A., . THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ll iME310 tTXT7J 'J MS POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowder never tat1pi. a mat-vM nrnn tren gth and wholcsomeness. More economic han ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in compe ltlo with the multitude of low tcst.short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans UUTAb UAKIHU rUWDKH LU,. Wailttt.,r. X. The Columbian tTublfshcd every Friday. Subscription price, fl.coajear. F Entered at the Post Odlco at Dloomsburg, Fa., as Bcconu class matter, March 1, ltm. 00MSBURG,"PA FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1889. CORRLCT RA1LH01D Till TAME, ItLOOMSDUIiO SULLIVAN liAILHOAU Taking effect MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1833. BOUT 11 MOHTU. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. LT. STATIONS, r. . r. .. A.M. a.m. p. u. r. M. liloomsbure,. 6 !8 1 03 8 09 8 35 J ZS 6 40 Main btrcct 0 18 18 53 7 68 8 4 S 38 6 51 iromlalc (1 10 IS SO 7 68 8 48 8 4J 6 64 Paper Mill 6 08 12 40 7 48 8 66 ' 62 7 01 LlghtStrcet 6 05 12 31 7 45 9 00 8 67 7 08 Orangevllle 5 51 12 20 7 35 10 3 m T 10 Forks 8 45 12 00 7 20 9 25 3 30 7 81 Tubbs 5 4J 11 63 7 15 9 30 8 42 7 86 Stillwater 5 37 11 45 7 10 37 3 60 7 43 Henton, 6 28 11 30 7 00 V 47 4 15 7 63 Edsons 5 23 11 20 0 50 9 61 1 20 7 SO coles Creek 5 20 11 15 52 9 6 4 24 H 00 HUgftrlOftf, 5 15 11 10 6 41 10 00 4 2S 8 05 LaubachS, 6 12 11 05 6 45 10 04 4 33 8 10 Central..; 6 08 10 17 0 88 10 13 4 40 8 15 Echo l'ark 6 03 10 63 a ll) 15 4 43 8 19 Jamison city.. 5 oo 10 45 o 39 10 20 4 to 8 25 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. u. a. M. A. m. a. u. r. u. r. u. o Trains on the P. It. U. It. leave imperils follows : NOJvrn. south. T:22 a. m. n:l a. m, 3:12 p.m. 6:2i) p.m. r o Tratnsontho D. L. & W. 11. It.leavo Bloomaburg as follows! NORTH SOUTH. 7:ua.m. 8:33 a.m. 10:51 a. m. 12:00 p. m. 2:21 p.m. 4:18 p.m. 6:36 p.m. 8:47 p.m. o Trains on the N.&W.I1. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. 10:40 a. m. U:&5 a. m. .2C p. m. 'M P-m- BUKDAT. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:16 am 6:39 p m mmmmmmm, wmm p mm 99mmMm 1'erHonnI. A. O. Brown spent part of the past week in New York City. Miss Lou Hutchison, of Kingston, has been visiting Miss ilnrthn Clark. W. Clnrlt Sloan saw tho old year out at Plymouth, ltov. Dr. Mitchell and daughter Rene, were In town a short tlmo Tuesday Col, mid Mrs. Freeze arc In Philadelphia this week. Mrs. II. Q Ort, who has been seriously ill, is much improved, and her recovery la expected. Geo. M. Lockard haB been in poor health for several weeks. He is conllncd to tho house now, sulTeriug from blood poisoning. Representative Fox and Krickbaum went to Harrisburg on Monday to enter upon their legislative duties. Hon. C. It. Uuckalow spent tho holidays nt home, and returned to Washington on Tuesday. V. W. Drinker, who 13 employed as ft book-keeper at Scranton, spent the holi days at home. T. F. Maloy, having sold out his lnteiest In the firm of Stiff & Maloy to Air. Stiff, has accepted a situation with a largo carrlago firm at Scranton. Simon Shive Is living In Franklin town ship on his farm at the old Esther furnace, with his daughter and son-ia-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wolf. He has recently erected a largo now ham, and put up a saw mill. His address is Pcnsyl. John W. Moore returned homo from ' Colorado a couple of weeks ago after an absence of nine months. Ho was engaged In building depots on tho Rock Island Railroad, and became subject to chills and wrs obliged to ccme homo on account of his health. Ho has improved since Ms re turn, and Is with his father N. P. Mooro .Esq. at Buck Horn. The Normal School will open next Tuesday. Farmers read with interest of I. Maler tho reliable clothier's advertisement. If The public schools of this placo opened Wednesday. Fine Cabinets in vignette or scroll, tf M'Kllllp Bros. James Men purchased a property trom tho Illoomsburg Banking Co., on Iron Street last week for $525. Wo trust tho coming year may bo n prosperous and happy one with all our readers. Railroads In New Yoik State are now compelled to heat their cars by steam. Tho law went Into effect January 1st. A llttlo child of Henry Jones, ajed 3 mouths.died Wednesday ;.(teruooD. Inter, ment will lake place tu Itosemont Ceme tery, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Stamping of all kinds done to order Now Yotk's latest styles of pattern used. Rock Street, 2nd door below Market St., Illoomsburg. If. Tho property of Eli zabetu Ruckle de. ceased in Llghtstreet .was soUl at public sale last week Thursday .to h. M, Pcttll for $700. Mr. John Mastellcr, proprietor of tho New York Variety Btoro, was married Tucs. day at noon to Miss Ida Kistler, at tho home of tho bride in Canby, Mt. Pleasant township. Friend, are you in debt for tho paper you aro readiug? If so, why? Btart in tho new year by paying ud for back years, and a year In advance, and sec how much more you will enjoy your news when you read it. Henry Wolf, nn old resident of this 'place, died at his homo on Fifth street Sunday aftcrnoou, ag.edjsovcntyulno years, after a long illness. Tho funcrAl took placo Wciiucsday afternoon at two o'clock. Interment m Itoemont Cemetery. We advise our lady readers to be on their guard agalast a uew dodgo of swind ling. This ono assumes tho business of a oap agent, who will leave a sauiplo lor you to try, after which bo will ugain call and ask you to sign a lecommcml for lils losp, Tho paper will finally turn up In tho shape of nn order for $10 worth of Ills new (?) soap. Look out for this old dodge, W. 0. Hartiol of Mlfllln, lias been ap pointed Mcrcantllo Appraiser by tho county Commissioners. Wm. Ncal presented tho Woman's Christ ian Tcmpemnco Union a load ot coal on Christmas day, Tho now officials of tho county will take their scats on Monday. Judgo Ikclor and Sheriff Casey will then bo sworn In. White, Conner & Sloan, Orangcvlllo Pa., offer for salo a full lino of bob sleds, hand and power corn slicllers, also the cele brated Lion fodder cutter and crusher, tf Tho Shattuck Protection Cuff Holder Is now on sale at our stores. Those ladles who have used them pronounce them per fect and would not bo without them. The B. & S. depot at Jameson City was opened on Tuesday for telegraph and station work. An express office has been opened and packages can nov bo sent over tho road to that point. Mrs. Johanna Sulllvau died at tho resi dence of her son nt Morgantown, on Sun day last, and was burled on Wednesday morning, Rev. Father McCann officiating. Mrs. Sullivan was 89 years and 3 months old. Judgo Edward Pcrrtne, father of Ernest N. Perrine Esq., of New York, died at his home In that city last week. He was for many years clerk of tho Court of Appeals of New York State. Mr. Ernest Perrine is a son-in-law of F. P. Drinker, of this town. When tho blood Is impure, thick, and sluggish, or thin and impoverished, thcro can bo no health. With theso conditions, alt tho functions of tho body aro Impaired, and tlm result Is a variety of dangerous complications. Tho best remedy is Ayer' Sarsaparilla. Lconl Hicks died at tho homo of bis brother, Mahlon Hicks, near Berwick, last Friday morning. Ho was sick nearly a year. His wlfo was buried only four weeks beforo htm. Ho was a son-in-law of A. B. Croop of Brlarcreck, nnd leaves two little boys to eurvivo him. The luncrnl took place on Monday at ono o'clock. Tho Rupert & Bloomsburg Railroad Co., capital $100,000, was chartered at Harrls burg Monday to build a lino two miles long from n point on the P. & R. road near Rupert to a point on tho 13. & S. road at this place. Austin Corbln of Philadelphia, Is president of tho company and holds nearly all tho stock. A young man who has a first-class selling article, and manufacturer of same, desires to meet with a gentleman who would be willing to advance a small capital to put same on market. Terms made known on application. Address by letter only. C. O. Cross, Bloomsburg Pa. List ot letters remaining In the Poet Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Jan. 1. 1880. Mr. A. II. Chamberlin, Mrs. Lizzie Gen. sel, Mr. C. S. Mather, Philip Moust, Meade Bros., John N. Snyder, Miss Cora Waters, Mr. Benjamin Wise, Mrs. Ella Wiso. Persons calling for these letters wil! please say "advertised." Gkoroe A. Clakk, P. M. Last Monday evening a bright light ap peared In the sky and continued for nearly an hour. At first It was supposed to be a fire In Catawissa, being in that direction, but a telephone inquiring proved otherwise, though where, no one could tell. Tho next day It was found to have been caused by the burning of a largo colliery at Shamo kin, twenty miles or more distant J. II. Wilson died of pneumonia, at the home of Samuel Potter on Railroad street, last Saturday evening, aged 27 years, 4 months and 24 days. His body wns remov ed on Sunday to the Lowe farm, where his sister, Mrs. Crawford, lives. Tho funeral took placo Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the remains were interred in Yandcr. slice's graveyard. Seventy applications for licenses have been filed in tho Prothonotary's ofllce. This includes all tho places licensed last year, and five additional ones, distributed as follows ; Manor Rest Iun at Jameson City, E. P. Albertsou, hotel, Sugarloaf, J. S. Mann, hotel, Centre, J. Roncy, restau rant, Centralis, nnd A. Rantz, restaurant Benton. Charles Deichmlllcr, son of nenry Dcichmillcr, of Hemlock township, met with a serious accident on Friday after noon. He was sawing wood wilh a port able englno at Henry Sbraum's when the band slipped off the wheel and In endea voring to replace it his left band wa8 caught and torn completely off at tho wrist joint. He was taken homo and the wound was dressed by Dr. J. R. Mont gomery of Buck Horn, under whoso care the patient Is doing well. Prof. Hurlburts' Hlppocymigon nnd tho Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb coirpauy nttracted large audiences to the Opera House last Friday afternoon and evening. .The Little People, Count and Barou Magrl and Countess Magrl, late Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb, appeared In a comedy entitled, "TwoBtrlngsto lVrBow,"or "Which Shall Win Hot?" In which they succeeded lu pleasing their audiences. The horses and dogs were very well trained, an J tho per formance was a most entertaining one, ns shown by tho frequent and hearty ap planse. It was our intcnthn to reduce the bIzo of tho Columbian to that of other $1.00 pap ers on January 1st, 1880, but the demand on ouradverttslng space laso great Unit weean- not make tho paper smaller without en. croachiog too much upon our reading mat ter, and wo havo therefore determined to continue It tho samo as heretofore, tho largest paper In the county. It's not only larger than any other paper nt $1.00 a year, but larger than any paper printed In the county at any price. Compare It with others and sco for yourselves. Now is a good tlmo to subscribe for 1889. Tho Colombian and New York World will be sent to any address in the county for ono year for $1.00. lit Aycr's Almanac for 18S0, published by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., comes to us In the shape of a nrat prctentatlon book of about (Wo hundred pages, being made up of numerous editions calculated for the latitudes of many lands. A score or more of nationalities aro addressed In their own languages In this volume, and could they all be heard clamoring together for Aycr's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills what a Babel would break forlhl Ayer's Almanac, in its familiar yellow cover, has long been known.as the most acurato and rellablo of its kin J; and If any one Is Ig norant of tho superior mi. of Ayer's medicines, and sutlers In conaeqv.uce, It Is not the fault of this euterprlslng tlrm, who scatter their ''leaves" by tho million, "fcr the healing of the nations." Ask your druggist for Ayir'n Almanac. Dr. Bhattuck's Hcllantuus for coughs colds ami consumption, and his Rest Cure Spcclfio for kidney complaints, Introduced tn ttin smith last wlntpr. nrn mnitllnn mill. ready tale and giving universal satisfaction, j Ctiurcli ISovh. (Under Hill had will bo Inserted, f m of chaw, all matters connected with the churches ot tho county. Hpo1almDelliis, change ot p.wtor, lm provements or Injuries to properly, and any thing of publlo interest about churches of all denomina tions. Is Invited, rastors aro specially requested to send In their reports. Noxt week, beginning Monday, January 7th, will be tho annual Week of Prayer, observed In several ot tho churches. Rev, M. J. Cnrothcrs of Milton, will preach tn tho Evangelical Church on next Sabbath at 8 o'clock, and administer tho Lord's Supper. A chicken and flannel cako supper will bo given by the Young People's Social Club of tho Presbyterian church, on Friday from 5 to 10 p. m., nt Dr. Wlllllts' on Mar kct street. Supper 2oo. All aro cordially Invited. Thero will bo ft publlo meeting of the Woman's Christian Tcmpcranco Union, held In the Lutheran Church at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, of Sunday tho J3tli Inst. A lady of Philadelphia Is expected to address tho meeting. All aro cordially Invited. Tho annual Christmas Festival of St Paul's Sunday School took placo Thursday evening of last week. The services, con ducted by Rev. W. C. Lovcrett, crnslstcd of carols, etc. A good Blzed Christmas tree stood In tho chancel, an'1 underneath It wcro boxes of candy and oranges which were distributed to the children. Tho church was handsomely trimmed. Tlie KlKlttli -Winona llcccptlon. Wliat are now known all through this section of the state as "Winona Recep tions," havo acquired a reputation among social circles as being "tho event of tho year. They were started eight years ago by the Winona Fire Company, and have been continued annually ever since. The Eighth Reception was held at tho Ex change Hotel on Friday night, December 28th. About eighty persons were present, among whom were Miss 8. .Moody and Miss J. Mann of Suiibury, Miss E. Smith of Wllketbarrc, Miss Daisy Williams of Scranton, Miss Evans of Berwick, Miss S. Rothrock of Willinmsport, Miss May Mc Hemy of Stillwater, Miss Mercer of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Miss L. Hutchison of King ston, Miss Monroe and Miss Chamberlain of Rupert, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Jones, Dr. II. L. Whituey, Mr W. E. Renshaw, Mr. Geo. Chamberlin, of Plymouth, Mr. H. Crocker, Mr. W. Bowman, Mr. A. E. Col lamer of Wllkcsbarre, Dr. Meredith cf Danville, Capt. J. B. Bunting, Mr. F. II. Sloan of Prince Fredericktown, Md., Mr. F. Williams of Hlnsharutoii, N. Y., Mr. W. Haldcraan of lialobrldgc, Dr. J. W. licit snyder of New Colnmbin, Sir. Thos. Han ley of Berwick. Among those from towu wcro Mr. and Mrs: Amos Buckalew, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Wirt, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neul, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. McKil.lp, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. E. Elwell, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F Peacock, Miss Leverett, MIS3 A. Jamison, Miss L. Jami son, MiS3 C. Jamison, .Miss L. Barton, Miss A. Miller, Miss V. Miller, Miss Eshleman, Miss M. Eycr, Miss Hattie Sloan, Miss L. Sloan, Miss Martha Clark, Miss M. Schoch, Miss E. W. McKelvy, Miss K. Gardner. Messrs. F. P. Purse!, J. M. Clark, O. A. Clark, F. Wilson, Frank Ikelcr, W. Lever ett, Fred Ikelcr, II. M. Rupert, J. G. Wells, O. W. Funston, D. L. Brown, W. S. Rlsh ton, O. V. McKelvy, S. H. llarman, 8. McKlllip, W. O. fcloan, J. Vanbuskirk, I. Rupert. It was about 0:30 o'clock when Kline's orchestra of Wllkesbarro struck up a march and tho company entered tho large dining hall. It was very nearly five o'clock on Saturday morning when tho last dance was finished nnd tho party se parated. Every thing passed off satisfactorily. The music was good, tho supper wus ex cellent, and the ladles wcro attired in rich apparel. All the arrangements at tho hotel were perfect, the only drawback being tho loss of tlmo occasioned by the necessity of withdrawing from the dining room to make way for the supper tables. The reception was under the following management: Master of ceremonies, Ceo. E. Elwell, assistants, W. C. Sloan, S F Peacock, D. L. Brown, F. P. Pursel. Committeo on invltntlons and general arrangements: 0. W. McKelvy, C. W. Funston, J. M. Clark, II. A. McKlllip, F. II. Wilson, W. Lever ett. Hilhl Ilciiton. The Christmas anniversary at St. Jumea on Christmas evo was a decided success. The .entertainment wns grand, appropriate anil harmonious. The exercises consisted of devotion, responsive reading, Christmas carols, "old time" hymns and tunes, re sponsive speaking and address. The order of exercises was a program prepared by the "Reformed Church Publication House. A great dea of merriment wus exhibited during the distribution of gifts of which ncaily all were recipients, young and old alike. The house was crowded to its ut most capacity. Mr. John Dresher of Fishing Creek and Miss Dolly Krickbaum of Bentou were united in wedlock on Thursday after Uhiistmaj. They wcro serenaded in the evening. Alonzo Albertson will soon bo through sawing ou tho present site after which he will remove on W'm. Ash's timber tract near Stillwater. If game continues to decrease for seve ral years to come as it has for ii few years past thero will bo no occasion for a game law. Even tho crows are getting "thin ucr." The prospects for sleighing parlies aro uot very brilliant, and weddlug parties must, most likely, cither drag through the mud, or be shaken nearly to atoms over tho rough, frozen ground. i.uultacli'H. We wero very much surprisid and very glad to sco our operator make so speedy a return from his visit home. Ho Buys ho enjoyed the trip very much and would like to havo stayed homo until New Years', Hut fearing something might go wrong he shortened his visit. Mr. Mann is very strict lu keeping things in order and making it pleasant for all traveling on tho 11 & S. It. 11. He had Mr. James Custer, student irom the D. L. & W. R. It. per forming his (Mr, Mann's) duties. Mr, Custer was well liked and gained a host of friends while on his short stay at Laubachs statlou. Mr, C, II. Robcits mado a Hying visit to our city on Wednesday. Frank Masteller, formerly of Pcnnsyl. vnuln, moved In from Michigan, and ex. poets to purchase a farm somo dlstanco from the II. & S. R. R whero ho will not be disturbed, CoiiNiuiiiHIoii burcly CurL'il, To tub KniTOH l'louso inform your read trs I hat I huvo a positive remedy for tho above uamed disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases havn been per. inaneully cured. I shall bo glud to sen'd two botlles of my remedy niug to any of your leudcrs vtho have consumption If ihcy will i d me il clr rxpros and pott dllo rt" Rifpicifully, T. A. 8LOCUM M, v. IRi Pearl Bt., New York, sep!.ai.ly Illoicrnplilciil. Died Nov. 8, 1683, nt tho residence of her son.m-law, Ell McIIcnry near Benton, Mt. Ann Young, aged 00 years, 11 months and 11 days. Interment at Benton graveyard. Tho subject of tho above notlco was bom near Norrlstown, Montgomery county Pa., Nov. 25th 1791, and therefore was but 8 years and a few days short of a century old. She was tho widow ot Abraham Young Esq., who died a number of years ago. By him she had seven children, threo ot whom survivo her) A. P. Young of Millvlllo, Aaron Young of lloundgtovo III., and Mrs. Ell Mcilcnry ot Benton Sho was tho daughter of James Pctcrman, one of the earliest settlers ot Upper Fishlngcreck. Tho exact year of their immigration Is difficult to determine as tho dates of tho record arc somewhat confused, but It must havo been between 1702 and 1707. Tho settled along the creek a short dlstauco above where Benton now stands. Thcro are locks there still called "Petcrman's Rocks," and were known by the raftmcu of early times. Her name Is the first of her Fathot's family ou the baptismal record of tho old St, Gabriel Church, though she was tho second child, tho eldest having been probably baptised beforo tho removal. Her father was ono of tho first wardens ot the chinch .and his name is second on a subscription list foi the building of ft house of worship. When they settled hero tho ccuntry wasan un broken wilderness. She used to tell her children how she assisted her father to set his wolf nnd bear traps, and rodo on hotse b ck to where Milton, Itloomsburg and Suubury now aro, when bridle paths wero the only roads leading to those places Win. Peterman of Sugarloaf is her only surviving brother. Though sho lived long and her yeais wcro many, yet her health was generally good and her mind well pre served. She was active until a comparative ly short time beforo heriliath. Though the faces of the elderly people of her child hood, the companions of her youth and the associates of her earlier womanhood wcro htil away in the grave, she lived on, and lived to Bee wonderful changes In the face of the country, and In the numbers and habits of tho people. The wllderntss of her childhood hud given place to beautiful farms and fruitful fields. Flue residences occupy the site of the log cabin, pretty llttlo towns dot the valley in all directions, and where once the bridle-paths were the only highways, the locomotive on iron track whistles his notes of progressive triumph every day, from ono end of the valley to tho other. Few lives have ruu parallel with the progress of our valley, ns the life of tho subject ol this sketch, yet we write her his tory in u few brief words, and is it not the history of us all 1 She wa3 born, she lived, she died. Stillwater, Dec. 24. John Sotton. Heavy HoWiery lit iiluoitiHlMirK la. (500 dollars), five hundred dollars re ward foi: the oaptokk of the thief. Sometime during last week the Piauo, Organ and Sowiui Machine Btoro of J; Saltzer, Main street below Market, Blooms, burg Pa., w'as entered, six organs and bIx sewing machines carried off and stored away In different parts ot tlin town and county. There Is a clue, and all the de tectives In Bloomsburg are armed with warrants nnd In hot hasto after the burglar, and may run him down at any moment. DESCR11T10N OF THE THIFF, Ho is a short heavy set man with n Is rce round face and red nose, wears an extreme ly long beard, bis right nameisSantaClaus. Everybody should be on tho lookout for this bold adventurer as ho may this very night crack his whip and prance around your peaceful home, so look n little out and giye the sly old fox a warm reception. Light Street Mr. Leoul Mellck of Philadelphia Is visiting his aged mother. Mr. Nesbct of Bloomsburg spent Sunday in town. Henry Smoyer moved from Mountain Grove to Light Street, he now occupies property formerly of M. C. Johnson, but now A. I). White's. A New YVai's ball was given nt A. F. Tn rash's. Clias Leo Jr. is now employed ou tho I). & S. It. It. as brakeman. Miss Matlic Buchman of hluimokln Is visiting her sister Mrs. J, B Mellck. Mrs. John Kclchner of Beaver Meadows spent the Holidays with her parents. Miss Mattie Mcllenry of Wullcr visited Mrs. M. B. Mcllrido lust week. Christmas festivities wero engaged in by tho sabbath-schools in the usual way some very small children declaiming to the do light of the audience. Ilealtlitul lircail. Dr. E C. Goodrich, a prominent physi cian of Augusta, Ga., writes the result of his investigation of tho Naklng powder question. "I regard Prof. Horsford'a powder (Rumford Yeast Powder) as healthful and nutritious, It being composed of phosphatic acid and bt-enrbouatu of soda. The excellence ot this combination is so universally commended by physlchns and chemists, that my indorsement Is simply superfluous. Bread made from un bolted or Grali-tm Hour. Is more hcalthtul than that made from refined Hour, simply because the latter has Wen deprived ot tho nutritious phosphates. Horsford's powder restores to the Hour tho phosphates remov ed In tho bolting process and Increases tbo food properties of tho bread by that amount. Tho phosphates aid the diges tion, and nourish and invigorate the bruin nnd nervous systum, and Prof. Hereford's method of supplying them with our dally biead is certainly n wonderful tiiumph ot scientific genius." Hcliool Ileport. The following Is tho report of the Davis school, in Benton township, for tbo month ending Dec. 11th, 1888. Number enrolled, m iles, 10, females, 15 j total 31, Avcrago attendance, males 12, females 13. The following pupils wero examined In their respective branches with the annexed results : Percy Lewis, 70, "Jennie Houseknecht, 05 Charlie Bellas, 00. Annie Cole, 75 Willio Smith, 75, 'Alma Houseknecht, 05 Olln Bellas, 85. Maud Houseknecht, 00 Harry Edwards, 05, Jennie Bellas, 88 Norton Cole, 88- CariIe Smith, 00 Win. Edwards, 80. Susie Ruckle, 80 Wm, Hess, 73. Jenule Ruckle, 05 Henderson Bellas, 87. Belle Edgar, 03 Torrenco Evans, 85. Nettle Evans, 80 May Evans, 89. Those marked with a slur wcr not absent during tho month. J K. Vai Horn, Teacher. To All Vlio Arts Concerned. Wo hereby Btuto wo did not discharge Elmer Mears from our employ on account of dishonesty, uud that whatever may havo been raid by us wag uot Intended to rellect upon his reputation In any respect. Wm. M. Weaver, II. A. PORIER. Witness present, J, II, Maize. Illoonnburg Pa., Nov. 11), 1888. St. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by ex pelling impurity from tho blood, which Is the cause of tho complaint, Glvo It a trial. Tlilcven in Tfortliiitiiltertniiil Coun ty. Tho post-offices at Sunbury and North umberland wcro both broken Into by thieves ono night last week. They got but $t In both pltccs. Jacnbyt' clothing store at Northumberland was robbed on Monday night. A tramp and boy wcro ar rested Thursday afternoon and gloves, collar-buttons, silk handkerchiefs, etc, were found on them. Council 1'rocccdttiKR. Thursday, Dec, 27, 1883. Special meeting ot Council, Present P. 8. Harman, Pres. nud Cadow, Sterling, Hasscrt, lltnglcr, Wolf nnd Wells, mem bers Messrs. E. II. Little nnd A. Z. Schoch, a commltloe from tho Bloomsburg Water Co., appeared and produced letters from Sollns Groyc, Milton, Luwlshurg, Plymouth, Sunbury and rihamoktn, giv ing the cost of water supply for flro hy drants In tho respecttvo places. After some discussion, council adjourned. Colds, coughs, bronchitis, and all throat and lung diseases aro effectively treated with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. To neglect the use ot proper remedies for theso nil merits. Is to inducn r.nnsiimntton. which is said to cause one-sixth of tho mortality In all civilized countries. Tlie IlarrlHliurir Intrlot. ALL THE NEWS FROM THE STATE OAl'ITAt. The Hariiisruro Daily. Patriot, con taining full Associated Press news and at tractive soccial matter, will bo sent by mall to nny address at the following rates; $5.00 per yearj $2.50 for six months j $1.25 for three months) or 45 cents per month, cash with the order. The Hahimbuurci Weekly Patriot, a large double sheet, with latest news to date of publication, literary, agricultural, scientific and miscellaneous reading, will be sent by mall to any subscriber at the rato of $1.00 per annum, cash with the order. Wanted. A resident salesman for Col umbia and Luzcrno Counties. A man with experience preferred. Francis Jordan & Sons., Wholesale Grocers, 209 North 3rd Street, Dec. 14 8t. Philadelphia. Life size crayons in gold frames only $10. tf M'Kllllp Bros. WANAMAKER S. I'niLADiLrnu, .Monday, Dec 31, 1S83. Last Annoincementr?niYear. Just stopped long enough after the great Holiday busi ness to take breath. Now we are prepared to tell you things which perhaps you are waiting to know ready to translate type-told tales into business acts. An Occasion begins in the store to day. It sliould com mand your quick attention. Its causes arc numerous. We have been doing great bargain buying. Stocks have been overhauled to discover all excessive quantides. All things damaged by hand ling or otherwise "oft" have been hunted cut. All stocks depleted by sales have been replenished. Many new things have been prepared for attractive open ings. Its effects arc many. This store is thus to be filled with bargains numerous and real. The old year goes out leav ing the store in joyful attract iveness for her new born sister. The life and movement are to be kept tip by appeals to your self-interest and taste. You will be compelled to profit by them. The announcement of to-day are but the start of many that will follow. Therefore, read more diligently than ever our daily storv. Dress Goods. On Saturday we announced 150 distinct combinations in Dress Patterns at $4 to $10. The prices are off one-half, and the goods mostly new and just opened. Here is a twin bargain, just bought from one of the greatest manufacturing concerns in New England ; all the year round fancy worsted dress goods. We tell only prices: $1.25 quality 75 cents $1.50 quality 85 cents. $1.75 quality $1.25 Columns of talk in them, but only space for brief mention, as they first come to the counters to-uay. Muslin Underwear. December is ahead. The us ual January exhibit is made to day. Muslin Underwear is now on the second floor in newly fur nished quarters and vastly im proved location. The year which closes to-day shows by far the greatest sales record ever made in this department. If we know anything about it, tho year beginning to-morrow will beat the record by a heavy per cent. The sale opened to-day has been planned for months, Our own factory and others under contract have been busy in the preparation. The materials, the finish and the strength of all the garments are right, even in tho lower grades, The prices are remarkably low. in many cases you get the garments for what the ma terial would cost. How? The difference between the mill price and retail price of the cloth pays lor tne maKing. you get them wunout proiir. nnu tliere is not a bit of benevolence in it to you. Organizations must WANAMAKER S. live. Many a manufacturer would prefer to sell at cost or less to keep his factory going through the dull time, 'litis is our advantage. To increase our buying power we will do some business for nothing. That is your advantage. And so the January Underwear Sale comes about. Better look sharp if you would get the pick. Consumers and not traders are expected at this sale. Gowns: Mother Hubbard Gowns, heavy muslin, two rows Hamburg Inserting between nno tucks on yoke Hamburg edging on neck, sleeves and yoke front. Hade in our own factory, eo cents each, would be cheap at tl.O'j, All tresu goods. Just made Heavy Muslin oown, wldo all-over Inserting on yoke between tine tucks. Hamburg odg leg on neck, sleeves and front, our own make, usual J1.S5 quality, ?5 cents each. Muslin down, Blmillur to above, but more ela borate trimming, havo been 1 1.S5; now 80 cents each. Cambrlouown, tuckod and feather-stitched yoke, edging on neck and sleeves, reduced fromstoi. Cambria down, prlnccns front, tucks In clust ers, nno blind embroidery on neck, sloeves and front, reduced from I2.SB to t:.s. Cambrlo Oown, with fine tucked and Inserting yoke, nne Hamburg odiflng on nock, sleeves and front, reduced from s.1.15 to S3. Chemises: Muslin Chemise, square neck, Hamburg edg lag on front, ucck and sieevcs, 50 centa each. Tuo best we have ever been able to oner at the pnte. Heavy Muslin Chemise, corded yoke, with neat Hamburg edging on neck, yoku and sleeves, 45 cents each. Cambrlo Chemise, square neck, with Torchon lace on front, neck and sleeves, 65 cents each worth fully 1 1, Drawers: Fruit of the Loom Muslin Drawers, with threo t'icks and betu, 23 centa each. This excels all former efforts at chcipnem. Thesame as the fongotng, with mora tucks, 85 cor, ts each. Muslin Drawers, ruffles and double rows of three nne tucks each, 45 cents. Samo as tho above, with more tucks. 51 cents tacn. Cambrlo drawers, fine quality, .fully tuckod, cents each. Skirts; .Muslin Skirts, with neat Hamburg edging on vumuiiu iuiih-,u,o iucu uuuvu iae ruuie, Menu. Fruit of iho Loom Muslin Skirts, with Cambric rume, to cents. Musilu Sklrta, with four tucks and hem, 85 cents reduced from 41 cents. -Muslin Skirts, with Hamburg ruffle and tucks, "5 conu from f 1. Muslin Skirts, very nne, np ver shown before, with ruffle and blind embroidery, si.&o. Corset Covers: Only 100 dozen Muslin Corset Covers, with Hamburg edging, at 15 cents each. Sitranno Muslin uorsct covers, V front, wide Hamburg edging and feotuer-jtltched binding, CO cents each. This entire offering is free from trash. The muslins are not loaded with clay or lime. The work is honest. To get the ad vantage of this sale early com ing will be necessary. Of the high grades in Muslin Underwear the stock is greatly increased. In the same department we show also a number of bargains in Heavy Skirts. Wool Skirts. The assortment is large in gray, cardinal, scarlet, blue, pink, and black, also in various combinations of the several col ors. P'ttvtt itvre, 91 cents 11.25 1.50 fl .75 tiw &A0 usj Prices are. 15 cents $1.00 $1.25 fl.no f 1.7.1 iOO f'J.50 Aprons and pillow Slianis. In the White Goods stock, southwest, of centre, first floor. 900 Aprons, sheer embroidered, cambric tuck ed, and cambric embroidered. Tho prices havo ranged from 13 cents to 12.60 ech. They aro now from lOcentstotl 25 each. 10s pairs Pillow Shams, rrlcea wero 12 to II.2J a pair, are now from 11 to 12.13. During the holiday trade these goods are sold mostly by sample, some are used for de coration and display, and there fore become soiled. The goods thus offered at an average of less than half are perfect except soiled. Linens. The whole muster of them is marching to the drum-beat of sensational prices. Let there be no doubt in your mind. Add a quarter or a third to the cost of each dollar's worth and you get to the close retail price in other stores. Add half and you gel to the average retail price. You needn't guess; bring in the samples and compare. Or when you come carry the other thing in your mind. Put any body else's Linens beside ours and we know what the outcome will be. No dealers in America ( or the world for that matter ) can get closer to the Linen makers than we are. No one can handle the Linens for less. We know of no one who handles them for so little. Year in and year out you are saying that we lead in Linens. Just now you'll say we are bettering our best. See if you won't. Table Linen: Fine Doublo Pamask Table Unen, down from 11.25 to 11.00 a yard. Cream I)umak, (W Inches wide, at 38o a yard. Vq v """t? ' "UD "eauiuui patterns, 68lticbua v,lde, t6o. a yard. mr Bounnisnea Hleached Table Linens. 63 inches Inches wide, too. a jard. NapTilna to match. 22 Inches square, ll.M perdozen. Fringed cloths, 8-1, 11.20, t-io. Vi.ta s-u. I ): red borders or plain white. tamo uuen, vt incnea wide, at 10a: 110 better eoods ever sold at 11.00. Napkins to match. rrincea ironies, oiuo borders, f5c. a dozrn. 12; from IA60 u,umy. plain wmto, uyy uioina, jkc, 35c., 500. 10 11.60 each. French Tray Cloths, flfa. in i isi ih Cioodfcizod plain whlto Dollies, our usual l.ss kind, tor 11.00 per dozen. ."iVKinsatjiuo, 11.25, 11.60, 11.75, and tj.oo; extra sua and very line have boeu reduced iiuiu j.ou wj n w, mou to it, 00, anil so on. Bed Linen; French Sheetiny, band woven, natural finish. v incues who, a regular Housekeepers Sheetlnt, Unen, isc. a yard match it at Bivi UeaTi,,?D3"J"lcnt'' wide, at tsc. a yartL L$Za t, 1fBOW "staiialaitl.OJ. Just ono hundred pleceti to hell. Ut1f M?nS?,.l'n,0W c,sf "ok!" and the llko go the aamo gait. Toweling: Our bet Towel value will be found at iu. 13 , too., each, and at 11.00, H.20, and ll.iO a iloz. (liana Towellng8, all linen, tw, a yard. Iluck Towellnire, alt linen, I50? a yard! 25c. per yard. Jtuiala IHaptra all widths. bomo of tho finest makes of lablecloths, Boiled, tossed, or rt l,n.tnr, . 4 r ' 1 1 uuiviiuou uui UI rJUUIIIUIg, Will go tit condition prices. So will everything that has suffered by tingereu or cureless usage Womcnu, Ovcrgar incuts. You'll doubt your ovpg. JierJ WAN'AMAKUlt s. son to, but thoy won't bo de ceiving .you. The pricc-tnga nrojuat where they belong. A buyer's carnival in Wraps, Jackets, Ulsters, nnd Knglnns. The money you expect to put in to one will almost surely buy two of the sort you have in mind. No need to figure on whnt work and trimming cost; weigh the stuff alone in the pockctbook scales You'll feel liko pitying the work people. Don't. The Iohs is uway this side of them. Big loss to somebody. No mat ter. The things are now with in your rateh-itnd ns if a green back, big or little, went with ench. We only point out a few of the styles here. Tho Thir teenth nnd Chesnut streets part of the second lloor h overflowing with them. Women's Kleh Braided Wraps, In colors and I: lack, wrro 20; now Ho Klch Kmuroldcrod and Hralded Wraps, latest styles, were 125; now 115. Hmne. better, were II) and $35; now M Itlch l'ltish and Ilrorado Wrap", $16, l, fJ and MO, from (30. 140, (50, t'b. Women's Wraps that have been Bold at IS, 16, and 17, are now 13 50. Wraps that wcro H and 110, now 11. Wraps that were ts, no ami tvi, now Jl. raps Ui it wero tt and 115, now IS. Ulsters and naglans at H, 15, f 17, II, were double. Ulsters and llulans at 110, 112 and 115, from lis, liOand 23. Heaver Jackets at 1, It. 5, is, that were 0, 13,110, 112, Ten uowns, Irom 9 to 15.50. Fine All-wool Clotu cusiomes. IS. worth 112. A great variety or Dresses at lln, I2, 115, 120 unu '); Huuut 11H.11 usmui price. A tew rich I'arls Costumes at halt. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3 doz. Life size Crayons only $1000. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tt. Bargains In remnants nf nil kinds Ht Clark & Son's, Kalamazoo celery at "Jncoby's." Flannels, blankets, wool hosiery, cloves. Underwear. Ctn. nt proallv ri, Inr.rl prices at the clearing salo of Clark Sr. Son's. Oysters $1.10 Gal. nt "Jacoby's." Muslins away flown Hill 8c Annlcton A 7c, good muslins Co yd. Cotton fl9nnels8o vd , cheap at 10c. Columbian cheviots 7c at Clark & Son's. Oysters always fresh at "Jncoby'e." You will tlnd many lots of dress (roods very low at the clenrlng salo of Clark & con. Eneravcd business cards can bo obtained at tho Columbian olllcc. Ladles having plates can have cards printed. tf Ladles Coats 08c, worlh 43.00: child. rens' coats 98c: lackets S1.47. worth S3 .Ml and lots of other coats equally cheap at tho clearing sale of Clark & Hon. , Great reduction in prices of ladles nnd misses' folt hats, ready trimmed hats nnd bonnets, chlldrens caps and fancy feathers for remainder ot tho season at E. Bark ley's. CrII soon and secure bareains. Main St, below Market. Great cloarine Bala nt Clark ,t Son': ; for Dir. 15 duyfl only, commencing Jan. 5. gains lor all. Fou Sale Tho underslirned nlTiTa t private salo tho property situated on Main anil Iron streets, IHoomsbtirfi, known ns Bhivcs' block. Tho property Is n valu able oho, ns Iron street is the only cross street in town that leads out in the coun try. It Is one of the best business stands In Woomsbure;, has n frontage of 214J feet on Iron street and 07 or 08 feet 011 Main streot, will be sold at a barsnln. If not solil hy the 201U day of January, 1889, it willjbo offered at publlo salo 011 that day. e. V. Bhive, I'ensyl I, O. If you want to save moniv tn tlm clearing salo cf Clark &, bon. Ilircalns lor nil. W.II. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Aro agent3 for Julius Kinsr's celebrated spectacles. The best in the world. Hundreds of pairs to pelect from and a fit guaran teed. During the Holiday's trade we sold dozens of pairs of theso celebrated goods.and as tar heard from all are satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change tor others, suited to their eves. A lot or best dark ca coph .Ho vd. nt i;iarn x eon's. BUSINESS NOTICES Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby waa sick, we jare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Caitoruk, When the became Mlia, she clunj to OutorU, When the bad Children, the gave them OutorU. Mil. O'Conkob, 7ih Ht. Philadelphia, writes. Dr. 't'lieel, 633 North Kourlli St. , Philadelphia, Bavcd my life unit mada mo u nirunK ueaiiuv man aner suuering yeurs wiiii nervous wcuiiity, aner i nan cranio cd physicians of all kinds without benitlt. i wouiu auvlsu all sullereis to consult him IMlcHI IMlUttl ItcIilUK IMlCH. BruiTOMS Moisture : Intense ltchl Btlngliig j most nt night j worse by scratch, ing. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed nnd ulcerate, becoming very sore. Hwaynu's Ointment stops the itching and tileeillne:, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes tbo tumors. At iiruggists, or uy man, for 00 cents. Dr. owayno is on, l'liiiadelphla. may-4 ly, Uczciiiii, ilcliy, Hcaly, Nklu 1'ortnrcH. Tbo simple application of "Swayne's uiiiiiiieui, wiiaoiu nny inieruai meiiiclno win euro any caso ot Tetter, Bait Hlnum Illngworm. Piles. Itch. Bores. I'lmnlim Kczema, all rJcaly, Itchy Sklu KrtipUons, no matter how obstinate or long standing It Is potent, effective, und costs but utrlllo r Jiuyi.'i-iy Mits. II. llovKit, '.ot Chester writes that ur. 1 heel. o;ta Kurt i Forth Street. Phi a delphin. Pa., cured her of a horrible case of Mood Poisoning after she bad been treated lor more than four years by physl. clans of different schools without benefit and the now advises all sufferers to consult the Doctor, Till: IIOMMHST MANik ULOO.MBHUI10 us well as tho handsomest, and others arolu. vlted to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp'H llalsam for the throat und lungs, a reined) thut Is telling entirely upon its meills und is guaranteed to euro obi. icllcvo all chronic unit acute cougus, minma, urocciuiis anu coaiumn. 4lttn, MuBnl Bt,l itll ' GOVERNOR K. C. hurldgh, nf Matno, some tlmo ago wis troubled with boils on his neck. Ito took throe hot tie s Brown'sHarsopartlla and was completely cured. Mr. Burleigh speak. In tho Ugliest term, ot this inodlolne. ft will eradicate fromoutlhetystem all forms ot Wool poison or blood disease, euro salt rheum, scrofula, cancer or canker, and leae the Interior ot the system puro and clean, an1 the ex terior glowln with health. Nothing will so thorouihly beautify iho complexion, by cleaning the skin, as Brown's farssparllfa, which Is unlike any other. Tho business man who Is closely confined t who wrks long hours j who Is restless at night 1 who KJits hi. food i whoso energies day In and day out aro bent In one direction, finds tho system thrown out of order, while n train otitis nie In upon him. Ills food sours upon his stomach ho has dyepeps stas he becomes consthaud (his head aches, and rinds ho can't do business with the vim ot tho old en time. Just cleanse the walls of the stomach, sweep the kidneys, revive tho liver and tone up tho blood with a bottle of BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Kot trennlnn nnlpM m.fte bv Ara Warren & Ca. Danger, Mo. ma;25 d ly Ask For Ayer's Sarsaparilla, anil bo suro you get It, when you wont tho best blood-purifier. i wun its forty years See ot unexampled suc cess In the cure of lllood Diseases, you can mako no mis tako In preferring Ayor's Sarsaparilla to any other. The fore-runner of mod ern blood medicines, Aycr's Sarsanarllla Is still tho most pop ular, being In great er demand than all others combined. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is selling faster than ever before. I never hesitate to rscommoiul It." Ocorgo Y, Whitman, Druggist, Albany, Ind. " I am safe In saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those of nny other, and It civet thorough satisfac tion." Jj. II. Hush, Des Jlolnes, Iowa. "Aycr's S.irsaparllla and Aycr's Pills are the best selling medicines In my store. I can recommend them conscien tiously." O. Biclthaus, Pharmacist, Iloseland, 111. "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla hero for over thirty years and always recommend It when asked to name tho best blood-purlfler." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. I havo sold your medicines for tho last seventeen years, nnit always keep them in stock, ns they are staples. ' Thero Is nothing so good for tho youth ful blood' ns Ayrra Snrsaparllla." It. L. I'arkor, Fox Lake, Wis. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medlcino I have In stock. I recommend it, or, as tho Doctors say, ' I prescribe it over the counter.' It never falls to meet tho cases for which I recommend It, even whero tho doctors' prescriptions havo been of no avail." O, l Calhoun, Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rRErAHED DY Dr. J. C. Ayer tc Co., Lowell, Mass. Price It; ilx bottlti, 5. Worth (5 a bottle. To Advertisers . Hat nr.nm nn.onnnn... .,, .... c.m.n.n.. AND SECTIONS will bo sent on applicatlon- w miw ..uu ruu, M1CU l!U Yl'1 115IIJK LU I'iiy, VO can offer no better medium for thorough and ef. .i...u iivin luun LUD villiUUS CH-"CL1UU3 UI UUT DIE- lsct Local List. hko. p. kowklLo Co., newspaper Auveriisin oureau, Dec 14-r-4t io spruce street. New York. UDITOH'S NOTICE. iisuiie ot Aornnam lAticuer. arawsea. The Underalimed auditor. nnnnlntM hv tlm nr. phana' t oui t of Columbia county, to nana unnn ex. eeptions, and mako distribution ot the balance In inu uiuiaa 01 nenry utwuer, administrator, to and aniou? the parties entitled thereto, will sit at hla omco In Uloomsburit, ou Thursday, January uh, lBb9, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to attend to ma uunes ui ms appointment, wnen anu wnero ull perbons having claims acnlnst said estate must appear and nrove tliem. tr ha fnivvpr rtphnrnvi from any share of said fund. J. II. JIAIZK, Dec 28 Audi. or. AUDIIOH'S NOTICE F.ttate of Starv C. IWmWn, demised. Tho Undersigned ninlltnr nnnnfnfed hv thn tie- phans' court of Columbia county, to make dlstrl. button ot the baianco In the hands of t-nrah A. 1'el'nnan administratrix to and among the n.inlea entitled thereto, will sit at hli office I' looms, burg ou Saturday, January 19th l'8'jnt n o'clock In the forenoon to attend to iho duties -if U p. pplntment, when and where nil pcrton having claims against mid estate must appoar and piovo them, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. J. II. MAI7.K, Deos Auditor. umtok's notice. f.giate of lionert Finney, defeased. The UIlderslOTlMl fllldttnr nnnnlnteil hv tli. rr Phans' Court uf the eountv of rninrniW in thn Mate of Pennsylvania, to distribute tbe balance In vug itduua ui .,uim t. rrcezu administrator, art bonis nun cum tettameiilo aimexo In 6Id estate, as appear by hu first, and ncal accouLt, to and amoneiheparilescnUtledtnercto. will meet tbe parties Luterci-ted at hU oillee in the town of itloomsburg In said county on Tuesday the 15th day of January A. I) ls-9 at 10 o'clock a m.vthen and where all parties Interested aro required to pietent their claims before the auditor, or bo debarred from coming in for a share of the fund. . . .IIAIIl..D II. UAllKLUY, Deo si St. Auditor. UDITOH'S NOTICE. Estate of milp Crairura, aecmseil. Tho underMtrneiL an auditor nnnntntnri hr th Orphans' court of Columbia county to dlstilbuto thofumUinthehindsof L. II. Kupert, adnilnls. tratorof the estate of Philip crawlord, deceased, as appears on his tlnal account to and among the parties legally entitled thereto. Kill attend to the duties or Ms uppomtmenl at hlsolllce In the town ot Ulooinsburg on Friday Jan Iblh, 18iV nt 10 n'l-tru-lr tn tho inmnnrtn u (.An - ... .w.v.,.ij, i, no nun ucio ui, uni ties Interested are requested frescnt their claims or be forever alter debarred from comlnj in upon the said fund. . WM. CIIU13MAN, Dec Jl Auditor. UDITOH'S NO iTcE. F.ttate QfliUranl aiiir.nnf, liuniml. The undersigned audll or appointed by tho Or. pha'js' t ourt ol Columbia couuty, to distribute the tunas In the hanrts ot William chrlsman, adminis trator, ts ihown by his rirst and final iccount will meet tho p n ties interested for the purpose cf his upp.lnltnent, on Friday tho Eleventh d'iy of .lanuaiy ibmi, at tin o'eliek a in., atlhi onice of O. w. iinieri-Fii.in Uioomsburg pa, when and where all panus Intensted in said estate must present oral ptove their claims or on debarred from participating In thodlstilbutlonof s.ud mnd . A. N. YOST, Di St Auditor. TOTICE. iho policy holders of tho Iirlarcreek Farmers' .tiuium lusurur.cu i uinp.iny oi umo uulgc, will meet at mo nan oi ma centre (irange, p. ot ll. in Pernio township, fu umbla county Pa., on Monday the nth day ol January, ls-J, between Iho hours ofioa. in. uuda p. tit., lor the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing j ear, und fur transact Ing such other busluots as may properly come bo. ton; said Company. PAMUELNKYllAMt, Dec Si. tccreuij. JLEOTION NOTICE. An clec'ion for Directors ef tho ratawlssa De posit Dank will bo held at tho outcn or the Uaulc, In catan'lssa. jii Tuesday Jan. ". ittfj, between the hours ot 10 u'clock u. in., and 1 e'clock p. in. O. M. TUST1N. Deo 81 St Cashier, 4D1INUSTKAT0H;3"N0TICE. ite of 0'ivrqe Miiertik; Utlr of Mifflin UntntMp, Ciilxanbia counf", drmiM-d, Notice Is hereby bItpu that letter of admlnls. trat Ion on the est ate of Gcorgo Kinnlek, late nf the townslilp ot Mimir, count; ol lolumbU. and state ot Pennsylvania, dec-uted, ha o been granted to Joseph A, Ytoodbuin ot Nenvlllf, Cumberland count), Pa., tn whom all rerions Indebted to said estate are requested to male pajmeuts, undlhom havlug clonus er demands will mase known the same without delay. JOSEPH A. WOODlll'ltN. Kuorr & Wlntcistccu, Alt) a, Administrator Deo Kl tt' Newuile, Cumberland Co Pa. The Sunbury Electric Co., OONTItAOTOUS J'Oll Are and Incandescent Isolated Plants. Motors, Electrlo (las Lighting, Aunmiclators, Uurglar Alarms, Speaking Tubes, Iteturn Call Systems, &c wg urn a trcmiTY or iriiig. 1,1 2ix 11 ii Wiring tor Motors, by battery or Dynamo Curreut. ciuurantees furnished with etery Contract, OFFICE AND SHOW ltOOMS, 1UGT MA1IKST 8T , Correspondence liollclted. bi'Dscay, pa. Jin 4 bw 1 ML T TTl-nsTfli il-sil - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers