COLUMBIAN AJSnD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBKRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Piu A Olalm to Human Gratitude. Charlotte Corday, the sad-faced, ton der-lieartod peasant girl of Normandy mado great history by ono dtspcrato aott SlokcnocTby tho Baturnalla ol tho Frenoh revolution, and moved to dos pcratlon ns Robcsplorro and Marat wero loading tho flower of Franco to tho gulllotino, sho determined that sho would pot an end to Marat's bloody reign. Marat had demanded two hundred thousand victims for tho guillotine! Ho proposed to kill off tho enemies of tho Hovolntion to mako it perpet ual! Ilorriblo thonchtl No wonder it fired tho blood of this patriotio peasant maidl Gaining access to bis closely guard cd quarters by a subterfuge, she found him in his bath, evon then inexorable and giving written directions for further slaughter Ho asked bcr tho names of tho in! mical deputies who had taken refugo in Caen. Sho told him, and ho wroto them down. "That is welll Beforo week is over they shall all bo brought to tho guillotine. Atthcso words, Charlotte drew from her bosom the knife, and plung ed it with supernatural ioroo up to tho hilt in tho heart of Marat. "Cotuo to rac, my dear friend, como to rac, cried Marat, and expired un dor tho blow 1 In the Corcoran gallery at Wash ington is a famous painting of Char lotte, represented as behind tho pn son bars tho d.iy before her execution. It is a thrilling, sad picture, fall of Borrow for her suffering country, and of unconnuerablo hato for her conn try's enemies. What a lesson in this tragic storyl Two hundred, nay, five hundred thous and people would Marat have sacrific to his unholy passion of power! Methods are quite as murderous and lnoxorable as men, and they number their victims by tho millions. The pane of history is full of murd er by authority and by mistaken ideas! In tho practice of medicine alono how many hundreds of millions havo been allowed to dio and as many more killed by nnjuBtiQable bigotry and by bungling I But the age is bettering. Men and methods are improving. A tow years aco it was wortn cie's professional life to advise or permit the use of a proprietary medicine. To-day there! are not two physicians in any town in this country who do not regularly pre scribe some form of proprietary re medy ! B. H. Warner, famed all over the world as the discoverer of Warper's safo cure, began hunting up the old remedies of the Log Cabin days; after long and patient research he succeed ed in securing somo of the most valu able, among family records, and called them Warner's Log Cabin remedies the simple preparations of roots, leaves, balsams And herbs which were the aucoesful Btandbys of our grandmoth ers. These simple, old-faBhioned sar saparilla, bops and buchu, cough and consumption and other remedies have struck a popular chord and are in ex traordinary demand all over the land. They are not the untried and imagin ary remedies of somo dabster chemist intent on making money, bat the long sought principles of the healing art whioh for generations kept our ances tors in perfect health, pat forth for the gooi of humanity by one who is known all over the world as a philan thropist a lover of hi fellow man, whose name is a guarantee of the highest standard of excellence. The preparations are of decided and known influence over disease, and as in the hands of our grandmothers they raised up the sick, cured the lame, and bound up tho wounds of death, bo in their new form but olden power as Log Cabin remedies, they are buto to prove tho "healing of the nations.' Corday did the world an incalculab le service in ridding France of the bi goted and murderous Marat, just as this man is doing humanity a service by ro-introduoing to tho world the simpler and better methods of our an cestors. SJAn editor who has crown eray in service, slowly and steadily chants the following and truthful requiem: "The man who handles the local department of a newspaper learnB after experience. not to expect even briefly expressed tnanks tor a oommn 01 pleasant things but he k i) owe th as surely as cometh tho winter, that a single lino in which thcrois an unintentional mi -represents tion ,will cause some one to be heard from as on a house top. And we may odd that when be has made pleasant mention 'J'jv times ot some person, thing or place, but on the thousandth time tails to do so, ho must not expect to be forgiven. The omission may have boen lrom accident, inadvertence or oven an cntiro lack of knowledge It matters not. The simple fact re mains and he will be judged by that." JUx. A Reliable Port Wine- Mr. A. Spccr, of New Jersey, whoso Port Grapo wino has such a wide re putation, and which physicians pre scribo bo generally, was tho first in this oountry to import Port Wine Grape vines from tho banks of the River Loura, Portugal, where the finest old time porta wero made, and to plant vinoyards of them in Now Jersoy. His Port, Burgundy pnd Claret whioh are now tho best wines to be had, havo becomo a great favorite among tho fashionablo Now York, Philadelphia and Washington society uruggisis sell it. "What do yo'u think of my poem in fl.n Hn-Tnttn' Wlllrlnit" "It was a remarkable piece of work, uuo iiuiig uuuuwt iiuuugut particular jy wonaeriui." "What was that," "That tho 'Garett'o' oyor published it. Mr. Buoolio of Indiana) Sho 1 Mr, Dluegrass. I heerd that the folks over in your state aro going to vote J(o publioan. How's that. Yoa'ro al ways vrry strong Democrats. Mr. Bluegrass (of Kentucky) Oh wen, you re rigtit, urn it's tbo pros pool oi iree wnisKey, you Know, Peouliar In the combination, proportion, and preparations of its ingredients, Hood's Sarraparilla accomplishes cures where othor preparations entiroly fail. Pecu liar in its Rood namo at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," pecu liar in the phenomenal sales it hai at tained, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most successful medicino lor purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating an appotite. The den of the poker player is a sort of an "anto" room LOCAL NEWS- Merchants ard laviuir in their stock of fall goods. A now buildina SO k 60 foot is Loin c built on tho fair grounds for tho ac comodation of horses. Tho Sunday ovenins servioea of tho various churches Is now chansod to seven o'olock instead of half-past sovon as ncrcioiore. Mr. Goo. Winner died on Friday, Sept 21, at his homo near Buokhorn, aged nearly si years, and was buried Monday in Roscmont Cemetory at this place. Mrs. Winner died on the fol lowing Sunday evening. They leave no children. An oxohacgo says that a couple ot sleek-looking individuals aro going ahout tho country swindling township Treasuries out of sums of money rang ing from Si 2 to $50, on tho nrelocso of rcpairinc blackboards in school hous performing tho work, which turns up in a fow days as. an order on tho town ship's Treasury, properly signed and cashed by an innocent party. A despatch from Snnbury of tho 26th inst, says: Conductor John Quig gle, on the Krio mail, West, this morn ing, had a thrilling experience with a lunatio nassencer who pulled out a knifo between llarrisburg and Millers- burg and soon had tho car to himsclt. Ho toroatened to carvo everybody and made several passes at passengers. The train was stopped and' delayed a half hour to secure him.- He was sent back to llarrisburg Asylum. J. G. Wells is now nioelv located in the north side of tho front office of Tub Columbian. Ho has a fino as sortment of solid silver and fine plated silver ware, consisting of knives, forks,1 snoons. &o. Rings';- thimbles, scarf pirjB, ear-trigs, all kinds of society badges in the latost styles. Gold and silver watches and plated ware in Yar'" ous patterns.- Particular -attention given to repairing of ail kinds. Call and see. No trouble to show goods. Tho Bloomsburg" Car Co. are now building one hundred of tho Barton Stook Cars. The oars aro for use on ono of tho Western railroads. ..Thoy are much larger than tbp .ordinary cars, and compared with othor cattle cars are liko a palaco car. Thoy aro supplied with air brakes, havo a recep tacle under tho car for storing hay, whilo inside of, tho car aro racks for feeding, and long troughs connected by pipes for watering tho stock these troughs may all be simultaneously dumped as soon as the cattle are done drinking, and before tho train starts. Mrs. Emily A- Markle. The writer of these lines cannot re frain from "bearing testimony" in re ference to Mrs. Emiiy A. Marklo who has suddenly been called lrom this earth. She died on Monday, Septem ber 17, 1888, after an illness of1 about tbreo weeks. She was the daughter of the late William and Betsy Robison, and was born and reared in Blooms burg. We were friends and compan ions in our childhood and youth, and of late years we bad renewed the friendship of by-gone days, inasmuch as our homes had again became com paratively near, one to tho other. .Doubtless there are manv ot her old friends who remember Emily as a strong, bright and energetic character: she developed wonderfully with years, ana was a very interesting, ana, in many ways, aremarkable -woman. In: oirly life she married George B. Mar klo and r-isided in Hazletou. whero he amassed wealth. Tho foundation of which, was, no doubt, due, no loss to his wife a prudent management, than to his own business capacity. Wealth did not destroy the strong common sense wi-li which sho had been endowed, neither did it chill her loving heart; it rather developed what was in her, and proved'ber to be gen erous, sympathetic and benevolent. Sho was literally a woman "full of good works and alms-deeds which she did." For many years she was an earnest member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a faithful and devoted wife to her husband who was a confirmed invalid; a moBt tender and loving mother to her children, and to her friends, she was ever loyal and true. in the early summer her daughters were about starting for Oregon, to, visit tneir orotner u. u. Maricie. At the suggestion of her husband, Mrs. JUarkle was induced to accompany incm, flir. Maruio in tho meantime so nourniDg at ino nomo ot a son in Hazleton. And now comes a sad cban Ur in life. Mr. Markle Biiddenlv be came Berioualy ill, a telegram was sent l-i. l.J I rt . . . wiiiou resnueu in a uying trip across the oontinent by the anxious wifo and children, then a short re-union when tbo husband and father was taken on the long journey from which there is no teturn. l no devoted wife, over come with grief, excitement and fati gue, alter a short illness, followed her husband, and now rests beside him, worn out in tho battle pf life, and tnk en from those who fondly loved her, ana long lor her comforting presence. To her family, her loss is ineparable. 1 Bhall miss her sadly; our truo and stoadfast friendship was ever a source of pleasure, to me, and though I know that "our loss is bur gain,'' my feelings nnu expression in tho lamentation ot David over Jonathan. "I am distress ed for thee "very pleasant hast thou ueon to me. II. N. M. A LETTER FROM GOV. CHURCH, Pond's Extract Company, New York City. GENTLKMENs I lmvo been for some time, well acquainted with the many merita of Pond's Extract. I consider it truly a household friend, Respectfully, L. K. CHURCH. Executive Office. Biamarok, Aug., 28 1888. If You Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, IUieuuutlsm Pysptp- i, niuouineu, 11100a uumors. Kidney Disease. Constipation, Female Troubles. Fever and Ame. Blcepleasncss, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros tration, use Palne's Celery Cora pound and be cured. In each of those the cause. Is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure of malaria, the effect of which Is to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting In one of these diseases. Ilemoy ine ciin witn tnsi great Nerve Tonlo, and the KEjiLTT wui disappear. ( Paine's Celery Compound Jis. L. Bowsn, Springfield, Miss, writes t i .mo yviKij luwuuuuu rumui pe excelled as aNcrvu Tonic, lu my caso a single bottle wrought a great chajige.. My nervposm-si entirely dliapared, and with it the resulting miction of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole toue of the system was wonderfully invigorated. I Ifll my friends, If sick as I have been, Paine's Iclery Cwppouud Will Cure You! Sold by drugflsts, IlisIxforU. Prepared only by Waxu, ltitaaxsaoK A Co., Burlington,' Yt, For heAUtd, Nirvjui, Di.llll.Ji.. Jefferson's Platform. The following is tho ninth of tho fa mous sixteen principles of Jefferson! "Jujonomy in tho public expenses that labor may bo lightly burdened." uan any ono doubt that if tho parly of Jefferson had not como into power tho application of tho abovo prinolplo would never havo been thought of, tho reduction of revonuo by tho remov al of tho tax on whisky would not now bo tho Republican ory, and tho surplus Would havo boon easily kept under by oxtravagant waste. That was largely the rulo in tho years of Republican ad ministration, when thcro was no sur pins to tempt. Lancaster Intelligen cer. TiIk trno American has a warm pi aco in his heart for the old Loo Cauin, It's not "Eng. Ilsh you know,' but from tho Log Cabins of Amer ica have'sprung men in eyery respect greater than any from tho grand oast lis of Europe. Warner's Log Cabin Sarjaparilla is tho best in tho world. "As you can only be a sister to mo," ho said, in broken tones, "will you lot mo kiss you good night!" Sho shyly said sho would. Thon ho foldod her in his strong arms, nnd gently placing her head against his manly broast, ho kissed her passionately. ' "Mr. Sampson," sho said, softiy, "this is all so new to me, so so dif ferent from what I thought it would be, that if you will givo mo a little time to to think it over I I may But let ns withdraw from tho sacr ed scene. D S ANDfUS CO., HEADQUARTERS FOB Steinway, Sohnier, Kraoich &Hacli Fischer, Emerson, Pease wmmm AND THE CELEBRATED Wilcox & White Organs. sTTlanos "uncd and Repaired by com petent workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD, ST., Williamsport, Pa. noYll-SMy. LADIES a week and you hare the finest-polished itov. In the -una- x ur nub vj mi uiwwi wui smt vm Moyer, Brothers Jobbing Agents, Bloomsburg, Pa. The treatment of many thousand! 'of cases of thoK) chronla weaknesses and distressing llmanr. ravtlilia in f.mtlu tt.fh. Tn.alM.1 allm.ata peculiar to females, at- the Invalid? mdwi ana surgical inauiuio. uunaio, w, Y. has Afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt- in ana tnorougnir testing remedies ror too oure of woman's peouliar maladies. ' Dr. I'lerco'a Favorite l-reacrlptlon Is the outgrowth, or, result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patient and from physi cians who have tested It In the more aggra vated and obstinate cases which had baffled their skill, prove It to bo the most wonderful remedy ever derlsod for the relief and cure of fullering women. It Is not recommended as a 'cureaILM but as a mnflt rat-feat Rimm-IAa fnr. woman's peculiar ailments, a si Dowerlol. liivlsrarAtlner tnnl. It Imparts strength to the whole system. strength to the whole system, -womb and Its appendages la Tor overworked, ".worn .out." particular. "run-down,' run-down.'1 dAhllltatM far-h-r milliner dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," bouso-' Keepers, nursing Koiuers. ana reeoio .women generally. Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription U the greatest earthly boon, being uncqualed J an appetizing coraiai and restorative tonlo. iAa a soothing and streugtbeulng nervine, r eroute .Prescription," raronw .description," is une- qualed. and is Invaluable In allaying and sub- i anaying ana iud y. Irritability, ex uuoiig uvrvuus eiuiaDiuty, imiaDl 1ST haustlon. prostration, hysteria, spasms and otner distressing, nervous symptoms coin mooly attendant upon functional and organlo disease of the womb. It Induces refrMhlno sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. .'Dr. aMeree's Favorite Prescription la a legitimate) medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful pujaiciau, ana aaaptea to woman si aeiicate organization. It la purely vegetable In Its composition and perfectly harmless In Its tuioi-LB m muj vouaiuon ox us system. For morning- stekoess. or nausea,. from whatever cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dye- Sepsla and kindred symptoms, lis use. In small qses, will prove very beneflcuu. . "Favorite Prescription" lea post, live cure for the most complicated and ob stinate cases ot leuoorrhca, excessive Sowing, painful monstruatlon, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot the womb, weak back. female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearog-down sensstlonaxhronlo congestion. Inflammation and ulceration ot the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness lo ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." . Is a resalatar nA nmmn( r? -,nA tlonal action, at that critical oeriod of chano-a from girlhood to womanhood. ! Favorite l're- j "is a perfectly safe remedial .agent. I produoo only good results. It Is elncsolous and valuahle in itm fr-t ana can equally when tal .ken for thftlA Avrrm mnA 1a---" . meats Incident to that later and most critical period, known as " Tho Change of Life." - m. u. rrvivriiiiiujii" wnen lasen. In connection -with the use of- Sr. Pierce's Golden ifedlCal'THaflftvarv. anil m.ll !...--. I doses of Dr, Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Uver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and nladder Aueir oumumea use also removes blood taints, and abolishes canoerous ,and scrofulous humors from. the system. "Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, uuder positive) guarantee, from the menu fsclurers, that U wlU give satisfaction In every case, or monev wlU be refunded - Thiamn.n. tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, a ni fall hfiiues ,! . . 1 ? carried out for many years! - as or?00 d" I00 or alx Lara-a fan bottle for ior large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of VTomen QeO pagss, .paper-ooiersd), tend ten Wats In stamps. AaffssV Urii'i Dltpanttry iidlcil Association, MS Mali! St. BUFFAIjO, N. T. Wsrrsnted to color more imMi thn ,n.Aih.. dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diammi, and .take A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored IO uui iiiviii iiuiivnuu j CENTS. A Child can use them I Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work. At dniffirltu and MeH-htntft I! TWlr WlLtS, RICHARDSON k CO Prspi, SurlkttVs VI, Ex-Prcsid&nt Arthur ' DIM of liright's dlscssfl of tha kidneys. So havo Bcoron of other brilliant publlo men. Iirj Edwards editor ot the .Vi 1'or Meaicat llrporter, says that this dlsoixso Is crowlns mora common and fatal uauy, ivople Jiayo It without knowing It, until a euro Is lmpcaiblo. Itarlwi from poison In tho blood. TUa kl-lnoysnnd liver fall to not, the poison rises anally (o the brain, causing convulsions and death. Its first- symptoms are dullness In tho head, wandering palni about tho body, especially In the small ot the back, loss of npnctifo, strength and ambition, And by dropsloal, swellings whlcn show the. cineaso to be rapidly Increasing. Tho only euro Is a modlclno (hat will stlmulntelhe liv er, kidneys and skin to throw off tho poison And then act upon tho bowels to carry tho foul wasto matters out of tho system. Hear In mind that any kidney affection, neglected, soon runs Into liright's disease Dr. Hhown's HAHSArsitiir.t cures Itln a very Blmple and certain way. It sweeps through the corrupted circulation like a current ot fresh Mr through n room filled with gas. It opens tho natural outlets and expels the deadly element bo. fore It has time to do further mlichlef. ono week's use otlt will satisfy you ot the truth of what wo say. Mr. Carleton p. Williams, of Amesbury, Msbs., writes I "I had liright's dlseaso ot the kidneys, and made up my mind to dio. The, best physicians had treated ran, and done no real good. At this time you presented mo with a bottle of Urown's HtHsirAKtLLA. I used six bottles and consider my. self a well man."- This splendid remedy may be a ood-send to you. If you have the sllghteSt. tear ot this dread disease resort at once to BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genulno unless mado by Ara Worron Co., Bangor, Me. mayss d ly RAUKOAB TIiYIB TABLB TTvELAYAItK, LACKAWANNA AND WESTBllN ItAlLltOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH.- pa rit a. ii. i, ii. NOKTHEMBIRLIND S 40 1 85 10 10 II Cameron. 5 5S ..... 10 25 s So Chulasky. 8 00 ..... 1029 6 34 Danville 08 1 58 10 8s s 40 Catawl3sa 85 8 14 10 53 fi 58 ltupert.. 6 so i 1 11 00 T 05 Bloomsburg - 0 8 114 11 07 7 11 Espy- 42 2 2S 11 15 7 20 Llmo Itiag-e, ......... 6 SO .... 1122 7 17 willow orove.... ... e st .... 112s 731 lirmrcreek e 68 11 30 ,7 ss Ileiwlck 7 05 8 43 11 87 7 41 Ueach Haven 7 11 2 54 II 44 7 4g Illok's Ferry - 7 19 2 69 11 48 65 Bhlckshtnny 7 so 3 os 11 ss 8 os HunlOCK'S 7 43 3 19 12 08 8 IT Nanttcoke 7 50 3 SO U 16 8 21 AVOndale..,., ... 7 54 19 10 8 33 Plymouth ....-7 59 3 35 11 25 8 S3 Plymouth Junction,.... 8 03 3 39 11 so 8 38 Kingston,.., ,, 8 03 B 43 12 87 8 45 Bennett 8 12 .... 19 41 8 49 Maltby 8 17 . 19 45 8 63 Wyoming - 8 12 3 52 12 50 8 69 West lmston...., 8 27 S 6 II 65 9 03 PlttSton .... 8 33 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 Taylorvllle, . 8 48 .... 1 19 9 25 llellevue 8 54 l ss 6 so SCIHNT0M..... .. 9 00 4 22 1 30 9 33 F II fx ru fill STATIONS. SOUTH. , AM AH Fit rkt KCRINTON. 6 10 9 60 2 03 6 SO nellerue 8 15 9 55 .... 6 25 Taylorvllle...... 6 10 10 00 9 14 6 SO Lackawanna.... 6 29 10 08 2 21 6-37 PlttSton 6 36 10 16 2 29 6 4S WostPlttfiton 6 43 10 21 2 84 6 50 Wyoming. 8 47 10 27 8 39 8 55 Maltby 6 si 10 SO .... 6 59 Bennett... 6 55 10 34 sir 7 03 Kingston 6 68 10 33 2 50 7 07 Plymouth Junction-.... 7 05 to 42 2 54 7 1! Plymouth..7T. 7 10 10 47 2 59 7 16 AVOnd&le. I 14 10 SI S OS 7 91 Nanttcoke 7 19 10 55 3 06 7.95 HunlOCk's . 7 J6i 1101 3 19 ,7;4S Bhlckshtony 7 47 11 12 S 29 7 M nick's Ferry. ,.TS5 11 2-2 s si 107 neach Haven, 8 01 II 18 3 46 813 Berwick:.;-. 8 07 IliS7 .161 8 20 Bnarcreelc... 8 IS 3 67 8 87 willow drove,. 8 16 1143 ,4 01 8 81 LtmelUdge. , 8 20 11 52 4 05 8 35 Kspy.. . 8 26 11 t9 4 19 8 41 llloomsburg 8 32 12 05 4 18 8 47 Hupcrt... 8 37 12 10 4 24 8 62 Catawlssa 8 2 12 15 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 67 12,30 4 46 9 16 Chulasky. 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 07 11 40 fi 00 9 18 NOBTnCMBIRLAND........ 9 22 19 6 5 IS 9 45 AH FlH r x ,r M Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia & Keadlns Railroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will- lamsport, Sunhury. Pottsvtlle, etc. At Narthum berland with P. K. Dir. P. R. R. for namsburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Brie. "V.-F. HAL8TBAD.-Gen.Mam. ScranWn, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R.-.R, Qivi? ion, and Northern .Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect ACQ. 5, 1883. Trains leave Buncury EASTWARD 9.40 a. m.. ra Hhnre Kznress (dally except Sunday), for Harrlsbnnr andlntennedUtestattons arriving at r nuoaeipnia 5.10 m. j otv mri, s.Mi n. m. ; TtMt.imnrA. 4.45 n. m. ! Washington 6.55 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to rnuaaemnia. n. . m. Day express dally except Sundayl.for llarrisburg and Interme diate station, arriving at PhlladelDhla 6.50 p. m. i New fork, 9.85 p.- ta. : Baltimore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, s.00 p. m. Buffet Parlor car mrougn to rnuoneipnia ana passengvr coacnes throuifh to PhlladelDhla and llaltlmore. 7,45 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally ror iiarrisDurg and an intermediate mat 10ns. arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.15 1. m. : .Woshinrton. 6.30 a. m. ; IMllraansleeplngcarfromWllllamsptto Philadel phia. Philadelphia passengers, pan, remain In sleepernndlstnrbrd until 7. m. 1.60 a. m. Erie Mall (dally) for narrlsbnrg and Intermediate stations, arrWlng at Phllsdelphla 8.25 a, m. New.Tork, 11.30 a. m. ; Baltimore. 8.15 a.m.: Washington, 9.80 a. m. Tbrongh Pullman sleeping ears are run on this, (rain to, Philadelphia, ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD.. 5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Brln spa all Intermediate stations and Casandalgua ,apd tntermedlata stations, Rochester, Buffalo . and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman palace cars and passenger coacheB to Erie and Roches ter. 9.&.WNews Express (daily except Sunday) for LorfcHaven and Intermediate stations. 12.52 n. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kane and Intermedlatestatlons and Can' ar.aaigua ana principal mtermeaiats staxionn, Rochester. Buffalo and -Niagara 'Falls with throngh passenger coacheB to Kane and Rochester and BufTet Parlor carto Watklns 5.30 p. m. Fast Line (dallyrexcept Sundayltor Re-, novo and intermediate stations; and Elmlra; W&u xins ana intermeaiaw Btatiqns, witn tnrougn pas. senger ooaehes to Renovo and Watklna. 9.20 a. m,-rSunday mall for Renovo and Interme- aiate siatioD-- THROUGH TRAINS FOIt SONTUfRY FKOMTHK v.ui. ivn cnmi, ' 1 Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia. 4.30, a. m narrtsburg 7.10 arriving at Hunbury 9.20 a.m. with turouKu maepiBKCur iroiu -muoatupuia. i-oi.wii-llamsport. News Express leaves PhlladelDhla 4.30 a.m. HorrlshurK, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbun- 9.53. a. m. ' Nlacrara Eznress leaves Philadelphia, 7:0 a. m.: Baltimore 7.30 a-m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury. 19.51 p. m., with through Bullet Parlor car from Philadelphia ana tnrougn pasnenger coacaes from pnuaaei phla and Baltimore, Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a.m.; Phlladel Dhla. 11. 60 a. m.i Waehuurtonj 9.60 a. m. 1 llaltl. more, 10,45 a, m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 3.80 p. m.i with- through passenger ooucueHiroin i-iiunaeinnia ana naiumore. 1 U-pla Uall laolnui Vnw VArVamn'm 4 TV-1 1 o r. nl HUta.ll-wp. 111,1 lTHlWKIuu,lll,inJU,lU.i UI.II.l- more,11.20 p.m., (dally! arrlvlnnat Sunbury .10 a. in., wnn tnrougu j-uiiman njeeping cars irom PhlladelDhla. Waahlseton and Ualilmnre and mruuKu passenger coacues iron? rnuaaeipnia, SUNIUJIIY, IIAZI.KTON dc Wl I.KKH H A 11 It K ltAII.llMAII ANU WIIIITII AND UJHT II1MNIIII RAILWAY. (Dally except uunaay.) Wllkesbarre Mall leaves sunburr 9.65 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. m., Wllkes-earre I-.IB y lu. mines-oarre i.DO n. in Snnbury Mall leavesWIlkesbarre iaa)a. m.arrtv-lngatlUoomJrerrrli.4fla-m.:HunhnrT 12 "a n. m RTnmuU'Mf. Iaava. U7lttta.V,milf Un wrI, rivui av uioou) rerry t,iy p. m., puncury tkiup.m 8PNDAY ONLY, Sunday mall leaves Hunburv u-M a. m.. rHi-l ne at Bloom a. m.. wUkes-Barra ili45 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllltos-llarre 6:10 p. m., arrlvns ft Ul9m Ferry, 6.39 p. m,, Sunbury, uuad. a. ruuu, J.R.WOOD. uvu.ninaKvr oen. Passenger A gens IPR.THIEL atastL suarMate to ja mat IklV. sadli and urmini.lW ilmA batallltJl. till can ataal hi. In Va...i lupioaioi, d4i ftteMMfuJ., trat,(uo r tJliCirftkU SPECIAL DISPOSES AND BLOOD POISON, OIINTIXATF. Kr-CKriH. IILOT IIEm, CKIIPTIONS. IIMSI.EN, NIVEI.I INlW.INS J.AMMAriO.V. x!oitVllalty Karly Decay ,. llylr.ul aad SSrntal I'roslrntlon, Meloiiekulln, Blnilder una.Jildliey niseftHen. (Acute raiei 410 4.;.)- blur tt ,. MY mii'roiii Mnl-lBlai tb AU.pAtbU, Hom(MpaOilfl XaUeU '4 aattsU lin4 ; u.Uolni, tbe ! 4e Lsown tht esret frmiia,iitlribi.r.i cm.,. LajsjHt lluslul aaj ID..M ILOvu tut v...,.r. J k m, Trytk, aitwllfts Ifkiiil, Ibtlr Mtt.ll., I. 1,11bU -ll.rttls( ul liUf 4r.rtUtt.tu M vll Mtk.iUlB ft II d ItUtt ftd'artUttDitlU u v'll aa lli baa alalia. I.r. Ugust IT "88 If, Bnpeifine ,Flour. Thcro Is no articio of fool moro soncrallv consumed than wheat flour In its various forms of brood npd pas try, but chemists by examination find that bv its usf. mankind loses two- thirds of .the t-lcmonls that go to mako p bono ;i nd muscle. Theso vital elo- racnts aro tho Dhosnhatca which aro nbsolutely necessary for tho mainte nance of health, and whioh .nature has tirovidod in tho,whoat Rrain, ;but: man has removed from tho flour in tho pro cess of boltlnc. It was. this fact that suggested tho Invention by l?rof. llorslord ,of his preparation ior a bak ing riOfvdor (Rumford Yoast Powdorl that would add theso nutritious phos phates, and thereby supply tho defi ciency in tho flour. In place of tho alum, cream tartar, eta, used in com nlon baking powders, ho produced an :iu pnospnau1, anu inns maiccs a uaic a powder, which not onlv raises tho apugn, Din leaves in tbo broad tbo vi- iqi pnospbatcs ot wlnoh tbo Hour Has bien deprived. Thu Wage Question, Tho solo basis of the RcDublloan claim that high tariffs make high wages is tho fact that wages aro hich- or in this country than in England. Against tho absurd deduction from this fact let intelligent workingmcn weigu ttieso otner incontestable tacts: 1. Wages havo always boon li ich or in this broad and frco new oountry than in tho old, oppressed and over crowded countries of Europe. They were twice as hich hero as in Euc- land beforo tbo Revolution of 177G. They havo always boen relatively aa rnpon signer as thoy aro now, alike Under to tariff, low tariffs and high tariff". 2. The rate of wanes in tho same industries differs ai much in different cities, and States of tho -Union as it does between this country and Eng land. S. Mr. Blaine, when Secretary of State, certified to the fact, "established by statistics, that "undoubtedly tho in equalities in tho wages of English and American operatives aro more man equalled by the greater efficiency of the latter and their longer hours of labor." 4. Tho .waees in Free-Trade Eng land are as much higher than they aro in any Protectionist country in Europe as wages liero aro higher than in Eng land. Mr. Crawford, our correspond ent lately m that country, says that "the dreges of tho labor markets 6f Europe find their way to England.' ThOy go because Wages are higher there, b rom protected Germany and Russia tho underpaid artisans flock to ftoglanl as iiingliBlimeu come here. 5.' Wherever labor organizations prevail hero or labor is scarce wages are high.- Wherever labor is unorgan ized or labor is plentiful wages aro low. Tho tantr is powerless to pre-. vent tliexe inequalities, nor do tho qw wages in one place pull. down the high 'wages in another. C. Tho real competition with Am erican wage-workers comes from im migration. Labor is on tbo free list. N. Y. World. Flattery is do worst of insults; but here aro miclitv fuw ueonle in thia world who are keen enongh to know when anybody is1 insulting them. Jeweler Is vour watch all right now, jur. bimtbT Mr. tsraith Well, no: not yet; but it seems to be gaining every day. Morristown, Tkn., July 4, j.!j8S. The Swift SpedCc Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Five years ago I ,vras so un fortunate as to contract ah extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones ached and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the Inception of the disease until I found that he "could do me" no rtod. Then, t through the advice of a friend I began tak. lng S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have an immediate effect. I, took six bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have seen no evidence of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what It has done for me. It saved my life. You can refer any one to me. R. M. WALL. Farmers vi lie, Tex., June 12, i8B3. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen The mother of a member of our Arm was afflicted with a cancerous sore on her face for about twenty years. During the past few years it troubled her very much by. continual pain and Itching. She used your S. S. S., and the" sore has disappeared and Is apparently well. Should It break out again, will advise you. Very truly, . Pendlzton, Yearly & Riliv, Druggists, Three books mailed free .on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga, DRS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK Medical and Surglosl Offiesi 206 N0RTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. KSTAlU.ISlir.D 0 TEAKS For the treatment ofYouthru! Xmprndenee, Ixjsi of Vigor, Nrvou liability and Special Dlenei. Consultation by mall free of charge. Book Sent Frea. Office h ouri from 8 a.m. to 2 r.M. A from S to 9 r.u Mayii-p-i-co-ly. BOOK AGENTS WANTED von MY STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A, Jjivermore rnt a rUM Uoltl Nut. II Jwrtrtys lh full ol "LlunkUr a.i laan." t thrlTlini "uowec-aei a womiMMtf um.T nnj Nlaot. II etU ai Mokt ta mil. Br4ad BpUadl f unoui old UattlWlaa- ncMr colored in acf jocmhU. iTbt "boomiMff book (wMm nd Wooo Jjnato.tiii 0 to '0 a month mU. -DIltisie it-klaaMir. far fag fttiffKU nnd jrift i'Ura Tirmt, YtrX taidnuimn to A, if, WOUTitft UTU." Jm CV llvUWrd, Ca. 8Cptl4-d-4t. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Any book learned In one reading, Mind wandering cured.. Speaking without nous. Piracy condemned by Supreme Court. Great Inducements to correspondence classes. Progpoctus, with opinions ot Sr. Win. A. Ham mond, the world-famed Specialist la Mind dls- eusea, unmet ureeoiuui xpompsoiu me urtiaL ray. chiloglst, J. M. Buckler, U. I) Kdltor ot tne Christian Aatoau; Klchard Proctor, the Scientist Hons. Judge Ulbson, JudaU p, llenlamln. and others.'beut post' free by Prof. A. LOlhK'l'TK, S3T rnvu Ave., new xorn, ,iepui4-a.4w Of TntftrfiHi: i.t T.nrlina fMidaf REK tfAMPLKo itt fDimW CvrnJLiUi to lulii ttmt ftondattvl Ip toatlUenicac b4r0nt 0Urtbto. Bnd ktaisp for nor u a cJcco iy. tuUulii,N.V.osCtiu-kiUualupN4 tui.1 Ur ratluaLM r AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE cuwi uui rtt-uaui, ew DUIliIlOZ which win be completed thla falL Our pronperlty rts, from the (UorouKli practical tralnfns In Book-keeplnir, shorthana, Typewrltln?, anf all other brunches of UUBINK88 KliUOATION, at the IIPIIAnif MtmutiT Mftsfj0sS&2;. aAl CratluaLM PM'ttHi to Imv lllrn kfaiitl .n lilsi i.iip Tom HEAR: Best mado Clothing in philadolphia for M on. Youths, ,Boys and Children. A. C. Yates & Co. Gtii & Chestnut, LEDGER BUILDING. J.R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MllrOlV, Pa., Duals it lit PIANOS, By the following; well known makers.- Chiclkcrins: KnabC) Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish anv of the cheaper, makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be- iore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. sepu-8tf. POLITICAL f rta Ctlntal til amlitUiirf Han, to tha praaant. HISTORY rraidDia aaa iismauoMa. PUtfoTO. mj IMnoloKt QiMtloM l Uu hoar Civil linrlc, Pntltlllii.Siralit SlrllM. TARIFF AND FREE TRADC, ft BIT! far all!l'TMtkn,1tliU. Brlghl man or worn an In aaoh oantr ta Lsvka arrfara tar thla nrmnl&r anrl fatart. MtHnf bonk. A rraat Taar ahaad. Aand for etrent&r MlHn borST A P f, ZIKtiLKB A CO. m CUmUbI 8L FUIa. I'a. Juljvr-Z & ccMm. OutoUler too b-1 FREE watan mwom vonx. rar-i Ml um-! kMaar.'Wamota Mmt? m aaa mintumi, Udlai'and aU'itaaa vita, arra ana ar kosU Ttioa-OMK tmmmon ta aaab loesUllj aaran om sTHBB. Qow U IbU DOMlbUt J-S, , Wa a&rwaiwajt vast cm par .aVawhaaM!" wbo an, a atxa&Ui Ha of aw vaiaaMaaM vary ufti BomajQiiO Aair iKan laaaa aamplaaa vttl aa aa vaWa,va aaa4 a-raa4 aUr rom bava kapt taara la jvmw bona for laoalca aa4 abova laaoi a M laoat wba aaaf bava eallad.tbaf baoona rv own pratwr ri M aoaalUa to naka Ula mat eflar, aaadlac taa MO LID OOK.U vMcbaad COST T auoM rr. M tbaahowtofof la aunplaa ta aar lealltrt alv j raaalta k a larf trad far at; after air aaa plat baa baaa la a toaalllr lar a BMtttb or Iva wa aaaallf 4 from 4000 to MOM u trt4a rras Ua , itrraaadlax aamtriv.Thla.laia bmsM woaAarftl eflar arar kaova.U aud la ordar that aar mbpIm may fe alaoad at oat vtaMrai&tyaaa fca aaaa, all war Aaarlaa. TTrlf at amea. ao4 mnui t Um obtvaM, aWUvjUltakaMlraartroaUa lor yaa ta taow tbaaaiBiiaa to taaaa Vbduaaj aalt at roar fcama aid roar, nvard will t boat aaHtiaalOrr. i portel card on vfeUa ta writ u aatti bat I aant and aftar 7V atwrw aU,tf r l aot aura ta go rartbar amy aa bar la dm. Bat If yoa do Mad Jar iUmH at aaa, aaaaaaraaTKatK ooa of taa tMl aolU votd vatebaa In Iba vorld aad aar Urg a tloa ot COSTLY lAarUCII, VatyaUaiprM,fr!bL4 iddrawOBO. tTlMOH At 00( Bee lt FOttTLaVIP. atilJU PATENTS, Caveats and Trade Slarks obtatncd.and all Patent business conducted for JlODEKATli FEES. OIIK OKFICK IS Ol'l'dSlTE U. 8. TATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-acencles, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less time and at LESS COST than those remote from Washington. send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advise If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A book, "How to Obtain ratcnts,"wlth references to actual clients In your State, county, or town. Bent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C EXHAUSTED VITALITY J-LIKK, th great Medical Work of the .nge oaManliood,NerT om and, l'byilcal De bility, Premature Do or of Youth, untold mlaer- connequent tberoon, soo pagi S va, ISA KCrlptloo. fur all JiMiues. Cloth, fall Rllt, only I Iry.iuall, HoaWU- Illuatratlv. simple tce to all yi 4 consequent thereon, 800 p&geu 8 va. 145 pre- vnnntr and middle-aged men. tiend now. The Gold and w elltfd MuluJ awarded to the author by th NatloiH iu moatcai AiBociauon. Aaarcss r.u. iwx it3,tua. ton. M&u.,or Dr. W.H. PAltKEIt, graduate of liar, vnrd, Medical .Colle iV3 jearal. practice In llo-toii, Who may be consuitl confldentlallr. Office. No. tBDlflQCbUL BpecbUty,Dijeaaeao(Man.i Vnt tbla out., You war neyer are )t mgaa, sept ai.d-4t. FREE! A 20.PAQE ILIiUSTHATEO PAPKIt Descriptive of tho Hall, Clliuatr. I'rodartloa., Jlunufiiriurlnir Inilu.lrlt-and.tllnpml UiiUili rtlrglalu and other southern Mates. Write to W. a 11EVILL, oen'l rass. Agent, ltOANOKB, VA. Enclosing s-ceot Stamp LADIES ! Do Your Owa Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They are Bold every, wiiero. l'rico mxv a package. 40 eolors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non.fadlns qualities. ,Tnoy do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Uros. and Jas. II. Mercer. febmiy. YAINWHIOIIT & (JO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PlIILADKU'IIU, Pa. tuab, svanrs, coffee, auoAK, molasheii om 'oxb 'yuos auvoia ' 'aow N. E. Corner Becon l and Arch. Sts. "Orders will receive prompt attentcoi 'SU.CWMEIS ilUllooi.l UmUmmm pcalluto ihtlriiiVXiiS ' UOR, DuCHOlME'8 o.i.brnt.d FEMALE REGlll ATlNn puis t?liiJtnA'lb","r ,?'h" iTitm, Impart lidVtor'l?'1lui"D"irf tll'oclloS.ol lSSif if "nor MOdicino Co.. sr.lOUIS. MO. v Mi4.uauv i -.-..,, awn bcautibe, ta hair, promote, a luiuHant growth. lo ',r.lli,'" vo.lhrul Color. WfUv-Mt, rEwaBE I- LaaSHfc lavtra K1 C PUIIE 5 BARLEY DtsTtuio from selected Barley Malt and guaranteed, to bo oiiemlcallV bum Llreo from injurious oils and eclds ofttir contained In .alcobollo llquoj- it ii ccially adapted to persons requiting a stlmnlatlng tonic, ConaumiflrfM -beinf and especially adapted, to persons requiting a Mitnniating tonic, conaiirnDtrvea l.nVi trcatly bencnttrd by its use. lrcommendtby;leadinir physicians asia CibrVti; Nervine, Tonlo and Alterative. For fonswnptlvCH it Is Invaluable rBltniMt'ii rUllE 11AHI.KT MA1.T WII1SKKY Insures a rcturnelvlgor lo tho siomach; aJcooa appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increaerd nrsh and tnhSulartiwSp stimulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, lidieestlon and all wsstlnir dli cases can bo entirely conquered by the uo or I'cnrinE'a l'ure Hily sit Whlske ? tnosBWnODursuoineiravucauons lnineopinair ana woo ejtceptlonal powers ef endurance. Ask youi. nearest drutgn l'JSKIIIMK'H I'UIIB llAlll.ttl out with cxccsslvo bodily or in woi. ana rigoroua wcaiuer. Hard workers of every vocation Dyspepsia nnd in I'errine's I'ura liarlcy Malt whiskey a powerful Invleorant and helper to digestion. l'KMilNE'S l'UKK 11AIII.EV MAliT WII18KKV wiLhntit nndulv atlmulatlnir tho kid. neys Increases thrlr nagging counteracts me cuucis ui imiKue, utuf tens convalescence and Is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genulno unless bearing the slgna. turn il'oi'sale vj all druglsts ana rrocera inrou nou the united States and oanaoaa. 37 NORTH FRONT S T. 38NORTiT WATER FO BIG MONEV ! ! Si""" AOKMarH WANTEn nt once to supply Ten Million t-otfra'wlth tho only olTlclnl lives ol CLEVELAN DIET H U R !WA N JUT-.?Jlf,,:.w.M Hc,"1cV ,ls0 UM of MrB' Clcvclnna i cxqulslto steel portrait. Voter. Cnrtrldgo Bo, lleform Trade rollcy, Ac., complete. : AkciiIn report AsnunM tobsS Par hi miJ&"iPhPAW.lfeto Ouflt&i iluilDAHu i iiuaae.pnia, i a. 80pUH-d-4t C B. JBOBBINa DEALER IN Foreign aatf 'Bwmtit. WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. tm ,g 1 1 - s So g P -a& f 5 Among the Pianos we handle are the I VERS & PHMTi g, a BMIGGS, BAUS & C 0.,SGJJ OMA CKERGold hiring and Opera, Pianos. These Pianos are all Jirst-clafeO and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated JSSTJEX MILL EX, UN I TED S TA TES and other maes. ' JLetdiSK Sewing Machines are tho celebrated WHITE. ME W DA VIS, JVE W DOMESTIC. JYE W HOME 4 Tf r, nnvanQ ARD RO I AB Y Sewing PATBAeer? SpA$Ea? M.Ut?,C A1iD 1JEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, PpNNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. soli Adams fob Alexander Bros. feCo, WUOLESALB pALEHfl IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, IBUHS AND NUTS. SOLB AGENTS FOlt HENBY MAXLLAEDS HSCANDIES.- FltESU EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. F.P.ADAMS Is CO., FINS OUT , pHEWING TOBACCO Sole scents of the fol lowing brands of Clears. IIENHV CLAY, LONDI1ES, NOllMAL, INDIAN P11IN0ES8, SAMSON, BlLVKlt ASH. Tutt '. Pills Jtilc'Sir::tvmiT PpeP-a, Copstlptlpp, Sick Headache.' Biliousness Ana ail dUeftsoa aristae from a iTorpid Uver and Bad Digestion. 7 an.r eo.t.a ua ,o ,fiu! SOLD EVERY wrrvn v nov.n.eAeoijr WILL.IAIVI HART BLOMSBURa, PENN'A., AOENT FOII THR KEYSTnNF nVMAUITC Dnuinrn nn - winnniiik runucn bUi ftn,afJT1"' ,' 169 .celebrated Keystone Dvna mite. Thlaexnloalvalairivin7 nni.T.V..i...V.? MALTWHISKEY I'Rll protection to trnrlr (-an. .. o srtocer tor lor MAll' wilisiwa i icvivea ,vuo mcntalcffort and acts ss n Safegii va lUUtWlVOrB ilDHteinoftiir ivwin uiiuiuwuuun mtllClWtilPm. ana persons wnom a jcptmn renders pront? to Ttoe ancIriMS a f rs by tbe La bcl on every bottle; i airzea ine itri iiahut mii.t wia activity,'! 'Hnureir irro irom jubci on, moCAla and Acids And la, a J ' V YM and STAND Machine, tho finest nnd best t0 J- SALTZER'S EAT SEWING MACHINE Pa. ANY OUDXIt FOR FEBTIVAIi will be SUPPLIED WITH TUB LOWEST Market Prices, AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; cream nuts, ALMONDS, 11PP CORN BALLS. BL00MSBUB&M(H( MILL --"" oov, iu ur.iujaBs conaitlon. lb pra ared to do all kinds of wort la hi. line. BLINDS.MOUlDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. ?,iSf6.?i.'rt"l"uu',,"Brfl!e"' A" Umber us 8 ar"empio"ed ana none 6ut kulB(1 wooien ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CIfA.lE.E8 KRDO, IHooiuHburtti r 8UBS0UIBE FOIl THE COLUMBIAN wen quouusM.ohewrsWTiir ikvgw