The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 21, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pui '.ty
strength and wholcsomeness. .Moro economical
maa uruiriury hiuun, aim eiuiuut w sum in comp '
tlt'on with Iho multltudo of low tcst.short weight,
mum ur pnusi'iiuvu punuuis. ruin only in canr.
KOTAL 1UKINU rowrR Co,. WallbtN. Y.
The Columbian
nTutillshed every Friday. Subscription prlco, a year.
Entered at tho Tost OfUco at Bloomsburg', ra.,
as second class matter, 51 arch l, was.
connicT in this Ttntit.
Taking effect WEDNESDAY, AUaUST 1st, 18W.
soimi. Noimi.
Hloomsbure,.. 1 31
Main street 7 20
Irondale 7 18
1'aperiMlll 7 II
Llghtstrect, 7 03
oramrovUJe s M
Forks, . 0 45
Tubbs 0 11
Htlllttatcr.. 3B
Uenton, 0 '-8
" A
Edsons, 0 23
coles creek, a M
Hugarloaf, e 111
Laulacro 6 17
Central. o 10
r. m.
Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv.
r. m. a.m. a. u. r. H.
s lc s oo u in r, 40
3 00 7 CO 11 0 61
2 01 7 48 0 13 r, 51
1H1!) V S3 I 01
1 47 7 35 9 30 7 03
1 83 7 85 9 10 T 20
1 14 7 13 10 (II 7 31
1 08 T 08 10 07 7 88
1 01 7 ft! 10 15 7 41
13 60 0 51 10 SO 7 52
13 10 Lit 00
13 05 S 49 11 05 7 50
13 00 6 43 n 10 8 00
11 55 0 4I11 15 8 05
H 50 0 37 11 20 8 00
11 40 0 30 11 30 8 10
Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar.
a. m. a, u. a. u. a. m.
A. .
o oo
r. 03
6 M
0 15
6 18
0 87
6 37
5 41
6 41!
0 51
(1 57
7 00
7 03
7 0.1
7 13
A. M.
Trains on tho r. & It. It. It lcavo Itupcrt as
7:37 a. m. 11:00 a. m.
3:38 p. m. 6x p. m.
Tralnson tho D. L. & V. It. It. leavo Uioomsburg
M luuuna,
7:13 n. m. 8:33 a. m.
10:51 a. m. l!:o p. m.
2:U p. m. 4:18 p. m.
C;38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on tin K. & W. 11. Hallway pass Illoom
fun; luuuna i
10:40 a. m. 11:40 a. m.
.s p. m. 4-ltf p. m.
10:18 am 6:39 pm
S25.00 Reward
Will bo paid for information leading to
conviction or any person or persons llshlne
with gill nets, seines, explosives, poisonous
baits or by any oilier unlawful means in
any or 1110 waters of uolumbla county.
Columbia. County Oamk and Fish Asso,
aug. 21-Ura.
Round canvas tent fob salts. Good as
new, 40 feet in diameter, for $75 cash.
L. II. Howe.
St Mauch Chunk, Pa,
Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Ma'n street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. L. N.' Mover.
Fob Sale. A special "Pony 8tar"
blcyclo, laic st pattern, In first-class order,
has not been run over CO miles.
Joe. Wells.
Bloomsburg, Pa. aug-24.
Wanted. 100 bushel of pears, also 50
bushels of grapes for which the highest
cash price will bo paid, 0. Jl. Baker ngent,
Espy, Pa.
Lost. A pocket book containing $37.00
in bills, nud a check on tho First National
Bank of Bloomsburg was lost on Main 8t.,
Bloomsburg on Thursday Sept. 0. Tho
findcrwill bo suitably rewarded by return
ing it to this ofllec, or to Mrs. Ella Hart
man, near Orangevlllo.
Hullcllnir VotH forHnle.
Tho proprietors of Jamison City of Su-.
garloaf township, Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, aro now rend'' to negotiate for
tho salo of lots. As houso room will be
needed for Bovcral hundred workmen who
will bo engaged In lumbering, ta inlng and
other business, special Inducements will
bo given to purchaser" who will build bo
foro tho cloo of tno year. With pure
mountain air, good spring water, and flne
scenery, no more iksirablo location for
healthy homes, and a good paying place
for business, can bo found In this section
of the state. For maps of tho place and
other Information apply to
JonN Jamison
or A. Tj. Fjutz,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
For Bale. A yoke of cattle 0 years old,
also a good mare, 4 years. Address
Z. L. Kile,
2w Fairmount Springs, Pa.
Btayei. Four Merino sheep have
strayed away from my premises. Any
ono knowing their whereabouts, will be
suitably rewarded by returning to
E. A. Iuwlinos, Bloomsburg.
An Olil i-nrmt-T miiicuc-d.
Saturday of last wed: Isstic Hen
dershot, a farmer, 75 years of age,
whllo attending tho Berwick Fair, was
robbed of 1000 by bunco men. They took
him to a room and Introduced him to a
sort of lottery, Ho was allowed to win at
first, but $000 was demanded as security
for tho prize, lie went to tho bank and
drew tho amount, which was all ho had,
and returned to the room occupied by the
swlndlcis. On the pretext ot going to a
back room to get his prizo for him after
llcndersliot had handed over his pllo tho
men skipped out by tho back way and
disappeared, llcndersliot Is frantlo with
grief ot his loss and Is dangerously pros,
trated In consequence
The latest colors in stiff and slouch
hats are eotden bromi. tobacco and
cedar. You can get them at Lowen
Buy Lester's School Shoes
Every pair warranted.
The Misses Hasscrt oro spending a tow
weeks In Philadelphia.
Mr. Clydo Mercer 1ms been very 111 durlug
tho past week with pcrltontls, but Is at pres.
cnt much improved,
Prof. D. J, Waller arrived homo from
his European trip Wednesday overling.
Tho students wont to tho station to meet
him In a body, and Jolnod In hearty np
plauso as he alighted from tho train.
Alfred McIIcnry, ono of Benton's enter
prising merchants went to Philadelphia on
Monday to buy new goods. IPs stock cm.
bracts a full lino of general merchandise,
and he will offer somo great bargains when
his now stock arrives.
Ii. C. ShciToy, tho genial agent of P.
Whlllock of lllchmond, Va.( manufacturer
of "Old Vlrglula" cheroots, was In town on
Monday, and inado arrangements with
Alexander Bros. & Co. to handle his ex
cellent goods.
A reunion of tho 182d Hcglmcnt Pcnna.
Vols, was held at Danville on Monday.
Orders taken for school books and school
supplies at Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Hcport of Commissioners Convcntloa will
appear next week.
Tlio exterior of I. W. Ilartman & Son's
storo building has been brightened and lm
proved by a fresh coat of paint.
A dispatch received on Tuesday morning
announced tho birth ot n son to Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Bloom.
Economy nnd strength aro peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho only mcdlclno of
which "100 doses ono dollar" Is true.
The latest style of cheviot
pants made to order for $5
at D. Lowcnbcrg's.
Council proceedings and soveral other
Important matters aro crowded out Ihls
week by tho premium list ot tho Benton
A meeting of tho stock holders of tho
School Furnishing Company will bo held
next week Thursday and it will bo then
decided what is to bo done.
Tho dedication of tho new German Ile
formed church at Miflllnvlllo will tako
place on Sunday, September 80th. Every,
body is invited to bo present and assist In
tho exercises.
Mrs. G. B. Marklc, wifo of tho great coal
merchant who died only a few weeks aco.
died at her homo in Hazleton last monday.
Sho was a sister of J. Boyd Hobison and
aunt of H. M. llupert, both of this place.
Tho banquet which was to havo been
given next Tuesday to Judge Elwcll by tho
bar of tho district has been postponed until
Friday October lOtlu Tho necessary or-
rangemcnts could not bo made to havo It
during court week.
J G. Wells has opened a Jowcler's storo
In Iho Columiiian building. Ho occupies a
portion of tho front room on the first door,
and has just opened up a Snc assortment
of goods in his lino. Watches, clocks and
jewelry promptly repaired.
Mr. Conner, of the Arm of White, Conner
& Sloan, of OraLgeville, started for Iho
West Tuesday morning, in company with
his wife. They expect' to visit In Michi
gan, Illinois and perhaps as far West as
Nebraska. They will be absent about Tour
Governor Beaver has been subpoenaed as
a witness In tho Johnson murder trial at
Lock ilavcn next week. Ho will be asked
to produce tho confession of Shalter which
was filed In tho Stato Department.
Tho ladles of the Guild of tho Reformed
Church nnd Suuday School will serve oys'.
ers and other refrcshncnts In the "Study"
of tho Church on Friday evening, 21st Inst.
Call around. You will rcccivo a cordial
Tim members of the Rescue Hoso and
Ladder Company will glvo a masquerade
lmll at Muslfi Hnll. Fridav cvenlne. Sep
tember 2Sth, which everybody Is Invited to
attend. The price of admission Is ccnis
for gentlemen, ladles free. Grand march
at 8:30.
John A. Wilson, chief engineer of the
Bloomsburg & Sullivan railroad In com
pany with some friends, spent the week
rcconollcring the mountain lands of B. &
S. railroad syudleatc, returning homo
Tuesday morning. It Is supposed the trip
will result In tho carrying o f tho B. iSs B.
railroad across the mountain.
Tho business office of tho CoLininiAN has
not been moved, but remains where It has
been for tho past seven years, first lloor
front next to tho post olllce. Tho law of
flco of Geo- E. Elwell bus been removed to
the second lloor, nnd J. G. Wells occupies
as a jeweler's storo that portion of tho room
thus vacated.
To disgust rats and raico away from a
building make a strong solution of oxallo
acid and soak newspapers in it until they
aro in a pulp ondition cram this into tho
holes through which the rats or mice pass,
and they will get such soro mouths and
feet that they will givo tho boles a wide
Tho renubllcan convention last Monday
was not a renresentatlvo convention. At
least that Is what several of tho delegates
inalateil unon. Tho motion to Instruct
judicial conferrecs was opposed on tho
ground that in many Instances tno ueie
gates wero selecte'd by thrto or four per
sons, there being no regular delegate elect
Thlrty-threo members of tho Order of
Amcilcan Mechanics went from this town
last week '1 bursday to participate In a par
ado at Easton on Friday, Thcro wero
3500 men in line, nnd it was a big day for
Easton. Among thoso who went irom
hero wero Guy Jacoby Esq., William Bar
rett, W. B. Taylor and J. W. Moyer.
A Hlmmokln dlsnatch of tho 17th Inst
says: Tho corner-stone of tlio Hungarian
Catholic Church was laid hero yesterday
evening by Hev. Wolluskl, of Shenandoah.
Somo Ihreo thousand peoplo sioou in tno
drizzling rain to witness tho coremony.
Father Wollnskl is tho only priest of this
faith in this country, ami mis is mo seconu
Tho 132d Hcglmcnt of Pcnna. Volunteers
held a reunion at Danvlllo ou Monday.
Twenty members of Co. E. went from
here. Lie Company was recruited mostly
In Bloomsburg, Orangevlllo, Mlllvlllo, and
Espy. M. Whltmoycr was tho Captalnj
Andrew Meuch 1st Lieutenant, and Amzl
Melllck 2nd Lieutenant. Danvlllo was
handsomely decorated, and hut for tho
rain It would havo been a great day. A
patado took placu ut 2 o'clock. Tho mem
bers of Co. E. from Bloomsburg aro James
Cadraau, O. P. Bloau, G. W. Sterner, O.
Ii, Hcudcrshott, W. H. Gllmoro, 11. O.
Ilartmau, Isaco Ilodhelmer and B. Btohn-
Tha latest stules in stiff
hats, the JDunlav and Toll
man's style at JJ. Lowen
Hlchard Mcthcrclt nnd Ml Mlv lvi,i,
of Berwick wero marrlml In Mnw
last week Wednesday.
Ollmoro's Band and Friendship Flro
Company went to Bhamokln on Wednes
day afternoon to partlclpato In tho flro
mcn's parade, on Thursday. Tho band has
beautiful now uniforms, and wo predict
that no crowd In tho lino will mako a bet
tcr nppcaranco than tho boys from Blooms
burg. Vlco President McMlchael, B. K. Jami
son nnd others nho furnished tho money
to build tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan Hall,
road, went over tho road with a special
train Saturday. At Ccntrnt they left tho
train and walked tho trestllng and over
tho grade of tho extension as far as tho
new road leading to Hcd Hock, when they
wero met Willi prlvato conveyances nnd
taken to Ganoga Lake, whero thoy spent
Tuesday, returning Sunday night. Tho
party was exceedingly well pleased with
tho road In every partlcvlar.
The cxccllenca of Haui-kk's Magazine for
October Is apparent even from a hasty
glanco through its pages. Thcro aro short
stories and long ones, sketches, "skits,"
poetry, and unsurpassed Illustrations. Tho
articles most striking, perhaps, aro Mr.
Theodore Child's "Limoges nnd Its Indus-
trios," and Z. L. White's description of
"Western Journalism." Thcso contain n
great storo of new Information, nnd even
tho old facts aro so presented that they
Btiiko tho reader with now force. Tho por
traits of Western editors will be scanned by
tho public with Interest.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Sept.
18, 1888.
George Hass, Miss Kato Houck (2), Mr.
F. S Kline, J. C. Old, Mr. W. H. Powell,
Mr. John J. Schneider, II. Y. Smith, Miss
Mlnnlo Stonge, O. Shugnr, Mary F. Bhult,
Miss A. D. Welsh. Mr. J. H. We'ls.
Mr. Eva Marshall.
Persons calling for thcso letters will
please say "advertised."
Georoe A. Claiift, P. M.
II. & H. Accident.
An accident occurred on the H. & 8. rail
road at iho fourth mile post uear tho Paper
Mill. There is a deep cut there through
rotten rock and Hmcstofio. Considerable
of earth is intermixed with tho looso stone
and rank weeds and grass grow upon tho
surfaco making it seem perfectly safe. The
heavy rain of Sunday loosened up tho ma.
tcrlal. Just ns tho early morning train,
which leaves hero at 0 o'clock was passing
around tho eurve, tho vibration brought
the slide down, nnd tho engineer beheld
with horror, about ono hundred tons of
earth and rock land just In front of the
train. Tlio cnglno was reversed, but too
lato. The train plowed through about two
thirds of tho slide, scattering tho rotten
rock and limcstono on both sides of tho
track. Tho pilot of tho engine, and tho
back truck of tho passenger car wero dis
placed, throwing each crosswise upon tho
track. Tho engineer kept nt his post. Su
perintendent Leader, Col. John Jamison,
and six or eight passengers wero In the car
but no ono was Injured. Tho new engine
which just arrived was Immediately called
Into scrvlco and did good work. It was
nearly ovening when tho earth was ;rc-
moved and the wrecked train brought back
to tho depot. In order to prevent any re.
cur re n cc at that point. Superintendent
Leader directed that all loose earth bo re
moved, nccordincly about one thousand
tons wero taken away, and tho road made
absolutely safe. Travel on tho road was
very little delayed. Tho engine north
brought tho passengers and freight to the
placo of wreck and they were then convey
ed to the train this side of tho wreck and
brought to the depot.
Elegant flannel shirts at Lowen
ber 's.
Gnmc l.nwH.
When gamo is out of season: From Jan.
1 to Sept. 1, gray, black or fox squirrel-
penalty 55 for each squirrel. Haro or rab
bit, from Jan 1 to Nov. 1, penalty, $5 for
each rabbit; Jan. 1 to Oct. 15, wild turkey.
(-cnalty, S10; Jan. 1 to July 15, upland
plover, penalty, $10; between Jan 1 and
July 4,, woodcock, penalty, 10; from Oct
15 to December 15, quail and partridge
penalty, $10; from Jan. 1 to Oct 1 milled
grouf or pheasant penalty, $10.
No person shall at any time, kill or take
any wild turkey, grouso or pheasant, quail
or partridge, or woodcock by means of any
blind, torchlight, trap, snare, net or devise
whatever, under penalty of $10 for each
Tho hunting of rabbits with ferrets is
forbidden under penalty of 810.
For killing or having in possession com-
mon birds such as tho night hawk, whip-poor-will,
oriole, thrush, swallow, etc., a
penalty of $5 is fixed. For robbing birds'
nests, except In case of predatory birds,
the fino Is $10. For killing or disturbing
wild pigeons whllo nesting tho penalty is
$50 and no person not a citizen of Pennsyl
vania shall trap or kill wild pigeons unless
ho takes out a llccnso which will' cost him
It is unlawful to pursuo or kill deer, ex
cept between Dec. 15 and Oct 1.
In the gamo laws tho expression "kill or
hayo in possession" Is used and tho latter
word Is being tho subject of much debate
in various places. In Michigan It has been
decided by the Supremo Court that game
brought from other States or killed in that
State during tho lawful period docs not
mako tho possessor liable to fine.
iCnlKlitH of tlic noldeii Hanle. .
Tho Knights of tho Golden Eaglo aro a
very flourishing order, as will bo seen by
lato reports from tho grand castle. Tho
order Is in successful operation In twenty.
thrco States. It is based upon liberal prin
cipals and is especially adapted for all, rich
and poor. Its motto Is "Fidelity, Valor
and Honor," threo graces which aro taught
in Its ritual, unexcelled for beauty and lm-
firesslveness. Tho three degreos aro sym
inlio of a soldier battling for his faith.
Ho is tirst a pilgrim, then a knight, and fin
ally a crusader. Ho has for his aim that of
a Christian warrior, struggling to gain the
immortal crown. Tho lessons taught in
tlio degrees aro impressive and calculated
to lead men to a higher existence, thcro
being nothing of a frivolous or objection
able character. Tho ritualistic work par
takes somowhat of tho seml-mllltary cha
racter, lending an air of grandeur not Inci
dent to somo civic soclties.
Tlteta Castle of this town Is in a nourish
ing condition.
Old "Kit" Uctiil.
nughesvllle Mali.
. Olil "Kit" is dead. "Jill" was an old
mare 31 years that has been In tho poss
ession of H. It. Merhllng from the tirao sho
was about four years old. Bhe was a good,
faithful animal. Her dcmlso was sudden
old ago which took placo on Friday.
Mr Merhllug had driven her to Bloomsburg
and back last week. When ho entered tho
stublo on Friday ho found his faithful old
friend ou tho lloor and remarked "Kit you
ain't dead yet!" She raised her head, look-
cd at him, laid It back, closed her eyes and
In a few mnutcs was dead.
mulicrnttoil lo Houtli Atticrlcn.
Espy, Ool. Co7ri.. July 3, 1888.
Hon. G. L. Hives, Asst. Sec of State
Dkak Sir. Yours of tho 20th of Juno In
answor to my Inqnlty to Bccrotary Bayard
as to whether tho Btato department had
any knowlcdgo of tho .cxlstcnco of an or
ganization In this country or clsowhcro
having for Its object tho emigration of
colored peoplo In largo numbers to Brazil
and the soveral Central and South American
countries, and It so whether they wero go
ing thcro as bona fldo emigrants encour
aged nnd protected by thoso governments
or under such contracts to labor as will re
duce them to a condition ot Involuntary
servitude, and If to, would Mr. Bayard
use bis lnflucnco as Minister of Btato as far
as may be compatible with Internationa
law to prevent such wrongs as might bo
perpetrated upon a credulous people
You Informed mo In yours of Feb. 0 that
tho Stato Department had no knowlcdgo ot
the exlstcnco ot any organization in this
country or clsowhcro having for Us object
tho emigration of colored peoplo from this
country to Central and South America. I
was glad to bo Informed however that Mr.
Bayard mado tho necessary Inquiry in re
gard to tho matter through Iho Representa
tives of our government In thoso countries.
In yours of Juno 20 1 found enclosed a copy
of Minister Jams' dispatch No. 133 to Mr.
Bayard In Which ho states that ho has no
knowlcdgo of any organization sanctioned
by tho goycrnmcnt of Brazil for tho pur.
pose of importing American negroes Into
that country and that Brazil wns looking
to Europo for immigrants. Ho stated that
1 n would look Into tho matter and mako a
moro extended report. I also received two
copies of tho Ilia Knca dated Starch Cth and
21th, In which tho editor In speaking of
colored immigration grnphlcally'scts forth
tho inconvenience which they would bo
subject to, In those countries. Although
his homo is thousnnds of miles from our
shoro nnd under Monarchical government,
where tho Portuguese lnnguago Is spoken,
ho seems to bo thoroughly conversant with
tho American continent. Ho writes upon
matters that aro transplilng In this country
with the enso and quick slghtcdness of n
most enlightened Journalist.
You will please transmit any Information
that may como to tho Stato department
that concerns tho wclfaro of my raco (Iho
African). ou will plcaso accept my sin.
ccro thanks on behalf of tho State depart
inent for tho promptness of action and also
on behalf ot Secretary Bayard for establish,
log an efficient Foreign Servico, and Presl
dent Cleveland for bis earnest endeavors to
administer tho government upon truo de.
mocratlc principles as was laid down by
Jefferson, that la ot tho peoplo and for the
peoplo and by tho consent of the people.
Yours respectfully,
Bteitien W. Hill, Espy, Pa,
I will not intrudo upon your valuable
space by copying lengthy editorials upon
tho subject but will give you a few brief
extracts. Tho Now York Herald of Jan
uary 20th contains tho following dispatches
from Kansas City dated January 10th in
regard to a schemo for colonizing African
laborers in South and Central America. "A
movement effecting many States, hundreds
of thousands of people, has been inaugur.
atcd in this city and now assumes definite
shape. What tho political conscquenco
will be no one can tell. The headquarters
of the new movement aro in Topeka, Kan
sas. Tho work to bo done will bo in tho
Southern Stntcs." Tho Rio Neva speaks as
follows of tho Topeka schemo. "It would
appear from our latest American exchange
that tho Topeka scheme for establishing
colonies of American negroes In South nnd
Central America Is making rapid progress
in the south and is attracting widespread
attention. Tho promoters of the scheme
in Topeka, Kansas, havo effected a regular
organization under tho corporatcd title,
"The South and Central American Immi
gration Leaguo of tho United States of
America," whose capital stock Is placed nt
$2,000,000." The Rio Xetcs is a Brazilian
paper published in the city ot Rio Janiero,
I beg lcavo to state that the writer of the
foregoing In giving publicity to tho abovo
is aware that tho peoplo of this section of
country havo little concern In the wclfaro of
tho colored race. It will bo of Interest to
many however to know tho friendly attl
tudc of the administration towards us and
how it Is appreciated by somo of us. I am
not prepared to say to what extent tho
colored peoplo !n the Northern States will
support President Cleveland in the coming
election. I am not working in the interest
i ' i Olltioal pnrtles but for tho welfare of
ray lace, it Is my duty therefore to stato to
what extent tho administration has assisted
and also my belief that it was done In good
S. W. H
A i.nrKC IndiiHtry.
A contract was signed recently bcWvccn
Col. Corcoran and J. R. T. Ryan by which
tho latter sold his Union County saw mill
to Col. O. to be moved to Jamison City
somo time within tho noxt month. This Is
ono of tho best Gang mills In the country,
having n capacity of 100,000 feet per day.
Tho Col. Is having a Band Mill built to con
nect with this mill, with u capacity of 80,
000 feet per day, which will bo used to cut
hard wood. Ho Is also negotiating with
tlio Hughcsvillo Hub Works to movo their
plant to Jamison City, as they uso nothing
but whlto birch and havo run out of timber
whero they aro now located. Thoy cm.
ploy seventy.flvo men in their hub and ve
neering works. Tlio contract for tho erec
tion of a tannery will bo closed and work
commenced on tho bark sheds at tho mouth
of Blackberry run within tlio month. Tho
most of these improvements will bo In Co
lumbia county and will add materially to
tho taxable property.
The largest line of child
ren's suits ever shown at
JJ. Lowenuerg s.
Violating tlic I,liuor I,nw,
Tho Liquor Dealers' Protectlvo Assocla.
tion of Luzerno couuty is up in arms
against unlicensed dealers, who aro now
doing business In this county by tho hun
dred. Ever stneo tho new law went Into
effect the number of unlicensed places has
iucreascd over twenty-flvo per cent. The
greatest Incrcaso Is in tho small mining
towns. Threo detectives from Fotlsvlllo,
employed by tho Liquor Dealers' Assocla.
tion, havo been doing somo quiet work tho
past week. Tho names "of forty unlicensed
dealers wero reported to tho grand jury.
Shicfohiiny Echo,
A lam stock of children's suits
just received at LUWhNUtHU V.
It Is astonishing bow rapidly tho fcchlo
and debilitated gain strength and vigor
when taking Aycr's Sarsaparllla. For what
aro called "broken-down constitutions,"
nothing olso hns proved so effective as this
powerful but perfectly safe medicine.
J. P. Eves Post, 530, G, A. R., will hold
their second annual camp-tiro at Mlllvlllo
on Saturday September 23, 1888, afternoon
and evening, Tho bill ot faro will Include
many tempting delicacies; army bean soup,
ham saudwlches, oysters, fruits, Ice cream
peanuts, candlos, eta Thcro will bo con
tests for valuable articles. A good time Is
anticipated and overybody U invited to at-
Fulton Opera Houso was crowded last
night. Bcforo eight o'clock every teat in
tho houso was occupied, nnd standing
room only could bo bought at tho box of
fice. In tho gallery tho jam was terrific,
not a foot of standing room remaining oc
cupied, and down stairs tho Jam was al
most ns great. It was a big audience, and
tho show they had gathered to sco deserv
ed tt. Peck & Fursman's Company pre
sented "On tho Trail; or, Daniel Boone,
tho Pioneer," which Is a romantic border
drama In thrco acts, and It was without
doubt tho best show ot tho description ever
seen in Fulton Opera Houso. Tho plot Is
Interesting, and tlio play abounds In Inci
dents of Iho most thrilling character. The
company Is a good ouc, tho scenery Is ele
gant and tho trained horses marvelous of
sagacity. Laneculer (Pa.) Etamincr
This play will appear at tho Bloomsburg
Opera House, Sept. 25.
New Style of PoHtnl CnrdM.
Tho post office department is soon to
havo a now stylo ot postal cards. It Is
much ltko a double card of tho present pat
tern. Tho back folds aro split diagonally
and open out llko a four-pointed stur. Tho
four corners aro folded and joined In the
centre, when iho card Is ready for mailing,
with a picco of gummed paper, Tho card
weighs less than halt an ounce, and will
contain no moro writing than tho present
card, tho only ndvantago being greater
If you have sick or nervous headache.
tako Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They will
clcanso tho stomach, restore healthy action
to tho digestive organs, remove effete mat
ter (tho presence ot which depresses tho
nerves and brain), and thus glvo speedy rc
To InvcstorH.
Persons having money to invest at a high
rato ot interest should consider tho ad
vantages offered by tho Guaranty Invest
ment Company of Now YorK, which has a
capital of $250,000, and euarantees tho
payment of all loans mado by It. L. A.
Riley of Ccntraha Is ono of tbe officers.
Full information can bo obtained by apply.
Ing cither In person or by letter, to Geo. E,
Elwcll, Bloomsburg, agent. tf.
All the school books used at tho Normal
kept In stock at Mercer's drug and book
Twenty-flvo cents a day purchases a
$3,000 policy In The Travelers, of Hartford,
which Is payable in event of death by ac
cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly disabling Injury. J. H. Maize,
agent, second floor Columiiian building
Bloomsburg. tf.
All the latest fall styles of hats just
I Jurymen for September Term.
Tho following named persons were
drawn to serve as members of the grand
jury for September court:
Behwick W. V. Palmer.
BniABORKEK Laraon Martz, Clarence
Catawissa Frank Gable, U. W. Harder,
Centre Samuel.Lutz.
CoNVNaiuM G. 'W. Blllman, John P.
FisiiiNOciiBBK Daniel Wcnncr,
Greenwood M. M. Appleman, Jackson
Jaokson Joshua Savage.
Loodst Jacob 1. Stlne.
Main D. B. Brown.
Madison John A. Dildtnc, John M.
Mifflin Aaron Andreas.
Mt. Pleasant Frank Davis.
Orange H. C. Bowman, Aaron Patter
son. Pine S. J. Eckman. A. J. Lyons.
Boott Uoyd Henry, Martin bavage.
traverse jurors.
Tho following is a list of traverse jurors
drawn for September term ot court.
First Week.
Benton W. L. Cole, W. 8. Laubach.
Berwok C. C. Long, Stephen Vanhou.
ten, John Reedy.
Bloom Lloyd Fox, William H. House!,
John Klingcr, L. D. Kase, Henry Ohl, B.
F. Savitts, Wm. Wolf, Alfred Uower.
Catawissa Lloyd Berger, H. J. Strouso
Charles Sharplcss.
Centralia John O'Donncll, James
Conynqiiam L. W. Sanger,
Fisuinooreek William J. Bmlth.
Greenwood C. B. Johnson.
Jackson Uenry Uagcnbuch.
Locust Adam Claybcrger, Lawson H,
Mifflin Freeman Smoyer.
Montour Daniel Fry.
Orange David Grover, Abner Wclsch
Soorr William Englchart, John Grett,
Stephen Pettlt, Stephen Pohe, C. O. Trcm-
ley, David Whitmire.
SuOARLOAFUanford ;Colc, James W.
Second Week
Benton James Conner, John O. Wenner.
Behwiok Harvey Bower, James Mc
Mlchael, Emanuel Roup.
Bloom George Aurandt, T. M. Dawson,
0. S. Foruwald, Peter E. Knapp, Daniel
Bhiarcrelk A. B. Croop, Abraham
Catawissa M. V. B. Kline, Albert Kline.
Centralia Patrick Curran, Joseph Hi
Centre David Hayman,J. Wllson.Mlllcr,
Cqnvnoiiam John L. Kline.
Fisuinooreek Jacob Gclslngcr, E. M
Laubach, Francis Wclsch.
Greenwood J. W. Lore.
Hemlock Edward Ivey.
Jaokson William Brink, Geo. Ulrleman
Locust Washington George.
Madison Robert Johnson.
Mifflin Horace Creasy,
Mt. Pleasant William Kitchen.
Montour Puter A. Evans.
Soorr Lewis Lee, Greely Bncldman,
Daniel Wlitman, B. G. Wapples.
Suiiauloaf David Kochcr.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria.
Wtin Btby wu tick, we ttvo ber CutorU.
When the wm a Child, tho cried for CutorU,
When she became Mlu, tha clung to OMtorU,
When the had Children, the gave them CavtorU.
rmLADiLrnu, Monday, Sept. IT, isss.
There is no question about
the "Wanamaker" Brussels. It
is made to our order, backed
with our name. We knew every
kink and turn ot all the lamous
brands of Brussels before the
"Wanamaker" was christened
It takes a back seat to none o
them. $1.25 a yard.
We have made an extra push
this season lor good quality Car
pets at the least possible price
In Brussels there are three sorts
besides the Wanamaker that
will make a stir. Prices 10 per
cent less than such poods are
offered at any where else :
i a si. 25 Brussels forj&
2 a Si. is Brussels for Si.oo
3 a gi.oo Brussels for 90c
Only a trifle more than usual
Tapestry prices !
We mean to meet every want
in Brussels Carpets so perfectly
that no buyer will feel like hesi
tating. The price dip runs into other
sorts. We have a new quality
Wilton Velvet, smooth, even
surface, well printed, at $1. An
unexampled price for the grade.
lapestry too. A Brusselsy
00k ; good share of Brussels
goodness. A nav line at 45c.
1 he like hasn't been heard of.
lust a nudee from some of
the medium priced Carpet:
There are stacks and stacks of
the most luxurious floor
ing as well.
A 36 inch good weight mixed
iricotal 25c! We sold one
but a trifle better at 50c last
season. These are new goods,
without fault.
black mlxea, two styles
dark and medium gray mixed
dark and medium brown mixed
They will be one of the sensa
tions of the season.
Another. ?o inch Plaid Habit
Cloth, 50c I A quality we never
sold before under 75c. A good,
substantial, well lookiner stuff.
Think of it! Material for a
stylish dress for $3 ! Among
the colorings :
stono and black
navy and block
navy and olive
two shades Drown
two shades gray
Yardsticks will be galloping here
sure enough.
Plenty more of the new dress
things are coming in with prices
ground to a point.
By odds the best bargain in
Blankets now is the 6-pound
All-Wool at $4 a pair. You'll
hear of other $4 Blankets about
town, maybe. Carry them in
your mind's eye when you come
here. Coarser, thinner, meaner
in every way. We doubt if tliere
is a $6 Blanket elsewhere within
yovr reach that is better than ours
for $4. We couldn t go into
the market to-day and buy these
blankets to sell at $4. 1 hey
were got so that $4 is a lair
price. That setdes it. There
they shall stay for the little time
they'll last, no matter how much
Blanket prices go up. 72x84
inches ; $5 last season, and a
marvel of cheapness then.
What we have done with the
$4 Blanket we are trying to do
with all, commonest to finest.
No thrifty housekeeper can
afford to skip the corner where
Blankets are.
We are in shape to promptly
fit up Campaign Clubs of any
faith or any size and at moder
ate cost. Caps, Hats, Helmets,
Torches, Capes, Leggins, and
all the little frills and lol-de-rols.
Come or ask by letter lor esti
The seventh volume of Book
News begins with the Septem
ber number. Its prospects were
never brighter : encouragement
from all quarters. Better, still
better, is its mnrrn winnnvvinrr
the golden grain from the chaff
01 all that is new in the book
world. 50 cents a year. Send
tor sample copy.
Send your address for
"Housekeeping Art."
John Wanamaker.
Buy Lester's School
Every pair warranted.
Go to C. C. Marr's for dress coods. at
low prices.
Fine Cabinet nortraita onlv
$3- doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
viuuus anu accorueons away uown ai
the New York Variety store opposlto Bt.
ri u 1 . .
NnT!nV.HVn anil hnavu wnnlan llniln..
wear, white or red, ladles' and gents', 60
ki cent cuenper man anywncre, at tno
(OW York Varletv Btnrn nnnnailn R.
Elmo hotel.
NfW fall atvlaa nf liola nmt t.sinnnta it, at
received at Mrs. Jt. A. Bnyder'a millinery
T W TTnrlmon .V- anna ow, ,1MH 1
dress goods trade already In their new de
partmcnt. Call and sco tho cloths, the lieu
riottas, tho now shades In all the new goods.
Oak Leaf soap beats all 6c. cakes. Bold
by O. O. Marr.
Now is the tlmo to get your Full and
Winter suit ot clothing or Bprlnc and Fall
Overcoat at G. W. Bcrtsch's the Merchant
Tailor. Just received a full and completo
line from tho city. A perfect tit always
guaraniccu or no f aie,
Elegant now black Henrietta cloths from
76c to $1.25. Also an elegant lino ot fancy
wcavo black dresa goods, II. W. Sloan,
Columbia county fair promises to bo this
year tho largest over held. Don't forget L
V. Ilartman & Bona' Improved store.
Additional light, finer goods, larger stock,
an extra room for ladles' misses' and chil
dren's coats.
Miss Shook, trimmer for Mrs. F. K,
Marsh, will return from New York about
tho 20th or 27th with a line of fall novelties.
A lino lot of trimmed hats and bonnets.
Coats, wraps, jackets, newmarkcts, rag
lans. raojeskas and children's coats at
Clark & bou's.
New all wool striped skirts from 1.36 up
to the finest ut 2.86. H, W, Sloan,
G. W. Bcrtsch lust received his now and
nobby lino ot Neck Tics: also bis latest
styles In hats and caps, all tno latest stylet.
Call and see them bcforo purchasing elso-wbcrc.
Full lines of dress trimmings now open
at Clark & Son's.
Plenty ot red flannels, canton flannels,
ginghams, prints, and tickings just rccel
vcuat H. W. Sloan's.
Peoplo will como from far and near this
season to buy coats of I. W. Ilartman &
Hons'. They havo striped, plaid ami plain
ones to fit all.
40 In. all wool colored
46o yd. at Clark & Son's.
hcnrlettas only
C. 0. Marr will pay cash for ono can of
nlco lard.
Havo you Been tho $1.C0 pants at the
New York Variety Storo, opposlto St. Elmo.
Colored Henrietta cloths from 40c up
at H. W. Swan's.
When you want to gel your inonoyu'
worth buy your boots and shoes at Dent
When you como to the fair bring your
dried fruit and buy n beautiful set of lino
dishes at I. W. Ilartman & Sons'.
Bargains In flannels of all kinds. Tho
best 2(c red flannel sold. Call and sec.
Clark & Son.
A full and complete lino of Collars and
Cults just received nt G. W. Bcrlsch's, all
tuo very latest styles.
Call and sco tho COc shirts at tho New
York Variety Store.
Wool and cotton carpet chain at C. C.
Gents Furnishlne Goods all of the latest
designs can bo had at G. W. Bcrtsch's
Alcrcbant Tailoring Establishment. Call
and sco them.
C. C. Marr wants butter, circs, lard.
chickens and potatoes.
For dress goods ot any kind go to Clark
& Bon's.
Plies ot wooBted remnants for maklnc
comforts at II. W. Sloan's.
Btill a few rmlrs of those cheat) shoes
left on Dentlcr's bargain counter.
Now dress goods, all kinds serges, hen.
rlettai, broadcloths, striped plaids, habit
cloths &c. at exceedingly low prices at
uiarK is eon's.
F. D. Dentlcr's Is the Dlaco to iret the
celebrated W. L. Douglass $3 shoe.
Bhawls of all kinds now open at exceed
ingly low prices. Clark & Bon.
A full line of trunks and valises at Dent
ler's and all at bottom prices.
F. D. Dcntlcr Is not closing out but has
lust received tho largest and best stock of
boots and shoes over brought to Columbia
Call and see the handsome lino of now
lamps and low prices at Clark & Bon's.
Tho crown of Queen Victoria consists 01
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires nnd
emeralds, set In silver and gold. Its gross
wcicut is uu ox 3 uwi. troy. 111c numLci
of diamonds aro 3,352; pearls, 873;
rubles, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that
wears a crown. It is Detter to wear the
crown of perfect health and peaco of
mind through tbo curative effects of Pcr
rine's Puro Barley JKlt Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg.Pa,
is about 5.000. and we would sav at least
one-halt aro troubled with somo affection
ot tho throat and lungs as those complaints
are, according 10 statistics, more numerous
than others. We would adviso all not to
neglect the opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottle ot Kemp's Bal
sam tor tho throat and lungs. Prlco 50c.
and $1. Trial size free. Bold by all drug
gists. Thos. Burns, of Nicetown, writes. After
most horribly suffering from blood poison
ing, pains at times being unbearable, had
to give up work, was under caro ot hospi
tal surgeons without benefit, but was com
pletely cured by Dr. Theel, 633 North
Fourth street, Philadelphia. Sufferers, no
matter who has fulled, do not despair, go
consult Dr. Thlel, I am sure ho will cure
Frank Havdkkson, of Beverly, N. J.,
writes. 1 suffered ten years with nervous
Debility nnd Constitutional weakpess, dur
ing that tlmo havo consulted physicians ot
all schools, paying largo fees without bene
fit. In 1880 I consulted Dr. Theel, 538
North, Fourth Street, Phllade'phia, nflcr
thorough examination be pronounced me
curable. Although at the time having
little faith in Doctors from nastexne-ience.
I placed myself under his care, and am
happy to say ho has restored me to sound
puysical ncaim. i.nowmg Dr. meel as l
do, I hesitate not In advising all sufferers
no mutter what their experienco has been
to consult him, as they can put full conn,
denco in his skill and integrity.
To Pbeservk Natural Flowkrs. Dip
tho flowers in melted rjaralUnc. withdraw.
ing them quickly. The liquid should be
only just hot enough to maintain its fluid,
ity and the flowers should bo dipped one
at a time, Held by tuo stocks and moved
about for an Instant to net rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, frco from moist
ure, make excellent specimens in this way.
If you would preserve your health and in
vigorate your enure system uso rcrrine's
Puro Barley Malt Whiskey. Vox sale by
u. xi. Koumns, Uloomstiurg, i a cow,
Sr. Theel, Phladelphtas renowned special
ist tor nervous ueututy, mood poisons, Kid
ney and special diseases has cured more
cases than all others combined. He has
cured cases nrononnccd insurable bv lead
ing physicians. We would advise those
suffering to consult blm personally or bv
letter at his ofllec, 63d North Fourth street,
rtiuaueipnia, i'a.
IMlent PIIvhI Itcliluif iMIch.
Symptoms Moisture ; lntenso Itching and
stinging ; most nt night ; worse by scratch.
ing. if allowed to conllnuo tumors rorni,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very soro. Bwayno's Ointment stops the
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, aud
in most cases removes tbo tumors. At
druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr.
owaync s Bon, Philadelphia, -may .4 ly,
as well as tho handsomest. ami others aro in
vlted to call on anv druecist and act lrce a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam tor the
turoat anti lungs, a remedy mat is selling
entirely upon its merits and Is guaranteed
to euro and relieve all chronic and acute
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and ponsump.
tion. Prlco 60 cents and $1.
Kcxcmn, Itchy, Hculy, HUln
Tho slmplo application of "Swnyne'i
Ointment," without any Internal medlcino
will euro any case of Tetter, Bait Itbtum
Tilncrnrnrm TILa 1 1 ol. 1)1 1
Eczema, all Bcaly, Itchy Bkln Eruptions
uu main-! nuY uuauuaiu ur 1UUK Binuuini;,
It is potent, effective, and costs but atrltlo
allow a cough to run until it gels
uuyuuu iuu reacu 01 mcuicine. nit"
often say, "Oh, it will wear away,1
hut in most caseB it wears them
away. Could thoy bo induced to trv tlio
I successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
nrl.tM, ua anil " " ! . I ' .
"mivm ..w Dun uu a JusiiiYU (juttrallliu IU
cure, incy wouiu immediately sco tlio ex.
cellcut cltcct after taking the first dose.
Prlco 60c. and 1. Trial size frco. At all
Fvr CI1LA1' EXCC1I810N Ta
'172 rfhl. l-ml. .U lf H,.,l,li luu
BUIr -", .UU,tl t7nOT
nukili ftra eaad for alx month limita.1 n.i.. - -
for going puaa wttb Btop ovr prlvllceM &r DleAa.
ur wlu3o Unui ol WMUbiund BtSifil til
rtatno tttlwjr. VebruArr 17th. tV-Atl ooaooa
onuea In tha Un tad hi.i.. r.nVn... 17-, i'.S?
til -W'-g'' """ Ban .Tanolaoo
Ex-Presidont Arthur
Plod of Ilrlght's dlwasO of tho kidneys, so h.ivo
scores of other brilliant publlo men. I)r. lMwa- 1
editor of tho A'etn York tledlml llrnoricr, says that
thtafilflriiAnifl irrnwlnir moro currtnon nnd f&tal
uaily. rcoplo Tia '0 It without knotting It, unlll a
cure is iraiwnsiiJii.'. lb nrT5 tuui iwit.u hi iiii
blood. 1 ho kldrcys and liver f L to act, tlio poison
riMS nnally to tlio bialn, causing convulsions and
death. Its first symptoms aro dullDCvilntUo
head, wander'nir no'os al nit tho body, especially
In tno small ot the back, lews or apcuw, sirenitb
mnA ftmhltlnn ntiil tir rtrftTft1tnl HWOlllnirS WtllCtl
show the dlseiw 9 to bo rapidly Increasing. Tho
only cure is a meaicino mat win Biimuiau, 1110 jit
er, kidneys and skn to throw off tho poison and
then net upon tho bowels to cany tho foul waste
matters 0111 of Iho system. Dear In mind lhat any
kldner affection. neicctcd. soon reus into UrtchVs
dlwaeo. dr. iioown's MAriArARiLLA cures It in a
very simple and certain wuy. it sweeps inrougn
tno corrupted circulation llko a current of tresli
air through a room niled with (fas. It opens tho
natural outlets and expels tlio deadly clement be
fore It has tlmo to do further mtschlcf. Ono week's
urn ot It will satisfy you ot the truth of what wo
l5r. Carlcton I'. Williams, of Amesbtiry, Moss,
writes: "I had llrlcnt's dlsooso ot tlio kidneys,
and mado up my mind to die. The beut physicians
had treated mo, and done no roal good- At tbla
tlmo you presented mo with a bottle of IIrown's
Barsafakilla. 1 iwJ Mx boll les and consider my
self a well man." This splendid remedy may bo a
Uod-scnd to you. if you have tho slightest tear
ot this dread discasn resort at onco to
Not genuine unices mado by Ara Warren Co.,
llangor, Me. mayns d ly
Is desired and admired by alt. Among
tho things which may best bo dono to
enhanco personal
beauty is tho dally
uso of Ayer'a Hair
Vigor. No matter
what tho color ot
tho hair, this prepa
ration gives it n lus
tre and pliancy that
adds greatly to Its
charm. Should tho
I hair bo thin, harsh,
" dry, or turning gray,
Ayer's Hair Vigor
will restoro tho
color, bring out n
now growth, and
rendor tho old solt and shiny. For
keeping tho scalp clean, cool, and
healthy, thoro U no better preparation
In the market.
" I am f roo to confess that a trial of
Ayer's ITalr Vigor has convlncoil mo
that It is a genuluo article. Its uso has
not only caused tho hair ot my wife and
daughter to bo
Abundant and Glossy,
but It has Riven my rather stuntod mns
tacho a respectable length and appear
unco." It. Brlttou, Oakland, Ohio.
"My hair was coming out (without
any assistance from my wifo, either).
I tried Ayor's Hair Vigor, using only
ono bottle, and I now havo as flno a
head of hair as any ono could wish for."
It. T. Schmlttou, Dickson, Tonn,
" I havo nsed Aycr's Hair Vigor In my
family for a number ot years, and re
gard it as tho best hair preparation I
know of. It keeps tho scalp clean, tho
hair soft nnd lively, and preserves tho
original color. My wifo has usod it tor
a long tlmo with most satisfactory re
sults." Benjamin M. Johnson, if, D.,
Thomas Hill, Mo.
"My hair was becoming harsh and dry,
but after using half a bottle ot Aycr's
Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I
cannot express tlio joy and cratltudo I
fool." Mabel O. Hardy, Delavau, 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
rnnrinED by
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by DrucEists and Perfumers.
fiotlco Is hereby clven that tho regular nnnual
meeting ot the stockholders ot tho Dloomsburg
Water Company will bo "eld In llloomabun? on
Tuesday, October 8, 18t8, as tho office ot F. 1'. 11111
meyer, between tho hours of two and four o'clock
In tho afternoon, for the purpose of electing a
Iloard ot Directors to servo for theeniulng year,
and for tno transaction ot any other business of
tho company.
r. r. uiLLMiiiuu,
Sep. 81, 1838. secretary.
c&uue uj .iiurrt tmersoacii. aeceanea.
Letters ot administration on tho Kbovo estitn
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
soas Indebted to the said estate aro requested to
make payment, and thoso having claims to pro
sent tho same without delay to
or his Attorney Administrator,
w. r. iuxsav, . aiahanoy city, ra.
Mahanoy city, ra. sept 14-'8S
1 1 iinn t go.
The hottest part of tho politi
iiil cfimnairm is vet before hh.
This is to he ft enmnnirrn nf nr.
. A Q.
gument and documents and the
n it i r
newspapers ior tno next iew
months will he more interoatinrr
than they have been for years.
wo win lurnisn you with any
daily paper published at the
publisher's rate for one
month or as long as you wish it,
and if you live in Bloomsburg
we will deliver it at your home
or oluce.
Just here let ns sn.v flint, if
tliere is any book, new or old
paper, periodical, magazine or
.,: r i t ...T.;i.
ijiuuo ux niiuui. musiu wilicn you
want don't go to tho trouble and
expense of sending for it but let
us furnish it to you. If we don't
have it in stock we will get it.
W. H. Buooic & Co.,
, ii. M. M. I
In tlio Treatment of Chronic Diseases confines bis
rracilco to such cases only as are so clearly and
fully dOTflopud as to mako a coinnleU) ana poBl.
live Dlaenosn without ijuestlonuis or allowing
l'atlenta to inaku a stater-cat of llielr condition.
On UiU bils ot Potltlo lilosnosis, (or treatment.
Dr. Clark's Kxpeilenco lias become strictly un-
uimii-u uy u i-rucueu wuiuu 111 uxu-'iiv, variety ana
Buccessful results Is equalled by few and exi-ellod
by none. I'aileuts not cured by ordinary treat
ment or In doub as to the natuio of Uulr diseases
Especially mwieu.
Bit CLAHK orisloatod. Teaches and Practices
I'ujiUtnt DUtgnottli and can bo consulted at
TON, Bcpt. 1, to Bent, 10, (sco city list).
Eastern Pennsylvania and New
York City.
BLOOMBBUHUH, PA., Exchanco Hotel,
Saturday and Monday, Sept. 16 and 17.
BENTON, PA., Exchangi) Hotel, Tuesday,
Bept. 18.
BEHWICK, PA. , Hoyt House, Wednesday
Bcpt. 10.
CATAWISSA, PA., Busquehanua House,
Thursday, Bcpt. SO.
DANVILLE, PA., Montour House, Fliday,
and Saturday, Sept. 31 aud 23.
BLOOMBBl'HG, PA., Exclmugo Hotel,
Monday and Tuesday, Bept. SI and 25.
NEW YOIUC CITY, Grand CYutral Hotel,
Sept. 27 to Oct. Ii, nnd choli nlternato
week, up to March 20, 'B'J.
Bend f r I)i Clark's Paper '' o.mmo
JVorfifii .ui,' Laboratory U'. u. i i'a Jluiuer
Ji War J, A. M, M. D. Clinical Atit (ui..
A VW . "63-Ow.