COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The RepuMoan Restoration. Prank Daggort's Or oat Find- IN A PETULANT MOOt UK rul.t.9 UP 1113 PICK AND DISCOVERS A 001.1) MINE. Ia la unfortunato, (rom every point of view, that tho Republican regime bIiou'iiI bo rcstorod after nn interval of onlv tour voM. Tho Iiltrlmat wclfnro Trom tho Proscott (Artiona) Times. of ttio country required that '.ho chanco It wiib on July a, 18H0. that Frank decreed nnd tho forma demanded bv IS. Dacnett, nn entcrprlslnc nroacctor, tho noonlo In 188 1 should bo carried to wna olfinblnif tho tiilo of Lynx Creek .l.ti 1 . . ! I mi .1 I'M !.. .I.AH,l.A .tfn.. f 111111111111111. UUUUb VTVU1VU I1II1UB VUOb VI Prefcot. Tho usual kit of a prospoctor, consisting of a pick and shovel, woro swung over his shoulder. When well up the mountain ho stopped beneath tho protecting houghs ot n juniper trco to rest lis toll into a slumber, and, on awakening, gathered up his pick and Wings and Strings. Pcoplo Pay Ilcavy Bills their logioal conclusion. That they havo notbeon nnd that tho old older of things is to bo revived aro duo to tho mistakes nnd blunders, of tho Admin! tration mid tho dilatoriness of tho Democrats in Concress. Tho election fhows that New York !s still a Democratic Slato. Tho Doll ing of Now Jcwoy and Connooilmtt and shovel to purauo his journey, his ob tho largo Democratic gains on the jcctivo point beitig a gold-bearing iionnlar vote in other States nrovo that quartz claim on tho other sido of the Tariff Reform Is a rmnular Issue. But mountain, which ho intended to pros tho lestio was snrunu oithor two years peot. In throwing his pick on his too lato or ono year too soon. Tho shoulder it slipped, and, falling behind Presidency was sacrificed by thW blun- him, its sharp point struck his log onus ilnr. nml ilm lnm In llin mntn nttoravat- ine nrcat nnln. Ho picked it uo. nnd. ing because of tho accompanying dem- with a vehement oatli,stuck it into tho onstration thnt tho Domocratio party is ground impetuously, saying it could Stronger Willi mo peoplO mail 11 was iriiiuiti uiuiu. iv urniug uu ii auw biuiib This Is tho airy, stinging titlo of another sprightly amusing book by Palmer Cox. It is onoof tho QUEER PEOPLE series, and simlllar to its companion "Paws and Claws,'' of which wo told you recently. This is ono of tho funniest and brightest books for youngsters wo havo uvor seen. Tho illustrations arc splendid and will mako tho boys nnd girls roar with laughter. Tho Boston Budget, sayM "as a holiday book nothing could be more appropriate, since nothingcould lh? Jl')r'l confer greater pleasure upon the action upon me stomnc mm. XT-.! 1 i) i.ii landRkln. For all wasto "u "' iin iii must C(lst 0 y mMM of thdso channels. call savsi "Jiceruvaoe IS a picture 1 nneuuiallsm, scrofula, bronchia gout consump- iJi,., , , .....i' .. s... ..;. tion, malaria, catarrh, hay fovcr. all skin affect- U7u tut trio iimi, niiwii, uunuim jj i ions and eruptions are diseases ot the blood. fun, never ceasing. It mil make young eyes blaze.' it will certainly bo wouderfully popular. It is publish ed by Messrs. Hubbard Bros., of Philadelphia, Chicago and Kansas City, to whom persons doViring a copy or an agency should apply. For medical attendance and modlclno. Richness Is expensive, and ttioso with small Incomes reel this burden keenly. Tho physician must sometimes be called but ho Is not needed one-tenth as often as many think. What Is required Is a family mcliclno ono that will relloro and euro those ailments which are lliblo to come at any season and to attack bothsexpa and all ages. Amid the host of articles that are orfered to tho publlo for this purpoio no trly all aromolctw or worso than useless. It Is no vain boast to say t hat t he medi cine, herein mentioned Is of a very different char, acter. What It has done Ij known to multitudes of persons whom It has curodot weary and pain ful diseases. It has saved time, money and many dear and precious Urea. Now please understand that as tho life H In the blood so disease and death aro in mo moon uci tne potion om or mo dioou and llfo and health at once return to every part ot thobody, Dr. nrown'soarssparlllatlocsihhwork mitrklv and stirelr throutrh Iih direct and positive action unon the stomach, bowels, kldncis. liver and skin. For all wasto and corrupt elements four vears aco, But thouuh defeated tho party is not disraaved. Democratic principles will triumph in tho next campaign. This cleotou was sitnnlv thrown awny. Tho ro election of Gov. Htix in this State, a candidato thoroughly acceptablo to Ins partv nnd calculated to nrouso onthusiaiu of Democratic voter?, war. rants tho belief that under proper conditions tho Democracy can reclaim tho presidency in 1802. It is a mitigation of tho defeat to know that tho successful candidate is a man of tho hiubesl personal eharacter and of respectable qualification for tho office. Gen. Harrison is a better man for President tlnn any candidato who lias been Belecti d by tho republicans since Lincoln. It is a matter of crave doubt, however, whether ho has tho force of character to onablo him to conduct his Adminstration free from tho demoralizing influonocs of the do cenerato politicians who havo succeed ed for tho most part to tho former statesmanlike leaders of tho Repub lican nartv. AVo havo full faith that tho Demo cratic defeat is onlv temporary. Tho nnd tho changed IDS piUK. jmin easing poinowhat, his mind and returned i ho for Kheumatlsm Is undoubtedly caused by lathio acid in I the blood. This acid attacks tho fibrous On pulling it up somo shining metal tissues, nnd causes tho pains and aches nangor, Me. in luo U.IUK, ruuumuiB, kiiuu?, mijk.ivp, hips, and wrist. Thousands of peoplo havo found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a lOsitive cure for rheumatism. This mod Mr. (loo. If. Wish, of the firm ot Thaxtcr H Wish, Bangor, Mo., was aflltctod with ascrolulous humor which causod troubleoomo sores upon both his leirs. Many remedies were used and several phvslctans consulted, without result. After taking Brown's Harsaptnlla a short tlmo ho was better, and soon uiocrupuons disappeared ana ne is now an ngiiu J ms is oniy one oi a uiousaau victories gained by BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. was raised with it. Ho had accident ally struck his pick into a blind ledge, which is known as tho Amulet Mine, and from which there has bren shipped 850,000 worth of high grado oro. Ho took in as a partner J. M. W. Moore, nn nssayer in tho district, who has re cently purchased tho discoverer's inter est tn tho initio and is now sole owner of tho property. Tho main shaft on tho property is lul) tect deep. At tho utty-teet lovel a dritt was run for sixty feet and the oro all stopped out from that up to tho surface. At 100 feet drifts were run in both direct ions, one twenty feet and ono fifty feet. There aro also two other shafts fifty feet deep and an open cut running from the face of the mountain to ono of them about sixty feet. From these openings the above amount of first class oro has been taken and shipped, tho eocond-class oro reraaininn on the dump, not bearing transportation. Tho owner and uhnrlcs A. Uirdler, a inin ing expert, visited tho property recent- party is right, and in a government oi ly and raado careful measurement of tho people Worlit. the right will prevail. A Oobra's Vengeance. A BUPEnSTITION THAT SNAKE NEVEll KOIIQIVES THE HOOPED OK FOnQETS. tho dumps, estimating that thoy con tained 2,000 tons of second-class ore. A ton of it was taken promiscuously and sampled and assayed, civine valuo of 35.50 per ton, or an aggregate vatuo ot $7i,uuu Andrew Fisher, nn craployo of tho Madras Railway Comp tny, was seated in the verandah of his bungalow and observed two larco cobras on the bar ren plain immediately tu front of tho house. Arming himself with s stout. stick, he proceeded to the spot and en countered tho snakes. He suooecded in killing ono of them, while tho other which had been slightly wounded, manacred to escape. Mr. Fisher hunted about for tho runaway, but could not find it. He then returned to his bunnalow and rested for some time, as ho was off duty. Later in the day he prepared to go to bis work and with that ob ject got oat his clothes to dress. He sat on his cot and was about to put on his shirt, when he felt something bito him on tho back. Ho turned around, nnd to his horror he found a snake on the cot beside him, which ho is said to have recotrnized as tho cobra he had wounded that mornintr. Ho im mediately sought medical relief and all kinds of remodies were applied, but to no effect, and ho died in tho ovenintr. It is commonly believed among the nin3oo3 tht no .animal is more re vcngoful tnan tho obra, and that if an attempt was made to kill it and it escapes, it never gives itself rest un til it has wreaked its vengeanoe upon its assailant. Homeicara Mail. His Wish Was Gratified. There were lots of negroes on tho boat as passengers, and one afternoon as the boat left Baton Rouge a little crowd of us on the promenade deck nnf in .li'aMiaatnrv tllft nnlfM-Hfl mfln. The Colonel, who was from Wiscon- h'" l1" stopped, instead of promptly sin, claimed that the reason tho white ?"'n2 ha& tho FP distanoo to men did not cet aloue better with the warn lbe approaching tfainbo stop- The Jury Fixes The Blame- ENGINEERS AND UKAKKMAN OUII.TT OF OHOSS NEOI.IOKNCE. After threo days' session the coron er a jury which had been investigating the recent accident on the liehich Val ley railroad at Mud Run, by wbioh so many lives were lost, reaohed the lol lowing verdict: "Wo find that tho engineers of locomotives 452 and 4GG of tho seventh section were guilty of gross negligence. First, in failing to discover tho red siernal in time, the evidence clearly showing that this sig nal was in full view as their trains ap. proached, and secondly, lor not ap proaching the station uudor tail control as required bv both creneial and spec ial orders. The evidence also shows that tho air brakes of the entire section were under the control of ihe engineer ot locomotive 400, and that he could have stopped tbo train in spite of the looomotive ahead, 452, we find that the lookout-men of locomotive 452 were guilty of grOFS negligenoe in fail ing to report to their respective engi neers the red light at the station as the train approached. The men wero placed on their respectivo engines as an additional precaution, their special duty being to look out for the signals. The lookout man on No. 452 failed to see the signal. The other ono on No. 4C6 testified that ho saw it when about fiftt en hundred feet from the station and yet he reported all right to tho en gineer and claims that lie did not think that the red light meant anything, as nobody used it. AVo find that the rear brakoman of the sixth so -tion was guilty of gross negligence,, for when Not Kcnutno unless made by Ara Warren Co., mnyrea ly cine, by its purifyinc nction, neutral izes tho acidity of tho blood, and also builds up and stronrrtlicns tbo whole body. She Booame Wealthy. "I was attorney for the rail road twenty years ngo," said a Detroit awver, "and one day Went out to settle a loss with a woman. Sbo and her husband had been struck at a crossing, ami, whuo she was nadlv hurt, he was killod outright and tho horses nnd bug- y smashed to pieces. Thoy had tho ead wood on us for $15,000, as tho engineer did not signal tho crossing. 1 went out to make an offer of about $12,000. The widow was not ablo to sit up, and I atopped at a store in a vil lage and bought somo oranges and lemons aud took them up. When wo bnally not around to the matter ot damages shot-aid: " 'los, it was a sad thine, and tho railroad was to blame, but I don't want to bo mean about it. 1 suppose the president and all of 'cm are worried most to death, aud I supposo I could stop all tho cars from l mining, but I want to bo just. You bringing up that fruit proves how kind-hearted j on all are, and if you think you could afford to give me $1,000 I'll sign off." "I made her accept S5.000, and took her tho money myself. When she re ceived it she asked: 'Won't tho road bo orippledt' "Oh no. w.i,i ' 'Cars run just the samil' "Yes. " And.n'ono of you folks aro mad at me!' "No. "' Well, then, I'll take itibut il tho road should get hard up and want to boriow, it'll find mo ready to lend.' " Detroit 'Free l'ress. The treatment ot many thousands of case of those chronlo neakncswi and distressing- llmnt nftilliir tn f.mslM a, tl TnvolMa1 Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. f ., has afforded a vast exporlonce In nloely adapt ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peoullar maladies. Dr. fierce' Favorite rreecrlntlon is tho outirrowth. or result, of this irreat and valuable eiperlenoe. Thousands of testimo nials, received (rom patients ana from phyii Hun who hnra tested It In the mom nffcra- vated and obstinate cases which' had batlled their skill, move It to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure ot suffering women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Speclflo for woman peculiar anmenu. Am a powerful, invigorating tonic, It lmrj&ru itrength to the whole system. and to the womb and it appendages in partloular. For overworked, "worn-out," run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners. dressmakers, leamstresscs, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the a-reatest earthlr boon, twins- uni-oualed as an appetizing cordial and restoratlvo tonio. Am a oothlua; and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription" Is une- 3ualed and Is invaluable in allaying and aub ulng nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organlo disease of the womb, it Induces rsfrcahlnir sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Or. lMcreo's Favorite Prescription 1 a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It la nurelv vegetable in Its composition and perfectly harmless in lu effects in any condition of the systom. For morning sioaness, or nausea, xrom wnaiever cause arising, weaic siomacn, inaigcsuon, ays- lepsie ana ainarea symptoms, lis use, in small will pruTti very injneuuiau "Favorite Prescription'' Isaposl s; colored man was because he did not study his pbysiogomy. "You just tet em down as lazy, trilling and dishon est, ho said to tho JHaior, who was from South Carolina, "ana the good stiller with tho bad. 'Do you believe there is such a thing as an honest niccer in Louisiana!" asked the Major. "Of course I do." "Could v ou" pick out ono in tint crowd down there!" CertainU I could." "Well, go ahead lor Iho cig.w. Just pick your man. hand bun a pieoo of money, and tell him to walk to tin stern post an I hack and return it." "bay, Major, there s thirty negroes down there I d trust with my wallet. "Very well. Wu'll o down nnd yon pick ono out." Tho Colonel passed a dozen before he came to a middlo.aged man asleep on a sack of cotton-seed meal. lie studied tho fellow's face for a long minute nnd theu shook hitu awake. "What's de row!" demanded tho ne gro. "I ara going to tiust you," replied tho Colonel; "I havo been looking you over and I know you to bo an honest man." "I ar dat," "Here's a S20 cold piece. Take it to tho stern of tho boat, mako a wish for one paiticular thine and bring il back." Tho negro seized it and tstaited off, and ho had no sooner reached the stern than wo heard a groat yelling up stairs, followed by tho bolls to stop the boat. Wo ran up and there was the Colonel's honest nogro between us and the shore, striking out liko a whale, and his mouth out of shaoowith the gold pieco stuffed into it. While we wero still lookini? bo reached tho bank, crawled upon the levee, and then turned and shouted: "I just dun wished I was ashore, an' ver l am. uood-byo, white loikbi "Still," said the Sfajor, as he turned to sit down, "tho Colonel might try a dozen moro and find them all honest." Hut tho-Colonel went off to his stato room in a huff. Detroit Free J'ress. ped at the. station. 'There was timo enough for him to havo gone baok nearly half a mile, but ho went less than four hundred feet. We find that tho conductors of tho two sections failed in their duly, the first in not conforming to the rule requiring each conductor to see personally that his brakoman protects the rear of bis train, and tho second in not requiring liia train to approach the station under control." Tammany True to Cleveland Any talk about the soiling out of ra tional ticket by Tammany Hall is not only unjut but it is a deliberate and wilful misrepresentation. The returns show that tho Tammany vote was oast staight for all tho Democratic candi dates. In tho hour of his triumph last Tuesday night Mr. Urant expressed deep regret at tho rumors of Cleve land's defeat nnd declared that he would rather have been beaten adbzon times over than have lost tho national ticket. At the same time he declared that Tammany had done nobly in tho national contest, and gavo the rank and file of tho County Democracy credit for having resisted the attempts of somo of their lendcis to lead them iuto bargains against the President aud the Govrenor. The votes show that treachery in tho County Domocratio ranks was confined to tho leaders of tho organization. Mr Cleveland's increased vote in this city of 13,000 shows con clusively thai- ho was squaroly support ed here. It is to bo regretted tnal sq much cannot bo said for Kings county, Tho "drop-a nickcl-in-tho-slot" racket is worked in all sorts oi imagi nable shapes in Krastina, whore Buf falo Hill's Wild West show is located. It is reported some kind friend from tho city decorated ono of Buffalo Dill's Indian tepees with a large black letter siun, w inch read: "ihrowm a brick aud feeo an Indian como out." The Oase of the Boiled Nantlooke Miners WiLKEB-BARnk:, Nov. 5. Tho cases of the twci.ty-six miners buried in No. 1 slope of tho Pennsylvania Coal Com pany by the disaster at Nanlicoke noarly three years ngo were argued be fore Judge liioo in Chambers to-day. Tho attorney for tho company argned ut length tnal all had been dono that oouid bo done, and that it wua found by competent engineers and miners that it is a physical impossibility to have trie bodies rr-moved from the pit. the attornoys lor the relatives claim thai it could be done and offered to havo t!,o work accomplished, relieving the company frcm any blamo or re sponsibility in caso of any accident. Tho Judge heard both sides patiently and then took the papers. Ho an nounced that he would dispose of the same promptly. tire euro for the most complicated and ob stinate cases ot loucorruea. excessive nowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot the womb, weak back, " female weakness," anteverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accomnanled with " internal heat.' A a regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription " Is a porf eotly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange ments Incident to that later and most critical penoo, anown as --me unange or Lire." --iiiuiiiD i c.Lriiuiuiit'' wuun uacn In connection with tho use of Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder uiawucs. -jueir oomuineu use also removes blood taints, and abolishea cancerous and only iilei- a positive guarantee, from the manu- xaciurers, mat it win give sausraction in every uu&ur (uuuox nut mi TOiuuucu. .una guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper. iuiu uutuiuiir varoeu vm lor many years. I.nrgo bottles noO doses) (1,00, or six bottles tor $5.00. For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of women (iou pages, paper-oovaredj, send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Hedletl Association, 603 Main St, BUFFALO, N.Y, scrofulous humon from the system. "Favorite Prescription" is the or medicine for women, sold by druggists, tuid A Joke on Hewitt, A practical loko was played on Ma yor Hewitt, ot Now York, tho other week. Jio received a loiter wlioeo writer complained that n "gang of thlovos and murdorers woro infesllnu tho block bounded by Centre, Leonard, Kim and White streets nnd that a oouldn't go through thnt block at night." Mr. Hewitt referred tho letter to Captain McCullagh with tho nsual direction. The Captain mado prompt reply. Ho said "tho ohargo waa true,' but added that "tho thieves and murderers woro all under look nnd koy. Thoy were in tho Tombs.' An Old Nnrso's Thirty Years Experience- An old tnii'sn ol 30 vears (-xporionco says that sho has never used a wino that has had such a plenainc effect on hor patients ns thai mado by air. Al- red opetr, ot i'fssatc, iN. .1. It is n puro article nnd peoplo havo oonll demo in it. Ask, any noted physiolan. l1 or soio by druggists. It is tho experience of publishers that loo many peoplo aro apt to think it matters but little whether the news paper bill is promptly paid or not that is a small sum and Is of bul littlo consequence. This Is not becatiao sub scribers aro unwillii.K to pay, hut rath or becauso they are negligent. Each cue imagines bccaino his year's indebt ness only amounts to a small sum, tho publisher cannot bo much in want of it, without for a moment thinking that tho incomo of n paper is made up ot just such small amounts, and thnt tho ntraregato of all sulsciiplions is by no moans an inconsiderable sum of raonoy. Ex. A GENTLEMAN WELL KNOWN and largely cugaged in tho drug trade remarked: "l'UJND'S JiA- TRACT is a priceless remedy for piles, I havo been fifteen years martyr to them. 1 suffered every tiling but death. I tried all tho most celebrated doctors, and look hen said he, as ho opened a closet contain ing hundreds of empty bottles nud bores, "I took and applied all that cupboard and trash without benefit. Nothing bflpt-d mo until 1 found POND'S EXTRACT, nnd that cured m . I have now been well for years, but I keep that closctful of all tho old bottles to show how muon a man may suffer nud tako." IAlce other go.d things, l'tWD'S JfiXTKACT his been imitated. Avoid these toorthless Imitations. You will Savo Bad Silver Dollars. UAKnEKOUS COUNTKKFEITS CIRCULATED IN WESTERN 1'BNNSTI.VANIA. Catarrh Money Time, Pain, Trouble, AND WILL CUM5 CATARRH Hy Using ELY'S Cream BalmHAY-EEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is airroeable. ITlce tso cents at Druggists ; by mall, registered, 60 eta. ELY UUOTHilUS, 66 Warred Street, New York. oct 2c-d-4t, Tho Pi.tsburg Commercial Gazette says : The counterfeit silver dollar has again mado its appearanco in somo of tho towns of Pennsylvania, near tho XNriw 101k Mate line, and also iust within tho counties along the boundar ies of that Slate. United States de tective McSweoney loft for the upper oil' country on Siturday, but ho refus ed to talk about tho object of his mis sion to tho locality. lie acknowledg ed that eounti rfeit coin was bv' ig cir culated in various parts of tbo State, but ho would not slato whether ho had any knowleJgo of the identity of the persons who wero makliiL' and circu lating the bogus m mey. He paid, however, that highly important devel opments might bo expected in about two wwks. It was learnod from another sourco that Chief IMI, of tho Seoret Service Department, had detailed four nien to I 1. P. I n a .nn, V ito l" ' l Caveafa .fttaoo Marrfobtaffiednd all AfSat countertt-itera who were circulaliuer businessconductedroritionKitvrKi'KKs. llOtrllS silviT ildllnrj in Huff-tin Frio "UK OFFICE IS Ol'IMSlTE U. S. I'ATKNT y Buvtr (in liars in uuitaio, crie, 0mcE. We hue no sub-agencies, all business JatlletoWi), N, Y, Corry, la,, Oil direct, heneo can transact patent business in less f ,i .,., fn--., .!. . i lime ana at wisa uuai tuan tuose remuvoirom .v, ,.,i, iMHuvta irnu untie Washington. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair, 1'xomotet a luxuriant growth.. ruver rant to tuitor uray Hair to Its Youthful. Color. . Prerenta D&ndrnft an4 hrUr fUlw Nov s-d-tt. PATENTS; in tho ticiuity of these towns and cities. The counterfeit, it is said, is tho hnest ever turned out of au ibegal mint in this country. It is the exao. weight, perfectly moulded, and could Ojly bj distinguished irom the gonu ino by experts. Tho greasy appear ance so apparent in other bogus coins is absent in tho litest issue. ThefO coins ato differently dated, but they aro both of tbo amo issue. Tho change in dates was dono for the purpose of moro readily deceiving tradeap 'opl The faotory where this very daugerotis "queer is turned out is supposed to be iu tho neighborho id of Girard, Pa , but on this point tho Siciet service ollioors an very reti-oeut. send model, drawing, or plioto.wlth description. wo advise u paiem&Qie or not, iree oi cuarge, Our reo not duo till Datcnt la secured. A bookV'IIow to Obtain l,atenta,"wlthretercn3es o actual enema in your siaio, county, or town, ni ires. AuurebB C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite ratontomce, Washington, D. 0 A sunflower twolve feet high with a blossom fifty- ix inuhes in diameter, is a ptoduct of Nevada. A Modern Instance- "Madame, aro you a Homan suffra gist!" "Nr, sin I haveu'v timo to bo.'1 "Haven't timo' Wo'l, if you had tho privilege of voting, whom would you support!" "Tho samo man I've lupported for ten ytais." "Aud who is Ihatt'1 "My husband." Nebraska State Journal. A successful thiropdist in Pittsburg has 1,000 olieiiti who each pay him $10 a week to i;otp their itot in fop or condition. , MT THE ONLY Brilliant Durable xy Economical Are Diamond Dyes. Tbey excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness, None others are Just as good, Ileware of imitations they are made of cheap and Inferior materials and give poor, weak, croclcy colon. ( 36 colors; 10 cents each. Send postal for Vf Bool, Simpls Caid, tor coloring 1'hotos., making tht finit Ink or Bluing (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists er by WUS, RICHARDSON i CO.. Burlington, Vt. For Olidlng or Dronilng Fancy Arllclis, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Qstt, IllTir, Dryats, Cpr, Oalf it luu, EXHAUSTED VITALITY rilUKSCIKSCKOF '-LlJl'lt. tho ercat Medical Work of tho and l'hjralcu: De bility, Prcmatoru Do te' U Is VI TUVCCI C dine. Errors of Youth, nliUlT I si I O U L f S and the untold miner u consequent thereon, 800 pases 8 va, 1'tf pre nrrliitlona lor all diaeases. Cloth, (all Kilt, only ll.oo, by mall, aealed. Illustrative sample f rou to all yuunj ami nrildle-azed men. bend now. The Gold and lewelU-dMrdalawardad to the author by Uie Nation al Medical Association. Addreaa P.O. llox lKM.llos 1011, M tM.,or Dr. W.1I. TAllKKlt, jrradoat of liar vard Medical College, !tt ycara' practice In Uoaton, ho may be conaiiltkl confldenUally. Ofllce, No. I ItulQnch HL Specialty, Diaeases of Man. Cut tills out, Yoo way neTer see It agula, acptv!ld-4t. fame's CELERY I COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS" , , "Faint's Celery Com. riOUralglQ Pound cund my ner. ow tick bladacliei." Mrs. L. A, UatNTNBt, Nervous )q.i Prostration ,1.?..'' .aMM..,. Compound. 1 am curtd ot rbuniatUm," Rlimimntlam Samukl Hutchinson. , noummmm bouth cornih. n, i. ... . "It hn duDt di mor K I d noy good ror udny , than any other nvdi Diseases cine" gro. auott, Sioux City, low, . Nn "J'aint Ctltry Com pound bit ttio iTgtcat All Llvor Uoifit for torpid rivir, All .Uivur liidJgtiUun.fcndllUoui. DlBordcirft "' Euiamth c, . UtUt. QatchM. Vt -tJUYJCAL OF THEJJ Ttt ClUilil Hi RsmMlMlff Hail Let lb tsrtwtiL. 1'rr s1(l('iti tvud Uti suiiii ui Ittl rtloti ft PA Li ut t'Ait. bfiisshuur- Civil Xirv ci. Prcfc hMUi. Isfflii TARIFF AND FREE TRADE, tMitkor.i III Riiliii, Kith iriUiiieoUforftadusvliut. lltKPnar ,65w.: July27-Z & co-4m. 00 tt)ra Hal MONTH lor Hfliill..T.icfctfl.ll0ti. tna or womea ia imii ocucij urdera fur this doduUt aud faaU irret r UJ. (Und for rlroui&i ZILULUl Jk tO.UChtitAui St i'Ula. l' SALESMEN to f anrais (or the tsle of Narsery Stock I Bteady cmploymtct ruarsstted. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Apply st occs, tUtlD( Ss. Chut Bfolhwjuy.JiKVSW Common Seusa should be uaed in aucmptinK to euro that very dis.irreoable diacae, catairli A citnrrh oritzinatcs in imiiuritica in the blood, local applications can do no permaneut cood. Tho common-sensn method of treatment is to tiunfy the blood, and for this ptiipoo there U no preparation Bupunor to floods harea- parilla. That this peculiar medicine does cure catarrh is rhown by the many testimonials from peoplo who havo found relief upon using it when all others had failed. A book con' tainins statements of cures sent on receipts of two-cent stamp, by 0. I HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. Th Jabberwook. The Paupack creek in Pike county, Pennsylvania, is the dwelling place of a monster more wonderful than the sea serpent, if ono can beliovo the stories told by the peoplo in tbo vici nity. They rtaeribe the beast as bav ing a bead like an apo" nnd square shoulders like a human beinc. From the shoulders of the creature there ox tend leers or arm?, which terminate in great claws. The body of tho mon ster, which is fully six feet in lonuth is of a reddish-brown tint, very like that of a lizar.l, and terminates in tail liko that of rt liob. Tho creaturu'tt body is bare of any covering, but about tho head and neck is a mano of reddish hair. It is ii'cdless to say that tho county is excited over the strange animal. Various parties sur round the creek each day in hopes of capturing the boifct, but up to tho pro- sent timo tlii-ir endeavors havo not been crowned with success. I Aug. and Oct Out of tho Broastworks. Tate Springs, Tknn., July 4, 188 The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that , my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced talcing your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle, and la a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. Robinson. Kaufman, Tex., June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a skin disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief. 1 am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly, Wm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. London, Eng., 3s Snow 1 1 Hi, MASON & HAMLIN The cabinet oraa was Introduced in its present form by Mason & Ilsmllu In 1841. Other makers followed In the manufacture of these instruments, bat the Mason A llamlln Organs have always main Utned their supremacy as the best In the world, t Msson A Ilsmlln offer, as demonstration ot tha enequaltod excellence ot their organs, the (act that at all oi the great World's Kxhlbiuons, since that of with best mak 1 1 U 1 1 fl M Vrsof all conn, tries, they haiel I K III , Invariably tsk. enlhehlghtttUllwrlllVhonors. lilus tiated catalogues 923 TO 81KK). free. Mason A llamlln do not hesitate to make toe sx Inordinary claim for their pianos, that they ara superior to all others. They recognize the high excellence achieved by other leading makers In the an of plana building, bat still claim superiority. Tills tney attribute solely to the remarksbls lm Drorement Introduced br them In the vear 183S. fllASON a I1AJSUH rUSO ineuscoiwhicn ereateat Dos. reflnement of 'wkh greaUy In. snacl- QIAbS at CFalOHT. tv f or atandlnir au uu, auu uiucr iiupurtam auraniagca. and now hnown as the crraiMOXR,, by Is secured the si bis parity and tons, together cud capacl- 01A8S OrSlaBT. PIANOS IF YOU WANT An Economical Baking Powder, tVt? Rumford Yeast Powder, the Old Reliable. Its superior strength enables the use of less quantity than of ordinary powder, and it is healthful and nutritious. Packed in bottles. No other genuine. Best Mad 11 . Clothing PERRINE'S 1 PURE BAULKY MALT WHISKEY. nisTtt.t.iD from selected Barley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and odds oltcn contained In alcoholic liquors, ills especially adapted to persons requiring; a stimulating ionic, lurauuipuvui ueiut, rreatly benefitted by us use. ltecommended by leading physicians as aliluretlv Nervine. Tonlo and Alterative. For consuuiptltts It ft Imaluable. I'EItUINK'S ruilK llAlUKY MALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vigor to tbo stomach, u good nnnntttn. a ricn ana anunaant diooq ana mcreasca iiubii unu mupuuinruneuu. " stimulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wasting dl eases can bo entirely conquered by the use ir Perrlne s I ure Iiarlcy alt w nlskeys It Is a tonio ana aiurctic ana apowenuiBuriiBui!--iicr iu iinjriii.tiuojriv,i,. ltlNK'S l'UUK BAltLKY MALT WI1ISKE1 has proved a medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations in the optn air und whoso dally work calls It exceptional powers of endurance Ask toji nearest druggist or grocer for lor PKltltlNK'SinillKliAllLKY MALT WII1SKKY levlvca the energies of those worn out with excessive Dodlly or mental effort and acts aa a safeguard against exposure . in wet and rigorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases from the system. 1 Hard workers of every vocation and personswhom a sedentary lite renders prone to I Iiyspcpsia una in l-ernne s rure jjuric- powerful lnvlgorant ,nlf U'hlnkev and helper to digestion. rKHHINK'H ,1'UHK 11AKUK1 .11AL1' VJ1101V11.I 'without unduly stimulating the kid neys increases tliclr flagjtlng activity, , counteracts tho erfocts or fatigue, has ' tens convalescence nnd Is n wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I Mono genulno unless bearing the signature n.. .. h 41,1, ml bel on every bottte: 1 have carefully an aiyzea ineruBs iiaki-kt jAi.r hib ikt made by M. ft J. K l"errlne and nnd !lt entirely Irco from fusel oil. f urturol, metals and acids and Is absolutely pure." sroiifd, Camilla Arthur llatrr, llraauateofthe UnivertUlo of MunlcJi, urnrRinnu Hewuuart yoi saie uy all drug and grocers tnroun the united Btatesa Canaaas. rSiaaawasssawawasssssawBawawawawaawawK 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA rOKSALE BY DRUGGISTS AND ALL DRALGRS. INDUCEMENTS! We aro offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Amona: the Pianos we handle are the IYEBS & PdND C. C B BIGGS.ra BiaSr CO., SCI10MACKEB Gold Sti'insf and Ope for flv nos. Thesu Pianos are all first-clasu and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEy. MILL- EB. UNITED STJTES and other makes. Oi r leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE. NE W VA VIS, NE TV DOMESTIC, NE W HOME, ABD B OTA BY Sewing Machine, the finest nnd best notary hewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. PENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. sour iaaT8 for F. V. ADAMS CO-., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents of thefol. lowing brands of Cigars. HKNUY CLAY, LONDHES, NOHMAL, INDIAN riUNCKSS, SAMSON, HILVElt ASH. Alexander Bros. S Go, WHOLESALE DEALER'S IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOH HENRY MAlLIiARDS MICANDIES. rltESH EVEKV WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANV OltDEIt FOR PESTIVAIi will bo 8UPPLIED WJTH TOE LOWEST Prices, A8 FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, TOP CORN BALLS. A eli-calavr. eonlAtiilDaT ttiatimonlatJa tmm thrM hundred puTcbiM , muilcUni, &nd tuien, teot, logetbcr with deacrlptlre uuiogne, to mjr ftppUciuL riuoa and Org&oa told for CftsU or cm m oenU; altoraitM. MASffN & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO, VUTON. tiUW YOIUL. CIUUAUO. Oct r broa BLOOMSBURG FLAKING MILL :o. Tho undersigned baring pat bis Planing M Kallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, lipn 'red to do all kinds ot work In bis line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. ornlsned ai rvasuuauie prices. All lumber use s well seasoned ana none but stilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CUABIiES HRGfl, sBlaoMiiblurri Pit C. IB. JBOBMNS, DEALER IN A. C. YATES & CO. I.cclKCr Iliilltllnic. GHiVTEFUL COMFOHTINO. EPF'S COCOA. HHEAKPAbT. Mtv atlinroucli knowlodirootthQ natural laws which covern tho oreratlons of dlircstlon and nutrition, and by a careful application or tbo nno properties ol well-selected rocoa, Mr. Eppsbas firowaf'a our ureuKiiisii lauies wiui a ui'uuuiuij lavored boTeratre which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, it Is by the Judicious uso ot such articles or diet that a constitution may be gradual, ly built up until stroDir enough to resist every ten dencyto dl-easc. Hundreds of Bubtle maladies are noatlnir nround us rendr to attack wherever there Is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with iure Diooa sduu uruiieny nuunsneu iruuie."-i.ri'i mice (iaiette. ilado simply with bolllcit water or milk. Hold only In hall pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES El'l'B & CO., Ilomccopathlo Chemists, OCL XG-a-CU 44H1Q0D, juigiauu. DELA.WAUE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. ri p M NORTHDUBFRUND 6 40 1 35 Cameron a 00 hulnfiKy i" Danville 6 03 Catanlssa 6 25 ltupert.. 6 oi liloomsburg 6 85 Espy, . 8 Lime ltldge. 6 50 Willow Orove e S4 Ilrlarcreck 0 t8 nerwick t no lleach Haven 7 11 Hick's Ferry V 18 Bhlckshlnny 7 60 llunlock's 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 60 Avondaic. 1 04 Plymouth 7 69 Plymouth Junction 8 03 Kinirston b en Uennctt 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming West nttston s S7 PIttston 8 83 ackowanna s 4U Taylorvlllo. 8 48 uencvue s 04 8CR1MT0M V 00 r at Foreign ajhiDomesMo WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. RAIX.ROAB TIME TABXiB ii9KsiSsBifllDBL NOIITH. A. U. A. H. 10 10 1115 1 58 2 14 2 19 S 24 2 89 3 48 2 54 2 59 3 09 3 19 3 26 835 3 89 8 43 .1 53 3 5(1 4 01 STATIONS. A M HCRAMTOH 6 10 liellevue e ic Taylorvlllc e 10 L,acKawanna, n Huston 6 8S Wesll'lttston 6 43 Wyoming 6 47 Maltby 0 BI Uennctt....... l 55 Kingston 6 58 Plymouth Junction 7 05 . 7 iu . 7 14 , 7 19 . 7 SS , 7 47 , 7 55 8 01 , 8 07 8 13 . 8 16 8 20 8 26 . 8 32 , 8 87 . 8 2 . 8 57 I 03 4 22 F at A M 9 50 9 55 10 00 10 08 10 18 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 84 10 89 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 55 11 02 11 12 11 22 11 13 11 37 10 !5 10 29 10 3d 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 16 11 23 11 26 11 30 11 87 11 44 11 43 11 68 12 OS 19 10 12 SO 12 25 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 1! 5b 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 r at SOUTH. Plymouth... Avonaaie. . Nanlicoke llunlock's Bhlckshlnny nick's Ferry lleach Haven,..,, Ucrwlck Bnarcreek. Wl low iirovo 8 16 11 48 Llmeltldge. 8 20 11 52 Kspy. an 11 cw llloomsburg -.. s 32 12 05 ltunert 8 87 12 10 catawlssa 8 2 12 is Danville, 8 67 13 80 Chulaskr.. Cameron 9 07 12 40 NORTnCatB ERLAND 9 22 lift A M P U Connections at ltunert with Pblladclnhta c Iteadlnir Kallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will. lomsport, sunbury. PottBVllle, etc. At Nortlium. oeriana wun r. & . uiv. 1: it. iu tor iiampuurg, Lock Ilavcn, Emporium, Warren, cony and Erie, V. tr. liAijoiAAU, lien. Man., Scranton, Pa P M 2 03 i'ii 2 21 3 28 2 84 3 39 247 3 50 2 54 2 59 3 03 3 06 3 19 5 29 3 89 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 54 6 00 5 15 P M 80 6 84 40 0 69 7 05 7 II 7 20 7 S7 7 81 7 S5 7 42 7 49 65 8 03 8 17 8 22 B 38 8 33 8 88 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 80 9 35 A IS T H 8 20 25 6 30 6 37 0 45 6 50 6 55 6 69 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 57 9 IS 9 23 9 28 9 45 r Pennsylvania Railroad. iixii Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Oentral Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect AUG. 5, 1883. Trains leave snnbury EASTWARD 9.40 a. m.. sea Shore Exnrcss (dallr except Sunday), tornarrlsbunrandlntermcdlatestations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.1 5 p. m.s New York, 5.50 p.m.: Baltimore, 4.45 p.m.; Washlnfrton' 6.55 p. m connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Bay express dally except Sunday),forllarrlBburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 0.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.85 p. to. t Baltimore 6.45 p. m. : Washington, 8.00 p. m. Buffet Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. T,45 p. m. neiiuvu Acwmuuuauuii unii for Uarrlsburg and all intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 6.15 s. m. : Washington 6.30 a. m. ; Pullman sleeping cartrom wuilamsp't to Phlladel. phla. Philadelphia pascengers can remain in sleeperundtstnrbMi until 7 a. m. 2.60 a.m. Erie Mall (dally) for Uarrlsburg ana Intermediate stations, arrWlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.30 ft. m. : Baltimore 8.15 a.m. j Washington, a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run onthlBtralnto Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and through passen ger coaches to Philadelphia acd Baltimore. WESTWARU. 5.10 a, m.Erle Mall (dally), for File s pa al Intermediate stations ana csnandslgua sal Intermediate stations. Rochester. Buffalo anl Nlapara Palls, with thronch Pullman False oars and passenger coaches to Erie tia I' debts. ver. 9.63 News Express (dally except Funday) 10 r Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.62 n. m Nlairara ExDress (dally excentBan d'iy) for Kane andtntermedlatestatlons ana (.an ar.dalgua and principal Intermediate stations, Uvhester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Buffet Parlor carto Watktns 5.30 p. m. Past Line (dally.except Sundayjfor Re. novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. in Sunday mall for Renovo and Interme diate Btatlon- THROCan TRAINS FOR SDNB1IRY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH, flundar mall leaves Phlladelohla 4.80 a. m TTarrlRbnrcr T.40 arriving at Sunburr 9.20 a. m.wlth through sleeplngcar from Philadelphia to Wll- liamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m. narrlsbunr. 8.10 a. m. dally excent Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.63. a. m. niaxurn aApiraa icuioa Phlladelnhla.7.40 a. m. t Baltimore 7.30 a. m, (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 12.69 p. m., wltbthrougb Buffet Parlor car from Philadelphia aua mrougu pa&ueaiger ooauues irvui i imauc. phla and Baltimore. ......... Past Une leaves New York 9.00 a. m. i Pblladel phla,U.50 a. m. : Washington, 9.60 a. in. : Balti more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 6.30 p.m., with through passengei coachesf rom Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.25 p. m. : Washington, 10.00 p.m.) Haiti. a. ml, with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and UrougU paBBCUKCl bvouica tivuf tiiiauDiiuin. NUNIltlllV, HA7.r.KTON d: WII.HHMIIAHUlt KAII.HifAii Ann rmiu'i'ii anu waar lllMNCII ItAIMVAV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wilkesbarre Mail leaves Sunbury 9.65 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry iat a.m., WUkes-barra :3.15 p.m. , , Express East leaves Sunbury 6.35 p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barre 7.65 p. m Sunbury Mall leaves Wl Ikesbarre arriv ing at Bloom Ferry 11.46 a. m., Hunbury 12.35 p. m Express West leaves Wllkes-barre 2.65 p. ui., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., sunbury 5.10p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Bunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:23 a. m.. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m., WUkes-Barre 11:45 a-m. Sunday accommodation leaves WUkes-Barre 6:10 p. m arriving at Bloom Ferry, .t p, m., sunbury, liBOp. m. 0UA8.K.Puan, J, B. WOOD. a. Vl,"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers