The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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T 3
The Columbian.
J.''.'Bltt'nnltr., 'Ut".
Chairman Quay Is crying tho namo
of John Wauaraftkor for Postmaster
General in Harrisbn's Cabinet.
West Virginia is undoubtedly
Democratic. Tho oflloial results
Bhow that Judge A. 13. Fleming (Dom
oorat) is elneted Governor. The Le
gislature will bo on joint ballot, -10
democrats and 44 republicans. Tho
democratic presictentat ticket is
elected by about 1000 plurality.
Tho complete roturns of tho oleotion
iu Now Hamphehire, another State
with heavy manufacturing intorests,
show that the " tariff scaro" did not
work where it wns expected to. Tho
Democrats out the Republican plurality
down to 2,284, against 4,003 in 1884
And the Democratic voto increased
4,257, or 10.80 per cent. , against an
increase of only 2,478 or 5.72 per oent.
for tho republicans. Ono more cam
paign of education will do tho business.
rno I'liiiaaeipnia Jt'reas u vorv
much concerned because tho democrats
havo olected ten out of tho thirteen
congressmen in Indiana, and attribute
it to "tho monstrous injustice of the
democratic jerrymander ot the state .
However, in the same article they
state that tho prohibitionists aided in
tno doioat of nvo republican candidates.
YVbilu tho Prtsa is interested on the
subjeotof jerrymander would it not bo
well to give attention to Pennsylvania
wbsro it requires sixty thousand demo
cratic votes to elect a single congress
man, while it requires only twenty nve
thousand republican votes to eleot a
republican congressman.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, D. C.Nov. 20, 1888.
Mr. Cleveland, Senator Gorman and
a majority of the party leaders have
decided that it is good politics to let
tho "tail go with the hide," so to
speak. Consequently little or no ef
fort will bo made to prevent the re
publ'oao steal of the doubtful seats in
tbr House of Representatives. These
gentlemen hold that it will be better
For the Republicans to have control of
all branches of th? Government for a
time; tboy believe that it will result
in an overwhelming Demooratio ma
jority in the House in 1890, and the
election of a Demooratio President in
1892. Tho Republican majority in
the House of " the fifty -first Congress
will hardly be moro than five, if so
many, and thero is little doubt that if
tho Democrat had decided to make a
determined fight for the doubtful
seats that this majority could have
been reversed.
A second-rate actnr has been trying
to get a little cheap notoriety by tele
graphing his agent here to open nego:
tiations for the purchase of Oak View,
Mr. Cleveland's suburban residence.
Col. Lament says that Oak View is
not for sale.
The Republicans are loudly clamor
ins an extra session of the fifty-first
Congress to be called immediately
after Harrison a inauguration. Many
reasons aro giveu for the necessity of
this extra session, but tno real reason
is that their majority in the House
will be so very small that ther fear
enough of the Republican members
eleot may die beforo next December to
make that majority Democratic) should
that party .elect their successors, hence
they want to take no chauota about
capturing the organization of thi
House. Whether Harrison will bo
willing to call an extra session ol
Congress simply for the purpoee of al
lowing his party to organize tbo House
of Kepresentatives remain to be seen.
Most people would think that thi
country was already overloaded with
olas voter., yet some Republicans aro
demanding a position in Hairison's
i abjnet for editor De Young of tho
San Francisco Chronicle, beoause he
represents the Hebrew vote. This
thing is getting somewhat monotonous.
II all the class voters are to bo recog
nized in appointing officials where are
me American vuicra tu uomo in i air.
De Young may be, and probably is, as
good a man as the average republican,
but if his only claim to office is beinir
the representative of the Hebraw, or
any other class voto, be should not, be
The republicans who have been re
tained in offlce during tne whole ot Air.
Cleveland s administration are now
showing their gratitude by talking in
favor ot a clean sweep when Harrnson
comes in.
it is said here that Harrison pur
chased the support of the Craftman, of
this city, the alleged official organ of
the International Typographical Union,
by promising to appoint ono of its oil
itora Public Printer.
Representative Perry Belmont, of
New York city, the popular Chairman
of the House committee on foreign
affairs, ut9 been appointed United
Slates Minister to Spain.
He has accepted, and will immediately
resign bis seat in the Fiftieth UongrosB,
He declined a renomination at the re
cent election, to the Fifty-first Con
cress, jur. lielmont wall make an
excellent representative abroad for
this country, the only pity being that
the corainc Kepublican administration
will make his present diplomatic career
short ono.
Much is said about Harrison's proba
ble polioy. The only thing on which
to base an opinion is his course in the
Hen at a llo was always Known as
conservative man so far as his own
opinions went, and yet he always voted
with his party no matter what tho sub
ject to be voted upon or how radical it
might be in its elTeot, This fact should
not be lost sight of in attempting to
make a foreoast of what lie will do as
President. When I know the men
who will compose his cabinet I will be
prepared to express an opinion ot Ms
probable policy, out not, neiore.
Washington is already butsy prepar
ing for tbo coining inauguration. Mem
bers of both parties are put on the
committee to make arrangements, and
every body cneavors to mako each one
better than tbo preceding ono. It will
bo very difficult however, if notimpos-
ible, to exoel tho Inauguration of Mr.
All niiper-tcndora attended tho
unction safe today at tho British Lega
tion of the lersona! effects of Lord
Sackville. the ex.British Minuter.
Tho advance guard of the second
nossion of the Fiftieth Congress is ai
ready here, and tho work of the session
may lainy do taiu to commence on
SVedoesday of this week, when tho
Iloufo committee on appropriations
mil hold a meeting.
Desertion Alone no Ground for Diroroe
Judgt Hinckley filed an opinion in
a divorce caso ou the 14th, in which
ho refuses to mako a decree, nothing
but desertion being alleged in tho com
plaint. 11 would bo well if the law as
laid down by him were better under
stood by married people who tiro of
each other, and think that a mere
separation for Iwo years entitles them
to a divoroo. Judgo Hinckley says:
Tho libollant in this caso asks to bo
divnroed from his wlfo on tho ground
of dosorttoni and tho testimony shows
that his wlfo has loft his honso, taken
her goods away and Bomo of his, and
this has continued for upwards of two
Wo do not think that tho law con
template tho granting of a divorce in
every oaso when a wife or husband
loaves tho socioty or home of the other.
A divorco Is allowed by tho law after
everything else has failed, and it Is
known conclusively that tho parties by
their conduct havo made it impossible
to live togother. Not every going
away from home, or overy absence
persistod in for two years, will entitlo
tho parties to a divoroe; olso every
marriago relation mutually uncongenial
conld be dissolved by this simplo aot.
In Jus caso it is not shown that tho
husband has over attempted to bring
back his absent wife or even to ascer
tain from her the oauso of her dopart
tiros apparently he seizes upon her
departure at onco as a roason for a
divorco and the court in granting his
request, might seperato those from tho
marriago tie that somo misunderstand
ing has temporarily separated, and
whom a word, or a personal interview
or a bona fido effort of some kind
might bring together again. A divorco
will be granted by the court only in
cases wnere nothing olso remains to b 1
dono by the parties, and when nothing
else can bring rolief to those suffering
in the way pointed out by tho statute.
In this case further opportunity will
bo given to later testimony in order
that no injustice may be done tho
libellant; but for the present a decree
is refused.
Postmasters whose Commissions Boon Expire-
Tho commissions of sevrnty-fivo
Presidential Postmasters will expire
prior to Miroh 4 1889, as follows:
During December Ulciah, Ual.t
South Norwalk, Conn: Madison, Dak.;
Milledcreville. Ga.: Flora. III.: Union
City, Ind.; Creso, Iowa; Holyoke,
Mass.; Hudson, Mass.; Spencer, Mass.;
Warren, Mass.; Brook tlavon, Miss.
Aurora, Meb.j Babylon, N. Y. Dun
kirk, N. Y.; Hammondsport, N. Y. ;
Midilcton N. Y.; Perry, N. Y.; Pulaski
N. Y.; Sag Harbor, N. Y. Concord,
N. C; Cadiz, Ohio; Niles, Ohio; Ober
lin, Ohio; Pomrov, Ohio; Salem,
Oregon. Eralcton, Pa ; Mauch Chunk,
Pa. Abilen. Tex ; Lancaster, Wis.;
Stoughton.Wis.; Waupaca, Wis.
Dunr.g January; 189 Annwton,
Ala.; Troy, Ala."; Parker, Dak.; Enstis
Fla.; Grand Crossing, III.; Petersburg,
111.: Waldoboro, Mm Frostburg, Md ;
Great Barrington, Mas.; Lynoh Mass.;
West Newton, Mass.; Benton Harbor,
Midi.: Hudson N. Y. Abianoe Ohio;
Orrville, Ohio; Biavor Falls, Pa.;
senna Grove, Pa.; Warrer), 11. I.;
Lampas's. Tex.; Salem, Va.; Suffolk, Va.;
During February, 1889 Alameda,
Cal.; Aspen, Col ; Stafford Springs,
Conn.-, Tipton, Iowa; Florence, Mass.;
Gardner, Mass ; Salem, Mass.; Neyanpee
Miob., Uolumbns, Mips. . Ulitton
Springs, N. Y. Cuba, N. Y. Medina,
N. Y.; Northport N. Y.; Skeneatles,
N. Y. Suspension! Bridge, N. Y.;
Athens. Ohio; Berwick, Pa.; Altoona,
Pa.; Myersdale, Pa.; Warren, Pa.j
Watsontown, Pa.; Vancouver, Wash
ington Territory-
Little Bhody Bight at Last
Rhode Island has long been the
only State in tho Uuion without a re
publican form of g vernmont. If any
southern state had violated both ehe
lotter and spirit of the fundamental
law of the na'ion as Rhido Island has
done by the nrbi'rary disfianohisment
of many citizons, Congress would have
sent bayonets to oorreot the wrongs;
but as the littl" Now England state
was Republican iu voto although not
Ropublioan in form of gwerniuint,
nothing was done about it.
After long and often discouraging
battles, the people of Khode Island
have finally made their State Constitu
tion to harmonize with our republican
form ot government. iieretolore
naturalized citizens could not vote in
Rhode Island unless thoy possessed a
property qualification; and the State
has presented the singular spectacle of
a naturalized citizen who represented
Rhode Island in Congress subsequent
ly beoomlng disqualified as a votor by
reverse of fortune.
The amendments to the fundamental
law were adopted irr April last by a
vote of 20,008 to 12,193, but the voto
was not officially declared until last
wcok. The enlarged suffrage will
make theStato close political.
Inventor K.rely in J all-
There was an interesting sceno in
Philadelphia court Saturday last, when
Judge Finletter deoided that Inventor
Jnhn W. Keely of Kecly motor celeb
rity should go to prison and stay there
until he bad purged bimseit ot the con
tempt committed in not obeying (he
order of the Court, which required him
to clearly explain to a committee ot ex.
porta the workings of his machine,
Mr. Kecly endeavored to purge himsolf
ot contempt, Baying:
"I desire 10 stale most emphatically,
whatever may have been the construc
tion put upon my action or tho conclu
sions arrived at by the Court, that I
nave had no intention to violate or dis
obey its orders, and am wholly nnoon
scious of having in any particular, in
word or in deed, said or dono that
which can properly be construed as a
violation ol the process ot the court. 1
have done everything in my power to
comply with the order ot the uourt,
and that. too. ill face of tho fact, which
I could not for a moment forget, that
ono of the experts, Prof. Marks, has
denounced me and my Invention for
years and manifested his hostility to
me upon the occasion of tbo first visit
ot tbe expena to my snon, and sunse
quently, as I am told and believe, at a
full meeting ot tbe experts, pronounc
ed my invention to ba a swindle and
myself to bo a swindler, In face of
(he further fact that Dr. Cresson has,
as I have been Informed, during a pc
riod of years also, but in a moro quail
fiod manner, derided my invention, and
tho truth of this lias been made to sp
pear by recent statements made by
Prof. Marks in tho publio press, in
which he averts that ny invention U h
swindle, it may well be assumed by the
Court, 1 think, and 1 am entitled, i
think, to tho benefit of tho assumption,
that men who will enter upon the du
ties of Jiirftff, entertaining such views
about myself and the eubjeot matter in
volved, would distort, if they ouuld, to
my disadvantage and Injury, uuder all
clrcuuwuuoei whora lby pod.lbly
could do so. In other words, I believe
that no, roport should bo expected by
the Court which would bo fair end just
to mo in the writing of which Dr. Cres
son and Prof. Marks were concerned,
and In this Instance, as I am informed,
both of tho reports woro written by Dr.
Judgo Finletter, at the oonolusioit of
Mr. Koely's remarks, committed him to
Moyamensing prison, holding that ho
bod not purged himsolf of tho con
tempt. The invchtor was driven to the
j ail in a carriage, and is now confinod
In a cell on tho third floor. Ho said,
after reaching tho prison:
''Well, I must admit it was a surprise
to me, although I'vo been taught to ex
pect most anything. Time, however,
will right it all, all will bo explained,
and people will sco wherein l'vo boon
Keely will remain In jail until he has
purged himself of contempt. Koely
was seen in his coll Monday by a re
porter, to whom he said:
"Why, I was dumfounded when
Judge Finletter committed mo to this
prison on Saturday," said Mr. Keely.
"It was ono of the most surprising
things that has happenod to me during
my lifo. This thing is a conspiracy
agajnst me, but, mark what I tell you,
I will repay thoso people fourfold. I
willgisomy invention to tho world
four months from now and then I think
I will be on top.'' Ilia only complaint
regarding his oxperienco in prison was
that ho wns not allowed to smoko nor
have a light tn his cell at night.
Congressman Perty Belmont has
been appointed United States Minister
to Spam. Ho has accepted tbo ap
pointment and will sail for Spain early
next month.
The coal operators near Pittsburg
have decided to suspend operations at
all of the mines for an unlimited pe
riod, for tho reason that the selling
price of coal is so low at Cincinnati
and Southern porta. Tho suspension
will throw 6,000 men out of employ
ment. Catarrh
Mar sffect any portion ot the body where the
mucous membrane la found. But catarrh ot
the head Is by tar tbe most common, and the
most liable to be neglected. It cannot bo
cured by local applications. Being a consti
tutional disease It requires
Ringing a constitutional remedy llko
u.i... flood's Barsaparllla, which.
nuious vroiking throufh tho blood,
eradicates the Impurity which causes and pro
motes tbe catarrh, and soon effects a perma
nent cure. At the same time Hood's Barsa
parUIa builds up the whole system, and makes
one feel renewed In strength
and health. II .you sutler Impure
from catarrh, be sure to mnn
try Hood's BarsaparlUa. BIOOH
" I used Hood's BarsaparlUa tor catarrh, and
received groat relief and benefit from it. The
catarrh was Tery disagreeable, especially In
the winter, causing constant discharge from
my nose, ringing noises
Hood's In ray ears, and pains In
araapariiraIbl) cBott clelr niT
head In tbe morning by hawklng.aud spitting
was painful. Hood's Barsaparllla gave mo
relief Immediately, while In Ume I was en
tirely cured. I am never without the medi
cine In my house as I think It
Is worth Its weight In gold." CUrOS
Mbs. O. B.OIBU, 1029 Eighth , u
St., N. W., Washington, I). O. va,arrn
" I was troubled with that annoying disease,
nasal catarrh, and never found relief till
I took Hood's BarsaparlUa." J. L. Routt,
Marksburg, Ky. N. B. Be sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BoldbyalldrnitfUts. fljttxforfS. Prtparadonly
bjC.L HOOD CO., Apotbtcuiu, LoweU, llua
100 Doses One Dollar
, L M, M. 1,
Treatment of Chronic Diseases
comities his Practice to such cases onlr aa are bo
clearly and fully developed as to make a complete
and positive Diagnosis without Questioning or al
lowing I'atlCQla to make a statement of their con
dition, on tuis basis of rosltlve Diagnosis, for
treatment. Dr. Clark's Experience has become
Btrlctly unlimited by a Practice which in extent,
variety and successful results is equalled by tew
and excelled by nono. Patients nrt cured by
ordinary Treatment or in doubt as to the nature
of their diseases Especially Invited.
DK. CLARK Teaches and Practices roMtx
Can be consulted Free of
Charge at
BERWICK, PA., Hoyt Bouse, Thursiay,
Nov. 20.
BENTON, PA., Exchange Hotel, Friday,
Nov. 80.
BLOOMSBURO, PA., Exchange Hotel,
Saturday anil Monday, Dec. 1 and 3.
OATAWISSA. PA., Susquehanna House,
Tutsday, Dec. 4.
DANVHW5, PA., Montour nousc.Wednes.
day, Dec. 0.
Nov 0-4L
Harper's Magazine.
IUnpsn's MioiziNi Is the most useful, enter
taining, and beautiful periodical tn the world.
Among the attracuons for 1881 will be a new novel
an A merk'an story, entitled "Jupiter Lights"
by Constance V. Woolson I Illustrations of bbakes
peare's (-'omedlfs by K. A-Abbey; a series of ar
ticles on HusBla, Illustrated by T, DoThulstrup ;
papers on the Dominion of Canada and a cuaracU
ertstlo settal by Cbarles Dudley Warner; ihree
"Norwegian Studies," by lljornstierne lljornson.
Illustrated ; "I'ommod'ia," a historical play by the
author ot "Hen-llur," Illustrated by J. It. Weguelln
eta The Editorial wpartmenta are conducted bv
(leorge wt nam Curtis. William Dean liowells, and
Charles Dudley Warner.
Ipr Vcarj
Pottage Free to nil tu&scrtwrs fn ( Unttn
Buuei, vanaait, or Mexico,
Tbe volumes ot the MiniriNs begin with the
Numbers for June and December ot each year.
When no time Is epertned, subscriptions Kill be
gin wiiu iuu ftuinuur currvui at iioiu ot receipt oi
Bound Voluinos of luuriu's Minium, for
three years back, in neat cloth blDdiug, will ba
sent hr mall, post-paid, on receipt of 13 00 per
volume, iujim vases, tor uiuiuiy, j penis cacur
by mall, post-paid.
Index to HiBna'a Miauim, Alphabetical
Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes l to To, In
clusive, from June, ltw, to June, lew, one vol.,
evo, Cloth, it 00. '
Itemlitances should be made by roat-Offlce
Honey uruer or urait, to avow cnacce ot loss.
A'etesjxipers art not to ropy tiU aUrerttmntnt
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I AtrM! JURMtH BllOTHpS, KW J 0fj
jn. j. n. evans.
Treatment of Chronlo Vimm made a
Offiw, Third Street,
BLooMsnimo Pa
Tlin llnilnrslcrnprl r,Bnprlfii11t, oaU bIati.
Hon that ns Abraham Snyder lsuca'' and
that a pump-maker Is needed, that I am
go in k into mat Dullness ana will make
pumps and do repairing on reasonable
terms anti guarantco satisfaction.
J. W. Reynolds,
Espy Pa.
Shop near tho canal crocery.
Not. 23-4w.
Harper's Weekly.
nutria's Wimit has a well-established plaoo
ns the loading Illustrated newspaper In America.
The fairness of Its editorial comments on current
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excellence of Its literary contents, which Include
serial and short stories by tbe best and most
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Hr to bear upon the tllust ration ot the changeful
phases of home and foreign history. A new work
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Number current at time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Hibpsr's Wmxlt, for three
years back. In neat cloth binding, will be eent by
mall, postage paid, or by express, free ot expense
(provided the freight does not exceed one dollar
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cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind
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Remltanccs should bo made by Post-Offlce
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.Vwjprtpers are not to cow ttile aOwrtitemeiit
vnthoutttus express order of iURriB brothers
Address : IIARPER BROTHERS, New x ork.
Notice Is hereby given that an application will
be made to the Governor ot Pennsylvania on tho
fourteenth d.y of Decemb'r A. D., 1888 bj W v
Monroe, o W Neal. I W Wllllts, Samuel Neyhard,
rcter Gross, PEWlrt, DMlloid, 0II Campbell,
J n Maize and James corooran, citizens ot the
state ot Pennsylvania, under the Act ot Assembly
approved April S9th '874, entitled, "An Act to pro
vide for the Incorporation and regulation ot ccr
tain corporations," and tho supplements thereto,
for the 'hartcr of an intended corporation to be
called "Tbe Manor Rest Inn company." The said
corporation 14 formed tor the purpose ot establish
ing and maintaining an hotel, to be located at
Jamison city, Columbia county, satd state and
tor this purpose to have possess, and enjoy all tbe
rL-hts. benents and prlvieges of said Act of
Assembly and supplements thereto.
Q. E. ELWE' L.
Nov. 1 1S88. Solicitors.
bloousscko pa., November 22, 1688.
special notice to stockholders.
The Board of Directors of this company have
called a special meeting of Its stockholders, to be
held at my offlce, the general office ot the com
pany, In Bloomsburg, on Saturday, January 3.
A. D. 188D, at and between the hours ot two (3)
and (oar (4) o'clock r. u , for the purpose ot voting
for or against an Increase of the capital stock.
In the Court of Common Picas, for the county of
Columbia ot February term, 1883 No.
Nottee 19 hereby irlven that an rpmlcatlon will
be made to the said court on Saturday the 15t h
day of December ih8, at 10 o'clock a. m, under
the Act ot Assembly of the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the
Incorporation and regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April S9, 1874, und the supple
ments thereto for the charter of an Intended cor-
Bar tlon to be called, 'Legion of St. Ignatius .of
entralla. Pa." the character and oblect whereof
lsbeneflclalnnd for the advancement .of litera
ture ana science, and for these purposes to have,
possess and enior all the rurhu. benefits and r.rl.
vtleges ot the said Act ot Assembly and Its supple
Nov. 83.81. soucltor.
Totlce Is hereby irlven that an aDDUcatlon will
be made to tbe court of Common Pleas of Col
umbia county, on the tenth day of December next
at ten o ciock in tne torenoon, unatr Act or Assem
bly entitled, " Act to provide for the Incorpora
tion and regulation ot certain corporations," ap-
E roved Apiil S9 174. and tbe supplements thereto,
y Rev, J. A. Peters, Rev. F.C. Yom, Rev. a s.
Kohler, Rev. J. H. Wagner, snd Rev. Alfred rtoutz,
tor the charter ot an Intended corporation to be
called "Tbe Wyoming Classls ot the Reformed
Church In the United states," tbe character and
oblect f which Is the advancement and promotion
of the doctrines, customs and usages of the Re
formed t'hurch In ttie United States, and for these
purposes to hare, posses-, and enloy all the rights
benefl'sand privileges conferred by tbe Act of
Assembly aforesaid, and Its supplements.
Nor 19 solicitor.
To Elizabeth II Doty, widow, J O Doty, Ira Doty,
David Doty.Israel Dutr. Luther B Doty and Martha
A. Intermarried with Jacob sunnier, all of Colum
bia county, Ueorge Doty, Luzerne county Pa.
narau jLuzaoew intermarried wun Lauis w
Kozelle, EllBworth county Kansas and lineal de
scendants ot Jonas Doty deceased, and to all other
persons Interested, greeting: You and each ot
you are hereby cited to be and appear beforo the
Judges of our Orphans' Court at an orphans' Court
to bo held at Bloomsburg on tho first Monday of
December next, then ana there to accept or refuse
to take the real estate of said Jonas Doty deceased,
at tbe Hppralsed valuation put upon It by the In
quest, duly awarded by tbe said Court, and re
turned by the Sheriff, or show cause why It shall
not be sold. And hereof fall not.
Witness the Ilonorable Henry M Hinckley, Presi
dent ot our said court, at Bloomsburg, the
twentieth day of October, A. D. 1818.
WM, It. SNYDER, Clerk O. C.
Nov e Q. M. QUIQK, Deputy.
Kstate of Samuel Sataoe, aeceatea.
The undersigned, appointed an auditor to dis
tribute the funds In the band ot the administra
tor of sld deceased, will meet tho names Interest.
ed therein at his offlce in Uloomsburg, on Friday
the letli day ot November A. D. less, at 10 o'cIock
a. m., at which time and plioe all persons having
claims against said fund, will appear and present
the same or be debarred from coming In for a share
ut sain tuna.
Oct 1 '88. Auditor.
Kitatt. of Jacob Chamberlain aeceasei.
The undershrned auditor aDnolnted br the Or.
phana' Court of Columbia county, to pass upon
exceptions ana maite aisinouuaq 01 oaianoa iu
hands of administrators, to and anion? the nar.
ties entitled thereto.wlll sit at hi offlteln tilooma.
urg. on Saturday, November 3Hh, 1888, at 10
ociock in ine (urenooq to attona v ine quiiea 01
his appointment, when and where aU persons biaiiiu usaiUM. naiu caimo muab appear
and prove them, or bo forever debarred from any
auaro 01 sum tuuu.
novs Auditor.
Tlalate 0 Deborah llarrtton, late of Btoomsburg.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court of Columbia county to distribute
me mnas in me nanus ot executor wm ait at tne
office of Knorr Wlntcrsteen. on satdrdar Novem.
berirth 18eS at 10 o'clock am., when and wnere
u pursonu uaviog ciauns agamu aaia estate must
appear ana prove tne same, or ue ueoarrea trout
eomuig in on saia tuna,
Oct 19 '83. Auditor.
jbyMaryA. Idvermore
uwovn BtmUTt r "roiar leart l'erBal xprf
fat u FLU ul IIalul ,." ll lxtn 111
WMninlr or "UmtmIt tutor tht Wtr. Iu Uzhtt
..U.UU(J VW U-V-IBl. !!. u. ,U T ,i IM till.
t all at .latrAlM- ami UiUt " ( (hrtlli,, !., liu.hln
rtuut, It ad ".VV M B. Splttdld lu,l.'lita nJ
Itoauut oU UaUIrlut richlr tolocta la utd iae-und.
Tbt boomwg " book for Ma tad Wotuta At tett $ 1 OO to
SOU a raoDth mlt. fIIUIaar aaMa4rat, tor
Wt tag iVttoll tn4 jrWt hxtru lirms. WrlU futtucuUTt l
- 4. b. yjttTll&tiTtlM A IX)-, lrtr,r4. &(., '
VtMiin? htddY. Book-keeping, Business
tXvSUlU Forma, ivumanstiln, Arltbinetlo,stiort-
HTDDY. Book.keei
, etc, tnorougniy taugnv oy maiu tircuiarg
UltYANVa COLLEOK, 460 Main
street, Buffalo, N
Nor -d-tt.
1&90 ft moo. .110.00 wJHOCP
(Opposite the Mint)
Mall Orders specially cared for.
Wrlto for Samples.
A. M. drier vs James MoAlarnev Ex. et al
Joseph Clewell Admr. vs. Abigail Weaver et aL
Cnas. W. McKelvr et al. vs. chas. B. Brockwar
A. a. Btewart vs. MCKeivy Brink.
Daniel F. Seybert ts. Gideon O, nosier.
RohrMclIenry's use vs. & J. McUenry's Admx.
.las. B. Lewars A"mr. et al. vs. Isabella Weaver.
M. A. Markel vs. Borough of Berwick.
Alfred Irvln vs. B & 8. It. R. Co.
Wm. E. Tubbs et al. vs. Freeman McAfee.
Allen B. Croop va n. U. Low.
D. n. Sponenberg vs. George K. ness.
WUUam Brlce & i o. vs. Mrs. E. Haffy.
Charles W. cole vs. Ezeklel Cole.
M. L. Mcnenry vs. Joseph Tlnsley et aL
J 11. Wilson vs. I. K. Patterson.
Irvln Bros. vs. James Ilagerty et ux.
W. F. Bodlne vs. Columbia county.
AllcKllnovs Wm. Whltenlghfs Exr.
Francis Gottaball vs. Jeremiah Reeder.
l. u. Lee s uro. vs. Hias uootnagie.
Mrs. Catharine rain va LA. Riley 4 Co.
wuuam ifwing use vs. uenry Klelm.
Alex. Campbell vs. Wm. Robbies const.
UKATtlJ d UltUrtO.
The following 13 a list of a-rand lurors for De
cember term.
Benton Wesley coney.
Bloomsbunr John c. Jones. John Penman. A. B.
Cathcart, Thomas Webb, Casper L Thomas.
vaLawussa miuvr uuv.
Centre John Crlder, nenryooak.
Flshtogcreek James Ammerman.
Greenwood Kelfor Long, v. B. Eycr.
Hemlock George Ilartman.
Jackson Charles Lemon, T. W. Smith.
Locust A. M. Johnson, William Fetterman.
-Mifflin tiamuel Drum.
Mr. Fleaaantr-Jacob Fisher, Frank Dallman.
Pine Thomas Schlauch,
Roarlngcreek Hetor Rower.
Sugarloat Joshua B. lloes. -Scott
George Grimes.
cemberterm, 1888
Beaver Daniel SIngley.
Berwick Bernhard Moorehead. Isaiah W. Hart-
man, W. c. Barnes.
uenton Ira inotras.
Brtarcreek Uoyd Knorr
Bloomsbunr J. J. Ilavenbuch. P. c. Ever.
Charles Krug, W. J. Corell, Harrison ShatTer, Ben
Jamln Vinton.
catawlssa O. h. Ervln, Augustus Brooks, Will
lam Zlmmeimnn, Nelson Ilartman, John Hampton.
ciitrium cuwuru niuiums, uavia mac.
Centre George Conner, Emanuel Hitler.
FlshlntrcreBk A. 'V. JoneB. William tiin?.JiunM
Franklin William George.
Gieenwood A. V. Younp. Itenrv Purkpr. Will.
lam Reese, Jacob Glrard.
jacKson rreaencic ness, Milton HiacKnouse.
Locust John Johnson. Luther Dlmmlck. IaaaA
Fisher, Haines Yost.
jsiaaiso i John w Ross, Ebro Catner.
Main Boyd R Yetter.
Mlffiln-D. c. Bond, JobnLutz, M. M. UarUelL
Montour P. 8. Karehner.
Roarlngcreek J. M. Kunkle.
Suirarloaf John W Kile. John Kllmrer. A. M.
scott James B. Miller, Isaiah J. Nusselman.
Benton I. K. Laubach.
Berwick Plerco Whltmlru. W. W. idami John
G. Jacoby, Joh'i Gray.
Bloomaburg-Thomas MetherelL Amoa Krum,
B. w. Haeenbuch, Guy Jacoby.
centralla John MoDonald.
centre T. D. Strauss.
Convnffham John Parldn. Patrick Vlvnn. R n.
Price, Charles McGulre.
rrauKiin Anurew ix reman, wasnington rarr.
Flshlngcreek M. W. McIIenry, Tillman Hunyan.
Greenwood Peter navman. M. M. K 11 nf V1 wr1
uemiock e. c. Bundy.
Locust David Roup, It's. Bodlne, John Mourer.
Madison John J, K reamer. Miles Smith.
Mifflin A. w. snyder, John creasy.
Montour Lloyd Paxton.
Orange John Cadman.
line James V. Htackhouse, J. K. Fowler.
Hoott John Reynolds.
Sugarloat M. F. shoemaker.
rotlce la herebr elven to all letratees credltom
and other persons tht erested In the estates ot the
respective decedents and minors that the follow.
Ing administrators' executors' guardians accounts
have been tiled in the office ot tne Register ot Col
umbia county andwlll bo presented for connrma
tlon and allowance In the Orphans' Court to be
uciu iu uiuuuiauunf, ueveiuuer au, low ab x o clock
p. m. ot said day.
1. The first and flnal account of Clinton Ellis
executor of tbe euate of John Gulnn late of the
town oi catawissa, deceased.
s. First and final account ot John F. Brealtn,
administrator of the estate of John J. MaUor late
ui wciiiruiiu uuruugu ueceaaeu.
3. First and nnal account of Henrv s. Keck
guardian of cbarles A. HbaDer one of the heirs ot
tiavtu tmaner jr. acceasea.
4. First and flnal account of Jacob B. Krum, ad
ministrator of Noah Arodt late ot Montour town-
nip, aeceasea.
s. The nrst and nnal account ot John G. Freeze
Admr. d. b. n. a. t. a. of Robert Finney, late ot
Liberty township, deceased.
8. The account of J. a McBrlde administrator
of Frederick Derr late ot Madison township, de
ceased. T. The first and nnal account of Henry IJtweller
sole executor of Abraham Lltweller late ot Locust
townahlp, deceased.
8. First and flnal account of L. B. Rupert ad
ministrator ot the estate ot Philip Crawford lato
of Mount Pleasant townahlp, deceasea.
o. First and flnal account of M. c. Vance guar
dian ot Frank ll. itelswlck, minor child of George
Relswlck, deceased.
10. First and flnal account ot M. O. Vance guar
dian ot Anna it. Relswlck minor child ot George
Relswlck, deceased.
11. First and flnal account of Wm Chrtsman ad
ministrator ot the estate, ot Edward Crawford
late of Mount Pleasant township, deceased.
Not Register.
Ustatt of Benjamin C. Hess, a lunatic
To Mabala B. Hess, wire of Benlamla O. ness,
Jeremiah s, Hess, John F. Hess, Harry I. Uesa,
Sarah K. IleUhUne, and Mary Lemoi children and
Francis w. Weaver and Harvey it. Weaver grand
children of said Benjamin c Uesa.
Notice Is hereby given that as a committee of
tho said Benjamin 0. Ileas, 1 Intend to apply to
the court of common Pleas ot Columbia county tn
the Stale ot Pennsylvania on the third day of De.
cember noxt, for an order authorizing a mortgage
or sucb part ot the real estate of Bald Benjamin o.
lles as said court shall deem expedient for the
payment ot tbe debts and the support and main.
talnance ot said Benjamin C. liess and bis family,
Nov i 4w Commltte.
scott rowNimr,
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Columbia county Pa., to distribute
balance In Ihe hands of OM creveUng, Executor,
wm hit at litn nmca In uloomabur? on Frldar Deo.
7th, 1688, at 10 o'clock a. in. to perform the duties
ot his appointment, when and where all parties
having claims against said estate must appear and
prove tuem or uo ueiurrvu iruiu auj auarv ia nuu
. tB08.50.
Bloomsburg Reliable Clothing House
judging from patronage already received, particularly from referred satisfhtion from parties who
have been making purchases. As said before, if
we will have your trade. The aim is to sell LOTS of GOODS at small profits. To please and
give SATISFACTION. We mean to sell
CHEAPER than any Clothing House in Columbia county. We ask a call and it is you to
county, JPa.
3? & WBMdtS, J'MWEMMMy.
Columbian ) Bloomsburg,
has Just received a flno line of Sllverwaro.Lailles' and Gcn'lcmcn'a Watches, also a com
plete line of Jewelry, Clocks, &c. Goods purchased of mo engraved free of charge.
Call and examine my stock before purchasing
By virtue or a writ' of FI. Fa. Issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House, In the town of Bloomsburg on
SATURDAY, December 8, 1888,
at 2 o'clock p. m., all tnat Northern half of a cer
tain lot or piece of ground situate In the town of
Centralla, laid out by the locust Mountain Coal &
,uu vumunuy iu lunruguam luwnsuip, uuiumum
i-uuuiy, renusjivama, oounuea ana aescriuea aa
follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a point on the east
side of Troutwlne Street, ono hundred feet north
ot the toutheast corner ot rark and Troutwlne
Mtreets, thence north eighty-seven degices cast
one hundred and forty feet to an alley, thence
along said alley south three degrees east twslve
and one-naif feet, thence south eighty-so ven de.
grees west one hundred and forty feet to Trout
wine Street, thence along sold street north three
degrees west twelve and one-half feet to point of
Beginning, whereon is erected a two-story frame
dwelling house and outbuildings.
seized, taken In execution and to be sold as tho
property of Hugh A. Conway. Ft Fa
Marr, atfy. - Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of AL PL Fa. issued out
the court ot Common Fleas ot Columbia county
and to me directed will be exposed to publio sale
at tbe Court House in the town of Bloomsburg on
SATURDAY, November 24th, 1888.
at 2 p. m., all that certain tract ot land situate in
Locust township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania
bounded and d escribed as follows to-wlt : Begin
ning at a stone corner, thence by lands of Henry
FLiher and Isaac Fisher south 84 degrees, wests
perches and six-tenths to a stone, thence by lands
of Daniel Ilonberger south 9 deirrees. east 87
perches to a stone, thenoa by mountain north 79
degrees, east 89 perches and Blx-tenths to a stone,
thence by land of Henry Fisher north 9 degrees,
west 8T perches to place ot beginning, containing
48 acres lis peachss strict measure, whereon Is
erected a frame dwelling house, bank barn and
other outbuildings.
Belied, taken tn execution and to be sold aa the
property ot Adam Clayburger.
GiTH.Atty. Sheriff.
Nov S "83.
By virtue of Bundry writs Issued out ot the
Court ot Common Fleas of Columbia county and
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House. In the town of Bloomsburg on
MONDAY, December 3, 1888.
at p. m., aU that tract ot land situate In Sugar
lo U township, Columbia Co. Fa., bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt . On tho north by
publio road.on the east by publio road leading from
Cambra, Luzerne county to Five i-olnts, on the
south by lands ot K. J. Albertson, and on the west
bylandaof E. J. Albertson, containing Ave acres
more or leas, whereon Is erected a two-story plank
dwelling bouse, bam aad other outbuildings.
Seized taken In execution and to be sold as tbe
property of John W. Albertson.
UsUa & HiaaiHO, Attys, Vend Bx.
All that certain messuage and piece of land
situate In Greenwood township, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania hounded as follows, to-wltj On the
north by land of Alfred Ileocock, on the east by
lanaoiAiireaiieacock, on the south by a publio
road leading from Itohrsburgto MlUvllle and on
the west by land of Oeorgo Siei containing twelve
acres and seventy porches. Whereon are erected
a dwelling house and stable.
Seized taien In execution and to be sold as the
property of Benjamin F. Fisher and Hannah W.
Fisher. FL Fa.
Miller Atty, Sheriff.
" Mojritl Liquid Uliiu" mends broken
China, Ulasi, Wood, Leutber, Metals, Fur
niture, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity
Hold by Grocers, Druggists and (Jeuerul
I. W. Uartman & Sons,
Tbe Great Eastern Tea Co.,
W. II. tirooke & Co,
tl. N. Wll&on,
Elwell & Bitten bender.
AftPlWT1 WANXiSn.-Permanent em
tlUili X O ployment and good salary or com
mission. Address A. IV Ph
1 w
a Specaltv
elsewhere. All poods guaranteed.
J. u. w.uul, uioomsourg, l'a.
Real Estate !
By virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of
the county ot Columbia, the undersigned adminis
trator ol the estate ot Iteuben lloeart. deceased.
, w m oner at publio sale upon the preralsos In the
township ol Hemlock In said county ot coiumola,
at 9 o'clock in the afternoon, the real estate of tbe
said deceased, to-wlt :
No 1. A certain messuage and tract of land
altuate in said township of Hemlock, bounded by
lxndsof Mathlas Whltenlglit, Isaao Mordan, Al
bert Summers, William Kline, Andrew J. Beagle,
and land of the estate of Anton bchwartz deceased,
containing 77 acres and 108 perches and allowance,
moro or less with the appurtenances.
No. 9 A tract of land situate In said township
ot nemlock, bounded by lands of Isaao Mordan,
David Jonea and Charles Relchard and Albert
Summers, containing acres, more or
less, with the appurtenance?
Both tracts are of a rood quality ot land. Upon
No, I are erected good farm buildings, and It has
good fruit trees etc., and with wells and springs
is supplied with water.
TERMS OF SALE: One-third ot tho purchase
money to be secured by bonds and mortgage, the
Interest to be paid to the widow of the deceased
annually during her life, and the principal pay
able to the heirs upon her death, and the remain
ing two-thirds payable as follows : Ten per cent,
ot one-fourth at the striking down ot the property,
the one-fourth less the ten per cent at tho confir
mation ot sale, and tbo remaining three-fourths
In one j ear thereafter, with interest from confir
mation nisi.
Possession will do given April lBt 1888, on the
proper security of the purchase money. The ex
penses ot deed, mortgage and bonds to be paid by
tho purchaser.
BiiuLBV, Atty. Administrator.
nov 10 at
Real Estate !
The undersigned executors ot the estate ot J. II
narman deceased, will expose to publio sale on.
me premises in Rupert at 10 o'clock a. in. of
SATURDAY December 1, 1888,
the undivided one-half of a certain lot ot ground
situate In tbo town ot Rupert aforesaid, bounded
on the east by a publio road and lands ot Lloyd
Paxton on the west by right ot way of the Cata.
wtssa R. it. Co., on tbe south by said Railroad Co.
and lands of Doyd Paxton. whereon la erected a
wooden storehouse,
TERMS OF SALE Ten per ce nt of one-fourth of
the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property, tbe one-fourth less tbe ten
per cent at tho confirmation absolute and the re
maining three-fourths in one year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
hov9,w. Executors.
Real state!
The undersigned executor ot Franklin Rhodes,
late of Beaver township, Columbia county, do
ceased, win expose to publio sale on the premises
at 10 o'clock a, m., the following described rea
estate. A certain lot or piece of land situate in
Mifflin townshlpj Bald county, bounded as follows
to-wit: Beginning at a publio road running from
i Abram Bweppenhlser'stoOeorgeNungesaer'smlll,
thence north et degrees weats porches to a Btone,
thence by lands of Abram swepp nhclser north7it
degrees west 8 perches to a stone, thence boutue
degrees cast! 8-10 perches to said road, thence
ts-io perches to the place ot beginning, containing
86 perches more or less, on which aro erected a
dwelling bouse and outbulldlogs.
TERMS OF SAuE. Ten per cent ot one-fourth ot
the purchase money to be paid at tbe striking
down of the property, the one-fourth less the ten
percent at tbe confirmation absolute, and the re
maining three fourths in one year thereafter with
Interest from conannation claL
A. L. Fritz, Atty, novt Executor,
The following widows' appraisements will be
preaonled to the orphans' court ot Columbia
county on tbe Unit Monday ot Dectimber next, and
confirmed mat, and unless exceptions are bled
within tour days tnereattor, will be conilrmed ab,
albert Wlntersbaoh Est, Catawlssa. pertonalty
W, A. Robbing Est. Orange personalty 1300.00.
' ' V wj. ii. dnVdeil clerko. o.
Plsrks office, Bleouuburg G, 11, QUICK, Deputy
Wholesale. Retail.
Wheat per bushel
Ryo " " JO
Ccru " " 00 70
OatB " " 32 45
Flour "bbl" , 0.80
Uuttcr 21 20
Errs 24 20
Potatocg 40 00
Hams 12 10
Dried Apples 03 05
Bide 07 10
Bhouldcr 09 13
Chickens 8 10
Lard per lb 12 14
Vinegar per gal 20 80
Onions per bushel 75 1.00
Veal skins 07
Wool per lb 85
Hides 6 to 7
Coax on Wharf.
Nq 0 $2.00: Kos 2. 8, & Lump S.W
No. 03.00 Bltumlnus $8.85
When I say CnnB I do not mean mersly to
atop tli"m fur a lime, and then havo them re
tarn again. I 1CAN A RADICAL CURE.
I havo mado tho disease of
A llfo.long study. I WAnBANT my remedy to
Curb tho worst cases. Uecauso others havo
failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro.
Send at onco for a treatise and a Free iiottlu
ot my Infallible Remedy. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a
trial, and it will euro you. Address
H.G. ROOT, M.C., 183 PtAHlST-HlwYOK
aept 28-'ss-ly
Advertiser by addressing Geo. X.
Howell : Co. 10 Spruce St., New York
In good faith, can obtain all needed Information
about any proposed line ot ADVERTISING In
American Newspapers.
rir Sse-page Pamphlet, soo.
Nov 18-MW.
Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with
They will dye everything. They are sold every
where. Price inc. a package, 40 colors. They
have no equal for strength, brightness, amount
In packages, or for fastness ot color, or non-fading
qualities. They do not crack or smut, Forsalo
by Mojer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. febimy.
I bare used
I Dr. Beth Arnold's
114 years j never knew It to
fall, nave never heard any
thing but praise for It.
O, B. Cunningham, cam
ken, Penn.
Druggists, 2SC, EOo., and tl.OO.
llur IIOU.ul
I hi uuir. tt
wmob him won rtr-B
kfcMptkT. WtrrlDM, UMTJT
loot 1 1 ova-
IBotb U4Ua'4id BU,liJ
with work! and eua of
KlMaVBl tod IllftfDlflMDL
uul nlttfcUNE riHiUN
laMh lolltj can Mean en
, wmmm, maw u iim pcaai wi
WlHfir-iiB oti par
.via la aaal. LocavIIIv. 1a k mo Ira
tbalrbomt,u4aiauw to tbo who call, a oomputa Una door
ISftUatid arr uarol UUVaiHOLIl SAMPLES.
fbcM wall aa tba WftUib.w fm& fraa and afWr ra
ba ki! iban la roar boa tor ucmUia aad itwwn tbaia
lo tboM vbomr bar oallal,lbay bacotna jonr owl rropartri
It U i-naalbl to maka Ibla traal offar.Mt.dtac VULIlt
bllLU watcb and COST Y aaoplM (raa. aa tba ibowinf of
UitaanplMla any locality, always raaolta u lariatfada for
ni.anarfioraamplMbavabMB In a locality for moatbor lwo
w naually (at from IOUU to Ot ta trada from U
lurrouaiJlac conntry. Tbla,b moat voodarfnl oQbr arar
k tkow B,la mad I a ordtr tbat ttu atunplaa na y b plaoad at oooo
vbaratbrycaa ba aaaa ftlt crar atmarvoa. Writ at Anea(as4
ttiakt'iartollbaebaaofc Baadarlt will babartlyaay trosU
(or you to abow tba iaini4a ta tboM wbojnar call at your bum
tad your taward will ba aaort aaUalactorji A poatal card oa
wbkb la wrtta u eoali bt 1 can aad alar you atww aJl.U y
lo not car to fa fort bar, why bo barm la dona. Balfyodo
itnd yuar addraaa at Mea, yc aaa Mvt mKU oca of lb
Uat tw114ruld walcbaa ta tba vorll tad oar larta llaaaf
CUNILV aAHrLia, Wl pay UluiinM,
DON'T ybouuyr
you have seen tho
with "Extension Cdia"
A Napoleon Top, Thla
Is the beat fitting and
In the market,
Mado of thoBet
etook. The "Extension
due" protects th up"
per, nddtto wearoftha
aole by glKlng broader
treading aurfaoe,
with "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALU
other In stylo & durability. If you want thai
worth of you r money try tha Colon MUr with
Kept Hereby Best Stores.
Wtlxesbarre, l'a.
Nor, It-am.
ft A Vnnn a Mew Curo cornea
UAli UJuXv Cliluu. Qieeus Ilospltal and
London Cancer Hospital report
cures." .V. 1'. h'tvrets. Undented uy Medical
.i .urnaig. cure guarantee. ,
Circulars Fait OUN
yya va, vox i, imeoio, voi