THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Bill AKlHfi POWDER Absolutely Pure. this powder novor vatlcs. A marvel of rmrtt Utrnirf h Anil Whn AenmnnAcid A .t,1J?tl,0i3!E?H;y?.?.,V.a5cl cannot bo Bold in corape tltlon with the mtutltudo ot low tcst.ahort welEht The T" Columbian nrmbllshed every Friday. Subscription price 11.00 a jcar. Entered at tho Post omco at Bloomsbure. ra.. a second class matter, March 1, uss. BLboMSBimGVprz FRIDAY, NOVEMBElfaO, 1888." CORRlCT UilLKtUD TIltTlnih ULOOMSBUItU ft SULLIVAN HAILllOAD Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMDEH S8, 1833. SOUTH. NOltTD. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lt. Lt. Lt. STATIONS. P. M. r. u. .K. a.v. p. h. r. u. llloomsbur?,- 6 S8 1 05 8 09 8 33 2 6 40 Main street o 18 12 5-3 7 68 smu o M Irondale ... 6 10 12 DO 7 66 8 48 41 6 64 Paper Mill 8 03 12 40 7 48 8 66 2 K 7 01 LlgbtBtreet. 6 05 12 33 7 45 9 00 9 67 7 08 OrangOTlllO 5 67 12 20 7 85 0 10 a SO 7 16 Porks, 5 45 12 00 7 SO 9 25 3 36 7 31 Tubba 5 il 11 63 7 15 9 80 3 42 7 86 Btlllwatcr 5 37 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 60 7 1.1 llenton, 6 28 11 80 7 00 9 47 4 13 7 62 Edsons, 5 23 11 20 0 56 9 61 4 20 7 60 coloa Creek, 5 20 11 15 0 62 9 68 4 24 8 00 Bugarloaf, 0 15 11 10 0 4 10 CO 4 2 8 05 Laubachs, 6 12 11 05 6 45 10 04 4 S3 8 10 central. 5 06 10 67 0 88 10 12 4 40 8 13 Echo Park. 6 03 10 62 6 10 U 4 43 8 II Jamison city.... 6 00 10 45 0 39 10 20 4 60 8 23 Lv. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar r. ii. a. ii. a. u. a. x. r. ii. r. it. Trains on tho r. & "uU. K. leave ltupert is (oUowb : north. south. 7:22 a. m. 11:04 a. m. 8:42 p. m. 6:20 p. m. 0 Tralnson the D. L. & W. lt. II. leave Bioomaburg as (OllOWB! NORTH. SOUTH. 7:12 a. ra. B:33 a. m. 10:57 a. m. 12:00 p. m. 2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 0:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m. 0 Tralnson tho N. W.D. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NORTH. BOOTH. 10:46 a. ra. 11:65 a. m. e.2 p. ra. 4'30 p. m. BUHDAY. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:16 am 6:39 pm I'crHonal. Mr. and Mrs, A. Z. Schoch wcro in Philadelphia last week. Miss Laura Rlshel who has been quite ill for tho last few days is now Improving. Harry Pursel, who has bocn sick for some time, is able to be out. Dr. Hanson of Pittsburg Is visiting friends in this placo. Mrs. Hodgers of Hazlcton is the guest of her Bister Mrs. Paul E. Wirt. II. II. Butter, editor of the Uughesvlllo Mail, and Dr. E. W. Butter of Frccland, spent Sunday in town with their parents. They camo over because of their brother's serious illness. J. D. Cole of Benton was in town Friday evening of last week. Ho has nearly recov ered from the wound received on the rail road some time ago, when he lost tho end of ono of his fingers. The most valuable Holiday presents to buy is a', I. Maier's, tho Reliable Clothier. Canal boats aro preparing to go Into winter quarters. GO new Bowing Mnchincs for Holiday Presents at J. Baltzcrs, Bloomsburg, Pa. A light fall of snow, tho first of the sea son, took placo In this section last Sunday night. J. B. Williams, auctioneer, sold at private salo a lot of M. C. Woodward on Welsh Hill, containing about ono acre, to C. W. Eves for $070,00, Thursday of last week. It. B. Grimes, tho popular harness maker at Millvllle, has for salo a fine lino of Har. ncss. Blankets and Robes. Call and seo before purchasing elsewhere. On Baturday cvo , Dec. 1st, at the Opera House wo are to havo those popular lun makers, Tho Barlow Bros., nnd their star minstrel troupe. Seats aro now on sale. Editors Sollenbcrger and Dewart, of tho Shamokln Dispatch and Sunbury Democrat respectively, attended tho national cUItor lal excursion at San Antonio, Texas. A. Solleder, of Bloomsburg, Pa., has just received another fine lot of German Day and Night Blnglng Canaries also on hand Parrots, Mocking Birds, Nightingales, etc. t Important changes havo been mado In tho Bloomsburg and Bulllvan rauroau time table. Tho correct tablo will bo found at the head of our local column. L. Bernhard is adding many improve- ments to his already fine residence on Fifth street. Ho has raised the roof, and other, wlso ornamented tho house. The most sensible election bet on record was one mado by two citizens of Du Bols, Bulllvan county, who agreed that tho loser would whoel a sack of flour to somo poor widow whom they would chooeo to select John Brophy, postmaster at Mt. Carmel, lias expressed his determination to resign his position on tho 4th of next March. There aro already a number of seekers for tho placo. 3 full Cabinet Singer Machines only 35 dollars each, Singer Machine plain table, 10 dollars, Singer Machines drop leaf nndcov. er only 15 dollars at J. Saltzer's Blooms burg, Pa. 'Our theatre goers know tho Barlow Bros, Minstrel trouno and know that those who would enjoy a hearty laugh should go, The parade at noon will bo an attractive one and their band Is tho best on tho road. Tho main building ot tho Bchool Desk Co. Is nearly under roof. At a meeting of tho stockholders last week nearly twenty thousand dollars worth of machinery was nurchaseil. Tho now buildings will all bo heated by steam from their own boilers. Look out for J. Ballzer's now advertise. ment next week. In addlllou to his largo stock of pianos, organs and sewing ma chines ho has added a fine assortment of flutos, accordions, drums &o for the boli day trade. "Blood tells." Wo nuy not bo able to lnfuso royal and noble blood In a 'man's veins; but we can do bettcri wo can expel from them, all Impuro and poisonous humors by the use of Aycr's Sarsaparllla Pur blood Is tho best kind of royal blood, Pcruso I. Malcr, tlio Clothier's, new ad vcrtlaotncnt, and learn what lio has to saj'. Levi Wotlor Eq., has been making somo Improvements to tils restdenco on fifth street. 2 Six Octavo Melotlcon at $20.00 each on Payments or $20.00 cash. Good order at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg, Pa. Spatks BrosV company showed In tho Opera Houso Tuesday evening to a fair, sized audience. They gave a good variety I'uuimnnacc. lo avoid the rush which will surely bo thcro theatre goers should secure their seats early for Harlow Bros. Minstrels. Everywhcro they appear good scats aro at a premium tho evening of tho perform ance. Still & Maloy will havo a grand clearing outsalo at their shop in this placo on Wednesday, December Oth, of top buggies, comprising sldo bars nnd elliptic. Salo will commonco at 1 p. m. Terms will bo mado known on day of sale. 1 seven octave Square Ualncs it ilro., Pianos, good order, rosewood case, modern stylo, will bo sold cheap for cash or on tho Installment plan to mako room for Holiday Goods, at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg, Pa. Miss Sydney Worth, tho talented young actress, will bo seen at tho Opera House thrco nights next week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 8rd, 4th and Oth. Sho will present "East Lvno." "Our Bcsslo," and "Pearl of Savoy." Tho thanks of Thcta Castle No. 270, K. 0. B. aro hereby tendered to Rev. 8. Milton Frost, for the learned and Instructive ser mon delivered on Sunday last, at tho re- quest of Its members. J, Lee Haiiman, N. 0. Gby Jaoody, M. of It. A movement which Is being spread rapidly in some parts of tho Btate la to pro sent each school with a handsomo flag, which Is to bo conspicuously displayed in tho school-room at all times and swung In tho open air on all American holidays. Tho residence of Mrs. E. B. Brown at Mlflllnvlllo Pa., Is offered at private sale. Apply before Dec. 22d 1888. Two-thlrds of price may be left In tho property secured by first mortgage. Apply to J. J. Brown Bloomsburg Pa. 4t. Harman & Ilasscrt's new building is progressing rapidly. The first story, com posed all ot brick, is about completed. Tho wet weather has very much delayed them. If flno weather should soon com mence It would bo but a short tiino until they would havo tho works In operation. Twenty.flvo cents a day purchases a $3,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of Hartford, which is payable In event of death by ac cident, with 810 weekly indemnity for wholly disabling injury. J. H. Maize, agent, second floor Columbian building Bloomsburg, tf. Notice Is hereby given that five per cent. will be added to all taxes unpaid in Hem lock township after the tenth day of Jan uary, 1839, and collection will bo forced after that date. 2t John Appelman, Collector, J. C. Ruttcr, jr., has been lying seriously ill at his home on East street, fpr the past two weeks with pneumonia. Last week he was in a very critical condition, but Friday afternoon a chango occurred for tho better, and he has gradually improved since that time. A series of meetings is now in progress at tho Baptist church, on Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of each week, beginning at 7 o'clock. You havo an invitation from the pastor to be present. W. i. UALIOWAT, Tho Knights of the Golden Eaglo attend ed the Methodist church In a body Sunday morning, and listened to an Interesting sermon by Rev. Dr. Frost. In marching to tho church they presented an Imposing aDnearance. there beine over ono hundred In line. Tho secret success of rapidly Improving towns is the fact that all tho peoplo join as one man in every effort and enterprise cal. culuted to build up tho Interests ot tho town. It cannot bo expected that a town will prosper as it should when the chief occupation of each person Is trying to pull his neighbor down. Ei. R. C. Rlshel completed his threo years apprenticeship in this office November 17th, He has concluded to remain with us for some time, and clvo special attention to job printing. He has been a faithful work. man and has pretty thoroughly mastered tho newspaper work. A close application to work In our jobbing department, which is always crowded, will fit him for work in any of the offices of tho largo cities. According to the Indianapolis Journal, president-elect Harrison's home organ, Mr. Harrison is a firm believer in civil servico reform, and that efficient office-holders will not bo removed, except for violation of trust. It however, tho spirit should predominate the post ofllco in this town ought not to suffer. It Is already rumored on our streets that the following will bo applicants for tho place: A. B. Cathcart S. A. Wilson, F. P. Drinker, J. 0. Brown and F. M. Everett. Wo presume that he- foro Mr. Harrison takes his seat on tho 4th of March, this list of applicants will bo still further increased. Miss Bydney Worth, tho gifted brilliant artiste, Is deservedly one of and the shlniue lights of tho dramatic profession Bho has a pretty face, a handsome aud graceful figure, and a volco possessing re markable tango and musical sweetness, Her acting is bright and full of girlish gay etv In comcdv. and most pathetic and strong in her emotional work. We pre diet for her a great future. Cincinatti En- luirer, Nov. 5th, 1880. Opera House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday creuings, Dec. 3rd, 4th and Oth. "Dr. B. Clark who visits this county pro- fumlnnallv has recently purchased "Tho Byron," consisting of two doublo brown stone and brick Mats containing au com. pleto apartments, Nos. 105 and 107 West 08th St. New York City, consideration 805,000. Dr. Claik'a rental Income from these and other productive lnvtstments ex coeds 810,000 yearly. His medical practice is among tho largest In this country, not excepting any physician in New York City I'hlla. or elsewhere" At fcxeuange uoici; Bloomsburg, Saturday and Monday Die, 1 and 3, I8S8. Opera Pianos, best medium price pianos in tho market sold on installment piau, so down and ten dollars monthly at Ballzer's Bloomsburg Pa. For sick headache, caused by a disord cred stomach, Aycr's Cathartic Pillsaro tho most rellablo remedy. "My mother first recommended theso Pills tolJmo, thirty years ago. They aro tho mildest and best nureativo In uso."-B. O, Bradburn Worthlngton, Mass. 25 new Organs at J, Saltzer's for Holiday Presents at all prices and o easy terms. , Cards aro out announcing tho marriage of W, K. Armstrong and Miss Ella Hasscrt of this placo, next Thursday. A Local Institute will bo held at Hhors. burg, Baturday, Deo. 8, Commencing at 10 o'clock For stand lamps, burners and chimneys of all kinds, go to Mercer's Drug & Book store. Goorge Jacoby died at Berwick Tuesday night, aged about 80 years. Ho was tho "Mather of Williamson II. Jacoby, ex.reglstcr ana recorder of this county. Stamping of all kinds dono to order. Now Yotk's latest styles of pattern used. Hock Street, 2nd door below Market 61, Bloomsburg. tf. Sydney Worth is winning golden opin ions and has a bright future. New York Mirror,, Sejt., 22, 1888. Bloomsburg Opera House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ovemngs, Dec, 8rd,4th and Oth. Tho first fall of snow of tho season was Monday tho 20th. Tho ground was cover, cd In tho early morning to a depth of about four inches. A rain followed nnd soon destroyed all hopes nf nn early sleigh ride. W. A. Ilarlzcl, however, was not to bo dls appointed, as ho appeared on our streets at noon, with tho first sleigh of tho season. Tho following will bo among tho In. structors nnd lecturers at tho Columbia County Teachers' Institute during the week commencing, Monday Dec, 17. Dr. IV J. Waller, E. E. Hlitbee, A. A. Wllllts, T. DeWItt Talmago, Prof. 8. 8. Neff, Alex Fry, Miss Bello McCllntlck, Bclva Lockwood. Miss Anna Miller, Music Leader and Soloist. Mrs. Hattlo Wclgand Is quite 111 at her home In Hazlcton. Several weeks ago, she started to hastily get out ot a room and foil over an empty box, receiving In ternal injuries. She was soon after confined to her bed ; but under tho best medical skill she Is slowly recovering. Her mother left her borne in Bloomsburg and Is with her during her sickness. Geo. Stock & Co,,Ivcrs & Pond and Estcy Pianos for Holiday Presents, at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg, Pa. List ot letters remaining In the Poet Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Nov. 20, 1888. M. II. Fry, Mr. N. N. Hartlng, Mr. Wilber Klino, Mr. Kuster, Jno. Roat, Eugeno Spooneybcrg, Mrs. M. A. Thrash, and G. U. Yohe. Persons calling for theso letters will please say "advertised." , Gkokqk A. Clark, P. M. Mrs. O. A. Jacoby died at her residence on South Market Btrcet Tuesday evening about eight o'clock. She has been an In- valid for tho oast three months with a dl. sease cf the stomach, no food could be re tained, and gradually sho wasted away. For a tew weeks past she seemed to be gaining strength, so that har friends had hopes of her complete recovery, but a re lapse occurred Tuesday morning. Her ago was sixty-one years, eight months antl twenty.flvo days. Bho was a daughter of George Hartman and was born in Espy. Funeral services will be held at tho houso Friday morning at ten o'clock, conducted by Rev. F P. Manhart. Interment in Rosemont cemetery. See the line ot plush and leather albums, Price SI to $8, at Mercer's Drug & Book store. In order to close out the first edition wo will send, postage paid, tor one dollar to any address a copy of the History of Col umbia County. This volume contains COO pages, and Is handsomely bound in cloth, with gilt lettering. The prlco asked does not pay firBt cost, but this special induce, ment is offered in order to closo out. 70 cents will buv the book at this office. Tho lnformatioi contained in this book is in valuable to every intelligent citizen, and mary persons havo paid twelve dollars for a history of the county, containing no more information than can be found in the book we offer for 70 cents. In fact the historical portion of the twelve dollar book was largely copied from Freeze's History. But strange to say, thcro were more copies of the former work sold than of tho latter. Why was this? Simply because "a prophet is not without honor sttyc in his own country." The writer and the publishers of ono book that sold at first for 62.00, lived in Bloomsburg, and there was no chance for humbuggcry j the writers and publishers of the $12.00 book were entire strangers, and hence there was a chance to bo swindled, and therefore the book look like wildfire, and nearly 1000 copies wcro sold. Freeze's History of Columbia County contains information that cannot bo found elsewhere, and when the present edition is exhausted, (and there are but a fow copies left,) it will never bo printed again. Think of It? A complete history of your own county for 75 cents. Bend in your order at once. SI 00 by mall. Address. Tho Colombian, Bloomsburg Pa. 4t Council lrocceHnirn. November 20, 1888. Special meeting. Present, P. S. Harman president, and merabeis Wells, Hasscrt, Sterling, Wolf and Rlngler. The president stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the propriety of permitting D. J. Waller to connect au eight inch branch for drain to tho sewer now being put in by C. W. Miller, contractor. After somo dls cusslon council adjourned. November 21, 1888. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Tho following communication was re eelved from D. J. Wallers "Provided tho sewer ot tho town shall bo mado twelve inches in diameter from a point south ot tho canal from station 14 to station 3 ot sower survey and tho subscriber allowed an cigh inch pipe connection south nf the canal, tho subscriber will pay tho excess ot cost of plpo nnd laying along that of a ten Inch pipe now contracted for. Provided tho town council shall within ono year lay an eight inch plpo upon the bard pan or gravel across Market street, tho subscriber will allow them to dralu through tho samo Into a ditch or pipo to be maintained by the subscriber to connect with tho said main sewer. Rcsp. D. J. Waller. On motion tho following resolution was unanimously passed, viz t "Resolved that the foregoing proposition of 1). J. Waller of 21st November, 1888 bo accepted and that In tho eyenl of tho proposed twely Inch pipo proving too small to accomodate tho flow from Mr. Waller's eight Inch pipe In adddltion to tho town seweraee, then tho said eight Inch plpo may be disconnected from said 13 Inch sower main. Tho ex cess of cost of twelve inch pipe oyer ten inch nine from point ot Intersection to station 3 at river, to be settled between D, J. W&ller and 0. W. Miller without liability of the town therefor, the openings to said eight inch branch to be guarded In a man tier to be approved by tho town euglncer, On motion council adjourned. L'fo blzo crayons in gold frames only 410. U M'Klllip Bros, tnitortnm to Bolilicru nntl Tlictr liclrH. Soldiers and their heirs who havo un settled ulatmi, or who wish to apply for pension, Increase or bouuty, should call pon Mr. J, B. Conovcr, representing tho welt known firm of Soulo A Co., Attorneys, of Washington, D. 0., who will bo at tho Exchango Hotel, Rloomsbvrg, Pa., Mon day and Tuesday, December 3d nnd 4th, for tho purpose of giving frco advice to all claimants. Claimants should bring their discharges and all papers relative to their cases. A'cw bounty bill gitet $100 lo certain toldicrt andhcirt, and new pcniion bill benefit! thousand who do not know their right. Mr. Oonovcr trill gut you full particular!. If you cannot can wrlto to Boulo & Co. and stnto your caso. For hanging lamps, cheap prices, way down, go to Mercer's Drug & , Book store. Oolll Mcillll AWAltDED TUB J. a ATIR COMPANY AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION IN SPAIN. The J. 0. Aycr Company havo received notlco from Bpnln that their medicinal pre paration have gained tho gold medal at the Barcelona International Exhibition. The jury of award consisted of eminent physicians and pharmacists. This exhibi tion, tho first of an international character ever held In Bpaln, was opened In April last with Impressive ceremonies, in which tho queen regent took part. Nearly all tho high functionaries of tho kingdom wcro present. It has been continued through the summer with great success. Lowell Morning Mall, Oct. 17, 1888. Notice to HuliHCtlbcrH OUtHlllC of tlie County. Statements have been sent out this week tn all subscribers RESIDING OUTSIDE THE COUNTY who ara back on subscrip tion. As we are obliged to pa) postago on all papers going outside tho county we have adopted the Inflexible rule, that all such subscriptions MUST bo paid in advance. At the very low price of one dollar a year we can not afford to advance tho postago nnd tnko tho chunco ot losing the subscrip tion, and we therefore expect a prompt and cheerful response to our notices. 21 HlIlKtlllC NolHCH In tho ears, sometimes a roaring buzzing sound nrc caused by catarrh, that exceed ingly disagreeable and very common di sease. Loss ot smell or hearing also re sult from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disense, which it cures by purifying tho blood. If you suffer from catarrh, try Hood's Barsaparll- thc peculiar medicine Look out for our holiday goods in a week or two. J. II. Mercer. "An Important Question An swered." Tho quet!on Is often asked, where can get good, well-made and Btylisb clothing at moderate prices. With confidence wo recommend our readers to the house of E. Thompson, Philadelphia. Personal dealings with this firm lead us to believe that to do better is not possible. For the coming cold weather they havo prepared a most extensive stock of ujugual good cloth. Ing, which for quality and low prices has not been obtainable heretofore. Special attention is called to their illustrated ad. vcrtlscmcnt In this issue, which conveys an idea of tho specialties they have in over coats, suits, trousers, ctpc coats and ulsters, Bamplcs of cloth of any garment can be ob tained by simply writing for them. In structions for self-measurement nnd how to order their clothing by mail go with all samples. When In Philadelphia wo advise you to visit their store, 1338 Chestnut street, dl rcctly opposito tho Mint. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures catarrh by ex' pelllug Impurity from the blood, which is tho cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. CoiiHuiiipilou Murely Cured. To tiik EniTon Please inform your read ers that I havo a positive remedy for the abovo named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases havo been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy ritEK to nny of your readers who havo consumption if they will send me their express and post otUc address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM M. C. 181 Pearl St., Now York. rsep',21-ly For stationery ot all kinds go to Mercer's Drug & Book store. Xlie Mud Run HlHnater. A BASIS UPON WHICH THE VALLET CO. W SETTLE. The rate of damages for loss of life In the Mud Kim disaster on tho Lebigh Valley lt. R. was on Wednesday of last week es. tabllshed by Mr. Wm. Connel of Bcranton, who represents the company in the adjust ments of tho claims. Theso wcro fixed at 3500 where tho death of the head ot thehou bo involved, and at $1,500 for the death of children and on this basis two payments were made. These figures havo been ar rived at after a careful consideration with many of the afilicted relatives and are the result of an average cf the claims present ed. The Lehigh Valley Company author ized Mr. Connel) to settle claims on this basis, and lt is expected that most ot the death losses will bo adjusted before the end of this week. The deaths in all num ber Bixty-fnur, most of whom are children The death losses will therefore font up SIOO.OOO. A larco number of claims for njurics have been presented to tho com pauy's representative, but no conclusion has been arrived at thereon. Fino Cabinets in vignette or scroll, tf M'Klllip Bros. Notlco to Collector! uud To wnnlltp onicerH. An act of the Legislature and approved Juno 2nd 1881, (Beo pamphlet laws, pago 45) requires tax collectors, township and borough ofllccrs to make return ot seated and unseated lands upon which no property can bo found from which to mako taxes to tho County Commissioners on or before tho first day ot January next, with a sufil cient description by boundaries or other wise, ot each separate lot or tract and about the quantity of the same. Thoso who fall to mako returns by said day will be held for such loss- Taxes so returned becomo i lien against the property bo re, turned. We havo blanks on which these returns aro to be nit do and will furnish them upon application ot collectors. It is tho duty ot each Bchool Board Bupervlsor, and Uvcrsecr of tho Poor to gco that these taxes aro returned. J, D. Bodimk, Corn's. Clerk Nov. 10 7w. 1 Rosewood Case, S octavo Melodeon only 120.00. Good order, at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg, Pa. All who are fond ot a good smoko will savo money and health by Bn oklng tho "Old Virginia Cheroot." Take no other and beware ot Imitations. They aro retail ed S for 10 cents, and guaranteed to bo the bcBt eoods on tho market for tho money. Try them am be convinced. Alexander Bros. & Co., wholesale agents, Bloomsburg I'a. WANAMAKERS. miuunrnu, Monday, Not.jD.1WJ. jooo Dress Pcitlcrnsl will take days and days to pass them all out. When we take 40,000 or 50,000 yards of stuffs In a lump from a deal er who has too much, you may be sure the prices are intcrcstintr. Dress Goods generally were never lower, but, taking them on the low level that prevails, 7? cents fad into one of these Dress Patterns docs tm work oj &i,or even more. There would be less of the sensational in all this if the stuffs were off color in any way. They aren't. There isn't a wrong thinj; about them. lMrst chop for style, weave, quality, dye. New goods of the best makes. And fine wool at that. More than two hundred and hventy-five styles and colorings in just the weijjhts and weaves you'd pick if you had the run of dozen counters. Some ol the sorts; rialds stripes checks Foulcs ottamena Uomie cloths Hcrgo stripes Figured stripes Armuro Stripes Chevron stripes to V Incb Single Diagonals Double Dlagonala Corded Checks, inrce sizes, Belt-color. n all the poinr; shades and black. We cut the whole business into liberal Dress Patterns and et them eo for threc-otiartcrs or less of the regular low-doivn piece price. $5 worth for $3.75 $6 worth for $4 6.75 worth for $4.50 $7.65 worth for $5.25 $8 worth for $6 $9 worth lor $6.75 There are spots iust as rjood all through Dress Goods. You may miss it if you don t see the 36 inch all-wool flatus and Stripes at 50 cents. The lot is rounded lull, the stuns such as might well be a half more. The best Black Silk-Warp rlenriettas are as easy to tell as the best Broadcloth. Softness, quality, finish, even-ness of shade not one will be wantintr. Best is always cheapest in the oop- run. lake a rnestley Silk-Warp for instance finest of pure silk, choicest clip of j AllGfrnKnn wnnl Thmr rrr trt ..wv... "W tw iw the dye in the natural gray; come out black of a uniform shade. You can exactly match such stuff years afterward. Ask for any number in the long ine ol these choicest iilack bilk and Wools. They're all here. Arnonp- the Black All Wool Henriettas are some with extra leavy warp, made to our order. More body, weight and firmness to the goods. 46 inches wide, $1 to $1.50: lighter warp, 70. Almost everything- in Paris Novelty Dress Stuffs is pecu- lar. Audacity with richness. One of the oddest of the lot shows a design as if a handful of match sticks had been flung over it. Ridiculous to think of. but quaintly taking after all. 7 shades, 40 in., $1. A big part of the Basement is gettinc livelier all the time with advance notes of the Holi day hurrah. Of course it's where the Toys and Dolls and Uames are gathered. Play things, and study-things that have all the seeming of play things. A little world of amusement for Children. Its as good as a circus for the little ones to look about there. Won ders in mechanical toys sure- enough cars that run on the merest bits of track; trumpeters that trump, and all that. L.ct the little bright eyes come with you; you 11 feel younger and they'll feel cheer- ter lor tne treat. r .1 The December Book News ii2 pages, richly illustrated, will have complete lists of Holi day liooks lor big folks and little folks. You are likely to save $i or more on every $5 you put into Christmas Books 11 you let hook news help you Can you do better with 5 cents? John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used, tt. Tho Dunlap, Miller and Youman styles In hats. Full stock just received at tho icnuing uai store ot u. ixnvcnoerg'S. Iilack Henrietta cloth 1 from 75c to 1.05, All colors from 10c per yd., up. Just re ceived a fine Hue of bright cardinal Hen riettas at U. W. SLOAN'S, Gloria Gold head umbrellas 31.35. bargain at Clark & Bon's. Bmall lot, call soon. A full lino ot under clothing cheap and goon in scarlet, grey ana wuuo at iowcn. oerg's. A lino line ot heal bxil-skw iuiu 1 just otD. received at the popular clothing etoro Lowcnbcrg's. Vnn fthnuM ten ttin fitnnil lamrta At CUtk & Son's. What Is lho""01d Virginia"? Why lt is' a brand ot cheroots wulcb Is tuo best ana cheapest In tho country. Dealers supplied by Alexander Bros. A-Co., wholesale agents, Bloomsburg Pa, 0. 0. Marr pays 22a for eggs, 25c for butter. For n stylish suit put up In city style, perfect fit and satisfaction always can bo bad at D. Lowcnbcrg's merchant tailoring. Call and seo tho newest styles. C. C. Marr sells George Boyd & Bon's syrup such as you saw and tasted at tho Fair. Headquarters for ladles' and chlldrcns' underwear at Clark & Bon's. Tho news Is coming nnd Is already hero about I. W. Hartman & Sons' gland Christmas Stock. Go early and often to sec. Bargains In ladles' and rhlldrcns' coats to rcduco stock. Another now lot bought of n man closing out to bo sold at exceed ingly low prices. Now is tho your time for bargains at Clark & Bon's. Look at our grey blaukcta at $1.75 per pair at H. W. SLOAN'S, Ladles Plush Coats $16.50 Hartman & Bona.' at I. W. Ladles' you can savo money by buying your underwear for yourself and children at Clark & Bon's. 200 Ladies, Misses and Chlldrcns' Coats tor cold weather Christmas Presents at I. W. Hartman & Bon's. I. W. Hartman & Hons' aro the first again with tho Christmas opening, others will follow. The two largest rooms of Clark & Son arc now filled with all kinds ot seasonable goods at lowest going prices. Winter millinery in, ladles' hats and bonnets, trimmings, Ax., also misses' and chlldrcns' caps in plush, velvet and wool at E. Barklcy's. Latest styles, lowest prices. Fine black cashmere cloves, silk stitched backs for 25c at 11. W. SLOAN'S. Scarlet and white fino shaker flannels at H. W. SLOAN'S. You will tind complcto lines of dress goods of all kinds at Clark & Son's. . Next Week! Next Week! You can sec tho great opening of Christmas Pre sents at I. W. Hartman & Sons'. Go to C. C. Marr for comforts, very cheap. Tell your neighbors that 1. W. Hartman & Bons will show the largest, finest and most complete lino ot Christmas goods in Columbia county. 8, 0, & 10 salesmen next week. Tho largest stock of overcoats in tho country can be seen at D. Lowenberg'a popular clothing store. Photographic por traits, Cabinet, Panel, Imperial and Heroic size, in vignette or scroll. Life size cray ons in gold frame only $10. Gold, bronZe and oak frames made to order. M'Killip Bros., Nov so-tf. III.OOXHUUIIO. BUSINESS NOTICES Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorit. Wkn Hby a tick, wo gars bar Cutorta. Wh.n aha wu a Child, aha cried for Caitorkk, When tho became Mlat, ths clung to QutorU, Wttn aha had Children, ah gave them OaMorU. 11. Handlers, ot Greenwood, writes. Dr. Thcel. 038 North Fourth Street. Phlln- ueipma, is tno greatest 01 an physicians. He cured me ot a case of Dlood Poisoning which had progressed so far as to threaten great and lasting disfigurement of tho face. I spent a fortune with so-called advertising specialists anu various uociors. All sutler. crs should consult the Doctor at once. J. J. Kkllot, Germantown. Pa., writes. that ho suffered more than 10 years from Nervous Exhaustion and Early Decay and that he spent bis money with so-called ad vertising specialists and quacks to no avail. until fortunately he heard of Dr. Theel, twa JNortu iourtn at., i-Mladelphla. Pa.. who permanently cured him. He now savs sufferers should quit spending money fool- isuiy anu consult ur. lucci. THE POPULATION OF BLOOMSBURG is about 5,000, and wo would say at loast one-half aro troubled with some affection ot tin .hroat and lungs as thoso complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous tnanotners. we would aclviso all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist anu get a Home ot Kemp's lial sam for the throat and lungs. Prlco 50c, and $1, Trial size free. Bold by all drug. glJIB. Plies t lMIcut IlclililK IMIch, Symptoms Molsturo : Intense Itchinc and stinging; most at nignt; worse uy scratch ing. If allowed to continue tumors form which oiten bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Bwayne's Ointment stops tho itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Bwayno & Bon, Philadelphia, raay-4-ly, Kczcinn, Itcliy, Scaly, Tortures. The simple application ot "Swavnc'i Ointment," without any Internal medicine will cure any caso of Tetter, Bait iilitum Hlngworra, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples Eczema, all Bcaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions no matter how obstinate or long standing, It is potent, effective, and costs but atrltle SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE allow a cough to run until it gets boyond the reach of medicine. They oiten say, -uu, 11 win wear away but in most csbcs It wears them away. Could they bo induced to try tho successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which wo sell on a positive guarantee to cure, tney would immediately see the ex. cellent effect after taking tho first dose, Price 50c. and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. THE HOMLIEST MAN is BLOOMSBURG as well astbobanusomest.and others are in vueu to can on any druggist and set free trial bottle ot Kcmp'B Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is selling entirely upon Its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relievo all chronic and acuto coughs, asthma, brouchltis and consump. lion, rnco ou cents anu $1. HAI.r.H. Dxcsmuer 1. E. It. Drinker and Llovi Paxton. executors ot the estate of J. 11 Harman, dee'd., will expose valuanlo real estate in the town ot Rupert to sale at 10 o'ciock a. m. Dio. 7. G. W. Bogart, administrator ot Reuben Bogart, will sell real estate in llcmlocK Township, at - o'clock i u. Foil Saus. Two good storo properties six dwelling bouses aud five farms for sale by M, P. Lutz, Insurance and Real Kslalo Agent, Illoomsburg, Pa. Goon IloiitniNO at Low Rates. Parties attending court will do well to call upon the undersigned to secure boarding during cuuiu ii m. uccrs, Cor. Main & West Streets. F01: Bil.i!. A desirablo and commoillnn residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas anu steam. Apply to JaniQtf. U N. Motbji. PROCLAMATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! FOB 60 All persons visiting Bloomsburg can buy the GREATEST BARGAINS I CL0THIH6 j' ever offered to THE PUBLIC Having a large owing to the extreme mildness of the season, we ed to MARE DOWN ALL WINTER GOODS, consisting of Overeats ffoir Mem, vM0&ts fw Youths, veMoate Hot CMMliw CALL anSe CONVINCED THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT THE Popular Clothing Store 0, LOWENBERC, t t stock on hand, have determin -or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers