THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT! BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. S. Slwtll, 1 ..,., 13. X. BltterWinaer., f Sdl.ori. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1888. Tho jjood news comes at last that Jaok Frost is driving away tho yellow lever pestilence in tno sotuu. Uloomsburg is credited with , a con tribntlon ot twenty fivo dollars' to tho Detnooralio National Committee. This was raised through tho efforts of J. M. Clark Esq , and is only tho first instalment ot wnat win uo given. The Pitzpatnok Case. Messrs. Eds. Tho decision of tho Supremo Court in the Fltzpatrlck ease on Monday of last week changes the law from what has been tho practice and understand inc thronuhout the stato for years. Fitzpatrick of Lackawanna county, was tried lor marder. Alter tno caso had been in tho hands of the jury for fivo days tho last day of that term of court caruo and they woro discharged becauso thoy could not agree. The defendant wni called for another trial in the following month and pleaded specially tho former trial and the (lis chareo of tho iory without rendering a verdict in favor of any farther trial for tho same ouense. Tho Court holds that tho constitu tional provision "that no person shall for the same offense be twice put in ieoriardv of life and limb" is an an' swer to the indictment, and tho judge ment entered by the court uolow on the olea in favor of tho prisoner was right and is affirmad." If this be the meaning of tho consti tation then it is hich time for a consti tutional amendment. The meaning of "being put twice in jeopardy" could not have been that a failure of a jury to aeree is equivalent to a verdict of acquittal. And vet that is what the Supreme Court says is tho law. It Is only necessary now that a murderer should secure one friend on a jury and he is sure to go scot tree, for one man can cause a Jury to disagree, and a failure to agreo is equivalent to an ac quittal. It has been the universal practice to try men ov.t again in cases where the i'ury does not agree, and the question las never been raised before. Fortu nately for Fitzpatrick it was raised in his case, and possibly saved his life. Hereafter until tho constitution is changed, it will be necessary only to convince one member of the jury in , murder cases to save the life of tho most depraved assassin, whereas hcre 5foro it has been necessary to con vince twelve men. A L ATM AN. Oar correspondent is mistaken in assuming that this question has never before been ruled upon by the Supreme Court. It is a point that has been several limes decided, the first time as long ago as 1822, in the case of the Commonwealth against Cook and others who were indicted lor mnrder, and after trial the jury was discharged without rendering a verdict, and with out'the consent of the prisoners. In a long and learned opinion by Chief Justice Tilghman, it was held that "in capital cases, the court has no power, without the consent of the prisoner, to discharge the jury because they have not agreed, and declare they never can agree npon a verdict. In cases of absolute necessity the jury may be discharged. "The judgo says "we may conclndo that m cases of consent, fairly given, when the prisoner is as sisted by council, and the discharge of the jury is intended for his benefit, they may be discharged without giv ing a verdict.'' In the case of tho Commonwealth against Clue, it was decided that "tho court may discbarge a jury in a capi tal case, without a verdict, in a case of absolute necessity; but mere inability to agre does not constilnte such a case; if a jury be discharged under any other circumstances, tho prisoner may plead that he has been once in jeopar dy for the same offense." In tho case of McFadden against the Commonwealth, tried in 1853, Chief Justice Black said in his opinion "that the mere continuance ot a cause is within the discretion of tho court. Refusing; it to a prisoner when he gives good reasons for it, or granting it to the Commonwealth without any reason at all, is neither a defense to tbo accused party when he comes to be tried, nor a legal assignment of er ror in this court, lsnt a discharge ot tho jury, in a capital case, after tho trial has becun, is not a continuance of cause. It is the end of it- And for all purposes of future protection, it is the same to the prisoner as an ao- quittal, unless It was done with his own consent or demanded by some overwhelming necessity, such, for in stance, as the siokness or death ot juror." The trial beclni when tho inry is obarced with the prisoner, and that haDoens as soon as tho inry is empan noted and sworn. From that timo he is in ieonardv. and he cannot bo tried again for tho same o'lense, except he bo brought within the rule that baa been clearly established by the Supro me Court for many years. The deci sion in the Fitzpatrick caso is in liar mony with a long lino of cases on tho same point, and wo canr.ot seo any ocr casion for a constitutional amendment on this subject Eds. WASHINGTON LETTfiE. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, D. 0. Oct. 8, 1888. .Tndcro Thiirman is a truest of Mr. nmvaland at Oak View. IIo is look ing much better and stronger than he &A when here last. He will mako an argument for the Government in the well-known telephone cases, which are to bo heard by tho Supreme Court this week. He declined a puuuo reception tnndered him by the citizens of this oUv. An event took place to-day in tbo United Stales Supreme Court room that in importance and impressivoness was second only to theinauguration of a PriHpnt. Mellvillo Weston Fuller was inducted into what many people, i-nnr porresnondent among tho num Per, believe to bo the most important office under our form of Government Chief Justice of the United States. Tho rvinrt room Mas crowded to its eanaoitv by nearly all the pro rnlnent people now in tho city, all anx ious to witness the swearing in of a Democratio Chief Justice, an event wliioh has not taken placo before since 1830, when Roger B. Taney, appoint ed by thai old war bona of Demo craoy, Andrew Jackson, took tho posi- it - ( ' .1 i . . .t mi r uuu wmuii uo was vu hu nuiy 1111 iur twenty-eight years, and which was to givo him world-wido fame. Tho cere monies usod to-day wcro exactly simi lar to thoso usod whon Chief Justice Chaso took his scat in 18G1, and thoy wcro very solemn and impressive; in fact, overythiiiy nbout tho supreme Court, is, to me, if not to everybody Tho now Chief Justice mado a favor able impression, although his physiqno is anything o!so but imposing, but his faco and head give numlstakeablo evi dence of tho possession of an nmplo supply of that subtle power whloh gorcrns tho world brains. Two notablo Indlanlans wero in this city last week Governor Gray and Anuilla Jones, postmaster of Indian apolis. Thoy both gavo ohcerful statements of the political outlook in tho Hosier Stato. Thoy regard tho Stato as certain for Cleveland and Thurman. Mr. Cleveland got a day's fishing on tho upper Potomao last week. Ho has given up all hopes of a vacation trip this year. Mr Taylor, Ex-Minister to Liboria, who is in charge of tho negro Domo- cratio headquarters in Now lork, was over here Saturday. Ho says that evorv election district of Now York stato has a negro Democratio olub, and that not less than 240,000 negroes will voto for Cleveland and Thurman. in tho Northorn States alone. A full mooting of tho Democratio xt..! i rs :. ! Un UtS.A in New York Wednesday. Representative Wilson, of West Virginia, says that Stato will give Cleveland a larger majority that in 18 81, and that it will send a solid Demo cratic delegation to Congress. The Republican tariff bill was taken up to-day in the Senate. Thero is uo possible ohance to dispose of it bofore tho election. It is probable that a fow speeches will bo made upon it, and that sometime Between tno turn auu zoiu of this month a recess will bo taken until after the election, when the fight will be resumed and kept up in a sort of a way greatly dependent on tho result of tho election until tho Fift ieth Congress expires. No body ex pects any kind of a tariff bill to pass both House and Senate as at present constituted. Chairman Barnnm was hero Friday and Saturday. Ho has no doubts of the election of Cleveland aud Thur- Representative MoMillan, who has been making speeches in Now York and New Jersey, thinks the outlook for a Democratio victory in both states is very encouraging. The now navy is slowly materializ ing. Tbo iron cruiser Baltimore was launched at Philadelphia Saturday, and the gunboat Petrel will bo ready to launch in abont ten days. Tho money appropriated for the navy has been properly spent under this pdmini stration. At least two Senators Saulsbury and Stew.irt one a Democrat and one a Republican, have put themselves on record as being in favor of the repeal of the civil service law. The discussion ol a Senate amend ment to the general deficiency appro priation bill, which appropriates $30, 000 for the Industrial Christian Homo Association of Utah, an association for the benefit of dependent women and children who desiro to sever their al legiance to the Mormon Church, brought out the fact that the present administration is tho only one that has ever taken any practical steps to break up polygamy although the Repnblioan party has since 1850 regularly adopt ed a plank in their party platform de nouncing it is a relio of barbarism. It remained for the uemocratio party throneh tho pn sent administration to take the first steps towards the extinc tion of polygamy. Attorney-General Garland has re turned from his long vacation much improved in health. Senator lieck has returned ironi Fortress Monroe soraowhat improved in health, but not well enough to re sumo his Congressional duties. As election day draws nearer, tne attendance at the sessions of the Ilonso gets smaller and Bmaller. Business requiring a quorum has long ago been abandoned, and if a recess is not soon takon all hopes of adjourn ment having been given up thero will not be a dozen members in at tendance. Senator Voorhees has cone to Ind iana to remain until after tho election. He will speak every day. Tho friends of the Oklahoma Dill in the House, while not nuraoron enough to pass that measure, have succeeded in having the Senate amendment to .i ?.i j.i--- u:n . tno general ueucieuuy uiu, uneimmy the laws of tho United States over No Man's Land, dropped. Weak will power, from physical causes deranges a man's life in every direction. Every one will strengthen his will powers as well as his bodily Dowers, bv usinc Warners tiog uauin Sarsanarilla. It is guaranteed the best. Sold by your druggists for Si Contains 120 doses. Take no other for it. An Eloquent Speeoh. 1I0K, V. E. BELTZHOOVER, Or UAIiLiai.K. AT THE MEClUNrCSUURQ MEE1INQ. Hon. P. E. Beltzhoover, of Carlisle, during his remarks at tho democratio , ... nr.:Jv.... uemonsiraiiou iuev;u.uiouuitj Mnndav nicht said in substance: We aro engaged in a mighty effort to liberate the people of tho nation from tho insatiate creed of countless ilnrlnoconsDiracies whioh aro called truststwin brothers of a high tariff which are founded upon the doctrine which holds as it has held ii all ages, that the masses of men aro born with saddles oo their backs and a favored fow are born booted and spurred to ride them bv the craco of God. We aro arrayed in conflict with a system which makes uarnegies, ami uouiu, and Vanderbilts and Armours, arro ot ,,.;! tlioir millions wruncr from tho furrowed brows of toil while their follow mtn can scarcely earn thei AMv bread. In this battle tho demo cratio party is entitled to Btand as tho i.UmnU of tho people for all the reasons which over Inspired confidence anions men. its History is its uosia fnr flilnlitv. It surunc from tbo op naitlnn to aristocraov and centraliza tion. It has always stood with the maaaon nrralnt the classes. In the glory of triumph and tho gloom of de fPt it lias been faithful to tho prin ciples of liberty and equality among mon in tUn sense that they were una or bv tho founders of the republic. do not wonder that our enemies aro (hssatiefi :d with the situation. Four years ago tho grand old party set up lllld I1PKS Bt t 10 O HI 81UUII UKUIU tho urovidence of God ar6 like ly to be found thero for many yoars to come. Why should not its leaso of ha extended indefinitely, Has U not fniailed all 1U pledges and dU appointod tho prophesies of its cno miost Thero is not ono intelligent man in this oountry who docs not re member how the repnblioan orators proclaimed from every stump in tho land lour years ago that if tho domo cratio parly wero entrusted with pow er they would reorganize tho supromo oonrt, wipo out tho constitutional amendments, pay the robot debt, givo tho confcderiV.o soldiers pensions, send tbo negroes back into slavery, tako away tho pensions of union soldiers, paralyze business, turn baok tho olook of our destiny and play the devil gen erally. What h wo wo done t Given tho cleanest and most economical adminis tration sinco tho war, reclaimed 80, 000,000 acres of publio domain that had been stolon by corporations dur ing republican rule, paid $35,000,000 moro pensions than wcro paid by any preceding administration, enforced tho constitution and tho laws throughout tho land and maintained tho dignity and honor of tho stars and stripes on every sea. Where aro tho Credit Mobiliry frauds, tho whiskey ring infamies, tho Star Routo steals, tho subsidies and hundreds of other filchings from tho publio treasury ! No living man oan name a job or stoal or soindal that has touched tho publio trust. Eoonorae, honesty and accountability have marked every foaturo of tbo govern ment. Mr. Bellzhover then launched out into a clear, lucid and forciblo ox position of tho tariff and tho mode of reduction proposed by tho Mills bill, in tho course of which he said : "ETery act of the republican party for twenty years on the subject of taxation has been in tho interest of wealth and mo nopoly. Do they divide their princely gains with the poor, toiling thousands who work their mines and swelter in their furnaces? Never. They givo their men but a miserable pittance of tho enormous profit, and if they do not choose to tako what is offered they must starve, and if they striko tho Winchester rifle of tho Piukerton men brings them to time.'' Mr. Beltzhoovcr closed with a ringing tribute to the unfaltering honesty of President Cleve land, who desires to do what is right. Mr. Beltzhoover was frequently applauded. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ii a peculiar medicine, and li carefully pro. pared by competent pharmacists. The com blnatton and proportion ot Sarsaparilla, Dan. dellon, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial mil convince you ot Its great medicinal value. IJood's Sarsaparilla Purities tho Blood creates and sharpens tbe appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to every organ ot tho body. It lures the most severe cases ot Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dolls, Pimples, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me moro for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite "I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave mo a good appetite and seemed to build me over." E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began to act unlike anything else. It cured tbe humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. F. Nixon, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements ot cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbrftUdrng-gllts, f 1 llxforfs. Preparedonly by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mm. IOO Poses Ono Dollar Be discreet in all things and so render it unnecessary to Ik- mysterious about any. There is nothing mysteri ous about the action of Warner's Log Cibin Hops and Buchu Remedy. It puts tho stomach in healthy action. Good digestion and health naturally follow, fie discreet and use this, tho best remedy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate! Pursuant to an order ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, l'a., will Be sold at public sale on the premises, In the township ot MUMn, In said county on SATURDAY. Nov. 3, 1888. at o'oloct p. m., the following described real es. tate late ot Elizabeth Lutz, deceased to-wlt: Mo 1. Amefsuageandtractofland situate In said .Mifflin township, Columbia county, Pa., ad joining lands ot Elizabeth A Mosteller, Daniel C Bond, O. Swank, Adam MlUerand others, contain. Ing SIXTY-SIX ACRES more or loss, whereon are erected a larve two-story frame dwelling house, bank barn and all neces sary outbuildings; also a never falling spring ot water, two apple orchards and all ktnds of (nut. No. 2. A tract of woodland In Bald township, adjoining lands ot E. Klkendall, I'hebe Miller, John Mowrey and others, containing FOUR ACRES more or less, with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE Ten per ent ot one-fourth of the purchase money .to be paid at tbe striking down ot the property, the one-fourth less tbe ten per cent at the confirmation absolute and the m- malnlng throe-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from condrmatton nisi. A. M. HOSTELLER, octia Administrator. UDITOIfS NOTICE. Estate of tTin. r. Faus or Pine TaitnsMp. The undersigned, auditor appointed by the or. uans coun- 01 i;uiuiuuia cuuuiy-uj m&Keoisin mtion of the balance of the funds In the hands of the administrator, will meet at the ofnee ot lkcler Herring No?, sm, its, at 10 a. in. to perform the duties of his aDDOlntment. when ani where all persons Interested must appear and prove their claims, or be forever debarred from coining in on S41U lUQU. A. U FHKAH, octlS Auditor, El'OKT OV THE CONDITION OP ,THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT BL00M8. Iirl. IN THE STATE UV PENNSYLVANIA AT THE CLOSEOr UU SIMtSS, ixaouEimn IStB. KESOUKCES. Loans and discounts ...... iv,s3.4.i Overdraft s, secured ana uasucureu x,ibu.3'j U. o. bonds to secure circulation .,. au,uuu. other ttneka. bondi and mortgages M.M. Due from approved reserte agents Bo,08-i.05 Due from other NaUonal bank S.csit.ij Due from Mate banks and bankers current exrjenses and taxes bald l,(s.8i Chocks and other cash Items Ms. 03 Bills of other banks 230. Fractional paper currency, nickels, cents UL hpecle. W63. Legal tender notes liedemptlon fund with U. 8. Treasurer 9 percent ot circulation it.ttO. Total , 1U,CBS.C LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 0.000. hurplus fund,.- fiMfS?.. itrufivirlfvl nroflta 10.306.19 National bank notes outstanding 43,600. individual deposits subject to check ... t66.vil.UT Cashier's checks outstanding Due to other National banks - Due to btate banks and banker? 1.718.13 lUoo.ftl 178.01 Total 43S.0S9.0S BT1TI OF riMKi. COCWTT Of COLUMSU. S3: 1. J. 1 Tustln. caihler of the above named bank, do solemnly amrm that the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. cashier. Subscribed and affirmed to before me this eighth day October..,-. u Correct attest! v Notary mule. M. a' Ucnuri 1 Directors. LW. MCKILVT, f Fail. 1'. UaixiM. J PWBM1T INVALUABLE FOR ALL PAINS AND INFLAMMATIONS. Sore Throat, Diphtheria. Vu the 1'ifrnct promptly. Delay la dsngcrons. Belief aunreu. Sores, Sprains, Bruises. It Is tooling, cleansing, and llentlng. Pnloi.t.1-1 I'nnri'n Kxtrnrt Is nnttir UCUdl I II. pauod for Catarrh, Cold In the Head, Ac (Bee pace 11, In Book of Dl. rectlons wrapped around each bottle.) Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has caml mora cues of thee dtftreiliur complaints than roml's Kxtract. Try It! Hemorrhages. EB,Ssa: Noc, or from any canto, Is .peedlly con. trollod and stoppra. Dllnr I'onil'a Kitrnct Is undoubtedly JTIIUS. the bwt remedy known for Piles. Theneo ori'onifn l.xtrnrt Ointment In connection with the Extract la highly recommended. (See p. IS. Book of Direc tions wrapped around each bottle.) Female Complaints, major It j otftmal4 dteae8 the Kx tract ran be ned, at 1 well known, with the greatest benefit. To directions Accompany each bottle. Pond's Kitrnct Is Knomi Krorywliere It Is need In the hon-eboM of tho Prc'Mont as well a that ot tho bumblen citizen; by mem' iters 01 i no army aoa ine nary, ine uar sou um icdcli, i no piumi i and tho press aU ranks and Classes of people CAUTION. Pond's Extract SenuM tho words Jontl,a Kxtrnrt" blown In the glass, and our plctnra trule mark on mmmnaiiie uuu wrapper. None other Is lmtbts lnlt on havlm? l'oml'a lixtrnct. Tako no other preparation. it never tota in bulk or ly tneatvrt. Sold tTerynhere, l'rlcf , 60c, $1, $1.75. Irtpared only by X05DS KXTIUCT CO., 76 6th Ave, Ner 7orh v EXTRACT OINTMENT. This Ointment is specially 52 recommended for Piles. If used in connection -with Pond's Extract it will bo found invaluable. Also for Burns, Scalls, Ertwtioi8,d:c.,-c. Testimoni als from all classes. Price 50c. Sold brail Druggists or sent bv mail on receipt of price. Put up only by POND'S E2TEACT CO., 76 5th Ave, N.T. Every day is a little life and our wliolo life is but a day repeated. 'Tis not best to suffer pain for even one little day, when ono application ol Warner's Loa (Jabm Extract will drive it quick away. Nothing bettor for external or interna! application. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! By virtue of an order Issued out of tne Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tbe undersigned ex. ecutor of Franklin Ithodcs, lato of Beaver town ship, deceased will oner at public Rale on the premises In Locust township, said county, on FRIDAY, Novornber 2, 1888. at 10 o'clock a. ra., all that certain tract ot land situate In Locust township, being a tract ot un. tested land at the foot ot the Little Mountain, and bounded and described asfouows : Beginning at a post and running thence by land ot Daniel Boyer, and Daniel Fetterman touth eighty degrees, west one-hundred and twelve perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same south nrty degrees, west one hundred and seventy-two perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same north eighty-two degrees west eleven and nve-tenths peiches to a chestnut, thence by land ot Joseph. A. Long south twenty percnes to chestnut oak, thence by the same north seventy-four and a quarter degrees, east two hun dred and twelve and four-tenths perches to a chestnut, thence by land of George Beaver south seventy-nine degrees east fifty and one-tenth perches to a pine, thence north one hundred perches to a post the place of beginning, contain- ing ninety-nine acres nnd forty perches, and the usual allowance ot six per cent, for roads. TEHMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the striking down ot the property ; the one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tbe conhrmatlon of sale ; and the re maining three-fourth In ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nlsL JAMES T. FOX, Fritz, Atty. Executor. Oct5-'S8. JgXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cyrus iclleiry of Orange. Letters testamentary on sala estate havlne been S anted to the undersigned executoti AUpersois lebted to said estate are hereby notified to ray the same, and those having claims against said estate to present the same to HKUECOA McllENKV, EUWAHD D. McIIENHV, Orangevllle. Grant Herring, Atty. ocu Executors JgXECUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate 0 TtiO. h. Ball, of MaOson township deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate havlne been granted to the undersigned executor all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby nottned to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate to present the same to j. Auiaux executor, White Hall, l'a. Wm. Chrlsman, Atty. Bcptss DSIINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. jisuiiB u Aiueri Himersoacn. aeceatwa. Letters Of administration on the above estate havlog been granted to the undersigned, all rer. sons indebted to tbe said estate are requested to make payment, and tbosa having Ualms to pre- gem iwiKuiio nuuuub uemjr iu P. U. KLINE, or his Attorney Administrator, w. r. KiMsiT, itananoy city, Pa. Mahanoy city. Pa. sept l l-'M FOB STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN II B PUT O.V IIY ANY I'CUSOX. T1IOUSAND3 OF HULLS SOLD ANNUALLY I'OU liUILUINOS or LVI2KY DESCWWIOV. SEND roil NEW .CIllCULAIt. CONTAINISO I'lllUE LIST AND lim'JlE.NCEa. ACEHT3 WANTED. IS. EHRET, JR. & GO, SOLE MANCIFAOTUBLT m Walist Slwet. PHILADELPHIA. PARKER'S GINOER TONIO U1kmii deUr. II LM cuwd uiiny ul Ui w oril auti aiul it Um) tl remedy tot Ul HotUoiu ot Hit throat tfid luiur. ajid diivtM hrlnnff tno tinimra blood and ituvuftUwn. Tbe teebla and tiuk, ftruvvUnir at-aijirt dlaeaM. aud alowlr drlfUDal to Uu grave, will In many rawee rvuoter their bealm by the Uiuvlr uae ct rarlter! Olaa-vr Tuolo, but delay U dan. rtroua, Take It la una llU InraluabUj tor all palnj WANTED HoiTcV N Solicit Orders for ourTrc,Vliics,le. Slttil) Work For Honest, Sober, inauiirioui Men. daiue If lateral Tf rr. t ha bat at Fna 44 OrMavkta! Maa. S,W7lLlaf it-aib tofcaU THE SUSINtSS u NOwt crriec. QUICKLY IfAHNCD Satisfaction Cuirtnttcd to Cuslomtrt and ageuu. w m immediately lit tefui. AddresK. U. II. CIIAKE A CO,, 1430 So. Psnn Squire, Phllidtlphli, fa DEMOCRATIO TIOKET. NATIONATj. l'On 1'RKSIDfLNTf GROVKH CLEVELAND, of New York. YOIl VICE PRESIDENT, ALLEN O. TIIUIIMAN, of Ohio. STATE. KOK JUDOK OK 8UTBEMK COUKT, J. 13. McCOLLTJM, - of Susquehanna Connty. COUNTY. FOR CONGRESS. CHARLES R. BTJCKALEW, Subject to decision of Congressional Conference. KOll PRESIDENT JUDGE OP THE 20th JUDICIAL DISTRICT. E. R. IKELER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FRANK P. HILLMEYER ESQ. Of Rloomsburg. POR SHERIFF, JOHN B. CASEY of Bloonisburg. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, JAMES T, FOX, WILLIAM KRIOKBAUM. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE W. MILLER. FOR CORONER, DAVID WELSOH. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OP VALUABLE Real Instate ! By virtue ot an order ot sale Issued out ot tbe Orphans' court ot Columbia county the undersign ed administratrix ot Albert Ammerman, late ot Flshtngcrcek township deceased, will expose at publio sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1888, at one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate situate In Flshlngcreek township In the vil- lage ot Asbury, bounded as follows Beginning at a stone corner south eo;x degrees east iys perches to a post, thence by land of John Hess Bouth S3 de- grees east 18 perches to a post, thence by lands of said Hess north COV degrees eastV perches to a post, thence by other land of said Albert Ammer man north 23 degrees west is perches to the place ot beginning, containing 81 perches, on which Is erected a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING barn and outbuildings. A good well ot water at the door, and plenty ot fine fruit. Also the following described tract ot land ad joining the above: Beginning at a post thence by land of Albert Ammerman south 28 degrees east 18 perches to a post, thence by lands ot Cornelius Coleman north eox degrees east 19 perches to a post, thence by land ot said Coleman north S3 de grees west 18 perches to a post, thence by lands of Oeorve Pealer south MX degrees east is perches to the place of beginning, containing 2 ACRES and 4 PERCHES. Theso two tracts adjoin each other and will be sold as one lot TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down ot the property; the one-fourth less tbe ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and the re maining three-fourths in one ear thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlsL MATTIB AMMERMAN, sept 23 Administratrix. ri ENERAL ELECTION I'KUULiAaiATlUJN. I. SAMUEL SMITH. Hlirh Sheriff of Co. lumbu county, commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and proclaim to the quali fied electors ot Columbia county that a general election will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER C, 1888, belnir the Tuesday neit following the first Hon. day of said month) for the purpose ot electing the several persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: 'rainy persons ror rrcsiaentiai Electors, one person for Auditor General. Two persons for Juoge ot the supreme Court, One person tor President Judge ot the 2eth Judi cial District, one person for Representative In Congress. Two persons for renresentatlves In the Legisla ture, one person lor sheriff. One person for District Attorney. One person for Coroner. Two persons for Jury commissioners. 1 aisonereoy mike known and rive notice that the places ot holding tbe aforesaid election In the Beveral wards, boroughs, districts and townships wiuun me couuiv or uoiumoia are as fouows, viz: iieaver townsmn. at tne duouo house ot Mary Smith. Benton township, at tho nubile nouse of L. Drake In tbe town ot llcnton. East uioom, at tno court House, in nioomsourg. West Bloom, at the Court House, lnllloomsburg. East Berwick, at the little omceof Jackson Woodln In tho borough ot Berwick. west uerwick. at tne office or w. J. Knorr. in tbe borough ot Berwick. Borough of centralla, at the publio house ot Amandus Pelfer. unarcreek townsniD. at the Dubiic school house near E.vauavme. Catawlssa township, at the publio house ot O W. He'fsnyder. centre township, at the school bouse near Lafay ette Crcasys. nortn conyngnam District, at the school nouse near tho colliery of John Anderson & Co. Bouth Conyngham District, at the house ot Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Flshlngcreek Wwnshlp, at the school house near C, B wiiite's. Frankun townsniD. at tne Lawrence school house. Greenwood township, at tho house ot I. D Fatton. Hemlock township, at the pumic house of Chas. . Dletterlch. In the town or Buck Horn. Jackson twp., at the school house at Waller. Locust township, at the nubile house tf Nathan Knorr, In Numedla. MlflUn township, at the publio house of Aaron Uess, In the town ot Miminrllle. Madison township, at the publio house ot Miles Smith. In Jerseytown. mu Pleasant townsniD. at the iiinertown school house. Montour township, at tno duuuo house ot oainuf 1 inuicuiuv, uv nuperu Main township, at tho publio house ot Addison W. Shuman. l'oannircreek townsniD. at the house ot Samuel auuer. orange township, at it. rairman's notei in or angevllle. pine townsniD. at the centre school nouse. Surarloat townshlD. at the house ot Norman cole. w est scott at the duduo house ot A. J. Thrash in LUhtstreet. i:at scott township, at the publio house of Joseph Kleckner, In Espy, ai ail eievuuus uercuuer uem unuer uie tans 01 this Commonwealth, the election polls shall be ipenea at seven o'clock in tne lorenoon, ana hall contlnuo ODen without Interruption or ad- tournment until seven o'clock In the evening when NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That ererr person eicentlne Justices of the Peace and Aldermen. Notarlua Publio and Per sons in the muiua service ot the state, who shall hold or shall within two months have held any office or appointment ot profit or trust under theUp"d states, orot this state, and city or corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or snau be employed under the Legisla ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this state, or of any city or ot any Incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member of Congress and ot the state Legislature, and ot the select or common council of any city, or commissioners ot any incorporated district, are by law Incapable ot holding or exercising at the same time the omce or BDDOimuieut, ui juurc. insDector or uieric ot any election otthls Commonwealth, and mat no Inspector, Judge or other officer of such elec tion shall be eligible to be then votc4 for. ine inspectors anu duuge ui uie eiecuuos snau meet at the respective Dlaces anoolnted for holding the election In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each ot said Inspectors shall ap point one cieric, wnusuauuea. quaimou, voter or such district. The auaiined voters ot the several districts In this county at all general, township borough and special elections, are hereby hereafter author- auu ruiuucu lu ,uu utaeie. (iruiu-u ur written, or partly printed and nartiv written. severally classified as follows: On, ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges ot Courts voted for, ana laueuea, outsiae, "juaiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all the State nmcera voted for and to be labelled "State:" one ticket shall embrace the names ot all county Officers voteu iur, inciuuiog uie uuice ui ovnator, and Members of Assembly, if voted for, and UlOUUUCia ui vu j i con. u ,uini ivi,m.u uvmwi- led "County :" one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and be labelled Tnwnahln :" one ticket shall embrace the names ot all borough officers voted for, and be labelled "Borough," And each class shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. SAMUEL SMITH, Oct It O LECTION NOTICE. "Tfotlce Is hereby given that the regular annual Water Company will be held In Bloomsburg on Tuesday, October 8, ISss, at the office ol V, p. Bill merer, between the hours ot two and tour o'clock in me aiternuuu, lUf IUV yuiyuao ut vKv.uig a and for tne transaction of any other business of inecomp y.. F, P, BILLMKYKR, Sep, J, 185a, tttcnun'i SPECIALS :o: asUalaV' BalaUBa? ft! aHs7 SWW I HBI fafaVL I Kvfj Eft-"', r "Wo now show the best stocks of Dress SiSks, Dress ools, Shawls, Coals, Wraps, and Jackets, in Silk 11 n sis Coats and Jackets. We take the lead in PRICES AND QUAXITIES. SEE THEM. Columbia Taras. The best inndc, full weight, superior quality, therefore tho cheap est. All kinds of Yarns made in this Famous Brand. We now show handsome lines of all styles of Ladies' DRESS TRIMMINGS..BUTTONS, GIRDLES, BRAIDS, JETS &c. at low prices. CHILDREN'S COATS, INFANTS CLOAKS. GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, in Kid, Lisle, and Cashmere Jersey. See our 75c Kid GIotcs and 35c Jersey Gloves. Table Linens, ToOTtols and Napkins. The best COUNTERPANE for 1.25 sold in the county. Lce CiIiNs ad Poles, Special ValJes. The best values in Ladies' Men's and Children1! TINDER- WEAR of all kinds shown in the county. Complete lines of WOOL HOSIERY, Cotton Flannels, Wool Flannels, Blankets &c. are mvueu to can anusee. $12,00 OUR. '8IMJCIAIV' FALL OVERCOATS Unmatched and unequaled at this price. A much higher price is asked elsewhere for no better quality. 13,50 Unexceptlonnbly Good OUB law Chestnut St, S Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA. 215 Broadway. NEW YORK. 811 Washington St, BOSTON. Scotch Cheviot Suits These could be sold at a much higher price, but tbe benefit ot our good purchase Is offered In marking them at this low figure. O. f HOMFSQH, Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Importer, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. BOSTON. N.B. Mall orders promptly executed, write to our head store, 1333 Chestnut street, Phlladel phla. Particulars and lnlormatlon how to obtain our popular clothing will bo Bent free of charge. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue ot sundry writs issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county and tome directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In tbe town ot Bloomsburg on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1838. at J p.m., all that certain tract ot land lying in lioarlngcreek township, Columbia county, I'cnn eylvanla, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a stone corner ot land of Abraham Beaver Est. thence by tbe same south twelve de grees west seventy-one perches to a Btone, thence south nineteen and one half degrees west thirty perches to a post, thence by land ot F. P. Michael south twelve degrees west seventy-two perches to a stone, thence by land ot William o. Llnville north forty-eight degrees west elghty-two perches to a stone, thence by land of John C. Myers, north tvelve degrees east sixty-four and seven-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land ot Peter K. Menscb north nineteen and one-halt degrees east one hundred and three perches to a stone, and the place ot beginning, containing sixty-lour acres and ten perches be tbe same more or less. Seized taken In executloa and to be sold as the property ot Lewis Mundy. MalieAtty. Lev. Pa. ALSO AU that tract of land Bltuate In Sugarloaf town ship Columbia county, Pcnnu., bounded and de scribed as follows to-wlt: On tho north by a pub lic road, on the cast by public road loading from Ca rubra, Luzerne county, to Five Points. On the o uth by lands of E. J. Albertson, and on the west by lands of E. J. Albertson, containing five acres, more or less, whereon is erected a two-story plank dwelling house, barn and outbuildings. seized takes In execution and to be sold as the property of J. W. Albertson. , Dieler Herring Attys SAMUEL SMITH, Vend. Ex. Sheriff, Oct 18-W 1. 1 mm k no. DuriiiK the Fair vou can "tako time by the forelock" and "kill two birds with one stone," by making an examination of our stock of school books and school stationery. If we should not have tho book you want wo can get it for you at the publish er s prices. vo can show a stock of Avail paper that in sizo and beauty is second to nono in tho county. ineso aro tno best goods Irom tlio best makers. The prices are in accordanco with tho value of the goods. Ave have some wall paper remnants, theso accumulate in any business, thoy must move off to make room for now goods. mm. : ,i inu ijuuauuii io, iiuca vuiu room lit. "We have just opened a lino of fmo ladies' fashionable pocket books. Tho now stylo stretches the length into width. AY. II. Buooke it Co,, Successors to G. A, Clark, GKT YOUR JOU PRINTING DONE AT THE 0 MBIAN OFFICE Every Lady should have an MSni.?BL Best ifl tHe WQfLD. SUPERIOR To all Others. H. J. CLARK & SON. $12,00 STORES $5.00 TROUSERS Cut niicl inndc by Tlionip hoii'h Patent S Htem never rati to fit Correctly. Tho quality ia sterling and with out a fault. The styles and patterns most select. Vie WITTIEST, PRETTIEST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLE Palmer Cox (Elftpement oft Frofj nnt! the Mouse,) Full of the odilrat pranks, rlmrnilnir stories and IniiAh-provokllur lllustratlona tiy tliel'rln en of Juvenile artiste. hpllinu fiiinipiiMelv. i.'rlltra any oi It l It eiy Intl. folk uild uilk delight," lion. Cliliton 11. Fla k. "(oVl l.n J me analhrftir I can't ml (h. rhlhlrtn to !l"-.lL II. Conwpll. 1. D. "atom. ttarably mat unit ttfant." llou. H. S.t'0X. J'u?aii- tqa.J'p an J VmrU Kwla," lion IlouanlCroebr. imitiiAiMi ltirnai. 723 Chestnut Street, Phllndclphln, l'if Oct 13-d-4t Pour Bo:ks Learned in Ono Heading. A Year s Woik Done in Ten Days. From the Chaplain of Exeier College, and Hough ton syria i rizeman, uxiora. Dear Sir i In Anrll. 1RS.1. while thinking of tak- Ing orders In September, I suddenly received notlco that my ordination examlnatl' n would be held In a iortnliht, I had to break up my home, and, as a consequence I nad only ten (10) days In which to prepare tor the Exam. I should recommend a year's nrt naratlon In the case of anyone eo utterly unprepared as I was; but your system had so strengthened my natural memory, that I was able to remember and elve the cist ot any book after reading It once. I therefore read Llghtfoot, Protor Harold Browne, Moshelm, ie., ia, once, and was successful In every one ot the nlno papers. The present Bishop ot Edlnburg knows tbe tacts, for be ii-ui. iue inu uuoks. raitmuuy yours, IHeV.l JlHES MIODI.EION MlCUONiLD. 111. A. (.To ProL A. Lolsette. COIL Exon. Oxon., f ept. '6 " llojal Liquid Uluc" mends broken China, Glass, Wood, Leather, Metals, Fur niture, etc., with Everlasting Tenacity I Bold by Urocers, Drugglets and General Btores. ROYAL GLUE FOR SALE BY I. W. Hartman Sons, W, II. Brooke Co. The tireat Eastern Tea CO., u. n. iison, u. Aiarr, u. it. fiercer, J. U. Wells, Oct is-sm. El well littlenbender. SALESMEN TXT" A TS.T' I i-1 I i to ranvan for the aala of Norierr toekl BUadr Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES fAIU. APPU at Apply at ones, statlDg af . n...a P.a(V... 0,..eo lllefer to this liicier w uu, uaucT.i ROCHESTER, J.V V11U9 DlVUltU WalaaJ, Aug. anil Oct, IlLOOMSnUHG MARKET. WUolcfale. Hctall, Wheat per bushel Ilyu " " Ccru " " .... Oats " " Flour " bbl liutter Kf!t!S Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Sldo BUouldcr Chickens. , Geese Lartl per lb ,, Vinegar per gal Oulons per bushel Voal skins , Wool per lb Hides.... .. OIAMTS A Mel WIXOS ifa&JXr V S ho 05 6(1 CO 70 33 45 0 AO to 050 23 24 18 20 40 00 19 10 03 05 07 10 09 .18 8 10 13 14 20 80 1 00 1 20 07 85 5 to 7 Coal on Wiue. No 0 a.00i Nos 3. 8, & Lump 9.85 No. Ba.00 IMtumlnm 13.84 SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 'A2 HYPOPHOSPHITE3 Almost aa Polotabloas Milk. 80 ittsgnlaerl that It can be taken, digested, unci rtMlmtlntrcl by the most sensitive stomach, when the plain oil rannnt b tolerated I and by the eosn blnatton of the oil with the hypophat. phltee Is much mora emcaelont. Btrnmiil as flesh prodater Persfjus gain ripldlr while Uklig It, BOOTra EMULSION Is acknowledaM h Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world lsr tho relief and euro ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. WA8TINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. Tht arcat remedy for Oansumntlan. Wasting in Children, Sold ly aU Druggist. PT. sept 2S-68-lrKJj TJTTT noZZAJlS for LIFC SCHOLARSHIP BUSINESS C0LLE6E 1709 Cantnet 8L, rhlltde. I'oelllon. for firndnatea. Time required 3 to4moe. The BEST Eqilpneil. net Coins of Stgdr. Beat Er. er jthloi. Writtfor Circulars, dlt al7 HINDERCORNS. TV mn-r Ptirii ttvt pArni. RtnnJ kll Tvftln. fnirifai comfort to the feet, l&a it Unjptri-u. liisooxACo.. N. Y. '1 he best of all remedies for Inward Pains, Colic. Indiges tion. Exhaustion and all Stom ach and How el IrouUes. Also k the most enective cure lori Cough, Coldf, Bronchitis and a flections of the breathing 1 prgans. It promotei refreshing ' sleep, improres tne appexue, (rtcrcomti nervous nrostratlon. mn crivc niw i lie ana urcncrtn tttne weax ana agca, 50c. anu at isrggimii's 8Cpt.l4-d4t. GHATEFUI COMFOHT1NQ. EPP'S COCOA. BKEAKKAaT. "Br athorouehknowlcdiraottbe natural laws which govern tho operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by ft careful application ol tho tine properties 01 -wcii-Bcieciea i;ocoa. air. bppsnoa Srovlded our breakfast tables with a delicately avored beverage which mar save us manr heavy doctors' bills. It 13 by tho judicious uso ot such articles 01 met mat a constitution may do gradual lr built up until strong enough to resist every ten dencytn disease. Hundreds ot subtlo maladlea are floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a ratal snart by Keeping ourselves wen foninea w lth Sure blood aDd a properly nourished frame." Cm! errfoe Qaiette. -Made simply with boiling water or milk, sold oniy in nan pound tins, by urocera, labelled thus: JAMES V.nti s: CO., Ilomcoopstlilo Chemists, sept zo-iwu ixmaon, xaigiana. To Advertisers A list of 1000 newsnacers divided Into STATES AND SECTIONS will bo sent on application To those who want their advertising to nar. we can offer no better medium for thorough and ef fective work man the various sections 01 our s lkct Local List. oeo. p. KO well & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau. Oct 12-r-lt io Spruce street, lievv York. I CURE FITS! When I ear Ccnn I do not mean mertl to stop them (or a time, and then bavo them re turn npain. I MEAN A UAD1CAL CUliK. I have mado tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llfe-lonir study. I warrant my remedy to Ccre tbo worst cases, llecauso others have, f ailed is no reason for not nowreceiving a cure, bend at once for a treatise and a Free iiottlb ot my Infallible Uemedt. Give j:xtircsa and l'ost Office. It costs you nothing (or a trial, and It will cure you. Address H.O.ROOT.M.C, l83PEAiSr,NcwY0U sept sspss-ly II Duslness men who have tried It And It trreatlv to their advantage to have Account Books made to order, to suit their special needs. Every kind ui xiittuiv iiuua, iiiu iir vtuuouirpruueu neaamgs, Check Hooks and Ruled Blanks I make In the best manner at honest prices. Unexcelled facilities for Numbering, Eyletlnir, Perforating, Punching and Btamplng. M ork for county and borough offices especially solicited. .Miscellaneous Book Binding ol the highest class. Missing magazines supplied. Estimates and particulars cheerfully furnished. J, W. BAEBEB, 7 and 0 Market St., WILKES-BARRE, sepl6-lyc&bro. This Institution Is a hleh crndn Ttndnacq m lege, giving Instruction In every department of business education. In addition to the regular business course It makes a specialty of Fhono- Kiny", Jjpo-wruinp, -iciegrapny, ana ornamen tal Penmanship. The prominent feature of the Commercial C'OtirRa Is tin nrneflr-nl phnmMPF. Nearlv every set of books has been taken from nrbt.class business establishments, and a large proportion of the course In book-keeping la made up from our system of actual business practice, unsurpassed in the sclentinc application to mod ern business methods. A larger proportion of our graduates regularly obtain nitt-claas positions than from any other commercial college In the state. Year begins Aug. su, uss. For circulars ouuicu w. i iiBAK, mncipai. uiyS7 6t Kingston, Pa. HOOK AGttVTS WASTED Foil MY STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A. Zivermore Ucrowa umUn of "roarYrara IV 170.. I KtpH Field land IIosplUl aNur Jt pnrtriri Ihm w2 r0T "UetTenly dot th Wr. lU UstiU an4 rathe, 11 iuaoua o : - .-"u.aB wi-w'i, t innuiDi inuniitnaioociiiDf finlonrlTd Nil.llaiu an.l is Intaircat anrl LnurhlDr C" ncMy ntlored In txact jao$nmd4. r Mtn and Women Areata ailOUtdf Th "booming " book for J VI raw t9iffhtt and riT hxlm 7Vrwu. Writ for rirealara lf vciru ft ruonui mtuie. Oct z d-it. mcd4Co7rvmeAce AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE if . i. ialu"a ruier uur eiegaui new uuuuios wuiuuwiii De completed tnisfalL ourprospontjr arises from the thorough practical training In uuua.Ktvping, fcnortnana, Typewriting, and all other branches of UUMNES3 EDUCATION, at the fcchool ot commerce (Alien Business College) almlra, N. Y, N. A. AIILLEIt, Pres. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Any book learned In ono reading, Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes. Piracy condemned by Supreme Court. Oreat Inducements to correspondence classes. Prospectus, with onlnlona of Dr. Wm. A. Ham. mond, the world-famed (Specialist In Mind dis eases, Daniel Greenleat Thompson, the great l"sy. chologlst, J. M. Buckley, ii. U, Editor ot tho CirWliN -Idiwtiie, iilchard Proctor, the Scientist lions. Judge (Ubson, Judah P. Benjamin, and others, tent post free by Prof. A. LOIttETTE, BSJ Of Interest to Ladies. W,.Ti"!,:a SAMPLBof our wonaerfal i 1 . ?!.'ala"it f ulnte to aaj l.J J who wl.heei la tail iUenicacr before curtkaalof. Band lamp fc)t powuro. BUR(MUtCO.,BlM,BaSil.H.T. LoTsi n cico iy, D RS. J.N.&J.B. HODENSACK Medio. I md 8urolcil Office, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. I'.STAUI.ISllEl) 40 YISAlia rorthalreatniratof Yuiiturul Imprudence. I .on of Vigor, Nervous Debility and Special liUensee, Oomultat Ion by mall free of onarge. lluok Bent Free, Office hours from 8 a.m. to r.u.,4. from a to e r.K 50