THE C0LTJMBIA3N" AND DEMOCRAT. BLO0MSBJJBG, COLUMBIA POiUiNSTY, PA. An Imaginative Swede. TAItNS THAT lUVAt. T11R WILDEST Fl(l MF.NT8 C0NCEIVK1) 1IY HID Kit HAO(UIU). Rondure of Riilpr Haggard's startl ing story of imagination, "Allen Qaatcrmaln," will readily recall his de scription of tho loathsomo and horriblo fresh water orabs wliioh tho adventur ous travelers encountered on tho banks of a river in tho heart of Afrioa, but, says tho Philadelphia limes, thero are few persons awnro that nearly 250 years ago stronger and more torrible monsters woro gravely roportcd as ex isting on tho Delaware, and that, too, by a historian and minister of tho Gos pel in a professedly serious work, man the romancer has introduced in his lively novel of tho Dark Continent. In February, 1G43, there landed at n placo oallod "Tho RockB," on tho Christianna "river, within tho present limits of tho city ot Wilmington, ltev, John Campanius, whose namo ieTsomo tithes printed John Carapanius Holme. the last word being added to denoto the placo ot his residence, Stockholm, in awecuon. Campanius, who camo with a vessel load ot Swedish and Dwell im migrants, was tho second minister who visited tho shores of tho Delaware and tho first who remained any considor able longth of time, his predecessor, Torkillns, making only a brief stay. Campanius remained in tho country six years, exercising tho priostly func tions, seeing much of tho country, tho natives and tho early settlers, and wroto a book, which, edited by his grandson, printed originilly in Sweed ish and translated in English, forms one of tho earliest authorities on tho history of Now Swodcn, and is for tho most part trustworthy. His errors and exaggerations aro at this day obvious, but when the writ ings of tho clergyman first appeared in Swo den they must have created, to say the least, the liveliest interest in this thou prao'loally unknown land, and doubt many innocent Scandinavians marvelled greatoly at somo of the things of whioh thoy were told. Of tho existence of precious metals the chronicler told only such stories as' were common to the other writers of tho time, and for which it is easy1 to account, as, for instance, by tho quite natural error of mistaking iron pyrites for silver or gold. But such stones were far too tame and commonplace for tho imagination of Cimpanius. His remarks upon tho firefly aro more in accordance with his romancing style and love of the marvelous. Ho says: "There is also a kind of fly which the Indians call 'cucuyo,' which in the night gives so strong a light that it is sufficient, when a man is tra veling, to show him the way. One may also writo and read tho smallest "print by tho light they give." And now follows an invention which would really do credit to the author of tho nightmare tales of Africa. "When tho Indians go in the night a- hunting," says the old time-Swede, "they fasten those insects to their hands and feet, by whioh they can see their way as well as in the day-time," and he further states that ono night thev frightened all the eoldiers on guard at Fort Christianno ( Wilming ton), who thought that an 'enemy was advancing against them with torches But even this docs not exhibit Cam patriae' best powers. After speaking of various colored earths which' might bo ued as ink and paint, and describ- - i 1 1 r i i i ing a tree reaeniuuug uux-wuuu uuu smelling liko "raw fisTu," which could not be Bplit, but when a fire was built. to disclose the wonders of tno am mal kingdom. Among the least of these was "a kind of fish with great long teoth" (found only in the waters along tho shore destined to be the site of Philadelphia), "which the Indians call 'raamtto, which means spirit or devil," and which, bo says, "plunges very deep in the water and spouts it up like a whale." The favorite subjects for the exer olso of tho' writer's imagination seem. however, to have been tno rattlesnake and the king crab. Tho latter Cam panius really makes so muoh moro'for formidable than Haggard's fresh-water crabs as to put that author of stal wart fiction to shame. "At Spiders Point" (Bombay Hook), says he, "when the south wind blows, a great many 'sea spiders' are driven on sboro, which aro not able to return into the water. They are as large as tortois es, and like' them have houses over them of a kind of yellow horn. They have manv leet. and their tailB are half an ell loDg and mado liko a three edged saw, with which tho hardest "tree1 may be'siwed down.' Whether the' crabs were in the' custom' of saw iog down tho timber of the virgin for est, and thus aiding the colonists in making "clearings" when thev were so wi fort una to as to bo stranded on the 'shore, or if 'simolv the "three-cdoed' tail might bo used for that purpose in tne lianas oi man, is not ciear. it n interesting to note with what an addi tional and vague terror the crab is in geniously'invested by being termed a "sea-spider." The rattlesnake was not mado Buffi ciontly rcpulsivo aud terrible by na ure, and bo the Swedes were seriously assured that "thero is nere also a largo arid horrible serpent" winch "has head like tho bead of a dog, and can bite off a man's head as cloar as it" it had been hewn down with an ax. Thero are horny Joints in their tail which mako a notse'liko children's rat tics, and when they boo a' man they wind themselves iu a clrclo and shake their heads, which can bo heard at the distance of ono hundred yards. Theso snakes are three yards long aud thick na tho thickest part of a man's leg," It is not strange, in view of theso and timiliar statements About tne country, hat' the immigration of the Swedes was slow, and amounted to utile, to Bvnn the Scandinavians, whose prow ncss has beon proverbial from tho time of fabled Thor, might bo appaled by tbeso dog-headed serpents, and giant snur.ioilnil anirlfirn'' Theso nassacea and others which might bo quotod from the vo'umo of Rev. John Cam panius' aro Interesting as showing the lovo for tho marvelous and for exag goratipn whioh exists even in tho minds supposed to bo tho most serious and pros am, and they afford an excel- ' lentexarople of the manner in which wildlyfalsp -ttriprcssiona woro carried to thePl'd World concerning tho Now in an era when tho wohdors of tho world wero less understood and man's credulity was groator than now. Thero is something of poetry in the fact that within a stono's throw of ho Bpot where tho first permanent Swed ish settlers landed, on tho shores of which Campanius told his wondrous "traveler's tales," is a great industrial establishment, which, of all in the world, wan chosen to manufacture a palatial palaco car for tho King of Sweden in tho year of our Lord 1870 Chips. "In rcmeinbranco of his daughter's botrothol," Is (he way n modoit work er recently Sent a liberal subscription to a nobrow chanty, and happy must bo tho daughter Who has so senslblo a father. A betrothel Important 6vent as it is to tho person especially Ihtbr osted is hot so uhusual hn bccufirioo that a wholo town need got excited over it and all tho friends and neigh bors need bo caltod in to feast at the parents' expense Remembering the poor is an excellent substitute for win ning rich mends, and wo aro glad no ohroniclo tho now modo Of celebrating a happy event. Jewish Messenger. Mr. James Yoting, of Bath, whllo eng jed in raising timber fro rathe bot tom ot tho bay, found Bocufely pinned to ono of tho logs a piko weighing 18J pounds. The fish had run with 'such forco against a largo pointed sliver that it had porjotrated bis body and held him prisoner. The strangest part of tho whole affair was revealed 'on opening the pike, when thero tumbled out a tour-ounco com silver watcn, throe trolling spoons,- a"bair 'of 'silver spectacles, and a while porcolain door KnoD. xoromo ' Dr.'Talma'go' 'comes high. Ho ro "celV6'd Sl'2dO for'twd lalks 'at'theTied. mont' Chautauqua. It irthoro'' "peasant ttf'gd'into tbd World nnd' brtach tho uospoi to every creature on sucn terms than to "rido a circuit all the year, round for $15.0 and an occasional do nation party. But whioh sort of preaching 'does most 'gdod' 'we shall never find out in-this world. Macon (Ga ) Telegraph. "I wad attorney for' a'railroad tWen ty years ago," said a Detroit lawyer yesteaday, and one day went out' to settle a loss with a woman. She and her husband had been struct at a crossing, and, while Sbo Was1 'badly hurt, he was killed 'outright and horses and buggy smashed to pieces. , They had the dead wood on us for $15,000, ai the engineer did not slWal the crossing. I went out to' khaki) an of fer of about 812,000. 'The widow was not ablo to sit up, and I stopped at store in the villago and bought " some orange's'and lemons and took them 'up, When wo finally cot around to 'the matter of damages she said: 'Yes,, it is a Cad thlngTand'thd'railJad was to hlnmn- Vint T rlnn'fc want tAba rrloan About it.- I sup' 03e tne Prudent a d nil of 'em'are'wbfwed most'to death, and Peuriposo' I .could stop'all the cars from .running, butl.want.'!td be just. Your bringing'up,'aU'that fruit prOyes bow kind-hearted you an are, ana it vbu'thiiiW vdu'fcbuld afford toteive' 81 000 I'll Bign off. 1 made her aefcept $5000, and took her tho money my T sell." Jjeiroxi jpree l'ress. A LETTER FROM LIEUT. GOV. FULLER. Pond's Extract Company y New York City. . GENTLEMEN: I bee to say that POND'S EXTRACT is a household friend with us, and without any hesi tation, I am very glad to commend- it Yours truly. LEVI K. FULLER. Prattleboro, Vt., June 0 1888. BlaineVEstimate of Thurm&n- "Twmty Years la Congress." , (Tip vanlr in t hn Sinnl n WflA PRt flllllKn- ed from the day he took his seat, and was never lowered during tho period of his service Ho" was an admirably disciplined debator.was fair in hjs method of statement, logical in bis ar gument, honest in bis conclusions., Ho had no trioks in discussion,' no catcH'pbrases to iebure1 attention: bnt was direct1 and ruahly. His retirement from the Senato was 'a serious Inks to his party a loss indeed to the body. He left behind him the respect 6f all with whom he had been associated dur ing his twelve years of honorable'- ser vice. An Important Element Of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is the fact tha' every purchaser receives a fair eonivalcnt for his monoy. lhe familiar headline "100 Doses One? Dol lar," stolen by imitators, is 'original with and true only of Hood's S'arfeapa- rilla. This can easily bo proved by anv one who desires to test I lie matter, For real economy, bay only Hciod's Sarsaparilla. Sold by til' druggists. Bhendan'e Grave in' Arlington- " iwasnlnsrton Letter 10 Philadelphia nines.) In their evening drives those' who. take in the shaded solitudes of Arling ton observe a change in' the appear ance of thq grave of Sheridan, although it was Mrs. Sheridan's wish that the treasured relics of mortal'iy of her hus band Bhould be laid in their mother earth in tho simple gravo of a s6ldier, Siuco tiio martial ceremony and 'man ner of burial were compassed in accor dance witn her w'lBlies, a few Weeks ago, the military authorities of tho grounds have added somo improve ments ot their own. Without opening tho gravo they have dag around the casket and have envelopod it in a as ing of brick and cement. On tho top they have sunk in the earth an irametuo Be Btone of cubic form weighing about three tons, which originally was the base of a column of the old War Do, partraent. The sacred spot of Sheri dan's final test is now marked by the appearance of the dressed surface of this immense boulder about ono inch above tho fresh green ofthesurroundiog turf. It bears no inscription, but wreaths of immortelles mark it 'to the gay drivers by that it is a grave. Un til a suitable monument rears its in' scribed form of granito or bronze tho stranger must be told that thero rests on that peacoful hillside the ashes of tho hero of Winchester and Fivo Forks. Tramp, to Man on btroet Uan you civo a fellow somothiiii: to get some breakfast with! Man Go to tho devil for your breakfast, won't yout Tramp rls that anindiroct way of inyitiug mo homo wi h you, sirt PERFECT COMBINATION Of htrmltt vsestable remedies that will restore the whole system to healthy action, Is absolutely needed to cure krry disease "(or the disease that aflects one organ weakens alUPalne's Celery Compound UTHIS PERFECT COMDINATIONi Read the proofs I f " I hare sufiVred terribly from nervoiuness and kidney trouble. .1 bought twtrtiottles of' Palno's Celerr conipound, and oh, how tt did help, me I I have so much faith In your I mMlti-Jne. fnf I know uhat It ilid fur ma." f ' Ontario Centre, N. Y, PAINE'S i CELERY compound I ''yor'flveVsirs I sutlered with malaria and 'nervousness, f J tried raluee ' Celery tcnpounil. and I can trulhfully say that Are bottles cwplettly cured sie. I cheerfully reconi, I xaead It, tot I know it to W a (rood raedlclhe." l j) Cms. L. Stsaiiks, Utter Carrier, Suulou 11, Prooklyn, N. Y, Vv CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES; NsuraMa,RhsumatlsmlParalyilslBlllounii,DypepiUlCottlvenes$, Piles, Liver Com plaint, KldneyTrouble.Femals Complaints, and all dltsatst arl ting from Impure Blood, li.atttofU. Wxtxs. Broaian. I St. six for as. See that eaeh tot I ai. sis for II. WiiJa, lucman. sua Ted, PropeVi BurUairloaTVI. I tie bears the Oelery trade mark, aos k Oa, frops., Uuthiilou,Vli Fmt thj Wrwutl Th PublllUf d, . Th Agjd. When half a dozen vdungslors on tho block mako cocked hats out of wrapping paper and ornament them with a foallinr from their mother's duster and sally forth with wooden swords to play soldier, it is looked up on as a boyish oapcr and tho oiupoopio laugh at it. But when ablcd-bodicd men array tbcmsolvoj in oil cloth coats tnbro gayly colored than Joseph's out er garmelit over was, and shouldering sticks surmounted with smoky, greasy torches and march thrco or four hours through tho mud, the people who laughed at tho children applaud and look upon it as something really com mendable After all, thero is not very muoh difference between tho two. Tho distinction is "Only in tho ago of the children. Botli olaim thero is somo fun in It. Utica Press. Thoy are delicato in Moxioo. They havo nioe ways of putting things that would in blunt languago hurt tho feci lues. A friend of mlno rocolvcd a let ter from a lawyer in Mexioo on somo land business a tow days ago. Alter somo other infoimation ho wrote: "I havo written to Sonor--about tho documents, and I am awaiting his ro- ply. lie has not answered, although there has beon plenty of time. I hear ho is in jail, and that, of course, handi caps him somewhat." San JFrancisco Chronicle. ! W Prices!! D S JHDR,US $ CO., HEADQUAItTKItB FOH Stcinway, Solimci, Kinnicli &Uacli Fischer, Emerson, . Pease PIAM'I AND T11K CBLG11RATED Wilcox" & White Organs, "STPIonos "uued and Repaired by com. potent workmen. 'Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. novll-W-lr. rn7rn axle rnAJxni CREASE BEST IN THE WOULD. IU wearing qaalltlo are niuarpMsed. actually ouU&fttlng'two boxrfl of any othor brand. Not effected brbeat. OTBET THE GENUINE ton balb nr. dealers qeneiullv. LADIES Enamel venr.IUnfM twice a year, topionco a a week and yeu bare the Sneit-polUbed Wore In tba wurld. i or aaie ty au urocen ao4 own veaieie. Merer Urothers Jobbing Agents, Bloomsbure. Tbs treatment ot many thousands of eases ot tboss chronlo neakneuos and distressing; ailments peculiar to females, at- the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast sxperienco la nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testing remedies tor the cure of woman's psoullnr maladies. . Dr. l'lorce'a I'avorlto Croscrlptlon Is the outgrowth, or result, ot this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients and from physi cians who bare' tested it lu the more agirra , rated. and , obstinate. cases which had banied 'their skill; prove It to bo the most wonderful remedy ever devised tor the relief and cure of suffering women. , It Is Dot. recommended as a "cure-all," bnt 'as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. . ' Atm powerful, invigorating tonic. It Imparts strength to the whole system, and to tha womb and Its appendages In particular. .Tor overworked, "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women Pnerauy. Or, Pierce's Favorite Prescription the greatest earthly boon, being uncqualed as an appetising cordial and restorative tonlo. - As eoothlua; and treiigtbeuluar liervlne, "I'avorlto PrescrlpUon " is une- aualed and Is Invaluable In allaying and sub ulnar nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, .prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms i com monly attendant upon functional and organlo disease ot the womb. It lnduoes refreshing sleep and reUsvN mental anxiety and de- Dr. prereeta aVavAvlfii'1PAai.rlnllnn Is legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It Is purely vegetable In Its composition and perfectly harmless In lu etfects In anr condition of the'aratam.f Vnr morning slokness. or nausea, from whatever causa arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms.-its use. In small doses, will prove very beneflclaL "vorlte Prescription" Isapoal. live cure for the most complicated aud ob- iuu,wwri vi louuurruca, excessive nowing, painful menstruation; unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falUnjf of tbe womb, weak back. oearlng-down sensations, chronlo congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In- uainmauoni pain ana tenaerness imovanos, accompanied with "Internal heat." As a reamlato- and nmmntAi it func tional action, at that critical period ot change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite 1'ro scr1ptfon"U perfectly safe remedial agent. r" .V"1 J?"-o oniy gooa results. It Is eouauv efncaolnua anrivnhiriiM in itafrn,a when taken for those disorders and derange ments Incident to that later and roost critical lniiy, juiuwu aa " ice unango or ure. - . "Fsivorl Prescrlptlun.Owhentaken in connection with tho use of Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Slsoovery, and small laxative ?? lleroe Pursratlve I'eUets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and Jlladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Evorle Prescription" Is the only medicine for women, sold bv dmc-o-uta n nil st positive) sruarantee, from the manu facturers, thatlt will give satisfaction In every case, or mousy will bo refunded. This guaran.' "or large. tUustrated Treatlss on Diseases of ' f jrl.'i trtpissin Kidlctl Itioclitloi, HsUa 81, BUFFALO, N.T. Mas. J. I. Wstsok, DON'T SCOLD n man lot groaning Then ho lias Rheumatism or Neuralgia, The pain is sltnnlV awful. No torture In tha ancient times was more painful than these twin diseases. Ilut oughtn't a man to bo hlamed If, having itheu matism or' Neuralgia, ho wont Use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when It has cured i thousands who havo suffered In tho same way t It has cured hundreds after physicians havo pronounced them Incurable. "The sWn .of flre.phrtMinq. eonld eot eoreroe oi iineamuinrnwDioa naa eeiuea la tne hips, neck ana eh was thepaln that sleep alble.. Itufrrt doee p me reltef7an toe third BK and eQooJdera. HolnMnse sleep was aimon unpne loee of Athlopu-nce eTe Bllef, and tbe third enabled me to limp ar ana a half honrs without waklnc. J-BcD'l 8 cents for tho beautiful colored "pic ture, " Moorish MniJou." THEATHL0PH0H0S CO. 112 Wall SI. N.f. KAXX&OJM9 XZMZI TAILS EliAAVAltK, LACKAWANNA AND WEHTBItN RAILROAD, BLOOMSBUIIG DIVISION, STATIONS. NORTH, r u 1 35 A. II. A. Mi NORTH DMBKRIAND B 40 Cameron S t Chulnnity 6 M Danville o 03 Catawlssn , ? S3 10 10 15 10 !5 10 99 10 S3 10 63 11 00 11 07 11 15 11 E3 11 96 11 30 11 87 11 44 II 48 11 68 19 03 19 16 19 10 19 25 19 30 19 37 19 41 19 45 19 60 19 65 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 r u o 34 1 6S 2 14 J 10 0 il 9 !9 o u I 6 6 I 1 9? I ltupcri..-. o BloomBburg - 6 sj Espy..... 8 43 LlmoRldgo. -. M 7 20 7 97 willow urove...mH ... o ot 7 81 Rrlarcrcek...-..- 52 735 7 41 7 49 69 8 M S IT 8 29 8 33 8 3.1 lierwiCK " lioacli Haven 1 11 Hick's Kerry. 7 18 2 48 S 61 9 59 3 09 3 19 3 28 835 3 89 3 43 flhlckshtnny 7 HO nuniocK-a i o Nantlcoke 7 50 Avondale 7 51 Plymouth 7 69 riymouthjunctton,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 m 8 38 8 4S uenneit o is Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 92 West Plttston. 8 27 Plttston S 31 Lackawanna 8 40 Taylorvllte. 8 48 Bellevue. . 8 t4 8 49 8 S3 3 S3 3 50 4 01 8 (8 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 23 9 90 .. B 00 r it 4 22 r H AH 9 50 9 55 10 00 10 08 10 18 10 !! 10 97 10 30 10 34 10 33 10 49 10 47 10 61 10 55 11 09 11 10 11 93 II 98 11 B7 9 S3 A It STATIONS, SOUTH. A X F H 9 05 i'ii 2 21 2 28 2 84 2 39 HCR ANTON llnllnvne ..... 5 10 6 15 8 90 S 25 Taylorvllle. !0 Lackawanna 23 e 6 87 S 49 90 e M S 99 7 08 7 07 7 12 7 it Plttston.... 36 westrtttston 6 42 Wyoming. s 47 lUnllhv O 61 Bennett, .... j9j ; Kingston 68 10 33 2 50 Plymouth Junction 7 95 10 42 2 54 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 8 69 Avondale. 7 14 10 61 3 03 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 55 8 o nunlock's -. 7 26 11 09 3 19 Shickshlnny - 7 47 1112 520 nick's Ferry. 7 65 11 22 3 39 Beach naven 8 01 II 28 3 45 lierwiCK 8 07 11 87 3 51 Bnnrereek. s 13 ....... s 67 Willow OrOVO 8 16 11 48 4 01 LlmoRldge. .. 8 20 11 62 4 05 K8py. ........ 8 26 11 69 4 12 HlOOIMburg 8 32 12 05 4 18 Rupert 8 37 12 10 4 24 catawlasa 8 '2 12 16 4 29 DanvlllO 8 67 12 SO 4 46 Chulasky. ..... 9 03 ..... 4 64 Cameron 9 07 H 40 5 oo NOBTHUKIIKRLAND 9 22 It 5 6 15 1 u 1 u P M 7 21 7 28 7 43 Til 8 07 6 13 s so 8 27 8 31 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 IS 0 23 0 98 0 45 r v Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia Tlnadlniy llnllrnilil for TAm&nCnd. TamaaUS. Will lammort. sunburv. rottsvllle. etc. At Northum berland with P. K. Dlv. i. Ri R. for narrisburB, Lock Haven, Emporium, warren, corry and Brio. V. JT, UALDlAAif, wu. ... Scranton, ra Pennsylvania Railroad. PhiladalDliia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. iixn TIMETABLE. In etfeot AUG. 5, 1883. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD 9.40 a.m., sea Shore Express (dally iMcep Sunday), fornarrtsburgandlntermedlatestattons. arriving: at muaaeipniaa.iD i. m. -.""V.";; KUlVvm., TlAlr.fmorfl. 4.49 n. m. R Kit n m ftnnnM-Mnir AtPhllSdeillhla'fOr ran sea Shore points. Through 'passenger' coach PhllAilAlnhlA. to 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except 8anday),tornarrl8bnr(r and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia .ilKstaBBMBH. i:D.m:Vwashinirton.k(X)p.m.liurretParioreartimo past the republinan press in ithis nKnfStPnriatt 7,49 o. m. nenovo Aceomiuuuitn lu.iu fortlarrlsbnrganaalllnWmedlatertaaons ltFbliadeipnia.29a. m. jhbw ion i.iua. ni. Banimore. . m. -, "'""kiu":'i1. S amanrS ?aeS ?DBhCif SSrsSk'eSain'i'n 8le.ePfr.uLdlat?Jl5irt.V.I,.,Jl.Ti'.-.,l,Tr..rf.h. ,r.A Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia "". "E." i."''.'!-''" '"n!v...U",,inn sleeping carsarernnontwstralnto PMiadoiphla, Baltimore and Washington, and through, passen - ger coacnesio rniiaaeipnia ana uaiuuiuro, WKSTWAHD. R.inn. vn.wTCriA vaII maIIv). for Erie and all Intermediate stations ana CanasdsKrna ard inr.ArmAiiiat.A Arntinnn. KocheBter. BuIIalo and Nlttcnra valla with throncrh Pullman Palace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Roches. 9.93 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and intermediate stations. 12.92 p. m Nlauara Express (dally except Bun- d'iy) for Kane andlntermedlatestatlons and Can- Ar.rlfllcma Anil nrlnr-.lnAl 1 ntArmedtate HtatlOnH. R-Theator, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through paasengor coaches to Kane and Rochester and linnet Parlor carto WatxlnB ,except8nnday)torRe - !S,n.a,iSS SSSShSJS: 1.30 p. ra. Fast Line (dauy,exc nnvn Anii lntprmfi1lat.A Rtatlona. kins and Intermedlaui stations, with through pas senger coaches to Renovo and Watklns. v.oj a. m. unaay man ior ueuovu uuu iuwhuo- aiaiosiaiioo-- THROTjan TRAINS FORStJNBirRY FROM THE ' JIAHT AKU HUUTU. nnnilav mail lpavAR PhllAilnlnhla 4.30 a. m nflrriHrturff 7.40 Arriving &t sunburv 9!0 a. m. with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Wll- tiamspon. Vawi RvnreRR Iaavar Palladelnhla 4.80 a. m. Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally, exoept Sunday Arrlvlnc Ah Rnnhnrr O.M. A. m. rmiaaeinma. 7.40 a.m.: naiumore.wa. m.wuu ATrtpnr. HnnilAV Artivtntr at sunburv. 12.99 n. m.. who mrougn uuneL i-ariorcariruiu ruiiuucitiuia ana mrougn passenger caacaes iroui ruiuoi' nhla Anrl llAltlmnrn. Fast Una leaves New York 9.00 a.m.; Phlladel' a. m.! waahlnirton. 9.90a. m.i Balti more, 10.49 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at uunnury, p. m., wiui inrouKn puseuKei coacnesrrom rnuaaeipnia ana ii&iumorv. Erie Mall leaves New York aoo p.m. i rhtladel phla,ll.29p. m. j Washington, 10.00 p.m.; Haiti- ire.ii.zuD.rn..aauTi Arrivim: ui, Duuuuira.ii m.-, with through Pullman Sleeping care trom Uadelnhta. Wanhlnirton and Baltimore and hrough passenger coaches iron) Philadelphia. 8UNnUllY,HAZr.KTIN WII.KKHnAltllK KAII.HOAI) ANII SIIHTII AMI WEBT 111'ANIUI RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday.) winraabarra Mall leaves Hunburr 9.99 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.49 a. m., Wiuces-barre Exnress East loaves Sunbury S.39 rj. m., arriving ai moom rerry b.2 p. m., wuxes-oarre y.u p. m Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.20 a.m. arm. tng at Bloom Ferry n.48 a. m Hunbury 12.39 p. m Express west leaves Wllkes-barre 2.99 p. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., sunbury MCp.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:29 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:18 a. m.. Wllkes-Barre 11:45 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 0:10 p. m., arriving ai uioom ferry, cm p.m., nusoury, 1:80 p. m. 1 cuas. b. l'uon. J. R. wood. oen.Manager Uon. Passenger Agent FREE! A 20-PAGE ILLUBTKATE1) PAPKH DCeorlptive Of tho Hall, Clliulte, l'roduelloun, .Haaurucinrlns Imluatrlra and Jllnrrnl Wealth orvirslnla and other southern states. Write to W. B. BBVIIX, Oen'l Pass. Agent, ROANOKE, VA. Enclosing s-cent Stamp D RS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK M.salstland Surgical Ornes, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. V.STAllI.ISUED 40 YKA113 For tha tmtment of Yonthrul Imprudence, Jmh of Vigor, Nervona Debility and Hneolat Dlieaftet. Ooniultatton by mall free of charge. Book Sent Free, Office houri from 8 a.m. to 1 r.u.,tt from 9 to 9 r.v Mayn.r-& Of Interest to Ladies. V. will Mod PREC SAMPLE o( our vondwtut PMIOQ ror I.mftl cotorUlbta to Aoy la4r who to UttlUlfioacr u'orpurotMlD. B-ad .tajvpfnt X.t. iJAKtlRtUlor C0.,Boil04,Bittal.jf.Y, novssncScoiy. SUFFER1NGW0MEH' I HARRIED SINGLE. U'hn tmnliUJ lth ttt innoil ncr Trraurn1arlttM ma fmiutatlr followlatfA coldofipooro, or frotn(lois UUUoal WM.klM m ptMaliu to tttlr MS UKlid UtB DRt DuCHOINE'S Ctlobrated, FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. TtWfcr Btrongthsjnltitf tatb ntlr swUm, lrapri tniiaa. Hior lAiiii in turn ut la foma Lo sill rBQDtldal of ItCHi t Dr.HrtorMedloln)Oo.,M.UiUl HO. noiM.oooir. WV 0- T. TJ, Convention. Tho Ool. Co., W. O. T. U. mot In Conventton, nt Berwick, In tho Y. M. O. A. Iltill, Friday, Auetist a 1st. In tho absoiico of tho President, Mrs. Fry- mlroof DloomsburR presldod daring tho Convontion. Delogatcs from Cnta- wIbbo, Blillvillc,vi8t)y. nnd Blooinsbnrg wcro prcBcnt,.ftlio many visitors. Tho morning session wa dovotcd to hear ing various reports and general busi ness. Superintendents of twelvo de partments of work aro represented in tho Co. Some bolng present, gavo good reports. Ono hundred and sixty- actlvo nna tnirtytono honorary mem bers wero reported. Thero aro also two x. unions and tbrco lioynl leaions in the Co. Tho Convention adopted eleven articles presented by tho Com mittee on plans ot work, somoiot which caused livolv discussions. A fow of the plans aro as follows. That a committee visit caoh pastor and ask his co operation and imblio pravcr in behalf of our cause That a commit too mako effort to socuro lecturers to educate public sentiment' and create interest in our work. That special at tontion bo paid juvonilo work 1. o, to mlorcst children in temperanco work, Also to urge school boards to uso tho i. t r , . i I L11U JUlllCS BVBLUU1 Ul Ullh UUU&Q 111 UU pablio schools. That wu uso our iuflu- . T J nj uiiuc lu iiuvu uurv ituu vjiuur' luuguua orcanized in our towns that our licence It ws may bo strictly enforced. That lawful moans shall be brought to bear upon voters to brine about l'rouibi tory Amendment. That wo unito in tho cttort to repeal tho luterval rove nuo tux. Afternoon session opened at 2 v. si., when Airs. Wm. Trcscott lea in tho half hour of devotional oxer cisos, following which Mrs. Dr. Smith gavo tho convention a beautiful ad dress of welcome. 'A well rendered rcsponso followed by Miss Rupert of Bloomsburcr. Miss R. Anna Kestcr of Millvillo delivered a well written essay, and JUiss iilancbe Uhoback of iter wick a fine recitation, after which Mrs. Hertz read a thoughtful essay, Millvillo was selected for next place of meeting. Ulbcers elected lor coming year as follows: i'res., Mrs. liuio, Cattawissa; V. Pres. Mrs. Dr. Smith, Berwick; Cor. Sea, Miss Allio Kestor, Millville; Reo. Sec. Mary Ever, Bloomsburg; Treas., Eva Rupert, iiloomsbart;. liy a risinc voto thanks were. tendered all, who assisted with muBio or otherwiso to mako tho meet' ing a success, to tho Berwick people I for thoir kindness and hospitality, and to tno x. JJl. u A. tor tbe uso oi tlieir beautiful Hull. An ovoning enter tainment wafl-given bv tho Loyal Leg- ion. Tbo children loft a favorable ,im presaion on tho visitors for thoir (ntor tainment was a grand success. Mr. J, Jenkins oi Shamokin addressed tbe au dienco on the subject of Temperauoe, all were delighted with his lcc(are. Health, Officers of New York. Mombers of the Board of Health of New York and Brooklyn other prominent physicians who have visited Speer's vineyards, uso Speer's N. J. Wine lor tbeir patients and in thoir own families, much on account of th i t.i i - ' . . . . irou iuioou matting property; contain oa la it from the sou on which sneer vincyardg are situated. Times. Mr. Speer furnishes this wine and bis Un fermented Grapo Jutco to Druggists. Oleveland Qets The Horseahoo- THE ARTICLE HADE FROM NAILS COLLECT ED IN EVERV STATE IN THE UNION. Dayton, O., Au". 30. For some TM m 0Ver' ihe ii,buiuimi-miiiiui'ihvuur, nil uzutrt -, ia8, i . '"- I lor, Junius u, .diuiuh ior- presiuont, .was making a model horsXo for 'Bon Harrison, which was to havo been pre I ssntod to llim, With a great demonstia- tioni bv Uovornor b oraker. ri'ho alinn I jg atkoletrant specimen of ex cert work 1 ,, , , ,r. manship, and is made of old horseshoe nails, collected in, every state and tor ritory in tho union. The shoe is oora plctcd, but it seems tho honest old Irishman changed his mind somewhat, lor yBstttday lie sent it to .President tirover Cleveland, with tho following ictten Dayton, O., Aug. 29, 1838. Presi aent uievetana: Honored Sir . tako great pleasure in presentine vo l with a horseshoe mado by an old Irish , nt of American steel, nnd orna menied Willi a horseshoe nail from caoh and every state in the United States. I am an Irishman, a Cannau ght Range! who voted for James G, Blame in 1884, but havo como to thel conclusion that you are the true friend of all Irishmen and workingmen, and I snail vote ior you, u uoa spares my life,- in 1888. May good luck follow you an your me, is the wish of an pon est, hord working Irishman. Yours, respectiuiiy, James Ryder. Loa Oaiuns are fast going out of stylo as fash. lonablo residences. J.og ouins win, nowever.y ways havo a placo American history, as .they, were the most prominent feature our country s early social life. The pioncrs wero strong, rugged, healthy vvarners xioc wanin tjouen anu con sumption Remedy, is a reproduction of one of tbo best of tbo old tlmo roots and herbs reino'lie. whioh kept them well. Everybody praises "Tippeca noe as a stoinacn tonic Direct from tho Front. Knoxvillk, Tknn., July a, 1888. Th Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can rhrfuti onfi i. fully say that S. S. S. Is the jteatest blood r" wn. n 1884 1 contracted Wood poison, rhvsldans treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds o( blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief I I was In. duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success, I bad been so often deceived. But Im provement came, and I continued Its uso until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the rfw5e 15 5;cn Swif, Specific, did all this for me, and I am grateful, Yours "ly. J. S. Strader, 118 Dale Ave. , Knir, Texas, June 23, j883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.s ' Gentlemen A slxteen-year-old son of jnlne was afflicted with bad bood, and broke put with an eruption on variou parts of, bis body. I put him to taking S. S. S and a few bottles cured him entirely, I live a Lone Oik, but ray post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S, Rpbinsom. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. Tiis Swift .Specific Co., Drawer s, Atlanta, Ga. TtcwYork, 756, Broadway, AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE Our patrons enter our elegant new building which will la completed this (alL Our Drosnerlty arises from the thorough practical training In UooK-keepIng, shorthand, Typewrttintr, I a. iTpewnuntr. arm au other branches of UUBlNEss EDUCATION, at the r Drancnea or uuninKBn uliijuatiun, bchool of. ooromerca (Allen Uaalnesa CoUeuei glmln W. A. UltSK, I'res. A. C. YATES CO., et VEkde dlotlv ro MEN AN0 GI1ILDREN SIXTH AND CHESTNUT, LEDUBE BDILDIN0. J..R. SMITH &CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DgALRItS IN By the following well known makers.- Chickerins;, KnnTic, Weber, Hallct &.Iavi8. Cau also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers )nces. Do not buy a piano be? fore, getting our prices. .o.v Catalogue and Price Lists ' On application. SeptS-Mtf. to roM.Tinu nf coii:iinucE, Hull ul oNYori:iiirk'HlluNlaf Na ,, lor cir. Actual flehoHr- ni miMl In Aitbpr Uulioce. CrduAiesHlKtMtopo"HTnTm. Mtmtlnn this paiwr. iv x-iitiik., x-ri.r,eiurs. . aug 3-d-lt. .OLITICALI Turn tiUilil ll4 bltlitUnri llatl HISTORY to u, trill Prealdeals aa4 ftdmlnutrftuMia. ncTumi roiiuoai wum . mats mua .TIKH thsli Plstfomu.i Do.rr PrUd of ththoor-Cldl Itrvlu, rnkltltrM.I T All llTC AMD FtEI , FREE TRADE, ' If An 1 Tii Hlll. n or wozBtm la Mb oBt7a dnr for thli Bemilar evntl f ui witn Ufomrau ior ana 9 KoATATlnrt. liUW' KngTATlnv 1 wltiu boos. A 1 1 abiitr nr k BricM men or womsa I f to uu nnufi tot tnu WllltV book. A T4t TMT ftAMO. btBd IOT OtTVvUtf, P.IMOfiGLKB M QO, ISQCkMUBt 81. PUU. Pa, Jply27-Z t L'0-,4m A BaieBusines Ohance. rjonfldenUalcorresDOndence desired with reliable party la mis Btcuon, wuu cau luveai, unu -i uou. sand Dollars Cash. A fortune In a few years guar- autcod to t J10 rient Derson. ijmroana steady in- come from the start, lluslness easy, sate and sure ara no former exDcnrnco necessary, run particu lars by mall. Aauress uiiaih.u,? v. numjnnuu. General l'ostofflcc, Newark, New Jorwy. aug2l-r-:w. on Kownrdcd aro, those, that read this and then act; thoy will rind honor, abla employment that will not take them from their homes ana,famllles. 3 are largo and sure for every 'industrl. ous person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for any one to rnaue is ana upwaraa per nay, who Is Willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everything new. No special aDiniy reqturea; ; you, reader, can do It as well as any one. Write to us at once for full.oar. tlculara, which woman free. Address 8tlH9oa m., roniana, Maine lyaecw. PATENTS caveats and Trade Marks obtalned,and all Patent business conducted f orMODKlt ATK FEES.' OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE V. H. PATHNT OFFICE. Wo have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less Liiuouuu ubitiiss uucu'iuon inoso -remote from WlAhlnirtnn. r " send model, drawing, or, photo.wlth description, we advise, if patentable or not, free. or charge. Our f ee not due till Datent Is necured. A book, "How to Obtain Iatents,"wlth referensea m.iu.1 urn-ma iu your biaie, couniy, or town, sent free. Arlriwaa C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Offlce, Waahlnirtoq, D, C Bea Wonders oxlst In thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of Invention. Those who areln needot prof. k "' wont mar. can be oonewhllorilTine HJr'fvf,aia f,' 0?". send their aadress to Caf. rrtland, Maine, and receive free, KlUl'ormiy.lo.n tow ",of all ages.oari B?,fhr2mStVla':er dyaha upwafdawher. SIiSF "J6- Vouare started free, capital not EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, tbe grmt Medical,, Work of the age on Mintiood,Nerr co and ltijilc) De IiUIIt. l-rcmitn Da. KNOW THYSELF-M! . ., .... uicreuu, uuu papa, n ra, iss pre. cripUom, for aU dliesaet. Cloth, lull gilt, only fioo, ty mall, sealed. IllMtraUve Mmple frw to ail ioojqJ aUl muldlered men. Send now. The Gold i and 'welled MW awarded to the author by the Nation al Mdlcal Auociatlon. AddrMi P.O. ioi 188S llo. Ift10? Kr-W,H- PAKKKK, gradosteof Htr. who rnr bo coniralted confitlentlallT. Oflice, NaT lUultlucist. BpecUlty.DlMaieiofMan. ' Cut Ibla out. You may aever see II acaln. aug3l-d4t, LADIES ! Do your Own Dyelnff, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! ftfXf JS? ,cqual ,?r "'eik-th, brightness, amount )S,EmfeRcfc.or ,o; tnraa of cofor. or npn-fadl?? qualities. They do not crack or smut. Forsale by Moyer Bjos. and Jas, II, Mercer. fobiTriy to esnvsu forth sale of Hemry """'I Aug. and Oct. AiNwmauT &co 'WHOLESALE GROCERS, riiHADBirpu, Pa. 1MA9, 3YRD PS, COFFEE, BUG Alt, MOLASSES. oi I'dm 'vao Buvoia 'giaias 'aom N. B. Corner Second and Arch sta. Orders wul rweiTe trompt attefitao) PIANOS f M X 9'r crtlnns.' The bent and I Ay? A Ss "C""1'' n America. I ASlsf ,r Aliiiiineiiaintprchaniro. SALESMEN lull I rrv- 1 ' w PERRINE'S PURK 15ARLISY T)istii,ld from selected narlc; andllrco from Injurious oils and II1K UAltl.KY MALT WIIISKKV insures a return 01 vigor w; 1110 stomach, a cori3 rttlte, a rich and abundant blood nnd Increased ncsh and musculartNinic ? sflmulant mlld and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, indigestion ana all wasting sif cases can be entirely conquered by the uso w I'orrlno's l'uro Usrlcy nit hftif ; Itls a tonlo and dlufetio and apowerful strenKthener to tho cntlro system, IIINK'S I'UIIB BAKLEYMALr WlIISKKi has procd ft medicinal protection to tlioso who pursuo their ftvocntlons tnthoopenalr and whoso dally workemfi it exceptional powers of endurance Ask your nearest druggist or Rrocer forte I'JtltniNE'8PUltKllAltt.KV MALT WIIISKKV revives tlioenontics Mthc,n' tut with excessive bodily or mcntalcflort and acts as a safeguard jgalnst expos,,,. in WKfc RUU riBUi uuu I. khi-.j.j nnm worKerH ui uvrrr w Dyspepsia nnd In'l'crrlne' Malt Whiskey a powerrui inv goranv and heltwr to digestion. PKltlUNK'S PURB llAIlLKY MALT WHISBKI without unduly stimulating the. kid. neys Increases their nagging activity, counteracts the crrccts or fallguo, has tens convalosrenco and la a wholesome nnd prompt diuretic. Watch tholabcll None genuine unloss bearing tho signature Vox iwie uy all drugUls and grocers througbou tbe united Statxts and canaaas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL FUll BALK UK UHUUU19 13 AMU AUU UU&UUUS, & TlYf- lvr TVrVP,'V f ! (,"" aoicnth WAM'itnnt once to supply tp MM.jfifM.MJM i I I Minion roars with tho only oHlclal IUch oi ' c" CLEVELftNDrTHURMAN 1)t hoi i. v. u. xsciihci niso i.iiooi mm. vicvcinnci t exquisito steel portraits V i nox, Iteform Trado Policy, &a, complete. akciiIh report fmmenso mccetn. Tor ny quick and mako 1300 to two a mmuiu Ouyttts Uhkat 0'hancb ron Aosnts. nun Cartrldsro WUIK, UIIUIJ IIUlK KUU U 1)1103, 1'hlladelphla, I'a. C. Be MOBBIIB, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are oflerinfi creat iiulucoiiients to persons desirintr to purchase Pianos, Organs and S8 S S3 - 5 9 a a m 2 tfj e a a Among the Pianos we handle are the IVJEJRS & JPOJYD, C. C BBIGGS, BA US & CO., SCJIOMACKEB Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-cla&3 and funy warranted for five years. Our leading Organs areithc celebrated ESTEY. MILL EB, UNITED STATES and other macs. Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated. WHITE, ME W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC. NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, BO YAL. ST. JOHN and STAND ABD BOTABY Sewing Machine, tho finest nnd best Rotary Sewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. PNKV GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLS AUMHTB rOtt Alexander Bros. & Go, WnOUSSAUS DEALERS in CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. F, F, ADAMS CO., PINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of therol. lowlntr brands ot Clifars. UKNItY CLAV, LONDItES, NOHMAL, INDIAN riilNCKSS, SAMSON, B1LVKH ASH. SOLE HENEY MAILLARDS ffiCANDIES.- FItESn EVEItY WEEK. Bloomsburg. Pa. Tutt's Pills Pyspppsia, Constipation, Sick Headache Biliousness And all iUsoascs arlslnfr from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. Tbe natural result Is good appetite) nil solid flesh, llose auiall eUtfant V4...U. BrUJ) JSVEiiYWHKEK. nov85n.ctcolr. WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBURG, PBNN'A., AGENT FOH THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manafaatruers of the celebrated Keystone Dvna pjtte. This "Plosive Is giving universal satlsfao ',iivuiwiw.wiwiu4f a'vu taug 197 MALT WHISKEY. it italtnnd Bimranteed to bo cliemtenii.... acids ottrn contained In nlcoliollo Honors, ft " immended hy leodliiB pliyslclnns as a Wm!i ir consumptlvts it la Invaluable. V.eiiiiinij'. liy ormeniaicnori ami acio ns a Bimguaru against ex no.,,,; lather, ltwlll drive all malarious dlseosfs from tho st vocation and personswhomasrdentnryllrn renrte rs rrnim t a lne'sl'uro iinrley fsississeMBSwiaa J" Tho Shnlysls as It appears by tho Ij bcl on every bottiei 1 havo canriiiii? alnnl thol'rna lliliuv Muk u't. ssv mado by M. & J, s. rcrrlno andnnTi iv,ii,nvij ..u.u ,.ov vii.iuriurn, metals nnd acids and Is absolute,. t?rndti(e of tl Untreritttei afUunir!.' Uepevaana nettbaatn 'Gtrral Vfir hn.. SNT8. HUllIHllir scpuil-d-it Sewing Machines. ANY OHDEH FOH FESTIVAL will bo SUITLIED AVJTU the LOWEST as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, UANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; okkam nuts, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. AC1ENTS FOH BLOOMSBDRR MING MILL :o. The nnderBlened having put his I'lanlng M n ltallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pro ared to do oil kinds ot work In his line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS.MOUlDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshea si ruuHuiiiiuio nricea. All lumber uso s well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KntrG, ItlodiiiNbiirtr, I'm SUBSCRIBE FOR THE UOLUMBIAN