COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0, E. Elwell, l niii... J. K. Blttantandar., f BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, OOTOBEU 20, 1888. Wo tako this occasion to remark that Bonjiimlu Harrison is brateu. Honry Butlil, Esq , who spoko iu tho Opera I'lousi', last Thursday evening said that Philadelphia would not givo 20,000 republican majority this year. The country districts should roll up immonHO dt'inocratlo majorities to equal the cllioicnt work ilono by the demo crats tn the city. According to reports received, Illi nois, iUlUUOSOlll, VlBCOI18lU UUU XUIYB, aro added to tho doubtful column, with trood indications for President Cleve land. They all btliovo in tariff reform, eiving protection to tho laboring man, y continued work in tho factories, through tho uso of frco raw materials. A republican Bchemo to coloulzo col ored men in JNowarK, jn. j., nag jusi como to lioht, and thcro is every rea son to boliovo that a desperato attempt will bo made to accomplish fraudulent registration. Uhairraan l'rice, ot mo Democratic rommittoe, at Nowark, says: "We have just learned of this and havo already spotted thirty of tho negroes imported in a bunch to regis ter and vote tho republican ticket in November. Wo aro on tho tracks of many more and will sparo no effort to run trio rascals down. Tho rnw.ird of S25.000. offered bv fn rtnov il,n rpniililir-nn nrinirman COI. Vjuay, mo repuiiiican onairman, lor too purpose oi purnying mo tiiuo- tion in New 'York City, has not re- suited as Mr. Quay expected. rnu- nn,.i.t .nn;0(iirini. il- iuu uiab iii.ii uauuuv icii.ofcv. .i , . , Y locally tins year was uroucnt ooiore . - ! m . TT .Tadeo Cowinc Tuesday. Ho was George Gordon, who registered from No. 143 Madison street two weeks ago. Ho nleaded cuilty, sayino he was drank when he committed the crime, , . j . i.-if anu was senieuoeu tu rau uu nun years 'n Bing oing prison. 'Yon are tho first man arraigned for violating tho Election laws, said Judco Cowintr. "I am informed by tho officers that vou are recisterod to vote in tiait a dozen places. A man who will deprive another of his voto through false registration ouRht to bo deprived of l.t? l.:,,,...,l,l his citizenship.' Gordon was arrested by uetectivo Cornelius Learv, of tho Madison street station, and it the National ltepuDii oan Committee carry out their pro mises he will receive 82,000 reward. It is reported that the man arrested is a republican, and tho reward will bo claimed by tuo democratio policemen. hn nnorrnoa wnn nava nnnn coiumz- inc in Now York City for tho purpose of swollint; the Harrison vote are now leaving through fear. One small 'pfuticlo in the eye pains tho wholo body. Ueo Warners Log Cabin Extract. It will cure many a pain. Messrs. E. C. Caswell & Co., pro prietors of the Bloomsburg Woolen Mills havo ordered another self acting mule with 420 spindles, liprn in about ten davs. 11 IS expeowu Tho Knnnil. tit. th;ii i . uurg ivooien iuius lias luou uu u.uD sinco its commencement. They have . , 3 , ,v, -na regularly bad large monthly pay rolls, and with this additional maohincrv we can look for an increase Of laborers. TllK poultlCO WhlCll draws out a man-s virtues is the sod that covers his crave. It V-m don t want, an your vir- hid. Winron tnr, annn. rfimilatn vour re- trulator with Warner s Log uabin aar- eaparilla. It makes pure blood which cives sound health. Lamest boltlo in t ' . - . . .b - .. market-li!0 doses for 91. jjruggiBtu. , a t ti.u!.. a. Altil.nnli aiiu urui ui iiuuuHia w '"v.m flrinrTprillp Pa h a vintr been dissolv - Urangevilie, l a., naving ottu "'""'v oil W tho rln.ilh of the former. . A. aiii,.,i. tlio lata firm Allabacli, who succetds tne late nrro, ofTfir M" a! Mabaci; will 00. tinuo the business of wacon making at the o d stand, where lie will bo pleased to receive a liberal sharo ot the publio patronage. The Oft Told Story Ot the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's BarsaparlUa Is fully confirmed by the volun tary testimony oi thousands who have tried It. Peculiar In the combination, proportion, and preparation of Its Ingredients, peculiar In the extreme care with which It Is put up, Hood's BarsaparlUa accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fan. pecu liar In the unequalled cood name It lias mado at home, which Is a "tower ot strength abroad," peculiar in the phenomenal sales It has attained, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most popular and successful medicine before tho public today tor purifying the blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also bad eczema on tho back of my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle ot Hood's BarsaparlUa, and I havo received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word (or this medicine." Mrs. 3, B. Snyder, Pottsvllle, 1'cnn. Puriflos tho Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, bad scrofulous sores all over his body for fifteen years. Hood's Sarsaparilla completely cured lilm. wallaco Buck, of North nioomfleld, N. Y., suffered eleven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on Ills leg, so bad that ho bad to glvo up business. He was cured ot the ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilla SoMbyaUdrngglaU. flSlxforf9. Preparedonly by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais. 100 Doses Ono Dollar ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OP VALUADLB Real Estate! Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court Columbia county. Pa., will bo sold at publlo Bale n.i,n.mi. nininwnshlnof Bentonlnsald , ' county ou SATUHDAl, Novftnbcr 17, Io. at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real rni. lnta of Jfarla Ileus deceased, to-wlt : ginning at a post and bounded on tne east iiy ot Itohr MMtary, on the south by lands ot Itobert colley deceased, on the west by lot ot John IC Youug. and on the north by public road leading from Benton to Itohrsburg, containing ONE-FOUKTII OF AN ACRE inore.or less, on which are erected a t.r,.Vx,,ir TriiTT ixirt TrmTQU' XY U-Oltli X JJ 11 IViiHll- iivuuw d.u. .mi miihniirtinra. There Is also on premises a well of good water ana a numner mlt t rOJ TifiiiiBnu stuTenneroentof one-fourth the purchase money to be paid at the striking down, ot the propeity, the one-fourth leas the ten per cent, at the confl'matlon absolute and the re maining three-fourths la one year thereafter with Interest from conflriuaUon nuJ. JOHN It HEELER, Executor. A, L. fbitz, Atty. penton Pa, UClM. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. NATIONAI. VOn l'HRHIDKNT, GUOMilt CliKVHLANI), ot Now York. FOll VICE l'ltKSIDKNT, ALLEN G. TIIUKMAN, of Ohio. STATE. ron judge or sui'iikmk couht, J. B. MoCOLLUM, of Suequohanna County. COUNTY. YOU CON(!HK8B. CHAltLKS It. BUCK ALE W, 2Gth ron rr.ESiUENT judoe op the JUDICIAL DISTRICT. E. II. IKELEIt, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNKT, FRANK P. BILLHIEYEH ESQ. Of Bloomsburg. FOH SIlEniFK, JOHN B. CASEY of Bloomsburg. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, JAMES T. FOX, WILLIAM KRICKBAUM. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE W. MILLER. FOR CORONER, DAVID WELSOH. GENERAL ELECTION I'ltUUljAi)! A. J. lUil . inmMinnn. commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I do hereby make known and proclaim to tho quail-1 , clect;;ra 0, Columbia county that a general election wm do neia on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER C, 1888, I hpinir Tiipsflav next followlnc tno nrstAIon. i . . . . . r . . . : . ... - QarOi NtiamDDim lurmo uuiuuiraut cicviuiK mo several persona hereinafter named, to-wlt: I rn,i,-v MKiAna fn ItinildAnrinl RlMn. One person tor Auditor General. Two persons tor Juoge ot the supreme Court. one Demon for rresldent Judge ot tho 28th Judi cial District. . nnA nronn rnr lienrpseniflrivn in (jantrrpHS. Two persons tor reprcscntatlrcs In the Legtala-1 turn. one person tor sheriff, one person tor District Attorney. f )no nfinuin for coroner. Two persons for Jury commissioners. , t alu hniwhir tnilrn vnann nnil oivft notlcethat tho places of holding the aforesaid election In tho several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county ot Columbia are as fouows, viz: Heaver township, at tho public houso ot Mary smitn. Uenton township, at the public nouse ot L, TirAXrn in thn tnwn of Uenton. East liloom, at tno uourt nouso, in iuooinuuiK WCSt UlOOm. ut HO .Olirniuusu, luiuwuuuuik. woodin in the borough ot BtTUK-li. west Berwick, at the office of W. J. Knotx, In I tho borough ot Berwick. Borough of Centralla, at the public house of Amanaus reiier. unarcreek township, at the pubUo school house nearisvansviue. . . catawlssa township, at tho public houso of G- w. lieitsnyaer. Centre township, at the school house near Lofay- ftortn uonyngnam uisinct, ai. uiu avuuui uuuao near the collfery ot John Anderson t: Co. tjouth Conyngham District, at the house ot Mrs. Thnmaa Monroe. Flshlngcreek township, at tho school houso near u. 11 WU11B. Mwnsmp' " lQ0 Lawrence scnooi Greenwood township, at the house of I. D Hemlock township, at tne puono house ot tnas. ii. inextcncn. in me town oi uuck iiuru. .Tmnif nnrt tm . nr. Rr.nooi nouso hl w uiur. Locust the pubuc house ot Nathan Knnrr. In Nnmpdla- Aiimin townsnip, ui. me nuuuauuuwuLAuuu ness. In the town ot Mlffllnvtllfl. Madison townshlD. at the publlo house ot Miles Smith, in Jerseytown. . . Mt. Pleasant township, at the MUlertown school honse. Montour township, at the pubUo house of samuei uazieaine, at itupeix. Alain wwnsiup, at mo juuuu uuuw uiauuiwu W fiTitimnn nnnrlnFrrwl' tiwnnMn. nt thn house Of Samuel icr Mm.n hotel in or. ."'".Sr. " " angevllle. line tiiwnshtn. at thn centre school House. sugarloat tovnslup, at the house of Norman cole. . . , T West Scott at the public house of A. J. Thrash m jjgntstreet. , Kast scott township, at the pubuc house ot At all elections hereafter hold undertie laws ot mis commonwealth, tne election pons suaii uo 1 Bau continue open without lnterrupuon or ad- jumntavtw AOlItiJi Ih lihli&UX Ul V ri.Ii, That every oerson excepting Justices of the Pnacn and Aldermen. Notation Publlo and Per sons In the mllltla service of the State, who shall hold or shall within two months have held I anv omen or annolntment of nrollt or trust unddr i theunted Mates, orot this (State, and city or corporatea aistnct, wnetner a cummiasiuiieu I omcer or otnerwise, a subordinate omcer or ageni 1 who 1 or Rhaii oft emnioveo unaer tne Lemsia- 1 ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this 8tati orot any clty or or fneorporated dls- I trier, and also, that everv member of Conuress I and of the state Legislature, and of the Belect or fg COuncU of any city, or commissioners gSSSSBSSS of any election otthls Commonwealth, and mat no inspector, Judge or other omcer or suca eieo tion shall be eligible to be then voted for. The Inspectors and Judge of tho elections shall mpet at the reanectlve nlaccs anoointea tor holding the election In the district to which they respectively Deiong, netore seven o ciock iu uie morning, and each of said inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shall bo a qualified voter of such district. The nuallfled voters of the several districts In this county at all general, township borough and cpcclil elections, are nereby hereafter author ized and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall emDrace uie names 01 aujuugesoi uourui vuuju tor, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" one ticket rtiall embrace the names ot all the State onicera voted for and to be labelled "State:" one ticket shall embrace the names ot all county omcers votea ior. inciuuing tuo onice 01 benuuir. and Members of Assembly, It voted for, and members of Contrress. If voted for. und be label led "County;" ono ticket shall embrace the names of all township omcers voted for, and be labelled "Township ;" ono ticket shall embrace the names ot all borough onicera voted for, and be labelled "uuruunu. And each clasa shall bo detoslted In separate ballot boxes. hamuel smith, Oct it. jyj- J. 1 1 ESS, D. D. S., tiiuuuuie 01 iud 1 mtauciuiuu ucubui uuiicgc, Having opened a dental omcelu LOCKAKD'S BUILDING, corner ot Main and centre streets, BLOOMSHURG, PA., Is prepared to receive all patients requiring pro- 1 ictuuuuui uervicea. BTUEH, OAS, AND LOOAL ANAESTHETICS administered for the painless extraction of teeth free ot charge when artmclal teeth are inserted. ALL WORK UUAItANTKED AS ItEI'ItESENTEO. oct sa-iy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real E state ! By virtue ot an order Issued out ot the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned ex. ccutor of Kianklln Khodes, late ot Eeaver town- ship, deceased will offer at pubUo sale on premises In Locust township, said county, on FRIDAY, November 2, 1888. at 10 o'clock a. in., all that certain tract of I nlfiiatatn I stMiaf , nurnahln lwlnv n traft. at ot I Inl Inn1 at thn fnftf. nf th T.lltlA Mountain, V,1,,AH ,, H.rihi Mfnimwn, neMnnimrat r"rrr:";. "V n I pUMb UUU rUUDIUfe; 1U7UW UJ ItUU ui 1JK, MV.l, and Daniel Fettennan loutn eighty degrees, I one-hundred and twelve pcrohes to a chestnut es. thence by the same south ntty degrees, west lie. I nunareu ana novemy-twu uvnueu vu a iui ua, iucm uj iuuuiau c.isuW..wU... westfloveu and five-tenths peiches to a cbestDut, thence by land of Jobcph A. Long south twenty perches to chestnut oak, thence by the same I seventy-tour and a quarter degrees, east two dred and twelve and tour-tenths perches .LMimit thnnra hv land of flennrn rteaver .nventv-nine dezrees east flltr and . : " . IT i percues w a piuu, mcuw uunu ww uuuuini TUIIKETS, the I percues to a posnue puuw ui uciuuiuK, tuuiiua. i,hh iiii i wir oi i ing uineiyumo sua m i"v uaual aUowance of six per cent, for roads. 0(1 TERMS OF BALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down ot tho property : the one-fourth less the per cent, at the confirmation of sale ; and the maining three-fourth in one year thereafter, Interest from conflrmalion nita. JAMES T. FOY, PalK. Atty. Eieoutor. OCtl-'M. 'OND'SBCTRftCT INVALUABLE FOR ALL PAINS AND INFLAMMATIONS. Sore Throat, Diphtheria. dangeroa. Itollef weamL Sores, Sprains, Bruises. It la cooling, cleansing, and Mealing. PnlnnnVi I'oikVh Extract III tmmr Valal I II. passed for Catarrh, Cold In the Head, Ac. (Boo page II, In Itook ot Di rections wrapped around each bottle.) Rheumatism, Neuralgia. rues of these olftrooinff cotupUlnti than l'ond'fl tract Trj HI Hemorrhages. SSSSS? Noo, or from any cadte, la rpccdlly con trolled and Mopped. D!lnr rond'a llxtrnct la undoubtedly 1 11 03. the beat remedy known for Plica. Tbense of I'omVa Kxtrart Ointment in connection with the Kilract la nigmy recommended. (Seop. 1 Dtwk of Dlrec tlona wrapped around each bottle.) Female Complaints, major- 117 oijcmtu uiniwes ine r.xirnrs caa ue naed, aa la well known, with the greatest benefit. Full directions accompany each bottle. ronil'a Kxtrnet la Known Kreryivhero. It U nuvl In thn hnn?hnltl of the Prealtlent aa vll A. that nf the hnmhhwt citizen 1 brmem. lera of the army and the nary, the liar and the Bench, the pit I pit and the press all ranks and classes of people CAUTION. Pond's Extract tne worus " I'omra ixirart " mown in the glass, and onr plctnro trade-mark on t nrronndtng buff wrapper. None other la genuine. Always Insist on h& Ing INhhI'a lixtract. Take no other preparation. ItUtwertotd In bulk or by measure. Bold everynhere, Prices, OOc, ft, (1.75. rrapared only by I'OSD'S EXTHACT CO., 76 6th Ays., Now York. POND'S EXTRACT CHftTMENT. 52 Tins Ointment is specially recommended for Piles. If used in connection with I'otuiy Extract it will bo fuund invaluable. Also for Bums, Scalds, Er ii ill imis, cOc. , itc. Testi m oni- nls from nil classes. Price 50o. Sold liy ullDniiTL'istsor sent by mail on receipt of pneo. Put up only by POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 6th AvcN.f. Award List. Prnmiumfl nwnnleil nt the thirty, fourth an nual Fair of tho Columbia County Agricul tural Society, held at Bloomsburg, October 10th, lltli. 12th and 13th. 1888. CLASS I. CAItniAQE AND LIGHT DRAUGHT nOBSES, HA11KS AND COLTS. Hijilllnn. Col Co. over 4 years James Maunon 8 00 Second, W J Mauaneiu o uu UiaillOIl, COl UO, ueiwctu uuu t jcni. Clara KThomaa Brood mare and foal T U Sweppen helser 3 50 0 09 3 00 Second, Fred Uagcnbuch Aiare or geiuing ueiweeu i uuu a yvuia John W wrnterateen 4 00 2 00 Second, Andrew Crevellng uit Detwcen t anu 2 yeurs vuurvw Kviina.... l 3 00 Second, J H Crevellng............. 2 00 colt unuer iu muuiuH il imuum.,, Double team John 11 Heed Second, II Utackhouae Hlnorle liorKe nr ninre F P HaEenbuch. 2 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 Second, Henry J Carr 2 00 AiaiCU COItS unuer jrcurB ueaioj1 Bowman 4 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Second, II L Vanderallce Second, Frank Fester Texas pony W H Lord ueconu, a j 'inrnsn CLASS II. nEAW DIIAOGI1T 1IOKSES, MARES AND COLTS. Stallion In Col Co over 4 years John Vance $5 5C Stallion In Col Co bet wet nzanui years Hiram crouse Brood mare and loal Henry Melllck.. Colt between 3 and 4 years J 8 llagen bueli Colt between land2 years Mllealkeler nnlfiimler ill mnlitha D W Falrman.. 3 50 4 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 Two horse team F V Hagenbucb 4 00 second, jnnn M Willie x u Two mule team E H Little 4 00 Second, Jaa l'atteraon Single mare or gelding Jns Learn 2 00 a oo 1 50 MUlo coil lienry j carr CLASS III. DURHAM OR SHORT TIOUN. Pnnr TtaiicrlQR Tlushes t8 00 Second, F W Boone 5 00 HOLSTEIN FJESIAN, Bull over 2years Ell Little 8 00 Cow 8 00 Heifer under2yrs " " " 4 00 Call under 12 months W B Allen 2 00 &2UmiiumZ" '....:::::: 1 w I JERSEYS. Bull over 2 years O Y Mowery.... tg 00 Hecond TJ Barton Cow M Y Mowery 5 00 s 00 Hccoua 1 J liurion. 5 00 4 00 Heifer under 2 years G Y MowjJO'. I Hecond T J Barton 2 00 l Calf under 12 months T J Bart Barton 2 00 AYEUSUIKES. Cow O W Sterner 8 CO Heifer unde r 2 years u w sterner 4 uu CLASH V. CROSSES OF IIltEEDS IS CLASS lit. null over 2 vp.irs I 11 Ikeler SI 00 cow Wm O Itlchard fl 00 &W&BSZ 4 uu 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 ou ""W"" ii,',"UK"ct!w,""'' Calf under 12 montha F W Boone Heoond llenj Klstler Twin calves J H Hngenbuch , Bull under 2 years D W Falrman , 2 00 CLASS VI. CROS.3 OF D1IEEDS IN CLASS IV, Cow P 8 Brugler Jt 03 Heifer under 2 veara II M Orotz 4 00 Second Phillip Harris 2 00 uuu tinuer - years uiueon t'eist a w CLASS VII. NATIVE CATTLE. Cow over 3 years old HerveyLVau. dersllce SI 00 Second Joseph Garrison 2 00 cow unuerayears joaepn iiwamau, Second Joa lieekman Heifer under 2 years Henry Melllck., Second Jos Heckmnn II 00 2 01 2 00 1 00 Calf WmHHeas... 1 in SFECIAL PRIZES. Best herd Lackawanna Breeders AS' soclullon , , 70 uj CLASS VIII. MIEKP MIDDLE WOOLS, Pair buck and ewe Samuel Hldlay, to 00 4 00 6 00 ;i 00 Second Hiram A Sweppenhelaer, Lot lambs u nr more I 11 laeier Second F P Hagench , Hhrop&hlre lamb reg A C Creasy 3 00 4 00 LONO WOOLS. Pair buck and ewe Simon Hitler cuoss WOOLS. Pair buck and ewo O 11 Hitler CLASH IX. SWINE. Jeraey lied boar W A Fodder , ... " aow " " " S3 Chester While boar Samuel Hldlay.. Second Hnn'l Yocum Cheater While how uan'l l ocum Second J S Hugenbueh 1. liter or tuna 1 11 iiceier Second Miles Ikeler Theabove nine classea were ludced bv II P Lewis. Hunt, ltolllug stock 1'urni. Indiana 1. U, I'll. VOULTKV. I Trios, Plymouth Rocks W 11 German, 11 00 GO neujuu w iv ivuiKK'nu... Wyandota Phillip Harris Black breasted 11 G bantams Hervey Furmntl 7S 1 00 50 75 Second Berton Murciey Light brunmas lienry note White leulioma Mdward liytr 1 00 Second ChnaK Williams... , Brown ipgnorna lienry note Second Kills ltlngrose 1 00 AO 1 00 SO 1 00 50 While created oiuck pousnii liurown H.e"n'), mvb0bS?iV.lti second w u uewitt Hose comb brown leghorn W II Ger man the Second II tl Brown Urood biacK ureasieu ll u uuntams Boyd funnan..,, ,, Coop pullets O 11 Hitler land UU. Partridge oocnina cnanuie uvea Black and reu game r amonu navage. Dark Ilrahmas Chas 1 Ivans ,,,,,,,, and Langshans Samuel iiiuiay. a I l)oinlnlquea Chandle Kyea.....,...,,,, Display game ciiicaena numona Hnvflirp. west WIiIim ilrttnlnlnnn enmea N W Barton White mlnorct Mrs K O Jlelbler Blue game Win 11 Lord! ,,, Common bantam Kddle Shatter Grist george and ahawl neck game AO oak. one tuur Arcuy DUCKS, Common ducka Chandle Kvcs,,,,,.,,, Heoond Wm Wulters ,,,,, Pekln ducka Henry Bote , ,, Secoudl.Uile Powell , ,, north I hun - 1 to a I (1KESK. aoulh I Toulouse Samuel Hldlay one-tenth I Native Henry note. I seoona r.iiua iiagsuuucu,,,,, Hecond n ii creveunK,,, I Bronte KP llagenbueli.. Native I uiKeier Second Kllshu llagenbuch.., BlueF P llagenbueli ten naKOKd.Ac, ntm A Wolf. re wun Heoond J H llagenbuch Fanlall Jarnea Saltier.. ...... Tumbler James Saltier, Antwerp o A Fornwald Carrier jcuuienuaner., llnrtu lien Vonnltn Z Common IWdle Hhafrcr 21 Hlngdovea U It Miller . Zi Oulnois A V Melllck 1 00 I Heconil OttoA Wolf.,. .,.,.,, . 60 llnbbita Allien .Metiierau,.,., i uu I l'ntis Mr.I W (lll)Ls SO Heroml Mllealkeler 2.1 Uoat nnil anlky Cleorgo Keller. M Juilges-Tlieo. 11. Fowler Bnpt., W. 11. Iting. roue, Frank Heller. CLARSXI. flltAlN, SERPS AMD FLOUR. Wheat flour buhr prooeaa M lbs Wca- icy liowmnu., ,..,.Mit ... iuu Hecnnd Oeo llengle. ,B0 lluckwheat flour Wealey llowman,,,. 1 uo Hecond Oeo llengle .TO (Mover seed .Inhu J Wolf. 1 00 Hecond Cleo llengle.......... 50 Timothy aerd Hiunnel llldlay 1 00 KecondJolin I Wolf,..,.,, BO lted bearded wIieatT W llagenbueli,. 1 00 Heconil Kalilcmnn A wolf ,, 60 lied wheat smooth Henry Hote 1 00 Hecond 1) llryfoglo. B0 White whent 1 1. .elalon 1 00 Hecond 1 11 Ikeler 50 lluckwheat David Bhuman 60 Hecond II It llrown 2 llyo John Doline..., loo Hecond Blmcm Hitler... 60 Oata Henry Melllck 60 Hecond I) llryfogle 25 Corn red cob gourd John Del-ong 1 oo Hecond A W Melllck 60 Corn 8 rowed yellow F I' llagenbueli., 1 00 Hecond II M Oiotz 50 Hweet corn Wm Abbott. B0 Hecond Ueo V Kitchen 29 l'opcorn Annn U llagenbuch 60 Hecond James Learn,., 2" King Phillip corn AW Melllck 60 Hecond Kmnnucl Ijitania 21 turn 3 atnlks John J Wolf. S Hllver hull buckwheat John UeLong,, 21 Corn white cob eourd John J Wolf, ... 60 Hecond Hlmon filler 23 Display larm and garden needs Jennlo A Hitler Hecnnd Delia O Shumnn litier.'.'.!'.'.'.'.'. lllack mustard Frcas Klstler, Ye ow " (Tneumber seed Delhi Medllerrnnean bearded wheat I ll ikeier Hecond Mrs Hnmuet CrnTellng. llrnnm corn Jacob llleucnnacQ: (lerrann millet " " Flax seed Mrs laaian Kline Judees J. D. NuasSunt.. J. T. Iteedcr. M. C. Vance. CLASS XII. VEGETABLES POTATO IS. rrldeof valley polatoca Win ShafTer.. 75 llnrbnnk Mrs Robert lleaele 1 00 Hecond Henry Hole . 50 Hnowllake Wm Shutter ,. 1 00 neconu Lmaauei i.nzurun Mammoth pearl Jacob Zclsloft Hecond W O Illcliard Early roan Hlmon Hitler Second A W Melllck 60 1 00 50 1 00 75 1 75 75 00 60 60 1 00 50 75 75 1 00 60 75 75 60 60 60 0 60 Late rose Jacob ZelalofU Hecond I L Zelsloft I'eerlesa Mra A J Malts.,,,. llroecesa " Ureen Mountain John DeLong Bluo victor Jacob Zelsloft Hecond F P llagenbuch Magnum uonum il a uweppennciaer. Early Ohio Samuel llldlay Sweet potatoes U 11 Crevellng Hecond Mra Isaiah Kline Empire state ltobenu iioweu White elephant Wm Shaffer Beets Mrs J DeLoncr Turnips II 8 I'ohe uaooage Liovi mx. Celery Mra M McMaban Onions Chaa ltabb Cucumbers Mra M McMahan Lima beans Mrs W D Hllenian 60 60 60 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 60 60 50 25 25 15 60 50 25 21 25 21 25 15 25 21 25 25 25 21 21 Mun- ole benna Mrs Moore Demon Tomatoes Samuel Trump itaaisnea t 11 iwooina Peppers Samuel Trump Pumnkln Ellsha Haeeubucb... Squashes Samuel Trump Kgg piani joaepn uarriaon Lettuce Mra M McMahah Kn.llvB " Onlona from seod Mrs M McMahan. , . , Mangoes Miss Nora Kinney Second Anna II llagenbuch Vegetable peaches Miss Nora Kinney, Onion sets Mrs J DeLong Hecond Freas Klstler Hops Mrs ll Kltcnen Soup beans Mra Silas Shuman Winter peas Jennlo Hitler Citron 11 M Orotz Nest egg gourtl John J won... Mangle Wertzel Oeo Beagle Marrow fat beans Allle llaeenbuch... Strlne benna Mrs M McMahan Tobacco stalks II A Kreamer Hweet peppera II M Grotz.. i'arsnipsu if niarun Carrots Mrs Hobt Beagle Judges Jos. Garrison, HupU, D. A. hob, llermon Fuhrlnger, CLASS XIII. FRUIT APPLES. rtnldwln Phllln Harris Hecnnd Mrs I H Ilrltton It I Greening I L Zelsloft Second Mrs Bam'l Crevellng Hmoko house Mra Ellis Cox Second Mrs Sam'l Crevellng Fallawnter II A Kreamer Second Wm J Hldlay York Imperial D W Falrman Hecond Mrs Joseph Miller King Philip Harris Hecond Claire Wliltinoyer Northern Spy Mrs Wm Hhoemakor... Second Mrs Samuel Crevellng llelle Flour Phllln Harris 50 21 60 23 50 2 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 25 50 21 S5 83 35 21 21 21 Second Mrs Sam') Crevellng Winter KamboT W uunton Hecond Lloyd Creasy Benjanilte W T Creasy Hecond Emanuel Lazarus Black Mrs M MCManan Mnlden blush I I. Zelsloft PArndlRA Martha Abbott Tolman sweets Ileuben Hess LadleB choice James Learn r"all Itambo Sam'l Trump Hecond Martha Abbott. Golden rtusaet W T Creasy Second Jainrs Learn Smith cider Mrs Sam'l Crevellng Crevllng do Qlllflowcr Hiram A Sweppenhelser... Sheepnose Wm II Lord r an pipin Airs ueo w Aiinieuiuu...... crao apples ireas iviaiier.. fa'SSSS. i I Kinperoror ituasianoyaureaay.... lied raven do do do Hnow 60 willow twin Wine sap do do i'lnacie lien lliivla Clark Tl Thomas Mammoth plpln Jacob Zelsloft Winter aweeta T W Guntou Wagner W T Creasy Second I L Zelsloft Vandlver H A Kreamer Quinces Mrs J H Townsend Second II A Kreamer 1-EARS. Burr do Angos W T Creasy K-plflVr Phllln Harris Second W T Creasy tteCKie w n uerman Lawrence Joseph Garrison Winter Mra Geo W Amilemai) Second Mrs H Kitchen Fall Chas llimard Second Jacob Zelsloft Cluster ou umuT u iiouoins Ducbesa I U zelslolt IVitinrl ' 11 Bartletta Andrew J Campbell Late Crawford Mra Geo W Appleraau, Ground cherries Mlaa Clara 11 Poller.. PEACHES. Wards late Philip Harris Wheelers late " Yellow Allle llagenbueli Second Silas Shuman White " ailAPES. Pockllngton WTCreaay Hartford " " Diana " Brighton " ' Crevllng , " ", Concord Philip Harris... Second Martha l Vundersllce Niagara Philip Harris .Martha Freaa Klstler Hecond Win Walters Ionia Mra wm 11 lieas nllnfrm Reuben Ilesa.. Catawba Allle llagenbueli lhllln Harris Judnes-Plillln HarriB,8upt.,J.K,Alkmn J. M. White. CLASH XIV. DRIED KIIU1T. Amilea Mrs Benl Klstler Pears Mra ll Kitchen... Quinces Clara 1. uugeiiuucn M I lJAnnlp Martha Abbott Peache 60 I cherries (pitted) Mn jonn w .Miner.. 5 oo I Cherrlea luupltted) Mra H Siller 3 00 ltasnberrles Mrs laaian rvime , 5 00 Blackberries Mra LA Vonng 3 00 Heuberr les Mra It Kitonen 5 00 Whortleberries Mrs BenJ Klstler 3 00 Plums Mra Chaa Trump Prunes Mra A J alalia.. Chestnuta Win 11 U'rd. Hlckorynut Mra A J Maus Corn Mra K Kitchen., Wild cherrlea Mlaa Henrietta Maus... Pumpkin Mrs Kllla Cox... r.iuetoerriea wikviu , .uuv. ,,,,,,,,,, Wnlnnli Vrpns Kl&tler Choke cherries Mra H Hitler Coreander Mrs B Hitler Tomaloea win it iA,m. u.-i iunn, Mru Wm Hlioemaker Crab apil68 Mra Albert Herblne Grapea Martha Abbott.. Butternuts win i ll., .nnty I :inrK 1-. i numu . A. Gulterman. Sunt.. a tclla M Creasy, MrB joun aimer. CLASS XV. WINES, AC, Currant Wm H iMrd Grape Lilian Barton lthubarb Mra LA Young.... ItlnplihArrv Mrs Wm Barrett CO 23 75 Raspberry Mra h A Young 75 Cider vinegar A W Melllck 75 cnerrv ra u j oiurr....... 75 Klderbloaaom Mra I H Ilrltton ?5 KIderberry Henry Hole 75 75 APPle " , ',' jiv'I.''.'.'""" iiiacauerry porniui air n iuuk,..,, vinegar Clara llagenbuch, Boiled elder Mra Win Barrett. Peach vinegar Mnrtlia Auoou,. WlldUierry wine Mra Oeo Appleman, Whortleberry" Mra BenJ Kisller,.,, llaspberry vinegar ' " " .... Strawberry " " ' 7 1 00 60 1 00 60 WHlB airs ,J i UHUi Gooseberry wine Mrs Chaa Trump,,,, Pear " Mra L A Young Strawberry Hyrnp " ynerry ; Lemon ' ' Gr'ndch'ry br'dy ' ' " 76 1 00 50 I'eacii ,,, Pear J ..... oPn'ger oordlal " " " CurrantHyrup ' " " Raspberry ' " " " Tnm.ln urltlA Mr. A J KViUI 1 00 50 75 1 00 6l Rye whiskey H 1 llagenbuch,,,, 73 Peach wine Mra Chaa Trump fans . 300 1 00 25 25 25 nimii'rv . ciaru r. iiHiBuuuuuit Wstnuilon wine Mra Chaa Trump,, ffiue wn iuu ,uu,ij,,, 11 Miss Maude Bauds, Sv"1," CrabuDPle Mrs ISBrlttoii,,,', Wro ll Lori uaudeiiort Ukokecherry 25 Metlilglum Mrs (leorgo W Appleman. 21 mtlnco syrup Clark I! Thomas 21 (irnpo brandy Mrs LA Young,,.,,,,,, 21 Unfermentea grnpe wine Mrs E 0 Dclbler 60 Judge Frena Fowler Hupt., Jaa. H. Mont gomery, J, M, Ikeler. CLASS XVI. unit ao, ntiTTEn, PASTnv AnnoAKti. txiaf w bent bread Mra A W Fry tl 00 Hecond Mra EC Dewier I,oar rye bread Mlaa L Oohen,.., Dozen biscuits Anna Houck Hecond Mlaa Clara H l'elfer ,,,, Dozrolla Mrs H Kitchen , Frull cake ". " Hecond Mra Wm W ebb , (linger cake CnrrleHweppenbelaer,,.. Second Mra A Noble ,. Drop cake Mra ElllaCnx ,, Hoda cake Mlaa Nora Kinney Hecond Carrlo Hweppenhelacr Dried yeaat Mra llenj Klstler Doughnuta Mra Joseph Miller,.,..,.,, Hecond M E Itoblson., Hponge cake Mra J H Menach Hecond Mrs T I) Strauss Cookies Mra Wm Barrett Second Mra A J Maua. ,, Gold cake Mra Wm Shoemaker Currantbread Mra Wm Shoemaker,,. 60 25 60 21 25 1 00 60 60 25 85 60 25 25 M 23 60 25 60 25 Hi 25 21 60 GO 25 35 60 23 AO 25 60 ti 60 25 25 60 23 35 25 S3 S3 60 25 S3 25 25 25 35 25 35 35 25 S3 60 1 00 60 25 25 23 60 CO 60 25 60 5i) 60 GO 60 60 60 60 AO AO 60 AO 50 60 AO 50 AO CalcAmltn lllv Kplce bread Martha Abbott Jolly cake Mra Isaiah Kline Hecond Mnrllin Abbott. Variety cako MraM IlGelalnger Graham bread Mrs llenj Klstler Heecnd Mra It Kitchen , Cinnamon rolls, Mra llenj Klstler Second, Mra E G Delbler Jnmblc9, Mra F P llagenbuch Hecond, Mra J E Heacock Chocolate cake. Battle Hart 8000ml, Margaret Faux Sand tarts, Mrs Joseph Miller Orange cake, Annn II llagenbuch.. .... Second Mra Wm Webb,, Banana cake Anna II Hagonbuoh H drz Pull cakes. Mrs K 0 Delbler Cocoanut cakn Mrs J S Menscb Silver cako, Clara Vundnrsllco Whlto Mountain cake, Margaret Faux Second, Mrs Isaiah Kline Watermelon cake, Mrs 1' 8 llarman ... Bcotoh wafers, Mrs J K Wilson Spice cake, Mrs J K Wilson Cup cake, Mra C A Moyor Marble cake, Mra U A Mover Chocolate wafers, Mrs J K Wilson-, . . . Composition cako 21 F, Itoblson Pound oake, Mrs A W Fry Hard Money cako, Mrs Robert Bcaglo Corn Starch enke, Mrs A W Fry Cured ham, Wm Abbott flutter, A F Sharrots Second Mrs BonJ Klstler Cocoanut candy, Mis Wm Shoemaker Home made cheese, Nrs K B Johnson Batatoga chips, Mrs Ellis Cox Cocoanut custard plo Ed Stetler. Applople Mrs ChasA.Moyer Mlncople. Hattle Hart Secon 1, Bessie Bldlcman Oround cherry plo, Mrs F P llagen buch Chocolate pie, Mrs F P Ilagoubnch,... Halslnple, Martha Abbott..... Peach plo.Clara Vanderallce lted Currant pie, Mrs M, It. Gelslnger Oulnco pie, Mrs L A Young Apple tart, Mrs T U Swepponhelsor... Grape plo, Mrs I. A Young Lemon pie, Clara Vanderallce Ureen tomato pie, Mrs Jos Miller Plum rtle. Mra Silas Shuman Choke cherry plo Anna B llagenbuch Cranberry pie Anna B llagenbuch uwoet potato pie, mra e,iusox Corn starch plo, Mra F P llagenbuch.. rumpKin pie, jura u u iiueinau Breakfast pie, Mrs J E Wilson Judras. II. It. Brown Sunt.. M. Alvcrna Hess, Mrs J. 8. llagenbuch. CLASS XVII. oaiihid Ann spiozd raons and FICKLBB. June berries canned, Mrs Mary Oliver Peaches, wm Auuott Plums, M A Krum Hecond. Mrs W D lineman Pears, Amy licacoca: Hecond, Mrs M It Uelalnger Uage, Mrs Moore Demott Second, Mrs J R Townsend Crab apples, Mra R Kitchen Second, Mrs W D Hlleman Cherries, sweet, Wm Abbott Hecond, Aiue nagenouci Quinces, Mrs J Harry Brltton hocond, Mrs M R Uelalnger Uooscberrles, Mrs R Kitchen Second, Mrs A J Maus Citron, MrsAJ Maus Orange, Mrs A J Maua......... Currants. Mra Benjamin Klstler Second, Mrs W D Hlleman Pineapple, Mrs A J Maus Second, Mrs Charles Savage Uround cherrlos, Amy Heacock Tomatoes. Mlaa Henrietta Maus Hecond, MlasAmy Heacock Mince meat, Mrs Kills Cox Pumpkin, Mrs Kllla Cox Grapes, Mrs W D Hlleman BCCOnU. mm ttuuoii ucn.iaxM, ithnharh. Mrs Benl amln Klstler Second, Mrs C OMarr....... whortleberries, Clark E Thomas Corn, Mrs Charles Tramo Hoconu, airs .llooru ubujui. Peas. Mrs Robert Beagle.. wii,i niiimn. sirs W D Hlleman Hour cherrlos, Mrs Moore Demott Second, Mrs Wm H Hess Blackberries, Mrs W D Hlleman Second, Alllo Hagonbuch. Choke cherries, Anna U llagenbuch... Second, Mia W D Hlleman ItM Wm Mlinntrmlrnr Second, Mrs Moore Demott Black raspberries, Martha Zolsloft.... Second, Mrs R Kitchen Red raspberries, Mrs M R Uelslnger... Second, Mrs T J Barton Yellow tomatoes. Amy Heacock Yellow spanlan oneirics, urs iionjamiu Kinder 60 60 AO 25 35 35 60 25 35 60 23 33 60 25 AO 55 35 35 60 25 33 AO 25 33 85 S5 35 35 35 S5 S3 35 3 Soconrt, MrsUcorge W Appleman Elderberries, David L Uruber Second, Martha Zelsloft Thorn oerrles, Wm U Lord Beans, Mrs S C lleaglo Crab apples, spiced, Mrs Mcore Demott second, sirs it nitcnen Ground cherrlos, Mrs A J Maus Quinces, Mrs M R Uelslnger Hecond, Mrs C O Marr Cherries, (pitted) Mrs M MoMahan Cherrlea, (unpltted) MrsAJ Maus.... Second. Clark E Thomas Pears, Mrs M It Uelslnger Second, MrsO C Marr Citron, Mis A J Maus...., Cucumbers, " Peaches, Mrs ll Kltcnen Second Mrs I S Brltton Watermelon rind, Mrs C U Marr Plums, Delia U Shuman Second, Mrs Charles Trump Choke cherries Anna B llagenbuch... Tomatoes, M Robert Beagle liewDerries, aira uoucn uungiM Apples, Amy iieucuc Blackberries. MrB Mooro Demott Unions, " wnortieuorrios, - Beans, " ...... Green tomatoes, Mrs Wm Shoemaker. Canlolope, " , Uooscberrles, Mrs R Kitchen Cabbage, John J Wolf 35 33 33 3 33 50 23 60 S5 50 25 t3 60 25 21 25 S3 25 60 25 23 2, S3 35 21 35 25 25 25 23 23 33 25 35 35 25 iteets, airs cnanos irump Rhubarb Anna 11 llagenbuch Vi-naMlranM. Clark E ThOmaS Cucumber pickles. Mrs M R Uelslnger Heoona, ciarx r. -rnuiuus Tomato pickles, Mr J S Menach Second, Anna B llagenbuch Onion pickles. Phillip Harris second, Mrs M R Uelslnger..... Cauliilower pickles, Mrs A J Maus.... Chow chow, Mrs I S Ilrltton Second, Mrs Isaiah Kllno Celery pickles, Mrs M. McMahan aiangoes picaiea, aim nui ,,uu. ...... Cabbage pickles, Mrs Robert Beagle... Hecond, Mra Isaiah Kline Tomato catsup, MraM R Uelslnger. ... second, Mrs ueorge DHartman pepper Bauco, jura ai aiumnum., ,. Nasturtium plckled.Mrs A J Maus Mlxod ploklea, Henrietta Maus , Plokted eggs, " ... Ploklcd ground cherrlos, " ... Pickled vegetable peach, NoraKinney Prepared borso radish, Allle llagen buch Grapo catsup, Mrs Robert Beagle I'toKieu cuerrics, juia m u uuuuwu,,,. French plcklos, " Prepared citron, Mia Wm Shoemaker Cucumber catsup, Clark ETbomaa.... Pickled Beans, Mrs M R Uelslnger.... Chill sauce, Mrs A J Evans Ragout, Emma Vance Nas urtlum Bauon, Mra Wm H llesa.... Vegotablo ragout, Mrs L A Youngi Tomato soy, " L Walnut catsup f Peach catsup, " J Pickled butternuts, Mrs J R Townsend 1 doz wax candles, Afrs L A Young.. I 1 doz tallow candles 41 . I Hard soap, Afrs U C Jarr Soft soap, Ellis Rlnjzrose Uerman eauco .tfra Chaa Trump Afuatard Pickles Jrs J S Variety plokles, Jrs 1 8 Ilrltton Pickled urtlchnkns, Win H Lord, ...... Piocalllli, Jrs J E lleacook Pickled peppers, Jrs A J Jaus Chllt pepper sauce, William Abbott... WestlnillaUherklns, " Quince chip, Mrs J C JUrr llrandled peaches, Jfrs Charles Trump ll,.,.,,,,la,t nttitrrloa " 50 25 33 23 25 23 23 25 25 25 23 25 23 23 S3 35 Judges J P Sands, Sup. ) Jrs W JLong. enburger, Jrs P A Evans. CLASS XV11L jbllixs, rnisauvits, butties, jams Ac. Qulnco Jelly. Mary Kyer Hocond, Mrs F. 11 Johnson Grape. Mra M R Uelsingor Hecond, A F Sharr tta Crab applo, JacobJ Keller Heconil, Mra Italah Kline Apple, Mary Eyer Hecond, Jennie Evans ,. Red Currant, Mrs R Kitchen Hecond, Mra M R Uelstnger Plum, Mra Wm 11 Hess Second, Mrs Albert Hcrbine... Uooeberry Mrs A J Maua Squash, Mra E B Johnson Htrawborry, Mrs A J Maus Second, Mra L A Young Black Raspberry, Nora Kinney,.,.,.. Second, Mia Wm II lless Peach, Mrs M R Uelslnger Second, Mrs IsatahKUne Plneapplo, Mra U C Marr lllack Cheiry, Mrs R Kitchen Ureen Grape, Clark E Thomas Hecond, alias Amy Heacock , AO 50 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 60 25 60 60 50 uuuuaru, airs louiau jiimu... ..., Second, Mra W D Hlleman Tomato, Mrs Iaalah Klluu ,, Second, Mrs W D Hlleman Pear, Mrs Iaalah Kline ,., Second, Claik E Thomas Mixed, Maud Sands , Hnnninl. Mra U Kitchen , 60 M 60 21 25 50 60 50 25 60 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 i 25 63 23 25 25 Uround Cherry, Mrs F P llagenbuch., W fecond. Amy lleacook 23 Elderberry, Maggie S Eyes ,,, Heoond, Mrs Benjamin Kisller, Red Raspberry, Mrs M It Uelslnger.,.. Hecond, Mr R Kitchen..... Watermelon, Mn Mil Uelslnger Seoond, Mrs It Kitchen Cranberry, Mra M R Uelalngor Prune. Mra M It Uelalnger Wild Plum, Mra M It Uelalnger Second, Clark E Thomas White Currant, Mrs 11 Kitchen ,. ilea cnerry, xurs u uiivuun,.. Hi,nond. Mra 1. A Youmr., Huokleberry. Mrs Wm 11 Hea. 50 I Blaokberry, Mrs Silas bhuman,, a Hooonu, airs a a mown.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 , Wlntergreon, Wm II Lord ,,. u 1 ueu neui, iv in u uocu. ,.,,,,, , 50 Thornberry.Anna u Uagenbuoh 60 . Mulberry, Clara K Haireubuch I PearpreierTtt; aVJoy uwwwkiiiiitiiii (looseborry, Mrs A J Maus Strawberry, Mrs Joseph Miller........ Second Mrs T U Swepponhelsor,. ,.... Urnpo, Henrietta Maus Quince, Mrs Mooro Deinott...... Second, A W Melllck i Crab apple, Mrs W I) lllloman Hecond, Mrs It. Kitchen Tomato, Mra Moorn Deinott, Second, Clark K Thomas,.. , Citron Mra Mooro Demott Watermelon, Mra Chas Trump Second Mrs J K Wilson Canlaloupo, Martha Abbot..,..,,.,,,, Apples, Mrs Win, Shoemnkor.. ........ S3 60 25 83 60 25 60 25 60 25 35 50 25 S3 AO 25 S3 25 60 35 23 35 S3 35 to 25 60 23 60 21 60 23 60 28 60 25 35 60 25 85 60 25 60 25 AO 23 111 83 85 AO 28 83 25 25 25 25 25 S 23 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 21 25 S3 AO 25 60 25 35 AO 25 60 25 60 25 P5 33 60 23 25 35 85 second, Clark K Thomas.. Raspberries Mra M R Uelslngcr ....... Yellow tomatoes Mrs M It Uolslngur,. Red cherries ' " " Currant Mrs J R Townsend Plum, Mrs II. Kitchen Huckleberry, Wm II Lord Plneapplo, Mrs T J Barton,, Mulberry, Mrs Ueo W Appleman,.,... (Mince, butter, Mra T J Barton,., Heoond, Mrs Iaalah Kllno Plum, Kills 11 Ing rose Second, Mrs It Kitchen Poach. Mrs T I) Strauss , Second, Mrs Polcr Knapp,,. Apple, Amy Heacock Second, Martha I) Vandorsllco Tomato, MrsTU 8wuppenholaor.,,.i. Second, Mrs C U Marr Pear, Mra I S Ilrltton Hecond, Mrs Z T Fowler Black cherry, Mrs Iaalah Kllno Pino apple, Mrs T I) Strauu deconil, Mrs U O Marr Ground chcri y, Mrs f P llagenbuch,, Crabnpplc, Mrs Iaalab Kllno, Second Clark K Thomas Red cherry, Mrs R Kitchen Second, Amy lloaco k Grape, Mra A K Eyerly Second, Mrs M R UCHlnger Yellow Tomato, " Strawborry, Mra L A Young Choke cherry. Mra Chas Trump,,.. Lemon, Mrs JK Wilson..., Second, Mra Z T Fnwlor Apprlcot, Mra J WUlbbs Canned sausage, Jacob J Keller tirapo honey, Mrs Chaa Savage Plneapplo " ' " Orango Mrs Chas Trump... Pear, " " " Peaon Mrs L A Young.... Quince, John J Wolf Apple Ginger, Mrs K Kycr Maple Sugar, Mra K Kitchen Peach Molasses, Mrs Kobt Beagle...... Maplo " Mrs W I) Hlleman.... Lemon honey. Mrs Uoo W Appleman Grapo marmalade, Mrs W D lllloman Qulnco. Mrs Ueo W Appleman Peach, Mrs Wm Hhoemakor Plneapplo, Jennlo Evans Pear, Mra I S Brlttaln Apple Mrs E C Duiblor .' Orange, Mrs L. A. Young Raspberry Jam, Mrs 8 11 OroU Strawberry, Mra R Kitchen Second Mrs Robett Beagle Dowberrv, Maude Sahds Hecond, Mrs Robort Beagle Uround Cherry, Mrs Robert lleagla,. Uooseberrv, -urs J R Townsend Second. Jrs R Kitchen , Currant, Jrs Moore Demott.. Second Amy lloocock Whortleberry, Mra M R Gelalnger.... Second, Amy Heacock Patch Clara II I'lfer Sulnco, " 11 " , laokberry, Allle llagenbuch Second, Wm It Lord Cranberry, Jfrs R Kitchen Choke cherry, Alllo llagenbuch Wild cheny, David L Grubr Judges J.W. Walp, Sunt., Mrs Ellis Ring rose, Mrs. Goo Uartman. CLASS XIX. niAvr knit patchwobk and V ANUrACTPnBD OOODS. 2 pairs Woolen knit Btocklmra. MraJaa Cad man 75 zpairs i.inen unit Btocutncs. airs u Kitchen 75 i pairs cotton Knit stocEincs. Paulino I, KesUr 75 2 pairs wooien Knit leireins. Atnv ilea cock l oo 2 pairs Woolen knit cloves. Allle Hair. enbuch AO Calico patchwork nullt. Mrs R Kltch. on ; 2 00 Second, Jrs A.I Evans loo Crdfllo nullt calico natchwnrk. M ra (1 E Wilbur 100 Bed nuut worsted natchwork. Jennlo Jiller 1 00 Second, Jrs Geo D Hartman 60 cradle omit worstoci patchwork, juu. Ho Klstler : 60 Homemade coverlid, Jrs SarahConncr 1 oo Second, Ellis Ringroso Go uiapiay taoie unen, -umie Klstler.... l uu Homo mado rag carpet 10 vards. Alllo llagenbuch 1 00 Second, Jrs Fred Uagenbuoh 50 Pair woolen blankets, Jennlo Jlller.. 1 60 Hecond Jaud Hands 75 Disnlav woolen vara. Jkuil Hands.... 1 00 Foot rug. NoraKinney 75 Second, Jinnle Polio AO Cradle comfort cheese cloth. Jarv OI lver AO Home made linen towels. Jra S U Ilea, gle 60 Home made linen 10 vards. Jra W D Hlleman 60 Home made linen pillow cases, Jrs W D lllloman Set calico collars cuffs and handker. chiefs, Jennlo A Hitler 23 Linen bolster caso,Ji a S Sitler 25 Shirting apron, 25 Gingham handkerchief, " 25 Pr woolen knit mittens. Clara II Plfor AO Pr linen sheets Jrs Jooro Demott.... 60 Slumber robe. " " .... 69 Hearth Rug, Wm Abbott AO Pr ladles' knit woolen mittens. Jrs K Kitchen AO Gent's inachlno made shirt. Jrs Wm Shoemaker 23 calico catchwork aunt bv etn. Afrs L A Young AO Second, Agnes B llldlay 25 Linen yarn and thread, Jra J u Baa- klo 50 Worstod skirt, Jfrs K. Kitchen 50 Hand made shirt " " " 60 Home made flannel, Jaudo Sands.... 75 Plain Unen. Jllllo Klstler 60 Pillow slips Jra L A Young AO Knit countemane. Jlnnlo Polio 1 to Hecond Jrs S C Beaglo Au Cheeso cloth and lawn comfort, lie. glna Lowenberg 75 Patent coverlid, A C llagenbueli AO 2 Prs knit woolen socks, L Cohen AO 1 pr knit linen socks, Ella J Kreamer,. 6) 1 nr knit linen mitts. " " .. AO White fan quilt, H Cohen AO Woolen spread, Jrs Albert Horblne.. AO Wool carpet, Alllo llagenbuch AO Shawl strap bag, Jrs A Noble AO Judges W. M. Longenbcrger Hupt., Jrs Amanda Kolchner, Jrs Ellana Fester. CLASS XX. IT AHOY KNIT OEOOHHT AMD PATCH WOUK. Knitufuhan for carriage. Jrs Loulso Wlnterateen 2 00 Second, Jrs U W Sloan 1 00 Knit babies afghan, Jrs R W Oswald. 73 Knit Infanta skirt, . 33 Knit infants sacauo. Jrs c E liauD,... go Hecond, Jrs J u Rutter 25 unit jniu. its socles, jurs ii w usw&iu.. ou Hecond. Jra A C Freus 25 Crochet nullt, Paulino I, Kestcr 1 AO Second, Jts James Cadman 75 nalra crochet stocklnirs. JXartua Ab bott 60 2 nalra crochet tidies. Jrs Wm Chris. man 75 Second, .urs P R Foulk AO Set crochet table mats Jrs LoulBO Win- tersieen ou Second, Jra T D Strauss 23 Crochet afghan, .Vary Bush 1 00 Crochet ladles BKlrt. Jrs J Harrv Brit- tan I isi Second, J. s Wm Webb 50 Crochet Infanta skirt. Hattla Hart.... S3 Suit ladles underwtar, Jennie Jcars. 1 00 Second, Jfaud Hands AO ftlllr tmtc.hwnrk nullt. Paulino L Kea. ter.... .... ,.,....,,. ,vu Second. Jrs L S Garrison I 60 Silk patchwork sotu cushion, Emma J Frack Second. Jrs it R Uelslnger Plush patchwork sofa cushion, Jrs II a acnocn , Velvet patchwork sofa cushion, Anna B llagenbuch Second, Lizzie Yottor Knit slippers, llattlo Hart Second, Jrs 11 W Sloan 1 pr Sllpperettos, Jrs J D Shaffer...... Second, Hattle Hart ,. Crochet cap Hattle Hart Satin patohwork quilt, Jrs J K Town. send Crochet h'dk'f, Jrs J R Townsend,... 1 00 25 35 " xonet eis, .uis x u Qtrauaa " Hand satchel, Jrs Charles") Trumn. t Crochet horse ear nets Jrs Charles f Trumn J Crochet Bureau mats, Anna B llageu. buch Crochet card basket, .Vary Alleman... Second, Jrs Chaa Trump i nivunorK Aiguan, .uttry iiusu ' table scarf. Llzzlo Yetter Second, Regina Lowenberg Specimen oi darning Jrs It Kitchen jioiieu mull liny, Jirs o u i.uuer...... Knit child's si.lrt, Jra IS Urlttaln.... Seoond, Jra J D Si alTer Cb Id's Toboggan, Jrs H W Hloan... ) Crochet slumber roll, " " " I Doll's silk nullt, Lois Hloan Ottoman, Jfellah Turnbach Child's cout, W. B. Alien Crochet yoke chemise., LCohen Second, Jrs P 8 llarman Needle book and pincushion, JrsUU l, iiuur Handkerchlof case, Jrs Wm Webb,,,. Second, Jrs J E Ent Plush match sate, Jrs Wm Chilstman Sofa cushion, Jrs W It House Second. JUud Handa 3 coffee pot holders, J H Ciuvellng Jtnilietl cosoy, ura c cyer...... Tea urn holder, Jary Eyer Crochet macrauio basket. Jrs il It Uelalnuer 15 Knit fascinator. Jrs Wm Christ man.. 33 Second Lillian Barton atacrame hand bag, Magglos Eves.... Crochet, spider web edging, Mrs It 25 25 25 Kitchen , Hanu made oheinlse, Ruglna Lowen berir 60 25 25 60 Second, Mrs A J Evans Haxony mittens, Lilian Barton , Crochet silk pu,se, Jennie Evans Second, Lillian Barton Crochet pillow shams, Pauline 1, Hes ter ii... Second, llelle Lobach Knit linen mitts, Mrs A J Evans Crochet child's aacque, Mrs M E Ent,. Second, Mrs U K ltabb Crochet shoulder cape, Mrs M E Ent . Seoond. Martha Zelsloft Might anoka, Lillian Barton 1 Tarn O'Shantor " I Tatting, oouar, Monan Turnbach. ,,,,, Knit shoulder cane, W R ltlngrose,,,. Second, May U liarkloy Crochet shawl, Jia James Cadman.,,. Heoond, May U Barkley Knit cradle qullt.T D Bobbins Crochet work basket, Amy Hcaoook,. Seoond, Mrs James Cadman Velvet ohalr cushion, Mra Mooro De mott whlsp bolder, Mrs A E Eyerly Crochet collar, Mrs U E Wilbur Second, Mra P B rouik , Bible mat, Mrs Chas Trump Hecond.Martba Abbott Knit napkin, Clara Vandcraltco,,,,,,,, Work stool cover Mat Ilia Abbott Second, hllaJ Krtainer ,,,,, Hi mul cover, Martha Abbott Heoond, Ella J Kreamer ,, Croobet slippers. Aline Mo Alpine Hecond, Mra Phllln Cruasy ,,,,, Pair silk mlttena, Clara II I'lfer Hecond, Lilian Barton ., Unbleached sight dress, Clara H Plfer (comtimjis en rouMH rioi. WE HAVE THEM. DLAOK HENRIETTAS. Wo nro showing tht' most oomplclo lino in nil wool nnd silk wnrp Henriettas Miown at prices whloli defy competition. A 40 in. nil wool Saxony Henrietta, silk finished nt 05). a yd., regular prloo $1.25. 40 in. 8So., quality for 75a a yd. Silk warps from $1.00 a yd. tip. DHESS SILKS. Wo nro now show ing full lines of ISIaok Drees Silk at popular prices, a Special Lot of Col ored Uhadames, Purr Silk, Pure Dye, no loading at tho low prieo of $1.00 a yd. a good value ot $1.25. DRESS TRIMMINGS &o. AVo bIiow now full lines of braldcs by yd. and in sets, Jot Pajaumetitrics, Ulaok nnd Colored. Silk oiiinmsntB, 0 pieco braid eets for COo. Sell actual valuo $1.25 in black and colors. Girdles, Buckles, Clasps, Buttons. Blndlutr. Braidescto. Black Wrap trimmings. CORSETS. BUSTLES &o. Wo show full lines of Bustles. Tho genu- no Pansy and Ida specials, with full lines of other stylos, a'so in Corsets onr lines aro largo including nil tne popular makes. Tho II. .1. O. & S' "Clarks 77," "Easy Hip," "Bon Ton," "Ball's Health," "Dress Form," "Unlquo" &c, all at popular prices. TABLE LINENS. &o. Seo tho handsome Tablo Linens at .111 , regular price 45c Turkey Reds 35c, foimer prico 50o. Napkins etc, Cotintcr- panoa, Blankets in all grades, Comforts etc. COATS JACKETS & NEWMAR KETS. This stock oontains full lines of Striped Plaid nnd Plain Jackets and Coats, also Newinatkcta. Plnsh Jack ets and Plush Coats nt prices lowor than tho lowest. Seo our $20.00 plush Coat 40 in long, satin lined, handsome- Large lines of Dress Goods Cloths &c. oi all kinds at lowest prices. Children's Cashmere and Plush Caps, I oboggans and Tamoshanters H. J. $12,00 ..SX.SIA1U $12.00 FALL OVERCOATS Unmatched and uneqnaled at this price. A much higher price Is asked elsewhoro for no better quality. 1350 OUR STORES $5.00 Vnexceptlounbly Good mTJ ATTCTTTJ C mi Chestnut St. IJftUUdufu) Scotch Cheviot Suits 1'IIILAUKU'IIIA. cut nutl made toy Tliomp- ,, . , . HonHlntetit8y8tciii never Thew could bo sold at a much sBroaday. , fall to nt Correctly. higher price, but the benefit NEW YORK. of our good purchase is Tho quality Is sterling and with- offered In marking them 344 Washington St. out a fault. The styles and at this low figure. UOSTON. patterns most select. Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Importer. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. BOSTON. N. B. Mall orders promptly executed, write to our head store, ia38 Chestnut Street, Phtladcl phla. Particulars and Information how to obtain our popular clothing will bo sent frco of charge. SHERIFF SALES. Dy virtue ot sundry writs issued out ot the court ot Common rioaa of Columbia county and to me directed will be exposed to publlo sale at tbo Court House In the town of Bloomsburg on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1888. at J p.m., all that certain tract of land lying In Itoarlngcreek township, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a stone corner ot land ot Abraham Beaver Est. thence by the same south twelve de grees west Beventy-ono perches to a stone, thenco south nineteen and one halt degrees west thirty perches to a post, thence by land ot F. P. Michael south twelve degrees west seventy-two perches to a stone, thence by land ot WllUam o. Llnvlllo north forty-eight degrees west eighty-two perches to a stone, thence by land of John O, Myers, north twelvo degrees cast sixty-four and seven-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land of Peter K. Mensch north nineteen and ono-half degrees east one hundred and three perches to a stone, and tho place ot beginning, containing sixty-tour acres and ten perches be tho samo more or less. bclzedtakcnlnexecutloaandtobe sold as the property ot Lewu Mundy. Make Atty. Lev. Fa. ALSO All that tract ot land situate In sugarloat town ship Columbia county, Pennu., bounded and de scribed as follows to-wlt : On the north by a pub lic road, on the east by public road leading from Cambra, Luzerne county, to Five Points, on tho south by lands ot E. J, Albertson, and on the west by lands ot E. J. Albertson, containing- five seres, more or leas, whereon Is erected a two-story plank dwelling house, barn and outbuildings. Seized takes In execution and to bo sold as the property of J, W. Albertson. Ikeler & Herring Attys SAMUEL SMITH, Vend. Ex. Sheriff. Octli-'83 SHERIFF'S SALE- By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county ana to me directed will be exposed to publlo sale at the Court House In the town ot Bloomsburg on SATURDAY, November 10, 1888. at 2 p. m., all that certain piece or parcel ot land situate in Fine township, Columbia county, I'cnn. sylv anla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the corner ot the publlo road leading from It. W. Lyons' store to Gamers at the Junction of the state road leading to Muncy, thenco east ntty-nve feet to a post, thence north three and three-fourths degrees, east eighty-five feet to a post, thence Bouth eighty-eight degrees, cast fifty nvo feet to a post in centre ot public road, thence south three and three-fourths degrees, west eighty-five feet to the place of beginning, contain ing sixteen perches ot land, whereon Is erected a frame building used for Odd Fellows Hall and store room. Belied taken In execution and to be sold as the property ot Willis Bogart and James Kingston, trustees ot Iola Lodge No. Til L O. O. F. BrcxiNOUiH Atty. SAMUEL SMITH, Oct 19 Sheriff, UDITOIl'8 NOTICE. Nutate of Samuel Savage, aeceatea. The undersigned, appointed an auditor to dis tribute the funds In tho hands of the administra tor ot said deceased, will meet the parties Interest ed therein at bis office In Bloomsburg, on Friday the leth day of November A. 1). lsss, at 10 o'clock a. m at which time and pi ice au persons having claims against said fund, will appear and present the same or be debarred from coming In for a share ot said fund, IL BUCKINGHAM, ' Oct 19 'St udttor. 23 10 5 13 6U '13 35 25 A UDITOR'S NOTIUE. .'riaIi;6orah llarrlion, late of Dloomtbura, The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' court ot Columbia county to distribute the funds In the hands ot executor will sit at the office ot Knorr t wintersteen, on Saturday Novem. ber 17th 1883. at 10 o'clock a. in., when and wnero 35 23 50 25 75 60 60 60 25 S3 S3 25 15 13 13 15 23 IS 35 25 60 25 Ii all persons having claims against said estate must appear and prove the same, or be debarred from coming la on said fund. L. 8. WINTBltSTEEN, Oct 19 '88. Auditor. UDITOB'8 NOTICE. Ettate of Tliumai t'aut or IHiw TownsMp. Tho undersigned, auditor appointed by the Or phans' court ot Columbia county to make distri bution ot the balance of the funds In the hands ot the administrator, will meet at the office ot Ikeler c Herring Nov. 2d, 1 Bits, at 10 a. in. to perform the duties of his appointment, when and where all persona Interested must appear and prove their claims, or be forever debarred from coming In on said fund. 13 1 A. U. t'KUAS, octu Auditor. po. oollar. Jackets at $2.60 worth $3 75, tlioro's not many of them. See tho Newmarkets at $9.00 nnd $10.00, thoy nro stylloh and taking. Full lino of Cihi.drknb Coats, also a flno lino foi Misses from 12 to 18 years. VELVETS & PLUSIIES. Wo aro showing full linos of thceo most popu lar goods in all grades and price, sev eral lines of Volvels and Plushes, wo havo mado sweeping reductions in to close out a litllo lot of Plughus) reduced to 75c, former prico $1.00 j Bultiblo for fancy work. Tho lot contains all the light shades, as woll as dark; wido goods, not narrow widths. FANCY ARTICLES &o. Wo now show Bomolhing entirely now in tho way of Lnmbrt quins, Tablo Scarfs, etc., also stamped Linens of all kinds, at much lower prices. Foils, Silks, Satins, Plushes, Scrim?, etc, for all kinds of fanoy woik. Tho best lino of metal and chenille ornaments shown, and at tho lowest prices. Scu our 5o. orna ments, worth 10c Chenille, Arraseno, Silk Floss, Wah Silks, Filoselle, Zephyrs, Germantowti Wools, Saxony, Sbotlands, oto. UNDERWEAR & HOSIERY. A lot of Boys' all wool drawers nil sizes, 35c n pair to closo a decided bargain. A lot of Ladies' merino vests at 39c, worth 60o. A lot of Men's all wool shirts and drawers at $1.25, worth $1.75. Children's scarlet wool vesta 10c, regular prico 22o. Ladies' 40o. wool boeo for 30o. ; 50o. for 37Ja Children's wool lmso at lowest prices, also Stookinetto for stookingg. Full lino of Ladles' Jersey ribbed Under wear, from 50o. to $2.00. Call and soo tho bargains wo show in Men's Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. in Plush and Wool. CLARK & SON. ly quilled, full cuffs and I A bargain In Ladies' cheok ORPHANS' -COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real JE state! Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, Pa., win Be sold at publlo sale on the premises, In tho township of Miniln, In said county on SATURDAY. Nov. 3, 1888. at 1 o'olock p. m., the following described real es tuto late ot Elizabeth Lutz, deceased to-wlt: No. 1, a messuago and tract ot land situate In said Mifflin township, Columbia county, Fa., ad joining lands ot Elizabeth A, Hosteller, Daniel C. Bond, o. Swank, Adam Miller and others, contain ing SIXTY-SIX ACRES more or less, whereon are erected a large two-Btory frame dwelling houso, bank barn and all neces sary outbuildings; also a never falling spring ot water, two apple orchards and all kinds ot fruit. No. 2. A tract ot woodland In said township, adjoining lands ot E. KlkendalL I'hebo Miller, John Mowrey and others, containing FOUR ACRES more or less, with tho appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent ot one-fourth ot the purchase money .to be paid at tho striking down of tho property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent at tho confirmation absolute and tho re maining three-fourths in one year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. A. M. MOSTBLLEIt, octia Administrator. gXECUTOK'8 NOTICE. Sstate of Tims. L. Ball, of Haitian towruMp deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been ? ranted to the undersigned executor all persona ndebted to Bald estate aro hereby notified to pay the eame, and those having claims against said estate to present the same to J. ALLISON ESSICK. Executor, White Hall, Fa. Wm. Chrlsman, Atty. septw BLOOMSBURG MARKET. :o:- Wholesale, Wheat per bushel Hyo " " , Ccru " " 60 00 70 33 45 6.80 23 24 22 24 40 00 13 10 03 05 07 10 09 13 8 10 13 14 20 80 Ti 1 00 07 85 5 to 7 Oats Flour llutter 1 bbl Kr9 Potatoes , Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Geese Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb Hides , Coal on Wnnty, No 0 $3.00: Noa 2. 8, & Lump 8.85 No. 5 $3.00 Hltuminnn 8.25 WITTIEST, PRETTIEST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLEraimYrcx OMHTS A UUHUJIS 11.00 Ml WJN0I AAiScX AWI (Ktopement of the Wroff and the Uoute,) Full of the oddest franks, charming stories sad lauKh-provokluff luustrmtloni by tnlrlnfeof Juvenile srtUu. Helling- Immensely. Critic sar of It "Itvu my liu. oils vtU uuk dtllgkL lfon.CUutonU.FUx. "rkn'lmdManetlHTfor Itm't tl rAIMrta to UJ."-1L II. Oouwell, U. P. " tmrably NMl OAd.bpint." Hon. H. H. Vox. "ImHhoI iM at A.'MV nnd Unci Hod Uowsrd Crosbr. Atil'.NTM WANTK1). 1 1 1 II II A It I HltOM. 123 Chestnut Mrecl, I'hlUdeliJhU, Oct lS-d-U Ms Pills Tbls popular remedy ntvar folia to rrnctuallj cura Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And nil diseases arising from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. The natural result U rood appetlt ami solid HesU. Uosa auiallt lea-ant. Iy auar routed and euay to swallow. SOLD EVEEYWHE1E. J novsJD.o ccly, ReUll.