1 COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0, X. Elwsll, J. K. BltteatnStr,, Sdlten. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28, 1888. DEM0OBATIO TICKET. FOR TBRSIDENT, GIIOVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICB PRESIDENT, ALLEN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. .Tnlin W. Johnson has been acquit ted at Lock Haven of the charge of murdering Isaiah Colby. Tt ?r a Bicrnificant fact that the Dem ocrats made large gains 011 publicans in nearly all the fisheries districts of Maine. "The fisherman ap proved the fisheries treaty and endors ed the Presidents message. -ox. Mkrct is so good a servant that it will never allow its master to die a beerrar. The virtues that lie in Warn- urn Lop Cabin Plasters are as benefi cient and lasting as tho qualities of mercy. Best and cheapest poroused plaster in the market. There will bo another added to the lint of executive departments, and the Commissioner of Agriculture will be come a Cabinet officer, unless tne rres ident interpose his veto. The Senate concurred in the house bill creating the new denaxtment. with the excep tion of tho fifth section, transferring tha Weather Bureau to it manage ment The House will probably ex- cent the defeat of this section rather than risk losing the entire bill, and the measure as paseed by the Senate will be gent to the President for approval. The trouble with the creation of this now department is that it will have to bo rlnnlicated in the interest of every other great industry. The manufact urers will be asking for a Cabinet of ficer, the mining interests will claim that they are entitled to one, while the railways will bo asking why they should be left out m the cold in the matter of Cabinet representation. And who shall sav that one industry has rrreater claim to a seat in the Cabinet than another! Times. WASHHIQTOH LETTEB- Washington, Sept. 24th, 1888, Mr. Cleveland and Private-Secretary Lamont spent Sunday in Philadelphia with Mr. Sineerlv. proprietor of that staunch tariff reform paper, the daily Record. It is said that several New York friends joined them there, and it is more likely that politics was one of the subjects discussed. Tha Chinese exclusion bill was nlaeed in Mr. Cleveland's hands Fri day moraine, having passed both Houses, and Friday evening Secretary Bayard received a dispatch from the United States Minister to China staU ing that the treaty has been rejected bv tho Emperor To the superstitious this will appear like another piece of "Cleveland luck,' tor mere are many neonle who thought that Mr. Cleveland would veto the bill on the ground that its passage before the Chinese govern ment had acted on the treaty was ! breach of international courtey and bo it was. But now the bill just meets the wants of the country, and tne treaty having been rejected, there is no doubt about the signing of the bill. In this connection it may be well enonoh to state that the Congressional delegation from the Pacific slope are all glad that the treaty has been reject ed, as thoy regard the bill just passed as a much better remedy for the evil complained of. The Republican Senators have heard from home, and once more the country is promised a substitute for tho Mills bill, in a few days. They held a can cm on Saturday, which they say was onlv called for a general interchange of opinion, but the impression is that . i rr i. : T l anu;nA, IDO lariXX UM Was IUU jjiuiuijmi puijcuh of discussion. They took no voto and reached no final conclusion. Tho President and Mrs. Cleveland hava been invited to go to Riohmond Virginia. October 21. to review tbe parade at the opening of the oxposi linn. Secretary Fairohild has gone to New York for a short vacation. During his absence Assistant-Secretary lhomp nn will act as secretary. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folsom have gone.to the Adirondacks, where Mr. Cleveland hopes to join them soon, provided that he can get away from hero long enougn. Representative Kilgorc by an ob jecUon, prevented tho joint resolution appropriating 8100,000 for the yellow lever suuerers irom paatuug iu uuusu. It has passed the Senate and is certain House, but Mr. Kilgore's objection compels it to go through the regular routine. Gen. W. C Newberry, president of the celebrated Iroquois Uluu, of Uiilca rm. has been nominated by tho Presi dent as Postmaster of that city, to nnnixxl Mr. Judd. who has resigned, Ttei.rpdentative Foran. one of the fnw Democrats who did not vote for ihn Mills bill, savs ho thinks that looks much brighter for Mr. Cleveland than it has heretofore. His reason for thinking this, is that do one denies that n revision and reduction of tho tariff is necessary, and that thus far the Republicans have formulated no plan for reducing tho surplus or correcting tho evils of tho present tar iff schedule. Secretary Cotman. will probably soon bo tho official title of the popular gentleman who presides over tho De partment of Agriculture, tno uouso bill making that change having been passed by the Senate. As the Houso passed tho bill it transferred the woath or bureau to tho now dopartmnnt, but that section has been struck out by tho Senate. Tho action of tho actinir chairman of House Comm tteo on Enrolled Bills in refusing to present to tho President tho Chinese eiclusin bill, wnioh una passed both Houses, until such time as ho ohose. broucht out the ourious fact that there was no law or regulation on tho subject. A resolution uas aireaay been offered in tho Senato properlyreg ulating the matter. John li. l'arkburst, oi aiicuigan, una ren nominated Minister to Belgium. Cam. Ilenrv W. Lawler. of the Fourth Cavalry, tho celebrated Indian fighter, has been promoted to bo Major and Inspector-General. ucneial ir. A. uouins, wuq ww chairman of tho St. Louis convention, says that making a comparison with this dato four years ago, the Democra tic prospects aro just 20 per oent. bet ter now than men. in view oi uu fact that it is only necessary to hold our own to win, the outlook is flatter- Isx-Gov. A. G. Curtin, of Pennsyl vania, says the re-election of Clevoland is already in tho air. The sugar and copper trusts aro to hivo hearings this week by tho Senato tariff sub-committee. Ex-Representative Jerry Murphy, of Iowa, says that iu two years more that State will be Democratic In order to show the Ilepublioans how much they desire to se their tar iff bill introduced, the Democratio members of the Senato Finance lom- mittee have agreed that tho bill Bhall bo reported to tho Senato the same day it comes from the subcommittee. The Democrats will, of course, report the Mills bill. Senator Beck is reported somewhat better, although still too unwell to ro- some nis amies, it is rumureu iui his trouble is similiar to that which killed General Sheridan. Senators Morgan, Sherman and Evarts are a sub-committee to which the Senate Committee on Foreign Af fairs have referred the Canadian Ke taliation bill. The Republicans will try to pigeon-hole this bill in commit tee. Representatives. S. Cox is Speaker pro tern, during the absence oi mt. Carlisle. iffiled By a Constable. PTJBSEUD BY A JEERING MOB HE FIRES LEADERS. UPON ONE OF THE Wilkes-Barre. Sept. 23. Shortly after midnight this morning Constable Dennis Gallagher, of tho Third Ward of this citv. Bhot and fatally wounded Thomas Ryan, a young man, whoso home is in Syracuse, n. i., out, wno has been working in this city as an hostler for tho past year. Gallagher had arrested a young man named. Owen Brady for" disorderly conduct and taken bim to the lockup. Brady's riends endeavored to release him and raised a disturbance on tne streets. They were joined by a large crowd of men and boys, wno toiiowea uaiiagner from the lockup through the streets shouting and jeering him, and crying out. "kill him," "mob him," "knock his brains out. Gallagher became greately excited, and on Jiaat Market aireet urew ois revolver and threatened to shoot any who came near him. Policeman Broadhead told Gallagher ho would havo to arrest him. Gallagher point ed his pistol at the policeman and call ed out: "Keep away, Broadhead or I'll put a bullet through you." Gallagher Started to walk down Washington Street backwards, holding the crowd at bay with his pistol. Before he had gono ten yards several of the crowd sprang forward at him. Ryan was tho nrst and as no approacnea, uaua gher, with his pistol within tii inches of his chest, fired and Ryan dropped like a log. The crowd fell back, and for a moment Gallagher stood with the smoking pistol in his hand and bis victim at his feet. Then Broadhead sprang forward to seizo him and Gal- lagner puiiea me trigger again out iuu pistol missed fire. uaiiagner was tnen locked up ana this morning was committed to jail. Kyan died to-mgnt. Two Methods. The Democratio National Commit tee appeals openly to the people who believe in its policy tor money with which to pay tbe "lawful, proper and necessary outlays required by tho can vass. ' The Republican League, saying "we want money and want it at once," ap plied by secret circular to nob manu facturers as those wno "receive the solo benefit of the tariff laws," and some of whom, said its circular, "make large fortunes every year when times are prosperous.'1 Its demand was ac companied by a threat to "put the manufacturers of Pennsylvania under the fire and fry all tho fat out of them" if they did not stop "reaping the fruits of tbo tana policy without any ueauc tion for political expenses." For twenty years and more tho Re publican party levied upon its omce holders, the servants of tho people, as sessments for its campaign fund. The Democratio Committee says tbat "no person in the public service is, for tbat reason, under any obligation to contri bute to any political fund or render any political service. Which method of raising money is moro in the interest of tho peoplo and of the reforms which the demand! Worm. Charles Evans, of Audenried, and Misa Nora Bright, of Minersville, were to have been married last week, but after the guests had assembled at tbe residence of tho bride's parents, tbe groomsman was singularly absent, A telegram sent to bis home revealed tbo unpleasant fact that he had left for Akron, O. The present where abouts of the truant husband is un known. Miss Bright is a handsome and accomplished young lady. Sho bears tho disappointment in a philoso pical manner. Loa Cabins, lacking ele gance, were yet com for table homes. Health and hapiness were found in jthem. Tho best of the '.! i .i: . given to the world in Warner's Log Cabin Remedies made by Warner of Safe Cure feme. Regulate the regula tor with Warners Log Cabin Harea parllla. Afraid of tha People. "Tho Mills Bill is only a step," says Gen. Harrison, and "tho important Question is not so much tho length of the step ss the direction of it" lie In sists that "tho Democratio party will if supported by tbe country, place tho tariff laws upon a purely revenue basis," and "this is practical Freo Trado." Like tho protected monopolists them leltcs. their candidate is afraid to let the people see the result Of a roduction of tho war tariff. Gen. Harrison argues that any abatement of tho dutjos 'would result in injury to our industries and our workingmen. Ana yet, lea ny a purblind loirio. ho insists that tho country would like the injury so much that it wo 'Id persist in iflicting moro of it until "practical Freo Trade" would result A burnt child dreads tho fire. But tho Republican candidate says in effect that tbo pcoplo aro such fools that they would persist in burning their arms off after sacrificing their lingers. Is this a Government of the people, by the people, for the poople, or a Gov ernment of plutocrats, by politicians, for monopolies J "If supported by the country" as Gen. Harrison says, has not the Democratio party a right to re duce tho taxes in any way that tho people decreet If a little, reduction works well, have the peoplo not a right to order more ! If l. works ill, are they likely to continue the process 7 Tho Democratio party is not afraid either of its policy or of the people. Tho Republican party distrusts both I. .1.1 l" 1l 1I7U.,J 118 DU110V auu tue uvuuic -f g if vi The Great Virginia Industrial Exposition Beduoed Bates via Pennsylvania Bailroad. The Vircinia Agricultural, Mechani cal, and Tobacco Exposition will be held at Richmond, beginning October 3d and closing November 21st, 1888. This exposition will be the best exhi bit of the industrial and agricultural reesuroes of tbe upper south evor held. Beside an extensive display of agricul tural products and fine stock, a special section will bs devoted to tobacco, il lustrating all its phases from the plant to the pipo. The special features em brace a bencn snow, ruuuiug uu vim- ting races, and numerous oiner iorm of interesting entervamniem. iuo capital of the Old Dominion is an ex ceptionally interesting place, and with the extraordinary attractions offered by the exposition, and the delightful climate of this season, the pleasure of a visit is greatly enhanced. For the benefits of the hosts of people who will desire to visit the city under these favorable circumstance?, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Richmond every Monday and Thursday during the continuance of xbe exposition, good to return until, November 26th inclu sive, from all principal stations on its system at a single faro for thu round trip. BneflyTolitical- Labor doesn't intend to get along without capital, but it does' intend that nnnitAi shall not nave u an its own way. Williamsport Sun and ner. Van- The Democratio pnnciple is to limit the revenue to tbe "real need ol the government It is opposed to taxa tion for a surplns or a tan tt for bount ies. Beading Telegram. Tha mnnmination of Speaker Car lisle as a Representative to Congress is a well-deserved tribute to one oi me ablest, best and most consistent of the Democratio leaders in congress. Buffalo Times. The voter that sustains the monop oly breeding tariff is an bumble pack mule, he's tbe great American camel with hump on him one for trusts and tho other for protection to conspir acies. Bntluth Paragrapher. No man in the Republican party commanded more attention and won more love and respect than General Grant He had opinions and express ed them. One of his sayings is worth quoting in these days of tariff discus sion. Here It is: -a iarm ou ww materials is protection to tho foreign manufacturer." N. Y. Graphic Court Proceedings- Court met on Monday morning, Monday SnnL 24. Hons. H. M. Hinckley, Pres . - . -t H V i TT Klent judge, ana tion. vj. i. i-iuueury and C. G. Murphy associates, on the bench. Constables returns takon. John P. nannan appointed foreman of the errand iarv. . . . r. . ri! TT (Jommonweaim v. ieo. a. iioppvu forni.-ation and bastardy, recognizance taken for appearance next term. Uommonweaim vs. J. a. axeier uoi pros, allowed. ... T L T3 T uommonweaun vs. jonaa r.uuwtt, fornication and bastardy, recognizanco taken for appearance next term . r f. TTf ..Ml TTT TT" On motion OI u. iV. juuiit ,. iv. West of Montour county was admitted to practice iu Columbia county. Commonwealth vs. Jonn uiuves, fornication and bastardy, recognizance forfeited to be respited on defendant s apprarance at next term. Commonwealth vs. James Yost, as sault aud battery, nol pro, allowed. Commonwealth vs. John Monanan, naamilt and hattcrv. rccocnizanco for feited to be respitod on defendant's appearance at next term. The following reports of salo were confirmed niti: "Estates of J. II. Harman, Bryn bion Churoh, Daniel Force, Henry C. Yost, Henrv D. Knorr, Amos Urasaley, uob ert r innev. Commonwealth vs. George Fulmer, larcencv. truo bilL John W. Evans sworn as a citizen of tho U. S. Commonwealth vs. J. Roeder, do fendant discharged under tbe insolvent law. Report of commission on division of ureenwoou lowusuip uuu .wu cmuuu districts conhrmed nisi, Tho following auditor's reports con firmed nisi. Estitcs of Henry Hoffman, Jane Vanop. Daniel Thomas, T. J. Htitchi son. John G. Moore, S. A. Caswell. Return of inquest in estate of Reuben Uogart connrmed nisi. Sale of real estate ordered in estate of Albert Aramermar. Report of Bale of real estate of Wil Ham 'Herbert a lunatic, confirmed nisi Report of reviewers against a road in Conyngbara near Abraham Sharp's, confirmed nisi. Return of inquest in estate of Jonas Dotv confirmed nisi, Report of viewers of a road in Pine township near II. P. Bogart's confirm ed nisi. Commonwealth vs. Harry Bird, lar- cenov. true bill. Report of iewers of a road in Ben ton and Jackson near George Mo- Henry's in favor of a road, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers in favor of a road In uoott townsblp near j. oi. omvea confirmed nisi. Report of vlowors in favor of a road to Buiton tuwnshfp near J. J. Karus oonfirmcd visi. Report of ro-revlewers in favor of a road in Hon ton near J. J, MoHcnry'i confirmed nisi. Report of ruvicwers in favor of a road In Greenwood near W. W. Kvos' confirmo l nli. Report of viewer in favor of a road in Benton near B. & S. depot confirm ed nisi. Report oi viewers in favor of a road in Madison near John Cox's confirmed nisi. Report of sale of real est a to of Sam uel A. Wonuan, confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. Thos. Jones. threats Ac, capias awarded. Inquest in partition awarded in es tate of William Johnson. Report of viewers against a road in Sngarloaf near Tbos. Smith's confirm ed nisi. Road in Jackson near George Rum- ley's, order to viewers continued and J. L. Edwards appointed instead of D. B. Uobbins. Cyrus Robbins appointed county auditor in place of Amos Hartman, re moved from county. Commonwealth vs. Geo. Fulmer, larcenoy, caso tried, verdict guilty. Uommonwcalth vs. Uliarles Frede rick!", assault and battery, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Chas. Hammer, assault and battery, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Harry Bird, lar- cency, caso tried, verdict guilty. Uommonwealtb vs. imams Holland assault and battery, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Charles Freder icks, caso tried, verdict guilty. Tho court made the following order relative to naturalization: All appli cauts'for citizenship, before their peti tion will bo considered by the court, must present thomsolves to a commit tee of three members of the bar, who must examine each applicant as to his qnalification for citizenship, and as to his knowledge of the constitution of the United States; and the nport of tbe committee must accompany tbe petition presented to the court" J. G. Freeze, C. G. Barkley and L. S. Wintersteen were appointed as such committee. Eail Denton. We are no weather grumblers. Let It ratn. Mrs. J. C. Tubb9 raised and presented to Mrs. Judge Krlckbaum a tomato which weighed 3 pounds and 3 ounces. Philip Gibbons raised ii potato that weighed 3 pounds and 4 ounces. Alonzo Albertson is moving his steam sawmill on John Ashelm&n's timber tract alojg Havencrcck, and will commence operations in a short time. ltev. A. Houtz and family visited their parishioners in this locality, last week. An 18 years' pastorage on a single charge needs no comments. It is self evident that his services arc appreciated. The corn, now fully matured, is a boun tiful crop. It Is partially cut and shocked. Peter Ease, an aged citizen is in declin ing health. Jesse Albertson, near Cambra will be 01 years old on the 7lh of November. Jap Bhultz bought J. C. Tubbs' farm, and J. F. Ashelman bought tbe Kennedy lot. "The law is not made for a righteous man. but for the lawless" hence tbe abominable cry for "protection." C. U. Hughes of Cambra now couducts the Academy of that place. We hope tbo people will patronize this able teacher lib erally. Prof. Calhoun has returned to his home at Uarrlsburg. The recent heavy rains have caused rough roads. Seldom Is our community visited by such frequent and heavy rainfalls. Court this week and next. Look out, we arc coming too. A horse and bridle were missing at Jones town last Sunday morning. The; belong Ha. Hoyt and supposed to have been stolen. The text for the Harvest Home services ladt Bunday at St. James' was selected from Leviticus XXIII 89. The sermon was his toric, relating to past, present and future, was personal and general, Instructive and edifying, and applicable to all ages; races, conditions and people, and highly appreci ated by an overcrowded audience. Tbe decorations, so tastefully arranged, were both ornamental and practical, consisting of choice specimens of all the cerlals and fruits raised in tbe community. A sash was presented for tbe occasion by Jones. town friends on which was painted across, ornamented with twining vines bearing beautiful flowers. The painting was ac complished by Miss Anna E. Ilost'er of Jonestown, and evinced a high degree of skill and proflcency In the art. Tbe select music rendered by tbe choir was excellent. Freeman D. Bower and family in com pany with Mrs. Elizabeth Bender, all of Berwick, were viMtlng friends in Germany last Baturday and Sunday. Salt Rheum The agonies of thoto who tuSer from sever salt rheum are Indeurlbable. The cleinjlng, healing, purifying influence! of Ilood'i Sana pariru are unequalled by any other medicine. " I take pleasure In recommending Hood's SarjaparlUa, for It has done wonders tor me. I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me over nearly my entire body. Only those who hava suffered from this disease In Its worst form can Imagine tho extent of my affliction. I tried many medicines, but failed to receive benefit until I took Hood's Sarsaparlua, Then the disease began to subside, the Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am entirely free from tha disease. My blood seems to be thor oughly purified, and my general health la greatly benefited." Lniku Aixur, Sexton N. E. Church, North Chicago, 111. " My son had salt rheum on his hands and the calves of his legs, so bad that they would crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Bar siparllla and Is entirely cured." J. B. Btix ton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was seriously troubled with salt rheum tor three years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment I decided to try Hood's BarsaparlUa. I am now entirely cured of salt rheum) my weight baa Increased from 108 Ibi. to 133." Mas. Alios Burro, Stamford, Conn, It you suffer from salt rbeum, or any blood dlsease,try Hood's Sarsaparlua. It has cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's Sarsaparllla Soil br all dnasiaU. llilotJ. Pnpar.aoaiy tr C I. HOOD OO, Apothecaries, Lowell, Maes. IOO Doses On Dollar GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPP'S COCOA. BUEAKFAttT. "By a thorough knowledge ot the natural U whtfli cavern the operations or direction i nutrition, and by a careful applleatloi of tbe nne properties of well-selectd Uocoa. Mr. Kppa has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heav; dnrtirat bilU. it la br the ludlcloua uae of sue articles of diet tbat a constitution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency to dlteaso. uundmla of subtle maladies are noatlng around us ready to attacic wherever there la a weak point. We may escape many a fatal ahan bT keeDlnir ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "-Civil icrrlct Qasetu, a rdinDlv with bolllne water or mint, bold osiy in nau pound tins, ny urocers, labelled thus t JAMES Kf PS CO., Ilomteopauilo Chemists, aepi re-a-ii. Mattes, Jtagiani INVALUABIiK FOB ILL PAINS AND IffLAMMATINIS. Sore Throat, Diphtheria. TJm tha Kxtmet profhpUy. Delay Is dangerous. BeUef assured. Sores, Sprains, Bruises. It Is cooling, cleansing, and Healing. rnlnmiVi Pond' Ktrrt Is Unior Laiarrn. for Catanh.CoM In the lliid, . (See page II, In Book of Di rections wrapped around each bottle.) Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has rarednore raaee of these distressing complaints than I'ond'a Kxtract. Try It I Hemorrhages. Tom, or from rtny cause. Is speedily coa trolled and stopped. PonA'a Extract is onaoobtMry b. the best remedy known for Piles, bante of Pond. Kitraet Ointment In connection with the Extract Is highly recommended. (Beep. IS, Book of Direc tions wrapped around each twtue.) Female Complaints. m& lty ttfmaU dlMSK the Extract can be toted, aa I. well known, with the greatest benefit. Fall directions accompany each bottle. Pond's Extract Is Known Kyerywhere. It Is used In the bxniehold of the rrtsldent ss well as that of the humblent cltlaen ! by mem bers of the army and the nary, tbe Bar and the Bench, the pulpit and tha press all ranks and classes of people. CAUTION. Pond's Extract the words I'onil'. Extract " blown la the glass, and onr plctnre trade-mark on snrroandlng bnff wrapper. None other Is genntne. Always Instil on baring Fond'a Extract. Take no other preparation. ( U nmr told In tB or by tntasvr. Sold eterywhere, Prices, (Oe, II, 11. JS. Frtsand ealy y POXD'8 EXTRACT CO., 75 Eta Art., Uw Terk. POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT. This Ointment is specially recommended for Piles. 11 nsod in connection with Fontfa Extract it will be found invaluable Also for Burnt, Scalds, Eruptions,&c,&c. Testimoni als from ail classes. Price COo. Sold by nil DrncrfHsts or sent by mail on receipt of price. Put tip only by POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Eth At.H.T. JjIST OF PREMIUMS TO BK AWABDED BT TBI ta ApU Society, AT THEIR FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR TO BK HELD AT BENTON Columbia Co., Pa. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, baturday, October 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. CLASS l. Dtvitton 1StaUtons. Thoroughbred best with podtfreo $8 00 t4 00 rtaure Desi 4xearaoia ana up uuu 4uu ' between 3 ana 4 rears i 00 too " sandS j-eareJOO 800 DlrUion 2 Marts. Brood m&re. best, with colt &t her nuc. w . w . w DtcUion 3 Draft Uorus. Best pair draft horses s 00 s so marcoreiaini rcaroia... w iw " " between 2 and S rears 2 00 1 00 Best mare or geldings years and up u oo seo Division 4 Carriage llortet Best single art ring horse or mare., i 00 S 00 pair nurse ur mares. . ....... oui auu horse or mare tatted for saddles 00 100 CLASS i. Division 1 Cattle. Beat blooded bull, with pedigree, 3 rears and uo 8 00 a with pedigree. 400 too 300 SOU 100 Beat blooded bull, with pedigree. under s Tears old 4 oo Beet blooded cow, with pedigree S 00 neirer 4 ou calf, S mths. or under 2 oo Division -XattH! Cattlf. Beat bull over 3 years old S 00 3 00 200 300 3 00 N 200 100 200 " ucaerayears. WM.aiu cow. . a oo heifer 3 00 calf under s months 100 Division I Working Cattle, Beat yoke 4 03 CLA SS 3. Division 1 Sheep, DlooOea. Best buck, with pedigree, 2 years ana up..... 4 w Beat buck under 3 years 3 oo 200 1&0 1 54 100 CO 100 1 so 200 1 CO SO 200 Gwe.... auu Division iSative Beat buck 2 00 lamn . l oo ewe. 200 ewes, sin a pen 3 00 Division 3-Swine. Best boar 3 CO bow wun utter pigs, not less than s am Best pair pigs under 3 monfis 1 oo Buuam, o or more in pen a w CLASS 4. Not leeathan three of each. Plymouth rocks , so CO Langsnanga .. , Wyandottes light orahmas... CO CO CO CO vars oramnaa. partnara cochins Black cochins. CO so 0 Bun cochins. .. White cochins. ... . lloudana, Hamburgs, each variety White let,'homs Brown leghorns. CO CO CO 30 woiuwacea ui&CK Dpuuaa..MH Polish, each variety .... CO 50 50 CO Creveoolur Bantams, each variety. Ewh other variety... Turkeys, each variety CO 1(0 CO 300 Douona ucsu.. Turaey, weight 40 lbi or over Oeese, each variety...... 73 M) 50 uueks. eacn TaneiT Ptgebjg, each variety, Display of pigeons, any or all sens, own ed by exhibitor. Pbeaeasta. each variety -. Quails Lop-eared rabbits Common rabbits Guinea fowls, white pearl. .. Pea fowls white. " colored.... Guinea pigs. 100 50 3d ro 50 50 CO CO CO CO 200 1 00 uufpiar. any or ou Kiaas, uwuou uy una exhibitor uecoua best. Fowls to be ludzed according to tbe American standard of excellence. Those not possessing merit and worth are not entitled to prizes. CLASSi. Division 1 Oraln ami Seed. Yellow corn, bushel 73 White north, - 73 Dent com, " 73 Wheat, . 100 Second best..... T3 Barley, bushel 73 Oats. " 75 iiucswneat, nusnei. , is lire, " . . , ,,, 3 Peas, " 73 Beans. " 15 Clover seed, half bushel 73 Tl'i othy seed, " " .... 73 riaxseea, a Division 2 Flour and reed. The Dremlum on flour to be for a elven number of pounds ot flour from a given number of pounds of grain. Wheat flour, not less thanjeo lba,tnade by contributor..... .. .. 100 Rye Hour, not less than 50 lbs, made by oontnDutor iw Buckwheat flour, not leas than 50 lbs, mans or contributor l uu Graham Hour, not less than 50 lbs. made by contributor. 100 corn meaL not less than CO lbs. made br contnoutor..Hw. i w CLASS t. Division 1 Vegetables. Bushel early potatoes, each variety " late ' " ' .. collection of potatoes, not leas than six varieties. Pumpkins, largest .. Mangle Wurtels, bushel (field culture).. Rutabagas, busheU Field beets, '- Sample of beets, onions, tomatoes, tur. nips, parsnips, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, peppers, squashes, pumpkins, egg plants (not less than Ave each, quart lima beans Division tOreen Fruit. so 50 ICO CO Peaches, display ot one peck " largest variety, hair dozen.,.,. Apples, laiyest " one peck - It varieties, 4 each..' " lot of tall, s varieties, 4 each. ' specimen of, size and quality considered, not less than a pock. Apples, lot winter, 4 each, s or mora var ieties Pears, any variety Pears, collection ? unices, not less than 1 dozen...- lums, display of, any name 3 varieties., Grapes, collection, not leas than 4 varle- Grapcs. ciuUerVnoVieM th any variety.. ,....,..., ,, Division 3 Dried Fruits Wortleberrrlea, 2 lbs Blackberries, 2 lbs,,,, Kaspberrless lbs.,,, Dewberries lbs , 100 CO 1 00 100 100 15 too I 00 100 13 CO vucrnea, x ids,,,, Currants. I lbs Twetchera, Jlba.... rrarjea, 1 lba. i-eaonea. i ids,.,,,,,. rinms. 4 lbs......... Apples, I lbs CLASS 1. Division 1 Cutlruirv DfpartmmU Bread, loaf n mane ny gin u yrs or nnaer Butter, roll, I lbs or more. ' lie, apple. pfarn .. ,,,, ..,.,,, ' pumpkin or squash. ....... 3 mince 33 lemon... 25 rranfl ...... S3 Itolls.... n BUcnlt 23 eocene, homemade,.., " uaxe, sponge , cucoanm... .,..... pound S3 fruit M ginger r. a Division S. McklM In vlnrtfi-. nrrneM to be statd.. CO 100 100 so 73 73 M 13 Honey, box, by l colony this 'year, Slba or otct ....... Tloney. display,.,,, second Maple sugar, this year, 5 lbs. Male syrup, " 1 gallon Ham, cured, with receipt given, cut and cured br contributor CLASS S. Division I Onrmrd Fruit. Best quart each variety., S3 73 Greatest variety and best... ...... CLASS 9. Division t Wines and Jellies. wine, domestic grape, t bottle. Wine, raspberry, 1 bottle wine, currant. " CO CO so CO CO M 100 so Wine, blackberry. " .... Any other domestic made wine Jellies, collection domestic made qualities auu Tannics cuusiucrai 1 qteach... Beconi and... The ludi s may recommend premiums for differ, i of canned fruit, domestto lellles. pre serves and pickles, not exceeding 29 cents each. CLASS 10. Farm Implements. Most numerous and best display agricul tural lmmementa. diploma dip dip dip dip dip dip dip Mower and reaper combined.. Keaper drain drill Band seed drill. Heed sower nay tedder Threshing machine and self cleaner in operation Hone power lever.. dip dip dip dip dip dtp dip dip dip dip dip dip dtp dip dip dip dtp dtp dip dip dip dip dtp dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip din Tread horse power. Field roller one-horse cultivator Two-horse " Harrow.. Clover harrow.... Iron plow.. .. 6teel " Chilled Iron plow. . Subsotl rlow.. Corn shelter Fanning mUl. ... Horse rake Grain cradle Hay forks, six . uana raxes, r&x ... Manure forks, sir. Btrsw forks, six.. Schythes and snaths, atx . Straw, grain and grass cutter ... ox yoke. none cart Hay rigging made by exhibitor.. ..... .. Machine for loading hay In the field....... Machine for unloading and distributing hay In tbe building , Grindstone for sharpening mowing ma chines Plank Better Root cutter Stump machine, Corn nusfcer.... Farm gate Dog or sheep power for churning Lawn mower .... Portable steam engine for dairy purposes , T, .. farm if dip The ludees In this class will examine articles not eaumeratcd therein and for meritorious ones win award a certutcate or menu CLASS 11. Manufactured Articles. Dtsnlay of carrlagea, . diploma 200 200 1 CO 200 2 60 200 diploma Two-horse " .. one-horse open buggy. . riau .tform and snrlnir woeon. Lumber or farm wagon. Skeleton wagon. rieasure sieign. ...,., Lumber sleigh aip dtp dip dip dip dip dip dtp din Cutter .. Palrof sleighs..... .. Pork barrer. Refrigerator Flour barrel Firkin and butt er pall and quickest meth od or ralalntr cream Churn, new aodimproved .. Cheese press sign painting . Washing machine, operation to be shown Sample drain tile Collection cab'net work Spring bed bottom dip dip din 300 dip dip dip alp dip dip dip dip dip ucosieaa.... Bureau .... Clothes wringer lao.e i , i Washstand . Chairs, sor moro . wonted maple Lift force oumn set horse shoes for farm purposes, speci men l OS Flcture frame. 50 CLASS 12. Division Merchandise, Display of stoves and tinware. 2 50 uispiar 01 ecuro tools.... nin Saws, collection. dip Augurs, collection dip Range . dip Furnace heater . .. din Parlor " ... dip Coal cooklng8tove. ....... dtp Wood " " dtp Coal heating " dip Firegrate dip Display of ropes made In this country. . . dip Dozen corn brooms dip brushes rttn Com baskets. . ..... .. dip Dry goods, display of. . dip Earthenware, display of dip All Persons desiring to exhibit ntanon onrann. sewlng machines, Btoves, furnacs. Are grates, etc win ue lurnisiim ampie space to exnioit ana ais. piay tucir wares. Dfrtslori s Leather, Uarnets, etc. Boots and shoes, display ot Leather, display of. ... .. Rubber goods, display of, Carriage harness, double " " single.. Working " double " " single Double " fancy Single " , Coaree boots, doz. pairs pine .." . ; !..JI Ladles' " ' Pair fine boots ' coarse " .. ' ladies' boots or shoes Sole leather, t sides. Upper leather, a sides Calf skins, s sides . Harness, saddlery, vallcea, etc, greatest display. dip dip dip iOO 100 100 100 100 100 dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip IOC CLASS 15. ratntlngs ana Fancy Work. All articles must be owned by the exhibitor. . , 1st, M. ua pauiungs. uispiay oi... .,xs CO 1 Painting In oil, landscape 1 50 ' bead...V. 1 fa , Display painting in water colors 1 00 , Painting in water colors, flowers 100 . " " " fnilt , m Display ot painting on satin or sllk.. 1 00 1 00 1 M 11, xuu Pencil drawing 1 m Display crayon drawligs.. . jco Photographic display ,... 1 00 , Ornamental printing dip Preserved specimens natural history. Display coins ... dip din duit wooa. -... wood carved by gent fancy picture frames. Taxidermists' work moss work 100 . 100 . 100 . 1 CO . 100 . fruit, wax 1 pa flowers, wax 1 no hair woik . loo hair Jewelry to ornamental shell work...... 100 feather flowers. 1 00 leather work ioo aauarlum , pu. Canary bird.... to CLASS it. Division 1Xeedlework, eta. All articles to have been finished within years last past. Tidy, Java canvas an 50 30 CO 50 in uuiune emnroiaery. knitted crochet , crewel or embroidered lace KVfUIJWt.lXMtttKMH.Mw,,,,,, QU Piano cover. , m Table cover. joo Toilet set, crochet. 50 - canvas , .... CO Kick-rack trimmings.. co Display of crewel work...... ... 100 Fancy towels, dravrr 75 Set table mats...., 50 Towel rack 30 Stand lambrequin co Fancy work bag.,,, 00 Sola cushion.. 75 Zephyr pin cushion. , w Bead pln-cushlon. co Fancy pin cushion or other design. co Chenlle work .. co Wora wltn gold or silver thread 50 Lace work by band, , 7a spatter work. co Display of annlloue work m Pillow shams, embroidered 73 CO CO 50 Yoke for nurht dress, embroidered ut 50 Band and sleeves for undergarments em. broldered an Handkerchief, embroidered .. 30 Pillow shams, braided.,,; co Lap robe, embroidered 7s Lambrequin, bead ., co " macrcme .,, , 30 Bracket lambrequin, crewel work. 50 Work tor wall pocket co ' basket, fancy, ,,, 50 Shoe bag CO scrap ' , , co Vase mats, fancy co Specimen ladles' fancy work new design 1 00 Hearth rug. 1 00 Rag carpet, not less than 3 yards.,,,,,, 300 Carpet rug, woven. .. co Woolen stockings, home made, 50 cotton " " to Pair ot knit mittens ,,, 30 " woolen crochet mittens.,,.,,,.,,,, co " legglns 50 Article ot patching. co ' darning..... , .... co Cotton socks, tome made co Woolen " " " mi Mart, home made ,..,,.,,.,.. 100 chemise, home made.. 100 Might dretJs, home made, .. 100 Muslin skirt, home made, , 1 00 Crazy quut , ,.....,,,,, too bilk bed quilt.......,, ,,,., ,.., 100 50 50 CO 60 60 50 100 100 CO CO BO 50 M White cotton bod quilt. colored spread, applique,. Log cabin bod quilt 100 100 , 100 1 00 , 100 , 100 1 50 , 50 jiurcau uuT.r... ,,,,,,, Bed spread, knit,..., " crochet ....... . , Afghan for carriage ' " child's coach.,,... Crib spread. .... CLASS IS, Itnci Work. Tha tuitirm arn atithortiM to award dlflcrotlon- ary premiums to meritorious articles In this class not exceeding so cents each. Knit cdrtnff, rot tees than t yards. so 15 50 50 100 100 SO 50 50 50 100 50 50 CO 50 1 0) 1 CO 50 50 CO ftecaie dook ipeclmen plain Mff log by band.,, leced bod nullt DresnPd doll pln-cushlon hpeclmendamlng.,,1 " patching Garment, nana mado .... Motto, zephyr. Alrcastle. crochet mats. ... .... Knitting , Specimen of band carving ui scroll sawing..,. " card nrlntlncr. .... Display of w3rk of any design Crochet edging, not lees than two yards CM ASS IS. Mtillnerv, JKA Millinery exhibit.. Mantua making ..... Hllk Embroidery., . crochet work loo 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tatting., Netting. Fancy Iml Ittlntr. Braided work iy hand ' machine . CO ICO CO 100 article bead embroidery rTcma., Display Flowers. Recond.- Collection cut flowers Hanging basket with growing plants. Collection wild flowers. 100 100 M 50 CLASS 17. Those who havo taught within two years may compete. School man Pennsrlvanla. United states, or any grand division ......-..... 2 00 Eecond best. . 100 Outline study on any branch executed In chart 100 school room chart, any sub leer, made by exhibitor . .. 100 set or nrteen questions in oramitar, Ar. unmeuc. ueogrnpnx, u. a. iiiswrr, and the theory and nractlco ot teacn- lne 1 00 specimen school room printing 1 00 form ui reports to parents. i w Best kept report book, executed by one actually icacni"g in icsa. l uu peclmen business or social letter, is to SO lines 100 Essay on school management r it leas than 300 words 100 Array school room decorat'on. 1 00 SDOClmen Dalntlnrln oil. Den or oaron drawing 1 00 Geological collection. too Mineiniogicai collection.... loo Chart drawing. Illustrating the subject of physiology, . 100 School furniture. diploma csruuui appara.ua maps, gioucs, crans, etc... ,. , ,.. Beading cra-t.. dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip ticnooimapor rennsyivania. school room mottoes, not less nro..... Blank books (Cony books) Blank books (Book-keeping) Specimen reward cards. .... vt otk on tneory ot teucning and memoes ot instruction Educational volume of any kind, drawing series, primary and advanced charts on anr branch din Set school books Readers, Spellers, Ar- iLuiueucs, urammars, ueograpues... oip Old and rare books, newsnarjers. mans. eto. are solicited for exhibition In this denartment. iiuTiL-a. au maps, cn&ns, mottoes, etc, suu- lea to remium must nave neon produced wunin the past year. T. EDGAR, n. o. mchenry, secretary, rresiaent. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! By virtue of an order ot sale Issued out of the Orphans' court of Columbia county the undersign. ed administratrix ot Albert Ammerman, late ot Flshlngcreek township deceased, will expose at publlo sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1888, at one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate situate in Flshlngcreek township in the vll lage ot Asbury, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone corner south tax degrees east a perches to a post, thence by land of John Mess south 28 de grees east 13 perches to a post, thence by lands of said Hess north co,V degrees east 4tf perches to post, thence by other land of said Albert Ammer man north 23 degrees west IS perches to the place of beginning, containing 81 perches, on which erected a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING barn and outbuildings. A good well ot water at tbe door, and plenty ot fine fruit. Also the following described tract 01 land ad. Joining the abovo: Beginning at a post thence by land ot Albert Ammerman south 19 degrees east 11 perches to a post, thence by lands ot Cornelius Coleman north tan degrees east 19 perches to post, thence by land of said Coleman north is de grees west is perches to a post, thence by lands ot George Pealer aonth 50V degrees east 18 perches to the place ot beginning, containing 2 ACRES and 4 PERCHES. These two tracts adjoin each other and will be sold as one lot TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent ot one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and the re malnlng three-fourths In ono 1 ear thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlsL MATTIB AAtMERMAK, sept 23 Administratrix. "17 LECTION NOTICE. i otlce Is hereby given that the rezular annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Bloomsburg Water company win be held in Bloomsburg oa Tuesday. October 9. 1888. at the office of V. P. Bill. meyer, Det-fcen mn nours 01 two ana tour o-ciock in the aiiernoou. lor too purpose 01 electing a noaro or Directors to serve ror tne ensuing year. ana lor mo transaction ot any otner ousmess the company. r, sr. xuu.MKxs.il, Sep. 21, 13S8. secretary, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .... Letters ot administration on the above estate harm? been wanted to the underaltrned. all rer. sons Indebted to the said estate are requested to mane uayuieui, uuu luuse uavmg iiaima uj pre Bent luc oauie mmuut uciay 10 D. B. KLINE. or his Attorney W. r. ZU.H8AY, Mahanoy City, Pa, Mahanoy City, Pa, sept 1.'BS 1 1. 111m t cd. The hottest part of tho politi cal campaign is yet before us. This is to be a campaign of ar gument and documents and the newspapers for the next few months will be more interesting than they have been for years. We will furnish you with any daily paper published at the publisher's rate for one week.one month or as long as you wish it, and if vou live in B'oonisburp we will deliver it at your home or olhce. Til 1 . .1 dustnereiet us say tnat u there ia any book, new or old paper, periodical, magazine piece 01 sheet music winch you want don't go to the trouble and expense of sending for it but us iurnisu it to you. If we don't have it in stock we will get it. W. H. Brooke & Co., SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL iXB HYPOPHOBPHITES Almoatas Palatable as Milk. Ua dlifmlsad (hat it eatat t takin, digested, amd aulsalUUd by tb aaasl Mmiltlrs stosnacti, whis th plalas all raoS bs toUratadi and lay tax dsn, blnatlom oftba oil wilts tha kytMiiSkM. Iilkltaa Is tamcla mora mtaclasu, Btvarkaile m tuX ftUutt, Ptmu '- rsBldl; wUlt takkf H, B0OTT8 EMULSION is aekxioirlodgad bj Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world (or tbe relief and core ot CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, QENER.L DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMAOIATION, COLDS and CMRONIO COUQHS. The gnat rtmtdxj for Obnsvmpttan, and Wotting in CKUdrsn. Soli In all DrucaW. sept 8$.'6-ir DEM00BATI0 TIOKET. STATE. FOR JUIIOF. OF SUPBKMF. COURT, J. 15. McCOLLUM, of Sugqnclinnria County. COUNTY. FOB CONGIU'.SR. CIIAKLES K. UUCKALEW. Subject to decision of Congressional uonicrcnce. FOR PKKS1DKNT JUDOK OF THE 2Cth JUDICIAL DISTRICT, E. It 1KELKR, POR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FRANK P. MLLMEYER ESQ. Of Bloomsburg. FOR S1IER1KP, JOHN 13. CASEY of Bloomsburg. FOn REPRESENTATIVES, JAMES T. FOX, WILLIAM KIUCKBAUM. FOR JORV COMMISSIONER, GEORGE W. MILLER. FOR CORONER, DAVID WELSOH. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry wrlta Issued out of tbe Court of common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In the town ot Bloomsburg on SATURDAY Sept. 29th, 1888. at s p. m., all that tract oFiand situate In Sugar, lo it township, Columbia Co. ra., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; On the north by public road, on the east by public road leading to Cambra, Luzerne county to Flvo points, on the south by lands ot E. J. Albertson, and on the west by lands of E. J. Albertson, containing Ave acres more or lees, whereon Is erected a two-story plank dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. Seized taken In execution and to be sold as the property of John W. Albertson. 1zxlkh,& HsmtiNO, Attys. FL Fa. ALSO All that certain messuage or lot of land situate In the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Penn- sylvanl a, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the south-east side ot Third street In said town thirty-five and one-six teenth feet west from line ot lot on lands ot the Catholic church and running thence westwardly along said Third street thlrty.flre feet more or less to an alley; thence southwardly along said alley to line of lands of 8. C. Shire on tho rear ot tbe premises hereby conveyed, thence along the same eastwardly thirty-five feet more or less, to line ot land ot tho Catholic Church aforesaid, thence northwardly by the aame to the place ot beginning, containing twenty and fifteen nix. teenlhs perches of land more or less. On which Is erected a two-story frame dwelling houso and stable. Selzel taken In execution and to be sold as the property of C. C. Oallgnan. Jacoby and Miller Attys. Ft. Fa. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. sept. ;.vs gXECUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Thos. L. Dan, of Madison township deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate haHnir bMn E anted to tbe undersigned executor all persons debted to said estate aro hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims against aald estate to present the same to J. ALOaOVIi JUK)1UK. KXPCUtOr, White nail, Pa. Wm. Chrisman, Atty. septss rim hozzaxm e LIFE SCHOLARSHIP PALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE 17M Cant.it St, Pallada. Pasltlou for GradnmtM. Tims realred 3 to 4 mo. Tks BEST Koilpptd. IlMt Coarsa ef Stair. Bast Kr. srrtUaf , Wriiejor CircuJara. dtal7 FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN BE PPT ON BT ANY FEKSO.V. TIIOU8AND3 OF ROLLS BOLD ANNUALLY FOR BUILDINGS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. BEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. CONTAINDio PRIUE LIST AND REFERENCES. ACENT3 WANTED. Mo EHRET, JR. & CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 423 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. SO hindercorn8. Tb only far Car for Corna. Btopt til rLn. EnnrM eomforttoUMfetiL 15a tU UrnftrUu, HuooxfcOa.,N.Ta Tb best of all remedies (or Iavird Pains, Colic, Indiges tion, Exhaustion and all Stom ach and liowel troubles. Also i the most c0ectiv cure fori Coughs, Cold, Uroachmsandl affections of tha breathing! organs. It promotes refreshing " sleeD. mot-ores the aPDetite. Overcomes nervous prostration, wnA frivc rw if e start itrtneth tothawsak and aged, yx. and $i.oOa at DrgguiUv tepU4-a-u. To Advertisers A list or 10(10 newspapers divided into STATES AND sections will t sent on appllcatlon FltEE. To those wno want their advertlsta? to pay, we can otter no better medium (or thorough ana ef fective wort than the various sections of our 8a lsct Local. List. GEO. F. IIOWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising llureau. sept ll-Mt 10 Spruce street, New Vort. I CURE FITS! When I say Ctntx I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re turn again. I MKiN A ItADlCAL CUUZ. 1 hare made the disease ot FITS, EPHJEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, X llfe-lODg study. I wabbakt my remedy to Curb the worst caaea. Ilecause others have failed Is no reaaon tor not nowreoeiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Iiottlb of my Infallidlh ItlMEDT. Give Kxpress and l'oit Offlce. It costs yon nothlnx lor a trial, and It will cure yon. Addrcaa H.O.ROOT.M.C, Itafnuitr-NiwYoir, sept23-'ss.iy or let BLOOMSBUltG MARKET. Wboletale. Retail. 60 CO 70 -02 45 4.60 to 660 S3 24 16 IS 40 60 13 10 03 03 07 10 09 ' 18 8 10 13 14 SO 80 100 1 SO 07 83 6 to 7 Wheat per bushel., nye ' .. Ccrn " Oats " .. Flour bbl Butter KgS Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Bide Shoulder Chickens Geese. Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions nor bushel.. Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on Wbibf, No 0 $3.00: Nos 8. 8, & Lump S8.S5 No. S S8.00 Dltumlnui S8.8S