klaM .liLUI IlilKM l"" It THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. f j 1 V r H.H.l'M, Pon fUt.H A desirable nnd cnmmotllnn residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas sad steam. Apply to Jan20tf. L. N. Moisn. For Baib. Tlitco good store properties, ten dwelling houses, six farms and a grist mill nml saw mill by AI. P. Lulz, Insur. nnco nnd Kca.1 Kstato Agent, Uloomsburg, Fa. Tuesday, Jan. 8. A. U. Croop, Admin. Istrator ct thu eslalu of Jno. Grtmr, will sell personal property on tbo premises at Wanumlc, Luzcrno County. Jan. 5. Isaiah Dower executor of Isaac Uowcr, deceased, will sell valuable real es tate In Uriarcrcok township, at 10 a. m. on tho premises. . Jaw. 0. J. SI. Huckalcw, executor ol John Lanbacl, deceased, will sell valuable real estate in Fishingcrcck township at 10 o'clock. Bco advt. Jan. 10. 0. P. l'attou. administrator of J. Ii. Pntlon, will sell real estate in Green, wood township, at 10 a. m. Beo advt. SHOES AiNl! THE WEARERS DEALERS IN FOOTGEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN GIVE SOME FACT8. Xastorn Women Wear the rearrest and Southern Women the Smallest Shoes. Chicago Girls Have llren Maligned. Western Men Are Not Very Particular. "What kind of shoes aro tho ladles wearing nowadays?" "If you should env that thor nro wear Ing nil kinds you would just about Htrike it: but thero is ono thine; certain. much moro sensible shoes aro worn by women today titan there were flvo years fttro. Tho best Belllne shoo we have in all sections of tho country, with ono or two exceptions, is tho New York medium too. A shoo with this too has a comfortable and yet natty nnpoaranco, nnd is usually fitted with on inch nnd nn eighth heel, which is n comfortnblo height. Next in popularity to tho New York medium too Is tho New York opera toe. which is more pointed at tho end and has a heel one quarter of an inch hiclior than the for mer. Either of these, styles of shoo may or may not lie adorned with the patent leather tip which has lieeu so popular for rno last; year. "Where are tho lamest shoes worn?' "I suDnoso vou will think I will sav in Chicago, but I shan't, for while in that city ttio sues rango Iroin one to seven, in Boston there nro verv fow No. l's sold. the prevailing numbers ranging between two nnd 6even. Chicago women liavo been much maligned, and it is a fact that we send moro largo sizes cost than to anv other section of the country. New Yorkers wear much slimmer shoes than are worn in nny other city, and while wo sell moro medium sizes, threes and threes and a half , for instance, right hero some -women wear as high ns fives. We sell very fow bhoes over that size in New xoric." IMPORTANT INFORMATION. "Where nro the smallest shoes worn?' "You will bo surmised when I tell vou that for small feet tho southern women are in the van. They wear rather wider shoes than their Now York sisters, but their feet aro shorter. To sum up, I think I can confidently assert that tho largest shoes nro worn by eastern women, slimmest by Now Yorkers and tho widest and smallest by tho fair creatures who tnako tho south and west their homes.'' "Aro there particular styles manufact ured for different sections?" "Thero aro. Hero, for instance," and tho member opened a black walnut show case and took out what looked liko men's shoes, "Ua saniploof tho ladies' wauk enphast shoe, which is now very popular in that city of blue blood and beans Boston. "You will notice that they aro nearly as heavy, havo as wido heels, and look fully at useful as men's shoes. Wo sell them nowhere else but in tho east Again, hero Is a pair of shoes which you will obsu'To havo perfectly square toes nnd nsirrow feet. Theso are what the Philadelphia lelles dote upon, nnd you couldn't ceo a pair in any other city to save your neck. Funny, isn't it?" "Aro women wearing heavier or lighter shoes than formerly?" "You would naturally suppose from toy previous statement that they are wearing moro sensible shoes, that I would say heavier. 1 regret to say that 1 cannot. Fair woman has comototho conclusion that distorted feet resulting from too short and too tight shoes de tract from, her appearance, and is there fore wearing better shaped feet cover ings. You cannot pcrsuado her to wear anything clumsy looking. A thick holed -shoo is her ubomtiialioir, and thero are moro deaths resulting every year from her determination to wear paper soled shoes than from any other causo. At least, that is my opinion. Why, just look at it n moment. The thickest shoe we make has but a three-eighths of an inch sole about the thickness a man would wear on a summer 6hoe and yot women will put on their 'tliick boots' as they call them, and tramp tlirough slush nnd mud all day long in them. It makes no differenco if their feet aro soaked wh?n they get homo; they havo worn inur -inicK uoots,' ana tuat semes k. That's what I liko about the eastern women. They will wear comfortable and suitable shoes every time, appear ances or no armearances. "Is tho French high heel as much in voeue ns it was'r" "For street wear, no. For tho house and carriago the most popular button nhoo 13 tho New York opera toe, with tho high French heel. This shoe naturally is not adapted for much walking, and tho women havo discovered this. For low shoes the New York medium too and the opera witli hhrh and moderately high trench heels sell ffio best. For a good walking shoo $5 to $3 should be paid; for fancy ball slippcrd of course fancy prices are given. IMPROVEMENT IN MEN'S SHOES. A wliolesalo manufacturer of mens shoes said; "It would bo hard to Bay that any particularstylo of shoo is being wornr.awjjiiWo make nnd sell all styles. It can 1mi said, though, that men aro get ting better shoes for their monoy today than ever before Not only better in quality but in fit. Tho time has gono by when a man expected to buy an un comfortable, ready mado shoo and tor- turo himself bv wearing it until it was comparatively comfortable. Improved methods of taking measurements and improved machinery have accomplished this, nnd a man can today go into a reputablo ready mado shoo store and get a perf ect fitting shoo without tho slightest trouble." "Which section of tho country de mands tho largest Bhoes?" "Tliat would be difficult to say, but Srobably tho western man will wear a ttlo lurgcr shoes than other men. As a rulo tbo western man, you know, is not so particular in his dress ns an east erner, and so long as a shoo is comfort able that is about all ho cares for." "Do yon make particular styles for different parts of tho country?" "I can't say that wo do except for the south. Southerners wear moro boots than men in tho north. In fart there are very fow of the finer grado of boots worn up here. Tho southern man likes boots and ho wears them with high heels nnd is apt to get them too short for Ids feet. In consequenco tho southern foot is shorter and wider tlian other feet, the sizes down thero ranging from 4 to 8, whllo in the north they rango in this fiart of the country from 5 to 10, and In he west from 0 to 12. Tho eastern men havo tho slimmest feet. A fact which is somewhat btrango is that moro heavy shoes uro sold right hero In the city than In tho country districts." New York Press. Of tho 200 gold beaters of New York not one is a woman, whllo of the two gold cutters not ono is a man. llraham's I'rlrte. It is amazing how prldo sometimes dominates a man. 'fI was passing through Jfrrorn street Into one evening, writes theatrical historian Dunn, "and seeing Manager Kcnnoy swinging ; about "ho cause of his being there at such an h0"?Vo been to tho St. James theatre." he renlied. "and do you know I really IhoS t Bralminwas'a ibuch prouder man than I find liim to bo. "HOW wua man , , "I was in tho greenroom, and heating Brnliam sayos lie '. t'.i ;.V ,i lt l,nl"ht.' I went w and iuntod it7'uW wero seventeen spec tutors In Ul" DoVtoit nw SPEAKERSHIP CONTEST. Fight Between the and tho East West ALL AGAINST REED OF MAINE. When He Is Laid Oat the Western Candi dates Witt Full to righting Among Them, salres How President Cleveland and IIU Administration Spent Christmas. WabhWotos. Dee. '.ft Durlne this short holiday recess of congross the only really busy statesmen In Washington are those numerous disinterested llepublicans who are gratuitously arranging cabinet slate for uen. Harrison s consideration and the mem. be'rs of the house of representatives who have begun the speakership canvass In dead earnest. There are five candidates in the field for the speakership, but two of them, Messrs. MoKInloy and Reed, have been bold enough to leave speakership figuring behind them for a few days and go home to their families and constituents. Only three of the five hopeful aspirants have remained here, keeping their eye on every move that is made. These three are Bur rows, of Michigan; Cannon, of Illinois, and Henderson, of Iowa, They are not only working every available wire, but they are doing considerable talking In re lation to the speakership contest, and from conversation with each of them some very Interesting and significant facts are developed. Should the speakership caucus be held to-morrow there Is tittle doubt that Reed would lead the list of candidates, with McKlnley second, Burrows third, Can non fourth and Ilenderson fifth. These posi tions would not by any moans represent the real strength of the men, but are likely to be quite reversed before the light Is lost and won. The present status of the canvass as stated to-day by one of the avowed candidates Is this: The four western men have combined to defeat Rned as the first step in the fight. This much accomplished, Burrows, Cannon, and Ilenderson will turn in to kill off Mr Klnley, and two of the remaining three will work to elect the one who can show the most strength. Cannon and Burrows are working double, and when the tug of war comes neither will bo found pulling against the other, Hender son Is not really opposed to either of them. He Is simply in for himself, because he sees a small chance of winning with the ten votes of Iowa nt his back. CHRISTMAS AT THE CAPITAL. How the rresldent ami His Administra tion Spent tine Day. Washington, D 20. Christmas ushered in with beautiful w eather, which continued throughout the da'', and the holiday was ob served in a fine old fashioned way. There were special religious services in some of the Protestant and all of the Catholic churches, which were well attended. The President and Mrs. Cleveland spent the day quietly at the executive mansion, and In the afternoon took a drive for an hoar or two. There were no visitors at the mansion, and in the even ing the President and Mrs Cleveland ate their Christmas dinner alone. The President's Christmas turkey, a fine specimen, arrived by express from New England on Monday, and a friend from Virginia contributed a very oholce saddle of venison. Secretary llayard dined quietly at his home on Massachusetts avenua with his daughters. Secretary Falrctillu spent the day and ate his turkey at his home on New Hampshire avenue. Secretaries Whitney and Vilas, Postmaster General Dickinson and Attorney General Garland also spept the day at home with their families, and Secretary Endlcott, the remaining member of the cabinet, who, with his family, has gone to Salem, Mass., ata their Christmas dinner nt the old Endloott homestead. A BOLD TRAIN ROBBERY. The Messenger Compelled to Open the Door Robbers Skip with Booty. San Francisco, Dec 20. The overland eastbound Central Paoiflo train was held up by robbers near Clipper Gap, in the Bierras, aud robbed of a large amount of money, said to be IW.00O. Truckxi, CaL, Deo. 26. Bob Johnson, the express messenger, says the glass transoms over the doors at both sides of the car were broken simultaneously and two revolvers were thrust through, covering him and his helper. They had to open the doors and let the robbers in. The robbers took from, the safe all the coin packages, putting tbem In a pouch slung over the shoulders of one of thero, and then jumped from the train. When the train stopped nt New England Mills the messengers described the robbers, who wers two young men, only partially dis guised. They were apparently well ac quainted with the route and knew how to work the car. The descriptions wero tele graphed all over from Colfax, and two tramps were held as witnesses. The amount stolen is not known, but Is believed to reach Into tho thousands. Sacbauento, Dec, 26. The amount se. cured by men who robbed . the east bound Central Pacific express near Clipper Gap will not exceed t800. The agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. In this city states that the robbers I warded the train while it was runnlne slowly through the snow sheds. A package age containing 1U,0U0 was overlooked by the robbers. Agreeable ChrUtmcs Intents. Jouet, Ills., Deo. 20. -Two convicts at the prison received n Christmas present from Governor Oglosby. It oommutcd the sen teuce of a life couvlct, J. W. Clark, who was sent here from Belleville for murder in 1879, and John W. Maxwell, who received a thirty years' term from Ogle county In 19TC for highway robbery. Both have been hard working, faithful convicts. They were given their liberty so that they could reach their homes Christmas morning. Columbus I'astors Object to Halts. Cincinnati, Deo. 2d. A Commercial Oa zette special from Columbus, O., says: The Pastors' union, of this city, held a rather sensational meeting. They adopted a reso lution against a ball being given at the Inau guration of Gen, Harrison something that Uen. Harrison has about as much to do with as the ministers themselves. A resolution was also adopted disapproving of a ball to be given here in aid of the Uld lullco' home. Two More Victims of Feud. Dxnison, Tex., Deo. 2d. Dudley Luttrell thot and Instantly killed J. M. Mojer and mortally wounded John Christian at liar nevrille. Chickasaw Nation. Mover and Christian were two of the most prominent cattlemen aud merchants In the Chickasaw Nation. The killing was the result of the old Christlan-Juian feud, wherein six people have been killed. Luttrell escaped. BTipemitions or rue stage. "A cross eyed girl is death to good luck on tho stngo, "said the old ehon-man who was in a pensive and talkative mood Saturday. "They nro dead sure to bring bad luck n recular hoodoo, and no mistake. Low of us won t travel with ono in the j company. I won't, if I know it, and 1 1 reckon I tlo. The opera company here tills week, though, don't think so. I no ticed a twist in ono of tho eyes of the chorus. Another bad ono Is a yellow clarinet in tho orchestra. I'd rather play in front of a loaded cannon. Cricketyl how 1 suffered I Ono night when I was playing down in Jersey Hooked over the footlights and saw on old fellow with a black wig on his head blowing bad luck at tno out of tho nozzle of a yellow clari net. I was hoodooed for sure, and didn't get into luck again for over ux months, in Pittsburg, I'n. I know lots of the boys who won't face one." Lewlaton Journal. .1 g-THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in Strength, I'urlty and Fsitnesi. None others re Just s gocd. Bewsre of linltstlons they are nude of chesp and Inferior nuterlali and give poor, weak, croclcy colon. 36 colors; 10 cents each. Send poitsl f Djt Book, EunpU Cui, dlrcctlms lor coloring Motoi., mtklrt- tk 6""' I" " Blulo (10 cu. a surt), te. Sold by Drunlit or by WEUS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. For OIldlcK or Bttmslnr Fancy Attlclti, Ullt DIAMOND PAIW i Vim wh rt" ai,t k WHAT AILS YOU? , Do ran feel doll, languid, low-spirited, tire less, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally' and mentally experience a sonso of fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone ness," or emptiness of stomach In, the morn Inn, tongue rested, bitter nr bad tsste In mouth. Irregular appetite, dlulncas. frequent headaches,, blurred eyesight, ' Uoatlnjt specks " before tb-yoTottf nervous prostration or er. haustlou. Irritability, of temper, hot nuohes, alternating irltu chilly some.l loni. sharp, hltlnfr, tmnslont pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness alter meals, wakefulness, rr disturbed nnd unrefreshlnrr sleep, conciut. Indescribable feeling ol dread, or of Impend. Inir calamity 7 It you hare all, or any considerable number of these Symptoms, you are suHerlnrr from that most common of American mnlsdles Ullous Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indltrextlon. Tho more complicated your disease has become, the greater tho number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stsee it has tvachM, Dr. Pierce's HJolden iiiudlcnl lilsrovery will eubdua It, If taken according; to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the tunirs.Sliln Diseases, Heart Disease, Itbeumatlsm, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies aro qulto liable to set In and, sooner or later, tnduco a fatal termlnntlon. Dr, Pierce's ftoldeu Uledlcnt Dis covery acts powerfully upon the I.lver, nnd through that great blood-ptirirylng oitfun, cleanses tho system of all blood-taints and im purities, from whatever causa nrUlnir. It Is equally etllcaclous In acting upon tho Kid- strongtbenlng, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion ana nutrition, both flesh and strcnalh. nutrition, thereby btilhllng up in uiaianni mstnets, this wonderful medicine has gained meat celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and Kindred ilisc.ires. Dr. Pierce' tloldeu Itledlcul DIs. eovery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common lllotch, or llruptlon, to the worst Scrofula. Balt-rheum, " Fever-ores," 8caly or Hough Skin, In short, nil dlnesvs caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating inedl otne. Great Bating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially has it mani fested Us potency In curing, Tetter, Genius, Erysipelas, Dolls, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, Illp-Jolnt Disease, "White Swellings," Cloltro, or Thlok Neck, and Knlsrged Glands. Send ten cents In stamps for a large Treallrc, with colored ?latcs, on Skin Diseases, or tho same amount or a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections, "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover), and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which la Scrolnla or the Lungs, Is arrested and cured by this remedy. If token In the earlier stages of the disease. From Its mar velous power over this terribly fats) disease, when first oITerlng this now world-famed rem edy to tho public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling It his "Comsomition Cdrk," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strennthentng, Rltorative. or blood-cleansmg, antl-biifous, pectoral, and nutrlttrn nroricrtlro- Is linenualed. I not onh as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Curoulc Diseases or tbo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of rilood. Short ness of Dreath, Otironic Kr.3l Catarrh, Bron chitis. Asthma, Sorero Coughs, mid kindred affections. It is an edlcient remedy. Sold br Druggists, at ll.OO, or Six Dottles forS.OO. Y9 Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Plerce'i book on Consumption. Address, World't DIsper.ssry Metilcal Association, 63 Mtllu St., BUFFALO, N. V. CATARRH, Catarrhal Daafnats and Hay Favir, A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases ore contagious, or that they are di.e to the presence of living parasites In the lining membrane or me now ana.eus' aiian Inhpa. Miernsennlc research, how ever, has proved this to be a fact and the muiilf ia that, a uitnnln remedv has been for mulated whereby catarrli, catarrhal deaf ness and hay fever aro permanently cured In f 10m ono to threo slmpie applications made nt home by tho patient once In two weeks, N. b. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to ,,.iol.a (u-liltwl this remedv Is a sneclnc. K U113 IICW UWiUICll, ten cents bv A. II. I West King St, Toronto, Canada. Scientific lmcrican. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read tno aoove careiuiiy. "M. CSLOAIU BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHALTNS s mm, ( itc Vi acns &c First-cl&sswork always on hand, REPAIRING NEA 1LYD0NB.. Prictt reduetdto $uit the timet: Tie New York World CIKCULATlON VOU 1883 How Its Circulation lias Grown : 1862 8,151,1.11 83 12.21J Ml- 1884 2,619,7H , SI 141,367 181 70,1211,041 1847 , 83 839,8: 1S83 (sv5r) 100.000.C0C 133 WEEKLY WORLP m sest in mmi NEWSPAPER On tho North American Continent. 12 Lirge Pages and 04 Long Columns A POPULAR NOVEL PUBLISHED IN ANDfilVEN WITH EACH ISSUt UP TUB VVEBKLY EDITION. Tho following Novels wero published In on quarter, 'the list will how thu class of Novels given weekly i Th- Little Old Man of thn Uathmollcs. ..(lutwrlau Mtgnon; or, itootlt ss liaby, vintri The IIsodv Man Lovri w lie , tiiu 'hip Comes Home Iieutnl Ir Is the Law Ulllsor Mlawa's Keveuge.... Ilafgmd A Woman's Love Hiuemr Mlgoon's Hecret. , Mntei Pour ZenlL UoMnsou Treasures or Frunchard Stevenson wedded ana 1'urie.l , .nrarmr Pluck , Winter Kiss Uielherten. , Ward This Library of Fiction will lie supplied t rJubscrlliers only, no Lisira uiipies will lie printed. No Hack Hum tiers can be furnished, it' tl no Single Copies will bo sold. one Yenrlji uuuiliertt), SI 6 JIoutliH (26 iiiinilic-rH), sue. 1 3 SIouitiH (13 ituiiilicrH), 23c Send postal for specimen copy, aciitnts WasiiuatEvkiiv t'osr-Orncs. THE WORLD New York. n. . J" CELERY PamB 8 COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS "Paluc't Celery Com Neuralgia pound cured nr rv " out lick ttcauachct. ' Nervous .ju.,w. Prostration .if'ffi'.'c.urV mmmmmmmmmtmmm Compound. I m cured ol rhcuinatliiTt," Rheumatism SSSStt. "It list dons ma mors Kidney soodbi iuuydiK ' .J ilua .oy other medl. Diseases flo-' Co. Atcrr, Slous aiy, lows, wn "I'shw's OleryCout. pound bat btca of srr.t All Liver Uo6 for icpu Ht, nil S.IVBI Indlgoilon, .04 bllloui- Xfttt like tmy9 ttmtlfilngBAD 1S BE WISE! BOOTS AND SnOES DRESSED WITH Wolff's acking NEVER QET HARD AND STIFF, ailwara look neat, KqaiUr food (or Men't.Womtn'i ct ChUd'a HhoM. No blMklnf bruih rqa(jd, And 111 polUhlng la donln three lulnutM without Ubor, UATlEUPROOFad wanantwl to prceir leather, and keepf Unoft and dnrnble Bold bj Bboe Stores, Grocer. PntffirltU, Ao. Try it on your llarne$ WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. 3L00MSBURG PLANING MILL The undcrstirned having put his Plnninr M Railroad street, tn nrst-ciass condition. If ce ret to do allktndsot wort: in his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. rmsped ai renaocmiiei rlcer. All lnaitiirun well lessoned and nope hnt nKll'en workmet IP employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on appliuitiou. on Aiti-r iiiui ItllKMII kttlll C I'll TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned linvitg been le noted to health by simple menu", nil iu firing for Bcioral yi-mt with .im'Wt Minjr rtffo 'tion, at'd I hnt dread dina t CojoUJirnnN, is nt xhhh to tnaki ui iwii to hit, follow fuifft i ors the tm-aur of cure-. To ll.o.-m ho d -ii e i , he il uh-erfully s. nd (fiee of tliarx) n iojx t llio iri;soni ion meil, which Hi. will litiil n tir tur fur Consoii-tihn, ATIIMA, CtTAItUIl, JlrtONCIIITlS 81 ( ill throat riml liinir Mai.adiis. II. nope a'l MilTereis will t'y luc Kemeily, in it is inva uble. Tl o-e ilisiritijr ! .iri'scription, which will cost them iieth iiiir, ami may p ove a b'e-Mini;, will ileate aihlri s-, Kr.v Kdwauu A Wii.. nx, Wil iaiiulMiri;, Kini?s County. New Yoik. " A .W W7 ly' nfitt'utlcnls n hlirh ersde ntiFlr.fRn Pni leno. glvlog Instruction la every department of business education. In addition lo the regular business couite It mukes a bpecUliy or Phono graphy, Typo-wrlttng, Telegraph-, and ornumen. tat Ptnmanshlp. Ihe piomlnert reatuie or the Commercial course is Its practical character. Nearl'- every set of bocks has been taken Irom nrst class business estuWWnnents and a targe proportion or iuo court in toon-Keeping Is nuidc up from our system of titlial tiusines urectica unsurpassed In the Hlentifloarpllention lo mod ern business methods. A larger proportion of our graduates regularly obtiln rmt cits, positions than from any other commercial collece In the state Year begins Aug. 2J, iw. For circulars aaaress w. u UKAI, Principal. Nov 3m. Kingston, Pa. IKE INSURANCE CHRISTIAN P. EN ATP, BLOOMSBDKQ.PA MKKcnANTS', OP NEWARK, N. J. CLINTON, N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. READING. PA. Ufc.li-.i-if AHlhMCANlNS. CO.,NEV iOKK. OKEKNWICH INS. CO., NEW VOllK. uK-inm uui rinis ii. e'u., jukski CITY. N. J. These old corf-ohatioks are well seasoned br aKe and riss vxsTip and have never yet had a losssettledbvanyoourtof law. Their assets are imnvesieainsoi.ro bbcubitifs are uameiome azara oi riKsomy. losses rRourTLr ana conkstlt aaiusteaana aid as soon as determined by Chbibtiin r. irr. SPECIAL AOBMT1MO ADJUSTXR ULOOUBBITRS. TheneoDleof Columbia county should natron. Ize the agency where losses If any are settled and paia oy nnH m i nt'rowii rriiy.enH, DON'T YOUR Rubber Boots until you have seen tho "COLCHESTER" with "Extension Edte" ANapoloon Top. This Is the best flttlne and MOST DURABLE BOOT In tho market. Made of the Best PURE CUM took. The "Extension Edge" protects the up per, adds to wear of the Bote by slvlna broader treading surface AND 8AVES MONEY FOR THE WEARER. nnM'T BUY YOUR ARCTICS UN" Ujn I TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside counter." Ahead of ALL others In style A. durability. If you wantthe worth of your money try the Colchester with OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kopt H'recy Best Surer, AT WHOLESALE BY .1t01t.fi.VN IIKON, it CO., UU-fbarre, Pa. Nov. lUm, " llojiil l.liii;il i.Iiu' ineiids broken tllilna, Ulus, Wood, Leutlicr, Metnls, Fur niture, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity I Hold by Grocers, Druggists aud General Btoies. FOH SALE W. Harttnnn Arsons. W. II. Iiroolto & Co. The Great UafcternTeaCo., ti. n, wnson, Ot ti. Mercer. Elwtll x uittenbender. Hold for S 1 OO. USUI Uttly. tfunuaf iun, Ptw usmt d rU mm. wlla wrti ad cum 9t M) 1m. tortuter with Wrr and J tubU Huatfcl4 Mump!. TsiHtwUt, wtll st U wUk, w Mat) Vpm. d tfUr u sUta aM tfcaai la raai hoM fet 9 moatba s4 aaawathMa i wka isay tIUd, tay bcn yt aa prPrt7 wbe wrila at aaca caa ba aaia af rflila la ,Wi aa4 Hwplea Wim; U aiatatj, rrbt, i Jan PATENTS. ave ats and Trade Marks obtained, nnd all 1'atent ual ness conducted tor UllDKlt ATI. FEUS. OUH OFFICIi IS OlT'iSITB V. S. J'ATENT OFFICE. U'ehavono sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less time and atLUSS COST than tboao remote from wasntngion, heud model, drawing, or photo.wltU description, We advise It patentable or not, free ot charge, flue refl not due LIU nktentls secured. A book,"Ilow to Obtuln raU'nU,"wlth referenoes 0 actual ononis in your t ate, county, ur iuwu. Ut If! AU4 f vOB C. A. SNOW & CO., Deposit mttnt oace, Wasingtoo, d. This 1 ROYAL GLUE BY AN OLD TRICK6TEH. A rhllonthroflit Catches Trtr In ths Street Cur Service, "Shamel shame!" cried a benevolent gentleman, as a car driver snapped a wldp lustily around the heels' of a horse that was being led from tho big stable; Of tho crosstown lines in Christopher, near West street, to a waltingicftr. Tho animal was so lame in both front legs that tho old frame quivered as if it wero going to unhtngo every tlmo he cautiously put ills foot on tho pavement. It did seem hard to force, an old animal liko this to work, and a crowd of people, who had speedily gathered, wero heartily glad when tho benevolent man seized tho driver's arm, and, Bhowing n Imdgo ot the Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, threatened to nrrest him t ho persisted in mauling tho beast. "Show Billy some kindness?" said the driver in responso to the stranger's sug gestion. "Bnuro that's what nils him. lie's had too much of it. Why lio'll swallow kindness quicker than a mouth ful of oats and show his gratitudo by sleeping twenty-four hours out of a day. He's the biggest rogue in Now York, and I'll provo it to you. 'Whoa there, BUM 1111 Yll Whooplat" Un went tin horse's ears ns if he had heard tho voice of an old friend. The driver patted him on the back and whispered! "You won't havo to work today. Billy." Tho change was magical. Tho old nag was a 2-year-old ngain. IIo started toward ids stall without a trace of lameness. IIo won turned about face toward tho car qui' iy, the lameness re turned hi n jiffy Jid he looked as if he was going to shake off his skin and die. "This Is an every day occurrence," said Mr. -Parker, tho superintendent ot the stable. "Billy is nn old trick horso and used to travel with a circus. IIo has an innate hatred for work, and becomes lamo every time that he is taken from Ids stall to take n turn with n car. He fooled us all at first, tyid I had thought I had been badly stuck in buying him, but I soon found out he was shamming. The lameness disappears as soon as ho is hitched up, and lie gocs.on his journey at good speed." "Havo you any other horses with peculiar antics?" "Yes, plenty of them. Wo get many well bred nnlmals, runners, trotters and jumpers, that havo had their day. Every beast of degreo has a weakness of some sort that gives us trouble, but we don't have timo to pay attention to their whims and thoy soon find it out and be come, old stagers. The car stable is the, last station to the bonoyard, and we get a hack at all tho broken down plugs going in that direction. They aro fed well and carefully looked after for tho Bako of economy, and a driver who is caught abusing a horso will bo instantly discharged. Horses have to bo trained for this work, and it takes soveral months to get them into shape to stand tho wear and tear of rough pavement and exposure, to all sorts of weather. A ereen norse that is not handled with caro will wind up in tho hospital after a week's steady work." New York Tri bune. Qualified. During a conversation on a railway train a well dressed old fellow became interested in a young man. !'You aro just starting out in life, I suppose," said the old fellow. "Yes." "Uavo you any idea as to what you in tend to do?" "None whatever." "What would you liko to do?" "I don't know. I don't think that I have any especial fitness for anything," "Got no leaning toward any calling, eh?" "None." "Why, then, have you left home?" "Well, the truth is, I was bored. My brothers and sisters are musicians, and their playing annoyed me." "You tWt like music, then?" "I despise it." "Can you sing?" "Not a note," "Young man," said the old fellow, speaking with emotion, "you need feel no further anxiety concerning your fu ture I will give you a grand oppor tunity, I am the manager of an opera company, and I want you." Arkansaw Traveler. His Occupation. Many n loving young bridegroom may deserve the epithet which illumines tho following anecdote, but, ns a general thing, no ono discovers tho fact in bo short a timo after marriage. Tho niece of a deaf old gentleman, "way down in Maine," married ono of the best musical critics of tho west. On their bridal tour tho husband was for the first time presented to tliis relative, who asked another niece in a loud whis per: "What does ho do?" "Ho'a a musical critic," was tho loud reply. ''Waal," said tho uncle, gazing at tho young man, "no accountin' fer tastes; but why did sho marry him, if he's a mis'rablo critter?" Musical Koview. Th pov flico depntm nt. ill intro duce a new postal oird on thpfirftnf Jauuary lext The new cards differ from the old ones m that thoy ftirrrah privaoy in the correspondence contained ,1,,1,U aiioutiio in them. It is vt rv mncli like carb of tho present pattern, tlio back fold is split diagonally and opens square out. The lour corners are fold- d and joined together in the ctnlre. hen tho card has been written upon, ith a piece of rumraed piper. The ard weighs less than half an ounce, rtl will contain no moro writing than o those how in use. Dr. Hott oa Speer's Wine. Dr. Mott of tho Bellovuo ILiapital oll ce, cives his unqualified indorse ment to Speer's Winei; and recoiuends heir use to sickly females and con- uraptives. It can bo procured of any litst-class druggist in tbo country. Counterfeit Bland dollars of tho date f 1883 are in circulation and dealers will do well to watch fur them- The coin fiels slippery, but lia-t tho ring of .. i 'ir .i .1 t :i.. ir gtintj ittniar u u iifipi-u i-e;tviiy. 4. Iropped cent. it gives forth tho sound which betrays the lend in its compo sition at otico. , Makk no mistake. If you havo made up your nnnd to buy Hoods Saisaparilla do hot be induced to tfiio any other. II od's Sirsapirtlla is a p culia' modioine, possessing, by virtue of its peoul ar combination, proportion anl preparation, curauvo power snpi rior lo any other artiole of tho kind before the people. For nil affections arising from impure blood or low stato of tbo system it is unequalled. lie suro to get Hood s. MoRRtsTOWtf, Tenm., July 4, 1 883 Tha Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Centlemen Five years ago I was so un. fortunate as to contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones itched and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of the disease until I found that he could do me no good. Then, through the advice of a friend I began talc. Ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have on Immediate effect. I took six bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have seen no evidence of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has dono for me. It saved ray lii'e. You can refer any one to me. R. M. Wall. Fakmeksvillk, Tex., June 22, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous sore on her face for about twenty years, During the past few years it troubled her very much by continued pain and Itching. She used your S, S. S., and the tore has disappeared and is apparently well. Should It break out again, will advise you. Very truly, Pendleton, Yearly 8c Uiiey, Druggists. Three books mailed free on application, TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., &rtwt . AtUatot 04 Rumford YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Reliable. Restores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates lost In bolting. No other powder does this. It Is healthful and nutritious. Put up In bottles. PESRINE' I'UKK BAULKY IS AS I)nrti.r.io from selected Uarle Msltacrl Buarsntced to bo chemleally pure antl free from Injurious oils and elds often eontalned In alcoholic liquors. Ills ciieciull)r adapted to persons requlilng' n Kiimiilnllng tonic, t'onsuniiitHia being croattr benefitted bjr its use. Ileeommendcd br leudlug pbyiilclnns as aDIuretlv Nervine. To'do nnd Alterstue. For CotiRtitnptlttH It Is Invaluable. I'HIltlNE'S 1'UltK IUHLBV MALT WII1HKBV Insutes return of vitror to tho ttomscli, Kooo appetite, a rich and abundant blood and lnereattd I'.esli und mtijculartlwue. A stimulant mild and gentle In enect. Iijspepsla, Indlsrstlon and all wasting dl" eateaca be citlrely conquered by the me or l errlne (. 1 ure Hi rlr) alt Whiskeys ltlsatonlo tnd diuretic and a powerful niiengthener to the entire system. I'Eit ItlNT.'S I'UIIK IIAIII.KV MALT WIIISKKV lias proved a medicinal protection to those who nursuo their avocations in the on n air und whose daily i or k culls It Jim exceptional powers if endurance. Ask oui ueaien, drucglst or giocer for ioi l'KHltlNE'S VVHR IHHLKY MAl.T WII1SK ' 1 levlves theeneivlcs ol those orn out with excessive O'xiih or mental rrrott and acts as a sareguard against exposure In wet and rlgoroua weatticr. Ilwlll drive all malarlouB diseases from the Bystem. Hard workers of every vocation and perrons whom a aedentary Hie renders prone to DyipepM.i nnd In I'errlne s rurc Barley gmmmmtaBmrnmKmnwmmr, Malt Whiskey a Dowerful Invlcornnt H The analysis as It anpearB by the Lai mm' ...... h.ln.. In Htr.uultn.. I'L'ltB HAltLRY MALT WHlSltui' Bjly7ed the I'tJRK tUKLRV JIalt Wnts wlthout unduly stlmulatttig tho ltd- Hsiir made by M. ft J.K I'errlnesnd nnd n ys luereases their flagijlng activity. "It entirely tree frntn fusel on.iuriuroi. M'intpraet.Bthe elTects ot ratlrup. haa. nmetAla nnd acids and Is alOlUtelt tPnconvalecence and Is a and prompt, uiureiic rt at.cn None genuine unless oeanngrne u saieuy all druggists and grocers throughout the united states and Canada. 87 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA ronsALB iiy uauonisrs and all dkaleks. PENNEY doona A SPIiCIAlrV. SOLK AflaNTS KflK P. Y, ADAMS K CO., PINZ CUT CHEWING T0RA( ro Sole agents of the fol lowing brand nr Clg.irs. 11KNHY CUI, LON'lH!E3, NOH.MAL, INDIAN PKINCESt-, 8A.MSOK, SILVBII AMI. Alexander Bros. & Co, WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN CSFARS, TCBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. MILE OENTS FOli HENRY MAILLARDS rW-Ci K T)T W FHESI1 VEItY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. C, IS, EOEEIIi SEALER IN WINKS AND LIQUORS AND J0SBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. is. I) jelni:. nt Home, with PKEHILESiHi ! rhev will dj e everything. They are (sold ever where, l'tleo inc. a ptekoge. 40 ""lore. They iini.nn emi.tifni- t i-fnirt.ti. bil,;htness. stnouDt in packngea or tor ftiMness of eolnr. i r non-fading (.naiuies," Tney donoi sraclc or smut. For sale by Moer llioa. and Jos. II. .Mercer. febi'rly. A dvcrllserH by addtesslng iico. I. 1CL'II , X' f. tn snnice t.. New 101k in good fallli. can obtain all needed Information about anv propositi line ot AUVKlttlbu ui Ameilcan Newspap ts. rw- !-.ft.page l'araphlet, 30c. Nov lr-4w. I have used Dr. Setlt Arnold's COUGH KILLER 14 years; never knew It to fall. Havo never bearclany. thing but praise for It. (). 11. Cunningham, Kntrl- ken, I'enn. Druggists, 25o., dOc., and $1.00. MASON & HAMLIN '1 ho cabinet organ was Introduced In Its present form by Mason & Hamlluln lbSl. OtVr makers followed In tho manufacture of Lnee Instruments, but the Mason At Hainan Organs ha e always main tained taetr supremacy as the beet In tha world. Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the unequalled excellence of Ihelr organs, the fart that at all of the great World's Exhibition!, since that of t ans. loot, ioi ORGANS Scorn petition "ere of all coun. witu Drat maa tnes.theyhaTel en the hlahest1. Invariably ufc. bono. Him Lrtfd cataloirues B23 Til KfMO. fren. attain & Hamlin do not heeitate to make the ax inordinary claim for their nlanoe. that ther are superior to all others. They recognize the high ezcellencA achieved by other lead Ins makers In t Wt Ot ol&no bllildinx?. but ttill claim nunerlori This tuej attribute solely to the remuktblo Ira- pro re incut Introduced br them In the re&r 1533, Mid now tanown m the "Mahom A IIiuun Piano dtbinqir, ' tyni & nttftiheu8corhlch U secured them fl Bill I k"grettcet poi lble purity and IT 1 II IV 1 1 AreftDcnicnt ol tone, together I I fl 1 1 W Jwlh crestly lo cressed can&cl- QSillO UPEI3ET. ty X or itiodlng In tune and other Important advantage. A circular, containing testlmonlala front three hundred purchasers., musicians, and tuoers, sent, together with descriptive catalogue, to any applicant l'ianoa and Organs told lor caiU or easy pay tnents; also rented. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. llllnTUN. NKW VOltK. CUIOAliO. OctS6-2m. rbroa OouUitntnf a Pirlw. Llbrir. So. louhcc, Bfo. ic-f nn ' sr COUCH. rrl9UU .(. n.(ii.i.ff, i.v.ii. bnnin. " hu. bus ikjne. fUUIT VI lluuile. Ritllilii, rkiilcliai' ill. I.,. in1 Openllii, I.iiIU rncuC.iMt rtllli. Riu as Rlllaa'cH AIRS and ROCKERS. BICVcLE8.THI0VCLE8,e LOCIPEOES and SELF PROPELLERS. All KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS, RABY ROACHES Uier IOO dl Iff rent designs. Oor runt AnUnitlc Iraks on sll Car, rmMt.r. w HATS Ql looontiou&tl m auisMUi Llil-url b n) acinar niir oruan omct wtu in msvker roa oad aoa itttrul prohtt. Our tduhing pne -mu iiHrifaina wui uioduUj -(u uuuas sola onar s guamiuu sad aliTnd frew to soy point ia I UI tUa4. IBT Saud at sunn t.m Uitsloffue, and stsU clans ti goods yon stun U for LUBURC MFC. CO. 145 Monti Klghlb Merest, 1'hlUdelphla, Pa, Exchange Hotel, IlENTOfl, PA, The unrlcrBlgnrd has leased this vell-lmown nouatt, auu is prvpurra to aocomwoaat the pubU with all the convenience) ot a nrtWsl&dt hole L Itnaf 671 LtKCU PltAKK, lloprlstor Ir 1 MALT WHISKEY. IIVII1,1ULU flhnl nn ..... hAttl.i t tt a Vn rnftllt V fl riD wholesonw Spun ." Slffried, Camilla Arthur ilalerS riieiaori : suranuairoirte umnTeutrBvj jriumi,. signa uuewm ana utwoaarn ANN OKDEK FOR FESTIVAL will be supplied wjrn the LOWEST Market as follows: ORANGES, LKMONS, BANANAS, l'KANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS' C1?EA.M NUTS. ALMONDS, TOP CORN BALLS. SCCTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dlagnlssd that It can bo taken, digested, and asatmllated br tha most sensitive stomach, when the main oil cannot be tolerated and tiy the corn. winu.aun as me auviin ine nypopnos phltes Is innch more efficacious. RtmarUble as a Iteh prodnter. Fersous gain rapidly rrhlle tallng It. SCOTT'S EMTTLSION la anUnnTvlniro Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the reiki and euro ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENERL DEDILITY. WASTING DISEA8ES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remtily for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggist. sept la-fi , D R.J HEEL ' RQQ rtJi Fourth htreeL biow JOOOrttn, PhllJjlphU. Yi. 'Will. a jcors fsreDulns) metlcl expert rnfT K"iti!Ci to curt you mors quickly, aly ad pcrmuiintlr Usn ui htdvtriUlai pbjilciiii, n saatUr wb hi I HILT t rronwhat flnlUea ha n.t.j ' r what ha nay slalm t 5. ifr. Thecl Orjara SJIM to ur arlrartl.ln. nk.alnl.n ilfad tpMlaLlata), vba caa tie) him im th aorrrtk dlanoalDt and aaoaairu tratniBt nf ail ftnuKl. SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, OBSTINATE UlaCEltS. ItLOTCIIES. i:ilVITIOMN. II.tIII.EN, NWELL INN.INIXASIMATION. ffltVllnlity Knply I)ofy. I'liyHlcnl aud Hentul lrostt-Htluii, Mvloncholln, nimlder and Hldney DUcuHew. (Acute cases 4 10 mm si sci. HIV MHTOIID eambialogtbt Atlopathlo, Homtscfiathla KUoil & fiotaalo jKitni of nijrilclue, the only oas known thst ear f rrwaBrntlj tbt worit aa. Larnst HospiUl mm I rlritte IVMtlcsl Kiperlrre wiib t r trtnaj and ntaaaa ktrnmn ivaciauoa for quick m racovar and parmty 'fruit. BaT. I itKMiiiS frauila. thalr aah.it... .I.H.I.. aufferara no ua an a a ira atiaDDOlatad l, nt iiuanda ara dlaappolatad tj auacki,tbairtz iM,tnn oa 7log ftdvartlaimcnta j vail uthoat claim. . I.1?l,.r, PUnet which lhT do not toaaaia. ftti Ik II Iq tha UiIsbIds will tara idk y.auffarlBi sad da- from to II fiuadaji, tuil. Ual tt ORE .Whcu I say Cunn I do not mean merely to Stop tlirm for a limo, and then Imve tliera re. turn aitain. I hban A UADiaU, CUliU. 1 liavo mado, the diacase ot FITS, EPILEPSY ox? PALLING SICKNESS, A life. long studjr. I wakiumt my remedy to C'UHK tho omt esses, llecausa others liavo f ailed no reasou fur not now receiving a euro, beml nt nnco lor n trcstua and a 1 iikk iiottlu ol i.iy Invai.liiilb HKMEur. Uive Kxpieis ami l'o.t Offlco. t co.ts you nothlux for a trial, and H will euro you. Address H.G. ROOT, M.O., 183 pAl8r..NVY0K HI leptw-'ia-ly (Ml F i 1 A. C. YATES & CO. 6.,&Ch.estaiJ.tt I.CllOKH Ill)II,niMCJ. Jest Mado lothing n Philadelphia Men Youth and Children. A. c. UJiS & cc. 3&Ch.estaut, IXnGKIt I1TJII.UINR. OltATEFUL-COMKOiniNO. EPP'S COCOA. UKKAKKAST. iinv a thnronch fcnntv ledcr of tho natural laws which tr. vein tht- otriatloiis of digestion nnd nutrlt'on, and by a cartful appllcatloi of the flno jiropi'rtles of well fi'lpi trd oco.i. Jlr Kpps has provldi tl our btenkfnst tai'les with a dsileately HnV'iredbeterace which may Kineua many heavy doctors' bill, it, lib) the Judicious uso ot Rtich articles ot diet that aconnftution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to n Hst every ten. dencyto dl ease. Uuhdnds of fcubtlo maladle. are noatltiR around us 10 d to attack wherever thcrelaa rnk point. We may escape nany a fatal shaft bv keerlntro in'hewellfoitlfiedwlth pure l loud ai d a properly iiouiM.i'tt frnme. '-tfMI irtTre Gazette ilade simply Wtli billing water or milk. Mid only tn hall pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES KITS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, D KLAWAUK, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEHN ItAILllOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. bTATIONS. V M Norn ii. a. si. a, u. r m 1 115 NORTntlMBIKLAND B 40 Camertin & &5 cbulasky o m 10 10 6 19 10 'lb 30 10 89 10 80 10 53 11 CO 11 or 11 15 11 2 11 211 II 30 11 37 11 44 8 34 6 40 B 63 T 10 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 81 7 35 1 42 7 49 65 8 06 8 It 8 22 8 33 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 tt R 58 9 03 0 09 9 17 9 25 9 80 9 85 A M Danville t tn 1 58 2 14 2 19 i 24 : an OatawKsa.A e 25 mipert.. o a' Blooiiihtiurg 6 M BHPV C 43 Lime Midge 6 Ml wiuow t.rote no. Ilrlarcreek e .'.1 Berwick 1 05 Itcncb Ilven 7 11 lllck'h Kerry 7 1 a 43 2 51 a 59 .3 H'J 3 19 9 m 8 85 3 39 3 43 11 43 11 53 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 2 12 SO 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 50 12 65 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r u SOUTH r M Milckshlniiy 7 1.0 IlliniOCK'8 i s Nantlcoke 7 r.O Avondale 7 PI I'lymouth 7 su Pit mouth Junction,. .. 8 0.3 Kingston 8 t3 Dennett 8 13 Valtby 8 17 Wyomlnir ia West IWeton 8 ct l lttston 8 S3 Lackawanna 8 40 Tmlorrllle S 48 3 52 3 50 4 01 Bellevue 8 54 BCKANTON., 9 (0 4 22 P M r m STATIONS. AM AM ril FU SCRANTON 0 10 9 50 2 03 6 20 nelievue Bit 9 55 ... 6 25 Taylorviiip. o 20 to oo 2 14 r an Lackawanna. c 2 10 Ofl ? 21 6 87 mtfctOD 6 3 10 18 2 28 It 45 West Plttston 6 42 in 22 2 84 6 to Wyoming 6 47 10 27 S 39 6 65 Maltby 6 51 10 30 ... 0 69 Kennett 0 55 10 31 2 47 7 03 Kingston 6 P8 10 33 S 50 7 07 I'lymouth Junction..... 7 (15 10 42 2 54 7 12 Plymouth 7 10 10 4" 2 59 7 le Avondale 1 14 10 si 3 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 55 3 eo 7 25 Ilunlock's 7 20 11 02 3 19 7 43 8MckSh!dny I 47 11 12 3 29 7 65 Hick's Ferry 7 55 U 22 3 39 8 07 Iteacb Haven 8 01 II 28 3 45 8 13 llerwlck 8 07 11 87 3 51 8 20 tinarcreek 8 13 3 57 8 87 Willow Orove 8 10 11 43 4 01 8 31 Llmeltldge 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 85 Espy. 8 20 11 69 4 12 8 41 Ulonmsburg 8 32 12 05 4 18 8 47 Itupert ,8 3" 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssa 8 '2 12 15 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 67 12 30 4 40 9 15 Chulaaky, 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 117 12 40 5 00 9 28 NOR.TnUMBbHl.ANn 9 22 12 65 6 15 9 45 am pm v a r h Connections at Itupert with riillndeiphlf Headlnr Itallroad for Tomonerrt, Tamnoua, Will, tamsport. sunbury. mttavtile, tte. At Natthum bcrlanrl with l A E. Div. I'. H H. for Harrlfburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry nnd Erie. 'V. V. nALSTEAD. Clen. Man.. Fcranton, Pa Pennsylvania Bailrcad. . K-7- Philadelphia &. Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. 13 iss. Trains leave snnbut7 EASTWARD 9.40 a. rc Rea thore Expresr (daily except Sunday), for Hftinstmrp and intern edlatestatlons, arriving at 1'l.lladelphln 3.15 f. m. : New Toik, 5.60 p. in. j llaltlmcrf. 4.45 p. rn.; War-nlrgton' 6.65 p. m., connetllnttnt l lillflrtfiphia tor all fea Shore points. Through pnsper.ger eoacli to Philadelphia. ,, . ., , l.M P- ro. Hay express dally excej.tKundayWorUarrlsturg and Inleime dlate Btatlonr, arriving at 1' h 1 1 a d el pit la 0.50 p. m.j New York, u.36 p. ra.; lisltlmoro 6.45 p.m.; Vaelili gton, s.io p. m. parlor tar through to I'blladelphln and parsercer coaeheB through to Philadelphia and ltaltlnore. T,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. ; New Vork 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 6.15 a.m.; Waphlnrten a 80 a m. : Pullman sleeping carfrem Ilarrl'bur? to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia paaaengera can remain in aipor iinlttitrii1 until - a. m. Philadelphia sleeper Ia run on this train from William-port on Sundays, ?.r0 a. id, Erie MalUdallj) for Hariltburg and Intermediate statlonR. airvlng at Philadelphia. 8.S5 a. m. New York, iuo a ni. Holtlmere 8.1& a. m.i WaBh1rgton.li.so i, rn. Tlrctirh limimari sleeping cars are run on Iklt train tn Philadelphia, HaltlmoreandWbshlnplcn, rnd Ihrrutrh paeBen gercoacheBtorhllndeipIla ard palimcie. WESTWAItlr. s.iua. ro. Erie stall (daily). !cr Tile ard el Intermediate Btatlons ano cenardalgua nd Intermediate stations, Itnelierter, Puffalo ard Niagara Falls, with thiouFb rullnan Palate ears and passenger coaches lo Erie no liorrti ter. 9.53-News Expreap (datly except Punday) tor ockllavenand Intermediate ptatlens. 12.52p.m Niagara Exprepp (dally excert Hon. i y) for Kane ard Interrnedlatestatlona and ran. ai algua and principal intermediate atatlrna. It-rheRter, Huffalo and Niagara Talis with th tough paasenger enaehefto Kauear.d KoeheBter and Parlor earto Wllllamsport. 5.S0 p. m. Fast Line (drily except Sundaylfor lie. novo and Intermediate atntlons. and I'lmlra, Wat klna and Intermediate stations, wlih through pas senger coaches to Iterovonnd WatMns. .20 a. m. Punday mall for Itenovo and interme. dtateatatlOB" THHOUOU TKAINK FOH FPNI11 ltY FHOM THE EAST AND POl'TH. Sunday mall leave 1 hllnrte irliln .?.o a. m Harrlsburg 7,40 arriving al Ptir.tniiy 9.20 a, m. NewB Exprcaa leave pkllartpippia 4.sn a.m. Harrlsburg, 3.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving al Hunbury 9.53. a.m. ,.., . , Nlairara Expressleavea Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. t paltlirore 7,sn a. m. (dally except Sunday arrlvlm; nt Munbury, 12.62 p. m.. with through Parlot car from Philadelphia and inrough passenger coachei- from Phlladel. Phln and llaltlmore. FaBt Line leates New Imi 9.00 a.m. 1 Phlladel rbla.ll.60a. m.j Washington, a ana, m.' llaltl more. 10.45 a.m.. (dally e ept Sunday' arriving at Sunburv. 5.8(1 D. m.. villi thrnm.l, coacheafrora Philadelphia and liallfmore. nnrmau leaves new nrk B.tin, m. t Phlladel. phla, It.ssp. m. i WR8hrjgtcn,10,eop. m. i Haiti. more, 11.20 p. m.,(d8llyi arrlvlnr at funhury6.io t .Pm f,ib through Pulln-an t-lrepirp ears from Philadelphia, Warhlrglon aid Italllirrre and brougb pawnper roarl.ea from Philadelphia. K;NliritV.llA.l.l(TH A- M II IU HiMIMIU HAIl.ltllAI) Al NIIIITII SI VI:hT IllliWflll I, 1 t . V (Dally except mh uay. Wllkeflarre tiall leaves stinhiiry B.as a. m. arriving ai 11100m Ferry iac a.m., Wllkfe-barre !2.12 n. m. Expr.'BB East leaves Sunbury 5.8S p. m., arriving at Illoom Ferry 8.20 p, Km., Wllkes-borro 7.t0 p. m sunbury .Mall leaves Wl Uefbarre 10.80a. m. arrlv. ingat Hloem Ferry 11. a n .Hunbtiry 12.15P. m. Fxpre n Wi'st leaves Wllkes-barre J.06 p. m., ar. vtng at bloom Feirv i 80 r. in., fcunlury 5 SOp.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves kunbury 9:25 a. in., arriving at Hlooin Fvny 10;16 a. in. Wllkea-llarro 11:45 a.m. Hundav aeoommndatton leaves wiibhutturre n.m iu. arnviiiK uv piuuiu corry, n.sv p.m., nunuury J, It. WOOD, Uea, Paaionsut Agtnt n j if 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers