The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 09, 1888, Image 3

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g i was sixty years, nnd ho tcarc.
anu sovcral ch Mn. v...
The, Columbian Lwmm?B,0T'M 'i iu Pmiy.
iiobivear Tewl"r' "tor'Ptlon price, Thn,.,l T7 ' ,B" W0CK' and 'l1"1 on
"Ucr, March!, jEST ntf' r- Oolca Crock on Haturday morning. Ilia
caret a wlfo
year. Mr. Colo has kept ll.o popular resort
... .uU IOOi oi lno Mountftln n Bullu
van county, lust above Control l n.,-.u.
township of this county. Trout fishing
parties from far and near, have been his
guests, and ho was well known by many
vuu unu oi uis nouso was used as
o "register" and1 hundreds of names of
persons who havo stopped thcro aro written
thereon. .Mr. Colo had always enjoyed
good health and his doath was a sudden
blow to his family.
tOtHiCT fUllKOiD t"l'M TIBII.
BtOOMBBUntl ft BULttVAN uauhoad
Taking effect wBDNKSDAY, AUGUST 1st. lsw.
BUUTli. NOlttll.
Ar. Ar. Ar. tv. lt. t,t.
r. x. r. m. A.m. a. w. t. v. a. i.
1 ?! l 800 00 d 40 ono
aM7W l( 11 8 St SCA
01 J 48 S1SBM W
89 V M T 01 0 IS
i II I " T W S 18
1 83 7 85 BSOTliO 887
1 14 T 18 10 01 7 84 S 87
1 08 7 08 lu 07 T SS 6 41
1 01 7 01 10 IS 7 u A la
1 u
Main meet...... 7 20
Irondale . 1 is
l'spcr.Mlll......... 7 11
MRhtsttwt.,,..,, 7 09
orangoviilo t to
Forks,. .1 s 45
Tubtn , 41
Stillwater .......... 8 as
Denton,............ 18 1
JllllllHou City.
Lll 00
Kdsonv...t S IS 13 05 6 49 11 OS 7 S8 8 67
Colon creek w is 00 s 45 11 10 8 00 7 00
Bugarloat, 6 19 11 85 8 40 11 15 8 05 7 03
lAUtmcns,.. ,, 8 17 It 60 8 87 11 CO 8 09 7 03
Central. a 10 ll 40 e so 11 so 8 is 7 19
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. x. 1. . 1, x. a. u. 1. x. a. x.
Trains on tho P. & tu n. R. leave Rupert is
follows !
7:S1 a. m. 11:00 a. in.
8:88 p. m. 6:01 n. m.
Tralnson the D. L. W. lt. H. leave Bloomsburg
Ml tu.wna.
7HJa. m. 8:32 a. m.
10:57 a. m. 12:00 p. m.
8:21 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:88 p, m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on tha N.tW.ll, Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows 1
10:48 a. m. 11:48 a. m.
6.M p. m. 4-19 p. m.
10:18 am 6:39 pm
W. II. Brooke went to Philadelphia on
Miss Mame Bchoch Is visiting relatives In
Tho Democratic Club with the Bloom
Hand went to Berwick on Monday night
and participated In a parade.
Mr. Buckalow addressed a largo demo
cratic meeting at Centralta last week Thurs
day night
Highest cost prlco for hides at 0. St,
Vandcrsllcc's, Bloomsburg, Fa.
For Biut. Twclvo $100. Bloomsburg
Water bonds at par, duo Oct. 1890. In.
quire at this offlco.
Daniel Curry of Centralia is erecting .a
large building for business purposes on tho
main street of Mt. Carmcl.
About 8000 feet of tho
been laid In Bcott town,
grossing rapidly.
new sewer havo
The work Is pro.
For four dollars you can get a good stem
wind watch In nlco case at L. Bernhardt
Jewelry store, opposite Central hotel.
"It's only a question of time," and a
short time, too, as to when your rheuma
tism will yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try
On Thursday afternoon of last wnelr.
car load of excursionists went up tho JJ. &
8. to Jamison Cltv. Cnl. dnr
Bubb, Mr. Mctriman and several other
gentlemen from Willlamtport, and about
thirty from Bloomsburg constituted the
party. The tracks of tho li. & 8. railroad
aro laid to Jamison City, and tho train ran
up to the end of tho tracks What was but
n fow weeks ago tho farm of Mrs. nnhnru.
is now a busy scene. The railroad dpot
Is nearly completed, and Is largo and con.
vcnient, with a wide platform entirely
around It. Upon tho hill overlooking tho
town workmen are employed excavating
for tho foundation of the new hotel which
is to bo erected by a stock company form
cd mostly In Bloomsburg. It is to bo a
flno building with alt modern convenlencea
and to cost about $0000. As a summer re
sort It is destined to become a popular
place. A large boarding houso Is nearly
completed, nnd tho foundations are laid
for tho largo saw mill of Corcoran, Itlch.
ards & Co. Tho machinery of the mill is
on tho ground ready to to placed In posl.
tion, and men ore already at work In the
woods getting out logs. A tannery and a
hub factory will soon bo erected. On tho
opposite sldo of tho creek Dr. Edwards
has a saw mill In operation.
Tho town has been divided Into lots,
and a number of them havo been sold. Col.
John Jameson and A. -it. Fritz Esq. havo
the matter In charge, and anyono desiring
to purchase can Beo the draft of tho town,
and make their selections. A largo number
of workmen will bo employed In tho sever
al Induttrles about to be started there, and
many houses will bo required to accommo.
dato them. The lots are selling at a low
figure now, and It looks like a good Invest
ment, as they arc suro to Incrcaso In prlco
A now era has dawned on tho upper end
of the county, and we expect to see a
thriving and prosperous villago at Jamison
City in a few months.
rnrndo nt Danville.
A largo excursion party went Id Danville
on Saturday night to take part In the De
mocratlo parado at that place. There were
671 tickets sold hero, and a number wero
taken on at Rupert nnd Oatawlssn. Tho
procession as lt left hero was headed by
Ullmore's Band, after which camo about SO
buslnesss men with black silk hats, under
tho marshalshlp of W. B. Taylor. Then
came tho Bloom Hand followed by tho
Cleveland and Thurman Club with white
hats, capes and torches, marshalled by
Capt. U. 11. Ent. At Danville tho Blooms,
burg visitors woro put nt (ho head of tho
procession. Tho town was brilliantly
Illuminated, and ted flro was burned along
all tho streets. Thcro were Bald to be 1000
footmen and 250 horsemen In tho line. It
was tho biggest parade of tho campaign In
this section. Tho Northumberland club
with two bands also took part.
lt was half past twclvo when tho train
returned, and being Sunday morning the
party dispersed In au orderly manner, with,
out muslo from the bands.
Cotiftutitplloit Biircly cured.
To hir E111T011 Flooso Inform your read-
Sr. Thael. C38 North fourth, below Orccn
81. , i'liilndclpnln, is tint only physician In
av,. i iiiuiucipuui, in inn limy puysiciitn iu
...... . . ..... 1 j u 1 I in uiii lutiqu uiuiiii juin ivnu- i'i n n n n nmn in nurn iifirmnnr.nL v
wr- , , ,,' ' ... '11 ?,( I era that I have a positive remedy for tho I blood, special, nervous, bladder and kid.
We Were never SO Well flXfjd , ... ' ... ' , ney diseases. Ho olTeis $5000 to anv rbv.
to show Black Dress Goods, thnn.Hi r,t hnwim -,.. t,. i1Mtn nnr.
Never SO many to Show sorts mancntly cured. I shall bo glsd to send
A number of young ladles and gentlemen
will present the drama entitled "Tho Ven
eered Savage," at the rcsldenco of Mr. J.
A. Funston next Wednesday ovc'ng at 7:
o'clock. Admission 25 cents. All are in
vited, Tho proceeds are for the benefit of
tho Episcopal church.
Democrats who have bets on tho election
should not consent that stakeholders shall
pay over the money until all doubt is dis
sipated. The situation is much as it was
four years ago, and then republicans would
not give up for about six weeks. Stick to
It until the last horn blows.
Mrs, Ch risttanna Emmitt, died in Hem
lock township on ;tho 23rd of September,
aged 80 years, 11 months and 11 days.
She was born in 1807 in Northumberland
county. She had been sick for some time.
Two children, a son and daughter survive
List of letters remaining In-the Post Of
flco at Bloomsburg for week ending Nov.
0, 1883.
Miss Janie Mason, F. Randall, Thomas
It Taylor, Mr. Joseph E. Zlgler. ,
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Qsosax A. Clark, P. M.
The campaign is over, and both parties
can congratulate themselves that lt has
been an unusually clean one. There were
no personalties in it. and much less bitter
feoling was engendered than Is usual In
Presidential year. Business will settle
down to its normal condition now, and the
wotld will move right on just tho same as
though there bad been no election. Politics
is a queer thing.
Charles Armstrong was struck in tho
head with a stono while in Danvillo lust
Saturday night and badly cut no was on
bis way to the depot after tho parade, and
had. just left Mill street to go up tho tracK,
when without cause or provocation a stono
was thrown by a cowurdly and malicious
hand with the above result. William
Bolce of this town savs that he saw a
man named Forney of Danville, throw it.
Such a mau ought to be arrested and pun.
Ished to tho full extent of the law.
Ilnd Silver DoilatH.
DaKGKROCS counterfeit circulated
Tho Pittsburg Commercial Qautte saysi
The counterfeit silver dollar has agi
mado Us appearance In some of the towns
of Pennsylvania, near the Now York state
line, aid also Just within the counties
along the boundaries of that state. United
States Dctcctivo McSwccnoy left for the
upper oil country on Saturday, but he re
fused to talk about the object of his mission
to the locality. He acknowledged that
counterfeit coin was being circulated in
various purls of the state but he would not
state whether he had any knowledge of the
identity of the persons who were making
and circulating the bogus money. Ho said,
however, that highly important develop'
mcnta might be exptctcd In about two
It was learned from another sourco that
Chief Bell, cf the secret service department,
had detailed four men to look after a num
ber of Pennsylvania counterfeiters who
wero circulating bogus silver dollars In
Buffalo, Erie, Jamestown, N. Y., Corry,
Pa., Oil City, and among farmers who re
sided In tho vicinity of theso towns and
cities. The counterfeit, it is said, is the
finest ever turned out of an illegal mint in
this country. It Is tho exact weight, per.
fectly moulded, and could only bo distln
gulshed from tho genuine by experts. The
ereasv mnearancc so aonarent In other
bogus coins Is absent In tho latest issuo.
These coins are differently dated, but
tbev aro both of the samo Issue. Tho
change in dates was done for tho purpose
of more readily deceiving trades people
Tno factory where this dangerous queer is
turned out is supposed to bo In tho neigh
borhood of Glrard, Pa., but on this point
tho secret service officers are very reticent
Taken From ttic nrnve.
On October 7th, George Bhcblnskt called
at tho borne of his son-in-law to congratu
late his daughter and her husband on the
advont of a llttlo stranger in their midst, a
prospective christening looming up In the
distance and a jolly tlmo In general. Tho
father left the bedside of his daughter,
wreathed lu smiles. Ho turned to look
onco more upon her happy face, took a step
backward and disappeared down tho stair
way with a scream and a crash. Tho man
was picked up badly Injured, put to bed
and Dr. McWllllams summoned. Tho lat
ter found the skull of tho unfortunate man
fractured. Ho called Dr. Maurer In con.
sultatlon and the two decided lt was ncces
sary to trephane. Tho family objected to
the operation and October 10 the man died
His llfo was Insured In an accident com
pany. A point was raised as to whether
his death was the result of an accident. It
was a question of money. As a result of
this dilemma, Drs. McWllllams and Maurer
went to the cemetery, the body was disin
terred, the top of his skull taken off and
the evidence that death resulted from a
blood clot, brought about by the fracfuro
discovered. Shamokin Ditpalch.
Manor Rest Xuu Company.
A meeting of stockholders of the propos
ed hotel at Jamison City was held at tho
ofDco of Bamuel Neyhard on Baturday'even
ing, Nov. 8. An organization was Affected
by tho election of W. II. Tubus, President,
Geo. E. El well, Secretary, and A. L. Fritz,
Treasurer. The following board of direct.
ors was elected: Geo. E. Elwell, H. J. Con
ner,,Mathlas Shaffer, J. K. Lockard, John
Jameson, W. R. Tuhbs, A. L. Fritz. W.
R. Tuhbs, H. J. Conner and J. K. Lockard
were appointed a building committee. Tho
name adopted for tho corporation Is the
Manor Rest Inn Company. Adjourned to
meet Thursday Nov. 8, at 7:80 p. m.
Divide ttie Voting lllHtrlctfl.
There are about twelve hundred voters
registered In Bloomsburg. This indicates
a population of GOOO, as against 8800 in
1880, which shows how rapidly the town Is
growing, and also proves the necessity for
more polling places. There were 047 votes
cast on Tuesday, and the election boards
did not get through with the count until
long after midnight. No district should
contain over 300 yotois, and a less number
would be still better. Four polling places
in Bloomsburg would not be too many, and
the necessary steps should be taken to
divide tho present districts.
I,lterary Motes.
Book News (John Wanamakcr, Philadel
phla)j for November begins with an article
by Rev. E. E. Halo on "Chautauqua Litera'
ture," which cannot fail to please those
who aro Interested in this admirable courso
of self-Instruction. This Is followed by an
account of tho historian, John Bach Mc.
Master, whoso portrait accompanies tho
number. There is tho usual discourse on
tho books of the month, by Mr. Talcott
Williams, other good reviews and miscel
lany, and at the end of the magazine is a
list of announced books that gives a glimpse
of tho Cbiist'nas books in store f r us.
and ouantities.
Take Black Silk-Warp Hen
riettas, the best (Priestley's of
course). Ask for any number
in the long line. Where else
can all of them be had?' If you
have a silk-and-wool in mind,
pet the best. It's cheapest in
the long run. Any best, so
long as you pay for quality, is
cheapest; doubly true of a silk-and-wool.
These choicest
Henriettas are made of strictly
pure silk and the very finest
quality Australian wool. They
go in the natural gray to the
dye-vats and come out
a uniform shade.
A new feature in these Hen
riettas are 50 and 76 inch
widths for Cloaks, Wraps and
Shawls. They match the dress
goods exactly in shade.
We have had a line of All
Wool Black Henriettas with ex
tra heavy warp made for our
special trade. This adds body,
weight, and firmness to the
goods. 46 inches wide, $1 to
$1.50; lighter warp, 75c.
All Wool Black Cashmeres.
Old-fashioned stuffs that are al
ways good, desirable and quick.
For less than ever.
Camel Hair has come back to
be one of the most fashionable
of Blacks for ladies' wear. The
sharp turn to it has been within
a month or so. Too good a
stuff, to be given the go by.
Take a first-class Camel Hair
(say Priestley's or Lupinis) and
it softens and betters with wear
almost to the end, Four makes
on our counters, 65c to $3.50.
Black All-Wool Serges come
to us under a dozen or twenty
names, French, German Ameri
can, various twills and many
widths, 50c to $1.25.
As many more widths and
qualities come in the solt twills
known as Chuddas. 50c to
Black Novelty Goods from
Paris in blocks, stripes, plaids,
and hgures. beyond your pa
tience to count,
The new and popular Black
Side-Band stuffs for robes.
Soutache Braided Robes, $7
to $16.50.
Second Mourning Stuffs for
Dresses mixtures, plaids,
stripes. 50c to $1.50,
two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption lt they
will send me their express nnd post olllc
address. Resnccttully, T. A. BLOCUM
M. U. 1R1 Pearl 81., Now York. repV3My
NnvRunsn 17. John II. ICeolur. oxecu.
tor of Marin Ucm, dee'd. will sell valuable
real estate on tho premises In Benton town
ship nt 10 a. m.
For Balk A dcslratilo and commodious
rtfddenco on Main street, supplied with
water, gas ana steam. Apply to
lan-iutr. u. a. aioter.
Nov. 2. Tho executor of Franklin
Rhodes will sell real estate In Locust town
ship ul 10 a. m. Beo advcitiscment.
Nov. 8. A. M. Mostcllcr. administrator
of Elizabeth Lutz, dee'd., will sell valuablo
real estate on the premises In Mifflin two..
black of al 3 'c,ock p- m-
Nov. 2. James T. Fox. executor of
Franklin Rhodes, lata of Beaver townthlp,
will sell valuablo real estate, on the prcm-
sca in Locust twp., at iu o'ciock a. m.
Fou Bale. A Bnanlsh Mandolin In ex
cellent condition, been used but little, with
instruction book nnd extra set of strings.
Inquire at this office.
Found. A cold sleovo button was found
about two weeks ago In front of 1. W.
McKclvy's store. Tho owner can have the
samo by calling and proving property.
Catharlno St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Wanted. Ono team horse', weight be
tween 800 and 900 lbs. for light carriage
service, 0 to 8 years old, bays preferred.
lleprt to a. li. fllcuriuc, uerwicK, i'n.
slclan ablo In excel him, all sufferers should
consult him, thereby saving money.JsulTer
Inir and delay,
The crown of Queen Victoria consists 01
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds, set In silver und gold. Its gross
weight Is 89 or 5 dwt, trny. Tho numltt
of diamonds are 1J,BM; pearls, 273;
rubles, 9 sapphires, 17 emeralds, 11, It
Is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that
wears a crown. It Is ncttcr to wear the
crown of perfect health nnd peaco of
mind through tho curative effects of Per
rlno's Puro Barley Whiskey. For
salo by O. B. Bobbins. Bloomsburg,Pa.
Thos. Burns, of Nlcctown, writes. After
most horridly suffering trnm blood poison,
ing, pains at times being unbeatable, bad
to give up work, was under caro of hospl.
tal surgeons without benefit, but was com
pletely cured by Dr. Thccl, 038 North
Fourth Btrcct, Philadelphia. Sufferers, no
matter who has failed, do not despair, go
consult Dr. Thlcl, I am suro he will cure
Gus TrtSRBET, Wilmington, Del., writes.
I suffered from Brlght's Disease of tho Kid
ney, waslln away, great-Nervous Debility
duo. to atiuso of mercury and Iodldo of
Potass, which was prescribed to mo by
quacks, etn., when I consulted Dr. Thccl
538 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, who
permanently cured mo.
as well asthohandsomc8t,and others are In
vited to call on any druggist and get tree a
trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for the
throat nud lungs, a remedy that Is selling
entirely upon its merits nnd is guarautccd
to euro and relieve nil chronic nnd acute
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump
tion. Prlco 00 cents and $1.
I'lICHt IMICNt ItClllllK I'llCH.
Bymitoms Moisture 1 intense Itching and
stinging most at night 1 worse by scratch
ing. If allowed to continuo tumors form,
which often bleed and tilccralo, becoming
very sore. Swayne'a Ointment stops the
Itching nnd bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in most cases removes tho tumors. At
druggists, or by mall, for 00 cents. Dr.
Bwayne Ss Son, Philadelphia, mny-4-ly,
Ectenia, Itcliy, Mealy, Skin
The. BlmDle application of "Swavne's
Ulnimcnt," witnout any internal medicine
win euro any caso or Teller, Halt iiutum
Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples,
Eczema, all Bcaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstlnato or long standing.
It Is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine. They
oitcn say, "un, it win wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to try the
succcssiui medicine called ivemn's lialsam,
which wo sell on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would immediately sco the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose.
t'rlne kic. and Si. Trial size irec. Al all
To Preserve ISatbjial Flowers. Din
the flowers in melted parafflnc. withdraw
ing them (lulcklv. The lluuid should be
only Just hot enough to maintain Its fluid
ity and the flowers should bo dipped ono
at n time, ueld by tuo stocks and moved
about for an instant to get rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, frco from" motBt
tire, make excellent specimens In this way,
If you would preserve your health and In.
vlgoruto your entire system usoPeirlne'a
ruro Jlarley malt Whiskey for salcbv
j. a. uouoins, moomsourg, in cow,
is about 5,000, and we would say nt least
one-half are troubled with some affection
TSf vlrtuo ot an order Issued out ot the Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, tho nndcrslfrncd ex
ecutor of Franklin lihodes, Ute ot Boaver town
ship, deceased will offer at public sale on the
premises In Locust township, Bald county, on
FRIDAY, Novombor 2, 1888.
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain tract ot land
situate In Locust township, being a tract ol un.
bos ted land at tho foot ot ths Little Mountain, and
bounded and described asfollows t UetrtnnlDg at a
post nnd runnlog thence by land ot Daniel llorcr,
and Daniel Kcttorman i.outh eighty degrees, west
one-hundred and twclvo perches to a chestnut oak,
thence brtlie same south OftTdegrtes, west one
hundred and seventy-two perches to a chestnut
oak, thence by tho same north eighty-two degrees
west eleven and nve-tcnths peiches to a chestnut,
thence by land ot Joseph A. Long xouth twenty
perches to chestnut oak, thence by thosamo north I ITr: -nw tr
serentr.four and a quarter degrees, cast two bun- IF llb"A OJ
dred and twelve and tour-tentha perches to a
chestnut, thence by land ot Oeorgo Heaver south
seventy-nine degrees east nrty and one-tenth
perches to a plno, thence north ono hundred
perches to a post the place of beginning, contain.
Ing ninety-nine acres nnd forty perches, and the
usual allowance ot six per cent, for roads.
TKRMS OF BALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth
tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking
down ot tho property i tho ono-fourth less the ten
percent, at the confirmation ot sale; and tho re
maining three-fourth In one year thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
Kriti, Atty. Executor.
Oct 8-'$8.
Jshiuiaii Dross,
Sarah Gross.
fi itir Court of Common Heal 0 Columbia
To Sarah I- Gross, respondent above named t
-i.. i 1 .. 1 f m.-i. . 0 o
Winy 111c ucsl iiiJNUb ui n uu a ncprl
Veilings Priestley's silk-warm
and- Lupin's all-wool three
inch borders. 75c to $5.
Veils, ready made, woven
border all around, go by a dozen
steps to $14
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3. doz. Life size Crayons only of tb' -hro? nn,d lungs os those complaints
;J ui.v, o- v.ujuu s I aro, according to statistics, moro numerous
SIO.OO. Viewing, copying and than others. We would ndvlso all not to
Hale of IIorHCH.
KaHt Benton.
Evory dollar that finds lodgment In my
pocket Is like so many greedy fishes, that
every alluring object and tomptlng bait
they jump at, and strange to say every one
ot them gets caught
Closing scenes ot the campaign and
enthusiasm holding full sway. George W.
Sterner and Francis Heck addressed a large
and .enthusiastic democratic meeting at
Bcndertown last Wednesday evening. The
school house was crowded to Its utmost
capacity and.scores could uot enter to find
evcu standing room. Tho Issues of tne
tariff were fully and ably discussed and
some got their eyes opened and voted ac
cordingly. The New Columbus banu en
livened tho occasion with excellent music.
A largo and handsome hickory pole bo-
tween 70 and 100 feet in length was raised
at iho forks between Barthol Kearhoof and
Clarence Albertson ou Thursday afternoon.
At the preachei's meeting In Danville,
Pa., a few weeks ago a circular letter was
read and endorsed by all the preachers, ad
dressed to tho Iiishop of the A. M. E. Zlon
church calling his attention to the Uemoru
ltzing and Babbatb desecrating institution
called a camn meeting, held every year at The sturdy yeomanry of lkntonand Sugar.
Itupcrt, mostly In the Interest of a few I loaf turned out en masso and "blooming
whlto men and tho railroad company. The I beauty" stood all around which was a good
letter was read beforo tho conference and sprinkling of patriotic and democratic lad
tho BishOD donounced such so called camp- lies who witnessed with smiling approba-
meetlngs and pronounced against holding tlon tho raising of tho numinoth polo
any more meetings nt the abovo named I Ucrvey E. Bmlth was tho orator of tho
olace. Certainly tho whole Christian com- hour and dealt a death dealing blow to
There will bo a public sule of horses aud
mares at tho Exchange Hotel Saturday,
comineuclng 1 1 ten o'clock. These are all
young, sonio of them being with foal from
the Norman horse, lt is a rare opportun
ity to buy. Come a-.d sco them.
During n recent trip to Mt. Carmcl wo
met a number ot former residents of
Bloomsburg and vicinity. Joseph Menagb
has a jewelry store, Henry Klelm a drug
store und J. A. Doran a tailor shop. Dr,
D. T. Kreb, formerly of LIghtstreet, en
joys a good practice, and W. A. Welden
saul formerly of Centralia is tho proprietor
of tho Mt. Carmel House, au excellent
hotel. John Brofee, tho postmaster, was
formerly a resident of Locust township.
An English admiral, says; "It is true,
tbo life-saving service of America Is not
equaled anywhere In the world." It is also
true that Aycr's Cherry Pectoral saves, an
nually, thousands nt lives. Invaluable In
sudden colds, throat, and lung troubles.
Clark & Son offer some special good val
ues in dress goods and cloths.
Did you see that $4.00 overcoat at Gross'
tor an old or young man. . x. store.
Tho Dunlun. Miller nnd Youman stvlcs I
in hats. Full stock just received at the
icauing uat store 01 u. Lioweuucrg's.
There isn't suchanother oath- Wh'V t,lie."0"1 Virginia"? Why it Is
r r Oa rr J a uiouu ui uuiiuuia wintii is tuu ut'Bt nun i
ering d uress oiuns utiuer any chMpflit ,n ,he country. Dealers supplied
rool in America. mere are byAloxanderBros.&Co., wholesale agents,
Stuffs as fine, plenty Ot lower Bloomsburg Pa.
graue, uui uicic isu t d uuuici Gross Is conccde-Ho sell clothing for men.
Store that keeps the variety 111 boys and children cheaper than any other
every grade trom barely uaetul
to rich, und where Prices are SO For coats, wraps, jackets, mnjeskas
neglect tho opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottle ot Kemp's Ual
sam for the throat and lungs. Price 50a
and SI. Trial sire free. Sold by all drug,
Sure tO be in the lowest niCK. lines of children's coats.
Also full
, . . . , I . k ,,uu 1 ink. u, ua.u ouuoftkn una ju.i
lngs mat wui uu iu measure uic received at the popular doming store 01 u
whole stock by. Standard b '.
goods. Checks, Small plaids Just being opened at I. W. Hartman &
mostly invisible-dainty hair-line ' Xfd ftttt
1 1 1Aln m. .-. ... ' ...
52 Indies WlCie, ana txl c.t 'iimnKsgiving cuicnena ana turkeys
You can save $2 00 on a suit and $2.00
on an overcoat by buylog cf Grosa the N,
for style, wear and weight,
the colors include
a brownish
a greenish
a bluish
a garnetlsh
, . . .... r ,i riusii coais ano nooos ior cnnoren at
eacil Hi it great vanciy ui Clark & Son's. Also toboggan caps.
xnts IS tne
est combinations.
price scale;
A full line of under clothing cheap and
goou in scarict, grey ana wnite at ixiwen-berg's.
Don't fle.lav hnt un tn Ornafl' llin Nnv
The new lots have just been York clothier and buy an overcoat way
nni1. trm nPW nripP Wnn Sw lo PrIce- Next door to the tea store,
. TTT?.1. 1
at tne same time, witnout a
Ten si styles at 76 cents
Twenty-bU si.50 styles at II
Tweaiy si.fa bijiui av
whisper customers were
to nnd them out.
munlty should say amen,
G. W. Btooket.
Sco'y, Preacher's Meeting.
A large audience greeted tho Ulnehart
Delhaucr company of comedians nt the
Park last night In Puddle's Pond. If a
play can be gauged by the applauso it
creates Puddles' Pond is a howling success,
It was a succeslon of encores and laughs
from beginning to end, and when Delbauer
the frog appeared the applauso was aeaien
log. That tho people were satisfied docs
not express It: as tho anllcsor tho Frog con
tlnued expressions of "wonderful," "lm.
possible," very audible, oh's," &c. wero
lietrd on every side, ills performance has
never been equalled In this city. It Is
tiialolv evident to tho most obtuse why
this strangely constituted man has no Iml-
.mr. There could be no two SUCH. Mits
Ilcatrlco lllnehart as Peetle made a ploas.
ant Impression, she baa a beaulllul Boprano
voice of rare power and yolume and bandlrs
lt with the easy assurance mado of a true
artist. Uerdanclug was wonderful, and
has never been cnualcd in this city, Tho
rest ot the cast Is far abovo the average
There Is no question about the success of
Puddle's Pood. It Is great go: from tho
reading of Mother Crlmmlns' prophecy till
the king frog meets U! death at Iho hands
waning republicanism in this part of tho
political vlneysrd. Everywhere there
seems to bo but one sentiment In regard to
tho public welfare and that is tariff reform.
But ero this appeirs in print the Issue win
havo been dccidid by the people oi tuo
Dr. Davidson and George Cary of Cam.
bra have a peculiar bet on; luo eiecuon,
If Cloveladd Is elected tho former must
wheel the latter on a v. bcclbarrow from
Cambra to C. C. Hughes' with Buch mottoes
and decorations as tho latter moy adopt.
If Harrison is elected vlco versa.
Killed unci Placed on llic Track.
Wilkesdabue, Pa Nov. 4. Train hands
on train 280 on tbe Lehigh Yalley Kullroad
when a short distance abovo Bugar Notch
this morning, discovered the body of a
man lying on the track. The train was
stopped before reaching uim anu ue was
picked up. On examination ho was found
to have died from Injuries about the head,
Indicating that he had been beaten to death
with a club and then placed upon tho
track to conceal tho crime. From papers
found upon his person ho Is believed to be
Wm. Lameraux, of Creasy.
Twenty-flvo cents a day purchases a
98,000 policy In The Travelers, of Hartford,
which Is payable In event of death by ac
cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly disabling injury, J. II. Maize,
agent, second floor Columbian building
Bloomsburg. tf.
alanine Cured by I'rnyer,
The faith-cure people, have been holding
meetings during tho past week 6u Eagle
street, near Cedar, with extremely satis.
factory results. Mrs. Barrlngton, wife of a
Jamestown furrier, announced her entire
recovery from Insanity, In nnswer to pray,
er. A mad desire to kill herself had taken
possession of her. Falling in severul other
attempts sbo purchased a ten pound can
ister of powder, laid a train across tho floor
of a room, lighted lt, and knelt down over
the cannlster with her face touching It. In
a few seconds the explosion came, lt did
not kill her, strange to say, but hurled her
out of doors and disfigured a portion of
her face. Friday a representative ot Truth
saw her. "Yes, I haye boon cured In una
wer to prayer," she said simply. "I am
rational now. Bee hero is the mark of the
wound mado by tho explosion." Mrs. Bar.
rington herself has no doubt of the gen
ulnencss of ber cure, -Buffalo Trvth.
its a marshy, boggy way
through books u you haven t a
snowing guiac. iviarsnier aim
Knrr.mi. nironr cficrtn I np
" " " V . , r r the 'Sew York Variety Store" J W. Mas.
sink-holes and stumbling places heller.
nm fnr ninprv.ninp in n hundred! 1 1
,T knt. lcn' VmAr Winter millinery In ladles' hats and bon.
lt a steady hand tsn t by You ve DclB) triramngi alB0 mi9se8. and chU.
no time to pick your path, you taps m piusn, velvet and wool at e.
!1l,.-,l.,; tl-miirl nnrl mnrb- y. Palest styles, lowest prices.
or do nothing.
Book News is made for lust
such as you. It bring its little rZ IVM
COSl uacri iu your putjvet ujjaiu lueir uisu ucpanmcni is uow lull lo orer.
whenever vou buy a book. It
Thcro U no more fruitful sourco of dU
... i si viiiinii-M inni . ii iiiyuiYuh
of pretty lltllc Pansy ine .niere, uevcr " ' ' "7 "rttan 7 .h.iv and of Buekbom, Pa.
uvcrjr uijjm km.. - ir ' I
burg, Nov. Ord by Hev. W. It. Mather, Mr,
W, 11. Patterson and Miss Hebeca J, Mor.
dan all of Col. Co., Pa,
MITCHELL KEUN At Hie Iteformcd
church parsonage, Bloomsburg, Pa , Nov.
8, 11389, by Hev, J. B. Wagner, Mr. Bamuel
W, Mitchell ot Frauklin township, Colum.
bin Co , Pa., nnd Miss Elizabeth A. Kern,
All tho shades In ladles' plain broad
cloth at I. W. Hartman & Sons'.
For a stylish suit put up in cltv style.
perfect fit and satisfaction always can bo
had at D. Lnwenbcrg's merchant tailoring.
jail ana see tne newest styles.
Just received a fine lot of bKnkets. wool.
en hosiery, counterpanes, notions ol all de-
scripuons lower luan ever before sold at
Treatment of Chronic Diseases
confines his Practice to such cases only as aro so
clearly and fully developed as to make a complete
lowlni? Patients to make a statement ot their con
dltlon, on this basis ot l'osltlve Diagnosis, tor
treatment. Dr. Clark's Experience has become
Rtrlctlv unlimited tiv a Practice which In extent.
variety and successful results Is equalled by few
and excelled 1)7 none, Patients net cured by
ordinary Treatment or in doubt as to the nature
di meir nianaAea tcsnociaiiv invitoa.
Can be consulted Free of
Charge at
BERWICK, PA., Uoyt House, Thurslny
nov. zv.
BENTON, PA., Exchange Hotel, Friday,
nor. uu.
BLOOMSBUHG, PA.. Exchange Hotel
Saturday and Monday, Dec. 1 and o.
CATAWISSA, PA., Susquehanna House,
l uestiay, uec. 4.
DANVILLE; PA., MonTour House, Wcdncs
uay, uec. o.
jnov a-.
Rcnl Estate !
tiEUiQturiTEBs rem
Stein way,
Kranicli cllaeh
Wliito Organs
"RTPlanos Tuned and llcpalrcd by com
petent workmen.
Send for Catalogues.
WilHamsport, Pa.
Real Estate !
No. 131 May T. 1888.
Whereas, ution the petition or libel ot the said
Jeremiah Gnus, above named, a aubneona belne
awarded by the court of common Pleas or saia
county, a subpeena Issued out of tho said Court,
commanding you, the said Sarah L. Gross, to bo
and appear at tho next regular term of satd
court, to show cause, If any you have, why tho
said llbellant shall not bo divorced from tho
bonds ot matrimony which ho has contracted
with you, agreeably to the prayer ot said pcti
tloner ; and, whereas, upon the return ot the
said subpeena, due proof was mado that you
coma aoL oe iouua or servea wuu taBuma in
whereupon sn alios subpoena was awarncd by
the bailiwick of tho (.hcrttT ot sold county ;
pear at the then noxt regular term of sold court.
tho said court, commanding you to be and an
.0 answer. c as aforesaid, to which the same
return was mado by tho sheriff.
You are therefore renulred to bo and anoear
on the Srst day of regular term ot said court, to
ue ueiu ui. uioomsounf, ior mo iuuu cuuuiy, uu
the nret Monday of December next, A. D., IBes,
t) answer tno complaint aforesaid.
OA31UJIL, OJUiii, ouerui.
OCt. 1, -88, tf.
badlo Koons, by ber next friend A. J. Evans, vs.
Aitrea Koons.
In the Court of Common Pleai af Columbia coun
lv. A'o. 40, llav Term, 1888.
To Alfred Koons. respondent above named !
Whereas, upon tbo petition or libel ot the si Id
ya 'lo Koons, above named, a subpama bcinir
awarded by tbe court of Common Pleas of said
county, a BUbpoena lisued out of the Bald Court,
commanding yt u, the Bald Alfred Koons, to bo
and appear at the next regular term of said
Court, to show causo, lt any you have, why tho
Bald llbellant should not be divorced trom the
bonds of matrimony which she has contracted
with you, agreeably to the prayer of Raid peti
tioner; and whereas upon tho return ot the said
subpoena, duo proof was mode that you could
not be found or served with the same In tne
bailiwick of the sheriff ot said county; where
upon an alias subpoena was awarded by tho
said court, commanding yon to b and appear at
the then next regular term of Bald court, to
answer, &c, as aforesaid, to which tho same re
turn was made by tho sheriff.
Vou aro therefore required to be and appear on
the first day or regular termor said court, to bo
held at bloomsburg, tor the Bald county, on tne
nrst Monday ot December next, A. U. 1898, to
answer the complaint aforesaid
no vl 9 bherlff.
"A.UDIT0U'S :NtmcE
Tho undersltrned. an auditor annolnted by the
Orphans' court of Columbia county to distribute
the funds In tho hands or A. K. smith administra
tor, as shown br hla nrst and nnal account, will I
sit at his omce In liloomsbunr Pa., on November I
iu, at icq o ciocK a. in., wurn ana wurro i
persons having claims against said estate must
appear and prove the same, or be debarred from
cuuung in on saiu iuuu.
Oct 19-4t. Auditor.
Pursuant to on order ot tho Orphans' court of
Columbia connty, Pa., will be sold at public sale
on the premises, In tne township ot Denton In Bald
county on
SATUIIDAY, November 17, 1888.
at 10 o'clock a. m the following described real es
Ute, late ot .Varla jiess deceased, tc-wltl Be
ginning at a post and boonded on tho east by tot
of ltohr JfcHcnry, on the south by lands ot Itobert
uolley deceased, on tho west by lot ot John K.
Voung, and on the north by publlo road leading
from Denton to Itohrsburg, containing
moro or less, on which aro erected a
stable and outbuildings. There Is also on the
premises a well ot good water and a number ot
fruit trees.
TERMS OP SALE Ten per cent ot ono fourth ot
the purchase money to bo paid at tbe striking
down ot tho property, the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute and tho re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nlsl.
JOnN ll KEELBR, Executor.
A. L. Fritz, Atty. Benton Pa.
CQQ Worth Fowrth Btrt, Jrwiw
pOO Grtsm, Pblladtlptalt, F. With
Kl rear frenulne) Drsc-llco! expert
cnee guarantees to or jou more
quickly, ifeirnl iwrmunntlr thftQ dj
rtdrmiiloi pfijiicltii, no m&tttr who bo
BUT bo fron wnt CoHeg ft grflafttcd.
er whtft ho miy culm to do. Dr. Tkeef
etferi ftseo to uy odrartlitac thTtlUa
(oilfotl pcofftU'U) who eta oxeol bin lo tt omtmi
dlinoalBf n! ftnMtMfal tretttntnt of oil Oorofclo
Early Irccny, Vhynlcat and Mental
I'rontrntlon, Meloneholla, Bladder
and Kidney IMscunos. (Acute cases 4 10
;) Relief ot cat: MY IIIETOHD
combining tb Allopitbto, IIomaopfttbEa Eelmtlo A Boloalo
ijitami of ntdlclo, the only one known thoteeree
frrraoBcntlr tbo wort , Larreot Iloopltol
'finite Praetleel Experience tlfc ovtry rtmc4y ond
intuu known toioltoeo for qulckcit rtoorcry too Borne
sent oaro The moot daagereno eates aaUetteJL
Toibr, uliliiU-ofod Bod old men' write or soli for book
Truth poiln(j frudi. their ichemt to vteUmlie
vffcrtri. TnoQiindi ire olittiwlatfltl br auoeki.tbtlr OS
Biferatlnr ond Ijlsf ftdrartiiemrnu u well m tbo elolnk
jgXEcu ron-s notice.
Estate of Cvrut itcllenry of Orange.
Letters testamentary on sala estate havlnir been
frranted to the undersigned executors AU persons
ndebted to Bald estate are hereby uotined to oar
tbe same, and those having claims against sold
estate to present the same to
KDWAUD D. MC1IKNUY, OrannoTlllo.
Grant Herring, Ally, octs Executors
"Notice Is hereby given that an application will
bumadetothellonorobls 11. M. lltuckley. Presi
dent Judge of tho Court ot Common IMeas ot Col
umbia county, on the fourteenth day of November
A. D. 1638, at 10 o'clock a. m., under tho act ot
ASSemuiy unue uuuiuiuuvvcaiiu ul i euuajivuuio,
entitled, "an act to provide for tho Incorporation
and regulation of certain corporations," approved
April 'i'), 1871, and the supplements thereto, for
the charter ot an Intended corporation, to bo call
ed sunt Paul's Evangelical Lutheran congregation
or riumiaia, urcusi. tuwnsuip, i uiunioia county
Pennsylvania, Iho character and object whereof 13
for religious worship and r r this purpose to have,
possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits ana
privileges ot the said act of Assembly, and Its supplements.
Oct 19 '68. solicitor.
Inf U to to yttra tiperlmc which thej do not poMiii.
BMtiklllln tho hosfnnlnc vttlitvo moot v.anBarlBC and do
Ur. Uouri, b-i, 6-a. Wonacodar tad. Boturday SrtBlan,
boat (toll. Buoaiji, lull.
UgUSt 17 "83 ly.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
So dllffnlactl that It run hit tjtboin.
dlgeitcd, mud tuitmllated br th mot
ntltlvB stomach, when the plain oil
cannot oe coieratca g ana uy tne con
blnatlon of the oil trlth the toypopliot
phltes Is much more offlcacloui.
Bemarktble as a flesh prodnttr.
Persons gain r.pldly while taking !u
SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa
ration in tho world for the relief and euro ol
The great remedy for Consumptian, and
Watting in Children. Sold by aU JDruggitt.
sept 28-'88-ly
This Institution Is a high grade Business Col
letre. trivmcr instruction lu everv deDartment ot
Dusiness euucauuu. iu auuuiuu lu luo rcuuiiu
business course lt makes a specialty ot Phono
graphy, Type-wrlUng, Telegraphy, and ornamen
tal Penmanship. Iho prominent feature of the
uommerciai i;uurou la iuj uruuircui t:uitiat;i.
TCenrir avprr net or books has been taken from
nrst closs business establishments, and a largo
nronortlon of the course In book-keeping Is made
up rrora our system of actual business practice,
unsurpassed in the BClentinc application to mod
ern buslnoss methods. A larger proportion of our
graduates regularly obtain nist-class positions
fhitn from anv other commercial colleee In the
Btata. Year begins Aug. Vi, 1688. Kor clrculare
address W. L. DBAN, Principal.
Nov 9 3m. Kingston, ra.
Any book learned In ono reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Speaking without notes.
Piracy condemned by Supremo Court.
Great inducements to correspondence classes.
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham
mond, tbe world-tamed Specialist tn Mind dis
eases, Daniel Greenleat Thompson, the great Psy
chologist, J. M. Buckley, 1). I)., Editor ot tbe
ClirtMlan Aatxxatt, Ulchard Proctor, Xhi Scientist
Hons. Judee Gibson. Judah 1'. Uenlamln. and
others, tent post free by ItoL A. LOisETTE, 237
Ulth Ave., New York. Oct.W-d.4t.
1 1 nm i h. Long-standing
A. reeular nav dav has been established
by all tho shops anil factories of liloouis-
uurg. i. w. Hartman ABons invite a sharo
You will find full lines of hosiery, cloves
and undcrneai at Clark & Hon.
lets vou into the secrets of
books; gives you clews to the
right ones anu keeps you trom
pettintr wronc ones, it saves
your money, saves room on
your book shelves, and saves
thr rrnnr wpar that comes OI o ami eups, o. r,veryuoay nays no nus tuo
uvo rtwvn. ouu t iiupcat UflULO J-fl'll I iur
Bpeclal salo this week of underwear and
men's wooleu shirts at the Hew i ork Var
iety store. J. V. Jtastcller.
A Pure ana Purposeful Home Paper.
with every modern facility for obtaining the
latest news, perfectly equipped In mall, tele
graph, telephencs and cable service. Corres
pondenrs, local, national and foreign, special
despatches trnm all Important points.
Whose trained editors present the varying
phases of pontics with su'b clearness and fair
ness as to give practical aid to all voters.
Which devotes special attention to the hither
to unpublished events of the great civil war,
The&e war uaners. written br union and con
federate omcers wno saw wnat mey ten, ronn
Mr. li. Gross has lust returned from New
ion. witu a taree siock oi clothing, lists
consciousness of not knowing,
November Book News (64
paces) is up to the mark in
every department. Portrait
Prof. I. Bach McMaster, "the
Macaulav of America."
We want every reader or
would-like-to-be reader of
worthy Books, who is within
reach of our Bookstore by mail
gel the place, New York Hole, Uloom.
I. V. Uartman & Sons' stores are a nart
01 liioomBtnirK. They clothe ami Iced
tnilulreils of its citizens. Their delivery
wairon is been at all Pours from 7 a. m. to
5 p. m. each day hauling out dry goods,
groceries, dishes, class ware, &c. to all
pans ui mo luwn.
Special liarcatoB in ready trimmed coods
at unruiey s.
Tho largest atnek of oveicoats in the
country can ho seen at B. Lowenbcru's
i;anu mat means anywnzre), to popular doming store,
see hook news. 5 cents. 50
a year,
slacks, Now Castle, (Pa.) Cburanf, Bept.
Slut, 1689.
If 'not Immediately corrected by (ho -.use ot
1D": Iw. Htraananlla. Boouor or later lead to
jjioomauurg uptra uU, uu., , . Evurv Dair warranted.
i TJnw 12 I latsi resuiw. wu v. I' -
All who are fond of a good smoke will
save money nnd health by sn.oklng t0
"Old Virginia Cheroot." Take no other
aud bowaru ot lmitatlous. Tlicy are retail.
ed 0 (or 10 cents, aud guaranteed to be the
best goods on tho markijtpriUiejjmoney,
Tryvthem am bo con'yiosco!jj&exaoder
Hroa.& UoVwholcale agents, Bloomsburg
an Invaluablo war library,
Giving every week the brightest and best
selections from recent poetry, and entertaining
neaivuiui siuries uy eminent wriienj,
Havlnir the best conducted agricultural tiara
In America, where ere gathered the views ot
progressive idnuers aim garuuers lue country
01 er, upon all questions of crops, fruit, cattle,
ijuuurj, tarui uuuuius, vw.
A IlIltltUIIA.NT'S l'Al'HU,
ntvlng full reports from tho I'lilladclDhta. New
York. Chicago, und other city innrttta. 1'ilces
ana snipmentsor grain, nta-BtucK, irovisions.
grucurioi uuu i;uuuir ijiuuuuo,
A WOMAN'S l'.ll'Ull,
Extending a helping hand to all women. To
them Is devoted a lull page In which they show
each other, under editorial mild ince. "now to
get married and how to keep house," tn tbe
iuie.uifivTiiu iiuiuiuii. rur tuubu vtuu art)
forced lo remain single and board, the way H
made pleasant. Emy woman redder has a
A CIIII.UIlUN'rt l'APIill,
With Winter games' and entertainment for
little people, liuti uetton In the wuj a of mak
ing things and doing things. Hummer eicur.
Hons to Ilia nelds aud woods, l'uules f it the
quick -wilted, and plenty of prUcs to make
the slow.wltted quick.
llr BDeclal arraniremcnt with all the lend I
1-iLllJ n j- n, L 1 rt . t I weeaiy aim mommy penouicais or America, suo
Unlldren lry tor rltCner'S tlStOria. scrlpu .uj are taken for any ono or more of these
' I Journals In connection wltn the kly l'asn at
Ittucu tow rates as virtually niaxes our great lamllw
paper fllKlJ to the subscriber lor one ear.
Dtuiiiiacuuieaiuiuuueu ireo upon appucauon.,
Addrest '
TUB I'llKSS co.Ml'ANV, Limited, Phllalelnhla
l'a. Not-iI
Tho season of the year is here
when you live almost entirely
This is the time to beautify
yourliomes by papering them,
and why put it on till spring;
these rooms will look 111st as
well then as if you put it off till
spring to do the work and you
will havo tho use ot them.
"Wo can show a stock of wall
paper mat in size anu ueauty is
second to none in the county.
Theso are the best goods from
the best makers. Tho prices aro
in accordance with tho value of
the goods.
Wo havo some wall paper
remnants, these accumulate in
any business, they must move
oil' to mako room for now goods.
Tho question is, does your room
Via havo just opened a line of
lino ladies' fashionable pocket
books. Tho new stylo stretches
the length into width.
W. H. Brooke & Co.,
Successors to G. A. Clark.
aro cured by
uso ot Ayor'B
When B&by vu sick, wo 2vs her Cutorlt.
When she wm a Child, she cried for Cutorla,
When hb becamtj Mlu, she clang to CutorU,
fWben she had Children, th gave them OaMoria,
Buy Lester's Suhool,
Every- pair warranted. "
Medictlsnd Surglcil OtTlce,
i:STAllI.IBIIi:0 40 YlSAltB
I'or tha trefttraetit of Yiiutlirtil Iinitrtlilenott.
itl of Vigor, Kftrvont Ueblllty anil
Ifl.vUKe. wontultailuti uyinailiroeoicaarge.
liK nnii rTrti
Olneo h nun from t) a.m. y.u.,u from to v r.u
Blood Diseases
tho persevering
This medicine 's an Altorativo, and
causes a radical change lu the system.
The process, In somo cases, may not ho
quite so rapid as in others ; but, with
persistence, tho result la certain.
Bend these testimonials :
" For two years I suffered from a so
vero palu In my right side, and had
other troubles caused by a torpid liver
and dyspejxila. After giving several
medicines a fair trial without a euro, I
began to tako Aycr's Sarsaparilla. I
was greatly .benefited by the first bottle,
nnd after taking five bottles I was com
pletely cured." John W. Benson, 70
Lawrence St., Lowell, Mass.
Last May a large carbuncle broke out
on my arm. Tho usual remedies had no
effect and I was confined to my bed for
eight weeks. A friend Induced me to try
Aycr's Sarsaparilla, Less than threo
bottles healed the sore. In all my expe
rience with medicine, I never saw more
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect ot tha use ot this
medicine was tho strengthening ot my
sight." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly
Bprlngs, Texas.
" I had a dry scaly humor for years,
and suffered terribly ; and, as my broth
er and sister wero similarly aftllcted, I
presume the malady is hereditary. Ijut
winter, Dr, Tyron, (of Fernandina,
Fla., ) recommended me to take Ajer's
Barnaparilla, and continue It (or a year.
For live months I took It daily. I have
not had a blemish upon my body for tho
last three months." T. K. Wiley, 118
Chambers at., New York City.
" Last fall and winter I was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain In my side. I
did not notice it much at first, but It
gradually grew worse uutll it became
almost unbearable. During the latter
part ot this lime, disorders ot the stom
ach and liver increased my troubles. 1
uegan taking Aycr's carsaparma, aud,
after faithfully continuing the uso ot
this medicine for somo mouths, the naln
disappeared and 1 was completely
rured." Mrs, Augusta A. Furbtnh,
41UYV(UUI, 1U5S,
At 1
nyur s aarsaparma,
Dr, J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats.
I'rUe 11 ill MUw, S. Worth , uiu.,