COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBtJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. Progress ot tho Boatn. i Cheering reports como from tho south of tho great buainens boom in that Hcotion. Tho dovelopinont of tho natural resources has put business in tho Southern States on a solid basis. ' At Charlotte, North Carolina, four largo cotton mills aro in process of erec tion, ono of whloh has just been put in fall operation, and the other throo will bo ready by January 1st. At Birmingham, Alabama tho follow ing report is givoo: Eight years aco this city was only a villaRO, and the development of tho coal and iron resources of this section had just begun. Four years Ago many m mucus wcio in uiasu uoal mines had been opened and tho success of iron making in Alabama had been ful ly established. A comparison of tho trado and manufacturing of this city with four years ago shows that both havo mom than quadrupled within that time, but competition has perhaps slightly reduced proGts, although tliero s plenty of margin yet, especially In iron making. Uecenlly numerous small industries havo been established, and in every instance they havo been very successful. An unusual amount of building is being done this year, ami both skilled and common labor finds roady employment at cood wascs. Six new furnaces havo gono in blast since ,ian. i, nnn nvo others aro building and will ro in blast by Sept. 1 1889. Sam uel Thomas & Sons, of Pennsylvania, navo commenced the erection of a seo ond 160-ton furnfloo and a 100-ton roll . Ml Hi . . . . ing-miu. ino nrst rurnaco went in blast in April aud has been a complete success. Tho report from Atlanta, Georgia, Biaio mai during tne last lour years uusiness uas increased wonderiully, and tho territory covered from this point has been greatly enlarged. Eight years ago ino uusiness interests ot this conn try were exceedingly active. Tho neo- plo had about, overoomo The vicissitudes of i war and had capital to invest. Ad ded to this, Northern capjtal jbegaq to pour in aud tho scope of manufactures to widen: cotton in manufacturing. plough works, wood works and all the handicrafts were represented. It was in consequence of this activity that in 1880 Atlanta appeared on the census tables as tho second city in tho Union for tho number of its inhabitants en gaged in mechanical pursuits. Tho trade in mercantile lines kept pace- with the increase in manufactures and the foundations of many largo fortunes wero made. jlhq mosi glowing account comes from Tennessee. In 1880 Chattanooga nau oniy imy-iour industries employ ing sz.fyu.UUU while at the present time mere are 14a industries, giving employment w 5u,uuu,uuu ot capital, While it is true that for the past few years iron has commanded a very low figure, all the furnaces in tlio Ohatta nooga district, which includes South Pittsburg, Dayton a&d a number of other iron centres, havo been running on mil time ana nave been able to, dis pose of all their products at fair prices. This condition of affairs existed when the Presidential campaign opened this year. Business went along just the same as if there bad been no National election on hand. All the factories in Chattanooga. have been running on full uiuu, auu a careiui survey ot tne ueia shows that the average increase of bus! noes concerns during 1888 will bo at least'25 per cent, over 1887. Yet last year was the most prosperous year mo nisiory oi me city. At tho pres ent time and since tho beginning of the year more than 32,500.000 has been invested in now buildings, exceeding uie operations oi loai oy $1,UUU,UUU. Nor is this true oL Chattanooga alone dui in ine past inree years, for in stance, seventeen furnaces have began operations within a radius of 150 miles, J. hero are two hero in HashviIIe, two in Florence, flvo in Sheffield, one in Decatur, four in Ensley and three in .Bessemer. All these are doing a satis factory business now, and so far as the iron industry is concerned, it is very much more flourishing than four years ago, This is the leading industry oi this section. All our industries, lipw ever, felt muoh more settled this, year than in 1884, because there was much uneasiness then as to tho result. Now, however, that the Democratic Admin istration has not dono anything to rad ically change the natural order of busi ness, there was a general feeling that the country was safe in the hands of either party. From Roanoke, Virginia, comes the following: No section of tho South has prosper ed more than southwestern Virginia in tho past eight years, and no placo has grown more rapmiy tnau itoanoku (Jity. In 1880 it was known as Big Lick, and had a population of 350, one tobacco factory, ono tavern and two or threo stores. The completion of tho Shonaudoal Valley Kailroad to this placo iu 1883 and erection of the Crozer Steel and Iron 'Works and tho Itoauoke Machine Works in 1884 swelled tho population io o,uuv. oince men it nas continued to grow with scaictly a cheek, aud to day tho city has 14,000 inhabitants. Uhe Urozer fated and Iron Works has a capital of 8500,000, and tmplov here and in mines 550 men. Tho cap ital stock of tbo Hoanoke Machine Works in 1884 was S500.000, and 500 men and boys were employed, the an nual pay-roll accrPEStinc S200.0OO. During tho past year employment wa given to 1,000 persons, and tho pay-roll iooiea up to souu.uuu. m addition. several bundled men are employed tho general offices, depots and ya of the Norfolk and Western and hhenandoah Valley railroads. The samo is true of other corporation here, A rolling mill has lately been erect ed and the largest fruit oatmery in the South has been in successful operation for soveial months. In addition there may he noted throo tobacco factories, an ico factory, two largo planing mills, a sasu, aopr, ound and wood turning lactory, nvo duck lactones, a Bteara nounng'mill ond tw carriage factories. All havo sprung up in the last four years, and are doing a prosperous busi ness, une cauning interests of this section aro rap'dly increasing, Bote tourt County having thirty-fivo facte- nee, jvuuuuku bix, anu uns city one. Further South and West industries have been established which aro also doing well, lu 1884 the local ship ments of the Norfolk and Western Railroad were Cfi0,87l tons; in 1887, 1,820,510 lous. The mineral shipments in the meantime havo increased from 347,870 tons to 1,417,547 tons. About moo hundred buildings have been erect ed in tho last year against 340 tbo year previous. Tho peoplo of this city and section aro not meddling with politics, but de vote themselves to business acd to building up the city. Tho area sown to winter wheat in the Middle and Western States is ful ly iqual to last year, His Bpeeoh Bayed Hit Life- ;;it yon would Ilka to BaV a few words Word wo string you up,'' Bftid tho spokesman of tho(vigiianto commit tee, pinrniv, "you may navo ino cuanoe. "inoro is something l would iiko to say," respondod the condemned horse- tnici, paio out sen-posscsseu. -vu i ask is that you will permit mo to say it m 1 1 1i A n t ttitriirnhrSnn "Go ahead,'' said the S pokes man. la conically. "Wyil let you, finish." "Then, gentlemen," began the con demned man, with deep emotion, "I havo a fow words of solemn warning to utter. In the innocent and happy davs of my young manhdod, beforo I came to Arizona ami fell iuto evil ways I was engaged in a useful and honora- blo calling. Had,! never abandoned it I might havo been still a respectable, and upright citizen. Though I havo become a bad man and am about to ro- ccivo my just imnishmont, I havo at ways kept a, memento ot tnose nappicr days. In, my valise, gentlemen, you will find a' copy of n jittlo work entitled Tho American Voter's ToxUBook,' .of , , , . ,r . , . - - ; . ... . wnicn i navo soiu nearly a uiouspiiu copies in one county iu Pennsylvania alono. it is indispensable to. every man who woiild keep hiimelf thorbughly posted as to those questions concerning , t i . f . i ' .; . i. which it is tne duty oi every ouikoii to uo fully advised. You will find Iri that vol ume, gentlemen, full and accurate in formation as to the political platforms of all tho parties, election returns from every stnlo in. tho Union, names of members of Congress, Judges of tho various courts, etc., with a mass of mis cellaneous statistics and facts nover be fore grouped togethor in ono work. Bound in cloth or half caif tho price of this valuable book has always beou" He paused a moment to wipe the scalding tears from his eyes. When ho looked about him again his audi ence had yatiishod. Ho was Bavcdl Chicago IVibunc The Snake Liked Persimmons'- AND IT WAS OWING TO THIS WEAKNESS OK tits' THAT THE NKQrO ESCAPED. Recently Madison Jolly, a well- known negro 'of Grecnb county, was attacked by a rattlesnake abcut three miles from here. Ho threw his bund les.down and made for the nearest tree, which happened to bo a largo persimmon tree loaded with ripo fruit, into which he quickly climbed, knock ing off some of the ripe persimmons as ho made his way up into the tree. When tho snake arrived at the foot of tho tree, instead of climbing dp after tho negro ho began to cat tho fruit whioh had fallen to tho ground. Aft or tho snako had finished devouring all tho persimmons in Bight he began to coil bimBelf around the tree prepara tory to climbing it. Tho frightened negro, seeing the snake had eaten tho fallen persimmons, gathered a handful and thiew them to the ground, then the snake uncoiled from around tho tree and began 'to oat the fruit the darky had thrown down. This was repeated several times, when tho darky, bethought himself of a small vial of morphine which he was carrying home to his sick wife. He split open sev eral persimmons and emptied tho con tents of the vial upon them; and drop ped them to his snakeship, who im mediately ato thom. The , drag acted like a charm upon tne snake, and ho was Boon lying helpless upon the ground.. The1 negro climbed down and ran to a bouse near by and secur ed help and returned and dispatched the snake lying helpless from tho ef fects of the morphine. The snake was eighteen feet long, six inches in diameter and bad forty-four rattles and a buttoi on tho end of his tail, and had been the terror of Tubb's Creek swamp for the past twenty-five or thirty years. Gainesville Ala.) Messenger. FOR COLDS. SORE THROAT, UUKNs, Mrmses, Cttts, Old Sores, Sore Eyes, Piles, POND'S EX TRACT is an invaluable' remedy. Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and many other ills aliko in cbaractor, and any external or internal inflammation or bleeding,, yield to its raagio influ ence. POND'S EXTRACT is sold overywhere, but only in POND'S EXTRACT Co's bottles. Avoid imi tations. Mrs. Cleveland's Grit. A lady who was at the White House on Tuesday night says that there was no more nervousness dis played by Mrs. Cleveland than by any other lady in tho group. All were deeply interested, and tho rest of them did not attempt to control a feminip'e impatience when it became evident that tho revelations of the evening were not going to bo entirely happy. But Mrs. Cleveland was "true grit ' all through. She chatted and laughed and entered iuto tho discus siou over Miss Eodicott's approaching marriage as if that were the upper most Bubject in her mind. As the evening wore on the ladies, with true womanly sympathy, began to git all possible comfort out of the situation and endeavored to buoy up the hopes of the ineu. They all separated a half hour after midnight and went homo with the certainty of defeat. Mrs. Cleveland aud her mother were brave and smiling to the la-it; neither showed by tho least word their great disappointment. Mrs. Cleveland in tends making her fast winter in the White House the moat memdrablo of her careor there. She will havo lots of friends to stay with her from time to time, and elio will vary the beaten track of official hospitalities by a hum ber of Icbs formal events whioh she will arrange for the pliamre of ber guests. As long as tho Indian sum tner lasts tho President and Mrs. Cleveland will remain at their country place, but they intend to .spend a pleisant winter at the White Iloiise. Washington Post. Over two hundred and fiftv cold and silver mines havo been register ed lately in tho department of Antio quia, Colombia. If You Are Sick With Headache, Nturalgla, KheumatUm Dyspep sia, umoiuneu, mooa Humeri, Kidney Disease, Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and A sue. Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous I'roa tralion, usu palne's Celery Compound and be cured. In each of these the cause Is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect or which li to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting la one of these diseases. Remote the cu-81 with thai great Nerve Tonic, and the iiuui.T mil aisappesr. Paine's Celery Compound ..J1?- l HowH, Sprlngleld, Mass, writes! .'Paine s relory Compound cannot be excelled as a.Nirve Ionic. In my esse a single bottle wrought a great change. Mr nervousness entirely illruppeared, ami with It the resulting aBidlou of the ttoinach, heart and liver, aud the hole tono of the system vtas wonderfuUy Invigorated. 1 tell my friends, If sick as I have been, Paine's Celery Compound Will Cure You! (told by drugglits. i six for W. Prepared only by Wilis, UicuiHbso.x & Co., Burlington, Vt. For Ihi atd. Nirvjui, likUitatil News Items. W. B, Ross (ooloredS of Greenville. Texas', principal of tho colored school. and a licensed attorney, voted tho dem ocratic ticket becauso ot bis oeliot in tariff reform. Tlin wliitn reiitibllcans of tho city stirred Up a hatred among tho colored peoplo, many ot whom re fused to allow their children to go to school, and otbertviso endeavored to force tho principal to resign his posi tion. Gen. J. A. Bnmont, Clilfcf of the Steamboat Inspection Service, reports that dutiug tho last fiscal year 0,425 vessels wdro inspected and 29,541 offi cers licensed, n decided inoreaBO over tho work of the nreceding vear. The total number of aooidents resulting in' loss of life was 30, causing tho death of 202 persons, or 18 less than during tho previous voar. Oi tho killed 85 were passengers and 117 wero persons employed on tho stcamcrB. Tho ldss of life during tho year Is less than tho average annual loss for tho deoado ter minated by tho year1, tho averago bolng' lily. Tho annual averago loss ot mo from 1850 to 1868', was 721, and from 1809 to 1878 3C5. Ben Batter's Washington Elephant Everybody who has visited the capi tal in recent years has had pointed out to him tho stono dwelling just south of tho Capitol grounds and has been told that it belongs to General Beniamin F, Bullor. Everybody wh6 is familiar with tho recent work of tho appropria tion committees of Congress knows that General Butler has been exceed ingly anxious to unload his big bouse upon tho government, ilo has succeed ed in renting it to Congress for tho uso of some of the Honao committees, but thus far his efforts to sell it havo' not been access ful, Thero aro persons in Washington now who aro uncharitable enough to ask whetbor the purchase of the liutler house at a round tiguro would not be regardod by its owner as a fair exchange for the Republican speeches ho raado this fall in Michigan and Boston. Washington JVews. Bait Rheum With its intense itching, dry, hot skin, often broken into painful cracks, and tbo littlo watery pimples, often fcauscs indescribable suffering. Hood's Sarsa parilla has wonderful power over this disease. It purifies the blood and ox- pols the humor, and tho skin heals without a scar. Send for book cun taming many statements of cures, to O. I. HOOD & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Wanamaker and the Uabinel- "Two things aro oertain in regard to Ueneral Harrison s Cabinet, said a well informed gentleman yesterday "and'drie who made the nomination possible at Chicago. "Tbo' first is that Pennsylvania will have a port folio and tho other i- that Low Wal- laootwill be Secretary of War. The Pennsylvania man, I believe, will be John Wanamaker, though lie is not a -1. HI Tl . Til 1 It: uui lauiiy. iiir. uimiiu win uuve uie State -Department offered him beyond a doubt and there are indications that he will accept." iVeto York Press, Jiep. Tie New H World CWCULATION FOR 1688 mi it Ho Its circulation Has drown: (UM.u; UNI. ,! ,. mw.MS 18S4. 1 2i,51,7 5 61J41.36T 1SS5. -o ,, -,U,1,U41 18ST fiS JIM fiS 11888 (over) 100,000,000 ra WEEKLY WORLD tie best iiD imm NEWSPAPER On tho North American Continent. 12 Large Pages and 84 Long1 Oolrirnns- A POPULAR NOVEL PUBLISHED IN AND GIVEN WITO EACH ISSUE OP THE WEEKLY EDITION. The following Novels were published In one quarter. Tne list wlU show tho class or Novels riven weekly : The Littlo OM Man or the Batignollea. . ..Oaborlau. Mlgnonj or. Bootles's liaby. Winter The nappy Man. , Lover When the Ship comes Home uesant It is the Law WlUson Mlawa's Hevenge Haggard A Woman's Love , liraeme Mlgnon'a Secret. winter roor Zeph...... llooinaon Treasures or Franchard btevenson Wedded and Parted Drueme Pluclc Winter Hiss Bretherton. ward This Library of Fiction will be supplied to Subscribl-rs oulJ No Kxlru Copies will bo printed. No Back Num bers can bu furnished, a,d no Single Copies will be sold. One Vear (31 iiutiiherH), i 1 6 MoutliH (6 riunitierti), 30c. 1 3 MoutliH (13 numbers), 23c. Send postal (or specimen copy. Aoknts Wanted at Evkiiv PosT.Omos. Address THE WORLD New York. " Hojnl Liquid tililtt" mends broken China, (ilau, Wood, Leather, Metal, Fur niture, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity I Kola by Qrocers, Druggists and Oeneraa U tores. ROYAL GLUE FOR SALE BY I. W. Ilarttnan Rnna w, n, nrooke & co. (l. N. Wilson, The Great Eastern Tea CO., a. 11. pirruer. Elwell 4 Ulttenbender. AiTP.TTTC! WANTitn.-permanent em tlVJJXi lu ployment and good salary or com mission. Address A, niATT, Nurseryman. jiocnester, N. v. Warrants tn rvilnr mnrt ,h.n dyes ever made, and to itlre mors brUllojit and durable colors. Ask for the JJtammd, and take no other, A Dress Dyed A Coat Colored FOR IO A Child can use them I Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work, At druggists and Merchants. Dye Hook fret. WUll, RICHARDSON CO, Preps., lirltvM Vt, Peoplo Pay Ilcavy Bills For medical attendance nndmcdletno. Slcknciala expcnnlvc, and those with small Incomes feel this burden keenly. Tho physician must nomcttroea bo callM but he Is not needed one-tcnth ns often as many think. What in required Is n family medicine 1 ono that will relievo and cure those ailments .which arc liablo to como at any season nnd to mUck both sexes and all ages. Amid tho host of articles . that nro offered to tho publlo for this purpfw nearly all aro useless or worso than uselcf It Is no vain boast to say that the mcd. clnohcreln mehtloned lsof a very dlffcierit char actcr. What it has dono Is known to mull lumps of persons whom It has cured ot weary and pain ful dlncaocs. it has saved time, money and many! dear and precious Uvea. Now plcaso Understand that as tho llfo Is In tho blood so disease nnd death are in tho blood Get tho poison o n of tho blood and lite nnd health at onco return to ovcry part of thebody, Dr. lirown'aSarsnparllinaoesthfswork quickly and surely through lis direct and positive action upon tho stomach, bowels, kldnoys, liver ondtktn. For all waste and corrupt elements ranst be cast off by mews of thoao channels, ltheumatbtm, scrofula, bronchitis, gout consump tion, malaria, catarrh, hay fetor, nil skin affect ions and eruptions aro diseases of tho blood. Mr. (lo . 11. Wish, of tho nnn of ThnXtcr ft Wish, Bangor, Ma, was aftiicted with ascrotulous humor which caused troublesome sores npon both his ph'slelans consultetl,wllhout result.' Aftertnktng lirown's narsaprllla a short time ho was better, and soon theernpilons disappeared and ho Is now all right, nils 1.1 only ono of a thousand victories gained by BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not trentilnfi Unless br Aro. Wan-en & Co.. jjuuyr, av uiiiuau 1 itr-.Vii uvestWo LIVER OOVttGXS PILLS. iintrjni: op imitations, always amc nn ms. rumens mtzETS, oa LITTLE BUa Alt-COATED PILLS. IScliis entirely vegetable, they op erate without dlstui banco to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up In glass vials, bermeti "nl'y scaled. Always fresh and reliable. As a luxntlvc, nltcintlvc, or purgative, tin w Utile l'cllcu give the must pcrfoot s.v.ilr.ctlon. llrliCi. Illllnua IlonilnrtiOt nizzlucnn, Oonsttim tlml, IiiillBcst Inn, union Attni-Ms.nndoll di.r.intr'cmcnts of the stom ach mul bowels, aro prompt ly relieved end permanently hu l.n (ten atf ll..- I'lcrro'a'IMcnsriiit l'lirentlve PrllaU. In explanation of the remedial power of theso Pellets over sn jurat n vnrli-ty of diseases. It may truthfully be raid that their, action upon the ivfitcm Is uhlvi-rftnl, not ft gland or tissue esciiplng their raimttvo Influence, Sold by druggist, 2! cents aUal. Manufactured at the ChcMlml Laboratory ,of Wcuu.u'b Dibpessaut McuiCAii Association, llutTulo, N.'Y. Is offered br tho manufactur ers of U)r. Kngo'a Catarrh ltenicfly, for a case , of CI11 onto NiU-al Catairh'Whlch they cannot, cure. S OI' CATA'lJiill.-null, heavv heiiil-uilip. oliEtrlletlrtn or thq nasal imssares, ilisehnrgcs, tailing from the head into, ttia liroat sometnut, prmise, watery, ami ncrld, nt others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody noil putrid; tho cyrs are wink, wnb-ry, rjid'liiliauiedi theio Is tliiKlug in the ears, deafness, harming or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mutter, logcth,er -with sbs from ulcers; the M-Uu Is c-huiiKcd nhd'h.ts a nasal twaniri 'the bmith Is nilenslve; smrll end tnsto nro Im paired t there lsnsenantril( Of illrzlncss, with tnenUl.d.-resslon, u bni-Kln-r cough und gen cntl deliiluy. Only.n few 0! the above-ntutied symptoms tiro likely to bo present In anv one cusoj Thousands of cases, mutually, without manifesting half of tho nbove symptoms, re sult In' consumption, add end. In the graVd", Nu di.oao Is eo common, more deceptive and ldnngcrous,;or Jess iimk-rsMod by physruansj lt Its mild, soothluir, und healing properties, Dr.ifnge's CaUtrrh Itemed .cures tho worst cafes of Catarrh, u cola In tho head," Coryza, and Cnlurrlml Iloailnchc. Sold by druggists everywhere; CO cents. "Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. nVtiSNiEif, tho famous mesmerist, of Ithaca. K. 1'.. writes; "Some ten years ego I suffered untold agony from chronla nasal catarrh. My.famtiy physician up as tucurable, and said I tuiftt' die. My case was such a bad one, that ovcry day, towards sun-, set, my voice would becomo so ltoarso I could' burelyspeak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and clodringof my throat would almost Btranglo mo. Uy tho use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh'Itcluedy, In three mouths, I was a well man, and the euro has been permanent." Constantly IlawUliiff and Spitting." TnoMAB J. UnsniNQ, Esd., todt Pine Street, St. Louis, ifo.. writcst "1 was a great sufferer from catarrh for threo years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, aud for the hist eight months could not .breathe through tho, noBtrils. I thought nothing could bo dono for me. Luck ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sogo'a Catnrrii Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe It to bo tho only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give It a fair trial to experience astounding results, and a permanent cure." Threo Bottles Care) Catarrn. Eti Ilpnmus, Jfunvan P..O OoltimMnVCo., Pa., says: "ily daughter bad catarrh when sho was Ave years old, very badly. 1 saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh llemedy advertised, and pro-cured-a bottle for her, nnd soon saw that It helped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm 10 WORTH $ X o o TO ANV MAN Woman or Ghila Buffering: from CATARRH Not j. Liquid or Knurr I A n&rtieln In nnnlled Into' each nostril and agreeable. Price to cents at Druggists ,- by, moll,' reiasierta. eo cm. blv urnmuia, on narren street. New York. Nov so-d-4t PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleantes and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant crowth. Nevar Fails to Reitora Qrajrl nairio iia Toutniui uoior. Prevents Daintrufl and hair faUlng UjmlJMMlrugglsta Nov9-d-lt. Caveats and Trado MatKs obtained, nnd all latent business conducted tor MOUliHATK FEES. OUIt OFFICE IS OPPilSlTK U. S. PATENT OFFICE. Wo have no sub-ageqcles, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In Uwa time ana at Liuy cust man tnoBO remote rrom Washington. send model, drawing, or photo.wlth description. Wo advise If natcntable or not. tree, of chanre. Our fep not due till patent Is secured, . A DOOK.'-iiow to uuiainraienis,"wiiureicrenccs o aotua! clients In your State, county, or town, ntfre9. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite ratontomce, Washington, S. 0 EXHAUSTED VITALITY milESCIENCKO!' 'J-LIFE, the jfruit MedM Work or the geonManhool,Nerv out tad I'byIc4! l)e- hUlty, Premature Do vunu tuvccic dliip Krrn f Vt)iuh- UlIUIli IlllUUkl I I and the untold miwr- .u conruHiuont theruon. script ions for all diseased. Cloth, full K'lt. only f 1.U0, mall, sealed. llluitrativoBample troa to allyoainj nnd nuddle-aed men. Send now. The Gold n3 It'H.lkd Medal awarded to the author by the Nntlun k Motical AMoclatlon. Addrctta V,0, Uox lMJVl lon, rW,or Or. W.JL I'AHKUIt, KraduateoflUr lard Medical College, iii yeari practice In llonon wlio mar be coniulted confldentlally. Oillct, N-j Itiilfltxli Ht. HpecUlty, 1) If www of iUn. I'ut lltla out You war uevar aee ll uuuln NOT 30-d-U. Tho WONDERFUL LtlUHCCJ Bta Am and or COUCH.' Prlci,UU y. MHitjiiiBii, niciiQiti, riiicuir Rttilnlatsi Vht-iiHiBt .ana urotbii- usiriuig, in valid fisillil, Kannock. Oftci. Librarv. .. iMiiMi1 Osiriilig, Invalid ruciCrll riKlat. All aa. Rlllla CHAIRS nnd LOCIPEDE8 nnd SELF PROPEL1.ER8. All KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. RABY CP-AC HE8 Uter IOO dlffrrtnt ilralma. Oar Pllm Aatanallc Ellla oa all n. oafa at dlrcl with uia luakeia fou can tast leaoil 1 oj atrial llnriiiilna UI .lunl.lj 1,41. Hoods m.AYut.Ar . uu.hi.. Our ttuhing pnrtu aod dwlifttHHl Iree to am polat ia V I iM iw, Jsv-B.iid stamii for Oatalosaa, and auu olaaa oi sooda 11(0. LUIURC MFC. rn. 14S Nrtk Kbji tr..i, riaUklsJpbu, resits! MS r Haw sti jsh la m, O&blnet Speculations. Their ia a trcinciidous, altliotigb hidden, cxoitctncnl in tho intiur lie publioan circles over n report In circu lation horo UiAt Mr. Blnln6 dcslro nnd will nocopt Ihd Dositlon of (cbf6tftry 6f' Stato In Gen. Harrison's Cabinet. Tho' Information regarding Mr1. DlaltioV wislioa cornea from sources so direct and jiositlvo that it amonnts almost lb tiroof. Tills 1ms created a great deal of fcolintr and has caused tho nttcranoo of somo very decided objections from several quarters, tho moro mention of whioh would bo mtRt significant. Some of Mr. IUalncs friends aro denying the story and insisting that ho prefers the Senate, while others, less discreet, aro deolaring that their favorite leader will get tho cabinet position named, and that it is p rt ol n" bargain mado at Chicago or elsowhoro. Tho repeated abortions of Hon. John O. New that Qon. Harrison is hampered by no bargains is quoted in reply, but they nro rtcoived derisively. Ono thing is certain, the fooling stirred up by tho possibility of Mr. 15 bi no's exaltation will causo a desper ate fight to bo mudo again t hi'iu by men whom Gen. Ha'rison oannot af ferd to ignore. Senator Sherman, who is tho only opponent of Mr. Blaino men tioned eo far, says ho will not go into the Cabinet antler pressure, and that he does not expect to bn imitcd. He insists that he wishes to remain in tho Senate, nnd that ho prefers his plaoe at tho hoad of tho Foreign Affairs Committeo to that of Secretary of State. Gen. Harrison has written several letter to Mr. Sherman since election day Inviting him to corao to Indiana polis, but tho Ohio Senator does not seo his way clearly to nn acceptance of tho invitation for reasons that aro pcr tonnl. Ho does not want to go into the Cabinet and ho docs Dot want to figure as a Cabinet maker. In tho coming four montliB there will bo somo very fino politioal intriguing and a great many interesting developments. A Hairless Mare, A very interesting equine curiosity, in tho shape of a horse absolutely without hair, arrived on tho Alameda from Australia on Satuiday last. It was oxhibited to a few connoisseurs in horseflesh yesterday by ,1110 owner, U. A. Cunningham. The horse, or rather tho mare, for it belongs to the latter" gender, is a pronounced pheno omon. Her skin is black aud as smooth and lino as that of a' human being. Sho stands a littlo over fifteen hands high, and is about seven' years old. It would be difiioult to find a handsomer or more shapely animal. Sho looks well bred and is strongly developed, In notion tho movoraent of every tnusclo is plainly discernable by reason o tho animal's utt r naked ness. Wero it not for her abnormal appearaned the mare would make a' ii ost excellent carriage hbre'd. Ally thing mord' peculiar than tho appear ance of tho beast, with her1 smooth' Bhiny skin, black as ebony, attempting to whisk from hof bdbk' with' a hair less, stumpy tail the flos cluslcririij there it is impossible to cotiOeifd.1 The softness and smoothness' of overy part of her anatomy, oven' where1 tho' inane ought to be found, preclndes the idea that the hair has been gotten rid of artificially, as by shaving. Mr. Cunningham purchased tho maro in Cshuoa, Victoria, from a farmer, who utilized her as a buggy horse. San Francisco Call. Dr. Hostetter, tho recently deceas ed Pittsburg millionaire, died without leaving a will. Tho r ason ho did so has just beeu found out. A month ago he did mako a will which contain ed a bequest giving to the city of Pittsburg a fine art gallery and mecha nics' hall. It was to cost one million dollars and was to havo been the most elaborate Btruoluro of tho kihd in the United States. The will provi ded that tho doctor's eldest eon must be one of tho Board of Directors gov erning tho institution, to bo suc ceeded in turn at death by tho eldest male hoir, aud so on, from siro to son. After this had all been settled, the City Controller, acting under the ad vice of counsel, took a step most uu fortanale for Pittsburg. Dr. Hostctt or was bondsman for Andrew Harta pee, a oily contractor, and a judge ment had been rendered against him. On that judgement execution was is sued on some of tho doctors possess ions. He, was clearly liable, and, none ki ew it beUer than he, "but tins act of thu Controller highly incenst d him, and bo went direct to the safe deposit company, whore he had placed tho will, and toro tbo documents into Bhreds. Ho never could be induoed to mako another. It is estimated that tho sura of $2, OJO.OOO was locked up by election bets io New York city alone dtii'ing tho recent national contest. Direct from tho Front. Knoxville, Tenn., July 2, 1888, The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say tiat S. S. S. Is the greatest blood panlier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. I'hysicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief 1 I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im. provement came, and I continued Its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful, Yours truly, J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Keup, Texas, June 21, :833, The Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen A shteeniyear'-bld "son of mine was afflicted with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to taking S. S. S and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S, Uobinsom. Three books mailed free on appll .atlon. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Specific Co,, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 liroadwsy. MASON & HAMLIN Tut 1 cabinet organ was Introdacad In IU present formbrMaaoa & UsmUnla 16111. other makers followed In the manufacture or these Instruments, bat the Mason A llaulln Onrans have always main tained their anpremacr ss the beat In the wurld. Meson A Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the nnennalled excellence of their organs, the (set that at all ot the crest World's itihlbltlons, since that of LfjhJ.'len nn iin"m.p"in k I I U I II ! fV'.r. .11 trlea.theThaTel I It U ! iVnrertaUrtak. en the hVheetU 1 1 Ufl 1 1 U honors, illue treted catalogues 23 Til tOOO. free. Mseon A Hamlin donotheeluto to make the ex traordinary claim for their pianos, that thar as ignlii the high ail makers In tie laun superiority. excellence achieved by other leading; makers I art of tilano bolldinir. bnt etlll claim aurrt This tier attribute solely to the remarkable iaU pruTciucm inirouucca pj vnem u tne year isus. and nowkmownas tne "menu &, iiaduv I'iano UTBIMOSIU'' by la secured the alble parity and lone, together the use of which greatest pos eflnemeal of with Vffiatlv ln cnaied capacl' Oil! UfII5af. tyfostandu2 la lane aid other imoortant adf antama. A circular, containing teslluoolab from three) nondred parchaaere , mualclana, and tuners, sent, together with deecrlpUre catalogue, to any applicant. llanos and Organs sold let caatt ot stay My. menu; also rented. Oct K-toi. r trad PIANOS llB IF YOU WANT An Economical Baking Powder; Use Rumford Yeast Powder, the Old Reliable. Its' superioi" strc'ngth enables the use of less quantity than of ordinary powder, and it is healthful and nutritious. Packed in bottles. No other genuine. 'S PURE BARLEY DisTiLtin from selected llarluy Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and sclds often contained in ulconollo liquors. It Is especially aaapvpu lopcrsors requiring u biiuiuiuuuk iuuu;, vuimuun'Mn-n uv rreatly bencntted by its tiso. ltccommonded by lcadlne physicians as ftniuretlf Nervine-. Tonle and Alterative For consumptives It fs Invaluable. rBlUUNK'S 1'UllB BAULKY MALT W1H8KK V Insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, u gooa appetite, a rich and abundant blood and increased flesh nnd muscular URSue. A .fimnlaftt mlM nnl ffnnllAln Afrppf.. llrKnpnnlft. lniltcrrflt.lon Anil all W&Stlnff ul .oases can be entirely conquered by the use or rcrrlno's l'uro Hurley alt Whiskeys It Is a tonlo and diuretic and apowerful stiengthencr to the entire Bystem. TBI!. JUNE'S VUHB HAHLKl MALT thosa wno pursue tneir avocations idiuo opmmr uuu wuibuuhhi nwftvn i, exceptional powers of endurance. Ask yoji nealcst drupglst or grocer for lor PKlllllNK'SPUItKUAHLEV MUT W1118KKV revives the energies of those worn out with excesslvo Dodlly or merlal ertort and actB as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rigorous weather. It-will drlH all malarious diseases from tho Bystem. uahi wnnters of every Tocation and persens whom a sedentary me renders pronn to, Uyspepsntnnam rcrnnes ruro iianey Malt Whl9toy a powerful lnvlgorant and helnur, to dlgesMou, I'aituiNK'8 I'UHB BAllLBY MALT WIHSKISY without unduly stimulating the kid neys Increases their flagging activity, counteracts the effects of fatigue, ha tens convalescence and is a wholosomo and prompt dlurctto. Watch tho latxfl I None genuine unless bearing the slgim turn Vol Bate uy an aruir and grocers throuh tho United SUteBa Canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA rOKSALB BY DRUQGIN'PB AND ALL DBALBRB. INDUCEMENTS We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. & 1-1 mm u a -w m a Among the Pianos we handle are the IVEBS & POND C. C. BRIGGS. BA UiJ CO.. SCnOJUnTVR anlA St?'ui& and Opera llanos. and lully warrantedlor fave,. years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY. MILL EX. UNITED STATES and other makes" ' Ot r leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE f r HWA DOMESTIC. NE W HOME AKD ROTARY Sewing AMjuu-y oewiug luaciime m tne Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. PENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. boli aoiNTS roa F, y, ADAMS & CO,, FINS OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents of the fol lowing brands of Cigars. HBNRY CLAY, LONDRES, NORMAL, INDIAN l'ltlNCESB, BAUSON, SILVER ASH. Alexander Bros, d Co, WHOLESALB DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NDTS. BOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MA1LLARDS HICANDIES. KRESH VEltY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. C. IB. JBOBBINS, DEALER IN Foreign amdiMammtiQ WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. MALT WHISKEY. WIHSKKi uas provoa a meaicinm prmotuyu iu THft analvafn Aft It. AltTHIftm TV thO L& bel on every bottle: 1 nave carcfullan alj-zed thoIURs Birlkt Milt Wntfrl 'it entirely free frorafUBel oll.furturol, metals and aClda and 1b absolutely pure." Slgnedi Camilla Arthur Mater, E.r.mnnn nr jh. a. tmiuc uuu uuu vettemana ewoaae7i These Pianos aro all first-clabu Machine, the finest ttnd best world. ANY ORDER FOR FESTIVAL win be 8UPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST Market fte, as follows: ORANGES. LEMONS, BANANAS. PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS? CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. bsnaissMSSsasnsiMMSHSiissssssK- Men A. C. YATES & CO. I.cdtrcr Ilttlldlnir. GRATEFUL CO J1FOIITINO. EPF S COCOA. BREAKFAST, nflv n IhnroiiQh knnwteHirnnf tl,A nnfnrnr (,,, which goTern tho operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho nno properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Eppshss provldi-d our breakfast tables with n delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. His by tho Judicious use ot such articles of diet t hat a constitution may be gradual, ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten. dencyto dl-easo. Hundreds of subtle maladies are ttoatlntr around us rfurtv to nt.t.nni? wimnreF there Is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal Bhaft by keeping onrsclvcs well rortlflod with Sure blood and a properly nourished frame. "-Writ ertrfrs (,'azetu. Wade simply with boiling water or milk, sold only in half pound tins, by Orocere. labellcdtbus:, 1 JAMES KITS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, wi ze-u'ou jxinaon, juigi&na. XAUMAO TZZHXB TABljll JQELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. r M r a. u. a. ii. NOKTnCHBIRUNO, 6 40 1 85 ID 10 S IS Cameron s 63 10 ss 8 so ChulaBky e 00 .... 10 s 6 si Danville 0 08 1 63 10 so s 40 Catawlssa 25 8 14 10 53 n 54 Rupert.. 6 80 9 19 11 00 T 05 uioomsounc... 00a 1 m 11 w 7 g Espy, 6 43 2 89 11 15 7 20 Lime Ridge. 6 60 .... 11 22 7 !7 willow urove o di .... live 7 si lirlarcrcek 6 6s .. n so 7 33 Berwick 7 05 8 48 11 37 7 4J Reach Haven 7 11 2 54 11 44 7 49 Hick's Kerry. 7 18 2 69 1148 55 Hhlckshlnny 7 to s 09 11 58 8 06 HunlOCk'S 7 43 3 19 12 08 8 17 Nantlcoke 7 50 3 ss 1215 s 23 Avondale. 7 54 ... 12 so 8 81 Plymouth 7 59 3 35 13 25 8 S3 Plymouth Junction,.... 8 03 3 39 18 30 8 S3 Kingston 8 03 3 43 12 37 8 43 liennett 8 12 .... is 41 8 49 Maltby S 17 12 45 8 53 Wyoming 8 22 8 52 12 50 8 0 West Flttston 8 27 3 6 19 55 9 03 nttston ..... 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 ll 9 17 Taylorvllle 8 48 .... l 19 9 ss liellevue 8 54 ...... l ss 9 to SCKINTON 9 00 4 22 1 30 9 SS rx rat rn an STATIONS. SOTJTII. AM All m TU SCBANTOK 5 10 9 50 2 05 8 90 BellevuO 8 15 9 55 .... 6 23 Taylorvllle. 6 so 10 00 2 14 e so Lackawanna, e 2S 10 08 2 21 6 37 l'lttston 6 SB 10 16 2 S3 6 45 Westllttaton 6 42 10 2J 234 cto Wyoming. a 47 10 97 2 39 0 5.1 Maltby 6 51 10 80 ... 6 69 liennett........ e 65 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 8 68 10 33 2 50 7 07 Plymouth Junction 7 05 10 42 2 54 7 12 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 59 7 16 Avondale. 7 14 1 0 61 3 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 3 06 7 95 nunlOCk's 7 2 11 02 3 19 7 43 Shlckshinny 7 47 11 12 8 29 7 65 Hick's Feny. 7 66 11 22 3 89 8 07 Beach Haven 8 01 II 88 3 45 8 13 Berwick 8 07 11 87 3 61 8 20 Bnarcreek. 8 13 3 57 8 S7 Willow Orovo 8 16 11 48 4 01 8 31 Llmeltldge. 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 SS Espy. .. 8 26 11 69 4 19 8 41 Bloomsburg 8 S3 12 05 4 18 8 47 Rupert....- 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 52 Catawlssa 8 2 12 15 4 29 8 57 Danville 8 67 12 30 4 46 9 15 Chulasky. g 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron g 07 12 40 6 00 9 ss NORTHUUB KRIJLND 9 22 12 6 5 16 9 43 AH P M TV TV Connections at llupert with Philadelphia Reading Kailroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will, lamsport, Hunbury, l"ottsvllIe, etc. At Northum- berland with P. & E. Dlv. P. R. Ii. for Uarrtsburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry nnd Erie. 'V. F. HALSTEAD, Gen. Man., Scranton, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. IM! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. nin TIME TABLE. in effect NOV, is 188a. Trains leave Banbury EASTWARD 9.40 a.m., Sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), forHarrlsburgandtntormedlatestations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. j New York. 5.50 p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.45 p. m. ; Washington' 6.65 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia, 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),! or Harrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p, m. ; New York, 9.85 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. Renovo Accommodation (dally for Ilarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 6.15 i. m. ; Washington a 80 a. m. J Pullman Bleeping car from Ilarrlsburg to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In Bleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. Philadelphia sleeper is run on this train from Wllllamsport on Sunday's. s.noa. m. Erie Mall (dally) for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations. arrvtne at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.80 a. m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, a. m. Through PuUman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and through paesen. ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 8.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Erie and si Intermediate stations and canandaigua aid Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo ard Niagara FallB. with throueb Pullman raises cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Ilochrp 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for l ock Haven and Intermediate Btatlons. 12.62 n. m Nlacara Exnress (dallr excent Bun. d.y) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can. amtalgua and principal intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kana and Rochester and Parlor carlo Wllllamsport, sMH 6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally,except Sunday)for lie novo and Intermediate stations, and Blmtra. Wat. senger coaches to Renovo and wautns. v.2u a. m. sunaay mail tor itenovo ana interme diate Btation- THROUQn TRAINS FOR SCNIUHIY FROM THE BAST AND BOUTU. Sunday mall leaves PhlladelDhla 4.80 a. m Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Hunbury 9.20 a. m. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Hunbury 3.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.80 a. m. (dallr except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, ls.62 p. m.. wuu mnjuifu ranur ear irom ruiiaaeipuiia and inrongb passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore, Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, ll. 60a. ra.i Washington, g. 60 a. m.i Balti more. 10.45 a. m.. (dallr except Sunday) arriving- at sunbury, 6.sop. m., with through passeugef coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. une an leaves new; rnnaaei phla, p. m. : Washington, 10.00 p. m.i Balti more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at 8unbury5.l0 a. m.. with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and lirough passenger coaches from Philadelphia, HCNMIUY.IIAZl.KTMN & WII.KEHl! Altltli UAII.1IUAII ANII NOKTII AND WKtsT UVANOII IIAII.WAY. (Dallr except Sunday.) V'llkesbarre Mall leaves sunbury 9.65 a. m.. arriving at Ulooin Ferry 10.48 a.m., Wllkes-Darrs Express East leaves Sunbury 5.8S p. m., arriving at Bloom Kerry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barre 7.60 p. m Sunbury Mall loaves Wl lkesbarro 10.30 a. m. arriv ing at Bloom Ferry 11.55 a. m., Hunbury 12.43 p. m Express West leaves Wllkes-barre 3.05 p. m., ar riving At Bloom Ferry 4.80 p, in,, sunbury 5.20p.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves sunbury 9:ss a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m.. Wllkes-Bsrre 11:45 a.m. Sunday aooommodatlon leaves Wllkea-Iiarre 6:10 p.m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, e.s p. m., Sunbury diufii.apuan, J,B. wood,