The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 23, 1888, Image 4

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An Horodltary Oarse-
Thoro Is & certain family In Boston
which suffors from a mysterious hered
"litary enrse, of tho sort ono rends
abbot 5u bulr-olemlng Btories of tho
supernatural, Tho first- son horn to
ovi-ry daughter bleeds to doatb.
Tho story of tho manner in which
tho affliction originated can not, of
cotirso, bo vouched for. It, has to do
with a wiclced groat-groat-grandraoth'
or, who murdered a rich unolo by
opeulng one of his voins with a pon
iard In order to get possession of tho
old gentleman's vast wealth. Tho
ghost of tho deceased subsequently
appeared to tho unscrupulous nidvo
and announced In hollow tonep, op
propriato to tho tomb, tho dismal pre
diction that for all time henceforth
tho oldest mato ohlld of every girl in
her family should dio by bleeding.
So much for tho explanatory tradi
von. Tho fact is that for many gener
ations tho Crockett family of Uuarlcs
town which is a part of Boston
acd vicinity has been pursued by a
hemorrhagic Nemesis. Tho first son
born to every daughter, even io re
mote cousins, invariably bleed to
death. All ether members of tho
CrooketUtribo aro exempt from tho
mysterious trouble. But tho method
of this inherited ourso is bo well
known that each female Crockett is
prepared on tho arrival of her initial
boy for tho experience that is bound
to onsno. Tim first littlo out or oven
scratch tho lufant experiences is tSo
signal for a panic. Bandages are ap
plied as quicklv M nosaiblo and tho
wound Is treated with a preparation of
iron ia tho form of a powder. It is
a narrow squoak in such cases always,
but thero is a good chanco of recovery
wuuin oigui uays it tno thing is taken
in time. At the end of that time tho
patient either dies or gets well or dies
from loss 0t blood very suddenly.
J) or such is the manner of the bleed.
r'a complaint. Ho is sure to bo at
tacked in orecinelv tho same wav
every timo daring his lifo that his skin
is seriously abraded. On occasions of
the sort he must adopt immediate
uiuunuros remedial or die. tsy exer
cising the most extraordinary precau
wous no may rcaoh a comfortable age,
but Sooner or later he must perish oy
an Untoward accident, causing a flow
of bjood which no physician's art can
So far, not a single ono of the des
tined victims has oscaped the penalty,
The oldest one now living is a Mr
Surratt, of Melrose, who has been ao
customed, when he wanted a tooth
nulled, to revise his will, visits his ro
latives and bids them all good-bye, as
though it was likely to the forever.
Lifo is an extra hazardous risk when
you aro a bleeder. Thns it happens
that oldest sons of the Crocket family,
direct and collateral, on tho maternal
Bide, are found to bo engaged io grave
digging and other harmless avoca
Hons, which aro not likely to occasion
incidental hurts. New Orleans Pica
Paoking Butter In Brine.
Last season we packed onr surplus
butter on the tallowing plan, and
found when sold in December, when
the bntter was unpacked for sale,
came out just as fresh' and well tasted
as it was: when packed. Wo adopted
the followins method:
Bought new pork barrels, Bcalded
them out thoroughly with boiling
water three different' times, the last
time covered tbo barrel with a cloih
to keep in the steam. Let them stand
until the water cools, then rinse out
the barrel with cold water, and tho
barrel is ready for use. Wo made
strong brino by boiling, that would
float an egg, Bkimmed off any fckum
that was on top, and let stand over
night. In the morning the brine
would bo as clear as crystal. Butter
was salted in tho usual way, one
ounce to the pound. Made into five to
six-pound rolls, wrapped carefully tip
in cheese cloth and tied with cotton
wrapping twine to keep the cloth in
place. The rolls were then packed
into the barrels and covered with tho
brioo and kept covered. Tho air ip not
allowed to come in contact with it
again until unpacked. And my opin
ion is, right here is where tho secret
lays in keeping the air excluded no
foul odors can get to it. Some might'
think tho butter would get too salty in
such strong brine. Not one bit. of
danger, if the butter .has bet-n propoi
ly handled before going in the barrel.
Wo make our butter on the granular
plan and press it solidly together. As
I informed yon in my letter last sea
eon, we packed several barrels in this
way, and it was in the brino four or
five months, and not a fault found
with a pound of it. I have no doubt
that butter packed in this way cau be
shipped to any market in the United
States or Europe, if ordinary caro is
taken not to let it lay outside exposed
to the hot sun. Butter can be packed
In this way in firkins or in any vessel
that will hold tho brine. Geo. Parr,
in Hoards Dairyman.
Saw The Connection-
"Is that cheok good for anything V.
asked a passenger on the Lake Shore
road of tho policeman at tho Detroit
and Milwaukoo depot.
"No, sir," replied tho offioer, after
an inspection, "That's confide .co man's
check. How much did you let him
Thirty dollars."
"Well, you havo been swindled
didn't you eve. read of their ganuBi"
"Jjots ot times.'
"And yet you wero roped t"
"I can't help you any."
"1 dont want you to. I want yon
to look at this.
Ho handed tho ofilocr a parcel,
which upon being opened was found
to contain a largo bunch of human
hair which had been pulled out by the
roots, together with a piece of a man's
"And count this," added tho man,
as he held out a roll of money.
"Hero aro $!)0, and what does it all
mean!'' asked tbo officer.
"I'm tho man that wai swindled.
This truck belonged to tho ohap who
thought ho had oaught a sucker. See
tho connection t Closely obiiervo my
left eye. Sco any . pquash there I
Feel my hand t Any 6oft spots any
where around? Trivia, old boy, and
tell them uot to wcfp for yours truly!"
Detroit Free Press.
Towson: I've got to take a yonng
lady to tho theatre to-night (picking
op u funeral emblem). How much id
this? Fbiit: lixeuso me, sir, but
you don't st-o tho word in violets
tboT, "Ileal! ' it would hardly bo ap
propnate. T: 1 dont see what could
bo more so. The young lady u from
Philadelphia, my dear sir,
la Chinese Prison".
A writer in Chineso Times says of
Chinese jirlsons that tho amount of ex
tortion tnnt coos ou In them Is amazltifr.
and the warders and others display sur
prising ingenuity in extracting money
from tho unhappy prisoners. The new
comer almost Invariably forgets to foe
the ninht watchman. Tho consequence
Is that sleep is rendered almost impos
sible by tho tomblo nolso which is kopt
up outside his window all night, and ho
spocdlly apologizes for his forgctfut
noss nnd in.tkiH good tho overnight. It
the ooollo who cleans out tho cell is not
satl.-ficil ho oollccts all tho insects ho
can find aud introduces soveral hun
dreds into tho apartment of his victim,
who is then only too glad to call his
services into requisition to get rid of
them again, even at an exorbitant prico.
Many of tho warders and servnnts
nro criminals who havo escaped capital
punishment by tho ommission ot tho
Emperor to mark their names fordoath
when tho list for the autumn cxeontion
is submitted to hint. This list, which
sets forth tho namo and condition of
the criminal and tho circumstanous of
Ills orirae, is divided into throe paits.
Tho first! contains the new cases, tho
second tuoso that wero not marked the
provious year, the third those which
havo esoaped matking tor two years.
It is said that tho itmperor marks
about eight names in ton, and a mm
who escapes once is safe from subse
quent marking, although he has toj go
down to tho execution ground tho two
following years. Tho list is brought
from the palaso direct to the piaco ot
execution, and until its arrival neither
criminals nor officials know who are to
die, tho unlnppy victims only being
sui-o of their fate upon hearing tliem-
hoIvos called out to pay the last penalty
The prisoners who hava esoaped are
imprisoned for lite, but tnoy nave
verv easy existence, and, as thoy t
employed id tho prison and share in, tho
extortion's practiced on other prisoners,
they olton amass considerable wealth.
-London Times.
A Bare Brent
Now Year's day, 1889, will be
ushered in with more than the custom
ary eclat. In addition to tho usual
terns tial attractions of turkey and
trimmings, the cellestial feature of tho
day will bo a total eclipse ot tho sun,
visiblo mainly on the Pacifio coast, but
partial throughout tho entiro United
States. A total eclipse of the sun,
visible in the United states is an un
usual occurrence, and throughout tho
West California, Dakato and Nebraska
the path in which tho totality will be
visible, is not more than 120 miles
wide. As though gotten up specially
for tho occasion, the eclipse1 will1 strike
o(ir western coast Hue about tho loca
tion of tho groat Lick observatory,
where very olaborate preparations! aro
being made for observations. The
point of contact in the tar west will be
shortly after noon. It will be partial
in this part of Pennsylvania shortly
before sunset.
Harvard university will send an ex
pedition to California to observo the
eclipse. At tho close of their work a
portion of the party will proceed to
Peru, where Harvard has established a
permanent station on Ono of the -peaks
of the Andes. Two large telescopes to
be used by the California party will be
left a, tho observatory of tho university
of Bouth California, where thoy will re
main until the proposed new telescope
with forty-inch lens is completed. This
instrument will then lie the largest in
the world, and the largest ever con
structed. The famous Lick instrument
has only a thirty six-inch aperture.
No More Visitors to Harr'son
General Harrison has changed in
various ways since his election. His
cool treatment of tho caw-makers on
last Thursday night has caused many
uncomplimentary remarks. This morn
ing tho Journal stated that General
Harrison bid not desire to have any
moro visiting delegations wait upon
him, as the election was over, and ho
had other things to think about. A
good many Ite'pnblicacs havo indulged
in 'sharply criticising this sort of con
duct on the part of the President elect,
and ono quite prominent politican and
a member of the Blaine-Harrison party
went so far oh to say this afternoon
that if he had known Mr. Harrison as
well on last Tuesday as ho did to-day
he would never have voted for him.
Tho fact is, however, that General Har
rison has only returned to his normal
tomperament. The cordiality and hospi
tality whioh were so often spoken of
by those who visited him during ths
campaign wero entirely assumed and
Ills' Indianapolis acquaintances knew at
the time that thoy were far from natural.
How to Pluck Poultry
I have known people on market-day
to go out and kill twelvo or fifteen
fowls, and to bring them nto a room
wl)ro thero would be half a dozen
women and boys pulling a few feathers
at a time, botween the thumb and fore
finger, to prevent tearing them. Now.
for the benefit of such I will givo our
plan: Hang tho fowl by the feet by a
small cord; then, with a small knife,
givo one out aoross'the upper jaw, op
posite the corners of the moutuj after
blood has stopped running a stream,
placo the point of tho knife in tho
groove in the npper part of the mouth,
run th) blade up tho back part of the
head, which will cause a twitching of
the muscles. Now is your time, for
every feather yields as if by ma do,
and thero is no danger of tearing the
most lendor chick. Before be attempts
to flap, yon can havo him as bare as tho
day ho came out of tho egg. Journal
of Horticulture.
"What I want," oricd an impetous
woman, struggling to roach a ribbon
counter in a crowded store to-day,
.what I want is free trade."
My Poor Back!
That's the common exclamation of those suffering with rheumatism or Vldney troubles. In
either disease I'aine's Celery Compound will surely effect a cure, and there will no longer b
any cause to complain oi "poor pacni,
ing confirm cur claims for that grand old
Two weeks ago 1 could not sleep
was constipated and kidneys did not act,
back. Since I took Paine1! Celery
,.,! T run ileen like a child," Zen as
I r ' f
"Having been troubled with rfeumauim
to get around, and was vary often con
time used nearly all medicines imacinabU,
iage, laving seen Palne's Celery Com"
I ... I - nn. 1 ami am r, r f- rt 1 T"
kU.U UMJ vuv v.. I ' "
lively Mbo" FranV Caro)l( EureVt, Nerdt. W,f.oJ. Six fir JjQOf
i- .... Ckin WtB ft.Pir.Tt TrtTIUnWflT. PAPEK.
OULU oj ainuuvMaw uwi-t x ......
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors,
. George M. Pullman, the head of tho
Pnllman Palacfc' Oar Company, ihas
cAhfyluied arrangements' to ' put on n
neWralrVkndwrf as tho'PuilmarV Orl
eutal llmitod, betweon Now York and
San Fratiolsco? .which' will eavo at least
ono day between tho two, point!' over
tlo trains' now in"ii3ft Each train is
tuado continuous' throughout by veeti
buling tho caro; it is lighted with nn
improved system of elcotrio lights, heat
ed by steam from tho engine, and ven
tilated in suoli a manner as to provide
for a f reo circulation of air arid uniform
temperature. In addition to tho dining,
amoking and library cars, thero aro a
oomodious barber shop aud a spacious
bath room for gentlemen, and in
another car a similar bath room for
ladles, the latter lining fn chargo of a
female attondent well qualified as a
ladies maid nnd hair-dresser. Tbo toilet
rooms aro of inorcasod sizo nnd tho
labralorics provided with hot mid oold
water. Tins is supplied from a tank
beneath tho car, subjeotcd to air press
ure, which forces tho water through
tho Bupply pipeB and also gives a
sufficient head to throw by means of a
hose, a stream twico tho length of the
oar and to promptly extinguish any fire.
Undor tho new arrangement ono dan
loayo Now York on monday and on tho
following Saturday walk tbo streets of
San Francisco. The train will go into
sorvico early in Docember.
It is pretty well understood that tho
conductors of Harper's Maoazinp, al
ways intend to issue a Christmas Num
ber which Bhall b6 not only complete
in itself, but arranged on lines some
what different from thoso toUowed
during tho rest of tho yoar; and tho
artioles in tho Chrisima's Number for
1888 wero selected, evidently, with
this end in view, The result is an is
sue strong and novel. Tho originality
of its pages is, perhaps, most striking
in tho short stories (tho serial Btorics
all ended in tho November Number)
as in ''Tho Christmas Story of o Littlo
Church,1' by Grace King, "Sosrus
Dismal," by W; W: Aroherf and ''Tho
FrorieYard," by Miss "Woofson this
last being a daring comparison of Ital
ian and Now England natures and
ways! In poetry, too, the Number is
exceptionally good. Artistically, it
has never been surpassed.
Tbo editor of an exchatigfl very point-
tjuiy najs; - ouuouriuuns uugut, not to
become offended at newspaper duns.
If they aro owing a couple of years sub
scription thoy ought to consider that
they have been favored by the publisher
as no other business man would favor
them.' They would not think of asking
their grocoror other mercantilo credit
ors to give them two or three years
time on panltry sums of three' or four
dollars, unless they wore professional
dead beats
Make No, Mistake If you have
mado up your mind to buy Hood's
Sareaparilla do not be iuduced to take
any' 'other. Hood's Sareaparilla is &
peculiar medicine, possessing, by vir
tue, of its peculiar combination, propor
lion and preparation, curative power
superior to any other article of tho
kind before tho people. For all af
feotions arising from impure blcod or
low Bt to ot the system it is unequal
ed. Be sure to get Hood's.
Buying a Blag.
Young Man I'd like to look at
something in the ringjino for a young
Jeweler There's a nice thing for
Young Man Cau't you make some
difference in the price! I deliver ice
at yonr house.
Jeweler 'Ah, indeed I Yes,
cau have the ring for $9' 50.
Doctors In Prescribing Wines.
The PhysioianB to give a liquor con
taining the extractive parts of the
grape, such as iron, grape-sugar and
the other elements whioh give to port
wine its speoial flavor or b'otiquet and
its singular blood making prdu'erties
from tho iron that is contained in the
coloring principle of pure lied Wino.
Speer's Now Jersey Wines, especial
ly hjs P, ort. are grown on n brown
stone shalersoil, rich in iron and from
vines brought from the banks of tbo
River Doura, in Portugal, where the
finest tho world are made, but
none over reaoh tbis'dountry in a pure
state. Speer's Wines are regarded
superior to any in the market. For
sale by druggists.
"I oonfess," says a thoughtful writ
er, "that increasing i ears bring with
them an increasing respeot for men
who do not succeed in life, as those
words are commonly used." Ill suc-
oess sometime arisen from aonnoience
too sensitive, a taste too fastidious,
a self forgetfulness too rominlic. a
modesty too retirirg.
Friendship is moro firmly secured
by lenity toward failings than by at
tachment to oxo'elleuoios. The form
er is valued as a kindness which oin
uot Vo claimed; the latter is ' exacted
as a payment of a debt to merit.
Never lose sight of this important
truth, that no one can bo truly grt-at
until he has guino I a knowledge of
mriifeoii, iiKuowioige wnicii can only
be acquired by occasional retirement.
Applicant knocking loudly at tho
gates j What, hoi within tbeiil
Voice What's wanted!
Applicant 1 want to see St. Peter.
Voice Well, you oa'u't too him' ndwi
no s gone to tho ball game.
Dudley learned his juggling wilh
crisp "groen goods" from Dorseyj aud
whether Dorsey loarned it from tho
Devil is what no fellow can find out.
"I want a dish of souse," ho said;
1 1.1 ..l. t'- il. l t ill c r . '
"Yoii'ro going 'o he en ite to 'day sir"
replied the Irish waiter.
A subscriber' &kji "How can I
prevent a boy from bisirig fan! Lot
him jjiu the district telegtaph corps.
Hundreds' of .testimonials like (he follow.
more than an Hour at a time any nigm,
and bad a good deal, of pain, in the
Compound the pain has left my back,
Sanders. West Windsor. Vermont.
for fire veart. I was almost unable
fmMi in mi bed for weeks af a time. I
tmldei nutilde advices, but to no advan-
pound adrertlsed, I gave it a trial. I have
cured. I can now jump around and feel
People Pay Heavy Bills
Tot medical attendance nnd mMlclna. Rlcknnm la
cxponalrp, nnd those with amMl lncomra tocl thla
burden keenly. The pliratclnn must somoumca
bo called but ho Is not needed one-tenth as often
M many tnlnk. , What Is required Is n family
medicine i ono that will rflloto and euro thorn
ailments which nro lkible to come at any Reason
nnd to attack both boxcs and all aires. Amid the
host ot articles that art offered to the public tor
thl. purpose nearly all are useless or worse than
UBoloffl. It Is nn rain bout to say that the modi,
cine herein mentioned Is ot a very different char
acter. What It ha, done H known to multitudes
of persons whom It Mscnred of weary and polnw
fuf dtwaw. It has saved time, money and many
dear nnd precious lives. Now please understand
mm, us urn mu 14 in ino uiooa so aiscano ana aeain
aro in tho blood (let the polwn 0"t of the blood
and life and health at once return ta ererr nart of
tho body, l)fT Urown's sarsnparlHa does this work
quickly and surely through us direct and positive
bui iuu uinj uitj Biumucu, uuwvin, Kiuuujn, uvrr
and skin. For all waste and corrupt elements
must bo cast off by moms ot thoso channels.
Kheumatlsm, scrofula, bronchitis, gout consump
tion, malaria, catarrh, hay feter. alt skin affect
Ions and eruptions are dl-eascs ot the blood.
Mr 000. II. Wlab, ot the firm ot Thaxter ft Wish,
I)an(tor, Me., was aniloted with n scrofulous humor
which caused troublesome sores upon both his
legs. Many remedies were used and several
Bhvslclans consulted, without result, Aftertakinu
rown's Sareap irllla a short tlmo he was better,
and soon thocruptlons disappeared and he is now
all right. This Is only one of a thousand victories
gained by
Not genuine unless mode by Ara Warren & Co.,
Bangor Me. mayss a ly
. Do yen feel doTi, languid, low-snlrlted, life
leas, and Indescribably miserable, both physi
cally and mentally; experience a tense of
fullness or bloating after eating-, or of M gone
ness," or emptiness of stomach In the morn
Insr, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste In
mouth. Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent
headaches, blurred eyesight, "floating specks"
before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex
haustion. Irritability of temper, hot flushes,
alternating with chilly sensations, sharp,
biting, transient pains here anil thero, cold
feet, drowsiness sifter meals, wakefulness, or
disturbed nnd unrefrcshlng .sleep, constant,
Indescribable feeling of dread, or of Impend
ing calamity t
It you have all, or any considerable number
of these symptoms, you are suffering from
that most common ot American maladies
Ullious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more
complicated your disease has become, the
greater the number and dlvorslty of symp
toms. No matter what' stair It has reached,
r. Pierce's Uoldcn niedlcnl Discovery
will subdue it, it taken according to direc
tions for reasonable length of time. It not
cured, complications multiply and Consump
tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,
ltheumatlsm. Kidney Disease, or other grave
maladies are quite liable to set in and; sooner
Or later, Induco a fatal termination,
nr. I'lorco's Golden nicdlcfil Dls.
eorery acts powerfully upon the Liver, nnd
through that great blood -purifying organs
cleanses the system of all blood-taints and Im
purities, from whatever cause arising. It Is
equaUy efficacious in acting upon the Kid
neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing.
Strengthening, and healing their diseases. As
an appetizing, restorative tonlo, it promotes
digestion and nutrition, thereby building up
both flesh and strength. In malarial districts,
this wonderful medicine has gained great
celebrity in curing Fever nnd Ague, Chills and
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases.
Ilr. riorce'a tloldeu medical Dls.
from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the
worst Scrofula. Balt-rheum, " Fever-sores,"
Scaly or Hough Skfn, In short, all diseases
caused by bad blood aro conquered by this
powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi
cine. Great Eating ulcers rapidly heal under
its benign influence. Especially has It mani
fested Its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema,
Erysipelas, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof
ulous Sores and Swellings, ilip-jolnt Disease,
"Whito Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck?
And Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in
stamps tor a large Treatise, with colored
platea,on Skin Diseases, or the same amount
for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Pierce
Goldeu Medical Discovery, and good,
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, rital
strength and bodily health wiU be established.
which is Scrofula orihe Lungs, Is arrested
and cured by this remedy. If taken In the
earlier stages of the dlseaso. From its mar
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when first offering this now world-famed rem
edy to the public. Dr. Fierce thought seriously
of calling It his " Consumption Ctmc" but
abandoned that name as too restrictive for
a medicine which, from its wonderful com
bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and
nutritive properties, is uncqualed, not only
as a remedy for Consumption, but for all
Cbrouto Diseases of tho
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short
seas ot Breath, Cbronio Nasal Catarrh, Bron
chitis. Asthma, Bevere Coughs, and kindred
affections, It is an efficient remedy.
Sold bv Druggists, at 1.00, or Six Bottles
for $6.00.
t3f Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's
book on Consumption. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
663 Slain St., BUFFALO, N. T.
You will Save
By Usintf
Cream BalmH AY-EE.V E R
ApaiLiUiV la Ulllcu tuvu vc.u uv, n,.u m
agreeable. Price w cents at Druggists ; by mall,
registered, eo cts. ELY jinoTUEIlS, 66 Warren
street, Now York. oct 2ML-U.
Clear; ics and beautifies th hair.
Ntver FaiU to Ritor Gray
rromoiei a. PTOwm.
rrevenU PandrutT and hair falling
ton. M tl 00 t Drafglatsi.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtalned.and all Patent
business conducted for MODKU TK FEUS.
OFI'ICII. yo hive no sub-agencies, aU business
dlri'Ct, hence can transact patent' business in less
time and utLESS coax than those remote from
send model, drawing, or pboto.wltb description.
Wa advise If patentable or not, free of charge.
Our too not due till patent is secured.
A book'llonr to Obtain ratents,nwlth feterenics
0 actual clients In your state, county, or town,
uuivu, nuuibaa
C. A, SNOW & CO.,
opposite ratent Office, Washington, D. 0
-IJKE, t)ie' great
Uedlcal Work of the
and Physical De
bility, Premature D-
iUntV TUVCPI C cllne, Errors of Vouth,
siiiuii i ss ivui si
land the untold uiler-
thereon, 800 page. S vo., lea pro
II dix-aaes. Clotk ?ull eilt. onlr 11.00.
by mall, waled, IDa.tratlve ssinpls free id all yound
aud middle-aged men, Send now. The Gold and
I swelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation
al Medical Association. Address l'.O, Hot ISUS.ltos.
lonfbJS.,or Dr. W, U, I'AKKEK, graduateof Har-
vara .ueuiuu voiiege, xo years- pracucem iwigoii;
who may be consulted confidentially. Offlct, No."
4 llulnnch St. Specialty, Diseases of Man.'
Uul Ihia oat. You nay never see It aifuln.
sopt 'if-i-H.
LKunoimriK ft rirror. norr7,-o
lig, Rtcltilig, r IbvUM CHAIR.
tCUHCE, 8t0. AA ltd
or COUCH. Prlci9UU
Arilustakla H.iUl.M Pk.iltliat
Utf luritlM Qurillli,'
RelllitltiMLBick. flftiei. Librirv.
rintf CiriMl rfrlrflil. Ktcd and Hitica CHAINS nnr,
Our 100 (Uffertut dntljD...
Oar fiUtt Ait cm i lie Brikt on ttllTW.
ringtttjt, Wsj hva diitooutinuca
QojAimgi uy tiUiiDf yuur uraer
dimt wUhiM iuk.brt itu i'u ..,
a ndf dalit urud I rv txj nr Dolot Id i
OfcUloju. lui iUU cUm ox qoU ion wub It !,
tiiUjI .SIsiImm lifKanii it .uu ii fr
Jit Kf ta IUklh Blrset, fkUaaslpUa. fat
Every ship has a log cabin.
Atl iiiBufab6o office is a hicro p6lIoy
hop. i
Ho And you really love rdo, darl
ing t I
Shri Why rip you doubt mc, dear t
HoWol I Raw vou fioltlnt? tho
clotk an hour forward when 1 cariio
in. "
How dd tbo noasdhs nioM Wiiy,
adltiinMioallyj of course;
Tho farmers In Contral Now "York1
havo organir.od an npplo trust. If
tnoy expeot it will keep tramps on tho
outpido of tho fonoo thoy aro very
mtioh mistaken.
riirunES Kon TiurriNo the tonouk.
Tho popularity ol Petot Piper's
celebrated pock of pickled poppers
will probably never Wand tia a Brjaro to
catou tho tonguo that would fain be
airile; but that trot has formidable
tivals. Tho following short Bentcnocs,
aa their authors umintnin, do wonders
in baflling the ordinary power of
Gaze on the gay grey brigade.
Tho sea cotvolli and it sufficeth us.
Say, should suoh a shapely Bah
shabby rtltches sliow!
Strango stratcgio statistics.
Give Grimes Jim's gilt gig-whip.
Samh in a shawl shovelled soft
snow softly.
She sells eea shells.
A cup of coffoo In' a copper coffee
pot. Smith's spirit flask split Phillip's
sixth sister's fifth squirrel's skull.
For tho last words of Noah VVobst
or look in his dictionary.
A railroadiman need to bo a man
of genius. Headlight Hashes help him
at night.
Somebody ssays that drinking beer
will qnenoh the thirst. Perhaps it
may, but not bo quiokly as, 'waterj
Somo men's tbiret is so hard to quench
with bfeer that they swallow ten
glasses inside Of ab hbur, whereas olio
pint ot water will satistv a plain, or
dinary, evoryday thirst for eight or ten
uuurs at a time.
Ho had been in the habit of playing
truant irom sohool,- and be bad been
moderately lucky in cettinti out of the
scrape. But ho was' caught ono day
and brought before tho teaoher.
"You'ro late. Wher1 have you bcenl"
"I've beon sick.
'"Sou don't look sick.''
"Well, I'm bettor, but I've' been siok,
all the same,
''You go right homo and get a note
froni your mother, or I'll punish you
He went off and was gone about ten
minutes. It was pretty quick work,
and when ho handed the uoto to tho
teaoher she thought that tho hand'
writiiic did not look' like bis mother's.
She kept hor eyes on him as she opened
the note, but be was as' bland and as
innocent as the best boy in tho world
'Tho note' read:
Miss 4 Please' excuse John' this
mornin fur, beid lato, cos ho broke his
leg. Mrs. SanJFrancisco Chroni
cle. Pond's Extract is newer sold by
measure nor bulk nor in anv drug
gist bottles. Anyone who tolls you ho
bays it by the gallon or barrel or m
any w&y except in our buttles, is falsi-
tyiug and deceiving you. 1'reuared
bottled only by Pond's Extract Co.,
Now York and London. Sto our name,
nn every wrapper and label. Pond's
Extract has, been used by physicians
and the people oveijforty years f or Hem-
orrnayes Jfaxn ana inflammations,
Following spiritual awakening
comes the epriuging up of thoughts
we nover knew bofore; the openint; of
a prospect-into which wc never 1 ithor
tohad looked; tho sinking of the present
and tho visible' before the' mltrhiv form
of spiritual objects' looming in the' aw-
tot distance; tbo throwing tortn tne
spirit out of ono world into another;
the passing onward into a new hemi
sphere' lighted by now stars, and
bright fruits and flowers before un
known. In order to judge of tho insido of
others, study your own; lor men in
general aro very much alike, and
though one has one prevailing passion.
auu tiuuiuur uas uuutuer, yet, uiuir
operations aro much tho same ; and
whatever engages or disgusts, pleases
or offends you in others, Mil, chang
ing conditions, engage, disgust, please
or offend others in you.
"When you descant ou tho faults of
others, consider whether you be not
Biillty of tho same. To train know
ledge of ourselves, tho l est wav is to
convert the imperfections of others in
to a mirnr for discovering our own.
Out of the Breastworks.
Tatx Spjuncs, Tsnn., July 4, 18M
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.;
Gentlemen Sercn years ago I contracted
an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I
tried a physician, the best at command, bnt
secured no benefit. My throat began to
get sore, and my body covered with sores)
and ulcers. Coins; from bad to worse, I
felt that my grave must be reached in the
near future, I gave up the doctors treat
ment, and with a despairing hope I com
menced taking , your medicine. I began to
Improve from the first bottle, and In a short
time the ulcers healed, and my akin cleared
oil and was entirely well.
One year ago a case of catarrh developed
In my system. The physician did his best,
but could not cure me ;' but two bottles of
Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief.
J. II. Koswsotf.
Kaufman, Tex., June sj, 1888.
The Swift Specific Co., -Atlanta, Ga.:
Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a
aMn disease for about twelve yeafs, and tha
best medical treatment failed to glre tne re
lief. I am now using Swift's Specific, and
have received the greatest benefit from Its
use.- Yours truly, Wat, Jones.
For sale by all druggists.
Tus Swift Sricinc Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Gt,
New York, 756, Broadway.
London,' Engi, 35 Snow IltH,
TU cabinet organ was Introduced in Its prMtat
form by Mawa a Hamlin ia 1 Ml. Other makers
followed In tha manufacture of these tnttmnuBta,
pal tho Maton & llamUn Organs hare always maia
lalned thtlr aanrtnucv as Uia beat in tiia world.
i Mason a Hamlin oflcr, aa dtroonsbaUon ot lha
;aauea excauenco or tnelr organs, tno fact thai
I au or tne grati worm's luiuciuons, si
'arts. 1S47,
'1th beat r
with best mail I Ul II UT
era of allcoon-
en tne niffneal
honors. Hits-
crated cataloiraea a 122 TO anoo. frea.
ataaon Jtllamllndonothulute to make tfcs ex
traordinary claim tor their pianos, that Uuy ars
superior to all others. They rocogiuta tha blgU
exctUene achUTtd by other leading makers In tia
art of piano building, bat still claim aoperlortty.
This thar altiibaU aolelr ta thu ramifkabla im.
tuar aiuiDqv aa
proTeratni uvoaacoa or mera in ine year isss.
imiot lntrodaced br Ihem In lha reu last.
and now known as tha "MAfoii & Uucun Pima
nraiaom," W 11 1 m ftlfinusnMoii
fwtikU I
Pas- I
ft '
m aecared the U I II su 1 1 Vareattat
alblaDlirltrandr I U IfJ I lareOnamanE
ton, togathn I I fill V VwltU creatlr In
cmaad caoacl- 011X9 OWJJSI. tj t or atanaliis
tu ,uuf wuvuw(uuiuiwi,au, auhaca. .
A circular, containing Uitlraonlala from Uum
bondred porcbaMrs, musicians, and taacrs, S4at.
tcclher wllh detcrlptive catalogua, to sa j applicant
rtaao and Oreans sold tor casa ot tasr car
ata: also rented. . . .
o?t s-w, rUrva
Ail Economical Baking Powder,
Use Rumford Yeast Powder, the Old Reliable. Its
superior strength enables the Use tt less quantity
than'of ordinary powder, and it is healthful and
nutritious. Packed in bbttles. No other genuine.
Durn.Lno from selected Barley Malt and gruarantccd to bo chemically pnre
and free from Injurious oils nnd rclda often contained in alcoholic liquors. It la
especially adapted to persons requiring' A stimulating tonic, Consumptives being
greatly benefitted, by its tire. Iteuommended by leading physicians as a Uluretlv
Nervine, lonia ana iterative, r or LoiiHuuipiivea it, is invaiuauie. i'Aiuiirtr-a
ruilt! UAllLKV MALT WIIIHKET Insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, a good
appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and muBcular tissue. . A
stimulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, indigestion and nil wasting dl
caRCs can bo entirely conquered by the ute or l'errlne'a lure Hurley nit Whrekeys
ft is a ton Id and diuretic and a powerful nticngthencr to tho entiro system. 1'Elt
HI NH'S l'UUK BAULKY MALT WHISKKt lias proved a medicinal, protection to
those who pursue their avocations In tho open air and whose dally work calm It
ieirceptlonal powers or endurance.' nearest druggist or grocer tor tor
pitultiNK'smirtK uahlky MAl.r WH18KKT revives thocnerelca of those worn
out with excessive bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rigorous weather. Itwlll drive U malarious diseases from the system.
Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lite renders prone to
IDyspepiia nna in rerrine's rure iianey
-Malt Whiskey a powerful lnvkrorant
5&na helper to digestion. rKltlTlNK'f
without unauiy stimulating
Ym Bale uy ail 'drug
and grocers throuh
the united Btatesa
neyn increases their nagKlng aottvlty,
countcractstho MTects of fatigue, has
tens convalescence and is a whoiesomo
and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I
None genuine unless bearing the slgna
a - ZR -
We are, offering great inducements to persons desiring to
purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
Among the Pianos -we handle tire the IYERS & POND
String and, Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-clato
and fully warranted for fiye years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY, MILL'
EM. UNITED STATES and other makes.
Af 77 IT 7 t T TCI H l TS Tr T J
ARD ROTAR Y Sewing 'Machine, the finest nnd best
notary hewing Machine in the
Before TJurchasintr write for
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomshurg, Pa.
P. P. ADAMS' & CO.,
Sole agents ot the fol
lowing brands of
Alexander Bros, d Co,
fresh Every week.
Blbomsburg Pa.
Foreign sudDomestio
The analysis as it appears by the
alyzed the Peas BaaLxr Malt Wms
r made by M. ft J. K l-orrlne and nnd
it entirely free fromtuscl oll.turfnrol,
metals and acids and 1b absolutely
upi nn evrrv noinpi I nave careiunr an
tne ma
Sure." SIOTiea, camwa Annvr Jiaier,
raauaUi vjttm UnivertUtet of Munich,
witeva ana weisoaaen
Tt ,r T.T nlTA -- rri -rr . -m m.-wJ
Catalogues to J. SATTZF.R'P!
will be
Market Prices,
as follows:
QtU and Qlietatat,
I.ctlKcr IittlltlliiK-.
"Ilv n thorouch knowledcre of tba natural laws
.which govern tbo operations of digestion nnd
nutrition, nnd by n careful nmllcatlon of tho flno
properties of well-Belected i ocoa, Mr. Knpsbas
proviaea our ureaaiasi, taoica wnn a aencaieiy
Uavorcd beverage which may aave us many heavy
doctors' bills. Hlsbythe Judicious uso of such
articles ot diet that a constitution may be gradual
ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten
dency to dl ease. Hundreds of. subtle maladies
are noatlDg around us ready to attack wherever
thero la a weak point. Wo may escnpo many .a
fatal Rtiaf t by keeping ourselves well fortified with
pure blood and a properly nourished trame."-CfeiI
i'ert'fre Gaulle, ilodo simply with Dolling water
or milk. Sold only m halt pound Una, by Grocers,
labelled thus;
JAMES KITS & CO., Homcoopathio chemists.
oub vhum,u lAuiaou, r-ngtano.
Tit A. M. A, H.
1 SS 10 10 0 15
10 25 80
.... 10 29 6S4
1 58 10 SO 6 40
2 14 10 53 B 58
2 19 11 CO 7 05
2 44 11,07 7 12
2 29 11 15 7 20
.... 11 22 7 27
.... 11 26 7 31
11 30 7 S5
2 49 11 87 7 41
2 54 11 44 7 49
2 59 11 48 55
3 09 II 58 8 OS
3 19 12 03 8 IT
3 26 12 15 8 22
12 20 8 33
3 35 12 25 8 33
8 89 12 30 8 88
3 43 12 37 8 45
.... 19 41 8 49
11 45 8 53
3 52 .12 50 8 53
3 56 11 55 9 03
4 01' 1 03 9 09
111 9 17
1 19 9 25
...... 1 25 9 80
4 22 1 30 9 S3
r m r if ax
A M ru TU
9 60 2 05 8 SO
9 53 .... 6 23
10 00 2 14 6 80
10 08 2 21 6 87
10 16 2 28 6 45
10 22 2 34 6 50
10 27 2 39 6 65
10 30 ... 6 69
10 34 2 47 7 03
10 39 2 60 7 07
10 42 2 64 7 12
10 47 2 69 7 16
10 61 3 03 7 21
10 65 3 06 7 !5
11 01 3 19 7 43
11 12 3 29 7 55
11 22 3 39 8 07
II 28 3 45 8 13
11 37 3 61. 8 20
3 67 8 27
11 48 4 01 8 31
11 62 4 05 8 35
11 19 4 12 8 41
12 05 4 18 8 47
12 10 4 24 8 62
12 15 4 29 8 57
12 SO 4 46 9 15
..... 4 54 9 23
12 40 5 CO 9 28
12 St 5 15 9 45
p h p ii r k
Cameron 5 55
Chulasky 6 00
Danville S 08
Cntawhaa ; s SS
iupert,. e su
Hloomsburg 6 39
Espy, s 42
Lime llldge ta
Willow Grove....,,;... S4
Brlarcreek s SS
Berwick 7 03
lleach Haven 7 11
Hick's Ferry. 7 18
Shlckshtnny 7 HO
UUniOCK'S I 43
Nkntlcoke 7 so
Avondalc 7 54
Plymouth 7 eo
I'll mouth Junction,.... 8 0.1
tungsion...... a
Uennctt 8 2
Maltby 8 17
Wyoming 8 13
West rittston s 87
llttston 8 S3
Lackawanna ........
8 40
8 48
, S 54
. 9 00
r k
. 6 10
6 IS
, 0 20
, 6 2S
, S 3D
i S 42
. 6 47
. S Bl
, .6 65
, 6 58
West Plttston
Plymouth Junction...
. 7 05
Plymouth 7 10
Avondalc. . ., 7 14
Nantlcoke 7 19
Hunlock's 7 ss
HMckshlnny 7 47
Ulck's Ferry. 7 55
Beach Haven, 8 01
uerwick 8 07
Bnarcreek. 8 13
Willow Grove 8 l
Lime wage. .. 8 20
Kspy.. .......... s 20
Hloomsburg 8 32
ltunert 8 87
Catawlssa 8 2
Chulasky. 9 03
Cameron 9 07
uanviue 8 67
Connections at ltunert. with Philadelphia r.
A u
Tteadlnr ltallroad for Tamanend. Tamaaua. Will.
lamsport, Sunbury, Pottsvlllo, etc. At Nortbum.
berland with P. & K. Dlv. P. K. K. for Harrtsburg,
Lock Haven, Bmporlum, Warren, corry and Erie.
v. jr. iiALBiitALf, uen. jukd.,
Scranton, I'a
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Dmsj
ion, and Northern Central
In effect NOV. 18 1838. Trains leave Sunbury
9.40 a. m.. sea Shore Sxnress (dally except
Sunday), tornarrlsburgandlntermedlatestatlons,
arriving at Philadelphia 8.15 v. m. : New York,
s.sop.m.; Baltimore, 4.45 p.m.; Washington1
5.65 p. m connecting at Philadelphia for all sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.43 n. m. Day duress
dally except Sunday), for narrisburg and interme
diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
8.50 p. m. j New Tork, 9.85 p. m. : Baltimore
6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coacnea
through to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
7,45 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (daily
lui uauiouuiK nuuuuuivciiucuiaivBuiuuu.niti,-
Ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 710 a. m.
liaiiunore. m. ; waemngion sou &. ui. ,
Pullman Bleeping car from Harrtsburg to Philadel
phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can
remain In sleeper undisturbed until ,7 a. m.
Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train from
n uuauiHpurb uu auuuaya
2.60 a. m. Erie MalKdatlvl for narrisburg and
Intermediate stations, arrwing at Philadelphia
8.2S a. m. New York, H.soa. m. : Baltimore 8.16
a.m.; Washington, 9.80 a. m. Through Pullman
sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia,
uammoreanawasnincton, ana mrougn pastwu
ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
s.ioa. m.Erle Mall fdallvi. for Erie and nl
Intermediate stations, Hocheater, Buffalo and
Nlaeara Falls, with through Pullman Palace
Intermediate stations ana Canandali?na aid
cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Iloonre-
9.53 News Kinross (dally excent Sunday) lor
Lock Haven and intermediate stations.
12.B2 n. m Niagara Exnresa (dally except San
d,y) tor Kane and Intermediate stations and Can-
anoaigua ana principal intermediate niat,iuujs,
ltorhenter. llufTaln and Nlaeara Falls With
through passenger coaches to Kane and liocheater
and Parlor carto wiuiamsport. .
5.80 p. m. Fast Line (dally.exoeptsundayltor He
novo and intermediate stations, and Klmlra, Wat
klna and Intermediate stations, with through pas
senger coaches to ltenovo and WaUlns.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for ltenovo and Interme
diate station"
Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m
Harrlsburg 1.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m.
News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m.
Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7,40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally
except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 11.69 p. m.,
with through Parlor car from Philadelphia
and tnrougb passenger coaches from Philadel
phia and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New York 9.0O a.m.; Philadel
phia, 11. 50 a. m. ; Washington, 9.60 a. m. t Balti
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally ejeept Sunday) arriving at
Sunbury. 6.op. m., with through passenger
ooacheafrora Philadelphia and Baltimore. . .
Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p.m.; Philadel.
phla, n.25 p. m. t Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; Balti
more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 5.10
a. ui., wuu iiiruuKU I unumii oicruiuK iwmiivu.
Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and
hrough passenger coaches from Philadelphia,
IlAll.uuAir anil niilii'Ji anw ivnaa
(Dally except Sunday.)
WllkeBbarre Mall leaves sunbury 9.55 a. m.i
arriving at Bloom Ferry lata a. m., Wllkes-barra
3.12 p. in.
Express East leaves Banbury 6.85 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barre 7.60 p.m
Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.50 a. m. arriv.
Ing at Bloom Ferry ll.BJ a. ra., Hunbury 12.43 p. m
Express West leaves Wllkes-barre J.08 p. m.. ar
riving at Bloom Ferry 4,80 p. m., Banbury s.sop.m
Sunday mall leaves sunbury 9:23 a. tru, 'arriving
at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 11:45 a-m.
Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre sua
p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.89 p. m., Sunbury
1:80 p.m.
CUA8. B. PUQH. J, Jt. WOOD, .
(fen-Manage (ton. Paaaecger Agwi