The Columbian. 0. 2. Elwell, I Tiiit.,. BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1888. DEM00RA.TI0 TICKET. VOH PRESIDENT, QROVER CLEVELAND,! of Now York. FOR VICE PRESIDEXT, ALLEN G. TIIURMAN, of Ohio. The Republicans woro forced to fig uro thoir majority iu Maine down to 18,495 giving a Democratic gain in that state; rathor a bitter pill to swal low, after the great hurrah over the 20,000 majority and tho trusty Plumed Knight's "political revolution.'' CLEVELAND'S' LETTER. THE PRESIDENT 110LDLV DECLARES FOR REDUCED TARIFF TAXES. A STRAIGHTFORWARD DELIVERANCE THAT IS OVERFLOWING WITH PATRI OTIC SENTIMENT. CONTINUED FRO.U LAST WEEK. True to the undeviatiug courso of the Democratic party wo will not ne glect the interests of labor and our workingmen. In all efforts to remedy existing evils we will furnish no ex case for the loss of employment or the reduction of the wage of honest toll. On the contrary we propose in any ad justment of our revenue laws to con cede such encouragement and advan tage to the employers of domestic la bor as will easily compensate for any difference that may exist between the 'standard of wages which should be paid to our laboring men and the rate allowed in other countries. 'Wo pro pose, too, by extending the markets for our manufacturers to promote tho steady employment of labor, while by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life wo increase the purchasing pow er of the workingman's wages and add to the comforts of his home. And, beforo passing from this phrase of tho question, I am constrained to express the opinion that while tho in terests of labor should bo always sed ulously regarded in any modification of our tariff laws, an additional and more direct and efficient protection to those interests would be afforded by the restriction and prohibition of tho immigration and importation of labor ers from other countries, who swarm upon our shores, having no purpose or intent of becoming our fellow-citizens, or acquiring any permanent interest in our country, but who crowd every field of employment with unintelligent labor at wages which ought not to satisfy those who make claim to Ame rican citizenship. THE TRUSTS DEALT WITH. The platform adopted by tho late national convention ot our party con tains tho following declaration: Judged by Democratic principles, the interests of the people are betrayed when unnecessary taxation, trusts and combines aro permitted and fostered, which, while unduly enriching the few tnat combine, rob the bodv of our oiti zens by depriving them as purchasers oi me Deneuis ot natural competition Such combinations have alwavs been condemned by tho Democratic party. The declaration of tho Nation al Convention is sincerely made, and no member of our party will be found excusing the existence or bclitting the pornioious results of these devices to wrong tho people. Under various names they have boon punished by the common laws for hundreds of vears. and they have lost nono of their bate- lui teatures because tbey have assumed tno name ot trusts instead of conspira cies. We believe that these trusts are the natural offspring of a market ar tificially restnoted; that an inordinary high tariff, besides furnishing the temp tation for their existence, enlarges the limit wuuin wuicn uiey may operate against the people and thus increase the extent of thoir power for wrong' doing. With an unalterable hatred of all such Bohomos, wo count tho check ing of their baleful operations among the good results promised by revenue ruiorm. NO CRUSADE OF FREE TRADE. Whilo wo cannot avoid partisan representation , our position upon the question of revenue reform Bhould bo bo plainly stated as to admit of no mis understanding. Wo havo entered up- un no crusnao oi ireo irauo. ine ro form we seek to inaucurato is uredicat od upon the utmost caro for established industries and enterprises, a jealous re gard lor me interests ot Amenoan la bor, and a sincere desire to relievo the country from the injustice and danger of a condition which threatens evil to nil the people of tho land. We aro dealing with no imaginary dauger. Its exiaenco has been repeat edly confessod by all political partios, and pledges of a remedy havo been made on all sides. Yet, when in tho legislatiyo body where under the Constitution all reme dial measures applicable to this Rub ject must originate, tho Demooratio majority were attempting with extreme moderation to redeem tho plodge com mon to Doiu parties, mey were met by I determined opposition and obstruction, I and tho minority refusing to oo-one- rato in tho iiouao ot ltcprcflontntivcs, or proposo another remedy, havo re milted tho redemption of their party pledgo to the doubtful power of tho Senate. Tho pooplo will hardly bo doceived by their abandonment of tho field of legislative action to meet in political convention and flippantly doclaro in thoir party platform that our conserva tive and careful effort to reliovo tho situation is destruotivo to tho Ameri can system of protection. Nor will thepeoplo bo misled by the appeal to'pro judtco contained in tno absurd nllega tion that wo sorvo tho interests of Lu rope, whilo thoy will support tho in terests of America. RErUDI.lOAN INSINCERITY. Thoy proposo in thoir platform to thus support tho interests of our coun try by removing tho internal rovenuo lax irom louacco anu irora spirit uteu tn thu arts and for mechanical imr- coses. Thov declare atso that there should bo such a revision of our. tariff laws as shall lend to check tho impor tation of suoli articles as aro produo od heio. Thus in proposing to in crease tho duties upon Btich articles to nearly or quito a prohibitory point thoy oonfoss themselves willing to trav el 'backward in tho road of civiliza tion and to deprivo our pooplo of tho markets for their goods, whioh can onlv bo trained and kept by tho semb lance, at least, of an inlcrohango of business, whilo they abandon our con Burners to the unrestrained oppresion of the domcstio trusts and eomutna lions which are in tho samo platform perfunctorily condemned. Thev urouose. further, to release en lirely from import duties all artioles of foreign production (except luxuries) the like of which cannot be produced in this country. The plain people of tho land and tho poor, who scarcely use articles of any description produc ed exclusively abroad and not already free, will find it difficult to discover where their interests aro regarded m this proposition. Thoy nood in thoir homes cbcapor domcstio necessaries, and this seems to bo entirely unprovid ed for in this proposed scheme to servo the country. FREE TOUACCO AND FREE WHISKEY. Small compensation for this neglect ed need is found in the further pur pose here announced and ooverod by the declaration that it alter too onang 38 already mentioned thoro still re mains a larger revenue than is requi site for the wants of the government the entiro internal taxation should be repealed, "rathor than surrender any part of our protective system.' Our people ask relief from tho un due and unnecessary burden of tariff taxation now resting upon them. They are offered free tobacco and free whisky. They ask for bread and they are given a stone. The implication contained in this party declaration, that desperate meas ures are -justified or neoessary to save from destruction or surrendor what is. termed our protective system, should oonfusu no one. Tho exi tence of suoh a system is entirely consistent with the regulation of the extent to whioh it Bhould be applied and tho correction of its abuses. Of course, in a country as great as ours, with suoh a wonderful variety of interests, often leading in entirely dif ferent directions, it is difficult if not impossible to settle npon a perfect tar iff plan. But in accomplishing the re form we have entered upon, the neces sity of which is so obvious, I believe we should not bo content with a re duction of revenue involving the pro hibition of importations and the re moval of the internal tax npon whisky. It may bo better and more safely dono within the lines of granting aotual re lief to the pcoplo in their means of liv ing and at the same time giving an impetus to our domestic enterprises and furthering our national welfare. If misrepresentations of our pur poses and motives are to gain credence and dofeat our present efforts in this direction, thoro scorns to be no reason why every endeavor in tho futuro to accomplish revenue roforra should not bo likewiso attacked and with liko r e sult And yet no thoughtful man can fail to see in the continuance of the present bunions of the people, and the abstraction by the government of the ourrency of the country, inevitable dis tress ana disaster. All danger will be averted by timely action. The diffi culty of applying tho remedy will nev er be less, and the biamo should not bo laid at the door of the Demooratio party it it is applied too late, With firm faith in the intelligence and patriotism of our countrymen, and relying upon tho conyiction that' mis representation will not mlluenco them, prejudice will not cloud their under standiug and that monanoo will not in timidate them, let us urge tho people's luiciosb uuu puuuu uiuy lur uiu viimi- oation of our attempt to inaugurate a righteous and beneficient reform. Grover Cleveland. WASHINGTON LETTEB. From oar Regular Correspondent. Wabhinoton, Sept. 17, 1888. Senatsr Vest budded bettor than he knew, when, in a spoech in tho Senate, no taunted tno uepubllcan senatord in to acknowledging that they bad no in tention of reporting a substitute lor the Mills bill at tho present session. It was a most humiliating and coward ly uuuiiBBiuu iu iiiuko; it brows now abject the Republican Senators oan bo. when their master, Jim Blaine, issues his command. jNot two weeks ago, tho Republican Senators, in cauous, agreed to report their tariff bill in ten days, and now Senators of suoh promi nence as oherman, Allison and His cock havo to get up and acknowlcdga that thoy do not intend to report the bin at tuts Bes8ion. it was a great tn. riu: t.... i i buuuijju iui .uiaiui, uub iiuw Humiliat ing it must havo been for the Senators. 'Ine reason whioh they give for not re porting tho bill is perfectly absurd tho lock of time. Pray what havo they been doing Binco last Decembor, for it was lust as well known nn tin. first day of the Fiftinh Congrcs that tho Democrats ot tho House intended to ported and pass a tariff bill as it was on that warm day in last July when the IIouso passed the Mills bill, and thoro was nothing to prevent the iiepiiiiucans ot tne oenato irom hav ing their bill ready just as soon as the Democrats of tho IIouso had theirs. Bnt tho Republicans counted on the failuro of tbo Mills bill in the House. and wore badly disappointed by its pasage. The'o are several reasons why tho Republicans have decided not to report their bill. .First thoy wcro by no means cortaln that tlioy could pass it,, if it was reported. Secondly, they daro not report a bill without on- tering into a general revision of the prrsont iniquitous tariff, and that revi sion would bo certain to lose them votes among that favored class of manufacturers who are protected at the oxpenso of tbo pooplo at large. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. Thirdly, and most Important of all, Mr. lilalno issued an odlot that no Re publioan tariff bill should bo reported at this Bossion. If tho voters of this country do not cousuro the Republi can party for this cowardly evasion of what was plainly its duty, I shall bo very much surprised. Tho pcoplo of this country ndmlro manliness and bravery in politics as in everything else, and after tho Demooratio party bad in ado up its bill upon which to ap peal to tho country, it was manifestlv tho duty of tho Republicans to present a alinillar bill, tn order that tho voters might intelligently ohooso which party to voto for. What with Mr. Blaino s ideas on trusts and the latest command of bin, the Republicans aro likely to wish ho had slaved in Europe. Secretary Whitney and Senator Payno havo both made explicit denials of being in any manner connected with tho Standard Oil Company. And they both stato thnt uino-tonths of tho stockholders in that company aro Republicans. So much for Sena tor Hoar's insinuations that theso gentlemen were connected with that corporation,, and that tho mid corpora tion was a largo contributor to the Demooratio campaign fund. If this concern has contributed to either party it is probable that it was to thu Repub licans. Sonalor Gorman has gono to Now York to direct tho campaign during tho absence of Chairman Brice. Tho now silver vault in tho Treai ury Department contained Saturday night 240 tons of silver dollars. Tho Senate Comraittco on Forc'gu Affairs, it is believed, intend to pigeon-bole the Canadian retaliation bill recently passed by ihe House. It is believed that the Republicans aro plotting to keep Congress in peri ston until after the election, in order to prevent the Demooratio members from taking nn aotivn part in tho campaign. Senator George, replying to Senator Hoar's insinuations regarding Secreta ry Whitney, took occasion to deliver a well-deserved cuiogy on secretary Whitney, in tho courso of whioh he s-iid that not since the foundation of tho Government had thero boon a man in tho office of Soorotary of the Navy who had been more cfhcient, moro non orable, moro devoted to tho interests confided to l.itn than tho present Secre tary of tbo JNavv. iliei'o were no soandals in that offioo now, no Secor- Roboson contraots, nor suspicion that a single dollar appropriated for tho Navy had not been fully, completely, and honestly applied to that purpose. There is not a word oi truth in ino rumor that Seorotary Whitney pro poses to retire from tho Cabinet. The Senate has passed a resolution' instructing the Committee on Financo to inquire into the copper trusts and to report what legislation is necessary to protect tbo people trom its oxactions. The bill amending the later-Suto Commerce law has been passed by the House. Hon. George C. Gorham, formely Secretary of the United States Sonate and editor of the JSational Jiepuon can of this city, says ho is for Cleve land in preference to Harrison with Blaino attached as Secretary of tho Slate. Mr. Gorham was a close friend of tho late Roscoe Conkling and has always been a Uepublican. IS over was there moro m irked dit ferenco between two documents than that between the letters of noceptanoe of Cleveland and Harrison. Every paragraph of Mr. Clovelauds letter is as straight frorn-tho shoulder-sledgo hammer blows, whilo the Harrison let ter is a wishy-washy milk-and-water affair all through. Even Republicans acknowledge that there is no compari son between them. Mr. Cleveland has written a letter strongly endorsing the forming of Democratio clubs and expressing tho belief that the club is the mot effeo tivo agency for the dissemination of political information. He has also written a letter denying in the most posithe terms that he over made use of tho expression that "1 believo in free-trade as I beliove'in tho Protes tant religion," whioh a writter in the North American Jlevieto accused him of having used. Bepnblioan Oointy Convention. Thu county convention of Columbia county republicans was held in the Court Housu last Monday afternoon. September 17th, at 2 o'clock. W. E. Smith, of Berwiok called tho conven tion to order, and E. B. Guie, of Cata wissa was elected chairman. B. D. Freas, of Berwick and T. Smith, of Jack sou, secretaries. Following is a list of tho delegates in attendance: Benton, I. K. Laubauoh, C. S. O' brien. Berwiok E., B. D. Freas, F. H. Ea ton. Berwiok W., C. C. Evan; W. E. Smith. Bloom E., Wm. Dietriak, Mathias anattor. Bloom W. E. S. M'Killip, E. V. Ilarltrmn. Centre, T. D. Strauss. CatawisBa, E. B. Guie, M. G. Hughes. 1 isbingcreek, Geo. Peoler, J. M. Buckalew. Hemlock, John Noyhart, John Hart man. Jackson, T. W. Smith. Locust, J. W. Block, G. W. Stokes. Montour, H. P. Chamberliii, W. M. Monroe. Mt. Pleasant, M. Rucklo, Clinton Crawford, Orange, Cyrus Conucr, Joseph Crawford. Pine, Jas. Masters, B. G. Waples. bcott, W. E. D. Hacenbucb. Then Hock. Scott E. J. B. Miller, E. B. Walton. A resolution was then offered to ap point ten conferees to meet with tho conferees from Montour oounty to nominate a president judge for this district. 0. C. Evans, Esq., desired to know who presented tho resolution and tho name of I. K. Laubaucli was giyon. Mr. Laubauch aroso Bhortly afterward and Haid that ho was not tho author of tho resolution but it had been handed to him to present to tho convention. Tho chairman thought it was not ne cessary that tho author's name should be given and the resolution was placed beioro tho convention to bo votvd for. Tho voto resulted twenty-threo to sev en agalust tho resolution. M. G. Hughes, of Catawlssa, loft tho convention and O. E. Gover was ap pointed to take his pla";o. It was moved and seconded that tho conven tion proceed to nominate a full ticket and tho motion was carried. Tho ohairman announced that tho firBt thing in order would bo tho nomina tlon of congressman. Tim fllr,,,,!.,.. resolution was then proeontcd to tho convention: - Resolved that wo herobv nominatn J. Boyd Robison for Congress subW.t to the decision of the district confer. ence and authorizo him to appo int his own oonforees. Aftor some Bquabbllng, tho resolution ill S THIS IS THE GENUINE ! Our picture trade-mark around every bottle. Cut tills out and send It to yourdrugelrt. Refuse any aUulitratedtubttituts oa vnn wnnM feit niouy. For 40yeors, iu healing tamo hat tprcivl OTer Europe and America. Doctors pre KiTibo It. All respectablo druralats keep It, and i pcomiucnd It. Thousands of families use It, and would not ho without It. In sickness, Crery Drop Is Worth Its Weight In Cold I and llcmorrhaaes of all land. CAUTION. Seo that the. words "l'ONS'S IIXTIIACT " nro blown In each bottle, In. lo.eil In a buir-colored wrapper, bearing our landscape trade-mark nono other la rcnulno. SUd nerywhtre. Prl:,6,tl,Jl.t6. POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 Bth Ar.. New York. was put before tho convention to bo voiea ior, ana was carried ny a voto of sixteen to thirteen. A motion was then made and se conded that conferees bo appointed to confer with the conferees from Mon tour county to nominato & president judgofor this district. The motion was carried and C. C. Evans, and 0. II. Zohnder, of Berwick,-E. B. Guie, of Catawibsa, and W. M. Monroe, of Rupert, wero nominated and elected conferees. Moved and seconded that the con ferees go uninstructed. Tho first ballot resulted 14 15 m favor of tho motion. As all the delegates did not vote, a second ballot was taken resulting in a tio vote of fifteen fifteen. All still did not vote and tho third ballot was taken, which resulted sixteenfifteen and the motion was declared defeated. Moved and seconded that tho con forces bo instructed to voto for Lovi Waller. Mr. Evans made an amend ment that the instruction be for a good Republican. The amendment was car ried. The motion as amended was then put to vote and lost. H. J. Connor nnd V.. T.nntn nnn unanimously nominated for representa tives, and Mathias Snafferfor sheriff. Wm. Crawford and G. D. Strause wero named for tho office of Jury Com missioner, and a vote taken, resulting 25 to 3 in favor of CrfiK-fnrrl wlm una declared tho nominee. O. C. Evans Esq., was chosen un animously for district attorney and I. K. Laubach, coroner. It was moved and Boconded that tho nomination of .T Tlnw.1 Pnk;.A - w yi uuju nui.i.:uil ijg congress bo mado unanimous. Carried. rut . . i xno oonvenvon tl en adiournod. The Oft Told Story Of tho peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Barsaparllla Is lully confirmed by the volun tary testimony of thousands who havo triod It. Peculiar in tho combination, proportion, and preparation of Its Ingredients, peculiar In tho extreme caro with which it Is put up, Hood's Sarssparllla accomplishes cures whero other preparations entirely tail. Pecu liar In tbo unequalled good name it lias mado at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in tho phenomenal sales it lias attained. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the most popubr and successful medicine beforo tho public today for purifying tho blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my bead and neck, w hicb. was very annoying. I took one bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparllla, and t have received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and lam always glad to speak a good word for this medicine." Mns. J. S. Sntceb, Pottsvlllo, Tenn. Purlflos tho Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, bad scrofulous sores all over, bis body for flftoen years. Hood's Sarsaparllla completely cured him. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. T suffered eleven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on bis leg, so bad that be had to give up business. He was cured ot the ulcer, and nlso of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparllla Boldbyalldnujitirti. SlilzrorS9. rrepvadonly by C. I. HOOD A CO., ApothecariM, towU, Matt. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar XlIST OP THEMIUMS TO XJB AWAItDED HV TCB Benton Agriculliiral Society, AT THEIR FIKTII ANNUAL PAIIt TO DE IIELU AT BENTON Columbia Co., Pa. Vednesday, Thursday, Friday, oaumiay. October 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. CLASS 1. Thnmnnlihuil Vuu,. .i t ... KaUYe lest, 4 years old and up s oo si 00 . 4 00 2 00 i W"KU ixuu . JVaTa 4 UU " " 8 and 8 years 3 00 Vlvttton lMarri. 200 , 2 00 . Brood mare, best, With colt at her v.v...,mH. W Dtvfton 3 Draft Uonn. 4(0 900 Best pair draft horses s oo 2 en .. 100 , 1 00 .. IU , 200 , 3 01) ., 1 00 . mureorgeming i yearoid... 3 00 ' " " between 2 and a years g oo Uestjuare or geldings years and up oi I invunun iiamaft llortet Best single driving horeo or mare.. 4 oo " horse or ware &alted for saddle soo CI. A US Vlotittm Cntil. Best blooded bull, with pcdli-reo. 3 years and up .8 00 Best bloodd bull, with pedigree. 400 00 800 SOD I 00 Bet blooded cow, with 'podigree 3 00 ugiici " 4 UU " calf, 6 Mths. or under 3 on DlvUltm 2 XatltM Cnllla Best bull oyer s years old 6 oo 800 200 200 100 3 00 2 00 200 ,. . - - uuuer o years. M, sou COW. ,, sou " belter , ..... 3 00 " calf under (months..., lua invuion lworktna Caitii Best yoko ,, jog 109 BLOOMSBURG, CLASS i. DMtton I Sheep, Blooded. Bostbuck, with pedigree, years and up ........V.,... 400 Best buck unrer 2 years a 00 " " cwo.... . 800 DMtton t-Xattve Best buck..., 1..., , , too " lrnb icj ewe..... 200 " ewes, 8 In a pen 3 o Vlvttton & Swine. Best boar goo " .sow with litter pU. not loss than I a 00 Best pa'rpiga under 8 months....- 1 00 " shoatis, a or moro In pen...,,, a 00 CLASS 4. Not lcea than thrto ot each. riymouth rocks.... Lnngshangs . Wyandottes ........,,., Lleht Drahmas 10 1M 1M 109 M 100 160 200 160 SO 2 to M co ro to M 00 50 fiO w 50 ro co Dark brahmas.. Jartrldgo cochins,.... JI1B lack cochins. Burr cochins. White cochins....... ... lloudana , Hamburgs, eachvarlo.y .... W'hltfi letrhnma Brown leghorns. 50 wmio-racca duck Bpani8n.,. M 50 rollsh, each variety . ... Crerccolur ....... Bantams, each variety. ...,.. Kach other Yirletr 50 50 50 CO loo ro 300 Turkeys, each Tarlety ..., Second best. Turney, weight t lbs.oroier Hccse, each variety. Ducks, each Tarlety Pigeons, each variety. Display of pigeons, any or all sorts, own- 75 to Pd bv fiihl! 1 00 Phor antB. each varie.'.i 50 6D Quails Lop-eared rabbits Common rabbits . ouinoa fowls, white " prarL rea fowls white. 50 50 50 60 50 50 60 200 colored Guinea pigs. Dlsplayany or all kinds, owned by ono Bccond besf...".'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'."!.'.'".'.'.'!!!!."'.'.!.' 1 00 F0wl9 to be ludcred Arvytrillnif to ArnMnm standard ot excellence. Those not possessing CLASS S. DMtton 1 Qraln oud Seed. venow com, ousnei . ts nnuononu, 75 Dent corn, " . 75 Wheat, " . 1 00 flecondbest. , 75 Barley, bushel 75 Oats, " 75 nueKwneat, nusuet 75 Bye, " 75 Peas, " 75 Beans. " 75 mover seed, halt bushel 73 Tin othy seeA " " 75 r lax Beea, s DMtton 2 Flour ana Feed. The premium on flour to be for a riven number of pounds of nour trom a given number ot pounds Wheat flour, not less thoniso lba.made br contributor . 1 no ure nour. not less man 50 ins. maaoDr contributor 1 00 uuiKwneat nour. not less tnsn 60 ids. made by contributor 1 00 uranam nour. not less man 6 ids. made by contributor. t too corn meal, not less than co lbs. made br vuutiiuuwrt.iMH, 1 uu CLASS e. DMtton lVeoetaNei. Bushel early potatoes, each yarloty 50 50 IUU1 " " ,...,.. collection of potatoes, not less than six varieties. 100 CO Pumpkins, largest .. Mangle Wurrels, bushel (field culture).. ltutabagas, busnoL. Field beets, " Sample of beets, pnlons, tomatoes, tur 60 CO 60 nips, parsnips, ceiery, cauunowcr, cabbage, lettuce, peppers, squashes, pumpkins, egg plants (not less than live each, quart Lima beans DMtton i-oreen Fruit. Peaches, display of, one peck ' largest variety, halfdoren..... Apples, larrcst " one pock 100 50 too 100 its Taneiies. 4 cacn. " lot of tall, 0 varieties, 4 eacb " specimen of, size and quality considered, not less than a nnclc 100 75 t 00 100 100 75 Apples, lot winter, 4 each, or more var ieties Pears, any variety. . . , .... . i-eani. collection. Oulncos. not less than 1 rtnr-m l'lums, display of, any name 2 varieties., Grapes, collection, not lees than 4 varie ties CO 50 50 Grapes, cluster, not less than e clusters. tm Yiuiciy .... , Dirttton Z-Drted Frultt Wortlebcrrrles. 2 lbs Blackberries, 2 lbs Raspberries 2 lbs .. uewoemes ids Cherries, 2 lbs Currants. 2 lbs Twetchers, 2 lbs mines, 2 lbs. ....... Peaches. 2 lba Plums, 2 lbs .. Apples, 5 lba.-.... CLASS 7. DMtton lCultnarv Department. Bread, loaf 79 " made bv cirl IS vm or under 60 Butter, roll, 2 lbs or moe. 71 Pie, apple S3 peacn S3 pumpkin or squash 28 mince 25 lemon 23 crane es Rolls 2J Biscuit 25 Cheese, homemade. 2s Cake, sponge ts cocoanui hi pound 25 fruit 60 ginger 29 DMtton 2. Pickles In vinegar, prrcess to be stated.. Honey, box', by 1 co'ony this year, 5 lbs or over CO 100 1 00 60 75 75 50 ts noney. display Second Maplo sugar, this year, 5 lbs.. Male syrup, " 1 gallon Ham, cured, with receipt glvei, cut and cured by contributor Second .... CLASS 8. DMtton 1 Conned FrutU Best quart each variety 2S Greatest variety and best 75 CLASS 9. DMtton SWtnet and Jellies. Wine, domestlo grape, 1 bottle, wine, raspberry, 1 bottle 50 60 60 50 60 50 Wine, blackberry, " Any other domest'c mi Jellies, collection dome iuc, uurruuL, tnada wlnn Jellies, collection domestic made qualities ana varieties caisiderea t (it each.. 1 00 Sccom zona., 50 The indges may recommend premiums for differ, ent varieties ot canned fruit, domestlo Jellies, pre- CLASS 10. farm Implemtnlt. Most numerous and best display agricul tural Implements,, Mower and reaper combined ReaDer.'.'.'.' diploma aip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip ilp dip dip dip dtp dtp dip dip dip dip drain drill.. Hand seed di 111. eeed sower nay tedder Threshing machine ard self cleaner In operitton ... norse iower lever .... Tread bovse power. Field roller... . Ono-borse cultivator , , Two-horse " -..... Harrow... ,. clover harrow..... Iron plow. Mecl " Chilled Iron plow. .. BubBOU plow... corn shelter Fannlntr mill dip dip Horse rake din Gram cradle dip Hayforks, six , dip Hand rakes, six , ., dip Manure forks, six. ., dip Straw forks, six.. dip Schythes and snaths, six. din Straw, grain and grass cutter dip ox yoke. . dip Horse cart din Hay rigging made by exhibitor.. ..... dip Machine for loading bay In the Held. dip Machine for unloading and distributing hay la the building dip Gladstone for sharpening mowing nut. ,, chines , dip Plank setter rtih Hootcutter ..... din stump machine. din corn busker.... din Farm gate dip Dog or sheep power for churning dip Lawn mower ....... dip I"ortable steam engine for dairy purposes dip dip Tho Judges In this class will examine articles not enumerated therein and tor meritorious onta rm awuru a ccnuicaie or merit. CLASS u. 31am factured Arltetet. Display of carriages. diploma Two-horse " .. 200 One-horse " , 200 open buggy. j w Platrorm and spring wagon , 200 Lumber or farm wagon. 2 60 rkcieuju wagon.. . .. 2 00 Pleasure sleigh. .. diploma A, 7? "5" .... uip fu.b ........,.........,,, Pair of sleighs.... .,.,., Pork barreC ' , ' ,, ' , " , Refrigerator , Flour barrel Firkin and butter pall and quickest metli od ot raising cream Churn, new and improved .. dm dip dip dip dip dip alp dip dip dip dip ioo dip dip dip alp dip dip dip dip dip too 50 tugn painting.... Washing macbli operation to be shown Bainple drain ti.e... , Collection cabinet work. ... , , Hprlng bed bottom Bedstead , " Bureau .... ,..., Clothes wringer .., Table Washstand ... , " Chairs, e or moro Worked maple ,,,, .L Utt force pump bet borso shoes for farm purposes, sped- men , , Picture rrame. , ... CLASS 12. DMtton Uerc1aiiaite. Dlanlav nt ,Iii,m anrt Hnw.M DUular or dra tool. . 12 50 dip dip aip saws, oouection. .,M,r,r,,7r;..'!'. Augurs, collection , , COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. n&ngn (.... ,1 Furnaco hector Parlor " ........ Coal cooking stove dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dtp ooa " Coal heating grate Display of TOdcs mado In thla ermntrr. lay 1 Dozoncorn brooms bniKheH Corn boskets, . .., Dry goods, display of.,., Earthenware, display of. uin dip All persons desiring to pianos, organs, sowing machines, stoves, furnaces, riro grates, etc will be furnished amplospaco to exhibit and dis play their wares, Dirttton i-Leather, Harnett, etc. Boots and shoes, display ot...., dip Leather, display ot dip Rubber goods, display of,,,,,, dip carnage harness, doublo it 00 . " sln8,e tOO Working " doublo 100 " " einglo 1 00 Doublo " fancy ., 100 SInglo " 1 00 roarco boots, doz. pairs dip Fine " . dip ladles' " " " dip Pair nne boots . dip " coarso ' ,.... dip " ladies' boots or shoes , dip Solo leather, 0 sides.. , -, dip Upper leather, 6 sides din Cair skins. 0 Rides .iin Harnoss, saddlery, vallccs, etc., greatest dhplay. 100 CLASS 18. ftiftiffn; and raney Work. All articles mun bo owned by tho exhibitor, tat. (M. uu paiuiiiiKs. uispiny 01......,,,., .. Painting In oil. landscape. " " " bead Display painting in water colors,.,. Painting in water colors, flowers..., " fruit u co t 00 i ou TO 1 1 1 1 .... 1 00 .... 100 .... 1 ou Display of painting on satin or silk...... 2 00 t CO ". ." " " " china... 200 1 00 Pencil drawing 1 00 co Display crayon drawings 1 00 CO I'hotoarSDhtc dtsolar 1 nn iiuuiueuitti pruning. dip Hit, Preserved specimens natural history.... Display coins dip ourr wooa...... 1 C3 ., " wood carved by gent ,, 100 ,, " fancy picture frames.,, 1 CO ., " Taxidermists' work... 1 CO ., " moss work 1 co ,, " fruit, wx , 1 00 .. " (lowers, wax 1 00 ,, " hair woik 1 00 .. " hair Jewelry 50 ., " ornamental shell work. .....100 .. " feather llowcrs. , 1 00 .. " leather work 100 .. " aquarium , 1 to 1 Canary bird 50 .. CLASS 14. DMtton lXredlework, etc All articles to havo been finished within two years law. posu Tidy, Java canvas an " In outline embroidery...- 60 " knitted 50 " crochet to " ci jwel or embroidered ... 50 " lace - 50 " applique 60 Piano cover 1 no Table cover. 100 Toilet set, crochet. 50 " canvas 60 Pick-rack trimmings. 60 Display of crewel work 1 00 Fancy towels, drawn 75 Set table mats. 50 Towel rack 50 stand lambrequin 50 Fancy work baj. 50 sola cushion 75 Zephyr pin cushion. 50 Bead pin-cusblon..... 50 Fancy pin cushion or other design. co Chenlle work . 50 Worx'Wlth gold or silver thread 50 Lace work by band. Spatter work. 50 Display of applique work 1 00 Pillow shams, embroidered '. 75 Yoke for night dress, embroidered 50 Band and sleeves for undergarments em broidered 50 Handkerchief, embroidered 50 Pillow shams, braided co Lap robe, embroidered 75 Lambrequin, bead - 50 " macreme 50 Bracket lambrequin, crewel work. 50 Work for wall pocket 50 " basket, fancy. co Shoo bag 50 Scrap " w Vase mats, fancy 50 Specimen ladles' fancy work new design 1 00 Hearth rug. 1 00 Rag carpet, not less than 6 yards. 200 carpet rug. woven 50 Woolen stockings, homo mado 60 Cotton " ...... 50 Pair of knit mtttens 50 " woolen crochet mittens 50 " lesrolns i 60 60 1 00 Article of patching. to " " darning 50 Cotton socks, tome mado ... 50 uuk:ii " " " fi() Shirt, home mado 1 00 Chemise, home mde. 1 00 Nightdress home made. 100 Muslin Bklrt, home mado 1 00 Crazy quilt 3 00 Silk bou quilt . 2 00 White cotton bed quilts 1 00 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 60 60 60 "co 50 Colored 1 00 spread, appllquo Log cabin bed quilt Bureau cover 100 . too CO 100 , 100 . 100 . 50 . 50 ilea spread, knit , M H r.rfv,liet. . Afghan for carrlago " " cblld'B coach. Crib spread. CLASS 15. Fancy Work, The Judges are authorized to award niarnnnr,. ary premiums to meritorious articles In this class Knit edtrlnr- not. Iawi llinn o v.m. mn Needle bboTc 50 Specimen plain tc vlng by band. 100 Pieced bed quilt ' 100 Dressed dolf. .......".,! 60 Pln-cushlon ,"" 50 bpcclmen darning 50 ' patching 50 Motto, zephyr 50 Air castle. 50 Crochet mats. to Knitting I...".",".."!"."" 50 Specimen of hand carving 100 ' " nr PPrnll (jiwlnr. , rv DlSPlaV Of W3rk nfnnv ilp.Yrrn'' n Crochet edging, not less than two yards 60 C.V.IM 16. Xttltnery, Etc. Millinery exhibit. Mantua making Silk Embroidery Crochet work Tatting. ........ Netting " Fancy Ttnlttlng. " Braided work by hand M"" . ', " " machine i"'.' Article beadembroli'ery Second Display Flowers Second Collection cut flowers Hanging basket with growing plants' Collection wild flowers.. CLASS 17, too 1 00 100 100 too 1 00 1 00 100 co 100 60 200 100 100 CO 60 !0 who havo taught within two years may rfdoTy.'.!tt' Un"M st " nv EUCOQU DOSU OUlchartlUdy 00 executed in Set Ubm'etfo'1 n"; A? and m ""wipny. u. s. History, ing.... theotr ani1 Practice of teacfc K01''0""1' Print''''".'.'. . SP'reports to parents. ...?.." ' o?p.trePorU'00k. executed by ono oneSSSS acht(r In VSS..Z ........ - Pm,eflneusln93 or social letter, 15 to fthaSVwii" room decoration!; '.'.'.'.".'."7. Praw1nPgJlnt"lt ,D 11' pcn w erkyon Geological coiiect ion.'. '.''"'".'" Mlneraioglcal collection. . L " " MPnays-fey11US,mlDS lbe 2011 100 too 1 m too 100 1 00 too too 100 too 100 IU) Schomapparatul-,n-tt-p9;Vo-i-cVirts; dlpl0ma Reading cart.. dip KwlSiSP0' i',cn'n'si'ivan'l'aV.".'.'.'.:.''.' SlS school room mottoes, not ie4 V a,'P nKSr E00?8 copr boots) . . ,7... .. ' """k books (Book-keeping).., " . Specimen reward cards ...?; Ms&S'WaCh,Bffanam'et 5rl.eS.Plmai7 and advanced charts dlD dip dip dip dip Set school book8-lteaderk'"s'beilers.' 'aV dlp ltbmetlca Grammirn'S'! J"- .... Ihe nasi Year Prouucea within Tl "' 11. a mciiknrv. secretary. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 22 HYPOPHOSPHITEH Almost as Palatable as Milk. j,So. ' ht It can ba taken. tomaeh, when Ihi plain oil cannot ba toUratcdi and by Vh 00m. 5'n"n oil with tl." 'nyMphSU pblte ! much mora efficacious. Hemirkakle u tuh prodater, Ptrsonj gala rapidly while uving It, SOOTTa EMULSION is acknowledgoa by raUon in the world tor tho relief and euro ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA GENERAL DEBIL TV. WASTINO n?"A8ES, EMAc'lATIo"IN COLDS and OHRONIO COUQH8. GET YOUR JOH PUTXT-PTisin DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE HINDtltCOItNS. fttttf mr Cure for Cornt, ptopillrliU eomfortlothtjfwt. 150, t Urninrlrtt. tiiflooXftC ih best of all remedies for Inward rains. Colic, IndiRei tlon, EfthAuttton tml nil Stom ach and llowel troubles. Also i the most tnectivt cure fori Coughs, Cold. Uronchitii and I affections of the breathing I mfCAns. It promotes refreshing ' sleep, Improves the appetite, overcomes nervous prostration, sail trlves new llf and ttreno-th tctht weak and aged, sx, and $ioo, at Druiiti. BCpU14-d-4U MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Anj-book learned in ono reading, Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes, l'iracy condemned by Supremo Court. Great Inducements to correspondence, classes, rrosoectus. wltli opinions ot Dr. Wm. A. linm- mond, tho world-famed Specialist In Mind dis eases. Daniel Oreenleaf Thompson, tliotrrcat I"8y. choloelst, J. M. Uuckley, D. D Mltor of tho vrirmian Aacocaie, iticuaru l'rocior, ins lcniisi llonr, Judiro Gibson, Judnh I'. llenjamln. and others, sont post froo by rrof. A. loIhktte, sot Fifth A to. , New York. sept.H-d-4t.. To Advertisers A ll3t ot 1000 newspapers dlvldea' into STATES AND SECTIONS will bo sent on appllcatlon KliKE. To thoso who want their advertising to pay, wo can otter no better medium for thorough and cf. fectlro worK than tho various sections of our Se lect Local List. geo. r. ltowicLLt Co., Newspaiicr Advertising uuronu, sept li-Mt 10 upruce Wrcet, Kow Vo.k. HOOK AGKXTS WANTED pon Mr STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A Xavermorc rnco Field and IIoipIUl urtw It jortrm th BhAdowi 'tu a womnn tav tKn." llri&ht, Wre, and Good. muni -utuo jwr ani win," loi tnrtmns intemt md touchlnf Mtho, attiqht to oil Splendid MM'Itt, nd "i;icriB ricniyrnioTi m tract, ira rtrMr tae-nmde. orMtn and Woman enuelU0h l fav tYtiehi and (rive Extra Iferwu. WriU for circular! ta iivMtw,iHvdaiv,IMnWB,vnii septlf-d-lt. T) EGISTEH'S NOTICE. Totlco Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in tho estates or tho respective decedents and minors, that tho follow. Ing administrator's executor's and guardian's ac counts have bnen filed In tho omco of tho Keglstcr v. iuiumum cuuuiy uuu wm oo presentea tor con firmation and allowance In tho Orphans' Court to bo held in Dloomsburg September the ith 1883, at No. l. Tho nrst and final acconnt ot William Delong administrator of Samuel Heller, lato of No. S, Tho flret and nnal account of Geormi n neath, executor or tho last will and testament of John Heath, ot Jackson township Columbia county No. 8. First and final nmnnnf. of Anmn w Graver administrator etc of Catharine Graver. Ifltn nf Main tnnmDhln Hnn.i NO. 4. The floeond nnd flnni npnunt rt anmuni Snyder executor ot tho last will and testament ot ucv.kuxuuult, xuiy oijuiiiiiniownanip, deceased. No. 5. The nrst and nnal account ot Henry Ilartzel adrainlstratorot Susannah Uartzel, lato ot No. 6. First and final account of Isaiah Bower iiir r 01 lue esiai 01 Henry o. Martz, late ' "uiuvuva wnuaiiiji, UttCUSWI. No. 7. The account of Lemuel Drake guardian w uuiuia vumaiiuo lyiur, a inmor cmiu oi Dan- No. 8. First and final account of nohecca Heck administrator ot Samuel Lock, late of Mltiiin wMiuuip, UlVOiUUUt NO. (J. Tlmt. nnrl flnnl nmnnnr est Tstin lain Burvlvlnp; executor ot John M. chamberlain! Ifltf. nt lllnnniBkim ' NO. 10. Tho first, nnil nnrttnt nni,Mimt nr William Chrisman executor of tho la&t will and testament "vuuiuu iiumauii, late or iiioomsourg.deceased. No. 11. First and partial account of David Mouser ono of tho executorsot Jesse Wcrtman,lato w, juwuwjur wwusiup, aeceaseo. NO. 12. Thn first, nnd nnrtlal aA,nnl f T f poty and fra Doty administrators etc. of Jonas inn,), lauj oi JisumgcrecK township, deceased. NO. 13. First nnrl final nwntint. nf Rntyt,,nl n Jaj no executor ot the estate of Lizzie J. Wilson, iaw ui i,crwicu, aeceascu. No. 14. Flret and nnal account ot A. K. Smith administrator or tho e&tato of Martha Long, lato NO. 15. Afinniint. flf Protllrtln Triro1nn- ar1ivir,lci. trator of leter lerslnf deceased, late of Locust vwnuou., VUIUU1UU IAIIUIVJT 1 tt. No. 16. Account of Wm. r. Faus (first and nnal! twuiui ui Auumas raus, late or mo townsnip o, line, county ot Columbia, deceased. No. 17. Account ot Geo. W. Dogart admlnlstra- rt irt " uuseri, late oi uemiocK townsnip, No. 18. First and final account of Oscar J, Hess ii uoicw ui mo real estate or ueuben nets, deceased. No. 19. .Tho first and final account of A. r. loung administrator of vilson A. Thomas, lato No 20. First and final account of Moses Mc nenry executor ot tho last will and testament ot William Whltenlght, lato ot Klshlngcrccl;, de- No. 21. Hrst and flnal account ot Allen Mann administrator de bonus non c t. a. ot CaroUno .uuuu iuvu ui uuavur townsnip, deceased. b-iP- Th.0.flret ma flnal account of Nehemiah Kitchen administrator of Samuel Savage, deceased. NO. S3. Account nf 1?mmn ncmnn .rfmlHrtM i!.,?-?',1!; r 0amuni Iat0 of CatawlMa Columbia uccvasea, . No. 24. First and nnal account ot Mary M. Sit. ,7l..fcJfcJV1.tler,,uiatty frltlcr administrators of in,.cn,?1Uei' lat0 ot "range township Columbia county Pa., deceased. Ka , Tho first and flnal account of John A, ubvu, buu(uiuu ui iinrnson w. neiwig. -?, Second and final account of narrlet W, v wtwiwHtauu ui iiccsu iti, jick, ueceascou fo. 27- First and nnal account ot John li. Eves buu.uiuu UI rtUullU OAUas. m J, . ret ana account of John R. Eves buuiuuuiui jimry to. nanus. No. 29. First and final account of Henry Forman iruardl.m nf n. 11 mi,,. i.,0,o.. ,;,.Li.i. No; 30. First and flnal account of a. n. Gordner 1.UWUUM1111U1 ui uuuuu uumueriain, acceaseu. NO. St. RpnTmlnn Knnl a.nMin, nf n l, ellng Burvlvlng executor or Isaao Crevelln'g, lati of Scott township, deceased. Cl u- CAMl'BELL, aug. ai '83 Register. SHERIFF'S SALE Uy virtue of a writ of FL Fa. issued out of tho court ot common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo Baio at the wourc uouse in me town of Dloomsburg on MONDAY, September 24tb, 1888. at 3 p. m., all that certain tract or piece of land Divuuiu iu uaiawissa townsnip, Columbia county Pa., bornded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a plno knot thence by land of Jacob Stlno north cighty-slx degrees, west eighty perches to a post, thence by land of Pavid Helwlg south ono and one-half de grees, cast one hundred and seventy-Beven perches to an old stone heap, thence by land ot the samo north slxty.nlne degrees, cast fl..y-one perches to a post, thence by lands of same south three de grees, east forty-two perches to a stone, thence by land ot the game north Bovcnty.flvo degrees, east forty-two perches to a stouo, thence by land of b Diruusacr nonn ten and one-half degrees east twenty-two perches to a post, thence by land ot tho samo noiihthlrty-three degrees, west six a m lureo-ienins peches to a stone, thence by .uu ui mi oiuuo uuriii nine ana ono-nau degrees, west twelve perches to a pine, thenco by land of tho same noiih Ihuty-two decrees, westninn forr-tcnths perches to a chestnut, thenco by land ot the same noilh soven dearees. west fnnr four-tenths percnea to a white oak, thence by v " "unu oorcuiy.iwo negrces, west nltiety.nvo perches to a fallen pine, thenco by land ot Solomon llhlnaid. north nlno iipirmos ... one hundred and sixty perches to thn mn n. beginning, containing elghty-Beven acres and one uuuureu una tony-nine jierches neat measure. Seized taken in execution and to bo son u thn viviKiir ui rruucia uiassmejer. SAMUKL SMITH. Rhawn, Atty. BnerW. aug. si. nRS.J.N.&J B.HOBENSACK II M.dlo.Und Surglcil Offlc, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. r.STAHLISUEU 40 VKAltS for thj treatment of Kouthrul Iinpriiilnc, l;0i of Vigor, Nervout Debility and Special Dlieuaea. Ooniultatlon by mail froo of oliargo. r,,. . Huok Sent Free, Offleo houn from 8 a.m. to a r.M.,Ji from c to 9 v.k SALESMEN -a "WANTED ... w. J? " forth.ul. of Norwry ltflV atSam DEM00EATIO TICKET. STATE. FOIX JUIIOK OP SUI'IIKMK COUIlT J. B. AIcCOLLUM, ' of Siisqncimnna .County. COUNTY. ion coNortKes. CHARLES 11. BUCKALEW. Subject to decision of Congressional Conference. von 1T.ESIDKNT JUDi t OF TIIK JUDlCIAt, DISTRICT. E. 11. IKELElt, 2Cth ' FOR )lf,TnlOT ATTORNEY, FHANK P. BlLLMEYEIt ES(). Oi Bloorasbiirg. FOR SI1ERIKF, JOHN B. CASEY of Bloomsbnrg. FOR RKintESKNTATlVES, JAMES T. FOX, WILLIAM KUICKBAUM. FOR JURY CC IMISSIONER, GEOKGE W. MUJiEU, FOll CORONER, DAVID WELSOH. SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out nt th. Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county an to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo tale at the Court House, in tho town of Bloomsburg on &A1UKUAY Sept. 29th, 1888. at p. m., all that tract of land sltuato in sugar. u.i tunusuiii, i-uiumuia vo. ra., Dounded and desci.bed as follows, to-wlt; On tho north by publlo road, on tho cast by publlo road leading to Cambra, Luzcrno county to Five Points, on tho south by lands of E. J. Albcrtson, and on tho west by lands of E. J. AlberUon, containing five acres moro or less, whereon is erected a two-story piark dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. Seized taken In execution and to bo sold as tho property of John W. Albortson. USLSB.& rjEnrtiKo, Attyi Ft Fa, ALSO All that ccrtnln mcssuago or lot of land sltuato In tho Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a point on tho south-east sldo ot Third street In said town thluy.flvo and one-six. teentu feet west from l'-.o of lot on lands ot tho Cathollo church and running thenco westwardly along said Third street thirty.flvo feet moro or less to nn alley; thenco southwardly along said alley to Uno ot lands ot S. C. Shivo on tho roar ot tho premises hereby conveyed, thenco along tho samocastwardly-thlHy-flye feet moro or less, to Uno ot land of tho catholic Church aforesaid, thence northwardly by tho samo to tho placo ot beginning. Containing twenty and fifteen s'x. tecnths perches of land moro or less. On which Is erected a two-story framo dwelling houso and stable, seized taken In execution and to bo sold as tho property ot C. 0. Oallgnan. Jacoby and Miller Attys. Ft Fa. SAMUEL SMITH. sePt.7.8 hQnn- yiDOWS' AI''HAI8EMENT3. ' The following widows appraisements will bo presented tn tho Orphans' court ot Columbia county on tho fourth Monday of septemlicr A. 1). 1 B88 and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions aro tiled within four dajs thereafter will bo conrinn cd absolute: Simon Fetterman Est., Locust, personalty 1300, Alien Mann Est., Ucaver. personalty i.ioo. N. II. Creasy Est.: Minim, personalty t-WK John Leloy Est., Locust, personalty $.100. ."SJ80.'8101, Est, Personalty H4S.S0, realty ,, - WJf, ILBHVDHH, Clerk 0.0. Clerk's offlce, Bloomsburg, Acgust27, l&ss. DMINI8TRATOR8 NOTICE. JSttate of George W. Lett or Suoarloaf tomumtp. Letters of administration on tho said estate hav Ing been granted to tho undersigned administrate all persons Indebted to said estate aro hereby ro tlflcd to pay tho samo, and thoso having claims against said estato present tho same to . MILES W. MOSS, Admr. or to jouh G. Fbkbzb, Central, l", Attornoy. aug;iot. UDITOIVS NOTICE. Bttate Qfllenrv UaJTman. The undersigned, auditor appointed by tho Or- Ehans' court of Columbia county to makedlstr' utlon of tho funds In the hands of tho ndmlnL trator, will meet at tho omco ot o. E. ocycr Esq., at catawlssa, Tuesday September 4th, at 9 o'clock a. m. to perform the duties of his appointment, when and where all po-sons Interested must ap pear and prove their claims, or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund F. V. BILLMEYElt, Aug. 3 '88 Auditor. UDITOIl'H NOTICE. UttateoD. W.VaUtr, deceateq. The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county to stato an ac count between tho administratrix and said estate, and make report to next term according to tho prayer of tne petition, will perform the duties ot his appointment at the omco ot w. if. lthawn Esq. In Catawlssa on Friday September sitt 1868, at ten o'clock a. m when and whero all persons In terested must attend. GEO.E.ELWELI. aug. l-4t, Auditor. jOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho following ac counts have been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and will bo presented to the Bald court on the fourth Monday of Septerr bcr A. D.18S8 end confirmed nisi, and unless ex ceptions aro filed within four days thereafter will bo confirmed absolute: . l. The account ot the trustees ot "The Odd Pil lows llall Association ot the Borough ot Berwick 1 as filed by David Baucher treasurer ot said corpor ation. 2. The account of 8. C. Jayno trusteo appointed by the Court of common Pleas, to Bell tho real es tate of '"ihe Odd Fellows HaU Assoclatton ot tho Borough of Berwick" said corporation having been dissolved by decree ot the court. , ., wm. 11. SNYDER, rrothy. Prothy's office, Aug 87, I808. nrrr sozzAits for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP BUSINESS COLLEGE 1700 ChEitnot St., Fhiltds. 1'oslllona for Graduate. Time required 3tol iiion. Th. BEST Equipped. Ile,t Count of Study. Beit If r jthim, VftUtJor Qirnlari, dit ai7 FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN niS PUT ON JIT ANY rEHSO.V. THOUSANDS OF ROLLS SOLD ANNUALLY FOlt BUILDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. HBND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. CONTAIN INO) PRICK LIST AND REFERENCES. AGENTS WANTED. M, EHRETj JR. & CO. BOLE MANUFACTURERS, 423 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. BLOOMSBUHG MARKET. 50 Wholesale. KetalU 05 60 CO 70 88 CO 4.C0 to CCO IS It) 18 20 CO 75 13 10 OU 05 07 10 00 13 10 13 10 13 20 80 100 1 CO 07 85 0to7 Wheat per bushel..., Ryo ' " .... Ccru " " .. Oats ' " .... Klour " bbl Uuttcr Kgira Potatoes llama Dried Apples Bide Shoulder Oh'ckens , Geese , Lard nor lb Vinegar por gal Onions per bushel.,,. Veal skins Wool per lb,.., Hides.... Coal on Whahf. No 6 3.00i Nos 3. 8, & Lump 8.83 No, 58.0(J Ultumlnui 8.S0 Aug) anil Oct. r ,