The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 19, 1888, Image 4

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Climbing Snow C11 Alpine Height Unit
Avalanche Formation of it Glacier A I
Moraine Uow "Glacier Corn" I roruied. '
"Olacler Table" Mnnllna,
As far as my vision extended there was
nothing In sight but Ice and snow, and
tho snow was exceedingly whlto, I Assure
you. Tho driven enow von havo In towns
and plains Is a decided brown compared
with the dazzllnrr snow wo saw un there
at the tops of Swiss mountains. Forovcr
and forever this virgin gown llos on all !
the peaks, as It also covers tho lower val
leys in winter, it nas the soit iook or
dove's breast, It rests on rocks a thing of
beauty, and often It Is vcrv dangerous.
It falls In soft, puro flakes, clings to all
the projections, eovors rocks with charm
ing traceries, and spreads Itself like a
Sheet or wiuto satin over the, upper vales.
Bat tho touch of a passing eagle's wing,
the light weight of a chamois, or the
Carof nl step of on expert climber will de
tach It from Its crest and send It down.
Then It coos slldlnir. rumbllntr .nlonir.
breaking and reforming as It falls, over
Increasing In volumo and velocity, and,
tmrsuluc Its wav. becomes a dovostatlncr.
terrible avalancLo that bends and breaks
trees, gathers up earth and stones, and
rolls Into tho Kngadlno with an awful
sound, spreading destruction and dismay
In Its path. They call these sort of things
staublawlncn, or dust avalanches, becauao
they consist attho start of cold, dry,
powdery snow only, and thoy aro often
far more powerful than a raging hurri
cane. But tho avalanches usually seen
lying In high Alplno valleys, covered with
dust, earth and stones and great trunks
of trees, aro known as grunulawlnon or
compact avalanches.
It was a grand eight on which wo gaied.
Glaciers filled overy valley and ravine.
and tho lco stood up In tall ramparts
wherever tho spaco was too narrow to
hold Its rigid waves. Glacier lco U Bnow
that has for a considerable time, been sub
jected to enormous pressure. If you
squeeze a snowball In your hand unttl It
Is very hard It bocomos ley. So In tho
Alps, the continual fall of snow Is tho
pressure and tho nun's heat the warmth
which produces thoso seas of lco that aro
called glaciers. There ore over COO of
tnem in Switzerland, and soma aro coeval
with the glacial period of this continent,
while others aro now in process or lorma
tlon. Winter Is their season of rest, but
with tho spring they resumo their onward
motion, dao to tho combined action of
heat and gravitation. For In splto of their
apparent Immobility all Alpine glaciers do
movo constantly, although with tuiierent
degrees of speed, and, llko liquid streams,
thev carry with them debris of all sorts.
but principally tho stones that fall on
their surface from too mountains Bides.
Tho glacier starting In Its purity from
somo whlto unsullied peak, loses before
many years Us spotless character. Tho
wintry frosts gathering Into Iron bonds
tho streams that trickle down tho moun
tain Bides expand tho water In freezing
and shatter rocks with a force that tho
most solid cliffs cannot nosslblv resist,
Thus broken fragments drop on to tho
onco unspotted bosom of tho lco sea and
swell its burden witn advancing years.
The debris thus broucht down form what
aro called moraines. Each glacier has a
moraine on either sldo of It; its end Is a
terminal moraine, and wnon two glaciers
unite their lateral moraines join and form
a medial moraine. Ono of tho largest
medial moraines hereabout I saw as we
camo down from this excursion. It Is In
tho center of tho Morteratsch Glacier and
is about fifty feet or more broad and per
haps twenty feet high In Its center.
Wo were struck uy tho Infinite white
ness of everything, and I havo sluco
learned that it Is owing to tho presence of
glacier com. Thero Is on glacier clad
mountains a neve, or finely crystallized
snow, which is never fully melted, and
this Is tho pressure that forms tho glacier
lco. flow, glacier lco 13 qulto dllterent
to that which results from freezing
water, and Is found to consist of crystals
varyimr In slzo from that of a hon s ese
to a phi's head; these particles are knows
as granules or glacier corn, and In minute
holoa air Is Imprisoned. Where tho air
bubbles aro absent the irlacler has a blue
ish tint, and is no longer that puro white
which puzzles so many persons. With
the oldest guido carefully leading the
way wo walked over tho lco sea of Dia
volezza. Beforo wo had gono far on Its
level surface I saw bowlders sUDDortcd at
some height on ice pedestals and I stopped
to examine them. "Glacier tables," said
the etude at the tall end of our proces
sion, but his remark convoyed no useful
information. 1 soon saw that tney re
suited from the presence of a block of
stone. It hod fallen on the sea. and had.
so to speak, protected the lco directly be
neath it from the heat of the sun. In
consequence, while tho glacier all round
has been dissolving and slnklnrr. tho Ice
Under theso bowlders has but slightly
melted, and gradually a pillow is forming
under each rock.
"But the bowlder Is not balanced evenly
on the top," observed tho Boston lady.
It was explained to her that because tho
Bun Is able to reach theso ice pedestals
more freely on tho south side than on the
north the thing naturally inclines toward
the south. As we walked along wo
noucea a uno 01 sona coverca mounds
about four or Sve feet hlrrb. and culminat
ing In a sharp ridge. We scraped off a
nine oi tno Sana ana eartn ana, round
that a mound was composed of lco which
looked auito black when it was uncovered.
The reason for tho oxistenco of these
cones was obvious. The ice protected by
the sand had remained unmelted, and the
wind had thinned tho drifted bean Into
a pointed shape. Suddenly we hoard a
cracking Bound whch was accompanied
by a noise like that of a distant explosion,
and the iruldo said this announced tho
formation of another crevasse. Presently
the sound of falling water, which grew
louder and louder as wo accroached, was
heard, and soon we reached a point whero
a stream drotroed down a shaft in tho ice
and was lost to eight. The guldo called
this deep hole a moulln, and ho gently re
marked that a false step in Its direction
would toko a fellow down bevond all
human old. Agassiz and Tynuall both
tried to ascertain the thickness of glaciers
bv taking soundlnrrs down theso monllns.
The former found no bottom at 800 feet
on ono sea and on another ho estimated
the thickness at 1,500 feet. Cor. Now
xors inuei.
XXTlatlon In Artillery Firing.
'When the great gun which has thrown
a boll eloven miles happens to bo aimed
north, a lateral deviation of 200 feet must
bo taken Into account for tho diff erenco in
rotating speed between tho spot where it
Id tired and tho spot whero the missile.
Mil strike New York Bun.
Abot ''Canned Good. PoUonlnf.
Tat, with all the advantages of canned
ids, some peoplo abstain from their use,
ause ther think thev are unwholesome.
idea has arisen from the fact, that
among the hundreds of millions of tins
annually consumed, thero Is now and then
one Imperfectly sealed, thus admitting
the air and spoiling the contents. These
are easily detected, from tho fact that they
generally havo "swelled" or puffed up
ends, and, after opening, by the exercise
of common sense In the use of the organs
of taste and smell. No ono thinks of eat
ing a docayed potato, or spoiled eggs, fish
or meats, bnt somo consumers seem to
think that because a thing Is put up In
sometimes results In more or less severe
-' -. 1 ...V I -V. V-
W.mvAD Ul VUUlOinillUtUUS. t. Ult.ll, 111 HlOTD
davs of sensational press dispatches, uro us.
nallv announced as "cannea mods oolsou.
lmr. Before the Invention of canned (roods,
cholera morbus was as common as it is
now, hut it was called cholera morbus,
and not "canned (roods poisoning;.'
It is betrlnnlnsr to bo understood bv tho
medical profession and the prbllo that
this tpjre of illness Is largely the result of
the decomposition of organlo matter,
which, in Its earlier stages, develops a
form of alkaloid poison, technically known
Bt ptomaines) but such cases are more
common with spoiled meat, fish, milk,
cheese and ico cream than from cauned
goods, and it U safo to say that, consider,
lg the enormous amount of canned goods
nsed. thev aro mora wholesome than any
similar amount of food not canned.
Francis B. Thurber in Medical Classics.
, A Philadelphia barber makes the state
ment that there aro fewer bald heads
omonij tho peoplo of wealth and fashion
in Philadelphia than among tho same
IrcTlftlm for ftanbnrn.
Hero U a prescription for sunburn
rhich mail be eflectpili If you
ou m n pouoa iposter. tnro
ijr TtUi
A. a
pliyaiq to Ih dog, Ahd jret
lelf k fine, httltky brown) Muflt
fate amrl of has & tendency to
our iocs smarts or nas a tendency to
H-l, uso a towel wrnn4 out of bolUnf
atorand laid over It twice or thricA,-
ow tone Commercial Adveriler.
Borne New Found Indian Tribe.
The great table land of Matto drosso,
In the western part of Brazil, Is still one
of tho least known portions of South
America. When Dr. Clauss and Dr. von
don Stelnen penetrated It several years
ago, and followed tho large Xlngu river
from its head waters to the Amazon, thoy
floated down about 1,000 miles beforo they
reached tho known portion of the river.
iiiey aid not havo timo to adequately
study tho strangu and unheard of Indian
tribes thoy mot nmtd theso dense forests
and barren uplands, and for tho purposo
of making f urthor researches among them
Vi. von den Stelnen returned to tnoupper
Xlngu last year. Ho visited tho villages
of nlno of thoso tribes, and In a recent
lecture in mo do Janeiro ho gave the in
teresting results of his studies.
Thoro Is hardly a corner of tho earth
whoso people havo not had gomo Inkling
of the great world beyond them. Bnt
thoso prlmltlvo natives or tno upper
Xlngu had, apparently, never soon a scrap
of trado goods or hoard that human beings
existed outside their llttlo clrclo of
observation. They uso. no metal Imple
ments, but foil trees with stone axes to
clear tho irround for tholr plantations of
... . I 1 . . V " -it- -I ..
inujaa curu, cgnuuKuuwuiiwu. iii'wwh
shell ornaments, they uso hammers and
nails of stono to perforate them. Thoy
mako knives out of shells and tho sharp
tooth of a certain fish, and with theso
poor tools thoy carvo their rudely oma
monted stools and weapons.
Dogs and fowls are found In all parts of
tho Amazon valley that havo been visited
by tradors, but theso Alngu tribes havo
never heard of them. Neithor havo thoy
any knowledgp of tho banana, sugar cano
and rico, with which natives of tho
tropical zono aro genorally familiar. Thoy
have not the slightest conception of a
God, but they bellevo they will llvo again
after death. Their most Important myth
relates to tho creation of tho world,
which, In their view, consists wholly of
tho head waters of the upper Xlngu and
Tapajos rivers.
From tho lantraaires and pottery of all
but ono of theso tribos tho oxplorcr do
rirnd tho idea thnt theso isolated peonies
aro allied to tho original stock of tho onco
powerful Cariba, who journeyed from tho
soutu to toe sea. uno trioo ainerea so
greatly from aU others that ho was unable
to traco Its relation to any othor people.
These people aro almost wholly Isolated
even from each other, and their languages,
though of tho somo derivation, aro so
dissimilar that tho tribes cannot under
stand each other. Fow peoplo exist today
who aro so primitive In tholr Ideas and bo
low In the social scalo as theso new found
Indians of South America. New York
An Txecutlon in Slam.
In tho center of tho field two short
stakes hod been driven Into tho ground,
and to theso whon tho executioners had
finished their meal tho prisoners walked
slowly out.wlthout any ono to guard them.
un arriving at tne' Biases tney again
prayedj they sat down with their backs
toward tho stakes, to which their arms
U1 1.1 -1. AfnAll
nciu bleu, iu.iu nuibu cvu uuji.ui nuuw
out, blindfolded them with strips of linen,
niiea tnoir ears witn ciay, ana men re
tired with his assistants, leaving the con
demned men alono in the middle of the
field. About two minutes after tho exe
cutioners walked out armed with Japanese
swords and sat down some thlrtv paces
beyond the prisoners. Thoy sat thus for
perhaps a minutei then rose and ad
vanced toward the doomed men, execut
ing fontastlo danco like figures, almost as
u cautiously approaching an enemy, till
thoy camo within striking distance, when
they raised their swords as If to strike,
but Instead of doing so turned round ana
retired to whero they started from. After
a short pause thoy advanced again in tho
same manner, but, on coming close,
stooped down and looked fixedly for about
ton eeconds Into tho faces of the prison
ers, who sat perfectly motionless, and
then again retired. The third tlmo they
advanced, and, as In tho first instance,
raised their swords as If to strike, but In
stead of doing so they turned round and
again retired. Then they knelt down,
and, bowing toward the commissioner,
called ont. In Siamese, that they awaited
his order.
On receiving tho word thev advanced
toward the prisoners mora Quickly than
before, and when within reach, after
standing for a few seconds with their
swords poised in tho air. proceeded to cut
their heads off. Tho head of the man
who had begged for his life was taken off
at three blows, but soven or eight were
struck beforo tho head of tho other an
immensely powerful looking man, with a
thlok, muscular neck fell. Tho moment
tho first man's head fell his executioner
ran off to a templo closo by to perform
certain rites, tno otner executioner io
lowing as soon as his victim's head was
off. Chicago Herald.
Contofitousneu of Iprosy.
Tho contagiousness of leprosy still con-
tines to bo a mooted question. Dr. Rake,
superintendent of tho Trinidad Leper
hosnltal. has mado a recort to tho British
Medical association which embodies tho
results of his experiments in tho cultiva
tion of the germ of leprosy, the bacillus
lepra), which have been under way for tho
past four years. Ho says that (1) at a
tropical temperature and on tho ordinary
nutrient media he has failed to grow tho
bacillus lepra:; () in all ommais yc
ammed he has lolled to una any
crowth or ceneral dissemination ol
bacillus after Inoculation, whothcr
neath the skin, In the abdominal cavity,
or In the anterior chamber: feodintr with
leprous tissues has also given negative
results; (3) ho has found no growth of the
bacillus lepra) when placed in putrid fluids
or buried in the earth, no runner says
that an inquiry of this kind Is practically
endless, so varied aro tho conditions ot
temperature, time, nutrient media, living
animal tissues, or putrescent substance,
and so many aro tho observations neces
sary to avoid or lessen tho risk of errors
of experiment. Science.
In the Pretence af a Spore.
The scoureo which makes readers of
telegraphic dispatches from Florida trem
bio appeals to a vague sense of horror
and dread, it tells how helpless aro we
in tho prcsenco of a plague which is only
a despicable little living thing, so infin
iteslmally llttlo that we can neithor see,
nor touch, nor paint, nor kill It. If a
Marks, or Shepherd could only photograph
It; If wo could go netting for its coveys;
It wo conld discover its habits and ring
bolls and catch Its swarms In beehives; It
wo could build great fires In tho streets
and make streets and houses perfectly
dry and force air currents burdened witn
theso flying spores into flames; if we
could see the shapo and how theso little
creatures move, we could perhaps de
stroy them. But art and learning and
genius and tho truest heroism, ever illus
trated in self sacrifice, are all Impotent
and uncrowned and humiliated in the
presence ot a spore. Dupro in Birming
ham (Ala.) News.
CriipcH nucl Crape Juice.
The art of Preserving Grapo Julco with
out fermentation and the art of ferment
log tho Oporto Grapo Into wine In this
country has been broueht to a greater do
greo of perfection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of
New Jersey, than by any other person.
Tho-Claret and Burgundy are very popu.
iur us uinucr wino ana tue 1 on ana un
! 1 88
foueues many Important Advantages over all
other prepared Foods.
Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies.
Regulates the Stomach nnd Bowels.
Sold by DruggUu. KSc.i ooc, ai.oo,
Baby Portraits.
A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed
on fine plate paper by pateul photo process, sent
free to Mother of any Baby bom within a year.
Kvtry Mother wants these plcturuti tnd at ones.
Ulre llAty'i caias and age.
WILIS, RICHAmOH f W.) Prtft4 lirilsmVl
hi Pianos! lowest Frloes!!
Ki'.iiiich ?tl5acli
Wilcnx & White Organs.
WPIanos "uncd and Ilcpalrcd by com.
pctent workmen.
Semi for Catalogues.
Williamsport, Pa
J. Iff. MAIZE,
Olllco 2nd floor Columbian Building,
Northwestern MnsonloAld Association, mem
bers4t,m I'ald to benetlclarlesW,031,cas.l7. in
sures non .Masons.
Travelers Ufo and Accident of Hartford.
CONTINENTAL of New orfc, 5,53,91.S3
AMEUICAN ot I'hlladclphla,'.sw.iio
NIAUAIt . Ot New York, 2.8K4T9,.8
Liverpool, London anu mono nro insurance uo.,
Ot ljOnQOU, IllC lalKVBV ill IIIO UUU OUU U1U 11U
A liberal share of tho business Is respectfully
solicited and sausiacuon is Kuraoiceu.
J. 11. A1A1ZU, Agent.
ELY'S Catarrh
Cream Balm
Cleanses the nasal
passagcs,allays pain
and Inflammation,
heals tho sores, re
stores the senses ot
taste and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is
agreeable. I'i Ice w cents at Druggists; by mall,
registered, CO cts. ELY UHOT11EKS, M Warren
street, New York. sept asMi-it,
itJ COMiTHJi: of CniTMOlCEt
College, Erie. rn. for cir-cnlar-
TiieiKft nJ cheapest
F-ntmel vnnr Rinro. twice a ve.r. top.
. week &nd you liavfl the fineat-polklied Itore In th
"orM. Yot ule hj U Grocer, ftnd Store Lte&Ien.
Clover ilrothern Jobblnc Aeents. Bloomsbunr.
cv The Original
S oasawtl-IT TL E
0O'A.Qti5 PILLS.
nmr.iuB op i3iita.tiox$. ax.waib
He 1 lie entirely vegetable, they op
erate without dlstmbnnce to the srstcm, diet,
ot occupation. Put up In fflass vials, hermett
nliy sealed. Alu ays fresh and reliable. As.
a laxative, alterative, or purgative
thr;o little Tellets give the most perfect
l linns llond no lie.
liz.z Micei, Coti'tUpa
ti'nj, indigestion
rUiioiiH Attiurk., rind all
(U ..uiKomcntu of ttiu 6tom
acfciuuHxwute.nnj l'rompt
lyrtiicvudcnd perin:i:n.iitly
ruvoil hv tho uso of Jr-
:,icfccM IJoanil X'tirrnflve Pellets.
In uxpitiiuitiou or tin tun-cUml power of theso
Tcl.cts over so groat a variety of diseases, it
may truthfully Ik said timt their action upon
tl.t fyistcni fa w.t a gland or tissue
cc.iilt. tr their wuialho Influence. Sold by
ilnieirf.sM.C't cents airtl. Manufactured at tho
Ch . 't al lAlmmtoryof Woiild's Dibpensabt
Catarrh which
SYPiVO.ns OF C ATA It H If .Dull,
l.i-n-y hi ' . -i.e. oltru -tlon of tho nasal
pnmp,, iliM'harjrea falling from tho head
lutti flu thiot't, bomelliues piofu&e. watery,
ui.J i in, m oiliers, thlcU, tcnncloua, mucous
I ir i!" , (.ioojy nnd putrid; tho cyrs aro
w(i!r, ,'n'fry( nnd fnl1nin-d; there la rfiifing
In the uirf. tiafutfcS, hachfnir or coughin? to
Ki ar the throat expectoration of oUcnslvo
m tocilirr whli Ct.al3 frcra ulcers; tho
t id UmnRcd and 1ms n nuhtxX twaug; tho
1 ii H otTjlvo; smell nud tastn aro lm
ptt.n.l; luero Is n scnsutlnii of dluincss, with
iik . f i! tni -f in, a cough and gen
cm! i ' . ' Only a few of tho above-named
nyiuptotm me lllrely to lo prevent In any ono
casn, Thuuoand.s of cases annually, without
umnirebtln half of tho nbo.e symptoms re-
suit in consumrtion, ana cna in me gravo.
No disease la to common, more decepth o and
dangerous, or Ivua unik-rstood by physicians,
llv Its mild, fuuitlit.tir. und heulini ttroiH?rtlea.
Dr. Pntre'a Cutairh Itemrdy curea the worst
enscsof Cnt;irrltt ' rolil In the head,1'
Cilnzfl. and Ciitnrrlial lluudaclie.
Bold by diuffklfcts etcrywliere; 60 ceuta.
"Untold Agony from Catarrh."
Prof. W. ITAnsNnrt, tho famous mesmerist,
of Ithaca, If. l'.,writesi Some ten j ears npo
I suffered untold agony from chronlo
catarrh. My family physician gave, mo up as
Incurable, and said 1 must die. My case was
such a bad one, tliat overy day, towanU sun
set, my voice would become so lionrse I could
btutly speak above a whisper, lu tliejuoruinjr
my coughing and clearing of my throat would
almost strangle me. lly the use ot llr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, In three months, I was a well
man, and the euro hu been permanent."
Constantly Hawking und Spitting."
TnouAS 3. ItcsiiiNd, Esq., tm Fine Street,
St. IsOUU. Ho., writes 1 "1 was u great sufferer
from catarrh for tin eo years. At times 1 could
hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking
and spitting, and for the last tight month!
nnuld not breatho through thu nostrils. I
thought nothing could be dnno for 1110, Luck
lly, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, and I am now a well mau. I bellevo
it to lio tho only sure remedy for catarrh now
mau u tact 11 rod, and one bns only to glvo it a
fair trial to experience astounding results and
m pvruuuicut guru.
Three Uottles Cure Catarrh.
ELI nosnms. Uunvan P. O.. Columbia Co.
Pa., sayst "ily daughter bad catarrh when
she was Ave years old. very badly. I aaw Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro
cured a bottla for her. and uwin maw thnt It
helped her! a third bbttlo effected a perma
nent cure. She Is now eighteen yuan old and
1 .
Lm - -
It's Easy to Dye
Warranted to f (ilnr inn'rA enruta tlt.n .nv r.fl,n
dyes ever mode, and lo give more brlllliut and
durable colon. Ask for the iiammd,andtaxo
uo other, J colon f 10 cents each.
WELLS. RICHARDSON S CO., Burlington. Vt.
Tot Olldlnr or Dromlng Fancy Articles, USE
BtHt BUtir, OrsDH, Cpt, Only CMlt.
f 1
tu;lMl lo nnnfttnn. MentE.iii tala DAlwr
f 643 J 113
local f y V" u offered by tho mt
t the i ' P.tS.'JS.t "9JS""
bo- rVmA - Chronic Nasal Cata
I , L 7, thwy canuot cure.
People Pay Heavy Bills
For medical Attendance and tnmllHnn. RlelcnewilM
expensive, and tiiom with small Incomes feel thl
uunien Kwniy. -mo puysician musi someiimes
bo called but ho Is not needed onMcnth as ottcn
as many thlnic. What u required Is a family
medlclnof one that win relievo and cure thoso
aumcniB wnicn are lifioio to como ai any season
and to attack loth sexes and all aire. Amid tho
host ot articles that arootrorcd to the publlo for
this purposo nearly all aro useless or uorso than
v.wiem. it is no vain oonsi lo say inai me meui
clno herein mentioned Is ot a vcrr dlHercnt char
acter. Shst It Iias done Is known to tnultltii'ies
ot persons whom It. has cnreil ot we.ry nnd pain,
till illwases. It has saved time, money and inany
dear and precious lives. Now pleaso understand
that ns Die lite It In the blood so disease and deatn
aro in t uo uioou net tne poison out, or tho mood
and life and health nl once return to every part of
thobody, l)r Urown'sFaronpntinadocsthls work
quickly and Burely through lis direct and twitlve
action upon the stomach, bowels, kldneya, mer
nod skin. I'or all waste and corrupt elements
must ue cast on toy me ins ot those channels
Hlieumatlsm, scrofula, bronchitis, gout consump
tion, malaria, catarrh, hay foter. all skin affect
ions and cruptloni are diseases of the blood.
Mr. Ood. li, wish, ot the nrm of Thaxtcr Wish,
Daniror, Mo., was aftllcted with a scrofulous humor
which caused troubtesomo sores npon both his
legs. Many remedies were used and several
phvslctans consulted, without result. Mtcrtakin;
llrown'B (Nirsap mlla a short tlmo he was better,
and Boon theeruptlons dlsapnearrd an 1 he Is now
all right. This Is only one of a thousand victories
gained by
Not fccnulno unless made by Ara Warren Co.,
Ilangor, Me. miy23 d ly
r m
M. A
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11 37
11 44
11 43.
11 53
12 OS
12 18
12 20
12 25
12 30
12 37
12 41
12 43
12 50
12 55
1 0.1
1 11
1 19
1 23
1 30
r M
Cameron 5 A3
Chulasky a 00
5 34
6 40
S 53
7 05
7 1J
7 20
7 27
7 31
7 33
7 42
7 49
8 06
8 17
8 33
8 33
8 3t!
8 49
8 49
8 53
R 63
9 ft)
9 09
9 17
9 S3
9 80
9 83
uanvme c ua
1 53
2 14
2 19
2 24
2 29
Catawfesa t 23
Ituperu. e so
liloorasburg e 3
Kspy. . 6 43
Lime Itldge, S 50
Willow drove..... ... 84
Urlarcreek 6 S3
Herwlck ...... " 03
lieach Haven 7 11
2 43
2 51
2 59
3 09
3 19
3 25
3 S3
3 39
3 43
nick's rerry. 7 is
shlckshlnny ... 7 so
Hunlock's 7 43
Nantlcoke 7 50
Avonaaie 7 54
Plymouth 7 B9
Plymouth Junction 8 03
Kingston 8 os
Bennett 8 is
Maltby 8 17
Wyoming 8 T2
West Httston. s S7
Plttston 8 33
Lackawanna 8 40
TUTlortlllo.. 8 48
llellevue 8 54
Sckinton. .......... 9 00
r u
SCR1HTOH ,. t 10
nellevue 6 15
Taylorvllle. 6 50
Lackawanna. e 93
Plttston. 6 3S
wcsimttston 6 42
Wyoming 6 7
Maltby e si
Bennett.... 6 55
Kingston 6 58
Plymouth Junction..... 7 05
Plymouth 7 10
Avondale. T 14
Nantlcoke 7 19
Hunlock's 7 it
Shlckshlnny .... T 47
Hick's Ferry. 1 65
lieach Haven, 8 ot
uerwlck 8 07
nnarcreek .. fl 13
willow drove .t.... 8 16
Lime KIdge R 20
3 52
3 58
4 01
4 22
r u
X w
9 50
9 55
10 00
10 08
10 IS
10 22
10 27
10 30
10 34
10 83
10 42
10 47
10 51
10 55
11 03
11 12
11 22
II 28
11 87
p m n
2 05
t 21
2 23
2 34
2 39
2 47
2 50
2 34
2 59
3 03
3 06
3 19
3 29
3 39
3 45
3 61
3 57
4 01
4 05
4 12
4 18
4 24
6 20
6 25
6 30
6 41
6 60
6 55
7 03
7 07
7 12
7 16
7 21
7 25
7 43
7 5'
8 07
8 13
8 20
8 27
11 43
11 52
11 19
12 OS
12 10
12 IS
12 tO
8 31
8 31
8 2S
8 41
8 32
8 37
8 '2
8 67
9 03
9 07
9 22
8 47
8 53
4 29
4 46
4 54
5 00
6 15
r m
8 5:
9 15
9 23
9 28
9 43
12 40
12 5
r m
Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia
Tteadlnjr Railroad for Tamanend, Tnmnnua, will,
lamsport. Snnbury. rottsvllle, etc. At Northura.
berland with P. E. DIv. I. R. It. for Harrlsburg,
Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corrr and Erie,
"V. y. HALSTKAP. Gen. Man..
Scranton, Pa
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia tk Erie R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect AUO. 5, 1889. Trains leave sunbury
9.40 a. m.. sea Shore Exnress (dally excepv
Sunday), for narrtsburg andlntermedlatestatlonsi
arrlTlng at Philadelphia 3.15 . m. s New York,
ri d. m. ; uaiiimore. 4.4 o. m. : waHmuuvuu
55 d. m.. connecllmr at Phlladelnhla for all Sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.430. m Day express
dally except Sundayi.fornorrtsburg and Interme
diate Btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia
n.QU p.m.; new YorK. 1.33 p. m. 1 nauiinure
6.45 p.m.: Washington, R.00 p. m. Buffet Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
7,45 p. m. Henovo Accommodation (dally
for Harrlsburg and alltntcrmedlate stations, arriv
ing at rnuaaeirnia .a a. m. : new i on. v.iua. in.
iiaitimnrn. 5.13 1. m. wnpninrron a. m.
Pullman sleenlne car from willlamsD'tto Thlladel.
phla. Philadelphia pAsengers can remain In
sleeper nndlstnrbert until 7 a. m.
2.N)a. m. Erie Mall (dally) for Harrlsburg and
Intermediate stations, arriving at Phlladelphls
3 a. m. Jiew Yors, 11.SO a. m. : iiaiumore o.irs
. m. ; Washington. 9.S0 a. m. Through Pullman
sleeping cars are run on tus trainto Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington, and through passen.
ger coacueBio rmiaoiupnia ana uaLiimore.
5. hi a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Erie ord all
Intermediate stations ana canandalgua ard
Intermediate stations. Rochester. Buffalo and
Niagara Falls, with through Puilmsn Pslace
cars and passenger coacnes 10 jsne ann nocces
9.5.1 News Exnress many except aunaayi ror
lock uaven ana inrermeaiare siaiiops.
12.62 n. m Niagara KXDress many except nun
ivi for Kane and Intermedlatestatlons and Can.
r.datgua and principal Intermediate stations.
R-vhester. Buffalo and Niagara Falla with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester
ana iiurret rarinr carto watkins n. m. Fast Line (daitvxcert sunnayiror ite
novo and Intermediate Btatlons, and Elmlra, Wat
kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas.
senger coacnes 10 uenovo ana waisius.
9.20 a. m Sunday mall for Renovo and Interme
diate staiior-
TnRouan trains for suNRimY from the
Bnndav mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4.50 a. m
liarnsourg i.u arriving at Aunoury v. w a. m. wild
ttirougn sleeping car irom rnuaaeipma to wit
News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a.m.
nsrrlsburg, 3.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arrlvlne at Bunburv 9.63. a. m.
Niagara uxpress teaveii
rmioaeiDnia.7.40 a. m. : a. m. taauy
except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 12.52 p. m.,
who tnrougn uuuet ranor car irom rnuaaeipniB
ana tnrougn passenger coacnes irom rnuaaei.
phla and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New Tork 9.00 a.m.: Phtladel'
ohla.ll.50a. m.: Washington, li.m a. m.: Haiti
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
Sunbury, 5,snp. m., with through passengei
coacnesiroia ruii&ueipuin aua iiuiumure.
u:rie3iau leaves pew YorKB.uup. m. ; rnuaaei'
ohla. 11.25 d. m. ! Washington. 10.00 d. m. : lialtt
more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arrlvlnrat 8unbury5.i0
a. iu., wuu inrougn i unman Dieepingcars iroin
rnuaaeipma, Washington ana uaiumore ana
tnrougn passenger coacuea iruu runaaeipnia.
lllrtNlllI IUII.WAY.
(llallv excent Huuuav.l
Wllkesbarre Mall leaves Sunbury 9.53 a. m
arriving at Bloom Ferry ia46 a. m., Wllkes-barre
Mt p.m.
Express Host leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m.. arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.55 p. ta
Huneury Juan leaves wi ixesoarre a. m. arnv'
Ing at Bloom Ferry 11.46 a. m., Hunbury 12.33 p. m
express est leaves vt uxes.oarre k.k p. m. ar
riving at 11100m rerry t.iv p. m., bunouryo.iup.rn
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m.. arriving
at Bloom Ferry 10:11 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 11:45 a-m.
Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:10
p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.39 p. m., Sunbury,
1:30 p. m.
uiias. k. rutin. j. it. wood.
ncn.Manager Gen. Fasvnger Agenj
POO Ortto, fLtlMdjIiU, t4V. With
, atisiv u4 porn Man Mr tbm toj
ili f 'ilmicUD. & m4iur wha h
I uiru rronvbai ci1h b fT&m&,
p bt lit UBfilftin U dtt. llr. ThMl
tfir to utj 4fcrtUln pbytUUs
ktUUI. h caa aieal klu lo it mttm!
JU(iiotliif t4 aaocoMfiil trt(mat of aU Carabl
lSUHtlXritHnTliiN. lAulltHy
Fjirly leryt Vliywlrul ku1 Mental
1'rukirHtlou. MeloiMliolIn, Uladtler
and IClduer 1Ucuom. (Arutecau4 10
.iji E.ll.1 al etc. MY ItlUTOIID
eomtilnteitb AlottbU,Hoi9iitila Kclteti k fiaial
7atiM l niadUInt , the only one I now tht cwrra
rrn(ntntlr ikt ori caaea. ercvkl lleapltel mmd
'fit tte lrctlel Kspcrleaire liu fj itnitdj a4
luaana known uilfba (or quttltat rtMTtry akdfrasv
pent cura The nuk lenrrea cawi tHeltJ.
Ybbi, p.ltldl-at4 ni 14 ucb vrltt r call for tool
Tralli fbaiai rraada, thtlp Macnaa U TkttslKi
aaffartra TDvuatada ara dltttipelnUl by qatiki. laalr ai
kltratlB and IliirtluMisli kh Ibui alaJn.
ls U UU ft ara atMrta vklck tktj 4a sol poaaaaa,
IUal I kill la Ua UflltvlBg ill aara uoktr, aarariai ad 4a-
lar. Uaara. a-L aa. Vi'duId tni Btturlk Kia&lii.
Our FroneneM to Honor Customs nnd
rrMtlcrs Sltnply Ilrcmme Kvsrybody
Dwi How Much Is Ttfasonabla and
How Much la Merely Arbltraryf
Everv litiman bolnir crows nr Inside a
theath of custom, which enfolds It as tho
Swathing clothes enfold tho Infant. TI16
sacred customs of ono'a own early homo,
how fixed and Immutable thoy appear to
thechlldl It Burelv thinks that all tho
world In all tlmos has proceeded on tho
same lines which bound Its tiny life It
regards n breach of theso rules fsomo of
them, at least) as a wild Btcp In tho dark,
leading to unknown dangers. Tho elders
havo always said (and, Indeed, It Booms
only reasonable) that by this tlmo of day
everything has been so thoroughly worked
ovor that tho beat methods of ordering
our life food, dress, domcstlo practices,
social habits havo long ago been deter
mined. If so, why those divergences in
the simplest and most obvious matters!
And then one thing after another 'gives
way. The sacrod, world wtd customs in
which wo are bred turn out to be only
the practices of a small or narrow casto or
class", or thoy prove to bo confined to a
Very limited locality, and must be left be
hind when we set out on our travels; or
they belong to the tenots of a fcoble sect;
or they aro just tho products of ono ago
In history and no othor.
Are thoro really no natural bonndarlest
lias not our 11 fo anywhere been founded
on reason and necessity, but only on arbi
trary customs? What is more Important
than food, yet In what human matter are
thoro more arbitrary divergences of prao
tlco? Tho Scotch Highlander flourishes
on oatmoal, which tho English Shpfilcld
Iron worker would rather starve than cat;
tho fat snail which tho Roman country
gentleman onco so prized now crawls un
molested In English or American gardens;
rabbits are tabooed In Germany! frogs are
unspeakable In England; sauorkraut Is
detested In France; many races and
gangs of peoplo aro qulto certain they
would die If deprived of meat; others
think spirits of some kind a necessity,
while to others again both these things
are an abomination.
and vet, vrnY not!
Every district has Its local practices in
food, and tho peasants look yvlth tho
greatest suspicion on any new dish, and
can rarely bolnduced to adopt It. Though
It has boon abundantly proved that many
of tho fungi ore excellent eating, such Is
tho force of custom that the mushroom
alone Is over publicly recognized, while
curiously enough It Is said that In somo
other countries whero tho claims of other
agarics aro allowed tho mushroom Itself
is not used. Finally, I feel myself (and
tho gentle reader probably feols the same)
that I would rather dlo than subsist on
insects, such Is the deep seated disgust
wo experlenco toward this class of food.
Yet It Is notorious that many races of
respectable people adopt a diet of this
sort, and only lately a book has been pub
lished giving a detail of excellent proven
der of the kind wo habitually overlook
nasty morsels of caterpillars and beetles,
and so forth.
And, Indeed, when ono comes to think
of It, what can It bo but prejudice which
causes ono to eat tho periwinkle and re
ject tho land snail, or to prize the lively
firawn and proscribe tho cheerful grass
topper) Why do we sit on chairs instead
of on the floor, as the Japanese do, or on
cushions like tho Turks? It Is custom,
and perhaps It suits with our other cus
toms. Tho more wo look Into our life and
consider the immense variety of habit In
every department of It even under con
ditions to all appearances exactly similar
tho moro aro we Impressed by tho ab
sence of any serious necessity in the
forms we ourselves are accustomed to.
Each race, each class, each section of tht
population, each unit even, vaunts Its
own habits of llfo as superior to tho rest,
as tho ouly true and legitimate forms;
and peoples and classes will go to war
with each other In their assertion of their
own special belief and practices, but the
question that rather presses upon tho in
genuous and Inquiring mind Is whether
any of us have got hold of much true life
at all. Homo Journal.
Italians Slot Good Soldiers.
Italians, the veteran diplomatist goes
on to say, may become good diplomatists,
sound jurists and successful merchants,
but they will never be soldiers in the true
sense of that word. Take their splendid
fleet of Ironclads, for example, and mar
shal It In battle array against a French,
English, Russian or German squadron,
commanded by a French, on English, a
Russian or a German admiral, and the dis
aster of lilssa will be rehearsed over again.
Much of this Incapacity for successful
military achievement Is duo to wont of
training on the port of the officers. In
Italy there are many military schools that
are well attended! but In them, as In the
universities, there Is a fatal lack of sever
ity In tho examinations, and onco the
student has left school he Is never after
ward seen with a book In his hand.
It Is for this reason that we find tho
officers in command of the Red Sea expe
dition committing precisely the eamo er
rors that their predecessors fell Into In
1649 and 1800. The Italian officer seems
to bo concerned about only ono thing the
effect that he Is producing on the women
and On tho bystanders In general, and I
have seen veterans covered with decora
tions, who never forgot, before going Into
the street, to arrange their hats and to
look Into a glass. Paris Cor. New York
Press. ,
Idkcs ta 11 Accurate.
Blithers always likes to be strictly ac
curate. Upon a recent occasion he was
asked tho age of his baby, and Imme
dlately replied, "Six weeks and thirteen
days, thann you. Harpers Uazor.
Decrease of Indiana.
A recent official publication, estimates
the average annual decrease of the Indians
at nearly 2.000. Their present total num
ber In the United States, exclusive of
Alasjta. Is about SihJmi.
Loo UiniKs are not re no mn.lnl l.ol.f
tatlons for modern people
r.stiut Warners ivOg uauln
iJVsnrsanarl lift and Warner's
fc-. Tippecanoe" are the
Biiupir uut I'utxiivu com
pounds which enabled the rugged
pioneers to maintain health, and can be
saiciy rcrommcnued to all.
Out of the Broastworks.'
Tate SrWNcs, Tenn., July 4, 188?.
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go.:
Gentlemen Seven yean ago I contracted
an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I
tried a physician, the best at command, but
secured no benefit. My throat began to
get sore, and my body covered with sores
and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I
felt that my grave must be reached In tho
near future. I gave up the doctors' treat
ment, and with a despairing hope I com
menced taking your medicine. I began to
Improve from the first bottle, and In a short
time the ulcers healid, and my sldn cleared
oft and was entirely well.
One year ago a case of catarrh developed
la my system. The physician did his best,
but could not cure me j but two bottles of
Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief,
J. II. Robinson.
Kaufman, Tex., June 23, 1888.
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.;
Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a
sUn disease for about twelve years, and the
best medical treatment failed to give me re
lief. I am now using Swift's Specific, and
have received the greatest benefit from iu
use. Yours truly, Wm. Jones.
For sale by all druggists.
The Swift Srranc Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga,
New York, 756, Broadway,
London, Eng., 35 Snow Iltti.
Tult's Pills
This popular remedy never falls to
fl actually cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headacho, Biliousness
And nil diseases arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
The natural result I food appetite
mud nolltl ricsli. Dos mnalli leiraui
ly suar coaled and ay lo ttalluw.
"Tho Old Reliable."
Restores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates lost in
bolting. No othor powder does this. It i3 healthful and
nutritious. Put up in bottles.
DisriLLicn from selected
and.rreo from Injurious oils and sclds ottcn contoincd In alcoholic liquors, itls
especially adapted to perbons requiring a stimulating tonic, Consumptives being
give...., ...nuu, .to uw. jti-iuiuiiiciui-u uj ti'uuniK iinyBiciHns as a Diureuv
Nervine, 1 onto and Alterative. For CcnmuinilMH 11 is Imaluablc. l'JiIlltlNK'H
PUKK liAltLEV MALT WHISKEY Insures a return ol vigor to Jhe sumach a rood
appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Inirenfru nctii nr.d nimculnrtlRiiUO. A
stimulant mild and gentle In eflect. Dyspepsia, iLdlgrstlon nnd nil wanting dl
eases can bo entirely conquered by thomecr l erilne't 1 tire Hurley nit Whiskers
It Is a tonlo and diuretic nnd apowerful sti engthtner to the t ntlre srnem. I'Klt
ItINK'8 PUHE UAHLHVMAIr WIIISKEI has prou'd a mi dlclnal protection to
those who pursue their avocations in the opt n air and whoso dally work calls It
exceptional powers of endurance. Ask joui iieatcn druggist or grocer for for
l'KHltlNK'H PUItK UAHI.KY -MALT WHISKEY levlus the energies it those worn
out with exccaslvo bodily or mental effort and acts as a Rnfogunrd against exposure
In wet and rigorous weather. 1 twill drlvo all malarious diseases riom the system.
Hard workers of every oeatlon and ncreonsw horn asedeninrv iiinrpnrir.rE.nmr.ntn
Dyspcpitaflndln i'crrtne's Pure
Malt w nisicey a powerful
1'OltB 11A1 I,RY MALT
without unduly stimulating
nyB Increases their flagging activity,
counteracts tho effects of fatlguo, has.
tens convalescence and is a wholesome
and nromnt diuretic. Watch thelnhpl 1
None genuine unless bearing
Kol Bare uy all drui;
and grocers throuh
the United statesa
BIO MONEY ! ! 5:?.?.0 ARKNTM.WASTRD nt mice to surlily Ten
"Aviviw Ate Million voters with the only oillclnl IIvch ot
S?,fyVi!Ii?i"?Vl.?!?? ot Mr"-.
vu.kl(U(,U UUJl 1C1UJ111 jihuu l uiiuy, eu., complete. AireutH reDort immense wftv FVir i
DUoC&SUl-0 ,a' l tma "Wn"'- Um iLli
We are oiTerinsr great inducements to nersoiis desirincr to
1 -r.
purcnase nanos, Urgans and
2 .
w mt
Among the Pianos no handle are the IYERS & POND,
String and Opera Pianos.
and lully warranted lor live years.
Our leading Organs are the
77 T TT l TWITS T O m ,1 HI TP O
Rotary hewing Machine in the
Before purchasing write
DEPOT, Main St., liloomsburg,
Oi r leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WJ2ITL
Alexander Bros. (6 Go,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
V, r. ADAMS & CO.,
Bole scents of the tel.
IohIdk brands ot
INDIAN l'ltl.NCES, j
liarlpv Mnir.nnri crnfiratitn tn tut ttnn.iAaii
llntlcy fmraanuaimHanHHMr,
lnvlgorant B Tho analysis ns It appears by the I,a
W1118KBY Ealyzed thol'l'KK Hahlkv Malt w'ms-
tho kid.
kkv mane oy m. s. j. k. ivrnnosrumnd
it entirely iree rromrusei oii.iurrurol,
metals and acids nnd Is abrolutcl)
pure." Mount, Camilla Arthur HatrrJ
tlraauate vfttm UnlnrsltleM of Munich,
the slgno- nueiiera ana WetsrxXlm
uKuuuiara anu all usalkhs.
Cleveland i exquisite steel portraits. VcW
toewing Machines.
These Pianos are all first-cla&ii
celebrated JESTjEY, MILL-
1 il "'
Machine, the finest und best
for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
will be
Market 'Prices,
as coi.lowb:
Best mado Clothing1 in
Dliiladolphia for Men,
Youths, Boys and Children.
A.C. Yates & Co.
6th & Chestnut,
Dkai.hi: is
lly tho following well known makers:
Hnllct & Davis.
Can also furnish anv of the
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices, uo not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Pf ice Lists
On application.
Tnm tlliilil IH
Rivilillmri tlait
to tb pnwDt.
l'rtNlilcuf and
Cong rruhr. uid
I'ot Ileal MnunnL ltlSIC nnH If A I.T. ..I' I'jl Ii
THIS their rutfomiS'and lHnclplM. VJuailioas
of the hour-Clvll Sirvlct. Prohlbllloa. Sirpltl Rivnu.
"Ith ariraisenU for and Milnat. GMnnfrr. 20O
Kinrnvlni.. LIIIV Price. IIU1CK HkIi-..
J MONTH luAoimt-Tlicktll.tUleill.
6v Bricbt mn or women In eACh coint7
to Uk order for ttiii popular and t a-t-.r.inff
buoK. A creat year abead, benU for rlrcniar.
" tr..IEIILEK AfO.JiOthMtiiiitht. I'bllt. I'..
Julri7-Z & Co-4m.
JHaldlor IIUII nn I
I 111 UUlr. Ami INbI
EkBtMvoria. rr-B
IM1 !&-
KUfftai tad mft(Diai.u
I Dottl UdtM'ADd f Hll'tlM
' with work And tJ
IntKcb loeftllly cab t4Car on
, rUEE, UowUtblapoMlbUI
Wnuwir wiwm out per
ton to cb loctlfi j. to to la
u maw to tVw who cU, m eotipUU Un ef our
1Tim mpUi, wttl M tb viub.wi Mnt fr.DJ ftr too
! ktpt Iboui ta your bom fur 9 tnoolha ni kbown then
tothcrM wbomajr btTt cU4ttby tcofn roar own rro,wrlT(
tl li powibU to uKka f rt.t offar. Mndlm tb MUMli
f.ll.l watch and COM TV tarn pi M fra, m tbaihowtnf of
Iht aamplacta nr locAlltf, Uwayc molta io ft Urtra4j Ut
ua,aftaroor lainplM hTato la a locality for month erlvi
wauinallr t from $IUUUI600II In trado trtu tba
turrouoJIcr conntrr, Tbta, tb moat woodHal utTar crr
tuott n,l ua4a In ordar tbal ou aauplaa niay be placad at om
trtkcra tbaj can bo Man, all ovar A mar tea. Writ at one, aa4
niaka'itiraof tbaehaoc. Raadarlt wjll bobardlf aDT trwubU
tvT ou to aUtw tbaaamplM to tnoaa wbovna call at four tiama
and four reward will ta moat aallafaeverr. A oial eM r.u
unkl. lu wrltauacnata bntl cant anil aflar yea know all,1f y.i
latot rr to to furtbar, wbjr no barm la dona. Hut If you lo
ti ii 1 your addrana at onca. yon can aacnra FHtli ona ot t(
I 'Hliruid. watcbaa In tba world and our Iara lnf
Hfj.v NAMPLKH, Waparalleiiri,rrflchi, ta
. Lifr, UtO, tmttdON 00., ItS, ruilLAHU, IdllKIT
Caveats and Trade Marks nbtnlne.1 nncl ll Pntpnt
business conducted for JIODEHATE FEES.
OFFICE. Wo havo no sub-agencies, all business
direct, hence ran transact patent business In less
time and at LESS COST than those remote from
Send model. drRWlntr. nr nhntn with rIpR'rtnilr.n.
We advise If patentable or not, free of charge.
Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A book,"flow to Obtain ratents,"wlth references
to actual clients In your State, county, or town,
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
opposltn ratent Office, Washington, D. O
LIFE, the great
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bility, rremftturo Da-
HH(lU TUVCCI V cUnc.ErroMof Vouth,
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icri)tlon for all diaeaiea. Clothfull gilt, only f 1.00,
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red to do allklndtof worklnhUllnc.
urnlihed at reaaouauiorrlces. All lumbernss
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llloomnburtr, r