The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 16, 1888, Image 3

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    The Columbian
iinoT j rIiea eTory rrldir' aub3cri,tl0I rrtop,
Taking effect WKDNRSIUY, AUClUSTlst, 1833.
Art Ar. Ar. Lt. Lt. Lv
nioomsburg........ Tai s 10 s oo v oo i w a oo
MalnHreet 7 so a 09 7 60 mill era
Irondale 7 18 M 7 48 9 13 M 8 W
1'apcrMlll 7 II Hill) 3MDI 6 IS
Llghtstrect. 7 ) 1 47 T 85 9 ) 7 OS 8 18
orangevlllo 0 6 1 M 7 S5 wij 5 07
KorkS, 0 14 1 14 I 18 10 (II 7 M 87
TUbbS - 4l 1 (j 1 08 111 01 7 8t 6 41
HUllWatCC. 6 3D 1 01 J 01 10 15 7 41 8 48
Denton,.....-"..-. '8 IS 60 t 54 10 80 7 51 8 64
" A 1! 10 Lit 00
EdsOnS, 8 ti 13 05 8 49 11 OS 7 68 8 67
COlM creek 8 21 OO 8 49 II 10 8 00 7 00
sugarioaf, 8 19 II U 8 40 U IS 8 05 7 01
L.iubacb.8,.. 6 17 11 60 8 87 11 20 8 09 7 On
Central. 8 10 11 40 8 80 11 30 8 is 7 12
Lv. Lv. I.t. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. M. A. M. A. If. A. M. A. H. A. 11.
Trains on the r. Jt. it. It. loavo liurertiB
follows 1
7:31 a. m. 11:00 a. m.
3:89 p. tn. e.Tjl n, m.
Tralnson tho D. L. t W. II. It.lcaTe Bloomsburg
as follower
7:19 a. m. 8:33 a. m.
10.67 a. m. 13:08 p. m.
8:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:30 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
TralnBnntba N.W. U. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows i
10:48 a. m. 11:48 a. ra.
8.18 p. m. 4'19 p. m.
north. BOtrrn.
10:18 am 8:39 pm
J. Q. Wells and D. L. Brown went to New
York on (Saturday, returning on Tuesday.
C. E. Il"lcc was called to Philadelphia to
attend tho funeral of his sister, Mrs. Bcott.
Bho was burled Sunday afternoon.
J. W. Pcrrv, proprietor and landlord of
tho Klk Run House, Sugarioaf township,
was In town Monday.
Prof. F. II. Jenkins, was summoned to
his homo In Chlttenango, Tuesday, to at
tend the funeral of his mother.
" Mr., Uoratlo Moore, ot Nantlcokc, nnd
Mr. Gcorgo LaycocK, foreman of tho
Wllkes-Uarrc Record for several years past,
have purchased tho Nantlcoke Sun. There
Is lota of room to grow In Nantlcoke, and
wo hope tho new firm will nil up tho full
measure. Mr. Ilartman, the retiring pro
prlctor, will engage in other business.
Shitkthinny Echo. Mr. Laycock Is a grad
uato of the Republican ofllco and was form,
ally a resident of this town. "We wish him
A now tin roof has been put on the Wirt
and.Klwell buildings jointly.
A new lot of wedding Invitations just re
ceived at the Columbian office.
An examination of teanherB will be held
at Light Blrcot, Nov. 29.
After tho parade Tuesday night tho Ber
wick Band serenaded Mr. Buckalew and
Mr. Ikelcr.
MUs Dora Marr Is prepared to do type
writing. She can be found at her homo
corner of Main and Iron Streets.
Rev. T. Prltchard of PhUIipstmrg, New
Jersey, will deliver a lecture In the Light
Street M. E. church Tuesday evening Nov.
.Stamping ot all kinds done to order.
New Yolk's latest styles of pattern used.
Hock Street, 2nd door below Market St.,
Bloomsbnrg. tf.
On our 2d pago to-day will bo found a
striking and instructive illustration of the
comparative worth of the various kinds of
baking powders now in the market,
Tho weather prophets predict that the
fall of snow the coming winter will be light
ibecausc of the many heavy rain falls during
ilhe summer Benson.
.In answer to tho oft repeated question of
'Iho past few weeks, "What's tho matter
with narrison ?" wo aro forced to admit
that thcro docs'nt seem to be anything the
matter with him just now.
Tho republicans had their final parade
ion Tuesday night. Lieutenant Spotts has
been drilling them and they marched well.
The Bloom Band and Qrozers Band of
Berwick wero in tho line.
It Is said that yellow fever never attacks
a cigarette smoker. Tho fever is thought
to believe in fair and honest competition,
and is perfectly willing that the clgarctto
should have Us share of the victims.
It all the bets on tho election In this town
were known, and claimed by the Directors
of Bloom Poor District, thcro would be no
occasion for levying a poor tax here for tho
mext year at least. Thousands of dollars
changed hands.
W. A. Snyder has secured a situation In
a Urgo printing establishment In Wilkes,
barre, which he entered this week. lie has
betn In tho Colombian ofllco for three yearB
and a half, and we regret to lose him, as
ho la a good workman and an excellent
young mar,.
Sharpers have discovered that a hand
somo Income is poBslblo by traveling
.through the country and making complaint
ujialnst farmers who do not comply with
tho law relative to the cutting down of Can.
ada thistles. Half tho penalty goes to tho
Wo went to press last week on Thursday
morning boforo the official tablo of votes
had been made up, and as the table was
put lu typo on Wednesday, we were neccs.
sarlly obliged to take somo ot mo ngures
from unofficial sources. In this way a
number ot errors occurred In tho table.
'Tho corrected vote appears this week.
List of letters remaining in P. 0. at Dep.
ton for week ending Oct, 31st 1888.
Mr. John M. McNollon, Mr. Clay Jonos,
!Mrs. Harriett A. McCloskoy, Edward Oa.
'.borne, E. II. Everts, Mr. Wra. II. Coldwell.
.Mrs. Pruella Albertson, Mlas Allco II.
Sbultz, Miss Alphla Wells, Susslo Messon-
.Persons calling for theso letters will
please say advertised.
Ella Appleman, P. M.
Tim m-rfnrmunco of tho Illnchart-Dcl-
hauer company was given at tho Opera
House Monday night to a meagre audien
ce, whlrh nan. however, well nlcased with
tho entertainment, judgbg from tho fro-
quern outbursts expressive ot approbation.
The contortions of Deluauer, the "Human
Frop," were most wonderful, and elicited
round rIiht round of heartv ariDlau&o,
The play was interspersed with good music
and variety acts, and the performers wero
all good, making altogether an excellent
Ex-commlsslouer Tripp and son Mlln are
erecting a large boarding bouse at Jameson
city, Columbia county. The ex-commis.
sloner elves a clorlous account of Iho new
town. Building lots aro selling lorlw
each and new manufacturing enterprises
are constantly locating llitro. Jameson
city like Lopez Is destined to bo our enter,
prising town In the near future. Suliuun
Tho Slato Fishery Commissioners an
Bounce that Ocrmnn carp will bo supplied
lo thoso citizens who may desire to have
them for stocking ponds or streams. This
offer should ho largoly accepted, as tho
carp Is n fish that will thrlvo In wators
whero tho trout nnd various other kinds
cannot exist. It Is not as fino a food fish
as somo others, but is far from being dls
tasteful. Tho fact that It Is such a rapid
propagator of Its species Is one of tho
strongest reasons why farmers and others
should glvo It attention.
Llstol letters remaining In tho Post Of
flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Nov.
18, 1888.
Mr. T. L. Brackvllle, Mr. W. It. Brook
ing, Daniel Bruman, Lanco Brnchcyus,
Bralnc, Carlo Bloomsburg, Wra. Chrlstee,
W. 0. Fry.JA. Fochey, Mls Ellcu Fully,
Geo. Halderman, Copt. Frederick A. Hal
wan, Geo. Heist, Chas. Knltllc, Simon
Kinney, John Marshall, flrldo McCormlck,
II. J. Powell, Hobt Roan, W. W. Sterling,
Dr. Shelly, Miss Llnea Smith, Mrs.
Mathlldo Bchultz, Bonj. Tyson (two), D.
Walton, Dr. M. Waits.
Persons calling for theso letters will
please say "advertised."
Gkoiiob A. Clap.k, P. M.
On July 1, 1888 the price of tho Colum
bian was reduced to $1.00 a year. Tho
paper Is tho largest In 'he county. At tho
reduced prlco lt is necessary that wo
should have promptpaymcnts. Every sub
scriber knows whether ho owes anything
on subscription, without being informed
by a special dun. If all who owo would
send in tho money, they would save us tho
troublo and cxpenso of sending bills by
mall, and themselves tho annoyance of
being dunticd. Thcro are pcorlo who are
always prompt In tho payment of all their
hills except nowspaper subscription, and
yet lose their tempers when reminded by
the editor that ho has furnished them with
reading for a year or more without pay.
Tho best way In tho world to avoid a dun
is to pay up.
The executors of tho estate of W. N.
Brown deed, will sell real cstato in Mifflin
twp. this county, on Thursday December
13, 1888. Tho first property is tho home
stead farm and contains 131 acres and GO
perches strict measure whereon aro erected
a brick dwelling house, bank barn and
outbuildings; tho farm Is mostly cleared
and under good cultivation. The second
property Is known as "Brown's Mills"
being a grist and flouring mill and 40
acres of land together with a dwelling
house, bank barn and outbuildings.
Theso properties are convenient of access
being about ono mile from Creasy Station
(Mlflllnvillo) on the North & West Branch
division of the Pennslvanla Railroad and
are considered among tho most desirable
In this county.
Do you suffer with catarrh 1 You can
be cured If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the great blood purifier. Sold by all drug
The Philadelphia Inquirer, of a recent
date, has a long article commenting on tho
Bloomsburg and Sullivan railroad, and
among other things says : But thcro Is
another point still beyond. About ten
miles above Central is Bcrnlcs, where tho
mines of tho State Lino and Sullivan Rail
road are located. The coal mined there has
been sent principally to Northern markets,
as there was no direct Southern outlet. Tho
coal passed North ever the State Line and
Sullivan Road to the Lehigh Valley, and
found Us chief market in the North. When
tho Bloomsburg and Sullivan Road is ex
tended through a pretty direct line will bo
formed in connection with the Northern
Central to Baltlmoro and the South. Tho
distance to Baltlmoro from Bcrnico will bo
fully ISO miles shorter than tho present
route. In fact there Is no coal sent there
now, as the dlstanco is so great that tho
cost of transportation is practically prohi
bitory. It is expected that a market for
Bcrnlcc coal will be developed in the South,
and tho wholo tonnage will pass over tho
Bloomsburg and Bulllvan. Before reach
ing Bcrnico the road will pass through an
immense tract of timber laud of about 100,
000 acres, which Is a primeval forest. Tho
trees are represented to bo of enormous
girth and aro expected to furnish a largo
and profitable tonnage for the road. Tho
grades aro very favorablo for transporting
tnis tonnage at a low cost. Work on this
extension will be begun before the end of
the year.
PnytiiK election HelH.
A considerable amount of money changed
hands in Bloomsburg on tho election, and
tho losers pretty generally notified tho
stakeholders last week, Friday, to pay over
the money to tho winners. A large number
of silk hats will adorn the heads of lucky
betters; one young man will pay a month's
board for a republican friend. On Monday
night a great deal of amusement was
creatod on Main street by a procession
formed at J. Saltzcr'B. Mr. Baltzer appear
cd In full Republican Club uniform, and
took his seat on a wheelbarrow decorated
with two torches and two flags. F. B.
Hartman was the wheeler, and ho started
up the street with his load, surrounded by
a big ciowd of b iys. At each corner Mr.
Hartman who Is a staunch democrat, was
obliged to stop and say, "Hurrah for Har
rison," that being one of the conditions ot
the bet.
Jus-t behind this party camo an immense
wheelbarrow containing William bhutt
with a flash light torch, Lee Hai man fur
nished the motivo power. Mr. Harman
wore his high Cleveland hat draped In
black. Tho boys persisted in getting in
front of the barrows, and placing big sticks
beforo tbo wheels, and tho result was that
tho occupants were frequently dumped out.
In front of Caldwell's Hotel, and at Keller's
storo where Mr. Ilartman Is employed, red
lights were burned, and the street was
brilliant and noisy,
O. M. Lnckard has a similar bet to pay,
in which Joseph Ralston will be the pas
Notice to collcctorH niiilXowiiNlilp
An act of the Legislature and approved
June 2nd 1881, (Sco pamphlet laws, pago
451 renulres tax collectors, township and
borough officers to make return ol seated
and unseated lands upon which no property
can bo found from which to mako taxes
to tho County Commissioners on or beforo
tho first day of Juntiary next, with a sulll.
clent description by boundaries or other,
wise, of each separate lot or tract and
about the quantity of tho same. Those
who fail to make returns by said day will
bo held for such loss- Taxes so returned
become u lien against the property so re.
turned, Wo have blanks on which these
returns aro to be mfdo and will furnish
them upon application of collectors.
It Is tho duty of each School Board,
Supervisor, and Overseer of tho Poor to
sco that these taxes are returned.
J. D. Bodinb, Corn's. Clerk.
Nov. 10 7w.
Bolls, carbuncles, and otner skin erup
tions indicate that tho system Is endeavor.
Ing to reject poisonous acids, ami that
1 Ayei's Sarsaparilla Is Imperatively needed.
It Is the most reliable of all blood medi
cines. Ask your druggist for it, aud take
no other,
Court I'rocccdliiRB.
Tho coi.rl met at 13 o'clock noon on
Thursday, Noy. 8, for the purpose of count,
ing tho vote.
Judge McUcnry presided, Judge Murphy
being unavoidably detained.
G. M. Quick and B. N. Walker wero ap
pointed clerks. Tho official result appears
in the tablo elsowhero.
I). R. ColTman was appointed Congres
sional return judge, and G. M. Lockard
Judicial return judge.
Nov. 14. An adjourned court was held
for motloas and arguments. Judgo
Hinckley filed opinions In tho following
cases I
U. A. Smith vs. .W. B. Colo, rule con
tlnucd to Deo. 3, testimony to bu taken In
meantime; cstato ol E. Pctcrman, auditors
report confirmed ; Hill vs. Hill, dlyorco re
futed. B. Drcshcr vs. B. & B. R. R. Co. amend
ment allowed.
Estato ot Mary N. Harman, additional
exception lo auditor's report filed.
G. W. Ash appointed guardian of Amy
F. Ash.
C, W. Ammcrman appol-.ted guardian of
Lizzie Coleman.
Petition ot B, F. Zirr, guardian ot
Carlton A. Caswell for order to Invest
money, filed.
Estato ot John Runyan, petition for Bp.
pralscrs filed.
Morris & Lewis vs. A. J. Evans, 'judg
ment for plaintiffs for $1120.17.
J. II. Albright vs. J. 0. Karns, rulo to
show cause why judgmont shoula not be
Estato of Peter Hclwlg, rule on David
Helwlg to show causo why an attachment
shall not Issue.
Illnicliiit XoIhch
In the tars, sometimes a roaring buzzing
sound are caused by catarrh, that exceed
ingly disagrceablo and very common dis
ease. Loss of smell or hearing also result
from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
great blood purifier, is a peculiarly success
ful remedy for this dlscaso, which it cures
by purifying the blood. If you suffer from
catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, the pecu
liar medicine.
Council ProccedliiKS.
NovBMDBrt 8, 1838.
Regular meeting. Present, P. 8. Har
man, president, and members Wolf, Ring,
ler, Cadow and Wells.
On motion J. D. Shaffer was elected as
slstant policeman.
On motion the following building permits
wero granted :
II. G. Ort, stable; Harman & Hassert,
machlno shop3; Dr. J, J. Brown, dwelling
house; Bartley Albertson, dwelling-house
anil stable ; C. B. Robblns, dwelling-house.
An application was presented by G. 11.
Martin to move weigh scales six feet fur.
ther into Light Street road. Referred to
committee on streets, etc.
The bond of M. C. Woodward, collector.
was on motion received aud approyed.
The sanitary committee reported tbo
premises of S. C. Shlvcs, occupied by J. W.
Glbbs, to be In an unhealthy condition,
Referred to the bourd of health.
The contract with C. W. Miller for con
struction of sewer was ou motion unani
mously approved.
On motion the commissioner of highways
and town engineer were directed to examine
the run from the canal to the point below
where it seems to bo so obstructed us to
prevent the free flow ot water and to take
such steps as are necessary to effect a
free flow
On motion the reoort of committee on
highways and bills and accounts were read,
approved and secretary directed to Issue
orders for the same.
On motion It was ordered that tho com
mittee of highways notify C. W. Miller to
stop shipping llmestono spawls until fur
ther notice.
On motion council adjourned.
Of intebbst to Ladies. The scalp may
bo kept white and clean, and the balr soft,
pliant, and glossy, by tho uso of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. This preparation nevir tails
to restore to faded aud gray hair its origi
nal color. Sold by druggists and perfum
ers. Twenty-flvo cents a day purchases a
$3,000 policy In The Travelers, of Hartlord,
which Is payable In event of death by ac
cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly disabling injury. J. 1L Maize,
agent, second floor Coiumiiian building
Bloomsburg. tf.
CoiiHiiiuptlou Hurcly Cured.
To tub EniTOH PlcsBe Inform your read-
ers that I have a positive remedy for tuo
abovo named disease. By its timely uso
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fiibb to any of
your readers who have consumpt'on tf they
will send me ibclr express and post olfic
address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM
M. U. 181 I'earl St., New York. sap',21-ly
rmt.ADEi.rniA, Monday,, Wi
The 50 cent stuffs at a couple
of counters. More than two
hundred and fifty styles and col
orings, ii-wooi, goou weignts,
and designs as rich perhaps as
you'll see in the costliest goods.
Many ol them were 60 and 65c.
since frost ; none thatjjwouldn't
be big value at more than half-
a-dollar. Here are some of
them :
French Ottoman Foule, 12
Ladies' Habit Cloth, 5 1 inches,
23 shades.
French Serges, 40 inches,
10 shades.
Cashmere Serges, 38 inches,
10 shades.
Extra Weight Serge, 52
inches, 8 shades.
French Basket Cloth,
inches, 12 shades.
Self - Colored Checks,
inches, 18 shades,
Armure Raye, 40 inches, 1
Basket Weaves, 40 inches,
12 shades.
Satin Berber btnpcs, 40
inches, 12 shades.
Diagonal Stripes, 40 inches,
8 shades.
Wave Woven Stripes,
inches, 10 shades.
Foule Serge, 38 inches,
Prunella Serge, 38 inches,
Silk Check Tricots, 36 inch es,
9 shades.
Beige Mixed Cloths, 40 inc'fles,
7 slncles.
Silk Illuminated Plaids 36
inches, 10 shades.
A dress pattern of either for
$3 or 4 1 We have never
known a time when you could
pick from such a moneyful
range ot 50 cent stuffs.
One of the toughest stuffs
you'll come across. Hard, wiry,
springy to the touch, and yet
soft and yielding enough to
drape gracefully. For knockr
about wear, but neat and mod
est. We never heard of it for
less than 372 c. The price to
day is 25c. In checks and small
plaids, dark effects.
In all the crowded Dress
Goods there's no kind completer
in its way than stuffs for Second
Mourning. They are at the
Black Goods counter, a storcful
by themselves. We have given
more thought to them tlian ever.
More styles, more that are very
modest priced. Half-a-dozen to
set you thinking of all :
Serge, broken hair-line clus
ter stripes, 50c, four styles.
Serge, graduated cluster
stripes, 65c.
50-inch Serge, 2 styles, hair
lines and yz inches apart,
65c Scarce ; desirable, and
worth 75c as the market goes.
52-inch cloth in checksjand
plaids, 75c ; 4 styles. A little
finer, $1.
Stripes, ombre stripes and
checks, with plain to match, 85c.
Camel Hairs have again come
to be one of the most fashion
able Blacks for ladies' wear.
The genuine Camel Hair softens
and betters with use almost to
the end. How shall you know
the genuine r Buy of a repu
table dealer. Then you're safe;
his guarantee will be behind it.
If you wish to lean on your own
wit, here s a hint : 1 hey say
real Camel Hair the lianging
hairs takes a jet black, while
the blackest of the make-believes
has a grayish cast.
Glance at a flight of dainty
Handkerchiefs for Women that
has just lighted on the counters.
Sheer, clear, and as gracefully
beautiful as if touched by fairy
fingers. Sheen of silk and airi
ness of a spider's web. Not
overloaded with embroidery
the white snowy as their own
Swiss mountain tops. These
begin at $1.25 commonly $2.50)
and run to $3.50. Some of the
others :
Irish Linen, scalloped and embroidered, or
hemstitched and embroidered, pure white,
Main wnlto, hemstitched. 6 lo 3V!.
1'rlnlf d, hemstitched, JSC a dozen.
U'rlnted and embroidered hemstitched, 13X0
Embroidered and hemstitched, 12X0 each.
In Men's Handkerchiefs :
Men's thrfc-quartcr, hemstitched, a and x
loch hems, plain nr printed, J1.60 a dozen.
A special Importation ot Men's three-quarter
hand hemstitched Handkerchiefs; very
scarce goods, 16, $;.50 and (9 a dozen.
Do?ens of other sorts, including French Nov
eltlep up to TSc.
And we've only heard the first
note of the Handkerchief song.
John Wanamaker.
Buy Lester's School Shoes
Every pair warranted.
Novbmber 30. James T. Fox, executor
of Franklin Rhodes, latu of Heaver town
ship, Columbia county, will expnnc to pub
lic sale nt 10 o'clock a. in., ou the premises
a lot of valui.blo real estate. Sco adver
tisement. Dboembei! 1. E. R. Drinker and Lloyd
Paxton, executors of the estate of J. H.
Harman, dee'd., will cxposo valuaolo real
estate in the town ot Rupert to sale at 10
o'clock a. m.
NovKMBEit 17. John R. Keeler, execu
tor of Maria Hess, dee'd. will sell valuable
real estate on the premises In Benton town
ship at 10 a. in.
Foit SAiJt. A dcslrablo ami. commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
JanSOtf. li. N. MotEit.
Found. A gold sleeve button was found
about two weeks aeo In front of 1. W.
McKelvy's store. The owner can have tho
samu by calling and provlnu property.
N. B. FowiBit,
Catharine St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fino Cabinet portraits only
$3. doz. Life size Crayons only
10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Tho Dunlup. Miller and Yoiiman style
lu hats. Full stock iust received at tho
lending bat More of I). Lowenberg's.
New Gilbert llannels In green, grey, ai
bluo at
If you aio n going tu buy a bed-room
suit tic euro and get thu latest styles and
the place tn get them is at lUKcr os iscnd
CI S, ana puces its iuw ua iuu juweoi.
A trial of our Teas, Coffco, Bntcos is all
w nuk, We keen the best. Very Hesn,
Mu(T of nil kinds
Claik Ss Bon.
& Fur Mumey'n at
Our lino of
black dress goods Is very
Henriettas In all qualities.
11. W. SLOAN'S.
largi and fine,
A full lino of under clothing cheap and
good In scarlet, gley and white nt Lowcn
Tho latest styles In parlor suits always
on band and prices away down at Baker
& Bubder's.
One ot tho advantaso you have In bring
Ingiyour fresh butter, eggs, dried fruit &o
to I. W. Hartman A Son's, you can buy
groceries, dishes, limps, dross goods, and
trimmings, flannels, coats, shawls, shoes,
under wear and all kinds of notions and
fancy goods.
23 Boxes Niagara Corn Starch 80 lb at
also Immeaao quantities ot Gloss Starch.
The best goods for tho lowest money to bo
bad anywhere In NORTH EASTERN
Flno braid trimmings In all colors at
11. W SLOAN'S.
Now Is the time to get your furniture at
Unkcr and Bender's, Cor.. Mtfn & West
A fino line of itBAr, sbaiskin caps
i jus'
ot D.
received nt the popular clothing store
HOo to Clark & Bon lur
Children's Coals.
your Ladles .and
Bloomsburg Is fast spreading her bord
ers, no place Is It seen moro than at I. W.
Uarlmun & Son's enlarged, repaired, and
relighted stores, see their new coats up
stairs, new shawls on first floor, dress
goods nt tho dress goods counter. Finn
.ncls all over the store.
Winter millinery In ladles' hats and bon.
nets, trimming, &c., also misses and chil
dren's caps In plush, velvet and wool nt E.
IJarkiey's. Latest styles, lowest prices.
Blankets and comforts. A flno assort
ment at H- W. SLOAN'S
Ladled eliould see tho fancy Stands for
covering at Clark i& Son.
See Baker ami Bender's holiday goods
next week; they have Just what you want.
"Am vnn nr-mininted with Madam Mod-
ieska" if not I. W. lUrtman & Son's will
inirmliirn vnn tn her bv showing you
nice Seal Coat tho sti she wears. Call
and see them.
Vnr a Btvllsh suit nut ui in city slyle,
iwrfnet fit and satisfaction ulwuya can ho
bad at D. Lowenberg's merchant tailoring.
Call and see the newest styles.
Tho ''Old Vlrulnla Cheroots" are manu
factured onh by' P. Whltlock, Richmond.
Va., who is proprietor of tho largest spec-
ial cheroot factory in the world, bold uy
t,.(iII itrinTirlatn. crroecrs and elznr dealers
everywhere. 0 for 10 cents. Alexander
Ilrnn. & Co . Wholesalo Agents, Blooms.
burg, Pa.
Jcrsoy ribbed underwear for infants) at
11. w. ouunn --
Blankets. Comforts,
.Flannels of all
kinds at Clark & Son's.
T. W. lUrtmnn & Son's have: A big pile
of Blankcta upstairs all colors And prlc .
ill anil pi ice.
C. C. Marr selln George B iyd & Soi.'j
vruu such us vou saw and lusted at the
at I
to the Great Eistcru Tea Co and be con
n;ed that Ihev are iwad ouurters for
Ulusa and tjueens ware, wiiito wasu isawis
uuu metiers uuc to $i.uu.
Special bargains In ready trimmed goods
at ii. iiarKiey's.
There Is no necessity for auy ono saying
he cannot afford lo smoke when he can
buy 5 "Old Virginia cheroots" for 10 cents
from any first class cigar, drug or grocery
tore. .Alexander liros dsUo., wuoiesuiu
Agents, Bloomsburg, Iu.
Full lines
of Dress Goods nt Clark &
A choice lot of new hats, trimmings, cl .
at Mrs. F. K. Marsh's.
Go to C. O. Marr for comforts, very
You will find full lines of Ladles Plush
Coats, Jackets &c at Clark & eon.
make a speciality cf tea, coffee, spices.
LEMONS, all kinds of GRAPES, FIGS.
Dates, Fancy TabU RalsiuB, English wal-
uts, paper sueu airaonus, Jiruzui auu.
foreign and native mixed nuts, PRICjvS
Don't fall to call ut Mrn. F. K. Marsh's
and sec the flno lot of cheap uoods just re
ceivedfelt hats from 25 lo 50 cents, tips
from 25a to $5 00, trimmed hats from Si
C. O. Marr pays 22c for eggs, 2fic for
Special bargains In gloves, hosiery and
underwear ut Clark & Son.
Tho largest slock of overcoats in tho
country can bo seen at D. Lowenberg's
popular cloiuing store.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When B&by was sick, fe her CastorU.
Vfhen the was ft Child, she cried (or CutorU,
When the became MlM, the class to OwtorU,
When she h4 Children, she gave them CutorU.
J, J. Ksllov, Gcrmantown. Pa- rwrttcs,
Uiat he .suffered more than 10 years icoea
Nervout JSxhaustiou aud Early Decay anil
tiitt be epent his money with so-called ad
vertising specialists una quacKs to no avail,
until fortunately ho heard of Dr. Tbeel,
!Wi8 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia, Pa.,
who permanently cureu mm. lie now says
sufferers should quit spending money fool
ishly and consult ut, Tliecl.
The crown ot Queen Victoria consists oi
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires nnd
emeralds, set in silver and gold. Its gross
weight Is ay ox. 3 dwt. troy. The nuniLcr
of diamonds are 3,bV3; pearls, 273:
rubles, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
Is an old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is oetter to wear the
crown of perfect health and peactt of
mind through the curative effects of Per
rino's Puro Barley Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Robblns, Bloomsburg, l'a.
is about 5,000, and we would say at least
one. halt are troubled wltn Home altectlon
of thi .hroat and lungs as those complaints
arc, according to statistics, more numerous
than others. We would advise all uot to
neitlect tho opportunity to call on their
drueeist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bnl
sam for the throat nnd lungs. Price 60c,
nnd $1. Trial slzo free. Sold by all drug.
iMIchI lMlcul ItcliliiKlMlcu.
Symptoms Moisture ; Intense itchtng and
stluglug) most at nignii worse uy scratch
Ing. If allowed to continue tumors form
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very sore. Bwayuo's Ointment stops the
Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, nnd
in most cases removes ino tumors, A
druggists, or by mall, for GO cents. Dr,
Bwayue & Bon, Philadelphia. iuay-4,ly,
TO PlIESItllVK Natuiul Fi.owkiis. Dip
the llowers in melted paraftliie, withdraw.
Ing them quickly, Tho liquid should bo
onlv lust hot cuouch to maintain Its Hold
Ity aud the (lowers should bo dipped one
at n time, nciu uy tuo siocks una moved
about tor an instant to get rid or ulr bub'
bles. Fresh cut llowers, freo from moist
ure, mako excellent specimens lu this way,
If you would preserve your health and in
vliioralo your entire system uo Perrlnc'i
Puro Barley Malt Whiskey Vor sale by
. V, ll. uouuiuB, uioomsuuig, 1 1 (COW.
Gczunin, Ilclly, ricill, HUlii
Tho sltntilo nimllcalliin of "Swnvnc's
Ointment," without nny Internal mediclno
will euro any case of Tetter, Salt Hlittim
itingworm, rues, lien, Bores, nmpics,
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstinate or long standing.
It Is potent, effective, and costs but atrlllo
allow n cough to run until lt gels
beyond the reach of medicine. They
ofien say, "Oh, It will wear awuy,"
but In most cases it wears them
away. Could they bo induced to try the
successful mediclno called Kemp's Balsam,
which wo pell on a noslllvo ciiarantcc 10
cure, they would Immediately bpo the ex.
cc'lcnt cllect nftcr taking tho first dose.
Prlco 50c. and $1. Trial sire tree. At all
as well nsthohandsomcst,and others aro in
vited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bnttlo ot Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs, a remedy that Is selling
entirely upon its merits and Is guaranteed
to cure and relievo ail chronic and acute
coughs, asthma, brouchltls nnd consump
tion, rncc ou cents anu i?i.
w. i. sun 1 cd.
The season of the year is here
when you live almost entirely
This is the time to beautify
yourhomes by papering them;
and why put it oil' till spring,
these rooms will look iust as
well then as if you put it off till
Bpring to do the work and you
will have tho use ol them.
We can show a stock of Avail
paper that in size and beauty is
second to none in tho county.
1 heso are tho best goods irom
the best makers. 1 lie pncc3 are
in accordance with the value of
the goods.
We nave some wall paper
remnants, these accumulate in
any business, thev must move
off to make room for new goods.
The question is, does your room
Wo have just opened a line of
fine ladies' fashionable pocket
books. The new style stretches
the length into width.
W. II. Brooke & Co.,
Suecefv?ors to G. A. Clark.
Treatment of Chronic Diseases
confines his ITact'ce to such canes only as aro so
clearly and fully developed as to mako a complete
ana pobiuvo inagnosis wuuoui ifueauuumi; or
lowlnir Patients to inako a statement of their con
dltlon, on Mils basis of I'ohlllvo Diagnosis, for
treatment. Dr. Clark's Experience has become
strictly unlimited br a Practice which in extent,
variety and successful results Is equalled by tew
and excelled by none. Patients net cured by
ordinary Treatment or in doubt as to the nature
of their diseases EsDeclallv Invited.
DIt. CLA1IK Teaches and Practices Positive
Can be consulted Free of
Charge at
BERWICK, PA., Hoyt House, Thursday
Nov. i!U.
BENTON, PA., Exchange Hotel, Friday,
Wov. BU.
BLOOMSBURG, PA., Exchange Hotel
(Saturday and Monday, Uec. 1 and 6.
CATi-WISSA. PA., Susquehanna House,
Tuesday, Dec. 4.
DANVILLE, PA., Montour House, Wcdncs
day, una. o.
Nov 0-4t.
1.00 TneSL'laT1 $i.oo
A. Pure aud Purposeful Home Paper.
With every modern facility for obtaining the
latest news, renectiy equipped, in man, ieie.
eranh. telenhsnes and cable service. Corres
jwndems, local, national and foreign, special
uespaicues ircui uu nupuriuai puiuuj.
Whoso trained editors present tho varying
paohes ui puiuics t uu bu' n cusarnebi anu iair
ness as iu ive prucucai um iu an toiers.
Which devotes special attention to the hither
to unpublished events of the great civil war,
Theso war Doners, written bv union and con-
federato orucers who saw what they tell, form
uu luvuiuuuiu wi uuiai.
Olvlng every week the brightest and host
selections from recent pootry, and entertaining
neauurui biunea uy eminent writers.
llavtnz Iho best conducted agricultural naea
In America, whero aro gathered tho views of
progressive farmers and garduers the country
omt, upuu uu quitaiuuBui uiups, uuu, uuiue,
poultry, farm buildings, etc.
.6. rtttItCIIAT'.S PAPI5U,
iCllalng full reports from tho Philadelphia, New
liarii, Chicago, and other city markets. 1'rlces
anfi-tfilpments of grain, llve-stocK, (rovl&lons,
grocajtej and country produce.
Extending a helping hand to all women. To
them Is dur(d a full page In which they show
eucji other,,uo4r editorial guidance, "how to
get married wii bow to keep house," In tho
most approved fashion. For thoso who aro
forced lo remain single and board, the way U
made plcaaant. Kery woman reader has a
tobanco uvtalk.
WKii Winter games and entertainment for
littta people, instruction in the waj s ot man
lug things and doing thuunt. summer excur
slona Lolhu Heidi aud woods. Puzzles fjr tho
quick .Milted, and plenty of prizes to make
iuu siuw-w mcu UU1CK.
liv sneclal arrangement with all the lead! t
weekly and monthly periodicals of America, suu
Hfrlntlunu are taken for uny one or more of thes'
lournala In connection with the WurkLV l'ntss ae
such low rates as virtually makes our great latnll y
paper fukk to tuo suoscnoer ror one car.
ttample copies furnished free upon application.,
TliEfKESSUO.Mi'ANV, umuoa, riiiiaaeipuia
OtUce 2ml floor Columbian Jluiltllng,
Northwestern Masonic Aid Association, mem.
b.?rs 41.S4S- raid WU'uenclarle8 M.OCil, ma.1T, In
Bureanoa Masons. ,
Travelers lite and Accident ot HarttonL
CONTINENTAL of Now Y ork, $5,533,031.83
AUKIIIUAN of Philadelphia, J,30',M7.6
N1AUA1U ot New York, j,oo,4;v,.t6
Liverpool, London and (llobo tire Insurance Co.,
of London, the largest In the world, and tho Im
pcrtalof London,
A liberal share of the buslnesa U respectfully
SOlUllOU unu smuiuvuuu is S'U.ruuu-ru.
J, II. itlAUSK, Agent.
June 1, 188, tf.
Buy Lester's School Shoes.
Every puir wurranted.
NO. 131 Mar t. im,
Rlttltt flnnaa.
tn lite Cotirt 0 Cutmnon plea 0 CWumWit
To flarah l Oross, respondent abovo named 1
wncroaft. unon the ncuuon or unci or ma saia
Jeremiah (Iran, abovo named, a surnxena bclnir
awarded br tho court of common rlnas of Bald
county, a subprona Ismied out ot tho said Court,
commanding roil, tho said Sarah U Gross, to bo
ana appear at ine next reiruiar term or aaia
court to show cause, If any you have, why Iho
nnld llbellant halt not be divorced from tho
bonaaor matrimony which 110 nai conirocicu
with vou. airreeablr to tha nravrr of said peti
tioner 1 and, whereas, upon tho return of tho
said subpeena, duo proof was made that you
could not bo round or served with thelsame In
tho balllvflclc of the Hicrirt of said oounty;
upon an ai las aubnrana was awarici uy
the said court, commanding you to boandap-
war at tho then next regular term of said court,
;o answer. Ac. as aforesaid, to which tho same
return was mado by tho shorirr.
You aro therefore rcnulrcd to bo and annear
on the nral day ot regular term of said court, to
113 iiuiu ui iiioumsDurtr, lor 1110 bjuu cuunij. uu
tho llrst Monday of December next, A. D 1888,
t J answer tnq complaint aforesaid.
OJI1AJ1, Olllim.
oct. i, it.
Sadie Koons, by her next friend A. J. Kvans, vs.
Aiirea noons.
tn tlie Court of Coinmon Pleat of Columbia coun
ty, So. 40, Itav Term, 18S8.
To Alfred Koons, respondent above named I
Whereas, upon the petition or libel of the sild
Hallo Koons, abovo named, a subpmna beine
awarded by the Court ol Common Pleas of said
county, a subpeena Issued out ot the said Court,
commanding ytu, tho said Alfred Koons, to bo
enu appear ai tno next regular term or sniu
vuui v. iaj buui,, u 1,11 juu nuj .uu
said llbellant should not bo divorced from the
bonds of matrimony which she has contracted
with you, agreeably to tho prayer of said peti
tioner: and wheroas uoon the return of the said
subpoena, duo proof was roado that you could
not uu ruuna or servea whh me samu 111 ihu
bailiwick of the sheriff ot said county; where
upon an alias subpoena was awarded by the
said court, commanding you to bt and appear at
tho then next regular term of said court, to
answer, He, as aforesaid, to which the same re
turn was made by tho tmerlff.
Vou aro therefore required to bo and appear on
the first day of regular term of said court, to bo
neia ai moomsourg. iorvuosaia county, on mo
nrst Monday of December next. A. D. lSW. to
answer tho complaint aforesaid.
DAJHU&l. SJI11 111,
novli) sheriff.
mmi'i qr manna lAmg, anvneu.
The underalorncd. an auditor annolnied bv the
Orphans' court ot Columbia county to distribute
tho funds In tho hands of A. K. smith administra
tor, as shown by his first, and nnal account, will
sit at his onice in liloomsbunr l'a., on November
19, is1 at ten o'clock a. m.. when and whero all
persons having claims against said estate must
appear and prove tho name, or be debarred trom
coming In on said fund.
Oct 19-U. Auditor.
KslaU of Cvrut SlcIIenrv of Orange.
Letters testamentary ou salu estate havlne been
granted to tho undersigned executors All persons
Indebted to said cstato aro hereby notified to pay
tho same, and thoso having claims against said
caiaiu iu jircscub 1110 same ui
kdwahd D. McllKNHV, Orangevllle.
Grant Herring, Alty. octs Executors
Notice Is hereby (riven that an nnnllcatlon will
Ou ihqud iQ iuu uuuuruuiu 11. ill. niocKiey, ITCSI
dent Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of Col.
umoia couniy, on mo rourteentn aay or -soverobor
A. D. 1883, at 10 o'clock a. rn , under the act ot
Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled, "an act to provldo for tho Incorporation
and regulation of certain corporations," approved
Auru xv, 10,-1, uuu iiih sumiiriiieiiii uieieio, lor
the charter ot an Intended corporation, to bu call
ed sunt Paul's Evangelical Lutheran congregation I
or numiaia. i-ocusi. lownsum. i oiumnta counir
Penns) ivanla, the character and object whereof is I
ror religious worenip ana r r mis purpose to nave, 1
Dosscss aud enloy all tho ilahts. benenta ana
prlvileKes ot the said act ot Asiimbly, nnd Its sup-
11. FRANK ZAItll,
OCtt9'f8. Mollcltor.
This Intuitu. Inn Is n lilirh crtule rtif-lnrw Col
Iceo. irlvinir Instruction lu even dertfiitment of
busluess education. In addlllrn 10 the rwlar
Business courw; it mnKes n spccmiy or rnono
irraDhv. Tvixvwrlllnir. Teleirniony. nn4 ornamen
tal r'nman&hlp. Tuo piomlnctt feature of tlio
uuiuini'mai Luurst- ij lis praciunu uuaracier.
iseanv every bet or uooks nas Deen tbkcd irom
nrst-class biiBliict'S establishments, and a large
proportion or tne coursnin oook-Keeping la inaae
ud from our system of actual nusmess nractice.
unsuroasfeed In the kI en title arultCHtlon to mod
em business methods A larger proportion of our
graduates regularly obtain nrst-ciass positions
tban from any other commercial collene la the
state Year begins AUfr. 29. its. Kor circulars
address W. L. UKAN, Principal.
Nov 2 3m. Kingston, Pa.
Harper's Magazine.
llAHrsn's Maoazink Is the most useful, enter-
talnlnrr. anil beautiful periodical In the world.
Amone the attractions for 1NS9 will bo a new novel
an A merlcan story, entitled "Jupiter Lights"
Dy Constance r. nooison; musirauuuaui ouaKtrs-
teare s vomemes oy a. a ADot'y ; u nenta ui ur-
iciea on ituasia. musLraiea Dr i . lAiiuuisirtiu
oaDera on tho Dominion of Canada and a charact-
eristic seilal by Charles Dudley Warner; three
"Norwegian studies."- bv Ulornstlerne II lornson.
Illustrated : "commodus," a historical play by the
author ot "llen-llur," illustrated by J. 1L Weguelln
ete. The Editorial Departments aro conducuidbr
(Jeonro Wl Ham curt a. William Dean lioweus, ana
cuaries Dudley Warner,
lcr Venn
Postane i'Vee to all subscribers In tlie Unttea
States, Caiuiaa, or Mexico,
The volumes ot the Maoazink begin with tho
Numbers for June and December ot each year.
When no tlmo is specltlcd, subscriptions will be
gin wuu tue numDer current at tune ut receipt oi
Hound Volumes ot JUkpik's Maoazink, for
three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be
sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of 100 per
vuiuuie. uiutu i;awu, lor ujuuuiif, ceum caeu---
uy inuu, post-paiu.
Index to IIahfeh's Maiiazins, Alphabetical,
Anaivucai, ana uiassinca. ror volumes i to ,u, in
clusive, from June, ISM, to Juno, 18S5, ono vol.,
OVU, 1.1UIU, it uu.
lteralltances should be made by Post-Ofnoa
Money oruer or Dratt, to avoid chance ot loss.
Xewspaners are not to eopv this adrertlfement
vmnout tite epress oraer of niapua ukotushs.
Arldresst HAltPBR & DltOTIIKUS, Now York.
Prices low. sioolosio.iiuo healthy cllml to I
Hue soil; close UicltloK by water or railroad! salt I
water luxuries abundant, bend stamp for price I
Hit; map 10C MELV1N & MANCUA, Annapolis,
aiu. sovv-ult.
Th only bum Cure for Comi. BtojiaUiln. Enwrei
ooiurorttothvfevt. loo.turuic(fiu. uuouidtuu.,K. i.
'Hie bm of all remedies lor
Inward Patm, Colic, Indices
tion. Exhaustion and all Stum
nch and Uowel troubles. Also i
the most effective cure fori
Couch), Col Js, Ilronchitis and I
a fleet ions of the breathing!
organs. It promotes refreshing 1
Sleep, improves ine appeuic,
overcomes nervous prostration,
and Fivei new life and strength
tcthe weak and aged. 50c aind $1,00, at Drccultts
NOV 0 d-lt.
A good man to represent us as local agent.
crlvo control of territory and steady work.
Can I
pay good wages and guarantee success. Write
J. AUNTIN HUAW, NurHi-ryliiuu,
iiuuii&ainiit, i.
Nov d-4U
M.dlc.t and 8ur jlcil Offieo,
r.STAW.lSllF.D 40 YJJAltS
Vn, Ik. t.Aatmant nf Vmitlifnl 1 mnrilll.nC.
1,011 of Vliror.Nervoiu Debility and Hpcclal
XlUeattx. Ooniultat Ion by mall froo of charge,
ltitnk Hftnt Frre.
Omcehouri from o a.m. to 3 v.u.,1 front 0 ton im
Kusmel your lUncm to lie a ) , to) uuce
e w tk sad you have tit HnMt-ix,U.lifHl hot In It
Mtd. Yot &le by U Urocers and atove IK alert.
Moyor ilrothers Jobbing Agents, liloombburg,
Pa, aug. sroS-J-tn.
Pianos! W fries!!
Kranieli &llach
Emerson ,
Wilcox & White Organs
WPIanos Tuned and Repaired by com.
pctcnl workmen.
Send for Catalogues.
Wllliamsport, Ta.
Real Instate!
rureuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court ot
Columbia connty, l'a., will bo sold at publlo salo
on the premises, tn tne township ot Denton In said
county on
SATURDAY, November 17, 1883.
at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described rcales
tat, late ot Jfarla Hess deceased, to-wlt : Do
ginning at a post and bounded on the east by lot
ot Itohr Jctlenry, on tho south by lands of Robert
Colley deceased, on tho west by lot ot John K.
Young, and on tho north by public road leading
from Uenton to ltohrsburg, containing
more or lead, on which aro erected a
stable and outbuildings. There Is also on the
premises a well of good water and a number ot
fruit trees.
TEIt.MS OF SALE Ten per cent of one fourth ot
the purchase money to bo paid at the striking
down ot tho property, the ono-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute and the re
maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
JOHN R. KEELER, Executor.
A. I- Psrrz, Atty. Benton Pa.
Oct 28.
COO North Koat-tl. fclreet, titw
pOO Orevo, PMidelhU, ft. With
r (remit tie) nrsetUat zierl
f. a run tee to ura you mar
qmickiy, ttj nd pcrmksaatlr t&ao toy
.tartnuiDjt iD7iiciao, no xntiur D( b
' or tut lit tnsj tlfclm lo da. Ir. Thl
fttTeri UOOO to anv idvtrtlatai ebTilolM
(o-fslUd j1lLtt), who ess oxcft him In tb oorrtol
dlt(DMlag too, iueMfol tfHwtU of all Carafel
KKITPTIirXN. i-ini'ijra, .hblk
INOW.IN'I'I.AMMATin. ItVltnllly
Karly Iecny lMiynlcnl and Mental
l'msf radon. Mcloucliolln. Bladder
nnd Kidney ItnvnM. (Acutecawa4 10
-j Belief at eaoe. MY METOHD
ornllolnr ttit AUopsthla, HomoBopkibla tcltcilo 4 BoUBltt
riiima of niallclii. tho only one known thate-area
fermnnlir mt wont . iirceas iimiimi
liat lrutleal KDcrien wiih ovtrv rciutdy ul
kaowu 10 aoicuee fwr quiet 11$ reeovcrj tndprm
nrni our 1 ne nii i.nferviii ciki uei.
Yaun. tuiddl aced ad old tut a writ or ekll for book
Truth, iponac frmJi, tbelr ichemei to vlettmlio
Hdirtti Tuouiaodi trn diMppoioud lj qatcit, intir
ICrl(nt tnd Ijing alrertlaemenu m well w Ibootolftlia
lag ti to SB jatn iprienc which thtj do not poaiou.
BtitfkUllQ th boi(lnnl(nwillTt monfT.iiifrtrioj Dd dt
Uy. Uouri.9-s.e-9 Wedndy sail Stturda SreolafSa
irom 10 iv. eunaiji. tuii.
Almost as Palatable as Wk,
So riiigulted that lt can b (Aken.
digested, and assimilated by th Ukoaf
enslUvB stomach, when the plain oj
cannot be tolerutedt nnd hy the com
Dinniion oiins on witii tne nyiiopnoa.
phltea Is xnncn more elflcaclous.
Bcmarkasle u a flesh producer,
Persoiis gain rapidly irhlle taking 11.
BOOTT'S EMULSION is acknowlodsodbY
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa-
muon iu tno wona tor ino Teuei ana cure ox
The oreal remedy for Ctmsvmntlnn. an1
Wasting in Children. Sold by all bruggUU.
sept SS-'SS-ly
Any book learned In ono reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Speaking without notes.
Mracy condemned by Supreme Court.
Great Inducements to correspondence classes.
rro 'pectus, with onlnlnns of Ur. Win. A. Ham.
mond, tho world tamed Specialist In Mind dli
eases, Daniel Oreenleat Thompson, tho great l"sy.
cholQRlst, J. it. I'.ucKlev, p. i)., Editor of tho
vnnstian .tutviir, iticnara rrooior, tit1? r-cieniist
lions. JuJiro (llbgon. Judali 1. Uenlamtn and
otliers, t-ent post free by l'iof. A. LOlnKITE, iff
rmu avu, isuw lurK. ucuv-u-u.
The Favorite
Mediclno for Throat and l.ung Dlfll.
cnltles Im) long Leon, and still is, Ayer's
Cherry 1'cctoral. It cures Croup,
Whooping Cough, Jlroneliltls, and
Asthma,; soothes Iriltalltm of tho
Larynx and Fiiuccsj strengthens tho
Voenl Urgnns) nllitjs soreness of tha
I.tiiigs pruvents (.'oiKuiiiptlon, nnd,
even in iidvaiicod stages ot that dlscaso,
relieves Coughing and Induces Bleep,
Thcro Is no other ire-partitlon for ills,
cases of tho throat aud lungs to bo com.
nred with this remedy. .
"My wife had a distressing cough,
with pains in thu side and breast, we
tried various mediilues, but noun did
her uny good unlit I got n IhiIUo ol
Ayer's Cherry l'tctoral, which has cured
her. A in lghbor, Mrs, (ileim, had thu
ineuih'ii, and the eoujh was relieved bv
tho usu of Ayer's cherry l'eitnral, t
have no hesitation in recommending this
Cough Medicine
to every onn a filleted." Itnliert If orton,
l'oreiimu lkudlt'jltt, Morrlllton, Ark.
" I bnvo been ndlleted with nsthm.t
for forty sear-. lKt nliig I win tnUeii
with a vfiih'iit cmi'li, whli h tluealeued
to tcriuluatu my days, Uvory one pro.
uouurud nm lu coiiHiimiitiou, I deter
mined to try Ayei's Cherry 1'eutural.
Its effects w ero magical. I was linmedl
ately re llevod and eoiitiuiied to impnivo
until entirely recovered." Joel llullard,
Guilford, Conn.
" Six months ngo I bad n sovero hem
orrhiigu of thu luugi, brought ou by an
Incessant cough which deprived mo of
sleep and rest. I tried various mine.
dies, but obtained no relict until I bo.
gan to toko Ayer's Cherry l'eetoral. A
few buttles ot this medicine, cured tuo."
Mrs. H. Coburn, 10 Boeoud St., Ixiivoll,
Mass. ,
"For children aflllcted with colds,
coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
know of any remedy which will glvo
moro spoody relief than Ayer's Cherry
l'eetoral, I liavo found lt, nli, Invulii
nblo In cases of Whooping Cough." -Ann
Ijvejoy, lMT Washington street,
llostou, Muss,
lo I
Ayer's Gheny Perioral,
viu;t'AHi',ri ii v
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man.
Bold by all Uruggliu. 1'rlcv (I, sit, (4.