COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CONTlNUKI) FUOM HKCOND l'AHB. CLAIM XX. conTiNuitn. Croclietlambrcqiiln, Mrs Win Shoo.' maker ,,,, , Display crpohot work. Mrs Wm Blioomakcr. ,, Urochot shell cap, Mrs WmSlioo. mnkor..,, 1 00 fteeonil, Mrs A J Kvnrn.... IS .ppnvruur, Mrs Win Clirlsman l Uhilili knit tnnrrnmo slippers. Mrs winunriwian. .. 1 Knltcnp, Ml) Henrietta Maun ..... Pocond, Mrs J o Itutter. Kbit steel bead bug.Mlss Henrietta Hans Hush covers, Mrs Bills cox Crwhn bureau covers, sirs II W Sloan.. Kxsond, Mrs Wm Uodlno ........... Crochet cake covers, t Ills Hagenbuch,.. second, Mrs I. A Young Pin cushion, Mrs Wm. Webb...... Second, Mrs reter Knapp , Hair receiver, Mrs M it lictslngcr second. Mrs wm liodinn . .... . juur I'm uuiuur, airs jvi it ueisinger 23 Second, Mrs l'eter Knapp is Specimen ot tatting and lace. .Meuan ............ Si Second, Mrs VmDodfne'! 83 a ss 9) CO S3 81 DJ 31 23 Indies' quilted skirt, Mrs O o Marr., iiinwu uur, .-urs kuisuok .... Second, Carrie Hwcppenhclscr . Night dress, MPllau Turnbach Socond. Annm M Smith.. Sowing chalrcmhlon, Mrs W D lineman Hush cravat caso, Miss Mamo L schocn Tarty bait Socond. Mrs M EEnt ...... Key board, 1 silk scarf, f- Jennlo W liarklcy rhotoholdo-,1 Second, Mrs Wm Chrlsman. Knit cotton petticoat, ) Hem stitched linen shams, ) Miss I. Cohen crochet piano siool cover, I 'ridy crazy work. Mary Alleman zephyr motto, Mrs it Kitchen.,.. C?nVaa-Cwo?kelrack. Chas " Pineapple silk scarr, Mrs M E Ent. Knit high neck shirt, "1 1 00 lUVf " " I lntants' drawers, U Comoro Ss, c E Itabb.. J 00 Macrame scrap bag, I wnisp nomer, J Chllds' kntt mittens Mrs L A Young.., I"etn cross. W It Itlngroso. .. Knit Blumber robo, .Mrsl'llrugler..... Crochet chcmlw, Mrs Theo Heck. Knit silk handkerchief, W K Htngroso. 15 S3 m a Judns. M. l'. Lutx. upt,, Mrs, o. h. Sands, tra ltlla Vvexa CLASS XTI. KM11ROIDIRY, 40. emb. napkins, .mim Hattle Hart ........ Kmb ladles' skirt, Mrs. Wm. Uodlno socond, MrsKODtebler Kmb Infants' rktrt, Mrs KM Leader........ Second, Mrs Vclcr Knapp Kmb suit ladles' underwear, Mrs Mary Oliver . second, Miss Clara It Plfer Kmb table o iver,'Mrs lizzie Wain Seconl, Mrs.M It (Jelslnger. Emb lambrequin, Mrs Lizzie Walp second, Mrs llarry stroh. Kmb sofa cushion, Mrs M It Gelslnger.... second. Kmma J Frack Kbd toilet cushion, M L Keller second, lteglna Lowenberg Kmb bmner, Mrs o O Marr, ...... Second, Paulino L Kstcr. Kmb pr slippers, "Vui a itlchard second. Mrs LA Young 1Mb pr tidies, Kmma J Frack second, Miss Amy lleacock. Drawn towel, .Mrs Wm Uodlno- Kmb slipper cose, Mrs C O Marr ffi'mtnlelTS. - Kmb machine cover, Miss Amy lleacock Mall holder, Kmbyoke, Mrs Win Shoemaker Kmb bracket, Mrs Wm chrlsman Emb quilt, ' Ktnbdy for ladies' skirt, Mrs K Kitchen.. Sachet bag, Mellah Turnbach Second, Mrs A O Froas Kmb bible cover, Flora II sahm Kmb chllds' dress, Mrs It Kitchen... ...... Kmb table scarf. Mrs Albert Uerblno..... second, Mrs A C Freas. Kmb panel, Kmb w.reen, " Emb pillow shams, licglna Lowenberg... Kmb flannel skirt,, " ... Scrim tidy, Mrs A C Freas second, Mrs P II Foulk nibs, Mrs AC Freas Jewel case, Kegina Lowenberg......... Second, Miss Jennie Evans. Silk chair back, lnn.,tinT ...... Fancy wrap b.vket, PauHnoL Kester.. Toilet companion, I ,., i .-h. Traveling case, 1 ) leglna Lowenberg,. satin lampshade,) ...,..,,. Drawn work hdkfjr AUno;McAlplne Towel holder. 1 Miss Hattle Hart. Combing towel, f Emb card case, ) " match safe, (-Emma 3 Frack.. " whlsp holders, ) ronge silk chair scarf, Mrs J KTownsend Oypsy table and spread.Mrs Chas Trump Emb sheets, Mary Bush. " handkerchief, Mrs H W Sloan. Muslin tidy, 1 Mary hush. Kmb pen holder, Emb doyles, Keglna lowenberg " hose, M rs Chas savage Clover leaf tidy, "1 Deerhorn stool. S-Mrs J C Itutter.... Cushion and bottleij Kmb night dress, Mrs Wm Bodlne Second, Mrs i; O Delbler Emb chemise, " second. Miss L Cohen Emb npron, Mrs J D Shaffer towel, ) Mrs H W Sloan,... Hdkf Mexican work, Kmb dress. 1 Mrs J D Shaffer toilet set, ' plush clock stand, Mrs CE Rabb.... " shawl, M rs F M Leader " cover for foot res', 1 Mrs II Stroh... " corner lambrequin, ' under sleeves, Mrs O E Wilbur 2 hair watch chains, Ella J Kreamer. Key rack, Mrs O E llabb Piano cover, Mrs P h llarman Second, Mrs J O Itutter . Fancy spool rack, William Abbott ) toilet set. Mrs Theo Heck " shaving case, William Abbott..... Emb baby cloak, Mrs Peter Knapp " foot stooL Mrs Albeit Herbine Fancv radishes. Mrs Chas Ravage 33 100 60 50 23 100 M 100 to 100 50 1 00 so 100 50 100 CO 73 50 73 CO 23 S3 60 23 21 23 23 50 23 50 2 25 23 10) 50 60 75 CO 25 50 25 25 S3 23 CO 50 33 33 25 50 23 S3 23 100 50 21 2.1 25 CO 23 41 23 Doll in high chair, Carols Kitchen.... Judges. A. C. Creasy Sunt., Miss Anna Hagen buch, Miss Ida E. UagenbucU- CLASS XXII LACK. WORSTED WORE. &C. Display macrame lace, Claire Whltmoyer 60 Second, Mrs A O Freas 25 Dlsnlav darned net. Mrs It Kitchen 50 " rick rack, ' 60 Apron in scrim, Mrs J D Shaffer CO Second, M ary Eyer. . . . 23 Apron In linen, Miss Annie It Smith co 5 napkins outline work,Mrs J KTownsend 50 Bureau caver " ' Claire Whltmoyer CO second, Mrs George D llartman 25 Splash mat ou til no work, M ary Eyer. . . . 50 second, Miss Maud sands. 23 Two tidies, outline work, Jennlo Hartley co second. Mlnnto llehl. shoe big, outline work, Mary Kyer S3 rillnw shams. " Mrs Wm shoe maker... 50 second, Miss Maud Sands. 23 Worsted root rest. Mrs Josenn Miller..... 25 " Ottoman cover Mrs Ellis cox.... 35 " sofa cushion, MrsF Hagenbuch 50 Second, Mrs L A Young. 23 w orsted photograph holder.Lllllan Bart'n CO second. Miss Hattle Sloan..... 23 Crochet lace, Mrs Jerrte Cross 23 Hand made lace, Mrs M It Uelslnger 23 Macrame shonmng bag. Miss Mame L Schoch 25 Worsted toilet cushion. Mildred Marcley 23 Worsted tidy. Mrs oeoD llartman 25 Needlo book. Mrs it Kitchen is Lace collar. Mrs Cha3 savage. Batteen aDron. Mrs Kills Cox 2i Parasol holder, Mlas Clara U Plfer. 25 Linen bosom cuffs and collars, Mrs Wm Shoemaker 25 Worsted bracket. Mrs Wm Chrlsman.... 25 Display crochet lace, Miss Maud sands .. co side board cover outllded, Maggie S Eves as Laos trimmed hdkr,) Mrs It Kitchen Chllds' Rllk collar, f Display thread lace, Mrs PS narman.... 60 Hand mado apron outline work, Mrs J D co Shaffer .... co Second, Mrs LA Young. 25 lilckrack tlly, Mrssam'l Crevellng ... S3 second, Mrs L A Yo ing. 23 Darned net chllds' dress, Lizzie PowelL . . vs Display honaton lace, Mrs A o Freas.... 50 Thermometer and Cilendar.Mrs C C Marr 50 Work bag. Miss Hattle Hart 60 Second, Mrs J O Itutter.. 25 Duster, LllUan Barton 25 outlined towels. Mrs J H Townsend 2.1 Bag for duster, Mrs Chas Savage ,.. 50 t.econd,MrsZTFowlor. 23 umbrella case outlined. Mlsj Maud sands 25 Macrame lambrequin, Msry Bush 23 Second, Mrs E c tvlbler 25 Tray cover outlined, Mrs Chas Savage... . 23 Apron In Swiss, Miss Hattle Sloan...... 60 Btcuuu, jura ai Ht juit i Apron In block work. Anna Uouck 50 ir.kl.An.hlnn, II n rronrmi.,, O Card case. .Mh I. Cohen . .. .. ...... Outlined sheet Shams, Mrs O E Wilbur.. 60 Seco d, Mrs K O Delbler-.. .... Macrame pape bolder " ..' Balsam pillow, Mrs M E Ent l'ansv tidv. M ... Itick rack drees. Mrs Ablah Swisher 50 second. MrsW 11 House Darnel net pillow shams, Anna Hagenb'cb. 25 " sheet " school bat? outlined. Mrs A J Mans. ...... Infants suit hemstitched, MrsPBrugler 50 Plush table. Mrs T I) Sirausa. Cbllds'scrap took, Claire hltmoyer. ... 23 Judges, James O. Warner Supt., MrsJ P Bands, Airs uuanaiee eves. CLASM XXIIL PAINTIO AND PkCORATITI ART Oil painting by Res Col co,M rs J E Wilson 2 oo, Second, Time M Henkleman Water color res col CO. Mildred Marcley Crayon or pencil drawing, II A M'KUllp 0o second, Mo II A schoch 100 Palmed p'ucquj on clilna, Paulino Kester 50 Second, Jlrs A O Freas 23 Painted placque on brass,Ma; O Berkley 1 00 Second, Mrs A C Freas 60 Hanj painted panel, Mrs Theo Hock.... 60 Display deooral'd not lery.Mrs u A schoch l oo second. Mm AC Freas 53 Display handpilnteo cblna,Mrs P Brugler 1 00 second Mrs II A Schoch co Display wax dowers, Mrs W 11 House.... 1 on second. Mis Wm Bodlne co Display feather flowers. Flora B Sahm . . 1 00 second, Mrs O O Marr. 50 Display wax fruit, Mary liusli..... 1 oo second, Mrs A J Kvans co Dlsnlav Dhotogranhs. II A M'KllIln 1 oo " AO Nesbltt 1 00 2 cases craron drawing " Display penmanship, lit TO Ilarter.... loo becond, Wllkesbarre Business college.... Hand painted button bag.IIenrletta Maus Display leather flowers, Mrs O O Marr dried grass and 110 iters " Book muslin work, " Banner Kensington painting, Mrs MIt ilelslnger Second. Maine L schoch .... Lust repainted mirror frame Plush table scarf In lustro " Second, Mrs. 11 A Schoch Iteporesiil work Mame L schocn..... Variety burr basket, -Mrs w D HUeman . .I jenolo A bltler cork comb caso nui wreath, Mrs 8 filler, Locust cross, J -- inw'Srds'on elass, myiYuiri'ey. lamp Bcrven, ', ,,. Wsplay paper flowers. May Welllvcr..., hcconJ, THllo M Henkleman biiow ball tree ot pater. C Vanderallce... i, "i " ilrswsho-maker Hungarian grass, Mlas Clara II Plfer. .... IKxiuetof princes feathers " liecorattd pewter uUtu Mrs W Chrlsman Medley, Dr'i'C ilarter...,., Mexican horned toad JJ mna7$ Kensington pslntod shcU display, Mr it 11 UcblLgef.,,,,,,,! ,,,,,', ii l oo 100 60 Feather wroaUi. Millie Klatler. Hand painted tidy, Mrs A o Froas....... Decorated wlno bottle, Mrs. H A schoch " . ' " Bessie utdleman.. Scrap picture album, Mrs ll A schoch.. ." . " Kmma J Frack... Hahd painted scrim curtains, Mrs II A 50 S3 23 23 23 25 1 00 60 00 50 50 25 23 23 23 50 100 50 23 50 25 CO CO 1 00 50 2! 100 50 25 S3 60 23 50 2 21 25 23 21 25 23 2.1 25 50 23 CO no 25 S3 S3 83 23 50 S3 CO CO 23 60 23 a CO CO 23 23 23 50 25 SO 50 23 S3 23 CO 50 23 25 23 23 CTSlUJSJil uaOMO till Decorateil card basket, Mrs II A Schoch., llnnd Painted scrim table Marr " collection oil paintings " Hammered brass tray " Lustra painting, Mary Bush Second, Mrs KB Johnson Shadow painted banner, .Vary Bush Kensington sofa cushion, " .... Muia holder, Jay Wclllver. I!. iiiw nair cross, jfrs u r turton....... Painted china bell, .Vrs II W Sloan Stuffed snlne. Dr TO Ilarter... Uan.i painted cushion and toilet bottles, Mn XT fowler. Second, jfra F WLeadcr ....,....,.. Writing desk, .Margaret Fox........ , , , . , Card stand, " ,,, Hair wreath, .Vrs W II Houso ., ..... socond, Flora II Sahm Zephyr birds, im V- II House " wreath. " Second, Flora B Sahm....' Air castle. Jfrs w n iionsn. .Vllk stool, .vrs II A schoch, Hand painted tidy, .Vellah Turnbach.. rcvuuu, jim a e iivtks .....i.. . Display hand painted photos, Jf A Krum Second, .Vrs AO Froas Hand painted tambourine " ....... socond THIle Henkleman. Painted Placnue on wood. Mm r B Foulk Second, L Cohen Transparent painting, .urs A J Evans. . . . noconu, .urs w li House Bead flowers, .Vrs A J Evans... Painted placquo on glass " uannersaun " .. tinillnrir Hammered copper, Lilian Barton " brass table. Heelna Lowenberg Hand painted Jug, Mellah Turnbach Socond, .Vrs J It Townsend Decorated pallet, Jflss Hattle uart.. .. " paper fans, Alllo Hagenbuch riacque ot thistles, Kmma .r Frack Hand painted felt table scarf, Mrs 11 A Schoch Second, if rs Chas savage. jiaau iiaimru wooaeu Bpoons, irs iucu Heck :. Second, .Vrs II A schoch juecoratea work oasKct scrap " " stand u Skeleton boauet. C II Cnmnboll .Vocs wreath, Bessie Bldieman uocoraiou siana " ' 1UI7 ' 2 wood napkin rings, Paulino L Kester. . i-cacu ueogranmcui arawmg ahuiuh Oimpbell.. Shell cross, Miss Henrietta jVans.... ! pr. brackets. Ansa Lizzie Yctter Icer horn stool, .Vrs James Cadman..... 1'alnted hair pin receiver, Jfrs Tneo Heck SlUVU match safo " foot rnst nf cans " Clock made by exhibitor, oeo Itosenstock Crystal Painting, Jrs J E Wilson Spatter work cross, " Pea fowl brush. JfrsPBrutrler Autumn leaves In frame, .Maggie 8 Eves Judges. C II Camnbell BuDt.. JfiS A A LuU, Julia K Eves. CLASS XXIV. ORNAMSNTAL PLANTS AND FLOWKHS. Bogonla,Mrs O O Marr .JJ Display cut iliwer. Mrs A J Maus S 00 second, Martha D Vandersllce 1 oo Floral design, Mrs A J Maus 25 Orange tree, Mrs O OMarr 50 Cactus, Phillip Harris . 25 Ivy hinging basket, Clara Vandersllco... 23 Display collas, Mrs K O Delbler. 60 Varlagated maple tree,"l Wax plant, I Mrs Wm Shoo- Mosstern, r . maker 60 Varlagated vine, J Lemon tree, J D Workhelscr 5 Basket Florida moss,1 Fuchla, Mrs E C Delbler. . 50 Flower stand, I Mexican Ivy, ) Helen Cummlngs . 25 Love entangle, Boquet golden boaded Ullles,) Mrs Wm aanuas. j uuiuwu Judges. Joseph A nulterman,EstelIa M Creasy, Mrs John Miller, CLASS XXV. MERCHANDISE. iwnartmans Sons, display dry goods and queenswaro. ... . j Jerro saiuer, display musical Instruments and sewing macnines. w II Ilrower. dlsnlav carpets and rugs. Oomer Thomas, display musical Instruments. I) LowenDerg.Qispisy ciotning irunxs auu inuwa E O Caswell Co.. dismay woolen suitings. D F Weiss, Singer sewing machines. A 8 Truckenmlller, display Japaneso ware. .Vlller s Jdlllard. display millinery, oeo. Boyd sons, display Queeno syrups. C s Furman, display robes blankets and nets. Chas. L Fuller Agt,, display butter workers etc. c .vests son. Display washing macnines school Furnishing Co " school desks David Savage, washing machine, clothes wrlngT Baker Bender, Display household furniture WJCorrellfiCo. " " " No judgment passed on mis ciass. CLASS XXVL VIIIICLK3. John Eves display light and heavy wagons and sias umuxu ujww lie Sloan Bros, display ouggles.. " btin jaioy, . Judges. W A Biuman supt, jf r usgeuuucu, Saml llldlay. CLASS XXlt. AORICCLTCRAL IMPLXUKNTS. John Wolf, display reapers, mowers, rakes, mnTCu na.iH'.iiTa ptiirivnrnra Run tnimrii uwa White, Conner Moan, display threshers and cleansers, (their own make) cultivators, nar rows, rollers and fodder cutters. Shaeffer, Jerkel Co, display lever power, thresher and cleanser, ncld roller and com II V White Co, display Wlard plows, Deese cultivators, perry narrua auu, uuiu,w.o, Trnn.lo.HHIIc, h ft v ra IrpQ nnd Mm nlantCTS. A C Creasy, fodder cutter, cultivators, hay rako, cmer mm ana grain unu. w J lildiav. trraln drill and corn shelter. 3 31 lluishlzer. circular saw. . Climax Koad J'Chine co, roaa macmuo. W II Fisher, fence machines and fences. Heebner sons, ono horse thresher and separa tor, straw cutter. M . , , nonorable mention Is mado of each display where dlnlomas havo been awarded on one or more articles by the Judges. Nehemlah Kltcnen supt, I u iKeier. uaniey aiuctusou. CLASS XXIIL STOVES, TIMWARK, tC Cooking stove with fixtures, Kshleman s won i v" Second, L E Whary. 1 00 Parlor stnvo wit hllnturcs. CBEnt 200 Second, llartman &. Edgar 1 00 Display eartuernware,, jmuu ltehm. . 50 Judges, a. A. rotter Supt, Ellis Eves, r. S. Moyer. CLASS XXYIV.-SADDLKRY. Set double draught harness, 0 s Furman 2 00 " " carriage " " J 50 " single " " ' 2 00 Ittdtng saddle -nd bridle ' Display robes and blankets " Horse collars, J W lUngroao Mfg Co FU nets " WJu3ges, o, A. rotter Supt., EUls Eves, P, a. Moyer, CLASS XXX. BSES AND HONEY. Italian bees, U II Brown 4 00 second, Jcrre Walp, - ?oo Buckwheat honsy, II II Brown 100 Second, Jerro Walp 50 w hue clover honey " i jo Second, italpn Bobbins 50 Extracted honey, Jerre Walp 50 second, II 11 Brown 25 Box honey " . 13 Judges TW Hagenbuch Supt., P. A. Stroup, EUls lUngrose. CliABS AAAl, Jfliau-Bl.i.nuuss. Old chlni cup, saucer.Mrs Albert Berblne Dog knife 100 years, Henrietta Maus.... Plato 100 years old, Mrs 8 O Beagle ...... Bowl " " Win Bodlne Flax hetchels 121 yrs old, J n DeLong. . Bible printed no?, Jennie A sitler...... " ancient, Mrs Louisa O'BIosser Book prtntoi I7S7. Amy Heacock.... .... silk shawl 100 yrs old, Mildred Marcley Wood chain of 1 po wood ' Bracket of masonic emblems ' Scrap book ot select reading, Mrs Wm shomaker. v.iVJ. Brass candlesticks, Mrs Wm Chrlsman.. Chllds' tea set, " JBBarkeL Display ot reUcs,LUile, Powell-. U S paper money. Lilian Barton.. ........ Tapot,sugar bowLMraTU SweppenhW I' " w II House. Stamps, Lilian Barton spinning wheel, Delia C Shuman Second, Lilian Barton., Confederate script " . silver spoons no yrs o d, Emma J Frack Dish r ck gourd comb caso 51 rs E C Delbler Snuff box 100 yrs old, Mrs JHBrlttaln., Indian flints. Win II Lord...... ......... Turkey platter 200 yrs old,Mrs 1 8 Brlttan Pitcher 100 yrs old, Anna Uouck slave lash, Mrs H W Sloan........ ...... Chinese ladles shoes, Jfrs U W Sloan " book, " chop sticks. " Jfoss, bark, bur collection " Ancient glas3 pitcher, A O nagrnbuch.. Indian moccasins. 3!rs J D Shaffer bilk worm cocoons. Wm Hutton second, Halpn Bobbins . oun 100 yrs old. H A Kreamer Fancy work box, Ella J " .... Set graining tools, Wm Kuntsman Framo Indian relics, Mrs Louisa Oblosser Stationery engine, chas E Kesty. ........ Artlttclal limbs, Wm D Lewis Deers horns, ifrs chas Trump Hornets nest, 0 11 Campbell Oerman bible, " , Hand carved frame, Clark E Thomas ... . Home made counterpane, JJlrs l'hlllp creasy. - sickle, J W Kreamer.............. Ancient platter. Pauline L K ster .... Sword, snleld 100 yrs old, ifarthaDVan. derslice.. . . riuA hnKAaliim (1 11 Jfartln Candle stick 250 yrs old, D J Waller 3rd,. filjitlnv Infllnn TCllcA. Chluls dress 40 years old, if A Krum.... Judges, T W Hagenbuch bupt, P Visiiors to Paris will bencetorth have a placo to visit, litllo known to tlio mass of tourists bitlierto. This is the "Almcura of tlio. History of Paris," in tbo IIot-l Carnavalet. described and illustrated in Haupku's Maoazike for Novembor, by Tlicodoro Child. Tin re, it seems, may bo seen thom. anils of curious relics illustrating tho history and tho Ufa of the Parisians. from tho medals and coins of yester day and to-diy back to tho Gallo-llo-man period and tho daikuees that pre codod it. Tho explanation of tho coat of ortns of tho city of Pans, tho reason for tho adaption of tbo tricolor- cd tlat: of tho Ileimblio, the relation of Hcnmnhi Franklin to tho expression ca ira ot tho Revolutionists, and nnny other points of fingular int-rest are brought out by Mr. Child. Much history is wrought into tlio ttxturo of tho article, which will attract the careful student as well as those who mtrtly live to read about curious thing. Tho excellence of the illuetra - lions is tusMifcel at a glance, Hew Jersej Anchored. Whilo it lifts boon canoed. od Unit Now Jorsoy Is most likely to vote for Clovcland In November, it wrtfl rerninliHl ns romololy doubted find Ucjmbllcftn success claimed ns amonir tlio jiossibilltiefl of tho coetcstj but tlio muntoipal election of Nowark on Mon day last will bo accepted by nil dlspas sionnto political observers ns auohoring iDootnie in too (Jiovoiantl column. Newark is tho urinoiiial flncer-board of Now Jcrsoy in Presidential year?, ana it is always bittorly con tested by both parties becntiso it is ex pected to indicate tho popular drift of tiio State. Four vuars aco tho Re publicans oarriod it by 1500 majori- ty, and that was tlio first not co to tho Uemnorats of tho positlvo defection of thd IriBli voto to Blalno. It was an admonition to tho Domocrats that tho State was trembling in tho balance, ana tnoy saveii it in jNovombor by only 1,412 majority after extraordinary efforts. This year both narties Btrimjod for tins prcliminarv battlo to win nrestine for November. It was the best dos- siblo field for testinc the effect of tho Mills bill, as Newark is a manufactur ing ccntro and tho Republicans hoped or substantial gains on that issue. Tho battlo was fought squarely on tho question of reducing war taxes 8iid giving our manufacturers raw mater ials; thero woro no local complications of any kind to weaken or aid cither side, and both were fairly equipped for ino struggle, ino result surprised tiio Republicans, as it oroved conclusively that tlio industrial voto was thrown very largely in favor of tariff and tax reform. Had the jHcmibllcanB held their own in tho Newarlc election, they would now feel encouraged to battlo for tho Stato, but a sweep of more than 2,000 in favor of tho Democrats ovor thoir strength four years ago, proves beyond a doubt that tho tariff isBno will aid tho Domocrat-i in New Jorsoy, and that eff aces tho last hope oi.tho Republicans as to tho elcctorial vote. They will still mako an earnest battlo to savo tho Leg islature and thus securo a United States Senator in placo of McPherson, as they have special advantage in that contest because of the Legislative dis- tricts and their majority of benatora who hold oveij but all level-headed calculators of every party will at onco etriko New Jersey from the list of doubtful States in Novombpr. Her vote is as certain for Cleveland as tho voto of Vermont is for Harrison. World. Wahneu's Loo Cabin Remedies. "S trsaparil- la," "Cough and Con sumption Itemcdy," "Hops and JJuchu, ' "Extract "Hair Ton ic, "Liiver mis, "l'lasters, (I'or oua Electrical), "Iioso Cream," for Catarrh. They are, liko Warner's "Tippecanoe," tho simple, effective re medies of the old Log Cabin days. The Dangers of Idleness. Tlio necessity of labor for human happiness is at present strikingly shown in the stato prisons of New York; Owing to Bomo neglect by the legislature tho voavicts are left with- our employment. The result is a great iuuieaso in insanity. One of the physicians recently rotdgucd, giving as a reason that constant idleness would product a condition of misery that ho would bo powerlers to alleviate. Besides, as meu are constantly going it sane tho danger to keepers, physicians and attendants greatly in creases. Winlo kept at work compa ratively fow become sick, and occa sionally docs ono become insane. Idle has filled the hospitals, and an averago of three every week become unmanageable and are sent off to the insane asylum?. It really seems that when a convi'jt is sentenced to a term of years at hard labor ho is eDtiUl io relief if tho conditions aro not 49 ro'pects fully complied with. Confine ment in idleness may indeed bo so much worse than confinement at work as to couio within the list of cruel and unusual punishments forbiddo n bv tho United States constitution. lioston Jiuilget. "Wt Point With Pride" To the "Good namo at home," won by Hood sS.irsapurilla. In Lowell, Mass., where it is prepared, thero is more ot Hood's Sarsaparilla sold than of all other medicines, aud it has L'ivot) the best of satisfaction since its introduct ion ten years ago. 1 his could not bo it the medicine did not possess merit. If you suffer from impure blood, try Hood s SirsapanUa aud rcalizo its pu culiar curative power. Turns Back the Hand of Progress- The rolusal o tlie benato to give our manufacturers and our la or tho benefit of tho free list of raw materia ls, is simply a monstrous assault upon American capital, American labor and American coiif iimeis. It is in defian ce of the earnest tf nehinga of Republi can Prisidints Grant, Arthur and t t field, and is at war with every principlu ot justice to labor and just ice to consumors. Ic is turning back wards tho hands of progress into the darkness of Chinese walled theories, and is a fearful confession that there can bo no relief to either capital or la bor without an imperious demand from the peoplo in tho coming elec tion. It is an appalling declaration that the. highest war taxes on the ne cessaries of business and of life shall bo continued indefinitely, and that high taxoi and low wages shall bo the only hopo of American worklngmcn. It is the policy of madnessj tho policy of oppressing tho many for the benefit of the fow, and it is the most flagrant as Bdtilt that was ever mado upon the capital, labor and u 'iitmmerH tnt'CtS the formation of the Ki public. It is mean parti; an jugglety with taxation! noth iiil; more, nothing Us, I'hiladel- pttia Times. My Poor Back! That's the common exclamation of those suffering with rheumatism or kidney troubles. In either disease I'aine's Celery Compound will surely effect a cure, and there will no longer be any cause to complain of "poor tacts." Ing confirm our claims for that grand old " Two weeks ago 1 could not sleep was constipated and kidneys did not act, back. Since I toot Paine"! Celery and I can sleep lite a child." Zenaj ( j : j ; . " Having been troubled with rheumatism to get around, and was very often con have used nearly all medicines Imaginable, tsge. Having seen Tslne'i Celery Com nl nnW nn bottle and am perfectly lively ai a boy." Front Caroll, Eureka, Nevada. rrict,$i,oo, Sixertsjx, Sold by Dkugoists, Simd roR S-Mcr. Tistiuomal Vxw. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, People Pay Heavy Bills For medical attendance and medicine; Sickness is oxpenslvo, and those with small Incomes feet this burden keenly. The physician must sometimes bo called but ho Is not needed one-tenth as often as many think. What Is required Is a family medicine I ono that win relievo and cure thoso ailments which aro llablo to como at any season and to nttack both Boxen and all ages. Amid tho host ot articles that aro offered to the public for this purposoneirly all are useless or worso than useless. It Is no vain boast to say that the mcdl. clno herein mentioned Is of a very different char actor. What It has dono Is known to multitudes of persons whom it has cured of weary and pain. fuldlsease3. It has saved time, monuy and many doar and precious lives. Now ploaso understand t hat as tho Ilfo l In tho blood so disease and death ore in tho blood (let I ho poison 0'it of tho blood and life and health at onco return to overy part of thobody, Dr. Brown'ssnrsaparllladocsthlswork qulokly and surely through Its direct and positlvo action upon tho stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver and skin. For all wasto and corrupt elements must be cast off by moans ot thoso channels, lthcumntlsm. scrofula, bronchtUs, gout consump tion, malaria, catarrh, hay foior. all skin affect ions and eruptions aro diseases ot tlio blood. . Mr. Goo. 11. Wish, of the nrm ot Thaiter Wish, Bangor, Ma, was afflicted with a scrofulous humor which caused troublosome sores upon both his legs. Many remedies were used and several Bhvslclans consulted, without result. Aftertaktng rown's Sars.iparllla n short tlmo he was better, and soon thoeruptlons disappeared and ho Is now all right. This is only one of a thousand victories gained by BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Notgcnulno unless mado by Ara Warren Co., Bangor, Me. maysadly INSURANCE AGENCY" OP J. If. MAIZE, OIDco 3ntl Iloor Columbian Building, BLOOMSBUIIG, PA. LIFE. Northwestern Mnsonlo Aid Association, mem. bera 41.M3. Paldtobencnclarlestl,05l,628.1T. in. sures non Masons. T Travelers Life and Accident ot Hartford. FIRE. CONTINENTAL of New York, 13,539,651.59 AMERICAN Of Philadelphia, 1,301,837.68 NIAOAlt Ot NOW York, f2,2S0,4T9..8 Liverpool, London and Olobo Fire Insurance Co., ot London, the largest In tho world, and the Im perial of London. A liberal share, of tho business Is respectfully solicited and satisfaction Is guaranteed. J. II. MAIZE, Agent. June l, 1S88, tf. You will Savo Monoy Time, Paiu, Trouble, AND WILL CURB CATARRH By Using ELY'S CatarrH Cream BalmHAY-EEVER A particle is appUed Into each noatrll and Is agreeable. Prlco 50 cents at Druggists : by mall, registered. BO cts. ELY BIlOTUKltS. 59 Warren Street, New York. oct 20-d-tt. t? coTxmn or cjnmnitcE, JJullulo, IH.Y.or ClarkNliUKliieHf College Uric, l'u. (or cir culars. TbtibO't mdehsnpeet uchouls in America. Attual huitibSA interchange, R !io!ir lnoa L'orwl In oitlipr Oollno. CraduAiesBitert trHwtttrms. Mention this piper. ailff 3-d-4t. LADIES KinmM vnur TUneM twice a vrtr. tom nnro week and you have the fineit-polUhed itore In the orU. Yqx ealc by all Grocers and Store Dealers. Moyer Urothcra JoDblcg Agents nioomsburg', Fa, aug. 24 '83-a-m. The treatment of many thousands ot cases Of those chronlo weaknesses and distressing aUments peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast ozperlenco In nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testing remedies for tho cure of woman's peouUar maladies. Dr. l'lerco'a 'avorlio I'roscrlpllon Is the outgrowth, or result, ot this great and valuablo expcrlenco. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients and from physi cians who havo tested It In the moro aggra vated and obstinate coses which bad bsOled their skin, prove It to be tho most wonderful remedy ever devised for tbo relief and cure of suffering women, it Is not recommended as a "curo-all,M but as a most perfect SpecUlo for woman's peculiar ailments. Am a powerful, Invigorating tonic. . It imparts strength to the who), system, and to the womb and Its appendages In particular. For overworked, "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pleroe's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being uncqualed as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonlo. Aa n (001111118; and troiiRtlionlng nervine, "Favorite Prescription" Is uno- 3ualed and Is invaluable in allaying and sub uing nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, bystcrio. spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organio disease of the womb, it induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Dr. IMorco'. Favorite Prescription la a legitimate medicine, caiefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It Is purely vegetabio In its composition and perfectly harmless In Its effects In any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys- Sepsis and kindred symptoms, its use, In small oses, will prove very beneficial. "Favorite Proscription" laaposl tivo cure for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of leucorrbea, excessive Uowlng, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot the womb, weak back, ' female weakness," anteverslon, retroversion, bcarlng-down sensations, chronlo congestion, Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in. flammatlon. pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." Am a regulator and promoter ot funo tlonal action, at that critical period ot chango from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription "Is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produoa only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in Its when taken for those disorders and derange ments Incident to that later and moat critical period, known as "The Chango of Life." "Favorite Proscription," when taken In connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's uuiuoq aieujcai uiaoovery, ana small laxative doses of Dr. Pleroe's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver 1'llUl, cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from tho system. "Favorlto Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, uudar a positive guarantee, from tho manu facturers, that It will give satisfaction In every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee bos been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Cargo bottloaoo noses) $1.00, or six bottles for 5.0O. For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of woraon (MO pages, paper-oovsred), send ten cents In stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, COS Wain St, IIUFFAXO, N. If. Hundreds of testimonials lite the follow- remedy, Falnei't Celery Compound I more than an hour at a time any night, and bad a good deal of pain in the Compound the paiu has left my bact, Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont, for five years. I was almost unable fined to my bed for weets at a time. I besides outside advices, but to no advan. pound advertised, gave it a trial. I have cured. I can now jump around and feel MS Tho Rlobmona Exposition Half rate via Pennsylvania Kallroad- Tlio groat lllohmorid Exposition, whloh has now been in snoocssful op eration for two weeks, iiromlBOs to ro tain tho favor of tlio tmbllo to tho entl. lis great exhibit of tobacco, tlio pro duct", tnntcrlals. rind (loo stock of tho South, with nil its numberless special fentnrcs, form ono of tlio most interest ing displays of tbo kind over seen. Tlio oity of Richmond itsolf, with its oolonial and revolutionary associa tions, war memories, nnd contempora neous interest, is well worth a visit, whloh can novor bo moro pleasantly mado than at tills season. Trio Penn sylvania Ilailroad Company, in orJer to placo tbo trip within tho power of overy one, is selling round-trip tickets to Hiohmond every Monday nnd Thursday, until and including Novem ber 10th, good for return passago un til November 2Gth, 1888, nt a singlo faro for tho round trip. Two Trains Meet at a Outvo. ANOTIIKIt TF.mtllU.K IUIMtOAD CATAS TROPHE. Maucii Chunk, Pa., Oct. 10. A wreck occurcd on tho Pottsvillo divi sion of tho Lehigh Valley railroad uoar Tamarend about 8 o'clock this morning between tho Lehigh gravel train and o Pennsylvania railroad fast freight. Tlio flagman did not get back far enough to sign d tho freioht which struck tbo oatioost of tho gravel train, the latter containing a batch of Ilun gnrinn laborers, six of whom wero in stantly killed, twenty-six were injur ed, two of them dying while being carried to th hospital. Tho gravel train was baoking on a siding when tho freight train "npproaeded at a high rate of Bpccd and went crashing into tho cars ahead. Tho nows of tho wreck was imme diately telegraphed to tho railroad offi cers who arrived in a short timo and did all in their powrr to mako it com fortable for tha t-uffering ones. Sev eral pbysiciaus woro summoned. Tho injured were removed to tho Miner's hospital at Ashland, ond as they wero ll TT.. ! . ., . . mi Hungarians, wiin iwo exceptions, no names could bo secured. Tho De puty coronor of Tatnaroud empanncl lod a jury and testimony will bo tnken to-morrow. Tho killed and injured mun wero all on the gravel train with tho oxecption of the brakemon of tho iVnnsylvama train, who was killed on his own train. So far .u is known the responsibility rests upon tho shoulders ot tlio tlagnnn who tailed to Hag the treignt m timo to prevent tho acci dent. A new and dangerous countoifeit S5 silver certificate, fairly well executed, is being circulated. It is of series "D" with ticures of 2011 and 2017 in cry small characters under tho denomina tional number. The words "Register ot tho i reasuiy under the antoorauh of AV. S. Rosencrau3 seem irregular, while in the centime they aro very handsomely printed. The portrait of General Grant looks liko a wood cut and an expert would delect the count erfeit at once. An exchange thus neatly pit's it: 'Wo are anxious to collect the auto graphs of all our subscribers, aud the reforo request ail, whether in city or country, to enclose tho amount duo in a letU-r, with their Eovcral signo tures." Proper Bible Wino. Alfred Sneer, who has larao vino- yards near Passaic, N. J., is extensive Iv encased in ureservinp Unfermenterl Grapo Juico from tlio Oporto Grapes and supplies it to man v religious so cieties for communion purpose-). The following is from Dr. John Ellis, who as wnuen several worKa on isiuie c: "Tho writer obtainod from Mr. Speor a bottlo of his Unftrmented Wine and found it a very pleasant and nutritious wine. A chemist put a portion of this who into a retort and distilled and condensed about ono third of tho contents of tho retort. Tho distilled had neither the smell nor tho taste of alcohol, nor did chemical tcrts indicate any trace of alcohol.'' POND'S EXTRACT AND QUI NINE. Although different as medi cines, thero is much in tho discovery ana history ot iheso two groat speci fics that is similar. When it was found that tho Extract of Peruvian Bark was a specific for fever and ma laria there waB great rejoicing. Equal- pleased was the medical world when Pond's Extract was found to be as sure a speoifio for all forma, of In- Jlamationa, Hemorhages, Boils, Burns, bprains, 1'iles, and Sore-throat. Direct from the Front. Knoxville, Ten.v., July a, 1888. Ths Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half doren differ ent kinds" of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief 1 I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came, and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of tho disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. Yours truly, J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp. Texaj, June 23, i883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood, and brote out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to tating S. S. S., and a few bottles cured hint entirely. I live at Lone Oat, but my post-office is at Kemp, Yours truly, W. S. Robinson. Three boots mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. Tin Swht Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. NewYort, 756 Broadway. WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBTJRG, PENN'A., AQKNT FOK THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufactruers of the celebrated Keystone Syna ratta. This explosive Is giving universal aatlsfao tlon Quotations cheerfully given. (Augttrr MASON & HAMLIN 1h cftbluttoreuiwM Introduced in lu prcMBt form by Maaou & Uamliiiln 1&4L Other toAkcrs (oUowea la th manufacture of theie tnatrumentj, bat the M&oa & lUmkn Organs ba a always malt talned tbU premier a tbo beat lu tho world. Mason auamun oner. a oemonauauon oiuu rmeanallfidexctUence of their i crgau, tbs Tact that at all of tbo great World's KxbibltToni, slnco that of l'arls. lMT.lnft K ft competition Kith 1 mui beat man u n mm -crsorancoun- tria, thsT tart 1 1 ll U ll aAwYarUblTtAfe n the hVhestU 1 1 U fl 1 1 V honor a. Ilia tratedciL&locmei B22 TO IIKK). free. Haion A Iiamlin do not heiitato to make tho ex traordinary claim for tbelr pl&noi, that they arc superior to all other. They rceogoUo tho higt) excellence achieved by otber leading makers Id tho an of piano building, but still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to the remailcablo Im provement Introduced by tbemln the year 183!!, and now known as the "Mason & lUxuv Funo Btbinoeb." l7 a I ft o the use of which is secured toe slble purity and tone, tocetber greatest pus- rennement os with Kreatly In treaaedcapacl- GUlfD A CP313HT. tyforst&i in tana ana other lmnort&nt advantaiFea. A circular. contalDlnv testimonials from threa handred purchaiers. musicians, and tuners, sent, together with de.Krlptlvecaulogne, to any applicant ri&noi sod Orfani sold for CuU or euy pay nanu; aisa remetk ........ N 4HAMUN0RGANAND P AN0C0, uinniiiv I H1UO IF YOU WANT To Savo Two Dollars ON EVERY BARREL OF FLOUR, USE Rumford Yeast Powder, The Old Reliable. It costs about one cent to raise a pound of flour with Rumford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents. PERRINE'S PURE DAItLEY niSTiMito from selected Darley Malt and fruarante6d to bo chemically pure and.frco from injurious oils and rclds often contained in alcoholic liquors. It Is especially ndaptcd to persons requiring a stlmulatlnctonlc, Consumptives being greatly bencnttfd by itsuso. Hecommended by lending pliystclnns as alMurctlv Nervine. Tonlo and Alterative. For Consumptives It Is innluablc. r-EllllINE'S I'UiiK iiAiii-Ki MAui- u 111.1KI.1 insures a rciunioi vigor to tnestomacn, u buw appetite, n ricn ann anunaant 0100a nna increaseu ncsn ncu mutcuiaru&sut. a Rflmulnnt mild and gentle In rrrerr. tlvsnpnatn. Indirection nnd all wastlnff die cases can bo entirely conquered it is a tonic nnn niuretic ana a powerful suenginener to ino entiro system, run HINE'S ruilK 11A1ILHY MAI.T wmsKKl lias proed ft medicinal protection td those who pursue their avocations In tbo nptn air and whoso dally work culls It exceptional powers or endurance, ask 101.1 ncaicti uiuppisi or grocer iorior l'EHKlNK'HrtmKUAIIIJSV JIAI.T ViIIISKKY levlves thoenorfjtcs of thoso worn out with exccsMvc bodily or nientalerrort and nets as a sareguard against exposure In wet nnd rigorous weather. I twill drive all malarious diseases from the system. Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary 111c renders prono to Dyspepsia nnu in l-crnno b Malt Whiskey powerful invlirornnt and helper to dlgestlou. I'EltlllNK'S TURK BAULKY MALT WHISKEY wtthnnt. nndulr stimulating tho kid. neys increases their flagijlng activity, fill entirely treo from fusel oll.furfurol, counteracts tho etlccts of fatlguo, has-Bmetnls nnd acids nnd is absolutely tens convalescence and Is a wholesome ipure." stgnea, Camilla Arthur Slater, and prompt diuretic Watch tho label I Graauateofth Vntvertittetoriluntchi none ecnuino unless Bearing turs Vui nan uj an drug and grocers turouli tho united States a Canadas. 37 NORTH FEONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA FOUSALE BV Best Pianos! W UrnW d s ANDRES $ co; HEADQUARTERS FOR Stcinway, Kranicli ISneli Fischer, Emerson, Pease AND THE CELEBRATED Wilcox & White Organs SiTPIanos Tuned and Repaired by com petent workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., WillianiBport, Pa. novli-87-iy KAILIIOAD CZTMCB TABIiH JEIAWAKE, LACKAWANNA. AND BLOOMSBUIIG DIVISION. STATIONS. Jioimi, A. M. A r M P M 1 ss NOHTntTMBKKLANO S 40 10 10 (I 15 Cameron. s 65 Chulasky. 6 00 Danville o 09 Catawlssa B 25 import,.- 6 so UloomsDurg A 3S Espy o 42 Lime Ridge . 6 50 Willow Urovo o St llrlarcreclc.. 6 89 10 25 10 S9 10 35 10 63 11 00 30 6 34 6 40 f. 63 7 05 7 19 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 35 1 42 7 49 65 8 06 8 IT 8 22 8 33 8 83 1 58 2 14 2 19 2 H 2 29 11 07 11 15 11 22 11 20 II 30 11 87 11 44 11 48 11 63 12 03 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 90 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 50 12 65 nerwick 7 os Ueach Haven 7 11 Hick's Ferrv. 7 IS 2 43 2 54 2 59 8 09 3 19 3 25 335 S S9 3 43 Shlckshlnny .. 7 BO UUUIOCJv'B 4-3 Nantlcoke 7 SO Avondale. 7 64 ivmoutn 7 s Plymouth Junction,..., 8 03 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 53 8 69 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 30 9 35 AH Kingston Bennett Maltby 8 OS 8 12 8 17 8 22 8 27 8 S3 8 40 8 48 8 51 9 00 P K Wyoming West Plttston 3 62 3 65 4 01 Plttston , 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 P M SOUTH PM 2 05 i'ii 2 21 Lacltawanna ......, Tavlorvllle. Bellevue SCRANTOH 4 22 r it a u 9 50 9 6S 10 00 10 08 10 18 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 34 10 33 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 65 11 02 11 12 11 22 II 28 11 87 STATIONS. A If . S 10 6 15 P U HCRANTOK , 6 20 0 25 6 30 6 37 6 46 6 60 6 65 59 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 10 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 51 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 81 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 52 8 67 9 IS ueuevue Taylorvllle, t to i.acKawanna. .... e us llttston 8 SB 2 23 2 31 2 39 2 47 wosiiTttston 8 43 Wyoming 6 47 Maltby s 51 Bennett 55 Kingston 6 58 Plymouth Junction 7 05 Plymouth 7 10 Avondale. T 14 2 50 2 54 2 69 8 03 3 06 3 19 3 29 3 89 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 21 4 29 4 40 4 54 6 00 5 15 Nantlcoke 7 19 IIUMOCK'S 7 28 Shlckshlnny 7 47 nick's Ferry. 7 55 uuacn naven h ui llerwlck 8 07 llnarcreek. 8 13 Willow Clrove 8 16 11 44 Llmolttdge.,.., ...8 20 11 52 py... . s 20 11 ca nioomsburg 8 32 12 05 ltupert 8 37 12 10 Catawlssa 8 '2 12 is Danville 8 67 12 SO Chulasky u 03 Cameron a 07 12 40 NOarBCMDtBUND. 9 22 12 6 AM P M 9 23 9 28 9 45 P P U Connections at Ttnnert. with PhtlftrlAlnhU Headline Railroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will. amsport, ounnury. j-oiisvnie, etc. At NSrtnura berland with i. & E. Dlv. l It. It. for narrliburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. v. r. UALSTfiAn, uen. aian,, Bcranton, Pa PR. T HEEL CQQ North Fourth btraet. btiov 000 Qrt-o. ftUdlLh1, 1. With yettra (renolne) practical expert quietly, Jelf tad permMiatlj tbtn toy .ilrirlulog jiyilcttD, no tuttttr whu be nt.f be rronvlut ColUi be tTtdatUd, er wut b nftjel-hn io do. Iff. TheI ffri asooo to any tdTtrtUlni ibjlola ililU). wbo CtD tieil blm In thd aorrt d ltD01 D d4 awiiful trtiDfkl or til Curabla SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, OIISTINATH ULCERH, ItLOTClIEH, KHl'l'TIONN. 1IMII.FJ. NUKI.I IJH,INri(AMMATION. LOHlVltall ty fairly Decay, IMiyHlrnI aud Mental Trout riitlou, Mvluneliolln, nindtlcr ami Kidney IHseauc. (Acutocaies4 10 uj.)- fiu.r a a. MY MaUTOIID eomtlaleffth Alloptthlo, nomoio(ttoltE1otlo 4 BotnU ;ttma f tnidUIn. the vnly one known that core rr ruiBMrnilJ iu wui. vc. Mirmi IIMpiiHI nna 'ilrule l'raetlenl Kxpcrteneo otib oitry rtutd tad, ntaoa known tooioc fr qulckm neovtry tttdparBf ottt curt Thn matt Jtoerou tmttm tollclted. Youdi, ulddU titil tod U una ritt or etll fr book Trnth itmiti frtud. tbelr icbtmai to tlattmlte iffriM. TooviKodi are duippoltud by qntcki, tbelr ea tgcrttlo( t&l Lrior tdTtriUfOientiM wtUutb.eli,lB ttg u to st yn eiperitnct wblcb itty do not phim. pel iHI la tbe UglBBlaf viUetfa id coir, tufferUie tnd dt t!.1i;,!?'!r','' X,!lnM4' "I" irealam neal tela, Uiwdtyi, UU1. ugust 17831. nooK agists avatki pOU By Mary A. Mvermore WomtWj o, nllMvioljr" M,lt ll.. w. Ill UihU TuJ j.lh, H vlU atuM lo ol fcpULitd Ml.l"uSi Til li'.m''r",1""1', Wb?, aSOu. Jtiuou tlllU moolh iiii.I. hliijrni. fir ! "t W' Tim". WtlS (ojlfriulu. ll oct is d-a, SUIWU1BE FOR THE COLU&iBIAU MALT WHISKEY. by the ufco or ferritin's 1 uro Hurley alt Wlilskeys i-uro nancy Tlio analysis ns It appears by tho La Del on cv ltv bottle: 1 havo carefully an Ul)7Cd thO riJIlH UABI.KV MiLT W'ntS- kkv maae Dy .11. j. ix-rrinuHiiiinuu, tho slena- mirnera una neisoaaen DROGQISrS AND ALL DEALERS. CURE FITS! When I eay Curb I do rot menn merely to stop them for ft time, anil then have them ro turn ngatn. I mean A KAIIIC.U. CUItU. 1 havo mado tbo disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llfo-lonu study. I WAnrtANT my remedy to CURB the worst cases, llccauso others havo failed Is no reason for not now receiving: a euro, hend at once for a treatise and a Free IIottlb of my 1NFALLIDM3 ItEMEOV. Give Kxprcsa and l'ost Office. It costs yon nothing tor a trial, and It will euro you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., I S3 Pcmi St.. Ney Yosk BCpt 28-6S-ly DISCOVERY. Any book learned In ono roadlnjr. Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes. Piracy condemned by Supreme Court. Great Inducements to correspondence classes. . lu.-jit-viuD, upimiiua vi ur. m. a. Ham mond, tho world-tarufd Specialist In Mind dim rflBPa llnnl.1 nmnnlaaf Thnn..-. . cholojflst, J. M. Buckley, a D.f Editor of the Chrtsttan Aatwnte, Hlciiard rroctor, Uw Fclentlst Mtvua, vuukju 'iuauil, UUUUU 1, JieilllliniD B.UQ others, tent post free by prof. a. LOI.hettk, 237 VI Hi! lVf Vi.m Vnil- in j Of Interest to Ladies. : o but IU llicaoj M on r-u rcli.l0. HnJ mam p t or totaco. Bakeb REMEO C0.,BoxlM, BatfidoiS.T. nov ss n ctco ly. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 222 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So itltgnlsed that It can be token. dlBested, and nsilmllatcd by the most sensitive stomach, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by the com bination or the oil with the hypophos. pnltes Is much more efficacious. Bemirliible as s flesh prodncer, Persow gain rapldJy while taking It, SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to bo tho FinoBt nnd Best prepa. ration in the world for the relief and euro of .si?HMPT,ON' SCROFULA. ENrf1tP5BJ.UTY' WASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS nnd CHRONIC COUCHS The great remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold by aU DruggUUi. sept S8-'68-ly HATEFUL COIIFOHTINQ. ' EPF'S COCOA. imEAKFAHT. whRh Vnv0ouSLk151.?P', tb.8 natural laws nut-rTuon7ndbV"acaySlappll Si'SK ?. Wth a lately v ..... ' .V"" " fustuuuon may be eradual ly built up until stronir enoutrh to resutVt- Sy,, dl'easo- . Hundreds ot subtle maladies 'fh?JJn.a.?,J2.?!!r8,.?lr w !" wherever i u .. . , may tscapo many a S 'iPins ourselves well foTtltled with labelled thus: ' uuuu "" u urocers, J cJlHJU'V? co-' Uomcoopathlo Chemists, tepc 28-a-it. London, England. To Advertisers A list, flf 1iWl nauicnanax, n . . . To those who wont their advertising to pay, we &n?,f nrnv?.fftnlfr,i"um.u,Q ,or thorough ndef. lkctIxc At, List! ; (IE,,' K Hklti Slfi tt m ""i,"iruciiisiiiguureau. octls-r-4t 10 frpruce street. New York. I " Ho jiil l.lijulil tiiuu" mends brokon uuma, uiaui, voou, Leather, Jletals, Fur niture, etc, with Kverlastlug Tenacity Bold by Orocers, Druggists aud Ueucral Htores. ROYAL GLUE FOR SALE BY T. W. ITfirtmnn Rnna it n .. . The oreat Uastern Tea Co., o.N. wiiSiS, s L0 P:ls Elwell a uittenbender. SALESMEN to rttlTlll for ths stla of Nnrurr i to f inriil f or ths stle of Norisrv !J5W,emJ!l07m,nPuu'ult,d- "ALARY AND EXPENSES tA0. Apply t once, sUUng sge. Chuo Brothers Cobjut, WtSftK Aug. and Oct, MARVELOUS MEMORY ssottps EHULiiOH "HEAR: Best mado Clothing in Dhiladelphia for M o n, Youths, Boys and Children. A.C. Yates &'Co. Gtii & Chestnut, LEDGER B U I UD I N 0. J.R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dbalbii in PIANOS, By tho following well known makers: Chickerin$ Wcbcr, Hnllet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. 8CPt3-86t t. r0M Cetantil fn Rlvblulliai, limn to llm tronl lr,"lili'ol.i an-1 HISTORY A.lllllUIBirKlllLH rohtletlM.HDrH. UIsK nnil I'.M.I. ol i'AII J IliM their latloraiB n4 lnacill Vlueatioiii of the hoar Civil Scrvlci. ProhlblllaB, Ssrslul Aiviibi. TARIFF AND FREE TKADE, vlth Miraineoti for ami ...iilntt. OlllpncrN. ?0O l.niriivlnn. l.lltV l'rlro. IIUICK Snlnn. $ I kHOKTIIfitAlMtl..T(ltkI.SIjiill. Cl o0. Brlchl mon er mnouD Inoach routitr tlluii: Ihm.Ic. A Kiot .r N i f m t ' inan: A((i.;iouu..iin.i i it, , JnlyZT-Z Co-tm. o c ntu oi.n wi rrn t wuuuuia i latir. k(r. WrrtitJ. JIur iAlta OoU 11 on tin pt Vmmm. EI2tot and inKuluitTt, with work! ttnd rasra nt nch loclltrrri Mtu'itono vhcf,. liowuittiiroMitiur ViaDiwtr vwDt uu pr on la ch loctlltt. la kci) la lrhmti,auaaiuw to tboM whoell, ft complete llnoofour TvlnUnd XJ nMful UUUNEIIIILU NAHI'LhN. TbtMimplM, wU ti tha wtch,w !.! frM.ani after joq bfcva kept tliem In four bom fur montti aaii ahown thm lothoaa who may hav calld,tby bcotna yoor on prttvrtri It U p.iibi to tnaka thla (treat offar, ndlnr tl Hit 1,1 H t.L.U watcbatidCOHTY samplci frt( aa ttiaahdwlDKof tltc namplua tu any locallir, ftlwaya raaolta fa Irt traJ for iu, after our aani plea hara ten la local It r for month or two. Dui11y get from $lltuu to ftriOOO In Irad4 from tb mnouudlnr conn try. llila, th inoit wtmdtrful ctcr ever rut. a,U mada la order tbat onr mplaa may b (ilacud at onto. nlicM lltk can 1 seen, all ovar Imartca. Writ at orjca.MUl uiaktf intauf thatbanca. Rtadarlt will bttbardlyany troolil L t you tu altow t Ua aamplea lo tbnaa wha,may call al your botua biiJ mr (award will l mot aatturaetDry. A postal cr I ui ui 'ti to wrtta in tnt but! cent and after you kpow all.iryoit. li J car to, why no barm la dona, Itut l( joud tt your addrcM at ouca, you canaacur ft-'UKlC oua jl Hi d cold watcbea la lb world and wur Urc llnvuf i'lrr V MAMI'I.r. Wapay all tiprrM, rrrtjcM.tO ATENTS, Caveats ana Trade Marks obtalnod.and all ratcnt business conducted for MODEHATK FKKS. OUR OFF1CK IS Ol'I'OSlTB U. S. TATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencles, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less time and at LESS COST than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo,w!to description. We advlso It patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not duo till patent Is secured. to actual clients In your State, county, or town, GUI 1. CO, 41UU1CSO C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Waahlnttoii, D. O EXHAUSTED VITALITY milUbCIENCEOF -4-I.IFE, tho great Medical Wurk of the age on Maaliood,Nerv on. end 1'hy.Ical De bility. IVemature De- K H 11 W T U V C r I C cllno Errors of Vouth, llHUlf? I nlOCLriBnilthe untold mlcr ta couHoijuent thereon, 800 pajres 8 vo., 125 pri. rtptlun for all diNiasoa. Cloth, fall Rllt, only 1 1.0J liy mall. Healed. Uluatratl e .aniple free to all youcy. awl'wl men. Bend now. TheUulil ana levvt lied .Medal awarded to the author by the Nallorv I Medical ABiociatlon. Addrrmt I'.O. Uox lfj.l.lloi IOU.M u..,or Dr. W.ll. I'AKKElt, (tradualeof liar inrd .Mtdical Collece, 25 ylul, prartlce in Iloatntt, !io miy He consulted confidentially. Officii, lliiiauch St. Djieclalty, Diseases of Man. (!ul IhU iiiit. You may uever muo It airaln. sept w-d-4t. LADIES t Do Your own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES They will dye everything. They are sold every where, l'rlco 10c. a package. 40 colors. Thoy have no equalfor strength, brightness, amount in packages, or for fastness of color, tr non-fadlne qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. feblTrly. yAINWHIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ruiLADSLfnu, Pa. IKAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, bUQAH, MOLASSES ' -dis 'uih 'vaos aitvom 'saous 'aom N. E. corner Beyond and Arch Sts. Orders will receive prompt attentuoj BLOOMSBUKG PIAJIHB MILL 10. KThq undersigned having put hit Planing M a Kallroad street. In flrst-ciass condition, 1b pre tit imuu uuhuuub worKin ma line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOUi-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshca ui reusouaweprlces. All lumber ub b well seasoned and none cut skilled workmen aroemployed. ESTIMATES TOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRVO, llloomHburKa I'a nRSJ.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK U2QG NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. r.STAlll.ISURIl 40 VKAltS For tho treatment of Vouthful Iiuruilenee, Ixiuof Vlg"r,Nervim Debility andHpecUl lll.eiuea, Comuluilon by mall freoef charge. II nit Kent Preo Office hourt from 8 a.m. t2 y.M.,b from CUSP. yayll-P-t-Ccly.