COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Oemrt Projtedicg.. K. U. Funk coatioocd as auditor in ecUto of Jacob Dcraott, to file icport at next term. EoUto of Walcotl llarvoy dwd. Tbe coramiMioDcrs continued with leave to r.-port on Saturday, Oct. Ctb, aid report to bo confirmed niL on 1st day of next term unless exception be file-L Estate of Rebecca Breccb, dee'd, order to tell real cotate continued to 1st day of next term. E'talo of Wm. Emin, deo'd, order to cll real estate continued to next term. Estate of I). W. Walter dee'd, G. E. Elwell continued aa auditor, to state an account, to next term. It. It. Little continued as auditor in estate of Wm. Siller, deo'd, to file bis report 1st Xouday of December term. In tbe matter of tbe petition of Uzal Fowler for his final discbarge under the insolvent laws, court fixed upon the 1st day of next term for the final bearing. N. U. Funk continued as auditor on exceptions to account of executor in estate of Jacob Deraott. Wm. Cbrisman oonunaed an auditor on exceptions in estate of Elizabeth Slrausscr. In the matter of the estate of Elias Krnm. motion to amend distribution. Rule irranted to show cause why the nravcr of petitioner should not be granted. We hereby accept service of the above rule and agree that the same may be made absolute. Signed bv the altornev3. Road in Sugarloaf township. Order to viewers continued until next term. Road in Jackson towwhtp. Order to viewers continued until next term. Order to sell real estate of Franklin Rhoad-i. dee'd. continued to next term, Emerson J. Lore, petition for benefit of ionolveqt laws. Monday the first day of next term of court was fixed for hearing said petition. Henry C. Snyder vs. Jackson it; Woodin JIftr. Co. Caso to recover damaces for breach of contract and for value of improvements to machin ery of defendant made by plaintift Amount claimed 82.000. This trial began on Tuesday morning aud con' tinned until Thursday afternoon at four o'clock when tbe iury wan sent out. James Scarlet and C. C. Evans Esas. were plaintiffs counsel and C. G. Barklev and O. B. Jackson Eiqs. for defendant. Durinir the trial a machine s for winding straw rope was exhibited in court as an invention of the plain tiff for the uso of which he claimed pay. Mr. Barkley addressed the jury for the defense and Mr. Scarlet for tbe plaintiff. The iury was out until 4 o'clock Friday morning, and at 0 o'clock came into court with a verdict for plaintiff for 8345.24. ' Daniel Reedy, receiver ys. Cordelia Kisner; submitted to E. R. Ikeler Eq. as refiree -under the Act of May 14, 1874. Nellie C. Meyere vs. Elisha L. Meyers, divorce decreed. W. W. Seybert vs. Rebecca M. Sey bert, divorce decreed. Commonwealth vs. Stephen Dieter ick, larceny, recognizance for appear ance of defendant at next term. The sheriff acknowledged the follow ing deeds: To L W. McKelvy for property of F. Glassier for 810. To Mary C. Graver for property of C. C. Galigoan for 8735 subject to a mortgage of S1090.22. Treasurer's deeds acknowledged in court. Petition filed by A. B. Herring for appointment of viewers to assess damages against B. & S. R. R. Co. G. W. Derr, G. W. Utt and I. A Dewitt appointed viewers of a road in Pine near Thos. Sweeny's. Estate of Evo Old, deceased, petition Meu lor specific pertormanco of con tract with Mary Jane Kline. Elizabeth Fowler vs. Joshua K. Fowler, libel in divorce, subpoena awarded. Petition of C. C. Cox for adoption of Catharine C. Ilunsberger, adoption decreed. On petition of F. W. Hildebrandt it the adoption of Jessie Dresh, adoption decreed. G. S. Fleckenstine vs. A. A. Wilson jury called, and upon agreement of counsel verdict for plaintiff for 8100 with stay of execution for G months, plaintiff to pay cost. Elias McIIenry, G. W. Knout i and Samuel Neyhard appointed viewers of road :n ougarioat near county line. Louise Mordan vs. Ellis Mordan, libel in divorce, subpoena awarded Jennio A Fry vs. Thomas 8. Fry, same. Elizabeth Snyder vs. W. H. Snyder, same. (Thoeo cases are all from Berwick.) sale of real estate ordered in estate of Maria Hcbh. deceased. Exceptions illod to widow's, apprais- ment in estate ot William bitter, de ceased. Inquest on bodies of Amandus Kel ler and Wilson Keller approved as proper cases lor inquest. Maggie Girton vs. Charles Girton, Uuy Jacoby Jieq. continued as com mlssioner to take testimony. In the matter of the- lunacy of margarei weaver, ruie to snow cause wtiy she should not bo re-committed to tue Uanvillo Asylum. Hale of real estate oideied in estate f W. A. Robbins. EhtnU of Jonas Doty, rule on heirs to accept or refuse real estate or show causo why it should not boccld. C. G. Barkley appointed auditor estate of Samuel Beck. K. Buckingham appointed auditor in estate of Samuel Savage. William Cbrisman appointed auditor in citato oi Jonas jjoty. Ma.-y Fox vs. L. P. Fox. W. II Reinbold continued as commissioner to take testimony. R. B. Little appointed auditor estate of Susanna llartzel. A. O. Freas appointed auditor estate of W. P. Faus. C. O. Evans appointed auditor estate of William Vvhitenight. J. II. Majze appointed auditor estate of Jacob Chamberlain. James L. Miller vs. Bessie Miller, J. II. Maize appointed commissioner to tako testimony. John Drum vs. U. Drum, J, B, Rohison appointed commissioner atko testimony. J. B. Rohison appointed mastor and examiner in caso ot Aaron Uogart vs Peter Bocart and W. W. Miller. C. G. Barkley appointed auditor in estate ot ueo. Huddle. A'rtlcy vs. Artley, 0. E. Gevor . pointed commissioner to tako testimony, Petition of Frank Mitchell for din. charge under insolvent laws, publication ordered, and flrat day of next term fixed for ft final lipnrinir ------ 3 Tlins. Mathers use vs. A. Patterson, I P. D. Black vs. A. Patterson, inter pleader med. Attachment continued against John Jlinterllntcr, administrator of Sawn Ilinterliter. L. S, Wiutcrslcen appointed auditor in estate of Martha Long. .uto oi ueooran Harrison, l. a. Winlerstcen appointed auditor. ( Estate of C. II. Kline, rule on guar dian to pay over funds. nstalo of hmma .iegler, rulo or guardian to pay over funds. Estate of lleuben lebr, same. Sadie Koons vs. Alfred Koons, pub lication ordered. Restaurant license of A Trucken miller of Catawista transferred to Sam uel Fegley. L. Smith vs. N. B. Stackhouse, com mittteeetc., with notice to John Ccapin garnishee judgment for failure to an swer interrogatories. Estate of J. IL Harman, executor permitted to bid at sale of real estate. 11. V. Snyder vs. J. fc W. Aug. uo. in tion for new IriaL Violctta Eckrotb vs. Hiram Eckroth, L. S. Winteretecn appointed com mi'sioner to lake testimony. Thos. Northrop vs. J. F. Harvey, re port ot commissioners connrmed nisi. Shartz fc Keely vs. L Hagenbuch, judgment for plaintiffs for SJilO.GZ. ST Appleman's Executor vs. C. W. Miller, motion lor new inai. Catharine A. bimmons, libel in di vorcc. subpoena awarded. Jt'eter anil vs .ua Halt, divorce de creed. Partition awarded in estate of An drew Freas. R. Buckingham appointed auditor to distribute funds in tho bands Trus tee and Treasurer of Odd Fellows Hall Association. Berwick. ' W. Cbrisman continued as auditor in eatato of Geo. Strausser. Court adjourned until Nov. 14, at 9 a. it. k Hun! M Prices !! D S DBJ$ $ CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR Stcinway, Soluuei, Krsuiic'li &1SsicIiJ Fischer, Emerson, Pease Before It Is Born. SOME BTARTUNO EBAt. STATEMENTS INTEREST. OF GEN 10 AND THE CELEBRATE!) Wilcox & White Organs. by com WPIanos "uncd and Repaired pclcnl workmen. Send for Catalogue. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. noni-Br-ir INSURANCE AGENC1' OF J. H. MAIZE, Office Sod floor Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. LIFE. XonhwratOTn Masonic Aid Association, mem. txnui.m. Paid to beneficiaries l,ai,G3.17. in- xranon ilason&i . , TraTeicre ure ana Acciaem oi mru. FIRE. CONTINTCiTAL ot Nw ork, AMERICAN ot Philadelphia, Doctor Oliver Wendell Holmes, on being asked when tbe training of a child should hemn, replied: "A hun dred vears before it is born." Are wo to infer from this that this ceneration is responsible for tbe condi tion of the race a hundred years from nowT Is this wonderful generation tbe na tural result of the proper diet and me' dicines of a hundred years ago J Jt is conceded ia other lands that most of the wonderful discoveries of the world in tbis century bave come from this country. Our ancestors wero reared in log cabins, and suffer ed hardships and trials. JJul they lived and cnioyed neaiiu to a ripe old age. The women of those days would enduro hardships without appannt fatigue that would startle those of the present age. Wby was it I One of the proprietors of the popu lar remedy known as Warner's safe enre, has been faithfully investigating tbe cause, and bas called to bis aid scientists as well as medical men, im pressing upon them the fact that there cannot be an effect without a cause. Tbis investigation difclosed the fact that in the olden limes simple reme dies were administered, compounded of herbs and roots, which were gather ed and stored in the lofts of tbe log abins, and when sickness came on, these remedies from nature's labora tory' were used with the best effects. What were these remedies T What were they used tor T Alter untiring and diligent search tbey have obtained the formulas so generafy used for vari ous disorders. Now the question is, bow will the olden time preparations affect the people of this age, who bave been treated, under model medical schools and codes, with poisonous and injuri ous drugs. ThiB text bas been caro fully pursued, until they are convinced that tbo preparations they now call Warner's Loc -Cabin remedies are what our much abused systems re quire. Among them is what is known as Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, and they frankly announce that they do not consider the sarsaparilla ol so much value, in itself as it U in the combination of the various ingredients which together work tnarvelously up on tho system. They also have prepa rations for other diseases, such as "Warner's Log Cabin cough and con sumption remedy," "Log Cabin bops and bnchu remedy," "Warners Log Cabin hair tonic'' They have great confidence that they havo a cure for the common diseaso of catarrh, which they give tho name of "Log Cabin rose cream. Also a "Log uaum plaster," which they are confident will supplant all others, and a liver pill, to be used separately or in connection with tho other remedies. We hope that the publio will not be disappointed in these remedies, but will reap a uenetit from the investiga tions, and that tbe proprietors will not bo embarrased in their introduction by dealers trying to substitute remedies that have been so familiar to the shelves of our druggists. This line of remedies will be used instead of Qui ets. Insist upon your druggist get ting them for you if he hasn t them yet in stock, find we feel confident that these now remedies will roccivo np probation at our reader's bauds, as the founders have used eyery care in their preparation. tS,tM,9l.Z9 SUGAR Of Sew York. . . ti,iW),V Liverpool. LonaoD ana uiooc nre insurance wi.. or ixnuon, me iu luo nuiiu, wu uu A liberal share of the busloe8 li respectfull solicited aha fcaiisiacuon u kuwiwwi. 1. U. MAIZE. Aeent. jane l, tf. ELY'S CATAttHH Cream Balm Cleanses the natal pats&;es,allays pain and inflammation, heals tbe sores, re stores tbe senses oi taste and smell. THY TUE CUIiE-HAY-EEVER A d article Is atrolled Into each nostril and la agreeable. lTlce M centa at Imjgviiti ; bj mall, registered, to eta. ELY BROTHERS, S Warren Street, Sew York. sept 29-d-IU tt ror.i.t:oc or cr.r nmcn, JlulIaJo..N. V.orC!nrk'lIelnc tollcr, trie, r.iM en- wk,J. In AraeritL AttU. YS lLLXS j.1 hi eo&T CJUtz. CLAlllL 4; I'j;itlll". rrvrictorv. aos3-d-4t. LADIES Vnm1 mnrTlnerA tirice a Tfe&r. bit C ft week fcud 70a have the Cnnt-poliihexJ itora In th otH. Tor ula by til Grocer ixtd Stars DcaIcts. Morcr Brothers Jobbliur Jlzenta Bloomfibunr, W HAT AILS YOU? People Pay Eeavy Bills For medleat attendance and nedlelne. Hckneai la expand r, and tno with arntll locomei reel tbla raraen aeniy. m pnrsKian most sotaeusiea be called but bo Is not needed oae-tcnth aa orten aa manr think. What H require! u a famllr meQicuwionQinatwui renere ana care xatnn ailments wiilcb are liable (o come at anjr uon and to attack tout him and all a;es. Amid tbo boat ot article mat are oOered to tbe public tor tbts purpose nearlr all are n?:em or worse than naelem. It Is no rain boast to bit tbat tbe isedl. dneberela mentioned is or a verr dlSerent cnar. acter. Wbat It bai done li known to maUUnlea ottnr?onsboralthcarelotwfrj- and paln rol amn. It bas aared time, tootwj and manr dear and predoai Urea. Sow please onderetand l aai as un me is in uinoa so aiinn BDQacatn are in tbe blood. Get tbe poison on ol tbe blood and ure and health at onoe return to eTerr part of tbebodr. Dr. brown's Sanupaill'adoialbu work qulctlr and surelr tbrouirb Its direct and rxrotlTt action opoo tbe Mora sen, bowels, kldnera, Urer ana saw. ror ail waste am corrupt elements most be cast off by means or tbose cbannels. Kbevmatlsrn, Kromia, broncbltls, font consump tion, malaria, eatarrh. bar rarer, all skin affect Ions and eruptions are diseases ot the blood. Mr. Oea IL Wlsn, ot tie nrm ot Tbaiter WUb, Baniror, Me., was afflicted with a scrofulous Humor which caused troublesome tores "pon both his legs. Manr remedies were used and sereral phrsfdans consulted, without result, Atter taking lirownaKarsapanlla a snort time be waa better, and soon tbe eruptions disappeared and be Is now all runt. Tim Is onlj one of a thousand victories gained br BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Sot (renulne unless made br Ara Warren t Co., Binjor, 3ie. mara d lr 7.1 Do you fed dun, languid, low-spirited, life, lass, and Indescribabl miserable, both physi cally and men tally: eiperience a senso ot fulicess or bloating afUir eatinar, or of "gone neu," or emptiness of stomach In tbo morn ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad tast In mouth, Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, "BoaUng specks" oeior me eyes, nerrous prostration or ox- lrntanuity ot temper, not iiusnce. haustlon alternating with cmur sensations, sham. blUng. transient pains nero and there, cold fest, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unretresblng deep, constant. Indescribable feeling of dread, or of Impend ing calamity? If rou bave all, or any considerable number ot thesa symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies Bilious DriDCDSla. or Tor-old Urer. aasodaud with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your diseaso has become, ths greater tbe number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stairo It has reached. Dr. Pierce's tioldcu ."tlcdlcnl Discovery will subdue It, If taken according to direc tions tor a reasonable longth of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Cbmump- 1.U 1 in, ire or latar. Indues a fatal termination. lUngs, Bkln Diseases, Heart Disease, a. Kldmr Disease, or otber arravs maladies arequlta liablo to set In and, sooner Dr. Pierce's CJolden medical Dla, covery acts powerfully upon tho Liver, and throucn that great blood -purifying organ, oleansea the system of ail blood-taints and 1m. purities, from whatever causa arising. It Is equally ttfacacious In acting upon too Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic. It promotes digeatfon ana nutrition, thereby building up both fieeb and strength. In malarial districts, thla wonderful medicine bas gained great celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and klndreddiaeases. Dr. Pierce's Uoldeu medical D!s over? CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common lilotcb, or Eruption, to tbs worst Scrofula, Holt-rheum, " 1'ever-sores," Boaly or Hough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Qreat Eating uloers rapidly beal under lis DenigQ inauence, In in Erarta as a Humorist Senator Evarts hag at command a sententious humor that is rarely hinted at In such of his oblong periods as am most laminar 10 the public, a cor respondent says that he remarked of Rhode Island that ''it was nettled hy tho Dutch; the Yankees settled the Dutch;'' and of certain Christians who landed in New Knuland: "They praiaed God and fell on their knees then they fell upon the aborigines." Tho ez-Sccretary also sent to Bancroft this letter: "Deaii Bancuokt: I am very clad to send you two products of my pen to-day a barrel ot pickled pig potk and my eulogy on Chief-Justice Chase." Philadelphia Ledger. White owe Unas.' and Enlarged Glands. Bend ten cents In stamps for a large Treatise, with colored plsteSjOn Skin Diseases, or tbo same amount lor a Eineciallv has it mini. 1 rated 11s potency in curing letter, eczema. Erysipelas, Dolls, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Scrof ulous bores and Swellings, Hlp-jolut Disease, ucatre, or unick Keck, Is. Send ten cents In 'realise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Pierce's Coldeu Medical Discovery, and good dlgsitlon, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital lUengtb and bodily health wiu be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula orihe Lungs, is arrested and cured by this remedy. If taken In the sarUer stages of the diseaso. From Its mar Talous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-tamed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling It bis "Cokibmptioh Cuiie," but abandoned that nam aa too restrlcUve for medicine which, from Its wonderful com blnaUon of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleanslog, anU-blllous, pectoral, and nutritive properties. Is uuequaied, not only aa a remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Disease of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs, For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short Dew of Dreath, Cbronto Nasal Catarrh, bron chitis. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. It la an efficient rernedv. , Bold by DrugglaU, at 1.00, or Six Dottles forJS.OO, . tit" Send ten cents k stamp! for Dr. Plcrce'f boos on innsumption. Aauresf, RAXXkXOAD HMD TAILS pvEIiAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBTJKG DIVISION. STATIONS. Noarnrcsiauiro,. Csmeron. Chulssky. DanvUle Catawlsaa Hnpert.. , nioomsoars Espy..... .- Use Kldge. willow urove Brtarcreek... Berwick. Beach Haven , nicTs Ferry- nnicEsuinny., , s to . i u . e 00 , c OT . 25 ? so . S s , 4 . 6 SO . S 51 , t 5? . 7 05 . 7 11 . 7 19 . 7 0 HunlocJfs 7 43 2,'anllcoke 7 SO Avondale. 7 54 Plymouth .. 7 S3 Pljmouth Junction,.... 8 M Kingston 8 09 Bennett 8 II Ualtby 8 17 Wyoming S 83 West Huston- s 27 Pltlston.. Lackawanna , TaviorvUte. Bellerne. Scaiifrcn 8 33 . 8 40 . s IS , 8 54 , 8 00 r M STATIONS. A M . 10 c t: HCBIKTOK. BeUemc. Taywmue. e so Lackawanna- a zi Flttston M WetPlttston 42 Wyoming. S 7 alter... sl Bennett .. 55 Kingston S 58 Plymouth Junction 7 os Plymouth 7 10 Avondale. . T 14 Nandcoke 7 19 nunlocrs 7 ss wuckahlnny . .... 7 47 nicirs Perry.. T as Beacbnaven, 8 01 Berwick 8 07 8 13 6 IS I 20 S 2S S 32 8 37 8 '2 8 67 9 03 9 07 9 22 A M Connections at Itnpert wltb Philadelphia s Reading llallroad tor Tamanend,, will- lamsnort. ennoarr. ioti8niie. etc. si iwnnnni. berland wltb f.tE. Dtv. P. II. R. tor TJarrlsburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, warren. Corry and Erie. F. SALSTEAD. lien. Man., Scran ton, Pa Brurcreek-.. willow orove Ume Ridge. Bloomsbur? .'1 Knpert. Catawlsaa Danville Cbnlaskr. Cameron NOHTHCKB ntlKD.. NORTn. m a. u. a, v. 135 10 10 15 10 25 (30 .... 1029 634 1 53 10 M (40 2 11 10 51 S 59 1 19 11 00 7 0S III 11 07 7 It 2 29 11 It 7 20 .... 11 22 7 27 .... 11 t 7 31 II 30 7 IS 2 44 11 37 7 41 2 54 11 44 7 49 2 59 11 49 55 3 09 11 59 S 0 3 19 12 09 8 IT 3 IS 11 15 8 21 11 20 8 39 I 35 It 25 8 S3 3 39 II 30 8 38 3 41 12 37 8 45 .... It 41 S 49 ... It 45 8 51 3 52 It 50 8 59 3 5 It 55 9 03 4 01 1 03 8 09 .... Ill 9 17 1 19 8 25 .. 1 t5 8 80 4 22 1 SO 8 25 r X T U AM SOUTH, an rx rif 9 50 2 05 6 SO 8 55 ... 29 10 00 2 14 (SO 10 08 2 21 8 37 10 18 2 28 ( 45 10 2t 2 34 6 LO 10 27 2 39 55 10 30 ... 8 59 10 34 2 47 7 03 10 S9 2 50 7 07 10 4 2 54 7 12 10 17 2 59 7 It 10 51 3 03 7 21 10 55 3 06 7 25 II 01 3 19 7 43 11 12 1 29 7 51 II 22 3 39 8 07 11 28 3 45 8 13 11 37 3 51 8 20 . 8 57 8 27 11 49 4 01 8 31 11 52 4 05 8 35 11 19 4 11 8 41 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 24 8 52 12 15 4 29 8 57 12 30 4 4t 9 15 4 54 8 23 19 40 5 00 8 28 It i"i t It 8 45 TV T M T If Political Methodi. Our dispatches (riven from many of tbe counties show that tho Democrats yesterday put into practical operation their method of oonteslintr tho present political battle. There were not less than 1,200 Democratic meetings held in rennsvlvania yesterday and probab ly more. Ibese meetings were entirely inex pensive. Tbey bad, as a rule, no dcat- ning Hands, no flaunting banners, no pompous parades, but they were held in the townships, at the cross-roads, in tbo villages, in the valleys and other places convenient for 1 uitlncl conference on the political situation. At many of them thero wero no ora tors, but the President's tariff message or tbo Mills bill was read, and serious consultation was had as to tbe duty of citizens in tbe selection of tbe next President. On Saturday next tbe Republicans will exhibit their method ot conduct ing tho battle. They will hold grand mass meetings in every country town 1 tbe atale on tbat day. with impos ing processions, bands of music, nni- ormed clubs and able speakers to en- thuso the party. It will be very cost ly; it will call out great numbers for a frolic, but will it impress the peoplo as will the quiet, inexpensive, "common sense method adopted by tho Demo- crate! This is a campaign of education; of sober consideration on tbe part of tens of thousands of voters in Pennsylva nia; and it is a campaign of dollars and cents. It is not a campaign of cash for votes, but it is a campaign that brings up for study the wages of labor and the cost of necessaries of life ; and it is, therefore, more than ever in the past, a campaign of dollars and cents, in sucb a contest, which will win tbe most votes! Philadel phia 2me4. We are willing to bear personal tes- itnony to the efficacy and value of Hood' Sarsaparilla, which we have been advertising some years in our paper, having used it for blood impuri ties with great success. It is a pre paration of standard merit, made of perfectly pure ineredienta. and thor oughly effective in cleansing and puri- lying tuu system, ror eruptions, boils, eta, it can bo relied upon every time. Our own experience with it has been most gratifying, and we are glad to give it this endorsement. Athol Mats.) Transcript. Gov- Gordon Was Bo-elected. The election for Governor and State officers in Georgia passed off quietly last week. There being no opposition, Gov. Gordon and the other officials were re elected. The amendment to the Constitution increasing the number of Supreme Court judges from three to nve was adopted. A light ote was polled throughout the State. in tbe Atlanta benatomi .District Sam Small, tbe Prohibitionist, was de feated by F. B. Rice, Democrat, after a hot contest. World's Dltpentary Medical hsoclilloa, 60S Halt! St., BUFFALO, tf. Y. THE ONLY Brilliant Durable 4L Economical Are Diamond Dyei. They excel all othen In Strength, l'urily and Faitneii. None others are Just as good. Beware of imitations they are made of cheap and Inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Stud potul for Drt Book, Sim pis Crd, dlrsctlou for coloring I'lioloi., millng lha lak or lilulog (10 cis, a juaii), cic. Sold ty Dr(liti or ty WULS. RICHARDSON S CO., Burlington, Vt. Yet Olldiac or Drooling Fancy Axtlclti, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. 0U, tlir.r, vtyau, 9pir, 9lf h cut! Pome's CELE"Y ( COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS" ,., "I'alM'sCslsryCom. nouralgla imd cm.d m; nv. ous sick headaches," " Mrs. L. A HsiHTNM. NorVOUS Sr, CI. Prostration tC.Ali"AV1 CompouoJ, am cured nitumatitm, Rheumatism sm;h'-yr. IS 1 .1 n.. "II Jus done me more rUCInOy toedlor ViJoey dlee D. than 0y cib,r mi. ISOaSOS Geo, Aisott, Slous City, lows, aU "I'slns'e Celery Com- - , . - , uouad bas Ueo ot peat All LlVOr Uoent fo, ipid ur, . utdljeiuon, sod Uliout. Disorders kuasthc. Pennsylvania Railroad. 'hiladelphia & trie K. n, uivis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Bill ' TIME TABLE. In enect AUG. s, 1888. Trains leave suntmrr EASTWARD 9.o a. m.. Hea Khore Einrena (dally eicer" Bcnnay), ror HarrtnDurg anainiermeaiaiesiauons' arrlvlnc at PhtlalplnhlaiLlSn. m. ; New York, a.Min. m. Ttivittmnrft. s.4!i n. m. t Waahlntrton 5.Mn. m.. connecting at PhlladPlonla for all 8ea Store points. Tnrousn passenger coach to Phlladelnhla. 1.13 p. m. Day express flatly except 8anday),fornarrts6nr and Interme diate Rtatlnna. arrlvlncr at Philadelphia s.60 p. m. ; New York, p. m. : Baltimore .5 p. m. ; Washlntrton, 6.00 p. m. Buffet Parlor car mrougn 10 rnuaoeipma ana wwjucb thronghtorhlladelpnlaanu Baltimore. n. m. Kenovo Accommodation (flatly tor Ilarrtsbnn; and all Intermediate stations, arrlv- inirai rniiaaeipmasn a. m. : new xurs ...ubuul. naitimore. i.s.m.: wasninprion eoit a. o.. ; Pullman aleenlntrcaMrom Wllllamsntto Phllaflel. ohla. PhlladelDbln nasxenirers can remain In sleeperundlstnrbeil nntil T a. m. 9.M)a. m Erte Mall IdMlvl for narriabnn? and Intermediate stations, arrvln(r at Philadelphia .85 a. m. New York, 11.SO a. m. '. lianimore 8.1s . m. Wftahtno-tnn. m. Tnronen hhidied sleeping cars are rnn on thlstralnto Phllafleiphla, tsaittmore ana wasnjnirion, ana inruuicu pusecu. ger coaches to rmiaaeipnia ana naitimore. WBSTWAR1). R.l n a. m Erie Mall (dally), for Erie ard all Intermediate stations ana Canandslgua ard Intermediate atatlnna. Boehester. Bnffalo and Ntacrara valla, with thrnuirh PnllmBn Palace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and nocces- ... .5S uewa Kinross (daily except itanaay) ror lock iiaven ana lnienneaisie sihl.uuh. 12.S2 n. m. Nlatrara Exnreas (aatir except son .livWorKane and Intermediate stations and Can. ar.dalgna andptlnctpal Intermediate stations H-vhester. Iinrfalo and Nlacrara Falls with thrnnjrh naaaenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Buffet Parlor cartowatklns , 5.30 d. m. Fast une (aauyxcepi Hunaayiror ite- novo and intermediate, stations, and Rlmlra, Wat. kins and Intennedlata stations, with through pas senger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns, a.20 a. m Sunday mall for Kenovo and Interme diate smuuu" THROUGH TRAINS VORSDNBllRY FROM THE KABTAXDHUUTII. Sunday mall leaves Phlladelohla 4.30 a. m Harrlsburtr 7.40 arrlvlnir at Sunburr 8.20 a. m. with tnrougn sleeping car irom I'nuaaeipnia to wi. Iiamsporc. News Kxnreas leavea paiiaaeinnia a. rn. Ilarrlsbunr, 9.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving ul nunuurr v. M. n. m. Niagara Express leaves PhllaflelDhla.T.40 a.m.: Baltimore 7.80 a. w. (dally except aunaay arriving at nunoury.iz.ov p. m. witnturouirn nunet rariorcarrrom rniiaaeinni; and tnrough passenger coaches from Phllaflel nhla and Baltimore. Past Line leaves New York 9.00 a.m.: Phtladel. m.i Waahlnirton. 9.M) a. m.: Baltl. more, 10.43 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at coar.hearrom I'hlladelnhla sneaiaii leaves New i oricB.uJO.rn.: rnuaaei. raoro, 11.2(1 p.m., (dally) arrlvlneat flunburys.10 a. ra. witn tnrouirn iuiimaa pi Philadelphia. Waahlntrton and through passenger coaches Iron) Philadelphia. NUNIIlMtV, IIAZr.KTON WII.KF-n AIllcH KAII.IIIIAII AISII ntlUTII AIOII WHIST IliraNCllI HAII.WAY. (Dally except aunday.i Wllkcsbarre Hall leaves sunbnrr 8.65 a. m. arriving at Uloom Kerry 10.4U a. m., Wtlkes-barre .is p. ra. Evnress East leaves Sunbury &.M p. ra.. arriving at Illoom Kerry e.20 p. m., Wlikes-barre r.65 p. m Hunbury Man leavea wi ikesbarre lazoa. m. amv. lng at Bloom Perry 11.45 a. m., Hunbury 12-85 p. m jcxpreas v est leaves wiiaes-oarre a.oo p. m., ar. rlvtng at Bloom Perry 4.1 p. m., sunbury 5.10p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Hunday mall loaves Hunbury s:2fi a. m., arriving at Bloom Perry 10:18 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 11:15 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkos-Barre 5:10 p. m., arriving at uioom rerry, s.w p.m., nunDury, CIIAH. U. i'Ullll, ugh passenger ana naitimore. Uon.Manager J. R. WOOD. oen. Passenger Agenj lio-CtUJ DR. THE EL unit, rLii4viitki, r. wit s tl Mini HEAR: Best made Clothing in Philadelphia for M en. Youths, Boys and Children. A. C. Yates & 'Co. Gth& Chestnut, LEDGER BUILD I N 0. J.R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dealxb is PIANOS, By the following well known makers.' Chickering, Knnbc, "Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. ,o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. SeptS-Wtf. OL1TICALI HISTORY of the U.S. A Loo Oabix docs not loik very handsome from the outside, with the coon kin nailed on the door, but health and content ment the hardy pioneers of American civilization are fonnd in them. Their 1th was maintained by simple remedies of roots and herbs, now re produced in Warners Log Cabin Re medies, made by Warner ot Hato (Jure lame. Turn Ciliilil i ItTtiiiitiirr to th prias. I'realdrnlK d4 tvJuutautrsvUutui tCUinsTrrMtofaanii l-"otrtiej Menro. jLIKUtuitl rALi oi ft'JlK Tli tbeu ftfttforuu cd IMndplec QaMtioc of lit Loop Civil Itrvltt. FrtlUllrti, Iwflil R . TARIFF AND FREE TRADE, with fcrzttmenU for tni ftMinit. G40pHCr. TOO KncraTlnctv. LOW lrlce. gUlC'K ti&le. IOBTB!w ieiU.. t Briht dwd or woman in ucb ormbty -L,J to Uk orders fnr ttili popaUr tved fut Nlli&g boX A irrMt fnr aliMd. Semi for ctrcuier P.ff.riKULJlB ACO,7WthtllthU Vkiiu I Juty?7'Z UMm. tQCMnflootDWiTOi t0 Jol4 tjr tOaatv FREE Daaghten, Wires and Mothers. Physicians heartily endorse tbe use of Sneer's celebrated Port Grape Wine ior the use of debilitated females. It is not an intoxicant, and is absolutely pure, being madn from grapes grown at Mr. Speer's Mount Protpect Vine yards, Passaic, N. J., from vines im ported from tho port wine district of PortugaL .Druggists sell it. :a iwn (.auls.J Dr.tll .z.rl. , IStHKlHt U .HIS IU9t Sklaklj, psratbMtl SSJ ,Jtnyi( (JiraleUa, &. sultsr vkt Ss Biy t rrou.Ut Collets ts irtSastsd, t-r .Ul Ss nsyslstia i d. Ifr.Tbl ftfftra SiM to sar tiht.l.l.a t4 ijrtsttUttt), aa sts stttl blta 1. U.t aorrttt eiatauaiD, ana .w....,iti mtitni t, an isrttit SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, oiisri.VATi: cisrniiH, ulotcuvm, KliriTIO.N. IMMI'IsCM, NWKLL. I.JN, INFLAMMATION. IsOftlVltttlHy Kiirly Ilecay. I'liynlrnl huU Menlul Pronlratlun, Molonehulln, Illadder uutl Jildnejr UUeiwfH. (Acutocueai 1Q .) mm a u. 9IY ItlHTOIin ouillBtfif tbt AUpMl.ti IIoiutll.U KflUtllf filuil jUoa f n41alB, the oal omm Lavwa tkktenrrft rrrntKSfutl lb lrcett llltl sita 'fit ul lrtll i'sperlenesv iiU arirj rsvmadj tj lan&ita ksotjn toidti fur qukbMl rieoftry ud prav bibI iwi 1U wwi dBenut cia lklUd. Ysui.i, b.ldllsVMt4 "'I ixta writ tr ttlt for Ul Trail.. tiEMttisf trmit, tblr m1.msm u tlcilaalu vSr. TLotdJ tu dlittpclattl tj quick. Utlr flrllf ul UU4rriUtaikUwtUwUMtlls ) UIU jtut MrlaDMwkUa lhr 4 aU mmmi, BttU la Ut Uttlil wUI Hit Mat ,nt irlnj t4 d ilk, Ulttb&L Jut"4'' " '""' i,uUtH Out of the Breastworks.' Tate Springs, Tinn., July 4, 18S? The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seren years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached In tha near future. I gave up the doctors' treat, ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced tailing your medicine, I began to Improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my akin cleared oS and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed la my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles ot Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. Robinson. Kaufman, Tix June sj, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I hare been afflicted with a sldn disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me re. lief. I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly, Wm, Jonxs. For sale by all druggists. Tiik Swirr Sriciric Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. London, Eng., 35 Snow HEL, Chips. Jack Gus, lend me a dollar! Qus (dubiouMy) Well, Jack, Iv'o only got a couple ot dollars to my name. Jack You'ro lucky. I did thiuk of striking you for two. Minister Well, Bobby, what did you learn at school to-day! Bobby I learned that the world Is round aud turns on hinges liku tbat globe in tho parlor. Minister Well, what did you thiuk of that! Bobby I think they're asking me to believe a good deal for a small boy, More votes for tariff reform. All tbo lions and tigers in tho Zoo are howling for free raw matorial. Brown I saw Dumley this morn ing and 1 didn't think he was looking well.. Robinson (grimly) I saw him, too, and I thought ho was looking extrem ely well, lie owes me 95 and he saw mo three blocks off. I Ml latalr. Baal at I vmsBiai vans, rat' MCI IIBa- Lkarnr. Wartaatad. Haarr fSolU O.U HaDMBf Caaaa. Eltitot aa4 natnlocaat. Bota ta4lat'aaa laala attaa 'wlta worfca and tatta of aanal ttltaUSl. a-BtStsOIV Inaaea loaalll, can aaeora oaa S.KC uowuiaupoaaiuar Waaaavar va vast oaa par bob. la Baca localtlr. ta Sate la tBatrBftntabaaaow I. thnaa vhacall, BaorapUat llaaafaor a.IaabUBB. vary BSaful UC, l.t BlltO ASS I-L KM. naaa tun; wall as lbs vtUfc.vt Band fraaM aftar rati t.T. taps taam la yaar bona a sbooibs aod bbbvb tban la Utoaa wbo may Baaa eaUtd.tbtr baeatsa yoBr oam po,rt, j .. .. H.IU, 1.1 .n.k. thla mat afftr. aaadlfia tba N It 1.1 It linLU valch Bad COB1TT Btni4aa rraa. as tba ltowlD, ot lbs tatBBlas la aar toaatttr. alwara rat alia la B laft trada lar Bt.aluroartaniplea barat.B la a locality for a naatbortv. wa aaotllr III from flOtin to Scoot la Sra4a Irwea tb. (BrrauBdlnc couatrr. Tbla, tba toaal woaaarfal oSar srar kBavB,lanadslBaratrtl)ataaraaeiplatmarbaMaea4alaaea aarttlItaa ba atta, all tnriniflcL WrtU atoaca,an4 naktanraoftbaehasta. Baadarlt vm bahardTraar IraBbla kr Toa la aboar Ibaaarapiaa to laoaa arao; ... ..-..A wlllt moataallaan aklctwt rlu at eoatt bat 1 cant as 1 afttr raa b bow all.H ra. . . j i .aruMbar.arbaBabarca ladoaa. Hat If f aada act. J laur addraM al oaaa, Jaa aaa frarura VHCG oea af tba vi aolld cold wttcbta Is tba world BBS oar larta Itaa bf C1IHTI.Y ajAsan.KBl. waparauaipraat, rr.icat.ata idJraatUHUBtiaavn atAh,easii,rwtMnv, -'.. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marl's obtalned.and all Patent business conducted ror MODEHATE FEES. OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OFFICE. We line no sub-agencies, all business direct, bence can transact patent business In less iiuicanu sb3 tuai laaQ mose remote irom Washington. bend model, drawing, or photo, with descrtpUon. We advise II patentable or not, tree ot charge. Our fee not due till natent Is secured. A booky'ilow to obtain Patenw,"withrereren3e3 ut aciuai cuenis in rour state, countv. or town. ctcul ires, Auurc&a C. A. SNOW & CO., oppoaltn patent Office, Washington, D. i rHpftrirKinrfo EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, Uie great Medical Work -of the age on Manhooderr oris end Physical Da bllltr, 1'remAtaro De- HMnUf TU VC PI C cUne' Vouni, nilUn I III OLLllmdthe untold miser, es consequent thereon, S00 napet S va, lii pro scription, (or sJl dlaeatea. Cloth, loll gilt, only Loo, tij null, sealed. Illustrative sample I let to all young and middle-aeed men. Send now. The Gold aud Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tba Nation al Medical Association. Addms P.O. itit 1995,!!o ton, MaBS.,or r. W. IL PAltKEli, graduate of Har vard Medical College, IS years' practice in Uoeton, who mar be consulted confidentially. Offlce, Hn. fllullluchbL Bjiecidlty, Diseases of Man. Cut till. out. Yuti may sever .ee It asnln. Bept ai-d-it. TT'TD TjUI a 20-page Wsorlptlve Of the Soil, Climate l'ro.lsrllons Alanuraeturlna' Imluatrlaa nnrl lfl,irnl l'.al,l. orviralnla and other Southern Mates. Write to W. a IIEVILL, Genl Pass. Agent, 110S.NOKB, VA. Enclosing s-cent stamp LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everj thing. They are sold every. "uciu. j-fiua tug. a package, su eoiora, mey have no eaualfor Htrpntrth. hrlirhfrip.a.3 nmnnnt In packages, or for fastnesa ot color, or non-fading M..IIHM, lu,j uuuub rtu; or BU1UU Moyer Ilros. and Jag. II. Mercer, For salt. leDirriy. w AINWHIGUT & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, PlULADZLl'IlU, Pa. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALTWHISKEY. DuriLLin from selccUd Bsrler Malt and gnaranteed to be cnnslcally rrjts I free from Injurious oils and it-Ids olten contalMd In alcoholic liquors! lit, . Itecotnmendf d ty leading rhyslclins ss a Ultmti. ive. For tsMisni.piltifi 11 Is invaluable. ItlihllttS epeciallr adapted to persons np.tilr tienefltted br its use. Nervine, Tonlo ar.d Alterstive, appetite, a rich and abundant Mood ard IncTeawd I5eh and rnuKnlartlrstie. a stimulant mild and gentle In enect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion frxi all wamrg at? eases can be entirely conquered by tbe uierr I errlteB I pre Barley all Whiltm irii . ,.s Ar,Utn irji a nmserftil stirnrrtheber to tbe enure svrlr an , ,( IU.NE'8 I'UHE BAIiLLTMALr wiilBKEl bas protd a medicinal protection thnrnwhonnrsuetbeir avocations in tbe opt d air, and wbotaa dally srortcaiis ntlonal rowers of endurance. Art icui neareil orufRist or grocer forir.. -. ........... . .... . ,., ir' uiTTUiiihKit ttim I ni. maim.. ... .... - l-ltlfini. O 1 tbose who pu u .niirt mui.Er MAI.TWHIf-KlV Iirvuui tbeecenrlrs of ttira..:i put with eiceveocdllr. or JtS!MSSVPJ!!n In wet and rigorous weather. Itwlll drive all malarlcus dlteaaes from tbe (jnero. liartl woraers oi every iwnwu y, w.m. r tuurrs iircr.a to Dyspepsia nnd In l-emntrs mre uariey Malt WhUlcer a lwertul invlgorant and helper to digestion. rEliniishs TUIIE IIAIILEV MALT WHISKEY without unduly stimulating the 'kid nys Increases their nagvlDir activity, counteractsthe eSects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt dloretle. Watch the label I None genuine unless beating the signature Tbe analysts as It appears by the L. bcl on esmr bottle: 1 bare caremua .. alyted tbrrai Vaatrv Matt Wbia csv made by M. J. K lTrriDe and mu lt entirely tree fromloiei ou.furfurtii metals and adds and Is absoluteis pure." Wrafd, Cumftta Arthur Main ilraauateuftht UnttertlUtt 0 Munich cvenent and yrtubaoen For rwie oy all drucl and grocers throuti 5 the United Btatesa canadas. UsataBSBaaaaaaTaaaaaSBiaaaaaaa 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH roiLt w 1 1 1 1 1 i i . i WATER ST., PHILA V . I. DEALERS. XT. I'friiTVP'V' f f S.nan AfjnJSTH WANTED nt once to supply Ten M3M.X 1M.MM1, X I I .-tilllloll tvleri with the only offlclRl liven ot CLEVELAND: AND Br Hon. W Cartridge IKn, Ileform work. aDDlv aulck and l BEOS, Philadelphia, Pa. THURMiAN V. IIctiBCl alKJUfoof SIr.H. Clevelaiul csnulslto steel portraits. Voters ieform Trade Policy, 4c., complete. AkciiIh report immriM tumu. For besr ic and mate law to uoo a month. Ouiu&s Ubbit CniNca ro Aourrs. UUdoaku sepU14-d- . B. JBOB1INS, DEALER IN Foreign WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' INDUCEMENTS! We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. 1 taw '55 Among the Pianos tve handle are the IYERS & POND, C C. B BIGGS, BA US $ CO.,SClJOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-clasa and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celehrated ESTEY. MILL' EB, UNITED STATES and other macs. ' Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WB.1TE. NEW DAVIS, NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME HOUSEHOLD, B0YAL ST. JOHN and STAND ABD B OTA BY Sewing Machine, the finest nnd best Rotary Sewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. i I HAS, BYRUl'S, COFFEE, BUOAll, MOLASHES I J om '-on 'yaos tinvoiti 'eaous 'aom N. K. Corner Second and Arch Bts. "avorders will receive prompt attentooi I'ENNKY GOOD8 A SPECIALTY. 80LI A01NT8 rOB F, F, ADAMS tt, CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents of the tot. lowing brands of Cigars. UKNIIY CLAY, LOND11K3, NORMAL, INDIAN rHINCESS, BAM80N, BtLVEK ASH. Alexander Bros, d Co, WnOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. BOLE iOENTS FOR BEHKY MAILLARDS BECANDIES FRE8U EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. 'ANY ORDER FOR FESTIVAIi will be SUPPLIED TiVJTH tub LOWEST as koixows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTSJ CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. IF YOU WANT Healthful Biscuit and Pastry, Use Rum ford Yeast Powder. It is not only free from anything injurious, but is positively bene ficial to health. It restores to the flour the life giving phosphates lost in bolting, which are re quired by the system. No other powder does this. Turf s Pills Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness Ana nil diseases arising from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. ly suur cosMad ana to .Wallow. SOLD EVEItYWHEEEs -i oo?8Jn.ctoy, ' WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBURG, PBNN'A,, AGENT FOR THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufoctruera ot the celebrated Keystone l)yna inlto. aHUeiploslTellglrtnii U!U?eraalaatlari5 BLOOMSBURG PLANING HILL so. The undersigned havlne pnt nil Planln? U n Railroad street, In nrst-ciasa condition, li pr" aredtodo allklndaot work in hli line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORSb BLINDS.MOUi-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urmetiea av reaauuuuior rices. All lumcernie s well Reasoned aud none bat skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHAIII.ES URVO, I.IOOUlHbllrfT, I' SUBSdlUBE FOR TUB UOIiTJMDlAN laugiw