4 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OlfHOB Front lloom, Otror Postoffloe. , BLOOMBMOnO, PA. T It. MAIZK ' - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 'n? ntt No. 2, Columbian bulldlDg. . ,' BLUOMSHUHU, PA. ' ' JU, JOth 1W9, tf, ' vr U.FUNK, 5 ATTOUNli' 5T-AT-LAW. .Offlco la Ent's llutldlng. , DtOOKSIuaa, JOHN M. OOAltK, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND , , JUoTJOB OF THE PEAUK. llLoonsturxo, 1'A omc oyer Moyer Bros. Drug Btore, Q W.MILLER, ' ATTOIlNBV-AT-LAWi tOffloeta Bro-erl buildlng.Bocondlloor.room No.l Bloomsburg, l'a. jg FHAUK ZAKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, r; office corner ot Centre and mm Btraets. Clark a Building. Can be consulted In German. Q.EO. K. ELWELL ITATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsuukq, Fa. Office on second floor, third room of Col ombian UuUding, Mutn street, below Ex. change Hotel. pAUL E. W1I1T, Attornoy-at-Law. ffico In Columbiah Building, Third ooor. BLOOMSBUBQ, PA. J V. WHITE, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLQOMSBURQ, PA. Office In blowers' Building, Snd.floor. may. 1-tt B. IHOIB. U I. WIMT1S8TBXM, KNOBB & WINTEE8TEEN, Attorneys-at-Law, Offioo In 1st National Bank building, second floor, drat door to the left, corner ol .Main and, Market streets Uloomsburg, Pa, WSfl'cntwnt and Bouutiet Collected. P P. BILLMEYEB, (DI8TXICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. "Ofllce over Bloomsburg, Pa. Dentin's shoo store, apr-30.80. w H. BHAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlsea, Fa. moe.corner of Third and Main streets . TjJICHAEL F. EYEBLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN THE .SETTLEMENT Of ESTATES, 0. x taVOfflce In Dentlcrtr building-with Pi-P.Blir meyer, attorncy-at-law, front looms, 2nd ooor Bloomsburg, Pa. lapr-t-st. jQR. HONORAA. BOBBINS. :u )inco and residence, West First street, Blooms Turg, Pa. nov2 68 ly. B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and'Phy .slclan, north side Main Btroet,below Market B. J.O, BUTTER, PHYSICIAN SUHQBON, cmeo, North Market street, Bloomsburr, Pa DR. WM. Physician, treet. M. BEBEU Burgeon and omoooornerof Rock and Market ESTABLISHED 1870. J J. BROWN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otnce.and residence on Third street near Metho dist church. Diseases otthe eye a specialty. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL001ISBUEO.PA. OPPOSITE COURT IIOtJSK. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath room) hot and cold water, ana all modern conveniences, B. V. HABTMAN SinUSINTS III F0X.L0WINO AMERICAN INBTJBANCE COMPANIE8 North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, ' " ..Pennsylvania, ' " vol JpS, ot Pennsylvania. Sjtflanover.otN.Y. uuaeniL'of London. Noithum&h, ot London. Offloon Market Htrest, No, B, Bloomsburg. t'i' 1 " ESTABLISHED 1665. HE. V. .LiUTZ (Successor to Freas Brown) AGENT AND BUOXEU CourAMiis rh-bisintid: Assets jStna Plre Ins. Co., ot Hartford,. Haruordof Hartford,: Phoeiilzof Hartford. ... I ,ISS,3SS.7 ,,4,758'68.1S ;B,CW.W13.1 S4.B12.7fiSV tiprtogneld ol sprlbgneld. aroian on of Tjinilon BO.t03.9S3.71 Svtimili.nf Ijindnn i 6.W4.SU.4B Lneashlreo EnglandlU. B. branch) l,64,l.oo Koyalojyngland " " 4,643,iM.0O Mutual Benent Llfo Ins. Co. of New. 7L ark, N.J ,. I,S7,S88.S3 3iLBasespromp(ly adjusted and paid at this omce. PIBE INBOBANCE PEOPLES' N. Y, v HEADING, PA. m .Unit MAn AJiaiuuan mo. GREENWICH INS. CO., NEW Y01IK. JEHSEY CITY KI11E INS. CO., JEBSfiT ,Thee old' oomation are well seasoned by age and rramsTiD and "have never yet had a 1 obi settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested in soud sicuairiil are Uabletothe h Losses VkouwIt and bonhtlt, adjusted and t aid 'aa, soon as determined by . , Cubistian f. KNArKSHCIAL AOINT AND ADJCBTIB llLOOUBBCM, The people ot Columbia county should patron izb the agency where louses It any are settled and pall by ono of ther own citizens. .,, auPMOMPTMESS. EQUITY, 1TA1K DEALING. rir n. hoube, DENTIST, Bioomsbdbg, Columbia County, Pa AkUstylesot workdoneln a superior manner.work id withocv Pain by (he use ot Gas, and ' -'' - treeot charge when artificial teeth " ' ', are Inserted. nfnnin'n'nrtnn'a bulldlnir. Main street. holow Market, rive doors below Klelm's drtie store. first floor. &U b opm at all hourf durtng.Up, da Exchange Hotel, BENTON, PA. The undersigned has leased this well-known iinii. and la nronared to accommodate the publlo with all the conveniences of a orst-ciaaa hotel. '"8Hr.aMJ IIMVIlDIiABE,Pr6prleWr. JwraoinT.ih 1 if t. '"stWKTH'ii" O novssp.ctooir, 3fiT YOUH.JPM PRINTING DONS AT TIIE CKILDBIRTH COLUMBIAN OFFICE J.-S.'ILWELL. i iBIITENBEMDSB.' IrilOM. ' Msssrs. PROCTER & QAMBLE, Cincinnati, O.. C.ENTLEMENi-Although, a stranger to, you, and my testimonial rr.lin.-ly unnecessary, as it certainly Is -unsolicited, yet I take great r.k-ns.uc in testifying to the excellence of your Ivory Soap, and" thanking you for putting it on the market at so low. a price. ? It.has entirely supplanted the'tise of Castile-arid other fine soaps in my houichold for several years past, being in no way inferior and from fifty to seventy-five per, cent., more economical. A good test. I jind, for the purity of a soap is to try it with a brush for cleansing thi pmV, ,l .1,. .... r t . . . . a - me iaaic ui and clean. Very RespectfullyYours, A WORD OF Tl , . ui ins Genuine, ask tor " vnr" san w --. j Copyright 1896, by FALJL TSPtCIALTIES AT- HANDSOME FALL 0 YERC 0 ATS FOR CAlliixict see tine FALL STYLES JT 11st Received -AT- Clothing Store, lthionislui, Pa. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! O. W. BERTSCH THE MEUCnANT TAILOR. Cents9 Furnishing CoodsBaU & Gaps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Knits mftdu to order at short notloe and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call aud examine the largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro nejtt door to First National Bank, TihV J Ann rm VP iTl "Sh rePre-"nled - m " Jt as good as the 1 Ivory 1 1 '?yiAj?EiNp.Ti butJAela .counterfeit., lack the peculiar 'and remarkable qualities Lowenoergs mm. ,rJAIN STREET, jBloomsburg Pa BLOOMSBUiRG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, uic ivorv SO used is ncrlrrtlvcu-i.pt W. S. BAKER, M.D. WARNING. . . ...! n nllu upUII ClllllJ , Procter & OnmUc. CROWN ACME THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. It will not Binoko ihecalmneys. It will not char the wick. It has a high Hro test. It will Lot explode. His pre-eminently a family safety oil. WE CHALENGE COMPARISON With any'other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation, As refiners, upon the statement that It 13 THE BEST OIL IN TIIE WOULD. Ask year dealer for DANVILLE PA. Trado for Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOVER BROS., Bloomsburg. Pa. sep!-ly. fVtVtG llEVOI.VHlts. Send stamp for nr U U IN O to JOHNSTON i son, I-lttsburg, for nrlco list l-enn. sept au-a-it. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents jLungFever! Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss ot Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c lib. in each package. Sold by all dealers. DR.BULL'S Curos Dysentery, and Diarrhoea. Cures Wind BABY SYRUP Collo, &o. Believes Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Tecthlngt Regulates the Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. 'THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness CrourJii'J Whooping Couirh. Asthma, Incipient Con sumption and for tho relief of Consumptiva ,p.?r, sons. For Saloby all druggists. 25cets.. iiinirpUNQIS CUSCB CIOARCTTCS or Ca SIHJnt tarrhl FrkalOCts. Atall druggttf. I. C. SLOAN & BROi BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers or CARRIAGES BUGOIES, PHAETNS SLEIGHS, PIAIFCRM WAQNS AC First-class work always on hand. JlEPAiniNO NEA ILYDONh.. Pricct reduudlo lull the timet; SUFFERING VOMENSe? Whin troablml with thoMAimoylaa Im.mjriU-M fraquvntlr followlmi oold ox ipour, or from Cop litutlousl Vt U.0MM11 sa peculiar ti their mix, tUoul4 Ufa DR OuCHOINE'8 OMebrntec FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thai an Btrenuthentug to the enti re ir.Uni, Impart tone, vigor end maunetlo fore to ell f anctiuD of uodj eniiuloi. Sent br mail, aourvlroli;J.tlAW'1KS' Dr. Hartor ModlolnoCo., ST.IOUIS, MO. norim.cwtcoly. xjx Interest to Ladies.! V Ma4 FREE BAMPLBofourwoaderfollF if for I i-mal comploWa to ny !a4r who mithoe t bltaRtUl(llCO.,oxlM,auiEaio,a,T. noyunctcoiy. . in I r 1 -r BULL'S Q0U6H SYRUP ''THE RUSSIAN CAPITAL. A SAD CITY WITH A LACK OF LIFE. STRANGE Vint- Iiuprewluim of St. 1 1'oteriliurg Itn Unhealthy Poflltlon CoamenrM f th Lower Claiwes Tlio, TJrotka and Iu IIt erentiTrlvT At Chnnlu The first impression of i the traveler ot) approaching fit. jl'ntorsliurg la of wonder at Its size and Its position.- On every side stretches of what, Is apparently a lojv, flat marsh, covered with innumerable build ings; the strangest ploco for a city ovct chosen by ttu obstlnato will ot man, sock ing to dlsrxMso with all. natural advan tages. Peter the Great chose-it, It Is said, as being "a window looking out upon Europe," but surely a site might havo boon found with an equal outlook and a less desolate and fatal position. UnlLko Stock holm, which Ui llkowlso surrounded by water, but, which sits on her rocky thrones Hko a queen above tho dangerous clement, St,- Petersburg lies helplessly at Its merer. In autumu. when tho Nova Is ' rough and stormy, and a spring, when mo ice, is breaking lip,) tlio, danger 19 groatest- The jwaves rlso to thq lovel of the streets, tho tumorous, ciuals o'vprflow; guns from tho fprtress aro constantly Hred t,ct wam tho, peopleof their peril, whllo tho Inhabitants aeolc. theupper storied' of tnolr houses, and-1 the pollco pro :;parq ,bpatsi t9r, rescuMf Ajiotbnri,!conse quoncn of this marshy situation Is Its mi healthiness, The sowage is not properly carried off, the water Is undrlnkablo, and dysentery and similar diseases prevail whenever tho friendly frost is not present to turn everything -to lco. Peter tho Great did not, build his capital lu lgnor anco of -what" ho was doing. Ho liud lis foundation 'upon human lives. For many years 40,000 men were annually drafted from all portions of .his empire to work In this poisonous marsh. Every cart and vessel entering tho port was obliged to bring a certain number of stones, to pavo Its streets, and hundreds of thousands of wooden piles were burled in Its depths. Soli was also broucrht in in great nuantl- ties to ralso the lovel of tho placo, and massive granite quays built along tho rapid river; dui notning nas availed to prevent disastrous inundations, seven or eight of which are particularly mentioned since tho foundations were laid In 1703. At ono time tho river roso thirteen feet. But it Is not only tho want of elevation and of plcturesqueness that is depressing to tho visitor; It is no less tho wide deso lation of tho vast open spacos of tho city. From the busy moving multitudes and crowded quays of Stockholm wo havo coma to quiet and desertod squares, end less rows of Immense buildings, mo notonous grandeur and regularity. It 'la evldent that there aro not onough peoplo to fill its streets, and It Is a posltlvo ro Uef to enter tho fow thoroughfares where business and llfo Is centered, such as tho Nevsky Prospect. Of course; In .winter, when tho court Is hero and tho richest citizens como in from their summer homes in Finland and the Islands, when the sleighing Is lively and all the'gayotles of tno sooson in vogue, ot. Petersburg would show to much greater advantage. Wo had been told that tho contrasts of luxury and poverty on tho streets would bo most painful, and we expected to moot beggary on every hand, but stlch has not proved to bo tho case. There aro always beggars at the church doors, but seldom elsewhere, and poverty Is by no means so obvious and distressing as.lh many cities. It is not tho poverty, Dut the coarseness, almost brutality, Hi the lower, classes that impresses you most vividly., Tho men that you meet in their sordid rags or their undressed sheepskins seem not to need nor desire any hotter raiment. It is suitable to them. Wild of face, with long, tangled hair, and inexpressibly1 dirty, oft on half drunk, but never scring ing, you shrink from rather than pity thorn. .Tho pictures drawn by Tolstoi aro seen to be fearfully realistic The women aro less forbidding, but with llttlo intelli gence or good humor. Actually I havo never seen a smile nor heard a laugh In tho streets since wo have been here. Nobody understands or wishes to understand you; tho poor aro tsullen, tho well-to-do careless or In solent. And then thcro is so much that is strango aud utterly foreign. For soino, to ua, unexplained reason tho days of tho month aro changed. You thought It was tho 20th of August you find It is tho 8th. The Russian alphabet is very dif ferent from ours, and tho names of tho streets and tho signs over tho shops might as well bo written In Ilunlc. As very fow of tho natives, however, aro better oil than yoursolf lu this respect, tno snopkeepers ao not trust to tne al phabet for setting forth their wares. x navo compiaiuea 01 1110 want. 01 iiio in tho streets. I must make an exception In favor ot the droukas. Theso llttlo car riages fly about in every direction, for everybody rides. You look down ono of tne long quays pernaps ana see no valu ers, no loungers, but you aro euro to sea droskas. They aro small, low vehicles, each holding two passengers, with a driver on a nlgn scat in iront clad in a long bluo blouse, with a leather glrdlo ana a peculiar cap on his head. Tho horses, with their huge arched lars, are active and gentle apparently well treated, and If know enouch Russian to make a col and you bar- gain, you win una tins method ot tran sit a cheap and convenient ono. It is cer tainly convenient; you havo only to raise your hand aud droskas sweep down upon you like vultures on their proy, somotlmes jostling each other In their en deavor to reach you the first; but as none 01 tho drivers know a wora 01 anymiug but Ilusslan you may not find It very easy to make them comprchond where you want to go. This difficulty overcome, Lowover, you will soon be spinning at a rapid rato over the badly paved streets. lou will proDauiy booh nouco inoanver snatch oil his cap, wavo It in the air, and, replacing It, mako a hasty Blgn of the cross by touching tho forehead, breast and each shoulder In succession. This Is when a church is passed, and such recognition ot tho sacred edltlces and shrines Is com mon among both walkers and riders. There Is no nation probably so devoted to religious forms as the Uusslan cer tainly none which believes so Implicitly In tho value of signs and genulloxlons. It U strango enough to watch the crowd which fills tho church during scrvleo tltno. Thoro are neyor any seats; all, rich and poor, stand together! but In placo of standing quietly, or, at most, kneelluir occasionally. Hko tho conirrega- tlon lu a Cathollo church, tho wholo body of worshipers in a Greek church are In motion; uowing, prostrating inemseives, waving thh arms up and down, coutlnu. allv makincr tho slirn of tho cross de scribed above, thoy resemble a garden tossed by a great wind. Uor. ban fran Cisco Chronicle. There Woa ft IJttle Boy. Tommv Is fond of suear and asks his mother for soma to eat with his bread and butter. She refuses. He appears re signed, but adds grayeiyi "tou know, hat haDDcned round the cor. uor. There was a little boy, and his mother would not give him any sugar on his bread and butter, and and ana noxt day he fell into tho well." Chicago jour nal. The Frenchman' Compliment. A Frenchman of this city having re reived the nhotofrranh of a lady asked 1 frlnnd.wiiel was customary under tho clr cuuistoncas. "Compliment It," replied tho friend. "Tell her its beauty is very rare," "I beg to mako 100 acknowledge nioug, madam, no said 10 uor at men noxt meeting. "Zeo beauty of madam ii voir Bcarco.' Dlnghamton IUpubllcau. Where lie Cot It. Magistrate You Bay our name Is Na poleon Bonaparte Panckot Witness Yes, sak MagUtrato Whoro did you get that name Witness I wuinamed arter my poo' ole faddor. -lllsamo was da same as initio. Napoleon Bonaparto, 1 'specs, sah.'am a family name. Utica Observer. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Vhe Story Told of Two Canadian Trappers. A Knrrow lSacnpe. Onco or twice ho showed a curious re luctance about allowing a man to approach him suddenly from behind. Altogether his actions wore so odd that 1 felt somo curiosity to learn his history, it turned out that he had betn through a rather un canny experience tho winter before. Ho and another man had gone into a remote basin, or inclosed valley, In the heart ol tho mountains, where game was very plentiful; indeed, it was so abnndant that thoy decided .to pass tho winter there. Accordingly they put up a log cabin, work, lng hard, and merely killing enough meat for their immediate. Use, Just as it was finished winter set in with tremendous suow storms. Going out to hunt, In the first lull, thoy found, to their consterna tion, that every head of game bad left tho valley. Not an animal was to bo fonnd therein; thoy had abandoned it for their winter haunts. Tho outlook for tho two adventurers was appalling. Thoy wcro afraid of trying to break out through the deep suow drifts, and starvation stared them In tho face If thoy staid. The man that I met had his dog with him. Thoy put themselves on very Bhort commons, so as to use up their flour ns slowly as possible, and hunted unwcarledly, but saw nothing, Soon a violent quarrel broke out be tween them. Tho other man, a tierce, sullen fellow, Insisted that tho dog should bo killed, but tho owner was exceedingly attached to it, and refused. For a coupla of., weeks theyspoko no words to each other, though cooped In tho little narrow pen of logs. Then one night tho owner of tho dog was wakened by tho animal crying out; tho other man had tried to kill It with his knlfo, but failed. The provisions wore now almost exhausted, and tho two men wero glaring at each other with tho rage of maddened, raven ing hunger., Neither dared to sleep, for fear Hint the other would kill him. Then the ono who owned tho dog ot last spoke, and, proposed that, to glvo each a chanco for, his llfo, thoy should separate. lie would take half of tho handful of flour that was loft and start oft to try to get homo; tho other should stay whero ho was, and If he tried to follow the first he was warned that ho would bo shot with out mercy, A like fate was to bo tho portion of tho wanderer if driven to re turn to the hut. Tho arrangement was agreed to and the two men separated, neither daring to turn his back whllo thoy were within rifle Bhot of each other. For two days tho ono who went off tolled on with weary-weakness through tho snow drifts. Late on tho second .afternoon, as ho looked back from a high rldgo, he saw in the far distance a black speck against tho snow, coming along on -his trail. His', companion was dogging his footsteps. . Immediately he followed his own trail back a llttlo and laid in am bush. At dusk his companion came stealthily up,- rifle ,1a hand, pccrinc cau- tloUslyohoad, his drawn toco showing the starvod, eager ferocity of the wild beast, and the man ho was hunting shot mm down exactly as u no naa Deon ono. Leaving tho body where it fell, the wan derer continued his journey, tho doff stutr- gering painfully behind him'. Tho next evening ho baked his last cako and divided it Wiin tno aog, in too morning, witn his belt drawn still tighter round his skel eton bodv. ho onco mora set out. with an- parently. only a fow hours of dull misery between him and death. At, noon ho crossed tho track of a hugo timber wolf; Instantly tho dog gavo tongtte, and. rally ing Us strength, ran along the trail. The man struggled after At last ins streumn cave out and no sat down to die. but while sittlnir still, slowly stiffening with the cold, ,he heard tho dog Daywgin tne, wooas. cnaiung, pit nis mortal numbness, ho crawled towards tho souud, and found the wolf over, tho body or a doer no naa just Kiuoa, and keeping tne dog Iroin it.- At the approacn 01 tne new.assallant tho wplf sullonly, drew off, and tho man and doa .tore tho raw doer flesh with hideous eagerness. It mado them very, sick for tho next twenty-four hours; but, lying, by tho carcass for two or throo days, they recovered strength. 'iueoaoro itooseveit in ino uentury. Should Recognize tho Adornment. I bona neoolo will not become twrfect. I hope there will always bo weaknesses lor us to smue at and sorrows ror ua to sympathize ovor. Weaknesses aro tho humor, the "badinage" of tho Creator, and a perfect man is Qftcn a rather dull sermon. Now, madam, you are SO years old, you havo daughters who aro mothers and sons who ore lathers, and yot you take your llttlo peep in tho class and your curls as you used to dp thirty years apro, as you win ao, 1 sincerely nopo, thirty years from now. It Is pretty, ifr is acrreeablcis human and a comnllmentto the Creator that you should recognize the adornments he has placed within your reach. You, sir, you ought to bo taken home and fixed up. You aro CO years old, and your shirt front Is all spotted, your waistcoat Is not buttoned, your necktie is away round at tho'back of your head and your coat is covered with dust. Go home ana put on a clean snirc ana go aown to tho tailor's and order a suit of clothes that will fit you, and get your beard trimmed and look like a thing of tasto if you cant't be a thing of beauty. I think manv men associate Independence with dirt and think they would do losing some of their manllnoss if they wore decent clothes. But I don't want to reform thoso people. Well, I might wear better clothes, myself, but that tailors havo to pay rent and other little expenses. San Francisco Chronicle "Undertones," In the Exposition Gallery. Said an old time resident of Chicago not long ago: "1 have attended tho exposl. tlon year after year since the first open. lng. During tho first two or three years I used to go regularly and make one lap around tho gallery, but until the other day I had not set foot in the exposition gallery for many moons. After this I shall never miss the trip, as it is well worth a visit. It Is the territory of the genteel fakir. In a brief walk of halt an hour I had my catarrh completely cured five different times, and nearly choked myself on a pleco of 'dog.breod, thinking It a sample of a now water cracker Instead of a patent food for animals. I rested my weary arms by trying my son and heir on six different baby lumpers, and then I had my clothes soiled by three patent flour Blftcrs. I had sixteen campaign badges ouereu 10 mo at uisgustiugiy tow prices, and was weighed four times, losing about a pound each time. Seven times did I drop In a nickel to 'see it work,' and when I went dowu stairs I had my overcoat pockets chock full of samples ot yeast cakes, baking powder, hair oil and liver pills. The man who visits the exposition and misses tho gallery loses half Ids life." Chicago Herald. now Old She tV. Old Frlond (to old maid) Didn't I understand you to say you were 8 years oldt . . Old If aid (IndlgnautlyjNo, sir; you did not. I Rover Bald it. Old Friend Neverl Old Maid No, sir; nevert Old Friend (persistently disagreeable Think a moment. Don't you remember one morning, juBt fifteen years ago, you told It to mo lu a moment of(confidaaco? Washington Critic With Their Bhoea On. Five Kansas young ladles ware recently cantrht in tho middle of a lone- railroad bridge by a passenger train and forced to Jump twenty feet into tho water to save themselves. It would also bo correct to statu that It was a jump of ton foot. Mature la Kind. Peoplo who rat garllo and smoke cigar ettes, It Is said, will never, bo attacked by yellow fever. Nature Vdoesn't bellovo Hi piling on tho agony. Nobody has luronted a contrivanoe U hereby a man at tho theatre , can drop a cent in tho slot and get a clove. ' 1888. C'umi of Itomli Idal Inutility. "Havo you had much experience with this form of Insanity, doctor!" "Many and manv n case. I remombcr onco being visited by a gardener, He told mo that his hloce lcopt hotiso for htm, and that as ho had raised her he was very fond of her Ono day ho was filled with an Impulse to drlvo a pitchfork through her neck. Ho was talking to her at' the time and had tho pitchfork In his hand. By a tremendous effort ho re frained. Several tlraos afterwards ho felt the same dealro coming over him, and each time it grow, stronge and at. last ho mado a figure, with tho nRlt and bust of straw. Whenever tho doslre to Btlek his nleoo in tho nock with the pitchfork camo ovor htm ho would rush oht and stab tho figure. I got him Into, an asylum and ho was eventually cured. "I remember another caso whoro a man In Arkansas wroto mo saying that ono day whllo he was digging in tho garden his llttlo child camo running out to play. As soon as ho saw hor a sudden desire to kill lier with the spado came over him. lie Bald the feeling was so strong that he had to tell tho child to lravo tho garden. Afterwards he declared that ho feared ho would kill his family. I wroto htm to go to an asylum Immediately, bocauBO If he did not tho mania would grow and ho would certainly kill some ono, in which event he would bo morally as guilty ns If he had planned tho murder In his sober sonses. "The caso of Do Mallard, tho French. man, Is a noted one, and from the fact that the. victims wero all womon It Is peculiarly Interesting, llo used to adver tlso for servant girls. Whon thoy came ho would lead them off to somo secluded spot and murder them Thoro was no other object than a mad thirst for human blood, lie, Is known to havo murdered six women In this way, and Is snpposcd to havo killed manv more whose bodies wcro. never discovered. IIo was executed. The books are full of such cases, and they are not confined to mon, olther. Women havo figured quit a as prominently. One French woman, between 1838 and 1857, murdered ovor twenty people. She uecd poison in every instance, and her victims Included relatives, neignbors, pnysicians and nuns. She attended a number of hor victims while thoy were on their deathbeds and gave every evidence of being deeply affected. Perhaps she was. Of course she had no object except an insane desire to seo pooplo die. "This mania la but ono of a number, all of which are of tho same geueral famllyi In somo cases it Is kleptomania, in others a mania for suicide. In others for murder, and so on." Dr. William A. Hammond In Now York World. Parla leuls Iso lionircr. London, not Paris, now leads In matters of fashion both for men and women. When tho Empress Engcnlo loft Paris and tho republic took the place of the empire, the rolgn of the French as leaders of fash Ion ended. Mrs. Leslie Is of this opinion, and her opinion is entitled to respect! She Is a woman of fashion herself,, although deeply Immersed in business affairs, and Is a closo and keen obsorver. 'Moreover, sho visits the European capitals annually, and thus has peculiar opportunity to form on opinion. Shosays: "The reign of Paris as fashion queen Is over, and In my opin ion win never return, wnyr uccauso London and New York havo obtained a supremacy which they will never relin quish. I'lnor dresses aro mado for court' woar in London than anything now called for In Parts. I1 or street wear who can equal an English ladies' tailor? And for gay autre, wuere narmony 01 colors is made a feature, American dressmakers and milliners tako tho lead of. all others. Some charming bonnets, greatly admired In aristocratic London drawing rooms last spring, were made In Washington." As to tno "dowdy appearance 01 tinjr- llshwomen In tho public streets which somo hypercritical writers havo noticed, Mrs. Lesllo explains: "It is deemed bad taste, Immodest even, to display rich cos tumes to tho common oyo in public. Only to their peers in society do English high born ladios reveal tho wealth and magnlfl conco of their wardrobo. On a visit to a friend s houso they appear each evening in a different toilet with jewels to match, and, favored by exceptional physiques that lend majesty to costliest costumos, and with a bloom and vigor far past tho turning point In other'women, our Eng lish arlstocratlo lady cousins aro by no means second to the French." Homo Journal. Dude Among the Crows. In personal appearance tho Crow Indian men aro fiuo looking tall and well formed. The Womon aro small and in ferior in appearance, and aro not as vir tuous as other plains Indians. Their vocal language is coarse and harsh, and does not seom to have a rich vocabulary. They aro poor lu tradition. Tho men cut the hair equurcly off round tho forehead, leaving this bang from four to six Inches in length, wblclvben4,lri full dress, Is madeo "staofl;,uprighlt;by dressing It with clay, which is sometimes mado more ad hesive by admixture with -a sticky sub stantia obtained byboiling gUmmy.weeda and' bushes.- Tho' side "hair 'is at times braided and the hair on tho back of the head separated Into.-several' ''stripB," which 'aro held lu place by gVao pjacea at resrular intervals. To civo. tbtniitlio an- I.. paranco.of.vory'16ng!halr,fpf,'yhich they are exiremelyroud, that'whlch has been cut on in mourning, or tnat taken from their ponies' talls.andimanes,jts glued on to'lengthen ItjouU- Thoyt'do not pull out eyebrows. 'ore lashes. Aa areas, tho men woar tlio hooded coit. rondo ot blanket. tAt'tho-Shbulder; wrist ot tho ,coat and down tho leggings ia.' coaxtu . fringe is fastened." The .women wear short .skirts mado of. raw, material, and icaro, little for ..colored ribbons or trtnketj. Fort Keogh (M. T.j'CarClnclnuatl .Enquirer. Ua IVm X'erfectly ljatliQed. Tho officer' at tho Third cTtroet depot found two men jawing; ,aid1nf).e.r. funding one away 'ealcVto th.6 other: You, are' "very foolish, to get Up a wrangle here." "But he threatened tp hit mo on the snout!'1 protested the stranger. "Yes,,but what do you carol" H dou't caro about h(a threat, but it gWW.hUjougna'ge. I protest against tho term 'snoutl' '' "He meant nose, ) presume." "j presurijo so, but why ,dldn t Jiq' Bay ?6?,' That's what I was asking , him,, and bstjB what I want to know. Ho could lnvro just. ,s cll iold ma in a quiet, genteel way that ho would ht.mo in the noso. and no migntjiveniavo mi mo. "Well, youji.botjer lot him alone." Ho didn't, though. He slipped away and renewod tho controversy, and ten minutes later ho. camo back with his noso knocked into th middlo of last week and ono eye closing, "I told you," said tho officer. "Are yon satisfied uowt" "I am, sir. It's snout, and a mighty bad one!" Detroit Freo PresS. The Commodore' Chief Concern, Commodoro Vandorbllt was driving ono day in Harlem lane, and as usual took tho road, turning out for nobody, A very fast team camo behind him, and tho driver called on him to giro room. Van. derhllt urged his horses, forward and went "straight on.'bolloviug ho could not bo passed. Tho other wagon dashed by, , taking him on the wheel, and throwing him out on his head. Ha was picked up insensible. It was feared at first that Jits neck mlghthe broken. But ho recovered In a few minutes and inquired of tho anxious bystandora: "Did any of you boys notice whether that Vro boss was trottln' or runnlnt" nis chief concern was to know if tho horse that had gone by him had kept his gait. Paul It. Cleve land in Cosmopolitan. Kot Uie Case Now. Mrs. Suburb (readlngl "The really ef. flclent laborer,'' says 7'horoau, "will be found not to unduly crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task sur rounded by a wide halo ot easo and leisure. Mr. Suburb numphl Thoreau. never lived whero ha had to catch trains. i'tuiadelphU llecord, THE COLUMBIAN, VOl COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VC1 XXII.NO 44 Lit, NO 81 IMAGINARY DISEASE. ills Intensified and morbid fan cies HARD TO CURE. Suffering of the Confirmed Ilypoction drlao Cancer and Heart Illaeate In the Mind A Owe In a New York WoaplUU Cured In Fifteen Minute. Tho writer celled on a number of prom, lnent physicians and asked them If, among their patients, thoy had many who imag ined they had diseases which they did not havo. Somo very Interesting Information was obtained. Tho doctors said it was found to be a very common trouble, and that tho chlof diseases theso peoplo .Im agine they havo are cancer, heart dlseaso and Brtght's disease In tho languago ot tho profession, tho complaint is known as hypochondriasis. It was found that tho dlseaso is often epidemic. At the tlmo of Gen. Grant's sickness and death from cancer of tho threat, and during tho Illness of the lato Kaiser Frlcdrich, hundreds of pooplo with nothing serious at all the matter with them callod upon Dr. Shrady, who attend ed Gen. Grant, and told him thoy had can cer of tho throat coming on and wished to. bo treated for It. Ono celebrated physician, who made a special study'df tho dlseaso, said that it was worthy of note that In all these cases tho patient. reasons correctly that Is, hoi draws lust Inferences from tho error. Thus tno Prince of Bourbon, when ho supposed himself to' bo a plant, reasoned justly when ho Insisted tipon being watered with tho rest of the, plants.overy day, ,In llko manner, tkerhypochondriao who BUpposos himself ,to bo' dead , reasons with tho samo correctness when ho stretches his tody 'and limbs' 'on tho bed or ( board, and assumes tho stillness and silence of a dead man. Tho following la from the records of ono of tho New York hospital's house surgeons: "It was on July 0 that a man .of small , stature, wlip was found afterwards to be a shoemaker by trado, who was apparent ly about 40 years of age, cscaped'from his home and was running at large In tho streets at the city, lacerating his flesh and beating his head, gainst the, sides of houses. A number of, citizens' managed to capture him, and'thoy brought him to the' hospital, followed by a big .crotyd. 1 With his, arms tied behind him, and In tho greatest, apony, his face bruised dud swollen, his lips torn tp, ploces u'nd' streaming with blood, he was ushered into tho hospital by those whd had him' In charge., I met them at the, door and in quired into tho caso.. Thonnn was eager to tell his' own story, but with difficulty collected words to convoy" 1t'. Ills lan guago was copious, but his agitation 'so great, that ho, could hardly, utter a sen tence,, being Interrupted by constant .r.cfforts Jo tparjhls Upso pieces., Thdse with him knew nothing except that tney had prevented him from" beating out his ,own brains. At length ho coitveycd'the Information whero bis, distress was,- ahd upon which his mind was' deluded. In his uppor Hp he said therj.was a. worm criawlng his flesh and penetrating into his body, and unless ho Could tear, it out the worm would soon bo beyond his reach and Inevitably destroy him. This Was tho cause of his misery. , Ho, was assured ot 'tho "'possibility of relief,' and with' a smiling, countenance I patted him on tho shoulder and bado him no longer be un easy, .for .I.would, cut out plio worm. His byes sparkled) and In an ln3tant ho re plied, --.ui your iw it men. 1x1 it, ciulck. for God's sake.' "Ho was urged not to despair, for' I was now ready to romovo tho luscct prqy . ingiUpon his flesh. Accordingly, wo went tp tho cells of tho maniacs. When being seated ho fixed himself for tho operation. I paraded six lancets on tho tablo before him. By making n display of this and other preparations and sending for assist ance ho becaino composed, waiting with patienco tho result. In the meantime I had sent in search of tho worm. Tho ' person sent, being unsuccessful, stayed too long and I hurried out tho door and picked from tho cround one of the largo worms or caterpillars which Infested tho poplar trees at that tlmo and had fallen from tho trees by tho doOr, Ono end of the insect had been trodden upon, and it was noarly dead. This I got, and on re turning found my patient's uneasiness I' increased. But upon seeing mo tako tho Instruments ho fixed himself in tho chair and requested my assistants, tho apoth ecary and tho orderly man, to hold his hands lest ho should start whllo under pain of tho cutting instrument. " With a lancet the operation was begun. I pricked his Hp with it, which made him flinch a little He accordingly leaned back his head firmly against the person who stood behind him, and shut his eyes tightly, and thus fixed ho bore tho re peated nrisJts of tho Instrument with steadiness and fortitude After pinching his Hp with ono haud and woundiugit witn tno oiner, 1 cut ou a portion ot tno upper Hp which ho had torn with his nails and which was pendulous. I now assured htm that the operation was nearly completed, for tho head ot tho worm could bo seen. The bystanders cried out: "There Itlsl there It Is! Ho.ralsed oyes to seo, but was cautioned to bo still for ono min ute longor, at which ho again shut his eyes. I then gavo him a sovcro pinch, drew the edgo of tho lancet across the lacerated lip, and exclaiming, Tvo got him,' opened my hand and exposed the great worm. 1 "Tho man roso from his scat and gazed at tho worm with astonishment beyond utterance. At length ho spoke and ro- 1 quested mo to prescrvo It, for, ho observed with tranquillity, his friends had said ho was crazy, but this would bo au evidence to tho contrary, "The result of this deceptive operation was a perfect euro, and this remarkablo change was effected in less than fifteen mlnutos after the patient entered tho hospital." Tho best doctors say that the causes of the dlseaso llo Id conditions usually ob scure, which lower the tone of the gen eral health or depress the vitality of the brain, either by physical wear or moptol worry, Disappointment, bad habits, want of proper mental occupation, often causo the trouble. The treatment con sists in measures to improve the general health, especially a full diet, carefully solectedj hydro-thcrapeuttcs, massage, gymnastics, horseback riding, walking, rowing, abundant and agreeable exercise In tho open air, and tho management of tl)e patient's surroundings so as to lighten the mind aud relloyo from worry, perhaps by travel or sea voyage. Argument is commonly worse than use less, but there should bo a decided im pression given that tho generally morbid state is duo to UI health. Tho risk of sulcldo Is so small that restriction of lib erty directed to Its prevention docs mors harm than good. WiUlam Henry Hawloy in Boston Globe. I'ancy Leather of Commerce. Tho morocco leather of commerce Is either goat or sheep akin. Goat skins aro treated differently from tho skins which make the thicker leather, being tanned with sumac, and all thicknesses of the leather being used. The skins of wool bearing animals, like tho sheop, aro commonly soft and spongy, and therefore unsultablo for shoes designed for rough wear, so the sheep skins aro generally used for facings and linings. For our sheep skins wo are Indebted to Australia and South America, and they coma to us by tho way of England, where tho wool Is taken from them and the skin shipped to us as raw material. Tho various fancy loathors, such as alligator, Beal and tha llko, aro vory often sheep and goat leather stamped, ahd pressed to imitate tho genuine article, and kangaroo leather, so far from gracing the back of the kangaroo, generally has no higher origin than the Spanish donkey, Globo-Dem. ocrat. Decrease of Indian. A recent official publication estimates ,ihe average annual decrease of the Indians 1 at nearly 2,000, Their proseet' total num ber in the United States, 'exclusive of Abu, u .bout axm. MV grave. If, when 1 dK !.mtit ho lnried, let Ko remrt'ry tngult nie; no lone Rtol When 1 the greet palpitating; world come not. Bare when, with heart boned down, and eyelle- -wot, ' - It par lis lart and .melancholy debt To some out Journeying pilgrim. May my lot Do rather td II In some much used pot. Where human life with all Its neleo and fret 1 Throbs on about me. Let the roll of wheel, With all earth' sound of pltanire, commerce, lore. And rush of hurrying feet, surge o'er my head. Eren In my grave I shall be bno who feel CloM klnahlp with the pulsing world above And too deep quiet would distress mo, dead. Kile Wwlar Wilcox lu ruUhura BulleUu Tooth Falling by Kleetrlelty. Boston people nowadays havo their su perfluous tooth drawn by means .of elec tricity. Inasmuch as all new Ideas In tho arts and sclencos aro spread from this en lightened metropolis originally, and from henco extended over tho conntry, there is little doubt that sooner or later this new method wilt suporsodo laughing gas and ether in other big cities of tho Union. The process in question Is very simple, scarco any apparatus being required be yond an ordinary two coll battery, with ylbrator (.ttachmeut. This attachment is a thin strip of metal, fastened at the ends, which is mado to vibrato a thousand or more times per second by tho electric cur rent. At each vibration the circuit is cut. oft and renewed ngaln, tho effect being to give a porfoctly steady flow of tho mys terious fluid. In order to make sure that tho flow. Is qulto satisfactory tho operator tunes tho machine assisted by a llttlo rood tuning pipe until tho strip of metal sings "A. Bo far, so good. Now to tho battory,aro attachod throo wires. Two of tliem have handles at tho ends, and tho third is hitched to a for ceps. Tho patient In tho chair Is given a handle to hold In each hand, and tho cur rent Is turned on gradually until it be comes painful. Then ho Is told to graqp thn handles as strongly as possible, tho olef trlclty having been switched oil for a moment Is turned on again suddenly, and the dental snrgeon applies his forceps simultaneously to tho tooth. Tho instant tho molar is touched, it, as . well as tho parts surrounding, becomes electrified and absolutely Insensible to pain. When It la withdrawn .from bo socket thojsttbject of the operation feels not the slightest LoUsurroeablo sensation. A jerk and ths tooth is. out, the patient drops tho handles and the affair is over. Boston Cor. Globo Democrat. Making fine Grade Candles. Tho process of making tho ''cream" is Identical In both wholesale and retail es tablishments. Confectioners' sucar is first boiled until it becomes a thick and waxy syrup. It is then turned out on slabs and allowed to partially cool.- In the retail establishments it is then worked .with wooden paddles until the grain Is so stretched that the mass is resolved into a soft, snowy compound, ready for the flavors or to bo mixed with fruit or nuts. In the wholesale factories 100 pounds of clear syrup is turned out on a slab at one tlmo. When It has cooled enough to work a candymoker stations himself at either end. IIo holds a common garden spade. Together tho two workers turn ahd turn tho hardening sugar until it is white. Then it is packed away in big iron recep tacles and covered with heavy, wet cloths to koep it from Hardening, This cream Is tho basis of all tho finest grade candles In tho market. It Is in the manufacture 01 tins cream tnat dealers liave.revplutlonlzod methods and brought that .ot; America to tho highest standard in' the world. Candy is not mado In such vast quantities in any other land. The famous confections' of tho Orient are not to bo compared, .either, in .quality or quan tity,; with thos? of .tho, United States. I 'Eastern' compounds are largely of tho nougub untcr unu jiiauo 111 smuiunauii ties., Armenian Greeks offer 'Turkish pasto along State street every day for sale, it is tunica out in a,, Dig cone ex actly as it is cooled in tho pot. It is sold in slices. It Is after this samo fashion that tho confections of tho' east are all made. French bonbons do not suit the American palate. They aro .uot.distlnct flavors, as a rule. Instead, thoy.are a con glomeration of flavors so mixed as to mako subtlo but lntanglblo" flavor that can bo attributed neither to fruit nor flower. Chicago Herald. Berne and It Bears. Every ono Immediately associates tho mention of Berne with bears. Tho coat otsrma consists of ono of theso animals, and everywhere and on everything they appear In stono aud In wpod, carved and painted aud.allvo lu tho pits, whero they navo been maintained at the oxpenso of tho government from tlmo immemorial. Fountains are ornamented with bears; if tho fountain itself is not a bruin, one is sure to bo found iu tho yjclnlty. A statuo of Borthold von Zohrlngcn surmounts a watering trough, and by him stands a small bear) w)th a. b word hanging by Its sldo and acting the part ot helmet bearer. Sunday afternoon tho entire populace, old and young, dress iu gala attire aud visit tho pits. A double row Is formed nround the railing; each person purchasej r.'rots or bread to throw the pets, whti elo-phantlno-Hke gambols provoke shouts of laughter from tho surrounding multitude. Thoy really aro most amusing, animals. A deep tank Is in tho confer ot the den, and while wo wero present a regular wrestling match took placo between two hoary old foUows, in which the great struccrlo was to throw ono auother into the water. At last one succeeded in giv ing his opponent a thorough ducking, and then sat on tho brink eyeing his defeated adversary, his head on ono sldo, and rub bing his Immense paws, apparently with the greatest enjoyment. Ono of tha lookers on declared that he grinned and chuckled, but serious doubts may be en tertained as to tho veracity ot that state ment. Baltimore American. Newspaper Enterprise "Out West." The successful western newspaper is, above all things, enterprising, and this quality, now so wouderfuUy developed, is a legacy from tho plouoer' press. Tho special telegraph wires of today from Cincinnati and Chicago to New York, Washington and Important nearby cities had their prototypes lu tho pony expresses and special messengers ot the pro-railroad and' ante-telecraph times. And it re quired more courago and pluck to Bend out tho latter than to put In the former. This enterprise displayed itself In many startling ways, as It does today. It ad apted Itself to surrounding circumstances. When Denver, in 1859, was but a collec tion of tents, rude shanties and corrals on Cherry creek, aud tho nearest United States postofilce was at Fort Laramie, 220 miles away, wheu the malls arrived hut once or twice a mouth, and wcro unccr- tain at that, and uows from "the States" came only at long and Irregular intervals, tho editor of Tha Hocky Mountain Nows was the ono who sent a messenger to Fort Laramlo to brine back, lnsnito of the suf fering and hardships the. journey entailed, a mulo load of letters and eastern news papers. And his readers, with that gen erosity that has always distinguished western nowspaper constituencies, showed their appreciation of his enterprise in a substantial manner, Z. L. White In Harper's Magazine. Strengthening tho Memory. Among tho axioms which fill thd moral columus of a weekly journal la ono that "There Is no bettcrway to strengthen tho memory than by speaking tho exact truth," and another, that "A liar should havo n rood memory." The editor has a docldod tasto for mnemonics. Shoo and Leather Reporter. The Alhambrn' "Court of I.lons." Tho Court of Lions far exceeded my ex pectations. It is marblo paved, a parullolo. ?ram In shape, and has tho far famod ountain, with its alabaster bualu sup ported by twelve quaintly carved lions, standing in tho center. On certain feto days, or upon the occasion ot royal visits, tho water leaps ovor tho basins and spurts from tho mouths ot tho statues, as It did in tho golden days of Moorish prldo and power, On all four sides of tho court aro handsome arcades of open stucco work, and elegant Moorish arches supported by slender whlto marble pillars, sometimes sluglo, sometimes In clusters. At each end, a portico or pavilion pro- jocts into the court, the light, fragile architecture ot which seems almost to oo long to fairyland. Tho flllgreo stucco work Is so delicate, the edges so sharply deflnod, so haid and white, that it scorns to bo of tha purest snowy marble. When you stand before ono of theso beautiful peristyles, and look up to Its open laco like walls, pierced with the fascinating ft Moorish arches, upheld by many slender piuars, an so inn 01 eieganco, grace ana tioautv. it 1 hard in rpallza that it has It is bo light and airy that we almost fear while gazing at it that It may fads away, like a beautiful vUloh.-rQ. P. Gates ia Boston Tra-saript.