! 5' ij. Finrz AItORNKY-AT-LAW, Omen ?ront Iiootn, Ovor Postoflloo. DLOOM8BUI10, PA. T H MAIZE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ofwok. Room No. 2, Columbian building. BLOOMSUUHQ, PA. J4n.t0thl838.tt ' vr u.punkT ATTOIlNh' JT-AT-LAW. Offlco In Xnt'B Building-, BLOOKUUBO, PA J OIIN M. OLAltIC, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW AMD JUsTIOE OF THE PEACE. , BLOonainia, l'i Office ovor Moyer Bros, Drugstore. a W. MILLER, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. Office In Brewer's butldtng-.secondfloor.rooni No.l Bloomaburg, Fa. jg FBANK ZAKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomaburg, Pa. Offlco corner o( Centre ana Main Streets, Clark a nmiuiug. Can be consulted in German, QEO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsdcrq. Pa. "Oftlce on second floor, tbird room of Col rjuBiAN Building, Main street, below Ex- cuauge UOIC1. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. Offlco In ColchbiIn Building, Third ooor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT' LAW, BLOOMS B U R Q , PA. Offlco in ia owcra' Building, 2nd.floor. may.l-tt l. KHOia. L. 8, wixtimthm. KNOBR & WINTER8TEEN, Attorneys-at-La'yv-. Omoo In l at National Bank bulldlnir. second floor. nrat door to tho left. Corner ot Main and Market streets mooraBourg, pa. "Penttont and BowUiet Collected. JP P. BILLMEYER, ((JDJSTMIGT ATTORNEY.) attorney-at-Taw. srzrOfllco over Dentlcr's shob store, Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-30.80. r. H. RllAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlaaa, ra. ffloe.eorner ot Third and Malnstreets M IOUAEL F. EYEHLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEQAL ADVICE IN TORI SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, AC. troace In Dentlers baudlng with F. P. BUI meyer, attorney-at-law, front rooms, 2nd floor liloomshnrg, Pa. apr-A-84. D R. BONOKAA. BOBBINS. office and residence. West First street, Blooms burg, Pa. . , , . , .noTstWly. J"7.'MckLVy,'MlDrgeon'And Phy ' . slclaD .porta side Main street, below Market D B. J. 0. BUTTER, PHY8ICIAH tSURQKON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsbnrc, Pa DR. WM. M. REBER Burgeon and Physician. Office comer of Bock and Market treet. ESTABLISHED 1870. J J. BROWN. PHYSICIAN AND burgeon. Office and residence on Third street near Metho dist church. Diseases ot the eyo a' specialty. EXCHANGE HOTEL. 57. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOWSBUBG, PA, 0PP0S1TB COURT, HOTJ8H. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bathroom! hot and cold water; and all modern conveniences. T V. HARTMAN BiraisiKTB rni FoiAowixa AMERICAN INBURAlJCE:cdMPANiEB North American or Philadelphia. Kranxlln, " ' Pennsylvania, " " Ynric, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, of N Y. Sueens. ot London, orth British, of London. ' " Office on Market street, No, s, Bloomaburg. OCt.ls. 3- ' Blotsftrg Fire and Life Ins.'Aiency. . , ESTABLISHED 1865. , m. P. MJTZ (Successor to FreasBrown) t AQENT AND BROKER Courixiis BsraxsKNTiD: Assets StniFlrelns-Ca. ol Hartford,.. $ o,5J8,as8.ur Uartfordorilartrord (shwj.OT Phoenix ot Hartford. ........ .,77S'469 i3 Hprtngfleldot sprlngfleld...j s,ou,w3.w Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,si3,7Slts Guardian of London - 20,603,3ml Phouiix;-of London b,wi,5j.8 LancaBhtreof England (U. H. branch) l,64,moo Royal bfisnglaiid " " 4,843,W4.00 Mutual iseneflt Life Ins. Co. of New- iark, N.J.. 41, 379,28833 Losses, promptly adjusted and paid at this office, PIKE INSURANCE OHmAM.irAPP,BU)OMHBnRa,PA, IIOMJC, OF N. T. 'u. MkrIJHANTS'lOF NEWARK, N. J. ;Keoplks' n. v. HEAD1NQ. PA. u :)K11MAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW YORK. flRKENWlCII INS. CO., NEWYORK. JERSEY CITY FIRE INS. CO., JERSEY rwjuixi,n.J. FTkese cm. coBfOBiTioxs are wen seasoned by aire.and rial TasrsD and have never yet bad a lOBsicttled by any court of law. Their assets are aiilrltestedlnsouD siccbitim are liable to tne tinxuril nfptRKOnlr. Losses ruourrLT and noHisTLT adjusted and .laid as soon as aetcrmmea oj tuiiiiu r. KKirr, sricuL aomt amd aojdstbb Bloousbubo, ' Thiutoiiiiifif Columbia oonntr should natron- lietbeagency.where losses If any are nettled and pal J Dy one vi luvr own uiiuguo. PRCJMITNESS. EOU1TY, FAIR DEALING. rtr a. houbb, DENTIST, Bip'oMSBURd, Columbia County, Pa a11 styles olwoxk done in a superior ma'nner.work warraniea as repreaeniea. iiith utudt I' iDwrrnooTPAiKpy tho use of oas, and a tros of charge vibenartinclaltooth arelnserted. Office in Barton's bulldlntr. Main street, below. Market, Ave doors below Klelm's urug store, urst noor. Jo be open at all houri during the da 3 INOTM.ljr Exchange Hotels BENTON, PA. The undersigned has leased this well-known house, and la prepared to accommodate the publta wiui an me cunvemeutca ui n ursua&s noieu .Jlmayt7) IlILDIiAEE.Iroprletor, Hand It.mp. lUKElt 11KM. OO ,Ho 1W luB.Io.N.V, PERSIAN BLOOM, SilCettilnl3aJii. tl!lr, Skin Our. od HIeiuUh Kr.4lclcr known. H.U IHU SUrUl.l lC&Ug. AUUI.M M .UVTM nosn.c eoly. GET YOUR JOU PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH TlOWAUUUMW.lMlKII. Uri UJr .liOoUno, f a. JOHN ANDERSON, MY JO. John Anderson, my j'o John, When first I was your wife, On eycry washing. day, John, I wearied of my'lifc. . It made, you cross to see, John, Your shirts not white as snow, I washed them with our home-made soap, John Anderson, my jo. A' WORD OF WARNING. Then) areimany white sOips1,each,feprented, to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeit's,- lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Aik for "Ivory" Soap and Jnslst upon getting It. . , j pPirlhtllSM,i by rocter & Gamble. wmm, SPECIALTIES AT Lowenberg's. .11. . .. FALL Qdtl amd see tUe FALL STYLES Just Receive il -AT- I .A.I . S- ! NOTHING TORE, riot , . ,u 1 1 , , IMo'oiiisbiii'g, Pa. (Business men who have tried If 11 nd-ttl greatly tA r,Ae ia mil ,hflr BnMl.t n04tiw ETf fT kind or Blank Rook: wltU'or without prlatad headings, nhMir iinDica and tailed Di anka f make in the best manner at honest prices., VsexoeUed facilities for NumbenagYKyletfiig, lrforatlng,'l'unchlng and Stamping, Work for county and borough offices especially soiicttedV, Miscellaneous -nook Blndnir EuumHca ana ariwuiwn jiei;r,uuyynvtr"u' Si w. Tangark.qt.Bti,, , WILKES-BARRE. sepic-lyetbro. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers or CARRIAGES BUGGIES, RHMINS 8LEIQH8, PLATFORM WAONS AC First-class work always on hand, REPAIRING NBA IL YDOHh. Priut reduced to tuit Ml timet; TOR' ATS $5.00. wlf u.-A BLOOMSBURGr, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Ah I many a quarrel then, John, Had you and I tlicgilher, But now all that is changed, John, We'll never have -nnithcr; For washed with I vouy Soap, John, Your shirts are white as snow, And now I smile on washing day, John Anderson, my jo. OiROWN ACME THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. it win uui, BiuuKu laecnimneys. It will not char tbo nick. It has a high Ore test. It will not explode. It is pre-eminently a family sarety OIL WE HALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oU made. We Stake Our Reputation, As refiners, upon the statement that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. AbK your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade for Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOYER BROS., Bloomsburg, Pa. sep2-ly. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING Gr. W. BERTS CH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. I fl....!.L'.-. n..J. ff.l. V, R. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits rondo to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale, Call and oxamino the largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown in Uoiumbia oonnty. Btorc next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. This Instllutlon la a blcrh erade l'uslnrcn Col logo, glvmg Instruction In every department of business education. In addition to the regular business course it makes a specialty ot Phono graphy, Type-writing, Telegraphy, and ornamen tal Penmanship. The prominent feature of the Commercial Course is Its practical character. Nearl every set of books has been taken from nrst-ciass uusiness estaDiisnmcnig, ana a largi DroDortlonof the course In book.keenlnp la madi up from our system ot actual1 business practice, unsurDasscd In the bclentmo SDnllcatlon to mod. em business methods. A larger proportion ot our graduates regularly obtain nrst-class positions than from any other commercial college In the state. Year begins Aug. ss, Itss. For circulars uuurtra u. i uaaiv, i-nncipuu July 27 St Kingston, Pa. HTTTTC! lmvoLVRllx. Send stamp for price list U U IN u to JOHNS! ON & SON, lltrsburg, l-enn. Dcpi.a-u-ii, ELY'S CatarrH Cream Balmj Cleanses the nasal pasfages, allays pain and inflammation, heals tho sores, re stores tho senses ol taste and smell. THY THE CUltE UAY-FJiLVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agrtt'uutr. i riue ou t'fiiiB ul jiriiKKuiis, uy inau. register! a, cu cts, HLV iiitunibits, on w arren btrect, New York. sept SS-d-lt INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. H. MAIZE, Offlco 2nd floor Columbian Building, ULOOMSHUHG,. PA. LIFE. Northwestern Masonla Aid Association, mem. bcrstl.su. raiaioucnenciarieBii,ii,iui.ii, in suresnou Aiasuua. Travelers Lire and Accident of Hartford. FIRE. CONTINENTAL of New York, am iiuicaN of Philadelphia. tS,!38,fiSl.!9 J,0l,S57.ce NIAUAIIAof New York. . . . JJ,u,479.Hl Liverpool, i.onoon anaiiiooe lire insurance ua, of lndon, the largest In tte world, and thelm. m.wnl nf 1 Anrlon. A Uberal share of tho business Is respectfully MUClieaauusaiuiatuuubuoiuiiiwu. J 11 MAIZE, Agent, junel, I8S3, tt. ' THE BASKET MAKERS. VI8IT TO A COLONY tOP PRIMITIVE AND UNREFINED FOLK. nemos TVhloh Aro Old, Tumble Down and Untidy AtfAlra View of an Interior, Tabl Ktlqnetto Tlio Tlatkct Maker at Work Method of Mannfnetnrc. Dantown Is olahty-flvo miles from New York, nnd is rooched by tbo Now York, Now Haven and Hartford railroad, via Stamford nnd Now Canaan, A colony of basket makers thcro inhabit a district bo gmnlnfr about four miles north of New Canaan, running iu length about eight miles, and in width nbont thrco mlloa. In this bailiwick is lncludou another set tlement called Jumptcwn, but tho wholo district Is known as Dantowu. Tho sot- tlemcut dcrivos Us namo from tho first settlers, whoso namo was Don, and nlnoty nlno hundredths of tho pooplo who llva thoro now oro also Dans. Wo drove over to Dontown to soo if thoy wero really tho uncouth poopla they woro crodltod with being. Thojroada aro narrow and full of rocks: In fact, tho wholo country Is nothing but rocks and an almost lmtxmctinblo lunclo. Tho homes of tho oaskot makers nro old, tumblo down, romshocklo affairs, un- pautea, built or oalc shingles, ono-ualf of them fallon off, and tho balance in n stato of lrretriovablo decay, fences falling down, gates with no hlngos, tho wholo settlement looking as If a cyclono had strucK it away bacit m rovoiutlonary war times, and not a stroko of repairs boon put to it sinco. YIKW Of AS INTEHIOIl. For fumltnro of theso houses thero is nothing but tho plainest straight backed chairs, with basket woven Beats, somo of thorn hondod down from great-grand- lathers time, and somo or lato domcstlo manufacture, but all presenting tho samo stylo and discomfort. Tho old fashioned fireplaces aro built of wood and plastered lnsfdo nnd out. Tho Dontowncrs nro not hfeU livers. They eat becauso it sustains llfo. They do not sit long at tablo, and thy dlsponso with all of tho convention- autlos of tablo etiquette Tlio writer sat down to dine, or, as tho host oxprcsscd it, In and help yorsolf," which ho did. Tho bill of faro was pork and beans, potatoes, bread and molasses, and applo sauoo, tho young girl of tho family remarking: "Say, moor, et it's dark t'night I'll git nuthcr bag o tu em tnero apples. Whereupon moor replied: "Dry up yor yawp." tho peopio uvo irngaiiy, becauso tnoy aro compelled. A basket maker must work early' and laid' to mako $5 n week, and as thero are generally a dozen "young mis about tlio houao, this does not go far, though" tho "young "uns" wero all In a scmi-stato of nudity. Yet those pooplo oro as content with their lot as a North Carolina clay cater. Thoro is always a markot for their baskots, and thoy monago to Bqucozo along on tho commonest food so that thoy can mdulgo In tobacco and get tho littlo brown Jug filled. Tho latter is of moro absoluto necessity to tho majority of tho Dantown ers than the sock of flour or tho flitch of bacon. Years ago they wore famous for their store of Jncdlord rum, but it is never seen now. In its placo is ryo whisky, and not tho best, either, and now that New Canaan Is a prohibition town, they aro sometimes put to desperate straits for tho wherewithal to wot thoir-whlstles. THE BASKET ItAKElt AT WOUK. Thero aro no organized workshops, and tho business of sotting up baskots is car lied on in tho kitchen, dining room and parlor, which Is gonorally all In ono room. Thoy aro very particular about their tim ber. Thoy uso hickory, whito and black ash and black oak. They uso tho first cut of the log and no other. Tho bark Is peelod oflT and -tho log, which is never over ten Inches through, Is spilt into soo tlons, making It easier to handle. Thoy toko a section and pound tt over a log or rock until it silvers. It Is then segregated by peeling the slivors oil, which aro used for what Is called ' 'fliling" for the baakets. Tho "standards" aro pooled much thicker, and havo tho appoaranco of a llour barrel hoop. Thoy aro tiod la bundles, and, If not used when green, aro soakod in water over night, which makes them pliablo and easy to weavo. If they do not cut this wood thomsolvcs thoy aro compelled to pay $10 a cord for it; but It Is said that a great many cut thoir own wood and aro not particular whoso land thoy cut It from. Times havo changed with tho bas ket makers, and competition has cheap ened their product from $13 a dozon twenty yoars ago to $3.50 a dozon now. And then wood was only ?8 a cord. Tho modo of baskot' making is simplo. First tho thick sticks aro cut to tho re quired length and laid on tho ground, looking liko a glgantlo starfish. At tho point of contact thoy aro fastoncd, and then conies the work of weaving tho light or sldo strips in and out. une strip is woven In soveral timos around tho baskot before it gives out, whon another ono Is lapped on. Aa tho weaving continues tho standards aro raised and bent or "shaped" until it has ronched tho required height. Then two thicker strips, fiat on ono side, 'rounded with a draw shavo on the other, aro clapped on, Tho standards, which project abovo this band, aro twisted around it and seourcly fastened. Tho handles aro put on before tho band is. Thoso aro modo of a thick strip trimmed down smooth, with a notch cut in thorn, which abuts against tho band. Then tho basket Is turned upstdo down, and an other star shaped sot of strip3 is pushed up through tho woof of tho baskot. This is dona so that tho basket con sit on its own bottom. A basket maker has to hustlo to mako two dozen baskots In a wook. Thoy mako all kinds tho corn, tho markot and tho oyster basket, but tho latter takes precodenco.ovcr tbo two for mer, as tho demand along the sound is novor filled. Dantown (NT Y.) Cor. Now York Sun. Amazons to the Front. Tho'insoloneo and inefficiency of men servants in England havo long been so vividly realized by all heads of house holds, that any step which shall bo on advanco in tho diroetlon of getting rid of them ought to bo balled with rapturo by all chatelaines and housekeepers. Many ladles havo given them up altogether, ana content themselves with femaio servants, selecting a peculiarly stalwart spoclmon of tho genus amazon to fulfil tho duties of butler. Sho is, moreover, In many cases, dressed in a llvory coat and waist, coat, which look very smart, although perhaps rather suggestive ot tho stage. Quito recently, afau afternoon party glvon in lndon, tho guests wero cnttroly served by a bovy of ramalo servants, all dressed allko in black gowns, whito waist coats, and whito caps trimmed with black ribbons, Tho effect was, on tho wholo, very pleasing, and tho watting was much moro efficiently and noatly douo than If it bad been intrusted to a cohort of waiters. Tlio Arsronnnt. loo Water In Ilraill. "The uso of ico water in this country U universal," said an old doctor, "but in Brazil it is but littlo usod. It was thought that a factory for producing arti ficial Ico would bo very profitablo thero, whero tho temperature is very high. An EJgllsh syndlcato constructed tbo nocos sary works, but found that tho natives would not touch, ico water. Then, to tetnpt their palates by creating an appo tlto for it by constant uso, the company placed freo tanks of ico water upon tho street corners of tho cities. It was a novel plan, and the fruits of tho Invest ment aro being borne. Tho uso of tea water is Increasing-, but it is not yet a universal bovorugo?' Chicago Herald. Something New In Leather. Persons on tha outlook for odd things Uf tho way of foot goar havo something now in leather in what ii called by tha trado ICordof on. Tills is really borso Lido, a small part of tho skin from tho rump of each animal being available for tho shoes. It is said to bo pleasant to wear, and to last forever or thereabouts. Tho supply comes from tho wild horses of South America and from tho zebra and quaggta of Asia. Tho demand U not yet so ex tensive as to threaten tha extormluativa i of those jpecles, Jfew York Bun, Borne ThlDf to nememben I havo boon told, even In cultivated, In telloctual circles, that a young woman had hotter bo in tha kitchen or laundry than In tho laboratory or class room of a college "Women should be trained," such porsons say, "to bo wives and mothors." Tho finger of scorn has boon lightly pointed at the mentally cultivated mothers and daughters who aro unable to cook and scrub, who cannot mako a mlnco plo or a plum pudding. Such porsons for got with surprising facility all tho cases of women who neglect tho kitchen to in duigo In tho lovo sick sentimentality to to which thoy havo boon trained' who think too much of possiblo matrimonial chances to endanger them by scrubbing, or by giving gronnd for tho suspicion that thoy cultlvato any other faculty than tho rawer to apostrophlzo tho moonlight and to long for a lovor. Thoy do not caro to remomber that it is no whit bettor to wither undor tho influonco of lgnoranco or sentiment, to cultlvato n fondness for "gush," thau to dry up tho sensibilities liko a book worm, or grow rigid and prig gish as a pedant. It is as bad to stunt human nature as to over stlmulato it to stop Its progress in ono way as in another. Tho danger is In going to extremes. Tho mass of men chooso tho golden mean, and wo may trust women to avoid extra vagauco in tlio pursuit of learning. Wo may and ought to glvo her every help in tho direction of llfo that her brothers possess. It is no longer doubtful, it is plain, that what ever other rights woman should havo. thoso of tbo Intellectual kingdom ought to bo hers fully and freoly. Sho should bo tho j udgo herself of bow far sho should go in exploring the mysteries of nature and of science. Arthur Oilman In. The Century. Fermented Juice of the Grape. Wlno is tbo fermonted juico of tho crape, and is distinguished from other fermented and olcohollo liquors by con taining bl-tartrato of potash, a constitu ent of the grapo. Blackberries, currants, and other berries, by fermentation, will yield a wlno, but tho nauo of tho berries from which obtainod is always appendod to tho vinous product. When tne-tenn wine olono is usod tho fermonted juico of tho crrapo is signified, and anything elso Is a misnomer. Tho numerous varieties of wine are occasioned by dliTerenco of soil, climate, season, and by the kind, quality and condition of tho grapes as to ripeness, tho modo of fermentation, and by the manner and temperature at which the wlno is preserved, and by its age. The strong wines, Buch as sherry, port and Madeira, are mado from grapes that aro thoroughly ripened, and which, on account of containing a large amount of sugar, yield, when fermented, a greater amount of alcohol, which will rango' be tween 18 and 25 per cent. Claret contains about 12 per cent, and champagne about 10. Sweet wines, liko tokay, are made from grapcB so ripe that ther are almost sbrlvelod up to raisins, and therefore con tain much sugar, and tho fermentation Is arrested bo fore nil tho sugar is converted into alcohol, which will hardly reach 10 f or cent. Champagne is bottled before ho fermentation has ceased, and henco some of tho carbonic acid resulting from tho fermentation is retained in tho wine, to be given oft only when tho bottle is opened. It is, perhaps, not too much to say that most wines exported from Euro pean wlno countries are adulterated. Professor W. P. Tonry In Baltimore Sun. To Shampoo One's Own natr. Half tho pleasure of having tho hair washed and groomed is to havo some one do it who knows how. In England, in tho large stores, thero Is a department of hair dressing whore an accomplished bar ber, with every convenience for shower ing and drying, will wash the hair of ladles for one shilling. In this country a good shampoo cost from fifty cents to (1 which is a largo sum for so simple an operation. After combing tho snarls from tho hatry brald it loosely and bind tho ond with a small elastlo band. Draw tepid water In a basin and first wash tho scalp thor oughly with eastllo soapi then lot tha braid fall In tho water, soap it and wash as if clothes. Aftorward thoroughly rinso and wring tho braid in a towol. Wlpo tho hood dry, undo tho braid and brush out, beginning nt tho lower end, when it will not tanglo. Lot tho hair looso in tho sun and air and it will dry In loss than half on hour. A woman's hair should bo washed at least monthly if kept fino and healthy. New York Evening Sun. Fads of tho Seashore. Ono of tho queer fads of tho seashore is a sldowalk luncheon. All along tho walks aro booths whoro Vienna sausages aro cooked and handed to you on a clam sheli a sausago on one sheli and a baked po tato on the other. You aro supposed to sit on tho sand and cat them without salt and lick your chops for moro. SlllyJ Well, this is tho place for silly things. Another fad Is crabbing. A party num bering from six to a dozon go out in tha marsh, channels and bait for crabs with a picco of boef tied to a line. The crab Is just idiot enough to hang on until lifted Into tho boat. And yet another is tho moonlight fad promenading the beach to listen to tha sighing of the clams. Yes, clams sigh. That's ono of their duties on a moonlight night. Some folks can't hear it, but a pair of lovers, with his arm around her waist and walking at a slow gait, can catch every sigh, that a clam signs. Cor. Detroit Free Press. Hirers IThlcli Fish Desert. Close observers havo ascertained that rivers running throilgh trdoless tracts of country oro' nearly, if not aultoi d"itttuto of fish, and that fish will desert a stream from which timber has 'been remofod, although thoy previously swarmcd'thero in. In tho propagation of fishi it id not enough to place tho' fry in water( they must bo provided with food, and tho best means to do this Is to preserve ,tbo bor der trees and insure a steady supply bf water and food by preserving the forests whenco tho supply of food is derived.- If new forests are cultivated on tha barren ranges, many a stream now nearly empty during the dry seasons will be refilled with fish and -food for tha many. Tha TtmtMUsnan. A' Gift for tho I'mperor, Among tho plf ts presented to tho Em peror Francis Josoph on tho occasion of Lis 68th birthday was a representation ot a double eagle composed of 15.000 beetles. belonging to numerous gpoclos found in Austria-Hungary, and displaying all man ner of hues. Bestdo' tho emblem aro the members of tho Imperial family, printed in characters likewise composed of beetles. Tho donor is a gardenor, and it has taken him, with the asBistonco of friends in all ?urts of tho empire, two years to collect ho Insects; their arrangement has beott uiod him for three-quarters of a year.- new xorK x-ost. Tho Maxioaa and Bis lllaalt.t. Did you ever bear anybody say "Dont hurry oft in tha heat of the day without your blanket!" Jt is a very wmmon ex. prosslon in tbo rural districts of tho west andbtU; Well, in Moxicd thb-ekpres-slon is used as a remonstrance atntrutl thn departuro of a guest. Every Mexican, on coming to town from tho country, carries a blanket with him. HeTdoes not go to tho hotel and ask for lodgings, but finds shelter at almost any prlvato house, par tioularly among tho poor. Ho then lies down upon tho stone floor, rolls himself m his uianKot ana goes promptly to sleep. In tha mornlno- ho awakens nt rim-iini, and, asking tho blessing of heaven upon tho bouso which sholtorod him, ho goes out to somo plaza and thoro bolls his coffee In tho open squaro. "U. M, Y," In du nouis itepumic. mind l'eoplo in Iluulo. An elaborate Investigation has shown that tho number of blind peoplo In Uussla is very unequally dlvldod among tho dif ferent races, thcro being only 8 blind in eack. 10.000 Poles, 10 in each 10,000 Hus flans, and as many as 8!) in ooch 10,000 Votyoks', No less than one-eighth of tho cases pf blindness are duo to Bmall pax, and only one-half to direct eya diseases.. Arktuiiaw Traveler. 28, 1888 A THRIFTY FEOFLE. MILLIONS OF MONEY LAID BY FOR A RAINY DAY. The Saving Man's Dollar, nnd How lie Houses It In Hoston llanks Watching the Crowd on a Muny Day Deposits and Depositors. At tho beginning of tho year of grace 1688 thoro wore fifteen savings banks in Boston, having in cliargo about 00,000,. 000 bolonging to nearly 825,000 depositors. Since tbo first of tbo year two moro sav ings banks havo been established In tho city, so that theso figures aro under rather than over tho facts nt tho present moment. It may truly bo said that in no city In tho country, or, for that matter, iu tbo world, aro savings banks moro conservatively, honorably and safely con ducted than In Boston. Thoso local banks have, as a rnlo, had public confidence, and thoir reputation lesvos nothing to bo de sired. An officer In ono of tho Bavlngs banks Informs tha writer that tho major portion of tha depositors aro womon. When askod why this is so ho gavo It as his opinion that the women aro not so muck given to making "investments" as tho men. Thoy preferlo put their monoy in a reputable institution whoro thoy know it will bo "safo," and whero it will draw a certain interest. Post yourself in a convenient corner at ono of the loading savings banks on a busy day and watch tho crowd. As an opportunity to study humanity this could hardly bo excelled. At the noon hour tho depositors come by dozens, somo to lcavo money and some to tako It. Thoso who lcavo tho monoy Becm to havo tho best of it, if ono may judgo by their faces. A man always draws on bis deposit with an air of regret, or, at any roto, therb aro few cases in which this will not hold true At tho head of tho lino thcro is a little old woman who is not at all at bor caso. Tho lino behind presses upon her, and sho docs not relish, being hurried, although it is evident that sho will bo nothing loath to leave the place onco sho has completed her transaction. Sho has como, it appears, with an order from her son, who has on account here and who is at home ill, and sho wants $10. But tho order is not properly filled up, and tho toller tries to explain the error and inform her with as much courtesy and pains as time will permit, that she must go homo and havo tlio mistake rectified boloro she can havo tho money. This sho does not understand, and you can plainly seo that sho entertains her "suspicions" of tbo bank. "It's her Jim's money, an' she's a right to it whon ho tells her to como and f et it," and she half threatens to "havo ho law on the place" if tho cashier will not stand and deliver. Time is being wasted, and tho crowd becomes impatient, and, finally, somo ono In the lino assures tho old lady that tho matter will be "all right" if sho will follow tho advice of tho coshlor. So oft sho goes, mumbling. Then comes a man of about 80 or 85, looking quite prosper ous, and holding a bank book In which a number of bills aro snugly reposing. "You can't deposit any moro money. sir, your account is full," says tho re ceiver. "No moro money I Why, what do you mean by that? Thought banks would tako as much money as you'd givo 'em," w o aro not permuted to allow any one to deposit moro than $1,000, and your ac count has already reached that amount, I ffnd." f'Must Ilraw it out then?' im, nA. nn.i. iAMHin.,H wu, UV, juu uui ...iu ri iw ,ciimm un til, with interest, it accumulates to tho extent of $1,000. After that time, ol-' thougu you may lot tho monoy remain cere, it wui a raw no more interest. "Queer business, that," exclaims tha prosperous man, who thereupon takes himself off. ' This may seem "queor business" to tho person who knows nothing of savings banks, yet it may bo explained by tlio fact that sayings banks wero not intended for well to do people, but for folk of hum bio moans. Of course, if you oro fortu nate enough to havo $1,000 in ono bank, you can go to another bank and open on account, but if tho officials havo any rea son to suspect tliat, you nro a man of means thoy may question you very close ly, and, if they are not batisllod with your replies, they are at liberty to reject your financial ofloring altogether. Here comes a mother asking if sho will bo permitted to deposit monoy in her child's namo, although tho child is only two or three months old. Sho finds that sho can do so, and sho is dcllghtod. Thero aro a groat many calls at the sav ings banks for purposes of this sort. Pa rents, also, frequently deposit small sums on the anniversaries of their children's birth, and tboy allow tho money to re main in tho bank and accumulate until the children "como of ago." Executors often uso theso banks to deposit the funds of an estate during tho two years tho law allows them for settling up af fairs. Religious and charitable organiza tions are exempt from tho $1,000 restric tion. Tho average rato ot interest paid by tho Massachusetts savings banks last year was 4.08 per cent. Two lines of peoplo como streaming into the bank, ono lino going to tho receiving teller and tlio other lino to tho paying teller. Men, women, boys and girls mako up tho crowd. Sometimes, especially on Saturdays, a wholo family will trooD into tho placo while "dad" draws Bomothlng for tho marketing, or for clothing tho young onos; or perhaps thero Is a family celebration of somo kind on foot, ana they all want a share of the spoil, Boya oro generally very proud whon thoy mako iheir first deposits. They already begin to icei into capitausts, ana thoy aro gen erally pretty faithful to their savings. Clerks, bookkeepers, offlco boys, sales otrls. newsbovs. bootblacks, vounc ex. qulsltes whoso fathers havo given them soma pocket money on condition that they will put by a certain sum every young maids and old ones, eld men and Old women, all or the most of them bear ing marks of their respectivo, trades or callings, and some of them tho tools of their trades, como into -Hie bank, and fall in lino. It Is easy enough to distinguish the habitues, so to SDeak. from tho new comers the first go about their business In a very matter of fact fashion, and tbo others fidget, ask all sorts of irrelevant questions, and aro often as nervous when Blffiuncr their names as if thov wero si fil ing their own death warrants. Tlio poorer nd middling classos most generally pa trontzo tho savings banks bocause the sums thoy havo on hand aro not sufficient to warrant them in taking tbo troublo to Invest In real estate, or in other wavs. Thoro aro thousands of widows whoso names oro on the bonk books, somo of them treasuring tho remnants of lnsur. onco money, or littlo dividends, or covern racnt pensions, and others bringing their iveoiuy earnings. uostou ueraio. Railways In South America. Tho average reader will bo hardly pro tred to learn that in tho Aro-ontino lb. publio railways are multiplying so rap idly that it is proposed to Introduce legis lation against "paralleling." Computing and unnecessary railways aro being pro- iectod in largo numbors, and tho country s fairly wild over railways. Tho ropub lto has already a very creditable system, but uooda soma additional linos and aouu. extensions. But tha projects oro coming up In astonlshlnc; numbers, far beyond the needs of tho country, their promoters being- stimulated by tho concessions and guarantees which the .government bat been mauing, iubllo opinion. Handwork and Drain Culture. Professor Josoph Lo Conto declares that for overy grade of culture, whether of tho individual or of tho race, thero ia a cor responding grodo of handwork necessary for tha boat brain culture. In tho child Of pro-school ago and In tho Bavogo and In nitlnnllltlitn man If la 41,n .Intnl. ... 7 , ........ , . .v ..u u ugg , tho hand, or assisted by rudo Implements) i iuu bcuuuiuuy or gin, as also in tllU next higher grodo of races, it is by tho uso of thoso finer instruments which wo cau voois anu in tuo university, as lu the mostclvliliedraoes.lt Is by tho uso of ixknUila Instruments and machine..- THK COLOMBIAN, VOX . XXII.NO 88 COLUMBIA DKMOOHAT, VOI Ml. 10 S ITALIAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. First Inrented by Tlons Sinters In a 'Famous Factory Handwork. Artificial flowers wore first invented by pious nuns. In tho Italian convents tha altars and shrines of saints wore, up to tho end of tho Eighteenth Century, decor ated with artificial flowers, laboriously put together of paper parchment and other Btlft materials. Since then tho "Italian flowers," whtcli aro mado In Vouotlan factories of tho Imperfect co coons of silk worms, havo bocomo famous for thoir daintiness, which makes them particularly Bultablo for toilet decora tions. Besides theso Bilk flowers othor artificial flowers aro mado in Venico, whenco nearly all Italy is supplied, nnd whenco wholo wngon loads oro exported to other couutrlcs. I havo boon over ono of tho Vonetlan flower factories, for no Booncr has tho visitor to Venico taken his early cup of chocolato at Florlan's, near tbo Marcus placo, when 'tho clccrono appears, offering "famous Italian flowors." This factory is situated In ono of tho e-rav old houses of tbo Frezzaria, and several hundred f lrls aro occuplod in It. In tho warehouse ho most wondorful reproductions of natural flowors aro oxhibltod in glass coses, and It seems in raanv cases as if not only tho richest and most brilliant colors, out tno very scent or tho flowers, had been stolen from nature, for some of tbo artificial flowers are stooped in tho perfume distilled from tho flower which it represents. Any ono wishing to tako homo somo souvonlr of Venico can havo his choico of beautiful and often fantastlo objects at the factory. In tho upper stories of tho houso tho girls sit at their work, constructing, with clover hands, tho most beautiful works of art, for all tho most exponslvo arti ficial flowors aro nearly exclusively mado by band, and their valup depends solely on tho manual dexterity and tasto of tho poorly clad and mostly deltcato looking Kiris, Billing ai long tawes, ana inhaling tho unhealthy dust of tho dyed materials. No machinery could replace the dexterity and tasto. Last century a Swiss Invented a machino for cutting out tho leaves and petals, but It can only bo used for tho Bmallost kinds, suoh as are wanted for hyacinths, lilies of tho valley, and other email llowers. In larger potols tho Ir regularities of manual work ore preferred to tho Btlfl and correct forms produced by machinery. Tho material of which tho petals are mado is woven in special fac tories: tho scissors and othor tools used by tho, girls, as well as the presses in which tho veins are traced on tno leavos, aro of a shapa specially adapted to tho work. Each part of a flower is mado by special ists. In ono room, for instance, only Btalks of flowors and leaves nro madn: in another fruits and berries of all kinds ore cast, if they aro of wax, or blown, if of glass. Tho elevorest workers aro cm ployed In making blossoms of the slnglo potals, and bouquots, wreaths, and gar lands of tho slnglo blossoms'. It ls'very uiiiTcaiuiK 10 waicn tnis process ana to boo how, first, tho center of a flower is constructed, then tho petals mit round. next tho green leaves, and so forth, till a nower or a branch is complete. The Oartcnlanbe. ISxamplo for Holiday Seekers. When Maestro Verdi arrived at Monte. catlnl to tako tho waters and with them a well earned holiday, he found that tho chief pleco of furniture 'in 'tho s'uito of rooms prepared for him was a piano. Without saying a word, tho composer, took tho musia of his "Trovatoro," which had been put on tho muslo stand as a gentlo ovation, locked the piano, and said to tho son of tho hotelkeepor, "Tako mo to tho placo whence I can seo the deepest abyss." The young man, somewhat abashod at tho proposal, mado In solemn tonos, led Verdi to the top of tho Marlenberg, whenco tho latter, who was so tired that ho was hardly able to stand, hurled tho koy into tho depths, Baying, "Tho Virgin ba praiscdl now I havo accomplished an act which will greatly help mo to enjoy and benefit by my stay. On tho day of my de parture from hero I will seo that, tho key Is replaced." Holiday seekers, go and do likewise, leaving behind you tho keys of wuawjvcr worKsuops yo como rrom. Homo Journal. Tho Dictionary lit Hand. A dictionary (an unabridged ono if tbo mcan3 of tho family permit) should havo a pioco in overy household; it should bo kopt In full Bight, not shut away in a bookcase or closot. If thcro aro children thoy should bo taught tho proper uso of it, and encouraged to turn to it whenever they hoar in conversation or find in read ing a word tho meaning of which they do not understand. In writing also, if in tho least uncortalu as to tho correct spell ing oi a wora, or as to tuo propriety of using it In that placo, recourso should bo had to tho dictionary, Good Housekeep ing. Crowth of tho FlorlsU' Trade. At tho florists' couvontlon in New York ono of tho addresses was on the wonder ful growth of tho florists' trade in this country. In 1840 Isaao MoKcnna was ono or tto row norlsts In Mew York. He worked liko a slave, standing all day long on Wall street with a baskot of flowers on his arm, shouting his wares and con gratulating himself when fortune smiled on him to tho oxtent of $2 per day. Now somo ou.wu uuus a year oro sola in new York alono, and thousands of stores aro dovotod to tho sale of flowers. Chicago Herald. The Youngest War Veteran. Tho man who claims to bo tho youngest war votoran In tho country is Charles L. Stone, ot Philadelphia. Ho was 14 years of ago whon ho carrlod a gun at tho battlo of Gettysburg. At that battlo ho wan wounded in tho left arm by a rifle ball. Part of tho "funny bono" had to bo cut away, and ho says that his appreciation of a joko Is not as vivid as it should bo. But ho still has the humerus of his right arm. That ought to help him a good deal in keeping up with American wit. Now York World. A Case of Necessity. Visitor (to convict) What oro you In .V, lllUUUi Convict I'm -an cx-pollcomon, elr; I'm ba for stoallnor. Visitor That's bad. Can I do anything for you? Convict If you could send mo in a pint of peanuts, elr, you would savo my life. I was on tho force so long, I can't Uvo wuuout om. ut .pocn. School children la Cldna. Littlo girls who don't like to go to school should llvo in China, littlo boys who don't liko to ro should keen nnv from the Colostlal empire. There tho girls do not havo to go at all, and tho ooys oogin wucn tnoy aro o years old. School begins at daylight, and closes when It is too dark to read. There oro no vacations, no half holidays, and not much run of any sort. Now York Sun. Tho lllble In Shorthand. In tho library of Dr. Williams, in'Lon don. is a conv ot tbn Tllliln In nhnrtfcnnfl It lis exquisitely written, and is said to havo belonged to an apprentlco ot tha Uma of James II, who feared that tha Blblo was about to bo prohibited, and to wroto .ins copy, urooKiyn rAgio. Tlio Moon Frozen. Mr. S. E. Peal, of Slbaairar. Aiam. snn, poaoa tho moon to bo entirely covered with snow, with frozen and floo covered Boas, and thus accounts for tho chief feat- urea of tho lunar landscape, Including wo uusenco or water. MrKansaw trav eler. A College Course. In tho United States ono man in overy SOO tokos a collego courso; in England, ono in every 800; ill Scotland, ono iu overy uvu, in uunuauy, ono in overy .10, Kenan said recently that "Franco will perish in a literary sunso bocauao of her I , 0ung writers, ft U lmposidblo to writ I Eeforo tho 04?o of 40. " 1 - ' fTHB FOND fAtTHFUL HEART. '" . i , j Vttp down 'neath Um bosom of ooonn a Unsounded by plummet or Unn, -.1 At poaee from the storm and commotion, I That rage o'er Its billows bf brlno, There aro secrets that time shall not fathom, There aro Jewels unknown to earth's mort As deep, as true, and as precious Is tho roloo of tho fond, faithful heart. -Jessie Bartlctt Uarls. Varlons Uses for Sawdust. Tho uses for sawdust aro steadily mul tiplying, and it is in ovor increasing do. mand. It Is used vory extensivoly In packing goods for shlpmont. For Btablimj purposes it is usod quite largoly, being cheaper and eloarrcr than straw. Many thousands of cords aro used yearly in tbo manufacture of terra cotla. It also en ters largoly into tho construction of apartment houses, for filling walls and floors to deaden sound. These ore but a fow of tho Usos for which sawdust Is In demand. Shlnglo excelsior, whon mods of cedar, Is on excellent moth extermi nator, and is much used in packing. Planer shavings aro usod for all kinds of packing, 'and also for bedding in stables, stock cars and stockyards. Bangor (Mo.) Industrial Journal " A Btofy nf Longfellow. A Now Ytrk, paper, in somo pleasant gossip about Mr. Longfollow, tells n story of the way ho treated tho chargos of plagiarism against tho Indian potm "Hia watha," In following closely both tho form and substance of "Tho Kalovala," tlio national cplo of Finland. When thoy began to appear ho showed a profound in difference on tho subject; but boforo long his publlshor thought best to call his at tention to them, and suggested that a reply from tho poot bo written. "Well, I'll think nbout it," said Mr. longfollow, and there the mattor dropped. Tho press continued to echo nnd ro-ocho tho charge; and tho publshcr again callod on tho poot, Baying, "Ileally, Mr. Longfellow, I think it Is high tlmo this chargo was answorcd." Again Longfollow said, "111 soo about it?' adding, quietly, "How is tho book Belling?" ''Oh, wondorfully well," Bold tho publisher. "Bottcr than my other books?" "Oh, much better," and ho named tho figures. Shortly after this lntorviow (Mr. Long fellow still keoplng silence), Tho Tribuno camo out with almost a page of broadside on tlio subject. Tho publisher was now really excited. Ho called on tho poet again. "It will not do," ho Bald, very decidedly, "to lot this thing go on any longer." "How does tho book soil?" askod Longfel low. "Am izlngly tho salo Is already equal to tho' combined Bales of your othor books." "Then," said Longfollow. "I think wo ought to bo thankful to theso critics. Lot them talk. Seems to mo thoy aro giving us a largo amount of gratuitous advertising. Better lot them alone." And let alono thoy were. Chi. cago Journal. Thoso Who Mny Live long. Bettor, perhaps, than any of tho Btnglo temporomonts would bo a mixture of tho Bunguino and tho bilious; and, Indeed, all tho examples of special llfo storago which I havo mot with havo been of this heredi tary admixture. The organism which Is best constituted for life storago is, thorofore, capablo of being identified, and stands out, so to speak, In its own colors. Tho color of tho iris, or curtain of tho cyobaij, always an excellent tost, is a light hazel; tho hair is dark brown; tho color of the skin is In clined to bo florid, and the lips and oyo Uds are of good natural rod nevor polo, as in tho pure nervous temperament, and never of dark bluish tint, as iu tho lym phatia or lymphatio bilious. In this mixed temperament of tho Eangulno and bilious, a preponderance of tho sanguino Is, I believe, always on advantago. Tho qualities hero enumerated! as repre sented in an organism well fitted for tho storago of llfo, are absolutely of heredi- inry cuiuacier. inoy spring irom com binations of parentage, and when tho combinations aro unalloyed bv tho Intro. ductlon of any disturbing elements of disease, tho conditions for long Btorago oro fortunately combined. Dr. Ikmjamla uiuu xucuaruson. Obesity Unhandsome and Unsafe. Stoutness is not onlv linbnniljmTTin nnA Inconvenient, but unsafe. It elogs1 tho organs, gives tho heart moro work to do, ana the system moro to carry. Btout peoplo are pretty sure to havo erysipelas or kidney disease or cancer, and are just as likely to melt down in consumption as loan peoplo. Then overflesh is attended by Impairment of mental power, dullness of sensation, and lndlllcrenco to tho feel ings of others. Tho children of stout young worrqa aro likoly to havo Inferior vitality and go off with marasmus. Tho groat causo of obesity? Inactive life. It is not what you eat so much as what you do with it that determines flesh. Men crow fat eating good lunches aud club dinners and sitting in offices tho rest of tho tlmo, when they ought to work or exerclso strenuously full five hours a day. Womon tho eamo. Tho only food I should taboo, unless in peculiar cases, would bo fats, oatmeal and potatoes. Shirley Dora's Lettbr. Whon aentlcmon Wore Queues. this country is doomed to dlsgrnco and ehamo. Vv hat presidents wo might havo. el! Tef tv . 1 ?, .1 ... it..iuun u VUIMJUII, Ul lAJUllUCbl- cut, and Stockton, of Now Jorsoyl What queues they havo got, sir as big aa your wrist, and powdered every day, sir, ilka real gentlemen as thoy aro. Such men, would confer dignity upon tho chief magistracy; but this littlo Jim Madison, with a quouo no bigger than o plpo stoml Fill it. !a Anntirrll 4f ntnlfn n ,nnn tnmanm ' . . 1) w ...... .u...t luionvai his countryl" S. O. Goodrich. ii Didn't Appreclato tho Opportunity. ''' V . win.. U. JUU VM.VA U UlUilU to one of our bonanza princos. Just com pleting his now houso. "What o chanco in V.,- U til 1. .. . uu nuuio una puuiliUKtj. milUK, mo broker, has collapsed, ana is selling his ivucuuii. iuuiu very iiinu in your intentions, I am Euro," said tho bonanza, "but my wifo wouldn't caro to buy second hand pointings." Son Francisco lljUIMIlPl, 'A Novel Sign Hoard. A mountain hotel nonnlnrnmnnrferMcffl has a novol sign board that swings from an iron wrought bracket at tho sido of tho Ijln. Its doKlrm. nftlntftil v nn ntaf. represents a bear and fox skipping paw in ' paw over tuo moonlit nuis. unicago i Judo-Aa nw. t, ... , - o-- ... uuuo who my aown tbo i Uw and when it is tdcelv lalcf down tho , lawyers jump ou it, PhU Welch. taurant. ."- roritrcs- .j log Cabln.HiicccBti. What ails tho young men? Itobcrt Oarrt-tL'A f,,tl,f.r l.,r, . ... of twenty millions. Ho was from child- ji i i 'VT,rJi " received a splen. did educaliou with an especial training in. to a thorough l;iuwl,lr... f n..i ngement and was expected to succeed his Hsb wa amiau hinn. .i.i . . ?ears aUer ,l10 responsibi lities Which his fathnr'a . ,uian Ul.uil m wero assumed, ho is reported a broken .7 , ""d uoaim permit. Georifu Law is nnnilm. ...... .... . Julius uiau ion with millions of monoy, who is reported ,uu me, jus raiiicr, nrea a stono mason, was of gigantic sizo aud strength, with commensurate brain power, so ho becarao a great contractor, then a rnllrrtort ulnr nn.l lnfs. 1. ..II i . . ' .... ....,. .u6 ,uu tn nun a uozen minions for his sou to dissipate. Tho young man is a success ns a dlsslpator. The founders of both of theso great es tates wero horn iu tho most humble walks pf J re, grew strong, mentally aud physical ly, by sTraplo living ond honest labor nnd developed Into llnaneial giants. Their sons were reared in tho lap of luxury nnd developed into Intellectual pigmies. lho great men of our country havo not, as a rule, como rrom tho elegant mansions of the cities, but from tho Log Cabins or lho rural d Uriels. Simplo ways of living, ..ccdom from dissipation and enervating pleasures, s iiiple remedies ror disease, ef. Uclivo and which lcavo no polsou in tho system, deve'o.i brawny, brainy men, who compel tl e world to recognize ilieirstrcnclh and power. Tho wholesome, ohi.rasliionedLog Cabin remedies aro the sarest and surest ror family uso. Our grandmothers knew how Jo prepare, tho teas ami syrups or roots, herbs and balsams which drlvo disease out of the system by natural methods aud leave no nfler ill cilccts. Tho mot potcct or lheo old. tlmo remedies were, after lone and sonrc'ihg investigations, secured by 11. II. arntr cr safe euro rump, aid aro ,.'.ow l,,ul ?,m !?.r lllu ""'"nr? or tho ua. Hons" In tlio ) arncra Log Cabin remedies. Iti-guUto tho regulator with Warner's Log Ubl nsursoparTlla and will! puro blood giving health, strength mental and body vUpr. you may hope to copu successfully with tho moBt gigantic financial problems ot tlio ge, without wrecking health aud manhood. 1 .y"'et -'tAMtiis?i tn tt