COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I The Columbian. a. s, siwtu, J. K. BlUtrie&iir, EdUon, BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1-1, 1888. An intcroatlni trial cccttnicd tho nt tuntton ol tho oourt on Monday and Tuesday. It was the case ol W. K Bo line afthn'. 0 iliimbin County, in which tlu plaintiff brought Hiiit to re cover pay lor work done on the oourt room a jcar ago. He hail a written contract to paint tho court room for $700, lint tho commisuonira in ado many ohangdH and alturation. In the contract censing much additional work. and thon refused to pay for this extra work. Bodioo brought suit soon afVr tho prosont hoar I of commissioners catu'j into oiliue, nu i the cau was tried before arbitrators, resulting in an award of S2ii.ri for the plaintiff, and .t .. , it i . . i mere u suoum nave elicit i; mil me commissioners apponlcd, and tho oae wai tried in court, tho jurv rendering a verdict of S255 for tho plaintiff. The ontiro coxt to the oounty of this case, directly and indirectly will i each nearly six nunared rioilirs wlicn it o uki have bi'cn settled for two hundred dollars. Such eoonorny alibis on tho part of the comrnissionors is not profltablo for taxpayers. The Holidays And the colder weather aro now rapid ly approaching. Tho joyful season is eagerly anticipated by young folks in thousands of homes; hut in nearly all there are one or more older ones to whom tho cold wavo and the storms mean renewed suffering from rheumatic back or limbs. It is not claimed that Hood's Sarsaparilia is apositivepeoifio for rheumatism; wo soubt if tboro is or can be suoh a remedy. But the re tntrkablo sucocss Hood's Sarsaparilia lias had in curing th's atteotion is sufficient reason for those who aro suffering to try this peculiar medicine. The Shoe on the Other Foot The monopolistic newspapers that are constantly reminding their readers that the republicans are not permitted, as a rule, to vote in the south, will not, of course, denounce the "southern out rages" an account of which is given in the loliowing dispatch from Rleigb, North Corolina, under date of Decern, ber 8: Several negroes wero before the United States circuit hero yesterday on charges of intimidating men of their own raoe who wanted to vote the democratic ticket. Joseph Lissiller was d auharged as ho did not commit tho offense until after the roan he ap proaohed had voted. Major Herndon was convicted of having intimidated Reuben Greuory, and of having threat ened to kill him. It is especially worthy of nolo that while the republi cans have made mmy accusations, botli before and after election, as to the in timidation of republicm voters by democrats, tho only caes of intimida tion which have come before the courts have been those from Oxford in whioli republican negroes threatened persons of their raco who voted the democratic ticket. It is notorious that in eouie places negroes who dared so to vote were practically proscribed by both men and women of their race. The republicans will not censure tho perpetrators of theso outrages but they set up a howl when they imagine their own ox is gored. In fact it sterns that from a monopolistic point of liew there are times when an outrage isn't an outrage, even down soutb.-,ar7o. The New York Health Department- Dr. Cyrus Edson, Superintendent of the Sinitary Bureau of New York City writes tne following unsoliuited letter regarding Speer's Port Grapo "Wine. New York, January, 1888. Mr. Sp"er, The box of wine his been safe'y received. I tiust that 1888 will do you tho justice you deserve. I never lose an oppurtuuity to reccommpnd your good wine, for I know it to bo one of tho pure brands obtainable. Yours sinoerely. For sale by druggists. ctrdb kobon. Bepublican Bluster Agam- Tho Washingto'i o respondent of the "Pros" of this city, in a disputdi published this morning, sajv: The hope that by some means thv nuy yet 'jou trol the next House of It pres'-ntalivi s is still nonri'hed by uch Democrats its Geeral Clark, of the present House." An Associated ProiS dispatch, which appears in the same paper, gives tho information tint '-it will take fin official count of the eertifiea'.es to determine tho political compaction of the Home." Tho special already quoted from adds: "But the Democrats will not organize the House. That is certain." If the official count of the certificates should disclose a Democratic majority why will that party not organize tho House, prayf The majority would en titlo them to exercise that power, and unless the Republican contemplate ro sor ing to revolutionary measures they will do so. In the statmeii. of tho "Press" oorrespondont to bo interpreted n a ii-t!co that tne majority m ease it fhould be in favor of the Democrats is to be set aside? Thia matter increases i 'i interest as it becomes tindi rstooil. The "Press" statement following the Miouo Uoionel oueppard s oall lor war is significant. If tli Democrats are in a minority m tnx next lloDso tlioy will not want to organize tho body. Thero is compara tivvly little in it for them. But with a majority in Ihcir favor tho duty of asserting their rights Is as imperative on the I) mocrats as is tho obligation to perlortn any other recognize function. It may be added that this duty will be tulluilel oven it every Republican revolutionist in and about vanington lias to no ciappm into 1 n t' fac.ilitalo the work.-7t7a. Herald Jan. 1th. "V7e Point With Pride" To tho "Good nanio at home," wbn by Hoods sarsaparilia. in J.owel Mass., whero it is prepared, there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilia sold than of alt other medirine, and it has civen the beet of satisfaction since its introduction ten years atro. ThI could ii' t he if tin' medicine did not possess merit. If you suffer from lin- j purr li od, tiy JloodV Snt-nparira aud realize its peculiar curative power, Hood's Sarsaparilia I a juliar rrndlclnt, tmt ti carefully pre pared, bjr competent pharmacists. The com blnatlon and proportion ot SaraaparlllA, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agenta li exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilia, string It ttrength and curative power auperlor to other prepa. rations. A trial will convince you ot It treat medicinal value. Hood's SaraaparllU Purlflos tho Blood create and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates the digestion, and elves strength to every organ of the body. It cures the roost severe cases ot Scrofula, Bait ltheum, noils, rimplcs, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extremo tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilia has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever ussd." A. Bail, Syracuse, N. Y. Croatos an Appotlto "I used Hood's Sarsaparilia to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave mo a good appetite and seemed to bnlld me over." K. M. Halr, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilia for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up tho nholo body and give me new life." J. F. Hixox, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilia SotdbyatldruKglitt. flfilzforfS. Trapuadonly C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecarlei, Lowall. Mui. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar WANAMAKERS. mtLiDiLmu, Monday, Doc. 10, 13S. Beginning Saturday, Decem ber 15, and continuing until Christmas,the store will be open evenings. We are doing from fifteen to twentymfive per cent better to day on Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs than we ever did before. A broad statement, Yes. but there isn't guesswork about it. you say. a bit of We keep a careful finger on the pulse of trade. Iveknow. bo can you. Hold up the first 6ne we come to. Sheerest Linen Cam bric with the seeming of silk that only comes to the finest hand-spun flax. Machine-worked linen never gets that delicate lustre. Sviss work; like a silk en cobweb. Not overloaded w5jh embroidery; just a delicate scattering of sprigs and sprays, and a daintily scalloped edge. The quietly rich sort of Hand kerchief that any lady would joy to carry. Twenty modest designs, 75 cents each. The linen alone is worth Jfi.asK as prices go. Flo vvers have bloom ed but once s.nce we sold pre cisely the same Handkerchief at $1.75 each. Here's another glance. Women's nemmtehed and Embroidered Hand kerchiefs. VOCt, 250, SOC, 850, 40C, 45C, &0C, 6C, 750. 9"C, 85C, S' Women's'scailoped and Embroldereil nandker chfa,!W, 3'c, asc, 450. Mc.fso, "SC. 850, tl, 11. 11 50, 1 75, 13, JS.25, $?.50, 3.J5, $3, 3 25, 13.50, to S ea-b. MI-S9V npnistltcrx'd and 2mbroldored Hand kerchiefs, an and ssc. Misses' scalloped and Embroidered handker chiefs, 25, 35, and 500. It's hand embroidery, not mach ine, that we're talkincr of. and the purest of linen every time. The cost of embroidering has gone up in Switzerland and Ire land, but you'd never mistrust it from these prices. The Handkerchiefs come to us di rect from the manufacturers. You would pay more for the same goods in either London or Paris, Outside these regular prices there are four in Women's Handkerchiefs that we point specially to: Women's Plain Whlta Hemstitched, unlanm erert, To, a dozen, same, laundered, fr, 11.20, 11.50 11,80, Jilf, (2.40, t- t3.eo, and 14.20 a dozen Women's nemstitrherl Initial nandkerchtets.. nana ernoroi'ered,fi.20 a dozen. Same, a iiineoeiier, iajo eacn. Women's Printed Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, printed intUal, Tery pre' ty. u dozen Quite as ready in Men's styles: Men's Plain Hemmed Tapo Bordered Hind tor- chiefs, too each to 7,M a dozen. Same, extra large. M 40 to 9 a dozen. Men's Hemstitched and EmDroldcreil, Mo each. Men's llemRtltched. untlnrshod, IStfc, each. A Handkerchief Just as good as we hare bet -n mum? lor vjg. Men's Plain White Hemstitched ;t nandkn'. chiefs, v. l. and 9 Inch hem, (2.40, $3, W.r0, 14 20. 15.40, n 1.50, S3 a dozen. Men's V, llemstlt-hed Handkerchiefs, W.U5, 14 '0. v 4A U S7.F0. to, tt? a dozen Men's Hemstitched and lYInted. '5 new find very neat designs on good quality llnn, tl.60 a dozen. Better, larger, finer, at $3, tu, 5 40. f;a dozen. French designs, tl a dozen. Extra large and very One, tn rantaatio deslens, tr.20 a dozpn. Men's Initial, unlaundered, 25o each; launder ed, 25. 40 and AOo each. Boys, coloi-ed Woven Bordered Handkerchiefs, tn x-dozen boxes, 30c a box A word about the "box" busi ness, i he common way is to sell vou a box and throw the Handkerchiefs in that's about what it amounts to. Even coarse, common nandkerchiels lave a chipper look when in a fancy box. We turn the plan end for end sell you the Hand kerchiefs cheaper than you can tret them anywhere else and throw tn a fancy box with each half dozen. Have you a doubt as to where the Handkerchief trade of Philadelphia centres? Just the same with Linens of all sorts. Silk is cold. You don't feel like snuggling up to the com mon run ol bilk luultlers or Silk Handkerchiefs in chilly weather. It takes a bie slice of wit on the maker's part to get up a soft, warm Silk. No one equals Brocklehurst in that. His "London made1 Mufiflnrc uiui-is VnntUr nei1i in Mi nn ncfif.1 A (really niaae in IMaCCieSlieiU) Invo frnivrli'fl "cTtin finkliprl' IiaVC CrOWUCU SUlin IIIIIMICU and the whole covey of Stiff, dressing-loaded styles to one side. Some very good Mu fil ers, though, that never saw I England almost as cashmerey1 in finish. There's a Chinese imitation, heavy twilled, pure silk, that's singularlv soft. Chinese Imitation English Mufflers, 160 e&cn. Ingush Slumei-s, tl, fl.HS, 11.6', 11.73, 1), uaua, extra heavy, nineties tduare, lltO - wakamakkr's. almost 4 ounces of pure silk. Domestla Mufflers, so to 11 each. French Mutllers, tl and I1.S5 each, Colored umera, so to ft each. 1'rlnted Caaluaero Mufflers (WOOL cotton warp). ?5o to T50 each. Sllt-aml cotton Mumera, loo, tu, and tlo eaoh. Plain White Mufflers, (Attn ttrlpea ?5o , each. Silver Plated Ware that can raise a solid dntlht in nhnrmnr i.u&L. a sunu uuuui in a Olirgiar s mind IS tTOOd enoilPh for atlV- , . " - ooay. i nere s plenty of such ware, l'lcntp more that s shadow-washed and thin at that. There's where the risk to you comes in. You must buy of a dealer whose word means something, or take chances. "Ai" in silver plate doesn't mean what it does in ships; "double" is better, "triple" bet ter still. Such work as Rogers Broth ers "1847 Imperial" is at the top in either grade. It's a rare thing when you can get a piece of that stamp under price. The last time to look for such a chance with Christmas three weeks off. The chance is here just the same. Fresh, perfect goods. On the counters this morning. Prices are by the dozen; At I)0UI)LE THIPLK wero now wero now were now Teaspoons I'.To 11.70 ms .23 $4.00 $3 00 oesenspoons.. 450 s "5 5f 4.00 700 4.75 Tablespoons ... 5.25 3 ro 11.50 4 CO s.o 5 75 Forks .. . 4 50 3 50 5.15 4.50 7.00 5.75 Sort of house-warming for sil verware in its new place, sec ond floor. John Wanamakeu. i i nun 1 1 In time for the Holidays. You will find our stock for tho Holidays to bo complete. Every thing we have bought wo have had in mind two things worth and beauty. We are now ready to show you anything in our line. The early buyers will have thie pick. Goods bought now will be tied up and laid away and delivered anywhere in town or sent to any address before Christmas. We would call your special attention to our line of fine pho tograph albums, in a dozen dainty colors and figures in plush and leather. These are goods by reliable makers aud we can recommend them for exactly what they appear to be. We know the goods are first class and that the prices are right. We cordially invite you to examine our stock, feeling con fident that they will impress you with their elegance and appro priateness for Holiday Gifts. W. H. Brooke & Co., Successors to G. A. Clark. HAVE YOU BEEN DISAPPOINTED buying tho ordinary ready made Clothing, that either wears bad'y. loes its color, and has no style T or DO YOU OBJECT paying excessively high prices for made-to-otder Clothing, arid want its equal ready made T OUR LONDON EEADY-MADE CLOTHING Will suit you exartlv. It is Perfect in every particular. SPECIALTIES . Full Suits, $13.50 and upwards. Thompson's Pucnt-Cut Trousers $3 50 and upwards. Kuglis-h Hoavr Oorcoat, $12.00 and upwards. "Our Fhiiioii'"" Cape Coats and Ulsters, $12.00 ad upwards. 133B CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the stint) Philadelphia. N. H Our Fashion Catalogue mailed to any address, tree of charge. CATARRH, Catarrhal Diafntss and Hay Fmr. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers aro not generally nwaro that these diseases are contagious, or that they nro due to tho pri9enco of living parasites In the llnlim membrane of tho nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved this to be a fact and the result Is that a simple remedy lias been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and liny fever are permanently cured In from ono to three simple applications made at homo by tlio patient once In two weeks. N. H. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment Is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. IUxom & So, m West Kin St, Toronto, Canada. 'cfent(Io tmcrtcun. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully, DMINISTUATOU'S IvOllCK Notlf e is herebr irlven thiit lettem nf Rrtmlntfl. I tratlon on the estate ot J. Hrurnsietu-r, late ot the townsnJpof Orange,countyofcolumbla,andt.tate Pennsylvania, df ceased, have been granted tc jwwnronisteiterororangeuile,i:ountyori'olum. " 10 whomali persons Indebted to sa'd es i tmearerequ aiedtomale -pa inehts, and thoit i'ennsjivania, utceasea, nave Deen granted to 'eau sled to make T)A memo, unrl thrift kavlnir claims of demands will inaia known th same without delay. It. V. DKUMSTETTKH, Admr. Dec T orangevllle. niUNlSTUATOH'S NOTIOK. Kttate of hainxufl .Yuncresjer. Notice la hereby gl en that loiters ot adminis tration on the estate ot Samuel Nungesser, late of the township of Beaver county ot Columbia, and state ot I'ounsylvanla, deceased, have been granted to H W N'ingehser of Beaver Valley, county of Columbia IV., and Urn. Yeager of llmleton. Luzerne county, Pa, to whom all per. tons Indebted to tald estui" are requested to i ako payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. II. W. NUNdKSiKIt, J MT M Administrators. AITLtOATION FOR CltAltTF.a NOtlCA la herehv frlvnn thttt. nn ftnnlletttftn wilt bo made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on tho UUIIl-VIUII UNY Ul UTCUIUD T A. W., 1031 D ft HI Monroe, o WNeaL 1 w winita, samuol Noylmrd, P K Wirt, 1) M Bold, o fl Campbell, i A Malae and James Corcoran, citizens ot the s'ate of Pennsylvania, under tho Act ot Assembly approved April t9th wi, entitled, "An Act to pro. ide ror tno incorporation and regulation ot cer tain cornorattons." and the siinnlcmentH thereto. forthcharterof an Intended orporatlon to bo viiuvii -iiiu iiucr iten inn vompnuy," inosniu corporation Is formed tor the purpose of establish. iiik ami mamiainirg nn noiei, to do locaica at Jameson city, Columbia county, r-ald state and . for ,,urKW0 10 f p0S9CtSi 'B'nd enjoy nil tho i rUhts. bencnts and prlvleges of snld Act of Assembly nnd aupplementa thereto. A. U F11ITZ. tl. K. UUVF.I I solicitors. Nor, st IW. -VTIOK OV TUB ULOOMSUUIIQ WATKIt COMPANY. DLooMsnuHti pa., NOVBMnurt 22, 1888. BP KC1ALNOT1CK TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Hoard of Directors of this company havo called n npeclal meeting ot Its stockholders, to bo held at my omce, the general otltcu of tho com pany, In Uloomsburir, on Saturday, January si, A 1). lKBi, at and between the hours ot two (!) and (oar (4) o'clock r. u , lor (he purposn ot voting for or against an Increase of tho Capital stock. FKANK P. MIXMEYKIt, Seoy. c llAHTEIt 0T1CE. In tho Court of Common I'Imh for t he einntT of Columbia of February term, 181 No. Noll e ft Hereby Riven that an ppiicatlon will bo made to the said court on Saturday the 15th day or Decemoer ws, nt 10 o'clock a. m, under tho Act of Assombly of tho commonwealth of 1'ennsjlvai la, entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and regulation of certnln corpora tlonn," approved April vt, 874, and the supple ments thereto ror the charter of an Intended cor. por tion to be called, 'legion ot St. Ignatius or Centvalla. I'a." theth -acterand object whercor Is bcnenclal end for the advancement of litera ture nnd science, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bencilta and i rl vileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supple, raenta. CHAKLES G. DAHKLKY. HoUcllor. Nor. nL ORPHANS' COURT SALF. OP VALUABLE By virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county the undersigned executor of Isaac Bower late of llrlarcrcektownablp, deceased, will expose to public sale on the premises In Briar. creek township, Columbia county, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1889 at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described two tracts of land sltuato In Brlarcrcek township aforesaid, tho one being bounded and described as follows : Beginning nt u stono In line ot lnndform erly James Adams', thence north 10 degrees, west 81 and two-tenths perches to stone, north 52 de grees, cast IS and scven.fnths perches to stone, thence north to degrees, west 61 and one-tenth perches to stone, north 4Sjtf degrees, east "Hand four-tenths perches to stone bouth 10 degices, etsr. 131 anl three-'enths perches to Btone, souih SIX degrees, west 108 and three-tenths perches to stone, thoplacorif beginning, contalelng SIXTY-NINE ACRES and twenty-two perches of land, about all Improved, with FRAME DWELLING, BARN and outbuildings. The other piece ot land in same' township, adjoins the above find Is used with same as one farm, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In 111 e ot N. Stout, thence north 6C degrees, east 91 perches to plno. thence by land now o' formerly Jacob Mller north lOK degreei, west 87 perches to a thenco south W degrees, west W perches to a pine knor, thence, nytho first described, south I0 degrees, east 8? perches to place ot beginning, containing TWENTY ACRES of LAND TEhms OF sale. Ten per cent of one- fourth at the striking dowi ot the property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent at the confir mation of sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one j ear thereafter, with interest from confir mation nisi, IHAIAn BOWER. Jacxsom, Atty. Executor, Deo 14 Berwick Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! By virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned administrator of Joseph H. Patton, late ot Oreenwood township, said county, deceased, wUl expose to public sale on the premises near Itohrsburg, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real estate : No.l. A certain lot or piece ot land situate In the township ot Oreenwood, Columbia county, bounded by lands of the heirs of Samuel Olllaspy, Jacob Oerrard, Joseph P Dewltt and the public road, leading from Itohieburg to Ulllvllle, and containing ONE ACRE, MORE or LESS. No. a. A certain lot or piece of land sltuato In the said township of Greenwood, adjoining the above mentioned lot and lands of Cyrus Fnus, Jacob Oerrard, Jacob Lemon, Joseph P. Dewltt and the aforesaid public road, containing 4 ACRES and 21 PERCHES, more or less. The said two rleccslof land, though purchased separately are used as one tract and so enclosed, whereon are erected n good flzed Two-Story Frame Dwelling Souse, new frame barn, wagon shed, and other outbuild ings. Thero Is a good welt of .water, fruit trees and vines. TEItMSOFSALE. Ten per cent, of one-fouith at tne striking down of tho property, the one fourth less the ten per cent, nt tno confirmation ot sale, and the remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, wlih Interest from confirmation nisi. O. P. PATTON, Bibxlet, Atty. Administrator, Deo 14 Kusbtown Pa. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed will be cxpoacd to publlj sale at Court House, In the town of Bloomsburg on SATURDAY. IX-ceml'er 29th, 1888 at 2 p.m., the following real estate situate In Beaver township, Columbia county Pa., boundtd and de scribed as follows, to-w It : On the south by lands of 8 P Wolverton, on tho west by lands ot S 1" Wolverton and Peter Knight, on the north by lands ot wMow Steely, now Mrs. Fisher, and on the east by lands of Willi im Boyles, containing thlny-four acres, more or less, whereon are erect ed a two story plank houseand other outbuildings- Belied taken In execution at the suit ot Jacob '.ongenberger vs. Henry Smoyer, and to be sold as the property ot Henry Smoyer. ZuiH, atty. Vend. Ex. ALSO All that certain messuage and lot of ground sltuato tn the village of btlllwater, Flshlngcreek township, Columbia county, pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt; On tho north by a pub Hero id on the east by lot of John Barber, on the south by lot ot Samuel Smith, and on the west by tho public rood leading from Stillwater to Benton, contain!! g one-bait acie moro or less, whereon are erected a two ftory dwelling house, a shoemaker shop, stable and outbuildings, Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as tho property of Frank Wolf, Iibiik i IUhkino, Attys. Fl. Fa. SAMUEL SMITH, Deo 7 Sheriff. EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE ISeal Estate ! There nlll be exposed to publla S9le on the premises In Ftshlngcreek township on WEDNESDAY, January Oth, 1889. at 10 o'clock a m. the following described property owned bv the estate of John Laubach, deceased t Beginning at a post along the publlo road to a corner, to lands sutvo ed for ltlchard Bright, thetce along said Brlght'a survey and adjoining lands of Lemon Pealer north 24 degrees, west 10 perches lo a post, thence by lands ot Whlte- nlght Bros, south e3 degrees, west forty-two and three-tenths perches to a hemlock corner, thence by lands of J M Laubach touth SV degrees, east fori y-oi e and seven-tenths perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same south tlx degrees, east one hundred and two perches to stone corner, thence by tho same north el degrees, cast 7 perches to place ot begunlng, containing a acres more or lets. TKHMSOFSALEt-Tcnper cent, ot one-fourth of the purchase money lobe pan at the sulking dew n ot the property i the one-fourth less the ten tercent. at tuecontlrmaiion of saie; anu me ie uulrdng threo-fourthlnonejeartheieatter, with Intvrest Horn connrrualton U. J. H. 11UCKALKW, pe Kxeoutor, OTICE OF , This Institution la n high grade Business Col lose, giving Instruction In overy department ot business education. In addition to the regular business course It makes n specialty of Phono graphy, Typo-wrltlng, Telegraphy, and ornamen. tal Penmanship, The prominent feature ot tho Commercial Courso is Its practical character. Noarl" every set of books has been taken from first-class business establishments, nnd a largo proportion ot tho courso In book-keeping Is mailo up from our system ot actual business practice, unsurpassed In the sclcntlBo application to mod em business methods. A larger proportion ot our graduates regularly obtain nrst-class positions than from any other commercial college In tho stalo. Year begins Aug. sti, 1W. For circulars address w. I DEAN. lTlncipaL Nov Sm. Kingston, Pa. VTOTICE TO 8T0CIui0LiEU37 nro will ha An election nf a (IoaM nf DtreefnrA of tho Bloomsbu-g Banking Company, nt their hanking house, on Tuesday, .tammy 8th, IKSV, at 9 o'clock p. m., to servo tor the ensuing year. ll. II. liltOTZ, Dcoutt cashier. "MAHTKIt NOTIOK. Sol otlee la herebr riven that an annllcAtlon will bo made to the rottrt or common Pleas of col. umbla cnuntv, on tho tenth day of Uecembt r next at ten o'clock In the forenoon, under Actof Assem bly entitled, "An Act toprovldo for tho Incorpora tion and regulation ot certain corporations." np- B roved Apt 11 :9 li;. nnd thcsupplementa thereto, y Hev, J. A. Peters, liev. F.c. Yost, Hev. 8. s. Kohler, ltev. J. h Wagner, and Itev. Alfred Itoutz, forthechirterof nn Inte-ded corporation to bo called "The Vomlng ckssls of the lteformed Church In tho United stales," the character and object t which Is the advancement and promotion of the dnctrlnes, customs and usages of tho He formed . hutch In ti'e United states, nnd tor these purposes to have, posses , and enjoy all tho lights bencllisnnd privileges conrorred by the Act of Assembly aforesaid, and its supplements. 0. W. MILI.KIt, Nov 16 solicitor. DMINISTH A.TOK'3 NOTICE. :j(it(e of Alice if. A'artu, latr of Cmton toitmMp, Notice Is hereby given that letters of admlnls trajlon on tho estate of Alice M. Ka ns, lato ot the township ot Benton, county of Cotumoli, and stato ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have txen grant ed to A. 0. Karns of Benton township Columbia county Pa., to whom nil personslnd bled to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will mako known the sanio without del.iy. A C. KIRKS, Dec U cw Administrator, c. t, a. 4DMlNISTIlA.TOK'3 NOTICK. slate of Weemnrlo Hess, late of SugarloaJ township. Kotlco is hereby given that letters of admlnls tratlon on tho estate ot Klteemarla Hess, late of tho township of sugarloaf, county ot Columbia, and statu of Pcnnsylvanl deceased, have been granted to Jesse Hess, to whom all persons In ebtcd to said estate aro requested to mako pay munls. and thoso havli.gclalras or demands will make known the same without delav, FKirz, Atty. JESSKHESS, Dec new. Administrator, c. t. n. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned hnving been re stored to health by simple mean", after siiPlTrint; for setetnl yoais with a severe lung nfleetion, and that dread disea-o Consumption, ts auxioiu to mako known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To thoso w ho (If sire it, ho will cheerfully send (fieo of ehar e) a tony of tho prescription ued, which they will find a -lire cure for Consujiption, Asiiima, Catahkk, BnoNoiiiTis and ill throat and luntr Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his lltniedy, as it is invaluable. Tho-o desiring tho prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may piove a blowing, will please addrcs, Rev. Edward A. Wil son, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. A-&-co.-dec-7-ly ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm IS WORTH $ X o o o TO AN V MAN Woman or Ghila, HuflTcrliiK from CATARRH Nota LiQUinorWsurp HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 6U cents nt Druggists,- by mall, registered, (0 cte. ELY BltOTIlEHS, 56 Vt'nrren Street, New Y'ork. Nov tu-d-4t PAT nveats and Trade Marks obtained, nnd all Patent uslncss conducted for MODKIt TK FEES. OUII OFFICE 18 OPP SITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We havo no sub-aecncles. all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less time anu atj,usa tuai tuan tuusu rcinuiuirum Washington, send model, drawing, or photo. with description. We advise If patentable or not. free ot chanre. Our ree not due till patent Is secured. A book,"How to obtain Pntentswlth references o actual clients In your state, county, or town. nt ire. Aaure&a C. A. SNOW & CO., oproelto Patent Offlco, Washington, v. O EXHAUSTED VITALITY TIIESU1ENCKOK UFK, the great MedlcAl Work of the ageonMauhood,NerY oils and I hyrica l)o blllty, lrem&tur Do 1UnU TUVCrir clisf, ErruriorVumU, ItnUffl I II I Wkkl lanJthe untoM diIkt I contAequent Uiereon, 800 iiaqw 8 voM 1M pro wnjitlona fur ail diseases. Cloth, full ullt, only f 1.U0, by mail, pealed. Illustrative sample free to all youne mid middle-agwl men. Send now. The Mold and lewellf d Medal awarded to tho author by the Nation it Medical Association. Address P.O. lfox tft)5,lka ion, Mua.,or lr. W.II. l'AHKKlt, Eraduatoof llir yard Medical College, 23 years' practice In HontoiL tio may Imj consulted confidentially. OSlcc, N Hulflncn Ht (Specialty Disease of Mao, Cut out. You in7 nerer tee It aguln. Nov 30 d-4t. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned havtner nut his Planlnc M Itnllroad street. In r.rBt-ctass ccndltlon.lsp'e rea roao aumnasor worainaisiino, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLlNDS.MOUDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. nrmsned ui reusuuuuie prices. All inmberuse s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen areemployod, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. C II ARISES HRCti, ItliiiimslHrt:, Pa f A TPTF73 New Cure comes from uzl v 'jlhsX ciilnii. O teens IlnsDltal and lmdon Cancer Hospital report curei." -V, r. Kipress. Kndorse'd Dj' Moillcal j-iurnats. euro guaramet LircuuntriiBR. uun YY.Y CO., u tJ, rueuio, coin. nov i n mw, M. C. SLOAN & BRO. IJI.OOMSHUHG, PA. X.mufacturoraot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHALTNS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAOSS AC Firsr-claas work always on hand. liEVAJMjxa tfRAlLY DONK. P Irrt rnlwulln mlt the timet; OP Tim itnilerslened resoectfullv culls site linn that ns Abraham enyiler Is nra anil that a pump-maker is needed, that I am Mnt !.. n.wl ...111 llliu iiinv uu.iufcBa uuu mil IIMinu pumps and tin rtpnlrlnp; on reason ublo i.v.m nd niiDP.nlfiH aatlafuntlnn j. W. Reynolds, Espy Pa. Blinp near the canal grocery, Nov. S8-4w A nP'KTT'C! WAN'M5il ei iW 1 MN 1 w) plo) ment n t goat s lulstlon. Addrens A, U. 1'UAiT, WANTitn,-lermanent em s.uarr or com fturneryuaa ltochester, N. Y, nor ati, I. fflaier, Reliable Clothier, tolld you thnt pntronngo lina been so favorable that wo are compelled to add nyCOE AND FINER C3-OOIDS to our stock. Wc have iioav tho Finest Mm ai &vermatst BmiM for Mom YmtM,j Eay and! 0MMrenf that can be shown outside of New York or Philadelphia. We have just, received our Holiday Goods, such as CrolMiaiiidl Umbrellas, Fan Silk Sis peM'tfeii's, Firaest of Seal sMia (Caps, Mme Silk and Bearby Mats, TJ3STIDE1I?,"W"E3j!LI, &C. &C. As said before, LARGEST W. Hartman & t Sons' GREATEST CHRISTMAS DISPLAY. Never before hai tero been onrned in tins nr nnv ntlmr town, witliin fifty miles aroaud, such a largo nud fine Wo cannot think of nRminir thorn. will sullicc. Plush Goods in do " do " All the novelties in Iliis n Brar. TidiuH. In books wu have the best and See Our 29c. Books. "Scottish Chiefs", &c. In ilislus we havo all the la'.osi, pattorng. In glassware wo havo the nowo-t shapes. In lianuinp ninl stand lamps vo liave a j;ri'at vaiiety. Columbian '6' Ti 'I I' lillllllll JL'UllUll has just received n fine lino of SIlverware.Ladies' nnd Gen'lrmen's Wnichep, also a com plelu lino ol Jewelry, Clocks, &c. Goods purchased of mu ungraved f reo of chirpo. Repairing a Call anil examine my stock before purchasing in Ono of the latott iiiiurovi'm-ntB is llm which enables onu to idav without dUturbiutr anvono in the i.initv nnd with nine wear 10 u o instrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTIUIMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, after thirty years ot seven st test aro usid, on aecom.t oi unequalled durability, bv CG coilojifs and manv oihern iu mu unueu otatcs. THE F.STF.V TTPnrnTIT 1IA-Mr world for uurirht nifinns. nnd tlin . , , , t -o - r- , introillinpfl With linnrrht mnnna .. r..t)w. ,.....,. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 38 vcaw. A warrant of fiv years is given with each instrument. tho market. Our LINE of ORGANS is very oomplotc. wo have THE OULE KSTKY, THE MILLEK, WOKCESTEH, UNITED STA'J'ES, raakcH SEWING We have tlio ccltbrnti'd WHITE, STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NKW HOME. Pianos, Organs nnd Sowing Machined f"ld on itibtallment plan. SVo havo uWo bnitjcB. guitars, Geiniar accoritoons, blow aucordfon, llute, fifin mouth Trf;3iis. drum, ifco. Fivh Immlntl pitces of ten cent ehtot iiiumo, tfco., &o. Second baud pianos, orijaiiH and ntwing macliinca on hand, and received in exoimtiuu for new ones. Agont.for Butterick and Dementio paper patterns and fahion hookn. Sowini; maitlnnu needlofi, oils and attachments for nil machine always in stook. Uloomsburg Pa. ((s" ssiwik journal, iyt I U LM" I s ttk Anm. d ottr uki &11 dle.i at efu k U iu poiiibllltUi rt irttt." rri4lO A, WALSH, fldj.frt, au Dw T-am, our aim is to sell lots of goods at RESPECTFULLY YOURS. iUISS LIAI IR? N COLUMBIA colloetion of A fnw itema in ttvlt.o nn.i i.ricna Manacurc Sets, Toilet Sets, Whisp Holders, &c. Nnnkinp. Tnunk TTmw1knrnlii.r n cheapest. Specialty. elsewhere. All coods gunranteed. J. U. WKLLS, HloomsburR, I'a. Wo have in iock u finer lino of ninsVii iutri!inents than htm over bet'ii botifrht in 1iih section, and we aro makinu xpccinl itoducoiiK nlK to purohuiers for the holiday etihoii. Wo pet our inptrnictnts dinct m tin liriniilaclorii f, antl eiti oiler 1 1'tter tonim than can bo given by miy other uitiei'. THE 1VEIIS & POND PIANOS btand at tho head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NO IN USE nt tho BOSTON CONSEUVA. TOHV of MUSIC. NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT u.iil, i !.. .i. first, nnd nnlv iir.rf.ft rmumiiin, .,r.tin. - J l -"I 't .nv,.i It is tho lest mcditini-priced p'ano in EBRATED and other MACHINES. NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME. ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and ' J. Saltzer, General Agent. ;; I CHEAP FARMS AND HOMES ) ... ri1cealpr. sioo 10030,0011 1 hoaltl y cllmito II e6ullC'lonHtiiclUeliy water or railroad) bait, I water luxurltm ubundanu Henri ataiup for prlcg small profits. IN COIAJIM COUNTY, PA. nAkET fEpoivrs. liliOOMSUURG MARKET. Wholesnle. Iietall. Wheat per bushel Rye " Can " " .... Oats " " no (iO 70 32 45 0.80 2-1 20 24 20 40 CO 12 10 03 05 (17 10 09 12 8 10 12 11 20 80 7? 1 00 07 85 5 to 7 Flour " bbl Butter Kt!l!S Potatoes Ilnms Dried Apples Bide Hhotilder Chickens Obese Lnnl jier lb Vlnecnr per cal Onlous per bushel Veal skins Wool tier lb Hides CoAt ON WllAHF. No U 42.00; Nos 2. 8, & Lump $3.25 no. ii .i.mi itituminus tf.ii.ur F IRE INBURAHt J! CtlHISTIAN V. KNAl'P, ULOOMSBtiHO.r. uuaia, ur c. x. -MK1KJ11 ANTS', OF NEWAKK, N. 3. CLINTON, N. Y. l'EOI'LKS' N. V. ItKADIMO, PA. (1E1IM AN AMKHICAN INS. CO..NKW OKK. (lllKfcNWK'll INS. CO., NKW VOUK. JKKMKY CITY FIHK IMJ. CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. These i'LD cohforationb are well aeasonMl tr aijo and v:bk txstkd and have never yet hod a loss bfttleil by any court ot law. Their assets are all Invested In solid shcuhitiks are Uahletotbe nzaru or riKEoniy. Losses PROMi-rur and rtONESTLT adlustedand lulu as soon as determined by chkistum r. KHAPP, SPECIAL AQSKT AND ADiL'STRH I1LOOUSCUKQ, Pa. Tho people of Columbia county should patroa lno tho nguKcy wjiere losses If any are settled and pin uy fin oi iuer own cinzens. I'ltOUITNKSH. EOUITY, KAIlt TJBALI0. T t3UY i your Rubber Boots until you havo scon tho "COLCHESTER" with "Extension Edo'' & Napoleon Top. Thia Is the boat fitting nnd HOST DURABLE BOOT In the market. Mndo of tho Boot PURE CUM stock. The"Extonalon Edno" protects tho up per, adds to wonr of the 8ole by giving broader trending:, AND SAVES MONEY FOR THE WEARER. IT BUY YOUR ARCTICS UN I TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTEB ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." Ahead Of ALL othors In style & durability. If you want the worth of your money try the Colchester with "OUTSIDE COUNTER." Kopt Hare by Bsst Stores AT WHOLESALE BY IIIOKGAN IIKOH. ii CO., Wllkcsbarre, I'a. Nov. lo-3m. " lti.jul iiu-" mends broken t'UInu, Ulass, Wood, Uatlier, Metals, Fur nlturo, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity I Hold by Urocers, Druggists and Ocnerul Htures. . FOR SALS BY I. W. Hartman Sons, The Great Eastern Tea Co., W.H. Drooko SCa (1. N. Wilson. .1. 1l Merger. Elwellfililttentiender. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean&cs and beautifies tho hiir, I'roinoief a luxuriant crowtb. Nyr Faili to Reitor Qriy; Hair to Hi Youthful Color. frttrrnU Pandniff and hair falUnf Deo 7-d-M. Mitchell's KIDNEY PLASTERS Cure all Tain or Weakness &cros9 tho Kidneys, Hack or I-olna. They draw the Vain from ttio Kldneyato the surface nt tho boily, ab-orb all Disease, anil restore the Uldneya to a healthy con. dltlon. Sold by nil Druggists. Price 50c. Deo 7-d-4t WANT! Agord man to reprenent ua as local agent. Can glvo control ot territory and steady work. lll uay good waitea and k'uarnnuo b'tcccbs. Write to J, AUSTIN SIAV, rnurHerjniiHi, WtUOKLVN, N. V. cjw iwiiJugBswiaji-jajtiaagaiijgastSM leo 7-d-tt MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH DOILINQ MILK, uoor-d-n 5 muz' - now ROYAL 0LUE