The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 23, 1888, Image 3

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    ' if
The Columbian
Hrimbllshea Mery Friday, subscription prioc.
$1.00 ft year. '
Entered at the Post Offleo at Bloomsbunr. Pa.,
ru second claw matter, March 1, lNta. '
FRIDAY, NOVKMDElt 23, 1888.
" toaaicrluttaoiD TiiViina.
Taking effect WEDNESDAY. AtJQCST 1st, m.
BOUTlf. NORtll.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lt.
STATIONS, r. m. r, m. x. v. r. u. a. h.
Bloomsburg....... ' 81 1 8 oo 9 oo e 40 oo
Main street...... 1 jo 3M7M n 8 61 os
Ironclale. ........ 7 18 a M T 48 9 13 n M DM
1 'ft per Mill 7 11 1 6J 7 89 V 25 7 01 6 IS
JJghtstrcct. TM 1 47 7 SI 9 SO 7 OS a is
orangovtllo Bi l S3 7 S3 itoim 6 27
Forks,. ... t 14 T 13 10 01 7 M S7
TubbS 41 1 08 7 08 10 07 7 SS S 41
Stillwater......... 6 38 1 01 7 W 10 IS 7 41 6 49
Benton,...... V8 1 60 61 10 SO 7 M 6 61
" A 18 10 Ml 00
Edaons, e is is 09 a 49 u M 7 ( a (7
coles creek, a w is oo a 45 11 10 8 00 7 00
sugaYioaf, a i 11 aa a 40 11 is 8 05 7 oj
Laubacha... ft 17 n so a 87 it so a 09 7 on
central. a 10 11 40 a so 11 90 8 it 7 19
Lv. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar
r, H. A. K. A. M. A. 11. A. M. A. M.
Trains on the r. fc II. H. H. leave KupertAa
follows 1
7:2t a. m. 11:04 a. m.
3:41 p. m. :80 p. m.
Tratnaontbe D. L. ft W. K. R.leave Bloomsburg
as lollowBi
7:11 a. ra. 8:83 a. ra.
10.67 a. m. 19:00 p. m.
2-.J4 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
a:8ft p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on the N.6W.B. Railway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows 1
north, aotrrn.
10:48 a. m. 11:69 a. m, p. m. S0 p. m.
xortti. sotrra.
10:18 a m 8:39 p m
W. n. Houtcl lias been awarded tho
contract for tho employment ol all mala
workmon about the Normal Bchool, except
iter. M. Patterson of Mllford, N. J. will
preach In tho Presbyterian Church next
Sunday morning and evening.
Mr, Aud Mrs. B. 0. Henderson, Montgo
mery Btatlon, aro rejoicing over tho birth
of a "bouncing big boy."
Stumping ot all hinds dono to order.
Now York's latest styles of pattern used.
Uock Street, 2nd door below Market St.,
Dloomsburg. tf.
Tho worst featuro about catarrh Is lti
dangerous tendency to consumption.
Hood's Harsaparllla cures catarrh ,by puri
fying tho blood.
Tho Knights ot tho Golden Eaglo will
hold a supper for tho benefit ot tho Lodgo
In Evan's llall, next Thursday OTcnlng.
Tho ordor will parado Thursday after-noon.
Mrs. P. M. Leader returned Tuesday from
a visit among friends in Milton.
Miss Annlo Miller spent last week In
Mr. and Mra. William Neal attended the
wedding of Miss Boyd at Harrlsburg this
Frank Bloan, who for Bomo months past
has been engaged in the construction of a
railroad in Maryland, is homo on a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, ot New Jersey,
spent a few days last week with Mr. L.
Paxton at Rupert.
Miss Salllo Chaso and Mr. Iiobort Chase,
of Boston, spent Baturday and 8unday
with their relatives, Ilov. W. 0. Loverett
and family.
Miss Buo Thorn died at her homo In Phil
adelphia on 'Wednesday morning. She
was tho daughter of Mr. F. Q. Thorn, and
sister of Mr. Fred Thorn who spent somo
tlrao here as a member of tho B. & 8. en
glucer corps. Miss Thorn had visited
friends here, and her many acquaintances
will rcgrot to learn of her death. Bho had
been an Invalid for somo time, but her de
cease was unexpected.
The town assessors aro engaged in mak
ing tho triennial assessments.
E, H. Little Esq. received threo pure
blood CheBter White pigs from Chester
county on Tuesday, and placed them on
his farm for breeding purposes.
In our article last week announcing that
0. E. Relco had gone to Philadelphia to at
tend tho funeral of his slsterlMrs. Scott, it
should have read Mrs. Young.
J. G. Wells has added a flno lot of silver-
waro to his already fine stock. Parties
looking for holiday presents should call and
seo before purchasing.
Last week Dr. Brown removed a cataract
for Mr. J. K. Grotz. This week he per-
formed a similar operation for William Mul
.ky Esq., of Montrose, Pa.
Normal Hill Is building up rapidly. The
frame work of Mrs. Brown's new houso Is
nearly up. next ts Grant Herring's, and 0,
B. Itobblns has tho stone foundation laid
for a brick house next to 0. F. Knapp's.
The Manor Best Inn Company Is now
fullv organized and will soon havo a char
ter. It is tho Intention to push tho work
on tho hotel at Jamison city as rapidly as
On Monday morning a largo rock rollod
down on to tho track of tho B. & S. road
Just abovo Orangevllle as tho down train
was passing. It struck the rear platform
of tho ear and broko it and threw the car
from. the track, but no one was hurt.
Head Lowcnbcrg's new advertisement
this week. Great bargains aro offered,
and everybody should avail ihcmselvos ot
the opportunity to gel good clothtng at a
very low price
The prohibitionists havo mado greater
gains In the last election than cither ot tho
two great political parties. In 1883 their
total voto was 150,000, whllo this year it
will reach nearly 850,000. Tho greatest
gains tfcro in tho Southern 8tatCB.
A Memorial Servlco Issued by tho Board
ot Commissioners of Foreign Missions,
Reformed Church of tho United States, In
honor of Its Fiftieth Anniversary, will be
rendered In tho Reformed Church of this
place, noxt Sunday, 25 Inst., at 10:30 A.
All aro Invited to bo present.
Twenty-Uvo cents a day purchases
3,000 policy in Tho Travelers, of Hartford,
which Is payable in event ot death by no
cident, with $15 weekly Indemnity for
wholly disabling Injury. J. U. Maize,
agent, second floor Columbian building
Bloomsburg. tf,
An entcrtalnmcut will be given In tho
Lutheran Cburch Friday evening Novem
ber 23rd under tho auspices ot tho
Woman's and Children's Missionary Socie
ties. The exercises will consist ot music
and recitations and will be well worth the
small prico of admission. Children 10
cents, adults, 1G cents.
List of letters romatnlng In tho Post Of.
flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Nov,
20, 1888.
John C. Brown, Miss Badle C. Collins,
Frank Coldcronc, L. A. Cox, Andros Bud-
back, U. W. Uartman, Chas. E. Uann, J,
J. McUenry, Miss Annie B. Miller, Mr,
Abiah Swisher, Mrs. Bailie Bnydcr.
Persons calling for theso letters will
pleaao say "advertised."
George A. Clare, P. M.
The new year, 1889, will bo ushered In
With a total eclipse of tho sun. In this
section tho ccllpsu will begin at 4:20 and
leavo after sunset. As tho sun will set at
4:45, wo will only obtcrvo Iho cclipso for
25 minutes. Along tho Paclflo slope tho
cclipso will begin at 2 o'clock and continue
until 4:21 making about two and ono-half
hours for tho cclioso. At this rate we will
obscrvo but one-fifth of lt In this section.
January 10-17 there will bo a partial
cclipso ot tho moon coming at 0:80 and
continuing until 8:1G u. m. As tho moon
rlscB then about soven o'clock, thero will
bo a flno opportunity tor viewing that
One l'ncl.
ib worm a column ot rlictorlc, said an
American statesman. It Is a fact, cstab
llshcd by tho testimony of thousands of
people, that Hood's Bariaparllla docs euro
scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or
affections of tho blood. It also overcomes
that tired feeling, creates a good appetite,
and gives slrength to every part of the sys
tem. Try lt.
"An important Qucntlou
Tho question Is often asked, whero can
I get good, well-made and stylish clothing
at moderate prices. With confidence wo
recommend our readers to tho houso of E.
0. Thompson, Philadelphia. Personal
dealings with this firm lead us to bcllovo
that to do better is not possible For tho
coming cold weather they havo prepared s
most cxtcnsivo stock of uuugual good cloth.
Ing, which for quality and low prices has
not been obtalnablo heretofore. Special
attention is called to their illustrated ad
vertisement In this Isbuo, which conveys
an Idea of the specialties they bayo in over,
coats, suits, trousers, ctpo coats and ulsters,
Samples of cloth ot any garment can bo ob
tained by simply writing for them. In
fttructlons for Belt-measurement and how
to order their clothing by mall go with all
When in Philadelphia wo advise you to
visit their store, 1833 Chestnut street, di
rectly opposite the Mint.
CoiiHumptlou Barely Cured.
To the Editor Please Inform your read
crs that I havo a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glad to send
two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who havo consumption If they
will send me their express and post ofllc
address. Respectfully, T. A. BLOCUM
M. 0.. 181 Pearl St., Now York, scpt-21-ly
Buy Lester's School
Every pair warranted.
The boiler of tho steam heating appara.
tus at tho jail has worn out, and lt became
necessary to procure a new one. The
commissioners have purchased a 20-horse
power boiler of tho Harrlsburg Foundry
Machine Co,, and It is now being set up.
The power will also bo utilized for pump
ing water into the jail from the well, as
was done before water was Introduced
from tho Wator Works. The cost to tho
county will be $545, including all fittings
and repairs.
Notice to Collector) mid Township
An act of the Legislature and approved
June 2nd 1881, (Seo pamphlet laws, page
45) requires tax collectors, township and
borough officers to make return ot seated
and unseated lands upon which no property
can bo found from which to make taxes
to tho County Commissioners on or before
tho first day of January next, with a suffi
cient description by boundaries or other
wise, of each separato lot or tract and
about tho quantity of tho same. Thoso
who fall to mako returns by said day will
rniLADiLrniA, Monday, Nov.19 , isss.
The December Book News
112 pages, richly illustrated,
will have complete lists of Holt
day Books for bier folks and
little folks. You are likely to
save Si or more on every $5
you put into Christmas Books
if you let Book news help you
Can you do better with 5 cents?
You will find good linos of Plush Coals
atClark&Son. Also, full Hoes of New-1
market Junkets its Italians.
Arte I Itin vac (VI, n n4 t-, m w 1 ,a eaj a 1 mi
. .w "uwAwmjj GooJ inb wo at I. W. Hartman
13 ti uiii ainug tiuuuu ui any viiiiil: idCDOU S.
in the past. We have the
r ; : " m jHl 1 j
ar I 1 mm Y uiHiiHiiuiimUlttMrt.
Handkerchiefs of more than a
dozen of the foremost Linen
workers of the old world;
Handkerchiefs for misses and
women, rianuKercmeis tor boys
and- men. Original designs,
marvels of fineness, wonders of
Hemstitched and Embroidered.
tainted and Embroidered.
Fancy Diced.
Itevercd ana Embroidered
Hcnllopcd, Embroidered and Diced
I'l&ln NVhlto
Fitrured Mourning
Molld Moumlnir.
and so the sorts run. Styles
and styles of each.
We hold up enough to give
you a notion of them;
Women's Handkerchiefs,
plain white linen, "convent
work" initials. Unlaundcred.
$1.20 a dozen, 10c each.
Women'o plain white linen,
hemstitched, 75c to 3 a dozen.
Misses' plain white, hem
scalloped and embroidered,
scalloped, embroidered and
printed, at bits of prices.
In Mens Linen Handker
chiefs there are now 1 3 good,
The largest stock of overcoats In tht
country can bo seen at D. Lowcnbcrg's
popular Clothing store.
THE GREAT EASTERN havo wonder.
tul barentns In dlshwaro and their LAMPS
aro tue iincst lor th price mat money can
buy. Call & get prices.
very itcsp.
Tho G. E. Tea Co.
FOB 60
Don't forect to trv a nackaeb of "Old
Virginia Cheroots," 5 for l'J cents. Tho
finest smoke in tho world for tho money.
boiu oy nrsi class dealers generally. Alex
ander Bros. & Co. wholesale agents,
uioomsuurg ra.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii.
When Baby was sick, we gate her Cutorla.
When she u a Child, the cried for Cutorte,
When aha became MIm, aha clung to Oaftorla.
When the had Children, ah gate them Oejtorla.
Er Thoel. Phlladelohlas renowned Sneclal-1
1st lor nervous debility, uioou poisons.'
kidney nnd special diseases, has cured
min-u, uiiuiuiui.iv. , moro cageB thMj aH others combined. Ho
has cured cases pronounced Incurable by I
Icadlns physicians. Wo would advise I
thoso Buffering to consult blm personally
or by letter at his ofQco, 538 North Fourth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
J. J. Kkllot, Gcrmantown. Pa., writes,
f , t .1 . . T i. tliat 110 sintered moro llian 1U years Irom
new, IrCSh Styles at I2J4C each, Nervous Exhaustion and Earlv Decnv and
SUCh as Usually sell at 25c. A. "0 spent ins money witu so-called au-
. J . i- I vprrlalnrr anpMnliatfi nnn nnnrua In nn nvill.
lew very rrenciiy 25c. UOpiCS untU fortunately ho heard of Dr. Thccl
of Paris Styles On Irish Linen, ft38 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa,,
' I whn rtermanentlv nltred him. Hr now fiava
-0-. sutlcrcrs should quit spenaing money fool-
The best pennyworth of the ls"'y and consult ur. Tneei.
season. oerhaDs. is the Men's the population of bloomsburg
nliin wlilto llnon lipmot-iVipfl I la about 5,000, and wo would say at least
plain white linen nemsutcneci, h u troublcdwitu somo affection
A and I inch hem, at Sf.50 a of th( .hroatatd lungs as thoso complaints
I 00
msxn MftrtaftttMM ta aaor
.drartUlBC f&rtUlM, tnstwr k fee
lot t fronbt CoMM h wr4M.
1 offers to nr ittmilalat fbfikUa
Ao-eftllsMi flpxrftHitJ who eta ttrtl Un In lh Mrrtel
AurnfwtBir tn.1 atetMfal treitltatrnl of I1 TrM
ERtriTioNN. vmvi.TM, RWII.Ii
liH,lNIXAMWATION. fiOnlVltallHr
F.nrly Decnjr, PIiyMrnl nnd Mental
lrofltrMloii. Mrloiieliotln. Bladder
and lUdnty DIicmpn. (Acuto owes 413
;)' BclUf il efiM. ItlY MITOHD
tortWalimbt Atlepittite, nmattlil0 EiMt! k BoUitd
;iinii (if ntilfelnv, thft onn knwnthterf
ffrmnnrntlr lh wnnt tw. iMrttt llMplial mmA
'rlf tf lrtleal Kspf riat Iib very tw4f mni
tiMMiM rrmadl. Ihalr Hhinii to vtaltmlM
Thpv aro' according to statistics, moro numerous
X llGy Ihnn nflinra Wn wnuM nrlvlan nil nnt tn
WOuld almost be good Value at neglect the opportunity to call on their
One from the silk corner-
plain white old-fashioned China
28 inches 75c each.
John Wanamaker,
sam for the throat and lungs. Price 60c
anu 91. Trial slzo tree, bow oy ail arug-
Cords are the newest of the
Dress Goods. The only chance
to change a plain stuff is in the
weave. Therefore Cords.
From fine thread size to shoe
string six distinct styles.
Mostly lengthwise, one across.
Too neat arid handsome to got
out as a treak. Lords have
come to stay. We have them
in everv desirable shade of the
season. 40 to 50 inches wide,
7;c to $2.50. In some cases
bo held for such loss- Taxes so returned precisely the same goods were
become b Hen against the property So re
turned. Wo havo blanks on which these
returns are to be mtdo and will furnish
them upon application of collectors.
It Is tho duty of each School Hoard,
Supervisor, and Overseer of tho Poor to
see that these taxes arc returned.
J. D. Bodine, Corn's. Clerk.
Nov. 10 7w.
Nov 27 E C. Bun''? will sell personal
property at tho Slate Works, In Hemlock
township at 10 a. m,
NnvsMnER 80. James T. Fox, executor
of Franklin Rhodes, late of Denver town
ship, Columbia county, will expose te pub
lic sale at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho premises
a lot of valuable real estate. See adver
December l.E. R. Drinker and Lloyd
l'axton, executors or the estate ot J. 11.
Hnrman. dee'd.. will expose valuable real
estate in the town of Rupert to sale at 10
o clock a. m.
Deo. 7. G. W. Bogart, administrator of
Reuben Bogart, will sell real estate in
Hemlock Township, at 3 o'clock r. m.
For Sals. Two good store properties,
six dwelling bouses and Ave farms tor
salt' by M. P. Lutz, Insu ranee and Real
Estate Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Wanted. A girl to assist In general
housework. Good wages, inquire at
this office.
Goon Boardino at Low Rates. Parties
nttending court will do well to call upon
tho undersigned to secure boarding during
court. wm. isecrs,
Cor. Main & West Streets.
Fort Saijj A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas anu steam. Apply to
janSOtf. L. N. Mover.
Piles t Piles t itcliliitr rllen.
Stmptoms Moisture : Intense itchlna and I
sllnginc: most at nights worse by scratcn-
lne. it allowed to conunuo tumors rorm.
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming I
very sore, bwavno's uintmem stops tno I
Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and I
In most cases removes tho tumors. At I
druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr.
Swayno & Son, Philadelphia, mny-4-ly,
To Preserve Natural Flowers. Dip
too uowcrs in melted pnramnc, wunaraw
ing them quickly. Tho liquid should be
onlv lust hot enough to maintain Us fluid
ity and the flowers should bo dipped one I
at a time, held br tho stocks and moved I
aoout ror an instant to get rid or air dud- I
bles. Fresh cut flowers, free from moist-1
ure, mako excellent specimens In this way.
it vou would preserve vour ncalln and in
vigorate your entire system use Pcrrine'a I
i'uro uariey wait wnisKcy. vorsaicDvl
u. u. itoDuins, uioomsDurg, 1 n I cow.
All persons visiting Bloomsburg
can buy the
35 per cent higher
weeks back.
a couple of
l ln7 T.i'fp a7c Crnvnns Olllv coughs, nsthma, broucliitls and consumi-1
3. uoz. jjiie size urayons ouiy xlo PrJc(j co centg and $1
10.00. viewinsr, copying aim
Tho Phllanthropcan Society of tho Bap-
tut Church will hold an oyster supper at
the house of Mr. Ke'ler on Iron Street Fri
day evening from 5 tn 10 o'clock. A liber-
al patronage is desired.
A. Solleder, of Bloomsburg, Pa., has just
received another flno lot of German Day
and Night Singing Cananes also on hnnd
Parrots, Mocking Birds, wguungaica,
etc, 3
The republican vote in this county in
creased onlv 48 over 1884, wbllo the demo-
nrntln vntn Increased 847. This was the
highest vote over polled by either party.
Tim nnii. highest demooratlo voto was In
1880, whllo tho republican wos in 1884.
Thomas Gorrey Is ono of tho busiest, men
In town, no has a largo number of build.
Ing contracts on hand, and keeps them all
moving along as fast as possible. He has
nenrlv completed tho engine houso at the
Bilk Mill..
Charles Unangst's law office in New York
City was destroyed by flro last Bnturday
evening. Ho had no knowledge of the flro
until be was on bis way to tho offlco Mon-
day morning and read a notice of it in the
morning paper. His loss was covered Dy
An entertainment will bo given at Nor
mal Hall Thanksgiving evening by tho Phi-
lologlan Society, consisting of music and
tableaux. Immediately after.tho exercises
the society will hold tholr annual re-unlon
in their society hall.
Tho Public Library under tho manage
ment of tho W. O. T. U. 1b fast becoming a
credit to our town. A new supply of books
during the week has added much, Doth in
appeaianco and valuo. They now have
good substantial reading for old and young
at a prlco within the reach ot all Classes.
A scaffold gavo way at L. E. Waller's
bouse 00 Wednesday afternoon, while
Thos. Gorrey, W. Evans and 0. 11. Bterner
were at work at tho roof, and precipitated
them about eighteen feet to tho roof of tho
porch below. Mr Gorrey was badly Druis
ed In the back. Sterner was slightly bruls.
ed, and Evans went to work again soon
after the accldout.
Tho 0.40 train on the B. & 8. on Tuesday
afternoon backed Into the switch at the
Paper Mill and took on another car, and
as it was pulling out on tho curvo tho
coupling wus too short, and ono of tho
Passenger cars was lilted off tho track and
overturned. There wcro about a dozen
passengers aboard, but no one was hurt.
Tho use of Ayer's Harsaparllla purlflcB
tho blood, stimulates the secretions, anu
Imparts new llfo and vigor to every func
tion of the body. For nearly half a cen
tury, It has remained unrivaled as tho best
blood medicine ever discovered. Be con
Australian Novelty Co.
The finest Serge' is 42 and 50
inch Cassimir of delicate twill
at 75c and $1. The heaviest,
strongest, is 46 inch IJrap des
Dames at 75c to $1
tween th'em a pleasant
5. lie-scatter-
Sparks Brothers and their celebraied jnr of varied weights
... . .1. f tin.. OA I
company wiu appear uv iuu nuuov
on Tuesday evening next in their latest and
Tho Dunlan. Miller and Youman styles
In hats. Full stock lust received at tho 1
leading hat store ot D. Lowenbcrg's.
An elegant line of cblldrcns' solid gold
rings in all sizes, stone settings at
11. W. OlAJiUVO
refined specialty entertainment.
company comes here highly endorsed by
public press for refinement and quality
a-.d theatre goers will enjoy n rare treat.
Mile. Johnson will glvo an outsldo exhibi
tion on tho slack wire In front of tho Cen'
tral Hotel at 2 p. m. on the day of
show. Seats now on sale at F. D.
ler's shoe store.
Tiio following Is an extract from tho
Wooster Mass., Times;
$x or 64 will get a liberal
Dress Pattern of some of the
handsomest plain and plaintsh
croods of the season. You can
pick blindlold trom about tnree
tiio hundred styles and colorings of
ueDU half-a-dollar a yard stuff and
1 - - . -
draw a prize every time
Many of these stuffs were -6o
t, 0 ,in m mMnmiit i,eforo Rnarks I and 6; cents onlv a little time
Bros.' show was over last night. Tho lato
hour was caused by tho continued thunder
ous applause wllh which every specially,
actor and actress was greeted; and the ap.
plauso was spontaneous during tho mam
moth roll of double acts. Master unariey
Sparks, tho wonder, carried off tho honors,
and was greeted with joyous cueers anu
bravos. Times, Wooster, Mass.
back. Some were a good deal
Here s a bertre. We never
heard of it at retail for less than
75 cents. It's generally been
$1. l'lump 50 incnes wiuein
handsome line ot colors, and a
ricrht roval stuff. At 50 cents
East licntoii. it s a wonaer.
Another so cent bercre is
extra heavy, springy, hard, 52
inches wide, and in 5 shades.
Half dollars are just as big
wherever you stop at two long
counters. Here are two kinds
at random:
All-wool stripes and plaids in
several styles: cood. reliable
stuffs. 50 cents.
Al -wool mottled stripes, un
obtrusive but full of wear
worth. 50 cents.
And tho weight of any of
these poods doesn't come from
corn is the dirt and crease in the wool
Pure fibre, honestly put togetlv
er, and perfectly dyed
A heavy galo of wind passed over this
place a week ago last Saturday afternoon
tearing tho roof oil of Mrs. uannau uess
Miss Georgle Palmer, of Bloomsburg,
boarded tho train of tho B. &. 8. for Btlll
water a week ago last Saturday. She was
the guest of E. B. Bender's family and at
tended tho meetings at St. James' during
tho week.
Rev. Uoutz held a scries of meetings at
St. James' last week wnicn grew in inter
est each evening. During the stormy
nights tho at dlenco was but littlo reduced.
The Lord's Supper was aim
Tho continued wet weather has retarded
full work. In consequenco much
yot out and unhusked.
Tho democrats aro obliged to tako a
back Beat in tho political arena for a term
of four years. But don't despair, tho
"rascals" cant fulfill their promises and
nut 1l.1v come. We hold to tue uoctnno
ti.nt ach Incoming administration snouiu
"turn all tho rascals out."
Judge Krickbaum bad ono of bis horses
disabled whllo returning from a trip to
A.i.lnv. Ho was unable tu drlvo lt bomo
and left lt at Bart Trescolt's.
Election bets are foolish Investments. It
Is always mortifying enough to bo on the
losing side without having much money at
stake to lose on tho result.
Scrofula is ono of the most fatal among
tho scourges which amici ruanaiuu,
Chroulo sores, cancerous humors, emac
iation, and consumption, aro tho result ot
scrofula. Ayer's Barsaparllla eradicates
this poison, and restores, to the blood, tho
The Handkerchief Harvest is
r r . f t f t
ripe. Jitguy-jour reci oj count
er space and ranks on ranks 0
shelving behind hold the sam
.Little more, ns tne crowa
of buvers thickens there must
be more and more counters
There should be now, but yet
awhile we'll make shift with the
samples. It's so handy to the
big stock room upstairs Just
as u there were a thousand leot
more of counter room a couple
of minutes away.
T Ianufacturers have outdone
Cabinet portraits only
Eczema, Itcliy, Hcnly, Sltlu
Tho simple application of "Swavne's
uintmcnt," wimoui any internal medicine
will euro any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum
Rlneworm, Piles. Itch, Bores. Pimples.
Eczema, all 8caly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter now oostinatc or long standing.
It is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reacli of medicine. They
oucn sny, "un, it win wear away,
but in most cases It wears them
nwoy. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicino called Kemp's Balsam.
which wo sell on a positlvo guarantee to
cure, mey would immediately Bee tne ex.
cclleut cffict after taking the first dose.
rnce ouc. and Si. Trial size tree. At all
aswcll astbehandsomcst.and others aro In.
vlted to call on any druggist and get free a I
trial bottle ot Kemp's Balsam for the I
tbront and lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and Is guaranteed
to cure and relieve an enronio nna acute I
ever offered to
Having a large stock on hand,
owing to the extreme mildness
of the season, we have determin
ed to
consisting of
We are agents for Dr. Julius
Furs & Muffs ail kinds, Clark & Bon. Kings Combination bpectacles.
hanging lamos are now ready at They are composed of a combi
nation irame, set with the linest
French white lens, they do not
rust and aro tho most durable
use. The lenses are made
The 25
W. Uartman &, Sons' with stand lamps
and a large stock of plain and fancy dlsnes,
tno largest in tne county,
Do not forget our flno lino of all wool
Henrietta Cloth, all colors for 7Bo per yd
Choaper quality 40c. H. W. 8LOAN.
so as to correct imperfect sight
A full lino of under clothing cheap and in YOUtll OS Well 83 Old age, both
00a in scanci, grey ana wnite at nowcn- or renriinf, arid geeint? at a dlS
tance. We have hundreds of
pairs to select from, cold or
steel frames, all prices from
25 cents up.
For Ladles'
Clark & Bon.
& Children's Coats go to
5 bbls. FLORIDA ORANGES at the
Great Eastern on Friday. Try them they
aro nne va cts. a dozen.
A flno lino of heal seal-skin caps just
received at the popular clothlng.storc of D.
I. W. Hartman & Sons' 875c cloth for
dresses has had a big run and still Is run
ning al a last rate.
Look at our window
grey 6O0 underwear.
full of whlto and
NAS, ORANGES, Lemons Tablcnuts the
Great Eastern aio ahead.
For a stvlish suit put up in city style.
perfect fit and satisfaction always can be
bad at D. Lowcnbcrg's merchant tailoring.
Unll and see tue newest styles.
1 1 a
ce the 25 ct Cashmere gloves v
doublo at Clark & Bon also Mittens ot all
kinds, Wool Honda, Toboggans.
Fur trlinmlnsa and muffs. A splendid
assortment of each. Black Haro Nutria I the (roods.
Ilo.nnnn it w HI HAW 1 o
.rZt'TT , I W . il. JjROOKE CC CO.,
I TUliy BUUU UVKiVIIUUV win ug UU Midi
tin (oca to seo 1. W Hartman & Sons'
r etmas opening, xfouco win 00 given
ekn ahead, The children will find It
out before.
The season of the year is here
when you live almost entirely
This is tho time to beautify
yourhomes by papering, them:
and why put it oil till spring,
theso rooms will look iust as
well then as if you put it off till
spring to do the work and you
will have the use ot them.
We can show a stock of wall
paper that in sizo and beauty is
second to none in the county.
Theso aro tho best goods from
the best makers. Tho prices are
in accordance with the value of
)& taowB iioIdc fir qiifctt rtomr Mil prat
ntal tira The moi Untrat aollettJ
Tiii. o Id d It-tied tod clit man writ or call for bh
ttlMtto( tnl IflngadTmlitmtQUM wftulbMiUiin
Idk ts l tiDtrUpe vhuta ihtr di nt tw.
BMtlklilla tbt btfiBlBf wiiltktt mraf r,iifrrttfftad
UgUSt 17 88 ljr.
Almost 09 Palatable as Milk
So dlagnlMd that lt can b taken,
dlgcitcd, and aiilmllattd br tlie noil
ndtlvB stomach, when the plain oil
cannet be tolerated 1 and by the com
blnatlon or the oil with the hypopbof
phltee te ranch more efileacloue.
Hemarkakto as tuh prodtttr.
Persons gain rapidly while ULlsg It,
SCOTT'S EMULSION U AelrnnwleiliTivl he
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa
ration in tho world tox tho relief and cure ot
Tht great remedy for OcmrumpVum, and
Waiting in Children. Sold by all DruggliU.
sept ss-'ss-ly
Any book learned In ono reading,
Mind wandering cured.
Speaking without notes.
Piracy condemned by Supremo Court.
Great Inducements to correspondence classes.
Frosnectus. with onlnlona ot Dr. Wm. A. Ham
mond, the world-tamed Specialist In Mind dis
eases, Daniel Oreenleat Thompson, the great Psy
chologist, J. M. liuckler, D. I)., Editor ot tho
Chruilan atxxvite, Richard Proctor, the Scientist
lions. Judge Ulbaon, Judah 1". UODlamln and
others, tent post free by Prof. A. LOlsETTK, 237
nn.a Ave., isew ictk. uci.i-a-4u
Ask For Ayer's
Barsaparllla, and bo suro you gtt It,
when you want the best blood-purifier.
I with its lorty years
2(T of unexampled suc
Jjl cess In tho euro ot
can make no mis
take la preferring
to any other. The .
fore-runner ot mod
ern blood medicines,
U Ayer'B Sarsaoarilla
Is still tho most pop
ular, being In great
er demand than all
others combined.
" Ayer's Barsaparllla Is selling faster
than ever beforo. I never hesttato to
recommend It." Georgo W. Whitman,
Druggist, Albany, Ind.
"I am safe In saying that my sales of
Ayer's Barsaparllla far excel thoso ol
any other, and it gives thorough satlsfac-!
tlon." 1. H. Buili, Des Moinos, Iowa.
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills,
aro the beat selling medicines In my,
Btore. I can recommend them conscien
tiously." O. Dlckhaua, Pharmacist,
Roseland, 111.
"Wo havo sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
hero for over thirty years and always
recommend lt when asked to name tha
best hlood-purlfler." W. T. McLean,
Druggist, Augusta, Ohio.
I havo sold your medicines for tho
last seventeen years, and always keep
them in stock, as they aro Btnples.
' Thero Is nothing so good for tho youth
ful blood' as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."
It. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis.
"Ayer'B Sarsaparilla gives tho best
satisfaction ot any medicino I have in
stock. I recommend it, or, as tha
Doctors say, ' I prescribe it over tho
counter.' It never fails to meet tho
cases for which I recommend it, even
whero tho doctors' prescriptions havo
been of no avail." O. 1 Calhoun,
Monmouth, Kansas.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mats.
Price tli ill bottle,, 5. Worth IS a bottls.
a cFt wM
$1.00 $1.00
60 bunches Dananas
Great Eastern,
this week at the I
Successors to G. A. Clark.
Th.ontrtur. Cure for Corn.. Store Entuf,
eomrorttott.r.k Ue. l Uruuet.u. uuouxauo.,N.r.
Flannels. Blankets, Comforts,
Flannels, etc. at Clark & Hon.
A case ot flno selected cochcco calico
lust In at I. . Uartman & Bona', best
styles 7c, second ucst uo yu.
Lovers nf a good smoke, try a pa
of "Old Virginia Cheroots" 0 for 10 cents,
and you will never regret it. boiu every
where. Ask your dealer for them and tte
that you get tho "Old Virginia." Alexan.
ander llros. & Oo. wholcsalo agents Blooms-
burg I'a.
this week 3 bbls fine lloasted Marscobo 3
Dags Java & Mocha & 3 bbls. Itlo Coffee.
Prlpe & quality guaranteed tho best.
If you want Dress Goods of any kind go
ot uark eon.
'the bettol all remedies lor
Toward Pains, Colic, Indiges
tion, Exhaustion and all Stom
ach and Dowel troubles. Alsoj
th. most effective cure fori
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and I
aflcctiona of the breathing!
organs. It promotes rclrcsntng
Sleep, improves tne appMiic,
overcomes nervous prostration,
and rivet new 111. and streneth
tctht weak and aged. 50c. and $1.00, at Drfguletl.
Nov 9-d-lt.
veMoaifcs for CMliren.
A good man to represent us as local agent. Can
give uuuirui ut territory anasieauy vrurK. win
pay good wages and guarantee success. Write to
j. AVttTiN miiaw, jstirHeryiiiaii,
llW'UKSiKIt, n. I,
Do you intend buying a Chrlstmis pre- UtLLtJXf J.' iittMb ii JN D XlUMLb
nt for your best friend" If 8Q wait and I Prlceslow. Sino tosto,ntt healthy cllratte
nue boiu clone to cine vy water or rauroaa salt
sent for vour
seo 1 W- Uartman & Bods' opening, (one
extra clerk oa tho dry goods sldo added
water luxuries abundant. Bend Btamn lor Drtcu
list; map 100. NKLV1N .MAfJCUA. Annapolis,
A rure aud iurposeuI Home raper.
with every modern facility tor obtaining tho
latest news. Perfectly equipped in mall, tele
graph, telephenes and cable service, correa
pondenta, local, national and foreign. Special
despatches trom all Important points.
Whoso trained editors present the varying
phases of politics with suli clearness and (air
iness aa to give practical aid to aU voters.
Which devotes special attention to the hither
to unpublished events ot the great olTU war.
Ttit'bo war papers, written by union and con
federate officers who saw what they t U, form
an Invaluable war library.
Giving every week the brightest and best
selections from recent poetry, and entertaining
healthful stories by eminent writers.
A FAIt.MUll'H PAPIilt,
Having the best conducted agricultural page
In America, where are gathered the views ot
progressive farmers and gardners the country
oer, upon all questions ot crops, fruit, cattle,
poultry, farm buildings, etc.
A 3Ii:itl.'llA.STS PAl'liK,
(living full reports from the Philadelphia, New
York, Chicago, and other city markeU. Prices
and shipments ot grain, live-stock, revisions,
groceries and country produce.
Extending a helping hand to all women. To
them la devoted a lull page In wlUcb they show
each other, under editorial guidance, "how to
get married and how to keep houso," In tho
most approved fashion. For those who aro
forced to remain single and board, the way ts
made pleasant. Etery woman reader has a
chance to Ulk.
With Winter games and entertainment for
little people. Instruction in the ways ol mak
ing things and doing things, bummer excur
sions to the fields and woods, puzzles for tho
quick .wilted, and plenty of prizes to mako
the slow-witted quick.
Br BDOClal arrangement with all the leading
I weekly and monthly periodicals ot America, tuu
bcrlptlonj are taken for any one or more ot theb-
jouruais tu cuuueeuuu v, tta tue v, ks kly J'HK&s ae
such low rates as virtually makes our great tamUy
paper PUBIS to the subscriber for one tear.
Sample copies rurnlnhed freo upon application.,
THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Philadelphia
Ta. NovlMl
Popular Clothing Store
This Institution la a high crude Business Col
lege, giving Instruction lu eery department ot
IDusinesa euucatiau. in uuuitiou to tue n:gutar
butilness course It makes a Bpeclalty ot phono
graphy, Type-writing, Telegraphy, and Ornamen.
I tat s viiuinubxiii. itio iiuuiiiicub tfaturv ut iue
Commercial Couree Is Its practical character.
INeariv every aei 01 hooks nas teen taken irom
first-class business establishments, and a largo
proportion of the course In book-keeping Is made
up irutu our njBirui ut Hi-iuui tiuNness prBctut-,
uimurDttS.sed In the sclcntlUa arnllcntlon to mod.
I em business methods. A larger propoitlon ot our
graduates regularly obtain nrsfUM position
than from any other commen l il college In the
I state learDeging Ave- iw. vor cucuiara
address W, U IlhlAN, Pilncipal.
Nov am. MOfkiwi, ra.
vinced by a trial.
elements of life and health.
thumselvea. iney do every
this week).