Hill, ot ISuw xork, is not one of these. It occupies nearly thre Ihn nAar.nih(ir in whtfh publication was made. I iuu muiu law wimii iruunca tuu Governor to send this certificate to the Stcrctary of State aha requires him to present three oopies to each of the andidates eleoted to the iweotorai uoi- Hire, l lieso three conies no may de liver any time up to the day on which the Presideniial eleotors meet, the sec- imd Monday in January. Section 4 of the new law sets forth in detail tbe manner in whioh the eleo toral vote shall be finally wanted. Ooncress shall be if n Jion on the ecoDd Wedneeday in February sue- eeding every meeting ot the electors. The Senato and House of representa tives shall meet in the House of rep re- entatives at the hour of 1 o clock in the fternoon of that day, and tho Preri- dent of the Senate shall be their presid ing officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on uio pan oi me Senate and two on the part of the House, ot representative, to whom ball bn handed, as they are opened by th? President of the Senate, all the ertiGoates and paprrs purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which ertiticates and papers shall be opened, presented and. acted upon in the alpha betical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read tbe same in the pres ence and hoarintr of the two Houses, shall roako a list of tho votes as they shall appear from said certificates: and tho votes having been ascertained and counted in the manner aud according to the roles in this nut provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to tho President of tho sen te, who shall thereupon announce the sttto of tho vole, which announcement shall be ieenml a nufiloient, declarations of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice-President of the United States, and together with a list of tbo votes bo entered upon the journals of the two Houses. As there aro not likely to bo any objections raised agaiiiBt any of tbe . , - l ii.. , .! -1 returns wuicu me luiav couvuuuuu ui the two Houses will be called to act unon. there will nrobablv be no delay in making the official announcement of tho election of Harrison and airton. A newsnaner in the little town of Horlenbach, in Iiohemla, which has been confiscated by tbe Governm til for the 300th time, has just celebrated the event. roaiaaaes many Important Advantares over all other prepared rooda. MBIE9 CRY FOR IT. MAUDS RELISH IT, Makee Plump, Laughlns, Healthy Babls Itegulates tne tomaeh and Bowel, sold by DruggUts. X3., ao., sn.oo. WtllS, RICHJIRDSOM CO., imtlMTII.fT. Baby Portraits. A Portlollo of beautiful baby portraits, prlattd onfica plate paper by pataut photo sroceas, tent frea to Mother of any Baby Lorn wllhuv a year. Srarr aloihar wants thaas plcturMf taad at caice. Qiva ltabys naas and ag. WUU, 'ICHAROtQN 4 CO, (Sea Mkftsa, Vt feicg?fep OH! MY HIADI! illi.HtfcHalw-TrrtUTbl . . 'TCmttiamMhUtorfUltKxatMaa!of. frith1 fcilf AVnMMt feoMum, tU UM'Ixootqm TlUMu4fonli U etfc onrtu ha to act nor tall, ti latntU a mlb of rapionx. inch u dra Vtfb. tick hwklnch. dlulncM, OmwdoMt, tltiU, Won of lh hH, rln In tba Uck,loM of rrUt. 'Ttm an f eV Okn IIM t Utlm to Vim aU n? bMri taA It affords sn pbtmM t lU of oo of fboa, ftuirfttWMit4.atfrtoAlttrtMrMl, bta of tht lut fruit ftno. BI Tnk PUot, X. T.,M flu a lit OBlc. "1 ib ul tmt I baa uvcvnw ihn to fluaam wa Mkitk kVImm tUbr, .VI -ii. HUH0 "r4 Y"a T"' U tonei Ihil innontm pinblo,lti.lfTefrotin of to bortr labItB Wjjtomo. 1 nn (rtrsrott IliaiMiuMand xiilmM dliortVrM'tti.tftt.f rWMfedTluM to it, or iionaont aia to ma ft nil htivi h best IhiniTl erei hewxlof for mrdionlt of t risitniav am, to tnan with lfk nyccfr itcn, Mm,mtii "Xrocc iccw." Mr,,Ti 9 .ItviniMr for dj-iprj wl tor muir yrm wl corny FAVORITE REMEDY MoaOna dollar, TXi-arMat Eondout,H.T. tl L ' fa . I . I . tutr-5'5, ,;VolV-uo LIVER ODV CiWViXS PILLS. llEITAltB OP lHlTATIOnS. JLZVTAXI Abie Jim i)tt. i'ljeiictrs pellets, on TATILE tiUOAJi-COATED PILLS. Mollis; ontlrcly vegetable, the? op rrrito without tUBtiituanra td tha tratera, rtlor, ornccupntlou. 1'Ut up In RIM vlala, hpriuctl Taliy vuiea, Alwtj'a fi-esli -and VerftiWoj A' a laxative, alterative, or puraiIvo, then ilttls FullcU glr U molt perfect eniiiiuci-iun, 1GK HEADACHE. rtllloua llnmlaclie, Dlrzllieai, Couatlpa tlnii, liitlliraattun, Illlloua Attack, and ali (U'luiiKcmenU of f ho aloni ach nml Ikwo1. nro i-romiit-ly rcllovcit anil iKinimnem ly nircU by tno of Ilr. , " Plercola I'lenaant l'urgatlve telUta. In ejplnnnlloii of the remedial power of theae i'olleta over bo 'ercnt a vartffr of dlwaaea. It may truthfully be (aid Unit their action upon Ihq tSTlejn la tmlvweal, jhiI a Klaud or tissue cscnpltur tliclr aatlatleo Inlluenco. Sold by dni(ririsi;reiite ylali Jlanulnctured at tho chpiulrttl ljborniryof WontD'sl)isps.NABr Mxuical, Association, Iluffolo, N. V. in offered by tho manufactur ers or ir. -snRo'a catnrrli Itouicflr. for cuo of fliroulu Koftll CfttArrh which they eannot cure. tiVnit'TflillS OF CATAnnll.-Dull, heavy hradiithe, otwlrnttlon of tho Basal pnsifrra. tliachitr?cs fnlllntr from the head Intr,' tlii' fbroiit, aomftlinea profuse,. wotcry, and rc.Jtl, at ottieid. thick, lenuclous, mucous, purithf, bloody ntul putrid: tho eyes aro weak, vitlct;'. and InlhuiitM; tlicre la rlnAinjr In tho eaiH. deurncBa, backlnrr or couKhlng to clear tho throat,' expectoration of offensive mutter, together with scabs from ulcers; tho vMco Ii changed and has a nasal twang; tho bit-nth U uRcnalve; atficll and tasto are Im paired : t here Is a Ecnsatlou of dizziness, with mental d"prisslon, a hacking; oough aud gen cral debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually.'without manifesting balfqf ithe above symptoms,, re-, suit In consumption, and end In the grave. No disease is so common,, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. Uy Its mild, soothluf?, and healing properties. Dr. SttsTO'a Catarrh Itemed cures tho worst ciisesuf Catnrrli "cola,lii tlie bead," C'oryzn, and Catarrhal lleadncbc. Sold by druggists everywhore; W cant. "I'ntold AROiiy f rom Ctrrh." Prof. W. Hacsner, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca, N. 1'., writes: '.'Soma ten years ago I suffored untold agony from chronlo uusnl catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must -die. My case was J luch a bad one, that every day. towards sun set, my voice would1 become ao hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my Coughing and clearing of my throat would ilmost strangle me. Uy the use of Dr: Sage's Catarrh ltemedy. In three months, I was a well man, and the cure baa been permanent." "Constantly Hawking; and Splltlng-." THOMAS J. RuatlINO, Esq', txt Pint 'trut, SI, Louis, Ifo- writes: 1 was a great sufferer from catarrh for thrco years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and apittlng, and for the last eight montha could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could bo done for me. Luck ily, I waa advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. and I anrcow a well nan. 1 believe it to bo the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one baa only to give It a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." Three Bottle Cor Catarrh. Kli ltoBstua, Itunvan P. 0 CoIumMa Co, Pa., saya: "My daughter bad catarrh when she was five years old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sago's Catarrh Kemedy advertised, and pro cured a bottle for her, and, soon saw that It helped her; a third bottle effected a Perma nent cure. She Is now elf hteea jcari old and sound and hearty," The New M Worli CIRCULATION FOB 1889 now Its Circulation Has Grown: Torture .of DycpeMla r.,'ArJTO!H." m, 1 Ell CK 168 , 8,15US; 1S3 12,212 048 181 2,519,7S3 JS5,SS7 1888 70,12(1,04! 18ST 83.StU.8de 1888 (w) 100,000,000 THE WEEKLY WORLD TIE IIU AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On tho North American Continent. 12 Large Pages and 84 Long Columns A POPULAR NOVEL, PUBLISHED IN AND OIVEN WITII EACII ISSUE Of TUB WK1U,Y SUU1U.N, The following Novels were nuhllfdiM In arm quarter. Tbe list will show the class of Novels given wei'Kiy I Th Little Old Man of tbe natlgnoUes....aahorlaiL Mlgnon; or, Uooties's liaby. Winter me nappy .Man. Lover w lien the f-hlp comes llome , .Iiwant It Is tbe Law NVIIlson Mlawa'a Itevenge Haggard a nuuian'uujYe..,..,,, , uraeme Mlgnon'8 secret. Winter l"00r ZeDb Ilnblnnon Trcamres or Franchard Stevenson weaoed and rartel Braeme fluck. Winter Jllss Bretherton., ward This Library of Fiction will be supplied to BubscrilierB ouly. No Kxtra Copies will bo printed. No Hack Num bers can bo furnished, and no Single Copies will bo sold. due Ycnrtsa slumbers), i 6 MontliH (a6 iiumlicrH), soc. 3 Hoiiitm (13 iiuinler), zsc Send postal for specimen copy, AoiiNTS WantbdatEvbiiv Post-Offioe. Address THE WORLD New York. It's Easy to Dye D Superior IN Strength, Fastness. Beauty, AND Simplicity. Warranted to color more goods than any othar dfes ever made, and to give uora brilliant and durable colon. Ask for the Duiwi, and tale no other, j5 color. is ccnta each. WELLS. RICHARDSON t CO.. Buttlngttit, Vt. Fu Olldlof er Oroaslag faacy Artlclts, USE DIAMOND PAINTS, asll, Wvsr, Breaa, Ceaysr, Qaly M Call, I f SHHHI OnalrmRn Kianer. I . CKomaktr-.X, bi Uda th f th Una I hanhalf aoUd thaMDontaf (Vimr-Twl Blnea I hatatmd WOLrr'S ACatl LAClma raj becu wu loatr than baf ora aa4 are always brlsbt and 1mo. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking It Ike Blacking for Men,t Wcmtn and Childrtn. Tht RICHEST SpACK POLISH. Mating Leatktr Waterproof anil Dvrahlt. Ha Smth. A Shine LatU a Wiek. Can It mthtd with water, taint at OUtUtik. Tht Finett Druringfor Harnta. Sold br &boer!tara.Oro0MllBaBYWta, and ratallara caneraliy. WOLFF A RANDOLPH, PnlUDElfHU. mmm mlm mm :o. The anderalened havlns sat his Planinc v , arsi-ciass oonaiiion, ispn red to do allklads ot worn In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUt-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshea at reasounuia prtoci. All lumber use a wen seasoned ana none out snuea workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS famished on application. CHARLES KRCfi, BlonBiaharK, Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re torod to health by simplo mehnf, aftt t HUnffring for several yoara with aoever lung affection, .aud that dread discn-e Consumption, is anxious to mski itn iwu to liiH follow sufftrera the mean if cure. To those who dt oire it, he wil h-t;rlully send (free of char -e) a cop) f the prescription uted, uhioh th will find a tire cure for Consumition. V-thma, Cataiir.ii, Bronchitis ai'd ill throat and lunt; Maladies. Ht (lopes all sufferers will try his lit medy, in it is invaluable. Those desiring tin prescription, which will cost them noth 'njr, and may prove a b'essing, will 'ileaso addresi", Rev. Edward A. "Wil son, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York, A-&-oo.-dco-7ly " .Thla .Instil utlon Is a high grado Business Col les-e, glvlntr Instruction In every department of business education. In addition to tho regular business course It makes a specialty ot Phono fraphy, Type-wrltlne, Telotraphy, and ornamen tal Penmanhln. Tnn nrnmtnetvt fAAMim nt tha Commercial coarse is Its practical character. neari every sei or dooks has been taken from Orst-claas business establishments, and a large proportion ot tho course In book-keeping is made UD from OOr SVStcm Of actual rmunpii4 ,rtr.rtlrA. unsurpassed In the scientific application to mod ern business methods. A larger proportion ot our graduates regularly obtain tlrst-ciass poslllona than from anv other commercial cniipirn tn state. Year begins Aue. t. less. For, cireulara nuui cso , , L. I) KAN, I'rlncipaL Kingston, I'a nor 3m. piBE INBDRANCB ortnisnAN r. snah, bloohsbcrqa, HOME, OP N T. MEUCUANT8', OP NBWAKK, N. J. O LINTON, N.V, PKOPLRS' N. Y, KKAniNO, PA. OKHM AN AMERICAN INS. CO.;NBW YOltK. UKKKNWICII INS. CO., NEW YORK. JBUSBr CITY VlllS INS. CO., JERSEY 'These old ooaroaATiONa aro well seasoned by aire and riaa tistxd and have never vet h.rt losaaettled by any court of law. Their assets are uiinveBiea in solid siouaiiiia are liable to the azard of tikk only. Losses raonrTLT and nomsTLT adjusted and ald as soon as determined by cnaiamN r. burr, sriciiL aoixtamd Adjcbtib Bloomsicbo. pa.,, ' The people ot Colombia county should patron tie the agency where losses If any are settled and pall by one of tberown cltlwna. PROMPTNESS. EQUITY, PAIS DEALTNO. DON'T YOUR Rubber Bootsuntll you have' seerr the "COLCHESTER" wlth"Citenalon Edce" A Napoleon Top, This la tho beat fitting and HOST DURABLE BOOT In the market. Made of the Best PURE CUM took. The "Extension Edge" protects the up per, add to wear of the ole by giving broader treading aurface, AND SAVES MONEY FOR THE WEARER. HAM)T BUY YOUR AROTICS UN MJXfn 1 TIL YOU HAVE 8EEN THE COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALL othera In style A durability. If you want the worth of your money try the Coloheater with OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kept Hons by Best Store3 AT wlinLESALB BY MORGAN IIKOH, & CO., Wllkeabarre, Pa. Nov. 16-3m. " Itojnl I.liiulU UIiu'" tuends broken I'hlna, (ilass, Wood, Leather, .Metab, I'ur nlture, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity I Hold by Urocers, Drunlsta and General Rtores. ROYAL FOR SALE I. V. Uartman'A Hons, The Great Eastern Tea Co. W. II. Brooke Co. r o. Nv Wilson, J. ir. Mercer, El wen 4 ottteabender. kWM $M wuck la Ut fM. UuluUUMC,J l4 MU' t(M, wit Mill b4 (MM f aWMl VaVlaV. UEtfmoaktui I. la r wit v ? rrctt M mu jm in sp Jut kt km l ft kom Iter M akMU b4 ; tm Ml was my caiim, bj jm rrv , Ail mtaanl a. Mimi i al. ' AeUttvM rriiM4, 1CjU. PATENTS vo ata and Trade Marks obtainedand all patent si neas conducted tor MODEKATK KKKb. Olllt Or'r-ICK lb 'OPP"SlTK U. H. PATENT Officii. We have no sub-agencies, all business duvet, hence can traueact patent business tn leaa time and at less twrtnan those rempiotrom hend model, drawing, or photo, with dcscrtpUon, We advise If patentable or not, free of charge, Our fee not duo till natent is secured. A book,"llow to obtain Patents,"wltbretorensea oaciuat cuenism your muie, ooumy, or town. C. A. SNOW & CO., I ' opposite Patent OflhW, WaabiefUn, D, 0 GLUE BY riKAtm rSESEsB W aBEtH BEtaBEtaW A HE flATA T1IERR III NO OPPOSITION TO IIIB , ItK-KLKCTlON. K. P. Kljiier, chairman of tbo demo, emtio Btnto committee, last wcok s.ild thai nd'fnr it, ho know there la no on- 'poflitlon to his re election to tho ohttir mnnabip. Ttio linme of Hubert K. Wright of AllcntowD, had born men. tloriotl In connection with tho ofllco but tho following oird from him in tho Philadelphia. 21me ahrtwa that that gentleman 1b not an a'pirant for tho cnairmansiiip : "Several times within the past week or ten days the 2me included my namo in the list of oandldales for the chairmanship of tho domocratlo st.tto oommiueo. iast year and tho vear bo- loro x nnswertd the same rcnorta. with tno sintcmrta mat i was not and ooul 1 not bo a candidato for or accept the position, ao tins year too mention of IllV namo in thia nonnrntlnn or a on. tlroty without my knowlcdgo or con sent. Bait Kbtum With lis intense itchintr. drv. hot akin. often broken inlo Imlnfu cracks, and tho littlo walcry pimples, often causo. unoescriuauio suuerine. llood'n sar- HapariUo has wonderful power over this disease. It purifies ihe blood and f i pels tho humor, and tho skin beals wllUont a scar. Bend for book con taining many Btatemi nts of cures, to O. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais. Curious Faots About Immigration-One-fifth of the iramleration to this port from Enropo last year was from two countries which have onlv recently begun to co (tribute to our population Italy and Russia. The report from Cn-tlo Gordon shows that, out of 383, 030 immigrants for tho year '13,083 were Italians and 32.937 were Rus ians. Tho immigration from these two coun tries was high na that from Germany, and tho immigration from Italy aloile was just, auoui equal io inai from Ireland. We are informed that verv early tho whole .body of immiemnlB classified as "llnssiann" beloncd to tho Hebrew race, and that thev find life here so much moro desirable than cy found it under tho Czar of Russia that they are oncouraging their breth rn whom they left behind them to fol low their example incoming to America. Thcro are several intrtesting features in the Castle Garden for the rtast vear. Afrtc York Sun. 1'rom Uoean to Ocean Over thirty-two ytars ago, Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic imported from the banks of D inra, in Portugal, a few of the Port Grape vine. und com menced careful 'experiments for tbe purpose of producing a firnt class American Port, both fermented nnd tiufermented. ite has been minently successful, and now Speer's wine and illermented iiuco is known from ocean to ocean, ami endorsed by the best trbdlbal talent in the world 'as the beat now product d for tho Ure of invalids. For sale by druggist. .O RAND JURORS FOR FEBRUAHV TKltM. hloom. w. H. Shoemaker, 1. D. White, llenton, J. 1). Mcllenry. BtHrcreek. WUllam Ash. OrarroSchechterlr. John bbiner. Catawlssa J. II. Geary, Chailea Smith, Sr., ii. wesnouz. Centralla Owen Dalley, Christopher Rooney. Flshlngcreek. Merce Ash, Oldeo Stokes, flroenwood William Black. nemlockRfllnh Iyer. Jackson Wm. P. itobbtns, Alex Enouso. ltoaruurcreek Jeremiah Mcnsch. scott -en bnarlos Culp, E. I), llafcnbuch, Jonas TlOUD. auiranoJE i numoa is. r niz, a. v. i arK. T RIAL LIST. W. A. M. Grler vs. James McAlarney. Ex.. eL ah josepn uieweii. Aam., tb. adutoi weaver eu ai. Charles W. McKelvy et at. ts. Charles B. Brock- wsyet. aL Joseph ciewoll'B, Adm., et. aL tb. Isabella Weaver. M. A. vs. Borongb ot Berwick, Alfred irnn vsTu. s. it. it. Co. a P. Bartch vs.ll.SHK It. Co. J. W. Hoffman vs. B & b. R. It Co. c. A. snow co. vs. c. Mears s son. D. 1L SDonenberir va Ueorce K. Iless. Jacob uould vs. Charles Hughes. Francis Gottanall va. Jeremiah Reeder. L. II, tea & Bros, vs. suas Iloolnagle. Airs. Catharine Cain vs. L. A. ltllev & Co. George w. Hughes vs. p. c Harrison. Marina Yesgerva William Adams, eu aL William Kabb vs. lrnant stohner, Garnishee. CHtharlne.caln vs. L. A. Klley.C Co. Joseph Kleckner, et. aL vs. John c. crevellng. Alex Campbell vs. WUUarr Dobbins, constable. Daniel w. carter vs. Usmlln Car Wheel co. Mormstowk, Tew., July 4, x883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Centlemen Five years ago I was so un. fortunate as to contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones achat and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of tbe disease until I found that he could do me no good. Then, through the advice of a friend I began talc, ug S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have an immediate effect. I took six bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but, I have seen no evidence of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has done for me. It saved my life. You can refer any one to me. R. M. Wall. Farmersville, Tex., June as, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous aore on her face for about twenty years. During the past few years it troubled her very much by continued pain and itching. She used your S. S. S., and the sore has disappeared and Is apparently well. Should It break out again, will advise you. Very truly, ri.NDU.TON, Yearly & RiiiV, Druggist. Three books mailed free on application. , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer . Atlanta, Ga. H. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers or CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETNS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQMS AC? rjat-claaswork alwaya on hand. REPAIRIjsU NEA 1LYD0N&. Prieti red icitUo itiittKe timet, HOMES OF TO-DAY Or1 Ilodrrn Kiaupltn of JUdtrute Tost IIouks. -EJaWriptlou per lammi. I'uliJltiK'U In rrnuUr qutirtrrly part, on tii Urn pf Jmiuiry. April, July ami Ot-tuU-r, rtutt WkI Ut'lllC arini'ailt It) 1UCIL Jit pre irnl s ili-kiii iti orLiullJlrti' I f a r T da. r tl U 1 LOft . I ILUTM Ii W tkuUn laoUeruiuwiott ilwflliniri.anaruniihiM-i imh iiiiurmftium io inmr nut-nuinc niu PUHll t WJU IM IIUI T1.I abova rttJmlnlitor n turn, lltfiwin a i-tiltdc la ciki iMdnit na of in llluatra. Cfifl 9RJ 'w"l"ndnc)inicry, or a copy rUll au of A CVfy llouta," the mofct liutrurtlva l,tllo IrtiuL rvi'r iaitird on huuit-nlauuljiii and building. FI1R t1 I W'H "ad tha nor carta already luueJ lUn I pa WM, m4 "A Co. Ilooia." ' IRfl I will amd h Mr prli (iir 1SS3 lUU aliadvliiurJaiidtAOo4rllouic., four lurti to ta l.ueU hi Iws. luttrlfilti Clmhr til BttU frtt. t, U UltU, IxtUUti, tl KM V tltH E-atHtfA FT r i 11-7 ITTT 11 I"?! FDRS WMUte IF YOU WANT To Save Two Dollars ON EVERY BARREL OF' FLOUR, USE Rumford Yeast Powdor, The Old Reliable. It costs about one cent to raise a 'pound of flour with Rumford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents. PERRINE'S ruitE BAULKY Distillid (rom selected Uarley, Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and fids often contained In alcoholic liquors. It 13 especially adapted to persona requiring a stimulating tonic, consumptives being rrcatli-WnetHtcil by its use. ltccommcnded by leadlnc pbyslclaDsas aDluretlv Nervine, Tonle and Alterative. For Consumptives It Is Invaluable. mitltlNE'S l'UKK UAitLKY MALT WiilHKEr Insures a return of vlcor to tbe stomacb, a rooo appeuie, a ncn ana aminaant mood ana increased nesn ana muscular tissue ' Btlmulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, Indlgrstlon and all wasting dl eases ca be entirely ennnuerod br tho like or l'errini,'R l'ure Kitrlev sit Whlskeri It Is a tonic nnd diuretic and a powerful nttrngtbener to tbe entire system. TEH IIINE'S PUltE UAltLEV MALI WHISKBt has proved a medicinal protection to thoso who pursue tbeir avocations In tbeoptnalr and whoso dally wort calls It exceptional powers of endurnnce. Ask yout nearest druggist or grocer for lor rfiltltINK'8 PUBK UARLEY MALT WII1BKKT revives the energies of those worn out with exccsslvo bodily or mebtslaffort and acts as a safeguard against exposure in weiana rigorous weainer. itwuianveau maianous aiseaaes irom vuesyBitrui. Hard workers of every vouatlon and nerons whom a sedentary life renders prone to uyBucuswimiiia i-crnne sri Malt whiskey a powerful t whiskey a powerful ana neiper to digestion. I'EltltlNE'H I'UltE UAIILRY MALT WHISKEY without unduly stimulating the kld nys Increases their naunlntf activity, countcractsthe effects of fatigue, has tens conralewence and la a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the tflgna turn Vol sale uy all druggists and grocers throughout the United States and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A 70I13ALIS BY PENNEY GOODS Alexander Bros. S Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, GAJUDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. A SPECIALTY. 80LK 10SNT8 FOR r. V. ADAMS A CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of tbe fol lowing brands ot Cigars. IIENltY CLAY, SOLE HEKRY LONDItES, NOIUIAL, JBECANDIES. INDIAN PHINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. FRESH VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. DEALER IN F&xeiga amdi&ammM WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. LADIES ! lng. at Homo, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They are sold every where. Price lie a package. 40 solera. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non-fading qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Bros, and Jos. II. Mercer. feblfrly. AclvcrtlHcrH by addressing Ceo. P. iinwi ii & Co. lONDruceht.. New York In good fattb, can obtain all needed Information about any proposed line ot ADVERTISING In American Newspapers. la zoo-pago i ampuici, auu. NOV 15-MW. As a Family Remedy Dr. Seth Arnold's COUGH KIIXER has no equal. We have used it for the pasttenjcars.and can truly ri'COUliuuuu iv. Mrs. C. Fllkln. Monte- tuma, N. Y, DruEglsts, 23c., 60c. and J1.00. MASON & HAMLIN 1 ht cabinet orgtvn wm Introduced in 1U prescol form by Muoa & lUmlla la 1801. Other mikeri f oltowed In the maaaf Kture of thtnc iMtromeots, bat the Mtuoa & Ilamlla Urgtos tve alwaja mela Ulne4 their inpreaucr u tbe beet ta the world. Muon Allunlla offer, m demouUftUon of the DtvqtiaUd excellence cf their orgioe, the fert that et ell of the ereet World'! Exbibluooi, aloce tbet of wtthW mak J 1 1 II Kl Vtof ell coon trite, they UtcI I Ullll HI AtnTartebl;tek. en tie hlKhwetWIIUrill Wbonor. Illu Uetedceulofjoee 929 Tl 9000, free. Mifton k uemlln do cot heeltete to melee the ex Inordinary claim for their planoi. that they ere superior to ell others. They KCtignlze the high, excellence echleted by other leading makeri In the art of piano baiiding, bat lUU claTra auperlorttr. This they ettribate solely to the remarkable 1m proTtinent Introdnced by them In the year 1881, man xkjw moHD as iub "mm 4-bon A nastuK ruxo axmixotK," oy the aseolMhlcn U eeenred tbell II Rll I Vg'tcst pos eible parity end r I II IV 1 1 1 refine men t of tone, together I lllll V Vwith tTTUyltv. creeeea cepaa- guau 9 wwbt. lyioreunaing la tune end other Important ad? ante tree. A circolar, containing teetimontale from three hondrtd purchasers, musicians, end t users, sect, together with deecrlptlTe catalogue, to any applicant Pianos end Organs sold for cash oc easy pay ments: also rented. MAS6N & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. HUSTON. hUHT YORK. VIUOAUO. Oct sa-sni. r bros ml Tho WONDERFUL ISI IIDIIDC PUMP Ooubtnlns a Pillar. Llirirf . ! n.ciili.l. f (iiifil bHAia. . yum... rrm m aw I V. Tll.k . t h. Umrt .Ha1 nf tiliilibli. cliilii, riiilcliai' Bfjlll lllllll ii. iiiiiiii- OHritiai, fiviiia iiiki, saci. iituti, mciCiiHt filllii. Sin in kittii ru mi CHAIRS and COCKERS BlCVcLCS.TnlCVOLBb.VE OCIPEDCS and SELF PltOPETlRg. All KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. RAIT fjOACHES Our IOO dlffenat duliaa. Uur rum aatwitlc Rntl on ill Or. M....rr.f, n. ura auoouUQiMd .holnaliaf t by ilioloc roar orden , dUICt lth 111. In.k ... .a,, ran ..... (ad ipmU) ll.r.mlni will ruu. .uoodi aoia a naif a g and dalifarad fr .... , n , n-int In till! AUM. ftrtiuilX lump for VJt" tMlaws-aa, aod lUU r I mi ul modi yga It fat. LUalURC MFC. nn 145 .rt h Klshlh blreal, fklself ali, la. Exchange Hotel, J)ENTO, TA. The underelened lias leased this well-known "I",!!',??.! ' Prepared to accommodate the publio with all tha convenience of a Orst-claas hotel. ImtrWj mtUlti DRAM, rroprietor mm. Tar MALT WHISKEY. 'urD Uarley Invluorant The analysis as It appears by t ho La Dei nn everv noiuc: i navucanriuiu an alyzed the Puna Uiblkt Mm Wnuv xar made by M. J. K rtrrlne and nnd it entirely free from fusel oll.turturoL meiais ana acias anu is auumtci, rmm. .vmiT. cvimtun HAur Mater. Uraduate of the Untwrttltet of JfunfcA, titneva ana wtuoaaen uRuaOlSrS AND ALL DEALKltS. ANY ORDER FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST MA Urn, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. AGENTS FOR MAILLAEDS scons EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL &2i2 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dlignlald that It can be taken. dlgeated, nd lualmllatcd br th. taoij MnlltlT. atomaeb, when th. plain oil cannot be tolaratl and by the com. btnatlon of th. oil with th. hypo phos phite! Is much mora efacacloas. EfBirkable u a Itsh prodcetr. Penoid galaripUlT while taking It, SCOTT'S EMULSION Is acknowledged hj PhyeiclauB to ba the Finest and Best prepa ration in tho world for the relief and euro ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENER.L DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. Tht great remedy for Cbnaumpfian, and Children. Sold by all Druggittt, sept iS-8-ir DR. THE EL r (rcaaUe) practical expert' matc4Mi t ear ou neri )lcklr, kfivkBll MnsuuU Uin tar SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, OIlNTIBfATR VX.CERH, BIATCIIEA. INUN,INtXAHMATION. IMtVltalltr Knrly Ueeay, rhyalcal am4 Mental r,S,i!r."."on'w.:!t'lo,,el,0,,' BIiMlder aa UlUiiey Dlarawira. ( Acuta caaea 4 10 ai7.)- a.u.r it mM. MV ITIKTOIIO eoblatiitaiAUiUli.noiMipiiktaKiuiUi a Setui 4 I&4 SWlTilI". a "lM raaawty aa tm . . 7 . ' r - wmmmm MtlUA. uj. nun, i-a, i w .4im4j a4 ailwair ...t... u;uit 17'nol). M'hen I say Ctntu I do not mean inertly to stop llicra for a lime, and then have them ro. turn again. I hkax A1IAD1CAL CUUK. ' 1 have insdo tho dlaeaau of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, Allfe.long Btudy. I WAniUMT my remedy to Cuius the wont eases, llecauao othera liavo faueil la no reason lor not now receiving a euro, bend at once for a treatue and a Frisk Tiottlb of mv Infallible iticMnnv n..-. It OIUCB. It coala you nothing for a if you. Address trial, and It will cuie you. Address H.O. ROOT, IV1.C., I83PUIIST.NIWY0U Sipt aa-jy raBBnaHuaaiKBanaaaaaiaiam .aiaaaaivv WBv J, 1 V I I CURE FITS! A. C. YATES & GO. llt)II.INO. Jest Mado Clothing n Piiiladelphia roii Men Youth and "Children. A. C. YATES & CD. fJ2& Chestnut, i.r.nonit mrii.DiNt;. OHATEFUL COSIFOHT1NO. EPP'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "1IT a thorough knowlcdce of tho natural laws which KOTern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho flno properties ot well selected ocoa, .Mr Eppshas proldid our breakfast tables ulth a d?llcalcly OsTored bercraeo w hlch may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itlsbythe judicious use of such articles ot diet that a constitution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency to dl ease, llundn-ds of subtle maladies aro floating around us 10 idy to attack wherever therelsaweak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by kceplngo'irnclves well 101 titled with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. '-ClrtJ ferrce vairtte Alade simply with boiling water or milk, t-old only In half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus : JAM EH KITS CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, ocbxu-u-bu iionaou, r.Qgiauu, RAILROAD 'JIM 33 TABIiH JQELAWAItE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOIIT1I. A. II. A, U r m 1 BIS MOKTUCVBXRLIND S 40 Cameron 5 ts Chulnsky eo Danville c OS Uatawlssa o :s llupert c an lilounisburg 0 3D Espy. 43 Mme Itldge. 6 R0 Willow drove i 54 Urlarcrrek 6 r.'s 10 10 0 16 10 25 10 S'J 1 S3 S 14 2 19 V 24 S '."J 10 SO 10 63 11 W 11 07 11 16 11 22 11 211 11 30 11 8f 11 44 II 49 11 SS 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 23 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 VI 66 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 26 1 80 V M 60UTH rji uerwici: 7 05 Heach Haven T 11 2 4S 2 51 S 6'J 3 00 3 19 3 SO 3 .13 3 39 3 43 Illck's Ferry 1 1f tshlckHlitnny 7 so Ilunlock's 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 M) Avondalc 7 M lymouth 7 so I'lj mouth Junction,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 09 Uennott 8 1'.' Waltby 8 17 Wyomlng 8 2J West Plttston 8 S7 nttston 8 3:1 Lackawanna 8 40 3 52 3 60 4 01 Tavlorvllle. 8 48 llellevue. , 8 M SCaAMTOH., 00 r v STATIONS. A M 6 10 6 It A H 9 50 9 69 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 82 10 27 10 30 10 34 10 33 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 61 11 02 11 12 II 22 II 28 11 87 iris 11 62 11 19 12 05 12 10 12 15 12 30 1240 1! 51 SCRAWTON . 8 05 a'ii 2 21 2 28 2 34 2 89 B47 S 60 2 64 2 59 3 03 3 06 3 19 8 29 8 39 3 45 3 51 8 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 64 5 00 6 15 lieuevue Tavlorvllle. 10 Lackawanna. e llttBton A sn westntthton e 42 Wyoming. 6 17 Maltby 6 51 Dennett 0 65 Kingston 6 58 Plymouth Junction 7n riymouth 7 10 Avondale. 1 14 Nantlcoke 7 19 Ilunlock's 7 an 8hlckshlnny 7 47 Illck'B Ferry. 7 55 Ileach Haven, 8 01 uerwicK s 07 Ilnarcreek. 8 13 Willow Grove R is UmelUdge. . s 20 K"py. s Co llloomsburg ., 8 32 Kupert s 87 Catawlssa 8 2 Danville 8 5" Chulanlcr. q fa Cameron s 07 NOKTHUMBSKLAND 9 22 A U P SI uonncciionft nr iinrtnrf wiiii l'rtnaoinfti. Iteadlnr ltallroad for Tamnnpnrt. Tnmflnnn wn lamsport, Sunbury, Pottsvllle, etc. At Narthum- ucrmiiu wim f. s. js. uiv. i. It. It. for Ilarrlfburc. Lock llaven. Emporium. Warren, cornr and Erie! 'V. V, nALSTEAD, Oen. Man., scranton, I'n Pennsylvania Railroad. tiir Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis. ion, and Northern Contral Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. in isss. Tralnaleare Hunbniy EASTWAUD 9.40a.m.. Sen Nrinrp tAntix, AAn, arriving at PhiiArieiriiitfl.i.iKc. m , N,t.TH.i. iTm!. .. ' : v uu wesniEKion trrrfi hllsdelphla for air Boa ouure poims. 'inrougii Philadelphia. paftenger coach to dally except Hunrtnyl.for Han-Mure and Interme diate stations, arriving at v n 1 1 e d e 1 p b la IHS ,ew;..Xrli' V- "M Daltlmorc- 6.45 p.m.! Washington, s.tio p. m. I'arlor car through to Phllodelrhla and passenger coaches tnrongh torhlladelphlo and llaltlrrore. 7,45 p. Accommodation (dally .2H.,.alSfJ'iI'lf aAd all intermediate stations, arrlv' ISSft1 rtl'laalPhla4.25 a. in. ; New York 7.10 a. m, iS?irl??1i v P'OS rm Ilortlsburif to Phllade'll "- ..v., , iiiimirijiia passengera can. ChSiJJii ,?."'r .""""'tttriUrt until 7 a. m. Fh ladelphia sleeper Is run on this troln from Vt llllamport on Sunday's. inSIS,!?;rE,le.1Mn"tl0,l5,0r ""rlfburg and i D7ni?lSf-.,'iM,,CIls' srr'"hK at I'hlladHphla !-SSl,a,.m.-. NS7 Y.ork- UM hi. t lialtlmore ais 2rS:iL J,asll,nK,on "O-. Through Pullman ?.f,,?m?.s&lruJion,,ili,,"lIl,o I'lmadeipwa, lialtlmore and Washington, ncd through P8e"eni ger coaches to rhlladflpiiia sud liauimoie. WESTWAHb. 6.10a. m. Erie Wall (doiij). fCr Trie erd av htermed ato stations ana' conanos gua si a lr?it.e-tSlSaW, stations, Ilochester. ruffolS S d N'wra Falls, with thirugb lullmsn Faisii cars and passenger coaches to Etle end liorN s. 9.M-News Express (dally expert Pundayl for ock Haven and Intprmeiinto ...A. """" i ;;.vV'i'?"a4ara "apreas da yexcept i. K4n' t3ln,raedlatestatior,s and at "algua and nr nc nat tnt(.rm.rtio,u .7r. dsn Can. and principal Intermediate H"fhester. lin stations. uiiuiu ann Niagara Falls with through nassentrer roafhrot toKt ane and ltocbrster and Parlor carrnwnitnmfin,. n' ,KaRt ('u,lr WW sundnylfor He SfUvian?.11ter,neiJla,e8,a,,0IB. onl Klmlra, Vat. klnsandlntermedlatestatlons.wlth through oas! senger coaches to Itenovo and Wntkins. 8 P mate Jtatiw 7 n"1" for 1'enovo an4 """me. TlinoUOII TRJBgggo.T P110UTnK n?rrSbnr:5,,reS",r!can''' 'artpW ISO a. tn. "arrtsbnrg, ,io a. m, dally exceni arriving at Sunbury 9.63. a. m. pl HUD1y Phlladelphls.7.40 a. m. ; li&wffiFS1! except Sunday arriving at suibury. lts? m7 wb. toroSf l"arlor car f rem Vbllaifelnhla aii" ?'Jn" """' Pt Sunday) artV lie at "iV ; ?.ai'f. .. at sunbury Mb n. rr rM,.!r'J.r'.l.u nrougn I'uiitrsn Sleeping c ipe ears Irom "jiiua, v,asnington and 1 oitlmnri hrough passenger coaches Irom Philadelphia. NUNHUIIY, 1IAZI.KTO.N or V KI'mii Aim v It UA II AN II NOI.TH V.NO (Uatly eicent hiiti.iov Wlimtarre Mall leaves aiiioomre,rV',o?S6rs1b bUNDAV ONLY. Sunday mall leaveaHnntnivv co. . at liiooia Krry l0;i; a. m.. w uiSlijrfS'J..S Im Sunday aoeoininodation ia. u .iVi" " "r1?.'. FA' ttmrlV'n " Ul0om """' P'. MuibSry CHAM. si.PUOU, J, It. WOOD. Kxpr ss East leaves Sunbury 5.S6 p. m.. arrtilnr v lag at Uloora Ferry so p. o. rMluiyMtifm 6 30 6 34 6 40 R 68 7 01 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 35 7 42 7 49 65 8 CO 8 IT 8 23 8 88 8 S3 8 38 8 45 8 ! 8 52 8 58 0 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 DO 9 85 A X r u e 20 6 25 6 3D 6 87 6 45 6 60 6 65 0 69 7 03 7 or 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 4 7 65 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 81 8 85 8 41 8 47 8 68 B 67 S 15 9 2.1 9 28 S 45 P U utSL.MaHgef M. FajMDgei Agem PUatOM,W4al e - 1 7 -a lima'..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers