The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 02, 1888, Image 3

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    The Columbian
fm "m?"1 e-Terr rMhTt '"Ptlon price,
FRIDAY, N6VKaitKUr27l888T
' tosaur iitaoYpTl"iTTai,i. "
TaklBgOfroctWKDNKHDAY, AUGUST M, 1898.
Ar. Ar. Ar. LV. Lt. Lv.
STATIONS. f. M. P. X. 1.11. A. m. t. i. a.
Bloomsburg,......., 13! 1 IS 8 00 9 00 J 40 sou
Main Btrcct T so a oo 7 so v it nt eoo
Irondale 7 19 SMJts g 18 m im
Paper Mill.... ...... T It 1 12 t 89 2S 1 01 e 15
Ltghtstrcct. 7 M 1 47 7 S3 nngg a 18
orangovlllo HI 1 S3 7 S5 9 SO I so a 87
Forks, 4i 1 14 7 18 10 01 7 34 a 37
Tubbs a 41 l te 7 os 10 ot 7 8& a 41
Htlllwator......... a 88 1 01 t 03 10 15 7 44 8 40
Denton, a vs la co a at io so 7 M a at
k 13 10 Ml 00
Kdsona, a sa i3 oa a 49 n on 7 ea 67
coles crock....... a w i oo a 45 it 10 a oo 7 00
Bugartoaf, n 19 11 sa a 40 11 is 8 os 7 01
Laubachs, 8 17 U ao a 87 lt 0 8 09 7 OS
central a 10 ll 40 a so 11 so 8 la 7 13
. Lt. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar
f. H. A. X. A. II. A. X. A. II. A. II.
Trains on tho r. A It. It. It. leave Rupert la
follows 1
north. Bourn.
7:31 a. m. U:oo a. m.
3:38 p. m. 8:01 p. in.
Tralnaon tbe D. L. ft W. lt. It. leate Bloomsburg
as follows)
7:11 ft. m. 8:31 a. ra.
10:51 ft. m. 12:06 p. m.
t:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on tha N. ft V. 1), Hallway pass llloom
Terry as follows 1
10:48 a. m. 11:48 a. m.
8.38 p. m. 4-19 p. m.
HORTH. Bourn.
10:18 a m 8:39 p m
Miss Leverett returned from Carlisle on
Monday after an absence of three weeks.
Mrs. J. O. Caswell, now at York Pa.,
visited licr friends In tills place, during the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. T,. Fowler will celebrate
the twentieth anniversary of their marriage
at their homo In Willow Grove on Saturday
November 17th. Invitations are out for
tho occasion.
Rev. Dr. Z&hncr of Omaha preached In
tho Episcopal church on Sunday morning,
and a large congregation was present to
welcome him back to the parish of which
ho was tho rector for eight years. Ho left
hero two years ago to take chargo of All
Saints' church, Omaha, which is a large
and wealthy parish. Western air seems to
agree with him, as he has gained thirty
pounds in weight, Ho started for home on
Monday morning.
Tho foundation ot tho new Presbyterian
Church is about completed.
No clue has as yet been round to tho
Wilkcsbarrc murderers.
Kczt Tuesday will be November Oth and
election day. Tho great struggle will soon
bo over..
Fob Balk. Twelvo $100. Bloomsburg
Water bonds at par, duo Oct. 1890. In.
qulro at this office.
Cards aro out for tho marriage of Miss
Sallle It. Miller to Geo. I). Swank at
Ml&llnvlllc. November 10.
Limestone spawls are now being put on
Centre street. The town has GO car loads
to bo used.
Wednesday night was Ilallowo'en, and
tho usual pranks wero played by the small
Tho Democrats turned out la large num
bers last Saturday night and tho parade
was a complete success.
A new chopping machino of excellent
manufacture has been placed in Rawling's
meat market
The street Commissioner has placed cul
verts at tho crossings corner of Third and
Iron streets. This should bo done at all
over streets.
Capt, Q. W. Utt ot Rohrsburg and Mrs.
Jlooro of Bloomsourg wero married at tho
xeaidence of Caleb Barton on Monday, by
Kev. W. 0. Leverett.
Tho republican parade on Wednesday
night numbered over 500. Clubs wire hero
from Berwick, Catawissa, Danville and
J. Q. Wells has just put an engraving
machine In his jewelry storo and is pre
pared to do all kinds of engraving of silver
ware, &o.
Tho worst feature about catarrh Is its
dangerous tendency to consumption.
Hood's Barsapanlla cures catarrh by puri
fying the blood.
Theta Castlo No. 370, Knights of tho
Golden Eagle of Bloomsburg, will give a
;parado In the afternoon and a supper lu
tthe evening of Thanksgiving Day.
Abraham Snyder died at his homo in
Eapy of a stroko of paralysis, Friday of
ilaat week, at an advanced age. He was a
pump maker by trade and well known In
tho county.
0. E. Savago has a nice selection of gold
and silver head silk umbrellas. Gold and
sllyer head canes. Also a now line of
Gents' and Ladies gold watches. 3 doors
above Market St
Call at a drue. store and procure a ten
.cent trial slzo bottlo ot Dr. Bhattuck's
Hclianthus, the Rapid Oxygen Cure, aud
taee how promptly it will relieve a troublc
.aome cough. A SO cent slzo bottlo Is often
.sufficient to cure the worst cough.
Dr. Talmage comes high. Ho received
'twelve hundred dollars iccentiy for two
'talks at Piedmont Chautauqua. Education
al -iVora, Pbila.
Dr. Talmage will lecture at tho County
institute, Thursday evening, Dec. 1$.
Dr. 0. W. Ammerman, formerly of Or.
angevllle, returned to his homo ir Dels-
wnro last week, Thursday, after visiting
Ilia friends hero. Ills sister MUa Mattlo
Ammerman went with him, and will make
her home there for a timo.
M. J. Hess Is now nicely located in tho
Locl-rd building with his dental rooms,
Ho occupies the front of tho second story,
And has his rooms tilted up i Sao style.
Mr. llc;s la a graduate ot Philadelphia
Dental College, and has thoroughly pre.
pared himself for his work.
Every voter In tbe Columbian office will
ft ilia liallot for Cleveland aud Thurman.
It Is said that the editor of tho Sentinel
threatened to discharge any ot his bands
who marched in a republican procession,
but two of bis employees will vote for
.Harrison and Morton juat the same, it wo
Aro correctly informed.
iVm. Neal & Buna' furnace mado for tbe
week ending Oct. 20 th 801 tons, for the
lr endlne Oct 87. 2Js tona of Iron.
wimn this furnaco blew lo, in the spring
ot 1854, ono hundred tons per week waa a
large production, 'l ue iron tnauuiaciureu
during tho last two weeks la all a high
grade oljfounury Iron,
Buy Lester's School Shoes.
Jiyery pair yynrniuMJu.
nfnnM,1E,0,Umokc' l,y B l,llck"EC
of 'Old Virginia Cheroota" 6 for 10 cents,
and you will never regret It. Sold ovcry.
where. Aak your dealer for them and see
that you get tho "Old Virginia." Aloxan.
andcr Bros, ft Oo. wholesale agents Bloom,
burg Pa.
Krlckbaum has confossed at last. In
last wcek'a Sentinel ho says that -'tho large
majority of Democrats that over bolted the
regularly nominated ticket regretted having
dono ao." Ho might have added that auch
regret waa entirely unnecessary In Col
umbla county aa his bolt in 18S1 did not
prevent his receiving a nomination thla
year. It has been officially declared that
bolting la no offenso in his caso.
A democratic meeting was held at tho
school houso in Bugarloat township Mon.
day evening, October SOtb. W. B. Peter,
man was mado president of tho meeting
and Cyrus Larlsh and Thomrs Smith vlco
presidents, and A. M. Harvey, secretary.
Tho meeting was addressed by Hon. A. L.
Fritz nnd J. U. Maize Esq. Notwlthstand.
log It was a dark and rainy evening the
houso was crowded.
Tho English melodrama, "Thrown upon
tho World," a play founded on Chas.
Rcadc's novel, "It Is never too iato to
mend," was presented at tho Opera House?
last Friday evening by Rufus Scott nnd
company. Mr. Scott assumed the principle
rolo of Tom Shackford, a London thief who
afterward reforms, and played the part very
well. Ho was assisted by an excellent
company. The audience was not largo hut
Rev. Dr. Mitchell's family has removed
to Mt. Carmcl during tho past week. Dr.
Mitchell was called hero as pastor of tho
Presbyterian church in 1872, and was in
charge continuously up to tho time of his
resignation a few months ago. Ho received
a call to Mt. Carmcl and entered upon his
work thcro soon after his resignation, but
on account of sickness in his family, and
the difficulty ot obtaining n suitable real,
dence at this time of year, tho members of
his household remained here until this
week. Dr. Mitchell did a good work whllo
here', and both he and his family take with
them tho respect and esteem of tho entire
Chas. Walters was mado a happy man
last week by tho addition of a girl baby to
his family.
Mrs, Mary Evans, wife of Dr. J. R
Evans, died at her home on Third street
Monday afternoon at two o'clock, aged 64
years, 8 months and 0 dayB. Death was
only a release from her sufferings, as for
yearB she has been afflicted with a tumor
which has gradually sapped her life away.
Sue bore up under her terrlblo affliction
with a true Christian resignation, and the
chccrfulncBS which she manifested at all
times was wonderful. She was a good
christian woman, was baptized nnd con
firmed an Episcopalian a few years ago
while then on her sick bed. She leaves
ono child by ber first marriage, Mrs. Wm.
Payne, now on her way to China. A truo
and steadfast friend, Mrs. Evans' death
will be deeply felt by the circle ot friends
she leaves.
Funeral services were held at the houso
on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, con
ducted by Rev. W. 0. Leverett, and tho re
mains were interred in Roscmont
Mrs. Nancy Klino died at ber home in
Adams township, Seneca county, Ohio,
on Bunday Octobor 21, in her elghty-aev-cntli
Tho deceased, whoso maiden name was
Nancy Roberts, was born in Siigarioaf
township, Columbia county Pennsylvania
May 28, 1802, and In Fishingcreek township
January 31, 1810, she was united In mar
riage with George Kline, tho ceremony be
ing performed by Isaac Klino Eeq. Mr.
and Mrs. Kline resided iu their native state
until August 18 1830, when they moved to
Ohio and located on tho farm where tho re
mainder of their Uvea wero spent
Mr. Klino died thirty-seven years ago
aged 58 years, but his widow survived him
and lived an exemplary life, dying at tho
age of eighty-six. Bho was a charltablo
and christian lady, nnd was loved by all
with whom she came in contact. In early
life she united with the Lutheran church
and remained a faithful member until sho
was called hence.
Sho was tho mother of ten children, but
ono or whom Is now living, wiiitam, who
for tho past six years baa held tho respons
ible position of Infirmary Director of
Seneca county Ohio ; she was the grand
mother of twenty children (ten of whom
aro now living) and tho great-grandmother
of seven.
Mrs. Kline will bo remembered by many
of tho older residents of Columbia county
whero a large number of relatives still re
A Decision by Judge Rice Which
Will Cause Trouble. '
An Important deslsion rciatlvo to the
payment of the clerks of the rcglator of
wills of Luzerne county was handed aown
by Judge Rico Monday afternoon. The
pay of register's clerks has heretofore been
made by the county, but when some weeks
ago Chief Clerk Reed presonted a bill for a
quarter's 8alary,.$4u0, Treasurer sinouller
refused payment and gave as his authority
tho new law, which says that in counties
of less than 120,000 population tho clerk 01
tho orphans' court must pay his clerk hire
from his own funds. This had, however,
never been enforced in Luzerne county
until Treasurer Smoultcr's action mado tho
test case which was ruled upon by Judge
Rice. His ruling was that Register Mc
Grtevv. not the county, must pay tho
clerks. Thero is no doubt that Luzerne'8
population is now at leaBt 180,000 but tho
basis of calculation must, by tho ruling of
tho Burjremo court, bo made on tbo last
official ccosuB, which makes the population
135,090. The decision will make a dlfler.
once of nearlv 80.000 in Register Mc
Greevy'a Income as clerk of orphans' court-
New I'Hdtt I" Note paper.
Invitations aro usually written on tho
new writing paper which Is now being
vigorously "taken up" by tho fair scx-so
vigorously, indeed, that they will probably
tire ot It In a very short tltne. Tho ' 'leather'
nanor. tho brlirht scurlet notes that wo
used to receive tho "earthquake" paper,
tlm "sliced lemon" paper, which mado us
bilious to look at, "ye old English" paper,
and others too numerous to mention, aro
nil things of tho past, and this winter
nothing will boused by tbo very fashionable
but tho dull verdo-grls or "Moonlight,"
and tho grecny-bluo or "Oobelln gray" note
paper. Tho address, crcat or monogram
Is stamped in dead whlto, which is ycry
effective on tho dark tone 01 wo paper, i
am told that this Is tho first stamping ever
dono In white, It having hitherto been re.
garded as an Impossible feat.
To relieve headache, correct disorders of
tho stomach and increaso tho appetite, and
for the cure of liver complaint, use Ayer's
Cathartic Pills. Thoy are perfectly safo to
take, and Invariably promote a healthy
action of the digestive and assimilative or
gans. Buy Lester's School Shoes
Every pair warranted.
A full report of tho proceedings in the
case of tho Bloomsburg School Directors
appeared in tho Comimman at tho timo tho
matter waa in progress, nod our readers
will remember tho circumstances. After a
full hearing tho court of this county re.
moved tho board of directors and appoint
cd others in their tteail, and filed an opin
ion in tho caso which was piepared after
many days of ca.cful investigation. From
this decision J. ). Brown, J. J. Lawall and
I. Uagenbuch, thrco of tho removed direct
ors, appealed to tho Bupreme Court, and
the case was argued last April, but not do
elded until October 4.
Under ordinary circumstances wo should
Bay nothing further than to prlntlho opln
Ion, hut In Justice to all concerned wo aro
compelled to call attention to tho action
of ono of tho parties, who In tho columns
ot his newspaper, tho liepublican, publish
cd somo most rcmarkablo articles, In which
tho writer, J, C. Brown, attacked every
body in any way opposed to him in tho
case. Thoso people who thought ho was
wrong In his action as a director were call
ed street corner loafers tho counsel who
wero employed against him were repeated
ly maligned and misrepresented Judgo
Elwcll was charged with having disposed
of tho caso in a "hastily prepared opin
ion," with tho Intimation that his own
pleasure Interfered with the public busl
ness becauso ot his haste to depart for
Florida, when the truth was that his do
parture tor tho south was delayed against
his physician's advice, In order that ho
might prepare what tho Bupreme Court
calla "an excellent opinion which fully In
dicatcd tho correctness of bis action."
Even tho man who served the subpoenas
on witnesses was made the subject of at
tempted ridicule. When tho now school
board paid tho counsel whom they had
authorized to go on wltn the case, both the
board and their attorneys were charged
with being parties to a conspiracy to rob
the scbqpl treasury, in one 'of tbo most
malicious and libellous articles that ever
appeared In tho press of this county. Sub
sequently Mr. Brown endeavored to In
fluence the town auditors to refuse to pass
the order Issued by the board in payment
of legal fees, but he failed lu this as ho did
In every previous and subsequent step In
the case.
In ono article he said "The public bavo
recorded their vindication, and all that it
still left is for the Supreme Court to record theirs."
Tho Supremo Court has recorded its vln-
dlcatlon, and a mere scathing rebuke than
it has administered to the appellants, it
wotild'bo .difficult to express in language.
All tho legal technicalities upon which they
hoped to win their case are unnoticed by
the Supreme Court, and the case is decided
purely upon the merits in tho following
opinion by Justice Green:
In this case certain citizens and tax-pay
ers of the Bloom School District complain,
inter alia, that the school dircctora ot the
district have neglected and refused to ap.
point a sufficient number of teachers to
keep tho schools in operation. Answers
were filed by tho six directors In sections
pt three each. In both tho answers it is
stated that fifteen of tho teachers were ap
pointed at tho regular meeting for that pur
pose on 24th June, and that this was all
that were to be, appointed except tho Prln-
cipal. It appears by the evidence that six
teen was the number that were annually
appointed for several years immediately
previous and thero is no doubt, under tho
pleadings nnd evidence, that this was tho
number intended to bo appointed for the
year in question, 1 887. As the necessity
for more than fifteen is alleged In tho peti
tion and Is not denied in cither of tho
answers, hut on the contrary both the
answers and the recorded proceedings ot
the directors at their meetings, conclusive
ly prove that ancther was to be appointed
hut was not, it tuust be taken that the
learned court below was right In holding
that thero was necessity for unother teach
er to bo appointed. The evidence taken by
the Commissioner also fully Justified tho
court in finding as a fact that there was
Buch a necessity. This being so, it is un
doubtedly correct that the board ot direct
ors, when they failed to appoint an addi
tional teacher, failed to perform an imperative
Tho proceedings of tho board show an
unseemly, indeed an absurd, contest over
the amount ot the salary to be paid to the
additional teacher. Three of the directors
insisted that $800 should bo paid, and tbo
other three Insisted that the amount should
bo $1000. They refused to make any con.
cessions to each other, and actually allow,
ed tho appointment of a teacher to go by
default because they were unwilling lo
agree upon tho amount of tbo salary. ,
FUNCTIONS. Tub hist, in fact tub only
Proceedings Affirmed.
It was once supposed thut scrofula could
not be eradicated from tho system 1 but tho
marvelous results produced by the use ot
Ayer's Sarsaparllla disprove this theory.
Tho reason is, this medicine is tho most
powerful blood-purlfler ever discovered.
Clevelaml aud Tlmriiiaii lee(iim
A Cleveland and Thurman meeting was
held at Geo. Miller's hoUl iu Brlarcrcek on
Thursday October 25lh. Thercwas a polo
raising and speeches by II. E Pmlth and
J, II. Malzo. A good number of tariff re
formers toe part In tbo meeting,
On Friday, Octobor 27th, a meeting was
held at Slabtown. Tho meeting was called
to order at 8 p. m., and 11. E. Smith and J.
II. Maize addressed the ussemhlago.
Grant Herring aud J. II. Malzo addressed
a meeting at Beaver Saturday evening,
A meeting was held nt tho Dllly school
house at Canby on Monday evenlug and
speeches were made by A. L. Fritz, J, U.
Maizu and Fiancla Hcckf
J?ist ot Icttera remaining In tho Poat Ot
flco at Bloomsburg for week ending Oct
30, 1888.
Mr. N. M. Friedman, Mrs. Wm. Har.
ria (3), Mr. William Prlcbard Jones, W. E.
Mr. Lance llrocles, Mr, A. S. Crossley,
E. O. Moore.
Persona calling for theao letters will
pleaso any "advertlaod."
Gxonag A. Clahk, P, M,
A liandsomo tl'o flooring has been laid
at the cn'rauco to I. Maler'a largo clothing
store In Lockaru's building. A handsome
now blue and gold algn has been awung to
tho breeze In front of the store.
Don't forget to try n packago of "Old
Virginia Cheroota," C for 10 ccnta. Tho
finest smoke in tho world for tho money.
Bold by first class dealers generally. Alex,
ander Bros. & Co. wholesale agents,
Bloomsburg Pa.
Twcnty.flvo cents a day purchases a
$8,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of Hartford,
which la payable In event of death by ac.
cldcnt, with $15 weekly Indemnity for
wholly disabling Injury. J. H. Maize,
agent, second floor Columuian building
PlionnlintCH tn linking Powdcrn.
Prof. II. O. White, Btate Chemist, of
Georgia, gave this subject attention and
wrotoi "I bavo been familiar for n num.
ber of years with tho general character of
Prof. Iloisford's rhosphatlc preparations.
Recent examinations mado by mo of his
baking powdor (Rumford Yeast Powder)
show it to be exactly what It is claimed for
It, When mixed with water a double phos
phate la formed and rimalna In tho bread
when baked. In ordinary cream tartar
baking powders tho substance left In the
bread after raising is rochcllo salta a
double tartrate. Tho phosphates aro use
fui substances in nnlmal nutrition and
growth, the tartrates aro not. In my.
opinion, tho phosphatlc powder is, thctc
fore, preferable to the others, so far as
healthfulnoss Is concerned."
To day Is Important. Yesterday has
gone. To-morrow never cornea. Take
care of your cough to-day by ustug War.
ner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption
Remedy. It Is a sure euro.
MILLER HOOVER At tho Reformed
church parsonage, Bloomsburg, Pa , Oct.
22, '.883, by Rev. J. 8. Wagner, Mr. Will
iam H. Miller, of Wilkcsbarrc, Pa, and
and Miss Ella Hoover of Stillwater, Pa.
Reformed church parsonoge, Bloomsburg,
Pa., Oct. 27, 1888, by Rev. J. P. Wagner,
Mr. William II. Ilelchard of Buckhorn,'
Pa., and Miss Harriet E. Whitenlght of
Mordansville, l'a.
REICH ARD. Died In Orango township
on the 25th of October, Mrs. Maria Jane
Relchart consort of Ellas Rclcbard, aged
47 years, 4 months atd 3 days.
TIUVELPIECE. Died In Greenwood
township on tho 22d of Oct. 1888, Mrs.
Abbie Trlvelplecc, aged 73 years, 8 months
and 0 days.
TMVELP1ECE. Died In Greenwood
township on the 4tli ot Oct. 1888, David
Trlvelolcce, seed 73 years, 7 months and
13 days.
HESS. Died lu Centre township on tho
Rth ot Oct. Wcslcv Hess, need 55 years, 11
months and 20 days.
UN ANGST. Died In Fishingcreek town-
ship on the lOlh of Oct, Edwin Unangst,
aged 68 yeare, 10 months nnd 0 days.
CotiHuiiiptlon Surely Cured.
To the Editor Please inform your read
crs that I have a positive remedy for tho
above named disease. By Us timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fiiek to any of
your readers who have consumption if they
will send mc their express and post olllc
address. Respectfully, T. A. BLOCUM
M. 0.. 181 Pearl St., Now York, sept-21-ly
NovEUHKit 17. John R. Kecler. execu
tor of Maria Hess, dee'd. will sell valnablo
real estate on the premises in Benton town
ship at 10 a. m.
Fok Sale A dcsiratile and commodious
residence on Main Btrcct, supplied with
water, cas and steam. Apply to
jan20lf. L. N. Moter.
Nov. 2. Tho executor of Franklin
Rhodes will sell real estate in Locust town
ship at 10 a. m. See advcitisemcnt.
Nov. 3. A. M. Mostellcr, administrator
or bllzauclli LiUtz, dec d., will sell valuable
real estate on the premises in Mifllln twp,
at 2 o'clock p. m.
Nov. 2 James T. Fox, executor of
Franklin Rhodes, late of Beaver township,
will sell valuable real estate, on the prcm-
scs in Locust twp., at iu o'ciock a. m.
For Bale. A Spanish Mandolin In ex-
cellent condition, beeu used but little, with
lnstiuciion dook and extra set 01 strings.
inquire at mis nuice.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3, doz. Life size Crayons only
$10,00. Viewing, copying and
eularging, Instant process
used. tl.
We aro allowing a Handsome lino 0
Jackets and Newmarkets in new styles
Clark iv Bon. Also run lines 01 UMlIilren1
Another triumph. Wo are selling a full
31h bar coup for 15c, How do we do it, do
you askr .Never mind who is losing tin
money. It is your make. Gheat Eastern
Beautiful overcoata for children at Low
cnberg'8 popular clothing atoro,
A full lino of foreign and natlvo nuts
stock at nil times. Wd quote a few prices
Paper shell almonda !)0c per lb,
jsngiien wainws kuo ''
Cream nuts IBo 11 l'
llazlonuta UOo i
Mixed nu'.s 18o "
You will find our goods all new and
guaranteed to bo the best, Great Eastern.
Clark & Son oiler some
gains In Dress (joods.
attractive bar.
We have thla week received a fine line
metal atand lamps. I'rlces m.OO to f 5.50,
Sep them beforo buying. Great Eabtirv-
Whatt Cured among olhfrs th
following. They nrltet
BW Ocntnl Art., ClnrlnnitLO.. I
Januirr 4th, iwo. f
ADOithproa flUa hire cuml me or llrr
roiuj Tftlnt and dratr!. I nre ten of
tlv I1U to frirod wtio U trtrablnl wttk
lodumUon And ha nM Imi-roTM von.
(UrfullF. F. If. ltowuiHr.
16 Itonrt fli, Hew IUtoti, Ct, 1
FabniM-FlOUl, Iwa. (
AUdopboro. mis worked wonder In my
iMordrinppeU. EHMl U CUIK.
Athdo-pho-ros PUla are small, and
pleasant to take, yet wonderfully
affective. Invaluable for kidney
and liver complaints, dyspepsia, in
digestion, constipation, lieadaehe.
etc. They'll take away that tired
feeling giving new life and strength.
J-Bcnd rents for the beautiful colored tils
turo, Moortoh Maiden."
THE A THL0PH0ROS CO. 112 Wall St. M. Y.
If you want Coals of any kind lt will pay
to go to Clark & Bon.
One of tho best jobs In whlto buck towels
damask borders, 35a apiece.
at 11. W. BL.UAIVB.
Down pillows and down slumber rolls
for covering at Clark & Son's.
Sweet potatoes and cranberries.
Elegant black fur trimmings wldo and
narrow at 11. W. SLOAN'S.
You will find full lines of Hosiery. Un.
del wear clc. at Clark & Son's.
Tho largeat stock of overcoata in tho
country can bo aeon at D. Lowcnbcrg'a
popular doming store.
Tho Dunlan. Miller nnd Youman ntvlcs
lu hats. Full slock just received at the
icauing n a; atore oi u. Liowcnuerg's.
Fine whlto Jersey ribbed underwear for
imams now in stock. 11. w. HiJAH,
For Flannels,
Blankets and Comforts go
to Clark & Son.
We have boucht n cross of lamps com
plete, une win oo given wltn n pound of
leu. will give you duo notice ot their nr.
A fine line of real seal-skin oaih fust
received at ine popular clothing store or I),
A linn lino ot vases are comlnir next
week. Something new and handsome.
top in and see them. Great Eastern.
A full line of under clothlnz cheap and
good in scarlet, groy and white at Lowcn
berg's. Niagara corn starch 8c.
Niagara gloss starch, Bibs, 20;,
Niagara gloss starch, 1 lb package 7c
We are olso lobbers of thla brand of
A new lot of Silk Gimp trimmings in all
colors at
C boxes famous Duchess this week again.
Double face canton flannels
nt H. W. SLOAN'S.
Starch, corn
starch, gloss starch.
For a stylish suit nut up In citv stvle.
pel feet fit and satisfaction always can bo
had at D. Lowcnbcrg's merchant tailoring,
Call anil see tho newest styles.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castdria.
When Baby was afek, we rare her Cutorla.
When the wu Child, the cried for CattorU,
When she became Mlu, she clung to OMtorU,
When the had Children, the-gare them Oajtorta.
The crown of Queen Victoria consists oi
diamonds, pearls, rubies, sanohirca and
emeralds, set in silver and gold. Its grost
weight is isv oi a uwt. troy. The numLtr
of diamonds aro 3,352; pearls, 273;
rubies, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
is nu old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is oetter to wear the
crown of perfect health and peace of
mind through the curative effects ot Per-
rinc's Pure Barley Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Robbing, Bloomsburg.Pa.
Thos. Burns, of Nicctown. writes. After
most uorrltily suuerlog from blood poison
ing, pains at times being unbearable, had
to elve up work, was under care of hosnl
tal surgeons without benefit, but was com.
pieieiy cured iy Dr. Tlicel, om Worth
Fourth street, Philadelphia. Sufferers, no
matter wno lias lulled, do not despair, no
consult Dr. Thlel, I am suro he will cure
Gus Therbev. Wllmlneton. Del., writes.
i suuereu irom urielit's Disease of the Kid
ney, wnsiin away, great nervous UcMltty
due to abuse of mercury and Iodide of
Potass, which was prescribed to mo by
quacks, etc., when I consulted Dr. Thcel
538 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, who
permanently cured mc.
as well as the handsomest. and others are in.
vited to call on any druggist nnd get fce a
trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs, a remedy that Is scllln;
entirely upou Its merits and is euarauteci
to cure aud relievo all chronic and acute
coughs, asthma, hrouchltlB aud consump.
iiuu. i-rico oi cents ami gi.
IMIch! IMlcHI Itcliluir Piles.
Symptoms Moisture ; Intense itching and
stinging ; most at nigm ; worse by scratch
ing. If allowed to continue tumors form
which often bleed and ulcerate, becomtne
very sore. Swayno's Ointmcut stops the
itcning anu weeding, ncais ulceration, and
in most cases removes tho tumors. At
druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr,
Uwayne & Bon, Philadelphia, may-4-ly,
Kezeiun, Itcliy. Scaly, HUiu
The simplo application of '8wayne'i
Ointment," without any Internal medicine
will cure any caso of Tetter, Bait Rbtum
Ringworm, Piles, Itch, BoreB, Pimples
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions
no matter how obstinate or long standing,
It Is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
some fgolTsiT "people
allow a cough to run until it gels
beyond tbe reach of medicine, 'rhey
often say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
but Id moat cases it wears tbcm
away, Could they bo induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which wo sell on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would Immediately see the ex.
cellent effect after taking tho first dose.
Price 60c. and $1. Trial size tree. At all
To Preserve Natural Flowers. Dip
tho flowers In melted paraflluo, withdraw,
lug them quickly, Tho liquid should bo
only Just hot enough to maintain Its fluid.
Ily and the llowcrs ehould be dipped one
at a time, held by tho stocks and moved
about for au Instant to get rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, free from moist
ure, make, excellent specimens in tills way.
If you would prescrvo your health and in.
vigorute your entire system uao Porrlnc'j
Pure Barloy Malt Whiskey Vor sale by
O. B. Robbina, Blooiusbuig, in cow.
Is about 0,000, and wo would say at least
one-half aro troubled with somo affection
of tli( .hroat aud lungs as those complalutB
are, according to statistics, more numerous
than others. We would advlao all not to
uoglcct the opportunity lo call on their
druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal
sum for llio throat and lungs. Price 60c,
and $1, Trial size free, Bold by all drug
gUta. jyr J. II ESS, D. D. 8.,
(fra'duato of the Philadelphia Dental College,
Having opened a dental oftlco In ,-,
corner of Main and contro streets,
Is prepared to reoelvo all patients requiring pro.
feaslonal kervloca.
administered for the patnlesa extraotion ui teeth
froo oi charge when urlluoUl teeth aro Inborled.
Real Estate!
117 virtue ot an order Issued out ot the Orphans'
Court ot Uoluttbla countr. the undersigned ex
ecutor ot 1'ranklln llliodca, lato of Hearer town
ship, deceased will offer at public nalo on tho
promises In Locust township, said county, on
FRIDAY, November 2, 1888.
at la o'clock a. m., all that certain tract ot lai.-i
situate In Locust township, being a tract ot un
seated land at the foot of tho Little Mountain, and
bounded and described asfollowa t Beginning at a
post and running thenco by land ot Daniel lloj cr,
and Daniel Kettcnnan Louth eighty degrees, west
onc-hundrod and twelve perches to a chestnut oak,
thenco by tho same Bouth fifty degrees, west ono
hundred and seventy-two perches to a chestnut
oak, thenco by tho samo north eighty-two degrees
west eleven and nvo-tentha perches to a chestnut,
thenco by land ot Jcneph A. Long noutb twenty
perches to chestnut oak, thence by the same north
seventy-four and a quarter degrees, east two hun
drcd and twelve and four-tenths perchc to a
chestnut, thenco by land ot George Heaver south
seventy.nlne degrees cast fifty and one-tenth
perches to a plno, thence north one hundred
perches to a poat tho placo of beginning, contain
ing nlncty-nlno acres and forty perches, and the
usual allowance, ot six per cent, for road.
TKHMS OP BALE: Ten per cent, ot one-fourth
ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down ot tho property ; tho one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at tbe confirmation of Bala ; and tho re
maining three-fourth in ono year thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nlsL
I'bitz, Atty. Executor.
Jiitmiuii oross,
NO. 131 May T. 1368.
SAllitI 0R0S3.
In the court of Common rieas of Columbia
To Sarah L. Gross, respondent ahovo named :
Whereas, upon the petition or libel ot the said
Jeremiah Oross, above named, a subpoena belne
awaraea Dy mo uouri or common rieas or saia
county, a subpoena issued out of the said Court,
commanding you, the said Sarah L, Gross, to bo
and appear at the next regular term ot eald
court, to show cause, If any you have, why tho
Bald Ilbcllant shall not be divorced from the
bonds ot matrimony which ho has contracted
with you, agreeably to tho prayer ot said peti
tioner : and, whereas, upon tho return of tho
said subposna, due proot was mado that you
could not be tound or served with theiname in
the bailiwick ot the Mierirr or said county ;
whereupon an alias Bubpccna was awarded by
tho said court, commanding you to bo and ap
pear at the then next regular termor eald court,
to answer, Ac,, aa aforesaid, to which tbo same
return was mado by tho sheriff".
You are therefore required to bo and appear
on tho nrst day or regular term or said court, to
bo held at Bloomsburg, for the said county, on
the nrst Monday ot December next, A. V., 1888,
to answer tne complaint aforesaid.
Oct. 19, m, tf.
Sadie Koons, by her next friend A. J. Evans, vs.
Alfred Koons.
In Vie Court of Common Pleas of Columbia mun-
tv. .Vo. 40, Mav Term, 1SS8.
To Alfred Koons, respondent above named :
Whereas, upon the petition or libel of the sld
Sa 'le Koons, nbove named, a aubpeona being
awarded hy the court of common l'leas of said
countr, a subpoena Issued out of tho said Court,
commanding you, the said Alfred Koons, to be
and appear at the next regular trm ot said
Court, lo show cause, lt any you have, why tho
said Ilbcllant should not bo divorced from the
bonds of matrimony which sho has contracted
with you, agreeably to the prayer of said peti
tioner; and whereas upon the return of tho said
subpoena, due proof was made that you could
not bo tound or served with the same tn the
bailiwick of the sheriff ot said county; where
upon an alias subpoena was awarded by the
said court, commandlrg you lo bn and appear at
the then next regular term of said court, to
answer, &c, as aforeaatd, to which tho same re
turn waa made by the Hherirr.
You aro therefore required to be and appear on
the nrst day of regular termor said court, to bo
held at liloomsburg, for the said county, ontne
tlrst Monday of December next, A. D. 1BS8, to
answer tho complaint aforesaid
novi9 sheriff.
Estate of Martha Long, aeceami.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' court of Columbia county to distribute
the funds In the hands ot A. K. Mnttli administra
tor, as shown by his nrst and nnal account, will
sit at his offlco fn Bloomsburg l'a., on Uovemoer
19, 18'8 at ten o'clock a. m., when and where all
persons having claims against said estate must
appear and prove the same, or bo debarred from
Oct 19-lt. Auditor.
Estate of Cvms Mcllenrv of Orange.
Letters testamentary on salu estato having been
f ranted to the undersigned executors All persons
ndebted to said estate are hereby notincd to pay
tbe same, and thoso having claims agatnst said
cBiaic lu LreH.ui uiu sumo iu
HKiiECOA Mchenry,
EDWARD 1). McllENRY, Orangevllle,
Grant Herring, Atty. octa Executors
"Notice Is hereby given that an application will
oe maue to me uonoraoie it. m. iiiDCKiey. rresi
dent Judore of tho Court of Common rieaa of col.
umbla county, on the fourteenth day ot November
A. D. 18S3, at 10 o'clock a. m.. under tbo ant of
Assemoiy oi mc commonweaun oi rennayivama,
entitled, "an act lo provide for tho incorporation
and regulation of certain corporations," approved
April to, jo. 4, uuu iuu tiunpifmuuii memo, 101
the charter ot an intended corporation, to bo call-
ed Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran congregation
ofNuinldla. Locust township. Columbia county
lcnnsylvanla, ibo character and object whereof is
or rengioua worsnip ana r. r mis purpose to nave,
Do&bess and enlor all tbe rictus, benenta ana
privileges ot.tho said act of Assembly, and Its sup-
Oct 19 'S8. soucltor.
This Institution Is a high grade Business Col
lege, giving Instruction In every department of
business education. In addition to the regular
business course It makes a specialty ot Phono
graphy. TyDO-wrltlng. Telegraphy, and ornamen
tal Penmanship. The prominent feature of the
commercial course is us practical character,
Nearl" every set of books has been taken from
nrst-class business establishments, and a nil
Dronortlon of the course in book.keenlne la inai
up from our system ot actual business practice,
unaurnaaaed in the scientific anollcatlon lo mod.
ern business methods. A larger proportion ot our
gruuuau's regularly ouiam unii-ciasa pomuous
than from any other commercial .college In the
state. Year begins Aug. 29, 1S8. For circulars
address w, L. dean, rnncipai.
Nov ! 3m. Kingston, Pa.
The season of tho year is here
when you live almost entirely
This is the timo to beautify
yourhomes uy papering them
and why put it oil till spring
tneso rooms will iook mst as
woll them as if you put it olT til
spring to do tho work and you
.ii i , i i. ,i
win navo ino use oi tnem.
Wo can show a stock of wal
paper that in size and beauty is
second to none in tho county
These aro the best goods from
tho hest maKers, Tho prices ar
in accordance with the value ot
the goods,
-i-ii- i ii
vo navo somo wail paper
remnants, theso accumulate in
any business, they must mov
oil to mako room for new goods
nil . i "
ino question is, uoes your room
Wo have just opened a lino of
fine ladies' fashionable pocket
books. Tho now stylo stretches
tho length into width,
W. H. Dkooke & Co.,
Successors to G. A. Clark.
Mtaicil mo Surjlctl Ufflot,
KSTAlH.ISlirC!) 40 YUAltS
'or the treatment of Yuuthful Imprudence,
.on of Vigor, Nervuua UeUlllly and Miieclnl
nutates, utntutatlmi by mall rre of charge,
QmcehourifromtiA.M. lo3r.u.,t.rrom (
D S jNDtU5 $ CO, IP It
Stein way,
ICr;i ii it'll c&lfiacli
Wilcox & White Organs
"fiTPianos Tuned and Repaired by com
petent workmen.
Send for Catalogues.
Willinmsport, Pa.
Real Instate !
rursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia connty, l'a., will be sold at public sale
on the premises, In tno township ot Benton In said
county on
SATURDAY", November 17, 1888.
at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described real es
tate, late ot Jarta Hess deceased, to-wlt: Be
ginning at a post and bounded on tho east by lot
of Ilohr JfcHenry, on tho south by lands of Robert
Collcy deceased, on the west by lot ot John K.
Young, and on tho north by public road leading
from Benton to Itohrsburg, containing
more or lcsn, on which aro erected a
stable and outbuildings. There fa also on the
premises a well ot good water and a number of
fruit trees.
TKHMS OF SALE Ten per cent ot one-fourth of
tho purchaso money to be patd at the striking
down ot the property, tho one-fourth lesa the ten
per cent, at tho confirmation absolute and tho re
maining three-fourths in one year thcrealter with
interest from continuation nlsL
JOHN It. KKKLEIt, Executor.
A. a. Fritz, Atty. Benton Pa.
Oct 26.
pOO GrD, rbilfcdalpbta, tft. With
riw. ffuarantrM to eurt jon nor
quickly, fcftlr tad penntaoatly tbtn tnj
.ftdrertiitog pariicUn, no mttwr bo b
Jia-lifl pwtfttUti), who eta eietl him la the oorrcat
IkfDMln sinrl aueetufnl trettmtnt ttt a.11 Cnrabla
oon uon io tor tare rtu in unTimiin
I.NON.INn.AWJIATIO.V. LoalVllnllty
Early liecny, IMiyxlcnt and Mental
I' ration. Melancholia, Bladder
and Kidney Discount. (Acute cases 4 10
;) a.ii.f .t c... MY METOHD
. flombtnlBf tbi Atlopathls, notnoopalhta Eelefillft A BoUals
l,mmi efniadtelDi, the onlr one known that rM
rer-manrntljr th wont ci.i, Larctt llwpltul ana
'rlvwte l'rnetlcal Kxperltnce lui ?erj rimedj n4
nitana koowD toioleoc lor quick.! reeoicr, tad permf
DfDl cur The moat dancerou casea eotlclted.
Young, taldllfl-aced n.l aid men vrlta or call for book
Troth. aipoitDK fraud!, tbtlr acbamea to vlollmlta
ufforora Tbomanda ara by otiackt, thalraa
iKiaratlng and IjlDf adTartiatmcata aa wall aa tboaaalaln.
Ian s, lo it yeara aiperlenea whloh thry d Bat poaaaaa.
Ba.laktUlo tba baflnaltianiUaaTa BioBfr.aairarlDitaod da
lay, llourt, a-s, e-o. lVadoaaday tad. patur&ty Irealaxi.
framlloll. Saadajl, lUll.
ngnst tT'ssiy.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
So disguised that lt can be taken,
digested, and assimilated by the most
sensitive stomach, when the plain oil
cannot be tolerated and Ity the com
blnatlon or the oil with the hypophos
phltea la much more efficacious.
Betnirkalle u a fltsh proditcr.
Fcrsous gain rapidly -while tiling lt
SCOOT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by
Physicians to be tho Finest and Best prepa
ration in tho world for the relief and enro of
77ie jrcaf remedy for Consumption, and
Wasting in Children. Sold by all Drugglits.
sept ss-'S8-ly
Any book learned In ono reading,
Mind wandering cured.
Speaking without notes.
Piracy condemned by Supreme Court.
Great inducements to correspondence classes.
Prospectus, with onlnlnns of Dr. Wm. A.
mond, the world-lamed Specialist in Mind dis
eases, Daniel Orecnleat Thompson, the treat l"T-
cholORlst, J. M. liucmey. 1). 1)., Editor ot the
ChrtMian Advocate, Menard Proctor, th9 Scientist
Hons. Judgo (Ubson, Judah P. lienjamln and
others, tent post tree by ITor. A. LOlhKTTE, 837
rum AYth, itcw lurK. UCUlg-uHl.
Demands prompt treatment. Tho re
mits of neglect may bo serious, Avoid
all harsh aud drastlo purgatives, the
tendency of which la to weaken tha
bowels, Tho boat romody Is Ayor's
Tills. Being purely vegetable, their
action Is prompt and their effect always
beneficial. They aro an admirable
Liver and After-dinner pill, and every
where endorsed by the profession,
" Ayer's rills aro highly and unlver
sally spoken of by the people about
here, I mako dally use of them in my
practice." Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge
port, Couu.
" I can recommend Ayer's Tills above
all others, having long proved their
valuo as a cathurtlo for myself and
family." J. T. Hess, Lelthiville, l'a.
" Tor several years Ayer's Tills havo
been used iu my family. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and Indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
Moses Groulcr, Lowell, Mass,
" I have used Ayer's Tills, for liver
troubles and Indigestion, during many
years, and have always found them
prompt and orllcient iu their actiou," .
ti. N. Smith, Utlca, N, Y.
" I suffered from constipation which
assumed such an obstinate form that I
feared it would cause a stoppage of the
bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Mils ef.
fected a complete cure." D. Burke,
Baco, Mo,
"I have used Ayer's Tills foi the past
thirty years and consider them an In
valuable family medicine, t know of
no better remedy for liver troubles,
aud hare always found them a prompt
euro for dj anopsia." James IJuluu, SO
Middle St., Hartford, Couu,
"Having been troubled with costive
ness, which seems Inevitable- with per
aOlla of sedentary habits, I have tried
Ajet Mils, hoping for relief, I am
tlad to st-y that thoy liave served mo
elter than any other medicine, I
nnivu at thla conclusion only after a
faithful trial of their merits." Bamuel
T. Joues, Oak it., Boston, Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
rnEa'AUED UV )
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowsll, Miss,
gold V? H DssUrs la M edldue.
itW9U7 1
Tory T
f a E taM OOU1 W 1 TO!
auj.w viaaaaao
(tl UUIf. Urt Mttl
WMM m mom wwij, rf
av Tatar, Warrkrttl Hint
IH Uol 1 llintlnf 0tvtv
Wilt. WMtl fan 4 rlM At
la lo?lll7 etn kt nt
rMkK. UowUtMHMlWtl
fllHflMritMl OA pf
- la .Yb loraltir. to Im la
tl.ttf rxtrnM-unn tww ( llvn vM rait, a cnt lata Itn ef twr Tff aaafol HllUNF.HOI.U M AMIM.Kia.
TttaMiampW,! wall u tha wikh.v Mn4 rr,nl tfWpo
bar kt tfcaia la roar bom a fur tt tnoallifl and tfaowa ihm
IfttrwM wtiotnar ar tallad.tha? beotna tr owa rnmi
II li lo matta thla f rati olTr, Mndlaf I ha Mtt.II watch and tORTT MOflM frva, Itraattawtntj af
litiimHM la any locality, alwaya mnlu In a UrgtHrad ft
aa.aftrl snr mriM haratta la a Incality (or a malhtt Iwa
larroufdlnr caaotrf. Tt.U,lha trtotl woaitarfal atTar arnr
w amaiir fat iron. inu m lauuti in trail rroot u.a
BBa..amanaiaoraar uiiawiinNMmiT oariMraa iihh
.trtthr aa fca aoaa, all Mir amtrlea. wilt at I
triMta inrattlllrachaara, Raadaf II wJJI taharriiyaay truM
lot a to ihew tba tampiM ibta wbraay call at ytrar b"ta
anrf rvtir rawaM will ba neat aatlefarMry, A pv.Ul c art i4
likk to wrltaajMiatitfell rani and aflar roahDow m
Jo knt car to fur t har, why do nana la diw. But II row rt
tf 1 tear adlraaa ateaaa. oa can aacnra FIlftK ea t itt
t avlld fold walrbM la I ha world and ear larya Uavf
ria naiiri.tia. wapay all aaprpua, TraitM, cm
UMIUBNaaiMtHlllli rVHIUKV. Ml'
" ltojiil Uqutil Ulue mends broken
China, UlftM, Wood, Leather, Metals, Kur
il 1 turo, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity 1
Hold by Grocers, DruggUU and Uencral
. W. Hartman ft 80ns. W. 11. nrooVn Co.
The (ireat Kaatcrn To Co., tl. N. Wilson,
C. o. Slarr, J. 11. Mercer,
J. (I. Wells, Elwcll lllttcnbcndcr.
When I fay Cons I do not mean mortly to
atop them lor a time, and then have them re
turn again, I mean A HADICAi. CURE.
1 have mado tho disease ot
A llfo.long study. J WARRANT my remedy to
CURB the wont cases. Because others havo
failed is no reason tor not now receiving a cure.
.Send at nnco tor a treatise and a Free Iiottld
ot my Infallible kehedt. Give Express
and I'ott Offlce. lt costs yon nothing for a
trial, and lt will cure you. Address
A. M. Orter ts. James McAlarner Ex. et at.
Joseph Clewcll AUmr. vs. Abigail weaver et at,
Cnas. W. .McKelvy ct al. vs. Chas. 11. Hrockwar
et al.
A. 1). Stewart vs. MCKclvy Drinfc.
Daniel F. seybert vs. Oldeon u, Hosier.
ltoljr.Mcllenry'a use vs. K. J. Mclicnry's Admx.
J as. 8. Lowar'a A"mr. et nl. vs. Isabella Weaor.
21. A. Mattel vs. tlorough ot uerwlclc.
Alfred irvin vs. I) a. it. 11. Co.
Wm. K. Tubbs ct al. vs. freeman .McAlco.
Allen u. Croop vs. II. 11. Low.
D. 11. Sponenberg vs. Ocorgo 1C Hess.
William lirlce 0. va Mrs. B. Harry.
Charles W. cole vs. Ezeklel cole.
l. L. Mcllenry v. Joscpu nnsley et at.
J 11. Wilson vs. I. K. l'atterson,
lrvla Ilros. vs. James llagerty et ux.
W. r. liodlne vs. Columbia county.
Alice Kline vs Wm. Whltenlgut's Exr.
Francis Oottihall vs. Jeremiah Kecder.
L. II. Lee fi Uro. vs. Mlas lloofnagle.
Mrs. Catharine l ain vs. u A. Itlleyt Co.
William Mvlng use vs. Henry Klelm.
Alex. Campbell vs. Wm. Itobblus const.
By virtue of a writ ot At. FL ra. Issued out ot
the court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county
and to me directed will be exposed to public sale
at tho court House in the town of liloomsburg on
SATURDAY, .November 24th, 1888.
at 2 p. m.. all that certain tract ot land situate in
Locust township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania
bounded and described as follows to-wlt : Begin
ning at a stone corner, thence by lands ot Henry
Fisher aud Isaac Fisher south 64 degrees, west 84
perches and six. tenths to a stone, thence by lands
ot Daniel Uonberger south 9 degrees, east 87
peiches to a stone, thence by mountain north ;
degrees, east it perches and Blx-tcntbs to a stone,
thence by land ot Uenry Fisher north t degrees,
wcht 6T perches to placo ot beginning, containing
48 acren 115 peaches strict measure, whereon la
erected a trame dwelling house, bank barn and
other outbuild ngs.
Seized, taken la execution and to be sold as the
property of Adam Clayburgcr.
Gbysk, Atty. Sheriff.
Nov 2 US.
Estate of Iien)amln C. Hess, a lunatic.
Jeremiah . Hess, John F. Hess, Harry L. Hess,
Sarah E. ilelshllne, and Mary Lemon children and
Francis W. Weaver and Harvey 11. Waiver graud
children of said llenlamln u. Hess.
nonce 13 nereDy given mat as a committee ot
the said UenJaralnC. Hess, 1 Intend to apply to
tho court 01 common Pleas ot Column- county In
the state 01 Pennsylvania on the third day ot De
cember next, for an order authorizing a mortgage
of (,uch part ot the real estate ot said Benjamin U.
Ues as said court shall deem expedient for tho
payment of the debts and the support and malo
talnance of said Benjamin c. Hess and his family.
Iov 2 4w Commltto.
Separate into three tickets votinc the ticket.
headed "State," "Judiciary" and "County" sep
arately, folding so that those words will appear oa
the outside of the ticket.
Tear this heading off.
Simon I'. Light,
Alvin Day,
William Dent,
Kussel Kams,
llcnrv II. Woodal.
Robert Milton Spccr,
Anthony 1''. Keating,
rAid W. Sellers,
Michael Magce,
Albert II. l.rulncr,
William J. Latta,
William Kedwood Wright,
KranMIn WaUlcn,
George Waters, Pawling,
iames Smith,
)aniel II. Schweycr,
William II. Given,
Abraham H, Vamlling,
John lt. Reynolds,
Edward J. Uaynor,
John Herman Hosier,
William A. Garmaii,
William Maher.
John H. Bailey,
ohn Huckcslcin.
Robert Anderson McConnctl
David S. Morris,
James Henry Caldwell,
Samuel Tail Neill,
JeiTerson Luther Brown.
Henry Meyer.
J. Brewster McCollum.
E. R. Ikeler.
C. R. liuckalew.
William Krickbaum,
James T. Fox.
F. i. llillmeyer.
John 11. Casey.
Geo. W. Miller.
David Walsh.