The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 16, 1888, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. B. Blwall, I tMUflM
J. S. MttorAwier., f E41""
Chairman Barntim, of tlia Dotnoorn
tio National Committor, l'ns been
very sick ami Ills Ufo w.n nt ono timo
ilospnirod rf but ho is at prcsuiit im
proving. Tho liUeat howb from West Virgi
nia, glvo tlio stale to Cleveland by
1000 ttialinty. Tho democrats have
elected thrco out of tho four Congress'
men. I n Virginia, tlio ofhuinl vote
gives tho state to Cleveland by nearly
4UDI), anil elects t'ljjht dcmocrata and
lour republicans to Concress. This
narrows tho election of Harrison down
to Now York utate, whioh was curled
by about 10,000 plurality. Tlio fifty
first CougrorH will have a small demo-
oratio nnjority whilo tho ecuato may
ho a tio.
Congressional Eo turns
Tho return ItidetH of tho 17th tits
trict met at Sunbury on Tuesday,
1 lie lollowini; Is tlio rcsnll: -
Buckttlew. liolilsnn
ColumWn 4712 2505
Moutour 1870 1389
Northumberland 0130 0491
SulllVrtii lWO 1031
Buckalew'a majority 2C5G
Ivaseman received 139 votes in Col
umbia, and 197 in Northumberland.
(From our ncgular Correspondent.)
Washixotost, D. O.Nov. 12, 1888.
Senator Gorman camo from New
York direct to Washington a day or
two ago, and had a lone; oonfercnoo
with Mr. Cleveland, during which it is
thought they went over tho various
rorsons assigned for the democratic de
feat. Mr. Cleveland takes tho matter
philosophically, and loses no opportu
nity to state Mb belief in tho honest
support given him by Govenor Hill
and his friends in New York.
Said a prominent oilicial yesterday:
During the next four years thecaneo
of ihe disaster of last Tuesday will bo
stated as a thousand and ono different
things. I bcliove that it was caused
by the position taken on the tariff
question during the last two months of
tho campaign by tho stump speakers of
the party under orders from tho
National Committee. During tho long
d'scuesion of the Mills bill in tho house,
its friends constantly denonnced tho
protective tariff as legalized robery, and
yet those same men were compelled to
go on tho stump and state that the
Mills bill was a protective measure, be
cause somebody had become panic
stricken at the cty of free trade. This
action undoubtedly disgusted thousnds
of voters who are believers in freo and
unrestricted trade with the world at
large, and at tho same time it did not
attact any ot the high protection
voters. I am finally of the opinion
that had the democratic speakers and
newspapers accepted the challenge of
tho republicans and proclaimed them'
selves in tavor ot irto trade as soon as
it could be brought about without det
riment to the required income of the
Government, that Mr. Cleveland would
have been triumphantly ro-eleolod.
Many thousand men throughout the
country who are pronounced frto
traders voted the republican ticket.
Why? Simply becanso they believe
that the higher the tariff is made, the
sooner the peopli will demand that it
be removed altogether. There is food
for thought in this view of the question.
Mr. Lamont, Mr. Cleveland's secre
tary, will go into the insurance business
in New York cily after the 4th ol
March. He is ono of tho most popular
men that ever filled a similar position,
aud will carry with him the eood
wishes of everyono who has had busi
ness at the Wliito House during this
Mr. Dalton, postmaster of the Ilousa
of Representatives, and an Indiana
democrat for many years, nays of the
newly eleoted President: In six month
there will bo more complaining of Mr.
Harrison by republicans than by duno
crats. Everything about it will be
bightoned and honorable. Democrats
and the people generally will have
nothing to complain of. It will bo a
conservative admi istration, much
more liberal than extremists would de
sire, and no man or cliquo of men can
run Mr. Harrison. lie will bo the
President. This will cause somo heart
burnings in his party. He is a civil
seivico refoimer, and is as firm as
Cleveland. In this ho will antagonize
those of his party who will demand a
clean sweep. Some of his patty will
wish a vigorous and oppressive policy
in the South. Thoy will be disappoint
ed. Ho will adopt the moti liberal
southern policy any republican has
ever thought of. Ho will tieat tho
southern people well. I know tho man.
IIu is a republican, but he is not lack
ing in wisdom, ilia appointments in
tho South will all go to republicans.
Ho will not appoint a democrat to
any ollice. ilo is too much ot a parti
sail lor mat. nut no win appoint no
carpetbaggers; none of the rapscallions
that bavo been placed over tho bouth
cm states before. Somo of tho border
StatfH mo now very close. He will trv
to draw them into his party ranks. I
think ho will be with his party on th
educational question, on the pension
question, on the tariff, and all those
i'sues. Tho piotnro that Mr Dalton
lias drawn is a brighter one than most
demccraU can see just at pit-sent, but
wu chall see later.
Already, bolero it is officially eetllrd
that tbo republicans will control the
House of representatives, they oio
fighting among themsvlvcs about tho
House othces.
The country at largo is to bo compli
mented on tho campaign just passed; it
was entirely freo from tuo disgusting
personalities of '81, and the result has
cotifcqncntly left to bud blood. Tin
democrats wiro b'aten, but their lead
era have no apologies to make; on tho
contrary ,they ii.set that taiiff reform
bliall continue as tln motto of tho
party, and thoy express a confidence
ihat long befoie 1892 ainajority of tho
voters of the country will endorse tho
position taken by tho democratic party
in 1888.
Tliero is a rumor Hosting around
hero to the effect that Harrison will
call nu txtra session of the Fifty-first
Coiit'iesi emly in March, for tho'osten-
iblu purpeso cf passing a tariff bill, but
. !. . ...1 ...1. -II 1 .1 t.l!
ill rcaiky (o uduijt all ot tlio republican
territories, in order to get thJ l.ouellt
of tlio mlditloual Senators and Ilfjirc-
Wbat Next?
Tho burden of irovcrnmcnt will after
March 4 next bo transferred from tho
shoulders of the Dcmocrnoy, which
have bom it so crcdllnbly for tho list
lour years, to their Kopiiblican oppo
nents; what will tho latter do with itt
The Democracy, in reviewing tho
history of their first attempt at govern
ment upon their restoration to power
havo this to remember: Tho affairs of
this nation havo novcr been better ad
ministered nor ban tho government
been so respected at homo and abroad
tor a generation than under tno care ot
Dcmoornoy and its honored President.
Can Republicanism do better! Is
there a rensonabln hopo that they will
do so wcllt Let us see.
Tho Republican nominee for Pres
ident is a man who has much to re
commend him, as this paper pointed
out at tho timo of his nomination. Ho
was a soldier in tho war for tho Union
and did good Bu vicefor hli country in
tho darkdavB of lint Blac-liolder's re
bellion. His privato character and
domestic relations nro such that tho
publio was saved a parado of unsavory
scandals during tho campaign; but
who will deem him capablo for in
stance of tho moral courage whioh dio
latcd the veto of tho vicious and whol
ly indefensible dependent pension bill?
Who would attribute to him uven a
fair share of the iron will and determi
nation of Grover Cleveland?
Another and much moro sorious
questiou confronts tho American
people, howuyer. It is not bo much
tho temporary postponement of the re
form of our tariff, not tho fact that
the distinguished and honorable ser
vices of Grover Cleveland to tho Ro
publio havo been dispensed with, nor
yet tho fact that tho Deraooratio party
has had to give way to its opponents.
None of these are eo vital as tho ques
tion, "What aro wo to expect from
General Harrison with Jamr.s G.
Blaine in virtual control and M'athcw
S. Quay and W. W. Dudley as bis
lieutenants? Has not the last cam
paign been a Blfino campaign, aud
were not tbo infamies of tho Republi
can National Chairman and Treasurer
well kuown and almost openly pract
Very few men in history have im
proved tho full raeasnro of opportuni
ties suddenly thrust upon them; Gro
ver Cleveland, suddenly confronted
with the great responsibility of tho
Presidency, sized up to tbo emergenoy
in a way such as few men ever did;
will General uarrison do as we:il
Will he resist Blaineism, Dudleyism.
Mathow Stanley Quayisra? Let us
sinccroly hope, for tho sako of our
native land, of public decency and
national honor that he may.
The JEveninq Heralds a Demo-
crptiu paper; it does not assume to be
anything else; it does not ask lor any
popular approval which it oannot win
by an earcest and conscientious sup
port of wbat it believed toborealDemo
cracy. It opposed General Harrison
upon these broad grounds; yet this
paper has no wish that ho may not
.havo an administration which shall at
least throw no ditcredit upon - his
country. But it is as sure as fate that
if the gang whioh ran the campaign
for General Harrison get the reward
whioh thoy as politicians expect, pro
fligacy, shameh ssness will be in the as
endant and falsehood and trickery be
the ruling spirits ol the national ad
ministration. Pfdla. Evening Her
ald. Give the Spook a Best
Now that the British bngaboo has
played succefBfulIy its parts in the
election, in exciting tho fears of tho
ignorant and the animosities of the
prejudiced, the country is entitled to a
lour years rest trom it.
To pretend, as tho Protectionist or
g ns do, that "British manufactnicrs
nro disappointed in the result," is to
work the tack o -lantern spook alter
tho silly scare has been accomplished.
As Mr. Gladstone has said, so long as
tho United Stales continue to tax the
raw materials and machinery of their
manufacturers, tho English havo no
occasion to lear their competition,
Tno foreign woolen manufacturers
will continue to supply our boasted
"home market" to the tuno of $50,000,
000 a year, because "the sheep voted
here against letting our manufacturers
obtain the wool that is essential to
compete with them.
England does not export wool, nor
flax, nor lumber, nor the crude mater
ials of manufacturers in general. She
imports vast quantities ot them, with
out enhancing their cost to her manu
facturers by stupid and needless taxes.
And Bho is thus enabled to beat the
United States, net only in their own
market, but in the other markets of
the world.
A great many of tho more ignorant
farmers and workingmon havo been
deluded into voting straight for
"British interests" by maintaining the
handicap of tho war tariff. They will
pee their tolly m "lour years more. ,
BI1IDE. On the Oth Inst , lu llrlarcreek
township, Mrs. Sarah ShUlc, nged 73 years.
Hay affect any portion ot the body where tha
mucous membrane Is found. But catarrh ot
tho head Is by tar the most common, and the
most liable to be neglected. It cannot bo
cured by local applications. Being a consti
tutional dlseaso It requires
Ringing a constitutional remedy like
j . Hood's Sarsaparllla, which,
NOISOS working through tho blood,
eradicates the Impurity which causes ana pro
motes the citarrh, and soon effects a perma
nent cure. At the same time Hood's Sarsa
parllla builds up the whole system, and makes
one feel renewed In strength
and health. If you suffer ImpiirO
from catarrh, be sure to Rlond
try Hood's Sarsaparllla,
" I used Hood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh, and
received great relief and beuellt from It. Tho
catarrh was very disagreeable, especially In
the winter, causing constant disclarge from
my nose, ringing noises
Hood's In my cars, and pains In
Cn.ondnrllln "10 baclc ",y 'ICild.
aorsuparuiu Th0 eflort t0 cl(;ilr my
bead In the morning by hawking and spitting
was painful. Hood's Sarsaparllla gave me
relief Immediately, while In time I was en
tirely cured. I am never without the medi
cine In my houso as I think It
Is worth Its v. eight in gold." C U TO 8
Mns. 0. 11. Uiiin, 1029 Klglitti rnfn h
Bt.,N. W Washington, I). O. '-"" "
" I was troubled with that annoying disease,
nasal catarrh, and never found relief till
I Uok Hood's Sarsaparllla," J I Hot'TT,
Markshurg, Ky. N. B. Bo sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoldbjiIMrufrlin. 1 ilzforS. lT.areduulr
bj C. 1. 1100IJ& CO., AlK)tbcril,Lonll,M
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Kutatt of Jacob Chamberlain aeetkiwd,
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or.
pliant!' court or coiuiuuia ruuui) , lu pusa uihju
exceptions and make distribution of balance In
bands ot administrators, to and among the par
ties entltleu thereto,wlli sit atblsomcoin lilooins
burg onharurday, Novembor tah, issh. at 10
o'clock In thn f.irenoou to attend to tne amies Of
bis appointment, when and where all persona
share of au fuwj, j.ilmaizb,
j pov ' Awr,
I'.OYATl (Absolutely Purr). .
(HUNTM (Alum Powder) ..
Rl'MI'OMVS, when fresh..
II AXrOUD'S, when fre.h....
KEimiuirs i
CHAltJt (Alum rondtr) ....
A.UAZOX (Alum Powder.. .
l'lONTKH (Son Francisco)..
nn. mien's,
PEARL (Andrews & Co.)
UUwtukM, (GpoUloa Una.)
HULK (Towder sold loose).... I
U I'M TOKO'S, when not fresh
As to Purity and Wliolcsomoncss of the lloyal Baking Powder.
" I have tested a packago ot Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased In the
open market, and And It composed of pure and wholesome Ingredients. It Is a cream
(if tartar ponder ot a high degree of merit, and docs not contain cither alum or
phosphates, or other injurious substances. B. O. Lots, l'h.D."
"It ts a scientific tact that tho ltoyal Baking I'owder Is absolutely pure.
"U.A.Mott, rh.D.'
"I bavo examined a nackaire ot Royal
the market,
I And It entirely freo from alum, terra alba, or any other Injurious mb
Hehrt Morton, Ph.D., President of Steyens Institute ot Technology."
" I haye analyzed a nackaira of Royal
It ts composed ore pure and wholesome.
Tlio Royal Baking Towdcr rocclyed tho highest award oyer all competitors at
the Vienna World's Exposition, 1873 : at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1878 ; at tho
American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country.
No other article of human food has oyer received such high, emphatic, and uni
versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Boards ot
Uealth all oyer the world.
Note The above Duoram Illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking
Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments mado by Prof. Schedltr.
A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume In
each can calculated, tho result being as Indicated. This practical test for worth by
Prof. Schcdlcr only prove.: what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking
Powder knows by practical experience, that, while It costs a tow cents per pound
moro than ordinary kinds, it is far moro economical, and, besides, affords the advant
age ot better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convince any
fair minded person of these facts.
While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a higher degree
ot strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken as Indicat
ing '.hat they have any value. All alum powder', no matter how high their strength,
are to be avoided a dangerous.
otioe is hereby elven that an annltcatlon will
be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Col
umbia county, on the tenth day or December next
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, under Act o( Assem
bly entitled, "An Act to provide for the Incorpora
tion ami regulation or certain corporations." ap
proved April ! 1374. and the supplements thereto,
by Rev. J. A. Peters, Itev. F.C. Yost, Ilev. 8. 8.
Kohler, nev. j. s. Wagner, and Hev. Alfred Doutz.
for thech titer of an Intended corporation to be
called "The Wyoming Classls ot the Iteformed
Church in the United Slates," the character and
object f which Is tno advancement and promol ion
ot the doctrines, customs and usages ol the lie
formed Church in tbo United Statos, and for these
purposes to have, posses), and enjoy all the rights
benentsand privileges conferred by the Act of
Assembly aforesaid, and Its supplements.
Nov 1 solicitor.
Real E state !
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
the county of Columbia, tho undersigned adminis
trator of the estate of Reuben Bogart, deceased,
will offer at pubUo sale upon tho premises in the
township ot Hemlock In said county of Colombia,
at s o'clock in the afternoon, the rcitl estate of the
sold deceased, tc-wlt:
No l. A certain messuage and tract ot land
situate In said township of Ilemlock, bounded by
'ands ot MathUs Whltenlght, Isaac Mordan, Al
bert Summers, William Kline, Andrew J. Beagle,
and land of the estate ot Anton Schwartz deceased,
containing 77 acres and 106 perches and allowance,
more or less with the appurtenances.
No. 2 A tract ot land situate In said township
ot Hemlock, bounded by lands ot Isaac .Mordan,
David Jones and Charles ltelchard and Albert
Summers, containing twenty-six acres, more or
less, with the appurtenance J
Both tracts are or a r ood quality ot land. Upon
No, i are erected good farm buildings, and it has
good trult trees etc., and with wells and springs
la suppUed with water.
TERMS OF SALE:-One-thlrd of tho purchase
money to be secured by' bonds and mortgage, the
Interest to be paid to the widow of the deceased
annually during her life, and the principal pay
able to the hell s upon her death, and tho remain
ing two-thirds payable as follows : Ten per cent,
of one-fourth at tho striking down ot the property,
the one-fourth less the ten per cent at the confir
mation ot sale, and the remaining three-fourths
in one j ear thereafter, with interest from confir
mation nisi.
rossesslon will be given April 1st 1S38, on the
proper security ot the purchase money. The ex
penses ot deed, mortgage and bonds to bo paid by
the purchaser.
Barklby, Atty. Administrator.
nov 16 3t
The tollOwlntr widows' appraisements will bo
presented to the Orphans' Court ot Columbia
county on the first Monday of December next, and
connrmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed
within four days thereafter, will be confirmed ab-
Airjert wintersoacn Eat. catawissa Dcrsonaity
w, A. JiODDina 8t. orange personalty laoauu.
WM. U. HNYDKlt. Clerk O. C.
Clerks office, Bloornsburg a. M. QUICK, Deputy
JSOV 1(1 10W.
m-urc- Tuwrmiiir.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county l'a., to distribute
balance In the hands of O H Crevellng, Kiecutor,
will sit at his omcu in uloomsburg on Friday Dec.
.in. & at lu o ciock a. in. 10 iHrnunu mo uuiies
of his appointment, when and where all parties
Having claims against aaiu e&iuie muni appear ana
prove them or bo debarred trom any snatu in Eald
Nov 1 4w
By Maiy A. Lvvevniore
lltrpvn nimtiv ol "Four Vwin' I'ituhI Kiprrl
ft Field and HoapluJ Nur.n It -ortrayt th
"Ikavenljr" lid of the Ww u JJ;U
at a woman taw iMn " BHtfht, Purr, and QU
"UiuohUr mtt far,"
rfclhot. It fWj at nqAt to ail gjiknrjTd Mec-LI'lutr. J
Kllktni olil HatlloVlfiira richir rutored In t-rart m-uii.L.
Tfnioiitf " tMRik fur Mnnit NVomci AtD,i I 00 to
tJIrO month limit), ay- IUttiteu no hUdranrr. lor
W0 i'uv jVeifVf nl tnv Ultra Itrmu WriU forclrculsrt to
A jV It UU A UMM U.l A, unxUwrtJ, touu.
Rubber Boots until
you have soon the
with "Eitenslon Ede"
A Napoleon Top. This
Is the bost fitting and
In the market,
Mado of tho Best
artock. The "Extension
Edae" protect the up
per, adds to wear of the
ole by Blv'na broader
treading surface,
nsrkinp buy your arotics un-
yvlth "Outside Counter." Ahead of ALL
pthere In tje durability. If you wnnttho
worth of your money try the Colohesterwlth
Kept Hereby Bost Stores.
JIIOKRAN lUlOr. tic CI).,
Ylk(barre, Pa.
ftOV. !0-3in,
Baking Powder, purchased by myself in
Baklnc Powder.
The materials of which
3. Oana IIatis, State Assayer, Mass."
pi. i.uun II, Do. .
To Kllzabeth II Dot y, widow. J O Doty. Ira Doty.
David Doty.lsrael Duty, Luther II Doty and Martha
A. lnicrmamea wiui jacoo sunnier, an ui i-uiu'q-hla
countv. Oeonro Dotv. Luxerno county Tft.
saran jnzaoem intermarried witn tauis vv
ltozelle, Kllsworth county Kansis and lineal de
scendants ot Jonas Doty deceased, and to another
persons Interested, greeting: You and each ot
you nro hereby cited to be and appear borore the
Judges ot our orphans' Court at an orphans' Court
to be held at Bloornsburg on the first Monday ot
December noxt, then and there to accept or refuse
to take the real cstateot said Jonas Doty deceased,
at tno nppraisea valuation r-ui upon it df tne iu
quest, duly awarded by the said Court, and r-
turned by tho sheriff, or show cause why it Bhall
not do soiq Ann nereor tan nob
Witness the Honorable Henry M Illnckler. Presi
dent ot our said court, nt Bloornsburg, the
twentieth day ot octoDer, a. d. ibsh.
WM. U. SNYDEIt, Clerk 0. C.
Nov 9 G. M. QUICK, Deputy,
piotloo Is hereby given to all legatees creditors
ana otner persons imeresiea in tne estates 01 toe
respective decedents and minors that the follow.
loit administrators' executors' guardlano accounts
have been nled in the office of the Iteglster of Col.
umbla county andwlll bo presented for connrma-
tlon and allowance In the Orphans' Court to be
held In Uloomsburg, December 3d, 18M at 2 o'clock
p. m. ot said day.
1. The Bret and final account of Clinton Ellis
executor ot the etato cf John Qulnn late of the
town of Catawissa, deceased.
2. First and final account of John P. Jlreslln.
administrator of the estate of John J. Malloy late
oi veniraua oorouga ueceasea.
3. First and final account ot Henry a Keck
guardian of Charles A. Shaffer one ot the heirs ot
Dana snaner Jr. aeceasea.
4. First and Anal account of Jacob E. Krum, ad
mlnlstrator of Noah Arndt late ot Montour town.
Bnlp, deceased.
s. Tho first and final account of John a. Freeze
Admr. d. b. n. a t. a. of lioben Finney, late of
Liberty township, deceased.
. Thn account of J. a McBrlde administrator
ot Frederick Derr lato ot Madison township, de
7. The first and final account ot Henry Lltwelicr
sole esecutor of Abraham Lltweller lato of Locust
township, deceased,
s. First and nnal account of L. B. Ituoert ad.
mlnlstrator of the estate ot Philip Crawforu late
oi juount 1'ieasant townsmp, aeceasea.
a. First andflnal acoount of M. C Vance miar.
dian ot Frank il. Itclswlck, minor child ot George
KeiswioK, aeceasea.
10. First and final account of M. C. Vance truar-
dian of Anna It. Itelswlck minor chUd ot George
uciswicK, aeceasea.
11. First and final account ot Wm Chrlsman ad
ministrator ot the estate ot Edward Crawford
lato of Mount Pleasant township, deceased.
Nov 9 Iteglster.
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the
Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and
to me directed, will be exposed to pubUo sale at
the Court House. In tho town ot Bloornsburg on
MONDAY, December 3, 1
at 9 p. m., all that tract of land situate In Sugar
lott township, Columbia Co. Fa., bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
public road,on the cast by public rood leading from
Cambra, Luzerne county to Five points, on the
south by lands of K. J. Albertson, and on the west
by lands of K. J. Albertson, containing five acres
more or less, whereon is erected a two-story plonk
dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings.
Seized taken In execution and to bo sold as the
property of John W. Albertson.
Ikelsk Hbkrino, Attys. Vend Ex.
All that certain messuage and piece ot land
situate in Greenwood township, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the
north by land of Alfred lleacock, on the east by
land ot Alfred lleacock, on the south by a publio
road leading from Itohrsburg to MUlvUlo and on
the west by land of aeorge Eves containing twelve
acres and seventy perches. Whereon are erected
a dwelling houso and stable.
Seized taieu la execution and to bo sold as the
property of Benjamin F. Fisher and Hannah W.
Fisher. PL Fa.
Miller Atty. Sheriff.
Real Estate !
Tho undersigned executors ot the estate of J. II.
Harman deceased, will expose to publio sale on
tno premises In llupert at 10 o'clock a, in. of
SATURDAY December 1, 1888,
the undivided ooe-halt of a certain lot of ground
situate la the town ot llupert aforesaid, bounded
on the east by a publio road and lands ot Llod
raxton on the west by right of way of the Cata-
wlssi It. li. Co., on. the south by said Ilallroad Co,
and lands of Lloyd raxton. whereon la erected a
wooden storehouse.
TKItMS Ol' SALB Ten per oent of one-fourth ot
the purchase money ;to be paid at the striking
down of the property, the one-fourth less tho ten
per cent at the conllrtnatlon absolute and the re
maining three-fourths lu ono year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi,
K It. DltlNKKIt,
Nov 0, 3w. Executor
llufluess men who have tried It find It greatly
loiln lr adnutagc toliave Account Hooks made
to order, to suit ineir special limn Every Kind
of lilank Hook, with or u lihout printed bcadlni
Check Hants and ltuled lllanks
I mako lu the besl
manner at honet.t prices. Unexcelled facilities tor
Numbering, Eyletlng, rerforallng, punching and
stamping W ork for county and borougb cnicoa
especially Boucueu. Miscvuaueuus ikjok mnuing
of the hlgbebt class. Xllss)ng magazines Itupplled
Estimates anq uarticoiara cqeertuny rurnisnea
7 anil 0 Market St.,
ro mOO tIO.OO t J5.00
15.00 -roytB.00
(Opposlto the Mint)
Mall Orders specially cared tor.
Wrlto tor samples.
Tho following Is a list ot grand Jurors for De
cember term.
Ili.nt.nn WMlpr Poller.
Bloornsburg John C. Jones, John Fcnman, A, D.
Catncart, Tbomas vt eno, uasper I. momaa,
Catawlssa-Mlner line.
Contre-John Crlder, Henry Doak.
Flshlngcrcek James Ammerman.
Orcenwood Keller Long. 'V. a Kyer.
Hemlock aeorge Ilattman.
Jackson-Charles Lemon, T. V. Smith.
Locust A. M. Johnson, William Fettcrman.
Mifflin Samuel Drum.
Mt. PleasantIacob Klaher, Frank Dallman.
nne Thomas Hehlauch.
Hoarlngcreek mcr Ilower.
Sugarloaf Joshua 11. Hess.
Scott George Grimes.
Tho following Is a Ust of traverse Jurors for De
cember term, lbtSJ
TlAflver rtAnlel Rlnirley.
Berwick Bernhartf Moorchcad, Isaiah W. Hart-
man, w. u. uaraes.
Benton Ira Thorras.
llrlarcreek Lloyd Knorr
Bloornsburg J. J. nagenbuch. F. C. Eyer,
cnaries Krug, w. J. coreii, uarnson naner, urn
lamln Vinton.
, , . n . n,.- ln,,.tii.nHv.ra Will
uiittniaaa-v.jAiiui, uiuuno,
lam Zlmmeimnn, Nelson 1 1 art man, John Hampton,
ueniraua uawara v, imams, uavia iiiaea.
Centm Geortre Conner. Emanuel Sltler.
Flshlngcreek A. '.V. Jones, William Long,James
Franklin William Geortro.
Greenwood A. I'. Young, Henry Parker, Will
iam iteese, jacoo uirara.
Jackson Frederick Hess. Milton fitackhouse.
Locust John Johnson, Luther Dlmmlck, Isaac
nsner, names xu
Madlso I John W Ross, Ebro Catncr.
HIAln rtovrt n Yetrr.
Mlfflln-D. C. Bond, John Lutz, M. M. Hartzell.
Montour r. s. Karsnner.
HnarfntrftreekT. M. Knnkle.
sugarloat-john w Kilo, John KUngcr, A. M.
Scott James 11. Miller, Isaiah J. Mussclman.
Benton T. K. Tjiubach.
Berwick Fierce Whltmlre, W. W. Adams, John
u. .Tacoby, John Gray.
Bloornsburg-Thomas Metherell, Amos Krum,
u. n. iiovenuucn, uuydacuuy.
CentraUa John McDonald.
Centre T. D. Strauss.
Conyngham John I'aden, Patrick Flynn, E. C.
rncu, cnaries Aicuuirc
Franklin Andrew Loreman, Washington Parr.
Flahlnirereek V. tv. Mcllenrr. Tillman Uunyan.
Greenwood Peter II ay man, M. M. Kllnc,Edward
licmiock K. u. uunay.
Locust David Roup, 11. S. Bodlne, John Mourer.
Manison jonn j. Kreamer, Allies smuu.
iumin A. w. snyder, jonn creasy.
Montour-Lloyd Paxton.
Orange John Cadman.
line James v. stackhousc, J, R. Fowler.
Scott John Reynolds.
Sugar loaf M. F. Shoemaker.
Dealer in
By the following well known makers.'
Hallct & Davis.
Can also
furnish any Of the
1.nnoM ..,,.1-.r. t ,"on.,a
Cheaper makes at manulacturere
inces. JJO not buy a piano be-
. i i :
fore getting our prices.
1 o
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
Real state!
The undersigned executor ot Franklin Ithodea,
late of Beaver township, Columbia county, de
ceased, will expose to public sale on the premises
at 10 o'clock a. m, the following described real
estate, A ocrtatn lot or piece ot land situate In
Mifflin townshlpj said county, bounded as follows
to-wlt: Beginning at a publio road running from
Abram Sweppenhlser's to George Nungessor's mill,
thence north M degrees west 8 perches to a stone,
thence by lands ot Abram Swepp nhelser north 7ft
degrees west 8 percbi s to a stone, thence south (
degrees east 7 8-10 perches to said road, thence
51-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing
65 perches more or less, on which are erected a
dwelling house and outbuildings.
TKUMS OFSAuE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot
the purchaso money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property, the one-fourth less the ten
percent at the confirmation absolute, and the re
maining three fourths In one year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nlsL
A. I Fritz, Atty, no9 Executor.
" llnjnl Liquid Uluv" mends broken
China, tlloss, Wood, Leather, Metuls, Fur
niture, ete., with Everlasting Tenacity I
Hold by Urocers, Druggists and Ueuernl
ti lores.
I. W, Hart man Bona,
The Ureat Eastern Tea, Co.,
V. IL Orooke 4 CO.
ii, r,. tviiaoQ,
lTOBl-nt ir&utt". Iltett'l'ct llcong'sa- Assembly AU'yl Sheriff j Corner Coroner
TOWNSUIIU 1884 jo j W I O ' K R j ' P !
1 i i 0 Ik 3 I b 1 3 '1 Q s t r S
1 if I I 1 I fi ! 1 I m 5 I I I M i H I
tBJ. JUL lyilllixSIlL8 jJLjlM. si a
Heaver '. 'ui yi lnSpa "IM 1 3l 15TT rT16rfijTllir-&) S3 lf sflos 3im "S-m i
llenton tt 47 2H 4 SIO 46 218 47 m . HI 8I M 83S SU M 4.1 919 41 MS 4J S47 4 . S 8 47
IICrwIcICK 183 111 181 141 189 1(0 141 141 117 313 1411 14J 140 143 14J I4J I I 14 I4J 111 144 14 149 14J
HerwUHW ffl 180 M 101 63 vi 08 193 61 SU 69 SOU 71 71 800 198 TO, S0J 77 89 71 10 7 800
lllrmmK J45 109 831 m 801 ao2 319 S'7 S3 257 811 KW 804 311 2-J1 200 8.TO 91 Ml 1W 847 207- 844 201
IllOOm W 109 191 19S S18 IM HI 20j 816 187 SM 198 223 187 187 !3J 209 814 1IW 208 204 119 i3 09 !14
llrlarcrcclc 147 88 ml 80 167 BrJ 171 78 163 81 170 81 ' 170 118 17 77 141 Wl 178 78 176 74 174 77
tlatawlssa C76 885 tJSHEW 231 Sid 231 2-10 810 2( 248 217 231 2.15 Kf Hi 11 20 S.1I 230 fib 22J 23S S33
CentraUa 149 169 01 199 201 19?, 191 191 188 S03 201 194 203 203 191 101 203 m 211 181 IK 15 V04 189
Centre .. 177 M 16il M 10 1 fS, lfll M 143 100 1M)I 8Iil49 158 84 SI 161 84 157 M 160 8.1 103 81
COnynfthamN 99 61 141 41 141 4 IN 49 181 71 1 139 48 181 140 40 41 139 45. 1S 45 189 43 189 45
Conyngham 8 ta 09 M 49 84 ii B0 M 80 f.1 1 W II II 81 47 47 87 47- 91 43 67 4 90 4 4
Klshlnirjroek S8I 61 855 CO 855 M 253 71 2:10 87 2591 W 241 85 t.7 81 M 03 838 69 26 t6' 85 ft.
Franklin . . .... 70 42 68 M 08 87 49 48 78' 28 57 1.8 81 S3 60 83 64 34 89 83 6 88
OrcenwOOd 187 143 815 111 814 161 81 J 181 830 If 817 1 104 208 819 169. lt.7 817 160 207 167 M 158 J19 169
HemlOCK ........ 188 54 131 54 ll 54! 131 M 103 74 183- M 183 1.13 5.1 63 1S2 55 1 84 60 183 M 183 63
Jackson IM 13 133 17 131 tfl 1.13 17 134 17 183 18 1!0 18.1 18 H 183 17 13 1 1 I J8.1 17- 1S3 17
iJMUSt 258' 105 263 log 261 loii 2M III 255 111 284 111 863 271 104 109 2.7' 110 257 1 108 281 103 268 108
Madison 174 40 201 44 207 , 41 203 41 18 83 1 8011 41 195 801 89 38 108 39 201 1 83 S"7 89 203 88
Main IM 14 184 7 134 7 131 7 121 10 1 133 7 131 131 7 7 184 7 181 7 184 t 181 7
illfllln . ..,.. 107 68 807 63 207 63 207 53 200 68 200 63 8(10 209 63 65. 21)7 53 805 63 207 63 207 63
Montour 80 58 78 64 78 63, 80 A3 67 70 81 61 70 79 C4 54 80 6-J 70 66 19 M. 78 64
ML I'lcasant 100 47 103 49 Wl1 49 99 63 105 43 99 61 103 101 41 41 101 40 97 ' 45 100 43. 101 47
UrangO 1!4 67 184 83 131 M1 135 83 104 114 141 81 181 129 1 07 63 141 08 131, 76 145 70 145 74
lino.. 130 41 140 57 140 6ft 1U 67 183 63 ISO 63 143 144 67 65 111 60 141 I 67 141 68:143 88
lloarlngcrcelc 77 38 84 40 84 40 83 40 . 80 43 84 39 83 84 89, 89 81 B9 S3 1 89 HI 8 1 84 89
HCOttK. 117 85 118 87 113 67 ISO 87 119 93 119 89 1211 181 76 81 181 84 114 1 69 181 84 180 84
Scott W 67 49 70 4.1 70 4.3 71 43 83 82 73 41, 73 89 89 37 71 40 81 30 70 40 71 40
BUgarloat 173 li 100 18 190 18 ll 1691 SO 1W SO j 190 193 19 13 191 19,103 18 191 18 191 13
Total 4339 8138 1676 2484 4651 124831 WlS '4393 334 4713 2503 4583 4697 250.V2H 9 4740 8150 4679 '2364 4741 8424 4700 8444
ESyThe followlne Is the vote cast for
Brlurcreck, 1 Orange, S; Sugarloaf, 3; Total, 23. In 1834 the labor voto was 14S.
WFor Prohibition the followlne voto
7 Ulnomsburs:, W., 12; Brlorcrcek, 5 Catawissa, 12; Centrallii, i Centre, 2j Conyngham, N., 0; Flsbttigcriick, 8j 'Greenwood,
SS; llcralocK, B; IiOCtlsl U; Madison o; Alain, l Jioniotir, i hi, rioasani, o; urangc, is;
Bcotl, V., 0j Surjarloaf, 2: Total, 258. In 1884 tlio prohibition voto was 108.
I judging from patronage already
nave ocen mating purcnasea. iis saui ueiore, 11
wo will have your trade
CHEAPER than any Clothing House in Columbia county. We ask a call and it is you to
The largest
county, JPa.
By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. Issued out of the
Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at
the Court House, In tho town ot Bloornsburg on
SATURDAY, December 8, 1888,
at 2 o'clock p. in., all tuat Northern half ot a cer
tain lot or piece of ground situate in the town of
CentraUa, laid out by the Locust Mountain Coal ft
Iron Company In Conyngham township, Columbia
connty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a point on the east
side ot Troutwine Street, one hundred feet north
of the southeast corner ot Park and Troutwine
atreots, thence, north eighty-seven dogices east
ono hundred and forty feet to an alley, thence
along Bald alley south three degrees cast twelve
and one-half feet, thence south eighty-seven de
grees weBt one hundred and forty feet to Trout
wine Street, thenco along said street north three
degrees west twelve and one-halt feet to point ot
Deginnlng, whereon Is erected a two-story frame
dwelling house and outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property ot Ilugh A. Conway. FL Fa.
Marr, atfy. Sheriff.
By virtue ot a writ ot AL Ft. Fx Issued out of
I the court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county
and to me directed will bo exposed to public sale
at the Court House in the town ot Bloornsburg on
SATURDAY, Novomber 24tb, 1888
at 2 p. m.. all that certain tract ot land situate in
Locust townahln. CnlnmhlA mnntv. Pennnvlvanla
I bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Begin.
nln 81 a stone comer, tnence ny lands ot uenry
Usher and Isaac Fisher south M degrees, west 84
pe'ehes and slx-tenths to a stone, thence by lands
I01 Daniel nonberger south 9 degrees, cast 87
perches to a stone, thencs by mountain north 19
degrees, cast 89 perches and six-tenths to a stone,
thence by land of Henry Fisher north 9 degrees,
west 8T perches to place of beginning, containing
48 acres m peaches strict measure, whereon Is
erected a frame dwelling bouse, bank barn and
other outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Adam Clayburger.
Oitie, Atty. Sheriff.
Nov 8 "83.
juiiaie iv aamwi aauayfl, aeceasea.
The undersltrned. asuolntod an auditor ti ilia.
tribute the funds In the hands of the almlnlstra.
tor of said deceased, will meet the parties Interest-1
ed therein at his office In Uloomsburg, on FrldaylfYV nnitlCIITTDr n A
the mill day ot November A. D. 1SS8, atloo'clocic I iTAS Jf U JCVjr. Mr At,
a. in., ar wulcli time and DUce all oensons havlnir
claims against said fund, will appear and present
iuc kuud ur ua ucbairuu iruw coiuini; in tor a snare
ot said fund.
Oct IU '83. auditor.
TfJSife of Deborah Harrison, late of Bloornsburg.
m.. linrf.l.M An -..l.n. ..mI.II .... . .. -
Orphans' court of Columbia countv to d'atrlbutn
the funds In the hands of executor will sit at the
office of Knorr w tntersteen, on Saturday Norem.
ter ITth isss atlOo'clnck a. m.,when ud wnero
all personshavlng claims against said cstato must
appear aud prove the same, or be debarred from
coming tn on bald fund.
Oct 19 'S3. Auditor,
To Advertisers
A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into htatrm
AND HKOTIONS will be sent on appllcallon-
To those who want tuelr sdrcrtlslmr to oav. wn
can offer no better medium for thorough and ef.
icviiio tvum iiiau tuts vufiuus Hrcuuns oi our aK
LsoT Local List. GEO. 1'. HOWKLL A co..
Newspaper Advertlslnif llureau.
Oct 13-Ht lo bpruce street, Ner York.
A nVVtmef WANTUn.-l'crmanent
AUJJJkl A u ployment and good salary or com'
miartiuu. Auurcda a. is.
Kocneuter, N. Y.
nor -a-ii.
HOME PoTmi'lVr!
Forms. IVninanablD. ArlihuietlaHbort.
haud, tic, thi
orouituiy lauirr
' taught
uy mail, circuiara
. MtYAOTHL'O'ABUK. 450 Main
Street, Buffalo, N,
NOV -d-4t.
flATTP.P.R ".I--vrCuro comes from
jniHJjui C'lilnu. Qieens Hospital and
London Cancer HoHnitni nm
:aiicer Hospital report
Endorsed by Medical
euros." X.
nals. Cure guarantee. Circulars Vueh unu
VTA W. rminv, ww. 0T JS-MW,
the Labor canilldatc! Bentnu, li lierwlck, E.,
was cast: Heaver. It ISenton. 17: Berwick, B
Reliable Clothing House
received, particularly from referred satisfation from parties who
The aim is to sell LOTS of GOODS at
give SATISFACTION. We mean to
M. filler vs James McAlarnerEx. et a!.
JosODh Clewell Admr. vs. Ablpalt Weaver et aL
cnas. w. McKelvyet al. vs. chas. B. Brockway
et aL
A. ti. Stewart vs. McKelvy Brink.
Danlol F. Seybert vs. Gideon O, Hosier.
ltobrMclIenrv's use vs. E, J. Mcllenrv's Admx.
oas. . Lewars A"mr. et ai. vs. isaoeua w
m. A. Marsei vs. borough or lierwlck.
Alfred Irvln vs. 11 SS. it. It. Co
Wm. E. Tubbs et al. vs. Freeman McAfee.
Allen B. Croop vs. II. U. Low.
D. H. sponenberg vs. Georgo K. Hess.
Wlllla'ii lirloe ft o. vs. Mrs. E. Uany.
Charles W. Colo vs. Ezeklel Cole.
M. L. Mcllenry vs. Joaepn Tlnsley et aL
J B. Wilson vs. I. E. Patterson.
Irvln Bros vs. James Hngerty et ux.
W. F. Hodlne vs. Columbia countv.
AUco Kline vs. Wm. Whltenlght's Exr.
Francis uottshall vs. Jeremiah lteeder.
L. 11. Ie ft lira. vs. Hlas Iloofnoglc
Mrs. Catharine rain va L. A. Itlleyft Co.
William Ewlng uso vs. Henry Klelui.
Alex. Campbell vs. Win. Bobbins Const.
Estate of Benjamin C. lies;, a lunatic.
To Mahala B. Hess, wife of Benjamin C. Hess,
.TromUh M 1tfaa .Inhn W lloo. T iim.
Sarah E. Belshltuo,
Francis W. Weave
... ... ........ . . . . . . . l, .lull , 1 ........
ana Mary Lemon children ana
Francis W. Weaver and Harvey 11. Weaver graud-
children of said Benjamin u.
Notice Is herebr elven that as
xi es
committee of
ta to
the said Benjamin 0. Hess, I Intend to
the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county In
the Mate ot Pennsylvania ou the third day ot De
cember next, for an order authorizing a mortgage
ot such part of the real estate of said Benjamin C.
He's as said court shall deem expedient for the
payment ot tho debts and the support and maln
talnance ot said Benjamin C. Hess and his family.
Nov4w commute.
JttoUlor flOOnn-l
lel timo-
uviu uuuiiui kaL-a.
Kltftnl end rntKolReciit.
I Both UdlM'KOd (Utl
'with work! and ni
iaftco lockiuy cn Mcnra on
VkKE. Uow U IblliXMalblal
ViiDiwir-wwint oum pr
ol la Mch iWalll. tn btwb In
lbiTbom,iuiMJW to IImim wboe1t, eomplxU Una or our
TttUmd arr OMfol NAKII'I.IIM.
ITicta umplii.ii wall a tba aiid rr,n1 fwr j-oq
ba kit itiaDj In your bom lor a montm an4 abuwu tUam
to IbbM who mf btTcalld,lbr baooiu yonr okq prortri
It I poailbU tomaklbli (raal olTar, andlot' 11 Hli I. Ill
ll.l Watcb nd tOBTl MmplM trt. a,a lha linwtni of
lit aamflM iu or loMtlly, alwar ratulti In larita tra for
ui, after our laraplM havobaaa la local 1 1 r for mouth .t two
w uiuallr l rroin IOUU ta KOOU to trad Iroiu tb
luiruuiKtlof eounlrr. TbUtlh mo wooitarful otter t-vtf
iuu u.ti mad In ordar tbkt our Mtnplaa mmj U 4aI nt out
Ur lUy ra U md, l ear Amarlta. WrIU ! mm, i4
lakaiuraoltbacbaoca. ttaadarlt will oahArdlyauy trouula
M ) ot. U ilw tbaaamptM to Iuom vbdnay call at your
u 1 tvu rawtril U1 La uoa Mitaractorr. A postal ra4 ou
liLU to wrtia tu (MM tat 1 cant ami aflar you know all.ll yoi.
4 tiut rra o fofBribar, wby bo barm Udoaa, Hut It you do
hi.iI j our a4drM l ouoa, yo ou Mur D'H&K oa of th
i lidcold ! fn tba world and our Ura lluauf
n n -T NAHPLEi,. Wtpoy all asprau, rialfM, 'tfl
l.v;.Ulia HTUaON M CO., Hot $11, UlTLAxlL)(kIllNF
MJ, JIEttS, D. D.S.,
. uluate ot tho ruiiaaelnhla Dental Colleee.
aavlnjf opened a dental orace in
corner of Slain and Centra streetn.
Is prepared to receive all patients requiring pro
lesslonal services. y
administered for the painless extraction ot teeth
free of chargo when artlhclal teeth are Inserted.
Oct 26-1 y,
Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with
They will dye everything. They are sold every
where. Price loo. a package. 40 eolors. They
have no equal for strength, brightness, amount
in packages, or lor fastness of color, or uon.fadlng
qualities. They do not erack or Bmut, Korsale
by iiojer Bros, and Jas. II. ilerccr. lebirriy.
YAiNwiuaiiT &"co
ow '-oia 'vaos auvoiu 'saoi.ii 'siom
N. E. Corner Soconl and Arch Bts.
"Orders will rocelve prompt attentaoi
I have nsed
Dr. fieth Arnold's
11 years) never know it to
fall. Haveneverheardany.
thine but praise for It,
O. II. Cunningham, Entrl
I ststttWKIKkX Wen. Pr
PTOIgUH, SJo,, JJj,, td ,W,
6: Herwlck, W 0: Uloomsburg, W.. 8:
, 02: Berwick. W.. 25: liloomsbure, E.,
nne, oj uoarmgcrcoK, ij dcoh, a., iu
profits. To please and
Wholesale. Iletail.
60 70
32 45
S3 24
S3 21
40 CO
13 10
03 05
07 10
09 13
8 10
12 14
SO 80
75 1 00
5 to 7
Wheatpcr bushel..
Rye " " ..
Ccru " "
Oats " " ..
Flour " bbl
Dried Apples
Geese ,
Lard per lb
Vinegar per gal
Onions per bushel.,
Veal skins
Wool per lb
Coal on Wiurf.
No ti i 2.00: Nos 2. 8, & Lump f 3.85
No. 6 $3.00 l!ltumlnu 38.25
I atonement of the JrVov nnii thm Uouse.
Tull of tbe oildrtt jirfliikB, clinriiilus etoriM au$
Iuuifhiiruukttifr illuHtrstloim by tno rlnfPof
Jueulla artist, ttrllltitf litiiueiiiiclr. C'rlllcs
miy of It i "ltrtmitittl folAt trtlJ with itrliotu.
Hon. Clinton H. Unit. iWl unothrr far ItanH
y.t th ehihlren to ei,L li. Conwell, D. P. 'neoi
i waij meat itnd tlwnt.n llnu. H, H, OI. ' uWna(
tMai.f top and L'nrU A'wiiiw." Hon. Howard Crrwbr,
lj l,iii-biuui nirri'ii rnn
blladeitiblaa l'a-
Oct 12-d-4t
This popular remedy never rail ta
errcctuufly cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache,1 Biliousness
And all diseases arising from n
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
Tho iintiiral reenlt Isffoodappotll
Slid nolle! llesb. lo amallt ofcWnQt.
ly ur coated and tuy toawalluw.
When I say Conn I do net mean meraly to
stop them for a lime, and then have them re
turn again. I UEAN A 11ADICAJL, CUUU.
1 hate mado the disease of
A life-long study. I wahramt my remedy to)
Cuhe the worst cases. Because others have
failed la no reason for not now reeeuvirur a cure,
bend at once for a treatise anda Freb llorrue
ot ray Invalliulb ItEHEur. Oive Kzpresa
and Pott ufflco. It costs yon nothing for a
trial, and It will euro you. Address
H.O. ROOT, M. C., I83PIU18T-Hcwr0
nT.nnMfmTTT?ri vy.r
manufactruersof the celebrated Keystone Dyne
iuiui. iuid espiotiitu isKivinif universal Bavisiao
lion Quotations cheeilully Blvcn.
AtlverllHerx by addreslei
Uuwell it Co lOriurucob
r Geo. i.
t.. New York
la trood faltb. can obtain all needed Information
about any proposed line ot A1JVKHTIBINU In
American Newspapers.
Mr ws-page r&mphlet, aoo,
Ms P ills